#twiddles my fingies
ei-mugi · 1 year
yknow what maybe it was good that i never got more than 1 req for drawing anything ever because i did not ever complete that. soz. and i dont even post art t o my enstars art account i made specifically for posting enstars art. woopsi. i havent posted anything at all for a week have i
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pedgecalmdown · 8 months
my alpha - p.p.
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It’s the full moon, and piss boot seems to be hiding something.. 🤫🤔😈
word count: 1.5k
warnings: werewolf, sticky cheese, uncut wolf wewe, Tight Wolf Butthole, hot dog in bun, pejole many chins, pudgy werewolf, Wet Wolf Willy, Tight Wolf Butthole, brown bloody chunk squirt, unidentified wolf squirt?, Damp Clammy Enclosure, pissicle
It was a dark and stormy night, and you were on the couch with Piggle watching a scary werewolf movie. You noticed your sweet hubby wubby twiddling with his fingies, which you assumed was from the movie. You tried snuggling up to him to calm him down, but to your surprise he actually nudged you away. “Oh.. sorry babe, I’m just not comfortable with that right now. Maybe a little later..” Confused, you replied, “Oh… okay..” You climbed back onto the same position on the couch you were before, but with a newfound worry for your husband. Was he okay? Or was he simply just scared? You didn’t know how to bring up the subject without being awkward, so you just let him be.
You sit on the couch, opposite your husband once again. You felt worried that you had done something wrong, glancing at him every few minutes to see how he’s doing. He makes a peculiar coughing sound and moves his arm quickly to cover a random spot on his other side. He quickly stands up, “um.. I’ll- ill be right back.” He awkwardly trots away, as if something is hurting him. You couldn’t be more confused. You try to direct your attention back to the movie for a few minutes, but you hear a ruckus coming from the bedroom behind you. You debate on seeing what’s wrong, but decide it’s your right to know. You slowly tiptoe your way to the door, and open the doorknob slowly. Even while the door is only slightly cracked, you see a figure writhing around on the floor. ‘is that pissicle?’ You think to yourself. It can’t be, this creature is much too big and hairy to be him. Suddenly, the moonlight barely spills into the room. You’re horrified at the sight in front of you.
Without warning, the creature let’s out an almost agonizing howl while the light of the full moon shines down on him. It holds its head in its hands in pain, and you watch, frozen, as the creature grows bigger and bigger until it finally turns around and you can see its face. It’s… PEETLE?? You duck for cover, totally unsure of what to think. You continue to hear all sorts of ruckus and whatnot coming from the bedroom with the occasional howl, and suddenly, it stops. You peek your head out and see Pedro staring at the mess he caused, fully transformed into a werewolf. Upon examining him, to your dismay, you found his werewolf self actually very attractive. The clothes he was wearing before had ripped upon growing in size, and there was one particular part that had grown exponentially.. Petro turns around and sees you with fear in his eyes. “Y/N!! I’m sorry… I can explain…”
You say nothing. Your eyes are wide and staring at a particular part of him. He starts babbling about how he didn’t want you to see him like this and how this isn’t how he wanted you to find out but all you can do is stay wide eyed and silent. He slowly looks down and realizes what you’re looking at. He was so panicked that he didn’t realize his pants had completely snapped and were now completely gone. His werewolf Willy was out and about, standing straight up and hitting his pudgy furry belly. You start walking towards him and he steps back. “N-no.. im gonna hurt you if you get too close.. im not safe to be around right now!!!” You look into his eyes and step closer until his feet hit the wall. You stare up at him and notice his furry double chins and wolf mustache. His nose is wet with spit and snot and his eyes are teary. He lets out a wet cough and some spit gets on your face. You think back to the movie you two were watching. You didn’t think that werewolf was that scary, after all.
Suddenly, the look in Piddle’s eyes changed. Some primal werewolf instinct must’ve taken over him, because he immediately grabbed you with his paws and marched you over to the bed. You peeped his chins as he cheekily smiled and let go of you to lay down on the bed, large wolf stomach and member all out for you to admire. “You want a bite?” He asks mischievously. “Oh boy..you know I do..” You rub your hands together as if you were a mad scientist and Peejolé was your experiment. You immediately jump on your husband’s stomach, looking at his face and many chins. You gaze into his eyes and say with a smirk, “Where shall we begin?”
You start by rapidly removing your shirt and pants, leaving you in just your underwear. Polio stares at your chest. “Sweet mama! You really gotta sweet pair of milkies 🤤” he says, tongue hanging from his mouth. he brings his paws up to tickle you slightly. “Here comes the tickle monster!” His fingers dance over your stomach and chest, making you fall backwards in laughter. Once you’re on your back, he hovers over you and brings his hands to your underwear, ripping them off and eating them. He licks his lips, or where his lips would be, and starts lowering his head to you and sniffing you at a rapid pace. He sniffs everywhere, getting lower and lower. His chins stick out prominently as he does so. you bring your hand to his head to scratch him, and he lets out a fart of excitement. It quickly fills the room with a hellish, pungent odor. He is a wolf, so it makes sense.
His jaw eventually nears your entrance, and he goes full on wolf ham on you. He knocks you down with the force at which he was tasting you. In all this excitement, you hear multiple squeaks emerge from his butthole. It makes you smile. You were just so glad Pishposh was so comfortable with you. Unfortunately, the smell was so peppery and spiced, you could feel your dinner come back up and splatter all over your pleasurer. He doesn’t even look up at you while he continues to lick your whole body clean. It tickles!!! You’re giggling the whole time, but you eventually have to stop him to return the favor. You glance down at his Wet Wolf Willy and smile. His eyes light up and he squirts a little as he exclaims, “Boy oh boy I can hardly wait!” You cover your mouth with his finger and get to work.
You start licking the ginormous, uncut member, from the base to the tip. He lets out a high pitched moan, and you continue. You use your thumbs and pointer fingers, pinching, to pull down his Wolf Fore Skin to see loads of sticky cheese and buildup. You lick it clean, and savor the taste in your mouth. He shudders and squirts even more, this time coming out with chunks. You can tell he’s about to burst, so you start going faster. ‘Oh I know what’ll get him to blow..’ you think. You slowly sneak your finger under him, and shove it inside his Tight Wolf Butthole. He gasps and moans before letting out his wet, watery, translucent, chunky, brown seed into your mouth. You swallow it all, reveling in the feeling of the chunks sliding down your throat. “I guess it’s time to stuff your bun full of my furry hot dog, huh? 😏” he says with a smirk.
You immediately obey him and lay on your back. You can still feel the squirted brown, bloody chunks sliding down your throat. His Raging Red Rocket was slammed into you, and I mean SLAMMED. The sheer force of his thrust almost made you fly off the bed through the wall. His chins were staring you down as he continued to ram your Damp Clammy Enclosure. He gets so riled that he starts singing the song of his people.
He’s claiming you as his territory, and you just love it. You feel yourself nearing completion and you let out a guttural moan. He starts pounding harder, so hard in fact that you have to hold onto his fur so he doesn’t propel you through the wall and out yonder. When you finally cum, you let out a loud, “OOGLY BOOGLY!!!” of satisfaction. Projectile looks pleased with his work and he gives you a smooch, except he doesn’t have lips so just licks your mouth. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did 😈😇😁”
You look at him with nothing but love in your eyes. “I did :3” you say. He collapses on top of you, crushing you with his weight in the best way possible. His chins land on your face, so you have to fold them away from you to breathe. You start petting his back and his tail starts wagging slowly. You giggle. I guess you could say you were addicted to your werecreature 😉😉
We’re broadening our horizons for this one.. ☝️🤫.. lets just say.. we had some inspo… 😈😉
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kotorirod · 2 years
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Just... you know... trying to draw one of my bias -twiddles fingies-
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sharktoofe · 1 year
ok so like ummmm
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twiddling my fingies around rn
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stupidwormsinpot · 3 years
having sexual fantasies *blushes and twiddles my fingies* about finishing all my homework
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