jaynopoly · 8 months
No one understands how much these things mean to me.
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b3742864234 · 1 year
waah… u are attracting fuuta stans😭 (me) how about fuuta and reader playing games together maybe :0?
Hello fuuta stans! <3
I wasn't sure what kinda games (keeping things sfw. ofcourse) you meant so I just, did all I could think of. lmao
Video games / pc games ! (if they're pvp related)
This mfker is NOT letting you win
that said, he's not world's best player by any means
he tries his best though. he wants to make this fair
he then proceeds to cheat his way through when you're not looking
he makes it pretty obvious though. On purpose? On accident? We shall let god decide.
neither of you make a big deal out of it though, it's all just for fun
Video games / pc games ! (if they're sandbox-style)
he, of course, is the one to fight off monsters for you
he seems like the kinda guy who enjoys gathering materials aswell.
like my guy just disappears for a few hours and comes back with his inventory packed with all sorts of materials
he helps you build stuff in a way that he will just, stand in the background
and talk shit about your aesthetic choices
"this doesn't fit here at all. what the hell"
all said affectionately, ofcourse
if any comments genuinely upset you he stops IMMEDIATELY that man crumbles the second he sees their s/o sad
he tries to keep it cool "haha hey noww..,,,," but if smth is genuinely wrong he'll apologize
Board games :)
oh god
arguments about the games rules. are endless
to be fair, it's not his fault they're written so cryptically
"umm actually this one means I can do this move, you're wrong"
you have fun though, it's all mostly lighthearted fights
sometimes they end with pillows getting thrown around. nothing crazy in the kajiyama house
if you're playing with other people and you're winning he looks at you like he's the proudest mfker on the planet (he is)
he'll let you win sometimes just to brag about how much better than everyone you are
Some sorta sports-related games >>
he tries to stay close to you, make sure you're doing alright
if anything he Will run for water or a snack for you
if you guys are playing a team sport he always picks you so you don't play with strangers
that said, if you're with friends he likes playing against you
the rivalry is nice. "I'm going to FUCKING kill you /r" style
you get a kiss out of him after every match :) (begrudgingly) (he's just a little embarrassed about pda. which just means you'll have to get him used to it)
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Its okay if i create a fae character inspired by your fae eclipse im just not normal about whimsy fucked up men
Yea sure!! All my ideas and Aus and characters are free to draw inspiration from!! Have fun with it!! Im sure you gonna make something awesome!
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hunsa-jars · 14 days
Dread be dreading
#ughg#i usually have awful thoughts randomly popping up here or there#make me pretty anxious for a few days then i won't think about them for a while#but man i can't handle doubts suddenly resurfacing#like this monday i was listening to my last lecture and everything bad i cooked up a in the past few months hit me like a truck#couldn't even focus i was too busy internally chanting shit fuck i don't want this i made a huge mistake shit shit#i won't be able to handle all this responsibility i'm so tired this will butcher my mental health should have chosen media studies fuuuck#what was i thinking what am i gonna do help#then proceeded to distract myself with an electric outlet otherwise i might have started crying#:/#and those thoughts aren't wrong unfortunately#i love this university and the classes and the things i study#the teachers and my classmates and the kids i got to take care of#but i don't think i could do this for real#i'm not even struggling with anything i'm just scared and tired as hell#and thought i could just. power through it- like if i'm stubborn enough it won't matter that it's draining#but damn#and hell originally i came here because i wanted to teach english to kids#i guess my expectations were too high i don't feel like i've learned anything that useful this far#and turns out it won't get better#we just gonna do presentations again#to be fair i loved researching nursery rhymes but i hoped we would have... more. of that#also about media studies. chief... i crave to be there#could have picked the english specialization there too- i'm a moron. a bozo. holy shit#well. gonna go through this semester either way. because again everything i study here (almost everything) is genuinely great and useful#and perhaps i'm just in a Pit right now#the dread pit#should probably break this to my sister. somehow#random squeak
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
wesker’s broad shoulders make me blush andhdjfh
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goatpaste · 2 years
after having so many ppl on twitter come and try to explain anasui's character to me, then watching eps with him in it and talking to a friend im watching through jojos with iv decided
im still not very into him, i dont hate him i dont, i think he has some character treats i find endearing but between his overall character and the way some of his hyper serious fans act, its hate to truly like him
but uh, i think all the interpretations iv seen of him are a lil bunk and off the mark for me
i think for me the way i think he is best seen is how he is! I think some deep grime can be glanced from his backstory that could make him complex. i think he ultimately isnt a good person. He knows it.
I think a huge issue for Anasui is that, he is delusional, in the way he talks about himself and the people around him and the relationships people have to themselves and him is like this whole ideal world he's built in his head and a lot of his fans fall for it.
Anasui to me feels SO much like he vaguely heard about Jolyne and built up this image of her in his head. Then held on to it so tightly and decided to make it this thing that will change who he is, a part of his plans to put things in the right place to make it a how he wants.
but the biggest issue is that i dont think he actually likes Jolyne. like
i think he likes her, admires her and maybe loves her in a way. But i dont think he's in love with her like he tries to be. Because it feels like an act, it feels like he's trying to be in love with her and convincing himself that he's head over heels.
Because unless he's playing up this romantic gesture of how in love he is with her and using flowery words over his feelings about her, he doesn't seem to like her o rhow she behaves or her personality traits and quirks. I think he only likes the general idea of the kind of person she is and in a way, somewhat wants to be her and has made himself think he wants her.
His relationship to Jolyne is one he made up in his head, he built her up in his mind on the things he's seen and heard of her from afar and put her on this pedestal. Then when he gets close to jolyne and she isnt how he see's her, he seems upset and usually does things she doesnt like or want because he's assuming things about her and her wants, and trying to put together this specific image of himself for her even if its not the one she's seeing because it doesnt really exist. He wants to be a knight in shining armor to her while she literally isnt a damsel in distress, shes just a person! a strong person to! who has formed a network of friends and loved ones who are supporting her and anasui is just this late addition trying to force a place for himself in this relationship in an inorganic way.
Then under the flowery way he talks about Jolyne, he speaks so possessive and strange about her. And not even always in the 'creepy possesive boyfriend way' sometimes its in the way like a kid who doesnt want other people to change the story in the game he's playing.
The way he talks about her, AND A LOT (if not every character) he is around for an extended time he talks about them like tools and pieces he is using to put the world he wants together. Its especially easy to see in the way he treated Foo Fighters. To Anasui Foo is someone he can easily use as a tool to get what he wants, to him they are not a person and when foo does something he doesnt like he is much meaner and obvious about disliking people disobeying him or calling him out in comparison to when he is behaving in front of jolytne. Anasui is possessive and controlling of his environment and doesnt treat people like people.
(also may i add that if Jolyne knew the way anasui was treating Foof i think she would have been mucH meaner to him)
I think anasui just isnt a good person, and thats great. i can love a character like him who is flawed and kind of a bad person! Anasui could so easily have nuance and maybe some deeper level to his character, but ultimately not be a very good person. Because it wouldn't just be him! this applies to different degrees on the other Stone Ocean characters, in fact just a lot of Arakis characters in general. a lot of them are kinda not great people who in their choices and connections to others make themselves flawed but good hearted people or flawed and wicked. For Anasui i think he thinks he's knows he's a bad person, but thinks if he can put the right people in the right places around him then he can be a logically good person. If someone like jolyne could look at him with love and trust, then he could be a good person. But Anasui isnt in love and doesnt know how to love jolyne and Jolyne was never going to be able to fall in love with HIM.
IDK, again this is just kinda mushy half ass thoughts i was having while talking to daisy about anasui, she was much better spoken about these feelings on anasui
Ana just driVES me CRAZY between how much i dont really like him but still end up thinking about him because i feel like theres something there to analyze but its not all the points ppl brought to me. BUT MAINLY its because so many of anasui fans (not all of them, and tbh its nearly only twitter anasui stan fans) are so crazy and they see Anasuis delusional ass self and hear what he's saying and fall for it too! they fall for him and his words hook line and sinker! idk man idk! i feel crazy
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heroictoonz · 8 months
Maybe It Will Be Fine [ @febuwhump ]
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Ships: Stenny
Warnings: (Assumed) Suicidal Ideation/Attempt, Referenced Child Abuse
AO3 L!nk in Comments!
Stan was out later than he should have been. He knew the last bus was gonna leave in an hour. He’d have to call his mom to come pick him up if he missed it. Another conversation where he had to choose to tell the truth or lie. Lie and tell her he was fine. He just lost track of time. Or tell the truth about how he felt. Felt about the farm. Felt about his dad, who somehow always found ways to make his life worse. Felt about his sister, who he struggled more and more to connect with as they aged. Felt about his mom who never had the guts to leave and take him with her when she had the opportunity. 
His hands buried themselves in his pockets as he walked. He hadn’t even realized where his feet were taking him till he had looked up to a familiar head of blonde hair. 
He realized he had taken himself to the end of the street just at the edge where the train tracks cut the town in half. Well, half was putting it nicely. In reality, the tracks separated the McCormick family from the rest community. 
On those very tracks laid the body attached to that familiar head of hair. Directly on the tracks. 
Stan broke into a run. Grabbing the teen’s arm and yanking her so hard that both of them tumbled to the ground. The very blonde hair cascading around Stan’s face. 
Kenny opened her eyes and looked down at Stan. Bright sky blue, widened with surprise, met dark ocean blue, widened with horror. 
“Stan!” she hissed out. “What are you-”
Stan interrupted her by grabbing her arms. Tighter than he meant to. “Don’t do it, man!” he cried out, giving her arms a little shake. 
Kenny blinked down at him for a moment. Finally, she let out a huff. Putting a hand on one of his. Letting it rest there for a moment before gently removing it from her arm. 
Stan let her take his hand down, even matching the movement with his other hand of his own accord. He watched, eyes still wide, as Kenny sat up (now straddling his legs but he was electing to ignore that for the time being.) 
She pulled her hair to hang over her left shoulder and looked down at Stan with a frown. “Dude, calm the fuck down.” 
He wanted to bite back at her. Tell her he had no reason to be calm when he just stumbled on one of his best friends trying to kill herself. But any words died in his throat. The light of the moon and the flickering street lamp illuminated her face enough for him to see it. 
A large bruise, just forming from how fresh it looked, made a perfect frame around her eye. The eye itself was a little swollen. In fact, taking a better look, he realized just what state she was in. Besides the bruise, she looked more unkempt than normal. He could have sworn that he could see the smallest bit of blood in her hair alongside her ears. 
He was, however, surprised that her eyes were dry. Not a tear in sight. It made him feel worse. 
Stan sat up and took her face in his hand. She didn’t flinch or say anything. Her expression was still just a tired frown. 
“What was it this time?” 
Kenny broke eye contact and once again, gently pulled his hands away from her. 
“Dad’s mad his only sober son’s a fag.”
The words struck Stan like lightning. He shouldn’t be surprised. He knows just from the sound of her voice and her expression that Kenny sure as fuck wasn’t. “Isn’t he always mad about stupid stuff like that?”
“Yeah,” Kenny nodded. Her face then split into a devious grin. Showing off the opening where a tooth definitely sat last Stan had seen her. “But I don’t always pour out the vodka down the toilet.” 
“Dude,” Stan whispered out. Equal parts in disbelief and holding back laughter. “I’m surprised he didn’t kill you.” 
“Eh,” Kenny shrugged. As if the idea of dying didn’t bother her. 
It then rammed back into Stan the earlier sight he had stumbled onto. His frown came back tenfold. “Dude, seriously, why were you laying on the tracks?” 
Kenny bit her lips the same way she did when she had a secret. “I’m fine man, seriously. I got the train schedules memorized. I wasn’t gonna do nothin’. Honest.” 
Stan’s frown didn’t move. He wasn’t sure how much he believed that. He didn’t voice this, though, as the next second, she sat down fully on his legs with a little huff. “Where’s the blood from?” He asked instead. 
“He tried to rip out my gauges and some of my hair.”
She said it so nonchalantly that Stan almost didn’t register her words. “Jesus…” he muttered. 
“What about you?” 
She raised a brow at him. “Dude, the last bus left like ten minutes ago.” 
“Oh,” was the only response Stan could give. It was his turn to look away and give a nonchalant shrug. “Lost track of time.” 
“Bullshit man,” Kenny chuckled sadly. “You runnin’ away finally, or what?” 
“Yeah right,” Stan scoffed. “That’d be nice, though, huh?” 
“Yeah,” Kenny nodded with another toothy grin. The sight of her missing tooth made Stan’s gut twist. “Gotta wait till at least one of us has a license, though.” 
He knew she was trying to at least get a pathetic chuckle out of him. Unfortunately, all he could muster was a sigh. He pulled his legs out from under her and brought his knees to his chest. 
“If your face gets any longer, man, I’ll think you were Animorph-ing into a horse.” She moved so that she was sitting next to him. Their shoulders close enough that he could almost feel her hair tickling his neck. She bumped their arms. “What’s got you all depressed?” 
“I just,” he gave another long sigh. Pressing his face into his knees. “Doesn’t it just all feel so hopeless sometimes?” He turned his head just enough to look up at her. 
She tilted her own back at him, almost in question. “I mean yeah,” she almost laughed. As if it were so obvious that it was funny. 
“And yet here you are, still…” Stan sighed out, waving a hand at her grinning back at him. He didn’t look away from her now. He was enjoying the sight of her lit up by the moon. She always had an almost dark beauty to her. Which, probably sounded stupid as fuck now that Stan was thinking about it. Especially with how much she glowed like the sun. Both her hair and smile. Gap and missing tooth, only adding to her charm. Well… the missing tooth sucked, but it kinda fit her. He could get used to it. 
“I mean, why not,” she shrugged. “If I don’t smile and laugh when things suck, what can I do? Not like dying fixes any of my problems.” 
“Says the guy I found trying to make out with a train,” Stan huffed. 
Kenny only laughed. She fucking laughed. Stan had caught her trying to kill herself cause her dad beat the shit out of her and now she was laughing. 
Stan always knew he’d never understand Kenny. But, honestly, he couldn’t even bring himself to be upset. Her laugh made something in him feel warm. It… actually made him feel kinda sick. Thank god he’d grown out of the whole crush-puking thing. 
He wasn’t expecting her to fall onto him. Her body leaning against him and her head falling to his shoulder. It was a little awkward with how much taller she was than him. Maybe he would be sick, actually. The way her warmth seeped into him and her hair draped against his back made him feel gross. But gross in a way he liked. 
“What if we never make it out?” 
She hummed almost as if she were thinking about his question. “I dunno,” she mumbled back. “Maybe the world will get swallowed by a space frog or some shit.” 
“Huh?” He looked down at her, more confused at her words than anything else. “What’s that mean?”
She gave a shrug. The feeling of her arm against his pressed to the forefront of his mind again. “Anything could happen, man,” was her only response. “Wanna go break into the school and sleep under the bleachers?” 
Stan let her grab his hand and followed her in the light of night. Though he was pretty sure he’d follow her anywhere she asked. Maybe, he thought to himself, maybe things weren’t that hopeless. Not when Kenny’s warmth pressed against him under the gym bleachers, using their jackets as blankets. Not when Kenny was here with him, and he could see her smile and hear her laugh. 
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masked-puppeteer · 7 months
Ermmm I just finished my portfolio for uni
I am EXHAUSTED I literally stayed home today I didn’t go to school or anything BUT I AM FREE (for now) YIPEEE
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sadsoftserve · 8 months
Please tell me Micah isn't as smelly as Stink or Zora.
No, no he's not THAT bad. He just forgor to shower sometimes and put on deodorant sometimes.
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divinedeathbed · 1 year
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smiggles · 2 years
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naenaex0xx · 2 years
OK I don't wanna see these posts on my page anymore it's embarrassing:''
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scarycatter · 17 days
bro i go out into a public setting (while masked) and by the beginning of next week i feel horrible and have covid.
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okcoolthanks · 8 months
I think wearing my “new” boots today was a bad idea
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perrigoaway · 6 months
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Some more practice on working out their faces, like the dgs one I did before! Mostly trying to figure out how I wanna draw their features! In order of appearance!
Bonus below cut! >:)
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I know this has been done before but it kept reminding me of this meme when I was drawing him TT im sorry to Nick and Ema for giving them visible eyebags 💔 get some sleep pookies <3
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hexitca · 1 year
i understand that in order to be good at something i need to first suck at it
but i dont wanna see my blorbos ugllyyyyyyy
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