#twitchy hoodwinked
cherishedskulls · 2 months
adam stanheight and twitchy have never been seen in the same room.......and they both take photos for people as a jobbbbbbbbb~
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toast-com · 1 year
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
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linguaphiliax · 1 month
Personal project of mine:
Threading all the perspectives from Hoodwinked! together.
Here's Red and Wolf on the mine carts.
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keenmoonus · 1 year
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“Caffeine! Yeah, baby!!”
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insanesagittarius · 8 months
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Just finished Willy’s Wonderland with my family. My mom and I spent the first half of the movie wondering who Willy the Weasel reminded us of, it was Twitchy from Hoodwinked. I think it was the buggy eyes
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teradriive · 2 months
Where do I locate the Hoodwinked community I'm 2024?
sorry i just doodled the wolf for fun the night after i watched the movie w my partner, so i really have no clue.
what i would do is just look through hashtags on websites and find artists/people. (which im assuming you just did? so, do it more?) but, other than that, shrugs
here's an extra doodle with twitchy tho, i never posted it here on tumblr
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transmechanicus · 1 year
Everyone involved with making Twitchy the Squirrel from Hoodwinked was divinely compelled to make the most autistic beast in history, every line and sound effect he makes slots into my brain like a missing puzzle piece.
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crimeboys · 9 months
wolf and twitchy from hoodwinked are kind of like c!crimeboys if we think about it
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obesericewrites · 2 years
So…Dawn is basically that squirrel Twitchy from that movie Hoodwinked?
Oh my god it’s been ages since I’ve heard of that movie and you’re completely right 😭 Dawn and M right there
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil (2011)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Hoodwinked! Looked awful; so terrible anyone who caught it in theatres probably wondered if there was something wrong with the projector. The writing saved the movie. It featured catchy songs, a novel angle on the fairytale thing and pretty good jokes. Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil doesn’t have such redeeming qualities. It looks like garbage and the writing is just as poor. Had I seen this in theatres and paid that extra $3 for the 3D, I might’ve died of shame.
Wolf (voiced by Patrick Warburton), Granny (Glen Close), and Twitchy Squirrel (Cory Edwards) now work for the Happily Ever After organization under the supervision of Nicky Flippers (David Ogden Stiers). While Red (this time voiced by Hayden Panettiere) trains in a monastery far away, the group fails to rescue Hansel and Gretel (Bill Hader & Amy Poehler) from the hands of a wicked witch. Their kidnapping is tied to the theft of an age-old desert recipe that grants supernatural abilities, meaning it’s more important than ever for the group to let go of their disagreements and band together.
Once more written by Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards and Tony Leech, the script is abysmal. This sequel came 6 years after the first. Instead of working on the script during that gap, the writers wrote it hours before their deadline, grabbing liberally from the bag of references you’ve seen a thousand times whenever they couldn't think of a joke. Andy Dick returns briefly as Boingo the Bunny, just so they can steal some lines from Silence of the Lambs. We're subjected to references from Star Wars, Goodfellas, and John McLane’s catchphrase from Die Hard… twice. The only children who could possibly tolerate this film are too young to understand these winks and the adults will only furrow their brows. The gags aren’t merely unfunny, they’re anti-funny. You resent "Hoodwinked Too!" and if anyone amusing did actually come up (theoretically, mind you), you wouldn’t laugh out of spite.
This movie constantly pelts you with gimmicky voice acting - Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong voice two of the Three Little Pigs. It’s a desert barren of imagination and creativity. At no point does the film do anything pleasantly surprising. Japeth the Goat returns. Your heart leaps. Perhaps a comical song is underway? Nope. Just a forgettable, horrid tune. They find a way to crowbar in the Woodsman (Martin Short) again but he’s nothing but a plot device to get us from the second act to the third. Nothing more. You don’t care about anything on-screen. The animators didn't either. Granted, they had to stick somewhat close to the visual style of the first movie to maintain some kind of continuity, but generally, scenes are empty, and the conclusion - which features a Godzilla-sized rampage - has the big threat varying wildly in size from shot to shot.
The only good thing about Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil is that it's forgettable. You’ll groan and gnash your teeth while it’s playing, you’ll be in agony listening to the bad jokes, the stiff animation will make you desperate for anything better. Once it’s over, however, the ordeal is so bland and mirthless you won’t even have the rage necessary to set it on fire. (On DVD, October 4, 2019)
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cxrnelius · 1 year
@niickvs 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝: ☏
" little nicky ( scattering noises ) uh, hope all is well. i know you're likely walking into a lot ... and i mean A LOT of coffee grounds in jars, but olga gave me a few earlier on our morning route ... she says there are a lot of benefits that we can get into later. she wrote me a list, but i think i left it in my jacket pocket .... but i feel like we can put them in the gardening boxes, for sure, she said they deter rodents ... but then maybe they'd be like hooked on caffeine, like twitchy in hoodwinked ? you remember that movie right ? don't touch the coffee grounds, just call me back about hoodwinked, alright ? thanks, love ya. "
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mimikyufriend · 2 years
twitchy hoodwinked/hammy over the hedge real
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kronoose · 1 year
When I think about how the first charecter I kinned was twitchy the squirrel from hoodwinked
I'm surprised I'm a furry
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ulrich Matthes and Bruno Ganz in Downfall (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)
Cast: Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Laga, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Heino Ferch, Christian Berkel, Matthias Habich, Thomas Kretschmann, Michael Mendl, Ulrich Noethen. Screenplay: Bernd Eichinger, based on books by Joachim Fest and Traudl Junge and Melissa Müller. Cinematography: Rainer Klausmann. Production design: Bernd Lepel. Film editing: Hans Funck. Music: Stephan Zacharias.
Downfall may be best known today for memes: the video parodies that take parts of the film, particularly the ranting of Bruno Ganz's Hitler, and supply new subtitles that spoof everything from contemporary politics to the efforts of the producers to suppress the parodies on YouTube because of copyright concerns. The producers were misguided: The parodies probably led more people to watch the actual film than would have without their notoriety. It's a well-made film, particularly because it manages to deal with an inherent problem: Would a dramatization of the last days of Hitler and his coterie tend to glamorize their futile struggle to survive, turning it into something like heroism? Ganz's superb performance helps the film sidestep that danger: His Hitler is humanized, to be sure, even to the point of once shedding a tear, but ultimately it's a portrait of repellent fanaticism and megalomania. He's a twitchy old man, one hand held behind his back in a palsied claw, but it's easy to see how the rather beleaguered men and women who surround him could be filled with a terrified awe of the man. I'm not particularly happy with the framing of Downfall, however. I think the decision to see much of the story through the eyes of Hitler's pretty secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Laga), shifts the focus away from the desperate horror of the final days, using a somewhat glossy survival story to keep the audience entertained. The footage of the real Traudl Junge that begins and ends the film doesn't much help illuminate why the "ordinary" German could be hoodwinked by Nazism, and her insistence that she didn't know of the true horrors of the Reich feels a little specious. There are, however, some moments of genuine drama in the film that emphasize how foul a spell Hitler cast over his followers, particularly the hysterical collapse of the otherwise icy Magda Goebbels (Corinna Harfouch) at Hitler's feet when she realize the end is at hand. She pulls herself together and then proceeds to systematically murder her five children. I also liked the depiction of the cynicism of the Nazis who, when someone reminds them of the plight of the German people, sneeringly retort that it was their fault for bringing them to power in the first place. There's a lesson in the film somewhere for contemporary Americans, but I don't want to be the one to spell it out. Kudos to Stephan Zacharias for avoiding Wagnerian clichés in his score, although I thought the quotation from Purcell's aria "When I Am Laid in Earth" might have been a touch too sentimental.
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Hey sorry but about your previous post about hoodwinked but the squirrel twitchy was a photographer not a cop again sorry if this is rude, I am incapable of being normal about this movie and thought it was important you know this
oh no if anything this makes me like the squirrel more because he's not a pig
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