#two sams that i'm very fond of <333
cockworkangels · 5 months
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two sams meet
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laufire · 2 years
top 5 male characters
I'm going to follow the same pattern as for the top 5 female characters here.
Of all time:
-John Silver (Black Sails). My love for John Silver (All Media Types xD) has gone on for years, since I first met him The Triplets lmao (Spanish kid show about three sisters that were "punished" by a boring witch by being sent to fairy tales/classic books/historical events etc.). But Black Sails' version has my heart <3
-Castiel (SPN). Liking him so much annoys me ¬¬
-Sam Vimes (Discworld). I love the care and development that went on him and how aspiration his character is *-*
-Jason Todd (DC). My murder son :D
-Angel (Buffyverse). Like with Vimes, a lot of my love for him comes from the care that goes into his storyline, in every aspect of him. It came down to him and Tony Stark LOL (especially the 616 version, my problematic fave xD), but I'm very distanced from Marvel atp and ultimately Angel's storyline satisfies me in a way few do.
-Sadik Nagin (@nectargrapes's The Essence of the Equinox). He's my newest precious darling.
-Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist). I really need to catch up because he's one amazing character. Also, putting these two one after the other makes me realize they fit the same subtype lmao.
-Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do in the Shadows). I think he deserves the world. And by world I mean "to see his wish of power and immortality fulfilled" <333
-Sherlock Holmes (Elementary). I've been rewatching random episodes lately and I was reminded of my fondness for this guy.
-Jack Kline (SPN). I told myself I would limit this list to one character per fandom but whatever. He's my bby.
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