#typewriter trivia tuesday
bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: On this day, about two years ago, I started writing the first book of Turning to Stone. Now, it's nearly an entire series that is currently being written. Happy birthday to my silly little My Singing Monsters story
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oneinist · 9 months
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20240102 Trivia Tuesday
I have this app on my Mac, it's called Winston and it is a typewriter simulator. Iuse it when I have a hard time writing in a regular word processor which means at times when I am easily distracted and the spelling and grammar checking, the buttons is just another disctraction, along with the potential of other open tabs.
I used to own a typewriter before I moved countries, it was just one too many and heavy things to try to bring with me. I was so happy when I found this app. Even if I had brought my typewriter with me, I would probably not use it since it would most likely drive my partner absolutely insane (which I'd prefer not to).
They can't even stand when I pluck on the guitar… Which is not their fault tbh, it's just an inconvenience to us both since I like it and they don't. XX AXXXX And somtimes I just like writing on this one for shits and XXXX giggles, it's just great fun!
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
Fonder Ch. 5
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A/N: Oh, boy! I’ve personally been waiting on doing this chapter. There’s a bit of a curve ball in our favorite couple’s journey back together. If y’all thought y’all hated me in Chapter 1, then get ready for this chapter. 😘😘😘
Word Count: 2.2K
Warning(s): Slow burn, plot progression, few errors/typos
The months following Yaa’s most recent encounter with her ex-boyfriend left her more hurt and emotionally distant than before. She didn’t go out like she usually did; her nights out were substituted with take out and binge-watching movies and TV shows. She wasn’t as bubbly as she usually was. In an attempt to distract herself from her pain, she turned to her drug of choice: work. At any given moment, Yaa was more than likely working if she weren’t sleeping or eating. She took on a heavier workload and miraculously met success with the cases she worked on. As the year came to a close, Yaa had realized that her year had been trash. She lost the love of her life over some fuck shit and realized that her love life, if you could even call it that, was a joke.
Everyone around Yaa hated to see her in such a sad state. She’d said she was fine but everyone knew she was suffering. So much so, her family surprised her for Christmas in D.C. and stayed with her for a week. While the surprise visit definitely boosted her spirits, she continued working her frustrations out. She’d felt played—she’d allowed the supposed love of he life to take advantage of their relationship twice. She was physically, emotionally,and spiritually tired.
Her luck changed with a call from Tanisha one afternoon.
“Clear your schedule for New Year’s Eve: you got invited to the Black Gatsby soirée by Mr. Gatsby himself.”, Tanisha stated in a matter of fact.
Yaa took the phone away from her ear and stared at it, fully aware of Tanisha’s distant voice calling her name. “Girl, what?”
“You heard me. Mr. Gatsby has invited yo fine ass to the Black soirée on New Year’s Eve.”
“Mr. Gatsby? Bitch, you know he’s a fictional white character from a book,right? Not just any book—my favorite book. Francis Scott Fitzgerald would somersault in his grave if he knew a Black man was tryna play his character.”
Tanisha snorted. “I know. For the sake of anonymity, that’s what he’s referring to himself as. Just come to Cali and live ,bitch. I’m sick of seeing you all sad and overworked and shit. You deserve more; you’re 24 and full of life. Ring in the new year with a refreshing turn up. Live a little, bitch. I’ll be calling again this week to make sure you’re coming.” Beep beep beep.
Yaa spent the rest of that day thinking about what Tanisha said. Who was Mr. Gatsby? What did he want her ? Finding out his identity and his motives were the least of her worries. As rough as her year was, she deserved to party like it was 1922. Live a little, bitch.
Yaa spent the next month speculating who this Mr. Gatsby character could be. He’d sent many gifts On what would’ve been her and Winston’s first anniversary, Gatsby sent 3 dozen of her favorite roses— pink, white, and yellow— to her office with a note:
You deserve more today. Think not of what should be, but what is now.—JG
For Christmas, Gatsby sent Yaa a gold circle necklace with a single pearl dangling from the middle of the circle. Same note. These grandiose gestures left Yaa shook: she’d been out-extra’d by an anonymous admirer. She immediately ruled Winston out because he just wasn’t a frivolous spender and though he was being a fuck nigga at the moment, he was too humble to even think about doing all the things Gatsby had done for and sent her.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014, Malibu, California
Matt picked Yaa up from the airport per usual. On the way to Malibu, he picked Tanisha up as well. While en route to the house, Tanisha caught Matt up with the tea involving his ex-turned-best friend.
“Wait...so there’s a secret admirer...calling himself ‘Gatsby’...only communicates through Neesh...and is inviting you to a New Year’s party?! What the hell?”, Matt recalled.
“Well, I’ll say this: she knows who he is, but he’s not giving up his identity just yet.”, Tanisha suggested. Yaa’s neck whipped to look at Tanisha’s smirking face; she wasn’t lying.
“So, it’s not Wins? Confirmed?”, Yaa asked.
“I’m absolutely, positively certain it’s not Winston, sis. Buhlee dat!”, Tanisha assured.
Something told Yaa to check her mailbox. True, she didn’t have reasons to have mail after being away from her Malibu home for not even two months, but it never hurt to look. When she looked inside, she was met with a matte black envelope. The words “ Khalida Y.D. Abdullah, Esq.” were beautifully calligraphed on the front of the envelope in gold ink. She turned the envelope to see “JG” stamped in gold wax. Homeboy puttin’ in that work. Before she opened the envelope, she noticed a medium-sized box wrapped in a similar matte black wrapping paper.
“Boy, this nigga tryna gift you clean out yo draws, I see.”, Matt observed as he picked the box up for Yaa, scaring her.
“You sound a pinch jealous, Griff.”, Yaa teased.
Matt rolled his eyes, “Whatever. I gave you the world and a Super Bowl ring, woman. Remember that.”
“Correction: you gave me one of my two rings. Don’t play with me.”, she playfully snapped back, kissing his nose as he walked into the house with the box.
He gently sat the box in front of Yaa’s usual spot on her L-shaped sectional. Tanisha finally joined Matt and Yaa in the living room and took notice of Gatsby’s packages. Yaa kicked the box over on its side.
“The hell you do that for?!”, Tanisha demanded.
“Bitch, this coulda been a well packaged pipe bomb for all its worth.”, Yaa answered.
Tanisha wagged her finger at her best friend. “Somebody needs to ban Forensic Files from your Netflix queue.”
Yaa rolled her eyes as she began opening the envelope. Whoever was responsible for the letter was very abreast to detail. The letter was typed on a typewriter, a personal bonus for Yaa as she was the proud owner of a vintage typewriter.
By the time you read this letter, you will already be back in sunny California. Also, if you are reading this letter, then you have instinctively followed directions. In the box is a special gift for tomorrow night; I hope you enjoy them. Secondly, upon your and Ms. Holloway’s arrival, there will be two attendants escorting you to your VIP section. The people at the door will know exactly who are. When you go to coat check, ask the attendant for directions to “The Pit”. Upon your question, you’ll be taken to through the VIP entrance. Your access code word is bubbly. Can’t wait to see you.
The Pit? That sounds familiar. Hella familiar. Yaa moved to the box. The matte black wrapping paper was too pretty destroy, but fuck it. Her eyes shot open when she saw silver strappy heels in the box. “Oooh, this’ll go perfectly with my dress for tomorrow!”, she yelled out. The turn-up countdown had commenced.
Tanisha and Yaa had a sleepover and went straight into preparation mode for the evening when they woke up that afternoon. After getting their hair and makeup done, the two returned to Yaa’s house to change. “Sis, can you zip me up?”, Yaa yelled as she sashayed to the other side of the hall. Tanisha responded back that she was coming but then stopped and began to whistle at her best friend’s floor-length dusty rose gown. The embellishments gave the gown a modern Gatsby remix. She wore the silver shoes Gatsby sent. Her locs were styled into a curly chignon and accessorized with a pearl headpiece.
“My goodness, Yaa!”, Tanisha complimented.
“Why, thank you, old sport.”, the two shared a laugh.
Mr. Gatsby sent a 1921 Rolls Royce to Yaa’s front door. Mr. Collins drove the two friends to the party’s location--an art gallery? Mr. Collins wished the girls a good night and happy new year as he pulled off. “ AN ART GALLERY?!”, the two squeaked in unison.
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The art gallery was like any modern art gallery: polished light hardwood floors, white walls, semi-dimmed lighting and enough colored canvases to stir up many a conversation. There was a lively gathering taking place in the gallery, making the journey towards the back of the gallery less suspicious. Yaa and Tanisha made a beeline to the back stairwell. Gatsby warned Yaa that there’d be a bodyguard armed with a riddle-like question that only she would know the answer to before they could go down descending flight of stairs, the pair was stopped by a bodyguard in a tailored suit.
“Wait a minute, ladies. You can’t go down there.”, the bodyguard bluntly stated. Before Tanisha could tell the bodyguard about himself, Yaa covered her mouth. “Gatsby knows who we are.”, Yaa assured. The bodyguard shook his head. “Suuure...tell me, Doc, how you want that pit beef sandwich?” How dare he challenge my trivia. “Medium rare, extra horseradish, dummy.” The guard nodded and let them pass.
After knocking on the dark door four times, it opened to a dimmer foyer. The coat check attendant, a bubbly young woman, turned to them. “Whatcha need, sweetheart?”, she asked taking a sip from her martini glass.
“Can you show me how to get to the Pit?”, Yaa asked. The attendant nodded her head towards the other coats, “Right this way”. The two friends walked behind the counter, where the attendant pointed into the coats.
“Happy new year, ladies”, the attended said as she pulled some of the fur coats away from each other, revealing a door and opening it.
The other side of the door was the rabbit hole to a fucking circus. Beautiful Black bodies donned their Cotton Club’s best. The biggest names in entertainment, sports, and music made this chocolate El Dorado their haven. The blue and purple backlights provided just enough light to highlight the various shades of melanin against their outfit. The guests on the dancefloor in an almost ritualistic unison to the musical drug the DJs hooked them onto. The two attendants escorted Yaa and Tanisha past the many 8-person tables full of people hypothesizing on who they thought Gatsby was.
Further down to the right was the bar. The purple backlit shelves displayed the finest and rarest spirits anyone could legally obtain. Scattered around the club were about 15 cigarette girls and hostesses distributing drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The pair had finally arrived to their VIP section: a semi-circle couch with a hookah on the small table, all cloaked underneath a sheer white canopy.
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Everyone in attendance left their inhibitions and year-long worries at coat check. With the year Yaa had had, she deserved first dibs for dancefloor access. A wild break-up, major career moves,two emotional breakdowns and surviving her first year of practicing law summarized Yaa’s 2014. There was no way in hell she would go into 2015 and her 25th year of life stressed. Her longing to go on the dancefloor was finally satisfied when the DJ began playing The 2 Live Crew’s “Hoochie Mama”. The two friends gave each other the all-knowing, pre-ratchetry look before running out and strolling to one of their shared ratchet hymns. Yaa strolled her worries off; her smile widened the happier she got.
At the song’s end, the two laughed their way back to their section.
“Tonight has been too surreal and it’s just...10:19.”, Tanisha commented.
“It’s just 10:19?!”, Yaa whipped her phone out to confirm the time. It was now 10:20. But, there was also a message sent from Winston Duke about 45 minutes ago: “I wanna go into this New Year on a clean slate. Let’s talk over lunch. 1:30? Shoot me a suggestion or three.”
Before Yaa could internalize her ex’s text, she felt a physical presence looming over her. She was spooked by a medium-built, average height,brown-skinned brother with a fade. His black eyes were striking, yet welcoming. They reflected blue from the club lights.
“Dr. Abdullah?”, he inquired loud enough to be heard over the blaring music.
“Speaking?”, she answered back.
“Mr. Gatsby would like to see you now.” Yaa’s stomach nosedived into her back and her palms began to sweat.
“O-ok.”, she stood and began walking with the man.
Yaa was escorted through a door that led into a dark hallway. The hallway was dark except for the light that passed through the four frosted glass doors on either side of the hallway. At the very end of the hallway was a solid wood door. Yaa was let in by the man and was left alone in the modest office.
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“Please, have a seat.”, a raspy yet familiar voice suggested. He continued his cell phone conversation. The back of the chair was towards Yaa.
“Yeah...right. Uh huh? Tell Cross I’m not taking an-y-thing less than 140. Oh, of cour—right. Well, my guest has finally arrived. Alright, give Erin my love. Yeah, happy new year to you and yours as well. Buh-bye.” He hung up the phone. “Forgive me and my inconsideration for your presence, Dr. Abdullah. People are really tryna conduct business with folks when there’s maybe two hours left in 2014. Damn, shame.”, he said reaching for the chilled bottle of Dom Perignon. Upon hearing his voice, Yaa nearly doubled over from shock; all the clues were coming together. Pit beef sandwiches? The Pit? No wonder everything sounded so familiar. It was Baltimore.
The gentleman finally stood up from out of his chair and sat on the desk, placing the glasses next to him and winking at Yaa. Suave ass negro. “I’m certain you’re surprised to see me.”
Her shoulders bounced as she chuckled to herself. “That, I am, Mr. Gatsby. Ooh, I’m killing Tanisha when I see her.”
The Tag List is the Bee’s Knees!
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @wakandas-vibranium @dramaqueenamby @oshasimone @destinio1 @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
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onlineworkyou2b · 6 years
Merch by Amazon T-Shirt Holidays
Date Weekday Holiday name January 01-Jan Friday Polar Bear Plunge Day 02-Jan Saturday Buffet Day 02-Jan Saturday Run It up the Flagpole and��See If Anyone Salutes It Day 02-Jan Saturday Science Fiction Day 03-Jan Sunday Fruitcake Toss Day 03-Jan Sunday Festival of Sleep Day 04-Jan Monday Trivia Day 05-Jan Tuesday Bird Day 06-Jan Wednesday Bean Day 07-Jan Thursday Old Rock Day 08-Jan Friday Earth’s Rotation Day 09-Jan Saturday Static Electricity Day 09-Jan Saturday Word Nerd Day 10-Jan Sunday Cut Your Energy Costs Day 11-Jan Monday Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day 11-Jan Monday Clean Off Your Desk Day 12-Jan Tuesday Marzipan Day 13-Jan Wednesday Make Your Dreams Come True Day 14-Jan Thursday Organize Your Home Day 15-Jan Friday Strawberry Ice Cream Day 16-Jan Saturday Nothing Day 16-Jan Saturday Soup Swap Day 17-Jan Sunday Benjamin Franklin Day 17-Jan Sunday Kid Inventors’ Day 17-Jan Sunday Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day 18-Jan Monday Thesaurus Day 19-Jan Tuesday Tin Can Day 19-Jan Tuesday Popcorn Day 20-Jan Wednesday Penguin Awareness Day 21-Jan Thursday Squirrel Appreciation Day 22-Jan Friday Hot Sauce Day 23-Jan Saturday Handwriting Day 24-Jan Sunday Compliment Day 24-Jan Sunday Macintosh Computer Day 25-Jan Monday Opposite Day 26-Jan Tuesday Spouse’s Day 27-Jan Wednesday Chocolate Cake Day 27-Jan Wednesday e-Day 28-Jan Thursday Data Privacy Day 29-Jan Friday Puzzle Day 30-Jan Saturday Croissant Day 31-Jan Sunday Backwards Day February 01-Feb Monday Work Naked Day 02-Feb Tuesday Day of the Crêpe 02-Feb Tuesday Play Your Ukulele Day 03-Feb Wednesday Carrot Cake Day 04-Feb Thursday Thank Your Mailman Day 04-Feb Thursday Create a Vacuum Day 04-Feb Thursday Stuffed Mushroom Day 05-Feb Friday National Weatherperson’s Day 05-Feb Friday Chocolate Fondue Day 06-Feb Saturday Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 06-Feb Saturday Lame Duck Day 07-Feb Sunday e-Day 07-Feb Sunday Send a Card to a Friend Day 08-Feb Monday Laugh and Get Rich Day 08-Feb Monday Clean Out Your Computer Day 09-Feb Tuesday Toothache Day 09-Feb Tuesday Bagel and Lox Day 10-Feb Wednesday Umbrella Day 11-Feb Thursday Make a Friend Day 11-Feb Thursday Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day 12-Feb Friday Darwin Day 13-Feb Saturday World Radio Day 14-Feb Sunday Ferris Wheel Day 14-Feb Sunday Library Lovers Day 15-Feb Monday Gumdrop Day 16-Feb Tuesday Do a Grouch a Favor Day 17-Feb Wednesday Random Act of Kindness Day 18-Feb Thursday Battery Day 19-Feb Friday Chocolate Mint Day 22-Feb Monday Single Tasking Day 22-Feb Monday Be Humble Day 23-Feb Tuesday International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day 24-Feb Wednesday Tortilla Chip Day 26-Feb Friday Pistachio Day 26-Feb Friday Tell a Fairy Tale Day 27-Feb Saturday No Brainer Day 27-Feb Saturday World Sword Swallowers Day 28-Feb Sunday Public Sleeping Day March 01-Mar Tuesday World Compliment Day 01-Mar Tuesday Plan a Solo Vacation Day 02-Mar Wednesday Old Stuff Day 03-Mar Thursday I Want You to be Happy Day 04-Mar Friday March Forth and Do Something Day 05-Mar Saturday Learn What Your Name Means Day 05-Mar Saturday Cinco de Marcho 06-Mar Sunday Dentist’s Day 07-Mar Monday Alexander Graham Bell Day 08-Mar Tuesday Proofreading Day 10-Mar Thursday Mario Day 11-Mar Friday Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day 12-Mar Saturday Alfred Hitchcock Day 13-Mar Sunday Jewel Day 14-Mar Monday Napping Day 14-Mar Monday Pi Day 15-Mar Tuesday Everything You Think is Wrong Day 15-Mar Tuesday Absolutely Incredible Kid Day 16-Mar Wednesday Every Thing You Do is Right Day 17-Mar Thursday Submarine Day 18-Mar Friday Awkward Moments Day 19-Mar Saturday Let’s Laugh Day 20-Mar Sunday World Storytelling Day 20-Mar Sunday Proposal Day 21-Mar Monday Common Courtesy Day 22-Mar Tuesday International Goof Off Day 23-Mar Wednesday OK Day 23-Mar Wednesday Puppy Day 23-Mar Wednesday Near Miss Day 24-Mar Thursday Chocolate Covered Raisins Day 25-Mar Friday Waffle Day 25-Mar Friday Tolkien Reading Day 26-Mar Saturday Make Up Your Own Holiday Day 27-Mar Sunday Spanish Paella Day 28-Mar Monday Something on a Stick Day 29-Mar Tuesday Smoke and Mirrors Day 30-Mar Wednesday Take a Walk in the Park Day 31-Mar Thursday Bunsen Burner Day April 01-Apr Friday Fun at Work Day 01-Apr Friday Walk to Work Day 02-Apr Saturday International Children’s Book Day 03-Apr Sunday World Party Day 04-Apr Monday Square Root Day 04-Apr Monday Tell a Lie Day 05-Apr Tuesday Read a Road Map Day 05-Apr Tuesday First Contact Day 06-Apr Wednesday Sorry Charlie Day 10-Apr Sunday Siblings Day 11-Apr Monday Barbershop Quartet Day 12-Apr Tuesday Be Kind to Lawyers Day 12-Apr Tuesday Grilled Cheese Day 12-Apr Tuesday Yuri’s Night 13-Apr Wednesday Scrabble Day 14-Apr Thursday International Moment of Laughter Day 14-Apr Thursday Reach as High as You Can Day 14-Apr Thursday Look up the Sky Day 16-Apr Saturday Eggs Benedict Day 16-Apr Saturday Wear Pajamas to Work Day 16-Apr Saturday Record Store Day 17-Apr Sunday Haiku Poetry Day 18-Apr Monday Columnist Day 20-Apr Wednesday Look Alike Day 22-Apr Friday Jelly Bean Day 23-Apr Saturday Take a Chance Day 23-Apr Saturday Impossible Astronaut Day 23-Apr Saturday Lover’s Day 24-Apr Sunday Poem in Your Pocket Day 25-Apr Monday DNA Day 26-Apr Tuesday Pretzel Day 26-Apr Tuesday Richter Scale Day 27-Apr Wednesday World Pinhole Photography Day 28-Apr Thursday Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day 29-Apr Friday Zipper Day 30-Apr Saturday Honesty Day May 01-May Sunday Batman Day 04-May Wednesday Star Wars Day 06-May Friday No Pants Day 06-May Friday Space Day 06-May Friday Military Spouse Appreciation Day 06-May Friday Beverage Day 07-May Saturday Herb Day 07-May Saturday Free Comic Book Day 09-May Monday Europe Day 09-May Monday Lost Sock Memorial Day 10-May Tuesday Clean Up Your Room Day 11-May Wednesday National School Nurse Day 11-May Wednesday Twilight Zone Day 11-May Wednesday Eat What You Want Day 12-May Thursday Limerick Day 13-May Friday Frog Jumping Day 14-May Saturday Astronomy Day 14-May Saturday Dance Like a Chicken Day 15-May Sunday Chocolate Chip Day 17-May Tuesday Pack Rat Day 18-May Wednesday No Dirty Dishes Day 19-May Thursday May Ray Day 20-May Friday Pizza Party Day 20-May Friday Be a Millionaire Day 21-May Saturday Talk Like Yoda Day 22-May Sunday Buy a Musical Instrument Day 24-May Tuesday Scavenger Hunt Day 25-May Wednesday Sing Out Day 25-May Wednesday Towel Day 26-May Thursday World Lindy Hop Day 27-May Friday Sun Screen Day 28-May Saturday Hamburger Day 29-May Sunday Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day 30-May Monday My Bucket’s Got a Hole Day 31-May Tuesday Macaroon Day June 01-Jun Wednesday Say Something Nice Day 02-Jun Thursday Leave the Office Early Day 03-Jun Friday Repeat Day 03-Jun Friday National Doughnut Day 04-Jun Saturday Hug Your Cat Day 06-Jun Monday Drive-In Movie Day 07-Jun Tuesday VCR Day 08-Jun Wednesday Best Friends Day 09-Jun Thursday Donald Duck Day 10-Jun Friday Iced Tea Day 11-Jun Saturday Corn on the Cob Day 12-Jun Sunday Red Rose Day 13-Jun Monday Sewing Machine Day 14-Jun Tuesday Bourbon Day 15-Jun Wednesday Nature Photography Day 16-Jun Thursday Bloomsday 17-Jun Friday Eat Your Vegetables Day 18-Jun Saturday World Juggling Day 18-Jun Saturday International Picnic Day 18-Jun Saturday International Panic Day 19-Jun Sunday Sauntering Day 21-Jun Tuesday Daylight Appreciation Day 22-Jun Wednesday Onion Ring Day 23-Jun Thursday Typewriter Day 24-Jun Friday Take Your Dog to Work Day 24-Jun Friday Swim a Lap Day 25-Jun Saturday Please Take my Children to Work Day 26-Jun Sunday Chocolate Pudding Day 27-Jun Monday Helen Keller Day 28-Jun Tuesday Tau Day 29-Jun Wednesday Camera Day 30-Jun Thursday Meteor Watch Day July 01-Jul Friday International Joke Day 02-Jul Saturday I Forgot Day 02-Jul Saturday World UFO Day 03-Jul Sunday Compliment Your Mirror Day 03-Jul Sunday International Plastic Bag Free Day 04-Jul Monday Sidewalk Egg Frying Day 05-Jul Tuesday Workaholics Day 06-Jul Wednesday World Kissing Day 07-Jul Thursday Tell the Truth Day 08-Jul Friday Video Games Day 08-Jul Friday Math 2.0 Day 09-Jul Saturday Sugar Cookie Day 10-Jul Sunday Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day 10-Jul Sunday Clerihew Day 11-Jul Monday Cheer Up the Lonely Day 12-Jul Tuesday Simplicity Day 13-Jul Wednesday Embrace Your Geekness Day 14-Jul Thursday Pandemonium Day 15-Jul Friday Gummi Worm Day 16-Jul Saturday Corn Fritters Day 17-Jul Sunday Yellow Pig Day 18-Jul Monday Caviar Day 19-Jul Tuesday Stick Out Your Tongue Day 20-Jul Wednesday Space Exploration Day 21-Jul Thursday Junk Food Day 22-Jul Friday Pi Approximation Day 23-Jul Saturday Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24-Jul Sunday Ice Cream Day 24-Jul Sunday Cousins Day 25-Jul Monday Culinarians Day 26-Jul Tuesday Uncle and Aunt Day 27-Jul Wednesday Take your Pants for a Walk Day 28-Jul Thursday Milk Chocolate Day 29-Jul Friday Lasagna Day 30-Jul Saturday National Cheesecake Day 31-Jul Sunday Uncommon Musical Instrument Day August 01-Aug Monday Girlfriend’s Day 02-Aug Tuesday Ice Cream Sandwich Day 03-Aug Wednesday Watermelon Day 04-Aug Thursday Single Working Women’s Day 05-Aug Friday Work Like a Dog Day 05-Aug Friday International Beer Day 06-Aug Saturday Fresh Breath Day 07-Aug Sunday Sisters’ Day 07-Aug Sunday Lighthouse Day 08-Aug Monday Happiness Happens Day 09-Aug Tuesday Book Lovers Day 10-Aug Wednesday Lazy Day 11-Aug Thursday Son and Daughter Day 12-Aug Friday Middle Child Day 13-Aug Saturday Left-Handers Day 14-Aug Sunday Creamsicle Day 15-Aug Monday Relaxation Day 16-Aug Tuesday Tell a Joke Day 17-Aug Wednesday Thrift Shop Day 18-Aug Thursday Mail Order Catalog Day 19-Aug Friday World Photo Day 20-Aug Saturday Chocolate Pecan Pie Day 21-Aug Sunday Spumoni Day 22-Aug Monday Be An Angel Day 23-Aug Tuesday Ride Like the Wind Day 24-Aug Wednesday Pluto Demoted Day 25-Aug Thursday Kiss and Make up Day 26-Aug Friday Dog Appreciation Day 27-Aug Saturday The Duchess Who Wasn’t Day 28-Aug Sunday Bow Tie Day 29-Aug Monday According to Hoyle Day 30-Aug Tuesday Frankenstein Day 31-Aug Wednesday Eat Outside Day September 01-Sep Thursday Emma Nutt Day 01-Sep Thursday No Rhyme or Reason Day 02-Sep Friday Bison Ten Yell Day 03-Sep Saturday Skyscraper Day 04-Sep Sunday Eat an Extra Dessert Day 05-Sep Monday Be Late for Something Day 05-Sep Monday Cheese Pizza Day 06-Sep Tuesday Fight Procrastination Day 06-Sep Tuesday Read a Book Day 07-Sep Wednesday Salami Day 08-Sep Thursday Pardon Day 09-Sep Friday Teddy Bear Day 10-Sep Saturday Swap Ideas Day 11-Sep Sunday Make Your Bed Day 12-Sep Monday Chocolate Milkshake Day 13-Sep Tuesday Positive Thinking Day 13-Sep Tuesday Roald Dahl Day 14-Sep Wednesday Hug Your Hound Day 15-Sep Thursday Make a Hat Day 16-Sep Friday Collect Rocks Day 16-Sep Friday Guacamole Day 17-Sep Saturday International Country Music Day 18-Sep Sunday Rice Krispie Treat Day 19-Sep Monday National Gymnastics Day 19-Sep Monday International Talk Like a Pirate Day 20-Sep Tuesday Punch Day 21-Sep Wednesday Miniature Golf Day 22-Sep Thursday Hobbit Day 23-Sep Friday Checkers Day 24-Sep Saturday Punctuation Day 25-Sep Sunday Comic Book Day 26-Sep Monday Love Note Day 27-Sep Tuesday Crush a Can Day 28-Sep Wednesday Ask a Stupid Question Day 28-Sep Wednesday Good Neighbor Day 30-Sep Friday Hot Mulled Cider Day October 01-Oct Saturday International Coffee Day 01-Oct Saturday Balloons Around the World Day 01-Oct Saturday Card Making Day 02-Oct Sunday Phileas Fogg Wager Day 04-Oct Tuesday Taco Day 05-Oct Wednesday Chic Spy Day 06-Oct Thursday Mad Hatter Day 07-Oct Friday World Smile Day 07-Oct Friday Frappé Day 08-Oct Saturday Astronomy Day 08-Oct Saturday Pierogi Day 08-Oct Saturday International Observe the Moon Night 09-Oct Sunday Curious Events Day 10-Oct Monday Handbag Day 11-Oct Tuesday It’s My Party Day 12-Oct Wednesday Old Farmers Day 13-Oct Thursday International Skeptics Day 15-Oct Saturday I Love Lucy Day 16-Oct Sunday Dictionary Day 17-Oct Monday Wear Something Gaudy Day 17-Oct Monday National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day 18-Oct Tuesday Ada Lovelace Day 18-Oct Tuesday Chocolate Cupcake Day 20-Oct Thursday International Sloth Day 21-Oct Friday Count your Buttons Day 22-Oct Saturday Caps Lock Day 23-Oct Sunday Mole Day 24-Oct Monday Bologna Day 25-Oct Tuesday Sourest Day 26-Oct Wednesday Howl at the Moon Day and Night 27-Oct Thursday American Beer Day 28-Oct Friday International Animation Day 29-Oct Saturday Internet Day 30-Oct Sunday Candy Corn Day 31-Oct Monday Magic Day November 01-Nov Tuesday Author’s Day 02-Nov Wednesday Deviled Eggs Day 03-Nov Thursday Sandwich Day 03-Nov Thursday Men Make Dinner Day 04-Nov Friday Common Sense Day 06-Nov Sunday Zero Tasking Day 06-Nov Sunday Saxophone Day 07-Nov Monday Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day 08-Nov Tuesday Tongue Twister Day 09-Nov Wednesday Chaos Never Dies Day 10-Nov Thursday Forget Me Not Day 10-Nov Thursday Vanilla Cupcake Day 11-Nov Friday Origami Day 12-Nov Saturday Happy Hour Day 13-Nov Sunday World Kindness Day 13-Nov Sunday Sadie Hawkins Day 14-Nov Monday Spicy Guacamole Day 14-Nov Monday Pickle Day 15-Nov Tuesday Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day 16-Nov Wednesday Fast Food Day 17-Nov Thursday Take A Hike Day 17-Nov Thursday Use Less Stuff Day 18-Nov Friday Push Button Phone Day 20-Nov Sunday National Absurdity Day 21-Nov Monday World Hello Day 22-Nov Tuesday Go For a Ride Day 23-Nov Wednesday Fibonacci Day 24-Nov Thursday Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day 25-Nov Friday Shopping Reminder Day 25-Nov Friday Buy Nothing Day 26-Nov Saturday Cake Day 28-Nov Monday Red Planet Day 29-Nov Tuesday Electronic Greeting Card Day 30-Nov Wednesday Computer Security Day December 01-Dec Thursday Eat a Red Apple Day 02-Dec Friday Fritters Day 03-Dec Saturday Make a Gift Day 04-Dec Sunday Wear Brown Shoes Day 05-Dec Monday Day of the Ninja 06-Dec Tuesday Put on Your Own Shoes Day 06-Dec Tuesday Microwave Oven Day 07-Dec Wednesday Letter Writing Day 08-Dec Thursday Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day 09-Dec Friday Christmas Card Day 09-Dec Friday Official Lost and Found Day 10-Dec Saturday Dewey Decimal System Day 10-Dec Saturday Jane Addams Day 11-Dec Sunday Noodle Ring Day 12-Dec Monday Gingerbread House Day 13-Dec Tuesday Christmas Jumper Day 14-Dec Wednesday Monkey Day 16-Dec Friday Chocolate Covered Anything Day 16-Dec Friday Free Shipping Day 17-Dec Saturday Wright Brothers Day 19-Dec Monday Underdog Day 19-Dec Monday Ugly Sweater Day 20-Dec Tuesday Sangria Day 21-Dec Wednesday International Dalek Remembrance Day 22-Dec Thursday Date Nut Bread Day 23-Dec Friday Festivus 24-Dec Saturday Eggnog Day 25-Dec Sunday Grav Mass Day 25-Dec Sunday A’phabet Day or No “L” Day 26-Dec Monday Thank You Note Day 27-Dec Tuesday No Interruptions Day 28-Dec Wednesday Card Playing Day 29-Dec Thursday Pepper Pot Day 30-Dec Friday Bicarbonate of Soda Day 31-Dec Saturday Make Up Your Mind Day
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youthbc · 8 years
February 2017 Events in Vancouver BC
A comprehensive list of February events in Vancouver for 2017. With something new going on almost every single day this month, you’re definitely not going to be bored this February in Vancouver. Check out a full list of all the fun stuff happening around town this February in Vancouver:
Go to a specific week: Feb 1 – 5  |  Feb 6 – 12  |  Feb 13 – 19  |  Feb 20 – 28  |  Family Day  |  Valentine’s Day
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Rock Paper Portside – A hilarious & interactive weekly tournament, every Wednesday night! Where else can you cut, cover & crush your way to cash, prizes and bragging rights!?!
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Dine Out Vancouver – Canada’s largest food and drink festival, featuring tons of events and restaurants each offering three or more course dinners at $18, $28 or $38. 275+ participating restaurants.
Movie Night at Studio Records – Showing double feature Star Wars movies plus we’re giving away limited box set Star Wars socks. Free popcorn, board games, $3.75 highballs.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Letter Writing Club – Write letters to yourself or the ones you love on vintage typewriters with lots of other cool people.
Paul Anthony’s Talent Time: 9th Anniversary Hot Tub Party! – Surprises galore in store, possibly including a real hot tub so they can do the show…. From the tub.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Dine Out Vancouver – Canada’s largest food and drink festival, featuring tons of events and restaurants each offering three or more course dinners at $18, $28 or $38. 275+ participating restaurants.
The Pancakes & Booze Art Show – 50+ artists showcasing their work, FREE pancakes, live body painting, booze, fun, and more…
Friday, February 3, 2017
Perogy Night in Vancouver – Friday night suppers return for 2016 with more perogies than ever before! Yum!
Vancouver Taboo Naughty but Nice Show – An upscale adult playground dedicated to enhancing lifestyles, encouraging romance, personal betterment and all things Taboo.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Dine Out Vancouver – Canada’s largest food and drink festival, featuring tons of events and restaurants each offering three or more course dinners at $18, $28 or $38. 275+ participating restaurants.
VidLaser Radiohead / Dark Side of the Moon – A weekly laser show featuring the highlights and constellations over Vancouver’s night sky with the soundtrack of your favourite songs from RadioHead and Pink Floyd
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Winter Farmer’s Market – Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you have to stop getting fresh, local produce! Head to Nat Bailey Stadium for your farm fix.
Vancouver Taboo Naughty but Nice Show – An upscale adult playground dedicated to enhancing lifestyles, encouraging romance, personal betterment and all things Taboo.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Dine Out Vancouver – Canada’s largest food and drink festival, featuring tons of events and restaurants each offering three or more course dinners at $18, $28 or $38. 275+ participating restaurants.
PHANTOM SIGNAL – LIVE HORROR COMEDY RADIO. Heart-pounding, senses-shattering, full-on screaming meemie-inducing tales of horror, madness and general malaise.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Super Bowl 51 Free Screening & Party – Held at the Rio Theatre with great seats, drinks, grilled cheese sandwiches, and a huge screen!
Vancouver Taboo Naughty but Nice Show – An upscale adult playground dedicated to enhancing lifestyles, encouraging romance, personal betterment and all things Taboo.
East Van Clothing Swap – Bring a bag of quality gently worn clothing, jewelry, and/or fashion accessories and $10, and you can pick up to 20 items to bring home with you!
The Sunday Service Comedy Show – Every week, come laugh with the funniest kids in town, the Sunday Service. For comedy lovers in Vancouver the Sunday Service is a weekly ritual.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Dine Out Vancouver (LAST NIGHT!) – Canada’s largest food and drink festival, featuring tons of events and restaurants each offering three or more course dinners at $18, $28 or $38. 275+ participating restaurants.
Traditional Tlingit Tattoo Demonstration – This special event is a sneak-a-peek of our upcoming 2018 exhibition Coastal Whispers: Tattooing Practices on the Northwest Coast.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Shred for the Cause at Mount Seymour – Ladies ride for just $10 at Mount Seymour for their “Shred for a Cause” night.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Cheap night at various movie theatres around town.
BlanketFort Flanket Fort – The fort with the most fort returns to The Astoria to delight and entertain you. Roll up your sleeves on your PJs and help construct a giant BlanketFort in which a comedy show happens.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Improv Against Humanity – An interactive comedy show for horrible people.
Draw By Night Drawing Party – Get together and draw! 6-8pm at Unbounce HQ on 401 West Georgia St, Vancouver! Free and open to the public.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
The Legend of Zelda: Trivia of Time (ZELDA Trivia!) – Will you be the Hero of Trivia? Do you have the Wisdom, Power and Courage to defeat 2 deadly rounds of Zelda trivia? Assemble your team of up to 5 warriors, and find out!
Thursday, February 9, 2017
UBC Yoga Rave –  An event for all fun and abilities, with free glow in the dark paint and blacklights.
Pecha Kucha Night Vancouver – PechaKucha Night is a fun and informal event where people can meet, inspire and get inspired, based on a format that is fast-paced and fun.
Science of Cocktails – Science World turns into Vancouver’s largest laboratory, where the city’s most talented bartenders and chefs will showcase the chemistry, biology and physics behind preparing modern cocktails and cuisine.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Eastside Flea – Just over 50 curated local vendors selling goods that would make a perfect Valentine’s gift for that special someone (or yourself, we won’t tell)
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Slide Show: A Night of Improvised Powerpoint Comedy – Slide Show features Vancouver’s top improvisors making up presentations on the spot to go with PowerPoint slideshows they’ve never seen before. Just like your last board meeting, am I right?!?!?! You better BELIEVE there are gonna be laughs (and also pie charts).
Lanterns in the Garden – Along with the lantern show across the Chinese Garden, the event also features a spacious yard with vendors and food trucks where visitors are exposed to a taste of Yuanxiao and other Asian delicacies.
VidLaser Radiohead / Dark Side of the Moon – A weekly laser show featuring the highlights and constellations over Vancouver’s night sky with the soundtrack of your favourite songs from RadioHead and Pink Floyd
Saturday, February 11, 2017
24 Hours of Winter at Grouse – Wanna snowboard at 2 in the morning? Now’s your chance! Grouse is open for 24 hours with lots of extra entertainment.
Winter Farmer’s Market – Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you have to stop getting fresh, local produce! Head to Nat Bailey Stadium for your farm fix.
Eastside Flea – Just over 50 curated local vendors selling goods that would make a perfect Valentine’s gift for that special someone (or yourself, we won’t tell)
11th Annual Flea Market and Book Sale – Thousands of secondhand items available, including Japanese books, comics and magazines, all for amazing bargain prices
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Lanterns in the Garden – Along with the lantern show across the Chinese Garden, the event also features a spacious yard with vendors and food trucks where visitors are exposed to a taste of Yuanxiao and other Asian delicacies.
Spring Lights Lantern Workshops –  Learn the art of lantern making to build and personalize your own lantern. Festival artists will guide you to transform recycled and mundane materials into multi-cultural pieces that have significance to your own heritage and background.
Family Day at the Market – Family fun at Lonsdale Quay featuring a petting zoo, face painting and balloon animals, and more.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
24 Hours of Winter at Grouse – Wanna snowboard at 2 in the morning? Now’s your chance! Grouse is open for 24 hours with lots of extra entertainment.
Live Band Burlesque Tribute to Kate Bush – Kitty Nights presents a live band burlesque tribute to the trailblazing legacy of the magical Kate Bush.
Eastside Flea – Just over 50 curated local vendors selling goods that would make a perfect Valentine’s gift for that special someone (or yourself, we won’t tell)
The Sunday Service Comedy Show – Every week, come laugh with the funniest kids in town, the Sunday Service. For comedy lovers in Vancouver the Sunday Service is a weekly ritual.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Lanterns in the Garden – Along with the lantern show across the Chinese Garden, the event also features a spacious yard with vendors and food trucks where visitors are exposed to a taste of Yuanxiao and other Asian delicacies.
Inner Beauty Pageant –  Open to all genders, body types and zodiac signs, the Inner Beauty Pageant is a chance to celebrate the diva in all of us.
Spring Lights Lantern Workshops –  Learn the art of lantern making to build and personalize your own lantern. Festival artists will guide you to transform recycled and mundane materials into multi-cultural pieces that have significance to your own heritage and background.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Family Day Stat Holiday
Family Day on the Drive – A free community event on Commercial Drive (at the Ice Rink) with events for the entire family.
Skate with the Giants – Hockey Game against Tri-City Americans, if you bring skates & a helmet, you can skate with the Giants after the game!
Shred for the Cause at Mount Seymour – Ladies ride for just $10 at Mount Seymour for their “Shred for a Cause” night.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Cheap night at various movie theatres around town.
Burlesque Duos – It takes two to tango at Burlesque Duos! Coupling renowned dancers together to perform truly memorable numbers.
Valentines Decentralized Dance Party – An evening of high-energy celebration and spontaneous loving connection between thousands of total strangers that involves lots of dancing.
Puzzled Pint – Crack the location puzzle, go to the location, solve fun puzzles at your leisure and have fun! Valentine’s Day edition!
Gastown Cabaret – Three exhilarating sets of belly dancers, drag performers, comedy, thrilling live stunts, contortionists, burlesque, and random hilariousness ALL IN ONE SHOW!
17th Annual People’s Prom – The prom you never had in high school: it’s a radical, community-oriented, anti-capitalist, queer, cross-dressing, gender bending, bike loving, slow dancing, big dress wearing, good time.
Valentines Day Donut Tasting – 4-course donut tasting experience featuring savoury and sweet donut creations as well as wine and port pairings!
Vancouver Story Slam – Ten storytellers share original stories! $5 cover includes a ballot to vote for your favourites.
Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival – Back for its sixth year, and this time, even more chocolate makers have come together to spike their hot chocolate drinks with the wildest, most delicious flavours you can imagine.
XOXO! Valentine’s Day Speed Dating – Dating for people with short attention spans, at Lickerish Lounge (903 Davie Street)
Wednesday, February 15, 2017Thursday, February 16, 2017
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Friday, February 17, 2017
Winterruption Festival – Music, dance, film, theatre, art, food, craft, indoor and outdoor activities, and so much more on Granville Island!
VidLaser Radiohead / Dark Side of the Moon – A weekly laser show featuring the highlights and constellations over Vancouver’s night sky with the soundtrack of your favourite songs from RadioHead and Pink Floyd
National Adoption Weekend – PetSmart stores across Canada will be hosting adoption events to showcase dogs, puppies, cats and kittens in need of a good home!
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Dash for the Dogs – This will be a fun, non-competitive, run or walk through Stanley Park with proceeds going to BC and Alberta Guide Dogs.
Winter Farmer’s Market – Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you have to stop getting fresh, local produce! Head to Nat Bailey Stadium for your farm fix.
Vancouverite: A Comedy Show –  A comedy show featuring funny stories and stand-up about what adjusting to Vancouver has been like, from some of the best Vancouver comedians
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Winterruption Festival – Music, dance, film, theatre, art, food, craft, indoor and outdoor activities, and so much more on Granville Island!
Art Battle Vancouver – An exciting night of live competitive painting and silent auction.
Spring Lights Lantern Workshops –  Learn the art of lantern making to build and personalize your own lantern. Festival artists will guide you to transform recycled and mundane materials into multi-cultural pieces that have significance to your own heritage and background.
National Adoption Weekend – PetSmart stores across Canada will be hosting adoption events to showcase dogs, puppies, cats and kittens in need of a good home!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Winterruption Festival – Music, dance, film, theatre, art, food, craft, indoor and outdoor activities, and so much more on Granville Island!
The Sunday Service Comedy Show – Every week, come laugh with the funniest kids in town, the Sunday Service. For comedy lovers in Vancouver the Sunday Service is a weekly ritual.
National Adoption Weekend – PetSmart stores across Canada will be hosting adoption events to showcase dogs, puppies, cats and kittens in need of a good home!
Monday, February 20, 2017
Shred for the Cause at Mount Seymour – Ladies ride for just $10 at Mount Seymour for their “Shred for a Cause” night.
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Cheap night at various movie theatres around town.
Dr. Sketchy’s Anti Art School – Part art class, part cabaret, sexy ladies be sexy and you draw them!
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Pizza Palooza – A pizza tasting extravaganza presented by a Vancouver food blogger. If we had you at “pizza” this is the event for you.
BC Home + Garden Show – Inspiration, helpful tips, innovative products and fantastic deals in remodeling, home improvement, decor and outdoor spaces all under one roof.
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Rock Paper Portside – A hilarious & interactive tournament, the last Wednesday night of the month! Where else can you cut, cover & crush your way to cash, prizes and bragging rights!?!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Mischief Managed Presents: Harry Potter Burlesque – A silly, sexy evening filled with all your favourite Harry Potter characters in a light you’ve never seen them before. Like Harry Potter… But way hotter!
We Know Nothing about Art Comedy Show – Join comedian Abdul Aziz and his friends as they do their best to make sense of the world’s most treasured works of art, with little to no formal training in the field
BC Home + Garden Show – Inspiration, helpful tips, innovative products and fantastic deals in remodeling, home improvement, decor and outdoor spaces all under one roof.
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
11th Annual Moonlight Snowshoe – An evening of guided snowshoeing under the moon. Fundraiser for Take a Hike Foundation.
Spring Lights Lantern Workshops –  Learn the art of lantern making to build and personalize your own lantern. Festival artists will guide you to transform recycled and mundane materials into multi-cultural pieces that have significance to your own heritage and background.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Tinder Tales: Live at the Fox Cabaret – Professional/Amateur Daters, Storytellers, Comedians, and everyday people confess their most outrageous Tinder Tales and other online dating disasters live on stage at the Fox Cabaret.
Eastside Flea – Featuring over 50 local vendors, food trucks, a live deejay, artisan showrooms, seasonal drink specials, pinball, visiting with friends & more!!
Alicia Tobin’s Come Draw with Me –  Come Draw With Alicia Tobin and get some of her patented* comedic critique of your 5-minute drawings (*not actually patented). Supplies provided. No talent necessary.
BC Home + Garden Show – Inspiration, helpful tips, innovative products and fantastic deals in remodeling, home improvement, decor and outdoor spaces all under one roof.
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
VidLaser Radiohead / Dark Side of the Moon – A weekly laser show featuring the highlights and constellations over Vancouver’s night sky with the soundtrack of your favourite songs from RadioHead and Pink Floyd
East Van Mardi Gras – Jazz, Horns, Funk, Costumes, Stilts, Parades, Krewes, Theatre, Food and Drink …. All go in the hall pot to create a magical evening of New Orleans style Mardi Gras – East Van Style.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Winter Farmer’s Market – Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you have to stop getting fresh, local produce! Head to Nat Bailey Stadium for your farm fix.
Eastside Flea – Featuring over 50 local vendors, food trucks, a live deejay, artisan showrooms, seasonal drink specials, pinball, visiting with friends & more!!
Teenage Dirtbag – Comedians explore the follies of youth. Teenage Dirtbag combines hilarious self-deprecating jokes with the magic of Microsoft PowerPoint.
BC Home + Garden Show – Inspiration, helpful tips, innovative products and fantastic deals in remodeling, home improvement, decor and outdoor spaces all under one roof.
Just For Laughs Northwest Comedy Fest – Tons of live comedians from all over, including Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Trevor Noah, and more…
Coldest Night of the Year – A family-friendly fundraising walk to raise money and awareness for the homeless, hungry and hurting in communities across Canada.
Pet Lover Show –  Western Canada’s largest pet show is returning to Abbotsford this year with exciting new attractions and exhibitions for Greater Vancouver pets and their humans.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Eastside Flea – Featuring over 50 local vendors, food trucks, a live deejay, artisan showrooms, seasonal drink specials, pinball, visiting with friends & more!!
BC Home + Garden Show – Inspiration, helpful tips, innovative products and fantastic deals in remodeling, home improvement, decor and outdoor spaces all under one roof.
Climb the Wall – Stairclimb for clean air. Challenge yourself up 48 stories of intense stairclimbing!!!
The Sunday Service Comedy Show – Every week, come laugh with the funniest kids in town, the Sunday Service. For comedy lovers in Vancouver the Sunday Service is a weekly ritual.
Pet Lover Show –  Western Canada’s largest pet show is returning to Abbotsford this year with exciting new attractions and exhibitions for Greater Vancouver pets and their humans.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Shred for the Cause at Mount Seymour – Ladies ride for just $10 at Mount Seymour for their “Shred for a Cause” night.
Women in Tech Week – A unique platform for entrepreneurs, engineers, and community leaders to collaborate and empower women to take on new challenges and create opportunities to push the boundaries in the tech industry.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Cheap night at various movie theatres around town.
Women in Tech Week – A unique platform for entrepreneurs, engineers, and community leaders to collaborate and empower women to take on new challenges and create opportunities to push the boundaries in the tech industry.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: Ephex from TTS 1 is named after Ephex from TTS 3-4.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: All creatures originating from the various color dimensions (meaning The Abyss, The Gray, etc.) are Aroace. This includes Voidsteppe, Chaos, his creations, and No Name's creations.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: Zach pretended to be a vampire when he was a little kid. He doesn't like to bring it up much though.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: Turning to Stone is technically older than you think. I started writing it in the summer before 7th grade but I quickly gave up. Then in 8th grade I remembered my ideas and wrote it out.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: None of the mafia children in The Fall of Salem have middle names, mostly because they were almost all found as orphans or runaways, but if Zach had to pick a middle name it would probably be Romeo. (Or Tybalt. Or some other Shakespearean character.)
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
Typewriter Trivia Tuesday: Within the Turning to Stone universe, Bap is the one who canonically wrote the books.
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
TFOS Trivia Tuesday: Yang (and her sister Yin) are named after pet rats I used to have.
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