facelessxchurch · 9 months
and they did tussle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [pre-/early-relationship Baronpine <;3]
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My cosplay of our favourite skeleton detective 💀
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meltdownchromium · 2 years
For the Ship Bingo: Mevpine, Baronpine and MevSera .3.
Yesss here we go
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Man you know I'm gone for those two....
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This ship I think I actually got into bc of you tbh, though I def don't ship it as much. I usually prefer Baron to be more of a drunk night out side fling of Nef and hc Vengeous mostly as an a bit outwardly homophobic & repressed bi guy
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Never really got into this ship and like to think of the marriage to be more of a convenience thing but I do gotta admit they got some chemistry - I'm just not really into Serafina tho
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ominousmorbid · 4 years
Intrusive thought ls that stop me publishing fanfictions.
What if it's been done before?
What if they don't picture (character with vague or no description, usually Nathanial Quiver or Solomon Wreah) like I do? They'll hate me
My writing is shit
The smut is inaccurate and badly written
Everyone's going to hate me
But you're meant to use crude language in smut, if I don't they all going to hate me
My writing is shit
The plot is bad
It's too much like someone else's
They'll hate it
This is why you don't see me on Ao3
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doctorshrike · 4 years
happy new year's eve, i've done my classic move of going into a week long period of melancholy over something fictional (*cough*nefarian and baron*cough*)
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skultrashfics · 4 years
Please, please, please, do a Baronpine one. Idk, but I had always imagined something like that : After a fight on the battlefield went wrong (maybe on a bridge), (Serpine gets hit by Elemental magic) and is about to drown, if it hadn't been for Baron... Angst, Hurt/Comfort - that's just my jam..
Hello!~ I love detailed requests like this OwO I’m always imagining different scenarios like this too! Thanks for sending it in :)
Pairing: Baron Vengeous x Nefarian Serpine (Baronpine) Word Count: 1015 Themes: Angst, Hurt, Comfort, WARNING: ALMOST DROWNING, Fluff
Nefarian glared in outrage as his troops were being decimated on the other side of the bridge. Clenching his fists he felt as though the oncoming slaughter would ultimately cause his own demise- he could not think straight and his time was running out. Hiding behind some fallen debris, he buried his head in his hands and began to panic wondering if anything at all could be done to prevent the forces from advancing any further into their territory. The warlocks had fallen and the necromancers were their last trump card, but even they had begun to dwindle in number because of those damn elementals. 
He took a deep breath and urged himself to stand again- albeit on wobbly legs. Surely there was nowhere for him to scarper off to that would buy him enough time to escape. Until… he glanced down at the river beneath the bridge, every part of his body was screaming at him to run to the edge and jump. End things on his own terms and avoid capture by the enemy- so much torture would await Nefarian were that fate to befall him. He could hear voices shouting now, they were gaining and his final escape route was beginning to look more and more appealing. “Nefarian?!”. Serpine’s ears perked up, that sound… it sounded like- As he turned to face Baron Vengeous, Serpine was suddenly struck in the back of the head by an elemental barrage of flame. The last thing he saw as he lost consciousness was Baron’s fear-filled face as he plummeted down off the bridge into the icy water below. Without hesitation, Vengeous thurst himself into the chaotic onslaught, casting his eyes at any who dared approach him. This led to their entire being rupturing into nothing but a pile of mush landing with a slimy thud on the brick floor. He lashed out violently with his cutlass for those that he could not reach with his gaze until he approached the edge of the bridge and jumped in after Serpine. The water hit him like a thousand knives, and it took him a moment to get his bearings and to open his eyes. Off in the near distance, he could see a black mound that he prayed to the faceless ones was Serpine. He rapidly swam toward it going down into the depths of the murky water. Grabbing a fistful of material he dragged himself back up to the surface clinging on for dear life. Once his head emerged from the water he managed to vaguely see the face of a corpse resting in his arms. Panicking he realised it was not Serpine and he let it go and continued to search. “Come on you idiot. Don’t do this to me now”. With one last futile attempt, Vengeous combed the water and felt something solid. With his head still above the water, he heaved, and Nefarian’s face bobbed above the surface. Baron fought off every urge to feel relief as he continued to pull the body to safety out of the water, only just managing to cling to the exposed root of some tree. After steadying himself, he placed Nefarian onto his back and used every fibre of his strength to pull Nefarian and himself out of the rushing current. Laying on his back breathing heavily, Baron looked over to Nefarian and panicked as his chest was still and his voice silent. Sitting up rapidly, he tapped Nefarian gently on the cheek. No response. Immediately he started doing chest compressions, trying to keep his heart beating. Vengeous felt his world collapsing around him, his thoughts were full of all the cruelty he had displayed before Nefarian. All the wasted opportunities, all the times he should have said… 
Nefarian suddenly sat up and started coughing up water wildly, he was gasping for breath and desperately trying to reach out for something. Baron gritted his teeth as tears welled in his eyes and he sat up grabbing Nefarian’s arm and steadying him. “It’s alright, I’ve got you”, he reassured him. After what seemed like a lifetime Nefarian’s breathing started to recover and he could hold himself upright again. Sitting by the water’s edge the two realised how cold they were now. Nefarian looked to Vengeous, “Why did you do that?”. Baron frowned softly, “What do you mean?...”. Serpine could barely hold back his emotions as he trembled in the cool evening breeze, “Why did you jump in after me? You could have been hurt too a-and it’s obvious you don’t like me… you are a very confusing man Baron. You- you saved my life… why?”. Vengeous sighed and grumbled, “What does it matter? You are important to Mevolent’s plans, it’s not like I wanted to jump into that freezing cold lake”. Nefarian scowled at him and hugged his knees to his chest, “Well I didn’t ask you to jump in after me either. You should have just let me drown, I failed to execute Mevolent’s battle plans so it is obvious I was not worth saving anyway”. Both of them were shivering badly at this point and Vengeous sighed, “I did jump into the lake for a reason… even though I didn’t want to”. Nefarian laughed menacingly, ‘Oh sure! What, did you have some big revelation? Did you figure if I survived the jump you could too so you left the troops?”. Vengeous was getting agitated at Nefarian’s tone, “NO! I saw you fall and I couldn’t just leave you, because-”. “Oh because of what?! You didn’t torment me enough already?”, he interrupted harshly. “Because I never got to do this…”. Vengeous put his arms around Serpine to help keep him warm and drew him in for a kiss at the same time. Nefarian’s eyes widened in shock but he resigned into it anyway embracing this more gentle connection. Once Baron pulled away he placed Nefarian’s head on his chest gently, he could hear the fast beating of Vengeous’ heart. It didn’t take much for Nefarian to understand what he meant as they sat there together in silence. 
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Imagine an AU where both Nef and Baron are alive and neither of them is in prison but Skul just doesn't get that they're a couple.
I have like four scenarios for this that I find really funny so here we go
Scenario 1
Skulduggery begging the council to let him investigate Nef and Baron bc Baron keeps visiting Nef and he just knows they're planning something and no one of the council wants to explain to him that no, they're just in a relationship, so they keep having to convince him that it's nothing and he sould leave the two alone
Scenario 2
Skul rambling to Ghastly about Baron's and Nef's weird behaviour and how the council won't let him do anything and Ghastly just sitting there, knowing exactly what's going on and wondering how this guy even became a detective
Scenario 3
Skul going to China's appartment in the middle of the night bc he saw Baron walk into Nef's castle last evening and saw him leave it again the next day around noon and he wants to know what the hell they did during that time but China just wants to fricking sleep so she tells him to go back home
And Scenario 4
Skul is done with nobody giving him an answer so he breaks into Nef's castle one morning to find Nef still lying in bed, reading a book or smth and Baron coming straight out of the shower and suddenly realisation hits him and he just leaves without a word
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ladysilverart · 4 years
Sooooooooooo something has sparked my hate for a lot of the canon shit that went down, so ive come back to write shit.
Chapter 1 and 2 are reuploads but chapter 3 is new
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faceless-mystic · 5 years
For a moment everything stood still as Serpine watched the ocean from his balcony, a glass of whisky in his hand. His eyes watched as the waves sapped and kissed the sand.
“Its not fair.” He whined, running a gloved hand through his hair as his stomach knotted and disgust rose up inside of him. 
This holiday was meant to be a retreat away from all the feelings that plagued him back in the castle, but once again fate had not been on his side. He’d picked one of the worse times to come. Couples covered the beaches, filled the restaurants and wondered the streets.
His stomach churned again, putting him off of his drink but he downed it anyway. ‘Fine whisky shouldn’t be wasted after all.’ Baron’s voice rang in his ears.
“Whats the point?” He sighed, twirling the glass in his hands a few times before letting it slip and fall, shattering quietly at the bottom of the seven-story drop.
The young general stared at it for a moment before letting another sigh slip from his thin lips and then without another word or sound he pulled himself up onto the metal railing of the balcony. He stared out at the ocean, sucked in a deep breath and stuck out his arms. Cliche he knew but he’d always had a flair for the dramatics and now of all times was no different.
“One,” He stuck out on of his legs, ready to step off, “Two,” He sucked in another deep breath, “Thr-” He began to slowly lean forward but froze, his eyes widened as they landed on a figure on the beach.
The figure stool tall and broad but they’re features were blocked out by the shadow cast across they’re face.
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the-ladysilver · 5 years
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ladysilver-sideblog · 6 years
Im gunna start posting updates here instead of @the-ladysilver
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facelessxchurch · 10 months
Baronpine for the ask meme?
Short version: They are perfect counterparts. They are the same where it matters, but opposites in a way where they can complete each other and mellow out each other's worst traits. They also bicker like an old married couple and I love it-
The most interesting thing is their journey from rivals to soulmates tbh <3
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[Yeah I changed the Baron design a bit to fit those lovely HeroForge pics of Baron better that an anon sent me. Nef is wearing a red cravat to show off that he belongs Baron now, it's the little things how he shows affection- Also grabbed myself a new CSP brush ([AA] Ink BrushContent ID:1736762) and it's hella nice for more chunky line art .]
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Long Version: Them calling each other their "insufferable counterpart" is still from old roleplays I did ages ago (I was roleplaying as Nef) and it still makes my shipper heart weak. It's so perfect for them as it doesn't only show off their constant affectionate bickering but also pretty much spells out the appeal of the ship: they are counterparts that perfectly complete each other from personality to fighting style.
They are the same where it matters: fighting for the same goal, serving the same gods, both highly intelligent and capable, equals in rank and competence.
But opposites where they can complete each other and mellow out each other's worst traits. Baron is usually a stick in the mud, but Nef makes him loosen up and be more sociable. He's able to relax and laugh with him. Meanwhile, Baron makes Nef chill out on the being-an-evil-little-shit aspect of his personality. He isn't as needlessly cruel and does show mercy (usually in form of a quick kill) when Baron is around. While he revels in the cruelty of war he knows the things they have to do burden Baron more than he lets on. So he'd rather take over the dirty work and let Barontake the role of the honourable, brave general he was always meant to be. He does love that about Baron after all, his honour. It's such a rare thing in the upper echelons of the church filled with socialites that neither Nefarian nor Mevolent truly trust. But Baron? You can trust him, you can rely on him and Nefarian appreciates such a rare quality that of course must be fully indulge in, that lovely man is his now-
Baron is a little too trusting of his fellow zealots *coughdiableriecough*, but Nef makes up for it by being twice as distrusting. No one dares backstab Baron while Nef is there, and if they try anyway, Nef will teach them a lesson before they get anywhere close to Baron. Meanwhile, Nef is getting emotional support from Baron he can't get anywhere else. He's probably the only one around who cares about him and his well-being. Enough so to try and softly guide him away from his bad habits: alcohol, sex, cigarettes and overworking. Baron is Nef's rock in the storm and the healthiest relationship he can have even if it's not the healthiest Baron can have. He knows Baron deserves better than him, but Nef has always been a selfish man...
On the battlefield, Baron is one of the strongest fighter, a skilled and incredible fast swordsman. Since Nef is a glass canon and relies heavily on magic, I headcanon he prefers ranged attacks. Fighting them together must be an impossible task (think Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls).
But since I love the drama™ how they went from rivals to soulmates it the most interesting part to me.
Nef took an interest in Baron first. He knew him through his friendship with China, Baron's boss, and thought him to be quite physically attractive, but grew intrigued about him when China told him about his personality and found out that he and Eliza had been dating. Nef gathers intel about everyone who rises to the upper ranks but it's rare for him to be fascinated by a specimen.
Meanwhile, Baron absolutely despised Nef. He didn't like that a convert was Mev's right-hand man, especially one that didn't seem particularly pious. Someone of old blood, someone of Baron's own heritage would be a much better fit for that position. Add to that that he's in the beginning still in denial about being gay yet out of all people he ends up being attracted to Nefarian. As if it wasn't bad enough that Nef is quite an attractive man, he also thought it was absolutely hilarious to flirt and tease Baron every chance he got. And that was driving Baron mad in more ways than one.
Essentially the dynamic from the tweet below 👇 Nef loves being a lil shit and Baron is making it too easy lmao
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Here is my fic about their first kiss .3.
Essentially their relationship went from rivals to Nef teasing Baron until it ends in hatefucking, Baron slowly realising that Nef actually has feelings for him and isn't just using him to get off and finally (when Baron becomes the second general) learning to appreciate each other when Baron realizes Nef is just as devoted as him and him 'slacking off' is the result of Mev completely over working Nef.
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Baron: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Nefarian: I don’t know, how are-
Vile: [from the next room] I’m doing great, thanks!
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adler-obsessed · 3 years
Could you do Baronpine or Nef/Mev for the OTP Questions, please? Whichever you prefer .3.
Ooh im going to do Baronpine, because my underrated boi Vengeous deserves more love!
1. Who said I love you first?
Most likely Nef, just to goad and provoke a reaction out of Baron like the little shit he is lmao
2. Who laughs and kisses their partner on the cheek while their partner isn’t happy about something trivial to try and make them feel better?
Baron is the proclaimed grump by Nef, so it's most likely gonna be Nef
3. Who cuddles up to the other after a long day at work, and this soon escalates to a playful pillow fight?
Again Nef, he’s sorta like the cat that gets close up close to you only to swipe at your face playfully lmao
4. What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?
Nef always gets Baron new clothes, because the man’s fashion sense is so outdated. Although Baron won’t admit it, he does appreciate it.
Vengeous does not understand flirting, so his favourite way of showing Nef affection is finding him a bunch of wicked looking knives or daggers and gifting them.
5. How would one another describe their partner?
The tall grump and the infuriating viper - all jokes aside, they are perhaps the only people either of them could ever trust or be open with.
6. Who wraps their arms around their partner as they look them in the eyes and compliments them with a goofy smile?
Nef, though it’s more of a smirk ;)
7. Who loves saying ‘my wife’ or ‘my husband’ or ‘my spouse’?
You bet your ass Nef drunkenly calls Vengeous ‘darling’ or ‘dear’
8. Who always talks about how amazing their partner is when their partner isn’t there and they just light up with genuine love and happiness?
Neither, they both wouldn’t be comfortable with sharing such vulnerability openly.
9. Who loves it when their partner kisses them good morning?
Baron, though he would never admit it.
10. Who shows the other how to balance a spoon on their nose?
Nef, I don’t think Vengeous even knew what fun was before they met
11. Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?
Oh Nef, 100% - nothing too obvious though so he gets caught. It would be like moving the furniture by two cms or purposefully mixing up the order of Baron’s books on the shelves lmao.
12. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
Vengeous again likes to pocket small weapons he think Nef would find interesting or at least sketch rough designs of diagrams of other ones he’d witnessed being used.
I’m not too sure what Nef would gift Baron, I’m more inclined to think he would send really funny and irritating letters while they were apart lmao.
13. Who is the one who can’t stop laughing when trying to tell a joke?
Surprisingly, Baron. He tells jokes so rarely that he hasn’t really developed that comedic dead pan yet.
14. Who would plan the other a surprise birthday party?
Oh Nef 100%!!
15. Who picks the other person up when hugging their partner?
Although Nef is surprisingly tall, he is no match for Baron, who would definitely be the one to lift him up like a rag doll
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ominousmorbid · 4 years
If anyone's interested, I'm writing a dystopian!au Skulduggery Pleasant fanfiction set in what's basically an icy wasteland. Starring Nefarian Serpine, Solomon Wreath, Baron Vengeous and more. I'll hopefully get a chapter out soon on our dear friend Ao3.
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doctorshrike · 4 years
(the only problem is that they have children and aren't really into religious terrorism but we can cross that bridge when we come to it. I want baronpine uncles)
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