#uggggh I hate it
questwithambition · 11 months
Chanting to myself, as uni results and my degree classification are being published in 5 minutes: *your grades do not define your worth. Your grades do not define your worth. Your grades repensent such a tiny thing of who you are and your skills*
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swugflower · 2 years
Okay. So.
I learned from a random tiktok that the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke will get a fourth book in 2023 (at least in German, idk about other languages). (Which itself is… uhhh,,, idk didn’t have time to think about it).
They also announced that because of the fourth book, the whole series will be re-released with a new cover.
Here is how the current covers are looking:
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(Correction: apparently mine are very old and in the current version the first one is red, the second green and the third one I have is the current one. But the differences are minor and I’m too lazy to search them up in the internet)
They are beautiful and classy and carry a very fantasy-esque vibe with them that fits the actual story perfectly.
This is how the new books will look like:
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This… this is a war crime. I should be protected from this under the Geneva convention laws.
I already thought the current American covers are so damn ugly that I would never pick them up unless you put a gun to my head. (Sorry not sorry those are an atrocity.)
BUT THIS. Why are they just random primarily colors? What are the random scribbles? Why those the unicorn have a septum piercing?
I hate it so much I could literally cry. I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover but I KNOW that I love the books and wouldn’t pick them up in a bookstore. How am I supposed to recommend these books when they look like this?
Even without the frankly ridiculous amount of nostalgia I have for the books and the original covers these are just UGLY.
My mum even suggested I should write a letter to Cornelia Funke and tell her that it’s a bad idea. (Thanks mom, I’m sure that will work…)
26€ for a book no one wanted and it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. An insult to all books I own.
Anyway. Just needed to rant
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xfriki26 · 3 months
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Utg has taken over my brain and its @s0ckh3adstudios fault.
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semercury · 29 days
My best friend and I are watching the SH movie and playing a drinking game where we drink every time something is wrong or infuriating and it's the only way to make it bearableeeeeee
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knowlesian · 2 years
quick ofmd thought but i love the heartbreaking realism of how alma and louis deal with stede leaving and then coming back
because we know his choice to leave was not even a little bit about them; for all his faults stede loves his kids, it’s not like they could have done a single thing different to make him stay.
but they don’t know that! and they are not adults like mary, who has more resources to deal with this sort of thing. mary is hurt, but she’s got a lifetime of heartbreaks large and small to contextualize this pain. she focuses on the kids and on painting; she finds herself a doug. she makes a life, cognizant that this pain, like all pain, is survivable. she’s privileged, but she’s lived through bad shit before. she can survive this.
alma and louis are children. the pains they know are smaller; lost shoes, broken toys. falling down and scraping a knee, having a nightmare. they have never felt pain or doubt like this.
they go to bed one night, and they wake up the next morning and dad’s just gone. and not like, popped around to the store, be back in an hour gone. gone like probably forever gone, and he didn’t even say goodbye.
it’s not about them: it can’t help but blow back on them, anyway. 
what questions does a kid ask, when that happens? ones like ‘why did he leave’ and ‘where did he go’ and ‘was it because of me?’; ‘why didn’t he love me enough to stay’ morphs slowly into ‘maybe he left because he didn’t love me’.
the adopted kid in me knows an echo of that pain: ‘why didn’t they want me’ is one of those things we all end up asking, sooner or later, especially if we know about it as a child. before things like ‘your parents were people; maybe they did a good job, maybe they didn’t, but the way to forgive them for what they fucked up is to know it wasn’t about you’ get hashed out in therapy.
so alma and louis wake up: dad’s gone. every single day after that, no matter what else they do and the fun they have: they go to bed, and every single day they wake up with stede still gone. 
little by little, it becomes real: dad’s not just away for a bit, dad’s gone. and since he didn’t tell them his choice to leave had everything to do with trauma and stede knowing this marriage was not right for anyone involved thanks to the unfair box society herded them all into and had nothing to do with them, that he loves them and that love was always unconditional and real, even when he had trouble showing it the worst possible explanations rush in to fill that silence.
and then, he’s back: he still doesn’t say why. he just shows up as suddenly as he left, leaving them to wonder— is he going to leave us again?
which is really a mark of how deft this team is; because he does leave again, but since by that time stede is being honest with himself and his family, it’s not a nightmare or a moment to mourn. they pull off the final fuckery as a family, and alma is... not tactful, but gorgeously honest: it’s good that stede’s going. not because stede’s not good to be around; but because it would be good for him to go, and alma wants him to be happy just like she wants mary to be happy. so she’s going to acknowledge this is good for them all but keep her half-orange close; because they’re still a family and he’s still their father, even if he’s not always there.
(a wave, returning to the ocean: break it down to the simplest parts and it’s all water. it’s always been water. nothing changes, even when everything changes, because that wave... just another way for the water to be, you know?)
anyway, this show is really good and i really like it.
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dumbthiccbitch666 · 3 months
my dream is to be loved and cherished by someone i love and cherish
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cowvboyenema · 6 months
//Not to be a hater but is this "go to work" thing just every day forever? I'm sensing a trend....
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ricky-olson · 9 months
there’s no way work just asked me to work tomorrow when they see me struggling to walk due to pain
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mangostar · 9 months
I will defend sakura with my life
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squidwardposting · 9 months
Parents and their urge to blame our friends for everything...!! 🙃
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Making big ass bowls of healthier foods to help with my insulin resistance/weight loss but then on first bite I don't like it, but I CAN'T just throw it out. So now I just got this big icky salad just mocking me
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sol-draws-sometimes · 10 months
I hate the netflix fans I hate the netflix fans I hate the netflix I hate the netflix I hate the netflix fans-
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This is just one of the MULTIPLE scenes in the comics and in the show (and they are in the S1), that talks about how no one is owed to know your sexuality.
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alltheprettyplaces · 1 year
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rinmemesuoka · 1 year
*has been putting off making a dating profile for like 3 months because she hates taking selfies voice* man i want a girlfriend
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kunfetti · 1 year
I love living in constant fear of being laid off
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sophiagrimes · 2 years
a linecook at my job is soooooooo cute 💔💔💔💔💔
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