#twitterpated goth
oodelolligolly · 5 months
Oh yah he’s spooky. I like him.
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godlytemperance · 9 months
rotating some mlp oc concepts in my head so i'm throwing them into the void in hopes that someone else is similarly inspired
go nuts babes
first up: broad concepts that allow for specific ideas to form
ponies with talents related to the care of / research surrounding specific animals (cats, dogs, birds, rodents, etc)
^ and those babies have GOT to have funny pun names. things like Feline Fine, Hot (Diggety) Dog, Twitterpated, or anything of that ilk
common holiday-themed ponies! (proof that this is a good idea: halloween ponies are always gorgeous and we need more mlp holiday representation)
retail job workers. HEAR ME OUT:
^ ponies whose jobs center around teaching others how to hold a job not specific to their talent. ponies who are naturally inclined to retail / food service and welcome in a positive environment.
music genre ponies! and you can get real specific with it! (i'm waiting for the day a "music that turns you into a bug" pony exists)
reworks of older generation ponies - this can vary from slight appearance changes to complete rehauls. rainbow dash did it, so can you!
ponies with heightened senses tailored to certain sensory careers. examples: perfume makers, wine tasters, music tuners, etc.
now, onto more specific ideas:
a pony who's special talent relies on chance and sheer luck. they don't control the outcome, but there is always an exact 50/50 chance of a success or failure when their luck is involved. (this only really applies to mundane situations, though, not dangerous ones.)
pony with a very ominous-looking mark that actually happens to be completely mundane (such as Petunia Paleo in canon, or @punkitt-is-here's goth horse Sour Sweet. both are prime examples)
pony with such a specific immunity to a well-known toxin that they end up being the one who invents the antidotes for said toxin (bonus points for mlp-exclusive sicknesses, like Poison Joke or the Blue Flu)
pony whose entire look / personality contradicts their talent by pure chance.
^ examples: death metal aesthetic horse with a talent for illustrating books for foals. super cutesy horse with a talent for open heart surgery.
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linkysmommy · 4 years
2, 4, and 11 for the It Lives ask meme :)
Thanks for the ask! 
So 2 is to rank my MC’s relationships with the characters from closest to least close, 4 is to explain MC’s relationship with Noah, and 11 is who my MC romanced.
I would rank MC’s relationships like this:
1. Noah
His relationship with my MC, Jaz, appears closest to me than anyone else. Since the events before the book starts, Jaz drifted away from all her friends, but Noah was the first one she reconnected with. He was also the first acknowledge Mr. Red’s return, and went with Jaz to face Mr. Red when their other friends wouldn’t. Additionally, he was the one she texted when she decided she had to go back into the woods and face Mr. Red head on. Canonically, I think Noah’s relationship with MC is the most important one in the book. Head-canonically (is that a word lol) I think Noah has romantic feelings for Jaz, and I think Jaz starts developing feelings for him later on.
2. Ava
Ava (along with Lily) strikes me as one of the only friends who still sort of has a relationship with MC at the beginning of the book. Ava and MC are both sort of outcasts, a little bit goth/punk, and I think they have some of the best interactions of the friend group throughout the book. She, along with Andy, are also the only two who offer to go with MC and Noah to face Mr. Red the first time, and she also accompanies MC to study in the library. So just based on their beginning relationship and their higher number of more meaningful interactions makes me rank her #2. 
3. Lily
Like Ava, Lily is one who sorta seems like MC’s friend at the beginning. Combined with her higher number of interactions with MC and how she really seems to rely on MC’s strength for protection, I rank her here.
4. Dan
Dan is out-of-commission for most of the book, but I get the vibe that MC really cared about him. He’s the one who pushes MC into action at the beginning, and she helps him remember who he is. Even though they drift apart, I think they have a special relationship.
5. Andy
Andy is cool, but seems more involved in his own problems than some of the others. However, he’s also one of the ones to take Mr. Red’s return seriously, unlike some of the others. I see him as more of a casual friend with MC, but still a good friend.
6. Stacy
Like Andy, Stacy seems more like a casual friend. MC cares about her, but they aren’t as close. However, Jaz does date Stacy’s brother so I think that just because of that, they would be a little closer and spend more time together.
7. Lucas
Idk but Lucas seems most wrapped up in his own issues out of everyone else. Because of that, I think MC and him are casual friends, but he wouldn’t be someone that MC goes to first.
MC and Noahs’ relationship: 
Jaz feels responsible for Noah’s current emotional and mental status. When she lost Jane it hurt, but she realizes that it hurt Noah even more. She feels guilty for how she withdrew from him, and wants to make it up to him. This is partially why she decided to take Jane’s place - because she felt like she was the one who started this whole mess in the first place, since she and Jane woke up Mr. Red. At first, she feels protective of him and trusts him more than anyone else, since he’s the most invested in Mr. Red’s return. Noah, however, has always been in love with her. When she takes Mr. Red’s place and Noah stays with her and never abandons her, Jaz starts to rely on him even more. He becomes her only friend and her anchor to reality. So she starts falling for him during this period, though she doesn’t become aware of those feelings until she becomes human again (which I PROMISE would happen in It Lives 3). TL;DR, they are soulmates.
Who did my MC romance?
My MC actually romanced Connor, since Noah wasn’t an LI! She was sort of twitterpated by the attention of this cool high school graduate and had an innocent flirtatious relationship with him. However, when she became the monster, Connor moved on and Noah stayed with her, so her feelings moved from Connor to Noah. 
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ladyartemisia28 · 4 years
Say Amen(Chapter 5)
Chapter 5/?
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince, Platonic Royality.
Warnings: Cursing, mention of emotional abuse, unsympathetic Janus,
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU ~
Patton was sitting on his bed reading his history textbook when he heard a loud thud outside the door.
He opened the door to see Virgil bags on all of his body. It appeared that he had been knocking on the door with a boot clad foot.
Patton held the door open for his friend.
“Whoa, how'd you get all these bags onto the bus?!”
Patton took the bag of bagels from Virgil's mouth so he would have the ability to respond.
“I didn't take the bus” Virgil shuffled in and carefully placed all the bags onto the floor.
“Then... how?”
“Roman took me to the store.” the right side of his mouth lifting in a grimace. Virgil knew his best friend well enough that he to know that he would make a big deal about it.
“AWWWW! That's so cute!” Patton grinned widely as he helped Virgil put away their food. “And domestic! That's so great!!!”
“no it's not really not” he said with the sour look still on his face
“What's wrong Shadowling?” he asked his smile dropped from his face.
“I don't know if I'm going to be able to be able to survive being partners with him.”
“Did he say something? Did he do something?! I will physically fight him!” Patton offered as grabbed single bagel from the bag. He then placed the bag of bagels in a basket on top of the fridge
“Patton No! He didn't do anything like that!” Virgil said frantically as he motioned with his hands to stop. The last thing that he needed was Roman to lose teeth or have his pretty nose broken. “Please don't fight him!”
Patton place the lone bagel on his bed next to his book before returning to help Virgil with the remaining bags.
“Well that's good.” he said as he took the tub of margarine and put it into the fridge.
“He didn't even bring up what happened last night.” he said with a small touch of sadness in his voice.
“But you wanted him to?”
“No?” he said more of a question then a statement
“You shouldn't lie”
“Maybe,” he bit at his thumbnail as he spoke. “Like I want to know what he wants?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he did me a favor, well favors at this point. The... ... thing at the party, the cleaning of my old hoodie, and then the grocery store trip. He's racking up a ton of things in his I.O.U. List.”
“Well he might be doing things for you because of his feelings for you.”
Virgil went to argue and was interrupted before he could start.
“You said yourself, he asked you to go to the party as date. You say no, but you end up together anyway!”
Virgil rolled his eyes with a small grin. He could practically see the anime stars in Patton's eyes.
“Like the universe was pulling you two together! He probably likes you even more.”
As Virgil finished his placement of grocery items in the small kitchen nook he turned to look at his bubbly roommate.
“No that can't be it. It has to be some sort of game.” Virgil replied to his friend's joyful rant.
“I think he just likes you.”
“Ha! I TRIED to flirt with him and... well he didn't take me up on it. He must of found someone else that he was interested in. You saw him at that party, with all those guys. ....” Virgil muttered his words lowering in volume and tone as he continued.
”Oh speaking of flirts, guess who I saw at the library today?” Virgil said in a louder happy to move onto a more positive topic.
“Don't try to change the subject!” he said as he climb upon his bed.
After a moment Patton's curiosity won out.
“Who did you see?”
“OH! ” Patton said with an excited clap of hands. “I LOVE that little Lambkins! How is he doing?”
“He continues to be the sassiest of asses, but he seems to be doing good. He was happy to hear that I'm not longer attached to YOU KNOW WHO....
“Yeah well.”
Virgil placed his bag on his bed and then he climbed on top of it.
“He kept sending pics of Roman that he found on Instagram. Like 'I don't need you to show me what he looks like! I'm right next to him in the meat section!'”
“Is that a euphemism?” Patton asked with a puppy-like head tilt.
“NO!” Virgil exclaimed in horror as he settled himself into a sitting position.
“Sorry, you know I don't know slang lingo stuff.”
He went to grab his headphones from his bag and paused as a he recalled a memory.
“Hey Pat.”
“Your crush from History Class that you always say is so smart and handsome. The one that you told me and I quote has the most amazing eyes that have ever existed,” he rolled his eyes as he finger quoted.
Virgil may have been outwardly mocking Patton's description of this guy's eyes. But he could almost be accused of the same sort of sappiness.
He remembered one moment at the library when he caught himself looking at Roman when he was distractedly staring off into space.
Virgil was going to ask him to come back to earth but he was caught off guard by the way that the light had made his eyes look. Roman's eyes looked like a tiger's eye gemstone. A shifting series of browns.
' I never thought I'd be this big of a lameass. If anyone heard what I thought they would laugh at me.'
He shook his head at the memory and continued his conversation with his roommate
“This guy his name is Logan right?”
Patton's naturally rosy freckled face flushed with even more color and he just nodded in response.
“Does his last name happen to be Sanderson?” Virgil asked as he pleaded internally that his assumption was wrong.
“Yeah! It is! Patton answered. “Just the sisters from Hocus Pocus.”
Patton continued his words uninterrupted as Virgil fell backwards onto his bed.
“When I mentioned that to him he said the cutest thing! ” Patton said excitedly before he quoted Logan taking his glasses and adjusting them like an anime character as he did so. “'Ah yes, the Halloween cult classic yes, my younger brother is a fan of that, uh film.'"
“Cute, sure.” he muttered in mildly sarcastic tone. To Virgil's ear he would call the voice that Patton used to imitate him robot in tone. “I didn't...”
“Take that for your type. He sounds a bit of a more serious no nonsense type. Like he wouldn't be that fun?”
Virgil threw an arm across his face to obscure his eyes.
“Yeah, he may be a bit serious. But just get him to talk about his interests and his whole being lights up like a christmas lights!” Patton said with an earnest feeling behind it. “And he was just so cool in class the other day! You should have seen him passionately defend Pluto's status as a planet! ”
“So do you think I'll be meeting Mr. Christmas Lights?” Virgil chuckled as he thought to himself.
'Out of everyone that could have been Patton's crush it's stupidly ironic that he happens to be the brother of my cru- NOPE! No don't you dare think that word anywhere near him. NO ROMANTIC ROMAN ALLOWED THOUGHTS!'
“Oh you just missed meeting him at the party! He helped me look for you.”
A cold feeling of realization hit Virgil hard as he sat up quickly to look over at Patton.
“What?!” he nearly shouted as the panic flooded his body.
Patton didn't reply as his eyes widened in surprise. From his face Virgil guessed that he had not realized that the information that he had shared would cause this particular type of reaction.
Patton was usually more emotionally astute but his heart was so full of infatuation for Logan that he was distracted enough to make a mistake.
Otherwise he probably would have prefaced his words with a little more warning.
“Are you telling me that guy in the tie, that you showed up with saw me make out with his BROTHER?!”
“Yeah...” Patton said with a sheepish tiny smile. “I guess in all the excitement I forgot to mention that to you”
Virgil groaned.
“I wish I had never heard of the fake-out make out.”
He grabbed his headphones from his bag, slide them onto his ears, and pulled up a play list. Virgil looked over the list and he spotted MCR and was reminded of the moment in the car.
He smiled in spite of himself.
'I can totally see why he is so comfortable on stage. He was.... radiant?...mesmerizing?... magnetic?
...Gods I don't even have the right words in my thoughts! It's like my world was just me and Roman and the song. I haven't met anyone that captivating since... ... ... Jae'
He needed to distract himself quickly and searched it for his sketchpad.
“Hey Pat didn't you pack my sketchpad in my bag this morning?”
“I sure did, why?”
“So do you happen to have Logan's number?”
 Roman sat in one of the audience chairs while starting at monologue. His mind was not on the script at all though as he turned each page.
His thought were focused on the memory of Virgil's singing. His low rich baritone echoed faintly in his head. Roman would pay good money to have a recording of him.
He replayed his interactions with him afterwards when Virgil teased him about wanting to go back to his room.
'Oh NO! THAT WAS HIM FLIRTING!!! I should have flirted back! I love flirting! But the first day he got so angry when I flirted with him and now he's angry that I didn't!? What the Hell! Maybe since we kissed he wants more?! I gotta try really hard now!'
Roman decided focus all his of his attention on wooing Virgil.
He flipped over the paper and listed all of the things that he knew Virgil liked.
Honey Cluster Granola
Grape Gatorade
Count Chocola Cereal
The Black Cauldron
Nightmare Before Christmas
My Chemical Romance
While adding more to the list he was approached by the costume designer.
“Hey want to see a couple of my new sketches?” the small blue and pink haired enby asked as they offered Roman the notebook.
“Always, Talyn always.”
It was several pages of people in a different costumes. Talyn's style naturally leaned tended towards Punk, Goth, and other Alternative type styles.
Roman looked through the black and maroon velvet cloaks, Victorian satiny waistcoats, leather pants, and other accessories.
'Am I just that Twitterpated with Virgil to see him everywhere?! I mean let's not kid around he would look sexy in this clothing. '
“Great work TallyKat.” Roman croaked out.
Talyn squinted suspiciously until they saw Joan approach.
“What we looking at?” Joan asked as they sat next to Roman and leaned over to look at the drawings. Roman handed off the sketchbook to them.
“So how did that party go last night?” Joan asked as they thumbed through the pages.
“Remember Virgil?” Roman directed the question toward Joan nodded before they turned to Talyn to clarify.
“He's Prince's partner in Med. Lit.”
“Virgil...Virgil Alexander? ” Talyn asked as they retrieved their sketch pad, their face brightening up with recognition,“You know Anx?”
“Another person called him that in the library today, he wouldn't tell me what it was from.” Roman
“OH it's an old joke from high school.” Talyn continued. “Well sometimes one of us wanted to do stupid things. Like drive donuts in an empty parking lot or eat a mouthful of warhead candies,Virgil would be the one to tell us why it was dangerous. We said he was all of our collective anxiety in human form.”
Roman filled that information away for later.
“So as you were saying...” Joan asked gesturing to Roman.
“We kissed last night...” he whispered excitedly.
“Well that escalated quickly” Joan deadpanned.
“I mean... it was MEANT to throw off his ex...Kinda like in that movie 'To All the Boys I Loved Before'.”
He waited for them to nod before continuing his frantic rant. When they did not he just went ahead and proceeded.
“SPOILER ALERT! For the movie if you've never seen it. I mean you totally should it is such a good flick. I mean everyone who has ever seen a Romcom knows how it would end up anyways. Well in that movie it wasn't her Ex. It was someone that she was trying to trick. Ah! That gives me an idea! Maybe if I offer to make a contract to make his Ex Jealous! Then he could fall in love with me like Lara Jean fell for Peter!
“Don't do that.” Joan commanded in a flat tone with a shake of their head.
“Are you sure? Fake Date is such a classic!” Roman visibly pouted at the rejection of his idea.
“No” both of them said at the same time.
Roman took the list in hand and moved it about while he spoke.
“Ok well I .. I've made this list of things that I know he likes and I can just put them all into a basket! And bring it to him...”
Joan yanked the piece of paper from Roman's waving hands
“How are you going to put 'Probably the entirety of Hot Topic' into a basket exactly?” Joan sardonically asked.
“I don't know, I'll figure something out...like maybe a gift card...a dozen gift cards...what is the highest amount of money you can put on those anyway...?” he took the paper back from Joan and began to write 'Check out gift cards'
“As much as I'm sure he would love to buy out the entire stock of Hot Topic. Princey I've known Anx for years, these big old honking PDAS are going to freak him the fuck out!” Talyn said with an exhausted type of aggravation.
“You guys don't get romance!”
His two non-binary pals shared a look.
Roman ignored them and attempted to continue his frantic writing, but he was stopped in his tracks at the sound of his phone.
-It seems that Virgil had a sketchbook fall out of his bag in your car-Logan
“See this is a sign! Virgil's sketchbook was left behind in my car! This is the second time that he has left something behind for me to gallantly return to him like Prince Charming!” he motioned at his phone with his hand.
Joan took a hold of Roman by the shoulders and looked him in his eyes.
“This is NOT a SIGN. Just give the boy back his stuff without any of your Romany weirdness.”
“But...but if I don't shower him with gifts to let him know that I like him..how...how” Roman excitement deflated like a balloon. He finished the thought in his head
'How am I going to get him to to like me back'
Another chime from his phone pulled at his attention.
-He says he needs it for one of his classes. He wants to know if it is acceptable for him to send his roommate to your location or to meet somewhere in the middle?-Logan
“Well it looks like Logan says he is going to send his roommate out to grab it for him” Roman said as he visibly wilts as he replies that they can meet in the quad.
“I'm sure he knows that you like him. You've always been...wait a sec, you said LOGAN texted you?”
“Yeah why?”
“Shit, are you telling us that you never gave this guy...the guy you're so clearly into...your PHONE NUMBER?!?” Joan asked disbelief increasing with every word.
After a noticeable moment of silence, Roman found his voice.
“oh, i guess I didn't.”
“You are a hopeless idiot here, dude” Talyn added with a head shake.
 Roman got done with his drama club and hurried to his car. To his horror he saw the sketchbook had fallen open and varies pages were strewn about.
“NO, No, no, no!”
He was torn between the impulse to grab them quickly without looking to be quick and also to preserve privacy.
But the other part of him that knew that these pages deserved respect and care won the internal argument.
Plus admittedly he really wanted to snoop through the artwork.
So he looked over the art as took page by page and gathered them tenderly.
A few charcoal sketches of local abandoned buildings with gorgeous use of shadows.
Roman's jealousy perked at an unnerving page filled with disembodied hands reaching for the viewer.
He rolled his eyes as he found a page with a picture of Mothman, Slenderman, and an assortment of other cryptids.
'Of course he's into this weird stuff...
His eyes lit up as he saw accurate recreations of the Avatar: The Last Airbender and Steven Universe Cartoon characters, with a sticky note near them saying 'For Emile'.
“Who's Emile?” Roman muttered with a pout.
After he placed the last of the loose pages to a sort of order in the book he closed it. He looked over the cover that had a few more drawings on it as well as stickers for bands.
Roman hugged to his chest and then he ran as quick as his legs could carry him to the quid. He arrived only a slight bit out of breath.
'Man i need to get back to my morning running sessions. If I don't get my endurance up my dancing will suffer.'
He looked around at the area to search out for his target.
A boy sat at a bench, he wore a patterned pastel blue overalls over a pastel purple shirt. As Roman neared him he saw the the shapes were ice cream, hearts, and rainbows.
“Hey?” he approached the boy he hoped was the roommate. “Pat... ton?”
His face was semi-familiar. His big blue eyes were a softer grayish hue than Virgil's deep piercing blue. His smiling face was covered in freckles. Roman wondered how he would describe the color of his puffy hair, it was either a pale brown or a dark blond.
"Yep! So you are my Virgil's new 'friend' huh?!" his cheerful voice asked with the word friend is a tease like giggly way.
“Uh, I hope so?” Roman replied nervously.
“Patton Hartley!” he offered his hand.
“Roman Sanderson, pleased to meet you.” he said as he shuffled the notebook to one arm to shake his hand.
“I really like the pastel getup.” he said with the most genuine tone. He wanted to make sure that he made a good impression on a person who was so important to Virgil.
Even the world's most Emotastic basket wouldn't mean a thing if this boy went to his roommate and said Roman was no good. Patton was the biggest deciding factor, besides Virgil himself, in his ultimate fate.
'Please like me please.'
“Thanks so much! I love your hair! I don't think I could pull it off. I tried a teal a few years ago” Patton said as he looked up to his hair. His gentle smile told Roman that he was not insecure, he just was speaking with he thought was the truth.
“Thank as well. I personally think everyone can 'pull off' fashion colors. It's just finding the color that suits you and wearing it with confidence. And not using a box dye. I think pastel pink would look fantastic on you.” Roman offered as advice before he remembered the object in his hands.
He held the sketchbook out with both hands. “OH here you go, this is what you came all the way out here for!”
“Looks like everything is order.” Patton said as he quickly thumbed through the pages before he put it into a florescent green plastic backpack.
It looked like a giant frog.
'How did I not notice that!'
“So was Virgil busy?” Roman asked casual,before he quickly amended “Not that I'm not happy to meet you of course!”
“AH, I packed his bag this morning so I feel like I'm a bit responsible for this happening.”
“How could you know this would happen?” Roman shrugged.
“Well I didn't. But in a roundabout way it could have been prevented if I hadn't have packed it today. Besides I really really wanted to meet you.
“You did?”
“Wanna take a seat?” Patton offered politely as he placed the froggie at his feet to clear the seat next to him.
“Yeah thanks.” Roman said as he sat down.
“Hey can I ask you a question? I hope you don't feel like this is an insult towards Virgil. But what is his deal?” he asked in part aggravation and part confusion.
“Ah, you talking about how he's not the friendliest kitten in the clowder? ” Patton offered as a comparison. “At least when you began court him?
'He said court! I really like this guy.'
“Yeah, That! We were getting along fine, maybe a BIT of playful banter, but at worse it that was just light teasing. But it changed like a switch was flipped or something when I asked if he wanted to go to that party with me.” Roman asked face pinched as he remembered Virgil's change in demeanour. “All of a sudden it was as if I had asked if he wanted to be set on fire!”
“Well, he really thinks you're flirting with him as some sort of game” Patton said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Why would he think that! ”
“I'm not really sure what would make him think of that in class, I wasn't there. But you seemed to be flirting with quite a few guys at the party.” Patton stated with a sigh “Aaaannnd he did see that...”
A blush grew over Roman's tan skin as he remembered his brief playful trifling.
'Virgil was watching that? Yikes, no wonder he thinks so lowly of me. I would never have done all of that if he had accepted my date offer. I am a One Man Man.'
“And... the other thing is, it may have reminded him of his Ex...um you see Jae, he was always flirting with everyone around him. Mostly to charm people to get them on his side, but it hurt Virgil you see. He would ask him to stop, but Jae either ignore him to tell him he was being too emotionally fragile.”
Patton took breath and then continued.
“But then when it seemed like Virgil was close to ending it he would stop his flirtations with others and focus all of his attention on Virgil. They almost broke up dozens of times over the course of their time together. The whole back and forth really made it hard on Virgil.”
“SO this Ex of his toyed with his affections! How dare he tell Virgil he cared too much! I can't believe it!”
“That is some manipulative bull! I swear people who string others along instead of just letting them go are the worst. I've had a few exs like that.”
Patton nodded..
“That Ex! Sounds like a real piece of work, ” Roman chuckled a tiny bit as he failed to notice the uncomfortable look beginning to show on Patton's face, “If Virgil's was so frightened that the sight of him made him flee. Like he MUST be some stupid dirty, rotten, filthy silly billy, no good for nothing...”
“Uh,” Patton attempted to break into the rant.
“Rat scoundrel b-”
“He's my brother!” Patton hastily shouted.
'Oh Shit'
Roman cringed as Patton admitted the full truth of the situation.
“Wait what? I'm so sorry!”
“It's ok. You didn't mean to be mean.” Patton said
“Wait so how does that work? You're friends with your brothers ex? ”
“Nothing will stop me from being friends with Virgil. Nothing.” Patton stated as serious as Roman had seen him so far.
“Wow, um must make Thanksgiving Dinner's more awkward than normal, huh?” Roman chuckled nervously.
“Jae doesn't believe in Thanksgiving. He says that 'Thanksgiving is colonizer propaganda that is just a waste of food.' He doesn't really do holidays... besides birthdays. Well actually he does HIS birthday, and sometimes mine. If only a little bit. His plans for Virgil's birthday always ended up getting cancelled.”
“'So sorry my Nightbird, I swear I thought the museum would be open today'” he did a mock of what Roman presumed was his brother. While doing so his voice gained a sort of smoother quality of speaking. A bit more emphasis of the S sounds.
'Sounds like a snake'
“Sounds like a...like he's very unique person” Roman offered as a neutral statement. “And a very complicated relationship.”
“It sure is....SO are you really truly interested in my pal?” Patton asked.
“Yes. I absolutely am.” Roman said with an excitement that he apparently had made a good impression.
“Just call me Cupid!” Patton said as he did a big hand gesture pointing toward his chest with his thumb “I'll put in a good word for you.”
“I can tell you're really a sweet guy, but still why do this for someone you just met?” Roman questioned face full of confusion.
“I think you'd be a good HONEST boyfriend for my gloomy goober.” Patton smiled at him, “I'm a great judge of character, I've had to learn believe you me. Plus don't let him know it was me that told you this, but the way he looks when he talks about you... well it's just like nothing I've ever seen. I really think he's got a thing for you!”
“Really?” Roman felt uncharacteristically at a loss for words.
“Yeppers, I know my best friend” Patton giggled like they had made a secret pact.
“Although if my instincts are wrong, I will physically fight you.” Patton suddenly said in a serious tone.
“Yep! If I could fight my own brother, I can fight you” Patton said switching back to cheerful. “Understand?”
The way that he said it so matter of fact and cheerfully made Roman uneasy, almost like those haunted dolls in scary movies. The opposition between his soft disposition and the protective strength in his voice was just scary enough that Roman just nodded
“GOOD!” he clapped his hands and then leap up off of the seat. “I know your Instagram and I'll DM you there to trade info.”
“How do you...?” Roman got momentarily frightened at the thought that Patton had cyber stalked him for his social media info.
“You shouted it out at the party?” Patton smiled as he slung the straps of over his shoulders.
“Oh right...ha” Roman gave a nervous chuckle.
“Well, I've got to go now! Tell your brother that Patton says hi, k? ” he said with a wink he walked away until the bouncing frog disappeared from Roman's line of sight.
 Upon Roman's arrived at home he restlessly waited for his brother's arrival.
When he heard a turn of keys at the front door he was there as fast as a bolt of lightning.
“You know Virgil's roommate!” Roman shouted as he ambushed Logan as he walked through the door.
“Oh Shit!” Logan cursed as he fell over.
Chapter 4
~ TAGLIST!!! @tatehoseok @love-is-the-fear-of-loss @misslilidelaney @ishoulddyemyhairthatcolour @dwbh888 @violetshovel @sadgayisme
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jxckspxcer · 5 years
1 and 17 for the sexuality & gender headcanons please!
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1. what do you label your muse as, and how do they label themselves? is there a difference, and if so, why?
It is different actually. I’d label Jack as Genderqueer & Homosexual Biromantic. Jack doesn’t like labels, would probably call himself Bisexual (as he’s sex neutral towards women and doesn’t know the split-attraction model) and GOTH. Because really he doesn’t think being a guy should preclude him from wearing what he wants, being called a queen and certain roles. He’s less uncomfortable with people calling him girly and more uncomfortable with people thinking that girly is an insult. 
I think it’s different because, Jack knows less and cares less about it, while I’m, super invested in gender and sexual diversity and the many ways people can present and feel attracted to one another. It’s like, a super interest of mine. Jack barely even remembers he can be attracted to people because he’s so misanthropic, until someone hot appears or someone is vaguely nice to him and he just gets twitterpated on the spot. But since he doesn’t think about it, the limitations rarely come to his mind until someone else is a bigot and he has to FIGHT THEM about it. 
17. how are their feelings towards pride and related phenomenons?
Jack found out about pride a little bit after he found out that same sex attraction wasn’t the “norm”, thus it sort of solidified his determination to not let the public opinion sway his feelings. He did a lot of research on the riots and the fight for rights, and he did feel a little cognitive dissonance given he’s never quite had such a struggle with it. 
His parents didn’t really find the topic stimulating when he tried to bring it up, but his Grandmother talked to him at length about how he should never let what others say dissuade him from loving who he wants or being who he believes he should be.
So when it comes to modern Pride, he never really felt the need to go to one, because he’s comfortable in himself and kind of believes Pride is for people who need that camaraderie. Given he really never thinks about relationships being an important part of his life, he’s never really given a thought to needing to see others like him, he’s aware they’re there, it’s fine, he doesn’t actually need to meet them. 
Jack also just, doesn’t really like parades. 
The commercialization of Pride doesn’t really surprise him and changes very little about he feels about them, except that it kind of ruins the spirit of the first Pride. 
When it comes to showing pride, Jack does admit, he does feel a small urge to occasionally slap hidden rainbows in his gothic attire, because he thinks rainbow is a great contrast to his goth look and he likes contrast is a l l. But otherwise he just thinks having stuff that symbolizes parts of him is nice, especially as a form of rebellion against the public opinion, but he doesn’t really, focus on it a lot.
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
mortician!yuuri and tech startup victor my fave au, you know it is
*this will be fleshed out more later, you know and also happy bday bb you are the bee’s knees and the cat’s pajamas*
Victor would be concerned about the whole showing up a half an hour late with Starbucks thing, but it’s a moot issue when it’s your startup. And also you’re the CEO. Renewable energy won’t develop itself, he likes pointing out, but also he’s in a Mood and needs his Venti Pink Drink to properly start his day. 
Yuri, his intern, called it nauseating when he tried a sip. Tough talk for a person who whines when he can’t get a Mermaid frapp.
Victor waits at the bar for his mobile order—they’re slammed this AM, probably because of Fleet Week (yes hello sailors and your amazing white pants, God bless)—and he thinks there’s like eleventy drinks before his. He checks his nails for any chips or signs of impending breakage. Nope, still perfect. The color is called Wicked, it’s by Essie, and it’s a burgundy almost as black as Yuri’s soul. It goes well with the dark gray rolled-up sleeved dress shirt and the black skinny jeans he has on. 
He may have taken himself out of the Goth clubs, but the Goth clubs haven’t taken themselves out of him.
The bar gets a bit more crowded, and a man in his mid-twenties stands next to Victor in a modestly cut but not bargain bin black suit, with a white dress shirt and a black tie. His hair is messy in a way that looks effortless and it matches the color of the suit. He also wears a pair of blue half-rimmed glasses and his eyes are so…wow, they’re warm, soothing, and spicy all at once, like the clove cigarettes Victor has to have a buddy hook him up with when he travels to Vancouver. 
Victor loves the view. He knows if he takes a pic it’ll last longer, but this man…wow. He bites his bottom lip a little and tilts his head in appreciation.
The man senses the attention and gives him a glance. Then he stares. His cheeks turn the same shade as the strawberries that float on top of Victor’s preferred beverage. He clears his throat and looks back at the baristas.
“Hi,” Victor tries with a winning smile. “Come here often?”
He starts, pushes his glasses up higher. “Hi,” he says, soft and shy. “Um—yes. I make the coffee run every morning for work. There’s only four of us, so it’s not so bad, I guess.”
“A small company?” Victor can’t keep the curiosity out of his voice. “I have a start up, and we’re under ten people too! Wow!”
“Longtime family business,” he replies. “Um…we’ve kind of…it’s just what we do.”
Not very specific. But sure. Victor rests an arm on the Mobile Order spot. It’s empty so it’s fine. “You can call me Victor. What’s your name?” he asks with his other hand extended.
“It’s—Yuuri,” he replies. “Nice to meet you, Victor.” He shakes his hand, and Victor lingers, enjoying the warmth of the contact. Yuuri has elegant hands, he notices. He looks him in the eye again—really, he’s elegant everywhere.
“Victor!” the barista calls. The giant plastic cup is set on the counter with a milky looking pink liquid and strawberries for garnish. He grabs one of the extra long straws, putting it through the hole in the lid and (seductively, natch) taking a sip.
A cardboard holder of four drinks is placed next. Victor tries to be nosy and tell what’s what—there’s a green frappucino with pink balls floating in it. Yuuri takes that one and sips. Victor’s eyebrow raises. “Dragon Frappucino,” Yuuri explains. “It’s green tea and berries.”
“V’kusno!” Victor says as he “clinks” his cup with Yuuri’s. Yuuri looks a bit dazed and embarrassed, like a sort of twitterpated expression in his eyes that tells Victor he needs to go for it. He hands Yuuri a card—it’s glossy black stock, metallic silver lettering with his corporate email and cellphone number. “Well, Yuuri. Keep in touch and your next Dragon drink’s on me.”
He winks, and Yuuri turns even redder. He clears his throat three times. “Okay.” He grabs the cardboard holder after he puts his frapp back in it, and he sort of bolts. Victor wonders if perhaps he was too bold, and he considers chasing him down to apologize and try again.
He gets as far as the window when he sees Yuuri getting into…a hearse..
Yuuri drives a hearse.
Why does Yuuri drive a hearse?
Be still his Office Goth heart. He might just be in love.
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