#uff these are a little short
gatitties · 11 months
Hello I love your writing! I had an idea of a scenario that would be the teenager (13 years old) reader ends up connecting with something and ends up having a seizure (like Kiri in Avatar 2) and all of the crew are worried it could do with the Straw Hats, Whitebeard's crew, Shanks and Law please!
—Strawhats, Whitebeard Pirates, Shanks & Law x teen!reader (platonic)
—Summary: you have a strange blackout, despite not feeling anything wrong with you, your friends care about you
—Warnings: none
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You swing the shopping bags so they wouldn't hit your legs again, trying to catch up with Sanji who was a few steps ahead of you. You had offered to help him with errands and here you were carrying more bags than you should have because there was no way you were going to make more than one trip to carry everything.
You felt your fingers go numb for a few seconds, your vision blurred and you fainted out of nowhere, the sound of your body hitting the ground alarmed the blonde. He let everything he was carrying fall to the ground to attend to you immediately, panicking when he saw that you only trembled and didn't react to his voice.
He carefully carried you running towards the ship, it was so loud that he woke Zoro up, though he didn't start a fight because he heard Sanji's desperate voice calling for Chopper.
"I need help over here!"
Everyone got anxious at the cook's explanation as they waited for Chopper to come out of the room where he was checking that everything was okay.
Nami and Robin had interrupted their coffee and gossip session, Luffy was pounding on the door impatiently while Jinbe was trying to push him away, Franky, Usopp and Brook diverted their slight concern with small talk.
You didn't wake up until a few hours later, pacing the deck as if nothing had happened.
"Stop right now!"
You fell backwards, Luffy's arms wrapping around your body.
"Uff- Luffy, you're crushing me."
"What the hell are you doing!?"
Nami hit him immediately making him let go, Usopp helped you up, patting you on the shoulder.
"What's happening? You look at me as if I had grown a third eye."
"You do not remeber anything? That could be troublesome! what should I do!?" the poor reindeer began to murmur "Rest! You need to rest, one day at least."
"But I don't feel sick."
"Doctor's orders, you have to comply."
Zoro gave you a little push with a sly smile, you rolled your eyes.
"You're not the best person to talk about it..."
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You were running after Ace because he had stolen your food, until your body felt weak and you fell to the ground. Ace laughed thinking that you had stumbled because it wasn't the first time you've stumbled while trying to catch up. However he became concerned when you didn't react, picking you up when he got close to do one of your 'surprise attacks'.
"Come on, get up, it's not funny..."
His hands began to sweat when he saw that your body began to convulse, he held you in his arms to keep you firm and not hit yourself.
"Shit, shit, shit… Marco!? Where is Marco!?"
Several of the guys that were out there started looking for the doctor, luckily he was on the ship, although Whitebeard was out since you just arrived a few hours ago.
"What happened-yoi?"
Marco started to ask what had happened while Ace answered him, the blonde doing a quick check, he didn't find anything unusual so he let you rest while he went to report to Whitebeard. In that short time Izo stayed by your side to watch if you woke up or not since Ace needed to calm down, he wouldn't help being tense.
You woke up a while later, Izo smiled at you as he offered you a glass of water.
"I don't notice any discomfort, maybe it was a heat stroke?"
You swore and swore that you didn't feel any pain or discomfort when Marco came to ask, even though your vital signs were stable, Whitebeard didn't let you leave the ship for a couple of days or at least be accompanied in case it happen again.
"I can't risk someone young not receiving proper medical treatment, your health is more important than that of an old man like me."
You nodded at your father's words, despite the fact that you respect him a lot, you were still a teenager and you will probably end up running away, you need a little privacy and nothing has happened to you again, you would be fine on your own sometimes.
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You went looking for Shanks because you should disembark now, but knowing him he would surely be drinking in the town bar, you actually found him there.
"I invite one more round! come on kid, you can order whatever you want, as long as it's non-alcoholic."
"I don't want anything, the ship is going to set sail without you, again..."
"Oh come on, come on, don't worry so much and enjoy the night!"
You sighed, shaking your head, there was no point, you had already tried to take him back, if he didn't want to it wasn't your problem, after all he is a Yonko and he knows how to take care of himself. You decided to get out of there, however, before you could go out the door, your body vanished from one moment to the next. Your body hit the ground at the same time as Shanks's beer mug, he ran towards you trying to make you react, his screams cut through the jovial atmosphere in just seconds, the customers being intimidated by the redhead's intense gaze.
"I need a doctor, someone get a doctor!"
The urgency in his voice, his posture, his gaze... no one could just ignore his presence and keep drinking, some people even fainted from the power in his voice, a brave little man ventured to your side, his palms sweating as he was inspecting you before Shanks's eyes.
It didn't take long for you to come to, confused by the situation, despite clarifying that you felt fine, besides the fact that the doctor didn't find anything serious at first sight, it was enough for your captain.
"We'll go immediately to find the best doctor in the whole world, don't worry."
"Maybe you're exaggerating a bit... there are a lot of people who faint from some discomfort, and I don't feel bad right now"
"No, you need to go to the doctor a couple more times to make sure it's not due to a disease."
"Okay, can I at least walk on my own?"
He held your body like you were a bag, you sighed looking up at the starry sky, hoping you wouldn't be treated like glass because of a little accident, you were in the crew of a yonko for a reason, despite being young you were strong enough.
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It was quite late when both of you were playing cards, Law's bad habits got mixed up with yours, even though he always scolded you because you were still too young to mess up your sleep schedule, you just ignored him.
"I won again!"
"I'm sure you're cheating."
"Of course not, who do you take me for?"
You laughed at Law's scowl, moving the cards you had hidden, he dealt again, you looked at your cards, planning your next play, though before you could put the card on the table a big puncture to your head caused you to pass out, Law put his hand between the table and your head so you wouldn't hit it.
Immediately laying you on the floor, checking your breathing and pulse instantly, clicking his tongue as he saw you have little convulsions, he put you in a better position so you wouldn't hurt yourself with your little spasms, waiting for them to subside. He used his power to check you out as quickly as possible, getting frustrated that he couldn't find anything that was causing your current situation. He decided that for now it was better to let you rest since you had stopped moving.
You woke up the next day, verifying on your own that you had no discomfort, since you did not feel any pain or discomfort, you simply got up from the patient's bed. You were very hungry so you went to have breakfast with the others. No one was alarmed because no one knew what happened to you last night so they were surprised when they saw you disappear, in your seat a pen instead of you, they shrugged their shoulders thinking that Law was going to scold you for one of your pranks.
"No one has given you permission to get out of bed, I still need to check that it's nothing serious."
"I don't feel bad, maybe it was tiredness."
"I'm not sure, that's why I need you to stay in bed and not make too much physical effort."
"No buts, now, did you feel something strange yesterday?"
"Now that you mention it..."
You lay on the bed, answering all the questions your captain asked you, you knew you had nowhere to run when he went all 'father' and doctor, ignoring him would only make the situation worse, so you hoped it was just a little accident and not worse, but you would have Law on top of you every day to take your medicine if you had to.
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skywalker1dream · 1 month
unknown feelings
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note: I wrote 3 parts of this fic, I have been working on this for whole day...and I hope its good ;3 hope you have good day or night...drink water..uff I have to rest my fingers hurt.. oh And there is few charapters United, If I hadn't done that, would have been short fic, like really short
Part one | part two | part three
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As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the paddock, Carlos Sainz's eyes fixated on a singular figure amidst the bustling crowd. There you stood, Lando Norris's younger sister, your laughter dancing through the air like a siren's call, drawing Carlos in like a moth to a flame.
From the moment he laid eyes on you, something stirred within Carlos, a possessiveness he couldn't quite explain. you were more than just Lando's sister; you were a treasure he felt compelled to protect, to shield from the world's prying eyes.
Every fiber of his being screamed at him to keep you close, to guard you from anyone who dared to get too near. he found himself watching you with a fervent intensity, his eyes tracing the curve of your smile, the way your hair caught the sunlight, the infectious energy that seemed to radiate from your every pore.
you was like a magnet, drawing him in with an irresistible force that left him feeling both exhilarated and terrified. He knew he had no right to feel this way, knew he was crossing boundaries he shouldn't even be considering, but he couldn't help himself. The mere thought of you slipping away, of someone else claiming your attention, sent a surge of possessiveness coursing through his veins.
"Hey, Carlos, you alright?" Lando's voice cut through the haze of Carlos's thoughts, momentarily snapping him back to reality.
Carlos tore his gaze away from you, his expression a mask of casual indifference as he turned to face his friend. "Yeah, just keeping an eye on your sister."
Lando shot him a knowing look, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "She's a handful, isn't she?"
Carlos forced a laugh, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, but she's cool."
Cool was an understatement, though. you were captivating, a force to be reckoned with, and Carlos couldn't shake the feeling that he was being pulled deeper and deeper into your orbit with each passing moment.
As the evening progressed, Carlos found himself unable to tear his gaze away from you, his every instinct screaming at him to protect you, to shield you from any potential harm. He knew he was treading dangerous waters, knew he was playing with fire, but he couldn't help himself. He was consumed by a possessiveness he couldn't control, a need to claim you as his own, even if it meant risking everything he held dear.
And as he watched you laugh and joke with your friends, a surge of jealousy welled up inside him, threatening to consume him whole. you were his, he told himself, and he would do whatever it took to make sure you knew it.
Lando's Blind Spot
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Lando clapped Carlos on the back, oblivious to the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. "I'm glad you're looking out for her, mate. Means a lot to me."
Carlos managed a tight-lipped smile, his mind racing with thoughts of you. "Of course, Lando. She's like family to me."
Little did Lando know, Carlos's definition of family was starting to blur into something much more complicated.
As Lando walked away, Carlos's gaze followed him before flicking back to where you stood, chatting animatedly with your friends. A surge of possessiveness washed over him, and he clenched his fists at his sides, fighting the urge to pull you away from the crowd and keep you all to himself.
But he couldn't do that. He had to respect your space, even if it felt like it was tearing him apart.
Carlos found himself unable to tear his gaze away from you, his eyes following your every move with an intensity that bordered on obsession. your smile lighting up the room in a way that made his heart ache with longing.
He knew he should look away, should give you some semblance of privacy, but he couldn't help himself. He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of her magnetic presence.
Eventually, Lando came back over to join him, breaking him out of his reverie. "Hey, mate, you okay? You've been staring at my sister like she's the last piece of cake in the bakery."
Carlos forced a laugh, trying to shake off the intensity of his emotions. "Yeah, sorry about that. Just lost in thought, I guess."
Lando raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "You sure that's all it is? You seem a bit… I don't know, distracted."
Carlos shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, just tired, I guess. Long day at the track."
But Lando wasn't convinced, his gaze piercing as he studied Carlos intently. "Okay, if you say so. Just remember, she's my sister, mate. Hands off."
Carlos felt a pang of guilt at Lando's words, knowing that he was already crossing boundaries he shouldn't be. But try as he might, he couldn't seem to shake the feeling that he was falling deeper and deeper under the reader's spell, unable to resist the allure of your intoxicating presence.
But he knew he couldn't have her, not like this. She was Lando's sister, off-limits in every sense of the word, and he had to respect that, no matter how much it tore him apart inside. So he forced himself to look away, to focus on anything other than the girl who had captured his heart in ways he couldn't begin to explain.
The sabotaged date
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you nervously fiddled with your phone as you waited for your date to arrive, your heart pounding in your chest with anticipation. you had been looking forward to this night for weeks, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this guy would be different.
Meanwhile, Carlos sat in his car across the street, hidden in the shadows, his heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him ever since you told him about your date. Although he knew he shouldn't interfere, a part of him hoped that this guy would stand you up, giving Carlos a chance to step in and be there for you.
Minutes turned into hours, and Carlos watched with bated breath as the your excitement slowly turned to disappointment. He felt a pang of guilt at the sight of your distress, knowing that he was partially responsible for it, but he couldn't help the surge of exhilaration that filled him as he realized that his plan was working.
As you got up from your table and made your way to the door, Carlos held his breath, praying that she wouldn't see him waiting in his car. He knew he should leave, should give you space, but he couldn't bring himself to move, couldn't tear his eyes away from you as you stepped out into the cool night air.
Just as you reached the sidewalk, Carlos's heart skipped a beat as your eyes met, and he watched as recognition dawned in your eyes. He braced himself for your anger, for your accusations, but to his surprise, all he saw was relief.
"Carlos?" you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper as you made your way towards him, your steps hesitant but determined.
Carlos swallowed hard, his heart racing in his chest as he rolled down the window and leaned towards you, his gaze never leaving yours. "Hey," he said, his voice coming out softer than he had intended.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, her tone a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
Carlos hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He knew he should tell you the truth, should confess that he had been hoping your date would stand you up so he could be there for you, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it, couldn't bear the thought of you rejecting him.
"I, uh, I was just driving by and I saw you," he lied, his voice sounding hollow even to his own ears. "and I thought maybe you could use a ride home."
you furrowed her brow, studying him for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you, Carlos."
As you climbed into the car beside him, Carlos couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him, knowing that he was deceiving you, knowing that he was betraying your trust. But as he drove you home in silence, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, a flicker of something warm and tender stirring in his chest as he realized that maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for them.
"What happened? Why didn't he show up?" Carlos asked, his eyes searching her face for answers.
you shrugged, tears welling in your eyes. "I don't know. He just never showed, and I waited for hours."
Carlos's heart clenched at the sight of your tears, and he fought the urge to pull you into his arms and never let you go. "Well, forget about him. Let me take you home and I will make you some pancakes"
As he drove in silence, the tension between Carlos and you hung heavy in the air, each lost in your own thoughts.
"Carlos, why are you always so protective of me?" you finally asked, breaking the silence and turning to look at him, your eyes searching his face for answers.
Carlos's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to find the right words. "Because… because you're important to me, okay? I care about you more than you'll ever know."
your brow furrowed in confusion, but before you could respond, Carlos pulled into your driveway, effectively ending the conversation.
Unraveling Secrets
As he pulled up outside your house, Carlos's heart raced in his chest, his thoughts racing a mile a minute. He knew he had to say something, to address the tension that hung heavy in the air, but the words eluded him, trapped behind a wall of fear and uncertainty.
you made to get out of the car, but Carlos's hand shot out, gripping your wrist gently to stop you. "Wait," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "We need to talk."
you turned to look at him, your brow furrowing in confusion. "What is it, Carlos?"
Carlos took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "I need you to know... I need you to understand that... that I care about you, okay?"
your eyes widened in surprise, your heart skipping a beat at his words. "Carlos, I..."
But before you could respond, Carlos's attention was drawn to a figure approaching the car. It was Lando, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern as he neared them.
"Hey, what's going on?" Lando asked, his voice filled with curiosity.
Carlos glanced at you before turning back to Lando, a small smile playing on his lips. "Just catching up with [your name] here. You know how it is."
Lando nodded, a knowing look passing between them. "Yeah, I get it."
you go inside house, Lando turned back to Carlos with a curious expression. "So, what's really going on, mate? You seemed pretty intense back there."
Carlos let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "It's… complicated, Lando. Just some stuff I've been dealing with lately."
Lando nodded, a sympathetic look crossing his face. "I get it. We all have our demons to face. You know I'm here if you need to talk about anything, right?"
Carlos managed a weak smile, grateful for Lando's offer of support. "Yeah, thanks, mate. I appreciate it."
The two friends fell into easy conversation then, the tension from before melting away as they caught up on each other's lives. They talked about everything from their latest race results to their plans for the upcoming season, their bond as friends growing stronger with each passing moment.
The Tempest Rises
The next day, Carlos couldn't shake the unease that lingered in the pit of his stomach. Despite his attempts to distract himself with work, thoughts of you consumed his mind like a relentless storm, each passing moment only serving to intensify his feelings of possessiveness and obsession.
As evening approached, Carlos found himself driving aimlessly through the city streets, his mind filled with tumultuous thoughts. It was then that he spotted them, you and a guy named William, laughing together outside a cafe.
His heart clenched at the sight, a surge of jealousy and possessiveness coursing through his veins. He knew he had no right to feel this way, but he couldn't help it. He had warned William to stay away from you, and yet here he was, flirting with you as if nothing had happened.
Carlos's hands clenched into fists as he confronted William in the parking lot outside your favorite cafe. His voice was low and menacing as he delivered his ultimatum.
"You stay away from her, you hear me?" Carlos growled, his eyes blazing with anger. "If I ever catch you near her again, you'll regret it."
William's eyes widened in fear as he took a step back, his hands raised in a placating gesture. "Hey, man, chill out. I was just asking her out for coffee. No harm done, right?"
But Carlos wasn't buying it. He knew William's type, knew the kind of guy he was. And he wasn't about to let him anywhere near you.
"Just stay away from her," Carlos repeated, his voice cold and menacing. "Or else."
End of Flashback.
For a moment, Carlos was frozen in place, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. What if William had convinced you to give him another chance? What if you had already forgotten about Carlos and moved on?
But then, as if on cue, William's gaze flickered in Carlos's direction, his expression turning to one of fear and apprehension. Carlos felt a surge of satisfaction wash over him at the sight, his fear replaced by a possessive determination to protect what was his.
Without a second thought, Carlos strode over to where you and William stood, his steps purposeful and determined. William's eyes widened in fear as Carlos approached, and he stumbled over his words as he addressed you.
"Uh, hey, [your name], I, uh, I have to go," William stammered, his voice trembling with nervousness. "I'll, uh, I'll see you later."
And with that, he hurried away, leaving you standing there, your gaze flickering between Carlos and the retreating figure of William.
Carlos's heart raced as he approached you, his chest tight with a mix of emotions. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
you nodded, your eyes wide with surprise. "Yeah, I'm fine. What was that all about?"
Carlos hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right words. "I… I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That's all."
you studied him for a moment, your gaze searching his face for any sign of what was really going on. "Carlos, what's going on? You seem… different."
Carlos's heart clenched at your words, a mix of guilt and longing swirling inside him. He wanted to tell you everything, to pour out his feelings and confess the depths of his obsession, but he knew he couldn't. Not yet, anyway.
"I… I'm just worried about you,Cariño," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's all."
you nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Well, you don't have to worry about me, Carlos. I can take care of myself."
But even as you spoke the words, Carlos couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of his mind. He knew that as long as you were in his life, he would do whatever it took to protect you, no matter the cost. And if that meant giving in to his possessive and obsessive desires, then so be it.
--------------------to be continued-----------------------
I forgot to add warnings T_T
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luimagines · 7 months
I've been a Time simp for years and read that last fic UFF. It really made simp more and I loved it so much.
I would like to thank you for writing these stories (they always make me happy) and I hope you don't mind if I make a short continuation of "You realize that you love him" (with isekai player! reader. Sorry if there are typos or errors. Anyway, thanks for accepting. It's amateur, but I hope you like it.
You were in front of the fire, tonight you couldn't sleep and you just closed your eyes tiredly but in those moments of "peace" your mind attacked that silence with thoughts of him.
The sounds of wood burning made a timer and with each click one more wish appeared. You knew that the feelings were present and the clarity of those wishes could one day be mistaken for reality.
You didn't hate it, but that pressure in your chest made it difficult to keep a straight face every time he was in front of you. And you didn't want the boys to place their bets or bother you, so you hid it with less and less success.
When he worried about you, when he always checked on you before deciding whether to camp there or if you could go a little further, everything that was normal before was now a moment where you wanted but couldn't look away from his beautiful blue eyes.
While you were in your thoughts, Time sat next to you and took your previously injured hand. You jumped a little in surprise and sighed, "Do you really never make a noise, old man?" He laughed a little, taking a bit of pride in your words.
"It looks like it healed well," he said as he removed the bandages and caressed the still slightly sensitive skin. You decided to take a little revenge and put your other hand on top of his, trapping him between your palms.
The years and the battles took their toll on his skin. It was full of scars and calluses, as well as being scratchy and thick, but that didn't mean those hands carried less love. They were the hands of a protector.
"Thanks to you". Your revenge worked because in that second it took him to react, despite his stoic face you saw the surprise in his eye.
He looked at the fire to avoid your gaze, and you did the same. For a moment, your heart wanted to scream with nerves, but with the minutes, you forgot that intensity. Your grip lost strength, and the fire dance hypnotized you again. Your thoughts once again drowned your mind.
Time was ready to leave after checking that there was nothing more to do for you. Maybe to wake up Wars for his shift or maybe to give you space; but the moment he was going to get up, your grip regained all its strength.
Time searched your face with his eye to look for a reaction or why you had stopped him, but your eyes were fixed on the fire, and your mind was lost in another world. You were so sleepy that you hadn't realized that you reflexively didn't let go.
Time sat next to you again to accompany you a little more. It was there that you woke up from your trance and realized the pressure you were exerting with your hand and the surprise that he returned the gesture, soft but firm.
"I'm sorry" you murmured, trying to justify yourself. "It's just that I feel safe next to you." His hero soul was pleased. He always showed that he would do a lot to heal and protect others, and hearing that from you ... it made him think that his efforts were not in vain.
"You don't have to apologize. It's okay" and he squeezed your hand a little tighter. You hid the heartbeat that almost broke your chest.
You spent a while there feeling the heat of the flames, breathing the humidity of the forest and looking at the stars.
Your heart did not rest, and at the same time, you were at peace. Words were not necessary, just the company of the other. His presence lulled you, and gravity brought your head to his shoulder and your eyes to close.
You loved him and you wanted to love him, you wanted to hold him in your hands like a beautiful porcelain figure and care for him infinitely, sing songs for his dark nights and dance next to him in his joy.
You knew his destiny, and that one day, everything would be taken from him but for now, you wanted to hold the fragments of his heart, kiss his tired soul and fill his memories with flowers.
"I love you" you said babbling, and without waiting for a response, you fell asleep, dreaming of never stopping holding his hand.
I- Hello? I love this??? Thank you!!!
Also thank you for telling you enjoyed the latest story DX
I'm not entirely sure if you mean the dragon au post or the one you already mentioned but I adore this all the same.
This was just what I needed today, you have no idea. Thank you so much. <3
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Concept art by Brian Matyas. Din Djarin standing in the slaughterhouse, on the ring world, surrounded by the heads of the critters being processed there. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 5, Return of the Mandalorian.
Din Djarin had been in worse places. He was certain of that. Pagodon came to mind immediately. It was icy cold. All anyone ate there was fish. The huge aquatic creatures that inhabited its oceans were big enough to destroy you and your vessel. But at least it didn’t smell bad. It must have been the icy cold air. 
Generally, the ring world where he’d found his next bounty didn’t smell of anything other than it’s artificial atmosphere. A little stale. An occasional whiff of ozone. The odd perfume. The air handlers made short work of that sort of thing. But the smell of blood and burned flesh was impossible to ignore in the slaughterhouse. 
He’d have to see if the Armorer could do something about that once he located her. Maybe she could give him new filters for his helmet or check its seal for leaks. He’d hate to smell anything like that again. It was all he could do to not vomit and that was a first for him. He’d been in a mudhorn’s reeking cave and a Krayt dragon’s gullet with the Creed knew what else and it hadn’t bothered him a bit. Now… well now he just had to do his best. If he got sick he’d just have to work through it. The information he needed was too valuable to be squeamish about what it took to collect it. 
He walked through the room filled with heads on hooks (urp) and wondered if the next room would be better or worse. He stepped past some rubber strips at an opening and almost turned back. This room was full of carcasses. Headless. Split in half from neck to nethers. It smelled so much worse than the prior room. The floor wasn’t slippery with blood, which he was grateful for, but the cleaning agent used to address that made the whole space stink like an old trash compactor. 
He swallowed hard and pushed forward. He needed to find the Armorer. He had the beskar spear to turn in. If Grogu had been with him he would have let the little one pick out a piece of armor. But the kid was somewhere with the Jedi. Ossus? Whatever. He was no longer the Mandalorian’s problem. There were surely other foundlings that would need things. It hadn’t seemed that Jedi wore armor, so what would Grogu really need anyway? But still, he had to find his own people. 
Uff. Now he was in the proper butcher space. Klatooinians were cutting up smaller parts of the critters they processed. Din Djarin didn’t dislike Klatooinians, but they were the cleanest people he’d ever met. At least the bounty hunters weren’t. These folks looked like simple tradespeople, in the aprons and head coverings. He pitied them. He expected that any person he’d been sent to retrieve, cold or warm, was likely to be the sort of person who didn’t treat their staff well. He sighed. 
Kaba Baiz was sitting at a desk and counting credits. The room had hanging carcasses and cutting and weighing equipment in it, which made it a strange place for an office, unless you really, really liked the smell of aging meat. Din Djarin did not like that smell and he had to admit later, when he was finished ‘discussing’ the situation with Baiz and his associates, that might have made him a bit more impatient than he normally was with a bounty.
It hadn’t helped that he’d injured himself with the expletive deleted Darksaber. He’d done fairly well with the strange Jedi weapon initially, but it began to fight him and he didn’t understand it. Of course maybe it didn’t like the smell either, he thought with a hollow laugh. He wondered why a Mandalorian would even make such a thing, but then he didn’t understand why Tarre Vizsla had even been trained by the Jedi. What Mandalorian would voluntarily leave his people to take up such a strange vocation?
But based on the little bit of information he’d been given by Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin realized that Tarre Vizsla probably had no choice. He would have been a child and not been raised in the Creed or taught to follow the Way. How did he ever become Mand’alor? Just because he had created a Jedi’s weapon using beskar? 
That seemed far fetched, but then Din Djarin hadn’t expected to be a Mandalorian either as a child. He had expected to follow whatever path made sense to him at the time. Whatever would make his parents proud of him. Whatever he was capable of doing and enjoyed. In retrospect, he didn’t think he would have been a bounty hunter, but he might have been a pilot… he liked to think that he would have been a chef and made people food they loved to eat. Chefs rarely found themselves in starship fights or without food to eat for days. That was something a bounty hunter just had to get used to. 
He laughed to himself again as he hauled the sack with the proof of the bounty collection to the people who had hired him. Grogu would have found it hilarious to know that Din Djarin wished he could have been a chef. Grogu had made it perfectly clear to him that the Mandalorian’s only accomplishment in the culinary field was heating a rations pack and Grogu hated rations. Apparently there was an awful risk that they would contain vegetables and his foundling had demonstrated an absolute horror of vegetables. 
Then he had to shake those thoughts away and quickly. Between the pain in his leg and the lingering smell of the abattoir on his armor, he wasn’t feeling great. Then the thought that Grogu would gladly eat anything he’d just seen in the slaughterhouse made his stomach lurch uncomfortably. He wasn’t a squeamish man, but the thought of Grogu not distinguishing between the bodies of the Klatooinians and the critters they had been butchering was just too gross. His stomach was angry with him and he could feel a headache coming on. 
Those were signals that he needed to wrap this up and find the Armorer. He needed to take care of his injury, find out more about the Darksaber, and work out how he could pick up his trade again, considering that he no longer had a ship and he really didn’t want to take passenger ships everywhere. He hated paying for more than one fare and he knew from experience that they never had a carbonite chamber when he needed one. 
He sighed. Grogu had never needed either of those things and that just made Din Djarin miss his foundling even more. Dank Farrik.
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9mothsinspace · 3 months
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Okay! Rant (and spoilers) ahead! It's been some time since I read Dragons of Fate now and I need to put down my thoughts about it. My obsessive bookmarking of scenes must be put to some use! Really, hoarding scenes it my one true dragon trait.
Now. Critique comes first. For one:
Inconsistency problems. I ranted about some of them in other posts as well, but here a few in short: 1. Raistlin is too well-informed about Immolatus. He may have figured out that he's a dragon at some point after Brothers in Arms, but even then, he couldn't have detailed knowledge about his hunting habits from the short encounters he had with him. 2. The Green dragon in the orb is named Viper, not Cyan 3. In the very first scene a gnome appears he finishes a sentence. The a-gnome-never-finishes-a-sentence rule has been broken before but still.
Then. The repetetive and tedious explainations of time travelling. Okay, so the book starts with a chapter that basically retells the last chapter of the previous book to explain where things left off. So far so good, it's a bit unnecessary that the time travelling is spelled out to the reader in such detail and that Sturm is used as the 'ignorant character' device that needs everything explained to him. But then we switch scenes and the same discussion takes place with Dalamar and Justarius. And then again with Tanis (again the ignorant character device) and Astinus! Yes, every character has to be up to date, but the process doesn't have to be described every time. It just feels like the reader isn't trusted to keep up and I would actually welcome some ambiguity here. But maybe that's just personal preference.
Destina. I was actually on bord with the entire Destina plotline in the first book, but in the second one it feels like she has simply been erased, now that the heroes of the lance have entered the stage. And the plot with her love interest... uff. I read somewhere that Dragonlance has a problem with writing love stories and I agree. There is no real distinction between initial attraction and supposed deeper feelings? At least not in this case. There was no time for these two to fall in love and it feels like a plot device.
Raistlin. Now. This REALLY is personal preference but he felt... out of character a bit? How do explain it better than 'he isn't evil enough'? Yes he is still sarcastic and snarky, but it also just set on fixing the river of time without ever even contemplating an outcome that doesn't end with him dead? Of course his memories of his failed atttempt of godhood could have taught him better, but are you really telling me that RAISTLIN MAJERE doesn't have any ambition or shred of selfishness left in him? Especially after he says he doesn't really regret his actions? And I loved the scene in the beginning where he tells Tasslehoff that he is sorry that Mary was never real but it also just felt off.
Now, I ranted a lot about things I didn't like. So here the things i absolutely did (especially in the third half of the book that made up for a lot of the previous bugs I think):
Gnomes!! They were hilarious! Like, in every scene and every dialogue they were what I expected gnomes to be. Chaotic bureaucracy, exploding shit, little self-preservation, that's just awesome.
Magius. I had my issues with his and Raistlin's dynamic at first because it felt like they were set up for being friends just because it serves the plot and Raistlin was more dragged along than making decisions on his own... but the death scene really had me with a lump in my throat. And Magius handing over the staff and declaring that it will be Raistlin's now and in the future - that was actually a mindblowing moment!
The Immolatus and Takhisis dynamic. Now, this was an intriguing and ambiguous relationship. We know that she favours him, gifts him a powerful artifact and makes him a commander of her army, even recruits him again in Brothers in Arms, but he just hates her guts. Why? We got just enough bits to be interested but not enough to make it flat. Nice!
Raistlin and Sturm. Sue me, i ship them and I loved every bit of interaction.
Kitiara and siblings in the dragon army. This... I mean-!!! Again, this is subjective, but I was just always absolutely in love with Kitiara and Raistlin as a team and understood but was saddened when they tried to kill each other half the time. To see them now on the same side in this alternative present and with Caramon at that... this is everything I wanted for them. I know, I know, that's just me, but i'm all in for team evil Majere / uth Matar siblings.
So much from me :) Plz tell me you thoughts if you agree or disagree with any of this.
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tenyrasims · 5 months
Naww thanks for tagging me your so cute ! I LOVE your blog ! @kuroashims ! HEH so lets start ! 🤩
✬ Three favorite ships: Just three? Uff
Favourite ship of all time - Natsu x Lucy [Fairy Tail]
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Zorro x Sanji [or Zorro with anyone] 🥰
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Misaki x Usui [Kaichou wa maid sama]
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✬ Last song [s]: Probably everything by loveless and David Michael frank. 🤘🏼🖤
~ "Blue like Picasso, green like monet, my mind keeps slipping further away" 🖤 ~
✬ Last movie:
Long ago im not the movie type tbh ... I guess 365 days. 😏
✬ Currently craving:
Coffe, Coffe, Coffe [ like 20 cups a day]
✬ Currently reading:
Girls with guns by @jarakio [love it btw]
about books ... City of bones. [Kinda into fantasy romans]
✬ Fave color: Since black isnt a color ... Pastel colors and violet!
✬ Fave flavor: Uh, hard to tell. Banana and peach.
✬ Relationship status: happy Single ♡
✬ Last thing i googled: Animations for my Sims Story ♡
✬ Current obsessions:
My babies ♡ ❤️❤️❤️
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Aidan 🖤🔥🔥🔥
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Zorro !
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and as you could tell : These guys
Hope that helps you guys to know me a little better ♡♡ Love you ~
taggingggg: @madfeary @okiyukiyo @jessiemoonsims @nightlifeseries @lost-souls-story @glittermutt @kumorisims @jarakio and everyone who wants to join i want to tag you all guys 🥰
(sorry if some of you did this before, couldnt find it on your Blogs.
😭 😭)
Me while doing this:
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metal-organic-au · 8 months
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I'm a Monster - Comic (3/3) - 3.1 [Metal Organic AU)
A short comic that I came up with from a friend's idea. I upload it by pages, don't expect long comics, since I don't feel ready to do that kind of comics yet.
Genocide and Anger by @mephy-sona
I managed to give myself a little time to finish the last pages of this comic, uff
[Previous] ~ [Next]
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serede986 · 11 months
HOLT CRAP IM ADDICTED TO YOUR WRITTING,good thing requests are open,so I was thinking
Zen x reader Litteraly anything
I'm thirsty for content of this man so bad (tho beware I'm still not done with the game I started playing like what 10 days ago and I have today and tmw the final day so if it's possible no spoilers hihi)
Aren't you the sweetest.. Coming right up, here's your dessert...
Zen, you and a home date<3
It's a date for you both, with flowers in the middle of the table for when you're done cooking.
Is adamant on picking you up from your house, he doesn't trust those in public transport peeps.
It's all the things you love to eat and for one day, he's willing to eat everything that your heart loves. You're eating salad the next day though, don't think much about it.
To put cherry on top, he is shirtless with just his apron and shorts. You hug him from behind, peeking at what he's preparing for you. Uff his laugh when you smooch his back.
Shivers and backs away when you circle that soft spot behind his ear. Certainly, he looks so cute when he's red.
You tease him so much, he picks you up and sits you on the counter. You're no more allowed to cook but taste what the great Chef Zen cooks.
Puppy eyes don't work on him, maybe, but when he comes close to you for a taste test, make sure you pull him close by the neck and rub your nose on his'. He'll drop everything for you. Literally.
He takes you to the couch and sets the dishes in front of you with your favorite romantic songs in the background.
Dinner, liquor and love.
he traces small and big hearts on your thighs, while you're resting your head on his shoulder. He's trying very hard not to shiver by your breath and give you any traces of how you've got him so weak.
You're both so drunk, none of you have any idea what you're saying. Stupid plans, kids, compromises to pet allergies, small-cozy little apartment goals, with just you and him. a small world that's yours and his. they're yours to fulfill.
Hope you like this~ feel free to ask for a rewrite if it's not up to your expectations:D
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Ghost x Reader Fem
Hot day…
Part 2
Éste relato en español 
Summary: You are in the base and the heat is slowly killing everyone. You decide that despite the heat it is good to train, after a short talk, Ghost simply left the Gym without saying a word to you.
You study the content of what you said but you can't find the problem.
Sitting on the small cot in your room, you finished tying the slippers on your feet. Getting up and collecting what you thought you would need to go to training you left your room, the heat hit you like an invisible wave.
-Uff yes, it's heavy today- you continued on your way, several of your colleagues complained about the heat, many giving up the idea of training, "Perfect, I'll have the gym to myself" a smile painted your face, there weren't many women in the Forces 141, so it was a bit uncomfortable at times, like using the gym, so you would train either very early in the morning or late at night.
You arrived at your destination noticing that the large gym was empty, "Yes!"
You went straight to the treadmill to warm up, humming a pop song you liked, paying no attention to your surroundings. You got on and turned on the music, it was nice to train with something other than rap, rock or metal and no headphones for a change.
After 20 minutes of running on the treadmill at medium speed, you stopped and let out a big sigh of contentment—it was a good way to start a workout, with no one rushing you or asking how long until you were done.
But your good mood turned into discomfort, even though you were wearing a cotton outfit, the sweat gathered and ran down the valley between your breasts, -In this situation I wouldn't mind if they were smaller- you took the hand towel out of the belt and you tucked it under your white t-shirt.
-I suppose it could be a tactical disadvantage- a thick voice replied.
You gasped and turned around, but you knew who it was, how not to recognize that voice... there he was... standing with a 50 kilo record in his hands casually.
-Lie… lieutenant!- I was mortified, you quickly took the towel out from under your shirt -I didn't hear him coming- you said great… This was awkward, not to mention that you were sorry for Lieutenant Simon Riley.
-I've been here for the last hour- he replied as he adjusted the records on the bar.
As if that was a sign you hit your muted music device. -Sorry… I didn't realize, I'll use headphones- but you soon realized that you didn't have them in your pocket.
-It doesn't bother me, the music was low, continue if you like- he finished hooking the records and lay down on the padded metal bench.
-Okay- you went in the opposite direction and loaded the press, today it was time to train legs, you turned the music back on but with the lowest volume, you could hear the noise that the lieutenant made when training with the bar, that added to the noise that your training produced, really light, although it was not the intention the environment became heavy, you could not stop thinking that if you did an exercise wrong the Lieutenant would make you notice...
You had recently been in the 141 squad, so you tried to do everything in an excellent way, finished the four series you put the safety and let out a long breath, the sweat running down your body again -God, that was hard!!!- , you exclaimed aloud, a loud noise interrupted you, the Lieutenant was sitting on the bench breathing heavily, and you saw the bar he used with 100 kilos misplaced on the support. You approached quickly when you saw his agitated breathing.
-Lieutenant! Are you alright? - Your tone came out a little sharper than you wanted.
-It's nothing a sudden cramp- he rose to his full height to accommodate the discs that apparently he was no longer going to use.
"I've been here for 3 months and he still hasn't called me by my name, and he hasn't told me that I can use his code name either, I have to show him that I'm worthy of being in this squad" Trying to have a little more talk with him, you did a comment about your diet to prevent cramps
-You know, when I enlisted in the force, one of the trainers told me that he should always maintain a good level of potassium in my system-
While you were wandering in your talk, Ghost had moved away and had his back to you, he slightly raised his mask to drink water.
 -So when it's training days I usually always include 2 large bananas for breakfast, but if I have time I prefer to add milk and make a smoothie, it's delicious and a great way to start the day- you commented happily.
But his eyes went wide at hearing the last part of your comments and he ended up spitting out the water and choking in the process.
He had reached his limit for today with you, it was one thing to see you wear training shorts, the sweat running down your neck, to hear your exhausted sighs between exercises, but those innocent comments…
Without being able to say anything under his mask and he left the gym.
He went as fast as he could, he never believed that wearing the mask would be beneficial in this situation his face was terribly red, his thoughts running through his mind, and blood pumping to his crotch... Better to leave than have a bad time or do something stupid which included “exercise” with you under him, he almost ran over Soap and Gaz in the process of reaching his room and going into the bathroom for an ice-cold shower, the heat he felt had nothing to do with the stupid weather.Disconcerted, you saw how the Lieutenant left like lightning, without even saying anything to you.
"Damn! I think he hates me" dejected you collapsed on the gym floor. You saw Soap and Gaz walk in moments later, both in sports gear -What happened? I saw Ghost walk out of here like a blur- Soap crouched down next to you.
You looked at him with a frown -You lied to me, you said that Lieutenant Riley would like me in less than a week and yet I can barely stand a few comments before leaving annoyed- you clutched the towel in frustration.
Gaz sat on the bench where Ghost had been moments before -Did you say something that could make him angry?-
-No, I didn't- you started to tell them everything that happened since your arrival at the gym and Ghost's escape.
Soap and Gaz exchanged glances over you, and immediately they both shook their heads, Soap put a hand on your shoulder, -Don't worry, believe me Ghost doesn't like you- He went to Gaz's side and let out a loud laugh.
You left the gym very confused and frustrated. Not understanding what was bothering the Lieutenant.
It's the first thing I write for Ghost, comment if you like it...
if it has errors english is not my main language
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lipowanoc · 1 year
Describing people in Polish - a few grammar remarks
Describing people in Polish requires either the use of Nominative or Instrumental case. Here's the short guide to it.
Quick reminder how to conjugate być (to be) in present tense:  ja jestem / ty jesteś / on  ona ono jest / my jesteśmy / wy jesteście / oni są
1.  być + noun in Nominative (the dictionary form)
Thanks goodness you can introduce yourself with the pattern " I + verb to be  + noun in Nominative (dictionary form, no strange endings)".  But that's actually limited to stating your name.
(Ja) jestem Tomek - I am Tomek
Wy jesteście Maria i Piotr? - Are you Maria and Piotr?
Note: You omit personal pronouns when it is clear who you're talking about. And while stating  "Jestem Tomek" it is obvious you talk about yourself because the verb "jestem" indicates it. You might use personal pronouns to put emphasis or contrast. Ex To jest Piotr, a  ja jestem Tomek - This is Piotr, and I am Tomek (contrast)
2.  być + noun in Instrumental
If you want to add any other noun to describe yourself or other people, then - here comes Instrumental.  To get Instrumenal,  you mostly add -"em" to masculine/ neutrum nouns and  you change the ending for  "ą" in feminine nouns (it's more complicated matter but let's stay with the basics for now). If you use adjectives or pronouns that describe the noun, then these adjectives and pronouns should be in Instrumental as well.
Nominative: silny  mężczyzna - Instrumenal: silnym mężczyzną  (strong man)
Nominative: znany lekarz - Instrumental: znanym lekarzem ( well-known doctor)
Nominative: dobra nauczycielka - Instrumental: dobrą nauczycielką (good female teacher)
Jestem dyrektorem firmy - I am a director of a company
Zaufaj mi, jestem inżynierem - Trust me, I am an engineer.
Maria jest nauczycielką w szkole podstawowej.  - Maria is a teacher in an elementary school.
Ona jest dobrą nauczycielką, dzieci ją lubią. - She is a good teacher, children likes her.
Państwo Wajda są naszymi sąsiadami - Mr. and Mrs. Wajda are our neighbours.
Wszyscy jesteśmy ludźmi i popełniamy błędy - we are all humans and we make mistakes.
3. być + adjective in Nominative
Uff, finally something easy. When you want to describe yourself or others just with the use of an adjective, then you use Nominative (dictionary form).
Ta nauczycielka jest dobra - This (female) teacher is good.
Ten lekarz jest bardzo znany - This doctor is very well-known.
Jestem piękna i mądra - I am beautiful and smart (female form).
but: Jestem piękną i mądrą kobietą (I am beautiful and smart woman) - here comes Instrumental, because adjectives don't stand alone, but describe a noun that follows.
Jesteś głupi - you're stupid - Nominative because you use an adjective
Jesteś idiotą - you're an idiot - Instrumental because you use a noun
4. "to / to jest + Nominative form "
"To jest ......"  could be translated as "This is....". Plural form: "To są..... " = "These are...."
This form is actually limited to description of a third person singular or plural. In its primary function it is a demonstrative form, like you point your finger and name things around you.
To jest kot!  - This is a cat.
To są moje kochane koty. - These are my beloved cats.
But you can build normal descriptive sentences  with this form. Often you can use only " to" ommitting "jest/ są".
Maria to (jest) dobra nauczycielka. - Maria is a good teacher.
Tomek to (jest) dyrektor firmy. - Tomek is a director of a company
Państwo Wajda to (są) nasi sąsiedzi - Mrs. and Mr. Wajda are our neighbours. 
So what's the difference between Maria  jest nauczycielką and Maria to nauczycielka? Well, it's subtle and both forms are quite interchangeable. To me "to jest" form is a little bit less formal, more conversational, used as a quick reaction or explanation. For example if you ask who is that Maria everybody are talking about, or why Maria is a little bit stuck-up, then you'd rather get an explanation that Maria to nauczycielka. But if you write Maria's bio, you'll use the form "Maria jest nauczycielką". Or if you ask about Maria's job, this form is likely to follow.
Edit: @gardens-and-cats thanks for correcting me!
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Hi, I hope I don't bother you by asking this because I feel like it might be weird for other people: I really liked the oneshot of the reader as a spiderman from a universe where it's giant that you made and I don't know if you could make one where you can make another in the same universe and that the protagonist is half related to the reader Spider-Man (perhaps as a cousin or friend) who knows that he is Spider-Man and that in that universe they are like the Scarlet Witch?
Again, I hope you don't mind me asking for this, it's just that I loved it and I want to order a little more of that story. Also it can be hender neutral because you only put that you can do Male reader so I'm asuming you can do gender neutral (if you want or can)
Uff, that'll be difficult. I can tray to do a short one shot but I fear I won't reach your expectations. It'll take me some time, tho. But just to clarify.
You want a one shot about a scarlet witch GN reader with a platonic relationship with spiderman? Like an interaction between them in their universe?
Something like that?
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: Domestic violence.
A/N: This chapter has violence that could be triggering for some people. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1888
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
It has been 2 weeks since the “incident”, as her friends called it, happened. It was Friday, last day of school and thankfully she didn’t have exam that day, so she stayed home so she could sleep a little longer. Annie had apologized to Andy for falling asleep during working hours and told him she was extremely stressed and the lack of sleep was taking a toll on her, which was partially true, although she didn’t mention her break up with Daniel.
It was nearly 6 o’clock when Annie went out for a walk to distract herself a little of the awful week she had; she was wearing a black hoodie, a pair of black biker shorts and white sneakers, she grabbed her keys and purse and off she went. She decided to go back to the apartment to pick the rest of her clothes and things. When their friends went to pick her stuff Daniel wasn’t too nice to them and they left as soon as they could. Sharon had been borrowing her clothes but she couldn’t keep doing that to her friend. She was aware of Daniel’s schedule, so there was not a problem by going at this time of the day, especially on Friday. Annie opened the door and made sure Daniel wasn’t around and headed to the room. She took one of the suitcases she had in the closet and started to put her clothes in it as fast as she could when the front door was shut by a loud slam. By the time Annie closed her suitcase and turned around Daniel was standing by the bedroom’s door.
“Hi babe, I’m so glad you’re back.” he saw the suitcase near her feet, “What do you think you are doing?”
“I mmmm, I came to pack my things.”
“Really?” Daniel walked slowly towards her, standing just in front of her, “I called you and you didn’t answer” his finger touch her check. “You can’t leave babe… we have a future together,” Daniel was dangerously close, “remember? You are all mine.” Annie could smell a hint of alcohol in his breath.
“I am not yours,” Daniel’s eyes grew darker. “You fucked another woman! In our bed! What makes you think I’m gonna stay with you?!!”
Daniel slapped her hard and grabbed her by her arms tighten his grip as he talked.
“You are mine! And you are not leaving until we work this out!”
“Let me go!!!”
“I’ve done so much for you, and this is how you pay me?” his body pressing against her, “Don’t forget who took you after your parents died. I was the one who took care of you, and gave you a place to live.”
“You’re hurting me!”
Annie tried to let go off him, but she couldn’t he was way stronger than her, her right arm started to hurt as she tried to run away, but Daniel was faster and threw her against the wall, making her hit her head and arm. As Annie was trying to stand Daniel slapped her again, this time both her lip and cheek stung and pushed her to bed, Annie moved to the head board of the bed but Daniel grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her towards him getting on top of her to prevent her from running, he opened the hoodie she was wearing, revealing her black cotton bralette.
“Uff babe,” he hooked his finger on the bralette and lower his lips to her breast, “these,” he gave her boobs a harsh squeeze, “have always been my favorites.”
“Daniel, stop!!!” she cried and kicked trying to get Daniel off of her.
“Shut up!” he put his hand around her throat, “I’m gonna make you feel so good babe, just the way you like it.”
Daniel put his hand inside the front of her shorts, smiling and touching her roughly. The look in his eyes made her scared, he was not the man she once fell in love with. His lips connected to her chest sucking and leaving marks  as he slide two of his fingers inside of her, Annie stayed still, and felt the sting between her legs as his fingers pumped in and out of her fast, she was looking everywhere but him. She tried to let go again but it was useless, Daniel had her and he was going to get his way with her. That was until Daniel stood to open his jeans, Annie saw the opportunity to stand and get to the door of the room, throwing all she found around her to make Daniel loose his balance. Daniel reached and hold her from behind both fell to the floor and then Annie kicked him right on the face; Daniel touched his face letting her go. She stood up and grabbed the first jar she saw near her, turned and hit him on the head with it, leaving him unconscious.
Annie closed her hoodie and ran down stairs leaving Daniel and all her things behind. She walked to the closest bus stop to go to Newton and 15 minutes later she was in front of Andy’s house, all the lights were out, she walked to the entrance but didn’t knocked at the door. She went back to the downtown and walked around going nowhere. She was sure she had taken the same path for the third time when she stopped in front of a pizza place, the smell filled her nose and her stomach growled. She didn’t have money, she spend the bill she always hide on her shoe to pay the bus to Newton and she didn’t have her phone with her to call neither her friends nor brother. She was staring at the window of the place when she felt someone tackled her on the legs; she looked down she saw Jake holding her tightly.
“Hi, sweetie.” Annie hold the kid back “Where is your dad?”
“Jake! Don’t run away like that!” Andy smiled when he saw her. “Oh! Now I see why you ran. Still don’t do that, ok?”
“Yes, dad” Andy looked for a moment to Annie, she looked a little disturbed, and she had a cut on her lip and her cheek was a bit purple.
“Hey, are you ok?” Andy touched her lip, it stung and she hissed.
“Yeah,” she lied, “I… I fell.”
Annie paid attention to Andy, he wasn’t wearing a suit, he was wearing jeans, sneakers, a red hoodie and a baseball cap, and he looked a lot less strict with that outfit.
“Right,” Andy wasn’t too convinced with that answer. “What are you doing in Newton on a Friday?”
“Why not? It’s a free country” Andy raised his brows when he heard her. “Sorry… I was bored, and I decided to come here.”
“No parties?” Annie shook her head. “Very well, are you alone?”
“Yes, my friends are busy.” She lied.
Andy still wasn’t convince on her answers, she was defensive “Hmmm, well if you have nothing to do, we were about to buy something for dinner and watch a movie, wanna join us?
“Do you always watch movies on Fridays?
“Yes!” Jake told her, “Is movie night! pease, come with us.” The boy looked at her with puppy eyes which made her laughed a little.
“Alright, but I will choose the movie.”
“Deal!” Jake said “I wanf pizza, dad.”
“I think our guess should choose our dinner.”
“Pizza is fine, but without pineapple.”
“Smart choice,” Andy smiled, and opened the door of the pizza place. “After you.”
The three of them walked into the place and stood at the counter waiting their turn, a little later a young girl appear to take their order.
“We will have a large pepperoni pizza.”
“Anything else sir?” the girl batted her eyelashes to him.
“No, just the pizza.”
“Your name?”
“That’s a nice name. It will be 10 bucks.”
Andy paid and the girl give him a toothy smile and left.
“She was flirting with you.” Annie said whispering.
“Who?” Annie pointed the girl who took their order, “Really?”
“Yeap, she is cute.”
“And she is probably like 16, I’m not a perv. And she is blonde, I don’t like blonde girls.” Annie froze when she heard the words blonde girl. “You look… are you sure you ok?”
“Yes, I’m fine. You know I had finals, I’m just thinking about it.”
They sat in one of the tables waiting for their pizza to be ready. Andy asked her about her exams, and she told him about how the pedagogy professor made the most difficult exam she ever had since she starter at Lasell.
“Honestly I think he just wants everybody to fail.”
“Some teachers are like that. I had one at NYU, the guy was a jerk, but he was one of the best lawyers in the city.”
“Argh, I hate that! This guy is a freaking genius, is so good at what he does, you cannot be angry at him for making difficult exams, yet you hate him, is a very confusing feeling.”
“Andy!” Annie turned to see a dark haired woman that now was kissing Andy’s cheek.
“Hi, Stacy,” Andy said not too pleased at her actions.
“What are you doing here?” Annie stared at her, it was a stupid question considering they were in a pizza place.
“We came for something to eat.”
“Oh! Right.” The girl saw Jake and Annie up and down. “I’m sorry,” a fake smile on her face, “I’m Stacy, we work together.”
“Are you a lawyer?”
“No no, I’m a secretary, but we work in the same floor. Right Andy?” She touched Andy’s arm and Annie lifted her brow at the sight of her touching him. “And I assume you are his wife?” Andy was very uncomfortable by the question, Annie could tell.
“Actually, I’m his...” She said pointing at Jake.
“Yes, she is my wife” Andy lied.
“I’m Captain America!” Jake interject.
“Yes, you are sweetie.” Annie hugged and kissed him.
“Andy!” A guy behind the counter said, “Andy!”
“That’s us, we better go.” Andy stood quickly, “See you later.”
“Bye Andy, and nice to meet you Mrs. Barber.”
Andy took the pizza, left the establishment and walked down the street to the parked car. Jake jumped to his seat, while Andy opened the door for Annie and then climbed in the car and started the engine.
“She likes you” Annie said a bit annoyed.
“Don’t act so innocent Andy, that Stacy girl.” She crossed her arms. “She was touching your bicep.”
“And… is that a problem?” Andy looked at her pouting, she looked hilarious.
“Well… no, I mean, if you like her, there’s not a problem.”
“She is new in town, and to be honest she is quite noisy.”
“She is beautiful”
“I don’t like her.”
“It’s fine if you do.”
“I don’t!” he laughed
“Why are you laughing?”
“I literally said you were my wife so she stop hitting on me. I’m sorry about that by the way.”
“That’s what friends are for. Right?
Andy didn’t answer. Was she jealous? He didn’t know, and despite him finding amusing how she was acting he wasn’t planning on keep arguing over a woman he wasn’t attracted to, he switch the gear to drive and went back home.
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Concept art by Nick Gindraux for The Mandalorian, Season 1, Episode 6, The Prisoner. The Mandalorian is depicted firing down a corridor as battle droids approach. Cells are visible along the corridor.
Din Djarin sighed. He had hoped this would be a quick job and that he and the child would be able to gather some intel from Ran and find someplace safe to hunker down. It became clear that nothing like that was going to happen. Dank Farrik.
First, he thought he was just going to take Ran’s team somewhere and  just drop them off. He had done that often enough when they originally worked together. To find that he wasn’t even going to pilot the Razor Crest was not welcome information. It hadn’t been easy to acquire and it would be even more trouble to replace if anything happened to it. 
Second, he didn’t find out that they were extracting a prisoner from a New Republic prison vessel until it was too late to refuse. Picking someone up from a rival group was as different from springing a guy from a New Republic prison ship as the Razor Crest was different from an Old Imperial Dreadnaught. This job just went from bad to awful.
Finally, the crew. Uff. The Mandalorian was surprised that any of them had managed to avoid being held in a New Republic prison transport themselves. They were a hot mess. One was violent, one was just a mass of muscle, another was trigger happy, and the worst one was a reprogrammed protocol droid. What had he signed himself up for when he contacted Ran and asked if they could work something out that was mutually beneficial?  This was not what he had hoped to be doing and he certainly hadn’t expected to expose the child to such a motley crew. 
At least he could control for that. He’d left the little one in his cabin and locked the door. He wasn’t going to open it and let any of them see his small companion. Based on what Ran said to him about getting crosswise with the guild made him worry that his old ‘friend’ knew all about what happened on Nevarro and that meant he couldn’t be trusted to know about the kid or anything else. Just like old times.
Old times had been one nightmare after another with all of the old crew doing one dangerous, often stupid thing, after another. Sure, Ran had made credits and Din Djarin had as well, since even his old armor had protected him from the worse of their misadventures, including Xian’s persistent testing of his reflexes with her knives. But, there were a number of good reasons they had parted ways. 
Ran had shorted his cut of the take on more than one job. Xian had cut up so many members of their team that Din Djarin spent as much of his time patching people back together as he did planning missions and providing cover fire. And Xian’s brother, Qin was just as much a problem. He was just slightly more cheerful while he picked locks and subdued guards than any of the rest of them. A Mandalorian bounty hunter was expected to display more discipline. More consideration. More sense. A lot more sense. 
Dank Farrik. 
Then Burg, the big muscle for their team decided to be nosey. Well, Din Djarin had shut that down as quickly as he could. But not before the door to his cabin was opened and there was the child. Standing up and carefully observing each one of them. He could only imagine what the child might think seeing them all. When he was that age, well, he hadn’t actually reached the child’s reported age yet, but when he was a youngling, he hadn’t met anyone who carried weapons with so little concern. At least, not until he’d been saved by the Mandalorians on Aq Vetina. 
That brought back memories he didn’t want to think about. Including his general concerns about the child he’d decided to protect. Had he known his parents? Had he any idea where he came from? Was he an orphan or abandoned or did he have a family who was frantically trying to locate him? The Mandalorian had no idea but he certainly didn’t want this group of people to think about the child in any way at all. 
“What is it? Like a pet, or something?”
Mayfeld asked the question to see if he could push the Mandalorian’s buttons.
“Sure. Something like that.”
Easier to pretend the child was a pet then have them think he was anything else. Although as soon as he said that, the Mandalorian was certain that the child had made a face or a sound that indicated his disapproval of that whole notion. It wasn’t the first time that the bounty hunter was happy that he wore a helmet that shielded his face. The notion that small being was scolding him about a necessary cover story was just too funny. He couldn’t imagine the grief he’d take from Xian or Mayfeld if they had seen his grin or his eyes crinkle at their corners or saw how red he got in the face from trying not to laugh. It wasn’t worth it and it wouldn’t protect the child.
After that moment of levity that no one knew about except for him, the Razor Crest dropped out of hyperspace and he and the child and everyone else went bouncing around the storage bay. That wretched droid didn’t give a circuit relay about what was happening to the actual living members of their party. Which reminded him that he didn’t want that thing to know anything about the child. Nothing. After what happened with the IG unit on Arvala-7, the Mandalorian didn’t trust the protocol droid as far as the child could… no, as far as he could throw him. 
He spoke to the child quickly and quietly and gave him a rations pack to eat, while the others were preparing to board the vessel they had landed on. He hoped he wouldn’t find it used as a paint pallet again with assorted symbols decorating the walls of the cabin like the last time he’d had to leave the little one alone for a few hours. The walls cleaned up pretty easily, but getting the little one out of that coverall to bathe him and then trying to get him back into the thing had been a true trial of Mandalorian perseverance. 
He had hoped he wouldn’t have to survive that trial again for a couple of days instead of a mere twenty hours. Maybe he should get them a pet. Then it could clean the little one up when food was used as paint. It was worth a try, right?
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
Ok so this is kinda something @under-the-cherrytree came up and me being a nice person decided to do it
TW: gore.sexual assult.unhealthy obsession/yandere
Yandere!Hanako with a Darling getting sexually assaulted
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You sat on the floor crying silently trying to forget the incident that just happened a moment ago
„Come on dude just a bit of fun“
„Yeah we promise to be gentle~“
All you could do is pray for hanako to show up but he needed to excuse himself for a short period of time
„Im sorry please let me go i don’t want this“
After they started to take it too far by touching you there you couldn’t hold it back and you pushed them away and ran away by reflex
You could hear their yelling behind but all you could do is focus on escaping
*end of flashback*
And thats how you ended up here in the girls bathroom
„These jerks…“
Is all you could mumble to yourself through your sobs
„s/o!!! Oh gosh thank god you’re alright!“
You heard hanako‘s voice
Great you didn’t wanted him to see you like that
Hanako scoffed slightly as he stood infront of you
„Didn’t i tell you to stay ther…hey HEY wait nono dear why are you crying?!?“
And here it goes
„Im not mad don’t cry!! What happened???! Who made you cry“
You flinched after hanako reached out to you
„Don’t touch me please…“
He was at first mad that you didn’t wanted him to hug you but he decided to stay calm.you needed him right now. It took a moment but he did connect the dots
„Where did they touch you“
He sounded so calm yet so strict and demanding
You pointed at (body part)
„Who was it“
„Its okay hanako i already calmed myself dow-„
„S/o…don’t make me repeat myself“
You didn’t wanted to get on his bad side so you just told him who it was
„These bastards ill kill them beat them up“
Hanako took off his cape and wrapped it around you
„Im sorry i wasn’t these dear I’ll take the full blame and i will fix it right now“
He gave you a small kiss and left you leaving one of his hakujoudai by your side in case something happens
On his way all he could think of is you
He didn’t protect you
He should have been there
He failed you
Hanako clenched his uniform from realisation
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Its THEIR fault
If it weren’t for them you would be smiling right now having fun
He didn’t even realise that he already is at the party
„Oh and that chick. S/o i think?Ah who cares they are such a whore they wanted to do it yet pushed us at the end“
Hanako‘s head litterly turned 360 after he heard that
„so thats him“
„Uff gotta go pee guys wait a minute“
Hanako saw that as an opportunity and followed him to the bathroom
Just when the guy entered the bathroom suddenly the lights had started to flicker
„Hey you“
Who is that? He didn’t saw anyone in the bathroom when he entered
He turned his head slowly
„Don’t spread misinformation about my beloved“
Those were the last words this dude heard before his death
He simply slit his throat
Hanako wanted to torture this asshole longer but he also wanted to see you again
„H-hanako your back!…don’t tell me you“
„Nah don’t worry they are dead i just spooked them a little“
You didn’t like the way he phrased it
but you brushed it away only needing his attention at the moment
„I am so sorry that happened to you my angel…i promise to be there for you the whole time…)
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Thank you for reading please visit my blog again!
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amive2567 · 1 year
Hi there I wanted to participate in your match ups if it was possible ^^
Fandom : Haikyuu
I'm 22 y/o, she/her pronouns, heterosexual. My favourite colors are orange and black, I'm an ISFJ, cancer, for my appearance is short (4'9 ft - 1.52 cm) with shoulder length brown hair and chubby. I love animals (I own 2 cats) and I enjoy talking about mental health.
My ideal type is someone who's in touch with their emotions, someone who shows his soft or special treatment only with me (it could be just little things not something big) , someone who's honest and sensitive, if he has an artistic side or is bi or multilingual is super attractive too. For physical features I find long or messy hair attractive.
Pet peeves: when someone asks me to do something I already planned to do, not letting a song finish if you already let it sound for a while
Some traits I hate is when people rely on someone who's more responsible to get stuff done, people who think higher of themselves than they really are, lies, people who think they are the center of the universe. Uff and people who are not polite (please and thank you are big to me I'm sorry)
And I would like the match up to be romantic please
Thank you for your time ^^
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he is intouch with his emotions
he can be mischievous, but also has a soft spot
he fondly listens to your rambles
Sugawara will motivate you to reach your goals
Your little story:
Waking up on a weekend morning was special, for most people at least, especially at the beginning of spring. The golden spring sunrays would shine through the windows, and the birds would chirp a wonderful song to wake everyone, but this dream would not come true to you. You woke up with a cat butt in your face and the sound of the busy city of Sendai. Even though you loved your cat dearly, you wished she would act cute like the cats in movies. To the demanding meows, you responded with a soft growl. "I will feed you, but you have to wait a moment." With closed eyes, you grabbed your cat and placed it on Koushi's cold bedside. A groan escaped your lips as you started stretching your muscles.
Now you were still not wide awake, but the smell of fresh coffee and pancakes made you hurry into the kitchen. Before you ran to your food, you grabbed the black and orange Karasuno Sweater from your boyfriend. Your little cat followed you now happily to the kitchen. Soft music was playing in the background and accentuated the noises of the spatula clinking against the pan. To your dismay, your cat passed you by and joined her friend to eat. Sugawara had already filled up their little bowls. She jolted you out of your deep slumber for no apparent cause.
You leaned against the doorframe only to watch your boyfriend with a smile. How his muscles flex against his white Shirt whenever he flips One of the pancakes. He bit his tongue while focusing on the little piece of pancake batter. His messy bed hair was adorable. All you could think of was ruffling his hair even more. If you could, you would capture this moment and frame it, but Your loud stomach growl destroyed it. Koushi turned around with a bright smile. "Good morning darling, did my cooking wake you up?" He flipped the last pancake from the skillet onto the platter alongside the other pancakes and returned the pan to the turned-off stove.
Koushi stepped towards you and placed his hands on your hip. "No, this cute little cat ass made me wake up." You pointed at the guilty cat, who calmly munched on its food. Koushi chuckled. "I hope my pancakes will make up for this horrible wake-up call." You nodded happily. "Of course, they will. Your pancakes are amazing. They're always so flipping delicious." Now Koushi had to laugh. His eyes had little laugh lines. He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. Still laughing, he whispered, "God, I love you."
The both of you just stood there for a while and smiled at each other like teenagers in love. "I thought about doing a little picnic today. So what would you think if we take the pancakes and other little snacks with us and pay a visit to our local park." You suggested, breaking the comfortable silence. "That's a great idea. I will pack up our stuff, and you can get dressed. Even though my sweater suits you very much, it's a little bit chilly for just a sweater and shorts." You nodded with excitement and ran off to get dressed. "I wish every weekend could be like this."
You walked through the park with the leafless trees. "How about this spot? It's the driest one out here, I guess." Koushi pulled out the blanket he carried and placed it on the ground. You pulled out the little snacks Koushi readied earlier. Strawberries, pancakes, little chocolate treats, and more. Koushi sat beside you on the blanket and began to pull out the warmer blanket so the both of you wouldn't freeze to death. You thanked him with a sincere smile, and he returned it. The both of you started to eat quietly. You talked about everything. The topic of mental health and the healthcare system made the entire date more fascinating because you both had the same viewpoint. You contributed facts to the other one and spoke all day about new movies and the current series you're watching together, not only mental health. Your discussions got sometimes interrupted by short and loving kisses. At the end of your "breakfast" the sun was already setting again and you walked back home to cuddle with your cats.
Your special surprise: 🎧Playlist: Pov Your relationship with Suga🎧
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Thank you so much for participating in my event. It was lovely to get to know you a bit. I hope you like the music I picked out for your short playlist. 💕
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eyes-like-obsidian · 1 year
[[10 and 16 for the munday questions, please!!]]
Munday Question!
16 What is your favorite band/music genre?
Hmm... That is so hard to explain. It's really mixed actually. I love hard rock and then sometimes I really love to listen to classical music, sometimes goth music. Though I can tell you my favorite artists that I listen frequently right now.
Hozier, The Weeknd, Lana Del Rey, The Neigbourhood, Meg Myers, etc. Its too much tbh xD
10 What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
UFF! Thats a really hard one, because I love them all so much after reading the Manga (I am still rereading the Manga constantly xD) Let's make a time stamp and a little list (It's gonna be long and I am already sorry so I will cut the post here >//<):
When I first watched the first episode I immediately fell in love with Tanjiro. The kindness, empathy and love he helds for the people around him just touched me such on a deep level, it's really hard to explain. Without sounding weird, it's probably because I see the world as him. Be kind to your surrounding, you never know what they go through even if they are mean to you (but not too much!)
Then Inosuke came (and believe me I am not saying this because you are the one who send that ask xD) I swear this pretty little piece of shit. Everytime when he laughs I laugh with him and I just genuinely enjoy watching him doing stuff.
Zenitsu and Nezuko also have a special place in my heart (did you see them? They are adorable! Yes I ship them! You can judge me xD)
The Rengoku's. All of them. I cried like for the rest of the day when I watched Mugen Train. Cried again when I read it in the manga. Cried again when I rewatched it yesterday. (I know I am hopeless... I mean why am I doing this to myself??) I don't wanna even get started why I love Kyojuro so much so I won't but I have to go into detail with Shinjuro, because this man deserves better from the fandom. I know hitting his own child (just alone a child) is unforgivable and I would smack him gladly for that, but that doesn't make him a pure villain. This man is deep broken and people don't understand that. He was a passionate father who adored his family. He was so happy when he wanted to teach them Kendo, but then he lost the love of his life (and I truly believe that he loved his Ruka dearly), then he reads in the diary of his ancestor and realizes that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you train, you will never get to that level of strength that the first breather (Yoriichi). This man was depressive and deeply broken down and made later a character development. Give him some slack please (also his man tiddies are also nice but thats another story 👀)
Then we come to my first true love. Yoriichi Tsugikuni. This man... THIS MAN! I don't know where to start and my post is already long enough and ugh. Shit I will try to make it short. This man was born with a strength that is not comparable to any other person and yet he desired only a quite life with his loved that was him denied. A man who stands true to himself and who stood humble. A man who is so strong and soft and even softer for his loved ones. Someone who truly loved and was not able to forget them as they hold them high in their hearts (we know that he never remarried as he thinks that Uta was his true love. We know how much it has hurt him to attack his own brother who's flute he was still carrying with him). I could go on and on, but I think that would be too much.
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