#ty if you vote in my silly little poll
strelitzicae · 2 years
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for Vash? (2)
"look at him. look at him! he is extremely silly at all times (og anime especially and specifically)! He walked into a stakeout without realizing, despite being shot at, because he had his earbuds on! He's crabwalked away from bullets! Two of his besties are an insurance team specifically watching out for him! He rarely ever takes any threat of death towards himself seriously, but if an enemy gets hurt he's like "oh no you okay?" because he's silly like that. He's kind and respectful to everyone including women (except in the movie screw the movie) and people actively trying to kill him! He looks goofy /pos. He IS goofy /pos. My friend did not get me sucked into these animes (and manga) for me not to recommend him for this list!!! Ty for reading my Ted Talk lmao sorry"
"he's a babygirl. he's a wanted criminal. he's traumatised. he's got pretty eyes. he's a pacifist in a world trying very hard to kill him. he's the greatest marksman who ever lived. he's full of so much love. he's god's most unfortunate creature. he's a little fruity"
Why should you vote for Jesse Faden? (1)
"she became the director of a secret government branch so secret the government doesnt know about it. while being director she also became an assistant to a janitor. she has a gun that can turn into other guns. her best friend is an entity from another dimension. she talks to plants. she can throw rocks at things. she makes fun of her bosses which are in the gun sometimes. shes such a fun player character"
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daily-utsu-p · 2 years
Utsu-Poll Roundup
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Pretty much all the polls went about how I expected, but I'll talk a little bit more about the results under the cut! (And you can see my own votes in the pictures...!)
I am shocked that GALAPAGOS won the favorite album poll. I thought for sure MOKSHA would have had a clean sweep! A close 2nd place isn't bad, but wow, that one really caught me by surprise. I'm not surprised Warufuzake was so low, because while I think it's one of his best, it isn't available for streaming anywhere so it's not as well-known. It is what it is!
The EP poll was basically what I expected, although part of me is a little surprised P ended up winning over DOLL. But I was still happy to see the two classics got the most votes!
I specifically kept the remaster albums in their own poll because I knew GREATEST SHITS would've ended up sweeping a favorite albums poll. Shout out to the singular person who voted for SUPER_SHIBORIKASU_DX though. Stay strong soldier
Votes started petering off with the rest of the polls – The Ohayogozaimas poll only had 23 votes. Congratulations to No-Nonsense for winning~ the choice for me personally was really difficult. I voted for SEISHI but wished I had said Toku ni Nashi.
The Zsasz poll only had 18 votes with Otaku no Uta and Dark Hero tying for the victory. I was a little surprised Percontation Point wasn't more popular, but I guess it's a pretty small sample size... lol
For Sekihan, I pretty much expected IDOLATRY to win over PSYCHODRAMA. So no surprises there. If you didn't vote on this poll because you haven't heard them, omg please go to YouTube and listen to them. Sekihan's voice is so charming and the songs are so unique and amazing and undeniably Utsu-P.
Speaking of "go to YouTube and listen to them", the poll about how everyone usually listens to Utsu-P... omg, you guys. There is SO MUCH bonus Utsu-P content out there. Even just on spotify! There's nothing wrong with preferring his Vocaloid stuff, but if you ever get a chance, I really urge you to seek out his other projects. The Ohayogozaimas retains a classic Utsu-P sound, and Zsasz takes the reigns of his more upbeat and fun tracks. 🥺 pls go listen to zsasz i love my girls so much
... and then the last poll was a finale of all the winners! This one went exactly how you'd expect. GREATEST SHITS took the victory. I'm just happy everything else got at least one vote! Ahahah.
So, that's it! Thanks for playing my silly little polls with me. I'll get back to your regularly scheduled Utsu-Posting as soon as I can, but I've been without internet for the past while. Again. 😮‍💨
Let me know your thoughts on the results in the replies or in the tags!! Or in my inbox. or keep it to yourself that's OK too i guess
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heyo its the kevin price anon back at you with another anon message 🕺
wanted to let you know that your bracket made me accidentally create this silly little "Kevin Price Anon" persona thing and because of it ive now met a very cool person and we're starting to become pretty good friends :) so you indirectly created bonds between one kevin price fan and another just letting you know youre doing miracle work out here HAHAHAHA
anyway im still lurking..... voting for you in all the polls.... watching
have a good evening friend o7
HOORAY FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!! so happy for you kevin price anon may you continue to find kevin price fans out there.. doing my part.. and ty for voting me all my love <33
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 5.2 (Bit 2)
From here | Bit 1 | Bit 2
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It took me all week to put this little bit together. Work stress messed me around royally. Fortunately I have some time off lined up in a fortnight, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We’re getting there. I have a list of threads I’m tying off as the boys manipulate me along the way. I hope my stressed out writing is up to par with the rest of the fic - that is one downside of pausing mid-fic for any length of time is that the mood shifts and my writing changes. Also, the format of this fic doesn’t really lend itself to the short posts I’ve been doing of late, but it will have to do. I hope you enjoy this little bit anyway.
Thank you to all of you who have answered my little poll on what to write next. This is the result. Those of you who voted for The Hero, I will get there as well. These three fics demand ends even if it has taken me a year (yes, it is reaching that point for The Hero at least). Thank you all for your wonderful support. You guys continue to just be amazing ::hugs you all so much::
This is for @scattergraph​ It was last year’s @tagsecretsanta​ fic and it is still being written, now closer to this year’s Christmas. Apparently, it is We’ll Be Finished For Christmas :D Talk about a fic getting totally out of control. Thank you so much for bearing with me on this tome. I love this fic. It has taught me so much. I just hope I can finish it with due credit to the rest of it.
There followed an extensive rundown on a random ball of rock and ice currently traversing their solar system.
It was interesting, Virgil had to admit it, and it was great seeing Alan so enthusiastic about it. Of course, once he started on his heroic tale of his and Scott’s encounter with Halley’s Comet, Virgil found himself tuning out.
He’d heard it a few times already.
At some point he was able to drift away from his babbling brother, step out onto the balcony and grab breakfast off the remains of the buffet that had obviously been left out for him. The last of the morning was as beautiful as the rest of the week had been. He had to admit that they had been very lucky.
A glance down at the caldera as he munched on a pastry, most definitely not cooked by his grandmother, and he spotted A Little Lightning resting quietly at her dock.
He found himself staring at the boat. Her yellow stripe, ever so Gordon, her gleaming hull, their short and shared history…
“She’s a good looking ship.”
Virgil nearly jumped out of his skin for the second time in less than half an hour.
Gordon arched an eyebrow up at him. “You okay, Virg? How are you feeling?”
Exasperated. “I’m fine.” He turned away, his eyes dancing across Mateo and its petrel colony.
A bird squawked loudly as if in recognition.
Gordon snorted. “So I hear.”
Virgil glanced back at his brother. “What?”
All innocence. “What?”
“Gordon...” His tone was all warning.
His brother downed his drink. “So, we going to open that pile of presents or are we keeping them as ornaments?”
Virgil frowned. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. Johnny had to discover a comet to keep Alan distracted while we were waiting.”
Gordon rolled his eyes. “Gees, Virg, it’s not a problem, just c’mon. Join us.” And he was being dragged back into the house where everyone had gathered around the Christmas tree.
For the next hour or so it was simply family, friends, gifts and laughter. Scott in particular, was in a jovial mood, his grin an apparent fixture on his face. Mel was never far from him.
It became very clear that Scott, and possibly Gordon, had been Christmas shopping that morning, probably on the other side of the world, because there were presents under the tree that hadn’t been there the night before. There may have been an abuse of International Rescue technology to obtain it all, but the smiles on their guests’ faces when presented with Christmas gifts may have been worth his brothers’ transgressions.
Virgil sat on the lounge, a brother either side of his feet peering up at him as he opened a present wrapped in green tissue paper. The material inside was also green and when he held it up, it unfolded into a t-shirt.
Written across the front were the words ‘I’M FINE’.
Behind the curtain of fabric, a brother snorted.
Virgil exhaled and dropped his hands into his lap with the shirt. Glaring at his grinning brother, he held Gordon’s gaze for a moment before shuffling out of his seat and standing up.
Both Alan and Gordon scampered away from his feet.
“Virg…” Scott’s tone was worried.
Virgil ignored him and continued to glare at Gordon.
The aquanaut’s expression faltered a little and Virgil mentally tagged himself a point.
He then took the trophy by shucking off his shirt and undershirt in front of all of them.
The breeze was cool through the open doors of the balcony as he awkwardly dragged the new t-shirt over his head, aware of every eye in the room staring at him.
He pulled the green material down over his healing incisions and glared at his brothers, starting with Gordon, who appeared somewhat gobsmacked a moment before once again bursting into a grin, and following around the room to each of his other brothers.
He didn’t fail to notice a strange smile on Kayo’s lips as he did so.
“Now, I hope this means I don’t have to keep repeating myself?”
Silence and lots of staring.
A snort from Gordon. “Sure, Virg. We all think you’re pretty fine.” He followed it with a snicker.
There was an odd sound from Penelope’s direction, but when Virgil darted a look at her, she appeared to be smothering a delicate cough.
Her eyes were sparkling at him though.
Oh, for the love of-
“You’re great, Virgil.” Alan was grinning.
“Like china.” John was not even trying to keep a straight face.
“Whatever you say, Virg.” Scott had his arm around Mel and was grinning like a loon.
Somehow the points were being racked up by his brothers now.
His glare turned flat and he lowered himself awkwardly back onto the lounge. He didn’t miss Gordon’s attempt to reach out and help him.
Another glare and Virgil grunted, crossing his arms across his chest in an almost pout. “You’re lucky I love you guys.”
There was an outburst of more laughter. Virgil tried to hold his disgruntled expression, but a kiss by Grandma on the cheek broke his determination.
“You’re a shit, Gordon.”
“And you love me.” Still grinning.
Virgil couldn’t help himself. He grabbed the Fish by the scruff of his neck and wrangled him into a half hugging noogie, messing his hair up royally. Virgil had to admit that Gordon was likely playing along because his big brother certainly wasn’t up to wrestling with him, and as Penelope burst into laughter, Virgil found himself getting soppy.
The noogie turned into a full-on bear hug.
Chlorine scented hair caught in his nostrils.
A wheeze. “Need to breathe.”
“All your fault.” He let his brother go.
Gordon sat up on the lounge, straightening his shirt and running his hands through his hair. A glance of fond exasperation and he turned away. “Okay, Allie, time to see that painting.”
“So, it is a painting?” Alan shot off the floor and dashed over to the tree where the huge present was leaning against the wall.
There followed many exclamations at Virgil’s skill in painting Thunderbird Three in flight. Hell, even John put in a request for one of Five, so maybe he managed the stars part of the project accurately enough.
He must remember to ask Alan to grab some shots of John’s ‘bird next time he was up there. Or maybe he would hitch a ride and go up himself.
That thought led to visualising possible compositions, moving Five around in his head, whether he should include Earth in the background, which bit of Earth – Tracy Island, of course – which constellations, what time of year, whether he could lean on artistic license or whether inaccuracies would bug his brother silly. Most likely the latter, so there would be some research involved. Perhaps Alan could help him with that. Actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. A good excuse to spend some time with his little brother.
He eyed Alan and the young astronaut turned a questioning look in his direction. Virgil just smiled a little at him.
Alan’s face burst into a grin and Virgil found himself subject to another brotherly hug. “Thank you, Virgil.”
He returned the hug with gusto. “Anytime, Allie.”
Apparently, today was the day for being soppy because he clutched his brother tighter.
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