#two tier affiliate programs
neez1967-blog · 2 years
High paying affiliate marketing programs gives you more benefits since it takes the same amount of time to promote and to market. Read more about: High paying affiliate programs.
Multi-tier affiliate programs and two tier affiliate programs gets you additional commissions from the affiliate marketers who signed up from your affiliate link recommendation. Read more about: Two tier affiliate programs:
Get high commissions from these high paying affiliate programs. These programs are paying more than $500 - $2,000 per referral and you can profit greatly by joining. Read more about: Affiliate programs paying $500-$2,000.
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diariespress · 2 years
2 Tier Affiliate Programs Explained
2 Tier Affiliate Programs Explained
Affiliate Programs Affiliate Programs : How will referring new associates to an affiliate software make me money within the destiny? that’s where a 2 tier associate application works like magic! affiliates are getting cleverer by means of the day. So nowadays, affiliates recognize the distinction among the unique sorts of site visitors they can get paid for. There are a whole lot of definitions…
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rad-roche · 23 days
talking about rebelle
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TLDR: it's really good
Too Long DID read: in the niche it occupies, it's the best program I've used. This isn't a sponsored post, nothing like that, no affiliate links. Just pure sweet fat of the hog.
Rebelle Paint is a painting software designed around imitating physical mediums. Watercolour, gouache, acrylic, oils, pastels, and so on. It might be better to think of it as a physics software that happens to have a bunch of art tools inside, for better or for worse. Let me give you an example.
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These two blobs represent an area of the canvas I've made wet through the watercolour tools. This is where the physics sim comes into it. The backgrounds aren't just static paper textures, the paint disperses and interacts with the grain of the 'paper', or the canvas, or whatever you have selected.
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If you're already good with watercolours, you're set. If not, like me, you're in for a steep, steep learning curve, because they're hard to control. I can't call that a fault, real watercolours aren't exactly famed for being easy to use. But if you do this across a few layers, that means Rebelle is simulating a bunch of things at once, which means that your computer is gonna CHUG. Seriously, if you have a laptop, get the demo before you even think about buying it. I'm using a solid desktop and can't go beyond five layers without my processor screaming for mercy. This is only with the watercolours, however, for things like ink/markers, I got up to about 30 layers with that comic. Deploy the pomegranate.
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Circling back to that canvas being a physics object thing...
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Here's what comes with the software, enough to cover any of the mediums you'll use in it. If you want more, however, you have to buy them in the store, and if you wanted all of them, for whatever reason, that represents about 150 dollarydoos, and individual sets (cold pressed watercolour etc) coming out to about 10 each. I might pick one up in the future if I really want one, but so far I haven't felt the need. You aren't being deprived of options, is what I'm saying.
The biggest compliment I can give the software is that it feels like they either take direct feedback from its user base, or are so good at pre-empting what you might need that it makes other software like this (Corel, CSP) seem clunky. Let me give you an example. Like most art software, there's a reference panel.
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Unlike most art software, that panel comes with tools already in it that are very useful. Say I just wanted to practice painting in colour, and the likeness of this model isn't what I'm focusing on. You have two options: half-assing it, or tracing and then painting yourself. Rebelle lets you place guidelines on the reference, which are then projected onto the canvas. If you toggle greyscale mode on to check your values, then colour-pick, you don't pick up the desaturated tone, you'll always pick the true colour underneath. That might sound like a small thing, but when you get used to working around that in other software, it adds up.
One-time Purchase
Very very strong tools. They're a joy to use.
Almost no learning curve regarding the software itself, even if you're moving over from another programs
All tools are able to interact with one another. Want to drench your acrylic paint in water? Go for it! A lot of traditional imitation software locks the tools you can use to certain layer types (Corel, Realistic Paint Studio), but not here.
Liquify, transform tools, adjustment layers, all the normal stuff you'd want in digital is all here.
Brush customisation engine is excellent
Two tiers of purchase (standard and pro). I bought standard, and honestly I'm thinking about upgrading because the image scaling is locked behind pro. Standard shakes out to about ninety bucks, pro one-fifty, and in this economy that's a big ask. Saying that, there is a sale on right now. If you just want digital tools that mimic traditional, and don't need any of the extras, consider Artrage Lite at one third the price.
Resource HUNGRY. Way, way more than any other art program I've used.
Anything involving water requires juggling in a way real watercolour doesn't. It's very very easy to keep painting, look back, and realise something 5 layers ago is still soaked and leaked into everything else.
Prone to crashing.
Overall, I'm really happy with it. I don't think it's great for anything very detailed, like that comic I did the other day, and for general use Clip Studio Paint is a better purchase, but this is a great supplement.
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serpntinc · 7 months
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❛❛  since the very moment i emerged into this WRETECHED world, an insatiable hunger gnawed at my being, a VENOMOUS CRAVING that demanded to be sated. they dismissed my wrath as inconsequential, blind to the ardor of my RIGHTEOUS FURY, but i, the harbinger of destruction, reveled in their inevitable demise.
even as my physique morphed into this figure, the hunger persisted, a SERPENT of entitlement coiled deep within my being, its venom pulsating with every beat of my NARCISSISTIC heart.
contains mentions of: death, substance abuse, psychological abuse and mental disorders
Name: Heathcliff James Morgan
Nickname: Heath
Age / D.O.B.: 53 / March 22, 1970
Gender, Pronouns: Cisman. He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Occupation: Retired F1 driver / Leader of The Snakes
Affiliation: Snakes
Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian, German
Relationship Status: Divorced
Children: Two
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6 ft
Scars: A thick scar on his neck. Courtesy of a past ally who turned against Heath and tried to kill him
Tattoos: 19 tattoos. The largest being a serpent covering his back.
Personality Type: ENTP
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Positive Traits: Indomitable, Eloquent, Assertive, Cunning, Dominant, Ambitious, Bold, Decisive, Resourceful, Self Disciplined, Confident, Perceptive
Negative Traits: Brutal, Volatile, Manipulative, Cynical, Rough, Competitive, Vengeful, Malicious
Mental Health: (Undiagnosed) NPD
Narcotics of use: Cocaine
Parents: Clark Morgan, Midge Davis
Siblings: TBD Morgan, TBD Morgan
Cousins: TBD, TBD, TBD
Ex wife: TBD
Children: Willa Morgan ( daughter, 6 years old. NPC ) . TBD Morgan ( son, 27 years old. WC ) .
Heath was born in Dallas. His mother was a burlesque dancer and his dad a mechanic. His mother was an alcoholic and abusive, she also struggled with drug addiction and would constantly disappear from home for weeks at a time. His father got tired of this and moved with his children to a trailer park, where he raised them as a single dad.
His father was part of a motorcycle gang, mostly former by getaway drivers with criminal ties, the kids spent much of their time under their protection, they considered them family and that was where Heath developed his passion for cars.
He started driving karts, the first step in the craft of racing, learning from control to adapting to the race track for speed. He entered karting competitions, was skilled and started to attract attention from sponsors. Different local and national competitions, getting a few good wins under his belt.
His father was killed in a confrontation between the group and the police, which made Heath responsible for his younger siblings. Due to family connections, they found their way to NYC. Necessity made him join the criminal world for a quick way out, doing the unimaginable to guarantee their survival since they no longer had protection.
He built for himself a small group of criminals that he had met along the way, they lived in the shadows. Started with small thefts and riots, until they evolved into kidnapping, blackmailing, extortion - and murder. yes, they knew it would reach extreme measures as soon as attacks on government buildings and high ranking individuals started to happen. It was a common fact among the powerful, they always had the fire lit faster when someone was about to die. And he wanted that kind of attention.
As the years went by he could see the improvement, they were far from being rich but now they had their own small house and were comfortable for the first time. Decided to return to amateur kart competitions and attended different educational programs pursuing technical and mechanical backgrounds knowledge. Sponsorship and funding allowed him to get his full competition license, building a career.
After getting a FIA international grade A license, he began competing in the lower-tier series, getting the right kind of networking and catching the attention of team owners, opening doors to opportunities in high levels of F1.
Heath was superior to the majority. Amidst the clamor, the chaos, the endless hours of practice, he remained unbroken, untouched. His power hunger surpassed that of his peers, a relentless drive to go beyond, delve deeper, and endure farther. While many found themselves in a competition for attention - he simply prevailed, unequivocally. And he deserved it. He deserved to be seen and be heard, eat the rich as they devour everything around them.
At twenty-six, he had his first child with his girlfriend at the time - who would become his wife in the not-so-distant future. After the birth of their son, they moved to London, where they had connections that could help his partner while Heath was away competing in Formula 1.
Seven years later, Heath formed the Snakes in the heart of London with an initial goodwill intention — shield his family from the rampant criminality engulfing the city. The gang was conceived as a protective force, standing against the shadows that threatened the well-being of those he held dear. However, as the Snakes grew in influence, Heath’s power hunger nature and the complexities of survival led them down a darker path. The once virtuous mission became entangled with corruption, and the gang found strategic advantage in expanding their business ventures. Meticulously chosen individuals, whose every weakness could be exploited and shaped into a weapon.
After winning F1 world championship for the eighth time ( six times consecutively) at forty three, he decided to retire. He got bored. Not just of his career, but everything else. Everyone who crossed his path tried brutally to tame him, breaking him into a thousand pieces, tirelessly seeking to reshape into different individuals. His essence could never be affected, you cannot corrupt something that has been rotten for a long time. He could feel all that poison in his blood, every step he took was like the tick tock of a time bomb about to burst - all those vile urges were devouring him from the inside out.
Ten years into his leadership of the Snakes, his personal life began to unravel as Heath’s emotional detachment and toxic behavior took its toll on his marriage. The once-strong bond between him and his wife gradually eroded, undermined by Heath's relentless focus on the gang's affairs and his growing disconnection from the needs of his partner, ultimately culminating in a divorce that mirrored the shattered fragments of a life once built on love and commitment.
The year is 2024, and it has been 20 years since the beginning of his empire. New adversaries appeared on the way, more organizations than they could count, but nothing that couldn't be turned into a vile public message of what would happen to anyone who got in their way.
1988 : got his FIA international grade A license. he was 18
1991 : started competing for ferrari. he was 21 years old
1992 - 1999 : won six world titles consecutively
2000 : signed with mclaren.
2007 : won his seventh world title
2009 : won his eighth and last world title
2013 : retired. 43 years old
has a labrador retriever named Buddy
always wears leather jacket or flannel shirts. wears a black wild rag around his neck
cowboy vibes and southern charm
— WANTED DYNAMICS. (self explanatory mostly, but always game to brainstorm !)
ex fiance / have i killed you before? : ( thats actually a wanted connection, all the details can be find here )
girltoy : they have similar personalities and knew better than to mess around each other. However, their thirst for chaos and the tendency to fall into old patterns got the best of them, and they can't get rid of each other. a true emotional power struggle.
protege : heath has a over protective dynamic with this character. the reason can be discussed by us. is someone he keeps on good terms and constantly assists them in some way.
nemesis : preferably someone from an opposing gang or a government character. they mirror many common personality traits, but differ greatly in ideals
old friends / past group members
someone he's blackmailing
past lovers : in short, he has been out there. most of the time short and superficial relationships, he usually gets romantically involved with easily manipulated people.
baby mama : one night stand that resulted in their six-year-old daughter. it could be an unknown character or someone who already knew heath in the past. they get along smoothly, tried to form a family in the past, and it didn't work, but they raise their daughter on good terms
patron saint of lost causes : a good natured character who insists on trying to see any kind of goodness reflected in heath. hero complex, constantly creates excuses for why he is the way he is and tries to "save" him from his inner demons.
do you want to make a deal with the devil? : someone he is trying to corrupt. the members of the snakes are meticulously chosen, the criteria are high, and most importantly of all it has to be someone who shares the same ideals. heath saw potential in this character ( what caught his attention can be discussed by us ) and believes he can be useful in some way, trying to identify his character's weaknesses and what actually motivates them.
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globsynbusinessschool · 10 months
Kolkata's Top 10 Business Management Colleges for 2024 Batch
Gone are the days when pursuing a general course was enough to access a range of promising career prospects. To advance in one's job, it is, now nearly, obligatory to enroll in a professional program. In terms of professional education, business management programs have emerged as a beacon of a "bright career." So, for those interested in pursuing a BBA/MBA/PGDM in the city, here is a list of the top 10 business management institutes in Kolkata.
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Why Pursue Business Management Courses in 2024?
A degree in Business & Management Studies will prepare you for a career in practically any sector. Furthermore, the advent of AI, ML, social media, and so on are just a few areas that have and will business management. Consequently, there is a greater demand for management professionals across diverse job roles in every sector.
If you're still wondering why to pursue a Business Management program in 2024, here's our take.
Lucrative career options
Handsome pay package
Personal growth- soft and hard skills
Better networking opportunities
Development of leadership qualities 
Build own business 
Get industry insights, etc.
The Top 10 Business Management Colleges in Kolkata for 2024 Batch
If you want to pursue a business management course in the coming year, here is a list of Kolkata's top 10 business management colleges for the 2024 batch..
IIM, Calcutta
Since its inception in 1961, the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC) has remained the premier B-School for earning an MBA degree. The first of the country's IIMs, IIMC, is ranked fourth by NIRF (2023). This business school is most renowned for its two-year full-time standard MBA program. Aside from the MBA program, the IIMC provides an array of other postgraduate courses. Due to its educational legacy, top-tier faculty members, attractive placement options, and accreditation by AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, IIMC remains one of the most sought-after B-Schools among management aspirants in India. The institute will accept a valid CAT score in the 96-99 percentile range or higher.
Accreditation: AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS
Membership: India of Community of European Management Schools (CEMS)
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT
IIFT, Kolkata
IIFT, or the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, is an autonomous business school in Kolkata. One of the premier business schools in the eastern part of India, IIFT was founded by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry as an autonomous body in 1963. IIFT has risen in tandem with IIM, Calcutta, and is now regarded as one of the top B-Schools for pursuing several MBA programs such as International Business (available full-time, weekend, and online) and Business Analytics. In 2002, IIFT was designated as a "Deemed to be University," and its key areas of study include International Business Management and Strategy.
Accreditation: AACSB
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT 
Calcutta University- Dept. of Business Management
One of the oldest universities in India, Calcutta University established its Dept. of Business Management in 1976 with the nomenclature of Master of Business Management (MBM) in 2013. Afterwards, the name was changed to Master of Business Administration (MBA). This programme is offered at the Post Graduate Department in the Alipore Campus of Calcutta University with dual specializations in areas like marketing, human resource management, operations management, system analysis, etc. The University of Calcutta has been ranked 12 under the University category by NIRF 2023 and accredited with a Grade A by NAAC. 
Accreditation: NAAC
Affiliation: UGC, AIU, and ACU
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/XAT
Globsyn Business School
Globsyn Business School (GBS) in Kolkata shines bright in the midst of big names is Globsyn Business School (GBS), Kolkata. Standing tall on 8 acres of land on the outskirts of the city, GBS offers 2 PGDM programmes, one general and the other one in Business Analytics, and one MBA (Global) programme in International Business. The PGDM pogrammes are AICTE accredited while the Global MBA course is offered in collaboration with the Malaysia University of Science and Technology or MUST. Along with imparting theoretical lessons, GBS also focuses on providing students with essential industry exposure via its Summer Internship Program. 
Accreditation: AICTE
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT/ATMA
IMI, Kolkata
The International Management Institute (IMI) in Kolkata is a branch of the International Management Institute in New Delhi. IMI, Kolkata is embraced by lush nature and has cutting-edge infrastructure. The institutions have AICTE, NBA, and AIU accreditations, and were ranked 70th among the Top MBA Colleges in India by NIRF 2023. They offer three management courses: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), Fellowship Programme in Management (FPM), and Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EFPM). 
Accreditation: AICTE, NBA, AIU, AACSB, and AMBA
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/XAT/MAT
Praxis Business School
Praxis Business School, Kolkata offers a full-time, 2-year, PGDM course approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Within India, this business school has been a forerunner in the domains of Data Analytics, Data Science, and Data Engineering. Prospective applicants must take and pass the CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA, GMAT, or GRE tests to be accepted to Praxis's PGDM program.
Accreditation: AICTE
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/XAT/CMAT/MAT/ATMA/GMAT/GRE
Like the IIMC and the Department of Business Management at Calcutta University, IISWBM is one of the oldest management schools in the nation, not just in Kolkata. India's first management institute, IISWBM, Kolkata was established in 1953 by the University of Calcutta. The B-School, one of the most prestigious schools in West Bengal, is accredited by the AICTE and affiliated with the University of Calcutta and offers a variety of postgraduate programs in addition to MBA courses on various specializations. 
Accreditation: AICTE
Affiliation: University of Calcutta
Accepted Entrance Exams: MAT/CAT/CMAT/JMAT/GATE/GMAT
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
With the mention of ISI, most of us conjure terms like statistics, mathematics, etc., which is not wrong. However, a lot of us might not be aware that ISI, jointly with IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta, offers a PG Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA). This institution has received accreditation from the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI) and recognition from the AICTE. In order to be admitted to ISI's PG Diploma in BA program, applicants must have earned at least 60% in their B. Tech., B.E., M.Sc., or M.Com. program.
Accreditation: AICTE and MOSPI
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/GMAT
Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM)
IEM has succeeded in the fiercely competitive city's B-School market. IEM is accredited by the AICTE and NBA and has received a Grade A designation from the NAAC with a score of 3.25. The B-School is associated with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), located in West Bengal, and provides both PGDM and MBA programs. These days, aspirants in management are increasingly drawn to IEM's MBA in Business Analytics in addition to other specializations.
Accreditation: AICTE
Affiliation: MAKAUT
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT/MAT/JEMAT
ARMY Institute of Management (AIM)
Not just meant for ARMY wards but also for general category students, AIM, Kolkata offers a two-year, full-time MBA program with dual specializations. This B-School was established in 1997 by the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) and is affiliated with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University. To get admission to AIM, one needs to possess a valid CAT scorecard. Having stated that, if an applicant has a current JEMAT Rank card and an MAKAUT Allotment card, they may be eligible for direct admission to AIM.
Accreditation: AICTE and NAAC
Affiliation: MAKAUT
Accepted Entrance Exams: CAT
In conclusion, enrolling in business management courses in 2024 will provide you with a dynamic, pertinent education that will give you the know-how you need to succeed in a constantly evolving corporate environment. To fully reap the benefits of any management degree, it is imperative to make an informed decision while choosing the appropriate business management school. Hence, the list above could be a great starting point for potential business management students to learn more about Kolkata's top 10 business schools for 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is Kolkata a good place to study business management?
Of course, yes. Business management colleges in Kolkata provide high-quality education as well as lucrative job possibilities and industry connections. 
What are the top 5 MBA colleges in Kolkata?
Here are the top 5 MBA colleges in Kolkata:
Globsyn Business School
What entrance exams are accepted in top business schools in Kolkata?
Top business schools in the city accept a valid score in any of the following exams:
Which is the oldest business management college in Kolkata?
IISWBM is the oldest management school in Kolkata, along with being the first institute in India to offer an MBA degree.
Is CAT mandatory for an MBA?
For admission to their MBA programs, most top business schools accept a legitimate CAT score. It is, however, not the sole exam that is accepted. Several B-Schools also accept valid scores on tests such as the MAT/XT/CMAT/ATMA, among others.
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molagboop · 2 years
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Patreon tiers have been updated! There are three of them.
The first tier is just a tip jar: one buckaroo, no benefits: it exists for people who want to throw me a shilling for making them laugh and whatnot. No commitments: just goodwill.
The second tier is where the benefits start: You'll get to see what I'm working on before it hits Tumblr, and have free reign to hit me with feedback on projects as they develop. You also gain access to sketches, doodles, the little bits and bobs that come out of every WIP, and other exclusive content! Patrons also get to have a say in upcoming merch and a sketch commission slot every month!
The third tier gains access to everything from the second tier as well as an additional perk: layers. Every layered file affiliated with a given project will be made available for you to download! I ended up working in two programs for my last illustration, and both layered files for that piece are currently up on Patreon for third tier Patrons. I've also got a particularly content-heavy WIP for a comic coming out soon! There are... many files for tier 3 Patrons to pick apart at their leisure.
Both tiers 2 and 3 will get access to all the juicy details on the aforementioned project (WIP shots and all), but tier 3 Patrons are the ones with access to the intact project files.
Come see what's in the works!
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marketingreis · 2 years
Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners in 2023 to Make Money
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Finding the best affiliate program might be challenging. Whether you want to use it as your primary source of income or passive income, getting programs that will benefit both your readers and your business is no easy task. However, choosing the wrong program can potentially be a waste of time, while choosing the right one can set you on the path to financial freedom.
If you are thinking about joining an affiliate network, you will benefit greatly from it. We have collected the best affiliate programs for beginners. We will also help you choose a program that suits your requirements.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing by which an individual (affiliate) receives a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products or services. You get paid (commission) for referring new customers and customers to other companies, products, or services. You may begin affiliate marketing even if you do not have a website.
Here, you’ll find the best affiliate programs for beginners.
Our Favourite Affiliate Program For Beginners
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You can earn up to $150 for each sale by referring customers to Fiverr and an additional 10% from the sales generated by people referred to the program.
Commission rate: $15 to $150 per sale
Payment methods: Payoneer, Paypal
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Fiverr Affiliate Program
Web Hosting Affiliate Programs
1. Bluehost
Bluehost is one of the most popular affiliate Web hosting programs. The company’s tariff plans start from $2.95 per month. One-time payments to partners start from $65. Buyer costs in the program are low, and commissions are high.
Because of this, Bluehost is one of the most blogger-friendly ways to make money online with affiliate programs. Once you sign up for an affiliate program, you will earn referral commissions for 45 days after you purchase the product.
The company makes payments on PayPal. By promoting Bluehost, you get a high conversion rate and access to text links and banners that help convert a visitor into a buyer faster. Managers provide excellent customer service.
Commission rate: 65$
Payment methods: PayPal or Electronic Funds Transfer
Cookie life: 90 days
URL: Bluehost Affiliate Program
2. Hostinger
Hostinger is a popular web hosting platform. You can earn up to $150 per qualified sale. This affiliate program offers a minimum of $60 with the potential to earn up to $150. And since the 90% discount on Small Business and WordPress plans starts at $0.99 per month, the company boasts an excellent conversion rate.
Hostinger provides banners and promotional tools to help new affiliates. What is important is that the company has no limits on payments, and partners can have unlimited referrals.
Commission rate: 60%
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie life: 30 Days
URL: Hostinger Affiliate Program
3. WP Engine
WP Engine is one of the best affiliate programs for beginners to make money, with payouts of up to $200. Their program includes different levels of payout. For example, for every five sales, you get a bonus of $100, and for every ten sales, you get $250. The company offers a two-tier program. You can earn $50 for a user who becomes an affiliate and starts promoting the company’s services.
Commission rate: up to $200
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie life: 190 days
URL: WP Engine Affiliate Program
Best Guide On Affiliate Marketing
4. Green Geeks
If your subscribers are looking for a web host that is easy to use, suggest Green Geeks. By joining this program, you can earn up to $125 per sale, depending on the number of your conversions and traffic levels. So far, they have already paid out more than $3,500,000 to its partners. The company offers account managers and helpful reporting tools to partners to help them succeed. The important thing is that it has no minimum payout thresholds.
Commission rate: up to $100
Payment methods: PayPal or Wire transfer
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Green Geeks Affiliate Program
5. Liquid Web
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Liquid Web offers two-level affiliate links. This way, you earn a small amount of income from the sales generated by other affiliates who have signed up to Liquid Web through your link.
Commission rate: 150$
Payment methods: PayPal and Wire Transfer
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Liquid Web Affiliate Program
E-Commerce Affiliate Programs
1. Shopify
Shopify is a platform for setting up an online store. It also has an affiliate marketing program that you can use to earn commissions by promoting Shopify products. The Shopify affiliate program is available to anyone who has a Shopify account.
Additionally, they offer a wide range of products that you can promote, giving you the opportunity to earn commissions on sales of products that are relevant to your niche audience. Affiliate payments are 200% of the rates of stores.
Commission rate: 20%
Payment methods: Bank account or PayPal
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Shopify Affiliate Program
2. BigCommerce
BigCommerce is one of the most popular affiliate programs to earn huge commissions per sale. With this, you can start promoting products and earning commissions with just a few clicks. BigCommerce offers a wide range of products, so you can find something to promote regardless of your niche.
Commission rate: 200% per referral
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie life: 90 days
URL: BigCommerce Affiliate Program
Best Guide On Affiliate Marketing
3. Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates is one of the most recommended affiliate programs for beginners if you are starting with affiliate marketing. Amazon is trusted and popular, and its affiliate program offers a wide range of products you can promote.
Additionally, Amazon offers a generous commission structure so that you can earn good money from your sales. And best of all, Amazon provides lots of resources and support for its affiliates so that you can get started quickly and easily. Amazon Associates is a great option if you’re looking for the best affiliate program for beginners.
Commission rate: 4% for up to 6 products
Payment methods: Gift card and Direct deposit
Cookie life: 24 hours
URL: Amazon Associates Affiliate Program
4. ShareASale
ShareASale is an affiliate network with a variety of products. They offer a wide range of merchant programs to choose from and have a reputation for being easy to use and reliable.
ShareASale offers a $5 sign-up bonus, which is why it is one of the best affiliate programs for beginners to start making money.
Commission rate: up to $150
Payment methods: Wire Transfer and Payoneer
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: ShareASale Affiliate Program
5. ClickBank
ClickBank is a network that has the best affiliate programs for beginners. They offer a wide variety of products to promote and have a very user-friendly interface.
ClickBank also offers a wide range of marketing tools, so you can easily find ways to promote your affiliate links. In addition, they pay out commissions every two weeks, so you can easily keep track of your earnings. Overall, it is an excellent choice for those just starting out in the affiliate marketing world.
Commission rate: Upto 75%
Payment methods: Wire and Checks
Cookie life: 60 days
URL: ClickBank Affiliate Program
SEO Affiliate Programs
1. Surfer SEO
Surfer SEO provides all the tools you need to get started with affiliate marketing, including a website builder, hosting, and a keyword research tool.
Surfer SEO also offers a generous commission structure, which allows you to earn up to 50% of the sale price of each product you sell. In addition, Surfer SEO offers a wide variety of products to promote, so you can find a niche that interests you.
Surfer SEO is an excellent choice if you’re looking for an affiliate program that will provide you with everything you need to get started.
Commission rate: 25%
Payment methods: Credit cards
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Surfer SEO Affiliate Program
2. Link Whisper
Link Whisper makes it easy for you to find affiliate programs that fit your niche and provides tools to help you promote your affiliate links.
Link Whisper also has a strong reputation for being responsive to affiliate inquiries and offering high commission rates. Overall, It is a great option for beginners looking for an easy way to get started with affiliate marketing.
Commission rate: 30%
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie life: 90 days
URL: Link Whisper Affiliate Program
3. SEMRush
SEMRush is one of the most prominent SEO tools for tracking keywords, conducting site audits, and viewing competitor information. The affiliate program is called BeRush and offers its partners a 40% payout.
Commission rate: 200$
Payment methods: PayPal and Wire transfer
Cookie life: 30 days
URL: Semrush Affiliate Program
Best Guide On Affiliate Marketing
4. SEO PowerSuite
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The SEO PowerSuite affiliate program is easy to join and provides all the resources you need to succeed, including banner ads, text links, and email templates. Plus, their experienced affiliate team is always available to answer any questions. So if you’re looking for a great affiliate program to get started with, It is a great option.
Commission rate: 20%
Payment methods: Payoneer, Check, PayPal, Wire transfer
Cookie life: 180 days
URL: SEO PowerSuite Affiliate Program
Email Marketing Affiliate Programs
1. GetResponse
GetResponse is an email marketing service. As a Get Response affiliate, you can earn up to 33% recurring commissions oe $100 flat commission on each sales generated through your affiliate links.
Commission rate: 33%
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie life: 120 days
URL: GetResponse Affiliate Program
2. ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is an email marketing automation service that offers high commissions to its affiliates. You can earn up to $1350 per qualified referral.
Additionally, ActiveCampaign offers a tiered commission structure, which will be very helpful in boosting your affiliate income. You can easily keep track of your performance.
Commission rate: up to 30% recurring commission
Payment methods: PayPal
Cookie: 90 days
URL: ActiveCampaign Affiliate Program
Best Guide On Affiliate Marketing
Which Affiliate Programs Are the Best For Beginners?
Web hosting is one of the world’s most popular affiliate marketing categories. Whether starting an online business or blogging, hosting is required for every new website.
The key to properly suggesting a web hosting platform is a familiarity with the technology. Don’t pick a program only based on its payments. The platform should be simple, full of features, and the most excellent suggestion for your target audience.
When choosing an affiliate program, check commissions, average order values ​​(AOV), average revenue per click (EPC), and cookie duration. See if there is a recurring payment or just a one-time payment. Finally, choose a niche that matches your interests. The affiliate market is growing fast, and the opportunities are enormous. Remember that the first step in this area is to create your WordPress affiliate site or blog.
Best Guide On Affiliate Marketing
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unleadedfangs · 2 years
YouTube VS Twitch: The Dilemma
So you're a streamer or content creator trying to decide what streaming site you should use, there are a lot of them, but really only two stand at the top fighting it out. YouTube and Twitch. TikTok maybe being a close third runner.
I want to compare the two in this post and give you the factual pro and cons of the two in comparison; and clarify things that are opinion.
I have streamed on both sites and now I stream exclusively on YouTube. So these are the facts and my overall thoughts. (This is a very long informational/educational thread)
For starters, lets get monetization out of the way since that is something a lot of people will worry about first.
YouTube definitely has a higher threshold for getting monetized in the first place; there are reasons for this. They are currently working on a new streamer specific monetization option that we don't know a lot about currently but, for normal monetization via videos you need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months or 10 million shorts views in the last 90 days. It is expected that the streamer monetization option will be more similar to Twitch Affiliate.
In practical terms these seem like a lot, especially in comparison to Twitch affiliate but they aren't terrible, they are more in comparison to Twitch Partner.
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YouTube offers a 70/30 split for all monetization options other than ads. So memberships, super chats, stickers, gifted memberships all will give the creator a 70/30 share. Ad revenue is shared at 55%, with shorts ad revenue share beginning in January 2023.
Twitch recently announced that the 70/30 share for Twitch Partners is gone forever and that all creators will be 50/50. This isn't really new news, as only the top 0.01% were actually getting the 70/30 share. However, until this update they were only sharing 45% of ad revenue. Now Twitch is sharing 55% of ad revenue from my understanding. So on Twitch, for Subscriptions and Bits you are getting 50/50 share. They recently also announced Elevates which are YouTube Super Chats, except a lot worse, because they are more expensive and stay for less time overall but, they will share 70% of this revenue specifically. (There is also the new Ad Incentives program but I do not feel that I am in a spot to really talk about it or share my thoughts on it; there are other people who could explain it way better)
Now in terms of YouTube memberships vs Twitch subscriptions (Oh man this terminology is confusing between the two sites) there are some interesting differences.
YouTube Memberships allow you to set up 6 tiers, that you decide the pricing on. You can price these tiers from $0.99 to $100.00 you control the pricing of them for what you feel is best for your community. You fully set up what each tier means for perks and rewards; you can set up custom discord roles, special videos, member only posts, member only streams/videos there is a lot you can do with them so I'll leave this a bit vague. Memberships also get access to custom emotes and badges. You get 4 emotes by default at 0 members and unlock more emotes for the more members you get. As for badges, you get new badges for 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 month milestones. (After thought; Custom Emotes on YouTube are channel specific and not universal like Twitch)
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Twitch's system is a little bit different and more confusing overall so I'm going to explain the basics of it. When you become an affiliate on Twitch you will receive 5 follower emotes, these can only be used on your channel specifically and will be available to followers. As an affiliate you get 5 emote slots by default, with another 4 able to be unlocked by gaining subscriptions. You also have 1 animated emote slot by default and can unlock 4 more animated emote slots. Affiliates also have 1 emote slot on their Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscriptions as well. There are also bit emote rewards that you can set up emotes for people to earn by spending bits exclusively. This system is really confusing and I get lost trying to explain it. Twitch Partners gain access to 50+ emote slots for the more subscriptions they get.
Twitch Subscriptions are also set in their pricing; $4.99, $9.99 and $24.99 and also limited to only 3 tiers. If you want exclusive perks for these Subscriptions as well you have to clarify them somewhere else.
Twitch forces you to run ads through out your stream whether you like it or not, or even opt into doing so; you will run ads regardless of what you do.
YouTube on the other hand runs pre-roll ads at the beginning of the stream; then fully leaves it up to you when ads are ran throughout the stream, so you can run them if you afk or etc. (YouTube may occasionally run an ad on a per user basis for some reason, but it will not run ads for EVERYONE like Twitch does). YouTube also focuses other ad types, banner ads, overlay ads, sidebar ads, card ads, they do every kind of ad to avoid showing an un-skippable ad; or even a 5 second skippable ad in streams.
I think that's everything in terms of monetization so lets talk about the sites and what they offer in quality.
In terms of stream quality; Twitch Affiliates and below have a "limit" of 720p60 @ 5-6k bitrate limit. The reason limit is quoted is because you can stream at 1080p60 @5-6k bitrate but, you will not have access to transcoding. Transcoding is the ability for a viewer to select the quality of the stream locally; so 144p, 240p etc. So by losing access to transcoding some viewers with bad internet quality or slow internet will not be able to watch your stream. You can get access to transcoding at 1080p as an affiliate if you're lucky because its a soft lock where; priority is given to all partners, so if you start and stop your streams enough times you might get a server that allows you to have it. The 6k bitrate limit of Twitch also can make streams look very compressed and meh quality in fast paced games like Apex Legends.
YouTube allows creators to stream at 4k/2160p60 with a limit of 51k bitrate. There is no limits between partners and non partners, this is a flat limit for the service. A max quality of 4k at 60 fps and a max limit of 51k. Transcoding is also guaranteed at all times for all creators. Generally I stream at 1080p60 @ 10k bitrate for fast paced games like Apex Legends and the quality is far better than Twitch.
YouTube recently updated their UI so now Livestreams, Shorts and Videos are all separated into their own specific categories on your channel page making it easier for people to find exactly what they want and removing the need for you to unlist vods on YouTube.
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An argument I see a lot of the time is "Discoverability" this is a hard because there is some truth to it but a lot of it is opinions. Discoverability for certain topics on YouTube is at a disadvantage; an example being art streams. If you created a following on YouTube for speed paints or art videos, your art streams would do amazing on YouTube. If you start out day 1 streaming art with no uploads and no history as a creator, Twitch will do better overall. Its really circumstantial. Some things will do better on YouTube because of the search results and your stream being pushed like a normal video but some stuff will do objectively worse without being established.
YouTube is working on a streaming homepage similar to Twitch, which will really assist in this issue overall, as YouTube partially has it in the sense that you can go to each games category on YouTube like Twitch and find all the streams currently for it, but its a lot harder to do right now than Twitch. I've tested both and have my opinions; You can stream on Twitch and have 0 viewers and you can stream on YouTube and have 0 viewers. So in the end its whatever you are more comfortable with in my opinion. Either is fully viable regardless of opinions.
Random extras:
YouTube does require a thumbnail for every stream. Streams on YouTube also will not be archived if they are over 12 hours long. (Sometimes they will but usually not)
YouTube overall wants to encourage shorter streams, so that way creators have more time to work on videos and shorts. So YouTube's ideology is stream for a couple hours, maybe upload a video and a couple shorts instead of stream 15 hour straight.
This is a contrast vs Twitch where if you aren't streaming your channel is essentially dead. Twitch wants you to stream more and longer every day, which is reinforced by all of their Partner contracts and the Ad incentives program.
There is a difference in YouTube and Twitch chat function and culture. YouTube does not have channel points or redeems. (I personally like this) YouTube chat functions different than Twitch in how it loads messages; I personally prefer it again but there are extensions such as TruffleTV by Ludwig to make YT chat feel like Twitch. Extensions like BTTV and 7UP are adding or have added support for YouTube as well. Both sites have Polls and a few functions like so. On YouTube you can also pin an announcement to the top of the live chat.
I hope overall this has been informative and helpful to you and gave you a clearer cut comparison of the two sites side by side in just flat features. If you have any questions about the two sites, or something you feel should be added to this blog post please share it with me via reblog, message, ask or so on.
If you found it helpful, consider checking out my YouTube. Happy streaming and good luck on the content journey. :)
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argroup6 · 8 days
Study at the Cheapest Medical Universities in Kyrgyzstan for Affordable Excellence
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Kyrgyzstan has become a popular destination for students seeking quality medical education at affordable costs. For Indian and international students, Kyrgyzstan offers the perfect combination of low tuition fees, excellent education, and a welcoming environment. In this article, we will explore some of the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, focusing on the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and Asian Medical Institute—two renowned institutions known for providing top-tier education at a budget-friendly price.
Why Choose Kyrgyzstan for Medical Education?
Kyrgyzstan is increasingly attracting students from around the world, especially those who aspire to become doctors but are looking for affordable education. Compared to other countries, the cost of medical education in Kyrgyzstan is significantly lower, without compromising on the quality of education.
One of the biggest advantages of studying in Kyrgyzstan is that the degrees awarded by its medical universities are recognized globally, including by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This ensures that students who graduate from Kyrgyzstan can pursue medical practice or further studies in their home countries or anywhere around the world.
Moreover, the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan offer students access to world-class teaching, experienced faculty, and modern facilities, making it an excellent choice for medical aspirants.
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
The Kyrgyz State Medical Academy is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical institutions in Kyrgyzstan. Established in 1939, it has a long history of excellence in medical education. The academy is known for its high academic standards, well-equipped laboratories, and experienced teaching staff. It is a top choice for international students due to its affordable tuition fees and strong reputation.
As one of the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy offers students an extensive curriculum that covers both theoretical and practical aspects of medicine. The academy is affiliated with leading hospitals in Kyrgyzstan, providing students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience during their clinical training. This real-world exposure is essential for building the practical skills necessary to become a successful doctor.
The academy offers several medical programs, including General Medicine (MBBS), Dentistry, and Pediatrics, with English as the medium of instruction for international students. This makes it easier for students from India and other countries to adapt to the curriculum and succeed in their studies.
Living in Kyrgyzstan is also very affordable, which adds to the appeal of studying at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. The cost of accommodation, food, and daily expenses is relatively low compared to other countries, making it an ideal destination for students looking to minimise their overall educational expenses.
Asian Medical Institute
Another excellent option for students looking for the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan is the Asian Medical Institute. Founded in 2004, the institute has quickly gained recognition for its high-quality medical programs and affordable fees. It is one of the top medical schools in Kyrgyzstan, attracting students from across the globe, particularly from India, Pakistan, and other Asian countries.
The Asian Medical Institute offers a range of medical courses, including General Medicine (MBBS), Dentistry, and Nursing. Like the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, the medium of instruction is English, making it an attractive option for international students. The institute’s curriculum is designed to meet global standards, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for international medical practice.
One of the unique features of the Asian Medical Institute is its focus on practical learning. Students are encouraged to participate in clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals, where they gain valuable hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating patients. This practical approach to learning helps students develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the medical field.
In addition to offering affordable tuition, the Asian Medical Institute provides comfortable hostel facilities for international students, ensuring a safe and supportive living environment. The institute also offers various extracurricular activities to ensure the overall development of its students.
Benefits of Studying at the Cheapest Medical Universities in Kyrgyzstan
Affordability: One of the most compelling reasons to choose the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan is the low cost of education. Tuition fees at institutions like the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and Asian Medical Institute are much lower compared to medical schools in Europe, the US, or India.
Global Recognition: Degrees awarded by Kyrgyzstan’s medical universities are recognized worldwide, making it easier for graduates to pursue careers or further studies in other countries.
Quality Education: Despite the low fees, the quality of education provided by the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and Asian Medical Institute is on par with international standards. Students benefit from modern infrastructure, experienced faculty, and extensive clinical training.
Diverse Student Population: Kyrgyzstan is home to a large number of international students, creating a diverse and enriching learning environment. This exposure helps students develop intercultural communication skills, which are crucial in the medical profession.
English-Medium Instruction: Both the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and Asian Medical Institute offer courses in English, making it easier for international students to adjust and perform well academically.
Safe and Welcoming Environment: Kyrgyzstan is known for its friendly and welcoming culture. The low cost of living, along with the country’s safety and hospitality, makes it an ideal destination for students.
Choosing the right medical university is a crucial decision for any aspiring doctor. By opting for one of the cheapest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, like the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy or the Asian Medical Institute, students can receive a world-class education without the burden of high tuition fees. These institutions offer a perfect blend of affordability, quality education, and international recognition, making them a great choice for students looking to pursue a career in medicine.
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ozzyscollectiblehub · 19 days
AAU Basketball in Canada: Building the Future of Canadian Hoops
AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) basketball has long been a cornerstone of youth basketball development in the United States, producing countless NBA stars and college standouts. While AAU’s influence is well-established south of the border, its presence in Canada has been steadily growing, playing a crucial role in the development of young Canadian basketball talent. Today, AAU basketball in Canada is not just a feeder system for U.S. colleges but a burgeoning platform that is shaping the future of Canadian hoops.
The Rise of Canadian Basketball
Over the past two decades, Canada has seen a basketball renaissance. With players like Steve Nash, Vince Carter, and more recently, Andrew Wiggins, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, and RJ Barrett making waves in the NBA, basketball has become one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. This surge in interest has led to a greater emphasis on youth development programs, with AAU basketball becoming an integral part of the landscape.
What is AAU Basketball?
AAU basketball provides young athletes with the opportunity to play competitive basketball at a high level, often traveling to tournaments across North America. Unlike school teams, AAU teams are typically independent and coached by non-school-affiliated coaches, allowing for more flexibility in terms of competition and player development. These teams often participate in high-profile tournaments where players can showcase their skills in front of college scouts and, increasingly, professional scouts.
AAU’s Impact in Canada
The expansion of AAU basketball in Canada has had a profound impact on the development of young players. Here’s how:
Exposure to High-Level Competition: AAU teams in Canada frequently compete against top talent from the U.S., providing Canadian players with invaluable experience. This exposure helps players adjust to the pace, physicality, and skill level required at higher levels of play.
Pathway to U.S. Scholarships: For many young Canadian players, AAU basketball serves as a gateway to U.S. college scholarships. The chance to compete in front of college coaches during AAU tournaments has opened doors for numerous Canadian athletes, helping them secure spots in prestigious NCAA programs.
Development of Canadian Talent: AAU basketball emphasizes individual skill development and team play, which has been instrumental in producing top-tier Canadian talent. Players like Jamal Murray, Dillon Brooks, and Chris Boucher honed their skills through AAU programs before making their mark in the NCAA and eventually the NBA.
Building a Basketball Culture: The growth of AAU basketball in Canada has also contributed to a stronger basketball culture. It has brought together communities, created opportunities for mentorship, and provided a platform for young athletes to pursue their basketball dreams.
Challenges and Opportunities
While AAU basketball has thrived in Canada, it faces several challenges:
Cost of Participation: AAU basketball can be expensive, with costs related to travel, tournaments, and training often being prohibitive for some families. This has raised concerns about accessibility and the potential for talented players to be overlooked due to financial constraints.
Geographic Limitations: Canada’s vast geography poses challenges for AAU teams, especially in less densely populated areas. Teams often have to travel long distances to find competitive games, which can limit opportunities for consistent high-level competition.
Balancing Development and Exposure: There is a delicate balance between focusing on player development and seeking exposure through tournaments. While the lure of being scouted can be strong, it is crucial for AAU programs to prioritize the long-term development of their players.
Despite these challenges, the opportunities presented by AAU basketball in Canada are significant. As the sport continues to grow, so too does the infrastructure supporting it. More resources are being dedicated to youth basketball, and the Canadian AAU scene is becoming increasingly organized and competitive.
The Future of AAU Basketball in Canada
The future of AAU basketball in Canada looks bright. With the continued rise of Canadian talent in the NBA and international basketball, the demand for quality youth basketball programs is only going to increase. AAU basketball will play a vital role in meeting this demand, providing young players with the tools, experience, and exposure they need to succeed at the highest levels.
As more Canadian players make their mark on the global stage, the influence of AAU basketball in Canada will continue to grow, solidifying its place as a key component in the development of the next generation of Canadian basketball stars.
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neelshaha · 1 month
MSc Nursing Course in Ahmedabad: A Comprehensive Guide
Ahmedabad, a thriving educational hub in Gujarat, offers excellent opportunities for students pursuing a Master of Science (MSc) in Nursing. The MSc Nursing program is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills in nursing, preparing graduates for leadership roles in healthcare, education, research, and clinical practice. Here’s a detailed guide to pursuing an MSc Nursing course in Ahmedabad.
Overview of MSc Nursing
The MSc Nursing program is a postgraduate course that typically spans two years. It is structured to deepen the understanding of nursing principles, enhance clinical competencies, and develop research skills. The course offers specialization in various fields such as Medical-Surgical Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, and Psychiatric Nursing.
Eligibility Criteria
To enroll in an MSc Nursing course in Ahmedabad, candidates generally need to meet the following eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification: A Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Nursing or Post Basic BSc Nursing degree from a recognized university.
Minimum Marks: Most institutions require a minimum of 55% aggregate marks in the qualifying examination. Some relaxation may be provided for reserved categories.
Work Experience: A minimum of one year of experience after BSc Nursing is usually required. This can vary depending on the institution.
Registration: The candidate must be a registered nurse and registered midwife with the State Nursing Council.
Top Colleges Offering MSc Nursing in Ahmedabad
Government College of Nursing, AhmedabadThe Government College of Nursing in Ahmedabad is one of the premier institutions offering an MSc Nursing course. The college is affiliated with the Gujarat University and provides high-quality education with experienced faculty and well-equipped laboratories. The curriculum focuses on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring comprehensive training for students. Specializations Offered:
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing
Key Features:
Experienced faculty with clinical expertise
State-of-the-art laboratories and simulation facilities
Emphasis on research and evidence-based practice
Strong focus on clinical training in affiliated hospitals
Ahmedabad Institute of Nursing Science (AINS)AINS is a well-known private institution in Ahmedabad offering MSc Nursing programs. The institute is recognized for its modern infrastructure, qualified faculty, and student-centered approach to education. AINS provides a conducive learning environment with ample opportunities for clinical exposure and research activities. Specializations Offered:
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Key Features:
Modern classrooms and simulation labs
Extensive clinical training in leading hospitals
Opportunities for research and professional development
Supportive learning environment with mentorship programs
Nootan College of Nursing, AhmedabadNootan College of Nursing is part of the Nootan Educational Group and offers a robust MSc Nursing program. The college is known for its focus on holistic education, combining academic excellence with practical training. Nootan College is affiliated with Sankalchand Patel University and provides students with access to top-tier clinical training facilities. Specializations Offered:
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Key Features:
Comprehensive curriculum with a focus on patient care
Access to well-equipped laboratories and clinical simulation tools
Collaboration with hospitals for hands-on training
Strong emphasis on ethical practice and patient safety
C.U. Shah Institute of Nursing, AhmedabadC.U. Shah Institute of Nursing is another prominent college offering an MSc Nursing program in Ahmedabad. The institute is committed to providing quality nursing education and fostering the development of skilled nursing professionals. The curriculum is designed to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare sector, with a focus on both theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. Specializations Offered:
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Key Features:
Experienced faculty with a focus on research and innovation
Extensive clinical exposure in affiliated hospitals
Interactive teaching methods and practical workshops
Emphasis on leadership and management skills in nursing
Career Opportunities After MSc Nursing
Graduates of the MSc Nursing program in Ahmedabad have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. They can work in various healthcare settings such as hospitals, community health centers, educational institutions, and research organizations. Some of the prominent roles include:
Nurse Educator
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Nurse Administrator
Nurse Researcher
Public Health Nurse
Nursing Consultant
Pursuing an MSc Nursing course in Ahmedabad offers a blend of advanced education, practical experience, and opportunities for specialization. With top-notch institutions, experienced faculty, and access to excellent clinical facilities, Ahmedabad is an ideal destination for aspiring nursing professionals looking to advance their careers. Whether you aim to become a nurse educator, a clinical specialist, or a leader in healthcare, an MSc Nursing degree from a reputed college in Ahmedabad can open doors to a rewarding and fulfilling career.
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komal7676 · 2 months
Exploring Opportunities for MBBS in Russia: Top Universities and Benefits
If you're a student looking to pursue a medical degree abroad, you might be considering Russia as a destination. It's no secret that Russia has become a popular choice among international students, particularly for those aspiring to become doctors. The allure lies in its prestigious medical universities, affordable tuition fees, and high-quality education. In this guide, we'll explore why MBBS in Russia is an excellent option for aspiring medical professionals and highlight some of the top universities you should consider.
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Why Choose Russia for MBBS?
Russia is renowned for its robust education system, especially in the field of medicine. Russian medical universities are recognized globally, and graduates often find opportunities in various countries. The curriculum is designed to meet international standards, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for a successful career in medicine.
One of the most appealing aspects of studying MBBS in Russia is the affordability. Compared to many Western countries, the cost of tuition and living expenses in Russia is relatively low. This makes it an attractive destination for students who want a quality education without the burden of excessive student loans.
Top Medical Universities in Russia
Russia boasts several top-tier medical universities that offer world-class education. Two notable institutions are the North Caucasian State Academy Russia and the Siberian State Medical University Russia.
1. North Caucasian State Academy Russia The North Caucasian State Academy Russia is one of the leading medical universities in the country. Known for its excellent faculty and advanced medical facilities, the university offers a comprehensive MBBS program that covers all aspects of medical education. The curriculum includes both theoretical and practical training, providing students with a well-rounded education. Moreover, the university's affiliation with various hospitals allows students to gain hands-on experience, an essential component of medical training.
2. Siberian State Medical University Russia Another top choice for aspiring doctors is the Siberian State Medical University Russia. This university is known for its strong emphasis on research and innovation in the medical field. The faculty consists of highly qualified professionals who are experts in their respective fields. The university offers state-of-the-art facilities, including modern laboratories and simulation centers, enabling students to develop their skills in a controlled environment. The Siberian State Medical University Russia also collaborates with international institutions, providing students with opportunities for global exposure.
Benefits of Studying in Russia
Studying in Russia offers numerous benefits beyond just academic excellence. The country is rich in culture and history, providing students with a unique and enriching experience. The diverse population and multicultural environment allow students to interact with peers from around the world, broadening their perspectives and understanding of different cultures.
Additionally, Russian medical degrees are recognized by major medical councils worldwide, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This global recognition ensures that graduates have the flexibility to practice medicine in various countries, including their home countries.
Admission Process and Eligibility
The admission process for MBBS in Russia is relatively straightforward. Students are required to have completed their secondary education with a strong background in science subjects, particularly Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Additionally, they must pass an entrance examination, which varies depending on the university. It's important to check the specific requirements of each institution as they may differ.
One of the advantages of studying in Russia is the absence of a mandatory language proficiency test like IELTS or TOEFL for admission. However, since the medium of instruction is often Russian, many universities offer a preparatory course to help international students learn the language. This not only aids in their studies but also helps them adapt to life in Russia.
In conclusion, pursuing MBBS in Russia offers students a unique opportunity to receive a high-quality education at an affordable cost. With top medical universities like the North Caucasian State Academy Russia and the Siberian State Medical University Russia, students are assured of a comprehensive education that prepares them for a successful career in medicine. The rich cultural experience, coupled with global recognition of the degree, makes Russia a top choice for medical aspirants worldwide. If you're considering studying abroad, Russia might just be the perfect place to start your journey towards becoming a doctor.
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kccitmblog · 2 months
What is the fees of MBA in Noida?
Making the important decision to pursue an MBA can have a big impact on your career and future opportunities. Noida is one of the major educational hubs in India and is one of the numerous locations that provide MBA programs. Aspiring management professionals frequently enquire about the cost associated with earning an MBA in Noida. To assist you in making an informed choice, this blog aims to give a thorough summary of top MBA colleges in Noida with low fees.
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Factors Influencing MBA Fees in Noida
Numerous reasons might cause a broad range in the cost of an MBA program, including:
Type of Institution: Top colleges for MBA in Noida with fees, recognized universities and government-affiliated institutions can all charge significantly different tuition for an MBA program. When it comes to tuition, government-affiliated colleges usually charge less than private ones.
Program specialty: Prices may vary depending on the specific specialty. An MBA in marketing, for example, may have a different cost structure than an MBA in finance or human resources.
Duration of the Program: Although the majority of MBA programs in Noida last two years, certain universities also offer one-year executive programs, which may come with a different cost.
Facilities and Infrastructure: More tuition may be charged by colleges with cutting-edge facilities, contemporary amenities, and more resources.
Reputation and Ranking: An important factor in deciding fees may also be the institution's standing and reputation. Top colleges for MBA in Noida with fees typically charge more because of their well-established reputation and excellent educational programs.
Average Costs of Noida MBA Programs
The whole cost of an MBA program in Noida might vary from INR 2 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs. The particular program selected and the type of institution both has an impact on the variance. Let's take a deeper look:
Top colleges for MBA in Noida with fees: The total cost of attendance at highly regarded MBA colleges in Noida with low fees might range from INR 10 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs. These universities frequently use their superior professors, solid industry ties, and good placement rates to defend their higher tuition costs.
Management Institute in Noida with fees : The normal tuition for mid-tier MBA colleges in Noida with low fees is between INR 5 lakhs and INR 10 lakhs. These institutions offer affordable, high-quality education in a well-balanced manner.
MBA institutions in Noida with Low Fees: There are MBA colleges in Noida with low fees, usually in the range of INR 2 lakhs to INR 5 lakhs, for those looking for more affordable options. These universities might be a suitable place to start and provide necessary academic services.
Comprehending the Fee Schedule
It's crucial to comprehend what the normal charge structure for an MBA program involves while thinking about the costs:
Tuition fees: Tuition is the main expense for paying for academic services and education. Exam fees: The costs associated with holding exams and assessments.
Fees for Libraries and Laboratories: The total charge frequently includes access to library materials and lab space.
Hostel and Accommodation: There will be additional fees if you choose to live on campus. The style of room and amenities offered might affect the cost of lodging.
Miscellaneous Fees: Charges for extracurricular activities, seminars, workshops, and other events are examples of miscellaneous fees.
Scholarships & Financial Assistance
Financial aid and scholarships are offered by numerous top MBA colleges in Noida to assist students in covering the cost of their studies. Merit-based and need-based scholarships are both available, and some universities also offer financial aid to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. It is wise to inquire about the availability of scholarships and the application procedure directly from Top Management Institute in Noida.
Return on Investment for an MBA in Noida
Even if the cost of an MBA program in Noida can be high, it's crucial to take the ROI into account. Graduates from top MBA in marketing colleges in Noida frequently land well-paying jobs, making the original investment justified. Furthermore, the network and abilities you develop during the MBA program can greatly improve your chances of landing a good job.
Specializations and How They Affect Fees
Marketing, finance, human resources, or operations MBA, for example, is a specialization that can affect the cost of the program. Certain specializations can be more in need or call for more resources, which would raise the program's overall cost. An MBA in marketing, for example, may cost more in Noida than other specializations because of the unique course requirements and demand in the industry.
Top MBA colleges in Noida with low fees
Faculty of Management Studies
KCC Institute of Technology and Management
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
Jamia Millia Islamia
To sum up
In conclusion, the cost of an MBA in Noida varies significantly depending on the kind of Management Institute in Noida with fees, the specialization of the program, and the extra services provided. Top colleges for MBA in Noida with fees provide excellent facilities, knowledgeable instructors, and job placements; however, there are other MBA in marketing colleges in Noida with lower fees that suit students on a tighter budget. The quality of education and potential return on investment are important factors to take into consideration when comparing MBA colleges in Noida with low fees.
A balance between cost, educational quality, and career objectives should ultimately guide the choice. You may make an informed choice and select the best MBA program in Noida that fits your goals by being aware of the cost and the financial assistance alternatives available. If your goal is to pursue a marketing specialization or study at a Top Management Institute in Noida, it provides a variety of possibilities to support you in realizing your professional goals.
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1personalcareercoach · 2 months
Builderall vs Go High Level Which Affiliate Program Best
Comparing the affiliate programs of Builderall and Go HighLevel involves examining their commission structures, support for affiliates, and overall earning potential. Here's a detailed look at both: Builderall Affiliate Program Commission Structure:    Two-Tier Affiliate Program: Earn commissions not only from your direct sales but also from the sales made by affiliates you refer.    Recurring Commissions: Earn a recurring commission on monthly subscriptions. Typically, 30% for direct sales and an additional 30% from second-tier affiliates.    Initial Bonus: Some plans offer an initial bonus commission for new sales, adding to the upfront earnings. Support for Affiliates:    Training and Resources: Comprehensive training materials, webinars, and tutorials to help affiliates succeed.    Marketing Materials: Access to a range of marketing materials such as banners, email swipes, and landing pages.    Affiliate Dashboard: Detailed dashboard for tracking earnings, clicks, and conversions. Overall Earning Potential:    High Earning Potential: The two-tier system and recurring commissions can lead to significant earnings, especially if you can recruit active affiliates under you.    Global Market: Builderall's wide range of digital marketing tools appeals to a global audience, broadening the potential customer base. Go HighLevel Affiliate Program Commission Structure:    Single-Tier Affiliate Program: Primarily focuses on commissions from direct sales.    High Recurring Commissions: Typically offers a 40% recurring commission on monthly subscriptions.    Lifetime Commissions: Continue earning commissions as long as your referred customers stay subscribed. Support for Affiliates:    Comprehensive Training: Access to extensive training materials, including video tutorials and webinars.    Marketing Resources: Provides a variety of promotional materials to help affiliates market the platform effectively.    Affiliate Dashboard: A robust dashboard for tracking performance and earnings. Overall Earning Potential:    Strong Recurring Revenue: The 40% recurring commission rate is competitive and can build substantial passive income over time.     Focused Market: Go HighLevel's niche focus on CRM and marketing automation for businesses may lead to higher conversion rates among targeted audiences. Key Differences    Commission Structure:        Builderall: Offers a two-tier affiliate program, allowing you to earn from your direct sales and the sales made by affiliates you refer. This can lead to exponential growth in earnings.        Go HighLevel: Focuses on a single-tier structure but provides higher recurring commissions (40%) on direct sales, which can be very lucrative if you have a steady stream of new customers.    Recurring vs. Upfront Bonuses:        Builderall: Includes initial bonus commissions in some plans, which can provide a quick boost to earnings.        Go HighLevel: Focuses more on long-term recurring revenue without upfront bonus commissions.    Market Focus:        Builderall: Appeals to a broader range of digital marketers, website builders, and entrepreneurs, which can make it easier to find potential customers.        Go HighLevel: Targets businesses needing CRM and marketing automation solutions, potentially leading to higher conversion rates among a more specific audience.    Support and Resources:        Both programs offer strong support and marketing resources, though the specifics may vary, such as the type of training materials and promotional assets provided. Conclusion     Builderall: May be more lucrative if you can effectively recruit and support a network of active affiliates due to its two-tier commission structure.    Go HighLevel: Can be highly profitable with its higher recurring commissions, making it a great choice for those who can consistently bring in direct customers. Ultimately, the more lucrative program will depend on your ability to recruit and support affiliates (for Builderall) versus your capability to attract and retain direct customers (for Go HighLevel). Both programs have the potential to be very rewarding with the right strategy and effort. https://www.gohighlevel.com/30-day-trial?fp_ref=cpi50
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casualjellyfishcycle · 4 months
Lincoln American University: Your Path to a Global Medical Career
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Why Choose Lincoln American University for MBBS Abroad?
Lincoln American University (LAU) stands as a beacon of excellence for students aspiring to pursue MBBS abroad. Renowned for its top-tier medical education and modern infrastructure, LAU offers a transformative experience that prepares students for a successful career in medicine. Located in Guyana, South America, LAU provides a unique blend of academic rigout and practical training, making it an ideal choice for international students.
About Lincoln Medical University
Lincoln Medical University is dedicated to producing world-class doctors equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet global healthcare challenges. The university's curriculum is aligned with international medical education standards, ensuring that graduates are eligible to practise medicine in various countries. With a faculty comprising experienced professionals from diverse medical fields, students receive a comprehensive education that combines theoretical learning with hands-on practice.
Key Highlights of Lincoln America MBBS University
Accreditation and Recognition
LAU is recognized by major global medical councils, including the Medical Council of India (MCI) and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS). This accreditation ensures that an MBBS degree from Lincoln America MBBS University is respected and accepted worldwide.
Modern Curriculum
The university offers an innovative curriculum designed to keep pace with the latest advancements in medical science. Courses are structured to provide a solid foundation in basic medical sciences, followed by clinical rotations that give students practical exposure in hospitals and clinics.
International Exposure
Students at LAU benefit from a multicultural environment, with peers and faculty from around the world. This international exposure enhances their understanding of global health issues and prepares them for a career in diverse healthcare settings.
MBBS in Lincoln American University: Comprehensive Overview
Curriculum Structure
The MBBS Abroad at Lincoln American University spans five years, divided into preclinical, para-clinical, and clinical phases. The first two years focus on basic medical sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pharmacology. The next two years cover para-clinical subjects, including Pathology, Microbiology, and Forensic Medicine. The final year is dedicated to clinical rotations in various medical disciplines like Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Clinical Training
LAU emphasises practical training through its affiliations with top hospitals in Guyana and other countries. Students engage in clinical rotations under the supervision of experienced doctors, gaining hands-on experience in patient care, diagnostics, and treatment.
Research Opportunities
Research is a critical component of medical education at LAU. The university encourages students to participate in research projects, attend conferences, and publish their findings. This emphasis on research fosters critical thinking and innovation among students.
Lincoln American University MBBS Fee Structure
One of the significant advantages of studying at LAU fee structure. The university offers competitive tuition fees compared to other international medical schools, making it an attractive option for students from various economic backgrounds. Additionally, LAU provides scholarships and financial aid to deserving students, further easing the financial burden.
Breakdown of Fees
Tuition Fees: The tuition fees for the entire MBBS program are structured to be payable annually or semester-wise, offering flexibility to students and their families.
Other Expenses: This includes hostel fees, food, medical insurance, and examination fees. The university ensures that all expenses are transparent, with no hidden costs.
Lincoln American University World Ranking
LAU is rapidly climbing the ranks among global medical universities. Its commitment to quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and exceptional student support services contribute to its rising reputation. The university's alumni are successfully practising medicine worldwide, further enhancing its global standing.
Lincoln American University Campus
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The Lincoln American University campus is equipped with modern facilities to support comprehensive medical education. This includes:
Advanced Laboratories: Fully equipped labs for anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, and pathology.
Simulation Centers: High-fidelity simulators for practising clinical skills and procedures.
Library: A vast collection of medical books, journals, and online resources accessible to students around the clock.
Student Life and Support
LAU offers a vibrant campus life with numerous extracurricular activities, clubs, and organisations. The university also provides extensive student support services, including academic advising, career counselling, and mental health services.
The university offers comfortable and secure hostel facilities with all necessary amenities. Students can choose between single and shared accommodations, with options for on-campus or nearby housing.
Lincoln American University stands out as a premier destination for students seeking to pursue an MBBS degree abroad. With its robust curriculum, world-class faculty, and extensive clinical training opportunities, LAU prepares students to excel in the global medical field. The affordable fee structure and supportive campus environment further enhance its appeal, making it an ideal choice for aspiring doctors.
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michaelgabrill · 4 months
FY2024 TEAM II NOFO Announcement
Next Gen STEM’s Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) program is pleased to announce an upcoming FY2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) that will expand the current program from a two-tier to a three-tier system by adding a mid-level funding tier. The NOFO is expected to be released in the third quarter […] from NASA https://ift.tt/4aVANpH
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