#oops he goth me again
oodelolligolly · 5 months
Oh yah he’s spooky. I like him.
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whiskeyghoul · 3 months
7 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!Reader]
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First part, Previous part, Next part
A/N: Okay this is mostly just fluff to lead up to more things. Anyways, reader getting out of the lab dungeon! Yay! Also Spencer is definitely the type of person to get overwhelmed by feelings and get too into his head with everything. So here is a chapter of just the inner musing of the ‘oh my god I am going too fast.’ and ‘I really want to do more with them. What if I scare them off.’ type of things. Because he already realized his feelings but he is too blinded by them to see yours. Not proof read once again oops.
WC: 3 K
Tags: Fluff, just pure fluff, idiots in love, mentions of things from the past, reminiscing.
Warnings: None.
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Spencer POV
Spencer had decided that he’d finish the week by staying home. So when he arrived at Quantico on Monday morning, two coffees in hand, he felt refreshed in a weird way. Where at the start of the week before he had felt terrible, tired, aching. Now he had a slight lightness in his step. The satchel hanging off of his shoulder was heavy, filled with his paperwork that he had done at home. He had spent that Friday actually working on it, feeling better than he had before that.
When you had come over that last Thursday, he had listened to your apology. Realizing how much of an impact on your life your ex had. He just hoped that it was over now. Because when he thought about you, being hurt, stalked. It made something inside him so angry. That when you had sat across from him at his dining table he just wanted you to stay close to him forever. So that he could be the one to keep an eye on you. It felt possessive. Which he hadn’t felt before. Not about a person at least.
About his favorite book, yes. Or his personal mug. About the chess set he had gotten from his mother years ago. Yet you were the first person to stir up similar feelings inside of him. He had almost even invited you to stay over that night. Which was moving way too fast considering you had just hurt his feelings immensely about a week before. Yet seeing you, in that big ragged hoodie, completely disheveled, vulnerable. He needed you close. He also wanted to kick Tommy in the teeth if he ever ran into him. For hurting you. For being a dick. He’d never felt like intentionally hurting someone like that. But you did something to him.
Spencer walked to the frosted glass door, knocking quickly before stepping in. He watched as you sat up at your desk, eyes meeting him, your concentrated frown turned to a smile. The way the crease in your brown relaxed at the sight of him made his heart still for a moment. He hadn’t thought that the sight of him was enough to make you smile. Wanting to immerse himself in that feeling. If only for a moment. “Morning Spencer.” Your voice was chipper that morning. He noted you looked put together, happy, carefree. Though that is what getting rid of a stalker usually does. He walked over, knowing he couldn’t stay long but wanting to spend as much time with you as he could.
“Good morning.” He returned with a smile, handing over the coffee that had kept his hand warm on his walk up. You gladly took it, taking an immediate sip. “You are a godsend.” You spoke with a smile after placing the cup down. “Because of the coffee or is there another reason for this compliment?” He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips as he took off the purple scarf he had worn on his way over. Draping it over the back of one of the desk chairs. “Both. I couldn’t get coffee this morning, I was in a rush since I got new evidence in.” You said, and got up from your chair, ready to show him whatever you got in. “Look, this is so interesting, they found a butt load of money on the victim. It was found at the crime scene, there was powder that could either be used for tracing or could be some drugs. Maybe it’s cocaine, maybe it is a poison absorbed through the skin.” You continued, holding up the evidence bag with a few hundred dollar notes.
“What’s the other reason?” Spencer asked. You blinked, just a little confused. “For the powder?” You questioned in return. “For the compliment.” Spencer answered and you blinked again. Doe eyed and a little embarrassed. Clearly you had changed the subject because you didn’t want to tell him the true reason. “Ehm… well, you- you look really good.” Your face had gotten tinged red as you stammered over your words. Spencer smiled. Without even thinking he leaned slightly down. Planting a tender kiss on your cheek. He couldn’t not, seeing your pinkened cheeks, the urge to kiss you was almost unbearable. But he could hold back enough to just press his lips on the apple of your cheek. Your skin was soft and warm against them. The smell of your perfume once again wafting up into his nose. It was a quick second of a move but he would keep that moment in his memories forever. 
When he pulled away you looked still as flustered as before. “What was that for?” your voice was sweet, not even a hint of apprehension in them. You feigned confusion, he could see it in the way your eyes looked at him with a slight twinkle. Only one brow quirking up and a lopsided smile that you tried to hold back. “You look really good too.” Spencer answered, his cheeks feeling just the slightest hint of warmth. He watched you, the way your bottom lip got caught between your teeth as you struggled to keep from smiling too much. He wanted to keep that look all to himself. His hands aching again to pull you closer to him, to let himself melt into that cherry scent. To never stop kissing those sweet lips. He could stay in the lab forever with you if you would let him. Or if his boss would. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket before the sound went off. The ding of a text message that was probably sent by one of his colleagues wondering why he was later than usual.
“I think you need to get to work too.” You spoke with a hint of disappointment. A sigh crossed your slightly parted lips. “I can come back for lunch.” Spencer spoke quickly, so ready to return to you even when he hasn’t left yet. “You always have lunch here, I am sure you must be sick of the lab.” You quickly protested. How could he be sick of the place where he gets to spend time with you. It was a preposterous thought. Nothing like that would have ever crossed his mind
“What if I come to you for lunch? Would that be okay?” you asked. “Are you sure? I mean… I would love that! If you want to of course. But isn’t this your space? I get it if you don’t want to go somewhere else to have lunch. Though if you do want to. I can show you my desk. Penelope would also be happy to see you, I’m sure.” Spencer rambled, until he realized he was rambling. The last word trailing off. He knew what you were doing, you were trying to make him comfortable. Even though he wasn’t uncomfortable in the lab. Yes, it was a bit of a walk, but he never complained because it meant you two would have lunch together. But he did realize he always came to you. And maybe, you had felt bad for making him come down every time. Though, you never asked him to besides the first time. After that it was all on his own accord. “I think I should broaden my horizons outside of the lab.” You joked, the giggle following your words sounding like a melody to him. “Right. Then, I would love to.” He smiled, his face feeling suddenly hot with embarrassment. His phone went off again. 
Spencer watched as you placed your hands on his shoulders. The feeling sent tingles down his spine. “I will see you at lunch then. Thank you for the coffee, pretty boy.” You quickly moved up onto your toes and placed a peck on his cheek. Mirroring what he had done to you. So casual. A peculiar kind that bordered on domestic. He locked that thought away for now. Not wanting to open that can of worms when he had just known you for a month, maybe less. It had only been 2 weeks since your first true kiss, in the museum. God he was moving quick, he might even scare himself with the rate at which these feelings grew inside of him. He realized he loved you, but saying that now would be too soon. You spun him around , his out of control thoughts quieting down, before giving a light push towards the door of the lab. Just as the notification sound went off for a third time.
When Spencer made his way to the bullpen of the BAU and took a seat at his desk he heard Derek whistle. “Got a little honey I see. And so early in the morning, how does he do it ladies and gents?” The man sidled up to his desk as Spencer bent down to put his bag on the ground. He looked back up to Derek with a little confusion, until he realized. His eyes went just a little wide. He had been so dazed by the fact you kissed him so quickly, and then shoved him to get to work, he forgot to check his face for what most likely would be a deep red mark on his left cheek. “You got a little something right there.” Derek pointed to his own cheek with a grin.
“Just because you can’t get it doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me.” Spencer sassed, grabbing a tissue and wetting it with water from his bottle, wiping at his cheek to remove your lipstick stain. Even though it hurt him slightly to remove the lasting mark you left on him. “Oh I am not making fun of anyone. I am proud. You return back after a week of absence due to a broken heart with what is clearly a sign that she’s still into you.” Derek explained, hands up in a defensive pose. Though he still had that grin. “Or you moved on to someone new really quickly.”
Spencer looked at the stain on the tissue, it was still vaguely kiss shaped. “We made up.” He said softly, a little embarrassed again. He knew Derek truly didn’t mean any harm with his words, they were teasing, like the older brother he never had but wished he did. “Good for you.” Derek said as he patted his shoulder before returning to his own desk. Spencer sat down, stuffing the tissue in his pocket before he went to work on filing the paperwork.
Spencer kept looking at the clock, hoping, praying they wouldn’t get a case until after lunch. Maybe that was a selfish thought, wanting the murders and the kidnappings to wait for his own gain. He knew that if they were needed they would fly out within 30 minutes. But lunch with you was important. So every few minutes he looked at the clock. Every time the elevator made a noise his eyes would flick over. The clock crept nearer to 12 pm, then when it hit 12:15 on the dot the elevator doors opened. And there you were, white coat foregone, two small bags in your hands that he supposed contained your lunch. You looked around the room a little nervous.
Spencer got up from his seat, waving you over with a smile. You lit up once you saw him, walking over quickly, boots thudding heavy against the linoleum of the bullpen. “Hey.” Spencer said with a smile, feeling a little too excited. “Hey.” you said in turn with a big smile. “I eh… got lunch for the both of us. If that’s not overstepping.” You said, holding out one of the paper bags. “I texted Penelope, she said you liked BLT so I truly hope you do.” you spoke quickly and Spencer grabbed the bag with a smile. The fact that you went out of your way to get him something he liked, to text Penelope, it made his heart swell. “I do. Thank you.” He said and motioned for you to take his seat.
As he did Spencer looked around the room for a second, a slightly surprised look from Emily, a confused one from JJ, and Derek just smiled before giving him a thumbs up. A sudden reminder that he never told Emily or JJ, and he was lucky David and Aaron sat in their own offices. He could not handle getting dating advice from David right now. You sat down in his seat as Spencer pulled a free chair over, sitting next to you. Closing a few books to make space to put the food down. “Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess.” He apologized but you simply smiled. “It’s okay. I like it, it’s your apartment but in desk form.” You commented, looking over the things on his desk.
He felt a little embarrassed by the few knick-knacks that were on there. The post it notes stuck to any service as reminders of things to do. He watched as you picked up the picture frame, a photo of his mom and him in there. “That’s my mom, Diana…” he said, as he watched your intent look. “She looks nice. You have similar bone structure.” You commented. Spencer let out a soft chuckle, “No one has ever commented on our bone structure before.” He said it softly. His mom was still a little sore of a subject, he knew the situation wasn’t likely to change, his mom would just get worse. But he wasn’t ready to tell you about that part just yet. Maybe soon. He did need to tell his mom about you. He’d probably have to tell her multiple times, he just hoped she would be happy for him. “But you do!” You quickly retaliated, turning the picture to him, “all these angles, the big eyes.” you tried to reason and Spencer only chuckled more. “Didn’t you come to have lunch?” He asked as he started to unwrap the sandwich that you got for him.
“And maybe to snoop a little.” You confessed as you quickly took a bite of your own sandwich. Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, just a little surprised and amused. “Shouldn’t snooping happen without the other person’s knowledge?” He asked, taking his own first bite of the sandwich. Somehow, it tasted better when you were around. You shrugged dismissively, though a small smirk played along those blood red lips. He thought about it, about kissing you right there in the bullpen. Looking pretty in his chair, at his desk. Though he’d probably never hear the end of it from the entire team. He didn’t really care. There was that possessiveness again. Wanting to show you and him were a thing… though you never really said you were a thing. “It feels wrong to snoop on you.” You admitted, sheepish grin and a slight nudge of your shoulder against his. This is what happiness felt like. The sadness of the last week is quickly forgotten, just by having you pay attention to him again. He was weak for you.
“I appreciate the informed snooping.” He laughed softly. “I’ll make sure to only snoop when you know.” Your reply made him smile more. The both of you finished your lunch, eating and talking, until Aaron walked in. “Round table room, 10 minutes.” He stated it coolly, only inferring to Spencer that this could be a serious case. Spencer looked at you, a little apologetic. He didn’t want to leave. Wanted to finish lunch in all peace with you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized as he started to pack up the half eaten sandwich back into the paper it came in. At Least he’d be able to finish it later. “It’s okay. It is your job.” You answered, standing up before a look of realization came over you. It confused him for a moment as you looked at him with your lips parted. “What?” he asked, brows scrunching slightly. “You left your scarf in the lab. I wanted to bring it. I’m sorry, I can go get it.” You rambled. “That’s okay, no need. I can pick it up when we get back.” He assured. It was sweet how you thought about it. Wanting to return his scarf when he had to leave. Maybe to make sure he wouldn’t be cold.
“Alright… You’d have to come back soon, be safe.” Those words made his heart skip a beat. It was sweet. How you cared, made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. “I will.” He said with a nod. He wanted to bend his head down again, to kiss you and not care about his friends in the room. Instead of giving in to the urge of wanting to kiss you, he pulled you into a hug. Wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. He felt your arms wrap around him. Warmth taking over him. He pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, taking in a deep breath. Emitting your scent to memory. The feeling of you in his arms tucked away for when he needed to remember it. He almost didn’t want to let go. You were the one to pull away first. Spencer reluctantly let his arms drop back to his sides. “I’ll see you soon.” you said it softly and with a smile. He nodded his head, “I’ll text you every day.” he answered before gathering his things and heading to the round table room. A quick glance back to see you still standing at his desk, a small wave goodbye before he left to go do his job.
He just hoped it wouldn’t be a long one.
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Tag list:
@luvkatryna @emma-e-a @littlemadamred @cultish-corner @styleiconsize0 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @depressedbutartsy @mikariell95 @jasf444 @queermaxwooo @ill-be-okay-soon-enough @sammy-4103 @thedevioussmirk @pleasantwitchgarden @khxna   @suckstobrlaurie @mega-kittyglitter-1 @superlegend216 @seninjakitey
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serxinns · 5 months
Yandere Big 3 version reaction of you wearing revealing clothing
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I know this is my 3rd time writing something out of @lets-get-kraken-boys fics but I just can't help it! (Well if she gets uncomfortable with it then yea
DISCLAIMER!!: This idea and concept is NOT MINE was inspired by this fic by @lets-get-kraken-boys please go read their work 1st for context!
Now just like Yan class 1a, they know exactly EVERYTHING about you to the day you brush your teeth or when you go to this exact cafe or store! These 3 know it all so when they saw your skirt riding up hair looking more gorgeous than ever your cleavage/pecs showing oh boy oh boy they were in it for a ride
Mirio was beaming red smiling uncontrollably tamaki was covering his face all red and muttering stuff while Neijire was squealing jumping up and down in delight while holding mirio's hand while he stood there
• Mirio was a blushing mess was red as a tomato, sweat all over his face whenever he tried to talk to you he cleared his throat tried he kept his composer he did! but your skin looks just so soft he imagines him just touching it gently caressing it against his hands he just wanted to squeeze and touch those soft pecs/cleavage while being wrapped around in those thighs! Whenever you tried to ask him about his behaviors he talked very fast to the point you could barely comprehend "What me? Nervous ahahahimfinejustfinenothingtobeworriedaboutactuallyjustfinejusthappymiriohere!" That was when you reached up to him the two of you were face to face he can clearly see your chest now your delicate hand was now on his forehead!?!?, Yep you done it, you broke him a good job! Now his face is red like a tomato hes talkijg fast again to the point you couldn't understand him, When Izuku told him you changed he didn't think this no wonder why he was flustered when he saw him! You look like an absolute god/Goddess! " you're gonna be hearing a lot of corny jokes and compliments from him and Neijire for the rest of the day
•Tamaki was just panicking a whole messing his mind was swirling all around with questions like "What are you wearing?!" "Are you trying to tease him" "Do you just love torturing him" he wanted to say how beautiful no.. how drop-dead GORGEOUS his flower is but all that came out were mutters and stuttering, he kept avoiding trying to look at your precious pecs/ cleavage just looking at them making him imagine him wanting to stuff his face in them all day while you wrapped your arms around him...which made him almost fainting having to lean onto mirio in case he had to faint, his sudden behavior which made you nervous a bit, and whenever you told him what's wrong he immediately panicked but Mirio managed to calm despise him being a blushing mess while neijire squealing, pinching your, cheeks and offering you to take pictures with her when he finally comes to his senses and calm, mirio then explained how he was just overwhelmed about how good you looked and he didn't wanna hurt your feelings at all! He did manage to say that you looked beautiful
Neijire was like a hyper-happy dog ready to pounce she's just devouring how Hot your outfit looks! Oops..did she say that out loud neijire is just GUSHING over you squishing your cheeks and praising you over and over again how Amazing you look! She started begging you to let her pick out the outfits for you she started to imagine you in various styles! Goth, scene,gyaru you would look good in everything! Her cheeks start to flush up just imagining you in cute stockings in a skirt or even big long boots and a suit and tie she's like you were a fashion idol and she was your number one fan! She just wanted to cuddle in your marvelousness and forget the day away or imagine herself in those cheesy romance mangas she reads! She tried to calm, down remembering not to scare her cute little lovebug
But that's when the three realized a bunch of students started staring at those parts as well blushing and some even drooling safe to say they were pissed the fuck off how DARE these nasty disgusting perverts to look at you in such a filthy way!?, Mirio took off his uniform jacket and put it on you and if you had a skirt neijire would wrap it around your legs and thighs and quickly escort you out the hallway while the 3 of them glared daggers at them if they ever took a single glance at you
That's when they all questioned about your sudden appearance were you late to school and you came out like that? They were starting to get nervous but that was when you started wearing these types of stuff frequently and started to change your hair a bit when mirio one day decided to ask you about this change you explained how you were tried looking like an introvert and wanted to express yourself! To try and look different thru quickly assured you that you looked beautiful in any way and they'll be right on your side supporting you
So not only you got your classmates drooling all over you but your senpais too!
Neijire would plan a shopping hangout for the 4 of you your classmates tried to join for themselves but got denied every time "Hey can I come with-" "Sorry this is a senpai-only trip! "They Let you pick any outfit you're comfortable with! And perform a mini fashion show!
They loved you just the way you are if you wanted to wear something less revealing their love for you never changes! Any outfit looks absolutely amazing on you!
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steventhusiast · 5 months
Take your pick:
+ Heist AU
+ Fantasy AU
+ Soulmates AU
Look, I really like AUs.
Thank you if you do one!! ❤️❤️
hi! i'll dooooo soulmates au :D take this rambly lil mess. also sorry this took so long, i forgot about the prompts in my inbox oops
The scariest thing about finding your soulmate is the possibility of being wrong. Or, it's been the scariest thing for Eddie, anyway.
For some people, it's easy; Gareth's soulmark is on his forearm, so it's visible all the time, and it's also so unique and specific- Eddie's certainly never seen anyone else with something as specific as a lobster holding a scythe for a soulmark. Maybe Gareth's soulmate is super into fishing and also is a goth? Or a farmer? He hasn't met them yet, but when he does! He'll at least know for sure that they're his soulmate.
But for Eddie? He has a simple cartoon-ish sunshine on his upper abdomen within a larger circle. So he's always wondered, how will he know? For certain, he means. Surely anyone can be associated with sunshine.
Then he meets Steve. Sunshine personified.
And he spends the first few months of knowing him uncertain. They have chemistry, sure, and Steve is... bright. Like, lights up a room as soon as he enters, perfect smile, eyes sparkling no matter how he's feeling, can cheer anyone up with a little shoulder nudge and a soft 'you okay?' kind of bright.
Eddie just can't be wrong about this. Because his parents were wrong, and look where they ended up. Unhappy, unloved, and dead. (Maybe not directly, but still). They weren't right for each other and they realised too late that the angel wings on his dad's shoulder weren't for his mom, and the devil horns on his mom's shoulder weren't for his dad. But by then Eddie had already been born, so they stayed together, and everyone suffered for it.
He can't go through that. Not again. Not first-hand.
Even when he and Steve first start dating, Eddie finds himself holding back. It's like his heart is inside a safe with a padlock keeping it shut, and that safe is in a locked cage, and that locked cage is hidden at the back of his ribcage.
Obviously, because Steve is so lovely and the embodiment of light, he manages to find it. He gets past each layer of Eddie's defences until his heart is there on a platter for him, vulnerable and beating oh-so-fast.
But it's slow going.
When Steve reveals the soulmark on his upper abdomen, a simple crescent moon with a slightly larger icosagon behind it, it chips away at Eddie's defences a little. But only a little, because his parents thought their marks matched too.
When Eddie can't stop smiling around Steve, and finds himself gushing about him to his friends, they're chipped away at a little more. Little moments like that do most of the work.
But the final, final thing that unlocks that safe protecting his heart, is accepting that uncertainty. Maybe Eddie will never truly find out.
They're not his parents, though. They talk to each other when things are wrong, and neither of them leave unannounced for days at a time, and neither of them are addicted to hard drugs, and they're actually happy with each other. Like, truly happy in a way Wayne promises Eddie's parents never were.
Maybe Steve's not the universe-approved sunshine to Eddie's moonlight. But he's okay with that.
He'll love him anyway. Because when has Eddie Munson ever been about conforming to societal norms?
Got a prompt? Send it to me
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dfastback68 · 2 months
Tried and failed to write yesterday but was successful today!! Finally started the goth fam sequel (yeah, not the prequel... oops) and also a short fic that's 99% finished at around 4k. It needs editing and polishing and then I'll try to post it in the next few days.
I just want my blorbos interact and was possessed by the sudden need for Perona and King to not only meet, but also braid each other's hair. I mean come on. It's the perfect activity for them. Plus, their captains have history!! I wanted to write something relatively light hearted anyways. So, here's a snippet:
“Moria complained all the time about your captain, you know,” she says, which gets his attention. He’s not keen on talking about Kaido much these days, but he supposes it can’t always be avoided. “That if not for him, he would have stayed in the New World. It was one stupid fight and he never shut up about it! Ugh, it was so annoying.”
“I was there,” Alber says without thinking. He does remember that fight, too, because Moria’s zombies had been a pain in the ass to put down. They were as susceptible to his fire as anything else, though. Kaido handled Moria himself.
“What?!” Perona drops his hair and braces her hands on his shoulder, leaning over to see his face. “Really? Moria was in his prime back then, I wish I could have seen it!”
“I was Kaido’s second from the very beginning,” he says, frowning. Back then. Had it really been that long ago, or is she just that young? “It was a fairly short fight. Moria didn’t belong in the New World, and we made sure he knew th - ach.”
Alber winces as Perona yanks a fistful of his hair.  “Don’t speak ill of Moria! How could you? After I’ve been so kind to you!”
As if she hasn’t complained about Moria several times already, and now she’s trying to exact some sort of transactional cost out of this activity again? He offers no apology, nor does she seem to expect one.
“Well,” she says with a sniff. She smooths her hands through his hair again, and picks up where she left off braiding. “If you hadn’t chased him out, he would have never found me, so. It’s alright, I guess.”
“Hm,” is all Alber says in response. It’s the closest he’ll get to an olive branch, but he’s never been above being petty. Perona is much nicer company than Queen, though, and if Mihawk allows her here, he needs to respect that, too.
“Hawkeyes told me to be nice to you if I ever ran into you,” she says, immediately undoing whatever goodwill had been extended just a moment ago.
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mackthecheese · 1 year
Favorite fictional ship, and reasons?
(Oops I accidentally saved this as a draft instead of posting :/)
Two answers here because one of them is rather bizarre and not well know.
Valerie Gray and Danny Fenton from (you guessed it) Danny Phantom. Canon did Valerie SO DIRTY and I am so upset by that. Danny and Valerie have such an incredibly interesting dynamic with them mutually pining as humans, but Valerie generally HATES Danny as a ghost (she doesn’t know they’re the same person for most of canon). As canon progresses, she becomes more and more willing to collaborate with Phantom and even comes to a sort of understanding with him.
They broke up so Danny could get with his ultrarecyclovegetarian goth girlfriend. Maybe I’m biased because I just don’t like Sam as a character, but I really don’t think Danny and Sam work well as an item. Like at all. She’s not even that great of a friend to him, let alone a lover. Canon just tossed Valerie aside for no reason (no story-relevant reason anyway, but given Butch Hartman’s reputation with hating minorities, you can probably safely assume he couldn’t stand having his precious white main character get with a black girl for more than a season).
Now. Hear me out here when I say DJ Octavio and Cap’n Cuttlefish from Splatoon.
They were definitely lovers (or at least had some mad mutual pining) pre-Great Turf War. They broke up because of the war and now (now meaning during the events of Splatoon 3) they’re dating again. Old gay men. That’s all.
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Hi so I want to just say for anyone who's not aware, Jace Beleren is this mindmage (psychic magic) from Magic the Gathering. He is like 14 different neuroses stuffed into a blue cloak (the same one he's been wearing since he was like 17). He frequently fucks his own memories up via his mind magic and gets himself into situations that are unbelievably bad for no reason
This man was handcrafted in a lab somewhere to be my blorbo. My ADHD-addled, forgetful ass full of baggage LOVES everything about him
When he was 23 or so he got involved in a multiverse-wide smuggling group bc a half metal man named Tezzeret promised him he'd get real strong if he helped him. Then said half metal man proceeded to beat the shit out of Jace every time Tezzy's plans fell through, including the time Tezzy tried to make Jace protect his mind from a 25,000 year old elder dragon
Tezzy carved jace up with a special dagger that's literally designed to wound your soul and bonds to magic and then told the rest of his snuggling cult to ignore jace bc it was punishment. He bled into his own bed for like two days before his best totally straight friendship only friend in this hellhouse named Kallist came in and was like hey, Jace, gtfo and get help. I'll cover you
Jace attempted to escape Tezzy's fucked up consortium like half a dozen times only to get dragged back there after getting hung up on a hot goth gf who unknown to him turned him and Kallist into the consortium. Kallist lived in Jace's brain for a little while before oops, Tezzy's goons killed Kallist
He ended up beating Tezzy by using the fucked up evil dagger against him and wiping his memory but only after being tortured in a magic-less prison cell for months on end with literal flamethrowers (courtesy of a mage who just stood outside the no magic zone and shot fire at him)
He helped another elder dragon seal the aforementioned 25k year old one away in a prison realm. He, the guy who regularly wipes his own memories, is the only person alive who knows about this
He's also probably the only person as it stands to know an eldritch abomination is trapped in some plane's moon. Bc the other person who knew got evilized by fucked up disease machine people
That fucking cloak? He refused to take it off once even when he was like actively getting heatstroke in a desert and hot goth gf was telling him he was gonna fucking die
He lost all his memories once and fucked around playing pirate with a hot gorgon gf for a while. That was probably the happiest time of his life, not knowing anything
He has explicitly referred to his mind magic with "Ah yes and my mindmagic which has done nothing but get me reamed over and over again for the past half a decade" or something along those lines. He basically very politely said "my mindmagic gets me fucked in the Ass constantly and I am fucking tired of it"
He broke up with hot gorgon gf bc they were both secretive messes and Jace needs like all the therapy but he can't get it bc he hasn't found a therapist planeswalker yet
He's so pathetic in an endearing way and he's been through so much trauma but also he's fucked up so many times in ways that were entirely self inflicted. He became basically dictator of a plane once on accident, giving him near absolute magic over everyone from that plane. He used it to put an evil cop sphinx in permanent timeout on an island on the place where he was being a pirate for a while
I fucking love him. I'm so normal about him guys I'm so normal
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coreene-simblr · 7 months
Monty [1]
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I have stalled long enough - time to play my favourite boys
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We start the round with a party as per Mercutio's wish
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Miranda comes over and makes a move
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Mercutio said no. So proud of him
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It's a nice teen party, people are having fun. Even Miranda
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And then finally Aurelia came to chat with Mercutio
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I just love him with a goth girl man. they look so cute together
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Nice party Mercutio!
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awww - we'll call her over again
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Bros getting along
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Romeo doesnt strike me as someone who would take risks. Unless if it's hitting on someone behind Juliette's back
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Alright that's great
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I called Aurelia over so he can get his make out
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They took a b-line to the bed
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Oh, Mercutio likes Ripp too it seems
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Talking about their first time 🥺
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Romeo had a wish to go on a date so Juliette's here
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Oh oops she fell in love
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I took them out but the meter hit the top so they said goodbye
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Mercutio had Aurelia back at the house
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And Isabella wanted to invite Bianca over. I guess she felt bad about the way they behaved at her wedding
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They are so cute
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No, Aurelia, no. *sprays water* Not Romeo!
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ryuichirou · 7 months
A couple of Scott Pilgrim replies + a bunch of Twst replies!
Anonymous asked:
Todd is back at it again. I’d like to think Wallace got black out drunk again so Todd tucked him into bed but yeah, Todd’s being creepy again.
You described the scene perfectly, Anon! Wallace is indeed quite drunk after partying until 4 AM, so Todd just spawned at his place to check on him, tuck him into bed properly and look at his cute sleeping face for a minute. So romantic <3 And so creepy.
Anonymous asked:
Do you believe in Roxie x Hollie? Would Hollie make a move on Roxie?
A part of me really wants to believe because of how hot Hollie is, but something tells me that Roxie isn’t exactly her type… (Maybe it’s because the only thing I know about Hollie is what happened between her and Kim and that guy in the comic lol)
But that doesn’t mean that Roxie shouldn’t try to flirt with her! In fact, Roxie should flirt with every girlie in Toronto because she deserves it. If Hollie made a move on Roxie that would be interesting though.
Anonymous asked:
Ngl, that Trey/Idia pic reminds me of going to the dentist and they think they can somehow fit both hands in your mouth. And they expect you to be able to talk while they’re doing it. Although that also sounds like a Trey-coded thing to do, if I’m being honest.
If there is anything we learned about Trey after that teeth-checking vignette, it’s that it’s just a force of habit! It’s not his fault! His hands just slipped! Both of them – into your mouth! Oops!
I want all of us to have someone in our lives who believes in us the way the dentists believe that you could still talk with two hands in there lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
I just saw your TreyIdia art and all I can think of (cause I'm a weirdo) is Riddle catching wind Idia finds Trey hot and Trey is interested in Idia's teeth so he starts chewing on things near Trey, pens, his fingers, the fork while he's eating cake, the works. Idia get jealous and eats suckers the same way. And somehow it led to them even fighting over trey in the bedroom XD
I want to take the scenario you’ve just described and put it inside of Trey’s wet dream just so he wakes up all confused about what’s going on and starts reflecting on his kinks and fixations, because wow there was a lot of teeth in this dream + Riddle and Idia fighting over him in the bedroom… that’s going to make it impossible for him to look at these two lol so shameful, as if he didn’t find that hot.
Anonymous asked:
thank you for the lilidia food <3
You’re very welcome, Anon~ We’re happy to provide hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Would you take into consideration
Emo/goth Idia?
…The dramatic pause!!
Also. I’m pretty sure I made this joke already (and also 4184 people before me), but. So basically Gregory Violet, right?
Jokes aside, goth would look good on Idia. Lilia should dress him up…
Anonymous asked:
do you have any thoughts about Riddle x Azul :0?
Yep indeed!
Anonymous asked:
Has there ever been a character that you simply cannot figure out is a bottom or top even now?
There definitely has, but I can’t really remember any good example of that, because for a lot of them we come back like 5 years later and go “wait, it’s obvious, isn’t it?”. Or it simply happens when we learn more about him. A lot of times the characters’ “position” reflects his dynamic in our favourite ships with him, so it helps a lot with figuring it out.
I think we had a couple of those in Hetalia but we figured it out eventually lol
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starrygnome · 2 months
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just a little makeover of some premade sims.
I used MC commander Copy/Paste feature. I had never done it before and its soo much easier to replace townies with Makeovers I had sitting in my library.
All credit to all the amazing simmers who give premade sims makeovers <3
Goths, Landgraab and Villareal Original Sims created by theflowerofcamage
Max is also a teen but i didnt grab a photo of him. Oops
Alexander Goth Teen Version is by me. I had to change his face slightly because it was all messed up (sliders etc)
Landgraabs no photo. Added Johnny to the family tree and Geoffrey and Nancy have another son.
These sims I had downloaded over a year ago and I wanted to find their original sims and cc. But didnt want to redownload everything (slow download for me) So it took me about 30min ish to find my old old sims 2 save file I had a looong time ago. And added them into my current simself save. I did have to replace some of the clothes not too too much. Lucky I had most of the CC still in my game lol.
Goth manor is by Bear and Buns.
Goths (first version - there is an update version)
The Goths also have another daughter name Daisy ^_^ and Mortimer wants another child.
Cass and Malcom in my Sims 2 / premade save i had a loong time ago were originally together, got married and had a daughter. This time around they both are YA and started to date and have romantic feelings toward each other. I love them together. I try and have them together in any save i had hehe
Villareal. Their dad died or disappeared idk why he doesn't show on the family tree ;__: I might just re add him again. Just because I like him to be on the family tree.
Calientes - a much needed makeover. I dont remember who created them but I had a CC lite and CC version in my library.
Katrina is pregnant ( i did not know she was before I change her)
I might find or give other premade sims makeovers. Not sure.
I also gave the BFFs makeovers. Idk if its in my current save or a different one lol
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galactic-feelins · 1 year
It Was The Night Of The Meteor Shower
Inspired loosely by a prompt, Danny’s friends and family did not survive the events of The Ultimate Enemy. Knowing what he could’ve been, he decides to find his own way through his grief. Although the ghosts of future are dealt with, he now uncovers ghosts of past, and it seems he misunderstood the ghosts in the present.
Pov: Danny going through quite possibly the worst week of his life whilst reliving the worst days of his life.
Link to prompt!
I’ve been thinking back on life lately. Like, was any of that a dream, or was it too real?
- - -
The lab in the basement was always a little unnerving to be in. Exposed wires on unfinished projects, cables running haphazardly across the ground, loose tools scattered everywhere, honestly it’s always been a mess at best. If this were a well known work place, our house would’ve definitely been condemned by now! Walking in now, I immediately regret my decisions up till now. Mom and dad’s latest project may be a bust, but they clearly haven’t cleaned up after they were done!
“Woah! Watch your step there!” Tucker jokes, but this isn’t the first time the floor has been covered in some mysterious substance, let alone a step on the stairs. At least Tucker and Sam seem to be enjoying themselves while I’m stuck with keeping them safe, but what are friends for? “Promise you won’t touch anything in here?” It may be obvious, but I have to ask!
Sam tisked at me sarcastically. “Psh, yeah, I was planning on drinking from mysterious flasks myself. Maybe chew on some cables or steal something radioactive.”
“Sam, I don’t think there would be anything radioactive in here! Danny lives just upstairs from here, wouldn’t he get poisoned if there was?”
“Cable,” I pointed out, just as Tucker was about to trip right over an extension cord, pulling him back for good measure. “Look, I know! Technology, cryptozoology, general weird cyber-goth stuff; I get it! But this stuff is dangerous! You’ve gotta trust me here!”
Sure, they understood of course, but it’s not like they were as serious about it. I’ve lived with this, I know how dangerous the equipment here can be, and I know you need to approach everything here with extreme caution. Maybe that’s why they figured they are safe here with me. Maybe they think I can protect them. I honestly have no idea where they got the idea I could protect anyone.
I could see Tucker shaking, trying so very hard not to pick up the gizmos and gadgets littering the lab to look at closer, but it’s for his safety he doesn’t touch them. I keep an eye on him the most, since Sam is only taking pictures with the camera she brought. I think she brought it so we could work on some project for school, but honestly making memories is more fun. Well, more fun when it’s not in your parents’ ghost hunting lab, anyway. I was watching Tucker lean to look at another side of some kind of circuit board when I heard from Sam again.
“Hey wait! Danny, you have a suit?”
“Ah- maybe? Huh?” Startled, I shot to attention to find Sam picking up a black and white jumpsuit. “Wh- hey!” 
I rush over to snatch it from her hand. It’s safe, clean in fact, and mostly unworn. The jumpsuit itself may not be dangerous, but it’s definitely a blow to an already fragile ego. I hold it out to try and fold it back up properly, but then I hear a click-snap. The camera shutter makes me flinch and I can’t help but glare at Sam.
“Oops?” Sam grins mischievously, brightly, and knowingly. “Hey! Maybe you can try it on!” I really didn’t want to, and she could see it. Sam followed up her request. “Please? I just wanna see it! I’m sure it looks good on you!”
I sigh, knowing defeat and knowing it’s a fairly innocent request. I can wear a jumpsuit fine, and I know it’s tailored to fit me. Heck, maybe it’ll be easier to prevent disasters if I’m protected too! So I step away to put it on over my clothes, listening in on their conversation about the portal itself. Ugh, the portal.
“So they really made a portal?”
“Supposedly, yeah! His parents really seem to believe it could work!”
“But why? We don’t even know if ghosts are real!”
I zip up the front and walk back over to rejoin the conversation, only to find Tucker leaning in closer. He seems to be listening to the hum of machinery. To be honest, it is a nice sound, pretty calming at times, but it can get annoying and usually indicates something live and active. I pull him away by the shoulder as I chime in.
“Well, I think they tried this in college too. Whatever results they found must’ve proven it in their heads that this could work.”
Sam starts snickering, but I can tell by the look she’s giving me that it’s not something I said. In fact, I know exactly what it is. Without saying anything, she walks over and rips off a huge decal of dad’s face from my chest. Honestly, good riddance. I’m sure dad wouldn’t mind a little defacing, as a treat.
“Oh! Idea!” Tucker snaps and points to me as he continues. “We should get a picture of you in the portal like that!”
“Oh yeah!” Sam chimes in. “Yeah in the hollow space there! With you in the suit, standing in front of all of this machinery here, it would look so cool and, maybe even professional!”
Well, it is an interesting idea, and it would look pretty cool. I agree! The jumpsuit has a hood and goggles to protect your scalp and eyes respectively, but we’re not doing anything except posing for a picture. It would look better without the hood anyway, so I leave it down. With that, Sam and Tucker get in position further away while I step inside.
I’ve never been so close, let alone inside of one of my parents’ inventions. Walking in feels surreal. The lights, dots, and lines running across the walls and ceiling are vast and interwoven, and yet so organized and strategically oriented. It’s like one massive circuit board with so many mechanical bits exposed. Clearly this part of the portal wasn’t meant to be seen. As I’m looking around, I feel something hit my foot as I try to take another step, sending a jolt up my spine in a panic. I feel myself lose balance and instinctively I stumble to catch myself. My hand lands on something, usually it would be fine to hold the wall, but in this case I feel something give under my palm. The hum of the portal grows louder, something whirs to life around me, and taking my hand off the wall reveals a button that reads “on” just below it. Realization hits, and I look to Sam and Tucker, but it’s too late. The last thing I see is their panic reflecting mine, before a sharp pain in the back of my neck introduces itself.
- - -
I woke up on the floor. Reality spun for a bit, and I wasn’t sure where I was. I could feel I was laying on some kind of concrete, and I almost thought I was in the lab again. It would’ve been an easy mistake, but I remember now.
I’m in a warehouse, in some city I’ve never known, and I am alone. Sitting up, I rub my hand through my hair, taking a moment to remember where I am and why. I am here because I, Daniel Fenton, am running for my life. Some strange ghosts have been popping up more and more frequently lately, and they’ve been chasing me far more aggressively than any ghost I’ve ever met. Not even Skulker is as bad as these guys! 
In the beginning, there weren’t that many, so they were easy to handle. It was always so strange that they made sounds but never spoke, and they seem to follow pure instinct and emotions. These ghosts don’t banter, have no obvious obsessions, and sometimes I see weird tattoos on them. In fact, there seems to be multiples of them, like blob ghosts. I could fight them off for a while, and I could stop them from attacking random people. A lot of ghost hunters got their infamy and fame for getting rid of these guys too, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Now, however, it feels like swarms of them are tracking me down at all times. 
Just as I was thinking I could never get a rest from them, I feel a chill and see an icy trail of smoke leave my mouth. It seems it’s time to get moving again. I stand and slap myself in the face for a quick burst of energy before transforming. Almost as if on queue, the shadows cast on the ground rise into solid shapes, puffs of black smoke appear and strange knight looking guys drop in the smoke’s place, and all of their beady yellow eyes stare back at me with what I’ve come to understand is killing intent.
Knowing where they are now, I bolt in the opposite direction, flying straight through walls and ceilings, getting as far from my assailants as possible. These guys are persistent, but it seems most of them don’t know how to fly. Problem is, some do. Once I’m outside, I catch sight of some more of the strange ghosts, these ones winged and colorful. “Are the wings really necessary?” No response, as always. It seems there’s only about, say, 7 total? At least 3 different shapes at a glance. Since they’re in the air, it’s probably safe to say a few ecto-blasts should take care of them no harm done!
A bit of blasting, a bit of punching, a few scratches here and there, and the numbers start dwindling! Sometimes after hitting them enough, they’ll poof and turn into weird heart shaped cores, so I stuff them in the thermos! I can’t exactly dispose of them anywhere, not anymore especially, so this thing is getting a bit crowded. The good news is I don’t try to stuff every ghost I see in there. In fact, the number of flying guys has increased dramatically over time already, so I figured I gotta leave again. 
Of course they followed me. I tried to stop somewhere for a moment when I thought I got enough distance, but there they are! In the distance! Flying towards me! From this vantage point, it’s easy to see just how many of them there are total. I see the ones from inside the building scrambling out, and I can see many more from the shadows and side streets all skittering out as a crowd. “Oh boy,” here we go again.
- - -
Back then, I woke up to a weird feeling that has since become normal. Everything was light and tingly, and yet so, so weak. I could hear shouting, though too muffled to understand right away. When I finally tried to open my eyes, there was a red flashing, giving way to a green glowing light occasionally. When I came to, I saw Tucker and Sam’s faces, panicked and every crying, yelling and begging for me to say something or give a sign that I was ok. I didn’t feel ok, but I tried at least sitting up at the time.
White hair, white gloves, black suit. There might have been a decal, something tells me there wasn’t, but the decal looks cool enough it might as well have always been there. With help I stood up, and we found our way to a mirror so I could see the damage for myself. I was glowing, but not in a figurative way, but more in the way a hot iron will glow white with heat, or maybe how some toxic goo would glow like a vat of glow-sticks. There were my eyes, staring back like green neon signs on a horribly scratched up sign. As I began to panic, I watched my face twist in the mirror into something else, which only made me panic more. The more I panicked the less human I looked, and the less human I looked the more I panicked, but Tucker helped ground me again. Sam comforted me and had me take deep breaths. Before I knew it, I was myself again, black hair and all. Life had never been the same since that day. The way everyone else in Amity Park know it, that was the night of the meteor shower.
- - -
I finally found another moment’s rest. Ironically, it was the presence of another ghost that calmed my nerves. Unfortunately it was Skulker that decided to stop by.
“Well, you sure are far from home, aren’t you?”
“Can you really say I have a home anymore? You know what happened.”
Of course Skulker knew. He smiled knowingly before thankfully changing the subject. “Those shadow ghosts really have it out for you huh? They should really know their place!”
“Heh, yeah, I wonder what I did to piss so many off them off like this!”
“Oh, what didn’t you do!”
Admittedly, he got a laugh out of me. Feeling a bit more at ease, I sit down on a dumpster nearby. Skulker can make himself comfy on his own. I can’t help finding it strange that Skulker is the only other ghost I know that’s approached me so far. I have been running for a few weeks now, so I have gotten pretty far from the ghost portal, but even then there are other ghosts out there! And yet, it almost feels like everyone’s avoiding me. Skulker is the only one that I’ve been able to confide in lately.
“So what do you think their deal is?” I don’t wanna change the subject yet. I have had plenty of time with these guys and I wish I knew what they’re doing.
“You think I would know? You think I would send them after you like that?”
“What? Nah! You hunt alone don’t you?”
“Exactly that, welp! I don’t need any hounds chasing you and herding you to me! I can and will catch you on my own terms!”
“Oh goodie. Always wanted to be mounted on a wall.” The sarcasm might’ve been lost on Skulker, but it helps me stay calm.
“Maybe some day, but today is not that day! I need you in top performance before I can hunt you down proper! For now, I will help you in your time of need. Hunter’s honor.”
“Hunter’s honor…” I respond a little quieter, honestly not sure if that’s a thing. Something about it feels less like a promise, and more like camaraderie. I suppose I could have been considered a hunter, but, “I can’t be a hunter. I’m not hunting anything.”
“Oh, aren’t you? I believe I remember you were hunting for a solution to your uh… situation…”
My situation is not the same! I can’t say that, I couldn’t even bring myself to answer. My situation… it’s hard to explain, it was a stupid spur of the moment decision. Meeting clockwork, seeing Amity Park’s future, knowing what I could become, it’s all a mess I wish I could forget. I stare at a nearby wall, holding my chest, and feeling not only my pulse but a soft drumming of something foreign and new.
I failed to save them. I failed to save my friends from disaster. I don’t know what gave them the impression I could save them, especially if I was the one that put them in danger. After that explosion, there were no survivors of that accident. I saw some kind of light leaving their bodies, I could hear a soft hum from each of the lights. The hum was familiar, but much quieter than the one I’m familiar with. I was scared, and I didn’t want to lose what little what left of my friends and family. So I grabbed on. I rushed to scoop up those little lights before they flew away or shattered with how young and fragile they were. I held them close in grief, and then, they were gone. I could still feel them now, but they weren’t in my arms anymore. What’s left of everyone is right here, with what’s left of me.
“I can’t find a solution if I’m dead.” I realize my poor choice in wording immediately. “Gone. Turned to dust. Reduced to atoms. Nothing could save them then.”
“Well, you wouldn’t have to worry about your grief anymore if, you know, you weren’t conscious anymore? I could put your cores in a jar and put it up on my mantle!”
“Oh what are you, a heartless?”
A beat. A… Heartless?
“Oh, so the welp doesn’t know grammar either, it seems!”
I don’t respond, and he seems to catch on. Why did I say that? Why is it getting to me? What is a heartless and why does it feel familiar? I try to stand again, but my legs start feeling a bit wobbly, and my head gets fuzzy. A heartless. What is a heartless? Why do I know this? My energy is spent, and as the world goes dark I hear a vague shout, and I hit the ground.
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whiskeyghoul · 4 months
Pt.6 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!reader]
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First part, Previous part, Next part
A/N: Ah okay this took a bit longer than expected. I really wanted to do this justice but that took a while oops. I really hope you enjoy it. A bit more good vibes towards the end. There are more plans for part 7 with backstory so hopefully that will be up and going soon. Maybe some spice? If people want? Let me know. Remember to please reblog when you can!
WC: 3,4K
Tags: alt reader, little hurt comfort, past relationships, making up, hurt comfort-ish, fluff. 
Warnings: Mentions of past relationship, toxic relationships, hinting at nsfw
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Your POV
When Spencer left the office it took a few moments for Penelope to return. Being alone in the room, surrounded by computers and Garcia trinkets, it was still incredibly lonely. You felt horrible, tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. Like they had been the entire day. You felt like a dick. Spencer had been nothing but nice, kind, looking at you with those big brown eyes like you were the only person in the world. It was just unfair that when you finally had something, someone, to look forward to talking to, that it was all taken away. You were at fault too of course. It wasn’t just the situation, you actively pushed him away but only to keep him from getting hurt.
The door opened, Penelope walked in looking concerned. “Boy genius looked upset. What happened? What did you tell him?” the two questions you really didn’t want to answer. “I just told him I needed time to work on something. Fix something.” You answered after swallowing thickly. “You didn’t tell him about Tommy?” You told Penelope before about how bad your ex was, how he had snuck into the building and left you a ‘gift’. It was always about Tommy. He made sure of that. Popping back into your life when things went well. Squashing any form of happiness down, stamping it into the ground. 
The thing with Tommy was that when you had been together he had been almost dismissive when it came to showing it. Your relationship felt shallow, like you didn’t know the person you had been with. Only discussing the basics, never truly getting to know each other on a deeper level, when you did it was a rare occasion and you both used it against each other. You had a different kind of passion though. There was undeniable tension in the way you teased and called eachother names. It was a love hate relationship if you had ever seen one. Hate seemed to be your way of love with him. It lasted 6 months.
You don’t even remember how it came to be, because it happened on a drunken night out with a mutual friend. A former friend. Who made a comment about the way you berated eachother like an old married couple. You made a comment about how you’d never do him. He made a comment about how you would be lucky to have him. Jabs were made, words were said. Then suddenly, the next morning, you woke up in his apartment with your clothes discarded on the ground and black lipstick marks on his neck. Somehow it happened, and you don’t remember hating it, nor the time after. That was the start of it.
You do remember hating the end of it. Every week ended with a fight, and not in the way you had been used to. This didn’t have the usual quips and remarks, no it was truly using sore spots to anger each other. Every week he would try to make up, apologize, buy flowers or make dinner. But every week would end the same as the one before it. You were stressed, sick and tired of the continuous flip flopping of his personality. His words were venom, and every week it settled deeper into your body, festering, feeding this growing idea of leaving him. When you finally found the courage, the right time, his reaction shocked you.
He hit you.
He apologized profusely after that. Trying to reconcile once again but that was the straw that broke the camel's back. You packed up the few items you had at his apartment and left. Still he didn’t seem to be able to let it go. Every so often he would pop into your life. Like he had done the weekend before, leaving a gift on your doorstep. Something to remind you he was still there, watching you, following every step you took and swooping in as soon as you got close to someone. Making you relive the entire thing. This time it was a small paper gift bag with a tag that stated he missed you, inside was a jewelry box you didn’t even open. It sat there on your doorstep for 3 days until you caved and brought it inside. Still though, it sat on your dining room table, unopened. 
“Yeah… He uh… I don’t want Spencer to be caught in the middle of it. I don’t know how far Tommy is willing to go.” You shook your head slightly, trying to shake away the memories. Penelope stared at you, mouth slightly agape “And you didn’t think that the FBI agent could help you with your problem?” she managed to bring out, there was clear confusion in her face. “Yes, but I need to do this myself. I don’t want to burden Spencer with this. It’s my thing, and I won’t let him ruin something good again.” You took a deep breath, knowing you might have ruined your chances with Spencer just now. It made your heart ache, terribly so. “I can hack his phone, tell him to back off, put a virus on it so it opens every porn site known to mankind as soon as it gets close to you?” Penelope’s tone being serious made you crack a smile. “Let’s keep that as our plan B.” There was a hint of humor returned in your voice.
You thought about it, you really liked Spencer. Tommy was standing in the way of things for you and you needed to get him out of your life once and for all. You looked to Penelope, “I just hope I didn’t lose my chance with Spencer.” You admitted before you were enveloped in a tight hug. “I’ll keep an eye on him, let you know if our boy genius comes back.” She said as you returned the hug. She was a good friend. The best. Always looking out for you and you so hoped she felt the same about you. You thanked her before you took your leave. Promising to keep her updated on what you were doing. 
You: ‘Is Spencer back?’
You texted Penelope the question as you sat in the lab waiting for the centrifuge to finish. It was Wednesday, you had been able to talk to Tommy that Sunday. Talk was a big word. He took your contact as an admission that you still liked him. That you wanted him back. When you told him to leave you alone he got angry. Which threw you right back to the fights that you had with him before. It was like nothing changed for him. Things had changed for you though. You finally realized he didn’t care about you, he didn’t want you back, he wanted the idea of you. 
Spencer hadn’t shown up to work again since Thursday.
Penny: ‘No, I wanted to go check on him. I can’t get a hold of him.’
Penelope replied to your text. The ding of your phone pulling your attention back to it. The fact that Penelope, the sweetest, most caring, technologically adept person you knew couldn’t get a hold of him meant he really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. ‘I’ll try and text him again.’ You sent the message to Penelope before quickly changing to Spencer’s contact. Your previous messages sat unanswered.
You: ‘Spencer, can we talk?’ Sun, 16:30
You: ‘Are you coming into work today?’ Mon, 8:38
You: ‘Spencer? Could you please answer me? I want to talk about what happened.’ Mon, 12:45
You: ‘I fixed it.’ Mon, 12:46
You: ‘Please text me when you see this.’ Tue, 15:24
It was ironic. These messages were so similar to what Tommy had sent you when you first broke up. You really didn’t want to become like him. Just when you had finally gotten rid of him. You sighed, typing out a new message. Hitting send you quietly waited for a reply. Turning the chair you had been sitting in. Looking at the phone screen every few seconds, anxious for an answer. Watching the minutes pass by felt like it was taking forever. Until the phone buzzed alive, the screen lit up with a message.
You: ‘Spencer, everyone is worried. Just let me know you’re alive.’ Wed, 12:36
Spence: ‘I’m okay’ Wed, 12:40
You breathed a sigh of relief, the nerves settling down. Finally, he was speaking to you again. Or well, texting you again. Which was better than nothing in all honesty. Missing spencer for 6 days has been torture. No conversations, no lunch together, not even a quick pop by the lab just to get the notes on a case. You didn’t think you could miss someone so much. Especially when you had only known each other for a few weeks.
You: ‘I’m coming over after work. I need to talk to you.’
Spencer: ‘What? You don’t have to. I really don’t need you to check up on me.’
You: ‘It’s not about checking up on you. I want to apologize in person, explain what happened…’
Spencer: ‘You don’t even know where I live.’
You: ‘So text me your address. Or I can ask your colleagues for it.’
Spencer: ‘...’
Spencer: ‘Alright.’
You: ‘I’ll get you something to eat on the way over. Anything you want.’
Spencer sent you his address, and a request for chicken tandoori from a place near his apartment. A smile crossed your lips, he had needed time but he was accepting you coming over. Maybe, you could make up. There was just a little glimmer of hope. You quickly texted Penelope that Spencer was alive, and you were going to check up on him later that day. Explaining you were going to talk about what happened, to hopefully get on his good side again. Maybe have a shot at going on a date again, though that was probably too soon. You realized you had hurt his feelings, terribly so, but it was to make sure you could get rid of Tommy. Without him hurting Spencer in the process. You didn’t know what he would be able to do. An explanation was necessary, for sure.
So you stood in front of Spencer’s apartment door. Bag of Thai take-out in hand. You had texted Spencer before you left the Thai place, letting him know your ETM just to make sure he was prepared for you showing up. Nerves had begun to coarse through your body. The fact he could still be angry with you was weighing deeply in your mind. Though accepting your coming over was a step in the right direction it didn’t mean he’d necessarily want to listen to what you had to say. You just hoped he would be willing to listen. To have a conversation.
You reached your free hand up, knocking on the apartment door. Waiting a few seconds before hearing movement inside. The door opened and Spencer stood in the entrance. His hair was disheveled, a slightly large cardigan hung from his frame, just a t-shirt underneath. His eyes were tinged red. He looked… not so great. Tired. You had really hurt him. A sinking feeling in your stomach, it was terrible to see him like this. You never wanted this. “Hey.” The word came out strained. “Hi.” Spencer said in return, his eyes looked you over. You realized you weren’t looking so hot yourself either. Comfy clothes had been your go to for the past 2 days, a sadness settling in your bones at not seeing Spencer, not hearing from him. A way too large zip up from some band you didn’t listen to anymore, with holes at the cuffs from nervously picking at them in times of distress. You had foregone makeup too, not feeling the motivation for it the past days. 
“I brought the thai you wanted. We should eat before it gets cold.” You said, holding up the take away bag with a sad smile. Spencer took a step to the side, “Right, thanks.” He said as you walked past him into the apartment. It was somehow exactly what you expected from Spencer but still surprising. There were books everywhere you looked. The massive shelves that lined a wall were filled to the brim. There was a leather couch in his living room, where a blanket laid haphazardly over the arm. A small table sat next to the window, a chessboard atop with a game configuration.
It smelled like him. 
“I really like your apartment, it suits you.” You complimented as you had your look around. Taking everything in as Spencer walked to a small dining room area. “Thanks.” Spencer’s answers were short. Annoyingly so. You walked over to the table, placing the take out on the table. Watching as Spencer got plates and cutlery out and handed you your set. You got all the food out, separating yours and Spencers out and placing them on different sides of the table. You wanted to face him when you apologized. So when you both sat down you took a deep breath. “You w-” “I am s-” Both Spencer and you spoke at the same time. It was so similar to when you had both spoken that Thursday before. You let out a soft laugh, it was borderline ironic that when you wanted to apologize it happened in a similar fashion as when you upset him.
Spencer looked at you with a hint of confusion, maybe a bit of disdain at your laugh, “You wanted to talk?” he said as he piled his plate with the chicken tandoori that smelled so flavourful. “Yes. I wanted to explain, apologize…” you said, slowly putting some rice and chicken masala on your own plate. “I am sorry about what I said. I was afraid you would be caught in the middle of things that would put me in a bad light. Or maybe make you realize I am not worth the trouble.” You started, “I have an ex, Tommy, who ehm… how do I even explain this.” You felt nervous, this was the first time you had actually said something about Tommy to a guy you might like. “Tommy wasn’t the greatest. And when I finally broke up with him he couldn’t let it go.” You watched Spencer’s expression change, you couldn’t place it though, it wasn’t pity. Pity is what you usually get when you tell people about your emotionally abusive ex. No, this was different.
“He stalks you?” He said before you could continue. You were a little surprised he found that out with the words you used. Before remembering that’s what he does, behavioral analyst. Finding answers through just the smallest of details. “I hope he won’t anymore.” You answered, “I talked to him. He found out about you. After we went to the museum together he had left me something.” You continued, “And it made me realize that I didn’t know how far he was willing to go to keep me from meeting someone. I did not want you to realize I am not worth the trouble of dealing with a stalker. Or, for you to get hurt because of something he did.” you fell silent, Spencer was so too. His eyes on you felt heavy. Analyzing every little move, facial expression. “Why didn’t you tell me? I don’t… I don’t think that. I wouldn’t think you aren’t worth the trouble.” He sounded just a little upset. Like the mere thought of you not being worth the trouble was appalling to him. “But you still could have gotten hurt.” You protested. “If I was scared of getting hurt I wouldn’t have joined the FBI.” He answered so seriously. It made a wave of relief wash over you. 
Spencer took a bite of his food, which reminded you that yes, you were here to eat too. “So… You’re not mad at me?” You asked before taking a small bite of your own food. It was nice, Spencer was right to order from here. “I’m not… I was sad, a little confused at first. I knew you were hurt too… which is why I wasn’t mad. And I am not mad now.” He explained after swallowing his bite. “I am hurt that you didn’t tell me. That you think I would leave at the first signs of trouble.”
You nodded your head, he had a right to be hurt. “I’m sorry, I was just, people tend to leave. Or I don’t let them get close enough to really know what was going on. It caught me off guard that you were the first. How quickly it happened too.” your voice still sounded a little strained. Speaking words and thoughts that had subconsciously taken up your mind. Ones that you didn’t give the time of day before to fully develop, to acknowledge. Penelope sent him on purpose, she must have known, or had an inkling that the good doctor would break down your walls. His disarming nature, sweet demeanor, his smile. Everything about him made you feel safe. It was terrifying.
“So what did you say to get him to back off?” Spencer asked, seemingly a little interested, though his voice was a little soft. You cleared your mouth, “Well… I don’t know if it worked just yet.” you started. “But, I eventually made him realize how stupid it is to threaten a person who has access to lab equipment and various kinds of poison. Oh and also that if he so much as glances at me again Penelope will put a virus on all his electronics that will cause them to irrevocably be loaded with porn and viruses.” You felt just a little devious, a small smirk playing on your lips. You looked up at Spencer who had his mouth slightly agape, his eyes wide as he processed your words. He looked surprised until a soft chuckle escaped his lips, “Remind me to stay on your good side.” He laughed.
You missed that sound more than you would like to admit. More than you expected.
“I don’t think you could ever get on my bad side.” You said it, eyes softening as you looked at Spencer. His eyes mirrored yours. There was a kindness in them with a hint of sadness still. “I wouldn’t even want to try.” he said those words almost like a whisper. They were imbued with tenderness. It made a shiver run up your spine, a warmth settled in your stomach. “Can we go back to normal?” You asked, putting down your utensils on the table, “Please?” You didn’t want to plead but you didn’t want to lose Spencer. The only thing on your mind was wanting to be close to him again. You waited, watching as Spencer thought for a moment. The silence was nerve wracking. The only thing you could feel in that moment was your heartbeat. The seconds felt like minutes instead. You waited in bated breath hoping he’d be willing to make up. Hands fidgeting with the holes in your sleeves. Teeth assaulting the inside of your lip.
“Yeah… I’d like that.” You let out the breath you had been holding, relief washing over you at his words. Shoulders sagging down as finally relaxation took over fully. “Thank you, I couldn’t stand not hearing from you every day.” you spoke and you watched Spencer visibly relax too at your words. “It was hard to ignore you.” He confessed. “You better never do it again then.” Yeah, this started to feel normal again. “And you better finish your food. You gotta get up early to meet me before starting tomorrow.” You teased, taking a bite of your own food. “Or you c-'' Spencer stopped himself, a small blush tinging his cheeks. It was a little surprising, you didn’t understand what he wanted to say, but he looked extremely adorable blushing. “If you want, we could watch a movie after?” He said, it wasn’t what he wanted to say at first, but it was something that he wanted to spend time with you again. “I’d love to.” You nodded your head yes.
So after dinner, you sat on his couch together. Both dressed in your shabbiest clothes. Your head leaned against his shoulder, a blanket wrapped around the both of you. The smell of Spencer completely enveloping you. Completely at ease. Though still wondering what he really had wanted to say.
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Tag list: @luvkatryna @emma-e-a @littlemadamred @cultish-corner @styleiconsize0 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @depressedbutartsy @mikariell95 @jasf444 @queermaxwooo @ill-be-okay-soon-enough @sammy-4103 @thedevioussmirk @pleasantwitchgarden @khxna @mega-kittyglitter-1 @superlegend216 @seninjakitey
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
in the heights/hamilton characters as different aesthetics (preppy, goth, etc.)
this is such a great question! ok, let's think about it. so i decided to pair them up (one ith + one (or two) hamilton character(s) with similar vibes i may also drop some quotes to prove my point) and here's how i see it:
usnavi/alexander (it's all about the legacy they left with me, it's destiny/what is a legacy? it's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see + both the caribbean immigrants + both orphans + both can't shut up sometimes i could write a whole essay about it actually): 90s (i don't have any explanation for this one, i just want to see it cause it's a vibe)
vanessa/angelica (if i'm in the mood, it will not be with some dude who is whistling cause he has nothing to say/i'm looking for a mind at work + so this is what it feels like to match wits with someone at your level you see what i did here, right?): DARK ACADEMIA (oh i love this one, i could even make them a moodboard lol)
nina/eliza: (hey guys, it's me! the biggest disappointment you know BUT nina please believe that when you find your way again you're gonna change the world/i'm erasing myself from the narrative BUT i live another 50 years, it's not enough + and when my time is up, have i done enough? cause in the end they both have done so much, ok? you know what i'm trying to say also this post is a mess): PREPPY (idk i just think it's their vibe)
benny/mulligan (idk, for some reason i was just thinking about how benny was showing off his skills in benny's dispatch and mulligan was showing off... his pants also yes that is the only reason lol): SKATER (do i even need to explain?)
sonny/laurens/philip (they all just have the same young energy for me and i'm not gonna give you any quotes here, it's just something you can see with your own eyes when you watch them on the stage): KIDCORE (i literally had no idea something like this exists but you can google it and it's a perfect choice for them)
kevin/jefferson (ok so look, kevin and camila are married to each other and jefferson and madison are also like a married couple in my head i don't know what else i can say): NORMCORE (just how i see it)
camila/madison (look up): LIGHT ACADEMIA (idk it's just the vibe bro)
daniela/lafayette (mostly because they are both iconic and come on we all love them so much also daniela works in the salon and layafette has majestic hair but it's unimportant): ART HOE (it's just perfect for them, ok?)
carla/peggy (like can't you just see it? carla clearly doesn't have much to say and peggy... and peggy. they are both cute tho! and they are both there just for fun!): SOFT GIRL (cause like i said they are just cute!)
piragua guy/king george (hey, pana! i run this town!/soon you'll see, you'll remember you belong to me! come on they are basically the same person, piragua guy is the king of washington heights): BADDIE (i'm literally crying right now, it's too damn funny)
abuela claudia/george washington (that was abuela, she's not really my abuela but she practically raised me, this corner is her escuela/your wife needs you alive, son, i need you alive + daddy's calling parent vibes lol): COTTAGECORE (it is what it is)
graffiti pete/burr (listen, i don't even have any quotes here, it's just the fact that usnavi hates graffiti pete and hammy and burr are enemies lol you see what i did here): GOTH (just because this is so fucking funny in my head lol imagine aaron burr as goth)
maria reynolds (i don't have a pair for her oops): EARLY 2000s (because of course)
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pingponkan · 5 months
Lmaoooo hi, I'm still alive!
I know I am a few days late, but I still wanted to dress up my OC sims and torture myself by fighting pixels with the obstinance of a defiant toddler. Let the watcher take a pretty picture, please?
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The first to arrive was Haru Masuda. Pretty pupperina I just want to squish her face!!!!
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Dakota Yu was her usual hot self pls I hate that she's not real. I get why Yves cannot say no to her.
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Cecelia Goth wouldn't miss this event for the world. She hopes to be as iconic as her grandmother Bella.
Her arm candy is Haru's twin, Bom Masuda. Don't let the serious expression deceive you because deep down, he's melting. Him! Holding a girl's hand! Wow!!!!
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Rosie Jeong and Zach Masuda. Two OCs that grew up with me. From teens to being happily married and with grown-up twins! [cries in old]
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This is a treat because we rarely see Sasha Von-Windeburg serve. She's a simple girl. All she needs is her castle and her favorite S-dramas. You bet she bolted as soon as the cameras shifted lens to someone else.
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Louvelle Nix-Werner, I am nothing but your footstool.
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My certified bb gurl Ignacio Adami-Werner didn't follow the theme but served rockstar realness lol
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MOTHER HAS ARRIVED. Mother rose from her grave to mother. That is what Vivienne Desrosiers is, a giver of life (though she's already canonically dead).
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Yves Desrosiers gets to have three photos of them shared because they are my spoiled brat. They only glanced at "Bella Goth" in the invitation and knew their outfit had to be red. They wanted to show off their tits so here we are...what was the theme again?
So yeah! Despite losing 2 days of my life, doing this project was fun!
Thank you havenroyals for the idea and the theme!
I was inspired by this tweet by theplottdump!
Here's a group pic as a closing remark. Met Gala is not Met Gala without the cheesy restroom pictures!
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chthonicgodling · 1 year
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Hera (rip no dark blue/indigo text color again)
committing absolute blasphemy against our cast of chthonic gothy deities by admitting that I actually like this wheel Better 🫣 I am not immune to rainbow sparkly….. in fact it is my biggest weakness….. bUT pls visit standard goth color wheel HERE
Im STILL playing with the viral color wheel from a month ago and planning on beating it into the deadest of horses but again, rainbow & me, iiii can’t resist. Round two features a real rarity of eight of the twelve main Olympians as they exist in their completely warped and bastardized forms within the Elysium’verse OC world, where every Olympian is a douche and goths rule our hearts
[‼️standard disclaimer for when I venture too close to real Greek mythology in that don’t take me too seriously and also PLEASE do not ever forget that HERE Olympians only exist to be mean and terrible and are all** assholes all of the time, as this is a venue for chthonic gods only 🥰 are the mythological olympian gods nuanced and morally gray characters yes!! Am I interested in exploring that at all not in the SLIGHTEST go someplace else for that. biased and skewed filters onlyyy]
**actually Ares is the only one here is NOT an asshole hilariously enough, as death adjacent god of war he’s actually one of Neo’s mentors! he’s not included when I say these guys all suck lol. Hermes is alright too
ideally I would hav liked to include some little blurbs about each of these guys as they exist HERE and their canon interactions w our actual cast but that essay list will come later.,,,, possibly fgh. or send me an ask or something to bully me into getting there ANYWAY. enjoy these glittery stuck up pricks 💕💕 They Are At Least Pretty To Look At Oh My Gods two more wheels left to drop but I’m fully peaking with this one ty!!
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macabremoons · 1 year
Hi, and happy blorbo blursday! (I am @writeblr-of-my-own, this is just my main and all questions if you would like to recieve them again, will come under this username).  I am back and ready to get in the game! For today's question, imagine your characters were in a cartoon TV show (such as Total Drama, Adventure Time, Kim Possible etc). What would their signature outfit be? The one they will never change for the duration of the season, possibly of the whole show? What would be one bit they keep doing or their signature sentence?
Menodora: This is a bit difficult because Menodora is someone who has low knowledge of herself. She's a walking, talking identity crisis who thinks she has herself figured out, and fashion is a visualization of self. As her actual self, I see her falling into a slight emo aesthetic or watered down Victorian goth aesthetics. She isn't really a fan of showing a lot of skin, so imagine a lot of long skirts.
On the other hand when she isn't that familiar with herself, she over dresses. You could argue the other style could be, but its less in the way that is she much more elaborate than everyone else, but much more "grown up." I could see her wearing business casual things just to normal outings. She wears a costume of maturity as an obligation and an attempt to make others respect her
Menodora, despite her greater than thou persona, LOVES mischief, so I could easily see her "thing" being her pranking people.
More under the cut:
Benjamin: Either Benjamin has like a skater boy outfit or he's that type of pretty boy who wears basic ass stuff and everyone think it's fashionable because he's hot. There is no inbetween.
His "bit?" Mhm. People ask him if shit is true and others get frustrated because its a loophole LOL. He's half fae so he can't lie! This is actually another paraell between Menodora and him because she's a good liar and he literally can not lie, so she is able to do things and say things he'd never be able to and very few of them are moral--
Wow! Oops something can over me!! Anyway,
Bonnie: You know those like crop tank tops with the crochet sweater that's unbuttoned not on the shoulders? Bonnie.
Her bit would probably be the juxtaposition of her bubbly personality and the scientific things she does.
Emilio: You know the edgy brother from vampire diaries? Don't say which one, don't lie to yourself or me. Him. His little dark shirt and jeans thing? Emilio.
His bit is just being the grumpy older brother to everyone LMFAOOO. Like Menodora will do something stupid and he's like "you did WHAT???"
Apollo: ... I'll-- get back to on that
I DO know his bit though: swearing. He's the only one of main cast that swears consistently. The others would swear if shit got tough, Apollo swears because life is tough.
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