#ugly crey
halos-top-alien-model · 10 months
Mahkee v Crei ficlet
"Did you think a rat could so easily get into Vadam state unnoticed?"
At the sound of the feminine voice, Crei turned and watched a figure emerge from the darkness. It was an armored Sangheili woman, bearing the colors of the Swords of Sanghelios. But he had been so sure to keep an eye out for any guards, and this didn't seem like the Varo Rangers he'd previously seen in action. Upon catching a scent in the air, however, he soon realized how he had been caught off guard.
"So you have a knack for stealth craft, pilot?" he mused, fully facing her. "To whom do I owe the pleasure?"
Her mandibles tightened, containing a growl. "An Oath Warden with your talents can easily deduce my identity, after you have left."
"And for what reason do I have, to enter Vadam state? Perhaps I am merely walking by?"
"Do not bother. The Arbiter has already briefed us enough regarding you, 'Ayomuu. You would be wise to never show your face around here again." 
Truthfully, Mahkee 'Chava had been told to add: "Unless you have some pressing information to pass on, like before." But in her opinion, the Oath Warden had already been useful once due to extremely unique circumstances. Even then, it was a taxing, arduous "aid" he had given. There was no value in getting tangled up with him again. This, she was certain of. The Arbiter was only extending a minuscule olive branch on the off-chance any more extremely unique circumstances reared its ugly head; but even that seemed to be out of reluctance.
Crei, intuiting some of this on his own, feigned insult. "So the humble Arbiter would give me the cold shoulder? After all I did for him, and for the galaxy, back at N'ba?"
"The Arbiter treats his allies well. To this I can personally attest, and I am sure you are well aware even without hearing testimony. So you know very well how appreciative he is about your conduct at N'ba." With a harsh snort, she added, "And I can still smell the Banished stench on you."
"They offered me a safe ride. Of course I would take it. And someone had to make the harsh decisions, in the tough situation we were in. On reflection, he surely should have realized I meant no actual harm - and that I was right."
"If rubbing your stinking ideology into the Arbiter's vicinity is your business, then you might as well go." Her arm darted to point in the direction away from Vadam's borders. "Even if it was not, you might as well go."
"As I have said, I merely was walking by." Still, he twisted on his feet towards the same direction she was pointing, keeping an eye on Mahkee the entire time. "But I see how it is. I shall keep a wide berth from now on."
"I expect you to keep that oath, Warden."
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gcldfanged · 6 months
*gently holds u like cheeseburger* i not only enjoy your characterization of jae. he's a very good character and he fits so well into the world of 7. sometimes i have to make myself remember that he's not actually a canon character when he feels like he ought to be. but you also do a fantastic job at world building. you craft such a beautiful and believable landscape of haneul and make it fit like it's always naturally belonged there. never stop creating and never let that passion falter. you are a fantastic writier.
I got so distracted talking about our AU, I forgot to respond to this DOHHH.
Thank you so much, that's the best compliment I've heard- That he feels like he could actually seamlessly fit in the world and lore 🥹 *might be ugly creying*
Thank you again, that really means so much to me and I'm enjoying our threads so much!
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avoxrising · 1 year
Capital Nights
Episode 1 ~ On the Universe’s Time
Decided to post a chapter on Tumblr as the story isn’t getting as much traction on Wattpad and I have a much larger following on Tumblr. Episodes 1-5 are already on my Wattpad- link in Masterlist.
☆64 AW☆
Before leaving District 4, my boyfriend Rian comes to say goodbye. He's my only visitor, as I'm an only child and haven't spoken to my parents in years. Adrian, one of the victors who trains at the academy, found out about my situation a few years back and lets me sleep at the academy in a spare room. It's not much but it's home.
Rian and I met at the academy a few years ago. He's two grades above me and is hoping to volunteer next year. We've been officially together for just over a year now. He knows I live at the academy but I can't live with him because he "doesn't have space".
"Hey it's going to be ok," he states as he hugs me. "Either you or Crey is coming home."
Wow we love the confidence he has in me. I just give him a nod as I reply, "I'll try."
"I love you Brooke"
"Love you Rian"
We are the "it couple" at the academy. It was my plan to volunteer the year after he did so we could win back to back games like Cashmere and Gloss, brother and sister who won the two most recent games. I guess we can still win back to back games if I win this year and his plan to volunteer next year and win goes through.
"Be careful," he tells me as he exits. I need to focus on the games and not on missing him.
Boarding the train, I'm taken aback by the luxury of it. Decedent plates covered mahogany tables and the walls were adorned in rare artwork. If I succeed in bringing glory to my district then I will have to get used to all of this.
"Brooke, Crey," Adrian greets us as he sits at the table. Mags follows closely behind him but she is a woman of few words.
"Good afternoon Adrian, Mags," Crey states. "I'd like to train together if that's ok with you Brooke."
"Yeah uh that's actually perfect," I respond. "I'm pretty decent with a sword but I need to brush up on my hand to hand and survival skills." Mags gives me a nod and quietly states that she can help with survival.
"I don't think my spear skills need much brushing up but survival skills would be nice," Crey states as he piles food onto his plate. "Maybe I could even pick up another weapon before we hit the arena." We all chuckle at this.
Although I wasn't a volunteer, I'm still a career through and through. I've been top of my class for 3 years straight now and have worked extra hard to perfect my skills. By allying with Crey and the other careers, I know I'll have a real shot at winning the games.
After eating our lunch, we decide to watch the reapings. I take note of our soon to be allies. Khan and Honey from District 1 seem like a strong pair. Both are probably top of their class from the academy and they have some serious muscle on them. Reece and Coco from District 2 are also volunteers from the academy. Coco is surprisingly small for a 17 year old but she seems agile. Hopefully she is good with weapons.
We don't pay too much attention to the rest of the districts. They aren't threatening and should be easy enough to defeat. I need to strategize how I'm going to gain the careers trust while also plotting their downfall. After all, there can only be one winner.
Before we arrive in the capital, we talk strategy with Adrian. Crey and I need to pick out our capital personas so we can get sponsors. Crey already has his mastered, being a suave gentleman, but I have yet to reach the level in the academy where we work on sponsors.
"Ok Brooke what are you thinking?" Adrian asks. I hadn't really thought much about sponsors. I was hoping I had a few more years to decide.
"Uh I'm not sure," I reply. "Crey what do you think?"
"Well most academy girls go for a flirty persona," he states.
"Nope," Adrian butts in. "She's underage so nothing like that." Gosh if he thinks I'm ugly he can just tell me. I'll be of age in like 4 months.
"How about a fierce persona?" Crey suggests. "People may question your age so show them how deadly you are."
"I like that idea," I state. "Do you have anything that could help me?"
"Wear something that screams power," Adrian states. "Smile and wave at the crowds but let your smile be more of a smirk. Act like you could kill any of them at any moment. You're a tall girl so make them fear you."
I like this idea, so I go off to my room on the train to pick out an outfit. We will be arriving in the capital shortly so I need to get out of my reaping outfit.
Being poor means wearing the old clothes of neighbors in District 4. Some of the older girls at the academy would give me their old clothes but they usually didn't fit right. The green dress I'm currently wearing stops at my mid calves instead of my ankles. Miriam gave it to me last month for the reaping.
I pick out a maroon crop top and some black skinny jeans for my grand capital debut. Finishing off the outfit, I thrown on a black blazer and make my way back to the lounge. The journey was just beginning.
Crey grabs my hand as we arrive at the train station. The crowds are insanely loud for us and I can't help but feel nervous. What if they don't find me intimidating?
I take a deep breath as I step off the train and into the crowd. Adrian and Mags keep people away from us while Crey and I walk hand in hand to our car.
"Well they just love you!" Apple squeals. I honestly forgot she was here. She spent our 5 hour train ride changing her hair and makeup.
The car door closes and I let out a sigh of relief.
"It's stressful being so popular," Crey smiles.
"Tell me about it," I yawn. I'm already exhausted and the week has barely begun.
There's more people waiting for us as we exit the car and enter the tribute center. Districts 1 and 2 stand in the lobby sizing up their competition. The parade isn't till tomorrow as the further districts won't arrive until late tonight but for us the games have already begun.
"Let's go introduce ourselves," Crey whispers to me, nodding at the careers. I agree and we make our way over, my hand on Crey's arm as walks me to the group.
"We'll look at you two," Reece smirks. "Here to size up the competition?"
"Actually we're here to make allies," Crey responds. "I think the six of us would be a good team."
"A lethal team," I smirk. I want to be intimidating without annoying the other careers. The last thing I need is them not trusting me.
"I like the sound of that," Reece grins. "Are you two any good?"
"Crey is top of the academy," I state matter of factly. "I may have not volunteered but it was only a matter of time before I did. I'm top of my class."
"Well you can prove that to us in training," Honey smiles. God she is hot. I need to focus.
"Sounds like a deal," Crey nods as we exit the conversation. I need to lay down before I pass out. I hate dealing with people.
Adrian wakes me up a few hours later for dinner. When did I fall asleep? Yawning, I make my way to the dining room.
"So what did you think of Districts 1 and 2?" Adrian asks as we eat.
"Strong contenders definitely," Crey says. "I think it would be good to ally with them."
"Brooke what about you?" Mags asks.
'Attractive,' I think but that's not an acceptable answer. Also I have a boyfriend.
"I agree with Crey," I respond. "We will be a strong alliance if we can gain each other's trust during training."
"Trust can only get you so far in the games," Adrian warns. "The deadliest killers trust no one."
"I'll keep that in mind," I swallow as I glance at Crey, who is also looking a bit stressed.
After dinner, Crey and I chat in the lounge. Adrian had business to attend to and Mags went to sleep.
"I know Adrian said not to trust people but I trust you," I tell him as we stare out the window. It's not completely a lie but it's a bit far from the truth. Crey could completely overpower me in mere seconds but I can't let him see that I know that.
"That's good," he replies. "I hope I can trust you too."
"I can't kill you," I sigh. "You're from home and my ally. I'd only fight you if it came down to the two of us."
"Same," he sighs. "Do you wish you had more time to train at the academy?"
"Yes and no," I respond. "I wish I had volunteered at 17 after completing more of my training because then it would have been on my terms. At the same time, I feel like being reaped means it's my time. It's like the universe wants me to go now." Crey hums in response.
"I wish I had more time," he states, catching me off guard. "I don't regret volunteering but my entire life has been devoted to these games. I wish I had time to experience other things like lazy days at the beach or taking hikes through the outskirts of District 4."
"Well you'll have plenty of time to do that when you get home," I smile at him as I stand up to leave.
"Goodnight Crey"
"Goodnight Brooke"
AN: What did you guys think of this chapter? It is technically a Finnick x OC fic but we haven’t reached the part of the story where she meets Finnick. Also I shifted Enobaria, Cashmere, and Gloss’s games up by one so Brooke’s games are the year before Finnick’s. Pls lmk what you guys think this far :)
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magitekelite · 3 years
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yukioujo · 3 years
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i don't know how it happened , but it happened
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duoplicitous · 5 years
❝ i trust you. ❞
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The cigarette between his lips continues to slowly smolder, thin and snaking trails of translucent smoke partially obscuring the other man’s expression. It wasn’t the first time that he had noticed Dabi’s normally dry and dismissive personality softening in his presence, but the rare times it did, it always managed to feel almost overwhelming. A kind of pressure in his chest, not painful, but it was there. An inner warmth sparking to life in the scattered ashes of his heart.
He tosses the filtered American Spirit aside, for once wishing his hands didn’t reek of tobacco. What should he say? Did it even require words spoken between them? He was grateful, but it was… more than that. Not something he could express with a basic ass ‘oh, thanks’, anyway.
“You can still say that, even now… After all the bullshit and trouble I’ve caused you guys-”
He stops himself from doing what he usually does, pushing his own face into the dirt. Dragging himself through the mud. Instead, he extends a hand, calloused and worn, but still strong. Still capable. Always there for him, so long as he drew breath.
“I guess that means I’d better not fuck that up then.”
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Kale had this great questline that sadly got cut off from the main game and I would have loved to have actually experienced it;
And it got me thinking of some potential angst/hurt-comfort scenarios with the Tarnished, though it does also make me curious about the Kale's interaction w/ The Nomad.
Kale asking the Nomad about the Great Caravan and them being extremely uncomfortable with the topic but decided to answer albeit very carefully. But it just spurs Kale into finding out just what happened to the Great Caravan and our Nomad having a dilemma because on one hand 'the truth will set you free ' as some would say but on the other hand it's a very ugly truth and quite dangerous.
Fast forward to the shunning grounds and Kale is just absolutely mortified and angry about what happened to the rest of the nomads. So now Kale wants to destroy the Lands Between using the Frenzied Flame, and asks why the Nomad doesn't want to do the same.
"They buried you ALIVE."
And The Nomad just wants to change the Lands Between for the better so that no one would have to experience what they experienced or be shunned for being born differently. (Also probably would kill Shabiri seeing as he is probably also responsible for what happened to the nomads.)
Oh, no... nonononononono. Nope. NOPE. Not gonna break my heart today! Don't do it, Kale!
Unlimited Crey Works.
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schnickledooger · 7 years
Little known FYI, ya’ll
Like the only reason I ventured to tumblr anyhoo in the first place is because the YJ fandom was wildly strong here and those were fun times~
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naanima · 4 years
Watching The Mandalorian.
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boltxnbastard · 5 years
"I just wish that you treated me with one ounce of kindness, big brother, the same protectiveness you give so freely to Lady Michelle and Lady Sansa. They are your wives, I know this, but I am your sister ... Doesn't that mean anything to you at all?" Painful tears slid down her cheeks. "I am your blood ... your family. You'd protect your wives, your men, all from Mason Stanwood, but I know when the time comes, and he shows up, you'd sacrifice me in a moment if it suited you." ( OH CREYS )
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❝ Jealousy is a truly ugly thing on you, little sister. I make sure my    wives are protected because it is in my own self-interest to do so.    Why would I give you the same level of protection and concern when    I despise you in every sense of the word? As for my men? They protect    themselves. If not? I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. I have plenty   to spare against one man. ❞
   He set his goblet aside, giving her his full attention, ❝ Besides! Weren’t    you conspiring with Mason just the other day? Now you’re suddenly worried    about what he might do? Interesting. Sounds to me like that’s on you. When    he does show up, I hope for your sake he’s as helpful as he’s made you    believe. ❞
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 7: “Bottoms deserve rights!” - Jinx
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This challenge is cool but I feel like we just totally got played
All four of the original Llih tribe members are all together here, this might've been the plan all along to vote for us and save Mikki and Raffy
Either way it rules and if that was the big mind game from everyone then props to them! They did good
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hey y’all it’s grey! long time no see i know. let’s get caught up, shall we? so last time i saw y’all i was at the outhouse and girlllll lemme tell you some shit went down since then. so benj gets super idoled out, and i’m shook as fuck. sad to see him go but AT LEAST it wasn’t chris. so i get back to camp and they give us a reward challenge and i’m not able to do it bc i have to work, so they finish the challenge and i’m sure we’re about to have an immunity challenge bc duh merge at 11, but NOOOOO of course autumn dumps this NASTY ass twist and i have to go to this ugly ass tribe with people i DONT FUCKING KNOW. literally by myself with two ppl from one tribe and two people from another. i was like “oh lord this is it for me.” but immediately joey and lily c are like “we don’t want vote you” and i’m like “oh wig” and it’s a glorious day except not bc i don’t really get to have a say in the vote, they just vote blake out which isn’t a problem in my eyes, to be honest, i kept hearing he was messy so BYE BYE BLAKEY. and finally FINALLY we make it to the merge and i have NEVER been happier to be back with my og tua babes, i missed jude and jinx SO MUCH and i finally finally get to talk to monty and captain. <3 #crey. first night in merge and i’m already getting into a showmance. except it’s kind of a fauxmance bc we haven’t even spoken to each other LMFAOOOOOO. we just flirt in the hill house. omg. hill house and chill? LOL. anyway yeah i’m hoping i can convince these ppl to give monty immunity so we don’t have to worry about anyone else slipping away with it, bc i want as many options open as possible for this next tribal. i’m still upset that i didn’t get anything from the outhouse but oh well, we going into merge raw. i have to touch base with monty so see where his head is at but i’m pretty sure it’s unspoken that we’re gonna work together. so i have three paths. i could stick with og tua 4, i couid go with monty and be a slightly sneaky pair, or i could play the reverse psychology become a showmance w captain angle. i guess we’ll have two see how this vote plays out. i don’t want to get too comfortable bc that’s when things go wrong but yes. hopefully it all works out. <3 until next time, Grey.
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What I want to try and do is not overly push, I know i’m going to get votes (RIP perfect game), but I want to make sure it isn’t me going and now we just hope and pray to the Survivor Gods that Lily O working 9 to 5 doesn’t give us a chance to parton her for being slightly inactive
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first of all lemme say its a shame raffy ended up immune but i figure thats just happening for the sake of shaking it up
but second i have to say. i am LOVING mikki's energy holy shit. i feel just like an instant connection and i think its a crime on autumn's part that we never ended up together until now. both last night and tonight we've had big lengthy dm convos and it just feels so relaxing to talk to her. forget joey she's my new FTC buddy <3
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https://voca.ro/1acJjlqdL2d0 this cone makes no sense I apologise sahjashjas
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Joey rushing to make alliances and all is so funny to me; he had one made with me/Mikki although Im not too sure how reliable it is given what he is doing. Nevertheless for the challenge, my biggest concern was that we make it obvious we're all together and it makes it easier for them to target us and sure enough it seems like we did that. On one end, I would've liked to found a way to not get targeted but at the same time, I think it makes it fun. Plus, we saved Raffy in the process and if I have to make it clear they wanted Raffy out then so be. Anyways, welcome to Autumn's World
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Being in the bottom for the trust rankings sucked. Being selected as the one to win immunity was great. I'm sure Chris and Captain had a hand in making sure I was the one immune. It makes sure people have a tough decision ahead of them since I definitely would have been the easy vote this round. Right now, Captain, Chris, and Mikki all seem keen on working with me in the long-term. So, I am going to stay loyal to those three as best I can. Hopefully, they can talk to each other and become an alliance with me. Let's see how this vote goes!
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Would you say I’m worried? Yes, I would. Would you say I’m freaking out? Ummm, yeah, yeah we are getting there. Mhm. Yep. Cool. Cool.
Do I know what I’m doing? No. No clue. 
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this vote they tried it with raffy and you know what we said?
yall wanna target a bottom? target ur own white ppl. spits.
bottoms deserve rights!
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This vote’s looking more split than my mother’s first divorce
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It's Sad World for me. Sigh. I'm doing what I can and I'm not giving up no matter how stressed I get. I botched getting the advantage. I feel heartbroken but I won't give up. It ain't looking good from here tho, fam. 
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I have zero idea what anyone is doing, as fun as this tribe is we have such bad communication lmfao
I think it's between Lily C and Jude, that seems to be the common consensus, but. Do I just go Lily C to put myself in good standings with everyone? Or do I stick with my guts and vote Jude to try and sway it a bit? It's... a difficult decision but I really dont wanna put too much thought into it
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For Lily C: https://youtu.be/C79yZd-NjBU
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leradny · 6 years
SINCE i am a responsible adult i made a price list for my haruko cosplay to see how much i’d need for the bass and my costume... and promptly began ugly creys because the prop bass i’m going to make will cost MORE THAN THE ACTUAL COSTUME and it won’t even play!!! (tho compared to actual rickenbackers which go for $3000, i'll take it)
i’ll figure out a way to cut more costs somehow while still getting a nice screen-accurate bass, but ugh that ballpark is a tough one. i wish i had a thousand dollars to spare.
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shobeinu · 7 years
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Week 11 | Emotions When these three are together, or with one of each other, they really show such a range of emotions and i just *ugly crey*
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magitekelite · 4 years
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@swornoasis​ said :     hi kaycee honey!! i know it's been a hot minute since we last talked but know that i always think of you fondly and pray for your health and happiness! thats why im here to wish you a happy birthday because you deserve it, you sweet bean! you're so kind and caring and you work so hard and i want to bless you with endless things that can make you smile today or let you rest with peace of mind! i love you dearly!! xoxo
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     lies down and creys because ofc kim would tug at my heartstrings like this SCREECHES !!!!  / clutches @ heart !!  i hope things have been going well for you and that you’re safe and healthy .  even if we haven’t talked in a hot minute ( which is perfectly okay btw , no worries ) , you know i am always in your corner rooting for you !  i love that you’re taking everything at your own pace and you finally have a muse that completes you and ahhhhhh 💖 💖 💖 💖  always wishing the best for you and all that you do .  blessu and ilu kim !  ty !
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yukioujo · 2 years
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ktlsyrtis · 7 years
briliantlybittr replied to your post “Shipping Meme: 11, 20, 26, 31”
Bill and Laura?? Good choice, my friend. Also, I never really got CJ/Abbey, but there is quite a bit of fic out there, so not completely alone.
Thanks!  Totally fair.  They’re not a pair I ever expect anyone to have even considered, lol.  I’ve read all of the existing fics and there are a few good ones.  They’re mostly the work of the same 3 or 4 very dedicated people. mizz-magenta replied to your post “Shipping Meme: 11, 20, 26, 31”
How very dare you bring up S4 Space Parents feels! I am still not over Daybreak Pt2 or Laura's wig or Bill's ugly creys :'(
I’m sorry!  It hurts me too, but that kiss is just so damn perfect! 😭
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