bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Mike Dodds Masterlist
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Mike Dodds x Reader:
Mental Health Check - Mike checks in on you.
His Brother’s Keeper - You have an altercation with Mike’s brother.
Mike Loves… (NSFW) - Mike loves getting his hands on you
Sunday Morning With Mike Dodds - Sunday mornings with Mike.
Living With Mike Dodds - What it’s like to live with Mike.
Casual (NSFW) - Mike and you decide to keep it casual.
Fatherhood - William watches over Mike in the aftermath of the shooting.
If Today Was Your Last Day (NSFW) - Mike and you spend his last day together.
Spontaneous (NSFW) - Mike gives you a spontaneous wake up call.
Giving (NSFW) - Mike Dodds is a giver.
Unspoken - In the aftermath of the Munson shooting, Mike struggles to recover both physically and mentally.
Blood Bane - Werewolf AU - Mike’s wolf pushes him too far.
Spark - Mike & you discuss the importance of spark in a relationship.
Squad Finding Out You’re Dating Mike Dodds
Mike Dodds Dating a Grad Student
Sleepless In New York - You & Mike fall into old habits.
‘Are These Good Tears?’ - Mike returns from the dead.
Don’t Touch Me - Mike suffers at the hands of his captors.
5 Sentences Game:
Laughing with my feet in your lap
Tangled up with you all night
"You can't just make decisions like this without asking me!"
Mike’s NSFW Dirty Alphabet:
The Whole Alphabet
Sleeping with the Boss Series - Can be read as stand alone or as part of a series
Part One: Sleeping with the Boss - You leave Mike in bed.
Part Two: The Morning After - You & Mike navigate the morning after.
Ex!Mike Series - Can be read as stand alone or part of a series
Part One: See You Again - Mike starts working in SVU
Part Two: Expectations - Mike knows what people think of him.
Part Three: Coffee Break - You & Mike talk.
Part Four: Liar - You tell Mike the truth about why you left him.
UC!Mike Series - Can be read as stand alone or as part of a series
Part One: Left Behind - Mike returns from his UC assigment.
Part Two: Reflection - Mike reflects on the past.
Part Three: Blue - Your life gets alot more complicated.
Part Four: Out In The Cold - Mike is left out in the cold when you are forced to reveal your pregnancy.
Part Five: Best Laid Plans - Mike and you make an agreement.
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thena0315 · 1 year
Remember when Carisi went UC with Dodds in 17x08
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Apparently he went UC as Officer Nolan who worked during 9/11 as badge #0644
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Should Gavin Newsom and the University of California Regents let UCLA go?
I am going to say, “yes.”
Not because I like the Big Ten’s addition of USC and UCLA.  After years of being in cahoots with the PAC, that raid out of nowhere just sucked.  It reads about as traitorous as you could be.
USC And UCLA’s departure
But as I have speculated before, they were probably somewhat coaxed into it by USC and UCLA.  
It just seems logical.  You don’t set up the ALLIANCE between the Big Ten, Pac-12, and ACC a few months before actively raiding another alliance member conference.  No one actively wants to look that duplicitous.  It is far, far more likely that USC aggressively solicited them for membership.
If you are the Big Ten and USC calls you and say, “UCLA and USC are tired of being part of a “have not” conference that lacks the ability to properly leverage our TV value. With UT no longer an option for the PAC 12 to add, we don’t have any way to easily improve the PAC 12, so we were wondering if you had slots for us.  Given our long history together, we figured we would call you before calling the SEC...”
And the Big Ten said, “Well crap... if your next call is to the SEC -- a move that would net them more TV dollars than us in perpetuity...Crap.  Welcome aboard, sorry rest of the PAC....”
UC’s board
There are tons of articles suggesting the UC board might have an interest in stopping UCLA’s departure.  That could be excellent for the PAC....Why then would I now suggest the UC board of Regents do not try to prevent them from going?
Well because it would be hard to do without creating legal problems (potentially very expensive ones) and it could backfire horribly.
The path the PAC is on
Right now it seems pretty clear that the PAC may be able to ride this out.  The Big Ten schools are content with their numbers. Several of the lesser schools do not want to buy in on more expansion because they realize that the BIG Ten would take THEIR games and sell them to Amazon to fund this.  Games on Amazon will not get the viewership of games on cable.   So those schools appear to be hard no votes.
There does not appear to be support for further expansion at this moment.
Oregon wants to drag Washington into the Big Ten.  Washington is a lot less consumed with the idea.  Plus, Oregon currently doesn’t have a ticket into the Big Ten.
If Oregon and Washington don’t go, the 4 inland PAC schools are content to stay.  The Pac likely signs its TV deal with ESPN and a streaming deal with Amazon and/or Apple.  The streaming deals amount to trading less viewership and exposure on the front end for grossly over valued payments.
Reportedly Amazon has offered big money to the Big 12 and the Big Ten and been rejected by both groups as the schools did not want to trade off the exposure, but the PAC 12 schools have all lost a ton of money over the last decade and their users are far more likely to watch the game on their phones if they cannot attend.   To me, the PAC seems much more suited to this business model than the other power conferences.
It seems fairly likely that the PAC ends up with a TV/Streaming deal that ends up paying them a little over $40M annually,  better than the Big 12′s 31M annually new deal.
After that, the PAC seems likely to add San Diego State for an 11th and final member.  I think it is such a foregone conclusion, that the PAC will likely negotiate with San Diego State content planned in their negotiations.
That hits me as the likely future for the PAC.
Well wouldn’t it be better to retain UCLA and have 12?
Well theoretically yes...The trouble is what happens if the UC BOR somehow overturns UCLA’s departure.
What does that do to the BIG TEN’s TV deal?
I’d like to share a post by realignment reporter Dennis Dodd and the response by realignment follower Frank The Tank.
Dodd is about as tuned in a realignment reporter as you will find out there today and it is very clear the Big Ten is pushing out what they want to say through him in much the same way Deloss Dodds and UT used to push narratives out through Chip Banks.
Frank the Tank is probably the most accurate and plugged in realignment private commentator and editorialist dealing with moves of the Big Ten over the last 10-20 years.
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This is a not so lightly veiled threat to the UC regents pushed out through Dodds.  --- If you try to keep UCLA, we will pull Oregon, Washington, and maybe a travel partner for USC (Stanford?)  and collapse the PAC around the UC schools.
This is a believable scenario. 
The Big Ten deal basically allows them to “go shop”  for upwards of 6 teams to be paid at the current rate.  They haven’t gone shopping in the PAC because there is likely more money to be had raiding the ACC in a few years.
But if the UC BOR blocks the Big Ten from a valuable media asset like UCLA, the Big Ten TV Partners may be leaning towards INSISTING the Big Ten go after replacement value pieces like Washington and Oregon.
Now how would that go forward?  Would the Big Ten just expand again, or would they sue the UC system for tortious interference, costing the state Millions of dollars?
If they just expanded that would likely turn those Big Ten expansion “no” votes into “yes” votes.
If UCLA returns the PAC payouts might go up like $6 million per school.
That is certainly nice, but is pursuing that worth the gamble of imploding the conference?
Does Gavin Newsom --- a governor with Presidential aspirations -- want to deal with what would likely be a lose/lose position with his state being sued for millions and both UC schools ending up in potentially the Big 12 or even possibly the MWC...???
You should never pick a fight if you cannot afford to lose it.
A better course for the regents is to let UCLA go and kick the fight down the road to a point where the board is in a better position to fight.
They could write a rule to force UCLA to deliver a public comprehensive comparative report on the on the court and in classroom success of their programs in the Big Ten over the course of 4-5 years vs. in the PAC 12 in the 5 year before and then require UCLA re-evaluate what is the best home for their student athletes before committing to be a continuing member of the Big Ten in pursuit of their next TV deal.
Is that enough?
Now Newsom’s political career is based off money from Bay area donors who are pissed about this. 
They are pushing this and would likely need some kind of win to make the pressure on Newsom go away.  
If Newsom feels that backed into a corner, my gut feeling is that UCLA may be required to pay Cal (and very possibly Stanford) a penalty payment each year for the length of the Big Ten contract.  I could see UCLA having to give them as much as each 5 million annually as “the cost of doing business”.
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svuwritings · 3 years
#46 With Mike if you're still taking request
hehehe this is back from like 3 years ago when my requests were still open and i didn’t have a backlog :-)
Masterlist | Prompts 
46. “Hit me.” | Mike Dodds
Warnings: she/her pronouns used for reader, physical violence, sexual undertones
The shock was visible on his face at your request. “Excuse me?” He questioned, sure he hadn’t heard you right.
You rolled your eyes impatiently, egging him on. “Come on, Mike,” you whispered feverishly. “Hit me.”
“Are you out of your mind?” He whispered back, eyes wide in shock. “There’s no way I’m hitting you.”
“It’s part of our UC,” you reasoned. “They need to think we’re kinky or else we’re in serious trouble.”
“Can’t I just fake it?” He begged.
You whisper-yelled his name back, annoyance settling on your face.
“She’s right, Mike,” Liv chimed in over the radio. “Keep up appearances.”
Mike huffed in a breath, shifted awkwardly, and let go without giving himself a chance to second guess. 
All eyes turned to you the second his hand made contact with your skin, the sound reverberating across the room. You played the part, gasping when his hand made contact with your face, jaw dropping slightly. You stared blankly for a second, before grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling his head towards you, eyes shutting as your lips met.
He faltered slightly, but quickly got back into character, grabbing your face as he deepened the kiss. 
You would be lying if you said it didn’t spark something in you, seeing Mike that powerful, feeling his hand on your face, the sting melted away as his greedy lips and tongue made quick work of you. You moaned into the kiss, and all the tension in the room seemed to ease, everyone else more comfortable that the newcomers were the real-deal. 
When you broke from the kiss, less people were watching; of course, there were some eager voyeurs, including your perp, but the rest of the kink community was paired up, making out with each other and getting further. 
You had finally broken the ice, and hopefully you could get something out of them. If only you could focus on the case and not the thought of Mike slapping you again. Maybe on a bed, on your ass, with no clothes on…
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Incorrect SVU 4
*in the briefing room*
Liv: Ok we need a UC for this case. Who amongst us would make the most convincing pedophile?
Rollins, Amaro, Fin, Dodds, and Liv: *all look directly at Carisi*
Carisi: why me? why every time?!
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plaidbooks · 4 years
Okay but one of the bois™️ taking care of wounded reader 👀
You sent this know I’d have to write all four! Under the readmore is Rafael, Sonny, Nick, and Mike (all the injuries are the same, just their care is different). Also, holy fuck this got long.
You were a detective with Vice. A UC assignment went south quickly, and you were shot in the shoulder. You passed out from blood loss on the ground, and were rushed quickly to the hospital. Your boyfriend was your emergency contact, and the hospital called him to let him know.
Rafael: He’s in the middle of court when his phone goes off, vibrating in his pocket. He takes it, glancing at the id; Mercy Hospital? Why were they calling? It hit him a moment later; you told him you were doing a UC, and you would be home late. Ignoring the judge giving him a look, he answers it, his stomach dropping as the nurse told him you had been shot.
“Mr. Barba, am I interrupting?” Judge Barth asks sardonically, eyes rolled.
But the air had been sucked from his lungs, and he glances at her. Her sarcasm drains as she sees the look on his face. “I need a continuance,” he mutters, barely audible. Barth doesn’t even ask, just approves and he’s packing up before sprinting from the courtroom, the defense attorney still complaining.
The ride to the hospital was the longest of Rafael’s life, but you were still unconscious by the time he enters the room. Tears instantly form as he looks at your too-pale face, the sling holding your arm still, and the stark-white bandages peaking out from under your gown.
Once you awake, a hand clutching yours, a thumb rubbing your skin gently, you find Rafael sitting next to you. You both shed a few tears; Rafael’s telling you how much he loves you and you’re apologizing for scaring him and that you were okay.
You’re cleared after a few hours (or the next day--either way, Rafael never leaves your side), and he takes you home. He asks what you want to eat; anything you want, from the shitty fast food place down the street to Rafael Instacarting $100 steaks that he’ll cook for you. You chuckle, and as much as you would love one of Rafael’s family recipes, you just wanted him to hold you. So, you chose your favorite Italian place, then cuddled with Rafael on the couch while waiting for it to be delivered. Once there, he feeds you, whether you can feed yourself or not.
He spends the rest of the night at your side, then helps you into pjs and bed. You had to have pillows behind you, propping you up, and Rafael lays his head in your lap, so that you can still feel his presence as you drift off to sleep. He makes a few calls to the courthouse, dumping his cases onto other ADAs so that he can stay home and make sure you’re okay.
Sonny: Sonny was in his office, prepping for a trial when he got the call. With a quick text to Hadid, he bolts out of One Hogan Place, racing for his truck, heart in his throat. His trained, detective brain took over, making his thoughts linear; just get in the truck, then drive to Mercy, then find which room you were in. If he didn’t think passed that, then he wouldn’t cry; not yet.
You’re still in surgery by the time Sonny arrives, his hand dragging through gelled hair. Now that the “tasks” he was doing is finished, the tears come. A sob breaks free and then he can’t stop, the tears flowing down his face. The moment the doctor tells him he can see you, Sonny’s pushing past him towards your room. You were still out, of course, and Sonny sobbed silently as he sat next to you, gripping your hand tightly, your warm skin reaffirming that you were alive.
Once awake, Sonny’s pressing kisses to your face, telling you how happy he was that you were safe. You chuckled softly, squeezing his hand, tears streaming down both your faces. Sonny pulls out a pack of tissues that he had been using, and dabbed at your face.
Sonny takes you home, a hand on your knee the whole drive. He’s already planning what to make you for dinner, talking the whole time he’s driving. Once home, he’s in the kitchen, coming out frequently to kiss the top of your head and refill your water. He’s constantly telling you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him.
He knows you’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight, so he pulls you against his side, your head on his shoulder as he whispers sweet words to you until you fall asleep. He tells Hadid a family emergency came up, and he spends every day with you, making sure you take your meds and making food.
Nick: Nick was in the field, talking to a victim when he gets the call. “I gotta go,” he says to Liv, not waiting for her reaction before he’s racing to his squad car. He hits the lights, flying to the hospital. You’re still in surgery, of course, and he’s stuck waiting in the lobby, kneeing bouncing, feeling nothing but a maddening calm, the calm before the storm.
As soon as he’s allowed, he’s in your room. He stops in the door way, just for a moment, taking in your too-pale form sleeping the medication off. His heart strains, and then he’s rushing towards you, leaning over you as he grabs your hand. He kisses your forehead, your cheeks, your lips. You smile slightly, but otherwise show no signs of waking.
Nick sits by you, waiting for you to wake up. And when you finally do, Nick’s asking what happened, how you’re feeling, if you’re okay. You explain in a soft voice, and then tell him you’re okay, you’re safe. Only then do tears form in Nick’s eyes. He ducks his head, sending a silent thank you to whoever was watching over you, before he smiles at you.
Once cleared, Nick drives you home, asking what you wanted for dinner. You chose your favorite meal that he makes, and he smiles, saying it’s not a problem. Nick dotes on you all night, not letting you lift a finger. In fact, he carries you to bed, making you giggle as he does so.
Like the others, he helps you into pjs before gently laying you in bed, making sure you’re propped up comfortably. He intertwines his fingers with yours, holding your hand, rubbing circles into your skin and pressing kisses to your thigh until you drift off. He makes sure to call Liv, letting him know he’s taking some time off for a little, to make care of you.
Mike: Mike was out in the field, arresting a prep with Sonny when he got the call. “Take care of this for me,” he says, and Sonny’s nodding, recognizing the lost look in his Sergeant’s eyes. He tosses Sonny the keys--so that he can take the perp in--before waving down a cab, paying extra to get to Mercy faster.
The nurses hold him back, telling him he can’t see you yet. Mike’s flashing his badge, telling them that he’s a sergeant, and even name dropping Deputy Chief Dodds, his father. Reluctantly, they let him past, and Mike rushes to your room. He lets out a shaky breath as he sees you laying there; you look bad but you’re alive, and that’s all that matters.
Mike’s sitting by your bed when you wake up, his face in his hands. “Mike?” you ask hoarsely, and he’s jumping, wiping his red-rimmed eyes and forcing a smile.
“Are you okay, love?” he asks softly. You nod and he lets out a stressed chuckle, leaning over to kiss you gently.
Once home, Mike’s calling in your order from your favorite restaurant, not even asking what you wanted because he already knows. Then he’s calling Liv, telling her he was taking personal leave. The food is delivered and Mike’s helping you eat, rubbing your back, your arm, anything he can reach while whispering encouragement and praises to you.
At bedtime, Mike realizes you’ll need to be propped. So, instead of going to bed, Mike reclines in the armchair, pulling you gently into his lap and wrapping his arms around you protectively. He whispers how much he loves you, stroking your hair until you fall asleep against his chest.
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rahleeyah · 3 years
Plot twist: Thinking about your recent writings on Liv/Dodds and on Cassidy saying that Ed was the closest thing Noah had to a dad... What if Elliot finds out about Tuckson. Noah has blue eyes. Ed has blue eyes. And El is still uc so he can't get to Liv immediately. So he spends 1+ week thinking Liv had a child with Ed Tucker.
PLEASE ok but for real i need it i need elliot stuck somewhere he can't immediately run to liv with this, just chewing on it. trying to come to grips with it. moving through all the stages of grief where she can't see. and maybe he comes out at acceptance, or maybe he never makes it past anger. but he needs to know about this oh my god??? that olivia fucked his mortal enemy, who he tried to protect her from, who is at least in part responsible for him having to abandon olivia???? this is massive for him and for their relationship and i would like to see it. and if jelliot jumps out that's just a delicious added treat
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Rep Katie Porter: an Elizabeth Warren protege and single mom who destroys bumbling, mediocre rich guys in Congressional hearings
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In 2018, Katie Porter flipped a Republican safe seat -- it had literally never been held by a Democrat-- in California's 45th District, and since then, she has been a delightful, brilliant terror of a lawmaker, using her deep background in finance law (she's a tenured finance law prof at UC Irvine who literally wrote the textbook on consumer finance law in the wake of Dodd-Frank and Elizabeth Warren's establishment of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau.
Porter's got an amazing background: she went magna cum laude at Harvard Law (Elizabeth Warren was one of her profs), and she's also a single mom of 3 and domestic abuse survivor. She's got an amazing, prosecutorial questioning style that is an absolute breath of fresh air in Congressional hearings, where the median lawmaker is barely capable of asking a coherent question.
In her short time in Congress, Porter has blazed through a series of hearings in which she systematically exposed the dire incompetence of both Trump appointees and the captains of industry they serve, pursuing them relentlessly.
For example, Porter's pursuit of JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, a principle villain of the financial crisis, about the inability of someone working the jobs his company advertises in her district to make ends meet, which the CEO -- who makes $31m/year in salary alone -- is completely flummoxed by trying to figure out how his employees might possibly solve their monthly shortfall (needless to say, it does not occur to him to suggest that he give them a raise).
Then there's her work on Ben Carson, who literally thought that "REO" (real-estate owned, the term for a foreclosure that results in repossession by HUD, the agency Carson oversees) was "Oreo" and asked bewildered questions about cookies before being given several, relentless lessons on the subject, along with a wicked tongue-lashing on the subject of the disproportionately high levels of REOs from his agency, and the American lives these actions destroy.
It was a distinct pleasure to watch her destroy Steve Mnuchin, another great, guillotine-inspiring finance villain, who tries -- and fails -- to bullshit his way through her questioning, as she chases him from corner to corner.
It's not all dudes, either: when Porter took on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger, she conducted a masterclass in financial literacy, demonstrating Kraninger's monumental unfitness for her job -- and her malpractice in regulating the predatory lenders whose rules she was dismantling.
Porter is even teaching her colleagues to ask good questions, and even keeps a literal bingo card for evasive witness testimony.
Porter's basically the less-flashy, but even brainier and more tactically brilliant member of "the squad," who attained her historic victory even while she refused to take corporate or PAC money. Her Youtube channel is solid gold.
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baseballbitch116 · 6 years
Pairing: Sonny Carisi x reader
Word Count: 2706
Warnings: Attempted assault, angst, may be triggering to some readers
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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Your boyfriend being an SVU detective has not been easy on you. You love Dominick dearly, but his job is incredibly stressful on you just like it is on him. Being worried every time you get a call from him while he’s at work, waiting for the day you hear he’s been shot or killed or missing.
One day you came to the station to bring him food. He had told you about this case they’re working, a pattern rapist that has attacked nine different women in the last month. The department is up Liv’s ass and in turn stressing all of them out even more. He told you last night that they are trying to find someone his type to draw him out. He said that nobody has seen him until this last victim, and now they’ve finally got some sort of a lead.
You just got out of work, it was a short day for you, so you stopped at the market and got Dominick his favorite, knowing good and well that if you didn’t, he wouldn’t eat all day. The elevator dings as the doors open and you step out into the packed room, searching for his desk. He is not at it, so you place the bag down on it and lean over to write him a note.
Just as you are about to turn and leave, Fin spots and approaches you. “Y/N, right?” He asks, giving you his hand to shake. You nod as you shake his hand, smiling politely. “Nice to see you again. I assume you’re looking for Carisi?” He asks.
“Yeah, I was just bringing him some food, I know you guys have been stressed all week. Could you tell him I stopped by?” You request, and Fin nods.
“Y/N?” You hear his distinctive deep Italian voice and turn to see him, a smile growing on your face as soon as you spot him.
“Hey babe, I was just dropping you off some food.” You tell him, pointing to the bag on his desk. He gives you a quick kiss on your cheek and runs his hand down your arm, smiling back at you.
“How’d I get so lucky?” He asks, looking at Fin, who chuckles.
“Got a sister?” He asks you jokingly and you laugh.
“Carisi. This must be the girl you’re always talking about?” You see a woman approaching you guys and reach out your hand, realizing this must be his sargent.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You introduce yourself, smiling politely at his boss. She smiles back, giving you a firm handshake. Beside her is a man you do not recognize, and you decide that you should probably start heading out now, so you don’t get him in trouble. “I should let you guys get back to work.” You start, but the man holds up his hand.
“She looks a lot like Emily.” The man says, and suddenly all of them are looking at you. “She’s exactly his type.” The man continues, and you furrow your brows, exchanging a confused look with your boyfriend.
“How would you like to help out the police, miss?” The man asks, and your eyes widen. He wants you to pose as bait?
“Hold up a second. She’s not a cop, she has no experience in that sort of situation. No way.” Carisi argues, standing in front of you protectively. Fin exchanges a look with you and you internally feel sick.
“Yeah, shouldn’t we just get a Y/H/C UC?” Olivia says to the man, who puts his hand up again.
“And risk the lawyers fighting a police undercover if he does go for it? Better to be a civilian.” The man says. It makes sense to you, and you are willing, so long as the place you are at is totally swarmed with cops.
“No way! There’s a million other girls, not her.” Dominick continues to fight, but you can tell he could end up getting in trouble with whoever this man is. You place your hand on his bicep and step to his side.
“What would I have to do?”
Once it was arranged, the entire strip club was covered in undercover cops. Dominick was heavily against this, but he didn’t have much of a choice. They dressed you up in a tight black dress that was much too short in the front and the back. You look sexy, but you feel exposed. When Dom saw you step out of the cab that Fin was posing as a driver, he had a million different emotions. He thinks you look amazing, however he also hates how exposed you are, and that he can’t be beside you. He is terrified for your safety. The team has a description of the man, but it isn’t enough to recognize the man. The plan is for him to attempt to lure you out and to threaten you so that they can arrest him for attempted rape.
Dominick fought the man who’s name you learned is Chief Dodds, and he fought Liv, he fought everyone. He even yelled at you when you agreed, and swore up and down that he wasn’t going to let this happen, it still did.
In your earpiece, you hear Liv telling you to remain calm and act like you are trying to find someone to have a one-night stand with. You had taken a good look at the vague sketch, getting a decent idea of the man that you are trying to lure. He has dark, short brown hair, he’s about Dom’s height, a white male in his late-thirties/early forties.
Liv told you to act like you are a little drunk, but not to have more than one drink, and don’t let it out of your sight.
You take a deep breath, straighten out your dress, and start to head inside of the club. Shortly behind you, Carisi and Rollins follow. Amaro is already inside, Fin is patrolling outside with Liv. The music is blaring, hurting your head as soon as you walk in. You get your stamp and through the bouncer, men already staring at you as you walk by. You keep your eye out for the man, but the place is fairly crowded. Most of his attacks were within a timely a matter, and tonight he should be on the prowl. All of his victims were taken from this street and this club, so it seems to be a good set up.
In your earpiece, you hear Nick ask if you are okay. You nod your head, smiling flirtatiously at a man that you vaguely believe could be the man. He stops in his tracks, turning to face you and smirking.
“Damn, you got a nice little body.” Is the very first thing that he says to you, and you do everything in your power to keep from rolling your eyes at him.
“Thanks baby, wanna buy me a drink?” You ask, stepping a little closer to him, looking up at him through your mascara patted eyelashes. His smirk grows and he nods, leading you over to the bar.
Sonny saw and heard the entire thing, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists, trying to tolerate this. Amanda places a hand over his, trying to relax him, but it’s no use. He hates seeing you flirt with another man. He hates seeing another man with you. He hates that this could be the rapist and you are in danger. He hates every little aspect of this entire situation.
The man orders you a bloody mary and leans on the bar, facing you. You do your best to seem interested and easy prey, but the man makes you very uncomfortable. After what must have been less than five minutes of the man asking you stupid questions and flirting with you, you heard in your earpiece that this man isn’t the right one. Amanda informed you that there is a suspicious man matching the description staring at you from down the bar, and you casually look over the current man’s shoulder for the man, spotting him. She also said to look out for a tattoo on his forearm, that his latest victim just recalled seeing something on his right bicep.
You excuse yourself from this man, saying that you need to use the bathroom. Looking over to your right, you see Nick sitting in a chair, looking up at you over his phone, and on your right, Sonny and Amanda sat together, pretending to be a couple. It makes you jealous to see Amanda holding onto your boyfriend’s arm, but you know he isn’t voluntarily doing any of this. He exchanges a look at you and sits up straighter when you make eye contact, as if he’s ready to run over to you, and you look away. You walk straight over to the man staring at you, smirking at him as you sway your hips. “See something you like?” You ask, leaning onto the table he sits at, giving him a good view of your cleavage. He looks up at you, licking his lips and leaning back, crossing his arms.
“Ballsy girl, aren’t you?” He responds, a small smirk forming on his thin lips. You sit down beside him and smile, leaning your head in your hand, elbow resting on the table.
“I can be whatever you want me to be.” You suggest, raising your eyebrows at him. He scoots closer to you, placing an arm over your shoulder, messing with the strap of your dress. The reports said that he likes girls that put up a fight, so you decide to be risky and tease him. “Although, you gotta take me on a date before I’ll do anything.” You say, placing a hand on his chest, looking up at him. He grabs his coat with his free hand and nudges you to get up.
“Let’s go then.” He says. You stand up and begin walking out of the club, jumping when you feel a hard smack on your ass.
When the suspect slaps your ass, Sonny jumps out of his seat, ready to charge the guy, but Amanda is quick to get in his way and grab his arm, warning him not to blow your cover. You avoid looking where you know they are, in order to not tip the guy off, and allow him to lead you out of the club.
Shortly after you exit, Nick is following, trying to trail behind so that he is not suspicious. Liv and Fin confirm that they have eyes on you, and tell Carisi to stay inside so that he does not see what might happen and blow cover. You follow the man down the street, his hand on your lower back, and in the corner of your eye you spot an alley coming up on your right. You can feel in your gut that this is the guy, and are not surprised when he suddenly puts a hand over your mouth and drags you into the alley. He slams you up against the wall and removes his hand, replacing it with his lips as he pins both of your arms over your head and begins trying to pull up your dress. You whip your head away from him, gagging on the taste of cigarettes, and holler at him.
“Stop! I don’t want this!” You exclaim, scratching his face hard to try to get some DNA. He yelps when you scratch him, punching you in the gut, letting you slide down onto the ground. You hold your stomach as the guy begins unbuckling his belt, tears falling as you pray for Carisi to come get you.
“Freeze!” You hear, and look up to see an upside down Fin aiming his gun at the perp, caught in the act. He begins to run, Fin Amanda and Nick chasing after him, and your boyfriend and Liv running up to you. You are coughing and attempting to catch your breath, your vision blurry from the tears you couldn’t help. He punched you hard.
“I knew this would happen! I told you this was a horrible idea! Look at her!” He almost screams at Liv, helping you into a sitting position and pulling your dress back down to cover your bottom. “Doll I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.” He cries, rubbing your arms and looking you over for any injuries.
“Carisi, we got him. He’s done, she did good.” Liv tries to reassure, but he only puts up his hand, not hearing any of what she has to say. He punched you, he tried to rape you.
“We’re taking you to the hospital. C’mere.” He says, lifting you up into his arms bridal style and carrying you over to Liv’s unmarked police car, giving her one last look before rushing you to the hospital to get checked on.
You told the doctors to check under your nails for DNA, and you were released almost immediately. You told your boyfriend you didn’t need to get looked at, he only punched you, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
The ride home is silent, and you can visibly see him grasping the steering wheel so hard his hands are turning white. He is driving a little fast, clearly furious, and has to slam on the breaks due to not paying attention, his right arm shooting out in front of you as a natural instinct. “Sorry,” He mutters, his hand dropping to your knee and caressing it, a sigh escaping his lips.
“Babe, it isn’t your fault. He didn’t even do anything, those girls can’t say the same. I agreed to help, and now you guys caught him. Stop beating yourself up.” You say, placing your hand over his that was on your knee. “It’s not like I’ve never been punched or kissed against my will before.” You mutter, rubbing your thumb over his hand.
“I am supposed to protect you.” He says, his voice hard and stern.
“You did. And every other girl he could have gone after. Just stop.” You tell him, and he doesn’t respond, but keeps his hand on your knee until you arrive home.
He walks around to the passenger side before you can open your own door and offers you his hand, which you take. He closes the door behind you and opens the front door for you as well, being more of a gentleman than usual. You only give him a look, but say nothing. You are walking barefoot, having discarded the uncomfortable heels long ago, and head straight to your shared room to change out of this ridiculous dress.
Sonny leans against the door, watching you pull the dress over your head, and you toss it to him playfully. He smiles only a little, gone as fast as it was there, and places it on top of the hamper. You walk over to his dresser, removing your bra, tossing that at the hamper, and pull out one of his shirts, that falls to your mid-thigh. You stand in front of your body mirror as you brush your hair, and Dominick comes up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, pressing his body against you and kissing the top of your head.
“I love you so much.” He mutters, staring at you in the mirror. You turn around and wrap your arms around his torso, leaning up to look at him. He places a small kiss on your lips, before reconnecting them in a longer, more passionate one, holding you right against his chest, his hands protectively holding your body in his arms.
“I love you more.” You whisper when you pull apart, causing another smile from him, this one lasting. You take his hand and pull him over to the bed, sitting down and beginning to unbutton his blue/grey polo shirt. He lets it slip off his shoulders and you work on unbuckling his belt, and he steps out of his dress pants. You turn off the lamp and he climbs into bed with you, spooning you immediately, his arms never leaving your body all night long.
If you would like to be added to my tag list, let me know :)
@dreila03​ @tchallasokoye​ @gryffindorshadowhunter​ @katpatrova17​ @xtaylorlynn @thelonelyfangirl​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @thebeckyjolene​ @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​
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smindersonfan · 5 years
OKAY so Liv’s getting stupid.
First she calls Dodds Sr. a good man when his recent actions don’t reverse the attempt to sweep the forced oral and anal rape of the vlogger on her best friend’s birthday by his actor friend and said friend’s creepy night club friend, threatening to take Liv’s authority away if she didn’t pay attention to the case and in turn almost costing her Noah, not sticking his neck out to support Amanda when she finally told the team that her old boss raped her and that led to her gambling addiction.
NOW she thinks Tucker isn’t a complete fucker. I mean SaLUT of course he is. The time he took Hunter Mayslin’s side when he accused Elliot of molesting him when child molesters make Elliot sick, the time he almost got Cassidy killed because he knew it would get better results that way in charging the two beat cops who were about to kill him upon discovering he was UC, don’t even get me STARTED on the events of “Townhouse Incident” because part of that’s on Liv.
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csnews · 5 years
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UCSC scientists study rare beaked whale stranded at Scott Creek Beach
Tim Stephens - June 5, 2019
Scientists from UC Santa Cruz's Long Marine Laboratory responded to a whale stranding at Scott Creek Beach near Davenport on Friday, May 31, and discovered that the animal was an extremely rare Perrin's beaked whale.
The stranded whale was alive but badly injured and had to be euthanized on the beach. A post-mortem examination (or "necropsy") was performed over the weekend by scientists from UC Santa Cruz and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
Beaked whales, of which there are 23 known species, are elusive, deep-diving whales that have not been well studied. Perrin's beaked whale was only recognized as a separate species in 2002, and only a few specimens have ever been examined. The one stranded at Scott Creek Beach was a male about about 8.75 feet long and weighed about 500 pounds.
"This is only the seventh individual to have been examined, so it's a rare opportunity. We collected hundreds of samples for researchers here and across the world, and the entire skeleton will be going to the California Academy of Sciences," said Robin Dunkin, teaching professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz and director of the UCSC Long Marine Lab Marine Mammal Stranding Network.
Dunkin and CDFW veterinary pathologist Melissa Miller performed the necropsy with assistance from UCSC and CDFW staff. They found that the whale had a fractured rostrum, the elongated "beak" formed by its jawbones. Both the upper and lower jawbones were broken, but it was not clear how that had happened, Dunkin said.
"We have three hypotheses: The first would be a boat strike, and the second is another animal ramming it. The third possibility is it could have somehow run into the bottom or a rock outcropping while it was pursuing prey," she said. "The pathology samples will help us tell how long ago the injury was sustained."
Beaked whales in general are often involved in mass strandings and appear to be especially sensitive to disturbance by naval sonar. They are the deepest diving marine mammals, regularly descending to depths over 1,000 meters (3,300 feet). They feed on squid and other deep-water prey, using sonar to locate their prey.
Baird's beaked whales, a more common species, have been spotted in Monterey Bay within the past week, Dunkin said, so the team was surprised to discover that the stranded whale belonged to this very rare species. Perrin's beaked whale was described as a new species in 2002 on the basis of five animals that had stranded on the California coast between 1975 and 1997 and were initially identified as other species.
"This really highlights the importance of the marine mammal stranding network in not only responding to the more common strandings of animals like sea lions, but also being there when something rare like this happens," Dunkin said.
Because the beaked whale was alive when it stranded, the team was able to recover very fresh tissue samples, which will be especially useful for researchers. Dunkin said she expects the samples collected from this animal will be used by researchers for decades to come. Scientists are particularly interested in studying the whale's brain and the anatomy of its auditory system, she said.
A team of about a dozen staff, students, and volunteers helped Dunkin and UCSC campus veterinarian David Casper respond to the stranded whale. Casper consulted with rehabilitation experts at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito before deciding to euthanize the injured animal. UCSC stranding technicians Karolina Wirga and Amber Diluzio and CDFW laboratory technician Erin Dodd assisted with the recovery and necropsy.
The Long Marine Lab Marine Mammal Stranding Network has been in operation for over 30 years, responding to reports of stranded animals in Santa Cruz County and, in cooperation with Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, in Monterey County as well. The nation's stranding networks, authorized by NOAA to respond to live and dead marine mammals that come ashore on U.S. beaches, make vital contributions to scientific research and conservation of marine mammals. The Long Marine Lab Stranding Network receives funding from NOAA's John H. Prescott Program, which supports stranding networks nationally.
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You Might Not Like Me
Mini Dodds. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. Liv looked between (Y/N), Mini Dodds, and Dodds Senior before nodding. “Yeah. Dodds, uh go with Carisi to the hotel. (Y/N), hold down the fort.” She was seething, glaring at the back of Dodd’s head as the team walked to the elevator and she hung around Carisi’s desk. With a cross of her arms, she sat in the chair, and waited for them to return. She answered phone calls, filed, cleaned, basically anything to pass the time until they returned. 
"In situations like these, we have to go slow.” Sonny’s voice echoed into the bullpen, and (Y/N) perked up.
“He’s a good friend of my father’s.” Dodds’s voice sounded behind his, and (Y/N) growled. Mini Dodds!
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Sonny bound in, all smiles. She rose from his desk and handed him a file.
“This should help. I got the records from the-”
“There’s no need.” Dodds cut her off. Puffing up his chest, he said, “My father  was able to get us the tapes.” Dodds spotted Liv in her office, grabbed the pen and file out of her hands, and headed that way. Sonny and (Y/N) stared at one another.
“Don’t make that face.” Sonny began. “You’re glaring.”
“He’s been here, what? A day? He’s already so annoying.”
“He’s not that bad.” Sonny said, but (Y/N) glaring up at him made him bite his tongue. “But what do I know? Hey. Did it get cleaner in here?”
“Good work, (Y/N).” Olivia gave her a smile. “You did good work out there.” 
“Thanks, Lui.” (Y/N) walked out of the office and headed towards Amanda’s desk. Amanda, Dodds, and Sonny were gathered there. Dodds stood with his back to her.
“I mean, it wasn’t that hard. If my father hadn’t opened the door, we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.”
“Aye! The ‘ero!” Sonny opened his arms wide, a bright expression on his face. “Good work.”
Amanda whirled around, her face just as excited. “I hear you did great work. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks guys.” (Y/N) grinned. She was finally spreading her wings in SVU, and she was proud of the work she’d done.
“You did good.” Dodds checked his phone. “For a rookie. Hey!” He waved at his dad and looked back at his phone. “Gotta go. Hey, can I borrow this?” Dodds grabbed the pen out of her hand without waiting for an answer, and followed his father who had just walked into the bullpen.
“(Y/N),” Sonny cautioned. “Your face.”
“I’m going to kill him, Sonny.” (Y/N) muttered. Amanda chuckled. “Amanda, hold me back.”
“(Y/N) would make a good UC for this.” (Y/N) could hear Liv when she walked past her office. Yes! Liv was trusting her with more cases!
“Uh- I’m not sure, Lieutenant. All due respect, but she’s a little...” Dodds trailed off. “Besides, I’m sure Carisi and I have it handled. I also know some cadets. I could make some calls.”
“Whatever you need to close this case.” 
(Y/N) stormed off, fueled by the fire burning in her gut. Mini Dodds strikes again! Making a beeline to Sonny’s desk, she pulled out the file tucked under her arm. “Fin said you needed this.” (Y/N) handed Sonny a pen. “I need this signed, like yesterday.” (Y/N)’s eyes went to Amanda’s empty desk and she frowned. “Any word?”
“Not yet.” Sonny said, “Thanks for saving my tail on these. I always forget.”
“You shouldn’t be doing those for Carisi.” Dodds walked in, and the pair stopped and stared at him. He looked undisturbed by their expressions. “What? It’s common knowledge that you do Carisi’s files and he does your timecard. Just don’t be so open about it.” Dodds continued on his way, his nose buried in his notes. “Can I borrow this?” He reached for her pen and she handed it without a retort. “Thanks.” Then he was gone.
“(Y/N), ya face. Will you?”
“It’s my face, Sonny. I’ll control it if I want to.”
“The food just got here.” Fin rubbed his hands together in delight. “Hey, Carisi. Do me a favor and get this to the kitchen. I gotta sign these.” Fin looked at her and she dug her hands into her pocket. Drawing up empty, Fin shook his head in mock disappointment. He dug into his own pockets, came up empty, and took one of the crappy ones off the front desk. “Come on man, you have one job here.”
“I know Fin!” (Y/N) growled and stalked into the kitchen. Sonny was opening up the plates and silverware. Alarm crossed his face when she entered, and he leaned against the counter, watching the exchange.
“I’m kidding, (Y/N). You know we value you.” Fin said calmly, but (Y/N) was already fired up.
“No, Fin! It’s not that! It’s Dodds!” Both men just watched her rant, wide eyed, casting a look to one another before staring at her. She probably looked crazy, but she didn’t care. “He butts me out of the cases, he won’t pair up with me, and he’s always talking like he’s better than everyone! Oh my God, if I hear him talk about ‘his father” one more time! Come on, dude! Construct a thought of your own! I mean, I know you daddy got you this job, but at least act like you want to be here rather than this being a rung on the ladder of success you’ve already got access to! And my pens! MY GOD DAMN PENS! He’s always stealing them, and I never see them again! I know he gets paid more than I do, WHY CAN’T HE BUY HIS OWN PENS?!”
She pulled out the chair, sat violently, and pulled the bag of food towards her. Slowly, as to not bring her attention to them, Fin and Sonny sat across from her and ate silently.
“Merry Christmas!” Sonny wore a goofy Santa hat and red tie. Fin was dressed in his “good” shirt. Liv was spending the holiday at home with her son. “The food is set up, you’re late! Go put your Secret Santa gift over there,” he pointed to the front desk. “and can you please wear a hat too? Fin said we both would but-”
“Carisi, you know this is my good shirt. I can’t cheap it down with a tacky hat.”
“Fine, go get me a hat, Sonny.” Sonny grinned and headed away. With his body no longer obstructing her view, (Y/N) could see her desk. Moreover, the gift on her desk. A silver bag with green tissure paper and a green bow on it. She looked at Fin and he shrugged and went to the kitchen.
(Y/N) made her way to the bag. No card. No name. If must be for her, she thought. Afterall, it was on her desk. Green was her favorite color. She dug into the bag and found-
“Aren’t we supposed to open gifts later?” Dodds’s voice made her jump. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Sargeant!” Her hand went over her heart. It was hammering in her chest. “You just- I was just-” She looked at the bag again and noticed that Dodds stood taller and straighter than normal. He was waiting for her to do something. Open it.
“Well, aren’t you going to open it?” His voice quivered with nerves.
“Did you- is this?” She composed herself, disbelief colored her tone and face. “How do I know this is mine?”
“Open it and find out.”
“What if it’s not?”
“You think too much.” Dodds gingerly swiped the bag from her desk and put it in her hands. “It’s yours. From me.” He smiled, “You’ve been nothing but nice to me, showing me the ropes, helping me out.” This was a flat out lie. She’s never worked a case with him and barely spoke to him when he was around her. It wasn’t until his eyes widened and he blushed that she realized she had spoken aloud. 
“I’m sorry, Sargeant. I- it was kind of you to get me anything.” (Y/N) looked at his shoes. He wasn’t wearing his work ones.
“Please. Call me Mike.” He smiled. “Open it. I hope you like it. If you don’t, I’ll just get you something else.” Mike smiled at her, nodded, and then headed to the party. (Y/N) looked at the bag in her hands, and set it on the table. Beneath the green wrapping was an opal ring, a cute wallet which was handy since she had lost hers during a case, a candle, and a thick package of pens. Her favorite brand. 
“What’s wrong with your face?” Sonny asked, holding out the red and white hat. They were standing alone in the bullpen. The party could be heard. “What is that? Disgust? Shock?” He gestured to her face, confused. Sonny’s voice dropped, and he grew serious. “Were you threatened?” 
(Y/N)’s mouth gapped, open and shut, attempting to form the words. But what could she say. “I think- I think I was wrong.” She couldn’t understand the flutter of butterfly wings expanding and taking flight in her chest, but she wanted to. (Y/N) looked in the kitchen and could see Mike looking at her. He had watched her open the gift, and for the first time since he had joined, (Y/N) smiled at him.
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Okay but a fic where instead of dying, Mike Dodds goes UC for JTTF and winds up infiltrating a group in Chicago and for some reason or another winds up in a hospital where he meets Crockett Marcel and they fall in love....
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svucarisiaddict · 5 years
do u mind if i ask about the status for all of your ongoing series? like how much of the universes have u already planned and things like that? i'd love to know ur writing process!
I’d describe my writing process as organized chaos. Ha! 
I don’t actually plan anymore because I always seem to change things. A lot of the time at the last minute. I get a rough idea of what I want my characters to experience, feel and overcome but nothing concrete.
For the Autumn Series (Sonny), I have a general idea of the direction I’m taking them. 
The next part of Foolish Pride (Mike Dodds and Peter Stone) is basically done. I changed who the reader ends up with at the last minute, having to totally rewrite it. I’m not sure how long this series will go.
I’m kinda at a stalemate with the Unexpected series. I’m hoping inspiration will come soon. 
I want to continue the Heartfelt Passages (Peter Stone x reader), Breaking Up (Nick Amaro and Sonny), UC (Sonny), and College (Sonny).
Thank for asking! I hope this answers your question :)
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erroldmoody1 · 3 years
Errold Moody's ARTICLES and PUBLICATIONS Authored courses accepted for securities continuing education in financial planning, estate planning, taxation and tax planning, investments and suitability, ethics, retirement planning and insurance and annuities.
Authored video course Fiduciary Standards under Dodd Frank: Investments
Authored video course Fiduciary Standards under Dodd Frank: Life Insurance and Annuities
Both accepted for Continuing Legal Education by the California State Bar
Authored course accepted for 4 hours of continuing education by the State Bar of California
"Practical Investment Theory and Application"
Authored two courses accepted for 4 and 16 hours of continuing education for Certified Public Accountants by the California Board of Accountancy. Previous course accepted for CPA credit in 10 states.
"Advanced Business Continuation and Estate Planning" "Advanced Financial Planning and Investing"
Authored two real estate courses granting 9 and 21 hours of continuing education by the California Department of Real Estate. Material was used in courses at several colleges including UC Irvine as part of Certificate program.
"Current Concepts of Real Estate and Investing"
"Major Concepts of Real Estate and Investing"
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inflagranteinnuendo · 7 years
hmmm can we get the undercover stripper hc that u did for Dodds, for Sonny? 👀👀
Again, like with Dodds, Sonny isn’t too sure about the mission but SVU is all about making do with limited resources
No one is surprised to see Sonny drooling all over you when you get your tight, short and see through outfit on. Everyone knew he had an interest in you
However Sonny has the opposite problem Dodd’s had when you are going through with the mission
He is very interested in some of the women- the ones that are adults, of course
You’re grinding on a John when you notice Sonny is a little too interested in the ass of one of your “fellow” girls
And maybe its out of jealousy that you come over to him, but you tell yourself its for his own good; if he keeps gawking like this, the other squad isn’t going to know if he’s UC or a regular creep
And unlike Dodds, Sonny has no shame or second thought about getting you on his lap. In fact, he starts to grind back on you during his lap dance
“Haven’t seen you around here lately, doll- where’d you come from?”
“I’m new,” you smirk, “but I might not be here long, I don’t think the guy at work will like that I do this once we start dating.”
“Oh, yeah?”
And you two definitely sold your roles, but you certainly did nothing to help the case
In fact, Fin spends the rest of the night cracking jokes about it
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