#ty again for asking abt them <33
OOH for the oc asks 💪, 🧸, 💐, 💌 for Lillian and Liam >:)
[ask game]
Eyy Hawke time >>:) Ty for the ask Max! <33
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
Liam - mmm i wanna say his eyes? They are very warm and earnest. And tbh i always imagine that his appearance as a whole is attractive, but kind of.. in a way where you can't put your finger on it? Cos he really is not built in any way that is remarkable, and his outfits are p generic too, but The Whole Picture just. fits. Also it's become a running gag with me and my friend that his arms are his sluttiest feature lmao (bc he rolls up his sleeves a lot)
Lilian - dem guns 💪. fhsfgfh no but really, she is well toned and she knows it, and i'd lie if i said she doesn't keep fit at least partially for looks. She has sharp features, which suits her well, and probably counts as p attractive. Personally i'd also say eyes again, because they're a curious colour somewhere between dirty yellow and warm amber, and they're intense, but much softer than you'd expect if you care to look closely.
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Liam - is very reserved about any grander sort of PDA, but does smaller gestures like holding hands or sharing glances all the time. Smh he manages to be more obnoxious this way than if he simply made out in public (all his friends hate it <3)
Lilian - is pretty much the other way around - has no qualms being raunchy in public, but anything more tender or romantic happens behind closed doors; that's reserved for her and her loved ones only
They are both very chill about platonic PDA tho!
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Liam - dunno if i'd call it courting per se, but he puts a lot of effort into showing that he pays attention to their needs and wants as best as he can But it's also a lot of just.. hanging out, getting to know each other, building trust. Liam is quick to admit interest but very slow about actually establishing a relationship, cos it's important to him that they actually Work Out
Lilian - she is Very Demiromantic and the first time this was relevant would have been with Isabela, however in that case it was practically the opposite of courting lmao. Lots of I Pretend I Do Not See from both sides, but hey, in the long run, it worked! xD
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
Liam - has learned the hard way that meticulous planning will never turn out how you want anyway, so it's basically just a plan of an activity or two that they can do together. Honestly most planning goes into making sure that they can Actually Do It, so, trying to gauge when the weather plays along, making sure that the place is free and that they have a means of getting there, and, in their dad era, that Addie is taken care of for the evening, stuff like that.
Lilian - will be sooooo sneaky about scouting out a cool place or thing to do, instigate a ""random"" trip/walk/date/whatever, and then """accidentally""" stumble upon it on the way. Omg can you believe there is a secluded grotto with lots of pretty fish right here? Oh look i think that is the fabled tavern with the best brandy on the coast! She is Very Bad at being subtle about it; it's something they both know but neither ever addresses, because Bela is charmed by it and they are both having a good time with it <3
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agustdiv1ne · 11 months
bf!txt finding out you write smut about them online 😳
opening hard hours and subsequently closing them j so i can ramble abt it this (and now that you've mentioned best friend!txt,, oh my lordy lord) (also mdni thanks)
yeonjun accidently stumbles upon your account when he asks to borrow your laptop. it's open on a tab you should've closed, and the first words that he registers are his name and the bolded "smut" directly next to it — and a sick sort of curiousity comes over him. commence him scrolling through your account, reading all the perverted things you've posted about him and him only, none of the other members in sight. and it's surprisingly...well-written? his heart beats loud in his ears as he realizes that you think about him the same way he thinks about you, vividly imagining fucking you in the way that you've described — you really seem to like his lips, hm? and his hands. and the way you write about his cock makes him wonder how the fuck you know him so well. maybe he'll just have to make a move on you, make you cum over and over again 'til you're crying for him...yeah, he thinks he just might
soobin is so turned on that it's embarrassing. he shouldn't be, he knows. disgust should be flooding his system at the thought of you writing such depraved things about him, about tying him up and playing with him until he's sobbing and drooling all over the sheets. yet here he is, jerking off to your writing because he just can't help himself. his cute little best friend thinks all these things about him? instant boner. he's so needy and he just can't take it anymore. he secretly begins following your account just to keep up with your new posts, somehow always finding himself with a hand shoved beneath the waistband of his boxers. he's not sure how to approach you, so he'll just let it be for now. he'll start being more touchy now that he knows, holding your hand, hands wrapping around your waist, hoping that you'll figure it out. unluckily for him, you don't, and try to keep things platonic because you don't want to lose him. god, okay. he'll just have to do it then. one day, maybe tomorrow, he'll confess to you and let you do all the dirty things that you've written about to him
beomgyu is...quite the wildcard. i think he'd have an inkling about your feelings for him, but he likes to play with his food a little before he goes in for a bite. he'll tease you with a hand on your thigh just a little too high for it to be platonic, set you on his lap when others are around just to see you all flustered for him. your first (and last) mistake is leaving your account up on your phone when you leave to grab a snack from the kitchen. it's a screen he's never seen before, and it piques his interest immediately. imagine his shock when he sees you've been writing about him, your thoughts about him bending you over and fucking into you, about him pressing his chest to your back, legs holding yours open, and having his way with you. he fucking knew it: you're not as innocent, as shy, as you seem. you end up bent over the couch with his cock buried deep in your walls, his hips teasingly grinding into you as he demands that you keep reading your fics out loud so he can do exactly what you wished for, relishing in your embarrassment <33
taehyun, unfortunately for you, is perceptive. the way you turn your screen away from him sometimes, thumbs flying across your keyboard, never letting him anywhere near your laptop...you're damn well doing something that you shouldn't be. it can't be helped, the way he finds himself snooping through your phone when you're taking a shower just to stumble upon posts upon posts of the dirtiest, nastiest things that you want him to do to you. it's odd how well you've pinpointed his more dominant tendencies, his strength kink and his choking kink and how this means you share them. something about the way you write leaves him craving for more — for the the real thing. and what can he say? curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction sure as hell brought him back. when you come back, clad in borderline skimpy pajamas, he waves your phone around, asking you why you didn't just ask him to fuck you? he feels the same way about you, after all. after a bit of fretting and him soothing your unease, you're on your knees with your tight, wet mouth around his cock, and all he can think about is how he's going to make you cry for him once he pulls you off of him
kai, oh lord. kai is freaking the fuck out. he's curious to see what moas write about him, so he makes an account just to see and woah. there's so much dirty shit about him but it makes him so hard and needy and all he can picture doing those things to you, of you doing those things to him. he clicks on one account that seems very prevalent in his tag, and he freezes. you're using a pseudonym, but there's enough identifying information that he knows it's you. what confirms it for him is your recent face reveal and oh my god, it really is you. how do you know that he humps his plushies to the thought of you? how do you know he's been wanting to watch you ride him and suck on your tits all the while? how do you even know he has a things for boobs? it's dizzying, and all he can think about as he grabs his trusty fleshlight are your tight, warm walls wrapped around him, imagining how desperate you'd sound once he has sunken into you. and is it so bad when you find him in such a compromising position? is it so bad that you're giving in? no, it can't be, not as he watches you use him to get off, your walls quivering around him as he helps bounce you up and down like his personal little fuckdoll >///<
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
hiiiii!!!! how are you? sooooo i don't know if u are taking requests but could u write abt s/o being a sooooo excited for the last of us series and haechan not being aware of it with the prompt 35????
love foolish
pairings. haechan x (f) reader
genre. fluff
warnings. mentions of guns and zombies
prompts. #35 “i thought you dont’t like horror games?”
note. i love this request!!!! i also freaking love the last of us, game and tv series :D i’m doing ok anon ty for asking,, i hope u enjoy this and take care <33
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
haechan is sprawled out on the couch after taking a shower, occupying all the space. he’s mindlessly on his phone, tapping away in the group chat with his older members. you’re finishing up your night time skin care routine, applying your cherry flavored chapstick to your dry lips.
curse the cold weather.
you turn the light off and exit the bathroom as you make your way down the hall to the living room. haechan senses you in the corner of his eyes, turning his head to look at you.
“so sexy.” he dreamily says, eyeing you up and down as you slide your feet over towards him. you’re dressed in your usual night attire, sweats and one of his t-shirts.
smirking, you poke your ass at him, immediately regretting it when his hand makes contact with your cheek.
you hiss in pain, pouting as your rub the stinging area, turning around to do the same to him but he manages to reach over and soothingly rub your ass.
“sorry bubs,” he sheepishly smiles.
you nudge his leg with your knee. “scoot over.”
he frowns, “lie on top of me.”
you sigh, even though you know that’s what you’d end up doing anyways.
you grab your tv remote before settling yourself on top of haechan’s chest, the top of your head in the crook of his neck. one of his arms are lazily wrapped around your waist and your legs entangled with his underneath your throw blanket.
“so what’re we watching again?” he questions.
you’re trying to find the app on your home screen, you had recently bought the hbo app for your tv, solely for the purpose of the most anticipated show that came out last night that you’ve been waiting for for years. purposely ignoring your phone for any spoilers because people like you– except they’re not late– have watched it on the release date.
but you and haechan haven’t watched anything that’s new, together, so you had brought up you wanted to watch something with him tonight. since, yesterday he was busy with his friends back home.
“the last of us, it came out last night and i’m so fucking excited. it’s a post-apocalyptic survival show based off of the video game.” you excitedly, explained to him.
you finally find the app, clicking on it as you patiently wait for it to load.
“ohh, really? is it like a horror game? zombies and guns?”
you nod, “yeah, it’s a horror game. zombies and guns, yes. and there’s also clickers which is the scariest of the infected. i really hate the sound they make, you’ll see soon.”
“i thought you don’t like horror games?”
you hum, “i don’t. but i saw this youtuber that came up on my recommendation play it and then an hour later i ended up watching an entire gameplay of both the first and second game an entire night.” you laugh to yourself.
haechan gasps, “wahh, why have you never told me this?” haechan knows you have a dislike towards scary video games, but strongly more playing them than watching them.
you shrug your shoulders, “this was before i had met you. i won’t play the game though, only watch it. i’d watch you play it though if you ever play it.”
he takes a mental note. you seem to be very interested in this television adaption of a video game. so he has to look up how he can play the game later on.
“i’m excited.” haechan admits softly.
“me too.” you press play, dropping the remote on the floor in arms reach and getting cozy on top of your boyfriend as the episode starts playing.
“so? what’d you think?” you eagerly ask, sitting up on his waist in a straddling position while he’s still lying down. wanting to hear about haechan’s review on your show. you had brought this show up to haechan, knowing he’s into these kinds of shows, but anxious that he won’t enjoy since it’s an american show in english.
“even though it was just the first episode, i’m hooked. i enjoyed it baby.” he tells you honestly, smiling.
you squeal, “me too! now we have to wait a whole week.” you let out a fake sob, plopping your upper half onto haechan’s chest.
“if you got infected i would let you bite me so we can both be zombies.”
you frown, raising your head up to rest your chin on his chest. “but then we’d have no memory of each other.”
he pouts too, “oh yeah. then, you go down, i go down.” the emotional scenes from the first episode are hitting you again and haechan seems to notice so he changes the topic.
“sunday we should order pizza while watching it.” he suggests, fiddling with your soft hands.
“sundays?” you hold up your pinky in front of his face.
“sundays.” he promises.
taglist! @neosdaisy @m_1kaellUh @n0hyuck @matchahyuck send an ask or message to be removed :) or fill out the google form to be added !
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krmzyn · 6 months
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~ Hii!! Welcome to my blog <3
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I’m Salem, but feel free to call me any of my DRselves names!
This blog is mostly for me to focus on shifting, though LOA/manifesting and lucid dreaming have also been pretty high up there for me atm!
I’m completely fine with any questions from anyone (shifters, non-shifters, even antis), just please be respectful. This inculudes questions about my first shift, but I prefer not to talk about it, but I might answer some 💟 (please send asks i love answering questions /lh)
Note: I’m formatting this on mobile and am pretty new to tumblr so. i literally have no clue what im doing 😇
Double note: This is gonna be like. the only formatted post on my page. I absolutely cba and most of my posts r probably just gonna be like. shitposting 😚
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About me!
Again, hi, I’m Salem, but you lot can call me any of my DR names <3
They/Them pronouns, I don’t care too much about them though
I’m chronically British 🧍‍♂️ Also genetically a little Irish 😇 (also bst/gmt timezone 😚)
I crawled here from Tiktok. I use wayyy too much tiktok slang 😚 I also rlly appreciate tone tags being used!
15, Scorpio & audhd!
Genuinely a little stupid. Just a lil bit.
I also do art!! Idk if I’ll really post it here but. yah 💟
I have pretty bad social anxiety and general anxiety issues, so I don’t really socialise online that much <3
Likes & Dislikes!
I LOVE cats with my entire soul <33 Also honestly animals in general.
I hate mint. Its just sososoo eww 😇
I like the sciences 😚 (biology >>> chemistry > physics. fight me /j)
I really don’t like step ladders 😭 I’m stood there wobbling like a dog on a cat tower I just can’t with them
I love candles n incense a lot!! I have this adorable little tea light holder that’s like a little tree with birds and these little cages for the tea lights and I just ADORE it smsmsmm <3
I hate walking around barefoot 😭 Like idm the idea of it but its just like. u never know whats been on those floors >:( Also carpets feel ew
I like rambling about my drs and random stuffs I like 😇
I don’t like bacon. The little fat bits are all stringy and its just sososo bleh
I love a bunch of the ‘cringe’ kid roblox games. Like adopt me (bc collecting just makes me feel mwah) and royale high (mostly for christmas atp bc. I have feelings abt it 😇) and pet sim, also others. I shiny hunt on pokemon ultra moon as well! (I have a grudge against shiny lugia but i love it /lh)
(I was trying to do a like-dislike kinda pattern but iii cant think of anymore dislikes shshh) I like doing legos and oragami occasionally! I just enjoy being able to do stuff with my hands 😚
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My DRs (in order. maybe.)
Note: NONE of my DRs have traumatic or violent events. Any with that stuff as main plot points has either been altered or is some kind of AU. Made that mistake once, not making it again <3
- Altered OR
- Demon Slayer / KNY
- Pokémon
- Rick & Morty
- Backrooms
- MHA (mixed on it atm)
- Supernatural (considering & trynna figure out some kinda au 🧍‍♂️)
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My current manifestations!
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That’s about it!! Ty for reading and I hope you guys enjoy my posts 😚
-Love, Sal <3
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Last shift: ~2021 Shifted 1x
Last ‘minishift’: ? Minishifted ~3x
Last lucid dream: ? Lucid dreamed 1x
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sammy-hammy · 1 year
hi! im also a big fan of angst and have been thinking of this tyler galpin x reader story (u dont have to do it if u dont want to)
spoilers for ppl who havent finished the series yet!
okay so, tyler and the reader are a couple and they were supposed to have a date. but it was one of those days where laurel controlls him or something(tyler himself knows hes the hyde by now btw). so he unwillingly misses their date(again, for numerous times). the reader decides to go home after a couple of hours and comes across the hyde and gets hurt badly. the next day when tyler decides to visit the reader to apologize, their guardian tells him that theyre in the hospital after a terrible accident. so he rushes to see them and realizes that he was the reason why shes in the hospital. a few hours later she wakes up and sees tyler and they both talk abt him missing so many dates that theyre convinced hes cheating on them. he tells them he isnt but the reader wants some space for now after the accident.
im so sorry if its long, i suck at summarizing
𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕪𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕪
tyler galpin has many regrets
losing you is his biggest one
[ tyler’s thoughts , time message, reader’s thoughts]
[ major spoilers for the show, cursing, reader wishing they died, not proof read]
their blood was on my hands
why was it on my hands?
stop overthinking it
it was just a dream…
the resident barista bit the side of his lip as he thought about his lover. he snapped out of his trance when a customer walked up to the counter.
“hello tyler”
“good afternoon, ms. thornhill! would you like the usual?” tyler tried focusing on the order instead of the building pressure in his heart.
they’re normally here by now
he bit his lip and glanced at the door while making the double-cap, no foam, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla coffee.
he set down thornhill’s drink and she gently grabbed his arm. she leaned in close and whispered into his ear. “good job yesterday, tyler. see how well you did after removing your distractions?”
tyler’s face morphed into one of confusion. “what? i don’t think i have any distractions..”
“well not anymore. with yn out of your life, you don’t have anything to worry about.” thornhill smiled as she squeezed his shoulder.
tyler felt his stomach drop. “wha-what? are they mad? what happened?” he pulled away from thornhill as his heart beat increased. “i don’t think i di- oh shit”
realization hit him like a truck.
he forgot your birthday,
which meant he forgot your date.
“my phone, my phone! do you still have it? why didn’t you give it to me yesterday?” tyler’s breathing became slightly erratic as other customers as the weathervane started staring.
“i just want what’s best for you and silly distractions like your phone and yn get in the way.” thornhill said in an obnoxiously sweet tone.
yn isn’t a distraction..
“now calm down, people are staring.” she set down his phone and walked away with her drink.
tyler picked it up and practically sprinted to the break room.
7 missed calls and 13 unread messages..
he quickly checked his messages as his breathing went unsteady.
4:37 hey tyler! don’t forget about dinner at 6:30!
5:45 hey ty. are you on your way? just call me when you’re close.
6:02 never mind. i’ll just meet you at the restaurant, ok? be safe!
6:24 hey ty. are you on your way? i’m already here
6:33 i’m at the table, it’s towards the back
6:45 ty they’re starting to ask for our orders, please hurry.
6:56 ty please answer. i don’t think they’ll give us more time
7:04 ty?
7:17 never mind. i’m going home
7:20 i’m tired
7:21 this is such a stupid cycle
he felt his heart clench
7:22 sorry for wasting your time
you never wasted my time
7:23 i hope your happier with her than you were with me, for her sake
tyler dialed your number almost immediately with his shaky hands.
it went straight to voicemail.
he tried again.
same results.
he quickly threw off his apron and ran out of the cafe. he risked getting fired for abandoning his shift, but he didn’t care.
you were the one thing on his mind.
he bit his lip while getting into his car and subconsciously made his way to your house. once he reached your house he stepped out of his car and ran to your front door with his heart still beating rapidly.
the door opened before he could even knock. he locked eyes with your teary eyed elder brother.
“oh um. hey jeremy, is yn here?” your brother stayed silent as his face changed into disgust.
“you tell me galpin. you were supposed to be with them last night.” he dug his finger into tyler’s chest. “they tried coming home alone but they were attacked. all because you pathetic excuse for a boyfriend couldn’t care any less about my sibling, your supposed lover.” tears built up your brother’s eyes.
tyler’s heart couldn’t stand this much stress. “i-i didn’t know.. jeremy, please. i am so sorry! are they ok?”
jeremy scoffed. “stay the fuck away from my sibling, galpin. you clearly don’t care. if you did, they wouldn’t be in the hospital. but they are, so stay away before i do something i won’t regret.” your brother slammed the door in his face.
what happened to them last night?
damn it
i should’ve been with them
why wasn’t i with them?
tyler was lost in his thoughts as he walked back to his car. he got in and set his hands on the wheel for a solid 30 seconds.
…the dream
what was it again?
ugh this hyde is messing with my memory
i have to get to them
he started his car and drove to the hospital as fast as possible.
the dream
it was about yn..
he tried remaining calm as his hands tightened against the wheel.
it had to be a dream
i wouldn’t let myself do that
he reached the hospital and walked in trying to steady his breathing.
“can i help you?” the receptionist questioned.
“yes! um where is yn ln’s room?” he answered quickly.
“room 13 to the right.” he handed him a visitor’s pass and went back to typing on his computer.
he dashed to the hallway and anxiously looked for your room.
it was just a dream
i would never do that to them
i love them
tyler’s eyes widened at his own thoughts.
he stood in front of your door.
yeah, love
he carefully opened the door to your room and his heart stopped.
you lied still with bandages covering your entire chest, a large bandage on your cheek, and your right arm in a cast.
no no no
this is all wrong
he walked over to you and gently held your hand. tears pricked his eyes as he kissed your palm. he sat on the chair beside the bed and stared at you with a worry written expression.
i couldn’t have
i wouldn’t…
he glanced at your bandages and he knew.
i should’ve listened to my dream
guilt washed over him.
god, i’m so stupid
your heart monitor was able to drown out his sobs.
“i love you, yn. i love you so much.” he whispered and wiped away his tears.
he laid his head on his arm and caressed your hand. he stared at your resting face as if you would disappear if he didn’t.
the sun was beginning to set and he was starting to feel the exhaustion from staying up all night.
he stayed staring for a while before his eyelids got heavy. he was eventually overtaken by sleep, yet he still clung to your hand.
ugh my head is killing me
you opened your eyes to the dim lighting of your hospital room. you tried lifting your hands to your face but the pain stopped you from doing so.
you winced as you looked at your body but your heart dropped when you glanced at the boy holding your hand.
tyler jolted awake while breathing heavily. you glanced away before he could make eye contact.
“why’re you here, tyler?” you asked as you stared up at the ceiling.
“i just wanted to see you” tyler felt his voice get caught in his throat. “i’m sorry, yn. i’m sorry i’m so sorry. i should’ve been with you.” he held your hand to his face and tried to make you look at him but you refused.
“if you didn’t want to be with me you could’ve just said so.” you took deep breaths as you started feeling the scars that creature had left. “you’ve missed so many of our dates. it’s embarrassing for me.”
“yn please i never meant to-“
“never meant to what, tyler? cheat?” your eyebrows knitted together as you finally looked at him. his eyes were bloodshot and they maintained a pleading look which made your breath hitch.
you resisted the urge to comfort him because it wasn’t your right anymore. “you’ve been so distant lately and it seems like you don’t even care about me anymore.”
tyler’s eyes became watery once again as he clutched onto your hand. “yn, i do care about you.” he gently set your hand down and cupped your cheek. “i love you, yn. i love you.”
a tear ran down your face as you looked away. “don’t say things you don’t mean, tyler.”
“yn, please… i love you more than anything.”
“stop it.”
“you’re the light of my life.”
“tyler, stop.”
“i love you, yn. just please listen.” tyler begged as you finally tore your hand from his.
“just stop!” your face was now wet with tears as you faced the boy you love.
“i spent my birthday alone while you did whatever with that woman. you didn’t bother to respond or at least tell me you couldn’t make it.” tyler stayed quiet.
“i could have died…” you wiped your face with your hand. “i kind of wish i had.”
“you don’t… you don’t mean that. yn you don’t mean that.” tyler denied as his tears fell freely.
“just leave, tyler. i don’t want to be with you anymore. i just can’t anymore. you clearly don’t love me. you might as well leave and be happy.” you continued to cover your face with your arm. you didn’t want to see his expression as you broke up with him.
“y-yn please. i just…” he felt desperate knowing he was losing the love of his life.
“goodbye, tyler galpin. i’m sorry i wasn’t enough for you.” you held back a sob as you heard him get up.
“i’m gonna fix this. please just… stay alive. if not for me, then for your family.” you stayed silent, afraid that if you spoke you would release the emotions you were holding back.
you heard him walk towards the door before stopping. “i love you yn ln, more than you can imagine.”
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ikissjesse · 10 months
could you do some aaron t/aaron z headcanons pls!
omg yes ofc !! ty for the request <333 since 3 ppl requested aaron² hc's (nothing specific) im gonna put all ur requests into this once post !!
tags: @i-need-a-slurpee @hrts4ariana ( note as of writing: this was a draft from 1719817282 years ago so if u forgot abt this n no longer wanted to be tagged im sorry🥲 )
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as i mentioned in this post, they both adore musicals, especially hamilton
aaron² hc's !!
reblogs appreciated + reqs open <3
they like listening to the soundtracks together when they hangout
sometimes when there's a musical near where they are on tour they go together in their free time
u didn't hear it from me but they held hands during one of these musicals bc the room was dark n they thought noone would notice
as bros, ofc.. homies hold hands during musicals !!
they totally sing non-stop from hamilton together its cannon bc i say so
anyway enough abt hamilton for now
there was def mutual pining
they were both like "fuckidishcoaoxjaoa he just thinks of me as a friend"
"friend" NO HE WANTS U SO BAD -God probably idk
the way they attempted to "drop hints":
t tried to make z laugh a lot, even more than he usually did
pranks became less extreme than they normally were, he wanted to surprise him, not scare him to death like he used to
z would, although he denies this, try to do basketball tricks to impress t whenever he is at the basketball court w him
both of them went to jesse for advice, not knowing the other was doing the same
"hey jesse uhm- what should i do if, theoretically, ihavearlybigcrushonsomeonewhoiveknownforawhilebutithinktheyseemeasafriendandireallyreallyREALLYwannabemorebutidontwannaruinourfriendship????" -t
"...what?" -jesse
needless to say jesse was confused as hell
he sent him off w some advice after t slowed down enough for him to understand, then about 15 minutes later z came rambling about the same thing
thats what made it click for jesse, n he just laughed at the realization
giving him the same advice he gave t, he snickered at the idea of the aarons having a crush on eachother but being too stupid blind to see the feelings were mutual
"thanks jess!!" -z to jesse, running off
"yeah no problem man hehehshshehsh goodluck! HEHEHHEHE"
building up as much courage as he could, z eventually made the first move a few days later
he asked t if he'd like to join him for a musical that would take place at a nearby theater, n he gladly accepted
little did t know where this would lead <33 achoo anyways
as the lights dimmed during a 'romantic' scene, aaron z took t's hand in his own n (quietly) confessed his feelings towards his long-time bestfriend
saying t was happy would be an understatement
the energetic boy yanked him into a hug, leaving his stoic counterpart(ner) highly confused and extremely flustered
choking from t's tight embrace, his face became beet red
"Im, uhm- assuming you feel the same?"
"yeah dumbass, ofcourse i do!" t whisper-yelled, trying to keep his excitement down as they were still in a theater after all !!!
after that, z just smiled n wrapped his arms around t's waist, returning the hug
but wait !! theres more !!
what kind of ikissjesse ship post would this be without cute couple hc's ???
the quiet stoic boy x loud energetic boy dynamic UUGF MY HEART I THINK IM DYIBG from how much i love this duo😔😔
z buys t a baseball cap in EVERY city/country they go to. every fucking one
even if its not a band tour, if z is out somewhere n sees a cool cap he thinks t would like, yall better believe this boy would cut off an arm n sell a kidney just for t to get that hat
t has a whole side in his closet dedicated to these hats z buys him, he finds it absolutely adorable
z actually thinks he isnt good at gift giving, so he was afraid t wouldnt like it at first, but t's reaction is enough conformation that he adores it
now what kinda aaron² hamilton lover truther would i be if i didnt mention the musical again 💪💪
they have FREQUENT hamilton marathons together, sometimes the other members of 4*town will join in too !!
they still sortve act like they did before, like friends n what not
however theyre also 300% more flirty
by that i mean T is 300% more flirty
z might be a LITTLE bit but def not as much as my boy aaron t (the r in aaron stands for rizzler -aaron t)
z isn't a big fan of PDA himself, however when t does little displays of affection when theyre in public he loves it ( he doesn't say it out loud bc he's shy but he does smile at t or to himself, holding t's hand or draping an arm over his shoulders )
when theyre in private z will hug t from behind, hold his waist, kiss his forehead, etc .... yk... bro stuff......
t surprises him by going BOO!!! and jumping up to put his arms around his shoulders from behind, which at first scared z shitless n earned t a lecture about why he shouldn't scare him like that bc z WILL swing but z is okay with it now n actually smiles ALBEIT A VERY SMALL SMILE when he does it
dates include but r not limited to playing basketball late at night together, movies, watching musicals, roadtrips to literally anywhere long or short they just wanna be in eachothers presence OUGHG I LOVE THEM
i forgot to mention !!! t is definitely the one who asked to be boyfriends, but z accidentally said "I love you" first
t was doing something dumb again, and z shook his head as he laughed, accidentally mumbling the words "I love you" out loud
t stopped dead in his tracks n snapped his head in z's direction, n yall this boy was STRESSED he did NOT mean to let the world know this information
z covered his face with his hands n his face was PINK pink bro but t just laughed n walked over to him, cupping his face in his hands and staring at him with a very VERY smug but genuine n happy grin
z scoffed, but soon glanced back at the other boy and smiled shyly
theyre so cute im throwing up in class
there's more but i think this is long enough for now, sorry for the wait pls snack on this while u wait for the rest of my jesro + aaron² content i have planned WINK WINK
thank u for reading <3
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sodetama · 8 months
⊹ . ° ↳ wlcm we r the ebik ebrikaz,,!: ༄
𓏲 | ٫٫ main owner of acc: @xveii ⑅ ♡̶ ៸៸ ︵ . . ︿ ︿
𖥦 ✧ ˚ ࿔ we r 8 friends who goof around on this shared acc :3 · ִֶָ
🍰💫 desc by @24kvealie & @starigen ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
🎧⭐️ emoticon text by @starigen & @laveries — so cutee
🐩🖱️ banner by @starigen — made on Canva
🕯️🤍 emoji combos by @euvqji — they r beautiful tyy <33
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—★ rules bae 🌷🥐 (desc by @starigen here)
💌💋 don’t steal anything that belongs to us, dumbass. (Bios, banners, etc.)
🍡🩰 do not interact w/ this blog if you aren’t our friend, you may look through, rb/reblog, or heart it. (You can also follow we don’t mind)
🧸🧺 don’t be toxic to us js bc we don’t allow you to chat here. deal w/ it and find another blog to interact w/. - - -
—★ ily guys! 🍵🍃 (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 🤍🤍 (descs here made by @24kvealie) ❥ ۟ ֪ @xveii — matcha 🍵 she/they!! — calm and patient so cool!! only person who i would allow to hold us and squeeze us 🥹🤍
❥ ۟ ֪ @laveries — freya 💌 she/her!! — so fuckin adorbs go support herrr she is good w/ kaomoji too ❥ ۟ ֪ @starigen — lavera/lav/starlah 🪐 she/her!! — so funny x3 (she collects cursed images for a living muhuahua) btw pls dont be mean to her she is a mature minor she knows wtf shes doing btww <33 ty
❥ ۟ ֪ @24kvealie — vealie/fizza/cee 🌷 they/them!! — lame person who loves pinterest, spotify, kawaii pastel stuff, kaomoji emoticons, cats, and her friends ofc!!
❥ ۟ ֪ @admiussion — roxxi/vivian 🩻 she/her!! — goth gurl who we all LOVE!! (We call her Rocker bc it is her middle name and it sounds beautiful tbh)
❥ ۟ ֪ @qsarahs — sarah/lydia 🍨 she/they!! — her style is omg >>>>>
❥ ۟ ֪ @euvqji — ali/alice/fleur 🤍 she/they!! Only her friends can call her ali :33 anyways we love her she is so fuckin nice and has good taste with everything!! @24kvealie is her #1 fan!
❥ ۟ ֪ @milkiette — ryo/aizen/rae/raelyn 🌊 they/it !! — SHES BACKKK!! anyways raelyn is their real name btw :)) js a fun fact, but yeah they love ocean and space aesthetics (+cutecore ofcc) btw she has good music taste bae 💿🪽
❥ ۟ ֪ @fandroidz — star/starbott 🌌 she/her !! — new friendo veryy pog!! She likes cyber stuff and yeahh :>
𖥻 🍓📎𓈒ᝰ 𓈒 ۪ 𓏸
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🌷💬 group chat ,, only for friends to chat in! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡ Tysm!
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💭🎧🫧 | Blog abt.. (descs here made by @starigen)
—★basically a shared account that acts as a gc, we share slices of our life! we also gossip a whole bunch on here -w-
we act as a friend gc bc basically this IS our gc (tumblr gc option got removed *sob*) soooo yeah. (Posts r public tho but please don’t break in the convo w/ us.. only u can like or rb. Don’t look thru our gossip tea whateva idk)
🦌🎀 Asking + Submitting on this bloggo!
—★ Asking and Submitting are only for our friends. (+ Not accepting friend requests, they will be ignored and deleted..) as for our friends, ASK WHATEVER!! USE IT TO STORE MEMORIES!! IDC ATP! /POS!
—★ Submitting is again, only for our friends. (If you submit smth thru there but you ain’t got consent then it will get deleted) for our friends just submit fanart and whatever u want :33 (dont ask questions thru there btwww use the ask box </3)
- - - ౨ৎ'🌙 Thanks ﹫ sodetama︰☆꒰꒰
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trainingdummyrabbit · 20 days
OC ask game woohoo!!!
3, 20, 29, 30?
gooooodmorning!! back at it ^_^/
3. What inspired you to make a certain character?
honestly ? for th funy lc cast, itwas mostly just seeing other folks running around w their ocs :] iliked seeing peoples little beasts, so i wanted some little beasts to play too. thats how istarted making cocoa! she was supposed t just be a silly lil thang but uhhhhhhhhh . As One Does ^_^
20. Do any of your OCs have pets? What kind? NAME?
EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT MY GUY heres yui again. he has a very totally normal rat named chestnut that was pawned off on given to him by a . fffriend ? yeah. 👍 ilu chestnut
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29. Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories?
a few, yeah!! aus are my favorite favorite thing t toss around in th whole world, so like uh uh well. They Keep Happening <33 like what if character lives? what if character makes a different decision? (though its kinda cheating bc i already cant decide what happens so everything is kinda quasi-canon till i get it together dfjgndk) theres one with rose and wolfe that is Killing Me To Death but i Still havent laid down the baseline so i CANT . SAY ANYTHING YET. orz though also theres one ive had in my pocket i hadnt found th chance to pull up yet, so ykno uh . ^_^ heehoo
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Oops ! All Distortion. heres not!cocoa. nameless as of right now, partially bc i havent found something that fits, and partially because i think its funny (<- mean) anyway woe. tfw youre just trying t navigate being alive after experiencing ego death and everyone keeps trying to yank you in different directions and shape you into something else entirely when you can barely hold a shape on your own so you simply decide to become nothing at all. sad ! oh well, theres other uh. uhhhhh.. hm. this is kind of th Worst of what can come of cocoa and luci's whatever-the-hell. luci is completely convinced she understands cocoa's character and actively pushes the worst parts of them forward in the name of some sort of "self actualization," in response to their complete and total shutting off at. just about everything. unfortunately, she completely misreads what exactly that manifests As due to her preoccupation with her Own self actualization-- and instead of drawing forth any buried emotion or desire, all it really does is kinda... shut them down completely. their desire wasnt to lash out at anything, it was simply to get things to stop. and stop they did. theyre not much of anything anymore. nobody is happy with this.
30. Which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?
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hes really important to everything bc hes kind of. a catalyst, in a way, to The Bullshit. the issue is i know most of the What, its just the How and Why thats such an issue. also unfortunately, i started writing him before i started watching thru limbus, but once i did i realized hes kinda just like sinclair but to the left a little bit which. head in hands. Unfortunate; so its once again a balancing act of getting things together while tying threads and also Avoiding Making Character 2. which is Hard bc this is just!!!! what hes like!!! iknow i probably shouldnt worry abt it too much but this is like the fourth or fifth time ive accidentally just made Character But Again and i just. GRABS. SHAKES. UGH THE ISSUES.
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berrymoos · 10 months
Hiii!!! It's me again!!! Could I possibly request the Moonknight boys again, this time with these emojis from the game??? 🍼, 🎨, ✨ - Sorry if it's too much!!! 😅
Hope you're having an amazing day/evening/night!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
HELLOOO MY DEAREST ASH (≡^∇^≡) !! this is not too much at all, dw!! ty for the ask, i hope you're havin an awesome time too!!! <33
🐠 — steven grant!
🍼. what's their favorite age regression accessory / gear?
hm ... probably his winnie the pooh stuffie? he accidentally ordered a pack of characters instead of just winnie, so the others have their own pooh character stuffies, too (marc has eeyore, jake has tigger, & layla has piglet)! not only is his winnie stuffie very very cuddly, it also reminds him of the little family he has now 🥹
🎨. what does their ideal nursery / playroom look like?
he's gotta have some egyptian-themed trinkets and bookshelf filled with books of his interests (& some others that just seem fun)! also puzzles!! he likes working his brain & sometimes, he sets his stuffies next to him & "teaches" them how to do them!!
✨. how are they different when they regress?
he's actually more talkative when small! he's always asking questions, rambling about the things he finds interesting, mumbling under his breath while he does things, etc... for steven, regression means he doesn't have to worry about saying the wrong things or upsetting anybody; at those points, he's just a little guy (*^^*)//
🌙 — marc spector!
🍼. what's their favorite age regression accessory / gear?
... his stuffed bunny KSHAKDNWK ,, but is that even a surprise tho? miffy & marc are always together no matter what; miffy is practically his bestest friend ever (just underneath stevie but shhh 🫣)!!
🎨. what does their ideal nursery / playroom look like?
honestly? anything cozy & dark blue works wonders for him. marc is a simplistic little guy, so he doesn't need nor desire a lot of stuff! just having his stuffies & his family is more than okay for him <33
✨. how are they different when they regress?
ohhh this sweet sweet boy 🥹 – marc gets mumbly, cuddly, & a tons more open abt his feelings. his emotions come out a lot easier bc he feels safe to do so, safer than he's ever felt in ... well, a while
🐕 — jake lockely!
🍼. what's their favorite age regression accessory / gear?
two items, but his hat & his building blocks!! his hat offers a place for him to hide behind when he gets overwhelmed or shy about something, while his blocks are his favorite toys to build, knock over, & rebuild! also, paired with steven's imagination, those two can do so much more than just build & knock over – they can have a whole storyline revolving around a little block bridge & a few stuffies!!
🎨. what does their ideal nursery / playroom look like?
i rllllly think jake is bigger on toys than stuffies (not to say he doesn't have a few of his own, like his tigger stuffie & mocha the cow), so his playroom would be filled with blocks, legos, cars, little action figures ... all of that stuff!! <3
✨. how are they different when they regress?
he indulges a lot more in sweet treats n stuff – jake most deff has a sweet tooth, but being khonshu's avatar kinda prevents him from allowing himself to enjoy them as much as he wants! the boys + layla like to keep baggies of candy & cookies around so jake can have something to nibble on when he's small & craving sweets *´ㅅ`)゙♥
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For the oc ask game!! 10, 37, and 38 for Liam please? I love him sm😭<3
[ask game]
Thank you for the ask!! <3
10. which oc is the biggest romantic?
Liam, no contest lmao. This idiot is such a hopeless sap
37. which oc has the best handwriting? the worst?
Neira's is probably the best as in the most neat/legible, and Ari's is the best as in the prettiest (not necessarily legible tho lol). June and Noya are both contenders for worst; June cos she writes too fast or without paying attention, and Noya's just looks messy smh no matter how hard she tries to write neatly
38. drop a fun fact about your oc ! (Liam)
He takes up playing lute as a hobby after Orana teaches him how to play, and he's pretty decent at it!
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justablah56 · 1 year
*sighs* tell me about your fursona /lh /pos
ok first off- Vik is that you 👁️👁️ you're the only one who I know has seen my fursona recently sbjsjdjs either that or it's rae who saw it on your blog and didn't interact w it so I wouldn't think it was him if they went on anon lmao- but methinks its vik
okay now I'm gonna actually answer- bUT INSERT THAT ONE ENTRAPTA MEME- THE "IVE WAITED Y E A R S FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ABOUT MY THEORIES" YEAH THATS ME RN- anon I am looking at you with my big ol autistic eyes that are sparkling with this 10 minute unstoppable rant that is about to occur (✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)
SO ! ampen right ? my little guy ? my baby girl ? my beloved ? I'm gonna talk mostly abt their physical design than their other details bcs I have more notes abt their physical appearance than anything :]
I have no idea what they are, I kinda just started drawing her abhdjsjsj but I think the two most notable animals he could conceivably be are probably a fox and a dragon of some sort (original I know) however I do want to give an honorable mention to my first draft of them, bcs goddamn I changed a lot abt her bsjdhsjjs. at first he was just completely a dog but I decided to give them those 3 fingered claw/hoof things, here's the very sketchy guy herself who inspired Ampen:
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yeah snndjsn basically the only thing that stayed the same was the vague color scheme and the "hooves" changed from the hands to the feet. a lot of ampens physical design was just cool things I saw in other fursuits that I thought would be cool, like I just loooove the hoof feet, they look v cool and I just like them a lot, so I included them ! (I didn't in my first real drawing of ampen but then I did on their character sheet) same with the tail, I'm p sure at the time of ampens actual creation I had recently seen a dragon fursuit with that kind of tail and was obsessed with it, I tried so many different tails for him and none of them were looking quite right until I tried their current tail, and I love it . the dragon bit also comes out in her muzzle, it's a bit more pointed and sharp than a canine muzzle would be, again mostly just bcs I think it looks neat :] and I knew I wanted my fursona to have big ol ears from the very beginning, I didn't put them on ampen-rough-draft bcs I didn't start with the intent for him to be my fursona sbjdjdjs but anyways- the fur pattern took me a while to come up with, I started with just vague splotches of color in random spots, messed around with specific colors, I don't think I decided on the pink stitch mark things until like- the very end dnjsjjd I have no idea where I came up with it , I was just trying random things and hoping they looked right lmao-
I gave them glasses bcs . I have glasses . and I think it's cute and there aren't enough furrys with glasses :3 then added the piercings bcs I think they look cool and that's really it bajshjejskwks
anyways , now for the couple things that aren't visible on a drawing, I imagine her being like 5'4 MAX , he's pretty short . mostly bcs I am v short and plan to actually make ampen, and that's a height I could realistically get to accounting for the ears hdjwjdjjejdke anyways, I don't really have many other little facts about them since they're basically just me personality-wise, so make of that what you will ! I will however GLADLY answer more specific questions if you (or anyone else 👀) have them bcs it will give me an excuse to come up with answers abhdjsjdjsjjd
anyways- this is all to say that I'm in love with Ampens design and I really should draw him more often and also probably just develop them more tbh- BUT ! ty v much anon for enabling me to ramble about Ampen, they're my most specialest little guy and I love her <33
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guess-ill-dye · 7 months
Thanksgiving is coming tomorrow!
Do you celebrate it? Sometimes gratitude or giving thanks to things may come off as a big and somewhat unpleasant word. It may feel as if you are forced to acknowledge something that you already love, and that kills all the joy in this type of self-care, isn’t it?
That’s why instead of asking myself “what am I most grateful for?” I instead say “what makes me the most happy?” it’s definitely okay to not come up with things that makes you happy at first, it happens to me too! But maybe you can start with something easy…like cats?
So, would you want to make a list (even one thing is enough) of stuff that makes you happy? And you can even explain why if you want to!
—Self-care anon
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving ( I'm from Europe :]), but I love the concept! (Bunch of food with family and friends, a day to celebrate happiness, well duh)
and yes!!! <33
( in no particular order )
1. My stuffies <33
I really find it hard to talk to real ppl about my feelings, so they have helped ( and still help, but my mom took some from me bcs I'm "too old":P) me a lottt!! Also they are so comfortable to sleep with omggggggg I love all of them and have been adopting more and more over the years! ( my first was when I was 2, and I now have 14! ( Ik a bit too much ) and since my mom took them away I have 7:( )
2. Thinking about my cat! :3
My mom ( again ) dislikes cats a lot, and we had a cat named Simba (<333333) that I absolutely love and she decided to give him away after several threats abt killing him ( poisoning his food, abandoning him, poisoning him directlyz throwing him out of the window ( I live in the 5th floor ) ) and I have been trying to get the new owner to let me see him and its has been hard, but since now I have ( stole the number from my mom's phone but ITS FOR THE GREATER GOOD OK? ) her number I will try again :) .Thinking about how he would be in a hard time make me happy so yeah gotta include that too :D
3. Music
Ik music is feeling and all of that. I have a designated music time every week and I love and need it! ( currently I am obsessed with "Wrecking ball" by Mother Mother and "CHOKE" from I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME <3333)
I love it so much and my moots and posting on my little blog it makes me happy <33 and ofc nice persons like anon ty again <3333333
5. My irl friends <3
They are sooo nice I love <333 them sad none of them has Tumblr ( or happy idk haha)
6. Fooooooood
7. Learning new things
I have no explanation, I just love it <3
8. Reading
Cleanses my soul omg transcendent state fr
And that it! Tysm anon and wow this took me 20 min! I honestly feel more hopeful for life wow my day was not going that well tysmm <333333
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jihyocentric · 1 year
lumi!! hi i hope ur doing well with ur classes starting up again, and that ur taking care <33
so many ppl talking abt pup!hyo omg i get so so happy when i see that!! its ur genius idea that u so graciously allowed me to put my 2 cents into in the beginning, i really do love the au so much though
but the last fill abt 2yeon fucking jihyo with nayeon being rough and jeongyeon soft was sooooo good ur too good at this im so serious. and jihyo just shouting "again!" when she got came in 😭😭 she's so precious i cant
and nayeon better be proud jihyo can last that long cause SHE DID THAT!!! she trained her to cum so many times, we talked abt that once a while ago...how time flies when ur talking abt pup!hyo
i love anxious little hyo that needs nayeon (and jeongyeon) around to feel comfortable, she would totally beg nayeon to wear one of her hoodies to the vet cause smelling like her makes her feel better, like she's safe and protected :((
jihyo biting them is actually the most realistic thing abt this bc the amount of videos we have of her biting jeongyeon is crazy but thats just how she shows love!!
and for belly rubs i think her leg would kick out bc it feels so good and maybe she's kicked 2yeon a few times but its ok bc she is so cute. and i can see nayeon taking advantage of her being so like. blissed out from the belly rubs that she cups her face and talks in that baby voice ppl do to dogs like: "who's the best girl? you are! yes you are! you're my best girl" while jihyo just grins and purrs cause shes!! so!! happy!! and oh my god that's the cutest idea i've ever had wow
jihyo: im not getting the ball thats just stupid
2yeon: *throws it*
jihyo, already getting up: well SOMEONE has to get it
PLEASE i imagine jihyo, short ass jihyo, trying (and failing) to peek over jeongyeons shoulder and being like an annoying sibling with the "whatre you doing? what is that thing? why does it look like that?" she is jeongyeon's pain in the butt (affectionate)
jihyo who falls asleep on the couch and wakes up in nayeon's bed and doesn't question it cause it smells like nayeon and nayeon is love and safety im gonna make myself get emotional hold up
pup!hyo is my favorite, ty for always writing abt her and just doing it so well. u are so talented lumi, its just incredible
oh don't worry about sending asks! i love them. i won't answer the jichaeng ones atm because i'm not sure if i want to talk abt chaeyoung rn, but i saw them and i'm glad you liked my last non rq drabble, i wrote it thinking you'd like it! :)
and pup hyo learned so well 🥹 like she's so obedient to nayeon. she might be a brat at times but she's like 95% the best behaving pup ever and it's all on nayeon!! girlie took so much time and effort to deal with jihyo's eager ass
when she goes to the vet and jeongyeon drives, even if nayeon tries to make her sit safely and put on the seat belt, hyo will still go to her lap anyway with her tail between her legs bc she's afraid and anxious and she just wants nayeon 😭
now YES jihyo loves to bite jeongyeon for some reason. like is she tasty? i wanna know too! share with us!!
and for belly rubs i think her leg would kick out bc it feels so good and maybe she's kicked 2yeon a few times
YES. just yes. she can't control when she kicks them, they need to understand!! and abt the voice jihyo wouldn't even understand nayeon at first,, like i see jihyo getting really confused the first time nayeon does that, she'd be like "is it me?" "am i the best girl?" bc she isn't used to receiving affection at all and it just shocks her that someone loves her like nayeon does :(
jihyo: im not getting the ball thats just stupid 2yeon: *throws it* jihyo, already getting up: well SOMEONE has to get it
PLEASE you say i'm funny but this made me giggle HARD 😭 aww and jihyo is totally a pain in the butt but jeongyeon wouldn't change it for a thing 🥺 you're right, nayeon is love and safety, and so is jeongyeon!
(i didn't answer the other asks before everything went downhill bc there was /there is actually/ a lot in my inbox and i was going to answer them soon, but rn it's like i said in the first paragraph. thank you for passing by nonetheless anon, your asks always entertain me!)
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mysimsyuri · 11 months
🎉 for the ask game tee hee :)
(tell us some fun facts about your newest selfship!)
TEE HEE... ty 4 indulging me jay :33c
my newest selfship is me and strong sad !!!!! i didnt think id love her this much but here we r lolz <33
some fun facts are that we absolutely are That couple during halloween, even before we started dating! (we were the repo man (me) and shilo (sad); we just wanted 2 be from the same media and she didnt wanna be the dead wife lmao)
we also go to concerts 2gether!!! she introduced me 2 sloshy and theyre so good (homsar comes too sometimes, marzi doesnt rlly like them)
ok one more n then ill leave u alone lolz ! som facts abt the polycule. sad is dating marzi and homsar, but im only dating sad (once again i do think marzipans rlly pretty... might selfship w her too idk!!) n we like 2 all go on dates 2gether !! i cant rlly stand marshmallows tho so we usually end up at the concession stand lmao
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
📓 expose our dms go go go
yeah ok.
cw: talk of sex. not in any detail except kakashi’s experience with it.
tw: dubcon/noncon but also not really because virtually nothing happens because it ends so early because obirin know kakashi is a liar <3 also more angst like in the soulwords au
notes: kakashi is in a bad mental headspace because he’s been recently discharged from anbu at this point and minato won’t let him train because he knows how kakashi uses training as an excuse to. well. self harm. and so he is Miserable without an outlet and also not actively searching one out because he thinks he deserves to be miserable. it is a mess he is awful i want to punch him. i love to make him miserable.
“post first time—the worst part abt kks by the way is that he so desperately wants to relate and be understood by people but hes so ashamed of his own existence that he cant reach out, he cant share secrets unless theyre violently ripped from him, and even that hurts him because it takes away his choice”
so basically you made me insane and i think ab this all the time.
for context for people who aren’t lev and the worms in my head: kakashi’s only experience with sex is honeypot missions and shortly after he’s discharged with anbu, himself (clones). and again his only experience is with honeypots where it’s not rlly consensual and so it’s still not good even w himself and he does throw up after. and i think he’s very sex-averse and doesn’t have a healthy rship with sex at all, plus his awful headspace he’s in.
but. he wants to be involved w obirin. because he is in fact jealous of them even tho he’s both denying their offers for him to join and thinks/deludes himself into “knowing” he can’t have it. but that doesn’t stop him.
and so he asks them one day, and they are obviously thrilled and totally want to help him!!! kakashi does not make his knowledge/comforts/boundaries/etc clear, and even lies about some of them because he thinks it will make obirin happy. (which, it does, because they think he is consenting.)
it is Awful. it is the worst ever. they don’t even make it through anything because there’s no flow, no dynamic, and it feels. stale. it is obviously kakashi who is doing this, and they stop but he doesn’t want to because he feels this knot of guilt and shame tying itself inside him and if he could go a little more, he could ignore it. obirin do not let him. and he has such a nervous breakdown about it, because he’s not being good for them!!! and so he should just leave and never come back. because he’s the worst and should rightfully hate him after this because he can’t even do what they want or participate with them :/
obirin are frustrated, confused, and mostly just. feeling the most amount of pity for him because it’s obvious he doesn’t know what he’s doing past like. the most technical sense and acting, because he is acting for them. it is not genuine.
they calm him down enough to talk even though the shame is eating him alive, redress him a little, and explain.
it was not good of him to lie. it was not good of him to force himself when he didn’t want to. it made everybody uncomfortable and it didn’t make obirin happy. and he understands this (something something bad dog etc)
they don’t try again all three for a while. there are more walls that need to be broken down before that’s possible, specifically with kakashi because they thought they knew him well and it’s obvious they don’t. they manage though, because of course they do <33
- kakashi does the thing where he thinks obirin will understand his thoughts even when he’s saying the exact opposite thing out loud. he hopes so badly that he will let a tell slip and they will notice and say, “hey are you really okay with doing this?” and then say “no, i saw you go pale. you’re not okay with this. can we talk about it?” as he confirms everything outside of his comfort zone as an activity with them that he is comfortable with. kakashi is too good of a shinobi to let a tell slip in a situation as serious as this.
- kakashi doesn’t talk to them for a couple days afterwards. sorry he’s made out of shame obirin u rlly chose the worst boyfriend 🧡 but he does eventually come around again and obirin pretend that nothing ever happened to make it easier for him. they do eventually come back to the topic again when they’re all comfortable with it, and have an honest discussion about what’s okay, what’s not, what needs to be tried, and anything else that might come up. things are MUCH smoother from there on out
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
hello there
I saw the ask thing, and so now it's my turn >:D
17: do you belive in ghosts?
21 + 22: what are your least and most favorite subjects in school?
30: what song is currently stuck in your head?
47 (but changed): what did you want to be when you were a little kid?
53: what’s the last dream you remember having?
61: where is a place that you’d love to visit?
78: what's your favorite animal?
84: what’s your favourite insect?
89: what are your thoughts on roller coasters?
90: what’s your favourite mythical creature?
don't feel pressured to answer all of them!
have a lovely timezone kimmmm <3333
17.) Nopee, they're silly but maybe once a year id go into a full on ghost hunting/summoning kinda mood AHAHAHAH
21-22.)My least fav subject would be any of the languages taught tbh, doesn't matter if it's English, Filipino, Arabic, french, like bro do u expect my shitty memory to remember all that??? 😭😭 And for favorite, it's math surprise ✨ bcs i see it as a video game challenge/puzzle, so kinda makes sense how I would solve some if I'm bored, like back when I was still in school, I used to open my textbook, flip to the 2nd half of the book and find smth that interests me so I can solve it, then future me would either be confused, horrified or relieved to see it already solved LMAOOO
30.) Jazz on the clock by Luxiem!! It's such a vibe, the 'DA DA DU BI DU BI DO' just REPEATS in my head
47.) Ive never rlly thought abt future jobs that age I think? But at most I guess it would be an artist, like- just an 'artist' nothing specified 😭 now I think about it, it's pretty silly and idealistic bcs living off from making art?? Naw that's just too idealistic 💀💀
53.) I literally don't remember bcs I don't have dreams often 🧍‍♂️ like maybe every few months I would 😭😭
61.) Visit? Then uhhh maybe Ibaraki in Japan, I wanna see those flower fields 🫶✨
78.) Ferrets and cats :33
84.) Don't have one bcs I'm prob enemies to all insects 😭😭 but I'd say bees and ladybugs, they're nice to look at
90.) UHHHHHH I haven't rlly thought abt it but maybe elves??? Idk
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