#twinAU!Lord Vile
facelessxchurch · 4 years
What do you think the nasty bois favorite things are?? (foods, music, books, stuff like that)
Favourite Sweet
Nefarian: He likes mint candy so he always smells minty fresh plus the aesthetic fits him so well. I could also totally see him being the sweet-tooth of the group given his affinity to hedonism.
Mevolent: For some reason I feel like he would really like marzipan, in particular in form of Lübeck Marzipan Cake. Tho I don’t see him eating sweets often tbh.
Vile: Canon!Vile can’t eat and TwinAU!Vile is a trashcan in a human body. he doesn’t care, he eats everything, including the things on your plate if you don’t eat quick enough. Baron learned the hard way. MonsterAU!Vile is even worse in that regard bc he can detach his limbs.
Baron: He prefers hearty food over sweets, so he’d prefer a meat pie over a cake.
No idea. Nefarian is the only one that made it into the 21th century alive and free, and I very much doubt they were listening to the contemporary music of the mortals during the war. 
But there were certainly some Faceless church mages with musical talent which Mevolent was putting on a pedestal, attending their concerts and/or having them play at the social events he liked to hold to keep the spirits up. To Mev music is a sign of status and he is all about culture and high life.
Nefarian loves music to dance to, either having some quick-paced fun on a ball, party or bar, or slow dancing with Baron in private while the phonograph is playing in the background. I could see Nef having a thing for waltzes tbh, especially bc the waltz was considered vulgar and sinful ‘till around 1825 due to its close-hold stance and fast turning movements.
Nef also absolutely loves Parlour music. He would often play on the piano and sing to entertain the others, think ‘Smut’ or ‘The Irish Ballad’ from Tom Lehrer or something like ‘Jokes, Jokes, Jokes’ from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Mev hates to admit it, but even he thought it to be rather amusing.
He also loves singing along to drinking songs at the pub. That little hedonist just wants to have a good time and to enjoy life.
Canon!Vile is too emo to care about music. TwinAU!Vile hates the high life and the uptight nobles participating in it. He much prefers Parlour music or drinking songs down at the pub to howl along to.
Baron wasn’t really into music or dancing bc he was mainly associating it with social events he was forced to attend and to network, so it was more work than pleasure. When he started dating Nef he loosened up bc of course Nef wanted to dance with his lover and Baron actually found himself enjoying the events for once.
Imagine in the second book when Baron is freed from prison and Nef is already dead, Baron takes the time to return to the castle, heart-broken to find it in the state it is, abandoned and bricked up by the sanctuary. He forces his way inside anyways and makes his way through the dusty halls to what used to be Nef’s master bedroom, putting on an old record, listening to the waltz they used to dance to in secret and helping himself to one of Nefs hidden emergency stashs of whine and whiskey as he mourns his late lover.
Nefarian: Scientific papers from his peers to improve his alchemy skills. Smut. Theatre Plays. Fiction, preferring Gothicism and Dark Romanticism (it’s a literary subgenre of Romanticism, reflecting popular fascination with the irrational, the demonic and the grotesque , for mortals that would be something like Edgar Allen Poe), but I could also see him enjoying works similar to Charles Dickens.
Ngl I headcanon Nef totally loved reading Oscar Wilde’s work despite him being a mortal as a guilty pleasure and was hiding the copy’s he had from Mev least his master takes them away from him and punished him for his indulgences.
In modern days he has also grown found of science fiction.
Mevolent: History books and stuff like ‘The Art of War’, Research papers of the sciences and new discoveries as he is gathering knowledge of the elements to improve his magic.
Vile: lol no.
Baron: History books and stuff like ‘The Art of War’. Fiction. He probably borrowed some books from Nef. His own preference are books revolving around hero’s and their deeds. I could also see him liking epic poems like ‘The Illiad’.
In addition to that Mev and Nef are also busy finding and reading long forgotten and at times forbidden tomes in strange languages in an attempt to find the ritual that would return their Gods to them. But that’s less recreational and more part of their job.
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facelessxchurch · 4 years
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Happy cursed Valentines greetings!!
I asked @scrubblet for awful pick up lines lines for the nasties and they did not disappoint lmfao
BONUS unused pick-up line:
Baron: My uniform would look better spread across your bedroom floor~
Mevolent: I conquered the world and but you conquered my heart <3
Nefarian: They say I can do some magic with my hand, dear~
Vile: In this trash can there is room enough for two ;)
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facelessxchurch · 5 years
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Twin!Vile has rabies and he’s lovingly calling it his rabie babies :-)
@scrubblets I hope you know this is 50% your fault
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