#ual level 3
level3art · 4 days
Zine 2024 | Digital Edition
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cullen-blue23 · 8 months
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UAL Level 3/4 Foundation Dip in Art & Design Unit 1
This is a small collection of work from Unit 1, which took place over the first half of the term up to the end of October. This was very different from my previous course, which was pretty structured. I decided I wanted to do a course that was more experimental, using different media, and get used to being more messy and try and get out of my comfort zone.
From the start we were working in groups, collaborating and using different mediums. We went on couple of field trips and encouraged to go beyond the studio. I made some good friends, which helped my social anxiety a lot. I enjoyed all of the workshops, though some were more challenging than others. The installation stuff, 3D work and puppet making was tricky, but enjoyable. I really liked how my puppet turned out. My first attempt was a disaster and had to learn how to sew in a week, it was rapid learning curve. Making the Julian Robers dress was interesting, and I really liked working with my friends on this.
Overall, Unit 1 for me was pretty much almost everything I had hoped for. I've explored, I've experimented, I’ve gotten messy and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Unit 2 is the Pathway stage, and I have chosen Narrative and Printmaking. Will try and post about that more frequently.
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snows-2am-thoughts · 9 months
Dazai Headcanons
I have a few headcanons on how Dazai acted before he came to be in Mori’s care. There are a lot of theories about where Dazai came from and I love most of them honestly. There are so many possibilities about how Dazai came to be and honestly, I need a light novel about it. Unless they’re going to make it important to the plot and it gets revealed in the next arc or sometime later in the manga. 
My favorite theory that I came up with was that Dazai came from a wealthy family. He’s probably the youngest of 2-3 siblings and his parents were the cold and distant but loving type. I like to think that Dazai had a nice family but something happened that pushed him to where he ended up. I am taking inspiration from the protagonist of the No Longer Human book by the irl Dazai Osamu so tread carefully since I will mention some of that stuff. I am trying to keep this one more lighthearted and introspective so some stuff like the se*ual ab*se Ōba Yōzō went through won’t be mentioned. 
Warnings: I talk about ADHD, some implied mental illness along with some trauma because Dazai. All of the warnings that can apply to Dazai should be warned (aka his unaliving tendencies)
Anyways the headcanons
INFANT Dazai (0-1 year old)
Was a quiet baby, never really cried and babbled
It actually worried his parents at first because their other kids made a lot more noise as babies
Only really cried if he got super frustrated when he couldn’t communicate his wants effectively
Did started making noises and saying small words around the 10 month mark
Wasn’t very interested in the baby toys that made noise
Building blocks held his interest a tad bit more but even then he grew out of them fast
TODDLER Dazai (1-3 years old)
Started walking around the 1 year old mark
Still wasn’t a big talker but he would give one or two word answers, he just didn’t feel like any more words were necessary
Would walk and point to things if he could, words once again weren’t necessary
Wasn't very interested in toys the kids his age liked
Did have a small interest in listening to his parents work, mostly because his brain was a sponge soaking up all it could
Taught himself to read around 2.5-3 years old, he would memorize stories that the maids would read to him then open the book himself and memorize the words. Basically he worked backwards to learn to read
With the early reading came the early education once his parents noticed his only interests revolved around his brain
Numbers and the lot came easy after learning the basics
PRESCHOOL Dazai (3-6 years old)
Didn’t really understand people and even more so after starting school and started being around kids his age
He observed and copied the actions of the kids around him to not draw attention to himself (*cough*masking*cough*)
Started to make himself act like more of an outgoing and friendly child even if he didn’t understand why that seemed like the preferred personality that people wanted from children. (aye practice for his future self)
Although he transitioned into his persona slowly as to not raise suspicion of an overnight personality change
Thought that his persona could let him understand people a little more but it made him more confused
He totally gave his teachers so many headaches when he first started school
As I said before, tried to mask and hide his intelligence for a while because he didn’t need any attention on him
This failed as he got way too bored of sorting shapes and numbers but he was already reading at a 16 year old skill level at 6 years old
His teachers tried stimulating his academically until they deemed it was better to just move him up grades
Went from his 6 year old class to a class filled with 9 year olds to test the waters
They had to move him to a 12 year old class only a few days later when he made multiple children cry after a multiplication game
SCHOOL AGE (6-12 years old)
You will have to physically rip ADHD Dazai away from my cold dead hands, I stg (I could do a whole separate headcanon for this because him and Ranpo basically make up AuDHD)
I feel like around his 7-8 year old mark is when he really started going tired around the uninteresting things of life, he’s a severely bored kid who doesn’t understand nor have a will to live
I do think around 10-11 is when he started getting interested in suicide as a coping mechanism for all the intricacies of humanity that he did not understand and the fact he started realizing he didn’t have a reason to live
At this point he’s observed people for so long that the masks he parades around of a cheerful but academically gifted child is concrete and there’s hardly anything that can make him break it
Knows why and how people feel certain emotions or react a certain way to things but he doesn’t understand it, not really
There's an ever bigger disconnect between him and people from when he was small that he starts to think of himself as something other than human
Had a bunch of issues trying to stimulate his brain in a way that would take away his boredom as school couldn’t do it for him
While he couldn’t ever really take away his boredom completely, he would take up new puzzles or games to try and give his brain new things to think about. I’m talking like the 3D crystal puzzles or the puzzles with no edge pieces
Anything that could capture his attention was bought in bulk until he eventually got bored of it again (neurodivergent child)
Started taking university level courses around 11, he probably could’ve taken them sooner but his teachers and parents didn’t want to overload them
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nautilus1954 · 1 year
Don't expect much, still laying out ground work and couldn't think of a good title for the life of me. Story 4 tho is when things should become more interesting =]
WARNING: This OC contains high level bullying, s##ual slurs, and conflic against genders: READER BEWARE
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couldthisbetrue · 1 year
Let’s Talk About...
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I've never been so... Undecided about my feelings for a tv show 😂... I've been going back and forth between 'I liked it' and 'I didn't like it' for the past 2 - 3 weeks, until I realised that actually what I was feeling was underwhelmed.
  Ever since I started writing this review/thought post I’ve tried so hard to justify/explain away the shortcomings in Şahmaran to myself (that’s how much I wanted to like the show 😂) unfortunately me being me, I couldn’t ignore them no matter how hard I tried.
   I had/have been looking forward to Şahmaran since before we even had a solid storyline (since the only name attached to the tv show was Serenay's. I kid you not, it has been (at the very least) a year. So you can guess just how high my expectations for Şahmaran were (and they only got higher and higher as time went on with further news about casting/storyline etc).
On the surface it had everything to make it really good - a strong cast, main leads that looked like they would be  🔥 together and a strong, interesting storyline to match everything else it had going for it. Unfortunately, Şahmaran was also let down by all of the things I just mentioned. How so? Well, let me count the ways...
(Apologies in advance for the length of this post 🤣...)
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  The cast/characters
  Probably one of the first things I learned about the show (after the fact that it would be about a shape-shifting snake) was about who was going to be part of it.
   I cannot explain my level of excitement on seeing Serenay back on tv after (what was it,) eight years or so? And that too in a show with such a unique premise? I was all like
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As if that wasn't enough, Netflix announced that Burak Deniz had been cast as Maran. Call me superficial but two gorgeous people on-screen together, more importantly two that we hadn't seen paired together before? Sign me up! I was looking forward to seeing how the both of them would play off each other on the show.
   They're both brilliant actors so when I saw how their potential was being wasted on Şahmaran I was heartbroken. Oh don't get me wrong, the chemistry and the s**ual tension was there and it was 🔥 BUT I feel like their (non-intimate) scenes together were lacking the emotional depth that would've taken them to a whole other level, as it was though their scenes felt a little empty to me but I think that that had more to do with the depth/emotion missing from the storyline rather than anything else (because I’ve seen both Burak and Serenay (separately) in other shows and trust me, they have no problem bringing it).
  The supporting cast… First of all, let me just say I think it's a real shame that more people aren't talking about the supporting cast and their performance(s) in the show; from  Mustafa Uğurlu to Mahir Günşiray, Şahmaran is full of actors and characters that aren't getting the credit they deserve (in my opinion), Mustafa Uğurlu and Mahir Günşiray are legends of Turkish tv and it shows in their performances, the finesse with which Mustafa Uğurlu played Davut was brilliant, even when I didn't want to keep watching/fast-forwarded my way through episodes (because it was DRAGGING on) I kept watching and would even stop fast-forwarding on his scenes, Şahsu's grandfather's pain was almost palpable thanks to the way that Mustafa Uğurlu portrayed the character. And Mahir Günşiray as the slightly eccentric father but also with an air of seriousness (someone who’s used to being revered and respected) about him? I LOVED IT. Only he could've pulled off that character the way that he did I think.
  I can't talk about supporting characters and not mention the characters of Medine and her husband. On the face of it, I was left thinking (at least at first), 'What was the need for these two characters?' but once I finished watching it and went over my thoughts about the show, I realised that actually theirs was one of the most (quietly) beautiful relationships on the show, even with the lack of screen time they were given. I'm looking forward to seeing where their storyline ends up in Season 2.
   Mert Ramazan Demir - The first time I watched anything featuring him was Yalı Çapkını and I'm glad to see that they didn't change his character in Şahmaran to completely match that of his character Ferit in Yalı Çapkını (with how popular the character of Ferit has become with audiences, I actually thought they might) I liked seeing this more serious side of him, yaay for not type-casting! 
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I make this next point specifically because of the 'The only reason Mert Ramazan Demir was included in promotional interviews/marketing for Şahmaran was because Netflix wanted to capitalise on Yalı Çapkını's success’ comments floating around, and as much as it pains me to say this - after actually seeing the show - I have to say I agree. As much as I’m all for Mert Ramazan living his best life (and getting ALL the success), going off the storyline, it would have made more sense for them to have Mustafa Uğurlu (Şahsu's grandfather) in the promo pics rather than Mert Ramazan Demir. I mean the guy’s even mentioned in the description for the show:
"When Şahsu goes to Adana for a lecture, it’s the perfect chance to face her estranged grandfather."
That seems like a pretty important character – and one that should be featured in promo photoshoots with the main characters – don't you think?
   In all honesty? I think all of the supporting characters I've mentioned and those of Bike, Diba and Hare (Maran’s sisters) are what made the unwatchable/boring parts of the show watchable. We need more of them all in Season two please writers.
   The Storyline
  I think that 95% of the problems with Şahmaran (or that Şahmaran had) could have been avoided/would not have been present if the script/storyline had been stronger than it was.
   Let me start off with pacing, you can have the best script/storyline in the world but if the pacing is off? It can spoil everything - and that's what happened in the case of Şahmaran - except Şahmaran, unfortunately didn't have the best script/storyline to begin with, but more on that later.
  Getting back to pacing, it was REALLY slow (at least for me). In a show about shape-shifter snakes, I expected a much faster pace than the one we got. Some viewers have said "Oh well, slow-burn relationship between Şahsu and Maran = the reason for the show’s slow pacing" but that argument doesn't work because you can have the best slow-burn relationship without it (the slow pacing) leaking in to the rest of the show.
   I tried to justify/explain away the pacing issues saying that maybe the reason for the slow-pacing was because they were really going for/playing in to the sleepy, rural, town feel for where Şahsu's grandfather lives hence the deliberate slowness, and okay let's say that's the reason why but then by that same logic shouldn't it have picked up once Şahsu got there? (Because her inadvertently shaking things up was the entire premise of the show) but nope it stayed the same. And again, I think that was because there wasn't enough substance in the overall storyline (so they dragged out whatever they could and ended up affecting the overall pacing of the show).
   There was no sense of urgency in scenes that felt (and were being acted) like they should have had it but that was just one of the many areas where the storyline was lacking to be honest. The majority of each episode felt like a filler episode/full of filler content with maybe one or two scenes (in each episode) that actually took the story just a teeny bit forward each time.
  The issue with pacing could have all been fixed (I think) if only the writers had looked towards the myth/folklore that the tv show was based on for help with more story ideas for their script. I mean you had/have a plethora of (different countries) takes on the legend of Şahmaran to pick and choose bits from, so why not pull from those? Actually, even if they didn't do that, from what I've heard, if they took more inspiration just from the Turkish version of the myth they would have had plenty to make the show REALLY good/something to talk about instead of this bland (for want of a better word) version that we were given.
The tv show was apparently based on this book which maybe explains the constant anti-climactic feel of the episodes and ultimately of the show itself (because sometimes what looks good on the page doesn’t translate well to screen due to time constraints etc) saying that though, I haven't read the book so I can’t speak to how true of an adaptation the tv show actually is of the book, but if following the book is the reason for the problems in the storyline then the responsibility was on the directors, producers and writers of the show and whoever else was in charge of taking the book to screen to make sure that what we saw was both as accurate as possible (to it’s source material) whilst also keeping it exciting enough to keep viewers interested.
I mean as a reader myself, I feel that readers and fans (of any book that is adapted for the screen) don’t want to see a word for word or scene-to-scene adaptation of every single thing exactly the way it was in the book otherwise they would’ve just re-read the book itself right?
  I talked (earlier) a little about how there was no emotional depth to any of Şahsu and Maran's interactions (aside from the intimate scenes) and I think that has more to do with the writers opting for the tell instead show angle when it came to their scenes together. There's a lot of talk about how hard Maran finds it to stay away from Şahsu especially seeing as they're destined to be together etc etc you get the picture but that's all it was - talk. I would have liked to see that struggle translated on to the screen, like-wise show me Şahsu struggling with her attraction to Maran and with the strange goings on in the town instead of just telling me about it.
  It's a shame really, there was so much potential there (if only the writers had been able to get a good balance between the storyline and the mythology it was based on) but it was all wasted and in turn, I feel like Burak and Serenay's talent was wasted too, they didn't get to show the full scope of their acting, and if I'm being completely honest, ended up coming off almost emotionless and cardboard-like in their performances at times (I've seen them both in other shows before and they were really good, so I don’t really know what went wrong here except maybe it was nervouseness or something, stemming from them not having worked together before? Or having to do intimate scenes together without having gotten (the time) to know or get comfortable with each other beforehand?)
   I've gotta say though the emotion really came through for me in the scene between Şahsu and Maran just before the season finished (not the one right at the end but the one just before it where Maran is asking Şahsu to listen to him, for those of you who have watched Şahmaran - and for those of you who haven't, I tried to be as little spoiler-y as possible 😉)
  Something smells Twilight-esque
  According to an entertainment website, the author of the book that Şahmaran was adapted from has previously said (apparently) that she took inspiration from Twilight when writing it (as her children were fans of it). I read about that before I started the show so I knew there may be some similarities to it, I wasn't prepared for just how much some scenes would remind me of Twilight though...
These three scenes stood out to me specifically:
  1) That scene of Maran joining his family at the town festival and them all walking in slowly together - it was very reminiscent of this one from Twilight.
   2)  The Maran - Şahsu - Cihan of it all was very similar to Edward, Bella and Jacob's love triangle, actually the love angle less so, but the animosity that Cihan has for Maran (I'm trying to be as un-spoilery as possible but 😕) definitely gave me Jacob and Edward vibes - especially when you factor in that Mert Ramazan Demir looks a lot like Taylor Lautner/Jacob from certain angles (at least to me and I’ve only noticed it in Şahmaran so far and only during certain scenes). I don't know if the casting directors cast the character of Cihan/Mert Ramazan with that in mind but
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3) Maran's siblings' abilities matching those of Nikki Reed and Ashley Green's characters' from Twilight - this one was pointed out by someone else, it's been a LONG time since I watched Twilight so I can't really say for certain if they do or not.
  Overall thoughts
   There will be a Season two apparently (they finished filming it a couple of months ago) so maybe the bulk of the story/mythology is reserved for that season and this one was meant to serve as more of an introduction to the characters/mythology of Şahmaran? I don’t know, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Also, I think I have an idea of who will be playing the lady on the marble (again trying to be as less spoiler-y as I can be but
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at not being able to/not wanting to spoil it) and its gonna get GOOD and twist-y next season! (at least it will if I'm right in what I'm thinking for the storyline ahead).
  Before I finish up this post, a special mention to the colour scheme used in the show and the almost spooky-like ambience/atmosphere they managed to create - that (and that kind of feel) was what I wanted more of in the show itself, it was all spot on, I really liked it. Oh and I hope we get to see more of Maran's sisters - with their own storyline's (independent of Şahsu and Maran's) in the next season.
I will (hopefully) be watching season two because despite everything I still see potential there and I want to see where the writers go with it (especially seeing as how season one finished). Here’s hoping the next season makes up for what season one lacked.
NOTE: Although inspiration has (apparently) been taken for the show from Twilight, Şahmaran is not intended/recommended for a younger audience due to scenes of a sexual nature
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Shining Hearts ~ Melodies and Melancholy Masterlist
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Main Description: While Yuulan, Ace and Deuce have their hands full preparing for the joint cultural festival and the VDC, Danica is kept busy as well with her own team made up of various young ladies around the school. Each of her teammates was hand chosen by Vil himself with the same level of care as the boys team. But clashing personalities and personal disagreements between her and her dorm leader aren’t making things any easier for her! And before Danica can lead her wayward team to victory, she must also come to terms with the knowledge that she is slowly morphing into the kind of young woman the world might not want her to be.
Will Danica be able to pass Vil’s ultimate test? Or is this ship sunk before it’s even had a chance to sail?
A/N: Before reading this, I strongly suggest reading part one and part two of my winter break headcanons for my twst ocs as what happens will be referenced a lot in this fic, especially Danica’s. 
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland or any of its characters, only my ocs. Other ocs featured in this fic belong to their respective owners. Also, while I try to write the TWST canon characters as true to their canon selves as possible, please be aware I have my own interpretations about certain aspects of their respective arcs. So some characters MIGHT come off as somewhat ooc. 
Rating: 16+
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes, forced kisses, brief references to se*ual harassment/assault, A LOT of angst and A LOT of talk about sexism and double standards in the entertainment industry, and some violence in later chapters. Basically all warnings from book 5 apply 
Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  | 
Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7  | Chapter 8  |  Chapter 9  | Chapter 10 | 
Chapter 11 |  Chapter 12  |  Chapter 13  | Chapter 14  | Chapter 15
Chapter 16 |  Chapter 17
Danica (SSR)  |  Iman (SR)  |  Vidaria (SR)  |  Ione (SR)  |  Taima (R) 
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miskinmusictech · 2 months
UAL Level 2 and 3 Final Major Project - Week 1: Prior to starting this week, your proposal and 5 week plan should be in place.
By the end of this week significant progress should be made in terms of research and planning.
Week 1's evaluation must be completed on Friday.
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ashleestanworth · 5 months
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Theme and market mini project 2
Cabaret costume
Second year UAL level 3 Fashion design
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ailtrahq · 10 months
UAL stock seems to be trading positively in the YTD time frame as it added $12.51 to its trading price.  UAL Stock Price Analysis  On January 3, 2023, United Airlines Holdings, Inc. stock was trading at $37.21 and at press time its prices were $49.72.  As per Market analysts, UAL stock price is expected to open below its previous closing price of September 4.  United Airlines Holdings, Inc. has a Market capitalization of $16.307 Billion. A major surge of 32% is seen in the Market cap of the company in 2023, compared to the Market cap in 2022.  At the time of publication, UAL stock was trading below 20, 50, and 100-day EMA, and at the same time it was trading above the 200-day EMA of $48.26. In 52 weeks, the highest trading price of UAL shares was $58.23 and its lowest trading price was $31.58.  From July 6 to August 30, a constant seller’s dominance was reflected on the histogram chart which pulled UAL stock price over 4% in the downwards direction.  Source: United Airlines stock price chart in YTD frame from TradingView  UAL share price slipped in the consolidation range between $48 to $50 on August 18 and followed the range till September 4. At press time, UAL stock was trading below its annual price target of $71.91. As per available data, the price-to-earning ratio is positive 6.18 and basic and the average trading volume of UAL shares is 325.369 Million.    According to TradingView, 325.369 Million United Airlines Holdings, Inc. shares are free-floating, and the remaining 2.611 Million shares are closely held either by Financial backers of the company or the board of members.   The company released its Q2 2023 financial updates on August 18, after a positivity in revenue a significant surge of 7% was seen in the August 19 trading session.  United Airlines Holdings, Inc. Financial Updates  For the second quarter of 2023, United Airlines Holdings, Inc. was supposed to report $13.09 Billion in revenue, however, the company impressed its investors by reporting $14.14 Billion in revenue.  The estimated EPS for the quarter was positive 4.03 and the reported EPS was positive 5.03. In the Financial year 2022, United Airlines Holdings, Inc. reported more revenue compared to estimated figures. From the reported revenue of 2022, the gross profit of the company was 9%, Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization was 11%, Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) was 6% and the net income was 2%.    Conclusion At the time of publication, UAL stock price was trading below $50 and since the past three trading sessions, constant selling pressure has been observed. As per Market analysts RSI and MACD, both suggest that a short-term bounce is expected by the end of this week.  Technical Levels  Major Support: $47.63 and $45.97   Major Resistance:  $50.63 and $53.37 Source
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level3art · 4 days
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Zine 2024 | UAL creative Practice | Diploma | Strode College
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cullen-blue23 · 2 years
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UNIT 4: Workbook Kaye: Head/Body Studies + Final Draft Studies
Afer completing the design for Roiben, the next logical step was to work on Kaye (the other principle character in Tithe). Unlike with Roiben, the image of Kaye in my head was a lot fuzzier, so had to do some more serious thinking about how I was going to portray her. I’m pleased with the result I came up with in the end, as the design not only suits her and looks fashionable, but was also not too complicated to draw. That will save plenty of time in the final production.
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miskinmusic22-23 · 1 year
Project Proposal Guidance
After we decide on an overall theme (We must do this today, after showing the group pitches) It will be time to write your Project Proposal
Please make sure you are clear about the theme idea, the project dates and have completed this weeks WIX blogging before you start writing your project proposal
The deadline for your first draft is Wednesday the 5th April at 1pm
The UAL guidance is on your WIX site. Do not delete the guidance yet as you will need it. Write underneath each section so that you can keep referring to it as you write. (Don’t forget to publish it when you are done)
You can see that there is a word count. This is because it is very hard to keep it down to that number of words and it therefore forces you to work out what is most important to say and become very clear and precise in your thinking.
Don’t worry about the word count too much on your first try at this. I will tell you if it’s too long.
Your proposal will be graded but I will help you with it before it is finalised (and you can ask me questions over Monday and Tuesday)
The guidance is written by UAL (the awarding body) so I have added little bit about each section here to help you understand it
Your proposal is about you. How you have grown on the course over the previous 3 performances, recordings, lectures and projects. Everyone is different in terms of level, instruments, experience and confidence. It is also about your intentions. How does your experience so far effect what you want to do next. (You will have already set out some intentions in your personal manifesto)
Project Concept
Show your understanding of the theme that we have come up with together, what direction you can now see the research going, what you will need to get the most out of this project and how you can develop your passions within it. We can state what we know, which is that we will be performing together live for this concept in front of an audience, with the use of our own lighting states and video projection
How exactly you plan on gathering the evidence, keep ongoing reflections and avoid discipline issues when working with other people
Project action plan and timetable
How you will take responsibility for the organisational issues that come with the project. Managing your time, planning ahead and taking responsibility for looking after the intentions of the whole company
Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard Format)
Leave this part for now. I will be giving separate guidance about Harvard referencing on Monday
You may want to look through the amended brief again before you start the proposal: https://antonycochrane.wixsite.com/website-727
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eshabettis · 1 year
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UAL Diploma in Art and Design, Level 3 Faith Project: Sketchbook pages
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angelinarunghen · 1 year
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Short Animation Trailer
This was a project to demonstrate a selection of skills and abilities developed throughout the first year of my UAL Level 3 Diploma.
This is short trailer about two dancers. One is a rich ballet dancer and the other a poor street dancer (each equally as good). The rich dancer pretends to live a happy life but feels lonely. The poor dancer is trying to make a living but doesn't seem to be surviving well. These dancers’ cross paths and after a lot of trouble they become friends. This story challenges the social class system and stereotyping.
The software I used to create the final trailer: Adobe (Character Animator, Animate, Illustrator, Photoshop, After effects and Premier Pro).
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greysgateway · 2 years
Gaming banner effect
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Gaming banner effect skin#
Gaming banner effect Pc#
Gaming banner effect plus#
Gaming banner effect series#
UAL Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Games Animation & Visual EffectsĪlongside Japan and the USA, people in Britain are some of the biggest consumers and creators of video games in the world. They’ll likely be more free skins for the game with promotions like this! Twitch loot and other online services are always good places to watch for, we’ll keep you updated if there are any more great offers like the MultiVersus Games Pass rewards.Home > Courses > Creative & Digital Arts > Games, Animation and Visual Effects Advanced INTRODUCTION Although, Battle Passes aren’t quite free.
Gaming banner effect series#
These had cool skins like Animated Series Batman, Space Jam Bugs Bunny, and more. Most MultiVersus skins were available for currency in the in-game store or through the Battle Pass. Opportunities like the MultiVersus Games Pass perks are rare. Free skins in free-to-play games aren’t common though. Like with games such as Fortnite or Apex, this is going to be a big part of the community for the title. The newest season of MultiVersus is bringing in a Battle Pass with different skins for characters. Are There More Free MultiVersus Cosmetics? There are loads of cosmetics coming to MultiVersus soon though.
Gaming banner effect skin#
That’s all three ways that you can get the new Reindog skin for Xbox Games Pass. If for some reason you find yourself hours away from your console and PC, with limited time left before the pack expires, then this is how you can make sure you don’t miss out: There is yet another way to grab these items though! You can even claim the prize through the mobile app.
Gaming banner effect Pc#
How to redeem the MultiVersus Games Pass perks on PC is a little different, but it’s simple if you’re a big user of Games pass.
Scroll down through to the MVP Pack for MultiVersus.
You can claim the MVP pack for MultiVersus from now through to the end of this month’s cycle, August 23 rd. How to Get the MultiVersus Games Pass Rewards While the MultiVersus player count is climbing, having cosmetics from near launch is a great way to show off once the game is older. It’s still early days for the game though. While the Multiversus Games Pass perks are new to most players, on other consoles some have had a look at this pack already.
Gaming banner effect plus#
This pack was previously on offer as part of the PS Plus rewards program. These are some fun cosmetics that help you spice it up from the default here. There’s also the Dark Matter Ringout effect. The pack also includes a banner, the Waterfall banner. He isn’t the highest-ranking hero on MultiVersus Season 1 tier list. Reindog is a support hero, so dressing him up to sustain a bit of damage is probably a good idea. This is a version of the little dog that wears a nice suit of armor, all dressed up to take a beating. The pack is going to include the Battle Reindog variant. Along with being a great model for exclusive Games Pass MultiVersus rewards. He’s a unique character in-game, being a completely original character for MultiVersus and not pulled in from another franchise. This is the MVP Pack! It includes a variant for the Reindog character in-game. The MultiVersus Games Pass perks are an in-game pack of cosmetics. These can be a great way to get some extra style in a free-to-play game without having to pay a penny. However, it can also be exclusive in-game cosmetics. Sometimes this is as simple as in-game currency. Games Pass perks give players exclusive gear. The MultiVersus Games Pass perks are this type. On top of all of these games, you also get exclusive perks for ongoing games. It includes most first-party titles, indies, and huge catalogs from other developers included in the price. Games Pass gives players access to a huge catalog of Microsoft games. MultiVersus Games Pass Perks – How Does it Work? This is what the MultiVersus Game Pass perks are. Players who are part of Xbox Games Pass are going to be able to grab a free skin and other cosmetics in-game between now and August 23 rd.
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d1srupt1on · 6 years
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This was my first collage looking into my theme of war and how it effects people. All of the images come from photographers during the bosnian war of 1992-95. On the top right, there is a Bosnian rebel aiming his sniper at Serbian soldiers from his 20th story tower block. It was taken around '93 in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and this was a common occurence during the war as civillians had to take matters into their own hands as the Serbian army and the JNA did not have much regard for general rules of war and they were a lot better equipped than the bosnian or croat forces. The bottom right shows a Croat soldier, obviously exhausted, and resting during a battle. Bosnians and Croats were allied for most of the war however tensions were often high between them, mainly due to the difference in religious beliefs. On the left side, both are examples of Serbian Republic Soldiers. The top one is a serbian rifleman with rocket grenades on his back. these were common along with mortars as there was a no fly zone enforced by the UN over the country during the war. Bottom left shows a serbian unit known as Arkan's Tigers. They were feared by Bosnians and Croats due to their high skill and their disregard of mercy. Later on after the war had finished, Arkan himself was tried and found guilty of war crimes.
The effect this war had on the people involved in it was not only fear and terror for civilians, but it also created egomaniacs and soldiers out of normal people.
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