#twilight princess was just his emo phase
princsstwilightsparkl · 6 months
very funny to me that links fursona got exposed in 2006 with twilight princess and then last year with tears of the kingdom we finally got zeldas fursona to match<3
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skyward-floored · 2 years
For Incredibles AU, this Legend idea won't leave me alone;
Okay so in canon, it seems that Legend was exceptionally close to his Uncle. Losing him was devastating for a young Legend
This in turn led to tgis idea; Legend's uncle is his godfather in Incredibles. When Legend discovers his bunny power, he was upset because "It wasn't something cool like Twilight!" When Uncle vanished (thanks Dink), it starts Legend's angsty teenage phase. He was so bright and upbeat in your Wild origins despite typically being portrayed as a bitter and jaded salt mine, so what if his Uncle vanishing just crushed him? His uncle was the one who helped him accept the bunny powers, made the most time for him, maybe even understood Legend the best. And then he's gone
But then the train of thought picked tgis up at the next stop; make Sky Legend's uncle. This adds even more flavor to Sky's disappearance, maybe Legend envies his brothers for still having their favorite Uncles around (Rusl for Twilight, Wars for Wind, Mido for Hyrule because who else would teach him "Well excuuuuuuse me princess!", etc) and he's the only one who lost his. THAT could be the biggest reason he's a moody emo and thus him and Hyrule finding Sky makes him an emotional wreck
Excellent ideas all around!
I think you mentioned the idea of making Legend’s uncle his godfather before, and I like it a lot, especially along with him helping Legend understand just because one of his powers isn’t “cool” doesn’t mean it isn’t useful. He spends lots of time with him, both helping with his powers and just hanging out with him. If supers were still legal he’d probably take Legend on as a sidekick.
And yes, the loss of him crushes Legend, and definitely kicks off his angsty teenager phase.
Showing Legend being a very bright and upbeat kid is a direct nod to the main lu comic, when Twilight mentions all of Legend’s quips being a front, and Legend replies with “I wasn’t always like this.” In this au instead of it being Marin who causes his attitude change, it’s a mix of first losing his godfather, and later on Sky.
Sky grew up with Warriors and is his brother in everything but name (though they refer to each other as brothers, so...), so all of the Lon boys call him uncle and treat him as such.
Sky’s loss hits them all hard, but with Legend already dealing with the loss of his godfather (just starting to come to terms with it) and seeing his brothers all turn to people they still have in their lives while he doesn’t really have that option... there we go. Moody Legend.
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theskylightprincess · 4 years
fuck it links ranked by how much of an emo phase they had
- legend: have you seen him. look at him. look at him. i have no doubt in my mind
- warriors: how did you think he learnt to do eyeliner??? he was so into it
- twilight: twilight princess was nintendos emo phase i really dont know what to tell you. twilight is an emo phase. farm emo
- sky: he was an emo kid in like,,, the quiet kid in the back of the class kinda way. also picked up the eyeliner. probably still listens to the music
- wind: wind isnt quite there yet but when he gets there fucking look out he will be an unstoppable force
- four: half of four had an emo phase and the other half refuses to acknowledge it
- wild: he slept through most of his emo phase but he still kinda has the vibes
- time: also slept through his emo phase which is a shame bc the concept of time having an emo phase is something i would pay to see
- hyrule doesnt know what emo means. emo adjacent but hes just so confused. legend. legend what the fuck are you talking about
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allysartstuff · 4 years
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Please do not repost or claim as your own, thank you.
- In the Upsy Daisy-verse, most of season nine didn't happen so Twilight remains the Princess of Friendship and Pinkie marries her instead of Cheese Sandwich.
Birght Eyes and Berry Bubblegum are still pretty underdeveloped and one day, I hope to get them right but for now, here's some bits and pieces;
Bright Eyes had a punk/emo phase in high school. No one is really sure why she did it, perhaps to break away from the whole, 'daughter of a princess' thing or she desperately wanted to fit in a group she didn't really belong in. Either way, it didn't suit her. She still cringes at the holes left on her face from the many piercings she had. She was lucky she had supportive friends to make sure she didn't look like a not so much of a complete mess.
Believe it or not, Bright is the older sister. In this image, Bright is 26 and Berry is 18. But because Bright is dinky and Berry is as tall as a beanpole, many think it's the other way around. Bright is not impressed.
Appearance-wise, they take more from their mothers than their bio. father, Cheese Sandwich. However, Bright did get is bright green eyes while Berry gained his lanky tallness.
Berry was a late bloomer as she got her Cutie mark at sixteen. Her special talent isn't just in entertaining, though. She is specifically good at bringing fun and surprises to very sick creatures of all ages. As she grows, Berry learns that her talent also improves the health of those she entertains and decides to study this further, eventually becoming a doctor herself practising compassion and humour to improve the mental and physical health of her patients (essentially similar to Hunter Addams).
However, Berry herself had to climb her way out of deep self hatred and anxiety to get there. She initially wanted to become a princess like her Mama but it simply wasn't meant to be and that hit her hard during her teens years. This may have contributed to why she got her Cutie mark later than usual.
Both girls are a tad high strung in their own different ways. Bright, having leadership as her special talent, is more logically minded. Although Twilight never expected her to be the best of the best, Bright feels like she has to be. The best at making cakes, the best at magic, the best leader, the best organiser and the best friend ever. However, cakes sometime come out wrong, her magic is completely wackadoodle, her friend don't always listen to her plans, there's always something she forgot and she lack emotional understanding when her friend have issues. She's not trying to be a bitch on purpose, she really cares a lot, it's just hard for her to understand how others feel. This causes her to be moody, easily stressed and maybe a little bit snooty.
On the other hand, Berry is emotionally driven. When she didn't become who she wanted to be for her whole life and how that affected her, Berry poured her heart into making others happy. She made a little scrap book of all the things that make her friends and family happy, even complete buttheads like Lickety-Split. Every time she sees Cheese Sandwich, she makes sure to spend as much time with him even more so than ever due to his illness. After a show for sick creatures, she takes time to talk to them and listen to their stories. However, she sacrifices her own self happiness a lot. Berry takes it very personally when she can't make someone smile or feels guilty when she can't make time for even one creature. It takes all of her parents' efforts to get her to chill, take time for herself and not beat herself up for it. Usually, it's her best friend Forelle who has to smack some sense into her.
Besides being opposites who butt heads a lot. Bright and Berry love each other very much and they enjoy organising events together, like Cheese or Pinkie's parties, charity events for the hospital and even the odd princess duty or class plan for Twilight.
Bright Eyes, despite her name and striking eye colour she was named after, has terrible vision and always had. Hence, the super dork glasses.
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro Bright Eyes and Berry Bubblegum (c) me
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a-k-a-loser · 5 years
1. are you religious?
nope! i was raised catholic tho and i still hold on to some of the weird catholic habits. i’d call myself aesthetically catholic
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
hmmmmmmmm a cat?? or some weird bird maybe??????
3. how do you take your coffee?
too much sugar and some milk, i also like flavored coffees and cold brew!!
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
still haven’t had my first kiss yet actually!
5. museum date or aquarium date?
i work at a museum that has an aquarium, so neither! but aquarium definitely
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
my ears are pierced and i have one tattoo! i want to get my nose pierced and i commissioned my friend to draw a new tattoo for me a while ago and i haven’t got it yet, i have a short list of some others i want too!!
7. favorite fruits?
raspberries! i’m actually not really a fruit person, i prefer vegetables
8. favorite vegetables?
zucchini!! squash, celery, asparagus, snap peas, it’s a very long list tbh!!
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you’re taller than me lol idk actually??? the bar is so low
10. do you cry a lot?
yes, always, just assume i’m crying right now
11. who are your closest friends?
i don’t have a ton of friends, so i’m pretty close with all the ones i have, because there’s like 4 of them, but i think my closest friend might be my friend mckenzi, i’ve known her since the 4th grade and she’s the best
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
i haven’t! there aren’t a lot of protests or marches locally, so it’s not really easy for me to attend any, also my parents are p against the idea of protesting and i live with/am financially dependent on them rn sooooooo
13. do you play any video games?
YES!!!!! i am a HUGE dragon age fan, dragon age 2 is my favorite! rn i’m playing a lot of rdr2 and i love it so much!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
i wanted to!!! really badly!!!! but my mom would never let me cut or dye my hair, and i didn’t get to wear any of the ~super cool scene/emo clothes~ and i’m a little thankful because no embarrassing scene phase pics but also :(
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
it’s mostly dark colors, but i think other than black it’s a pretty even split between blue and green right now
16. what do you like to do for fun?
aaaaaaaaaa mostly video games, sometimes drawing, i like to go outside or go to the park on kinda cloudy days, when it’s cool and there are no bugs out!
17. what is your biggest fear?
geese probably, or dying alone, it’s a tossup really
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
i know a lot of useless video game lore stuff!! and some other weird random topics because i go on internet deep dives when i get really curious about stuff
19. favorite fictional characters?
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i have too many tbh, atm arthur morgan owns my ass
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
i don’t read as much as i used to, so i’m including comics/manga in this, i really like junji ito’s work. i have tomie, gyo, and uzumaki, i also really love les miserables! and i was really into warrior cats as a kid
21. how would you describe your style?
a mess, and not even a hot mess
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
yes!! i have a stuffed animal of the three headed dog from harry potter (don’t know his name because idgaf about harry potter tbh) and i love him and i still sleep with him in my bed!
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
ummmmmm idk brussels sprouts i guess????
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
no, horrible, as anyone who has ever ridden in a car with me
25. who do you live with?
my mom, my little brother, and our pets!!
26. favorite desserts?
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
idk, yesterday i ate a bunch of honeysuckles i found in my yard and that was p good
28. favorite makeup brands?
not sure, i use drugstore makeup and i don’t really pay attention to the brand???? just like??? the cheapest matte full coverage makeup available at the store
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
again not really, most of my favorite clothes come from goodwill, and when i buy clothes not from goodwill i’m looking mostly for stuff that’s comfortable and fits
30. what was your first job?
i still have my first job! i work at a children’s museum, i do kids parties, summer camps, and i tell people not to touch things!
31. do you take a lot of naps?
not really, but when i do sleep i can sleep for like 10+ hours sometimes
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm??????? like maybe my nose??? or my shoulders?
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
i stop typing when i see that the person i’m texting is typing, so i’m gonna day submissive
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
it depends on like my mood and where i am, i can be very outgoing but i’m actually pretty shy in general
35. how tall are you?
5’5” ish
36. what is your body type?
lil chubby i guess
37. favorite flower?
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
A WEREWOLF! or my finished taako cosplay!
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
my age or older! anyone who is younger than me is a baby as far as i’m concerned!
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
i’d rather not
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
not really sure??
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
i have 2 dogs and 2 cats!
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
none of them, this one time a guy who was cutting my hair said that short hair made me look like natalie portman but that is a lie
46. do you like sports?
sorta? i want to get into hockey and i used to play volleyball! when i was kid i liked to go to baseball games
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
no :(((((((( but i have seen some local plays!
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
50. what is your instagram?
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
i don’t wear lipstick, but i like the look of matte lipstick!
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
green apple!!!!!!!!!!
53. what are your best personality traits?
i can be very patient and i think i’m pretty loyal!
54. what is your ethnicity?
i am very white, but i’m also 1/4 puerto rican
55. what different hair colors have you had?
red, blonde, grey, pink, orange, silver, and right now it’s blue/green on one side!
56. favorite disney princess?
57. favorite album of 2017?
going grey!
58. have you ever had braces?
yes! and then i didn’t wear my retainer and now my teeth are fucked again!!
59. favorite holiday?
60. post a selfie.
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61. are you a good swimmer?
not at all!
62. do you wear jewelry?
sometimes, i don’t really wear earrings or necklaces very often because they make me feel too feminine, but i like rings and bracelets!
63. can you play any instruments?
no :((
64. do you have any siblings?
yes! i have two brothers! i’m the middle child
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
both of my grandfathers have passed away, but both of my grandmas are alive and in their 80s!
66. who knows the most about you?
uhhhh idk, probably my cousin @olds-paper
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
little of both?? it really depends on who i’m with!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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chiibinomonodamon · 6 years
My Top 10 Shoujo/Josei Ships
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Let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, they are problematic which is why they rank last. No doubt. But like, they’re ten and children make mistakes. Especially children who are as unfortunate as Natsume. Natsume himself is probably the most offensive one in this list. But I just...really have a soft spot for brooding bad boys who secretly want to be saved by the cheerful nice girl and that’s not going to go away ANY time soon. I grew really fond of these two as the series went on. I just did.
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Man, these two used to be a lot higher when I was younger (like the same age as them lol) KKJ was the first true cosplay I ever did! So...um, not so much in the anime (although he’s not totally innocent but he is better). Chiaki has...issues. Lol. To say he’s insecure...is probably an understatement. But when you look at his upbringing, it’s really no surprise. Maron is the only person he truly seems to care about so he’s going to cling and be needy. But she knows how to handle him. She’s always in control (not in a bad way) but in a way that’s good for both of them. I love how mature she is. He will learn from her....if he hasn’t already. Okay, they’re married with a baby so I would think adult!Chiaki has gotten over what made the teenage ship problematic. Besides, they totally have God’s approval; what more do you need? XD
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  *laughs* Who here watched this for the episodic Phantom Thief plots?
*crickets chirp*
MeimixAsuka is the absolute classic “love-hate/ slap slap kiss” ship DONE RIGHT. Which is great because so many are done very very wrong (and I can think of quite a few in, ironically non-Japanese media...aimed at children...that can honest to God, be interpreted as downright abusive. *coughiCarlycough*
But not these two. They are so f*cking innocent. Delightfully innocent. Like, their most offensive action is to call each other “idiot”. But God forbid anybody ELSE do that...oh no, if you dare bad-mouth one in front of the other, he/she gets so mad. And that’s like the cutest shit ever.
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OH HEY. IT’S THE ONE BL SHIP I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT!! Um...well, these two are great. I thought they were great in college when I went through my fujoshi stage (ugh) BUT I STILL think they’re great NOW. This is the anime version of The Odd Couple. With more gay. xD These two are sweet as chocolate. Their interaction is just precious. What’s more important? THEY’RE ACTUALLY GOOD FOR EACH OTHER. No rape. No forcing feels on each other, great chemistry, comforting comforters; all the reasons you’d ship a regular boyxgirl pairing. This one just happens to be two boys. AND I STILL DON’T KNOW IF THIS EVER TURNED CANON AFJLFJLFJDLJF
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This is one of those very few Childhood Friend Ships I’m all for. It’s kind of crazy that they were able to rank this high when I haven’t even finished their story yet. BUT I LOVE THEM. I was going to pick a ship and say “Imagine _____, except they’re little kids.” But actually, I’m having a hard time comparing them to another ship I can think of. So...they’re KINDA ‘Slap Slap Kiss’-ish but Seiya does not hide his feelings. AT ALL. He’s pretty out-spoken about it. And all he wants to do is sweep her off her feet...but it’s basically the other way around xD As for Ririka...going by Shoujo Logic, her crush on (wow he’s so boring I can’t even remember his stupid name LOL) is superficial and she subconsciously has deeper feelings for Seiya that she’s unaware of...but damn, she sure gets fired up when he’s hurt in front of her! So that gives me hope.
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This is just a given. It’s HIGHLY unlikely you would find another “Best Shoujo Pairing” list WITHOUT them. So he’s already there but HURRY UP AND REALIZE YOU LOVE HIM, AHIRU. Lol dammit. The only hint we get from her is “Fakir always makes me stronger” and that SINGLE LINE is deeper than ANY thought she ever had about Mytho. Hell, I’m pretty sure Ikuko herself ships them hard. Their entire relationship is so beautifully crafted...just like the rest of the series except maybe for Ahiru’s crush on Mytho which just had me going “LOLWHY” the entire time.
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“SLAP SLAP KISS” LITERALLY. All they do is fight...and then kiss. xD They’re always saving each other, supporting each other, underneath all those insults, then they get married and have two cute kids. Some people think Kazune’s too hard on her...but it’s “tough love”. He has to be because that’s what motivates her. Every single thing Kazune does in the series is strictly for her sake. Their main problem is miscommunication...but I think that goes away quickly so who cares?
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Yes, yes, I know. We have two major problems here: The first is initial sexual harassment. Obviously.
But here’s the second problem:
Tooyama Ema knew how to turn up the sexual tension to ELEVEN with these two. Good lord, did she ever. This is by far the sexiest manga I’ve ever read!! Whoever coined the phrase “DOKI-DOKI MOTHERFUCKER” surely had to be reading about Yukina making Shigure do things and Shigure making Yukina do things. While the ship (born from blackmail) should strictly fall into ‘Guilty Pleasure Smut’ category, it only teeters on the edge. For me, at least. Why? Because the character development is actually really damn good. Shigure goes from Cold, Uncaring Magnificent Bastard to Excellent Tsundere Boyfriend Material quite steadily and beautifully. He’s also the only character in the series who can handle Yukina’s personality flaws. Basically, “he’s good for her” while the others are...um, terrible. xD
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It’s an ancient story. ‘Vampires make sexy boyfriends’. I believe this has been going on for a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long time. Like.....since the 30s, maybe? When did Anne Rice start writing? IDK ANYWAY IT’S A THING. Cutesy human girl wants vampire. The vampire is broody, dark, emo. “I’m dangerous. Stay away from me. You’ll only get hurt”. But they still turn into an off-again, on-again thing because he can’t make up his f*cking mind on whether to protect her at his side or “protect by neglect”. We’ve all heard it before.
No, it’s cutest f*cking damn vampire romance I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. And yeah, I did watch Karin and Tsukuyomi Moon Phase but I’m partial to vampire stories for women so fck that. lol. So...where to start. First of all, Riho loved him way before she even knew what he was. When she finds out, she still loves him. And he does do the “You’re better off not being with me because danger”. But he doesn’t say this to be edgy or to manipulate her; he says it because what he does is actually dangerous enough for her to get killed and he doesn’t want that. But she doesn’t give a damn. And he treats her like a princess. And she finds out how lonely he is and vows to always stay at his side and he respects her f*cking decisions and they go on cute dates and always comfort each other and just afjalfjalfjaijfIWEJFILOVETHISSHIPSOMUCH.
Before I get to #1, here’s some honorable mentions:
SakuraxSyaoran from CCS
YonaxHak from Akatsuki no Yona
KurosakixTeru from Dengeki Daisy
KirarixHiroto from Kirarin Revolution
DaichixNajika from Kitchen Princess
TamakixHaruhi from Ouran High School Host Club
ZeroxYuuki from Vampire Knight
Note: I am not good at top lists. This was insanely f*cking hard to do.
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These two pairings are....like...they affect me in ways I just cannot fathom. Like...I literally do not understand how they’ve cast these obsessive spells on me...but they have. Fanart records do not lie. And mine...for both of them is ridiculous.
So why?
The best answer I can come up with is...
“Most emotionally deep”. They inspire me. They make me squeal with joy and break down sobbing. They give me warm fuzzy feelings while at the same time, tearing my heart to shreds. I just can’t get enough of either one. It’s almost like they’ve touched my soul somehow. I just don’t know. I don’t think there’s a ship that expresses the feeling of ‘soulmates’ stronger than these two ships. I feel like Takuto and Mitsuki and Issac and Rachel were born so they could meet each other. They’re both oddly similar...and yet different as night and day seewhatIdidtharwiththepics. I think “sacrifice” and “salvation” is what I respond most to when I think about ever-lasting true love. And everything about these four characters’ development is centered around these two things.
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