#twilight invented baseball
manny-jacinto · 1 year
Seriously the vampire baseball scene is ingrained in my mind it looks like it’d be so much fun if it read a real thing!
i think baseball should be the official sport on this website and i think everyone should get interested in a certain shohei ohtani fr!!!!!!!!!
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Hey, hope you are well. I was wondering what you considered your finest contribution to the various shows you have worked on? The character/character moment/plot point/favourite line that, if someone invented a time machine and tried to go back and erase that specifically, you would end up fighting them on a rooftop in the rain to protect?
Oh man, that one is pretty much impossible to answer. I've written over 80 episodes of TV and worked on over 300, so it's hard for me to pick my favorite episodes let alone my favorite moments or lines, etc. I'm most proud of the body of work and how deep it is, but let's see if I can think of a few highlights:
"A Fistful of Datas" - The title is really good! I'm happy I got Picard to play his flute. The Worf/Data kiss was me, though I wrote it on the lips.
DS9 (A lot of these are with Ira):
"Q-Less" - "You hit me. Picard never hit me." "I'm not Picard."
"The Wire" - "My dear Doctor, they're all true." "Even the lies?" "Especially the lies."
"Past Tense 1&2" - All of it really.
"To the Death" - The whole "Victory is life" bit and O'Brien's response
"In Purgatory's Shadow" - "Lying is a skill like any other. And if you want to maintain a level of excellence, you have to practice constantly." "You Cardassians are all alike. You talk too much." "How can I forget it? It was the only day."
"By Inferno's Light" - Dukat's big speech. "That space station you're so fond of was built by Cardassia." "Funny. I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor." "I yield! I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him, and that no longer holds my interest." "Armageddon will have to wait for another day."
"Call to Arms" - The end with Sisko's baseball.
"Field of Fire" - Snipering the melon. Who the bad guy ends up being and what his motive is.
Also: "Hard Time" "For the Uniform" "Little Green Men"
Proud of creating my first show. I think the cast I had control over (everyone but Dylan) is pretty great.
"Under the Night" - "Oh, he's the guy who retired. Didn't you say he bought a farm?" "The farm. Bought the farm, Trance." "What's the difference?" "Torn pressure suit and a bad emergency seal." Tyr's entrance.
"An Affirming Flame" - "I don't care if we wake up when the suns have all burned out and the universe is winding down to die, as long as I'm there to watch."
"Angel Dark, Demon Bright" - Harper's big speech. "Those are my mathematics. I'll leave you to yours." I like the way time travel works in this one.
"Music of a Distant Drum" - Tyr correcting the kid's shooting grip
"Harper 2.0" - "My pain belongs to the Divine. It is like air. It is like water."
"It's Hour Come Round at Last" - "To hell with the odds. All that matters in life is that we try. Promise you'll try."
I'm proud to have written a Twilight Zone even if it wasn't in the original run.
"Descent" - Triggering a JohnnyVision by having him brushed by a passing bat.
Underrated show in my opinion. I'm proud of co-developing it. Production was rough so I'm proud I got the episodes done and the show on the air. I think the cast is really good. The moment when Harry has to get a wasp to sting him in the eye to use it as a spy drone is pretty memorable.
THE 4400:
Richard Tyler in the diner seeing how much the world has changed. Ali is so good in that scene. We knew we had lightning in a bottle with him.
"Little Girl Lost" is pretty good.
I wrote a lot of Gary's off the wall lines. "Left!" "Are you sure? Heart left, Gary?" Gary puts his hand over his heart. "No, right!" "Respect the badge!" Also casting Tatiana Maslany before she blew up was a really good call.
I came up with a lot of how the Atrians culture and biology worked and I think that was all cool stuff. I loved Teri's "hold my gold" moment in "And Left No Friendly Drop," which was something that Chelsea Gilligan came up with in blocking, but I'll take credit for it. Teri punching the drone in "What Storm is This That Blows So Contrary" was fun.
(Elementary later)
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jessicanjpa · 2 years
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Here is your Twilight advent calendar for 2022!
Instead of candy, here are some tiny, fluffy headcanon prompts for us to enjoy each day throughout December 1–25. Each one is simple enough to answer with a quick headcanon post, but your ficlets, fan art, and moodboards will add some extra sparkle!
You can answer each prompt on its day or schedule your posts ahead of time. The tag is #twilightadvent22
Dec. 1 - Name five things that make Rosalie smile.
Dec. 2 - What human skills/hobbies has Jasper learned since becoming a Cullen?
Dec. 3 - Tell us about a song Edward has written.
Dec. 4 - Pick a Twilight couple (canon or AU) and tell us/draw their favorite way to snuggle.
Dec. 5 - What's one thing Esme loves about each member of her family?
Dec. 6 - Which modern medical treatment is Carlisle especially thankful for?
Dec. 7 - Tell us about one of Rosalie and Emmett's weddings.
Dec. 8 - Besides baseball, which other vampire-level sport have the Cullens tried out? How do they modify it to be more challenging/fun?
Dec. 9 - What music does Jacob like to listen to while working on cars?
Dec. 10 - Pick two Volturi guards and tell us something nice about their friendship.
Dec. 11 - What did Alice look forward to about joining the Cullens?
Dec. 12 - Tell us some headcanons about a Twilight character you don't usually post about.
Dec. 13- What college major did each one of Bella's human friends choose?
Dec. 14 - Tell us something Bella loves about Edward and something Edward loves about Bella (not mentioned in the saga).
Dec. 15 - Tell us about a Twilight OC you love (your own or someone else's).
Dec. 16 - Which non-Cullen vampire does Emmett like best?
Dec. 17 - How does Sue support Leah and Seth's new reality as shifters? Any changes in their home routine?
Dec. 18 - Tell us how the gathering in Breaking Dawn impacted one of the witnesses that came.
Dec. 19 - What new hobby do you think vampire!Bella will try out?
Dec. 20 - What's a promising new invention or company Alice is investing in this year?
Dec. 21 - Tell us about a Twilight vampire doing something kind for humans (or a specific human).
Dec. 22 - Besides the locket from Bella and the iPod from Edward, what gifts did Renesmee receive for her first Christmas?
Dec. 23 - Pick a Cullen and tell us about their first Christmas with the family.
Dec. 24 - What Christmas/holiday gifts are your favorite Twilight characters receiving this year?
Dec. 25 - Tell us about a happy Christmas/winter memory from childhood that a Twilight character can still remember.
Bonus for new year's eve! What new year's resolutions are your favorite Twilight characters making?
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
Gentle reminder before you vote that ADOW vampires invented the patriarchy and don't play baseball. But also Twilight vampires sparkle and can't eat human food. So it's mixed feelings all around.
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matbaynton · 1 year
high school musical 2 🤝 twilight
iconic baseball scene + invented the color blue
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
can someone please edit supermassive black hole over the jujutsu kaisen baseball scene because i need it like i need oxygen
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justfandomwritings · 4 years
A list of possible ways to make Twilight better that don’t involve changing the whole plot, writing about an entirely different character in the universe, or getting rid of any of the main characters:
- Bella is actually kind and respectful to Charlie not just behind his back when she’s protecting him from threats he’s unaware of like vampires but also to his face when he’s clearly trying to do his best to be a good dad.
- We get to hear a phone call between Charlie and Renee about how ill adjusted Bella is after years of being her own parent.
- Bella names her truck “Monster Mash” after the collision with Tyler and Edward being a vampire.
- Jessica totally sees Edward jump over the back of Bella’s truck, as he does so at human speed and is blatantly obvious about it. She thinks it’s weird. She’s constantly aware of Edwards presence and she knows for a fact he wasn’t there. Jessica starts picking up on some of the little inconsistencies in the Cullens behaviors and the lies Bella’s telling. She sees Bella post transformation while she’s still around town during the “prepping to encounter the Volturi” days. Now she knoooows something’s up. Bella wasn’t this graceful or pale or perfect before. She looks like a damn Cullen. Jessica begins to put the pieces together exactly like Bella did. Jessica tries to talk to someone about it but everyone brushes her off. She slowly descends into what she thinks is madness believing vampires are real but having no confirmation and no one to believe her.
- Jane very visibly pouts when Bella doesn’t collapse screaming. Alice starts laughing because of a vision of Jane having a temper tantrum later.
- Leah imprints on Angela. Bella now has a normal human friend with a normal human friendship and she’s a bit more grounded and a bit less supernatural obsessed. Also, with this, imprints are clearly no longer about procreating and are more than just baby making machines.
- Rosalie goes and after those guys from Port Angeles. She doesn’t eat them; she has impeccable control, after all. She dumps them in a bear’s cave or something and lets an animal take care of them.  
- The Cullens play baseball incessantly instead of other sports because back in the day Carlisle helped invent it.
- An incredibly awkward conversation between Charlie and Billy where Charlie is hesitant because he’s not 100% sure Billy knows his son turns into a wolf, but once he is sure Billy knows, he’s very confused how the hell, genetically, Jacob turns into a wolf and has to question what Billy’s been up to that his son is half animal and Billy has to give him the legends now too. 
- James was actually the ex-Volturi tracker that was replaced by Demetri’s superior skills. 
- Alice’s sister also had gifts as a human though hers were geared towards the past, and the reason Alice can’t remember anything is because her sister made her forget her past. 
- In general, I think we need more members of the Volturi as a whole (there’s really not that many of them when you think they’re basically ruling the world) and more superpowers, because as it stands there’s actually only two of the Volturi with offensive gifts related to fighting, Alec and Jane, and that really confuses the intimidating reputation the guard have. There should absolutely be more of them with more powers if they’re meant to be as intimidating as they are and in charge of every vampire everywhere.
- Edward’s little power trip in New Moon actually has lasting repercussions on his relationships with his family. He doesn’t just come back and magically all is forgiven. His actions actually have consequences.
- Other vampires get called in to help in the fight in Eclipse This way, we get to expand the universe more, earlier in the books; we get to learn about another set of vampires in more detail and not just as part of one massive cluster; and Breaking Dawn isn’t just a barrage of new faces. We actually know some of them. For instance, Jasper could call in Peter and Charlotte at the least; they’ve both already fought newborn armies before and calling them actually makes more sense than the Denali coven.
- Esme is actually an extremely famous architect who works under an alias so that as time passes people won’t get suspicious when she has the same name as that famous, old architect from back in the day. 
- The Volturi wife that dies isn’t Didyme; it’s Athenadora, and she’s killed by the werewolves that attacked Caius, which is why Caius has eradicated them and why he’s so willing to fight the Cullens over the presence of wolves.
- The guard of the Volturi aren’t all just being held together by Chelsea. Some of them actually believe in their professed purpose of ensuring the secrecy of vampires to protect their kind. 
- Benjamin and Tia don’t go back with Amun and Kebi after Amun peace’s out like a coward.
- Literally anyone acknowledges that the Volturi aren’t really the bad guys in New Moon since Edward is the one breaking the law, and that Bella being human in Eclipse is the Cullens still subverting the law, and that as a result the Volturi have pretty good cause to believe the Cullens are breaking the law again in Breaking Dawn.
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railmerosalie · 4 years
I love how twilight invented baseball
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baseball was invented when alice cullen did that leg raise in twilight
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websleep · 3 years
not sure i believe that volleyball and baseball weren’t invented by and for the twilight movies 🤨
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
damn i cant believe they invented baseball because of twilight fans thats amazing
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realizashuns · 4 years
sorry but twilight invented baseball..... ive never heard of that until the cinemas 👁👄👁🤌
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countryshitposts · 5 years
You’re Shooting Your Bullet The Wrong Way
Chapter 1
AO3 Link
Death of a Bachelor
Trigger Warnings; murder, violence, blood
Name Guide
Nippon Koku- Japan
Teikoku Nippon- Japan Empire
Sulian- Soviet Union
Renmin- China
Choson Inmin- North Korea
Daehan Minguk- South Korea
Daehan Imsi- Korean Provisional Government
"Koku, our brother's calling us!" Koku lifts his head up from where he was loathing the words he had just typed on the keyboard, a small twinge of excitement in his face. He immediately closes the bright screen of the laptop and exits his bedroom, running down the long and winding stairs that he loved playing on when he was a sweer child, along with his older brother who'd accompany him.
He lands on the floors gracefully, seeing Teikoku staring at him with a huge smile on his face.
"Teikoku!", Koku exclaims, running towards his brother, laughing a little. He feels Tokyo's grimace from far away, giving him a sense of discomfort that will plague him for sometime before deciding that his brother is simply just jealous of the affection Teikoku gives to him.
(Sometimes he'd see the desolation in his children's eyes too; a spark of hope that Teikoku would move on from Koku so he could embrace them in such a filial way, and ocassionally, Koku would wonder why he wouldn't notice his own children.)
"How are you today?" Teikoku ruffles his hair and Koku - with a smile - protests against it.
"I'm fine, onii-chan!", he replies with a small laugh. "I'm finishing the latest chapter of the book I'm writing."
Teikoku chuckles, "Well, tell me if you're finished with the whole thing; I'd love to read it. But first let's have dinner, shall we? Manchukuo!" He calls onto his butler, who scuttles out of his room, all stumbling and awkward as he fixes his glasses.
(Koku thinks that Manchukuo should - say - be more prepared and look absolutely professional and impressionable, lest many think that their bodyguard... isn't a bodyguard and more like a chaperone who would read books and a cup of coffee in his spare time.)
"Yes, sir?", he stutters, causing Teikoku to frown up at him; Manchukuo fixes his tie and hair, leading it to become more dishevelled rather than kept, like a dog with fur sticking on their ends.
"Start the car. We're going to have dinner someplace else." Teikoku's tone was crisp- like he wanted to hit Manchukuo in front of everyone to humiliate him, showing how intolerant he is of his behaviour and the way he works. Manchukuo rapidly nods as he scampers towards the exit doors, Teikoku's eyes following him in an ill-mannered and impatient face; one second and he'll be shot at.
Koku smiles a little at Teikoku, whose frown turns upside down as he looks at his half-brother, the simplest speck of light in the cloud covered sky, reaching to the dark depths of the sea to pull out the orient pearl in the murky waters.
He looks at Koku brightly with a glint in his eyes, "Where would you like to have dinner, then?"
Koku shrugs, knowing full well that he's not fond of making decisions of his own. "Where do you want to go, Teikoku?"
Teikoku thinks for a moment before clicking his tongue. "There's this new restaurant that opened at the centre of the city; you'll adore it."
Koku nods, "And I trust your judgement."
("I don't", Tokyo whispers to Hokkaido, who hums affirmation, Koku barely catching their exchange before moving on.)
"Your ride is ready, sir", Manchukuo's head protudes from the front door, and Teikoku's mood immediately sours, already strutting to the doors, Koku and the others trying to catch up with his fast pace.
Manchukuo and Teikoku were busily talking - out of earshot - as Koku, Hokkaido and Tokyo busy tehmselves in the passenger seats (Okinawa sits on Hokkaido's lap, his half-brother steadying him).
He looks out the dark lenses of the windows, giving everything a much darker and subtle tone of sadness; from the evergreen shrubs Koku had planted years ago with his tiny hands, being helped by his brother as he works, turned to a much more darker shade of what has transpired.
The car ride was not annoyingly noisy to the ears nor unbearably silent- Manchukuo and Teikoku were making small talk in hushed voices, like a buzzing bee in Koku's ear thinking the small insect has hit jackpot before being swatted away by a large force. Okinawa was getting fussy on Hokkaido's lap, gurgling and wanting to be transferred towards Tokyo, who was silently reading, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, looking so much at peace.
Koku would sometimes envy at how... normal they seem to be around each other, like they are the best of friends who stick through even the most hardened times, and whenever they look at each other there was such understanding in their eyes, like they empathise in whatever way. And he remembers that whenever Teikoku arrives, they'd freeze up and halt their conversation, their eyes following after their own blood with fear, like he was a predator in their area full of prey. Like they were wary that Teikoku would turn his head to them with either a small smirk on his face, intent on humiliating them, or with an angry frown that'd mean it was the end of their world and he'd tear them apart until they were shreds of life.
They were awkward and wary around Koku too; a simple smile at their direction is enough to make them flinch or send them running to the other direction. Like he was Teikoku. Like he means harm and he needs harm to sustain his lifeline.
(He will never get why they are not fond of their own blood.)
So Koku sits in silence, grey eyes on the car's carpeted floors (credits to Teikoku).
Manchukuo parks the car in a spot where the sun never leaves them, always bothering them despite the fact it is being conquered by the moon and stars who wish to devour the light to make way for the darkness, and the dying sun forging its flames on the surface of the moon, mangled holes giving off the light the sun but weaker before it dies, and at twilight it rises back from the dead and the cycle continues.
"Ugh, the suns' reaching everywhere", Koku says as he exits the car, arm above his head and shades present underneath his eyes, the glaring light of the sun still escaping through the darkest filters of his innate boundary. "For a dying light against the sky, it's still annoyingly bright."
Teikoku laughs a little as he emerges from the car, "Don't worry, dinner's coming."
The brand new restaurant seems to be jam-packed, despite the fact that - according to Teikoku - it had just opened yesterday. Its huge windows reflect himself, his dark hair and pale complexion, striking gray eyes that looks through the reflections and into the thrums of people inside them; the people already comfortably seated on the seats around the tables, waiters and waitresses serving them their long-awaited dishes for the day, the chandelier above them glowing golden with its light bulbs looking more like waxed candles dancing with flames than inventions of electricity. It was enticing, and at the same time making Koku uncomfortable; for some reason he can never really be at peace with the notion of being in a place full of people, strangers- maybe it was because he only grew up knowing and getting used to only his family talking to him, so that talking to another person was now an act of force and a chore (although chores are much, much better than talking to a complete stranger).
Koku spent so much time admiring the place and daydreaming that he has - once again - built a glass dome, protecting himself from any disturbances that will disrupt his thought process and serenity, which can only be shattered like a vulnerable and pricey vase with one voice.
"Koku!", he feels a hand snake around his shoulders, and he jumps a little before instinctively calming down when he is faced with Teikoku's small smirk on his lips. "Daydreaming again, weren't you?"
Koku absently nods, his eyes turning back to the inside of the restaurant, its golden streaks of light looking much more realistic than it intends to be, making the whole venue all the more charming. "This place is beautiful."
Teikoku chuckles a little. "That it is- you want to go inside? I'd made a reservation a week ago."
"Of course I do!"
"Well then", Teikoku takes a step and Koku's feet follows, "let's go in, shall we?"
Once the door opens to let his family inside of the grandeur, he feels a rush of cool air collide with his warm cheeks, the scent of cooked food filling the air, jazz music playing from the speakers above them and small chatter reaching his ears. He hears the clinks of wine glasses and people laughing, trying to look and act their absolute best in the midst of formality. The sizzling of frying pans reaches Koku's ears too, as the door to the kitchen swishes back and forth like a baseball bat in a player's hands, ever so ready in a match and ever so used to the feeling of the hardened wood around his palms. The smell of the atmosphere makes him wonder if he could eat thin air; a mix of wine, roasted beef and many other specialties he can trace, lingering in the air as its smoky fingers play with their heartstrings one by one, being replaced with another, then another, then another.
Koku takes a seat right beside Teikoku, who was once again talking to Manchukuo in a hushed voice.
(Seriously, what are they talking about and why are they keeping the conversation from him? Was the question in his mind, along with others, but he swallows them down in fear of making his brother ultimately mad.)
So he keeps his eyes straight forward, eyeing every detail that catches his eye- that Okinawa is now playing with Tokyo and Hokkaido's wine glasses, making airplane noises; that the chandelier above them is swaying slightly as the air changes its course towards it; that a waiter is covering his face with a mask, hands clasped, leg bouncing impatiently, looking everywhere, turning his head left and right like he was expecting a guest- until at last, he looks right ahead at Teikoku before fast-walking to the kitchen's door...
Koku blinks, his eyes never leaving that door until he hears someone snap his fingers, and he turns his attention back to his family, now ordering their desired meals. Teikoku looks at him expectantly, fingers drumming the table and raising a brow at his direction. Koku deliberately has no time for ordering, so he tells Teikoku he wants what his brother wants.
Teikoku blinks a little, "Are you sure you want spicy food?"
Koku nods with no hesitation. "Sure."
Teikoku dismisses the waiter with a little wave, before resuming his conversation with Manchukuo.
The ignored boy decided to dream about how one day, he will become a world renowned writer. He can already imagine his books in many a shelves, waiting to be read by people who wishes to read the words he has so carefully integrated into the delicate pages that can be folded or thrown into the lake but words still readable (of course he would not accept his book being treated that way), and interpretative to the audience as their eyes roam around the words looping the page with hunger, beads of sweat dropping from the pores of their skin as their finger bends to turn the page.
(He would accept the fact that not everyone would like the way he write though; at least he would get the pleasing of a few audiences and even good compliments and reviews that will make him red for the next few months.)
He hums a small song his mother used to sing to him before she mysteriously vanished (a melody he hums everyday to remember his mother by), trying to look busy by examining the plain white napkin and tissue at his side of the table, at what is the highest tone the wine glass can go when he starts hitting it purposefully with a spoon, and basically tuning everything out until it becomes a static buzz like it is all in his head.
And then like a bomb buzzing throughout the sky to create a cataclysm of events, the whole world implodes all around him. Then the next second seems like everything was in slow motion; there was a buzzing and ringing in his ears that were like a whole garbled mess of another language that a barrier had been formed around them all. Everything was falling to bits in such a slow pace, he wonders if he really is in a movie setting but seemingly so real- the chandelier, instead of plummeting to the floors is slowly but steadily falling like the flipbook did not fully construct its drawings properly and the choppy fall of the chandelier is the result of it; he hears Teikoku shout but the rest of it is slurred and drunk, their table flipping over as glass shards fly across the restaurant, everyone else seemingly stuck in a choppy format, eyes widening in surprise, drinks being spilled, trays being thrown away by the sheer force of the explosion...
And then the spell breaks, as the chandelier plummets to the ground, light bulbs shattering and splaying all over the face. One even tries to impale him right over the eye, and he tries to dodge it, but it seems that his feet are glued to the floor, only watching it come closer, closer to his face to hit its target-
A hand yanks him back down behind a dining table, which has now been turned to a shield; nearby, he hears the sounds of guns clicking and people shrieking and screaming, the thudding of feet loud in his ears. He slowly turns to face Manchukuo, pursed lips and furrowed brows, as he readies his own gun for a battle.
"Stay here with Tokyo and Hokkaido, alright?", Manchukuo tells him, tight-lipped, "me and Teikoku will handle this mess." Koku nods absently, his gray eyes following Manchukuo's departing body from their hiding spot and into the mass of blood.
Koku is in a state of shock, unable to move nor get up from where he was hiding with his siblings. Instead of the air and wind supporting him in his every breath, they are puncturing his chest as his bones break apart to form splinters surrounding his heart but his ribs trying to shield the damned source of his life, beating the way his ears are now ringing a high melody. Koku chokes a little, feeling small particles of dust being absorbed into his throat, his lungs suffocating him whole. Koku tries to get up, but his legs feel like jelly, like they've been broken to tiny pieces. He breathes in and out, but he cannot inhale that fast and hard as his lungs start to fall apart underneath all this smoke and dust, hidden beneath gaps to conjure up a surprise attack reserved for him and only him.
So he follows his chaperone's word and stays with Hokkaido and Tokyo, both shell-shocked and trying to soothe Okinawa who is now shivering and shaking.
Manchukuo has been trained - blood and sweat - for this; it's pulsing in his veins, as he finally put all his hardwork for good work. He can feel a sense of relief once he can finally hold the smooth surface of a gun again, its shine rivalling the moonlight from outside, which had just risen to conquer the orange ball lighting up the entire day. He takes a look at it for a moment, admiring its handiwork, before filling it with bullets meant to target people, sinner or saint.
He sees his boss in the midst of the stampeding crowd, causing more chaos and difficulty rather than easiness. The crowd in front of him were like animals- one single event will conjure surprise, shock, panic and fear that will cause them to go hooting and making the situation even worse. Manchukuo then hears a group shouting in a spur of languages: Korean, Russian, Chinese; and he turns his head towards their direction, seeing them cock their pistols, ready to shoot at Teikoku and give themselves a well-earned pat on the back for a job well done.
Mancukuo swallows his nervousness away, his nervousness because he has grown accustomed to the ways of the mob, its deep, sick, and twisted insides that are all full of rot but he has no mind for this: Teikoku promises his children will be spared from his great wrath, if in turn he works for him.
He remembers that night clearly; there was a slight glimmer of malevolence in his eyes as he offers this deal to Manchukuo, all those years ago, but he thinks nothing of it, young and immature with nowhere to go, accepting the deal and taking Teikoku's hand, then training hard, to murder, to be a puppet, and ultimately becoming Teikoku's right-hand man in the scale of things, a blurred view of what is right and wrong.
(Every night, when he comes home to his children, barely old enough to understand the basics of the entire world and how it revolves around the sun, he thinks; thinks if he is doing the right thing, the right will, the best of the best to keep his children safely underneath his arms, to the end of his days.)
So, he takes another deep breath to make himself at peace that he is going to have to kill once again, before pulling the trigger, once, twice, thrice. All of them drop to the ground like flies once their monster pulls out a repellent that has murdered them all. Blood oozes from their bodies, but their murderer is now running towards his boss, who is shielding himself with a table, gunshots being heard and he tries his best to dodge them.
(For someone wearing glasses, he was a good shot- he'd use it to make people underestimate his prowess.)
"Sir, Soviet and his mob must have known of your plans for the day", Manchukuo pants, finally reaching Teikoku, veins in his hands pulsing, a glare set on his face as he peeks outside of their barrier before almost getting shot by a stray bullet.
"I know that", Teikoku replies, "the question is how to get rid of them."
Manchukuo looks back to dozens of men in black, holding out guns poised to shoot and kill in one motion, towards the sea of bodies surrounding him and Teikoku. The first option was to run like an idiot towards the perpetrators before getting shot or stomped to the death with heavy feet by the crowd. The second was to hide in the same spot, hoping and praying to the gods above that this entire operation will go down the ground, since they are, in this case, outnumbered, them finally becoming the prey.
"There are too many of them, sir", Manchukuo notes, "we don't have enough men to fully wipe out all of Soviet's men coming for our blood tonight."
"Are you underestimating my power?" Teikoku pulls his trigger and lets out a bullet, straight to one's head, but before he falls another bullet goes straight to his head to hit his comrade behind him, also dead. "Anata wa?"
Manchukuo blinks at the two corpses, whose lives had just been shot through the heart abruptly by Teikoku himself, the sun that even the plants wilt and dry up. He shakes his head, "Iie, Teikoku-sama."
(He learns the hard way never to cross even the slightest side-eye from him, his gray eyes showing the bespectacled boy a portal to the fiery pits of hell itself.)
Manchukuo inhales and exhales, relaxing himself as he aims the gun on two more violators and shooting them, straight through their head, their bodies falling like the plague has taken them one by one. And then he sees a spurring object, almost hurdling towards him before he sidesteps out of the way just in time. His glasses fall out to the floors, and he is overcome with panic as he drops to the floor, searching for his glasses while his vision swims like a river flowing right at him.
Then he hears the cock of a pistol, its metal clinking against its owner.
"Manchukuo", the newcomer greets, allegedly knowing his name; his voice was... familiar, except it was now in a lower tone of voice, no innocence left in him. "It's... nice to see you again."
Manchukuo feels the smooth and cold handles of his glasses, and he puts them on, blinking a little to satisfy himself of his clear vision. Then he sees him- the face on the missing posters he's hung up in his room to reminisce a time where everything was kept in their house, just a block away from where he is residing now. The old, abandoned house, grass overgrown and conquering the old white walls, untouched for decades, a ghost in time, but a ghost visible to his eyes nonetheless. The phantoms of the past loves to toy with him, as he walks by that same old house he has left all those years ago, to pursue a desperate way to get money, without his brothers by his side, and Teikoku had taken him in like a small cat stuck in the jaws of death, mangy and beaten.
"Renmin?", he asks, narrowing his eyes as he takes a step closer, but the other falls back. "Is that you?"
Renmin's eyes linger from the gun in his hand, and to Manchukuo's face, searching for a sign, with an unreadable look in his eyes. Manchukuo's lips curl to a small smile and a sad laugh resounds from deep within him, finally being released after years of anguish.
"It is you!", Manchukuo embraces the young man, Renmin struggling underneath his grip as his gun falls to the tiled floors, making a sharp sound from underneath the sounds of gunshots and the sight of crimson liquid everywhere. "How long has it been since we last saw each other? Two years? Three?"
"Ten years", Renmin deadpans, lips pursed to a thin line, eyeing the gun on the floors. "We haven't seen each other for ten years, and here we are."
Manchukuo's smile falters a little, but he keeps it glued to his face, overjoyed at the sight of his brother, obscured from the entirety of his life for a decade. "But... we finally see each other again. I would've preferred a much more decent setting", he looks at the broken and shattered glass windows, the once highly refined setting of this venue tumbling to ruins after just a day of its reign, a king succumbing to his land after just annexing the furthest of regions in his empire, "but we meet again nonetheless."
Renmin nods, breaking away from Manchukuo's arms, "So we have."
Manchukuo's mind was not on the corpses scattering to the floors, the foreign languages swirling around his head, making him dazed the longer he is with Renmin, the one that got away. Tears were forming in his eyes, a dam about to break to unleash a wave of unresolved emotions, trying to break out of the cold and frozen prison hidden behind his eyes to punish him for ever letting them dry up. He holds his brother's hand, smooth and warm underneath his rough and calloused palms, and he wonders; if his life with Soviet was smooth sailing, the seas calm in his grasps, the sky blue and the water clear. And his life was rough, always a stormy day and night, his boat rocking back and forth as the angry waves try devouring him deep into the waters like they are sirens luring their hypnotized prey only to be torn to shreds.
"We can escape this madness, you know?", Manchukuo says, voice breaking, clasping more onto his younger brother, his hands growing colder like death is overtaking him. "I can start the car. We can leave. Not without my kids though, I love them to bits, and you'll adore them. We can rent an apartment in another city, out of this shit we've dug into."
Renmin's eyes show no sign of comprehending his older brother's message, always empty, and then... it shines a little. His unreadable face turns to one of excitement (but it looks forced, for Manchukuo's part), the hands on Manchukuo's warming like its life had returned to it, hope rekindling from this life of misery. "That would be... lovely, Manchukuo. Away from everything we've ever known, and into the unknown. That's such a brilliant plan. Come here for a moment."
He pulls on Manchukuo's arm, and he follows, compliant. Before he can think clearly however, Renmin pushes him to the floors, pistol on his hand, a small smile tracing over his face, watching his brother below him widen his eyes in surprise before realizing how dire the situation is; Renmin aims the gun at Manchukuo and shoots- he misses his head, but he gets his thighs at the very least.
The bullet was like a small little button, just deadlier and thicker, his delicate skin being punctured by the cursed thing and blood comes spilling out. The pain was unbearable- a thousand needles cutting deep into his skin, trespassing to the deepest crevices of his soul as the blood gushes out towards his wool clothing, the dark hue of his pants clashing with the crimson red, pulsing in his veins, pooling into his clothes and absorbing it like a wet sponge after washing the dishes. His breathes are ragged, struggling to stabilize his condition as his heart beat increases faster, panic rising in him as he trembles and shakes; he has only ever felt the metal clad against his head whenever he speaks out too many times against Teikoku, but he has never been shot.
Until now, that is.
A thousand screams were trying to erupt from his mouth, mind and veins, pulsing too much, his fingers engraved deep into his palms, puncturing him ever so slightly, in the simplest of ways, blood dripping from his mouth due to biting too much.
"Dàgē", Renmin's voice was soft and dim, Manchukuo straining to hear his voice. "This is goodbye."
He does not lift his hand however, but Manchukuo sees it- a dot a distance away from them, growing increasingly nearer and before he has time to finally get ahold of his situation, everything goes black, the end of his act, the end of his play.
Renmin stares at the limp figure that used to be his brother, tuning out all sounds from anywhere else as he looks at those dark eyes- full of hope to have a new life, away from the mobs, away from Teikoku, away from this madness; now just a listless stare into the oblivion he is now falling through. He hears a cry from somewhere distant, but he pays no mind, kneeling down and closing his eyes, his face cold as death had come to him fast, the hole where the bullet went through dripping out blood, glasses askew. Renmin takes in a deep breath, sighing a little before he feels two arms wrap around him like a coat during the winter season. He feels a kiss on his cheek, and all of a sudden he grows warmer.
"Sulian...", he sighs as he kisses his lover on the lips, the larger chuckling as they deepen their kiss on enemy ground, the floors splattered with blood, all screaming in pandemonium. But Sulian was his heaven, a dream come true, and with him everything is serene. Sulian breaks their kiss however, uttering a needy whine from Renmin but he shushes him.
"Listen, lyubov". Renmin's ears stop clouding the drenches of his skull, then he hears it- blares of a police siren.
"Gāisǐ de", Renmin swears underneath his breath, already realizing how heavy their situation is right now. "Gather the men, get out of here before the goddamn police arrive." He finds another strapping young man eyeing Teikoku, eyes narrowed, hands relaxed on the gun, poised to kill. He sighs a little, "I'll take care of Inmin."
Renmin swerves and ignores the mangled bodies scattered about the floor, the gunshots never scaring nor hindering him as he makes his way towards his goal- the unhinged man by the kitchen door, his only remaining eye furious with passion and fiery vengeance on the one who ruined his life and made him plummet to where he is now. The blaring of the sirens were getting louder now, becoming a source of irritation in his ears.
"Inmin." The adolescent almost drops the pistol he was holding until he reflexively catches it with a hand. He glares at Renmin and stares back at his target. "We need to leave; the police are here."
"I don't care!", Inmin hisses, eyes still on Teikoku, murdering his way through the bodies, looking more like a deity punishing the mortals than a man himself. "I want to kill him. I want to torture him so that he can feel the pain he gave me."
"Now's not the time Inmin!", Renmin snipes, hands on Inmin's arms, pulling him back to the exit, comparable to a mother scolding and forcibly taking a child from a store of sweets. "The police are there and if they see you with a firearm they're going to handcuff you! We are not bailing you out!"
Inmin growls, trying to shake off the firm grip on his arm, "So what if I get stuck in a cold cell for the rest of my life?! At least I know what happened to my mother!"
"Your mother wouldn't like it if her dearest son sees you in a prisoner's outfit, would she?" He knows he should feel bad about threatening Inmin like this, but he'd done this to him most of the time; from doing housework chores, guilt tripping him, and to this. One word of his mother not being appreciative about his life, Inmin's whole confidence comes crashing down to a zero, just the way Soviet likes it.
Inmin's arm goes slack, and he lets Renmin drag him from the chance of finally getting the sweet vengeance he so desired ever since he was a child. Revenge was calling out to him, a voice seducing him to kill Teikoku before it is too late, trying to bribe him of a life of riches for one soul. One heartless and wretched soul, enough to rid the world of one person who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as they do. He sees Teikoku smile, shooting as many people as he wishes, sometimes missing Inmin's comrades to shoot civilians, and sometimes he would aim perfectly at his comrades and shoot, one last drop of life disappearing from the world. And he was laughing; the bastard was laughing, enjoying what he has done, enjoying himself trampling all over the corpses.
The last thing Inmin sees before Renmin closes the door behind them was Teikoku's gray eyes on him, his lips in the form of a wide smile that sends shivers down his spine.
Inmin needed a peace of mind after the latest gathering from his mob. He takes a cigarette out from his coat's pocket, lighting it up, serving as the only source of light, the moon being covered by the clouds like a gray blanket hovering over the sky. His hair was flaked with sleet, and he shakes them off for the umpteenth time this night, sighing as he takes a load of the scenery outside of the cramped spaces he's been living in. Inmin sighs at how wondrous the buildings portray a scenic landscape in the night, the small glow of the stars trying to conjure and replicate the glow of the moon. The dim lights of each building shows silhouettes of family, friends, and couples doing something private, only for it to be broad casted by the lights inside of their home, and whatever they are doing.
Inmin did not get high of the feeling of a cigarette in his mouth, releasing a puff of smoke, watching it stretch across the sky like a wisp before it completely disappears. He wants the feeling of cannabis underneath his nose, enlightening him and making him feel like he has no problems at all, his sadness drowning away just from snorting the plant until he feels like he is happy enough to do his own thing, and then the spell wears out few hours later, leaving him weary and tired, cursing the effects.
(Of course, his comrades would decline him of his usual stash this night; he was thrashing about, swearing and making the newest members overwhelmed with his act.)
"Family...", then his only eye lights up, finally remembering what he has to do to finish the night off.
Repeating the address he promises never to step foot after they rejected his offer to help find their mother by looking for a mob that will aid them and their financial business. He remembers the shit he's said to them, as he steps on the dead cigarette stick as he runs from the edges of the city until he finds an apartment building.
He has seen the building change, all those years ago, becoming much refined, more appeasing to look, no more moldy walls and rotten would that is sure to make the whole place collapse with one slam of a door. Inmin walks towards it, steps light, not wanting anyone to be aware of his presence, of him going back to the home he deserted in search of someplace else. The eye underneath his eye patch was tingling, as if sensing he belongs here, to the family he has his eye on ever since leaving, ever since he has become an outlaw, a watcher in their lives leading and progressing on.
Inmin dips low as he watches Minguk through a window, book on his hands, and he focuses hard on the words on the large book his twin was holding, but all he can comprehend are words ever changing, flying out of the covers of the book and into the window, and he becomes disgruntled at the fact he can never do anything right, even read a goddamn title. Minguk's mouth was moving, perhaps reading and memorizing the passages in the book he was reading, coffee on the table.
Ah, Inmin looks at the dark circles underneath his brother's eyes, the way his fingers would twitch when he flips to another page. He's pulling an all-nighter again. Baegchi.
He looks through another window, seeing his samchon cooking something, a small smile on his lips, eyes closed as he lets his dream over take him, back to the days where everything was alright and dandy.
Inmin sighs- nothing has changed from the last week, his family still being poor ignorant souls while he is searching for their mother, their souls giving up on the probability she is alive and well.
So he runs, to the midst of the night, the sky camouflaging him as he runs back to his mob.
Dàgē- big brother in Chinese
lyubov'- love in Russian
Gāisǐ de- damn it in Chinese
Baegchi- idiot
Samchon- uncle
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Matthew de Clermont might be more tolerable than Edward Cullen but if I had to choose between Twilight Vampires and ADOW Vampires, well, Twilight Vampires don't inherently subscribe to the patriarchy and play baseball. ADOW Vampires literally invented the patriarchy and have zero baseball scenes.
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bluegreentint · 5 years
Black holes were invented after the baseball scene in twilight (2008)
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
twilight 🤝 jujutsu kaisen
inventing baseball
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