maybe zuko having a counsel meeting but yue wants to tease him and she just sits on his lap in the middle of the meeting :0
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AU: Limerence
Pairing: Zuko x Fem. OC (Ying Yue Jiang)
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Yue is usually so put together, eagerly listening, observing and Zuko loves it because Yue always seems to capture what he may have missed. They’re a dangerous team, Zuko posing as the voice, and Yue as the brains.
However, while Yue knows she should be keeping tabs on the contradicting statements that some of these nobles are stating, she can’t help but notice those enticing eyes from one particular individual.
How they licked their lips, gaze heavy as they continued to stare at Zuko like a five-star meal.
And while Yue knows very well that Zuko wouldn’t dare spend a second tantalizing the idea, that mere thought that someone has the nerve to try to flirt with Zuko, in front of them, during a meeting, has Yue’s jealously bubbling, nibbling on her lips in annoyance.
Let it go, it’s not worth getting flustered about- Yue would sing in her mind until she saw how they provokingly started sucking on the end of their pen. The hope, anticipation, in their eyes for Zuko to settle over them.
Zuko so lost in the meeting and scanning the documents in his hands, he would gasp when felt his lover dearest graze his shoulders, only to plop her figure over his lap.
His golden eyes widening, Yue wearing an adorable smile as she snuggled his body, wiggling her hips. 
And it takes him seconds to figure out exactly what she is trying to do.
“Is something the matter, my Queen?” Zuko would purr, grinning madly at how Yue tried to act coy, the nobles clearing their throats at the amorous gesture.
Yue shyly shrugging her shoulders, letting her lip roll between her teeth as she naively shakes her head. “I wish to read the documents, the view is much better from here, Fire Lord Zuko.” Yue would answer, adjusting her posture.
And the breath Zuko would hitch at how Yue purposely rolled her hips on his lap.
His eyes darkened, gaze heavy as he watched her every move. Because that’s just it, Yue could make the simplest of actions seem seductive.
That deep arch in her back as she leaned over the table, highlighting her thick hips. The low-back line let her tattoo be in full display, and Zuko swallowed back the need to run his heated fingers down her spine, enticing that sweet whine from his baby. He could already imagine the new set of bruises and bites that will decorate her ass in the next minute as she presses down on him.
Yue smiling proudly to herself because without looking over her shoulder, she could feel that bulge growing underneath her. Zuko’s cock nestled between her cheeks as she squirms in her new-found-seat. She’s getting so wet, her own cheeks turning pink as she boldly teases Zuko, desperate to get the point across that Zuko belongs to Yue, and vice versa.
Zuko’s hands falling over her hips, that low grunt he lets out as his pants are struggling to contain his boner, getting beyond hard despite the public setting.
“I hope you don’t mind, Fire Lord Zuko.” Yue would speak with a bated breath, and Zuko growls because she’s playing a dangerous game. A game that will end with Yue on all fours and squeezing around his cock, with or without an audience. 
“I don’t mind,” Zuko hums, before leaning towards her figure. 
He slowly bucks upwards, Yue unable to stop the meek moan feeling Zuko rub himself between their clothing. His lips brushing the shell of her ear before whispering, “the real question is, I hope you don’t mind an audience.”
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Copyright © 2021 Mystic-Kitten-Writer, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters besides any original characters I have created.
Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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hard-satin · 7 years
Fill the void (Pt. 1)
Pairings: StilesxReader Void!StilesxReader
WARNING: non-con elements, violence, angst, fluff, smutt
@dumbass-stilinski For you! xoxo
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“I’m sorry, but you’re wrong, Stiles can’t be the nogitsune. Why would a 1,000 year old spirit ever want to posses Stiles?” Ethan asked as the pack sat around my table. The emergency pack meeting wasn’t off to a very good start.
  “Stiles is the obvious choice.” I said not looking up from where I was sharpening my blade.
  “Excuse me but if a nogitsune wanted to terrorize Beacon Hill’s I’d be a much better choice.” Aiden said.
  “Don’t be an idiot. Seriously that gimmick is getting old.” I told him brandishing my blade.
  “What are you talking about (Y/N)?” Scott, my twin brother, asked to keep me from stabbing one of the twins. They may have changed sides but I still wasn’t to happy about the time they tried to kill me.
  “I mean Stiles is the first choice out of all of us if you really think about it. The nogitsune dosen’t need someone with super physical strength because he has his own. In fact if I was a powerful dark spirit, I’d want someone unassuming like Stiles. Then there’s the matter of his mind.” I explained finally satisfied with the edge of my blade and sheathing it at my side.
  “What about his mind?” Mr. Stilinski asked from the corner of the room. He’d shown up at our house about four hours ago when he realised Stiles was missing. A search party couldn’t find anything, even with werewolf senses. Now the pack was here sitting around my kitchen table, looking at me like I held all the answers.
  “He’s smart alright, he’s the smartest one in the group when it comes to things that matter. No offense Lydia, but math, it’s not all that important to an ancient dark spirit.” I told them, they stared back at me with blank faces.
  “The nogitsune is a trickster, a puzzle master. Who do we know that always figures out our supernatural problems here in Beacon Hills?” I asked hoping to lead them to the answer.
  “The nogitsune would want to take over Stiles mind because it works the same way his does.” Scott had figured it out. I nodded at him with pride.
  “That and if there was one mind a nogitsune wouldn’t want to be up against it would be one like his own.” Lydia said putting the pieces all the way together.
  “Bingo.” I said pulling out my butterfly knife and flipping it around in complex patterns to distract myself from the fact that my best friend was possessed by an evil spirit nowhere to be found.
  “So what do we do?” I looked at my brother in shock. Scott was the true alpha, the natural leader and he was asking me what to do.
  “I don’t know.” I said hoping the attention of the pack would turn away from me now. I was never one for being the center of attention, and now that everyone was looking at me I felt like crawling out of my skin.
  “(Y/N) you were the closest with Stiles and you’ve read more than any of us about the nogitsune.” Lydia reassured me.
  “Yeah, I could hear you guys moving around your room practically all night every night for the last couple weeks.” Isaac said as he chewed on his apple. His eyes went wide as he realised how that sounded. I smacked the back of his head. Scott looked at me with one raised and judgemental eyebrow.
  “Look Stiles couldn’t sleep without getting nightmares so we stayed up and played chess.” I admitted. The pack just kept staring at me.
  “Alright look, I might have an idea but it’s terrible.” I hoped someone would come up with something better.
  “A nogitsune feeds off chaos right? Well how about we cause a little chaos to attract him.” Nobody was super happy with the idea but nobody had any better ones.
  “Chaos it is.” Scott agreed, I couldn’t help but think everything was about to go horribly wrong.
  The school was all set up. Lydia had prepared a chain reaction in all the chemistry classrooms. The twins were more than happy to start a food fight in the cafeteria. Kira was standing by to knockout all the lights. Scott was going to pull the fire alarm. I was going to monitor it all on the school cameras to watch out for Stiles. And Allison would be waiting with her father and Isaac to grab Stiles when he showed up.
  “Everyone ready?” I asked into the walkie talkie.
  “Yep.” I got the same response seven times.
  “Alright operation chaos is a go.” I said.
  “Operation chaos is a stupid name.” Aiden said over the walkie. “I thought it had a better ring to it than operation lets cause a lot of problems for the school officials in the hope that our possessed friend is drawn to the trouble. So we can kidnap him and turn him back into our friend somehow.” I replied watching as the chaos began.
  “No sign of Stiles, and the twins got suspended for two weeks.” Scott grumbled crashing down onto the couch beside me.
  “At least that part of the plan worked out.”  I grumbled nursing my third beer of the night. Perks of being human, I could still enjoy the mind numbing effect of alcohol.
  “Wait you knew they were going to get in trouble?” Scott asked me shocked, like I hadn’t been deviant trouble maker my entire life. Honestly it was like he barely knew me sometimes.
  “Well I’m no psychic, but they did start a food fight in the cafeteria. I’m pretty sure that’s a punishable offense. Which is why I gave them the job.” I smirked finishing off the last beer. Scott just rolled his eyes at me. I hopped off the couch, sick and tired of doing nothing.
  “Where are you going?” He asked sounding just like a dad. “To clear my head. Don’t wait up.” I informed him running out the front door before he had the chance to protest.
  I started at the slow jog, but soon that feeling of being followed through the night had me sprinting through the streets of Beacon Hills. I finally stopped when I ended up at my favorite twenty four hour pizzeria. I walked inside to the smell of their homemade sauce and melted cheese. I ordered two meat lovers calzones to go before walking the rest of the way to the sheriff's station. I knew sheriff Stilinski would be there, with Stiles missing he’d want to be on alert for any sign. That and his house would seem just to empty without him there. I knew because my life felt to empty without Stiles by my side.
  “Hey sherif. I brought you some food.” I told him as I walked into the all to familiar office, setting the boxes down on his desk. Sheriff Stilinski shock his head and looked up at me, as though I’d woken him from a trance. He sent me a small smile that didn’t really reach his eyes before pushing the box away.
  “Not hungry.” He told me. I left the box on his desk anyway. Clearly I wouldn’t find any clarity with him. I stopped in the doorway.
  “He loves you.” Sheriff Stilinski’s words turned my body into cement. I couldn’t turn around to look at him, I couldn’t open my mouth to say anything back. I was frozen.
  “I just thought you ought to know, seeing as none of us know how this is going to end.” I could hear the pain in his voice. I knew what he was doing, and it made me angry. Like everyone else he was under estimating Stiles. The Sheriff thought his son was already lost. Well I wouldn’t accept that. I marched from his office in a rage, needing to find a place to clear my head. I walked for hours more, my feet had begun to ache. When I finally looked up to see where I was and figure out how to get home, I realised I was exactly where I needed to be. I pulled out the key I had painted blue on my keychain. I haven't had to use it in years. Stiles was usually there to open the door when I came over.
  Just like I knew it would be, the house was too quiet. I found myself walking up the stairs, following the familiar pathway to Stiles bedroom. It looked the same as it always had. Crime board up, filled with pictures and old news clippings. His lacrosse equipment was piled in the corner near his window. His bed spread was rumpled, not quite made. It felt like home.
  I kicked off my shoes and crawled under the bedsheets. They were cold, like no one had slept there in days, but they still smelled like him. I noticed something red squished between the bed and the wall. It was his lacrosse hoodie. The one he made me wear to every game for good luck, even when he was just a bench warmer. The one he wrapped me in the summer between freshman and sophomore year when I got cold on our way back from the beach. I didn’t even realise tears were falling down my face until they landed on the hoodie in my lap.
  I wiped my eyes before I pulled the hoodie over my head. I sent Scott a text telling him where I was and that I was safe before I rolled back under the covers and feel asleep.
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thelittlestkitsune · 7 years
ASOF: Redeye.
A/N; This is my new series! ASOF means a series of firsts. I really hope you like it, don’t worry I won’t leave you hanging for too long. ;) <3
Pairing: ScottMccallxOC
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Warnings: NSFW.
Word count: 6,862
Listen to this.
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“Come on McCall, are you really telling me that you’re a pussy?” Scott stood on the cool metal, his arms folded across his chest as you looked over him. “I’m just not entirely sure that this is a good idea, I worked my ass off to get here, especially with everything I went through senior year. The dean here already hates me!” His words echoed through the large room. You smiled at him, your teeth bared as your tongue wedged between them. You backed away from him, stripping off the sundress that you wore. His eyes went dark as he watched over you, stepping close enough that he could touch. You shook your head as you reached behind you, unclipping the clasp of your bra, watching as it fell to the ground. Scott shivered but you knew it wasn’t of cold. “Are you a man or a mouse McCall?” You teased as you turned away, hearing a growl erupt from his chest.
You stretched out your limbs before leaping into the air, your body curling instinctively as you fell. The water below was warm as you broke the surface, water rippling around you. You stayed under for a moment, watching as Scott hung over the edge of the diving board. He waited for you to surface before he shouted. “I can’t do this! They’ll stop me playing lacrosse, they’ll stop me getting financial aid! I need it!” He looked stricken as you flipped onto your back, the lights hitting against the ripples that you created. “Well, it’s too late now, you’re here, so might as well have some fun with it!” You waded back in the water, barely concentrating on keeping yourself afloat as Scott stripped off the jacket he had worn all day. He pulled the fabric of his shirt taut before pulling it over his head. You loved looking at him like this, it was one sight you were almost 100% certain would never get old. You whistled, quickly diving under the water as he threw his shirt at you. You caught it but it was too late. “Scotty, I think you fucked up.” You held up, his sopping wet t-shirt. He groaned, his hands already on the buckle of his belt.  
“Hey, that was your fault! You distracted me! But at least I have a spare.” You played it off, a look of shock on your face. “ME? You’re the one who threw it in the first place. Get your ass down here or i’m coming to get you.” He shrugged, leaning against the metal rail of the diving board. “Oh what are you going to do, soak me to death?” He laughed, his face lighting up as his laugh filled the room. “Pussy.” You said quietly. “What did you say?” His head cocked as he returned to taking his jeans off. “You heard me McCall, even a deaf human would hear it. A blind person could see you for what you’re acting like right now.” He glared at you, his shoes toeing off as he took his place at the edge of the diving board. “PU-” You watched as Scott turned his back to you, the muscles beneath tanned skin stretched to their limit. “-SSY!” He sprung from the board, his body hurtling through the air, spinning as he hit the water. You held back laughter as he swam around your feet, his hands reaching for your ankles. “Scott! I’m sorry, I take it back!” You yelled, your feet kicking at his hands as he reached for you again. He swam in circles around you, his hair swirling in the water as a cackle escaped your lips. “SCOTT! Don’t touch my feet! You know i’m ticklish!” You kicked again, your foot connecting with something that was harder than just a hand.  
Scott surfaced in the water, the water breaking over his head as he screeched in pain. “Ow, Leah! The hell!” He gasped, clutching his chest, his breathing labored. “You touched my feet.” You spoke matter of factly, wading in the shallow water. “Doesn’t mean you had to kick out my lung! You know I have asthma!” He laughed, a devilish look in his eyes. You splashed water in his face as you laughed, his head flicking back to avoid the water. “Scott, you’re a wolf. Like a literal werewolf, you don’t have asthma anymore!” You cried as he swam closer to you. “I could still have asthma! You don’t know that, hell I don’t even know that!” He spoke, a chuckle through his words.  
“Of course you know that, I know that, we couldn’t of done what we did the other night if you had asthma…” You trailed off, your body moving closer to him, moved by the current of the water, your fingers trailing over the patch of skin that was marred blue and purple the day before. “Leah, did you really drag me in here to take advantage of me, you know i’m helpless when you take your shirt off.” He drawled, his hands coasting over your waist, the water feeling cold compared to his touch. “Maybe I did McCall, maybe I wanted to take advantage of the Alpha who could take on the Beast, the true alpha of Beacon Hills. I wanted to take advantage of the Alpha who melts at the knees at the sight of skin and lace.” You whispered, wrapping your legs around Scott’s waist, your arms latching around his shoulders. You traced over the spiral at the nape of his neck, a more visible mark of his pack rather than the band on his arm. “Well, that’s awfully rude.” Scott murmured as he buried his head in your neck, his tongue flickering over the goosebumped skin. You moaned, the sound barely audible over the roar of the water. “You’re going to have to be louder than that Leah.” He smiled against your skin as you chuckled. “Why? You can hear me just fine Scott.” You teased, your hips rolling against his, his cock already hardening against you.
“You know I love the way you sound, the way my name rolls off your tongue. You make an innocent word sound dirty.” He chuckled again, his lips skimming over your neck, his tongue trailing the line of freckles you had from your collar bone to the space behind your earlobe. Your eyes fluttered shut as you dug your nails into his skin, reckless in your abandon as he would heal anyway. You gripped with white knuckles as he grazed your skin, his teeth sharp enough to break the skin, but his restraint was too much. You moaned for more, you wanted to feel him against you, his mouth on yours, anywhere on you. You hitched your legs higher on his waist, his hands roaming over your spine, trailing the spots that made you weak. You moaned as his hands roamed further down, smoothing over the skin of your hips, his fingers dipping beneath the band of your panties as his rough fingertips grazed over your ass. He gripped you closer to him, his grip tightening on you, as he pushed off the bottom of the pool, guiding you towards the edge of the pool. You lost yourself in his kisses, his teeth finally biting, a shiver shooting down your spine.  
Your lip shook as you pulled his head from your neck, your lids half closed as you searched for his mouth, a mewl leaving your lips as you hit the cool edge of the pool, his tongue running over your bottom lip. His hands left your ass, continuing down the expanse of your thigh, nails raking into sensitive flesh as he deepened the kiss, his hips coasting closer to yours. You felt the warmth inside you spread, a kindling fire igniting somewhere deep inside you. You ground against him, your hips rolling against his cock, the water billowing around your bodies, every nerve in your body on edge. “Relax, i’m not going anywhere.” Scott cooed, his words vibrating over your lips, a cool wash of air over your burning skin. “I know, but I feel like if I don’t get to touch you soon, we may be swimming in a different kind of liquid.” You joked, your eyes finding his. “You’re gross. But damn, if you insist it’s that bad who am I to deny you of that?” He smiled, his tongue rolling over his teeth as his fingers latched around your knees, pushing them down. “Scott-” You whined, lifting your leg to hitch it over his hip once more. “Keep it down.” He demanded in hushed tones as he pulled you lower into the water.  
The lights that you had purposely left on, dimmed before shutting off completely, only just showing the glare of the water in a reflection off the window. You heard footsteps as Scott moved closer to you, your heads not visible over the edge of the pool. Plastic clattered against tiles as Scott parted your legs, a glint of something in his eyes as he bit his lip, nodding for you to keep quiet. You nodded, your face flushing as your heart hammered in your chest. Whatever Scott was doing, he was being cryptic. You felt water move over your legs as you looked down to see Scott’s hand reach for your hips. You shook your head, your lip almost on the verge of bleeding as his hands slid over your panties. He smiled a toothy grin, his eyes looking up at yours as he teased over your inner thigh, his gaze finding your chest as you struggled to catch your breath.  
Not a word was spoken as he pushed your panties to the side, his fingers lightly moving over your folds. You surged against him, careful not to make the water sway too loudly for the fear of being caught. His hand steadied you, anchoring you to his body as his fingers dipped inside you, sparks flying through your nerve endings as you clamped your lips shut. Your body stiffened as plastic clattered meters away from you, the smell of bleach and squelching of feet growing closer. Scott moved slightly, his hand reaching out of the water to clamp over your mouth. His other hand didn’t still, pumping in and out of you at an agonizingly slow speed. Your hips rolled against his touch, a desperate need for release building within you. His fingers sped up slightly, your eyes rolling at the change of pace as your legs shook. Your muscles ached as you tensed, his thumb rolling over your clit as you bit back a moan. Scott’s head nestled against your neck as his hand clamped over your mouth tighter, his hands slowing against you. You mewled, the sound unheard by anyone but Scott. You bucked your hips against Scott's hand as he peppered kisses on your neck.  
You struggled to ease your heart rate as Scott’s hand sped up, pumping in and out of you at a speed that would ordinarily have you screaming. Your body was on fire as he hit your sweet spot, your brain turning to static as pure pleasure rocketed through you. You wanted to scream, to tell him everything that you wanted to do to him. The pressure inside you started to mount as his thumb circled over your clit, the sensation of the water billowing over your skin almost pushing you over the edge. You reached for anything, something to hold you back, to make this feeling last forever. You grasped at Scott’s skin, nails raking into his shoulders as your body shook, pleasure washing over you in waves as your back arched. A moan escaped your lips, muffled by Scott’s fingers as you came, your body letting go fully, Scott’s lips pressed against your boiling skin.  
Your breathing stuttered as you came back down, your head spinning and your vision blurring. His hand came away from your mouth as you let out a shaky breath, your throat ragged and your mouth dry. “What the fuck Scott!” You giggled as he pushed away from you, a smile on his face as he stood up, checking that you two were finally alone again. “Hey! We were rudely interrupted but I didn’t think you’d want me to stop. I know what you’re like when you get going.” He joked as you splashed water at him, his jaw hanging slack as he splashed you right back. “You could've given me more warning than keep it down!” You near shouted, your voice echoing over the tiled walls. “I could’ve but what else could I have said? Janitor inbound? Pineapples? What?!” He laughed as you stared him down, pushing off from the edge of the pool. “Pineapples suffices. I guess!” You laughed as you swam to him, standing on your toes in the deepening water. “Pineapples it is.” He spoke, reaching for you to bring you closer to him. “Now I don’t know about you, but all this swimming is making me thirsty, how about we go get a drink?” You nodded, quickly placing a kiss on his cheek before diving away.  
“I think we’re dumbasses. I forgot to bring a towel.” You pouted as you sat on the edge of the pool, waiting for your clothes to dry off some. “Just abandon them. You probably won’t be needing them anymore.” Scott said a matter of factly, his eyes trailing over you as he dressed himself again. “You have a point McCall” You winked as you stood, peeling your wet clothes from your body, before picking your dress up and sliding it over your head. “See? You’d never guess that I have nothing on at all.” You spun, your dress billowing up. “Maybe I wouldn’t bend over Leah, unless you want everyone to see that you have bruises on your ass.” Scott chuckled as you stood slack jawed. “You bruised me?! Asshole!” You mocked sarcastically toeing your shoes back on. “Of course I did, you know I can’t resist. Back to my dorm or yours?” He asked as he chucked you his jacket, noticing you shivering in your thin dress. You pulled it on, digging your hands in the pockets. “Back to yours, you have more beer.” You nodded, heading out the way you’d come in, an unlocked service door to the rear of the building.  
The air outside was warmer than you expected for spring. But it was the end of the semester and you knew that warmer times were coming, warmer times where you wouldn’t be at college and where Scott would be back home in Beacon Hills. End of semester either called for parties filled with students too stressed to think of exams or students holed up in the library cramming knowledge into their over tired minds. Mostly it was the former, parties in every block as everyone tried to forget the reason they were so stressed. Walking through the courtyard you listened to music blaring from corridors and out of windows. Shouts and cries of drunken noise and people spilling out into the night air. It was comforting even in the early hour of the morning, even with an Alpha by your side. People milled by the fountain, smoke billowing into the night sky as they burned embers of illegal substances, the smell dissipating in the open air.  
“Scott I think someone in your block is having a party!” You laughed as you pointed to Isaac, one of Scott's friends from back home. He stood, leaning against a wall chatting to two brunettes in skirts so short they could be classed as belts. Typical Isaac. Smoke blew from his mouth as he adjusted his scarf, staring over the girls as you walked over to him, reaching down into the cooler nearby to grab you and Scott a beer. “These are free right? You know, pack privilege?” Scott laughed as he clapped Isaac on the back, raising the bottle to his lips. “Anything for you McCall, you know I owe you from new year's” Isaac laughed, inhaling more smoke before blowing it straight up. “You need to stop smoking that shit, Isaac. You’re dopey as fuck anyway” Scott joked, pointing to the spliff in Isaac’s fingers. “You’re not my dad Scott, plus it keeps me chill! You know I got anger issues!” Isaac drawled lazily, his eyes hazy as the smell of his smoke hit you.  
“True man, anyway we’re gonna head up. Catch ya later!” Scott grabbed your hand, leading you away from the door as Isaac flicked the butt of his spliff away. “If you need anything just give me a shout man. Snacks, a condom, something green and sticky then i’m your man” Isaac laughed as you headed down the packed corridor, doors open with students spilling out onto every surface. Scott pulled you further down the hallway, opening his room only to find it already occupied. “Scott! The fuck! You know you need to knock!” You heard Stiles shout along with the sound of rustling. “Sorry dude! Sock on the door!” Scott laughed as he pulled the door shut turning to you. “Seems like Stiles finally got with Charlotte!” He chuckled as a smile spread across your face. “I guess her plan worked then” You laughed, recalling your best friends plan to seduce Stiles. “What do you mean plan?” Scott’s eyebrows furrowed as you swallowed some of your beer. “Something to do with a bustier and a stripper pole, I try not to ask anymore.” You shook your head, leaning against the wall. “Sounds like a fun time, wanna sit outside?” Scott asked as you shivered, your hair dripping over your skin.  
You shook your head, wandering further down the hallway, searching for somewhere to sit. “Wanna just hang here? Maybe have a smoke?” You teased knowing that Scott would say no. “We can sit but I’m not smoking, I mean we already broke into the pool tonight, I don’t wanna get caught smoking as well.” He spoke as you pouted. “Yeah but it’s California Scott, loose laws and dispensaries make for a fun evening.” You joked, Scott shooting you a knowing look. “I know I just never saw the appeal.” He shrugged, sliding down the wall as you sat next to him. “You didn’t ask the appeal, you never knew that it causes your heart rate to slow, make everything feel ten times better, it’s just nice you know?” You explained, Scott’s eyes widening at your words. “Makes everything feel better?” He raised his brows, a questioning look on his face. You spoke slowly, your eyes locking with his. “Everything.” He smiled as he sipped on his beer. “Well if you put it that way.” He laughed, standing to his feet. “I’ll be back in a moment.” He winked at you as he headed back down the hallway, on his way to find Isaac in the mass of people.  
You leaned back, sipping on your beer, listening to the bass of the music as Scott walked back, his hands dug in his pocket, a small crate of beers in his hand. “Where to McCall?” You asked as he got closer, a nervous smile on his face. “Well if Charlotte is in my room then it means your room is free?” He spoke, nodding for you to follow him out. “Sounds good to me, it means we won’t get suspended for public nudity at least.” You laughed, taking the crate from his hands. “You’re so going to get me suspended Lee” He chuckled as you crossed the courtyard once more. Your building was quieter but people still milled the halls, chatter and music beating somewhere on a lower level. You keyed into your door, flicking on the lights as you took Scott’s jacket off, chucking it onto the edge of the bed. “Hand it over Scott!” You laughed as he closed the door, reaching into his pocket before chucking the plastic baggie over to you. He walked over, sitting on the edge of your bed as he turned on the TV, music playing as he watched you roll. “How do you do that?” He asked, watching as you licked over the paper, pressing it back down against itself. “I lick it Scott, it’s pretty self explanatory.” You joked, tapping it against your dresser. “You seem to be really good at licking it.” He chuckled as you stopped, turning to him with grin on your face. “My ex girlfriend said I was good at licking too.” You winked as he gawped at you. “You never asked and I never told.” You justified the bomb you just dropped on him. “Fair point. But still. Nice.” He smiled, his legs tucking up onto the bed as he settled on the pillows you spread over your bed.  
You reached into your drawer, searching for a lighter before sparking up, blowing the end of the joint as Scott looked on bewildered. You took a deep breath as you leant back against the wall, smoke swirling into the air as you exhaled, the taste loitering on your lips as you raised it to your lips again. You toyed with Scott, licking over your lips before placing the joint between them, inhaling before passing it to him. “I’m not sure Leah, I don’t even know if it would do anything to me?” He joked, taking the spliff between his fingers. “If it works for Isaac it’ll work for you too, I don’t think there has been a day where I’ve seen Isaac and he hasn’t been stoned.” You giggled, recalling all the times you’d seen him, his blue eyes narrowed with a giant grin on his face.  
“That’s true, maybe it’ll work out. IF it doesn’t what do I get out of this?” He pointed to you in your half relaxed state, your dress already hitching higher on your thigh, an expanse of milky flesh on show. “You’ll get whatever you like, I guess if you’re lucky I'll pay you back for the favor in the pool.” You winked as he spluttered on the smoke, his eyes screwing shut as he coughed. “How the fuck do you do this?” He coughed, smoke still falling from his mouth. “Watch me and learn McCall.” You joked, leaning forward onto your knees before taking the joint from his fingers. You parted your lips, placing the smoke between them before semi crawling over to him, your hands reaching over to his chest to stop yourself from falling. “It’s easy, all you have to do is breathe.” You coaxed, inhaling as the ember glowed red, a shadow of the light on Scott’s skin. “You make it look easy.” He murmured as his hands coasted over your hips. “Are you saying that I literally make sucking look easy?” You joked as Scott broke out in a grin. “Well that’s not what I was saying but if you’re talking about sucking-” You cut him off with a playful slap across his chest. “Ouch! Leah, you hit harder than you think you do!” He mocked you, reaching over to take the joint from between your lips. You licked over them, the taste of burning on your tongue as you relaxed against Scott’s chest.  
He raised it to his mouth, not spluttering this time as he inhaled, his exhale shaky as he flicked the ash over into your ashtray. “You know, you’d make a fantastic teacher.” He joked, digging at your major. “Well I'd fucking hope so or all this debt is for absolutely no fucking reason.” You chuckled, your fingers drumming against his skin, smoothing over the material of his shirt. “You’re going to be a great Veterinarian Scott! Seeing as though you’re part dog yourself.” You narrowed your reddening eyes at him as he stubbed out the last of the joint. “Are you chatting shit Leah, cause I know how to get you to retract every mean thing you’ve ever said.” He laughed, his fingers gripping onto the fabric of your dress. “You wouldn’t.” You stated, your smile disipating as his fingers moved lower, gripping the hem of your dress as he lifted it further up your chest.
“I think you’ll find I would.” He deadpanned, his fingers letting go of the material as he smoothed over the curve of your hip, his rough fingertips grazing over your hip bones. Your breathing hitched as he moved, his body hovering over yours. “Scott-” You breathed, his fingers creating lazy patterns on your hips before moving up. He stilled at his name, his eyes finding yours. “Are you a man or a mouse.” You stared in his eyes, watching as they turned from the deepest brown to a blood red. “Leah.” He growled, a smile on his face as you grinned up at him, his fingers stilled on your waist, his nails digging into the sensitive skin. “Man-” His grip tightened still. “- Or Mouse.” You continued as he lunged down, his fingers dancing over your skin as you laughed, his eyes returning to normal as he laughed, a toothy grin before flopping onto the bed next to you. “No wonder Isaac is so calm, he’s spiked the joints. They have wolfsbane in them, I figuratively couldn’t get my werewolf up.” He laughed, his head rolling back as you looked at him your brow quirked.  
“I know something that you can definitely get up.” You winked as you moved to your knees, straddling him quickly as his eyes widened. “I like your thinking Lee, but I have another thought if smoking this much can make your skin feel this good, then what could more do?” He asked, his brow furrowed. “You want to find out?” You asked as he nodded, as you reached for your tin and the baggie Isaac provided. You rolled on his chest, his eyes lazily following your movements as his hands traced patterns on your hips, your core rolling against the harsh denim of his jeans. Your heart beat slowed as your fingertips became heavier, the room heady as you lit the end of the joint. Scott smiled as he trailed his fingers over your body, his fingers gripping your dress. “Why are you still wearing this? You don’t need it around me.” He laughed, tugging the straps down your shoulders. “I forgot I was wearing anything.” You giggled as you exhaled, your eyes tracking the smoke as it billowed up, your neck craning to see it disappear.  
Scott’s hands moved from your waist to your hands, his fingertips trailing over your wrists as he placed the smoke in his mouth, his eyes closing as he inhaled. You felt heavier, your body closer to Scott’s than you’d ever been, or at least that’s how it felt. Every touch he placed on your skin, set off an eruption below it, pleasure running through every vein. “Come here.” You breathed to him, your fingers entangling in the material of his shirt, pulling him closer to you, his eyes reddening. You traced your finger down his arm, only stopping when you plucked the joint from his fingers, placing the burning end in your mouth. “Leah, I think this has gone to your head, you’ve put it the wrong way round.” You reached for it, placing the smoke on his lips. “Just inhale Scott, all you have to do is inhale.” You spoke as you closed the gap between you, your lips closing over the lit end as you blew out, Scott’s eyes widening as he inhaled. He began to cough as your fingers raked over his skin, your hips rolling against his.  
He pulled away, passing you the joint back, his eyes watering as he croaked. “What the fuck was that?” He laughed as you smoked, leaning back against his legs. “Blowback.” He looked confused. “Blowjob?” You shook your head, laughing as you stubbed out the last of it, returning to your place on his chest. “Well if you insist I pay you back for the pool…” You trailed off, tugging your dress over your head. Scott groaned as he looked over you, his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. You backed away, throwing your dress over to the other side of the room, missing the chair in the corner by a good few yards. You moved down his legs, your fingers moving over the button on his jeans with difficulty until you finally got it open, your fingers hungrily digging into the waistband, before pulling them down his legs. He sighed as your fingers roamed over his thighs, his eyes half closed as he looked down at you, your ass in the air as you palmed over his cock. His cock twitched beneath the restraints of his boxers, moving with every stroke you placed over it. “You feel so good baby.” You cooed, your voice soft, a giggle lilting through every word.  
“You feel even better.” He groaned, his hips bucking against your hands as you placed kisses on his thighs, his hip bones, any expanse of skin you could see. Fingers delved beneath elastic waistbands as his cock sprung up, precum already glistening on the tip of it. “You’ve been so patient Scott. How about I pay back that favor now?” You cooed, your lips coasting over his head, a shaky moan leaving his lips. “You can do whatever you like to me baby, i’m at your mercy.” He breathed, his chest rising and falling heavily in sync with your own. Your eyes closed as your lips wrapped around his head, your tongue rolling over his head in it’s slow languidity. “Fu-” Scott stammered as you bobbed your head, your tongue moving over the vein on the underside of his cock. You smiled as you slowed, pulling your head back as Scott’s hands palmed over your shoulders. His nails dug into your skin as he fell from your mouth, your tongue rolling over his head before you took him in your mouth again, your cheeks hollowing as you took him to his base.  
Groans ripped through his body as you bobbed your head, your tongue tracing figure eights over him as you moved, your nose hitting the curly hairs at the base of his cock. Scott’s hands moved over your skin, every touch exaggerated as your head swirled, your eyes drooping closed as he set every nerve on fire. You swayed your hips as you sped up, your mouth slamming on him as you took him to the back of your throat, your heartbeat slowing as you pulled back. Curses and moans filled the air in a prayer, his hips thrusting up to meet your mouth as you smiled. You raised your eyes, catching him as a moan escaped his lips, eyes screwed shut as his legs tensed. “Lee, I can’-” He moaned, his hands finally finding your head as he pushed you down. You breathed slowly, pushing him centimeter by centimeter until he disappeared his lip caught between his teeth. You moaned as he gripped your hair, yanking you back as he pulled you from him. “I need to feel you Lee, I need to know how that pussy feels. I want to fuck you till you can’t walk, till I can’t walk. Till I can’t remember my own name.” You smiled as he pushed you over, your arms catching you before you hit the bed.  
“Scott-” you moaned as his hands left your hair, rough fingertips trailing down the center of your spine, his nails only touching the surface as your breath ran ragged. He smoothed over your hips, his hands roaming your ass before he slapped it, the skin stinging before he kneaded the reddening area. You moaned as he rubbed, his fingers tantalisingly close to where you were throbbing, desperate to hear moans of his, desperate to lose yourself in his touch. He bent you over his knee, his shirt coming off somewhere in the process, before his hands returned to your skin, ready to set you alight, to make you feel like you were flying. “Fuck baby, you look so good bent over my knee like that.” He sighed, his touch roaming your body as you squirmed for more. “If you like what you see then you’ll love what you hear.” You moaned, his hand slapping against your ass again. “Oh will I?” he breathed, his hands drifting over your inner thigh as you bucked back against his hand. “You will. I promise.” You choked as his hands moved further towards your cunt.  
He paused, his lips pressing against your spine before his fingers teased over your entrance, your body jerking back against his touch. You mewled, your eyes closing as the coil within you tightened slowly, not recovered from the antics in the pool. “Please-” You begged as Scott’s hand stilled, before slipping two fingers between your folds. You cried out, your legs kicking as you bucked against him, your chest heaving as his other hand anchored you across him. “Fuck baby, you’re so wet.” He whispered, taking his fingers from you, a moan of protest leaving your lips. He flipped you, your eyes connecting with his as he raised his hand to his mouth, his tongue licking over his fingers, cleaning them of your juices. “You’re so sweet, you should taste baby girl.” He spoke, his eyes trailing over your chest as you squirmed, your hands searching for your clit, desperate for any sort of release.  
His hand dipped between your thighs, his fingers quickly pumping, stroking against your walls as your breathing stopped, your fingers gripping onto his arms. “Taste yourself baby. Do it for me.” You opened your eyes, your mouth falling open as you whispered. “Yes sir.” His fingers traced over your lips as you licked, your head bobbing to suck his fingers clean. “Good girl.” He spoke as he traced his fingers over the swell of your chest, his head dipping to take your nipple between his teeth, his tongue rolling over the sensitive peaks as his hand moved between your thighs once more. You mewled as his thumb circled your clit, every movement slow and deliberate before his fingers plunged into you, stroking at spots that made you see stars. You cried out as his thumb left your clit, your own hand seeking it out, desperate to fall off that edge, to let go. “Sco- either fuck me or something cause I can’t handle this anymore. I need you.” You choked out, your index finger lazily rolling over your clit as Scott pistoned against you, his fingers curling in a way that made your muscles tense and your vision blur.  
“I’ll make you feel so good baby girl, just be patient.” He purred, his voice dark and gravelly as his hand sped up, your toes curling as he hit the spot that made the coil tighten, the first waves of pleasure ebb through your body. “S-” You barely managed to moan as your orgasm crashed over you, so strong that your body arched against his touch. “I-” His hand smoothed over you, pushing you down as his other hand didn’t relent. “Again baby.” He cooed, his eyes trained on your face, the way your hair stuck to your face. “I can’t- I need more.” You reached for his wrists, your body tired as you came down from your high, only for more pleasure to wash over you as his thumb grazed your clit. “Baby, I said again.” He demanded, his tone deep as he pushed harder, your body crying out as you hit your peak again. Your heart hammered in your chest as you fell back against him, your breaths coming in spurts as you lay there, your fingers placed on his skin, your body too tired to grip on. He pulled his hands from you, licking one finger clean before placing the other in your mouth, your tongue lapping away as he smiled.  
“Good girl.” He coaxed as you sat up, your muscles shaking. He gripped you closer, adjusting you till you straddled his body. “Now hold on.” He spoke as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He flipped you, soft downing hitting your back as he situated himself between your thighs. “Do you want sir to make you feel good?” He asked, his fingers pulling your head till you looked him in the eye. “Yes please. Please Sir.” You spoke, your voice small as it cracked. Scott paused, reaching down between you, pumping himself in his hand before placing his hands on your elevated knees. He surged forward, his cock slipping against you, hitting your over sensitive clit as you cried out. He pulled back, pushing against your entrance, his hips cantering forwards as he buried himself. He groaned, the sound guttural as he bottomed out within you. “You weren’t lying Lee, fuck you feel so good baby.” He stuttered, his arms falling till they were either side of your head. He paused, burying his head in the crook of your neck, his lips peppering kisses as he began to thrust, his hips rolling against yours as you moaned.
You reached for the sheets, gripping them between your fingers as Scott bottomed out within you, his hips gaining speed with all the kisses he left on your skin. You hitched your leg higher on his hip, his cock hitting deeper spots as curses and moans filled the air. “Don’t do that baby girl. I don’t want this to end so soon-” Scott cut off as he paused, slamming into you as you jolted on the bed. “I want you to cum Sir, please cum.” You cried, your head rolling to the side as his teeth bit into flesh, your legs wrapping around him. You clenched your muscles, your own orgasm building with each passing moment. “Please Sir. Cum for me.” You whispered in his ear, your walls tightening around him as he stammered. “Le-” Words spilled from his mouth, muffled by your skin as his hips canted forward, his orgasm crashing over him. He bottomed out within you, your own orgasm crashing over you as you cried out, your nails raking in his skin as he slowed to a stop. He breathed heavily, his heartbeat loud enough that you could hear it as he pushed himself away, rolling off you as you lay on the bed.  
Moments passed in silence, heavy breathing and the sound of the tv passing in quiet peace. You battled your heart rate, your body too heavy to move as you traced over Scott’s skin, your own skin soft against his hands. You don’t know how long you lay there, your bodies eventually mingling together, a mess of tanned limbs and wandering hands. “Worth the risk?” You quipped, your curiosity peaked as Scott stared at the ceiling. “Most definitely.” he rolled, taking you in his arms, your bodies rolling into a mess on the duvets.  
You woke hours later, disoriented to a banging on the door. You untangled yourself from Scott, stumbling bleary eyed to the door, shoving his jacket over your bare body. You swung the door open, your dorm mate stood stricken, her eyes wide. “Leah, I need your help. I’ve done something, something I shouldn’t have done.” You beckoned her in, double checking Scott was covered, pulling his jacket tighter over your body.  
“It’s Theo, we were out drinking and there was this guy and next thing I know I’m running. I don’t know what to do Leah, I think he killed someone but I was so fucked I can’t remember. Why can’t I remember?”
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
here's a flower to show my appreciation to you for being such a wonderful person🌹i hope you're enjoying your day! send this to 10 other bloggers to add some positivity to their inbox 💞
To save me the hassle of sending it to people, Imma just tag peeps because they deserve all the positivity in the world. 
@ninja-stiles @minhosmeanhoe @sarcasticallystilinski @thelittlestkitsune @writing-obrien @dumbass-stilinski @lovelydob @were-cheetah-stiles @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylan-trash-tbh @dylan-ohbrien @ellie-bee242 @fillthevoid-stilinski @honeymoonmuke @lovefilledtragedy @maddie110201 @rememberstilinski @stilinski-jpeg @twsmuts @werewolfmutant @wydobrien @x-mitch-rapp-x @professionalfangirls494
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argentarium · 7 years
what's your other account?
@twsmuts ; it’s in my bio too
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multifandomimagin3s · 7 years
Question Game [Tag]
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @deansbaekaz2y5​
1). Coke or Pepsi?: Vanilla cola is bomb
2.) Disney or DreamWorks?: Depends on the movie, but I like Disney
3.) Coffee or Tea?: Both
4.) Books or Movies?: Depends
5.) Windows or Mac?: Mac
6.) DC or Marvel?: Both, I can't decide
7.) Xbox or Playstation?: Playstation
8.) Dragon Age or Mass Effect?: Mass Effect
9.) Night Owl or Early Rise?: Night Owl
10.) Cards or Chess?: Cards
11.) Chocolate or Vanilla?: I'll eat literally anything, so both 
12.) Vans or Converse?: Old Skool Vans
13.) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar?: Idk
14.) Fluff or Angst?: Fluff 
15.) Beach or Forest?: Forest, sand gives me the heebie jeebies
16.) Dogs or Cats?: Dogs, I like cats too though
17.) Clear Skies or Rain?: Rain
18.) Cooking or Eating Out?: Eating out
19.) Spicy Food or Mild Food?: Both
20.) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas?: Christmas
21.) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot?: Cold
22.) If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: Create portals and shit ((like Blink from X-Men))
23.) Animation or Live Action?: Live action I think…
24.) Paragon or Renegade?: Idk what this is...
25.) Baths or Showers?: Showers
26.) Team Cap or Team Iron Man?: Team Nat xD I can't pick a side, they're my babies
27.) Fantasy or Sci-Fi?: Both??
28. )  Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they? :
 "When the road is long, and you're feeling low, with every breath don't forget how far you've come" - from 'Helium' by Mikey Wax
"We're here for a mad one, not a sad one"
"The best journeys always lead back home"
29.)  YouTube or Netflix?: Both, I suppose
30.) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?: Harry Potter
31.) When Do You Feel Accomplished?: When I finish something, it's the feeling of relief that makes me happy
32.) Star Wars or Star Trek?: STAR WARS IS MY LIFE
33.)  Paperback Books or Hardback Books?: Hardback, I always somehow manage to wreck paperback books :3
34.)  Handwriting or Typing?: Handwriting, slow computers stress me out so much
35.) Velvet or Satin?: Satin
36.) Video Games or Movies?: Both, it really just depends on the game/movie
37.) Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon?: I'd love to own a dragon
38.) Sunrise or sunset?: Sunrise.
39.) What’s your favourite song?:
40.) Horror Movies, yes or no?: Depends. I hate films like Paranormal Activity and Insidious, but I can deal with Nightmare on Elm Street and movies like that.
41.) Long hair or short hair?: Long hair.
42.) Opera or Theatre?: Theatre
43.) Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first?: Either Twilight, Teen Wolf or Star Wars, probably? I'd probably die within the first five minutes, but it would be worth it.
44.) If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?: Paella
45.) Older guys or young guys?: I tend to go for guys around my age so, young I guess?
46.) If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be?: It's not really a show, but Sharknado needs to go
47.) Singing or dancing?: Singing, I'm about as co-ordinated as Bambi on ice XD
48.) Instagram or Twitter?: Instagram
49.) Lord of the rings or The Hobbit?: The Hobbit
My Question:
50.) If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie, what would you choose?
I tag:
@teenwolves-ahead​ @geminioriginalsimagines​ @kurtwxgners​ @twsmuts​ @alloftheimaginesblog​ @imaginesofeveryfandom​ @lotrimagines @freakymoonprincess @nessaworldstuff and anyone who wants to do it! :)
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arlaina28 · 8 years
How often do you post to AO3? And are there any profile's that you'd recommended for smut?
I post to ao3 as regularly as I do here, every few days :) blogs I'd recommend are @kittenofdoomage @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @roxy-davenport @twsmuts @stiles-stilinski-dirty-blog and @callamint and @random-fandom-fangirl2112 reblog awesome stories. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them at the moment lol.
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ethereal-tempest · 8 years
@twsmuts Reblogged my most recent smut imagine. Night = made
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One Night - Theo Raeken (Smut)
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I was drowning in shame. Seconds ago I entered my house quietly and was now leaning against the front door. It was 3 a.m and I was completly wasted. My head pounted while my mind was rushing the past events. I slightly touched my neck, still feeling the way he sucked at my sensitive skin two hours ago. He for sure left marks I had to cover up for at least a week. Groaning I pushed myself of the door and went upstairs in the bathroom. Lucky me my parents weren´t there for the weekend, so was my brother and with that I was alone in the whole house; my mother surely would´ve woken up by the sound of the bathtube filling slowly. I undressed myself and checked the deep purple marks that were covering most of my neck and chest. He definenetly marked me his. Careful not to slip I sunk down in the hot water, moaning out as I felt my muscles realx. Slowly I opened my eyes and took the soap to wash my body. I slapped my hand over my mouth to not shriek out when I saw the deep bite marks he left on my inner thights. Fast I grabbed the soap and washed my body completly. I stepped out of the bathtube and wrapped a towel around my body. I couldn´t write him. He probably didn´t even knew I was already gone even though he could´ve expected it. I mean after all, we were still enemies. It was just a drunken mistake. A one night stand. He was nothing than bad news and everyone, including me, knew that. Sadly I felt myself being strongly attrackted to the last chimera. The boy, that tried to kill us all by times. I tried not to think to much about it and went straight to my room to dress into my pyjamas. Within a  few minutes I could feel myself drift into a deep sleep. The next morning I was awoken by the door bell ringing. Groaning I stood up and humped to the door. Groggily I opened it and was about to close it shut when I saw the brown haired boy grinning down at me with bright shining, green eyes in which I could get lost for hours. “What do you want?” I asked him with annoyed voice when he placed his foot behind the front door and pushed it open, coming inside without even caring about me. “It´s not nice to just leave, you know that?” He grinned at me and turned around. “I wouldn´t have to leave if it weren´t you” I snapped back at him and grabbed the photo of me and my brother out of his hands. His smirk only grew when he suddenly pinned me between him and the wall, his forehead resting on mine. “As if you didn´t enjoy it. Admit it: you think about me fucking you every damn second, babygirl.” he whispered in my ear and bit my earlobe slightly. “I bet you dream about my face between your legs every night. I bet you have to distract yourself every time you see me around school to not think about me pounting in your wet cunt so the others can´t smell that you´re absolutely desperate for my touch.” His voice got deeper and raspier till it was nothing more than just hot breath against my neck. I felt my heartbeat began to fasten and heat rush down to my core. Fast I shook my head and psuhed his body off me. “Got to hell Theo” I spat and turned around so he couldn´t see my red face. “Already been there. Was kinda boring” he laughed and pressed his chest against my back, holding me with his arms against him so I couldn´t escape. “Besides I can smell your desire and hear your heartbeat. You want me as much as I want you. There´s no point in lying, princess” “I hate you” I moaned still annoyed but turned on as hell when he began to kiss my neck. I let my head fall back on his shoulder to give him more access to my sweet spot. “I marked you pretty much, huh?” He smirked against me and sucked at the thin skin below my ear. I could only nod and sink myself into his arms. Suddenly one of his hands slipped down in my shorts and his pointer started to circle around my clit. A soft moan of his name fell from my lips and I closed my eyes as I gave him all of me. “That´s exactly what I want to hear, baby.” Two of his long fingers found their way inside of me and he started to push them in and out of me slowly. “Look who´s getting flashbacks from last night" I moaned out again when I felt myself reaching the edge. “Come for me, princess. Let go" His words were all I needed to come all around his fingers. He still pushed them in and out of me to ride out my orgasm till he took them out of my Pants completely. Fast he spun me around and made me watch him lick them clean. “God, you taste like heaven, baby. But I´m not done. Go upstairs and strip completely" His voice was dark and deep and turned me on even more, if that was even possible. Fast I ran up the stairs and undressed myself as he already stood in the doorframe. “Such a good girl." He went up to me and took my face in his large hands. He leaned down and gave me a long, passionate kiss. “Get on your knees" he whispered against my lips and immediatley I did as he told me. He slowly undid his belt and his zipper to slide down his jeans along with his boxers. I swallowed hard when I saw his large member standing up proudly. My small hand wrapped around him and I stroke him a few times before I took his tip in my mouth. “Shit, baby” he cursed under his breath when I sucked slightly before I hollowed my cheeks and poped up and down his shaft. Suddenly he took a fistful of my hair in his hands and pushed me down on his length again and again. Slowly he started to fuck my mouth, not caring if he hit the back of my throat and made me gag all around him. Tears welled up in my eyes but not because of the pain. I opened my eyes and looked up, moaning around him at the sight that was given. He threw his head back with his eyes closed shut and his face in a pure state of pleasure. “Fuck, babe. You feel so good. Your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock. Shit” I could tell he was getting closer and closer to the edge and I prepared myself to swallowed his load but before I could let him come he pulled me off him. “Lay on the bed with your ass up in the air, I want to come inside you" His voice was still shaking from his excitement but I did as he told me and pressed myself on the bed. He positioned himself behind me and teased my wet folds with his tip. “Shit, you´re so wet. All for me" All out of sudden he inserted himself fully inside of me without a warning. We both moaned out at the friction and I had to bite the pillow hard to not moan out loud when he began to thrust into me in a fast pace. “God, you´re pussy feels so nice wrapped around me. So tight and warm" he groaned through gritten teeth. Suddenly his hands pushed my shoulders up so my back was now against his chest. He continued pounting into me and moaned my name over and over in my ear. Fast I could feel my second orgasm approach and it didn´t need me much to come hard around his dick. My muscles tensed and my walls clenched around his pulsing dick when he came with a loud groan of my name right inside of me. I could feel hot loads of cum filling me up and moaned his name out loud a last time. He pulled out of me and we both let ourselves fall on the soft mattress. "That was amazing, baby" he grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah and the last time. And would you mind going now?" I asked him still out of breath but he just laughed. "You did say that the first time too, and the second time too, and the third time too and-" "Ok, I get it." I groaned out annoyed but he just grinned at me. "And for the going part" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pressed me in his tonned chest. "I will go nowhere" he whispered the last words in my ear and kissed my forhead slightly.
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hard-satin · 7 years
Fill the void (Pt. 4)
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Stiles POV
  I watched in horror as (Y/N) launched herself into voids waiting arms, pulling his lips down onto hers in a fierce kiss. I let out a strangled gasp at the brashness. This could not be (Y/N). They seemed to hear me. I watch as (Y/N) turned to me, hope sparked inside as a look of recognition washed over her face. The spark of hope grew into a flame as she walked closer, pausing just across from me. The hope died as she smirked and crossed her arms over her chest.
  “Well thanks for saving my life but your jobs done here.”  (Y/N) dismissed me with a wave before turning back into voids arms.
  “What do you mean? Aren't you coming with me?” I couldn’t help but hope she would tear herself from voids grasp and come with me.
  “No, I think this is exactly where I want to be.” She turned away from me and gave void another kiss before they disappeared into the dark.
  “What do you mean she’s gone darkside? How did she even end up with void?” Scott was practically yelling at me and I couldn’t blame him.
  “Darkside like Anakin Skywalker in the crappy Star Wars prequels. I might have taken her to him to save her life.” I admitted miraculously keeping my calm.
  “I’ll go get her back and bring her to Deaton's. Hopefully he can fix this, and I have no idea what you’re saying when you talk Star Wars, only (Y/N) understood that.” Scott scolded me as he walked out.
  I sat unmoving in my bedroom for hours as it grew dark, wishing (Y/N) was here to understand my Star Wars references, or just sit in silence. I just wish she was with me.
 Voids POV
  “Well if you’re not going to go to the school until tonight then we have a couple hours to kill.” (Y/N) said pulling me away from the blueprints of Beacon Hills High, and between her legs.
  “Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?” I asked running my hands up the outside of her thighs.
  “This.” Like lightning she had me across the room pressed into the wall. I smirked as concrete durst rained down around us. She swallowed it with a bruising kiss that had me tasting blood. I moaned at the feeling.
  I ripped her clothes from her body as she did the same to me. An animalistic growl ripping from her throat as she jump into me. I pulled her legs around my waist as I slammed into her. The screams that exploded from her were delicious as I thrust into her. Her arms wrapped around me and one hand tore painfully at my hair. I didn’t last long and soon I was releasing inside her. I dropped her as I slid down the wall spent. I looked at (Y/N) as she caught her breath beside me, watching with pride as the marks I had made on her neck and chest faded from sight.
  (Y/N)’s POV
  I stood on shaky legs looking down at void as he watched me. HIs eyes were focused on the disappearing marks on my chest. He had certainly improved the frail mortal body I had before, but as I looked at the boy with the dark circles under his eyes I couldn’t help but feel a cold feeling crawling up in my body. I started to walk away confused and unsatisfied.
  “Where are you going?” There was a small part inside me that wanted to flinch at his voice, it was more than unnerving. He saved me, he remade me. I loved him. Didn’t I?
  “Just to get you a washcloth my love.” The lie rolled off my lips effortlessly as I continued my march in the direction of the barley working bathroom.
  “God I remade you perfect didn’t I?” He spoke as if just voicing his thoughts so I didn’t answer. I wasn’t quite sure he was right.
  I made it to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was naked and could care less, before I had always been self concious about my body but now I had confidence. Real confidence, not the facade that I had been putting on since the supernatural invaded my life. I could take care of myself now. I was strong, stronger than even a werewolf, and faster than one too. I could heal, I could fight, and better than all that void had set me free. Scott always had these moral codes that got in the way of making things happen. Now I was free from that burden, and causing problems was so much more fun than solving them.
  My mind was suddenly pulled to a day not long ago. I was with Stiles in my bedroom playing a game of  chess and talking about our latest case. This  warm feeling was blooming in my chest and I wasn’t quite sure what it was. I knew it was a memory but the feeling felt foreign, like someone had erased it from me. I thought to void, I loved him. He saved me, he made me better than I was before. I thought again of that day in my room, Stiles hands flying around wildly as he explained his asinine theories, occasionally knocking over a chess piece, the warm feeling grew. Suddenly I felt wrong, being here with void instead of with Stiles, trying to create the problems I used to help solve. It was like paint chipping away revealing what had been underneath. I didn’t want that burden. Always needing to save the world, never getting what I wanted. Void was the next best thing. I struggled to reason with myself, the internal conflict bubbling into rage as I crashed my fist down into the sink, shards of it flying all around the room. I felt a piece bite into my cheek but I didn’t even blink. I knew it would heal in a matter of seconds anyway. Void came crashing through the bathroom door a second later.
  “What the hell happened?” He looked angry.
  “I’m still getting used to my strength.” I lied again looking at the ruin I had caused, part of me proud the other part, horrified.
  “Don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough.” Void reassured me stiffly, like a misbehaving dog.
  “Or you won’t, I don’t mind. I’ve always been a fan of chaos and destruction.” He looked up at me with a dark smile before leaving me to admire the ruin I had caused, and to wonder what I would destroy next.
  I walked behind void as we entered the school. Void easily knocked Scott and Kira to the side. I watched as Stiles and Lydia stumbled away from us in fear. It made me sad to see them running from me, but I couldn’t understand why. I had no attachments to these people I shouldn’t be feeling anything, but I was.
  “Divine move? Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I’m a thousand years old! You can’t kill me!” Void was screaming at them.
  “But we can change you!” Lydia and Stiles stopped backing away something was wrong. I turned and watched Scott run at void. I stepped in between them, Scott sent me flying back into a wall the force of it knocking me to the ground clinging to consciousness. It was enough to warn void.
  “Change the host. Well it’s a good thing I brought back up.” Void taunted as their plan failed.
  “What did you do to her?”  Stiles voice was weak but I could tell he was angry. Why did he care, we were nothing to each other. Then I thought back to the memory of us playing chess. I thought it had been a figment of my imagination, but what if I was wrong. What if void did more then just bring me back and make me stronger.
  “I made her better. I took away her memories of you all. Her morals are gone and I instilled in her the same thirst for destruction and power that I have. That’s how I saved her life, by giving her some of mine. She’s just as strong as I am and completely obedient to me. The perfect soldier.” The ringing in my head did nothing to drown out voids words. He had taken things from me. These people were my friends, and they were still trying to save me. As I lay prone on the tile floor I couldn’t quite figure out if I wanted them too.
  “Well we will just have to get rid of you to save her.” Kira said as the pack formed a semicircle around void and I.
  “I’m afraid her life force draws it’s power from my own. Kill me and you kill her. Not that I wouldn’t mind her death, she dosen’t mean that much to me anymore. Stiles thought I loved her, and I did when I was bound to him, his emotions would infect me but once I was free they left me.” Void mocked them.
  “Then why did you save her life?” Scott asked.
  “Who better to cause you all this much pain then someone you all love.” Void spoke, my vision changing from black spots to a weird glow.
  Suddenly I wasn’t in the school hallway. I was laughing at a lunch table with Scott and Stiles. I was shopping with Lydia for a formal dress. I was studying with kira for our econ test, but mostly talking about her crush on Scott. I was standing with Stiles our hands wrapped around a lit flare that a soaking Scott was holding in a motel parking lot. I was researching werewolves with Stiles after Scott was bit. I was out in the woods getting escorted back to Stiles jeep by his dad after he, Scott, and I had gone out looking for a body.
  These images kept flashing through my mind, one after the other. Memories returning to me.
  I was holding a young Stiles hands as we stood over his mother's grave. His tears falling onto my shoulder as I did my best to be there for him.
  Scott running into my small arms crying that his dad had left.
  One after another these images came to me and all the darkness I had been holding onto was suddenly pushed away. Void was not my friend.
  I stood as one final image flashed through my mind. Stiles and Scott and I meeting for the first time in the sand box. These people weren’t just my friends, they were my home. And Void had tried to take that from me.
  “You are no match for the both of us, so why don’t you just stand aside.” Void taunted them as he watched me stand.
  “Yup, I’ve gone darkside. I’m just like Anakin Skywalker at the end of return of the jedi.” I told them standing up at voids side. I watched Stiles eyes widen with realisation. I sent him the smallest of smiles hoping he would understand that I was doing this for him.
  I turned on void then, slamming him back into the lockers before throwing him to the ground. I pounced on him, letting out all the darkness and rage he had put inside me as I tore him apart. As he died I felt myself growing stronger, I felt the darkness try to control me, but I wouldn’t let it. I didn’t know if I would survive but I had to save my friends.
  I was lying on something cool. My body felt strange, and my head hurt. I could make out voices that were coming from very far away.
  “What happened back there, she said she was Anakin, but isn’t he the bad guy?” The familiar voice of Scott pulled me from unconsciousness. I opened my eyes and sat up on the examination table from the clinic. Scott was nowhere to be found.
  “Anakin is the bad guy, he’s darth vader but at the end of return of the Jedi he turns back to the light side and fights against the emperor to save Luke. She must have broken free of his influence to save us.” Stiles explained. I wandered through the clinic searching for the boys as their words played clearly in my head.
  “Deaton thinks she absorbed all of voids power when she killed him. Do you think she has his darkness too?” Scott seemed afraid of what I might become.
  “There might be a darkness inside of her, but there’s light too. Just like a jedi, it matters which one she chooses and I think you can remember as well as I can that she chose the light.” Stiles explained, the confidence in his voice filling me with a warm feeling as I walked outside to where the boys were leaning against the jeep.
  “Dude, what are you saying?” Scott asked, confused by Stiles reference.
  “Scott don’t you think it's about time you watched Star Wars.” I said drawing the boys attention to me. Scott just looked at me in shock, Stiles however wasted no time running to me and consuming me in a bone crushing hug.
  “Wait, it’s really you.” Scott was still wary.
  “I think so, yeah.” I said as Stiles pulled back, one of his arms remained wrapped around me.
  “No desire to feed of pain and misery?” Scott persisted.
  “Nope, but I could go for some pizza.” I told him realising how hungry I was. Finally a smile spread over Scotts face and he crossed to Stiles and I and pulled us both into a hug.
  “I’m going to wake up the girls, they’re going to want to come too.” Scott said pulling away from us and heading back inside the clinic leaving me and Stiles alone.
  I turned to look at Stiles as he fiddled with the end of his shirt.
  “Look (Y/N), I…” He began, but I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. Pulling him down into a kiss that was finally right, only when I was about to pass out did I come up for air.
  “I know, I do too.” I told him resting my forehead against his a smile spreading across my face.
  Suddenly a whistle pulled us apart. I looked over at Scott, Kira, and Lydia all standing with stupid smiles on their face.
  “It’s about damn time.” Lydia smirked at us. The rest of the group laughed.
  I wanted to blush but Stiles didn’t give me the chance, he pulled me back to him and crashed his lips down onto my own. Our friends laughter soon turned to cheers as I lost myself in Stiles.
  I could feel it inside me, I wasn’t the same anymore, but it was okay. I thought of Scott and Lydia and Kira, and now me and Stiles. I could feel a darkness inside me, but I could feel a strength too. If there was one thing I’d learned over the last year is that change doesn't have to be bad, it doesn't have to be an end. Sometimes it can be a beginning.
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thelittlestkitsune · 8 years
Away Games: Part Three. [Smut]
A/N; Hello lovelies! I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this! I reaaaaally liked this chapter and don’t hate Isaac too much ;)  Enjoy xoxo
Pairing: ScottMccallxReader
Author: thelittlestkitsune
Word count: 6,413
Listen to me.
[Part one.]  [Part two.]
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You sank back against the door, your breathing staggered as your heart hammered in your chest. You don’t know how long you sat there or when it was that you started to pace the room, your thoughts wild as they hurtled at lightspeed through your brain. You were so fucked. Everyone and their mother knew that Isaac couldn’t keep a secret and if he did he wanted something. You paced the room with your head in your hands, running your fingers through your hair, the strands wrapping around trembling hands. You flopped down on the bed, still trying to calm your racing heart as a knock rapped on the door. “Pizza delivery?” You swallowed thickly, grabbing a pair of sweats and hiding behind the door as the knocking continued. “Hello? Is anyone there?” You grabbed your purse as your stomach churned. You opened the door half expecting to see Isaac stood there again. Your heart calmed as you saw an unfamiliar face, even if it was slightly pissed off. “Sorry, I thought you were someone else.” You apologized rifling through your purse for the correct change. “So all your friends yell pizza delivery as they knock on your door? Yeah whatever, because of you I'm late to my next delivery.” The guy spoke sarcastically. “Yeah okay, fucking bite me asshole.” You near slammed the door in his face, turning to walk to the bed.  
You sat down, your stomach growling but your appetite gone. You took a slice of the pizza that Scott had got you but you tasted nothing. Well that was a lie, everything tasted bitter as you debated whether or not to eat it. You lay back, your head spinning as you tried to come up with a way to get out of the hole you’d accidentally dug yourself into. Scott would scold you for not being careful enough but you knew he’d soon forgive you. Your mom on the other hand wouldn’t. She was super protective of you, never wanting you to date, never wanting you to have an actual life. You could hear her voice in your head, her tone always disapproving. “Focus on school, you can have a life when you’re older, who needs normal teenage development, you mean more than this Olivia”. You sighed as you sat up, throwing the pizza on the floor beside you. You needed not to think and being sat on your own in a hotel was not the best way to deal with a brain that wouldn’t shut up. You couldn’t exactly leave the room and the TV was showing a selection of the worst movies ever made.  
You ran your fingers over your face, your hair matted against your forehead and then it hit you with what needed to be done. You needed to get in the shower and blast music and pretend like it was all a dream, you could face reality when Scott came back but for now you just needed to breathe. The shower in the hotel was huge, sprays of water coming out from every angle, steam filling the small room. You climbed into the warm water, exhaling as you already started to calm down slightly. Washing your hair and destressing was exactly what the doctor ordered and when you finally stepped out the shower you felt your heart calm down. You were just drying off as the door opened and Scott came tumbling through the door. He waited a moment before calling your name, his voice panicked. “Liv?!” You opened the bathroom door, a towel wrapped around your body as Scott stared at you. “Yes McCall?” You asked gripping the towel tighter. “Nothing!” He smiled as his eyes trailed over you. “Enjoy your shower?” You nodded, your hair falling from the haphazard bun you’d put it in. “Yeah it made me realize a few things.” You decided not to tell Scott, to give Isaac a chance.  
“Anything revolutionary?” You shook your head, walking through to the main room. “Just thinking about trust and stuff, nothing to worry about.” You smiled as Scott sat next to you. “I was thinking about you the whole time I was at dinner. I was slightly preoccupied.” Scott grinned as he grabbed the edge of the towel. “Oh yeah?” You teased, rolling so the towel dropped from your body. “You have no idea.” He smirked as he reached for you. Your breathing spiked as his fingers coasted your skin, his lips inches from your own. You could almost taste him as a knock came to the door once more. You almost screamed, the sound quickly dampened by Scott’s hand on your mouth. “Scott? It’s Stiles open up dude!” The pounding continued as you wrapped the towel around you before disappearing back into the bathroom. You heard Scott open the door as Stiles chattered on. “Dude, do you ever answer your phone?!” Stiles near shouted and Scott just laughed. “Nah, I had it on silent. I was gonna have an early night, I really tired myself out today.” Stiles sighed. “Well you’re gonna have to sleep on the bus, Coach cancelled the game. Apparently the other team all got food poisoning or something so we’re heading back tonight.” Scott groaned. “How long we got till we have to be on the bus?” He asked, a silent prayer in his voice. “Half an hour.” Scott groaned even harder, his voice deflated. “Thanks dude. Guess I'll catch you on the bus?” You couldn’t see what happened through the closed door but Scott knocking on the door helped you figure it was safe to come out.  
You came back into the main room to see Scott packing up his gear, his face set in a scowl. “Don’t be such a sour wolf, you know that we had to go back? It’s not the end of the world. I'm pissed too!” He looked at you with a look of something in his eyes. “Yeah but how often do I get to see you like this? Spend more than a few stolen minutes with you? You won’t tell anyone about us and the sneaking around is starting to feel wrong. I want everyone to know that you’re mine.” He continued to pack, stuffing clothes into the bag he brought with him. Your face fell as you saw the hurt in his eyes. “I’m sorry Scott, it’s only for a while, until I can tell my mom.” You didn’t want to look at his face as he talked to you again. “Yeah well I don’t know how long I can keep it a secret.” You nodded your head, grabbing your bag as you pulled out some clothes, dressing quickly. “Sorry Scott, I will tell her.” he gave you a bittersweet smile as you zipped up your bag. “So I guess I’ll see you back in Beacon Hills?” He nodded, crossing the small room to wrap his arms around you. “Yeah, I guess.” he pressed his lips to your head as you wrapped yourself into him. He yawned as he pulled away from you and you in turn did the same, the events of the past 24 hours finally hitting you. “Guess we should get going.” His arms wrapped around you again. “I don’t wanna.” His lips vibrated against your skin as his head rested on yours. “I know.”  
The drive back was longer now that you weren’t waiting to see him. You tailed the bus well into the night your eyes drooping as you finally went past the sign for Beacon Hills. The bus continued on as you turned off, heading home, ready to fall into bed. Your mom caught you as you came in, her face confused. “Trip got cancelled mom, I'm super tired and I just want to go to bed, can we talk about it tomorrow?” She nodded, her arms wrapping around you to pull you in for a hug. “Goodnight Olivia.” She smiled as you headed up the stairs, dropping your bag by your door. You flopped onto your bed, pulling out your phone to text Scott. You sent him a goodnight text, telling him that you’d see him tomorrow, your mother be damned. You fell asleep not long after, his replies short as he battled sleep laden lids. You awoke the next morning, groggy and in a foul mood. Scott was right, you shouldn’t have to keep this a secret but you could only imagine the disappointment on your moms face. You dressed quickly for school, grabbing some food as you blew a kiss to your mom. Scott waited in the car park for you like he did every morning, Stiles by his side. “Morning Liv!” Stiles chimed as you gave him a small wave. “You guys are back early!” You feigned surprise as you walked to the main building. “Yeah, the other team got hella sick or something, so instead of slacking off playing lacrosse all day, we have to do math.” Stiles fake cheered, a sarcastic smile on his face. You laughed, looking over at Scott, who gave you a small smile back.  
The day went past, the normal routine established again. You wanted nothing more than to walk hand in hand with Scott, show everyone that you were his and he was yours but you couldn’t. Everything was awkward and it wasn’t fun anymore. You pulled him to the side as the day ended, the hallways full. “Scott, I want to see you tonight, is your mom at work?” He nodded his head, his mouth set in a hard line. “Yeah but Isaac doesn’t have any plans and I can’t just kick him out for the night.” You knitted your brows together, trying to come up with an excuse. “I can come over anyway? We can study?” You shrugged your shoulders. “We could get the pack over, seems a lot less conspicuous?” He shrugged. “Sure I'll let everyone know, see you at six then?” You nodded, pushing him into the closest classroom so you could at least kiss him goodbye. “See you at six!”  
You went home, quickly changing into something a bit nicer than what you’d shoved on for school. You curled the ends of your hair, pulling on high waisted shorts, the ones that Scott couldn’t resist. Finishing off the outfit you slipped on a small basque, black satin with lace trim. You toyed with the idea of leaving it there but then you remembered the pack was coming over. You sighed as you pulled on a flannel, not doing all the buttons up leaving your chest almost bare. You looked in the mirror as you chucked a pair of converses on before running to Scotts. He only lived two blocks over so it wasn’t so bad. You arrived at his earlier than everyone else, entering the door as Isaac let you in. He gave you a smirk as he looked over you. “Glad to see you finally put pants on Liv.” He winked as you walked past him, your heart racing. You settled on the couch, pulling out your books as you continued to ignore Isaac. He sat next to you, impossibly close on the large couch. Scott was still upstairs unaware of your arrival, it was still early though so you gave him a pass. You sat there for a while, the clock on the wall ticking away as you waited on the arrival of everyone. Scott eventually ambled downstairs, sweats low on his hips as you buried your head in a book. “Oh hey Liv, when did you get here?” You shrugged, looking at the clock. “Maybe about 20 minutes ago?” You smiled at him as he crossed over to the kitchen, digging in the fridge for a drink. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You gave him another shrug, your face a half smile. “Didn’t think I needed to, I'm fine keeping myself entertained.” You gestured to the book in front of you, a hardback copy of your favorite series, gifted to you by Scott at Christmas.  
“When’s everyone getting here?” Scott talked to Isaac who barely looked Scott in the eye. “Dunno man, thought you were texting everyone?” He shrugged, a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. “I told you to do it. I had some stuff to do.” Scott sighed as he pulled out his phone. He messaged the group chat, your phone alerting you to what he sent. Scott came and sat next to you, his feet extended onto the table in front of him. Your phone blew up, with apologies and IOU’s as everyone bailed on the study session. You didn’t feel disheartened though, it meant more one on one time with Scott. “Well that’s everyone basically flaking on tonight. Kira’s training with her mom, Stiles and Lydia are out on their anniversary date. Thanks Isaac.” Scott shot daggers at Isaac who just grinned innocently back. “Hey man I'm sorry! I thought you had it.” you laughed, the sound escaping your lips. “You do this all the time Isaac, remember when you said you were looking after Melissa?” You teased as Scott turned on the TV, the thought of studying going out the window. “True.” Isaac nodded, pouting as he realized your teasing. “I don’t really feel like studying tonight Liv, we can totally rearrange?” Scott turned to you as your face fell. “I don’t mind not studying to be honest. What do you actually wanna do?” You asked, placing your book on the coffee table. “Well there’s a marathon on TV, we could have a movie night?” Isaac piped up. “Anything decent?” You asked, avoiding the way Isaac was staring at you.  
“Star Wars is on?” You shrugged. “I’m cool with it, Scott still hasn’t seen it even though he told Stiles that he has.” You lightly pushed Scott’s arm as he broke out in a grin. “He wouldn’t get off my back about it! He threatened to become a Jedi just to fight me on an even playing field.” His smile lit up his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I can imagine Stiles with a lightsaber just trying to get at you whilst you were full alpha. If he held it anything like he holds his bat he’d totally fall on his ass, the gravitational pull on those bad boys has to be astronomical.” You laughed as Scott held his stomach, trying to suppress the laughter that rocked through him. “So you in?” Isaac piped up, reminding you that he was sat next to you. “Hell yeah I'm down!” Scott roared. “Popcorn is a necessity, why don’t I grab that whilst you guys set up the first one!” You stopped him before he stood. “Sure but if you don’t distribute the butter evenly I will personally become a Jedi to whoop your ass McCall.” He stood, stretching out before leaning down to whisper in your ear. “You’d hold a lightsaber pretty damn well.” You smiled, biting your lip slightly as you winked at him.  
He walked through to the kitchen, prepping the popcorn as Isaac cleared his throat settling back into the cushions. “You still owe me you know?” His voice was calm as you swallowed thickly, dreading what he was going to ask of you. “What do you want Lahey?” You spat at him, venom on your tongue. “I’ve been thinking about it long and hard.” He sat forward his elbows on his knees, his blue eyes staring into yours. “Yeah? So? What is it?” You asked, dread filling your stomach as he moved closer to you, his lips coasting your ear. “I want to know what it is about you that keeps him coming back, that he’s willing to keep all to himself.” Your breathing hitched as Isaac's hand trailed up your thigh, goosebumps left in the wake of his warm fingertips. “Just spit it out Lahey.” You trembled as his hands rose higher, tracing the outline of the buttons on your shirt. Your whole body flushed as he spoke, his voice gravelly and demanding all of a sudden. “Kiss me. Kiss me like I'm him.” You recoiled from him as he looked at you through half open lids. “Why the fuck would I do that to him?” You spat, anger ripping through you at Isaac’s request. “Because if you don’t, then your mom will know all about your endeavors with McCall. All of it.” You swallowed back bile, nodding your head slowly. “Blackmail? Really?” He smiled, his teeth bared as his tongue swiped over them. “Call it what you want. I’d call it forceful persuasion.”  
You pulled from him as he lunged for you, your palms flat on his chest. “Scott is literally in the other room. Are you fucking serious!” You whisper shouted, fury making it harder to keep your volume down. “Deadly.” He winked as you nodded. “Fine. But this means nothing, if I do this you keep your mouth shut and you don’t say a word to anyone.” Isaac looked at you with innocence in his eyes, crossing his heart and smiling. Something in his eyes changed as his hand cupped your jaw, his eyes closing as he bridged the gap between your lips. “You guys? You wanted sweet right?” Scott called out as you heard his footsteps grow closer to where you sat compromised. Isaac’s lips were mere centimeters away before you pulled from him, throwing yourself to the other side of the couch leaving him half dizzy from your sudden action. Scott came through with three bowls, each of them different. “You guys okay?” Scott looked over you both, sensing the tension in the air. Isaac coughed awkwardly as he sat back against the cushions, disappointment flashing across his face. “Yeah, Liv was being a hog for the blanket.” You scowled at him, your nails digging into your palm. “Yeah well.” Scott looked at you both, finally settling into the spot between the two of you. “Save it guys, I deal with werewolf drama enough, I don’t need to Alpha in my own home do I?” You shook your head, your arms folded over your chest. “I guess not, I’m not apologizing though. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Isaac looked at you with a look that could kill. “Yeah well neither did I.”  
You sat in uncomfortable silence as you started the movie, the silence eventually becoming more relaxed as your heartbeat calmed. The sickness you felt passed with the help of popcorn and Scott’s hand on your thigh beneath the blanket you draped over yourself. His fingers played absentmindedly with the buttons on your shirt, the material underneath soft beneath his rough fingertips. He looked over at you as he deftly undid the buttons, the blanket over your knee dropping as his hand returned to your thigh. His eyes stayed trained on the screen in front of him as his fingers trailed over your skin, your legs coming uncrossed. Isaac didn’t look over which made it all the more fun, electricity running through your veins. Scott coughed as he pulled at the zipper on your shorts, his cough going unheeded as his hands moved over your hips. You looked over at him, your lip between your teeth as he dipped his hand beneath the band of your panties, satin and lace to match your basque. He nodded appreciatively as his finger dipped between your folds, his fingers slick with the wetness already pooling there. You ached as he teased over you, his hands moving slower than you could even imagine they would.  
You struggled to calm your breathing sure that Isaac would hear, but he never even glanced in your direction. You wriggled in your seat, desperate for the touch that Scott denied you. He looked over at you, his dark eyes connecting with yours as his finger delved deeper, his finger tracing over your clit. You sank back in your seat, your legs trembling as Scott moved faster over you, his eyes never leaving the scenes on the TV. Your body was on fire as Scott pressed his fingers into you, burying them to the hilt within you. He paused, reaching for the remote as he turned up the TV, lying in wait for your silence to break. His fingers began to pump in and out of you as you gripped the cushions, your head rolling back. A moan escaped your lips and you froze panicked that Isaac would turn his head and see Scott with his hands in your panties as you struggled to stay quiet. But he didn’t turn and Scott didn’t stop. He pulled from you, his hands reaching for your hips as he pulled your shorts from your body, quickly and quietly. You sat shaking as his hands coasted over your thighs, his fingers parting your legs as he went.  
You held your breath as his fingers moved closer to where you needed him most. He traced figure of eights over your clit, his eyes glimmering red as your chest heaved. Waves of pure pleasure wracked through you as Scott delved into you again. You saw the corners of his lips twitch as you writhed next to him, your grip on the couch beginning to rip the fabric. Scott slowed, taking his time as you caught your breath, his fast pace picking up again before you had chance to recover. You jerked against him, your release coming on fast. You screwed your eyes shut as your throat ran dry, helpless mewls falling from your lips. Scott’s eyes flashed at the sound, his fingers curling in a new way that hit spots you didn’t know you had. You bit your lip hard as he sped up the pressure inside you intensifying, as you held onto his arm, your nails digging into the couch. Scott turned to you, relaxing back against the pillows before leaning over to you. His lips coasted your neck, your pleasure propelling to dizzying heights as his lips caught on your skin. “Give in baby girl.” He whispered, his breath fanning over your flushed neck. Jolts of electric ran through your veins as Scott swiped his thumb over your clit as he continued his relentless pace. “I can’t hold it in. He’s going to know.” Scott pulled away from you, his fingers never ceasing their punishing pace. “Give in.” Scott's eyes flashed red as you struggled to hold back what was inevitable.  
You didn’t look over at Isaac as your orgasm ripped through you, your back arching away from the couch as you panted. Your breath came labored, staggered in bursts as Scott pulled his hand from you. “I didn’t get to see most of the movie.” He winked as his tongue darted over his fingers, still glistening with your juices. “Neither did I” You whisper laughed, your eyes guiltily darting over at Isaac. He lay there on the couch, his head buried into the couch, fast asleep. You playfully hit over Scott’s arm as he faked injury. “Hey! What was that for? You should be thanking me not hitting me?” He laughed as you pointed to Isaac. “You didn’t tell me he was asleep. Fuck I could’ve jumped your bones and he would be none the wiser.” Scott raised his eyebrows, his eyes questioning. “Wanna test that theory?” You bit back a smile, your legs quivering with the high you’d just reached. “Right here McCall?” You teased, unbuttoning the last of your shirt. Scott’s eyes wandered over your chest, darkening as he took in the basque. “He’d think a hurricane or earthquake or something had hit with how hard I’m going to fuck you.” Your legs came together as you tried to quell the throbbing that had started back again. Or maybe it had never left.
“That a threat or a promise?” You asked, batting your eyes innocently. “A promise. You brought it on yourself though. You thought everyone else was going to be here too but you still dressed like that.” You shrugged. “You wanted someone to catch you.” Scott was closing the gap between you, his eyes darkening by the second. “So what if I did? You said there was no fun anymore?” Scott was mere centimeters from your lips as Isaac turned, a snore ripping through him as he grabbed the blanket from you. You didn’t feel the cool air as Scott's hands trailed up your skin, his voice demanding. “Stand up.” He gave you a hand to your feet as you stood there, the TV still blaring in the background. “I always follow on my promises.” He stood next to you, his size domineering over yours. He grabbed your wrist, leading you upstairs as you clutched your clothes to your chest. You tripped over stairs as he dragged you, his long legs far outstretching yours. He pulled you to the wall as soon as you hit the landing, his hands trailing your body, claws ripping into the satin of your basque. “Scott” You whined, looking at the tattered material.  
“You look better without it anyway.” He shrugged as he pinned you to the wall, his hands seemingly everywhere on your body. His lips found your neck, wet hot kisses from your ear to your collarbone as you struggled to keep your breathing even. His fingers found the clasps of your basque, unhooking them with speed and accuracy leaving you bare to him. “Scott, I wanna do something for you.” You moaned as his teeth sank into your skin, his tongue flickering over the stinging area. “No time. I made you a promise and I fully intend on keeping it. But not here.” He pulled you again leaving you no time to gather the scraps of your basque. You followed blindly, your body on fire as he pushed you through an open doorway. “Scott this isn’t your-” He silenced you with his lips, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip. “You like the idea of someone catching you, or knowing that you’ve cum where they are sat.” You shivered as he spoke, flames licking higher within you. “Well what better place to do it.” His words didn’t register as he walked you back against the desk, his hand swiping things out the way to place you down. He pulled from you as he lifted his shirt over his head, his eyes finding yours as he dipped his head to your chest. He placed red hot kisses along your collarbone before making his way down, his tongue circling your nipple slowly.  
“Scott-” You choked out as his lips latched around you, his teeth grazing your sensitive peaks. “Don’t” He groaned as he pulled from you once more. It wasn’t for long as his mouth was on you again, this time more demanding as he sucked your nipple into his mouth, your body jolting against him. “Scott-” you mewled again as he pulled away. He licked over his lips as he looked down at you, his cock throbbing visibly through his grey sweats. “I said don’t.” His hands trailed over your shoulders, his nails dragging strawberry red marks over your skin. You reached for him, your eyes lust ladled as you undid the string holding his sweats to his body. They dropped to the floor as he lunged for you, his warm skin colliding with your own. Hands moved across your spine as your legs laced around his hips, your mouth hung open in an unfinished moan. “Stop.” He demanded as you let your legs drop. “Stand up.” You did as you were told, adrenaline rushing your system. He reached for your wrists, pinning them behind your back, leaving you helpless to his touch. He turned you away from him, one hand pushing you against the desk, his other still pinning your hands behind your back.  
“You want Isaac to catch us? For him to come in and see you taking my cock on his desk?” You nodded, your lips unmoving as your body ached. “You want him to see you helpless as I fuck you until you can’t walk, until you’re nothing more than something to say my name?” You nodded, your lip wedged between your teeth as you rocked on the balls of your feet. “Yes.” You whispered, your throat dry as he teased over you with the head of his cock. “Good.” His tone was husky as he pressed into you, sliding himself until he was buried within you, his fingers gripping your arms tightly. “Fuck baby girl, your so tight today. If I knew this was your fucking thing I would’ve fucked you anywhere you wanted.” He sighed as he began to thrust, his hips hitting against your ass. You were a mess of moans, your mouth slung open as he increased his pace. You clenched around him, the pressure of another orgasm mounting your senses. “Scott-” You choked out. “Yes baby girl?” His voice was labored as he took long thrusts within you. “Fuck me. Fuck-” His hips slammed against yours, his cock completely buried within you as you grasped for breath. “Please” You finished as his hands changed over.  
His hand smoothed over your ass as he pistoned inside you, your orgasm growing closer with every stroke of his hand. “Do you want to cum?” He asked, his fingers still smoothing over your skin. “Yes. I need to.” He groaned, a primal noise coming from his chest as he pulled your arms taut against you, his hips speeding till they pummeled into you. Moans and curses fell from your mouth as his hand came away from your skin, only to slam back. He’d never done anything like this before and honestly you wished he had. Your body froze, your orgasm breaking in waves as his hand came away again before slapping your skin. The stinging dissipated quickly, leaving only pleasure in it’s wake. You cried out, your eyes screwing shut as Scott slowed. Your breath caught in your throat as Scott’s hands released your hands, letting them fall beside your body. You tried to move but he pushed you back down, his nails raking down your back. “I’m not done with you yet.” He rasped and you felt an all too familiar twinge. He stayed buried within you as his fingers entangled in your hair, pulling gently before more forcefully. You moaned, your body spent as the beginnings of a fire licked in the ashes of another.  
He pulled you by your hair till you were flush against him, his fingers pulling the hair taut as he slid himself in and out of you. You lost control, giving yourself over to him completely, as he held you to him. One hand pulling your head back against his shoulder as his other held your hips in place as you bucked against him, your release ebbing over you as you fell from him. His grip loosened as his own release rocked over him, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of your neck. You yelped, but the pain again was overcome with pleasure as his hips slowed. You stood there for a minute, both gasping for air as you clung to each other. Scott placed languid kisses along the marks he’d left on your skin, his hand gripping yours as you came away from each other. You fell against the bed, your body spent as you battled sleep. “Well that is definitely happening again.” You laughed as you dressed, walking through the house to find your discarded clothes. “Scott you ruined my basque.” You held up the strips of satin, pouting at him. “I’ll buy you a new one, that one was flimsy anyway.” he winked as he passed you a hoodie.  
You tiptoed through the house, being careful not to wake Isaac as you said your goodbyes to Scott. “Parking lot tomorrow?” He asked, his lips still puckered from kissing you goodbye. “Of course.” You smiled as you made your way down the driveway. You made it home quickly, desperate for your bed. Your mom was asleep as you got in so you were safe from the accusations. The next day rolled around and you were faced with the dilemma of covering hickeys from last night. You tried the best you could before eventually just giving up. You shrugged it off no one would notice. Scott and Stiles waited in the car park as you drove in, Scott’s face sheepish as you stepped out. “Morning’” You chimed as you fell into step with them. “Sorry we couldn’t make it last night dude, Lydia’s been dying to try this new infusion place in downtown and I made the reservation months ago.” You smiled at Stiles as he flailed an apology. “It’s okay, you needn’t worry about us. At least we’re going to ace the midterms.” You teased as Stiles’ face fell. “Yeah well Lydia’s a genius and she loves me so I guess she’ll just tutor me.” His face broke into a grin at the realization he was still with Lydia. “Speaking of Lydia I better catch up with her before class. See you guys in a bit!” He waved as he ran off, his hair bouncing wildly.  
“So about last night-” You stopped Scott before he could continue. “Not at school Scott, you know the rules. I enjoyed myself, you enjoyed yourself and yes it will probably happen again. Are you sure Isaac has no idea what happened?” You looked over at Isaac who stood in front of your locker, a smug smile on his face. “He didn’t say anything to me this morning? I think we’re in the clear. Look I gotta go see Coach, I'll see you soon okay?” Scott waved as he peeled off to go to Coach’s office leaving you to face Isaac alone. “Morning Liv, how did you sleep last night?” Isaac smiled, his eyes glinting. “I slept fine, how’s your neck from sleeping on the couch?” You asked as you pushed him out the way of your locker, slamming in the code. “I didn’t sleep on the couch. In fact I was up all night.” You stopped as you unloaded your books into your locker, turning to see his expression. “I thought I made it clear I wanted something Liv? I wanted what you gave McCall. In my room. I want you.” He closed the small gap between you, his hand on your waist drawing you closer to him. “Isaa-” You were interrupted as he was slammed against the lockers, a look of shock on his face. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” Scott roared as heads turned.  
You turned to see Scott’s face, that one of fury on the edge of turning. “Scott, this isn’t what it looks like.” he looked at you a look of pain in his eyes. “Is this why you didn’t want anyone to know? Because you were with Isaac? ISAAC OF ALL PEOPLE.” You felt tears prick your eyes as you tried to speak calmly. “Listen Scott. I don’t feel anything for Isaac, he found out about us in Oak Grove. He’s been blackmailing me.” You watched as his features softened towards you but then as he looked at Isaac they changed back. “You came into my house after the game and you were talking this big game about a girl! And it was Liv? She’s not yours and I'd be surprised if she even wants to be your friend after this! She’s mine.” You watched as everyone looked on, whispering crowds as your friends joined the growing spectacle. “SCOTT!” Stiles shouted as he pulled Scott back from Isaac, who shook himself off as if it was nothing. “I want you out Isaac. You can stay at Derek’s, I still have the key. But stay away for now. And stay away from my girlfriend.” Your heart flipped as you heard those words fall from Scott’s lips. “Guess the secret’s out the bag?” You smiled, crossing the small space between you and him. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close as he kissed the top of your head. “Yeah I guess so..” Stiles snorted as he patted Scott on the back. “Lydia, you owe me ten bucks. I told you they were together.” You looked on in confusion, watching as Lydia graciously handed Stiles the money.  
“Oh, yeah funny story. We’ve known for ages. We even had a bet pool going on. I'm up 50 dollars! Thanks dude.” Stiles laughed as he saw your expression. “Isaac had no idea so I don’t know what’s going on there. You guys aren’t very subtle.” You laughed, a giant weight being lifted off your chest. “I hate to burst your bubble but this changes everything Liv. We have to tell your mom” Scott whispered.  But there it was again, that giant weight pressing on your chest.  
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rich-life08 · 9 years
Fan fiction is my guilty pleasure. 😍
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dreamersparacosm · 9 years
Theo Raeken - It's You
WARNING: CONTAINS HEAVY SMUT, OVERSTIMULATION, DIRTY TALK, AND SLIGHT BONDAGE. PROMPT: in which theo raeken admits his true feelings, resulting in finally getting what he always desired. ------------------- You eyed yourself in front of Lydia's full-length mirror, your orbs wandering over your entire being; curves, legs, and chest. You flattened out your dress one more time before walking into the bathroom, where Lydia was sat doing her makeup. Lydia looked up at you with a smile, dropping the wand of mascara she once held before, walking towards you. "You look so gorgeous, Y/N." "Thanks Lyd," You giggled lightly in reply. "Almost ready to go?" "Yeah, I just need to find my shoes," Lydia suddenly frowned, brushing past you on a hunt to find her coveted black heels that she had bought the day before the current one. Tonight's occasion had made you and Lydia over-excited and anxious, for there was finally peace in Beacon Hills. And with that, Scott had decided to organize a party at the new nightclub in Beacon Hills. He had invited all of the pack, and even went on to invite one of your worst enemies, Theo Raeken. As a way to put the past behind them, they had agreed to be civil towards each other. Well, except for you and Theo. Ever since he had first laid eyes on you, he immediately hated you. It was inexplicably clear that you despised him too, which meant that there was always bad blood whenever in the other's presence. "Okay, I got them! Let's go," Lydia grinned widely, snatching her purse off the bed, leaving you to follow the strawberry-blonde out of her room. You flattened out your tight red dress yet again, deeply inhaling a breath, before shutting off the light to Lydia's room and leaving to the nightclub. •• The nightclub was clearly packed, sweaty bodies colliding against each other, the alcohol infiltrating your nostrils. You had found Scott and Stiles in no time, who were also incredibly hyper. The three of you had wanted to take shots together, but soon decided against it for the well-being of just trying to be relaxed for the night. That notion soon seemed to give way as the three of you laughed, drunk off your asses, as Stiles told corny jokes. Lydia was off somewhere speaking to some older boy who had found her attractive, and while you had a few boys checking you out as well, you mostly wanted to have a night to yourself. On the other side of the club, Malia and Kira were dancing with each other as a way to lighten the mood even more. Others soon began to join them in their dancing, creating a whole crowd of followers. And finally, Theo Raeken had entered the nightclub, of course - being fashionably late. He walked up to the two boys seated at the bar, not taking note of the girl beside them. "Hey guy-" His words came to a halt as he locked eyes with you, which caused you to roll your eyes and look away from his piercing gaze. "What the hell are you doing here?" You spat, hoping he could hear you over the music. Although you did know he was invited, you were hoping he wouldn't show up. "I was invited, unlike you. Maybe they shouldn't let Neanderthals into a nightclub, Y/N," Theo replied angrily back, sitting beside Scott, his emotions running wild. You laughed sarcastically, your body language implying that you were completely done with him. "You know what? Fuck you Theo," You stood up, grabbing Stiles's hand. "You wanna dance?" The boy immediately nodded, and just as you had taken his hand, the song switched into a heavy R&B song that signaled to a different type of dancing. Once you had made it onto the dance floor, you wrapped your arms around his neck, your ass against his crotch. You rubbed against him, light groans falling from his mouth, his hands directly planted on your hips. Your eyes were closed as you indulged in the pleasure, your ass now directly against his cock. This led to Stiles full-out moaning, making you bite your lip from holding in your own noises. You opened your eyes for a split second, catching sight of Theo's eyes directly on you. With that, the song ended, leaving you and Stiles to part ways. You gave your best friend a kiss on the cheek before making your way to the ladies bathroom to touch up your lipstick. Once you were done, you walked back out, soon being stopped by a certain someone. Theo. His hand was pressed against the wall, his arm outstretched in a way that wouldn't give you much access to exit. You crossed your arms over you chest annoyingly, a huff of breath falling from your mouth. "What do you want, asshole?" Theo's eyes traveled over your entire body, making you feel incredibly self-conscious. You immediately ignored his pointed gaze, pushing his chest so that he would move, but he didn't even budge. "Theo, what's your goddamn deal-" Your sentence didn't even have time to be formed before he slammed you against the door of the bathroom, your breathing erratic from the motion. His werewolf strength overpowered your own, and he began to speak in a tone that made you slightly frightened. "It's you, Y/N. It's you. Everything you fucking do, God, I just- I hate you so much. You tease me every goddamn day, as if I don't know that you're there, with your cute little ass and gorgeous boobs. Because guess what, Y/N? I notice. I fucking notice you. All of you." Your eyes widened at the sound of Theo's words, your mind spinning in circles. All this time that he had practically bullied you, he was doing it because he liked you. You held back the urge to slap him, only finding yourself scoffing indignantly. "I'd be flattered if it was coming from someone who could actually do something about it. You're a pussy, Theo. You were so scared about admitting your little feelings, that you never did it." "I never did what?" "You never did anything about it. To me." His jaw clenched from rage, his hands now tightly grasping your hips in a way that you knew would leave bruises the following day. "Why, what do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to fuck you so hard that you can't stand the next day? Do you want me to make you moan my name so hard?" "It's not that I want to, it's that I think you won't do it," You smirked, knowing well enough that it would set Theo off. And sure enough, it did. He pushed open the door to the men's bathroom, pressing your body up against the wooden door. His lips found yours desperately, and you were surprised by how luscious his lips were. He continued to kiss you, his hands now wandering all over you. By now, a wetness had aroused in your underwear, and at this point, you were willing for Theo to touch you anywhere. His hands ghosted over your spine, over the zipper of your tight red dress, that you were now eager to get out of. He ripped open the zipper, your body now completely open to the eye. Your dress fell down to the floor, pooling around your black heels. You immediately stepped out of it, your lips still not breaking from Theo's. Suddenly, his hands wrapped around the back of your legs, causing you to jump up and wrap your legs around Theo's waist. This gave you easier access to take off his leather jacket, soon followed by his shirt. By now, you were whimpering from Theo's forceful attack on your neck. He was sucking, nipping, and even blowing on the sweet spot on your neck. Your hands ran down his sculpted body, his lips now sucking on the edge of your jawline. He unclasped your bra with one hand, taking the straps and tugging them down your arms, your breasts now fully exposed to him. His lips traveled down to your cleavage, where he held one of your boobs in his palm. You moaned from the sensitivity of your nipples, his smirk only growing even wider. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Y/N," He spoke as he began to suck on your nipple, only bringing another wave of pleasure. You continued to moan loudly, as if no one else could hear you. You were sure that there must be a line forming outside for the bathroom, but neither of you seemed to mind at all. His hands now led themselves to your black lacy underwear, that you had worn just in case you scored with someone. He ripped it off, easily breaking the thin fabric. It floated to the floor, and you now groaned softly at the thought of being fully naked in front of Theo. You had one arm around his shoulder as the other hand struggled to pull down his pants. He pulled your hand away, smirking lightly as he undid the zipper himself. "Princess, let's not get too far ahead." You enjoyed the pet name, your eyes wandering down to his now underwear-clad area. You longed for him to fill you up already with him, but you knew very well Theo would take his time and tease you. His lips now lingered all around your neck and collarbones. You bit your lip in pure pleasure, before jumping down from his waist and standing in front of him fully exposed. He still didn't remove his lips from your body, his hands now finding your arms and pinning them up against the wall of the door. You squirmed slightly from the lack of movement, and he soon spoke, "Relax princess, this goes my way now. I waited so long for this, and now I get it." His hands ghosted over your clit, his smooth palms running over the growing bruises on your hips. You craved to feel him as well, but his tight grip on your arms proved otherwise. Either way, he still noticed you moving around quite a bit too much. And with that, he took his shirt and tied it around your wrists so you now could definitely not go anywhere. He then hung the opening of the knot to the hook right above the door, which left you practically hanging, your heels still touching the floor. "Oh my god, Theo, please," You moaned out. "Please what?" Theo teased, his smirk now completely evident. "Please touch me. Everywhere. Please," You practically begged, causing Theo to bring his fingers down to where you needed him most. You were already dripping from the foreplay, and he immediately took note of that. "So wet already, damn princess." His hands teased your core, running through the inside of your lips, collecting all the wetness that had gathered. He then proceeded to slowly thrust two of his fingers into you, which made you emit a loud moan. "Oh god, yes! Yes, T-Theo, right t-there." The painfully slow pace he was taking on made you even more tense and rigid, and he slowly picked up the speed. The friction his thrusts sent made you easily want to orgasm already, and soon enough to help stimulate you, his thumb rubbed onto your clit, making you even more sensitive. You threw your head back in utter euphoria, Theo taking the opportunity to kiss your neck. He could feel your walls throbbing around his fingers, and he knew you were close. "T-Theo, I'm clo-" "I know, princess," Theo groaned out, "But you're not cumming yet," And with that, he pulled out his two fingers, his lips curving up into a smirk. "No, Theo, please," You begged again. "Princess, it wouldn't be fun if you just orgasmed on the first try, now would it?" Theo smiled, a hint of malice upon it. His hands rubbed lightly over your clit, sending you into a back-arching motion. "Tsk, tsk. Y/N, you should be a good girl from all the times I had to restrain myself from touching you. All the times you wore that gorgeous pink summer dress. I always just wanted to rip it off, but I couldn't." "God, Theo, what is it gonna take? Just please," You continued to request. After a few moments of eyeing each other, he finally decided to just plunge his fingers into you, curving them so that they now pleasured your g-spot. He went incredibly fast, his werewolf strength coming into play as he fought to bring you to your orgasm. You could feel yourself weakening by the second, your body withering from the euphoria. "Y-yes Theo, oh my god, yes! Right there, baby, oh my-" Your moans were cut off as you finally reached your orgasm, your juices all over Theo's hand. You breathed heavily, your face now a deep shade of crimson. He loved the sight of you like that; flushed and weak, all for him. Knowing that you wouldn't last much longer with the stimulation, he took off his underwear, his cock springing out of the tight space. He wasted no time in burying himself in you, and you yelped from the contact, still not fully recovered from your last orgasm. He let out animalistic groans, and you followed. He continued to thrust as he reached up and untied your wrists, and the minute he did, you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your legs wrapped around his waist, which gave him an even better position. This allowed him to hit the most pleasurable spot, and the two of you couldn't control the endless string of moans and curse words that fell from your mouth. "Oh my god, Theo. Fuck, faster!" He listened to your command, speeding up the pace even more than humanly possible. This sent the two of you into oblivion, each of you nearing a euphoric orgasm. Several pants and yells let the other know they were close. "T-Theo, I'm going to-" "I-I know baby, s-so am I," He stuttered out, unable to form coherent words. Finally, the two of you reached your high, your legs shaking around him, your walls throbbing erratically. His juices filled up your pussy, and you dragged your fingernails down his back from the pleasure. Once you two had calmed down, you jumped down from him, legs still shaky. You leaned against the door, your lips swollen as you spoke. "Do you still hate me?" "Princess, after that, I'm sure that it's safe to say that I'm in love."
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Recruit (Chapter 22) - Mitch Rapp
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “Day 93″
Characters: Mitch Rapp & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Mentions of violence and sexual assault.
Author’s Note: MASSIVE thank you to @thelittlestkitsune for reading this for me weeks ago and unknowingly talking me off a ledge from scrapping this and re-writing it completely. Thank you, Lau, you are a stunning human being, inside and out.  
Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two - Chapter Twenty-Three
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At 0600 hours, the trainees gathered in the dining room for breakfast.
At 0645, they filed outside to the gun range to attend their daily morning shooting practice. You had been practicing particularly hard with your Glock.
At 0815, the trainees took their seats for language seminar in The Schoolhouse. That day was an intensive oral test in Arabic. You passed with flying colors. You only showed up to Arabic seminars because Mitch went.
At 1030 hours, Campbell replaced your Arabic instructor, and ran through a grueling lesson in encryption and other technical tradecraft techniques. An in depth discussion of the darknet took your mind off of the eyes that you had been feeling on the back of your head all morning.
At 1300, the trainees filed into the Main House for lunch. You joined Rob, Julian and Reza out on the balcony attached to the dining room, and enjoyed the warming weather.
At 1345, everyone filed back into The Schoolhouse for Spanish lessons. You sat next to Julian and Mitch, and paid close attention since Spanish was a language that you were lacking in your repertoire.
At 1500, Irene had arranged for the Agency's in-house psychiatrist to come in to speak with the trainees about compartmentalization in regards to violence and death in the line of work. Mitch's eyes remained glued to you, because you seemed entirely too interested in what the doctor was saying.
At 1630, Aiden led the group out to the obstacle course, and watched as you all killed yourselves trying to get through it faster and faster each new time.
At 1730, Stan met the trainees in the gym for hand-to-hand combat training. You practiced with Reza and Mitch practiced with Rob.
At 2000, when everyone's bodies were filled with fatigue and scrapes and bruises, Stan released the group to dinner. Mitch sat on the other side of Rob, watching you eat as Rob talked his ear off about a takedown technique that Mitch had used in training earlier.
At 2035, Mitch knocked on your door.
You looked up at him standing in your doorway and your face remained stoic. “Hey.”
“Can I come in?” Mitch asked hesitantly.
"You done icing me out for the day?"
"You done letting Dan walk around here like he never did a single thing to you?" Mitch asked, a mild hint of frustration undercutting his words.
You shook your head and sat up in your bed. "For fucks sake... I get that patience isn't what you're known for, but I thought you understood that this has to be done on my terms, and also... just how sick I am of this conversation."
"I do understand that, but, Y/n/n-"
"No. No 'but'. Telling Stan could affect my career and it could affect my relationship with him. He's basically my father. The thought of telling him how I was overpowered and violated and made to feel dirty and disgusting and..." You trailed off, a scowl resting easily on your face. "I will tell him when the idea of telling him, doesn't make me want to immediately vomit."
Mitch felt guilty for being so short with you the past few days since Dan Brunski had made his uneventful return to The Barn. "I'm sorry."
"I know. I know this is hard for you. Try to remember that it's hard for me too."
Mitch scratched at the hairs on his lip, glanced down and nodded. "I know. I'll try harder."
"Are you sleeping in here tonight?" You asked him, already willing to forget his behavior from the day. You understood that he was acting out of frustration and fear.
"If you'd let me... But Y/n, not on the floor. I want to be with you tonight. I miss you." Tiny wrinkles formed across Mitch's forehead as he whispered those words to his girl, who he had managed to keep at a distance for days.
You smiled softly, cocking your head to the side and resting your cheek on the back of your hand, your arm pressed against your bent knees. "Then come get in bed already..." Your smile widened because you had been waiting for him to come back to you for days.
Mitch sighed in relief and closed the door behind him. He pulled his Glock out of his waistband and placed it on your desk, the place where he usually kept it when he would sleep over, ripped his sweatshirt off over his head, placing it over the back of your desk chair, and walked up to you to kneel beside your bed, snaking his arms across your sheets to grab at you. You giggled and squirmed. Mitch bit his lip and stared up at you. "I have... I promised Rob that I would show him that takedown and then I need to do laundry.. I really need to do laundry."
You pursed your lips to the side and then rolled your eyes playfully. "Fine... I'm tired though so I'm probably going to crash soon. I'll leave the door unlocked?"
Mitch nodded his head against your mattress and then stood. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and pressed his lips against yours. He pulled away and looked in your y/e/c eyes. "I'm crazy about you."
You couldn't even begin to suppress your grin. You stared up at his caramel colored eyes and blushed. It didn’t matter how distant you had felt lately, when Mitch said things that alluded to his real feelings for you, you couldn’t help but be sucked back into the special connection that the two of you shared. "Oh, dear god, Mitch Rapp, if you knew the ways that you made my heart race..." You shook your head in his hands, and connected your lips with his again.
Mitch bit his lip, exhaled through his nose and had to keep himself from saying those three words. He said three other words instead. "You kill me..." He laughed softly. "I'll try not to wake you up when I come in." You nodded, feeling his scruff against your cheek as he kissed you once more, and watched him close your bedroom door behind him.
Mitch carried his laundry basket under his left arm as he walked up to the two of your’s section of the hall. He opened his door, placed the basket on his desk and walked over to your room. He opened the door quietly, the light flooding into your dark bedroom, and saw you shift in your bed at the stimulation. Mitch sighed. He still had to take a shower from his training with Rob, still had to fold his laundry, had been hoping to read a bit more of George Orwell's, 1984, and most importantly, did not want to wake you up. He closed your door quietly, listening to the latch hitch in the frame, and decided to just sleep in his bed tonight.
He finished folding and put away all of his clothes, then laid on his bed, relaxed in a pair of blue and orange Syracuse Lacrosse shorts, his wrist resting against his forehead, as he folded the paperback dystopian classic in half and picked up where he had left off when he had read last. He felt his eyes begin to heavy as the hour got late, and he eventually dozed off, the book resting on his bare chest.
Mitch shot forward in his bed at the sound of a gun being fired. He looked around his dimly lit room and wondered for a split second if he had dreamt the noise. He heard it again. The sound of a Glock 17M being fired coming from outside of his door. He quickly got to his feet, and felt the cold hardwood against his soles as he sprinted to your door.
He swung the door open to your room and saw you in your bed, illuminated by the hallway lights, with blood splattered on your face, your Glock in your hand, and Dan Brunski's lifeless body slumped over you.
21 <- -> 23
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hard-satin · 7 years
There’s something there that wasn’t there before. (Pt. 5)
*All previous parts can be found Here.
WARNING: Stiles has a sexy dream in this one while (Y/N) is cuddled in his arms. 
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When I woke up it was still dark outside. One look at the clock told me it was 4:37 am on a Saturday morning. Stiles was moving around a little behind me. Maybe he was having a bad dream. I tried to roll over to see his face, but his arms that had hung loosely around me pulled me tight to him as soon as I tried to move. He let out a low whimper as I moved against him.
 “I’m right here Stiles, it’s okay.” I whispered, trying to reassure him. I let myself relax back into him. That’s when I felt it. My eyes blew wide as I felt him poking into my lower back. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.” The words looped in my head. Stiles would be mortified if he woke up and discovered the position we were in. He may even stop sleeping over. That thought alone made me act. There was no way I was going back to being alone and terrified at night. I tried to slowly wiggle out of his grasp. I made it a couple inches before…
 “Oh fuck, (Y/N).” My name rolled off of his tongue like a prayer. I was instantly soaking wet. Now I needed to get out, or else he would wake up and I wouldn’t be able to hide my reaction. I kept up with the slow wiggling escape, making it almost all the way out before his arms tightened around me again. This time pulled my ass straight back into his raging erection. His hips started thrusting into my ass and I was stuck. Part of my body hanging off the edge of the bed, the other half of it rutting against a horney teenage boy. His grip was like a vice around my waist, his pants and moans getting faster and louder. Maybe if he finished in his dream he would let me go. Figuring I had no better options I leaned back, ready to ride it out.
Ten minutes later and the boy was still going strong. Despretly horney now and needing to take care of myself, I took matters into my own hands. I tilted my head back so my mouth was closer to his ear. This time after he moaned my name, I moaned his back. The result was Immediate, I felt his whole body shudder. So I amped it up, moaning pure filth into his ear until finally his movements became erratic. I decided it was time to push him over the edge. I licked a warm stripe up the collum of his throat to his ear biting it when I got there. For that I received a loud guttural moan that had me literally gushing. I felt his dick twitch against me as he came before finally going soft. He rolled off me breathing heavy and thankfully, still very much asleep. I ran to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I looked at my flushed face in the mirror. God I looked so wrecked. I tried splashing some cold water on my face but it had no effect.
 Deciding there would be no way I would be going back to bed tonight I opted for a cold shower instead. I peeled off my sweaty clothes and got under the freezing spray. Very grateful for my removable shower head.
 Getting off the first time barely put a dent in the fire between my legs. It took three more times before I was finally satisfied. I only hoped Stiles hadn’t heard anything. I tried to be quiet but a couple times a strangled moan escaped my lips.
 I quickly dried off, throwing my damp hair into a braid. It was only then that I realised I didn’t have any clothes with me. Groaning at my misfortune I wrapped the towel tightly around myself before tip toeing back into my room.
 It was a lot lighter in my room. The clock now read 6:02 am. I couldn’t believe I had been in the bathroom that long. I tried to move silently across the floor but just as I reached my dresser a loose board let out an insanely loud squeak.
 “(Y/N)?” Stiles morning voice was as sexy as ever. I quietly cursed my old house for putting me in this situation.
 I turned around to face Stiles slowly. He sat up in my bed. Rubbing his eyes as they adjusted. They widened when they saw me standing in just my towel.
 “Wow. Why are you up so early?” He asked his eyes still trained on my body.
 “I was scared about shopping today and I couldn’t really sleep all that well. I’m sorry I woke you.” I said finding it kind of disturbing how well I could lie to my best friend. It was something I was never good at before the whole supernatural crap started, and now I was a pro.
 “It’s cool. And really don’t worry about shopping with Lydia, you’ve fought against supernatural monsters and won. You can handle a little bra shopping.” He winked at me before rolling onto his stomach on the bed. Light snores soon telling me he’d gone back to sleep. As fast as I could I dropped the towel and pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt. Lydia definitely wouldn’t approve of the outfit, but if she was dragging me out of my house on a saturday to bra shop she could deal.
 I made pancakes to pass the time. A stack was already sky high as I flipped another one in the pan. I was swinging my hips to the rhythm of whatever song was playing from my phone when a pair of familiar strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist.
 “Pancakes? For me? What did I ever do to get so lucky?” Stiles said in awe at my handi work. He pecked my cheek as he reached for one of the pancakes on top of the stack. I slapped his hands away.
 “These are for the pack when they get here.” I scolded him, admiring the way he jutted out his bottom lip in a pout. I suddenly had the urge to bite it.
 “Those are for you.” I said pointing to another individual plate of pancakes stacked to the side.
 “Chocolate chip!” His eyes lit up at the discovery. I chuckled as he dug in.
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