#ugh guess I’m being nocturnal tonight.
ashkii-0 · 1 month
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demi-gods-posts · 4 months
The Stars are Sure Bright out Tonight…
Son of Apollo x Daughter of Nyx
(Camper A = Daughter of Nyx)
(Camper B = Son of Apollo)
The child of the sun woke up in a cold sweat, panting and heaving as tears fell down their face. A annoyed groan leaving his lips as he sat up out of bed. Trying not to awake their half-siblings.
“Ugh.. ain’t going back to sleep after that..”
They left the confines of their cabin. Walking over to the statue of Zeus’s hand.. the god of the sky and too many kids.. geez wonder how his kids must feel.. looking away from the statue he walked down to the waterside, yawning and stretching as they walked.
The walk wasn’t that far, just a simple jog to the water. It always calmed him down after a long day under the gaze of the sun, being able to bask in the moonlight and see the stars twinkle, lost stories waiting to be told. Stories of huntresses and monsters, stories of the past and future stories to come.
They’re eyes wandered away from the sky and over to the water, seeing another body there at the water. Sitting on the dock with their feet hanging over the edge and into the water. They seemed to be looking up at the stars before hearing the camper arrive.
“Oh hello.. I didn’t expect anyone to be up this late..” He heard them say from the dock, it seemed like they glowed in the moonlight almost in an ethereal way? It might have been one of his siblings glowing or something.. maybe some naiad or nymph.
He walked down the small dock and sat a foot away from the person, looking over towards them and noticing they were from the Nyx cabin, someone they had seen many times before around camp but never got the time to talk to them.
“So.. why are you awake so late?” He finally asked after a few moments, looking back up at the stars.
She turned her head to look at the boy beside her, seeing his skin glow slightly in the dark night. “Looking at the stars.. it makes me feel nice to be connected to my mother in some way.. heh.. my one of my camp siblings said that the stars always burned brighter when I was around. Wonder if that means anything hm?” She said with a small disheartened laugh. “And why are you out here?” She asked and looked up toward the skies again.
“He he.. yeah maybe it’s a sign or something, had a nightmare.. the water is calming.” He said and she hummed in response.
“Why not just wait until morning? To feel the light of the sun, or ~Apollo~.” She said, adding a joking tone when she said Apollo. Making him laugh. “Nah nah, it’s like he’s staring us down. Almost watching us in a way? But here.. I feel. Warmer I guess? Like I’m not being eyed on all day by my father. Might just become an owl or something and become nocturnal.” He said with a light shrug.
“Pfft.. yeah right. Half your siblings are already nocturnal. I saw Will running off into the woods with Nico to teach him how to do archery or something or other..” she joked and he laughed. “Sounds like them for sure..” he said through a small chuckle. Yawning and pulling up his knees to his chest and laying his head on his knees to look at the stars.
“Is Hypnos catching up to you?” She joked and he snickered a bit along with her.
“yeah yeah.. the stars sure are bright out tonight..” he said and she smiled, “guess it’s a sign then.” “Nah.. they’re just trying to mimic your beauty~” he teased a bit and she laughed. A soft blush forming on her face in the darkness.
“hm.. wanna have a movie night tomorrow? We can get some of the Hermes kids to get us some snacks. They owe me a favor for doing their camp leaders chores for a week.” She suggested and he looked at her, “yeah id love to! If you don’t know if you know me already I’m Camper B. Son of Apollo” He said and held out his hand for them to shake hands she shook his hand and smiled.
“The names Camper A, as you can tell. Daughter of Nyx”
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I slept very late today.  My dreams were uncomfortable and involved hunting demons.
Despite my late wake-up, I managed to get to the grocery store and cook a nice dinner.  I made biscuits and gravy; I had never done it before, but it turned out to be extremely easy.  Well, the homemade biscuits took some work, but I could always use store-bought ones if I wanted to be lazy.  It took me a couple hours, maybe, and it ended up delicious and very filling.
Other than that, I suppose I didn’t do too much.  My parents called, so I spent a half-hour or so talking to them.  Later on at night, I played more Trails from Zero.  You know, a normal day.
I feel okay tonight.  I’m thinking I need to rein in my sleep schedule a little bit... it’s starting to get out of hand.  At this point I’m basically nocturnal, which is fine, except I do kind of like being able to go shopping or go sit in a cafe before dinnertime, rather than just waking up and rolling straight into evening mode.  So I’m contemplating setting an alarm... ugh, I really hate alarms, though.
I’m also faintly stressed about some bills which I haven’t received yet but I know will be due on the first of the month (three days from now).  It seems like my mail always takes just a little bit too long to find me, and I end up rushing.  Oh, well.  Nothing much I can do about it.
Anyway.  Guess I should try to sleep a little.  Maybe tomorrow will miraculously be the day I finally get a few things done.
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 27: Intrulogical (TW)
Day 27 - Your eyes match your soulmate’s hair color. If they dye their hair, your eyes change colors.
TRIGGER WARNINGS!!!!! Attempted rape (by unnamed OC), drugging, implied underage drinking (though none is actually seen), emetophobia/vomiting, Halloween, alcohol, characters being tipsy/drunk, parties. Happy/satisfying ending.
Word count: 4.7k
Logan lived his life based on routine. In a world of constant change, it felt comforting to always know what his next step was. His mornings always started the same; wake up at seven o’clock sharp, sneak to the dorm bathroom in an attempt to not wake his essentially nocturnal roommate, and brush his teeth. Wet the toothbrush, pea sized amount of toothpaste, wet the brush again, and start on the left side of his mouth. Brush for exactly two minutes, wash face, and then attempt to calm down the bedhead. He’d sneak back into the room, change silently, and then make his way to the shared kitchen to make cereal for breakfast. The only variable in his routine was which fruit he’d eat along with his Cheerios. Then he’d triple check that all of his homework was packed properly, and head off to his morning class.
Except today.
For someone who rarely got distracted from his normal routine, he was surprisingly still as he glared, shocked, into his reflection. Water still dripped off his face and all over the counter, but he couldn’t tear his attention from it. Because his normally dark brown eyes were now neon green.
“Are you kidding me?!” He yelled before he could stop himself, storming back into their room and dropping back onto his bed.
“What’s’it?” Virgil mumbled, lifting his exhausted face from where they’d been smooshed into the pillows. Logan spun his face up towards the top bunk, jaw clenched, and gestured towards his eyes.
“I have a presentation today!” Logan continued, looking away from Virgil’s failed attempt to cover a smile, “And I look ridiculous! No one will take me seriously!”
“Just in time for Halloween, I guess. They just look like contacts.”
“Hallow-” Logan sprung to his desk to look at his calendar accusingly, groaning when he realized it was in fact the thirty first. “Ugh, I have a paper due tomorrow!”
“Don’t tell me you’re backing out of the party now, Lo. I already promised people I’d go, and I’m not going alone.”
“I won’t back out of the party,” Logan grumbled, crossing his arms. Virgil gave a satisfied hum, flopping back into his comforter. When he spoke again, his voice was muffled.
“Out of all people, I’m surprised you forgot.”
“So sue me, if a frivolous game of promiscuous dress up comes after passing my classes in the list of importance.” 
The emo snorted. “What’s your costume gonna be?”
“I am not wearing a costume!” Logan’s voice was almost offended.
“You already look like a traffic light. Might as well complete the look.” 
Logan grumbled angrily, marching back toward the bathroom to finish getting ready. “I’m not wearing a costume. I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Aw, c’mon, Lo. For me?”
That stopped Logan in his tracks. He spun around and took a careful breath, glaring down his overly pleased roommate. “Fine. Just for you.” 
Virgil gave another satisfied hum, before squinting his eyes at Logan scrutinizingly. “I wonder if your eyes glow in the dark. Can you imagine if the prof turns the lights off for a presentation and-”
“UUUGGHHH!” Logan yowled as he slammed the bathroom door shut, shaking his head at Virgil’s snickers. 
They were meeting up at the party at the end of classes (right about when Virgil tended to wake up), so Logan headed there directly after his final class, just as the evening sun was fading behind the horizon. It was already packed with people already picking the snack and drinks table bare, a lopsided sign that said ‘21+ only’ forgotten near an empty beer box. If Logan were to assume correctly, the sign was only there to assuage the conscience of whoever was hosting tonight, and not actually to stop the underage drinking. Even if he was above legal drinking age, he still didn’t experience many of the positives of drinking, so he grabbed a can of iced tea and stood next to a wall to wait for Virgil.
It hadn’t been a full five minutes before a man sidled up to him, sipping from a half empty beer bottle and watching Logan with a careful eye. He didn’t spare so much as a glance in return, barely acknowledging the newcomer’s presence.
“What’s a wallflower like you doing at a rager like this?” He drawled with an almost audible impish smile.
“If this is considered a rager, I’d hate to see what a calm party looks like.”
“Aw, we just haven’t gotten started yet! We’re fueling up for when the moon comes out. And you haven’t answered my question, flower.”
“I’m simply waiting for a friend.”
“Oh, and does this friend have a name?” He purred. 
Frustrated, Logan turned to the man, and promptly froze. Looking down at him with pitch black eyes was a person in a costume he couldn’t recognize; a black and white striped suit that looked like he’d raked it through dust, and a mold green tie. The stubble on his face could have been his own five o’clock shadow or makeup, but it only functioned to make him look far hotter than what was fair. What was most shocking though, and Logan was baffled that he’d missed it in the initial approach, was the mop of electric-shock-straight neon green hair on his head. 
“He- I don’t-”
“Didn’t take you for the type to get flustered,” The man snorted, taking another sip. “What do you have? Aw, iced tea? And not even spiked? A crime.”
How did he not see Logan’s eyes? The hair was the exact same color; Logan would know. He’d spend the whole day watching his reflection, hoping that his soulmate would have some mercy and dye their hair back to its original color. Neon green was not exactly the most subtle color, and he had not missed the snickers or silent glances from his classmates and professors all day. So the question remained, why wasn’t this guy saying anything?
“I don’t drink. I tend to just become lethargic when I do.” He answered instead, gripping his can a little tighter. It took far too much effort to keep his voice from straining. 
“Fair enough. I’m not pressuring you to drink, no worries. At least we’ll have one sober mind at this party tonight.” The taller man winked at him, flashing him that stupidly stunning smile again. 
But then it occurred to Logan as he kept searching the man’s dark eyes desperately. His eyes were too dark, almost pitch black, while Logan’s hair was several shades lighter. So... there was no way they were soulmates. Just as quickly as the hope had exploded in his stomach, it dissipated, leaving him feeling more exhausted than usual. Stupid feelings.
“Logan, there you are!” An unusually loud voice called through his stupor and he spun around to see Virgil’s fanged smile. In the back of his mind, he remembered watching Virgil putting together his elaborate vampire costume over the last few weeks, but he’d never seen the full thing put together until now. “Ah, and Remus found you. Scram, Beetlejuice.”
Remus, apparently, didn’t seem at all offended by the jab. Instead, he seemed to smile wider. “Nice to see you too, emo. Is that any way to treat the host of the party?”
To Logan’s surprise, Virgil smiled too. “Oh, shut up. You’re going to give Logan a heart attack.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Dracula. Why don’t you go get a drink, and I’ll keep him company?”
“Nuh uh. No way. Not leaving him with you any longer than I have already.” With that, Virgil hooked his arm through Logan’s and led him back to the drink table. 
“Remember, Virgil, drinks are only for the big kids!”
“I’m older than you are!” He flipped the bird over Logan’s shoulder to the host, earning a barked laugh in response. “He never lets me forget I’m a whole three inches shorter than him.”
“You know the host of the party?”
Virgil hummed in response, pouring himself a cup of punch that reeked of alcohol. “How else would I get invited? We were in English together in third year, and I haven’t been able to shake him since. He’s like a leech.”
“You seem friendly with him.”
The elder froze, solo cup barely touching his lips as he looked over Logan slowly. “Everything okay? You’re not usually this… quiet.” They could both tell it wasn’t the word he’d wanted to use.
For a brief moment, Logan considered telling Virgil about his brief flair of hope, about how for a single second he’d felt nothing but relief and desire and elation, and how it had been ripped away from him just as quickly. But then he realized that, no, Virgil didn’t need that to bring down the mood of the first party he’d attended in a year, since his anxiety had flared. If it still bothered him after the party, he’d bring it up. That was unlikely, though. Logan was especially gifted in the art of repression.
“I’m just a tad out of my element. Nothing to worry about,” he responded with a smile. Virgil didn’t fall for it, if the way he watched Logan as he sipped his drink was anything to go off of, but he did them both the favor of not pushing it. For now. 
“I thought I told you to wear a costume,” Virgil gasped as he drained the cup, immediately refilling it from the same bowl.  
“I did.” Logan gestured towards the single piece of paper taped to his white shirt. It took Virgil a moment to squint through the darkening light to make-out the black sharpie, reading allowed.
“‘Error 404, Costume Not Found.’ That does not count, Logan!” He laughed nonetheless, just as a deep bass filled the house. Apparently, the party had begun. He didn’t have a good argument for Virgil’s accusation, since he technically thought it very much did count, but arguing with the other was a waste of time. The two men were equally matched in the stubbornness department.  
The lights disappeared for a good few seconds before the house was illuminated in strobe lights, and the music’s volume exploded. Virgil laughed giddily; apparently his plan to get buzzed before the party could give him anxiety was intentional.
“They do, ya know.” 
Logan looked at him in confusion, and shouted over the roaring music. “What?”
“Your eyes! They do glow in the dark!”
“Shut up!” 
“You look like a glowstick!” He began to giggle wildly, leaning on Logan for support. 
“No more drinks for a good half hour, Virge,” Logan chided gently, replacing his solo cup with a water bottle from the table. Virgil whined but plucked out his vampire fangs so he could drink from the small spout easier. 
“Let’s dance,” Virgil said, grabbing Logan’s arm and leading him into the crowd.
Logan guessed it was well past midnight when Virgil tugged on his arm for the third time, leaning close to his ear and shouting that he had to go to the bathroom.
“Again?!” Logan called back at the vampire’s back. There was no malice in his words, not when he knew Virgil had been anxious to go to this party and he tended to drink more water when he was anxious. It was just all coming back for revenge now. 
To Logan’s delight, the excitement of the party had started to push out the event from earlier. His mood was no longer dampened by the let down of what he thought was meeting his soulmate, and he could finally enjoy the one event he allowed himself to go to this semester. School was important, but he allowed this for Virgil. He hadn’t expected himself to have a good time as well. 
It wasn’t even a minute after Virgil had left that there was a loud shout and Logan was jostled harshly to the side, the front of his shirt immediately soaking red from the cup of punch spilled on him. His own drink clattered to the floor.
“Shit, babe, I’m so sorry!” A man Logan didn’t recognize started to pat at his chest with a handful of tissues, an action that for some reason caused the smaller man to cringe.
“No worries. It was bound to happen eventually. Perhaps a white shirt wasn’t my smartest idea,” He responded sharply, taking the tissues from the other and dabbing himself off to the best of his abilities. Slightly relieved that he now had a valid reason, he ripped off his poor attempt at a costume and crumpled up the soaking wet paper in the hand not trying in vain to dry himself. Despite Logan obviously being uninterested, the taller man stayed where he was, watching Logan’s actions with fierce intensity. His lip curled as his eyes trailed down the now nearly see-through shirt.
“If you wanted, I could get that shirt off of you. Fool around, give it some time to dry?”
“I’m so flattered,” Logan deadpanned, “But no thanks.”
“Aw, too bad,” The man cooed, shrugging. His demeanor did a full one-eighty, his predatory gaze replaced with innocence, “Was worth a try. Let me at least get you a new drink, since I ruined your other one.”
“That’s not necessary-”
“I insist.” He laid a hand on Logan’s shoulder, causing a tingling cold to spread through his whole body. The smaller man barely contained a shudder as the man gave him another wolf like grin before disappearing into the crowd towards the drinks table.
Logan was hoping he’d forgotten, and just wouldn’t come back, but the man reappeared in moments, popping open a pink lemonade and handing it to him.
“Saw your other drink was non-alcoholic, so I got the only other one left.”
“Uhm…” Logan looked critically at the can, his alarm bells flaring. But… he’d seen the man open it, right? So it’s not as if he could have done something to it. Perhaps this guy really did have the right intentions, just an iffy way of showing them. “Thank you.” 
He took a sip as the man smiled with too much teeth. “So, are you here alone?”
“No,” Logan responded a little less coolly, “I’m here with a friend. He just went to the bathroom.” Another sip.
“Oh, that’s fun! Are you guys in the same year?”
“Yes. We are both fourth years.” The man was acting kinder, and Logan was starting to consider that perhaps their initial meeting had been a misunderstanding on his part. Maybe he had just wanted to help out, but Logan, being cynical as always, had assumed the worst. Wasn’t that just like him, though? Always so quick to conclusions, ruining good things before they have a chance to happen. Trying to chase away his annoyance with himself and the bitter taste it had left on his tongue, he took a longer swig of the can.
“Hey, me too! I’m an English major, what about you?”
“Business with an astronomy minor.”
“That sounds difficult. How many semester hours are you clocking at right now?”
“I… uhm…” And for the life of him, he couldn’t remember. It was a high number, he knew for sure. He shook his head. “Fifteen, sixteen? Maybe seventeen?”
The man whistled. “Damn, impressive. Remind me of your name, again?”
Had he told him in the first place? “Logan.”
“And what brings a studious man such as yourself to a party like this?”
“My- My friend.” Logan couldn’t help shake his head again, hoping the fog in his mind would scatter. That’s what he got, staying out this late when his sleep schedule was usually so precise. “He doesn’t like… parties. So he asked…” He blinked hard a couple times, finding himself swaying on his feet. “He asked me…”
“Hey, are you okay?” The man placed his hand on his arm in an ironclad grip, holding him steady, “Logan, can you hear me?”
“Yeah, I… Dizzy,” He murmured, reaching up blearily and grabbing onto him. 
“Are you dehydrated? Maybe you should drink some more.”
What were the symptoms of dehydration again? Dizziness, check. Fatigue, check. Confusion, check. Thirst? Yeah, he could drink something, but he’d been drinking all night, so why…
The can dropped from his hand, the second one tonight, and he tried weakly to pull away. Instead of letting him go, the man pulled him closer, wrapping an arm bruisingly tight around his waist. 
“You… you drugged-”
“You don’t look so good, Logan. Let’s get you upstairs so you can lie down, yeah?”
“No, I don’t…” He was unable to escape, barely able to keep his feet under him, as the man started dragging him to the stairs. Where the hell is Virgil? Logan could feel tears pricking his eyes as his breathing hitched, and for the first time in years, he felt real panic. This couldn’t be happening. This isn’t-
“Let him the fuck go!”
A voice distinctly not Virgil’s shouted over the music, and Logan didn’t even dare hope it’s directed at the man still clutching him. His luck would never be that good. But through his blurry vision, a pin striped blob with a mess of green hair breaks through the crowd, marching distinctly up to them. 
“He came here with me.” Logan could just make out the stronger man’s words through his dizzied state. “He just had a bit too much to drink. I’m going to let him lay down.”
“Like hell you are. Give him to me.” 
“How dare you-”
“Logan. Doesn’t. Drink. And I know who he came here with.” Remus snarled, edging towards the duo threateningly, “Now let go of him before I break your fucking jaw.”
With almost as much physical relief as emotional, the man finally released his painful hold on Logan and shoved his way through the crowd, the distant shouts of inconvenienced partygoers near the door the only signal that he’d completely left. 
For all his effort, Logan couldn’t hold himself up and collapsed. At first the feeling of strong arms picking him up bridal style caused him to panic and he lashed out, feebly hitting the chest of whoever was holding him. Realizing they were now walking up the stairs, the same place the other man had been pulling him, caused his breath to hitch in his throat.
“Woah there, Lo. You’re okay. It’s just me, it’s Remus, okay? Take a deep breath, just relax. I won’t hurt you.”
For some reason that Logan couldn’t fathom, the words calmed him down. Somewhere, Logan acknowledged that even though Virgil had known Remus for a while, Logan had only talked to him for a total of five minutes, and he probably shouldn’t trust an essential stranger when he’s like this. He’s just too tired to fight though, no matter how his adrenaline is pumping. 
“V’rg’l,” Logan whimpered, clutching Remus' shirt with all the strength of a wet leaf, “W’nt h’m.”
“I’ll get Virgil as soon as you’re safe, okay? Don’t worry,” Remus’ soothing voice rumbled through Logan from where he was pressed to the taller’s chest, making his eyelids flutter. His arms felt like over boiled pasta and his stomach was doing flips, but Remus’ voice broke through the fog he was in and settled him in a way he hadn’t felt before. Maybe it was the drugs.
“We’re at the top of the stairs now, okay? I’ll take you to my room, since it’s the only one with a lock. So we know there won’t be any horny college kids in there, making a mess of my sheets. Gotta unlock it without dropping you, hold on, and… A HAH! Got it. You want the light on or off?”
Logan couldn’t compute the question, much less make a choice. He made a sound that was slightly reminiscent of a stalled car engine, letting his head loll towards the lump that he assumed was a bed.
“Let’s compromise.” With all the care in the world, Logan was placed onto the sheets and gently rolled onto his side, a heavy comforter pulled up to his shoulders. Remus shifted away and a dim light flashed through his eyelids, enough to notice but definitely not enough to hurt his throbbing head. A table lamp, probably.
“No falling asleep on me, okay? You need to stay awake. I don’t know what that fucker gave you. I’m texting Virgil now, he’ll be here soon. Just keep your eyes open.”
Logan opened his eyes despite his overwhelming urge to sleep, and was immediately assaulted by a swirl of colors as the world tilted. An explosion of nausea tilted him forward and he pushed himself up on his elbows.
“‘m g’nna-” He didn’t have to finish his sentence before there was a plastic garbage can under his cheek and he heaved, throwing up the remnants of dinner and all he drank that evening. He didn’t even have the energy to be embarrassed as he flopped back down onto his side, squeezing his eyes shut again.
“Oh, Logan,” Remus whispered. 
There was a pounding on the door and Logan didn’t even have the energy to flinch from the violent sound. Remus stood quickly and unlocked it, barely opening it before someone barreled into the room, the newcomer gasping for breath.
“What the fuck happened?!” Virgil screamed, dropping on his knees next to the bed, hand reaching up to lay on Logan’s cheek.
“He got roofied by some motherfucker I haven’t seen before. I caught him in the stairwell before anything happened.” Remus was still standing by the open door. The music was flowing in louder now, and Virgil’s raged shouting wasn’t helping his headache at all.
“I’m going to fucking kill whoever did this. I’ll fucking kill him!”
“Virgil, you’re real hot when you’re pissed, but calm the hell down. Yelling won’t help Logan.”
“You’re… shit, you’re right. Okay. I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Watch him. Keep him on his side, bin’s to your left if he has to hurl again. I’m cutting this shit show.”
Logan finally cracked his eyes open as the door shut, Virgil leaning backwards to lock it. When he turned back and saw his friend’s eyes open, he almost wept.
“I’m so sorry Lo, I shouldn’t have asked you to come.”
“‘s okay.”
“No, no it’s not. I got distracted talking to someone, but I should have come back sooner. You could’ve… You could’ve been…”
“Not y’r fa’lt,” Logan mumbled, reaching over blindly to try and find Virgil’s hand. The other must have sensed his intentions and gripped onto the flailing limb, interlocking their fingers. 
“You better not be blaming yourself.”
Technically, he was. He should have been more careful, shouldn’t have taken a drink from a stranger, should have noticed something was off the moment his mind started to fade. Never in his life would he say that this kind of situation was the victim’s fault but… he couldn’t help it when it came to himself. He’d always been self critical that way. Bringing this up to Virgil would be a death wish, though, and an argument he certainly did not have the energy for right now. 
The music cut off downstairs and Logan sighed in relief, nearly smiling at Remus’ shout for everyone to get out of his house. For someone he’d met once, he was protective, that was for sure. 
Virgil didn’t force him to talk. They both just enjoyed the silence for a while, the only sound being the occasional shout from downstairs and Virgil’s sniffles. Logan couldn’t exactly blame him; he’d cry too if he had the brainpower. He didn’t though, which was the problem, so he allowed his hand to be held and allowed himself to get lost in the feeling of a thumb brushing over his knuckles.
There was a quiet knock on the door and Virgil reached over to unlock it, allowing Remus to walk back in. “Sorry that took so long. Wanted to double check that anyone using someone else as a crutch was black out drunk, not drugged. Here, sit him up.”
Virgil shifted so he was behind Logan and pulled him up against him, holding him steady as Remus lifted a glass of water to his lips. “You have to be thirsty. Do your best to keep this down, Lo.” Suddenly realizing how thirsty he actually was, Logan downed half the glass before Remus pulled it away. “Not so much, you’ll get sick.” There was a clink as the glass was placed on the bed side table. “We need to take him to the hospital. I don’t know how much whatever the fucker gave him.”
“I’m too drunk to drive,” Virgil said, gently lowering Logan back onto his side.
“I didn’t drink that much, but I’m not safe either. You got a friend who can take us?”
“Yeah,” The shorter mumbled as he shakily typed in his phone password, “I’m going to call Patton, just a second.” He moved to the furthest corner of the small room and the conversation faded into the background. At least Virgil was talking… that meant Patton picked up, right? 
“Shitty way to end a pretty spectacular holiday,” Remus stated as he sat back on his spot, letting a hand rest on Logan’s leg.
“‘m s’rry.” 
“Ah, shit, that’s not what I meant. I’m mad for you, not at you. Ya know,” As he spoke, he reached up and did something to his eyes, almost picking at them, “Halloween’s the only valid holiday in my book. Christmas is too overrated, Easter is senseless, Thanksgiving? No thanks, I don’t glorify genocide. But Halloween? I get to dress slutty or spooky or fucking ridiculous, and no one can give me two shits about it. I get to throw ragers and stab gourds into faces and buy discount candy until I’m fifty percent chocolate. I mean, I dyed my hair green for it, paid extra for the glow in the dark shit, and all I got were compliments.”
His hands had returned to his lap and he was fiddling with something. Logan tried to make out what it was, but it just looked like black plastic. Tiny, flexible pieces of black plastic. That Remus had pulled from his eyes.
They were colored contacts.
“I guess I do kind of blame Roman for getting me into Beetlejuice, but it is one of his least favorite musicals, so it’s also a bit of a ‘fuck you’ to him-”
“R’mus,” He breathed, and even that faint call was enough to snap Remus back to him. The taller man turned to him immediately, and Logan forgot how to breathe. 
Because his eyes were brown, and in the dim light of the single lamp, they absolutely shone. 
His eyes were the same brown as Logan’s hair, and Logan’s eyes became that offensive green around the same time as Remus dyed his for the costume, and that’s all the confirmation Logan needed to push himself up onto the hands and lunge forward to kiss him. The effort is strenuous and the lurch almost makes him heave again, but oh Lord, he just found his soulmate and it’s actually him and-
“Woah, woah woah woah. Hold on there, cowboy.” Remus gently pushes him back down before their lips can meet, “You are very drugged right now. I am not kissing you drugged. Sober, hell yes. But not like this.”
“Y’re my-”
“Soulmate. I know. I kind of figured when I saw your eyes. But I figured… I might as well get you to like me before I dropped that kind of bombshell. Although… I was hoping that would be accomplished by basic flirting, but then the party started getting out of hand, so I was always busy with-”
“Patton’s on his way,” Virgil spoke up, joining the two on the bed. “You okay, Lo?”
“He figured it out,” Remus said softly, letting a hand card through Logan’s hair. 
“I was wondering how long that would take.”
Logan gave a weak smile, his own fear and adrenaline starting wear off slightly. He was safe here, and he felt like he wasn’t going to be let out of sight for a while. 
“Drink some more water, wallflower,” Remus whispered, helping him sit up, “We’ll take care of you.” 
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
A/N: I made more art! You might have already seen it though lol Anyways this chapter got longer than planned but I really wanted to Bruno and reader to do some things before Summer ended.
First Chapter || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Reader is gender neutral!
[Late Summer]
The crowds along with the heat had become more tolerable recently, which you were glad for. Now you were able to gather as you usually did, instead of going out to the forest clearing with Bruno every couple nights. 
Part of you will miss it but you need to spend your energy on making up for lost time. It would get cooler from now on and slowly the flowers would start to die out.
You wonder how long your Daturas will last. The last time you flew by the area, the shrubs they grew on looked greater in size and there seemed to be a few more flowers so you could guess they would at least survive the beginning of Autumn.
“Do Daturas last through the fall?” you ask Bruno. It would be best to make sure.
“Yes, so no need to worry about not being able to get your nectar." 
“Okay, that’s what I was hoping. Now I don't need to panic-gather." 
You relax on the arm of your daybed. "Honestly, I should have asked earlier but guess it slipped my mind.” 
“You know, it’s actually quieter in our usual Datura spot now.”
You sit up. “For real? We should go then.”
“Right now?”
“Why not? I need to catch up!”
Bruno raises a brow. “But you have more time.”
“Why do it later when you can do it now?”
 “...I guess I can’t argue with that. And it wouldn't hurt to start saving up.”
With that, you’re off the daybed and heading to your bedroom to find your bags.
When you return you hold out a satchel for the moth to take. “You can borrow my canisters. I don't want you to go home empty handed.”
“Thanks. I'll make sure to get these back to you quickly.”
“It's cool. I have a bunch of extras. I don't even know how I let myself collect so many…”
You did know, but you didn't want to admit that every time you saw one that was a color you liked or had a nice design, you couldn't stop yourself from getting it.
“Okay, let's go!”
Tonight the moon was fully out in the clear sky so you decide to not bring your lantern along. As long as you stay near Bruno you should be okay. 
The both of you walk through the path you’ve taken several times, however it is even more narrow than the last. You couldn’t even walk next to each other. 
Having fewer flowers will be sad but at least the foliage will finally back down when it gets colder.
When you finally reach the end of the path, you're shocked by what you see. The Daturas have spread a lot since that last time you were here. 
You and Bruno fly above the thick layer of dark leaves that had pretty much over taken the area. Before you could at least get to the grass if you wanted but now you can't even see the ground anymore.
"They grow so fast!"
"Be cautious, there could be creatures hiding in the leaves. It’s unlikely but we shouldn't get careless.”
Heeding his warning, you stick close to your friend while you both gather. It must have kept you focused on your task because you're done quicker than you expect. Bruno notices this too. 
“Didn't do any of your taste testing?” 
“Not being able to see through all the leaves is a little worrying I guess.” 
You fiddle with your satchel strap. You would usually try to sit around after gathering but you were ready to go back home. 
“Want to head back then?”
You nod and you both fly back down to the path.
“You know--isn't it weird that we could just get attacked at any time,” you ask Bruno as you walk behind him.
“Well that's just nature.” Bruno answers unbothered. “Are you scared?”
“No, it just sucks that one moment you could be standing around unsuspecting and then the next you're in another creature's mouth! You don't even get a chance to fight back." You grimace. "Nature’s kinda cruel….”
“It can be, but there are definitely good things about it too.”
“Of course there are, like the flowers. Everything else can leave though.”
“Even me?”
You deadpan at the back of his head. “You know what I mean Bruno. Just the dangerous things, I can trust you not to hurt me.”
“But even those things have a role to fulfill and keep everything in balance.”
“Ugh, stop being reasonable.”
Bruno smiles over his shoulder at you and you can’t help but feel he’s being cheeky with you. 
“And sometimes the things you think are dangerous can also surprise you...”
“Huh?” You weren’t sure what he meant by that.
The moth doesn't respond immediately, and you see consideration flash on his face before he turns away.
“You remember the wasp I mentioned knowing?”
“Oh my g--” You stop yourself before you say anything rude. “...Yes.”
“Well, he's actually one of my closest friends.”
Your eyes widen and you can't stop yourself. “B-But, they eat us.”
“Well actually it's their young that does that, but this wasp lives on his own.”
It wasn't unheard of for colony type bugs to live on their own but It was somewhat rare so you’re still a little surprised. 
“Oh...He’s the loner type?”
“I guess you could say that. So he doesn't have to do the ‘killing and delivering the body to the nest’ drill. I think that's actually the main reason why he left."
“I mean...I guess that's good? For us at least.”
“But you see what I mean?”
“Kinda, but I don't plan on trying to befriend any insect killers anytime soon.”
Bruno nods. “That’s fair. I know our relationship is strange.”
You try to gather your thoughts before speaking. The moth didn't seem upset but you wanted to make sure.
“I won't lie...I-It freaks me out a lot, but I do think it's kinda neat that you befriended someone that would be seen as an enemy. And as long as you're safe I can’t really complain.”
“I am. I’ve known Abbacchio for years now. He can be cold at times but underneath that he’s extremely loyal and has a good heart. And if you decide to get to know him you’ll see it too.”
So that’s his name…
You also wanted to introduce Bruno to your friend so you would feel rude if you immediately dismissed the idea, even if Abilene and Abbacchio weren’t exactly on the same level. And this wasp managed to gain Bruno’s trust and respect, so he had to be safe. 
“You don't have to. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You start to fiddle with your bag strap again. This was definitely something you couldn’t agree to on the fly. “Maybe one day…? I’m not sure yet.”
“That’s completely fair,” Bruno replies, seemingly satisfied with that answer. “Just let me know if you ever want to.”
You weren’t sure if you would but you nod. 
"Let's hurry, I'm getting thirsty."
While Summer was finally drawing to a close, Bruno finally managed to get you in the same area as a pond. He said it was one of the best times in the year to visit and when you arrive, you’re glad that he convinced you to come along. 
The moonlight reflects off the pond and lights the area. You see various bugs hanging around, singing and dancing, and enjoying the last of the season. Some of them are even flying surprisingly close to the water. 
However, the fireflies are tonight's stars as their warm glow turns heads and sparkles on the water’s surface. 
It was lovely. Maybe even more so than the forest clearing. 
While you stare, enthralled, you notice the bright red flowers growing out of the pond practically demanding for your attention. 
“I see you’re eyeing the Red Flare Lilies,” Bruno says. “Still nervous about getting near the pond?”
”I am but I didn’t know there were such pretty flowers growing out of it...”
“Then we should get a closer look, yea?”
You want to but hesitate. The last time you got close to a pond you almost became a meal.
“What's wrong?” 
“Nothing.” Your eyes might be playing tricks on you, but you’re sure you see the surface of the pond ripple near one of the flowers. 
“Okay, I might be a little freaked out! What if there’s frogs?”
“It's not impossible, but if anything, you should be more worried about fish--”
You groan. “You should have just lied to me.” Any urge to go had been wiped away.
“Well it’s a pond so there’s no point pretending, but you didn’t let me finish. This pond mainly carries small fish and no one has ever reported encountering frogs here so it should be safe.” 
Even with that explanation, you still aren't sure. That was something that could change at any time.
“If you don't want to, I can just go out for you?”
“B-But look at all the lily pads and frogs can move super quickly! I’m not going to send you out there for nectar I could get anywhere.”
No matter how tempting that flower looked it wasn't worth it. Being an insect meant constant danger but you took the necessary precautions to lessen that danger. But ponds--they were just too dangerous. It honestly baffled you seeing those bugs getting close to the surface willingly.
Bruno looks concerned, which makes you force yourself to relax your shoulders.
You're interrupted by some bugs in the distance yelling out Bruno’s name to greet him. A few of them actually come over to properly say hi, and you stand silently to the side as they surround him excitedly. 
You aren't really surprised that he’s popular. He could be charming when he wants to be. It's a little awkward standing there though.
 “Where have you been Bucciarati?” A fluffy moth asks.
Bruno opens his mouth to reply but a young cricket--you think--latching onto his arm speaks next. “I missed you! The other adults never want to play with me,” they pout.
A beetle speaks right after. “How’s Narancia been?”
You watch and listen while Bruno tries to handle the small group before looking back out to the pond, but before you can zone out, someone asks about you. And for some reason, Bruno introduces you. 
You feel stiff with all these eyes on you suddenly. You were definitely not prepared and you’d get the moth later for this.
“I've never seen a nocturnal butterfly...” the child stares, looking confused.
“Oh no, I should actually be asleep right now--”
“I love your wings!” the fluffy moth compliments.
You smile slightly. “T-Thanks, um...” 
The group was excitedly talking at you and it was hard to keep up. Fortunately you don’t have to say much more because Bruno shoos them away shortly after.
You release a breath. “Okay Mr. Popular, warn me next time...”
“Me popular? Hardly." He smiles slightly, looking apologetic. "And sorry, I didn't think anyone would actually come over. Let’s go sit down.”
He leads you to a quiet spot where the grass isn’t as wild and overgrown. And you both lounge on a rock to look out at the pond and insects.
“This place is beautiful.” 
You lean back on your arms, no matter how hard you tried, your gaze would always drift back to the Lilies. 
“Even the pond.” 
“It is. Especially with all the fireflies.” The way Bruno sounded, it was different but you couldn't place your finger on why. You glance over and he looks a little sad? Wistful?
You feel as if you saw something personal. 
“I know right! I’m kinda jealous.”
“Well other than it looking pretty, they can just light the way with their bodies. I kind of wish I could do that too. It would be pretty useful.”
“But your diurnal.”
You almost laugh at the moth’s response. “Maybe I should become nocturnal then. I'm already part way there."
All these nightly escapades with Bruno were starting to eat into your usual sleeping time causing your days to get shorter. You'd even find yourself waking up way past noon sometimes.
“Okay then I'll become diurnal in your place so I can collect from all the day flowers for you."
You purse your lips. “Hmm, I don’t think you'd be able to handle the switch. You’d probably fall asleep randomly even more than you already do.”
“In my defense, I have a little one constantly waking me up when I'm trying to catch up on my sleep.”
You giggle. That was a valid point. 
"How much sleep do you even get?”
Some days you could see a hint of exhaustion on the poor moths face when he came to visit you.
“I wish I knew.”
That answer was definitely worrying. A sleepy bug is a vulnerable one.
“You’re not sleep deprived and just really good at hiding it, right?” 
“Don't worry. The elders near me like to take Narancia off my hands when I get too tired or when I need to go somewhere. I honestly think they want to adopt him for themselves,” Bruno chuckles a bit.
"But you probably wait until it gets pretty bad don't you?”
"...What is considered pretty bad?"
The lack of a clear answer confirms your statement, but you’re not exactly sure what to do about it yet so you decide to let it go for now. 
"Nevermind," you sigh and continue watching the bugs glide across the water. 
“I really thought the flowers would have tempted you onto the pond,” Bruno brings up suddenly.
“D-Did you want me to go?”
“Not exactly. I was just hoping you would see there were good things about it.”
“I did say it's pretty but anything related to frogs is bad.” You say it without really thinking but when you see the slight look of disappointment you wish you could take it back.
“I’m sorry, I just--” You take a breath. You'll just be honest. “...I might have done something stupid when I was younger. Now I just stay very cautious around giant bodies of water. But don’t take that the wrong way, I’m still happy you brought me here!”
He nods, understanding.
“You come off as really carefree and careless a lot of the time, especially when I first met you. It kind of makes me worry."
You're unsure why he brings that up but it wasn’t too surprising. You wouldn’t say it outloud but you did still do some things that Abilene and Bruno would probably not approve of when you were alone. But it wasn’t anything too bad. Well not to you anyways.
“At least now I can take comfort knowing that you probably aren’t doing anything more dangerous than staying out late,” Bruno says.
“Most likely, so you don't need to worry about me--just think relaxing thoughts,” You bump your shoulder into Bruno and he gently bumps you back with his elbow. 
“I don't think that's possible, especially with that answer.” 
Bruno turns to you when he notices you're staring at him without saying anything. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just have a feeling you and Abby will get along well.” 
You were pouring and mixing nonstop the last couple of the days. This was it--this was one of your last couple of chances to bake. Eventually the weather would drop too low in temperature and you wouldn't be able to do it again until next Summer or late Spring if you're lucky.
“Is this really necessary?”
You invited Bruno to help you, but he was mostly watching you go into a baking frenzy at this point.
“Is this necess--Yes!” You mix even harder, slightly frustrated. The batter wasn’t as thick as it should be and you weren’t sure why. You just hoped you didn’t completely ruin this batch of cookies.
“Was that supposed to be my voice--Nevermind,” Bruno sighs. “You're not even eating most of what you’re baking and I don't think I can eat anymore either.”
“Just take the rest with you and give it to Narancia.”
“That's still way too much. Aren't you tired? You should take a break.”
You finally put down the wooden spoon you were using to look at the moth. 
“Maybe I went a little overboard, but I just want to try so many things and there's so little time.”
“A quick break won't hurt though.”
“Sure.” You reach for the handle of the spoon. “But let me just finish this--”
“That's what you said the last time.”
“....Okay, okay.” You place the spoon back down and head towards the dining table where Bruno’s sitting. 
“But only for a moment.”
Even though you were being stubborn, you really were exhausted. You had lost count of how many things you baked all together but it must have been a lot since you had probably visited most of your neighbors at least twice. You hadn’t gotten the hang of treats low in sugar yet, but when you did Abilene would be on the list too.
Spreading your wings, you stretch your arms above then outward.
“You really do have lovely wings.”
You force your wings down. "...Where'd that come from?"
You were doing your best to not overthink but it was much harder said than done. The moth had to be messing with you bringing that up so suddenly. 
“I think I always knew but it was pointed out recently.”
What does that even mean???
“Then--well you have nice wings too!” You want to shift the attention from yourself but it didn't mean you weren't being honest. 
You move to get behind the stool Bruno’s sitting on for a better look at his wings and partially to avoid his piercing gaze, but he looks over his shoulder at you.
“I really like them--the shape, the pattern. They really suit you!"
You internally cringe from how that compliment came out, but there were times where you did want to touch them. Fortunately, you keep that part to yourself.
His wings slightly shift. “Thank you.”
There's slight frustration from how coolly he takes your compliments. One day you'll finally fluster him.
You sit down across from him and lay your head on the table. “It's kind of cool that wings come in so many different shapes and colors...I actually know someone who has these cool transparent wings. I thought she was a butterfly but turns out she's a moth."
“Are you talking about Mrs. Joestar?”
You slightly lift up your head to look at Bruno. “You know her?”
“I met her recently. She's very lively for her age."
“I know right! She keeps teasing me too,” you pout. “Her husband’s even worse!”
Bruno smiles, a playful glint in his eye. “Because you make it so easy.”
“…Don't turn against me, I’m begging you.”
“I'll think about it.”
“Urgh, whatever.” You rest your head back on the table. “Anyways, doesn't she really look like a butterfly?”
“Yes, if I hadn't seen others like her before I probably would have thought so too.” 
“Hmm, butterflies and moths are pretty similar to be fair. We have to be descendants of the same things….” 
Eventually, you find yourself shutting your eyes while you're prattling off to Bruno about viable ancestors. You tell yourself you'll just rest them but when you open them next you're in your bed under your covers and Bruno’s gone.
You sigh once you realize what happened. That moth got you.
You force yourself out of bed once you remember the cookie batter sitting out. It was too late to cook it now so you would just have to put it away for tomorrow.
When you walk into the kitchen, it's cleaner than when you left it and a box of baked cookies are sitting where the bowl once was.
You smile and grab one. They came out better than you hoped.
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moonhoures · 4 years
grocery store things w/ monsta x
note; so i work in a grocery store and these are just some cute little scenarios i’ve written, inspired by some things that have happened at my store ☺️ enjoy!
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— shownu.
Finally. Time to go home. You strolled up to the time clock and punched out, ready to walk out of the building when you stopped in your tracks. It was pitch black outside aside from the few, dim lights in the parking lot. You didn’t usually work this late, so you weren’t too thrilled at the idea of walking all the way to the back of the parking lot when it was this dark. Who knows what could happen to you.
“Need someone to walk you out?”
Hyunwoo was an overnight stocker who had just got in to start his shift when he saw you seemingly having a mental debate with yourself.
“Would you please?”
“Sure thing,” he called over his walkie talkie to let his department manager know he was walking you out before leading you outside.
“Long day?” he asked, attempting some small talk which made you feel a lot better.
“Kinda. Eight hours.”
“That’s about to be me,” he chuckled.
“You leave work at six a.m?”
“Yep, almost every day.”
“When do you sleep?” you asked, getting closer and closer to your car the further you walked. Why did employees have to park so far away from the door? Well, you knew why, but it was really bothersome this late at night.
“I try to get about seven hours of sleep as soon as i get home from work.”
“So you’re basically nocturnal.”
“Basically,” he agreed with a chuckle, stopping in front of your car as you unlocked it and went to open the door. “But you’re not, so get some rest.”
You smiled, climbing into your car and rolling your window down, “I will. Thanks for walking me.”
“Of course, anytime.”
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— wonho.
“That will be four dollars and twenty-seven cents.”
You stuck your card into the reader and waited but you were met by the machine beeping at you. “Error” it read back on the screen. You looked up at the cashier with a questioning look, but she just prompted you to try again. She said it could’ve been the machine acting up. So you tried it again just as a guy walked up in line behind you. “Error”. You groaned and the cashier encouraged you to try one more time. So you did, praying that the third time would be the lucky time. “Error”. Of course not, you thought. You stared at the bag of chips and the soda on the counter and sighed.
“Here,” the guy behind you gestured for you to step aside and before you
could say anything he was putting his card in the reader. The cashier scanned his items—a couple packs of ramen and a bottle of water.
“Wait- You don’t have to do that. I’ll just put them ba-“
“No, it’s fine. We’ve all been there. Besides, it’s literally not even five dollars. I don’t mind.”
The cashier decided to keep quiet, as did you. She took the receipt and handed it to the guy who took it with a smile and told her to have a good night. He then took your chips and drink and handed them to you with the same smile.
“Here you go. Have a good night.”
“Thanks . . . you too.”
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— minhyuk.
“Hey, what time do you get off?”
You grinned as you realized Minhyuk, one of your favorite coworkers was going to be on the register next to yours, “Five.”
“Me too!”
The two of you were talking about how slow business was today when he mentioned that he was craving sweets.
“Like candy?”
“Yeah, think you could buy me some for my break?” he teased.
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” you joked back.
“Rock paper scissors? Loser buys both snacks.”
You replied by positioning your hands, a fist over an open palm. He grinned before doing the same. You both agreed to go on ‘shoot’ and then started. His paper covered your rock and you pouted.
“Best two out of three?”
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— kihyun.
It was Friday night, nearing nine p.m which meant you only had one more
hour until the store closed. Business was extremely slow compared to the rest of your shift so you were growing bored, resorting to reading random magazines that you found even vaguely interesting to help pass the time. That was until you saw him walk in. Kihyun. He was a regular at the store you worked at nearly everyday. The two of you got to speak to each other fairly often given that he came in almost everyday to pick up the same things, usually always right before closing time.
You waited for him at your register, and smiled at him when he finally strolled up, gently placing his pre-packaged salad and water bottle on the belt. Only today he had something new. Cold medicine.
“Hey, how’s your day going?” he always greeted you first and it always made your day despite being such a small action.
“It’s going quite slow now, but it’s almost over.”
“True,” he laughed, getting his card out.
“Someone not feeling too well?” you asked as you scanned his medicine and put it into the bag with his food.
“Yeah,” he sighed, “Just a little nausea and coughing, nothing major.”
“Well I hope you feel better. Try some warm water and honey if your throat gets soar, that always helps me.”
“I’ll have to try that,” he grinned as he took the receipt from you, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Sure will. Have a good night!”
“You too.”
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— hyungwon.
Damn you, cereal, you thought to yourself as you got on your tippy toes to reach for a box of cereal on the top shelf. Usually you liked doing random chores that your manager gave you to do. They were a nice break from being on a register for hours on end, but some chores were just as bad. Today your manager had asked you to organize the cereal because customers had a habit of carelessly putting boxes where they didn’t belong or not keeping them in a decent order. So you fixed up all the cereal boxes to make them look nice and satisfying, until you got to the top shelf. You know, the one you couldn’t reach. As you stared up at the unreachable boxes you wished you would’ve asked for a step ladder. However, you stubbornly thought to yourself: maybe I can reach them if I step on the bottom shelf?
So you stupidly, yet courageously, stepped onto the bottom shelf and reached up once again to the cereal boxes above you.
“Are you dumb?”
You turned to see one of the service workers rushing up to you, his hands out as if he would catch you the second you fell. But you didn’t, you gingerly stepped down and looked up at him innocently.
“What?” you asked.
“You literally could’ve fallen and hurt yourself, that’s what. Why didn’t you just ask for a step ladder?” Hyungwon asked with a voice full of concern. You shrugged in response, feeling slightly like a scolded child.
“I’m almost done. It would be kind of pointless.”
“Well it’s better than falling and busting a lip, or better yet, your head open. Stay here while I go get you a ladder.”
You chuckled to yourself as he walked away and disappeared down the aisle, returning moments later with a small ladder in his hands. He unfolded it and set it in place in front of you with a smile, “There, and when you’re done with it just put it in the storage closet by the bathrooms, okay?”
You nodded, “Thanks, Hyungwon.”
“No problem.“
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— jooheon.
“Ugh,” you groaned as the screen of your phone turned black before ultimately becoming unresponsive to any of your tapping and button-pushing. Of course, the one day you forget your charger. You sighed and sat back in the chair you occupied, wondering what you could do to pass the next twenty-six minutes of your lunch break. Across the table from you sat your coworker Jooheon, an employee from the produce department. He held his phone at an angle to watch a movie, the volume low as to not disturb you but just loud enough for him to hear.
“Phone died?” he asked, not taking his eyes off of his own screen.
You nodded, “Yeah. I forgot to charge it overnight.”
“How much longer do you have until you clock back in?”
“Like twenty five minutes.”
“Wanna watch some of this movie with me?”
“Sure,” you smiled, scooting your chair closer as he positioned his phone more so that the both of you could watch. You recognized it as the beginning of Train To Busan. “I love this movie.”
“Don’t spoil anything. This is my first time watching it,” he jokingly warned you.
“I won’t. Promise.”
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— changkyun.
“Is there something going on tonight? It’s awfully quiet in here.”
“Well, it is ten minutes until closing on a Friday night. People are probably out drinking and stuff,” you said, noticing that it was in fact a lot more quiet than usual.
Changkyun, a service worker with nothing to do but wait until closing time, sat on the counter of the service desk. You leaned against the desk, scribbling random lines and circles on a note pad. Your register stood near by with its light on, abandoned for the past ten minutes as you hadn’t gotten a customer since. Your manager had gone in her office to do some paperwork, leaving you and Changkyun alone in the front lobby of the store.
“True,” he agreed, “I just realized I work an early shift tomorrow.”
Then he pouted, swinging his legs softly underneath him, his keys jingling quietly in his pocket as he did so. You chuckled, “But at least you can do something fun tomorrow night.”
He scoffed, “I’ll probably just end up playing some video games.”
“Sounds like a good night to me,” you suddenly remembered that the last time you had talked with him, almost a week ago, he had mentioned having plans with his girlfriend, “You’re not hanging out with your girlfriend?”
“No, we, uh, broke up.”
“Oh, um, sorry,” you awkwardly apologized.
“It’s cool. It was mutual.”
“That’s good, I guess.”
He nodded before looking up to you, “What about you? Any plans? Any boyfriend?”
Your cheeks warmed up at the inquiry as you shook your head, “No. Neither.”
Changkyun nodded again, checking his phone for the time before hopping off of the counter, “I feel you. Sometimes they’re not worth the time to be honest.”
When you only nodded in response, not really sure of what to say, he announced, “We have a minute left. I’m gonna go get the manager, and I’ll walk you guys out. Sound good?”
“Sounds great.”
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
Hey there nonnie!! idk why, bc tbh i’m p boring, but thank you! i’ve already answered a handful of these so i’ll just do the rest!! thank you!!
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? i mean i’m 5″2 so i wish i was taller,,,, like maybe just 5″6 or so??? just a bit taller???
2: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i LOVE dresses okay i’m that girl,, but i love dresses that come in at the waist bc i’m curvy so i like the waist,, and like high waisted shorts and jeans and skirts w shorter tops??? mm i LOVE. but i’m also comfortable with like big jumpers and stuff too so…
3: Do you like makeup? if so, What’s your daily makeup routine look like? Yes! I love makeup! i’m not very good at it but i find makeup v calming and usually when i’m upset the process of putting youtube or music on and doin my makeup is so theraputic,,, i usually do pencil eyeliner, eyebrows, concealer, mascara and eyeshadow if i have time (not in that order) but i honestly love eyeshadow pallets sm 
4: What three things/people do you think of most each day: things bc i’m boring; tea, blankets and friends. 
7: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] : I love personality quizzes and i literally just took this and i’m melancholic?? which i agree w a lot actually (look it up if you want to know more lol)
9: who’s your favorite celebrity? hmm currently dodie clark (she counts ok) emma watson, adelaide kane, or matty healy,,, hmmm,,,,,,
10: who’s your favorite viner? i dont really watch vines but i think thomas sanders and lizzza are hilarious so,,,,
11: favorite youtubers? i kinda answered this before but dodie, lucy moon, jack and dean (anyone in that circle) dan and phil, carrie hope fletcher. 
12: cat or dogs? i dont like this bc i love them both but when it comes to mutual love,,,, dogs (but my cat has LOVED me recently idk whats happening)
14: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? i honestly don’t know,,, i LOVE the name lyra but i feel like i’d want to name my child that,,, but idk i also like laurel, lily, estelle,,,,
16: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? i feel most productive at night, and i love night, but i feel like people diurnal is more the norm and when i’d actually be able to get stuff done,, so that
17: Any phobias or fears? bein alone, being unproductive, unhappiness,, i don;t think i have any phobias but i am quite an anxious bean
18: Favorite movie? hmmmm 10 things i hate about you, any hp film, the narnia films,,, r+j,,,, there’s so m a n y 
19: Do you get scared easily? short answer: yes,,, long answer: Y Y E E S S 
21: What is a color that calms you? blue, like pale blue, green (bc being outside makes me feel calm) and like mauve bc it reminds me of my mum 
23: Where were you born? melbourne buddy
24: Introvert or extrovert? ambivert,,,, but i think i’m closer to extrovert 
25: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? YES I’M SUCH A TAURUS
 26: Hugs or kisses? i mean i’ve never kissed anyone so i’d have to say hugs
28: Talk about your crush, if you have one! idk where to begin w this omg,,,,
29: A sound you really love? RAIN. RAIN.  R A I N. and my friends talking, that makes me feel good too. 
30: Can you do the splits? nOPE 
31: Favorite actor and/or actress? emma watson, thomas brodie-sangster, asa butterfield, tatiana maslany, dev patel,,, ugh so many people
33: How are you feeling right now?  i mean ??? neutral??? like i’m not happy but i’m not sad?? fine??? 
34: What color would you like your hair to be right now?  i mean i used to want to be ginger but then i realized i would look crap but tonight at a dinner i was called a ranga (my hair is v light brown) and now i’m conflicted,, but like i kinda want darker hair rn 
35: Something that calms you down? dodie clark, my friends, tea, long walks.
36: Have any disorders? no but i might have anxiety??? 37: What does your URL mean? combo of my fave characters, clara oswald from doctor who and james and lily potter from hp,,, not even sorry 
38: What makes you unfollow a blog? inactive, rude or a person i just don’t want to be associated with anymore (this only happened once when i had a falling out w someone irl)
39: What makes you follow a blog? nice username or aesthetic, or i find you on my dash somehow. i follow a lot of people but it’s nice there’s variety. 
40: Favorite kind of person: one who understands me and listens to me but is also completely at ease w who they are and is willing to be open with me.
41: Name three of your favorite blogs. @alicelongbottom, @hpwritersnet (i’m part of this but we’re great) and @acestephendene ,, ily all sm and your blogs are all AMAZING,
42: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ!!!! and it fits me really well tbh.
43: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? currently my maxi dress or my jeans :)
44: Post a selfie or two? lol i don’t currently have any up put i have a pic of ME if that counts. everything will be under the tag “my face”
45: Do you like to swim? YES
46: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming, i can’t skate for shit lol
47: Something you wish didn’t exist: tr*mp
48: Some thing you wish did exist: MONEY TREES AND TIME MACHINES
49: Piercings you have? just my ears
50: Something you really enjoy doing: reading and writing and walking. sometimes all at once oml 
51: Favorite person to talk to: hmm maybe either my two closest friends or my sister?? 
52: What was your first impression of Tumblr? *actual recreation* “plants, plants, plants, i guess they’re pretty,,,, wAIT IS THAT HARRY POTTER”
53: How many followers do you have? nearly 0.5 k :))))))))))))) (do you guys want me to do something to celebrate?? i’m so excited??)
54: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? probably not omg 
56: What are your birthstones? emerald,, thats the only one i know oops 
58: Someone you look up to: my sister (both literally and metaphorically)
59: A store you love? in australia we have this stationary store called typo,,, and it’s my favourite place on earth. and like any type of bookstore, vintage, or like anything. just books. 
60: Favorite type of shoes? boots,,, heeled boots,,,
61: Where do you live? australia m8
62: What color do you wish the sky was? i wish it always looked like it does when its dusk tbh 
63: Favorite thing about a person: their eyes, their passions, their hopes.
64: Something you love about Tumblr: all the kind people who send me asks and messages :)66: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,, idk maybe a 4 or 5? and on a good day, a 6-6.5? which is kind of ironic when you think about the fact that i idolise my sister,,, who looks like me,,,,
67: What nicknames do you have/have had? lexi, ali, alexy-indre, munchkin, smol bitch, peanut, smol cabbage, and most recently, the good ole “al”
68: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? when i was v little, but i think i stole them all from story books so,,,,
69: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? i have seen a counselor, and i probably go back actually,,,70: How many languages do you speak fluently? just english,,, but i am trying to learn french.71: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. mum, my sister, and hannah (@acestephendene)
72: Do you like BuzzFeed? i mean ??? yes ??? i know they’re problematic and all but yes i like the content,, espec unsolved its my fave. 
73: How many people are you following? i’m such a mess i think last time there was around 3,000??? i should probably maintenance that omg 
74: How many posts/likes/ and or drafts do you have on your blog? 14,168 posts, 31,092 likes, and 2 drafts (again, i’m a mess)
phew that was long!! hope ur not asleep anon, thank you so much xx
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vampirequeenoffan · 7 years
I should be sleeping right now but I got this dumb idea stuck in my head and I needed to write it. This was a poor use of my time.
Have powen domestic hurtcomfort with a side of vampire!Parker.
Owen was crying.
That was what Parker had woken up to, the sound of muffled, constricted sobs. For a moment, PJ didn’t move, just stared up at a ceiling that should have been dark and let his slowly awakening brain try to figure out what to do.
Davey had walked in on Owen like this before. PJ only knew because his brother had immediately come to him for help after Owen had freaked out, scrambling to his feet with tears still streaming down his cheeks and throwing the nearest thing to hand, a heavy textbook that would’ve done Davey some serious damage if he hadn’t managed to slam the bedroom door before it came flying through.
I mean, Jesus Christ Parker, I was just trying to ask what he wanted on his pizza! How the fuck am I supposed to know when he’s having a breakdown? He’s always completely fucking silent!
At least he hadn’t tried to muscle his way in to hug Owen again. It was a tactic that had always worked on Parker but had made Owen climb out of the window and disappear for a week. When Parker had finally found him again it had only been by tracking the familiar scent of a split lip and knuckles.
Humans couldn’t hear it when Owen cried. But Parker could.
He sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and bracing instinctively for the shock of cold floorboards under his feet. It didn’t come– which he guessed he should’ve been used to by now. Five months without body heat and he still couldn’t remember that he was colder than anything else in the house.
His room was bright with the blue-cast light that streamed in through his window. The hallways were just the same, lit by the moon like it was right over PJ’s shoulder. He’d never try to switch to nocturnal time, not ever, but it was definitely easier on his eyes at night when the lights were turned off. No risk of getting a headache.
He flicked the hall light on, then the living room light when he reached it. The harsh yellow glow made him squint, especially since he’d just woken up. He pushed through it, though. He eyed the pile of DVDs on the coffee table that never quite got put away, trying to find a realistic choice. Lilo and Stitch? That would be ideal, but too obvious. He had to pick something he’d have chosen to watch on his own.
Spider-man it was, then.
The glowing green display on the DVD player read six AM, which Parker knew meant it was actually more like three. Any other night, he’d have kept noise to a minimum out of courtesy to his family and to Owen. Tonight he was loud on purpose, cracking open the DVD case with a rougher motion than was probably necessary, loading the disk with a little too much force on the player buttons. He grabbed the remote on his way back to the couch, fiddling with the volume. With his hearing, he could listen just fine when it was only turned up to level five.
He glanced back down the hallway over the back of the couch, eyeing the closed door to Owen’s room. He turned up the TV as it loaded the DVD’s main menu, playing the Spider-Man theme at a volume of twenty. He pressed play, then sat back to wait.
He’d made it about twenty minutes into the movie when Owen emerged from his room. Parker heard the door opening even though Owen was clearly trying to be quiet about it, but didn’t acknowledge the sound. It wasn’t until Owen was standing in the entryway between the living room and the hall that Parker turned around, hooking his elbow over the back of the couch as he paused the movie.
Owen looked rumpled. His hair was a mess, which objectively speaking could’ve been blamed on sleep, but wouldn’t explain how his eyes and nose were both redder than usual. He was wearing black-cat print boxers tonight along with his usual sleep shirt, an old tee of Davey’s that just said bollocks on the front in block lettering.
Parker aimed his best apologetic smile at him. He hoped it looked genuine.
“Oh jeez, sorry, did I wake you up?”
Owen huffed, pushing his bangs up out of his eyes so he could properly glare at PJ. He was good. If Parker didn’t know better, he wouldn’t have been able to tell the annoyance wasn’t real.
“Oh, don’t worry, you didn’t. I woke up all on my own when my subconscious turned out a nightmare of shitty sixties music that is only allowed to still contaminate the face of the earth due to the misplaced nostalgia of thirty-something shut-ins who still live in their mom’s basement. Hey, do me a favor if you ever actually get a homicidal urge and pick them off first, okay?”
Parker made a face. Yeah, okay, even if he had actually woken Owen up, any remorse would have been gone after that little tirade. “Sor-ry,” he repeated, and this time it meant the exact opposite of that.
Owen glanced around the room, then let his eyes fall back on PJ. “Why are you even awake right now? Wake up from a wet dream about webs here and have a sudden throbbing need to acquire fapping material?”
“Ugh, no. Gross. I just couldn’t sleep.” Parker turned back to the TV, still paused, and fiddled with the remote. Left hand, right hand. Left hand. “I know Nocturnal Yearning doesn’t really exist but tell that to my biological clock. S’probably just the placebo effect?”
“Or,” Owen began, and– yes!– he entered the living room, plopping down on the end of the couch with a fffmph of fabric and stuffing. “You’re a fucking teenager. Wow, so revolutionary. If you need fancy fucking words like placebo to make you feel better you can always just say your Circadian Rhythm’s off. Remember your mom read a study on that?”
No, he didn’t. His mom read a lot of studies, more than Parker could really keep track of.
Sometimes Owen payed better attention to his family than he did.
Parker shrugged, glancing to the side. Owen always seemed to be competing with himself to find the most bizarre position to relax in, and tonight was no exception. One of his legs was thrown over the arm of the couch while the other was drawn up to his chest, toes curling tight over the edge of the cushion beneath them. His left arm was trapped half behind his back while his right was wrapped around his torso, hand– from what PJ could make out– trapped under his hip. His head lolled against the back of the couch, looking for all the world like it would fall off if there wasn’t anything behind it.
His eyes, though, were laser-focused on PJ.
PJ returned the stare.
“You have nice freckles,” he said, because it was true– they were like pale ink splatters against Owen’s skin, a spray of marks that only grew darker as Owen flushed and looked away. The tips of his ears turned bright red. Davey had joked more than once that if he only got Owen angry enough he could get them redder than his hair.
“Christ on a fucking bike, if you’re trying to flatter me out of being pissed that you woke me up I’m gonna punch you.”
Parker hummed in the back of his throat, seeing an opportunity. “Oh, um– if you really want something to make it up to you, I could get you a snack or something? I could make popcorn or–”
“There’s peanut butter cup ice cream and I’ll be fucked backwards into hell if Davey’s gonna finish it off before I get any,” Owen interrupted, and PJ grinned.
“Alright, just give me a second.”
A second was actually about two minutes as PJ piled three giant scoops of ice cream into Owen’s evil genius mug. Davey had almost been inclined to agree with the second half of that statement for once when Owen had pointed out to him that there was no rule saying that you couldn’t eat ice cream out of a mug, that it made it more portable, and beyond that, you could then drink it if it got melty enough. Davey’s work desk was now cluttered with about fifteen mugs with silver spoon handles sticking out of them. Every two weeks they vanished, only to be replaced just as quickly.
Parker handed the mug off to Owen and Owen buried his face in it immediately, shoveling a heaping spoonful of chocolate and peanut butter into his mouth. Parker wrinkled his nose.
“You’re gonna get a brain freeze.”
“Fuck ofph.”
“Can I start my movie again?”
“Ugh. Fine.”
They watched in silence for a while, interrupted only by the television and the tiny clinks of Owen’s spoon against porcelain. If Parker listened, he could hear Owen’s heartbeat. He tried not to listen. Eventually, when the mug was empty, Owen set it down on the floor in front of him, settling into a much different position than earlier. Now it was like he was trying to shrink out of existence, both knees pulled up to his chest and arms wrapped around them, drawing them even closer.
“This movie is such bullshit,” he muttered, but it lacked venom.
He fell asleep soon after. His breathing evened out, then deepened, pulse slowing down. When Parker glanced to his left, Owen’s forehead was resting on his knees, hair tumbling down about his face. His eyes were closed, the arc of his eyelashes bright against his skin.
Parker shut off the TV, grabbing the blanket that was thrown haphazardly over the back of the couch. He draped it over Owen carefully, hoping against hope it didn’t wake him. . . and when the redhead stayed sound asleep, he carefully backed away.
He turned off the lights on his way back to his own room, returning the house to its gentle blue glow. There was only so much room on the couch, and besides– Owen didn’t like other people nearby when he was sleeping.
Parker would take care of his mug in the morning.
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