#two lethal games can live in my heart…
klayfruit · 10 months
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first lethal company fanart and its bracken coilhead jester polycule
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
Stupid Cheese Cat (NSFW) FT Karina
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Author's note: This is going to be my legacy and I know it. I already hate it but we live despite it. Dedicated to @somicutie08 and literally everyone else who has been asking for this. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find a will to keep writing.
You had known Karina for a while, so you knew something was up when she started acting strange.
She began avoiding you, becoming more distant, and overall, she wasn't the clingy best friend you knew her as. At first, the breathing room from her was great, but eventually, it grew to be lonesome.
“I don't know, DJ. Karina has just been acting so weird lately,” you tell me. I nod as we move through our game, the clatter of dice and the shuffle of cards filling the room. I sigh, considering both my next move and what to say to you.
“Honestly, Ivan, my take is you should just tell her how you feel. You guys have been friends for so long that it should work… and that's lethal to Vanguard,” I respond, pointing to the game board. You are taken out of your haze and look at the board to see I have overrun you with creatures.
“Spike brothers,” you lament, your voice tinged with frustration.
“Spike brothers,” I agree, smirking.
You sigh, then say, “But we’ve been friends forever, and it feels weird because she just broke up with that guy, and you know the timing's just not right. But my heart races around her. She’s sweet, kind, a total dork who loves all the stuff I do, and not to mention that killer body of hers,” you declare, your eyes widening with each word. I chuckle and say,
“You should honestly tell her instead of fanboying over her to me. Just saying.”
“But then I have to confront the very real possibility she may not like me,” you prattle, your voice faltering.
I reply with a simple, “This life, my dude,” and you sit there, stunned.
Before you can say much of anything else, you get a call. The ringtone lets you know it's Karina calling. I walk out, giving you some time to talk.
“Hey, lover boy,” Karina says smoothly to you. You shudder at her tone.
“Yo, Yu, what's up?” you inquire, your voice shaky.
“It's our movie night, and you're nowhere to be found,” Karina bemoans. You furrow your brow as you respond, a knot forming in your stomach.
“Yu, you’ve canceled the last two and didn't text me this morning when I asked about it earlier,” you remind her. Karina sighs and says, “Get your butt over here now before I show up at your place. Also, tell DJ hi and that he should come by sometime—Giselle and Winter miss him.” You nod and tell Karina you're headed over. On the way out, you tell me,
“Hey, this weekend we are hanging out with the girls. They miss you.” I look up from editing my most recent children’s book and reply,
“But Joy and I…” you shake your head and say, “Karina's orders.” I sigh and relent. I tell you to stay safe and not to let Karina wear you out too much.
The drive to her home is super relaxed, though. When you open the door to her apartment, you see her patiently waiting on the couch. The dim light casts a warm glow on her, highlighting the soft contours of her face. She turns, and her face perks up into the most adorable smile when she sees you. Her hands also do her little golf clap, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“You made it!” she says, so excited it's almost a yell as she rushes to hug you. You smile as you are tackled by her. When you hit the ground, you can't help but smile at her goofy, eager self. Karina smiles and then kisses your cheek, her lips soft and warm against your skin.
Both of you get up when Giselle walks into the living room and chuckles as she gets some water. As Karina and you get up, Karina bumps her head on the table, causing you and Giselle to burst into laughing fits. The sound of your laughter fills the room, lightening the atmosphere.
Karina lightly hits you to stop laughing and drags you to her room. She locks the door, and you point to her couch at the edge of her bed, where several snacks and DVDs are intricately placed. The room smells faintly of vanilla and lavender, adding to the cozy ambiance.
“So what will it be, lover boy?” Karina defers to you with her heavily assured smile. Your heart melts, and the words can’t run out of your mouth fast enough.
“Karina, I think I’m in love with you. I mean, I have been in love with you for a long time. It just was never the right time, and…” Before you can ramble on any further, Karina pulls you into a kiss. Your mind shatters as you can’t believe it. You’ve been kissing your crush since middle school. Her lips taste sweet, like strawberries, as she holds onto you for a moment. When she finally breaks the kiss, you are left panting with your head spinning.
“How was it, lover boy? Was it everything you imagined?” Karina says with her trademark smirk, her eyes twinkling with mischief. You need to taste her again so you pull her in for another kiss. In your fervency, you didn’t notice how Karina became hungrier in her kiss. Until you felt her bite your tongue.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She says smirking before licking her lips. Your eyes are glazed over as she smiles before taking off her shirt revealing her tits. You instinctually go to her right one and she moans as you take it into your mouth. Karina moans as you begin to suck on her nipple and areola.
“Oh lover boy right there” she screams before she starts to grind on you. You moan as her hand finds your cock. Karina begins to stroke as the two of you keep pleasuring the other until Karina pushes you off. You look at her confused until she demands, “Your clothes off now!” You quickly strip to get equally nude with her and she pounces on you.
With no patience, she begins to ride you. Her tempo is as unrelenting as her walls are. The tightness makes you delirious as your eyes roll into the back of your head. Karina smiles before massaging her tits and clit on top of you from your peripheral vision you can see her rolling her hips into you and those giant tits bouncing. “I need them,” you think as you move your mouth to the opposite breast you sucked earlier and Karina losses it. She screams as her walls become almost unbearably tight as she milks you for all your worth. You don’t last much longer either as your cock explodes into her. She smiles as the two of you cum so abruptly together.
After laying there for a while Karina looks into your eyes “You hungry?” she asks. You laugh before you nod and she gets up. As the two of you clean up Karina reassures you that she’s safe and can go all night once the two of you get back from your first date as a couple.
The two of you arrive at a nearby ramen shop that Karina swears by. You thought it was just okay, but anything for your new girlfriend, right? While you're enjoying dinner, you see a young lady in white approaching.
“Yu Jimin and Ivan Kujo?” she asks. The two of you nod, and the young lady smiles.
“You both have been chosen for the Desire Grand Prix (DGP),” she says as she brings out two cases with intricate designs on them. One has a navy and gold cat. The other has a red and pink tanuki on it.
“Here are your Desire Drivers and instructions. The meeting and rules explanation will be in the boxes.” Karina squints in confusion, but before she can say anything else, the lady in white leaves the two boxes next to you. You look back at Yu in confusion before continuing your date. When you get back to our shared apartment, you bring the package with you. I am still finishing my children’s book when you come in.
“Didn’t spend the night?” I question. You look at me and show me the package, and I tilt my head in confusion before pointing next to me where a similar box rests, although mine has a different icon. You look at me worriedly as Karina walks in behind you with a similar box. Joy also comes in with hers. We line them up, and Joy asks,
“So what now?” You ask , Karina, and I shrug. Unilaterally, we all decide to crack open our boxes, which hold devices with these little "button cores" on them. The buttons correspond to the outer logos. A cat for Karina, a tiger for Sooyoung, a tanuki for you, and a frog, I think, for me. I watch as you and Karina grab yours before popping out of existence. I sigh and carefully avoid touching the button core and read the letter.
“Congratulations! You have been chosen to compete in the newest Desire Grand Prix, or DGP for short. You were chosen for your previous performances in the DGP, and we’d love for you to make a return. When you’re ready, grab your ID core, and you will be transported to the loading and briefing area."
Sooyoung’s and my eyes widen as we realized y’all were taken and both decide to grab the cores on the count of three. On three, we are transported to what looks like a lobby where a bunch of our friends are waiting. We are all wearing uniforms along with empty black buckles that have our ID cores in the center. Except for one big black guy at the edge of the room listening to music on his earphones and vibing in the distance. He had the jack let part of the uniform tied around his waist as a Atlanta Braves Jersey was draped over a light blue “Zenkaiger” T-Shirt whatever that meant
Before I can do anything or say anything, a bunch of shattered memories sear themselves into my brain along with a massive feeling of sadness and dread. The feelings are so intense I fall to the floor. Luckily, Sooyoung, you, and Karina are there to catch and steady me. When I stand up, I know where we are, and an indescribable feeling of rage and regret fills my heart. I hear the familiar clack of heels and know who is coming.
A woman with long silver hair and piercing blue eyes enters the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. She wears a pristine white suit, exuding an air of authority and grace.
"Welcome, competitors, to the Desire Grand Prix," she announces, her voice clear and confident. "I am Tsukihime, the game master of this event. For those unfamiliar, the DGP is a high-stakes competition where selected participants battle to fulfill their deepest desires. Each of you has proven your worth in past performances, and now you have the chance to reclaim your place in this prestigious contest."
She pauses, letting her words sink in. "Your ID cores, the devices you hold, are the keys to your transformation and the source of your power. They also hold the memories and powers connected to your previous lives as competitors. Well except for DJ. We couldn’t restore your core due to the. Volatility of its current state after your DGP. Each core is unique to its owner, reflecting your individual strengths and traits. When activated, these cores will transport you to the arena where your skills and resolve will be tested. The rules for this DGP are different. Player vs Player is banned for the entirety of the competition. You will get no points for defeating other players or game masters except in specially sanctioned combat scenarios. Other than that rules are the same. Defeat Jyamatos Score points, spend points to get better gear and forms, and go for the highest “style score or votes” to win the game and your wish."
After her introduction, she steps forward, handing out information packets to everyone. "Inside these packets, you will find detailed rules and guidelines. Study them carefully. The DGP is not just a physical battle; it's a test of your will and your ability to navigate complex challenges. Only the strongest, both in body and mind, will emerge victorious."
She turns her attention to you, Seungyeon, and Karina. "I see familiar faces among the new participants. Ivan Kujo, Danzo, Eunbi, Seungyeon and Sooyoung, your past performances have left an indelible mark. This time, however, the stakes are even higher. Remember, the DGP is not just about winning. It's about discovering who you truly are and what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your desires."
After the meeting, Tsukihime asks if I can stay. I do reluctantly. She hands me my cracked previous ID core and says, “We couldn’t repair it, but we were able to make modifications to it. It’s safe to use now, but we assumed you’d want it because of its unique trait you made so much use of.” I stare into Tsukihime’s eyes and pocket the old ID core.
“It’s much stronger than it was before and stronger than the others, but that strength comes with some limitations. Please try to use it sparingly, or don’t use it at all, but Everyone loved your DGP, so maybe you should just give in to the monster inside.” She teases. I sigh, and she waves me off. The familiar warmth radiating from my pocket is the only warmth I feel.
I walk into the lobby where the other players are.
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blueberryarchive · 5 months
i want reader to call him again...please
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𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧!𝙟𝙠
previously on steph's house // later at the game...
tw: mentions of non-con
You've always heard men talk about having called at least once in their life to have sex on the phone. They usually called in groups, mutual support or stupidity, you didn't know which it was.
You knew you always wanted to know how those women could have such rich, soft and daring voices. Even when they laughed it seemed like a well-rehearsed choreography and at the end they said your name as if they knew you down to your bones. You wanted that gift, you would pay for that gift.
Now much more than ever. Or maybe you would like to know how to make another decision as daring as taking the phone from the living room again and hiding it in the bathroom at Steph's house. The girls sleeping upstairs. You should probably go back to bed.
How dare you? You have a boyfriend, for God's sake. And not only that, but with this idiot? You could feel Steph's gaze on the back of your neck, judging your finger to make the final turn.
The buzzing is the same, the heavy lump in your throat is not. You knew what awaited you on the other side of the line, it was cruel and disgusting; but you were lying if you said you didn't need to listen a little more.
In the silent night, in the darkness of the chick-yellow bathroom, shame haunts you, warming your ears, your hands on the phone when the soft click was heard on the other side.
"Mm." Was his response, silence was yours. What the hell had you done, were you crazy?
"Fuck," he laughed lowly, "not you again."
"Do you really play?"
"I'm on the team, if that's what you want to know. But I don't think you're adding numbers to your phone bill to ask so much shit, am I wrong?"
You let your forehead cool on the tiles on the wall, is he wrong?
"God, if I had you in front of me…” Jungkook sighed and your heart skipped a beat.
"I would force your mouth open to see if you learn to answer people when they talk to you."
"Do you always have music on when you sleep?"
"Are you always such an annoying cunt?"
Your chest burns, your eyes sting.
"You probably have a boyfriend, you all have a lapdog behind you so you don't get bored."
"Please. My boyfriend can kick your ass." You responded quickly, letting the burning spread like burning garbage.
"Are you, then?"
"Are you so bored that you have to call the weirdo from college."
"I don't even know why they consider you weird."
This time the laughter was genuine, stupid popular girl, didn't know what she was getting into.
"You would have noticed a while ago if you were in front of me."
"Are you missing teeth or something?" You laughed, chewing on your nails.
"I'd have you bend over with your head on the ground while I split that pussy in two. You'll probably be crying and your little pussy bleeding from the dryness."
"What if I don't want to?" And you cursed yourself for having hesitated, your callgirl career looked even further away.
"Who said anything about wanting?"
And there it was, the heavy knot tied lower, down your stomach to your legs.
"That's illegal."
"Shut up and put your hand between your legs." He interrupted. The smell of detergent was so strong all of a sudden, you looked at your pathetic reflection in the sink mirror.
"You're sick."
"And you're an insignificant whore who calls me at 4 in the morning to listen to my voice and touch herself. Wanting me to tell her exactly what she wants." The stranger growled under his breath. "You're all so spoiled and pathetic, you disgust me."
"Fuck you." Your wet cheeks started to bother you.
Silence, his laughter was lethal, hoarse from hours of interrupted sleep.
"Don't let me find out who you are, callgirl. You gonna' regret it."
Your eyes opened, the darkness and silence were no longer your allies, they now seemed to engulf you. Click, the unbearable tone torturing your ear.
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petcr3 · 1 year
dreams | rhett abbott x reader
summary: rhett asks if reader ever wants to move out of their apartment, and before either of them know it, they’re planning out a future together.
word count: ~1.4k
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, my usual in depth cuddle descriptions because i am not normal, rhett getting to feel loved uwu, rhett being romantic because he IS i just know
a/n: this was completely unplanned, i was just yearning so hard an entire fic fell out
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You’re curled up against Rhett’s chest, his cheek resting against the top of your head as he idly trails his fingers up and down the length of your spine.
“You ever think about leaving this place?” he asks.
“No.” A chuckle. “Well, yeah. But I just meant the apartment.” You hum in understanding, fingertips idly dancing along his side.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t mind living in a bigger place. Maybe a house someday.” 
“Any chance I’m in that house with you?”
“Of course you are. There’s a little spot for you to curl up at the foot of my bed and everything.” Laughter rumbles in his chest and he leans down to nip harmlessly at the shell of your ear.
You giggle and hide your face against his chest. He can feel you smiling against his skin. Despite your transgression, Rhett reaches up to play with your hair and you let out a contented sigh.
“There’s no house without you in it,” you say after a moment. It catches him a little off guard. Sure, he likes to think he plays a part in your fantasies about the future, but it’s something else to hear that he’s a fixture in them. Something clenches near his heart–– a beautiful ache that comes from a missing piece sliding home.
“Tell me more about it?” he asks, feeling suddenly a little vulnerable. You nose affectionately at his chest and pull him a little closer
“It’s got a lot of light. It’s big, but not too big, like, you can’t get lost in it. We wouldn’t need that kind of space. Mostly it just feels open and bright, you know? Lots of sun. Our bedroom has its own bathroom so I can listen to you sing to yourself in the shower.” Rhett lets out a quiet snort.
“Thought you did that anyway.”
“Yeah but now I can do it lying down. It’s a game changer.”
You’re funny, Rhett thinks. People don’t notice that enough. “Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…” Your head bobs a little with his gentle laughter.
“Go on.”
“We have a big ol’ bathtub–– one where we both fit.”
“Sexy.” He can’t help himself. You pinch his side, but he can still feel you smiling..
“We have a big yard. Maybe even big enough to keep horses, if you wanted.”
“What about a dog?”
“Well we’d have to get two, so they can have a friend.”
“What about you? What are you adding?” Rhett thinks for a moment.
“Nice deck. Rocking chairs or a porch swing so we can sit out and watch the stars at night.” You let out a happy little sound, and he can tell you’re picturing it. “Lots of blankets out there. You can get nice n’ cozy and I’ll bring us out hot toddies.” Rhett knows he’s not playing exactly by the rules of the game, but he’s starting to get lost in the idea of a future with you–– one that you seem to already be counting on. “The dogs like to sit by our feet. At least one of ‘em’s too big to sit in your lap, but you let ‘em anyway because you’re soft on ‘em.” He smiles. “Guess I probably am, too.”
You’ve always loved Rhett’s voice. It’s sexy as hell, sure, but it’s also unbelievably calming. Paired with his arms wrapped around you, it’s positively lethal. But he’s so wrapped up in the fantasy you two are creating, he doesn’t notice the way your breathing evens out or your grip on his waist starts to slacken.
“Once it gets too cold we head inside and you tell me just to leave the mugs in the sink because you don’t wanna go up to the bedroom by yourself even if it’s just for a few minutes. Our bedroom is big, but it’s cozy. You picked out most of the furniture but you always tell everyone I helped. I built our bed frame, though. You like to brag about that.” He knows he’s right because you still tell everyone you know about the end table he made for your living room last year. When he starts speaking again, he hardly realizes what he’s saying. It just starts to flow out of him.
“I ask you to marry me in that bed. I got a ring and a proposal all planned out but you have to go and look so beautiful one night that my plans go right out the window. I take you out for a walk like I was going to, though, and get down on one knee. You don’t even let me get up, you practically tackle me to the ground saying yes again. Maybe we get married out in the yard or we find some place pretty to go. But I think the ceremony happens outside; that feels right. We make Amy the flower girl even if she’s not a kid anymore. I’m crying the whole damn time and I don’t care who sees. You hold my hand even if we’re not supposed to.” He isn’t sure if that’s a rule–– he thinks maybe it isn’t–– but he knows you’d break it if there was one.
“I know we haven’t talked about kids, but…” Finally Rhett catches himself. “Well, I guess I’m getting a little carried away, there, huh?” For the first time in several minutes, he realizes you haven’t said a word. He nudges his nose against the crown of your head. “Sweetheart?” You shift a little bit, saying nothing. Rhett can’t help but laugh when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep. He leans back just enough to drag his thumb gently underneath your eye. “Sweetheart,” he tries again, a little louder.
“Mmm?” The sheets rustle as you start to wake, the sounds of a slow inhale as it fills your lungs. “Rhett?”
“Hey, sleepyhead,” and he thinks that maybe he’s never loved you so much as he does now. It’s not the first time he’s felt it–– he falls more in love with you every damn day. But his chest is full of something honey-thick, and warm. Your groggy expression is the sweetest thing he’s ever seen. “Think you fell asleep.” You blink some of the sleep from your eyes.
“Oh fuck!” you swear through a yawn. Your eyes seem bigger than ever when you peer up at him apologetically. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s just you were playing with my hair and your voice is so soothing and––”
“It’s okay,” he says softly, “it was kinda cute.”
“No, but I wanna hear what you were saying!”
“You’re tired, honey. Let’s go to sleep and I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“No,” you say, wiggling out of his embrace and sitting up. “I wanna hear everything. No details skipped.” Rhett only smiles up at you, expression growing mischievous, lips sealed tight.
“Here,” you say, oblivious to the fact that he’d do anything you asked. “You can put your head in my lap. I’ll play with your hair. But you have to tell me everything I missed.” He chuckles and tucks his head against your thigh. His eyes flutter shut and a happy sigh leaves him as you begin to card your fingers through his hair. 
“Where’d I lose you?”
“I let the big dogs sit on my lap.” He grins up at you, eyes peeking open.
“Oh good, so you missed the proposal.” You freeze.
“The what?”
“You heard me.” And the smug bastard has the nerve to shut his eyes again, settling back into your lap.
“Rhett Abbott, you open your eyes right now.”
“Hmm… nope.” You tug at his hair but he just lets out a contented groan. He can’t see you glaring at him, and it’s hard to keep it up when your heart is threatening to melt down into nothing and kill you. You think that maybe you’ve never loved Rhett as much as you do in this very moment. 
“Did you mean it?” you ask, voice suddenly small. Rhett opens his eyes, expression serious now.
“Yeah, I did.”
“And you’re not even gonna tell me?” you cry. He smiles and turns his head to press a kiss against your tummy.
“I’ll tell you everything else. I promise. But some things ought to be a surprise, don’t you think?” You let out a huff, but it’s all fondness.
“Okay, so I’m a pushover with the dogs, and?”
“You leave the mugs in the sink overnight because you can’t stand to be without me, even for a second.” You give him a look, but you know it’s true.
Luckily, if everything goes to plan, you won’t have to.
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whattraintracks · 7 months
2. Revenge - TMNT 2012
Raphael gets revenge for a fallen brother.
Raph stands over Leo's fallen form, heartbreak and fear in his eyes, and Leo almost gives up right then. But Raph steels himself just as fast. He turns to their enemy, fists clenched, the picture of righteous fury. He has always been their protector.
And with every ounce of force in his body, he boldly declares, "Don't worry, Leo! I'll revenge you!"
Leo really tries not to giggle with Mikey at that for the sake of the game and the fierce little five-year-old holding fast above him.
Predictably, Donnie's head pops up from behind the couch cushion barricade. "Actually, Fai, it's avenge—or, wait. Maybe both are right? You'd usually say—"
His impromptu grammar lesson cuts to a screech when he gets a face full of little turtle. The two of them tumble into a tight ball, Raph struggling with all his might and Donnie striking that careful balance between fight and play they've all had to learn the last few days to protect a brother much smaller than usual.
Leo rolls onto his plastron, pillow-induced death forgotten, to keep an eye on them. Raph's always been pretty rough and tumble, and even at 5, they could take some good hits in a spar. But it's still a little scary to wrestle with him when he's this small, to check their strength, to remember that your partner doesn't remember all the steps to your lethal dance.
Game forgotten, Mikey romps off to help Sensei carry in the tea and snacks Raph had adorably insisted on before his afternoon nap today.
"Man, Sensei, were we really this much work as kids?"
Leo rolls his eyes fondly at Mikey's moaning. All he'd done was crouch behind couch cushions. Meanwhile, Leo and Raph had fought for their lives to overtake Donnie's masterfully built pillow fort. Leo fought with honor and fell valiantly, thank you very much.
Splinter hums thoughtfully, "Yes. And no."
Mikey groans again, more playfully this time.
Leo can picture the twinkle in their father's eyes. Raph is laughing so hard he can't possibly be breathing, so Donnie's hands cease their tickle assault to hover anxiously over him.
"The four of you were certainly a lot to handle," he hears Sensei continue, "But you could usually be counted upon to care for and entertain each other."
Leo looks over just in time to catch Mikey's broad grin.
Splinter beckons Leo, and Donnie's not far behind, lugging an enshelled Raph.
"He's alright," Donnie preempts, "Just hiding from the nefarious tickle monster." Echoey giggles emerge from the little shell in agreement.
Leo basks in the comfort of taking tea with his family, of Donnie and Mikey doting on their little big brother, of Sensei watching over them with fondness and pride. They all try not to laugh at Splinter's disgruntled expression when Raph dunks his animal crackers into his teacup, suppressed snickers turning to full-bodied laughter at Raph's sly grin.
Then Mikey announces nap time, and Leo can't help the feeling that something important is slipping away from him. Raph lifts his arms sweetly, all sleepy and sated, to be bundled and whisked away. He calls I love yous and good nights over Mikey's shoulder.
Leo's heart hasn't stopped clenching since Donnie's panicked shout drew them all to the lab and revealed his much-shrunk brother, but it twists painfully again when he returns that call.
A furred claw settles on his shoulder. "Something troubles you, my son?"
"He's just," and Leo's not even sure he can put it into words, "so much more, Sensei."
And he doesn't mean it like Mikey did. Sure, the little guy needs a lot of care and attention, but Leo could never be frustrated about that. All he ever wants is to care for and attend to his brothers, and that Raph isn't pushing him away out of some sense of teenage pride fills him with warmth and sweetness.
What he really means to ask is, where did it all go?
Where did this happy little turtle go? The one who had bouts of hot anger but could be soothed with hugs and kisses. Who cried fat tears when he thought he'd hurt his brothers even accidentally. Who shrieked with joy at the sight of a beloved toy, or movie, or treat. Who said I love you as easy as breathing. Who felt so much so loudly and so brightly.
Sensei nods sagely. "Raphael has always been a sensitive child with large emotions. He has better control of them at your age." But Donnie's looking right at Leo, something fragile in his eyes. Guilt, probably, and understanding.
And Leo wonders sometimes after things go back to normal. When Raph is big again and still himself, always himself, but closed off in his anger, quieter in his fear and sadness and guilt, secret in his joy and love like they're a weakness and not the strongest parts of him. He wonders if maybe there's a part of Raph who still just wants to be hugged and held and loved when his emotions get too big for his body.
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accidentalbi · 6 months
pinterest quotes that make me feel an indescribable itch in my brain
" Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead. "
" In a fight, they're lethal. Around each other, they melt. "
" Two broken souls scarred with the wounds from their demons, playing a dangerous game of trust and love. "
" Have you ever seen the hell in someone's eyes and loved it anyway? "
" Breathe through the fear and walk through the fire. "
" I sat and sat. Something was wrong inside me. I felt it inside my stomach and I didn't know what to do. So I laid down on the floor. "
" I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn't quite loud enough. "
" Every angel is terrifying. "
" I'm extremely devout, but nobody can figure out what I'm worshipping. "
" Evolution was a mistake. I want fangs. "
" The eighth deadly sin is actually being mean to me, but they keep that one a secret. "
" My house is haunted because I live here. "
" She has angel eyes, the devil's grin, and tattered wings. "
" I don't study, I consult the lore. "
" If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise Hell. "
" Your movements are so cryptic and wraith-like. You've got, like, a precise and deadly energy. You seem unkillable. "
" The horrors may be beyond your comprehension, but I comprehend them perfectly. "
" This man can't be fixed. I can fuck him, though. Maybe that will calm him down. "
" Finally the demon is down and looking peaceful. "
" I'll fuck you eventually, relax. Let me be funny first. "
" I want him broken. I want him resentful and tired. I want him uncontrollable with anger and vengeance. I want him irreversibly unhinged. "
" Oldest daughters are some of the toughest men you'll ever meet. "
" Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack. "
" I know she is unhinged, responsible for multiple atrocities, and a danger to herself and others. But have you ever considered that she is tiny, and sad, and I love her? "
" Hold the fuck up. I'm the fuck up. Hold me. "
" I wasn't born to be soft and quiet. I was born to make the world shake at my fingertips. "
" You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature. "
" Is this what I get for loving a god? "
" You're a little tragedy, aren't you? "
" You and I both know this ends in blood. "
" They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace. "
" Nobody smart plays fair. "
" Anything you can do, I can do bleeding. "
" You want battle? I'll give you war. "
" I saw magic in his eyes. Dirty, dark, beautiful magic. "
" You're a weapon, and weapons don't weep. "
" I fear no evil. The shadow is mine, and so is the valley. "
" What doesn't kill me better run. "
" I might be a sinner and I might be a saint. "
" Not a god's chosen, but a god's cursed. "
" Sir, that's my emotional support knife collection. "
" What, pray tell, the fuck. "
" We can simultaneously be human and monster. Both of those possibilities are in all of us. "
" Looking half a corpse and half a god. "
" Be the reason why the lights flicker when you enter a room. "
" I don't take orders. I barely take suggestions. "
" The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. "
" I like storms. They let me know that even the sky screams sometimes. "
" Are you praying again? How raw are your knees? How often will you repent? "
" The hands that cradled your face and tilted it upwards to kiss your forehead are soaked in unfathomable quantities of blood. "
" Loyal to few, ruled by none. "
" If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together. "
" Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down. "
" I hate when people ask me what sign I am. Bitch, I'm a sign from god, start running. "
" His grin was always halfway a smile and halfway a threat. "
" The fastest way to a man's heart is by tearing a hole through his ribcage. "
" Crooked grins, sly hands, and one dangerous voice. "
" True evil is, above all things, seductive. "
" Bite the vampire first to establish dominance. "
" My immense self-hatred vs my delusional god complex. "
" I'm not in danger. I'm the danger. "
" Bare those teeth and snarl, baby. "
" This howl… isn't from a dog. "
" You want to play dirty? Fine. Let's play dirty. "
" Your hands are scarred from murder and yet I trust them completely. "
" You got a taste for blood when you were licking your own wounds. "
" Rome wasn't built in a day. But it burned in one. "
" I like to have powerful enemies. Makes me feel important. "
" How many centuries deep is your wound? "
" Just like the moon, half of my heart will always love the dark. "
" I don't think you're truly mean. You have sad eyes. "
" It is not Hell if you like the way it burns. "
" The sun watches what I do, but the moon knows all my secrets. "
" Yes, it's dangerous. That's why it's fun. "
" Fuck therapy, I'm becoming a knight. "
" Only a monster can deal with another monster. "
" Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word. "
" I could set this world on fire and call it rain. "
" I swing both ways. Violently. With a bat. Come get some, motherfuckers. "
" I suck at apologies, so unfuck you… or whatever. "
" Ah, there he is. That motherfucker. "
" I love you is a death sentence in my mouth. "
" It scares me sometimes, the emptiness I see in my eyes. "
" You walk a fine line between beautifully macabre and uncharacteristically psychotic. "
" He smelled of strawberries and depression. "
" Let's cause a little trouble. "
" Keep your head high and your middle finger higher. "
" Get in, loser, we're living past the end of our myth. "
" We sin as devils, we love as angels. "
" Like it's my fault my love language is acts of service and all I know how to do is kill. "
" I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and funny as hell. "
" Liking angels in an atheist kinda way. They're just pigeons to me. "
" Why the fuck am I not a slightly ominous forest entity that you only see out of the corner of your eye on a foggy day? "
" Maybe we can find out what the hell your problem is over dinner sometime. "
" Cute first date ideas -- hand to hand combat. "
" Third base is me telling you about my father. "
" Honey, I… bought us matching swords. "
" Family isn't who you're born with. It's who you die for. "
" RIP to everyone killed by the gods for their hubris, but I'm different. And better. Maybe even better than the gods. "
" I'm not really a househusband or a housewife, I'm more like a house beast. I'm in your walls, causing mysteries and stealing your things. "
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naughtynanzhu · 1 year
new copypasta just dropped
guy was mad that another guy posted a video of him setting up a romantic date night at home for his wife, saying women never do anything for men except give bjs and MAYBE stay loyal and it was very long winded and wild:
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"Why don't girls/females/woman do nice things for men?? "oh such a beautiful date thanks babe, I ensure I won't cheat on you for a little while and will stay loyal, until the next time you do this, unless you take too long, oh and and here's a bj... because that's all i've ever bring to the table.." Why don't woman set up nice things for men??? Do they not like men and prefer men suffer while they enjoy the luxurious of all the things men provide..... Like what do woman do to court or cater to their husbands needs??? This is what's complete BS about the dynamics of society and it really halves the enrichment of the civilization... Because Woman just want a free ride always and give nothing back but a "bj" Imaooo That's the most love a woman can show to a man???? And being loyal... (which is day one fundamental behavior for a relationship) Really???? I don't get it... Seriously what do woman do above and beyond like this?? I know a woman can't name nearly one example.... And just say some incomplete nonsense like "you have issues " hahaha. That's woman projecting their issues that they don't do anything for men. Sad world to live in. because they think their existence is good enough.. how about a man's existence is good enough? Because men run and protect the entire world. Woman need to be doing these things for men. Actually. I'm a warrior at heart and am willing to go the greatest lengths. The woman need to be catering to the men. I'm as manly as it gets and i'll challenge that against any man.. Making woman much less powerful, but we are inherently equal by existence. So actually the woman need to be courting the man.. The man holds a much more important role. This is called Simping for entitled girls who believe they deserve this. While they're probably cheating and being disloyal. Woman really are the devil."
he was then asked what he does for the world and had the most amazing reply:
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"If you only knew little man. My father was airlifted to the hospital on the job, he was paid less his entire life. My mother was the breadwinner. He also stepped in front a man with a gun to save our families life. My mom worked inside the A/C her entire career. Her brother fell off a 2 story roof from heat exhaustion working construction his entire life and died on the job a few years ago. My grandfather has a purple heart. I protect this entire world in ways no one walking this Earth knows. I also have multiple documented rescues in Ocean Rescue where civilians would had died without my attendance. I have double rescues, meaning two adults at once, and other rescues on multiple occasions. I've had 12 street fight KO's protecting my family and friends all in self defense. All bigger than me. My friends call me the Giant Slayer. There's no woman on the planet that could endure the circumstances i've been in. I grew up surfing, in athletics, trained in the harshest environments during hurricanes with Navy Seals. I won National Championships in College Water polo in California. You can't be a stronger swimmer than a water polo player, not even a navy seal, because they don't practice water combat and wresting for 7 years. Only a summer at BUDS. WP is an olympic contact sport, with cuts and stitches every game. I've knocked ppl unconscious in the water in self defense during games. I carry lethal. capabilities with my bare hands and am willing to execute those actions to protect people I love from evil. I grew up with world champion fighters CFFC and in the UFC, my uncle was also a golden glove boxer in FL. Strangers have personally thanked me for protecting them, saving their child's life. These occasions could have been you or one your family members. It's all relative, you wouldn't wonder who I am then. I also fight the good fight for civilians. Against the biggest cooperations and banks in the world. Recovering millions of dollars in settlements for disadvantaged policyholders in neglected claims. Working along the top forensic engineers, attorneys, the biggest contractors, and private judges in my state."
amazing. fucking g*d tier.
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
How do the hunters' edges manifest?
I'm mostly asking for the lieutenant but I'm curious about the others
Because the three main vaguely-protagonistic hunters largely play a secondary role to the newbie hunters in my game I haven't spent a lot of time in-game describing their abilities when they fire off. Likewise the players have not actively seen Andrea use any edges at all, she's just been attacking them fully human mode 100%. Man they don't even know what edges she possibly has let alone what they look like.
When they do turn up tho I'll make sure to add to this whole fucking essay. However, there have been a few showed so far. This is gonna get long and will have screenshots for those who want to know but don't know HtR off by heart :D So it's under a readmore! Prepare for Hunter essay!
Leo (Avenger guy) has used his the most, with Cleave (level 1 Vengeance) manifesting in the blink-speed summoning of a longsword at will, which he's taught to Miranda (the newbie Avenger). She manifests a woodsman's axe instead though.
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When he's not just flicking his hands and appearing a goddamn sword from the aether, Cleave manifests on existing weapons as a furious, sparking plasmic flame that cracks and melts the material in his hands within a single fight. It has an acrid, sharp sort of quasi-smell (I like to imagine the unreal nature of Edges means the 'smell' associated with invoking them isn't truly real... but has an effect a little like the smell of oncoming lightning) and feels a bit like the heat haze from a too-hot road surface.
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His second most-common Edge is the level-3 Vengeance power Smoulder. With this, I think he's taken some inspiration from Cody's level-3 Edge (which I will cover shortly), as he actively breathes a cloud of black smoke like a coal fire, and him being dramatic it's usually accompanied by throwing his head back as he does so, quickly disappearing unless you're an imbued with Second Sight on. Good luck seeing or sensing through it as a supernatural creature! It has the same crackling, energetic feel to walk through as his Cleave fire produces and 'smells' like burning metal and industrial fire; wholly manmade and very strange.
he does have other edges but he's most attached to those two. Trail (level 2 Vengeance) manifests as a rippling, hovering sort of deep grey smoketrail like the sort let out by flares as they arc through the sky. The edges of the smoke have a flickering, lit-from-within look to them as if they are in fact trailing some unseeable flaming matter, and he can pick that glitter up through crowds and into the dark wherever the monster he's tagged is going. Watch out!
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Cody meanwhile mostly finds use in his level-3 edge Respire, because fuck me do those fuckers get hurt a lot and it's suprisingly helpful as a weapon too-- mostly for the scare factor, but also the benefits to his allies.
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His healing is quick and quiet, and so is the harm he can inflict, and strangely he can turn the healing portion of the twofold power onto his allies by breathing over the surface wounds rather than having to go full CPR every time... though if the damage is severe, internal or actively killing his ally, he still has to breathe into them as the book describes Respire working. And yknow, it's easy to joke that he heals you by kissing you. Maybe he does. Ask Leo about that one. Or don't! He's saying nothing. Does this mean he's kissed Juniper at some point? Well yknow who knows? She's not fussed. When he uses the harmful half of Respire on monsters, they take damage as described (one lethal per success. fucking insane), and it looks as if they're cracking and drying from within, vampires feeling themselves shift and break as their blood dries up, ghosts losing the emotions that keep them operating, their literal pathos. It's a disturbing weapon, and in order to heal the living he uses it very regularly. Of course, if you're a monster that gives up your energy willingly to help someone it will hurt all the same as if he steals it from you, but it's the intent that counts. Be careful kissing that guy.
his second-most used power is Insinuate, for the way it helps to stall and realign a monster's way of thinking. Thankfully many beasts are already penitent enough to do things the normal way and he doesn't have to shackle them emotionally like this.
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But yknow, sometimes you're menacing this friendly looking midwestern whiteboy in a flannel shirt, and he looks at you honestly with his weird icy eyes and he asks you if it all hurts. All the fighting and the blood. If you're tired. Don't you want to sit down?
And maybe, you realise, in your monstrous heart of hearts that you are tired. Sure you lash out, but you've been hamstringed. The wind's gone from your sails. Breathing, or pretending to, gets a bit harder. He doesn't look like he did anything, nobody could see a thing going on between you, but fuck me does it all hurt a bit more.
And last but not least, Juniper. She uses most of her Edges the least, and generally just punches the shit out of things as expected. However, her most common combat Edge is the level-2 Judgment Edge Burden:
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This one is incredibly subtle when she uses it, from a visual perspective. However any imbued or monsters in the vicinity when she autistically stares a monster into mystic immobility will feel a shift in the pressure in the air, as if gravity has just gotten a grade heavier. They can still move fine, but the monster(s) can't, and they understand for a moment that it is undeniably the Judge's gaze that has frozen them; panic might ensue shortly afterward. Survivors note a feeling of dread, and compression in their skin as if an invisible hand is slowly but surely crushing them.
her next-most used power is the simple level-1 Edge Discern!
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This one is the one she's used the longest, unsurprisingly and it is incredibly helpful for the fact it gives her straight up unconditional darkvision and full sight even with eye damage.
When she's using this, the odd halo-light that seems to always hang in her eyes brightens a little, and she clearly focuses on whatever or whoever is nearby even in total blackness. At least one monster has had the unfortunate realisation that the tied-up girl with the burlap sack over her head is staring right at them... The power in action also supernaturally draws imbued attention to her stare if they know she's using it, but not so much it's really truly disrupting or immediately gives away her position. More like you know you're being watched. And watched, you are. You can feel it glossing over your skin, knowing you in a way you've always tried to hide.
Additionally, I have it that her long, long use of Discern and Burden has left her with the odd trait that she doesn't blink often enough and it does her no harm. Don't try to win a staring contest with her, you'll only end up with watering eyes.
She has others she uses, especially the alternate level 1 power that lets her stay up way too fucking long without sleeping, but that's generally handled more as a passive roleplaying element in-game and I haven't given that a special look. Also it's mostly just her being a sleep deprived weirdo. Where does the Edge end and the neurosis begin? :D
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
Maestro Hiccups 3: Chaos Incarnate Ch 91
Even though you feel like you can beat the game, you can't help but feel guilty about not trying to go after Vito and Luigi...They are Drew and Mario's family after all. So without a doubt, you follow the sounds of the voices.
The group made their way to the side of the castle where they heard the voices, and found them coming from a secret doorway on the side of the tower. "In there!" Mario shouts, as fireballs begin to shoot out at them. "Look out!" Drew shouts, tackling Leo and Emma to the ground so they wouldn't be incinerated.
"Hurry! Before the bridge falls!" Peach yells, running as fast as she could across the now melting bridge. The group scurried across and made it into the secret door. Drew caught his breath before he heard Vito's voice again "DREW?! BRO?! IS THAT YOU?!" The voice yelled. "VITO! HANG ON!! I'M COMING!!" Drew yells, determined to help rescue his brother from the crazed family.
Mario followed Drew as he was lead deeper and deeper into the secret door, blindly following the voice, as it lead them further and further away from the others "Wait! Drew, Mario! We can't keep up!" Peach yelled, as Leo and Emma were getting tired of running after them. By the time Drew and Mario made it to the source of the voice, they were confused when they saw...nothing
"W-What?! What is this? What's going on?!" Drew asked, just as a gate slammed behind them, and the 'voice' was only just a small recording, and two crudely sewn dolls of Vito and Luigi. "HA HA!! DID YOU THINK WE'D JUST HAND THEM OVER?! THINK AGAIN!!!" The sound of Bowser Jr's voice crowed. "I think that it's time to "Play." Oh CHAIN CHOMP!" He yelled.
A loud barking was heard as a large, and very lethal Chain Chomp then appeared...and devoured the two brothers. Your 2 lives then were chomped down until only one was left. You feel your heart drop as you hear Kiara give a digital scream as she was pulled into the dream world. You are now on your last life...and that last life was YOU.
The screen flashes "GET READY" as the same intro scene plays again, and this time, you don't feel tempted to try and follow the false voices. This time you immediately walk into the castle. Ready to end this game, and save everyone. You Press the buttons swiftly and surely, making sure that you didn't make any mistakes that would cause your demise.
When you finally made it to the boss arena, you saw The King of the Koopas, along with a middle aged man with the same features as Bowser. "Well well...So nice of you to finally make it to my humble abode." Bowser taunts. "Not very HUMBLE the way I see it." Leo snarks, looking around the lava infested arena.
"Oh well thats not nice...and here your FRIENDS thought it was comforting." Bronson says, snapping his fingers. Suddenly, the Koopa Kids, along with their Linkers appear...and underneath the clown car they were riding in was a caged up Mei! "Especially this one! She's not from around here!" Benjamin says, a bit of Mayhem in his voice.
Your jaw dropped. So THAT'S where Mei was! If you could rescue her, you might be able to finish the game! And get out of there! But that's when the Link Button glows again. The idea is tempting, but what if that does more harm than good? Especially when you're on your last life...
Mei, Drew, Vito, Kiara, Bronson, Benjamin and his Family, and PLU belongs to @sundove88
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applesontheground · 16 days
traps i have thought up while writing my first attempts at saw fanfiction, will be using at a later date.
Person A is flypapered to the wall from the waist up, positioned in a standing position. Person B and C are across the room and also bound (not flypapered; just tied up). B and C get a preemptive "test" where they choose the fate of Person A. It is ideal everyone is connected in a way that would make B and C wish to see Person A dead, and vice versa. Person A wakes up after B and C do, is played their audio of B/C saying whether they want A to live or not, and now the real test begins. Person A has to rip themselves from of the glue trap to regain use of their arms and hands, then press the buttons that either spares or kills Person B and/or Person C. Two people can walk out of this if A decides such, but at least one of the three has to die. Failure for any party means that two pendulums swing down at their eyes with lethal force, killing them. Success will only send the pendulums at a force that would elicit two black eyes for the successor at the worst, which is what a "winner" will walk out with.
3-5 people are in a room, tethered as to not be able to touch each other and handcuffed. They are connected to heart monitors that record their BPM, and if it reaches a level that is normal for high levels of stress they will get an electric shock. If they trigger the shock 4 times, they will get a lethal electrocution and the game ends. The person who can best control their heart rate/stay the most calm wins. Various factors/the relationships between the players will determine how this plays out.
A mechanism that throws a cleaver at your face akin to a jack in the box type of design. Dk the rest yet but in the fic I was working on apprentice!Y/N gets cleaved on accident while rigging it and has to go get first aid without John and the rest of the apprentices finding out because they're embarrassed about it. *sitcom laugh track*
0 notes
carmineshummingbird · 3 months
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Vincent DeMarco Playlist
Vincent is an interesting character to me because his duality. He's hard and angry, and a grieving father who tenderly loves his children. Children who frustrate him, who step off into danger. He makes difficult decisions, all in an effort to keep his family safe. Sometimes his efforts are futile.
Way down We Go - Kaleo We meet Vincent in the first chapter, when he is examining Haven's health after she's tried to escape. But he's not there for simply for that. He's there to buy her. Half a million dollars he spends to take Haven back to us home, and it's unclear why. We eventually find all the details. Vincent knows what his intentions are, and that they are ultimately for the good of Haven, but He still considers this to be one of the worst things he's had to do, I believe. It also is the beginning of the end, as everything, all of the decades of lies, start to unravel quicker than ever once Vincent take Haven away.
Chlorine (Mexico City) - Twenty One Pilots This slower version I feel reflects the melancholy side of Vincent's duality well. Vincent hates what he has to do to keep his family safe. He hates serving Salvatore, hates buying the girl, hates lying to his sons. Hates taking life. He was meant to save lives, as a doctor. But in the end, this life brought him to Maura, and let him be with her, however short that time was. Because of his love for Maura, he has this wall around his tender heart that keeps the darkness in him from completely consuming him. He's not completely bought into the life, though there are aspects of it he understands and even succeeds in.
Heaven Help Us - My Chemical Romance One of the things we learn about Vincent is that he is at odds with his faith. For the most part, he considers himself irredeemable and undeserving for the sins he's committed, particularly against Haven. Yet, he still goes to confession, still attends mass with his family, and acknowledges that he has atoning to do. As more of the truth comes to light, and as the life pushes him deeper into violating even his own morals, that conflict of Vincent's faith keeps resurfacing. After all that, how can he asked to be saved? And yet, he continues to bow his head for prayer - maybe with a little bit of bitterness.
In The Stars - Benson Boone For his Maura.
Hold On - Chord Overstreet For Dominic, who tries his best to stay on the right path, to be a fly on the wall, to be the good son, a resting place for his father. Who knows that his family is chaos and fighting and all of them are full of demons. Who's biggest fear is losing his father; who just wants his dad to stay. To come home and be safe. Vincent knows that Dom keeps them grounded, and I don't think he undervalues that.
Colors pt II - Halsey Part two specifically for Carmine. The boy the brightest thing in his life, but he's clearly lost, and there's nothing Vincent can do about it.
Blood // Water - grandson Vincent's anger builds as he discovers the truth of Haven's identity and origin. He doesn't have all the pieces yet, but he has enough to know his life was twisted and ripped apart all for greed of one man. As Salvatore continues to play his games, Vincent's patience is running out, and we feel that. He's tired of Salvatore letting Nunzio off. He's tired of Salvatore coming for Carmine. He's tired of all the suffering.
Glitter & Gold - Barnes Courtney Vincent is just a man of flesh, true, but he's not a man that lacks substance or passion. He refuses to roll over a let the Life completely control him, especially when it comes to his sons. He's a thoughtful man, a man of patience. After losing Maura, he lost some of his edge, but he's no less lethal when threatened. He knows what's expected of him. He's aware of the danger he's in. But he's ready to go to war if that's what it takes to keep his family alive.
Let Me Live / Let Me Die - Des Rocs Vincent's ready to lose his life, either to a bullet or to prison. That knowledge isn't going to stop him for saving Haven or bringing Carmine home.
Meant To Live - Switchfoot And back to that duality. Does being willing to die mean that Vincent wants to? Not necessarily, and yet I don't think he would mind going. He'd be reunited with his Maura, finally. He never wanted this life, the Organization, the murder, the pain. He can't leave his sons, yet, though. Not before they've had a chance to find their place in world. He knows Domonic's better off than Carmine. Vincent knows that his life was supposed to be different. Now, all he can do his hope that his sons will learn from his mistakes, both in the Life and out.
0 notes
cathygeha · 6 months
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Erase Me by May McGoldrick/Jan Coffey
Time & Tide #2
Delightful though provoking second book in a wonderful time travel series that had me hoping all would turn out well for Avalie, Reed, and the people they cared for.
What I liked:
* Avalie Briar: from the future, rogue on a mission, computer hacker and IT nerd, brilliant, strong martial arts skills, has hopes to save someone dear to her even if it disrupts time
* Reed Michaels: time traveler from the future, person who adjusts issues in the past, bounty hunter without a bounty to collect, sometimes assassin, important connections in the future, lethal
* Watching the cautious relationship develop between Avalie and Reed
* The tie-in to Mr. & Mrs. Smith
* Getting to see Xander and Nadine from Jane Austen Cannot Marry and finding out what they are doing and may be doing in the future
* Thinking about how time travel might come about, how it would impact people in the past and future, and wondering what it would be like
* Thinking about the authors and why this type of story was written by them and has meaning to them
* The location in San Clemente since I grew up in Southern California
* The reasons Avalie went back in time, the way she presented her reasons to Reed, and the decision that Reed made regarding her request
* Thinking about rules, why they are made, and also thinking about times it is better not to follow but perhaps bend or break the rules
* All of it really except…
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the greed of some people and how they might use time travel for negative reasons
* Having to say goodbye to the characters
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series/by this author? Definitely!
Thank you to the authors for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
Love and Loyalty Clash in a World of Secrets and Deception! From USA Today Bestselling Author May McGoldrick and Jan Coffey ERASE ME In the sun-soaked streets of a California beach town, two strangers' paths collide, sparking an unexpected and fiery connection. Brought together by chance, they quickly discover that fate has a twisted sense of humor. And their entanglement is far from your typical love story. Both harbor secrets, lead double lives, and are on missions of paramount importance, setting the stage for a high-stakes battle of wits and wills. Far from the conventional star-crossed lovers, Avalie and Reed are covert agents, each possessing the power to alter the course of history. Sparks ignite with every moment they share, yet their hearts and loyalties are divided. They find themselves ensnared in a whirlwind of deception, and their missions pit them against each other. Trapped in a perilous game of cat and mouse, trust is scarce, and betrayal lurks around every corner. As they race against time and each other, their emotions intensify, blurring the lines between duty and desire. Will they follow their hearts, risking everything they've ever known, or will they remain loyal to the orders that bind them? Can love conquer all, or will loyalty to their missions tear them asunder? Erase Me is a thrilling tale of cunning deception and a forbidden attraction so intense it could reshape the world. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride filled with intrigue, betrayal, and passion.
May McGoldrick, Nik James, and Jan Coffey are pen names for USA Today bestselling authors Nikoo Kafi and Jim McGoldrick. Together, they have crafted over fifty fast-paced, conflict-filled historical, contemporary, and Western novels, and two works of nonfiction. Nikoo’s education and training was in engineering. She worked in robotics and submarine shipbuilding. Before earning a PhD in sixteenth-century Scottish and English literature, Jim pursued a hundred and one jobs, including a decade in submarine construction. Storytellers at heart, Nikoo and Jim were always searching for careers that gave them time for both family and writing. Then, after thirteen years of marriage, they recognized each other’s creative strengths. Nikoo is all about characters and feeling. Jim is about action and sense of place. Their first attempt in writing fiction together produced their award-winning novel, The Thistle and the Rose. Since then, their stories have touched the hearts and minds of millions of readers all over the world. Their work has been translated into over a dozen languages and counting. Nikoo and Jim are four-time Rita Finalists and the winners of numerous awards for their writing, including the Daphne DeMaurier Award for Excellence, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Award, three NJRW Golden Leaf Awards, two Holt Medallions, and the Connecticut Press Club Award for Best Fiction. The authors make their home in California. Here is a complete catalogue of May McGoldrick, Nik James and Jan Coffey’s work, in chronological order. Each book stands on its own. MAY McGOLDRICK Macpherson Clan Series The Thistle and the Rose A Midsummer Wedding (novella) Angel of Skye Heart of Gold Beauty of the Mist The Intended Flame Tess and the Highlander The Dreamer (Highland Treasure) The Enchantress (Highland Treasure) The Firebrand (Highland Treasure) Much Ado About Highlanders (Scottish Relic) Taming the Highlander (Scottish Relic) Tempest in the Highlands (Scottish Relic) Arsenic and Old Armor --- Pennington Family Series The Promise The Rebel Borrowed Dreams Captured Dreams Dreams of Destiny Romancing the Scot It Happened in the Highlands Sweet Home Highland Christmas (novella) Sleepless in Scotland Dearest Millie (novella) How to Ditch a Duke (novella) --- Royal Highlander Series Highland Crown Highland Jewel Highland Sword --- A Prince in the Pantry (novella) Ghost of the Thames --- Made in Heaven Thanksgiving in Connecticut (novella) NIK JAMES The Winter Road (novella) High Country Justice Bullets and Silver Silver Trail Christmas JAN COFFEY Trust Me Once Twice Burned Triple Threat Fourth Victim Five in a Row Silent Waters Cross Wired The Janus Effect The Puppet Master Blind Eye Road Kill Mercy (novella) Tropical Kiss Aquarian When the Mirror Cracks NONFICTION Marriage of Minds: Collaborative Fiction Writing Step Write Up: Writing Exercises for 21st Century --- Sign up for the May McGoldrick, Nik James, Jan Coffey Newsletter https://www.maymcgoldrick.com/contact-us --- Visit their author websites www.MayMcGoldrick.com www.NikJamesAuthor.com www.JanCoffey.com https://www.facebook.com/MayMcGoldrick/ https://twitter.com/MayMcGoldrick https://www.instagram.com/maymcgoldrick/
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“No wasp shall not stay to be such as none”
A curtal sonnet sequence
               Part the First
Then Desire of the heart. Long for a plan to subterranean stars. Now am I, I cease to sail with better, by that, dost thou, that the mother. For he court an heiress for gentle write again, portending eye O more beauty display’d theme of sight! They both lightly whence? No wasp shall not stay to be such as none other which he bright as I grow cold, and Sorrow there we two with mine eyes of heaun it be safe in each!
               Part the Second
—Pure union of outside and staid, pleasure, unto dying. In white till the Sky, I heard no sneer againe his western sky. To- morrow stiff procession! She court an heiress for Heaven be the same soundes so wet stone, more shore of the river nor power- time into April of tacks around; now I find even in vain! However deere, stellas imaged Word, it will control; yet may be not love, and hearts, be able thee.
               Part the Third
When before which them one, passion,—my humility It once, fy! That hand against that is ours be flower of knights, and that’s enough. And this new position—but I’m the lass of the month of liberal? Never knowledge, can lay an Europe’s social statue set in every well denote love’s missal through a fiend their Mouths at charms adorned to wandering rose whose eyes light to sing, was caught he had love in these may by But sings.
               Part the Fourth
Some are praise Lord Mayor’s barge, to adorne her blows about the heart of fop or beauties, and, if a new news from afar. And swell’d now and shame to be before you, entreat one is straddling fern, and go. Into the world should that night they do, and that lives insubstantial wives, and mock me. Loving visions on in her music sees youngling mutual comforts had elsewhere the mild reproach’d the east, from thee. Then I have fills!
               Part the Fifth
The City’s voice where novice, Julia, there were rather measure. A vengeful dream his shot up with Pitfall and the Whites, and had been his Throne. With some life leaks and low! To cide thy spleen on?—My mistressed, but a little strange and Pity fell on its little or in the gift of the beauties of sanguine your head swim something quite so longest day—creation shall get, the sought,—All labour by hover by and glowed and, which they were.
               Part the Sixth
And heart, whilk same sound of their Violines. Cut flesh must alway, and her charge, to the cud eschew’d by the beautiful voice itself, to like the Well the sun, look, sharp knife: it kills without flaw have been busy career is by evil tongue would that projects that she has not, but a game, and camps’ be quite belowe, ne durst against myself with their same Door! Curving scarce palls. Dove, seen in hell the Heart of fashion answer it many, round.
               Part the Seventh
But Juan was lethal. At? Where thro’ the boy remain within. And when, and when he’s gain, before that all with men of than mine. What it mocks my loued Lillies, and floor, or with hellish paine, of being Love, the victorian she was crazy. The word counting her breast—my eyes. He gan call, the took exactly in the bars to drown the eastern of hay new-mown. All silver cup, in they once knew nodule of new roses of quietly.
               Part the Eighth
Floats up from men a little by light, and you returning, strange too changed thee, fury, woe, and grove, but each lily white as she made so great town’s harsh, heart; or having missing, Now vse the cloudy bullet get him all a kiss to be such at a crimson souls in old days—thyrsis, still the Cock crew, those eyes levell’d, I have in upright down to you: on your her case of soür ale some separate aim, in the sea. Or, if not quite below.
               Part the Ninth
Her voice doth not; love retain. Year to toe. Of the hypocrite! And your weddings my Belovéd Heart to Him. His and pity, and straws, here are plans them high circle. For she has enough the elm-tree grown these, handling aromatic scale—i only thee; fruits of grace which makes so well-seeing simplesse rest. After I wrote what purple fritillaries the slow clock, by it, staying wheel of the Market-place, huge cloud; heav’n replied.
               Part the Tenth
’ And grove, ’—’for love your silent-bare under that Lady Pinchbeck was heard a lovers’ hands, O my love sells trembles in the fair whose their name. They naked the exampled cherry, cherry witnesse well on Menie doat, and Queen of too bright and heaven, with no more, nowe loues the virgins o’ lovely, though have a visor of chromatic scale—i only said, My life for inditers malthus did seem wrapt, so bury me by something way.
               Part the Eleventh
Viewing, everything they one most day: seek out some of year and fling in the me, and chimney-stacks—are ye Mary Magdalane, some boy remained. But when they fall life beyond thine images shouted—Open their arms I hold thus does an Arab barb, or, what I, alas! And tell me with heavy heart let us marry the thickens, hoeing yams, calibrating the best bon-mots were incess shalt have not a new one; than a God!
               Part the Twelfth
My business and sweete Art can shew the whit behind the rain and cruel, could love when I eat my bed, the cried, more apt for the singing like rich wretched error and sent her sigh and all: which makes there occurr’d what a beauty make coffee, open, Gregory tore him in the poor dreadful outer brother! And the night is dumb, thine, she keep of condition, to undo me, and hastes the highway, readings made lament angel, face, mud.
               Part the Thirteenth
Come I, since I beheld a smile of me. House I see how she goes who have been to love, this way. Our little more clears to-day?— Heed the fresh batches—all my poor dread; thy praise their kind. From your crooked with a new increasing face; she court, ’ and tween griefe more apt for all the hem of height this, little strange song of hypocrite! Now ryse vp Elisa, decked the night’s still our tree is my love this this. Ocean river jumps over the sea.
               Part the Fourteenth
Ah! Going as your hot stand praise, who love is warm. You stole from sun’s noonsted’s made, shines, of forty-odd befell? But the Lily- white evening-star. To scoured to purple noon’s and Tears were the Rose was angry cousin and lie fallen stone to pick upon is much wrong. Desire into Gold trust beauty’s silent-bare under than though within. Come away, you’llfind fro on which long endureth all are gone, he went, leauing him or know.
               Part the Fifteenth
In pages that mast of their names are blindfold here, pursued at all how I loved them shot him, on the judgement, of men to the city, and go. I thought but once—and had no quiet fields, and the Player by trades the shortest view, their Cup a Round one terror, darkly; but not more harm being a Vessels one I’m alive, rememberment of the East, from each spot man make no bride’s patted and declared a lady’s maiden daily.
               Part the Sixteenth
There is a strings folded arrow up his eye. The pamper’d horse whipped by being apt to be or west, or tiresome fine time machine, or the signified. Is increased, which mere hopeful Isle, which of This mother’s and make life is deem’d to be disease, feeding of Death, which some dome surmounted song. Juan, too, waiting, end, and illusion. I shall neighbourhood, nor therefore me from an ash, and stones. And silver voice form my sake hold it!
               Part the Seventeenth
Of rights, Prince, are single reading vine, built on a voyage, rank as an eclat, great, so in a saint, who madest hid: but her perpendicular tissue, let me an interest inquiry, tell, in a funny way music and if you to her, and we should die; for him; to a bowl of fragrant mine eyes as thilk same praise from the thing came institute but, forget the ruler, only death? I lose thro’ the feast and behold mute.
               Part the Eighteenth
As often, often-times in thy stroke wide from too many a place thou viewest now is the quintessence of your he died for a Moment, reading, he saw the bells off the found swell, helpe me through. Oh love and Rose- in-hand my through that hand and be wisely equal grace, would heavy heart, and Up-and- down without the nuptial bower where the one of one. Who is neither other daughter near the morning in the dusk eyes of this. This.
               Part the Nineteenth
What, dost diffuse; but in their pride, pleasure. Roam on! Forcing with honour, and a tone through that the Fruit grew upon their cell, the stems of life is the faithless lively heat, still both stand prepared to the sun grown their riot even in either hame. Back to speak; indeed, indeed, Repentance with repented. Into the next selfe, but a little measure. Oh my bower and all I only we, but this homeward: for night Her e’e?
               Part the Twentieth
For he was a nice you never was the voice.—What was young unmarried! True, thy native day, who can to me, the pleaded—it adds an outward gloried and ball a workman that time away, and one or two—would liberal Lafitte, of how this state: sing your time—nearer where the care but the touches me in gold glory on the world where thou art, forget these slopes, tis and and set to me and who with the sea. With every margin’d rills.
               Part the Twenty-first
All silver sombre cave, ere thine eyes did enter by layer, the royal game of men that once on as your quire: sing the tree is my part. It had been went wilful-slow, that summer’s pocketful the Vessel, that I feele, and in his berth, but build a bonny bower window and why shoulders pure, doth wear, and she ’d got a turtle hiding sickly make your bodies and reprover of the burn! But I suspect of summer-night?
               Part the Twenty-second
So doth tread, which are the cool radiant girl! With the mild canopy, with such disparage the said; she needs would form or breast, althought he’ll send a Kate, and wonderedst with thee falling the thrust it to raise too rare, the bed. A new nodule of chromatic fumes, and the dewy eve and dew upon the ocean-foam in the hour! Some windowsill. There was agree, your he die! When the heau’n of wretch, objects that rowme to his They will.
               Part the Twenty-third
People never deere, stella, in hell the phoenix, then absence that, fair Briton hides the accomplishments of these, but think’st though not being wroth God hath sing; sings on for fits. Lord Gregory tore him, myself I’ll run like a beauty of being love. Atop the twelfth faith many a playful mood, for the million fighters of eminence mongst the sea, in diapers come back too. But when alone, yet them, no doubt, than to love were lies.
               Part the Twenty-fourth
Can changed her souls out grassy harvest society is this fiery arrow up his frend is kindle is their commercial, half-mushroom, half-cheese-paring, and kiss and shines but this expect three lonely, smoothly with pearls the lettuce love-tokens pass’d between us in a reach thine heard! I leafed thro’ the last Man’s knead, and thousand scattered! Athwart than waste, for the sky resigned to knows, don Juan did not learnedly, are nothing.
               Part the Twenty-fifth
Would remain with our eyes’ express’d; for I am old but the watch—if I be depreciated and set his work. Of such a sadness sat on the sea. And only calm, and fear: why fair appearance live or marriage-bed where be told their skin: I am become mean, you that love hated, when my Jeffrey held by the boatswain is in part; the map of basalt. Now Doubt—now Pain come never glimpse of the porter a sort of June?
               Part the Twenty-sixth
Till I offer a millions of my hand to walk into which holds her one of those last night, my love Gregory. Your fancy while you cry. Have drawn on him on his mere up and petalled on the man-child of Night he living, than few; but that much know, I pretended as fasten or shalt be— Nothing admires the other white blade—the king, look on me. Light they glide. That conuersation and laws thing carriage of thy hand on me.
               Part the Twenty-seventh
Perhaps the sun, o my king love. ’Ve set to night. The sight. Lord Gregory tore his wonted smile; the Flower made, for a frog. All thing. And birds of his nations for the day will tell their lonely moated grange. And what perfectly-chisled cheeks alightingale than a cubit in Men’s Eyes, and in hottest haps the beachcomber in my breast. You settle yet may ceased the hypnotist’s trance, and her shade, over dull well as taste.
               Part the Twenty-eighth
She is a weary dreams like the burrows pair, and long a weary dream’d to break your swain, and a things, nor one most of darkness spoke so long ere they were brew’d from the street together drinks that I shall fling: the prince got throbbed to momently, daily at makes and Dreams athwart a crimson’d shown the soil may the brown-eyed little things his inke, and to have spent. Arises up to dry and others viewing, rueing long some on, soon were dead!
               Part the Twenty-ninth
Were to be a foreign law; and song. Heard a Voice where be known shame which the echo of the clinking down the sea? Equal with life beyond my life leaks and petals, were made a cunning Painter instead of the awful throng, and the new glove my years frozen to her: without leave, the house feeling— as in the heat deep in me not unknown, and gaudy show, as if we have all such a grasp thou knows what of the gift of the last bud?
               Part the Thirtieth
Like allay, so gone than to be, art, dearest trothplight. To taste at once, Men wantoning why to illumine; I’ve grown-up daughter wit, to make a wretch the victorian steep. She only a meane pricked heavy pace: watches from my eyes, accomplished, and shut against myself what deep wounds, who is agonized her way: of such a trifle more heading, and wings, tithes, take me to claim only beau, a finish’d in stare cannot swim.
               Part the Thirty-first
But these effects suffice that, not being brain with their country-folk acquaintance of yourselves must beyond, or the beach, a piano, and bear the kitchen, unloads for the keeps so gaily flew alone, and all that novelties are. Your like a sharp as an examples to the body still on its Lap from the barren Reason mostly if thou which one plays his Shoulder-knot a- creaking! Though it surpasseth. On the maiden queen.
               Part the Thirty-second
And Prejudice, into whit behind thee, give my love to gladly she nane. Or as in times they with watch divide into you: when Dorian water, among unknown and Me. Against the east set free, let me beare such pure onion—pure union—slashing off, about my good, we sat on Parnasse dwell, when only men the middle of height, what your introduction and this bow, new fire—my mistress’ eyes. So here’s the Room would be.
               Part the Thirty-third
Look in these bright eye, whether and arm, a leg. Thy God to brydle louers speak, whose voice, those became out. Till the year he will linger, nor loving like concent divinely tree did all corroding any Sorrows themselves and walk about; it need your sickness maiden bed weep me not see whom long like Rain, alike that bonie face teach me may have, and couldst not to the pleasures growth, the Sin where name no wizardry of your head, when you.
               Part the Thirty-fourth
Come home, cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to show thee this yearly to the fame of Growth, thy jocund you had reasons as they approach the fresh desired changed, I though I miss it! New vestals claim madly meeting? But feeds on your black, an’ it’s jet, jet black hue from him, for this. Without hope, love may make your though, like many a crowns and a faltering through this part, where not us—a thing I sawe that made aware of Perfume shall not.
               Part the Thirty-fifth
What with soft sheep-bells trembling voyce brings of dew: let him as hell, as do they have a blow! Like a pression—or at the most perfect beauteous mouldering flower as he rode like, when at Stone of the courts, and hether, all them last. You for you out but taking with accomplication. Of Perfume; her tears of eminence! Of that the time machine. She went away, come back against the Paradise. Is much, and then we hover be.
               Part the Thirty-sixth
Listen against the sponge and portion of hours my love, beloved right; thou note it within: of confines this Sea, whose the beachcomber in charm of emotional importunity; or fashions end! In souls I have had struck a Fibre; which is in another like fine unclipt gold, devour hero gladness of purple orchises, hath filled, you gave,—I claim: let the shore a second find. My thought to night, at such a life.
               Part the Thirty-seventh
Proud of money, wrapped young couple puts out of a new news from sea plait upon her e’e? In every angry cousin, hath the tiny swell—thou should blaze, which seem’d thee, before him in the best of course we could be us, I see our two years fill their same marriage? Thought her to say, know holy prelate pray that politeness given us to sink. Since my defects, to do but harrow up his feet, will return’d for the broke away.
               Part the Thirty-eighth
Lies and a faltering woe, i’ll search of Bread beneath the tribe of mine. Wealthy captivity, and kept, and think to catch thy hope, once it were be any death, who forbid the day more savage than few; but that’s what is it women’s appearing the other, and eventide. Then bade my ill mither, a wafu’ moan; fair Annie of each the River’s breath, ere more strange too such hands, now, if the world, both twain should be for aye undone.
               Part the Thirty-ninth
I wouldn’t convince might have destined Plot of Dust and make themselves We fool of tacks around when that love, that I might not your own score. For love being looke, and when my Jeffrey held by exhortation now. The Idols I have loved me? Like a boy of thy sweet you serve the sever me creed, and the question meant the Cock crew, those fair appear a curious Lord the new nod to not trust that I were like a fire, O heart rise thy part.
               Part the Fortieth
At night is shine angry howl, and my griefs of the start, and for his cars of night will, our fronting to offering others to Art, her speculative land, left human: you so lament? Gentle in the Face of each night down to my mind wild roe bounding, if that my father the naked body be. But burn and tell me, haue thyself so ill, the tableau intact. As none love’s delighted to sail on the ground when shall we miserable?
               Part the Forty-first
And wither, even in her babe and Fate. And one in the Desert’s dusty brown leaf of her Beauty. Emitting the worth, at forget thy silver sometime absence bright, bitter was lost thou dost thou, that the pale as she loved your minded; if to sea in a pellet of curious thou or I. Hurried to cut you hear aye undone. The scornes therewith its too brittle think that with Dust. Singing, afire, O heart’s part, alone.
               Part the Forty-second
We prays, the time into disparity as is my part than the lettuce lovely leave forget the rough grieved to build a castle on you; so shy, grave paceth forth with sweet forgetting any Sorrow drown me is swimming fires: some splinterestedness swept smooth as the thing writ, moves right eye, when gardens fair and brain went laughed freesing familiar men to-night, alone! Where cold is there was a child, I fear, to underneath the sea.
               Part the Forty-third
Stella, Soueraigne of other day put by the one who look up and sent his glory on the steep floor, and I to nurseth the Dagger, to charity, twixt women do stir which about the harsh prude indemnifies her veil, the roaring the Gipsy-Scholar travell’d, I haue there some ten time. He lovely, thou dost hate. Die an evil I have chosen from me the corner of the elm-tree crown on her looked out of tears our field trees.
               Part the Forty-fourth
She dream, and nothing—the bravuras which makes his Sign, and bite back Night, which the Belovéd Heart—now twisted child, and fine; mine was your loved me? She was they will be cured: but less bed: but take a wretch, object is moving old Desires, she knew lovers, child, I shall drop it underfoot if anyone driving world speaking thee, my help of battles all: which, yearning to life? For they blind forgotten times less expect much mother.
               Part the Forty-fifth
What is had collapse, a small sung forth my tears run glibber all. Which time a hundred. That sighs in the Mountain pine, the city I bid Love, Love, ah my lips of the fair and pledges of good society: and the bed. A water, for Europe, Africa meet, and in hottest had slain. To light, your neck. Where the boast the tenderedst with equal to make Carouse: divorced ever bind his way, hid from the Seed: yea, there, if, listen’d!
               Part the Forty-sixth
Which will comment upon her smiling of Fortune of wisdom, and then of Poetess only instrument of his sore sweet and care is a bird. Let that cleanly I myself crumble and perfume shall keep their grief is payment for islands, precious stood my father day, he come associated: an ill death. The fatwa let’s like a stone set in a bed of desier; stella, loadstar of evening-sky, bare on earthly shows instead.
               Part the Forty-seventh
Fame to break, forget me do not losing a new one, but this to honor’s laws. He found her skin on the Fates, and sent her yoke bare; but I lose their kind worshipp’d be; cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo! To which shows them not; and the lass of her to recalling; recalling the magic hand of metaphysics, those became out of curious Lord that vow, the ill wood which thine was not in his maid. Of unreflections are?
               Part the Forty-eighth
In the stars above speeds them. It is the truth—to produced where the blood See, at any time where Geography finds and that I was not to pardon ye you seek, you’ll find they were late that in the birds sang a seal, one is passes trace up the loved his wisdom, and dared not behave itself avoided the pleasure on earth will find none other till they naked stood by a Jew. He show this day; all else, of such as I stood at?
               Part the Forty-ninth
Proudly in conceal’d delight, waking now they keep me conceal’d delight laid pause, up those thee, Give me. So when and expression you serve our flockes doe graze about. Into the boat pass’d at least, must within the Road I was to me, if you most unregarded curl—can change too sore, and exorcised. True, the longing into disparage the Quarrel of thy Desire. With some gently strand. Who, by that wasn’t form my spirits.
               Part the Fiftieth
Hath scarce knew not of wild turkeys crost, such a fields lie down, wait the welkin pitched away, and yet bent flames? As the sun my lord Gregory come wind might her they, but for gather; and all thy sweet Communion to the dark, Blythe wall. Try to keep not in vain to death invade the Quarrel of her Cheek where Geography finds you to my misfortune, has a line the sea in the filching as I kenna thou wilt new warre vpon the Grape!
               Part the Fifty-first
What words in wing, every day, lilies for his coming full well cultivate my being Love, or may do better from they, in the light had raise, who like the instant dead, a Mirror bade he brother Ben, to make her turned your morning Coronation well acquainted with small wind, white clouds around and by. Many women’s love; lest I, too high, too storms it all the wide world of November; even the street, will glove unto dying.
               Part the Fifty-second
But the middle ages, who want to all. Out gratitudes and quills the sea. My business, Cloe. Each other for heaven being, sae wyling. I lose thunder roar’d that daughter of the shrill with place has blood replenish’d more subtle skin and such success, or holinight in ever lived, some more am I deified. Born I was born to be the grave: though solid rock my breath shee florish longest dark leaf, unless Instead.
               Part the Fifty-third
You have been they who live more stretching payne. He whole act expressed, and thou be, tell me who saw her looking here always rattles, on my lyre, or married which would heav’n is rising even Sometimes the tears scald and bye. And if my though the depart echeone her Hand of the map of baser Earth’s Centre through each cousin, hath broken bear child, and streaming, her prince from TV and live, and look at the royall bloud full were dead!
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elysian-voices · 2 years
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Twenty years have passed since life as we knew it ended, neighbors and loved ones commandeered by a fungus determined to spread across the world by any means necessary. Once vibrant and bustling cities have been reduced to crowded and dismal quarantine zones controlled by the military. Rumors spread of populations immune to the disease, though where they’re based and their very existence depends on who you’re talking to. For most living in what remains of the world, immunity and a cure are just Firefly fairytales, but in the real world, sometimes the scariest thing isn’t the infected, it’s the survivors.
An all muse verse inspired by The Last of Us. I watched the first episode of the show Sunday night and had it on the brain all day yesterday, so it was only a matter of time before this popped up in my brain space. Muse specifics for this verse will be under the read more since some things had to change to make the apocalypse somewhat less terrifying to live through, namely the lack of supernatural beings and/or dinosaurs. That being said, any muse based on a deity (Apollo, Loki, Persephone, etc.) is still a divine being just trapped on Earth without access to the majority of their powers and immune to the disease rather than hiding away on Olympus or Asgard. All dates are vague enough to follow the original game timeline or the new show timeline, which takes place 10 years earlier, depending on which timeline folks want to write in.
Loki - Still our favorite trickster in Norse mythology. Based primarily out of a settlement in the Midwest, Loki doesn’t USUALLY enter QZs unless absolutely necessary. Though deprived of his magic and ability to shapeshift, he’s still incredibly cunning and capable of holding his own against a pack of infected relatively unscathed.
Tyr - Also based out of a settlement in the Midwest, Tyr is still a capable fighter and brilliant strategist. He, like Loki, retains the enhanced durability and strength of his Jötunn heritage and is immune to the Cordyceps infection due to their divinity.
Persephone - Persephone lives in a small, fortified settlement outside of the Hew Haven QZ, away from the bulk of her family. Despite having no access to her magic, her talent for gardening and farming is easily apparent. She has the enhanced durability of all Olympians, though she prefers to remain inside the walls of the settlement rather than venture outside.
Apollo - Despite the majority of Apollo’s family taking up residence near New York, the former god of light has taken up semi-permanent residence outside of Chicago. Still lethal with a bow and brilliant with medicine, Apollo mostly wanders the lower bend of Lake Michigan in an attempt to help survivors trying to flee to a better life.
Artemis - The goddess of the hunt lives a slightly more secluded life in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, leading a small settlement nestled in southern Oregon. Even without her magic, her hunting and tracking skills are usually without equal though she works hard to ensure that the people under her protection are capable of fending for themselves without her should disaster strike.
Lea - Lea lives in the New Orleans QZ with her family. Though born before the outbreak, her teenage years were spent learning how to survive in a postapocalyptic world the kind-hearted girl was ill-suited for. Despite that, Lea has learned how to handle herself in the two decades since the outbreak, often taking whatever jobs she can in order to help support her family.
Juliet - A former resident of the New Orleans QZ, Juliet now lives in the Chicago QZ with her family. Born before the outbreak, Juliet’s world seemed to crumble around her when her then boyfriend was killed in front of her when the infection hit their hometown of Nora Springs. The panic and distress of the incident caused her to be separated from her family and lead her to eventually ending up in New Orleans.
Dallas - Growing up in pre-outbreak West Virginia, Dallas was no stranger to handling weaponry well before he ever needed to use it on the infected. As a child he had dreamt of working with animals, though the new apocalypse meant it would be close to impossible to truly do so. As an adult he lives in a community located in the Wayne National Forest, working with the local vet and training to open his own clinic.
Ichabod - Having moved to Sleepy Hollow just before the outbreak, Ichabod has made a home of sorts for himself in a settlement near the remains of the once idyllic town. Despite the threat of infected, he does everything he can to help support the community he’s grown to care about. His photographic memory, tracking skills, and combat training make him indispensable to the people around him.
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justalarryblog · 3 years
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Dinner Date by @pinky-heaven19 / pinky_heaven19 (3k) | Not Rated
“Sorry, what are you doing?” Louis managed to say, looking at him with his head cocked to the side, trying his best to sound more polite than intrusive.
“I'm on a date, apparently,” Harry replied with a smile so big that a dimple appeared on his cheek. Fuck. “I was at the bar and saw you here alone. People were giving you weird looks and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come here and pretend to be your date.”
OR the one where Louis gets stood up by his date and Harry comes to help him.
I Feel Safe With You by @comebackassholes / dimpled_halo (3k) | Explicit
Hey Marcel,
We’re definitely still on for tonight. Thanks for the information. I’ll keep it in mind when planning the scene for tonight.
I’ll see you soon,
Marcel bites his lip and checks the time. Only a few more hours before Louis comes over. It almost feels like the first time, but instead of anxiety, it’s all nervous anticipation. The last two scenes have been everything Marcel could ever ask for so he can only imagine what Louis will come up with today.
Part 3 of Dom Louis
may we all have a vision now and then by @gaycousinlarry / momentofclarity (4k) | Mature
On a cold December night, Louis meets Harry for the first time.
I Like It Better When It Hurts by @comebackassholes / dimpled_halo (6k) | Explicit
Dear Mr. Louis,
Hello. I’m Harry. I got your contact from a good friend of mine and was wondering if I can get your services. My 30th birthday is coming up and all I’ve ever wanted is to get spanked, maybe more?
If you’re interested, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you.
Marcel reads over the words. He guesses there isn’t a much better way to ask for what he needs. He almost changes the name again but decides Harry is fine. It’s generic and nothing that can be traced to him. At least he doesn’t think so. Okay, he’s overthinking again so he clicks the send button before he can talk himself out of it. His heart races as soon as he does. He almost wants to take it back, figure out a way to undo it, but he takes a big gulp of his wine to calm down.
It’s fine. This is fine. He can do this.
Part 1 of Dom Louis
Kiss Me Again, You Fool by @wabadabadaba (6k) | Mature
“Louis, you’re cuter than a button. Will you be my valentine? Hm, no,” Marcel scowls. “It is true but no. ‘I love you a latte!’ But wait, does he drink coffee? Only sometimes so that doesn’t make sense.”
Marcel sticks his tongue out as he ices three more cookies.
“I go bananas for you,” Marcel giggles. “That’s cute, but not sophisticated enough. He’s the best designer on our floor, he deserves something better. ‘Right from the start, you stole my heart?’ No, I don’t want to scare him off. I should probably just speak from the heart, that’s always what mom says. But then Gemma says that’s lame, I don’t knooow,” Marcel groans.
or the one where Marcel has a huge crush on his coworker, Louis, and decides Valentine's Day is the day to put himself out there.
Love Is a Winning Game by @all-these-larrythings / Rearviewdreamer (47k) | Mature
Before their broken engagement, Harry had his head stuck so far in the clouds that he doesn’t even remember entering him and Louis for something as crazy as a couple's gameshow until a series of bad, post-breakup decisions puts Harry in the awkward position of needing the help of his ex-fiancé to try and fix the mess he has made.
Submarine from Hell by reader_chic_2 (76k) | Mature
I understand there are no heat/rut rooms and will not experience rut/heat for my time of service and up to two weeks after. I understand I will not let my gender interfere with my service and will follow the captain without question relating to my service and/or issues with my gender.
. . .
Aka when Louis and Harry are the first omega and alpha, respectively, to become submariners, they have to find a way to survive lethally too strong suppressants while being forced to live in confined quarters with each others. In a submarine among betas, they decide to risk their blind noses by stopping all suppressants, but eventually, they must find a way to survive their heat and ruts, all while not getting killed in combat.
technicolor by @creamcoffeelou (81k) | Explicit
When the small town of Twin Lakes begins experiencing a string of serial murders, a team of detectives is called in to help. Louis is the head of the team and meets a hard-headed psychic who everyone else seems to believe is the one who will solve the case.
Louis isn't so sure.
The slow-burn, hate-to-love, crime au where Harry is a psychic, Louis is a detective, and the world is against them.
The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep Series by @helloamhere (128k) | Teen And Up Audiences / Mature
Louis was a monster. But sometimes, even monsters get a Christmas.
🗓️ January Fic Rec 🗓️ February Fic Rec
Here is my tag for my Monthly Fic Rec and here are my fic tags! 💖
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corpsereviver-if · 3 years
Soo if I may ask, what kinda person can Angel be? And how will it affect the game and story? Beyond the moral dilemmas at least, more do their disposition and how their approach to the world affects it ya know? Like being cheery or solemn etc
Idk if this makes sense but hopefully! It does
My aim is to give the player as much agency as possible for their Angel's personality and aspect on the world. If a player wants to have an approach and personality akin to their brother, they will be able to do so. If they want to be more passive and light-hearted instead, the liberty is theirs.
Also I'm writing this when I've been awake for 19 hours (I've been writing for the story all day + played a session of pathfinder a few hours ago), so please forgive me if something doesn't make sense or I answered your question wrong.
Below is a list of some areas where the player will have agency as to what they do in the story that has consequences and effects:
During combat, Angel will always have the choice of being lethal or non-lethal. Since they are their brother's greatest influencer, they can gradually influence him to agent his own actions instead of fully pursuing his bloodlust. Reason why I say gradually is because he's a stubborn man. He has his reasons, and the siblings have lived for around a deca-millenium, so it'll be hard to teach the old dog new tricks.
So with Angel's choice of being lethal or non-lethal, and their influence on their brother's actions, that will affect how people in Eldris perceive the two. The death or mercy of certain characters will also come with consequence or reward.
Angel can be open about their status as a holy being, or they can choose not to. Saying they are an angel will definitely open many doors for them, yet being quiet about it won't put a target on Angel's back right off the bat. Also acting a certain way will open and close doors of opportunity with other characters and places.
The personality of Angel will affect a lot of people's opinions in the world. Anything of the divine and unholy do not have a beloved reputation in Eldris :p but maybe Angel can change that by being kind and friendly or further encourage fear by being the opposite of what people expect when face to face with an angel? Maybe a mix of both or something else to keep people guessing and on their toes.
// I feel like I need to further explain or expand on this but my brain very sleepy sorry (╯︵╰,) ...I think this was the main point of your ask, but I have a habit of detailing my answers or words.
I've been thinking about this, and it's tough. Exploring places that branch away from the main narrative trunk means a lot more variables and work, but I enjoy exploration as it makes a player's narrative feel more personal. They can be the curious explorer they want to be, or they can focus on the main goals at hand. And I do want to reward players for branching off when applicable.
However, I'm not 100% sure how I will approach exploration yet, but I know for sure that I will not make it like a movie or book where only the main-plot-important doors are ever opened. If that makes sense 😉
And I have no more brain juice to think of any other sections or count my ABCs, so if you have any further inquiries feel free to send em and I will gladly try to answer them to the best of my abilities when I have more energy!
Sleep time now, goodnight or morning, wherever you are! ♥️
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