#twgd final season
Desire for an Escape ~ Violetine
((A.N. final episode, am i right, fellas? well, it fucked me up a lot and uhh yeah i really like violetine and violet she’s baby,,, so is clem,,, im fucking soft for them both.))
ok angst time!!
There is truly something special about the starry sky. The way it glimmers, the way it shines, and the way it reflects. Three different processes happening simultaneously, without the need of some kind of machinery or outside help. It does all those things by itself, only reaching out to mother nature itself for assistance. It seems independant, even if it does need that little bit of help once in a while. It was something that showcased human nature quite well.
Ericson had become quiet place over the coming months. There was hardly any threat, nor immediate danger. In other words, boring. But, that wasn’t really a bad thing either. The chance to settle down for once was a welcome change of pace. Now it was the time to develop something more than just simple combat skills or the like. Now, it was the best time to enhance relationships. Strengthen bonds, learn about each other’s past, and most importantly, evolve already established relationships, making them bloom into something larger.
“H-Huh? Oh, good morning, Violet.”
“You look pretty out of it. Were you daydreaming again?”
“Ah. Maybe…”
Clementine barely realized where she was for a moment before looking around the rundown, relatively small area she called her own room. She could barely hear Violet as she started dozing off again. Flashbacks ran through the girl’s head, more detailed than they have ever been before. It still didn’t feel real that she was still somehow alive. It all happened so fast that her own quick wit was dumbfounded. All the events that happened in less than a day, all that happened over the course of weeks, months, years, were all seemingly flooding back. She honestly couldn’t help but feel guilty. Making AJ nearly die in the process of saving her, not being able to help Tenn, or James, or Brody, Mitch, even Marlon. Some part of her was eternally aching for some kind of escape, some kind of closure that she’ll never get. And to think, it all happened so many years ago.
She was so caught up in her daydream, she didn’t even realize she was shedding a few tears externally as well. Even before she could fully open her eyes, she felt her bed getting heavier before turning to her side and seeing Violet looking at her with a look of concern. Those eyes were stern, yet compassionate. A unique trait only being visible in the blond that only Clementine had picked up on since they started hanging out more after the incident.
“Hey, c’mon, Clem… What’s up?”
Violet’s voice was just as direct, yet weak as her eyes were. Violet put her arm on Clementine’s knee and closed her eyes, as if waiting for a response. Honestly, whenever Violet did that, Clementine’s heart always skipped a beat. Even she couldn’t ignore the fact that she was head over heels in love with this girl. And that it would be incredibly rude to just ignore her like that. After some hesitation, the brunette slowly inhaled, and started speaking.
“Vi, can I ask you a question?”
“O-Oh, yeah… Shoot.”
“Have you ever wanted closure for something that you know you’ll never received? Like, just know if the people you’ve left behind are safe? O-Or just t-talk to the people we’ve lost one more time… Have some kind of hope to call our own?”
“I’ve always needed that kind of escape, e-ever since Lee died, it’s like I became a walker as well. The way I think, the way I live, the way I feel, it’s all just melting into something I don’t know what to call. I-I left behind someone who was like a mother to me and went off to a different group, I left the only people who cared about me and ran away, a-and then the New Frontier, and when does it end? It just… sucks…”
The room fell silent. A forced silence. Both Clementine and Violet were holding back their thoughts, much less emotions. The phrase stunned to silence would fit perfectly in this situation. It was years of pent up emotion that Clementine just let out. Years of doubt, sadness and regret, and she just compiled it all to one and finally said it. A part of the girl was so relieved that she finally got it out of her system, it was like cutting loose a ball and chain you’ve had around your ankle for years. Yet, the other side couldn’t help but be angry at her for piling this all on Violet all at once without any warning. How selfish could you be for not even taking into account her feelings before hers? Idiot. How the hell could you do such a thing to her?
Even looking at her facial expression it was clear to see that Violet was way more than stunned. She seemed almost mortified, terrified. Her nails were digging into her own and Clementine’s skin, before what seemed like no time at all, she stood up quickly and faced the brunette, a seemingly empty expression present clearly on her pale face.
“Clementine… I-I don’t care about your past?”
“The person you are now is the person I fell in love with. It isn’t your fault at all, Clementine. Your reasons were justified. What the fuck did you think a 12 year old could do? Stay in a group that would have fallen eventually? Even back then you were smart, Clem. You almost have like a sixth sense. And, to be honest, without you… I probably would have went on alone to look for Minnie… I was at my limit at the time, and then you showed up… You saved my life! You saved everyone here! Lee would be so proud of you to see how much you’ve grown…! A-And I understand you… I would kill for a chance to talk to Minnie, and just, talk it out, I guess… I would have apologised to so many people if I knew what I know now. B-But, it’s not like we can change the past or something, w-we have to move on and crap… S-Shit… I’m bad with words… S-Sorry I can’t be as encouraging as you, Cle-”
“T-Thank you, Vi…! Thank you so much...!”
“And shut up, you’re not bad at words. Look at me! I’m a mess because of you!”
“Ditto. You make me feel like shit, and you also make me feel so fucking happy. How do you do it?”
“I have you.”
Reality was nonexistant at that point. Clementine was hugging the Violet’s torso as best she could, not really being able to go higher than that. But that didn’t matter. Both of them were off in their own little world now. Somewhere that seemed… hopeful. An escape, for both of them.
“H-Hey, since when are you the emotional one? T-That’s my job…”
“Oh, shut up, Vi!”
Their world was something that nobody could take away. It was filled with joy, happiness, laughter in which their emotions didn’t have to be restrained. A place where honesty was the only requirement. It was something that was that one source of hope that could not be replaced.
Maybe there is some hope a world filled with walkers after all.
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🌺 - any character (maybe one of the kids as a walker and they become part of the scenery. Like Ms Martin did?)
One With Nature 
Violet’s Violets
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everyday-yuri · 6 years
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garbanzo-beanzz · 6 years
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I can imagine Clem having to make the first move
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Alrighty so the walking dead completely fucked me up and had me crying nonstop..
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yellowsugarwords · 5 years
Had a rough week at my job! Whenever you’re able to, can we get some Clementine x Reader modern AU head-cannons? I could use some good ol’ fluff. Stay amazing!
Clementine was so excited for graduation.
Partially because she didn’t want to see her high school peers anymore.
Partially because she was ready to move forward with her life.
Clementine normally kept to herself.
To her schoolwork and her friends.
Her focus was on doing well academically.
So she could get into a good college.
But that was until she met Y/N.
Something about Y/N was different.
Y/N was new to school.
With only a few months before graduation, it was intriguing.
But Violet had promised to show them around.
So Clem met them on their first day at lunch.
They were sweet.
Funny and enjoyable.
And smart too.
“Algebra?” They asked.
They leaned across the table and watched Clem do her homework.
She bristled.
She was normally made fun of for being an overachiever.
They smiled. “I think the 1 goes over there.”
Clem glanced at her sheet.
And glanced up in awe.
“You’re right,” she said with a smile. “Thanks.”
They smiled sweetly. “Math is my thing.”
They didn’t tease her.
She felt at peace.
Clem slid onto the bus when it came.
And watched Y/N slip on too.
They didn’t notice her and sat at the front.
Opening a book to read on the drive home.
Clementine smiled.
Liking them more and more.
She felt like they could get along well.
Y/N was in Clem’s art class.
And sat beside her.
“I hope you don’t mind if I sit here.” They said.
Clem grinned. “Not at all.”
Their project that day: painting pastel landscapes.
Clementine painted her backyard.
Focusing on the details of her treehouse.
Y/N painted the mountains.
“That’s gorgeous oh my God.” Clem gawked.
They were amazingly talented.
“Thanks,” they said with a smile. “It’s my favourite place.”
Y/N’s smile settled on her for a beat longer.
That was when Clem realized she was blushing.
Y/N and Clem talked all through lunch.
About books and art and the classes Y/N had that afternoon.
They were really hitting it off.
And Violet, sitting beside Y/N, smirked.
Every class they had together, they sat beside each other for.
Chatting when their work was done.
Passing secret notes.
Smiling and chuckling.
They never got tired of talking.
Clementine felt like she was understood.
Understood and accepted.
And she felt like she could talk to Y/N for forever.
They sat together on the bus ride home.
“What book are you reading?”
They held up a classic collection.
Clem smiled. “A scholar. I like it.”
Y/N smiled.]
And Clem could swear they were blushing.
“Can I get your number?” Y/N asked.
And Clementine flushed.
Way darker than she expected.
“Yes! Y-Yes, of course!” She stammered.
And put her number in their phone.
Y/N hopped off the bus.
Despite her embarrassment, Clem could swear she saw them blush too.
The texted all night.
Until the early hours of the morning.
And Clementine didn’t mind even slightly.
Even if she barely got any sleep.
Y/N handed Clem a book.
“It reminded me of you.” They said. “I thought you’d like it.”
It was from their bookshelf.
It was a book of classic poetry.
Clementine could’ve melted.
“I love those poems.” Clem said in art class.
Y/N beamed. “Romantic era poetry is my favourite.”
“Mine too,” Clem said.
Suddenly, school wasn’t so much of a chore for Clem anymore.
It was enjoyable.
Maybe graduation would be bittersweet after all.
On the bus ride home, Clem felt a weight on her hand.
Then a palm on hers.
Then fingers laced with hers.
And she exploded in colour.
“See you tomorrow?” Clem asked.
Squeezing their hand as they got ready to get off on their stop.
Y/N squeezed back. “Of course.”
“So, do you have a date for prom?”
Y/N had asked it casually a few days later at lunch.
Clem almost choked on her soda.
“N-No,” she sputtered out. “I didn’t think I was gonna go.”
Y/N raised a brow. “Do you still not want to?”
Clem blinked. “I don’t know.”
Y/N smirked and dropped the subject.
Violet smirked too but looked away.
Clem raised a brow.
Embarrassed and confused.
Then, a day later Clem opened her locker.
A single rose was sitting inside.
Clem burst into shades of red.
A soft chuckle emerged from behind her.
“So, about prom?” Y/N asked.
Clem turned.
And beamed.
“It looks like I’m going.”
They held hands everywhere they went.
And constantly giggled and chuckled.
And never grew tired of spending time together.
Clem scrambled with her mom to gather a prom outfit.
She was excited albeit stressed.
But wrangled together the perfect outfit.
Prom night came.
And Clem was so excited she could barely stand it.
Y/N came to pick her up.
In her long black down and curled, done up hair.
And Y/N was left breathless.
“Wow,” they sighed.
And Clem was on cloud nine.
They walked hand in hand all night.
And laughed.
And horribly danced.
And eat snacks in the corner away from everyone else.
But then, the slow dance started.
And Y/N took her hand.And guided her to the floor.
“Really?” Clem asked breathlessly.
Y/N just smiled.
And settled their hand on her back.
Clem couldn’t take her eyes off of them.
Y/N looked amazing.
The most beautiful being, inside and out, she’d ever met.
Then, Y/N brushed their fingers against their chin.
Smirking through their blush.
And leaned in.
And pressed their lips to hers.
Clementine felt like she was on cloud nine.
She was in heaven.
And heaven was anywhere with Y/N.
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yellowsugarwords · 5 years
Ericson kids + James, ways they try to impress their crush?
yet again we’re gonna do this with the older kids since it makes the most sense to me :)
Clementine: “Hey,” with a smirk, “watch this.” And then would brutally gut a walker in one fail swoop. They might be horrified, or they might dig it. Either way, Clementine would be impressed if someone did that in front of her.
Marlon: He’d literally just show his mullet. “Look, I grew this. I style it and trim it myself.” If people hated mullets, he would both a) not understand, and b) be lowkey offended and think he dodged a bullet.
Louis: Balancing random objects on his nose. Spoons, pencils, knives, weapons. “I can balance anything on my face.” Literally anything. And he would prove it with success. Louis thinks its such a people magnet that no one can be swayed from it’s romantic pull.
Violet: She can toss a knife over her shoulder and nail a target. “Check it out.” Her first example would be nailing a walker in the face, but it also means she can dunk a basketball without looking. Though, if someone was impressed by the basketball and not the knife, she’d be deeply confused.
Mitch: He can arrange a flower bouquet like nobody’s business. “You’d better not tell anybody.” Given the limited resources he had access to, it’s pretty damn impressive. Where the hell did he find some of those?
Aasim: He can find shiny objects on the ground in the dark. He’d take a coin of theirs and chuck it into the front grass. “Watch this.” He’d say with a smirk, then muck around and emerge with it a minute later. Nobody had the heart to tell him it was a little lame, so they falsely hyped him up into thinking it was an amazing skill.
Ruby: She can flip her eyelids and doesn’t understand that it normally turns people away rather than brings them in. She doesn’t say anything when she does it. She’ll just stare at someone for a while and then flip them without warning.
Omar: He crochets. Not so much since the apocalypse started (low recourses) but would make little deigns or sayings whenever he found make-do material. “Here!” He’d say, passing them one that reads: ‘you’re the finest snack their is.’ Corny, but still pretty adorable.
Brody: She can bake and she can bake well even though she’s convinced she sucks at it. She just thinks that giving someone a handmade dish is a sweet gesture. “I made them just for you. They’re a special batch.” But she wouldn’t want to be around when they ate them. Too embarrassing.
James: He makes flower crowns for fun and they are intricate. More detailed than any headpiece anyone had ever seen. Art pieces, practically. He does them for fun in passing and never understands the hype around them. “Clem told me you’d like one of these,” he’d say passing one, not understanding their amazed reaction.
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Anybody else upset we never got closure with Christa?
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