#tycho lannister
kingsmakers · 2 months
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Gardens of Misery: Chapter 22
Read it here: AO3
Demelza Dayne finds herself at the centre of a conflict between the two women she cares about most, her best friends Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower. In the midst of brewing turmoil, and men of the court scheming to gain her favour, Demelza finds herself playing a dangerous game of survival, both in court and home in Dorne.
Her voice cracked over the words, and Jacaerys stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. As tears tumbled down her cheeks, he offered her a sympathetic expression. “I know how this feels, Ceridwen. I lost my own brother only recently. I feel your pain, and I wish I could take it away, but I can’t. All I can do is help you. We share blood, you and I. I think we both know by now that we were fathered by Harwin Strong.” Ceridwen nodded slowly. She had no desire to push her kinship to Jacaerys, but his acknowledgement of it made her feel a little less lonely. No matter her bastard status, it was clear that Jacaerys was compassionate. She dreaded meeting with Daemon and Rhaenyra, and the thought made her tug out her letter. “I wanted to speak with Daemon. About this.”
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Jon IX (Chapter 44)
Queen Selyse descended upon Castle Black with her daughter and her daughter's fool, her serving girls and lady companions, and a retinue of knights, sworn swords, and men-at-arms fifty strong.
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He met the queen's party by the stables, accompanied by Satin, Bowen Marsh, and half a dozen guards in long black cloaks. It would never do to come before this queen without a retinue of his own, if half of what they said of her was true. 
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You should hear what Cotter says of you. "I am sorry for that, but I fear Your Grace will find conditions at the Nightfort even less to your liking. We speak of a fortress, not a palace. A grim place, and cold. Whereas Eastwatch—"
"Eastwatch is not safe." The queen put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "This is the king's true heir. Shireen will one day sit the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms. She must be kept from harm, and Eastwatch is where the attack will come. This Nightfort is the place my husband has chosen for our seat, and there we shall abide. We—oh!"
Where is she getting that from? Hm?
On the show the Night King attacked Eastwatch.
An enormous shadow emerged from behind the shell of the Lord Commander's Tower. Princess Shireen gave a shriek, and three of the queen's knights gasped in harmony. Another swore. "Seven save us," he said, quite forgetting his new red god in his shock.
"Don't be afraid," Jon told them. "There's no harm in him, Your Grace. This is Wun Wun."
Wun Wun began to laugh. A giant's laughter could put to shame a dragon's roar. Patchface covered his ears, Princess Shireen pressed her face into her mother's furs, and the boldest of the queen's knights moved forward, steel in hand. Jon raised an arm to block his path. "You do not want to anger him. Sheathe your steel, ser. Leathers, take Wun Wun back to Hardin's."
He turned back to the queen's knights. "My lord father used to say a man should never draw his sword unless he means to use it."
"Using it was my intent." The knight was clean-shaved and windburnt; beneath a cloak of white fur he wore a cloth-of-silver surcoat emblazoned with a blue five-pointed star. "I had been given to understand that the Night's Watch defended the realm against such monsters. No one mentioned keeping them as pets."
Another bloody southron fool. "You are …?"
"Ser Patrek of King's Mountain, if it please my lord."
MARTIN: Well there's this guy named Patrick St. Denis, who runs a fantasy website called Pat's Fantasy Hotlist. And Pat is a big Dallas Cowboys fan. So we would have a standing bet for a number of years about whether the Dallas Cowboys or the New York Giants would do better. And I won the bet the first two years. But finally, in the third year the Cowboys finished ahead of the Giants. And what I had to do if he won the bet was to kill him horribly within the books. So I invented a character called Ser Patrek of King's Mountain and described his heraldry as looking somewhat like the heraldry of the Dallas Cowboys with the silver star on a white field. And then I had him ripped apart by a giant. (Link)
"In the dark the dead are dancing." Patchface shuffled his feet in a grotesque dance step. "I know, I know, oh oh oh." 
Dancing is usually Daenerys, but this one feels more like the Others.
The banker [Tycho Nestoris] pressed his fingers together. "It would not be proper for me to discuss Lord Stannis's indebtedness or lack of same. As to King Robert … it was indeed our pleasure to assist His Grace in his need. For so long as Robert lived, all was well. Now, however, the Iron Throne has ceased all repayment."
Could the Lannisters truly be so foolish?
"You cannot mean to hold Stannis responsible for his brother's debts."
"The debts belong to the Iron Throne," Tycho declared, "and whosoever sits on that chair must pay them. Since young King Tommen and his counsellors have become so obdurate, we mean to broach the subject with King Stannis. Should he prove himself more worthy of our trust, it would of course be our great pleasure to lend him whatever help he needs."
"Help," the raven screamed. "Help, help, help."
Good thing Bran's hearing this.
"We need a loan as well. Gold enough to keep us fed till spring. To buy food and hire ships to bring it to us."
"Spring?" Tycho sighed. "It is not possible, my lord."
What was it Stannis had said to him? You haggle like a crone with a codfish, Lord Snow. Did Lord Eddard father you on a fishwife? Perhaps he had at that.
It took the better part of an hour before the impossible became possible, and another hour before they could agree on terms. The flagon of mulled wine that Satin delivered helped them settle the more nettlesome points. By the time Jon Snow signed the parchment the Braavosi drew up, both of them were half-drunk and quite unhappy. Jon thought that a good sign.
The three Braavosi ships would bring the fleet at Eastwatch up to eleven, including the Ibbenese whaler that Cotter Pyke had commandeered on Jon's order, a trading galley out of Pentos similarly impressed, and three battered Lysene warships, remnants of Salladhor Saan's former fleet driven back north by the autumn storms. 
Baby's first contract negotiation. ❤️
"Let us hope so. The narrow sea is perilous this time of year, and of late there have been troubling reports of strange ships seen amongst the Stepstones."
"Salladhor Saan?"
"The Lysene pirate? Some say he has returned to his old haunts, this is so. And Lord Redwyne's war fleet creeps through the Broken Arm as well. On its way home, no doubt. But these men and their ships are well-known to us. No, these other sails … from farther east, perhaps … one hears queer talk of dragons."
"Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit."
"My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons."
No, I suppose not. "My apologies, Lord Tycho."
There's so much to love about this.
Braavosi have deep-seated hatred of Valyrians ... The Iron Bank will never aid Daenerys ... Jon is reminded dragons are no laughing matter.
It's all great.
Three of the queen's ladies sat together, attended by their serving maids and a dozen admiring men of the Night's Watch.
I'm going to need Brienne, 12 men, a wolf, and a brother on Sansa at all times when she arrives.
When he espied Jon Snow, Axell Florent tossed a bone aside, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and sauntered over. With his bowed legs, barrel chest, and prominent ears, he presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at him. He was an uncle to Queen Selyse and had been among the first to follow her in accepting Melisandre's red god. If he is not a kinslayer, he is the next best thing. Axell Florent's brother had been burned by Melisandre, Maester Aemon had informed him, yet Ser Axell had done little and less to stop it. What sort of man can stand by idly and watch his own brother being burned alive?
Laugh out loud.
<- Daenerys VII
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🎨 steamey
"Lord Snow, if I may ask … this wildling princess His Grace King Stannis wrote of … where might she be, my lord?"
Long leagues from here, Jon thought. If the gods are good, by now she has found Tormund Giantsbane. "Val is the younger sister of Dalla, who was Mance Rayder's wife and mother to his son. King Stannis took Val and the child captive after Dalla died in childbed, but she is no princess, not as you mean it."
It's Jon who will learn this lesson the hard way, and I can't wait.
It gave him an uneasy feeling. Braavosi coin would allow the Night's Watch to buy food from the south when their own stores ran short, food enough to see them through the winter, however long it might prove to be. A long hard winter will leave the Watch so deep in debt that we will never climb out, Jon reminded himself, but when the choice is debt or death, best borrow.
He did not have to like it, though. And come spring, when the time came to repay all that gold, he would like it even less.
Lumber trade, Jon. Look around you.
They have no trees, she realized. Braavos is all stone, a grey city in a green sea. - Arya I, AFFC
"There's no more wood." Dareon had paid the innkeep double for a room with a hearth, but none of them had realized that wood would be so costly here. Trees did not grow on Braavos, save in the courts and gardens of the mighty. - Samwell III, AFFC
Tycho Nestoris had impressed him as cultured and courteous, but the Iron Bank of Braavos had a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. Each of the Nine Free Cities had its bank, and some had more than one, fighting over every coin like dogs over a bone, but the Iron Bank was richer and more powerful than all the rest combined. When princes defaulted on their debts to lesser banks, ruined bankers sold their wives and children into slavery and opened their own veins. When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones.
As poor plump Tommen may be about to learn. No doubt the Lannisters had good reason for refusing to honor King Robert's debts, but it was folly all the same. If Stannis was not too stiff-necked to accept their terms, the Braavosi would give him all the gold and silver he required, coin enough to buy a dozen sellsword companies, to bribe a hundred lords, to keep his men paid, fed, clothed, and armed. Unless Stannis is lying dead beneath the walls of Winterfell, he may just have won the Iron Throne. He wondered if Melisandre had seen that in her fires.
Stannis will die, so they might back Aegon VI? I forget if Kevan sorts out the Iron Bank stuff for Cersei.
One thing I do know is that they'll never back Daenerys when she has dragons.
On the morrow he would draft orders for Cotter Pyke. Eleven ships to Hardhome. Bring back as many as you can, women and children first. It was time they set sail. Should I go myself, though, or leave it to Cotter? The Old Bear had led a ranging. Aye. And never returned.
Silly boy, it's just as easy to die at Castle Black as it is beyond the Wall.
Unlike the show, book!Jon isn't a superhero with an action scene quota, so there will be no trips to Hardhome. Cotter Pyke and Tormund get to have all the fun instead.
Arya. Jon straightened. It had to be her.
"Girl," screamed the raven. "Girl, girl."
"Ty and Dannel came on her two leagues south of Mole's Town. They were chasing down some wildlings who scampered off down the kingsroad. Brought them back as well, but then they come on the girl. She's highborn, m'lord, and she's been asking for you."
"How many with her?" He moved to his basin, splashed water on his face. Gods, but he was tired.
"None, m'lord. She come alone. Her horse was dying under her. All skin and ribs it was, lame and lathered. They cut it loose and took the girl for questioning."
A grey girl on a dying horse. Melisandre's fires had not lied, it would seem. But what had become of Mance Rayder and his spearwives? 
I would also like to know what became of Mance.
Alys arrived alone on a dying horse.
✅ "A girl in grey on a dying horse. Jon Snow's sister." 
"Where is the girl now?"
"Maester Aemon's chambers, m'lord." The men of Castle Black still called it that, though by now the old maester should be warm and safe in Oldtown. 
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"That's good." Jon felt fifteen years old again. Little sister. He rose and donned his cloak.
He's sixteen.
The snow was still falling as he crossed the yard with Mully. A golden dawn was breaking in the east, but behind Lady Melisandre's window in the King's Tower a reddish light still flickered. Does she never sleep? What game are you playing, priestess? Did you have some other task for Mance?
I would also like to know if there's some other task.
The best solution he could see would mean dispatching her to Eastwatch and asking Cotter Pyke to put her on a ship to someplace across the sea, beyond the reach of all these quarrelsome kings. It would need to wait until the ships returned from Hardhome, to be sure. She could return to Braavos with Tycho Nestoris. Perhaps the Iron Bank could help find some noble family to foster her. Braavos was the nearest of the Free Cities, though … which made it both the best and the worst choice. Lorath or the Port of Ibben might be safer. Wherever he might send her, though, Arya would need silver to support her, a roof above her head, someone to protect her. She was only a child.
Braavos sounds like a great place Arya Stark. Heh.
His hands are tied, but you still have to laugh at Jon planning to immediately ship her off somewhere else. I'm sure the Arya fans aren't bothered by that at all.
She was only a child.
Jon stepped over a puddle of damp clothing. "Snow, Snow, Snow," the ravens called down from above. The girl was curled up near the fire, wrapped in a black woolen cloak three times her size and fast asleep.
Black woolen cloak. No other clothing mentioned.
❌ I must find the girl again, the grey girl on the dying horse. 
She looked enough like Arya to give him pause, but only for a moment. A tall, skinny, coltish girl, all legs and elbows, her brown hair was woven in a thick braid and bound about with strips of leather. She had a long face, a pointy chin, small ears.
You mean like a horse? Are you suggesting your sister Arya has horse-like features?
Capital punishment.
"I am told you have been asking after me. I am—"
"—Jon Snow." The girl tossed her braid back. "My house and yours are bound in blood and honor. Hear me, kinsman. My uncle Cregan is hard upon my trail. You must not let him take me back to Karhold."
Asking after Jon.
✅ She was racing to him for protection, that much Melisandre had seen clearly.
Running from a marriage to Cregan.
✅ I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. 
Take her back to Karhold.
❌ "I saw water. Deep and blue and still, with a thin coat of ice just forming on it. It seemed to go on and on forever." "Long Lake. What else did you see around this girl?"
The only body of water Alys could have come near is The Last River. The Last River is not a lake, it's a river. There would not be still water with a thin coat of ice.
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For a moment the memory eluded him. Then it came. "Alys Karstark."
That brought the ghost of a smile to her lips. "I was not sure you would remember. I was six the last time you saw me."
"You came to Winterfell with your father." The father Robb beheaded. "I don't recall what for."
She blushed. "So I could meet your brother. Oh, there was some other pretext, but that was the real reason. I was almost of an age with Robb, and my father thought we might make a match. There was a feast. I danced with you and your brother both. He was very courteous and said that I danced beautifully. You were sullen. My father said that was to be expected in a bastard."
Still looking for the right dancing partner.
"You're still a little sullen," the girl said, "but I will forgive you that if you will save me from my uncle."
"Your uncle … would that be Lord Arnolf?"
"He is no lord," Alys said scornfully. "My brother Harry is the rightful lord, and by law I am his heir. A daughter comes before an uncle. Uncle Arnolf is only castellan. He's my great-uncle, actually, my father's uncle. Cregan is his son. I suppose that makes him a cousin, but we always called him uncle. Now they mean to make me call him husband." She made a fist. "Before the war I was betrothed to Daryn Hornwood. We were only waiting till I flowered to be wed, but the Kingslayer killed Daryn in the Whispering Wood. My father wrote that he would find some southron lord to wed me, but he never did. Your brother Robb cut off his head for killing Lannisters." Her mouth twisted. "I thought the whole reason they marched south was to kill some Lannisters."
"My uncle declared for Stannis, in hopes it might provoke the Lannisters to take poor Harry's head. Should my brother die, Karhold should pass to me, but my uncles want my birthright for their own. Once Cregan gets a child by me they won't need me anymore. He's buried two wives already." She rubbed away a tear angrily, the way Arya might have done it. "Will you help me?"
My oh my, look at all the things hiding in plain sight.
"Your uncle … would that be Lord Arnolf?" "He is no lord," Alys said scornfully. [...] Uncle Arnolf is only castellan.
"Lysa was murdered before the document could be presented for her signature, so I signed as Lord Protector. I knew that would have been her wish." - Sansa I, AFFC
He's my great-uncle, actually, my father's uncle. Cregan is his son. I suppose that makes him a cousin, but we always called him uncle. Now they mean to make me call him husband.
Running from a marriage to an uncle who isn't really her uncle?
"Wed?" Sansa was stunned. "You and my aunt?" - Sansa VI, ASOS
"Even here. In your heart. Can you do that? Can you be my daughter in your heart?" [...] "I am Alayne, Father. Who else would I be?" - Sansa I, AFFC
My brother Harry is the rightful lord
"Harry the Heir?" - Alayne II, AFFC
Before the war I was betrothed to Daryn Hornwood. We were only waiting till I flowered to be wed
If they do that … why, then we shall know that there is no taint in your blood, and when you come into the flower of your womanhood, you shall wed the king in the Great Sept of Baelor, before the eyes of gods and men. - Sansa IV, AGOT
My father wrote that he would find some southron lord to wed me, but he never did. Your brother Robb cut off his head for killing Lannisters.
When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. - Sansa III, AGOT
"But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!" - Arya V, AGOT
Should my brother die, Karhold should pass to me, but my uncles want my birthright for their own.
It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. - Sansa VI, ASOS
When Robert dies, Harry the Heir becomes Lord Harrold, Defender of the Vale and Lord of the Eyrie. Jon Arryn's bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon . . . and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden's cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back . . . why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa . . . Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That's worth another kiss now, don't you think? - Alayne II, AFFC
Once Cregan gets a child by me they won't need me anymore. He's buried two wives already.
"Only Cat." He gave her a short, sharp shove. - Sansa VII, ASOS
So many similarities between this girl not in grey and Sansa Stark. Must be a coincidence.
"Marriages and inheritance are matters for the king, my lady. I will write to Stannis on your behalf, but—"
Alys Karstark slipped her arm through Jon's. "How much longer, Lord Snow? If I'm to be buried beneath this snow, I'd like to die a woman wed." - Jon X, ADWD
"Arnolf is rushing to Winterfell, 'tis true, but only so he might put his dagger in your king's back. He cast his lot with Roose Bolton long ago … for gold, the promise of a pardon, and poor Harry's head. Lord Stannis is marching to a slaughter. So he cannot help me, and would not even if he could." Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. "You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father's name, I beg you. Protect me."
Why are you kneeling Alys? Is there a king around?
(Dagger for Stannis!)
Final thoughts:
That is no girl in grey, your honor.
We just went an entire chapter without Jon pissing off Bowen Marsh. I feel like celebrating.
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buttercuparry · 4 months
how do you think or what do you imagine as the best case scenario of the storylines of the Riverlands, the North and the wall as it pertains to certain groups intention to find Arya? Not that you have to unveil a fanfic for us or anything but if you like 😂 jk jk
Thank you @nymehrias for the ask from this.
In Riverlands, I think a lot of people have said that the most logical sense it makes for Arya's storyline is to come in contact with BwB, which LS is leading right now. It fulfills her direwolf being named Nymeria in part. Thoros says that BwB is not what it once was. Before, they still were trying to fell Lannister men, hold them accountable for the destruction of Riverlands. And not only that, I think they would have done the same to northern men too ( remember that mad hunter was warned not because he imprisoned Karstark men, but because they were stuffed in crow cages and left in the sun for days without water....so torture).
But they had other duties as well. Harwin when ordered by Arya says that he no longer has any pledge or any duty to any House. It ended with Lord Stark's death. That he now works with the rest of the brothers as an organization on ground helping the smallfolk during the war, because no matter who is it, be it the lion or the wolf, it is the smallfolks who end up paying the price. So helping bring in food and other resources, helping the orphans have a safe place, helping communities that have sprouted up in unlikely places to maintain their hideouts and lead the Lannister men away from those places. Under LS they are simply mercenaries hunting down Freys on her orders. Nothing else.
So I do think they fit extremely well with Arya's storyline who has been repeatedly told throughout the course of the series that it doesn't matter who is in power, ultimately when war breaks out and the lords play their game of thrones it is the smallfolks who suffer. She has suffered along with them too. So her taking back control of the order from LS, or rather LS willingly relinquishing the BWB to her seems to make sense. It remains to be seen whom amongst the brotherhood chooses to follow Arya and who refuses to do so.
The North: has Stannis and co camping in cold weather trying to reach Winterfell. They have already found "Arya" and has sent her to the Wall. I think the question becomes is now what? In the sense what does Stannis plan to do with ''Arya". Jon believes that he should send "Arya" to Braavos with Tycho because if she were to remain in Westeros, Stannis would seek to betroth her to his own men. Previously Stannis has tried to offer Winterfell to Jon- to maintain a control over North with Jon as his ally. Jon has rejected this offer, though he at this time does play Stannis's ally. But maybe Stannis wants a stronger hold? So of course why shouldn't he betroth "Arya" to one of his men just like the Lannisters did before him. It remains to be seen what happens when Manderly comes in with Rickon. And of course we have LF in Vale with Sansa and we have Bran with Howland Reed's children ( 👀👀 Starkbowl 2025?). As you can see I am not really sure what can happen in the North but a power tussle seems to have its seeds sowed already.
The Wall: oh who is at the Wall except for Jon? Who was waiting for Arya at the Wall except for Jon and all because he wanted her to come back home. We all know Jon would be resurrected. Melisande won't lose Jon Snow now that she is unsure of Stannis being the one who would lead them in fight of the Long Night. I think the question is, what happens next. Because Jon would realize that "Arya" was never Arya to begin with. The girl he thought he died for was never there and there is nothing holding him to the Wall anymore. His Watch ended with his death...so why not give in to his ambitions? And boy does Jon Snow have his ambitions ( STARKBOWL WHEN?????).
I don't believe that Jon would be cruel to Jeyne. He will send her to Braavos but I do think the fact that Jeyne is not Arya would be hushed up. Tycho would know perhaps. It would be fascinating to see what happens in Braavos then. The Iron Bank/the HoBaW/the sea lord are all connected. The whole political structure of Braavos is interconnected and they have an interest in what happens in Westeros. Smarter people than me have theorized that Arya was sent to Izembaro's to disrupt the Lannister envoy's purpose of visit, so that the Iron Bank may publicly refuse to deal with the Lannister's anymore. Would Braavos let go of Arya Stark so easily? The HoBaW has a Brother in Oldtown...they know the dragons have come back. Would Jeyne and Arya meet? Or would the news of Jon's death reach Arya first and she would have to make a deal with HoBaW to leave the order. ( I mean lol it is unlikely that she can fight her way out as she did on the show...and of course the order may let her go all the sane but it seems like they may have a vested interest in her.)
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The Queen’s Guard
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Chapter 8: The Iron Bank
Summary: Jorah and Myria visit the most powerful bank in the Known World.
The room was sterile, which was odd considering how ornate the outside of the building was. Jorah stood stoically beside Myria, who fidgeted in the nearly empty hall. She was used to grand rooms and lavish surroundings after spending a few winters in High Garden. But this…this reminded her more of how the court probably felt with Cersei Lannister as its Queen.
“Do not be afraid, for they will not listen if they sense weakness.”
Myria ignored him and huffed. Where were these bankers?
Finally, three gentlemen walked in and took seats at a long table at the head of the room. Jorah and Myria walked up and bowed their heads slightly. There were two stone benches on their side, clearly meant for guests, but neither took a seat.
“Welcome to the Iron Bank,” stated the man in the middle. “Please, sit.”
Myria knew her place as a bastard and waited until Jorah took a seat before moving herself.
“Funny; it is not often we see a disgraced knight travel with a cup bearer instead of a squire.”
It took all of Myria’s strength not to lash out at the men at the table. Jorah cleared his throat. 
“I was disgraced rightfully so. But my Queen has restored my title and made me part of her Small Council.”
This elicited a raised eyebrow from the man. “Queen Cersei has pardoned you?”
 “Our true Queen, Daenerys Targaryen.”
There was a pause at the table as the three men looked at each other. 
“Daenerys Targaryen…”
“Has returned to the Seven Kingdoms,” Myria interrupted. “And her armies will be attacking King’s Landing.”
“Bold for a cupbearer to speak in this meeting.”
Myria narrowed her eyes. “I am no one’s cupbearer. I am Lady Olenna’s personal guard and the Master of War on Queen Daenerys’ council. Now, we know the Crown owes the Iron Banks exuberant amounts of gold. We are here to pay that debt in exchange for support.”
Whatever response the three men had for Myria, died on their tongues the moment she mentioned gold. The seconds slipped into minutes, but Myria just stared the men down. And now it was Jorah’s turn to fidget. 
Finally, the man in the middle responded. “Are you suggesting your Queen can repay the Crown’s debt?”
“We didn’t travel all the way to Braavos to join a mummer’s troop.”
The man smiled at this. “And the gold is…”
“Ready to be brought in on my command.”
Another beat of silence.
“Forgive me, I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Tycho Nestoris. May we offer you something to drink?”
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Myria stood outside the Iron Bank as she watched the Ironborn carry the chests of gold from the carts into the vast building. Yara broke off from her men and came over.
Although it was just a singular word, Myria could tell Yara had framed it as a question.
Yara smirked. “I had wondered since the moment I laid eyes on you. One of Robert’s bastards actually survived the purging of King’s Landing.”
Myria sighed deeply. “I wasn’t in King’s Landing when the purge happened. Nor was that the first purge to have happened. Just…the one in the public eye.”
Yara raised an eyebrow at this. “There were others?”
“When Queen Cersei first married Robert…there was a smaller purge. Not right away, but a few months after the royal wedding. I was only a child at the time. And the only one of my mother’s children with black hair.”
“How did you survive?”
Myria hesitated. “I’d rather not get into that story at this time, my Lady.”
Before Yara could protest, her men came up with the last chest.
“This is the last of the gold owed to the Iron Bank.”
Myria nodded her head. “Good. Whatever gold is left we will need. Buy as much food as you can that will travel well. When our Queen attacked the Lannister men, some food from the Reach was destroyed. We need to be able to feed the realm when winter arrives. Leave some gold behind in case we need it for the war.”
Yara gestured her head. “You heard her!”
“Yes, my Lady!”
After they were gone, Yara turned back to Myria. “Once they are done, we will be looking for a pleasure house to enjoy before we make the long trip back to the war. Care to join us?”
Myria gave a small smile. “Thank you, but I’m afraid that I would not be fun in a place like that. I’m going to find something to eat and then spend the night on one of the ships.”
“Suit yourself,” Yara looked up as Jorah came out of the bank. “Perhaps the old knight will keep you company.”
Myria resisted the urge to sigh. “He is a man, no doubt he will join your crew.”
Yara just smirked as she left after her men. Myria finally rolled her eyes and headed down the stairs, in the other direction.
“You are not joining them?” Jorah asked as he jogged down the stairs.
“While the Ironborn are certainly interesting to converse with, they are off to a pleasure house after they secure food for the realm. That is not really my idea of entertainment.”
Jorah caught up with the former sellsword and fell instep. “Then what is your idea of entertainment?”
Myria tried her best not to look over at the knight. “I don’t really have any. Most of my life…well, I never stayed in one place long. Until I met Lady Olenna and she offered me a place in her home. Margaery was teaching me to read when I first joined their household and I did love reading poetry. Perhaps once the war is over there will be other books I can try to read.”
“I’m afraid I do not have any books in my cabin, but I do know of a tavern a ways from the dock if you would like to join me. If I remember correctly, minstrels visit often in hopes of being paid in coin or free ale.”
Now Myria tried her best not to smile. “To hear a minstrel would be a nice treat before the war. They often visited High Garden.”
Jorah smiled. “Allow me to lead the way, then.”
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The tavern was loud and there was indeed a minstrel playing a lute with his cap on the floor by the hearth. Jorah tossed a coin into the cap as he lead the way to the barkeep. He grabbed two pints of ale and took Myria to a table nearby. 
A tavern maid brought meat pies to the table and Myria said a quiet thank you before eating. 
The pair ate quietly, only occasionally commenting on the food or the music. But as they ate, the good food and the ale made Myria relax for the first time since meeting the Dragon Queen. Jorah smiled more and Myria noticed how nice he looked when he did and how often he rarely smiled unless he was around the Queen.
The more the ale flowed, the more relaxed Jorah and Myria got. Until the pair were telling stories about their respective travels and laughing at all the foolishness they did when they were younger. 
Then Jorah told Myria the story of how Daenerys hatched her eggs and Myria could see right then and there why he was so devoted to the queen. Had she witnessed that herself, the former sellsword would easily follow Daenerys to the ends of the Known World. 
But then the moment came for Jorah to ask how Myria came into Olenna’s service and she clammed up.
“I- I am not ready to tell that story just yet.”
Jorah instantly noticed the change in Myria’s demeanor and nodded his head. “Of course. My apologies for crossing any lines.”
“No apologies needed, good ser.”
“Shall we head back to the ships?”
Myria nodded her head and followed him outside. And as the pair walked back towards the dock, she could tell that her answer had ruined some of the levity the night had brought. But she also noticed that Jorah was walking closer to her than he had before. If only she could allow herself to open up to him.
Chapter 9
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Forgive me for my foggy memories but istg didn’t cersei refused to pay the iron bank? the iron bank in the books are known to support whoever is up against the ones who don’t pay their debts? no pun intended. do you think because of this the bank will instead support aegon vi?
Cersei does indeed stop paying the Iron Bank, and one of the consequences is that they come knocking on Stannis' door, with a pitstop at the Wall, where Jon hammers out a deal for a loan to buy food.
As per the released TWOW sample chapters, Cersei's master of coin is in Braavos, doubtlessly to repair relations with the Iron Bank for a new loan, while envoy Tycho Nestoris has reached Stannis, who promises to honor the debts incurred by the Iron Throne - in return for his own loan to hire sellswords in Essos.
I would not be surprised if they chose to approach Aegon for the same purpose once he becomes a credible contender for the throne.
That's a whole lot of Westerosi debts owed to the Iron Bank. I wonder what happens if the associated institutions (Night's Watch and Iron Throne) cease to exist.
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the-death-wing · 5 years
Cersei: I impulsively declare war when I'm sad
Tycho Nestoris: but you're always at war
Cersei: *finger guns*
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lj-todd · 5 years
Queen Daenerys and her Council receive an update that their trusted ally and representative is doing very well with the Iron Bank. Her spy further reports that the King in the North spends nearly every day in the company of prominent banker Tycho Nestoris. Every day - and every night. Cue reactions.
Daenerys had accepted the letter from Tyrion expecting to find that Jon had completed his task and was returning to Winterfell.She had not been expecting to discover that, while Jon was indeed returning to his kingdom, he was not returning alone. It seemed Tycho Nestoris, the most renowned of Bravos’ bankers, was to travel with the King in the North. It also seemed that Tycho had given up his position at the bank and that, apparently, he and Jon had developed a relationship.A very serious one if Arya’s letter was to be believed.“It seems Jon has found himself another admirer,” she mused with a smile, leaning back in her chair.“His pack does seem to grow everywhere he goes,” Tyrion agreed, swirling the wine in his cup. “Though I must admit my surprise at he and Nestoris. According to Princess Arya they spend nearly every day and night together.” He shook his head. “It’s a little unnatural, if you ask me, even newly married couples can’t stand to be around one another that much.”Daenerys arched an eyebrow.“And you’re the expert on married couples are you?”Tyrion shrugged.“Sansa and I barely spent any time together.”Daenerys laughed and shook her head.“A poor example,” the young Queen reminded. “You and Princess Sansa were hardly a typical married couple.”Tyrion hummed thoughtfully.“Perhaps you’re right, Your Grace.” He shrugged again. “And who am I to judge? At least Jon seems to be happy. He must be if he agreed to Nestoris accompanying him back to Winterfell.”The dwarf went silent for a moment before a grin, broad and amused, graced his face making Daenerys frown.“What?”He chuckled to himself.“Oh, I’m just picturing the look on Sansa’s face when Jon returns home with a foreign lover old enough to be their father. I’m sure it would be worth the month’s journey to see it in person.”Daenerys couldn’t help but laugh in agreement.
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emmyliaclarke · 7 years
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characters mentioning daenerys in season 7 (requested)
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queenaryastark · 2 years
Arya Ruined Cersei’s Attempt at Restoring the Iron Throne’s Finances and Relationship With the Iron Bank
So, in the novels, Arya is in Braavos, the city where the Iron Bank, the most powerful bank on Planetos, resides. This bank is so powerful that it can seat and unseat lords and monarchs who don’t repay their debts.
Thus was born the Iron Bank of Braavos, whose renown (or infamy, to hear some tell it) now extends to every corner of the known world. Kings, princes, archons, triarchs, and merchants beyond count travel from the ends of the earth to seek loans from the heavily guarded vaults of the Iron Bank.
The Iron Bank will have its due, it is said. Those who borrow from the Braavosi and fail to repay their debts oft have cause to rue such folly, for the Bank has been known to topple lords and princes and has also been rumored to send assassins against those it cannot remove (though this has never been conclusively proved). -- TWOIAF
At this point in the story, Cersei has decided to stop making payments on the debt the Iron Throne owes to the Iron Bank. This has resulted in the bank calling in full repayment on loans from those living in Westeros and declining new loans, essentially squeezing those who live under Cersei’s rule. More than that, they also sent an emissary to negotiate financial support for Stannis’ campaign for the Iron Throne.
Tycho Nestoris had impressed him as cultured and courteous, but the Iron Bank of Braavos had a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. Each of the Nine Free Cities had its bank, and some had more than one, fighting over every coin like dogs over a bone, but the Iron Bank was richer and more powerful than all the rest combined. When princes defaulted on their debts to lesser banks, ruined bankers sold their wives and children into slavery and opened their own veins. When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones. As poor plump Tommen may be about to learn. No doubt the Lannisters had good reason for refusing to honor King Robert's debts, but it was folly all the same. If Stannis was not too stiff-necked to accept their terms, the Braavosi would give him all the gold and silver he required, coin enough to buy a dozen sellsword companies, to bribe a hundred lords, to keep his men paid, fed, clothed, and armed. Unless Stannis is lying dead beneath the walls of Winterfell, he may just have won the Iron Throne. -- Jon IX, ADWD
The Iron Bank has opened its coffers to me. You will collect their coin and hire ships and sellswords. A company of good repute, if you can find one. The Golden Company would be my first choice, if they are not already under contract. Seek for them in the Disputed Lands, if need be. But first hire as many swords as you can find in Braavos, and send them to me by way of Eastwatch. -- Theon I, TWOW
Based on Arya’s sample chapter from TWOW, Cersei has regained control of the Iron Throne and follows through with Kevan’s plan to send Harys Swyft to Braavos to restore their relationship with the Iron Bank and bring back more gold. While there, he takes in a play at The Gate, the playhouse Arya is working for her latest apprenticeship. While she knows nothing about what’s going on with the political and financial struggle between two of the claimants to the throne, she does know that one of the guards sent with Swyft, Raff the Sweetling, is on her list for committing the crimes of rape and murder. To get him alone so she can execute him, Arya listens in on his conversation with another guard and hears that Raff wants to be a lord:
“Well, maybe I’ll follow him after the mummery. Find out for myself.” The guardsman put a hand on the hilt of his sword. “If I’m right, I’ll be a ma lord, and if I’m wrong, well, bleed it, it’s just some dwarf.” -- Arya I, TWOW
So when she approaches him, she pretends that she is there specifically for the “lords”:
“You are lords of Westeros, my friend said.”
The old one laughed. “Lords? Aye, that’s us.”
Mercy looked down at her feet, so shy. “Izembaro said to please the lords,” she whispered. “If there is anything you want, anything at all… “ -- Arya I, TWOW
Raff falls straight into this and pretends he’s a lord:
“I’m Lord Rafford, sweetling, and I know just what I want. Hike up those skirts now, and lean back against that wall.” -- Arya I, TWOW
Arya leads him away from his co-worker and executes him. While we don’t know the specific details of how this will play out yet, even Arya knows there will be repercussions. 
“Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,” she sang sadly. A foolish, giddy girl she’d been, but good hearted. She would miss her, and she would miss Daena and the Snapper and the rest, even Izembaro and Bobono. This would make trouble for the Sealord and the envoy with the chicken on his chest, she did not doubt.  -- Arya I, TWOW
The significance of Arya claiming she was sent for the “lords of Westeros” will come into play when Raff’s co-worker explains what happened and Harys Swyft comes to the conclusion that the assassin was sent for him. Swyft is only a knight, but he is the highest ranking person in their group. It’s likely he will think that the Braavosi don’t know the difference between the two ranks and were out to kill him as the envoy of the Iron Throne. This will likely end all negotiations between the Sealord/the Iron Bank and the current set of Lannister envoys. 
So as a result of Arya’s execution of Raff, Harys will return without the gold Cersei sent him for and the Iron Bank will continue supporting Stannis or any other claimant over Cersei’s children.
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nonameinanytongue · 7 years
Review, Game of Thrones 7.4: The Spoils of War
“I didn’t expect it to smell like that.”
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I haven’t come that close to a panic attack during a TV show since Breaking Bad staged a train heist in its nerve-wracking (the lukewarm ending aside) final season. As a genre, horror aims to elicit a physical response from its viewers, and few sights can compete for raw, appalling disgust with the charnel house Drogon and the Dothraki make of the banks of the Blackwater Rush. Add to that the tension of watching virtually half the cast placed in mortal danger and the mouth-drying suspense of seeing Drogon, a creature as achingly beautiful as he is hellish, a living icon of the majesty and cruelty of fantasy that is the show’s beating heart, in the sights of one of Qyburn’s scorpions and the episode’s climactic battle sequence is a physical and emotional ordeal.
Just before hell breaks loose, Bronn and Jaime speak to Dickon Tarly, Sam’s dashing hunk of a brother, about his take on the storming of Highgarden, his first ever battle. Dickon at first pretends to have found it stirring and glorious, but after some prompting his face falls, confusion creeping into his voice as he admits the smell of spilt bowels unsettled him. There’s no glory to be found on the battlefield. There’s no virtue in conquering your enemies. The ruin Drogon unleashes on the Lannister army is a visceral nightmare, a wasteland of boiling smoke, flying cinders, and men transformed into screaming, flailing torches. For all Missandei’s talk of a queen the people chose, Daenerys is as much a butcher as any of her enemies.
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The battle sequence is a work of dreadful art. From the ululating charge of the Dothraki, to the panicked screams of two horses stuck in the traces of a burning wagon, to Tyrion’s helpless terror and frustration as he watches his brother charge Daenerys as she tends to the wounded Drogon, the camera places us squarely in the quaking boots of the battle’s participants and observers. Bronn’s flight from a particularly persistent Dothraki screamer, a scene that reads like a flame-wreathed remix of Jon’s immersion in the mud-spattered chaos of the Battle of the Bastards, stands out as a brilliant example of the show’s ability to spin stories in which no possible conflict could leave us feeling good. There’s a thrill, of course, to seeing Drogon loosed on the world, but does anyone really want to see Jaime and Bronn run down or incinerated? In letting us live for so long with each of these characters, in taking such care to let our empathy for them grow, Game of Thrones helps us understand the truth of war as the death of love. No joy can come of it.
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No less moving is Daenerys’s first scene. Her journey with Jon into the obsidian mines under Dragonstone is like something out of Fellowship of the Ring’s Moria sequence as Jon reveals by firelight not just the dizzying galleries of stone hidden away under the earth but an ancient chamber decorated with the carvings of the Children of the Forest. His tale of the alliance between the First Men and the Children against the White Walkers is poignant, but behind it hovers the ugly truth that to the Children, the First Men were the same apocalypse the Walkers and their army now represent to Westeros. Even the blood-soaked weight of history, though, can’t stop the chemistry blooming between Harington and Clarke as the slow thaw of last episode’s first impressions gives way to a frisson of lip-biting sexual tension. The lighting, the paradoxical intimacy of the cathedral-vaulted cavern, the wonder Daenerys feels at knowing they stand where the Children once did; it all imbues the scene with a deep, gorgeous heat.
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In another season Arya’s return to Winterfell, her thrilling practice duel with Brienne, and her reunion with her siblings would have been an episode’s centerpiece. Here it’s part of a mosaic of wonder, sorrow, and human connection leading into the literally searing climax. It’s a treat to watch the two women square off, Brienne a juggernaut of destruction, Arya a reed in the wind. To Sansa, though, there’s more than a little melancholy in the sight of a sister transformed into a weapon by her experiences during their time apart. The three Starks in Winterfell have been reforged by life’s cruelty, broken down and reassembled as people who in essential ways no longer recognize each other. Sansa a canny and paranoid manipulator, Arya a dyed-in-the-wool killer, Bran no longer even truly Bran. His empty, emotionless farewell to Meera Reed, his tireless companion and a woman for whom he once harbored an embarrassed, boyish affection, is one of the episode’s saddest notes.
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Arya should never have had to learn to kill. Bran should never have been forced to break his own mind on the altar of destiny. Sansa may have been groomed for command by her captors, but at what cost to her soul? In their power, as in the furnace hearts of Dany’s dragons, is a reminder of the essential ugliness of the world in which they live and a warning not to let the horrors of the battlefield become our heart’s desire. The spoils of war aren’t glory or freedom; they’re fire and blood.
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What's interesting about Jon and Arya's relationship isn't just they are each other's favourite sibling - they are one another's favourite person. This is why Jon thinks of her with just about everyone, has a specific type that she is a reference to (as was confirmed by George):
It's a reference to a certain physical type, and a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable.
Jon, also, misses her more than Robb, his best friend and constant companion:
He missed his true brothers: little Rickon, bright eyes shining as he begged for a sweet; Robb, his rival and best friend and constant companion; Bran, stubborn and curious, always wanting to follow and join in whatever Jon and Robb were doing. He missed the girls too, even Sansa, who never called him anything but "my half brother" since she was old enough to understand what bastard meant. And Arya…he missed her even more than Robb, skinny little thing that she was, all scraped knees and tangled hair and torn clothes, so fierce and willful. Arya never seemed to fit, no more than he had…yet she could always make Jon smile. He would give anything to be with her now, to muss up her hair once more and watch her make a face, to hear her finish a sentence with him. (Jon III, AGoT)
It hits me how Jon's thoughts about Arya alone take up half of the passage!
Jon, on the way to Castle Black:
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. (Jon II, AGoT)
Arya does the same thing, being reminded of Jon in other people:
"NO!" Arya and Gendry both said, at the exact same instant. Hot Pie quailed a little. Arya gave Gendry a sideways look. He said it with me, like Jon used to do, back in Winterfell. She missed Jon Snow the most of all her brothers. (Arya I, ASoS)
And with the Ghost of High Heart:
Ned, Gendry, and many of the others were fast asleep when Arya spied the small pale shape creeping behind the horses, thin white hair flying wild as she leaned upon a gnarled cane. The woman could not have been more than three feet tall. The firelight made her eyes gleam as red as the eyes of Jon's wolf. He was a ghost too. Arya stole closer, and knelt to watch. (Arya VIII, ASoS)
Despite not interacting since the very beginning of AGoT, the two of them have interconnected narratives, to boot. Arya interacting with Yoren, being dressed up as a boy to join the Night's Watch, her desperation to get to Jon and desire to go to the Wall to be with him is mentioned repeatedly throughout the whole of the series.
This is just one example:
But that was stupid. Her home was gone, her parents dead, and all her brothers slain but Jon Snow on the Wall. That was where she had wanted to go. She told the captain as much, but even the iron coin did not sway him. Arya never seemed to find the places she set out to reach. (Arya I, AFfC)
Despite Arya being a continent away from Jon, George still has her interact with members of the Night's Watch (with Dareon, and defending Sam). And for Jon, George has him settling on a loan with Tycho Nestoris of the Iron Bank, which is connected to the Faceless Men. Arya already has a hand in the Iron Bank's politics - in the form of her ruining their negotiations with the Lannisters in the Mercy chapter.
She is so steadfast in Jon's love for her that she thinks:
"I know where we could go," Arya said. She still had one brother left. Jon will want me, even if no one else does. He'll call me "little sister" and muss my hair. It was a long way, though, and she didn't think she could get there by herself. She hadn't even been able to reach Riverrun. "We could go to the Wall." (Arya XII, ASoS)
He is among those she imagines walking alongside her to quell her fear:
Alone, she slid through the shadow of the Tower of Ghosts. She walked fast, to keep ahead of her fear, and it felt as though Syrio Forel walked beside her, and Yoren, and Jaqen H'ghar, and Jon Snow. (Arya X, ACoK)
How far are you willing to go to prove your love?
They both have relatively shaky vows to their respective institutions because of one another. Arya stows away Needle, a representation of her family but also specifically referred to as Jon Snow's smile in the HoBaW. She will give up every other thing but that. And because of this anchor - which includes Nymeria and her wolf dreams, but especially Needle and, by association, Jon - is what prevents her from becoming No One completely.
The marriage letter Ramsay sends to Jon is what well and truly tests Jon's vows - and it's what caused the intense anguish that culminates in his death in ADwD.
Jon loves her so dearly that she is his heart:
"The heart is all that matters. Do not despair, Lord Snow. Despair is a weapon of the enemy, whose name may not be spoken. Your sister is not lost to you."
"I have no sister." The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister?
Melisandre seemed amused. "What is her name, this little sister that you do not have?"
"Arya." His voice was hoarse. "My half-sister, truly..." (Jon VI, ADwD)
And that Winterfell, where she supposedly "is," is not her home, her true home is with him:
Bring her home, Mance. I saved your son from Melisandre, and now I am about to save four thousand of your free folk. You owe me this one little girl. (Jon XI, ADwD)
Arya feels a huge amount of shame when Needle is taken from her:
They talked over her as she lay hurting, but Arya could not seem to understand the words. Her ears rang. When she tried to crawl off, the earth moved beneath her. They took Needle. The shame of that hurt worse than the pain, and the pain hurt a lot. Jon had given her that sword. Syrio had taught her to use it. (Arya V, ACoK)
And she gets particularly upset when accused of having stolen Needle:
"I did not!" she shouted. Jon Snow had given her Needle. Maybe she had to let them call her Lumpyhead, but she wasn't going to let them call Jon a thief. (Arya I, ACoK)
Call me whatever you want, just don't call Jon a thief.
There is a bit of irony in this, since Jon is accused by Ramsay in ADwD of sending Mance south in order to steal Arya.
Your false king's friends are dead. Their heads upon the walls of Winterfell. Come see them, bastard. Your false king lied, and so did you. You told the world you burned the King-Beyond-the-Wall. Instead you sent him to Winterfell to steal my bride from me. (Jon XIII, ADwD)
She has a very deep-rooted sense of justice and loyalty, but she wouldn't even tell her own father - who she loved enough to bypass snakes and lizard-lions and pools of quicksand to retrieve some flowers for, mind you - who gifted her the sword.
Lord Eddard Stark sighed. "My nine-year-old daughter is being armed from my own forge, and I know nothing of it. The Hand of the King is expected to rule the Seven Kingdoms, yet it seems I cannot even rule my own household. How is it that you come to own a sword, Arya? Where did you get this?"
Arya chewed her lip and said nothing. She would not betray Jon, not even to their father. (Arya II, AGoT)
George is heavy-handed in the way he includes how much they miss + love each other, and what they mean for - and to - one another. George wrote them as inseparable, as true soulmates, as people who would break any vows to be with one another again, and that's the most beautiful aspect of the series there is.
Home is a person to Jon and Arya and it's one another. They are each other's safe havens and hearts and homes.
He would give anything to be with her now, to muss up her hair once more and watch her make a face, to hear her finish a sentence with him.
And he did. He gave his life. And the very first lesson he gave to her was the one that he thought of.
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger's hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. "Ghost," he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold… (Jon XIII, ADwD)
That makes me think of this:
He is a man of the Night's Watch, she thought, as he sang about some stupid lady throwing herself off some stupid tower because her stupid prince was dead. The lady should go kill the ones who killed her prince. (Cat of the Canals, AFfC)
Because of the proximity of the Wall to Braavos, Arya does hear about him:
But they were all dead now, even Arya, everyone but her half-brother, Jon. Some nights she heard talk of him, in the taverns and brothels of the Ragman's Harbor. The Black Bastard of the Wall, one man had called him. Even Jon would never know Blind Beth, I bet. That made her sad. (The Blind Girl, ADwD)
Undoubtedly she will hear of his death. And she will break her vows to go to him. And she'll finally go to the place she had struggled to reach before.
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kingsmakers · 2 years
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The Children of Demelza Dayne + Dance of the Dragons
Elyana Sand (b. 113AC) was the eldest of the Dornish Diamonds and was renowned for her beauty and intellect. Elyana’s talent for the fiddle was matched by her prowess in combat, most notably with a flail. Though pursued by Aegon II Targaryen in her teenage years, Elyana eventually became the lover of his younger brother, Aemond. Known as the Sword of the Evening, a dark nod to her uncle’s title and a jape at her wicked deeds. Elyana was perhaps the most cruel of her siblings, and certainly the most protective.
Rhyanon Waters (b. 116AC) was almost certainly of Targaryen blood. Suspecting her heritage young, Rhyanon was a ferocious and determined girl, though an unlikely seamstress as well. It was oft claimed by those closest to her that Rhyanon dreamed of having a dragon. Through correspondence with Daemon Targaryen, Rhyanon was invited to Dragonstone, ostensibly to claim a dragon. She never made the journey, meeting her untimely demise at Aemond Targaryen’s hands during the False Wedding.
Ceridwen Rivers (b. 118AC) was more quiet and subdued than her two older half-sisters, preferring not to spar in the training yard and spending her time creating jewellery. However Ceridwen was quite proficient in poisons, and was even rumoured to have been responsible for Aegon II’s fate. Following Rhyanon’s death, Ceridwen ventured to Dragonstone, where she claimed Grey Ghost and became known as the Red Rider due to the colour of her armour. Grey Ghost was killed in combat with Vhagar during the Battle of the Trident, though Ceridwen survived the encounter.
Tycho Lannister (b. 122AC) was Demelza’s first trueborn child, the legitimate heir of Jason Lannister. Fun-loving and boisterous, Tycho was immensely fond of his siblings and would not hear a bad word about the Dornish Diamonds. He was not yet of age when his father passed and he became Lord of Casterly Rock. Aided by his family, Tycho repelled the Greyjoy coastal raids for years until Dalton Greyjoy’s death.
Selina Lannister (b. 125AC), Dommiel Lannister (b.129AC) and Merryk Martell (b. 136AC) were the youngest of Demelza’s children. All under the age of ten when the Dance began, they therefore had no noteworthy accomplishments.
Forever tag: @joaquinwhorres @jvstjewels @starcrossedjedis @akabluekat @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @asirensrage @noratilney @bravelittleflower @villain-connoisseur @alicent-hightcwer @booty-boggins @sentineljedi @decennia @hiddenqveendom @bisexualterror @arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic @cantfighthemoonknight @raith-way @drbobbimorse @dio-nysvs @m1ke-wheeler
Demelza tag: @kitkat-writes-stuff
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Davos II (Chapter 15)
White Harbor's walls of whitewashed stone rose before them, on the eastern shore where the White Knife plunged into the firth. Some of the city's defenses had been strengthened since the last time Davos had been here, half a dozen years before. The jetty that divided the inner and outer harbors had been fortified with a long stone wall, thirty feet tall and almost a mile long, with towers every hundred yards. There was smoke rising from Seal Rock as well, where once there had been only ruins. That could be good or bad, depending on what side Lord Wyman chooses.
Davos could see scorpions and spitfires behind the standing stones, and crossbowmen peering between them. It must be cold up there, and wet.
Mr. Manderly, why have the city's defenses been strengthened?
A wiser man would see a caution in that. If I had a thimble full of sense, I would have gone with Salla. He could have made his way back south, to Marya and their sons. I have lost four sons in the king's service, and my fifth serves as his squire. I should have the right to cherish the two boys who still remain. It has been too long since I saw them.
Every time you start to enjoy Davos he reminds you why he's so frustrating.
It was the seagoing vessels that interested him most, however; a pair of carracks as drab and tattered as the Merry Midwife, the trading galley Storm Dancer, the cogs Brave Magister and Horn of Plenty, a galleas from Braavos marked by her purple hull and sails …
… and there beyond, the warship. [Lionstar]
All of the attention is on that Lannister warship, but many people believe those other ships are escorting Tycho Nestoris (representative of the Iron Bank).
Maybe? I didn't spend any time looking into it. Tycho Nestoris meeting with Manderly is definitely fun tinfoil.
The Braavosi halted. "No lord I. Only a simple servant of the Iron Bank of Braavos."
"Cotter Pyke informs me that you came to Eastwatch with three ships. A galleas, a galley, and a cog." - Jon IX, ADWD
"Are people living in the Old Mint?" he asked the apple seller.
"Them as have no other place to live. Smallfolk from up the White Knife, most o' them. Hornwood's people too. With that Bastard o' Bolton running loose, they all want to be inside the walls. I don't know what his lordship means to do with all o' them. Most turned up with no more'n the rags on their backs."
Davos felt a pang of guilt. They came here for refuge, to a city untouched by the fighting, and here I turn up to drag them back into the war. He took a bite of the apple and felt guilty about that as well. "How do they eat?"
The apple seller shrugged. "Some beg. Some steal. Lots o' young girls taking up the trade, the way girls always do when it's all they got to sell. Any boy stands five feet tall can find a place in his lordship's barracks, long as he can hold a spear."
He's raising men, then. That might be good … or bad, depending.
Mr. Manderly, why are you raising men?
We spend so much time in the riverlands, I kind of forgot the ironborn have ravaged the north. Happy to see House Manderly taking in refugees. He's earned a meat pie pardon.
Davos was a simple man, raised up by chance and war and Stannis. He did not understand why the gods would take four lads as young and strong as his sons, yet spare their weary father. Some nights he thought he had been left to rescue Edric Storm … but by now King Robert's bastard boy was safe in the Stepstones, yet Davos still remained. Do the gods have some other task for me? he wondered. If so, White Harbor may be some part of it. He tried the wine, then poured half his cup onto the floor beside his foot.
Isn't Edric in Lys? The Stepstones are hardly safe, Davos.
Once again we're reminded that Davos might have a greater purpose in this story. I believe it, but I couldn't tell you what it is (Bran).
"You do not believe me. You doubt the truth of R'hllor even now . . . yet have served him all the same, and will serve him again. I shall leave you here to think on all that I have told you. And because R'hllor is the source of all good, I shall leave the torch as well."
And what did she mean when she said that I had served her god and would serve him again? He did not like that either. - Davos III, ASOS
I doubt it's in service to R'hllor (Bran, it's Bran).
Other tidings were of greater interest. Robett Glover was in the city and had been trying to raise men, with little success. Lord Manderly had turned a deaf ear to his pleas. White Harbor was weary of war, he was reported to have said. That was bad. The Ryswells and the Dustins had surprised the ironmen on the Fever River and put their longships to the torch. That was worse. And now the Bastard of Bolton was riding south with Hother Umber to join them for an attack on Moat Cailin. "The Whoresbane his own self," claimed a riverman who'd just brought a load of hides and timber down the White Knife, "with three hundred spearmen and a hundred archers. Some Hornwood men have joined them, and Cerwyns too." That was worst of all.
Let's keep track of these northern lords.
Robett Glover, previously captured at Duskendale, has returned after a prisoner exchange, and is trying to raise men. House Glover is Team Stark.
The Ryswells are first to declare for House Bolton, and have strong marriage ties to their new overlords. In my opinion, House Ryswell is Team Bolton.
Queen in the North Barbrey Dustin of House Dustin is a wildcard.
Hother Umber has joined Ramsay for an attack on Moat Cailin. Looks bad, but there's already hints House Umber is Team Stark.
That leaves Hornwood and Cerwyn. I don't remember anything about those houses. Aren't Hornwood men now Bolton men?
No one spoke of King Stannis. No one even seemed to know that His Grace had come north to help defend the Wall. 
He had known that Lord Wyman had two sons, but he'd thought that both of them were dead. If the Iron Throne has a hostage … Davos had fathered seven sons himself, and lost four on the Blackwater. He knew he would do whatever gods or men required of him to protect the other three. 
And yet here you are.
Remind me again who squires for your doomed king?
Steffon and Stannis were thousands of leagues from the fighting and safe from harm, but Devan was at Castle Black, a squire to the king. The king whose cause may rise or fall with White Harbor.
Oh right, it's Devan. Pray for Devan.
"The Beggar King's been dead for years. Some Dothraki horselord cut his head off."
"So they tell us," said the old fellow. "Might be they're lying, though. He died half a world away, if he died at all. Who's to say? If a king wanted me dead, might be I'd oblige him and pretend to be a corpse. None of us has ever seen his body."
That's the kind of thing that sends a fandom into a frenzy.
The old fellow made a face. "Prince Viserys weren't the only dragon, were he? Are we sure they killed Prince Rhaegar's son? A babe, he was."
Clues! Hints!
<- Tyrion IV
And why not? Tyrion grinned. Gods and wonders always appear, to attend the birth of kings.
"Wasn't there some princess too?" asked a whore. She was the same one who'd said the meat was grey.
"Two," said the old fellow. "One was Rhaegar's daughter, t'other was his sister."
"Daena," said the riverman. "That was the sister. Daena of Dragonstone. Or was it Daera?"
Try and stop me from calling her Daera.
The men and women of Westeros are calling out for a saviour, they just can't remember the saviour's name.
"Daena was old King Baelor's wife," said the oarsman. "I rowed on a ship named for her once. The Princess Daena."
"If she was a king's wife, she'd be a queen."
"Baelor never had a queen. He was holy."
"Don't mean he never wed his sister," said the whore. "He just never bedded her, is all. When they made him king, he locked her up in a tower. His other sisters too. There was three."
Not all Targaryens are built the same.
"Daenela," the proprietor said loudly. "That was her name. The Mad King's daughter, I mean, not Baelor's bloody wife."
Try and stop me from calling her Daenela.
Lol, the Mad King's daughter. I hope she hired a PR firm.
"Daenerys," Davos said. "She was named for the Daenerys who wed the Prince of Dorne during the reign of Daeron the Second. I don't know what became of her."
Oh, that's so cold. He's leading you to believe Quentyn will be successful.
Laughter swept the cellar. Davos did not join in. He knew what had befallen the Sloe-Eyed Maid. The gods were cruel to let a man sail across half the world, then send him chasing a false light when he was almost home. 
Kind of sounds like your life.
That captain was a bolder man than me, he thought, as he made his way to the door. One voyage to the east, and a man could live as rich as a lord until the end of his days. When he'd been younger, Davos had dreamed of making such voyages himself, but the years went dancing by like moths around a flame, and somehow the time had never been quite right. One day, he told himself. One day when the war is done and King Stannis sits the Iron Throne and has no more need of onion knights. I'll take Devan with me. Steff and Stanny too if they're old enough. We'll see these dragons and all the wonders of the world.
Be careful what you wish for.
We can ignore the King Stannis bit, but maybe he gets his happy ending?
Queen Selyse had feasted Salla and his captains, the night before the fleet had set sail. Cotter Pyke had joined them, and four other high officers of the Night's Watch. Princess Shireen had been allowed to attend as well. As the salmon was being served, Ser Axell Florent had entertained the table with the tale of a Targaryen princeling who kept an ape as a pet. This prince liked to dress the creature in his dead son's clothes and pretend he was a child, Ser Axell claimed, and from time to time he would propose marriages for him. The lords so honored always declined politely, but of course they did decline. "Even dressed in silk and velvet, an ape remains an ape," Ser Axell said. "A wiser prince would have known that you cannot send an ape to do a man's work." The queen's men laughed, and several grinned at Davos. I am no ape, he'd thought. I am as much a lord as you, and a better man. But the memory still stung.
I noticed a lot of people think this is fAegon evidence. That's a bit of a stretch. If it's about anyone other than Davos, I'd say Tyrion.
When he reached the top, he turned to look behind him. From here he could see down into the harbors. Both of them. Behind the jetty wall, the inner harbor was crowded with war galleys. Davos counted twenty-three. Lord Wyman was a fat man, but not an idle one, it seemed.
The gates of the New Castle had been closed, but a postern opened when he shouted, and a guard emerged to ask his business. Davos showed him the black and gold ribbon that bore the royal seals. "I need to see Lord Manderly at once," he said. "My business is with him, and him alone."
Mr. Manderly, why have you built twenty-three war galleys?
I don't know the purpose of this fleet, I don't know how it will be used in the wars to come, but I do know the Knights of the Vale have to get to Winterfell without going through Moat Cailin, so. . .
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"The knights of the Vale could make all the difference in this war," said Robb, "but if she will not fight, so be it. I've asked only that she open the Bloody Gate for us, and provide ships at Gulltown to take us north. The high road would be hard, but not so hard as fighting our way up the Neck. If I could land at White Harbor I could flank Moat Cailin and drive the ironmen from the north in half a year." - Catelyn III, ASOS
Thank you @agentrouka-blog for pointing that one out.
Final thoughts:
I realize I've been doing a lot of whining lately, so to balance it out I'll say I've been enjoying his POV so far.
He's still a donkey though.
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joanna-lannister · 7 years
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I must say, I don't think the Iron Bank has ever had a debt of this magnitude repaid in a single installment.
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
Before Tyrion murdered Tywin, the Lannister regime was already on the decline in the war, yes? If Tywin had lived and continued on making his own mistakes, rather than Cersei take over and make her mistakes, how different do you see the wars and politics going forward?
Tywin did expend a lot of his capital, and would have compensated by leaning on the Reach. Cersei, due to her own neuroses regarding the "younger, more beautiful queen" prophecy, continually tries to alienate Margaery, and thus, the Reach, fracturing the heart of Lannister power. Had Tywin survived, he would have acted the way Kevan did. Tywin would force the Cersei/Willas marriage, and would probably have mounted a more credible campaign in the aftermath of the Red Wedding, but in the end, Aegon VI's landing and the betrayal of the "friends in the Reach" will doom Tywin. The big thing is that Tywin would not default on the Iron Bank debt, thus no Tycho to Stannis.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Reminder that book!Jon is a wee baby and a child until late into ADWD.
First of all, he is a late bloomer.
Sansa, two years older, drew the crown prince, Joffrey Baratheon. He was twelve, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon's vast dismay. (AGOT, Jon I)
And he knows it.
"I forget nothing," Jon boasted. The wine was making him bold. He tried to sit very straight, to make himself seem taller. "I want to serve in the Night's Watch, Uncle." (AGOT, Jon I)
Everyone can see it:
Tyrion sighed. "You are remarkably polite for a bastard, Snow. What you see is a dwarf. You are what, twelve?"
"Fourteen," the boy said. (AGOT, Tyrion II)
He is shorter than Todder at first, but a fierce little guy.
Grenn loomed over him, thick of neck and red of face, with three of his friends behind him. He knew Todder, a short ugly boy with an unpleasant voice.  (...) Grenn was sixteen and a head taller than Jon. All four of them were bigger than he was, but they did not scare him. He'd beaten every one of them in the yard. (AGOT, Jon III)
He is too short for Longclaw.
The Old Bear seemed pleased by that. "I suppose they do. You'll want to wear that over the shoulder, I imagine. It's too long for the hip, at least until you've put on a few inches." (AGOT, Jon VIII)
And still not bearded at age 15:
Tormund Thunderfist cracked a gap-toothed smile. "He asked me if that was my daughter riding there beside me, with her smooth pink cheeks."  (ASOS, Jon I)
Okay, wait, sorry, he has to shave once in a blue moon:
He had not shaved since leaving the Fist of the First Men, and the hair on his lip was soon stiff with frost. (ACOK, Jon VI)
This was weeks after leaving the Fist, mind. And it is the ONLY reference to Jon shaving, EVER. Beardless, smooth-cheeked baby.
Much like another kid who is taken advantage of by an older woman.
Lancel had thick sandy hair, green Lannister eyes, and a line of soft blond fuzz on his upper lip. At sixteen, he was cursed with all the certainty of youth (...). (ACOK, Tyrion VI)
And much unlike Robb:
Her son's beard had grown in redder than his auburn hair. Robb seemed to think it made him look fierce, royal . . . older. But bearded or no, he was still a youth of fifteen, and wanted vengeance no less than Rickard Karstark. (ACOK, Catelyn I)
So let's remember that Jon not only is only 15, he looks younger than his age when an 18/19-year-old predator decides to take advantage of him.
By ADWD, Jon still wears Longclaw on his back....
 Jon Snow reached back and pulled Longclaw from his sheath. (ADWD, Jon VII)
... however, it may just be habit by then, because he may have had a growth spurt in the intervening months!
Half a foot taller than Jon, the Braavosi sported a beard as thin as a rope sprouting from his chin and reaching almost to his waist.  (ADWD, Jon IX)
Tycho is half a foot taller than 16-year-old smooth-cheeked Jon. Why does it matter?
Then the queen beckoned to another curious member of her entourage: a tall gaunt stick of a man, his height accentuated by an outlandish three-tiered hat of purple felt. "And here we have the honorable Tycho Nestoris, an emissary of the Iron Bank of Braavos, come to treat with His Grace King Stannis." (ADWD, Jon IX)
"I did, ser." The speaker came forward on his garron. He was very tall, very thin, so long-legged that it was a wonder his feet did not drag along the ground. (...) 
The tall man slid gracefully from his garron, removed his peculiar hat, and bowed. "I have the honor to be Tycho Nestoris, a humble servant of the Iron Bank of Braavos." (ADWD, The Sacrifice)
THREE separate mentions of how tall Tycho is and a direct comparison to Jon. Half a foot shorter than a Very Tall Man? Jon??
Is someone finally growing into his sword while approaching his 17th birthday?
Still beardless, though. Baby. In spite of his elected office, Jon is a teenager and he looks it. 
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