#ugmf gifs
hokusu · 1 year
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@animangacreators Challenge #22: Summer 2023 ✩ Fav Animanga: Undead Girl Murder Farce ✩
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inbestigator · 1 year
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Undead Girl Murder Farce
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hen-na-onna · 1 year
Tsugaru Shinuchi Ep03 GIF set (pt1)
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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Undead Girl Murder Farce E08: Shinuchi Tsugaru
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eiichiro · 1 year
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“That’s elementary, my dear Aleister.” SH EP 8, The Banquet
That iconic quote. The famous London detective Sherlock Holmes attacks the master occultist Aleister Crowley by showing off his talent for baritsu. The series peruse Sir ACD’s Sherlock Holmes/John Watson lore and so if you are a fan of this duo, you can’t help feeling enamoured by it all.
(Dedicated to Andy and D @clouds-of-peach @thatmysterywriter )
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billiebeanhoward · 3 years
I’m dying - Audrey Tindall
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A/N: Hello! Sorry this is incredibly short but yeah anyway I hope you like the mini Audrey fluff. gif is mine
prompt: you text your girlfriend saying you're dying and she comes to the rescue
TW: ill, medication, fluff
Word count: 909
You're laying in bed, stuffy nose, sore throat, migraine, the usual cold. You took the next few days off work wanting to rest and hoping Audrey would help take care of you, but no, Audrey is at work.
please come home :(
You text her after turning the brightness all the way down on your phone as you feel your migraine only getting worse from the screen.
I'm coming home soon, love Xx
You sigh as you read it, only becoming frustrated she's not here.
but I'm dying
You didn't hear anything from her since, only assuming she was busy with script fills for the day but less than 45 minutes later you hear the jingle of keys and a yell from the front door "Are you still alive?" she she shouts and you pull her pillow beside you over your face from the noise.
"Ugmf," you groan at her before hearing her soft chuckle and you see her silhouette come into view from the doorway, squinting at the harshness from light "Turn that off," you whimper, your throat only becoming sorer every time you speak.
"I come bearing gifts," the blonde grins as she throws the bag of goodies on the bed and flops down beside you.
"I don't need gifts Aud, I'm dying."
"Oh, sweetheart, it's just a cold. And you call me dramatic!" she chuckles as you wave your arms about to hit her but miss with every swing. "Oh stop giving me that cute pout of yours." she coos as she leans in for a kiss but you move your head.
"Don't want you to get sick," you sniffle, wiping your nose with your sleeve before lifting your head to peek into the bag. "What did you get?"
"Honestly, love, you're not getting anything until you give me a kiss." she pouts, her brown eyes meeting yours and you chuckle at her.
"Look who's being dramatic now."
"Oh, shut up." she scolds grabbing the bag placing it on her lap as she sits up. "Ah ah," she coos as you try to look in the bag, "Kiss first," she grins dopily at you.
"If you get sick it's your fault," you laugh before turning into a coughing fit and she quickly helps you sit up and pats at your back as if you're her baby.
"That's it, love," she praises, "Get it all out."
Once you get your breath back and the coughing subsides you turn to her, your face a little flustered and she frowns at you, "It's a little more than 'just a cold' isn't it?" she asks holding her right arm out to pull you into her lap.
You nod, "I'm really not feeling fell," You hear her ruffling and she tips the bag upside down to empty it of its contents "Jesus, baby," you say in slight shock, "You didn't have to get that much."
"I only want you to get better," she says kissing your sweaty forehead. "Now" she leans over towards the pile, mainly containing items and medication from the pharmacy, "Cough syrup."
"Oh god," you groan and bury your face deeper into her stomach.
"Come on." she pouts and you feel her laughing, her stomach bouncing a little on your face.
"Why are you laughing?"
"It's Bubblegum flavoured. The chemist must have thought I was buying for a child."
You lift your head and look at her with your eyebrows scrunched, "Why?" You see a slight blush rise on her cheeks as she pulls out a few more items from the pile, "A duck forehead thermometer. Really?"
"That's not all," she then hands you various lollipops and a cute soft toy. You chuckle a little at her.
"I love you," you say and lay back down on her lap again.
"Hey, no. Sit up. You need the medicine to get better." she scolds patting your back a little making you whine. You sit back up and she unscrews the cap and sucks the pink liquid into a syringe and mimes for you to open your mouth. You roll your eyes at her but do it anyway and she pushes it in and you swallow it quickly, impressed that it does in fact taste like Bubblegum. "I'm gonna go back there tomorrow and get some better cough syrup but I guess this is good enough for now," she says and hands you some tablets to take for your headache and a bottle of water she bought too.
"You really don't need to be doing any of this, baby." you say after taking the medication, "But thank you."
"Well, you said, and I quote, 'I'm dying'" she chuckles before poking her tongue out between her teeth in the cutest smile ever.
You nod your head once, "Well, I am but..."
"So then, I'm taking care of my baby," she wraps her arms around you pulling you down onto the bed again, "Now lets take a nap, my love. I hope you feel better afterwards," she says giving you another kiss to your forehead and you cuddle up to her, running your fingers through her short hair and she closes her eyes for a moment at the feeling.
"I really love you Audrey," you say softly and she opens her eyes again, her brown eyes looking at you full of love.
"I love you too, Y/N," she smiles before pulling you closer and you both fall asleep in each others arms.
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sewerdraws · 4 months
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Painting isn't going anywhere this is as far as it gets eat up
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rakugoni · 10 months
i need you people to put 2d man thots that remind you of tsugaru in front of me NOW.
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orange-cheetah · 10 months
The Thief and the Phantom's First Meeting
Undead Girl Murder Farce: Volume 2, Chapter 0
[Disclaimer: Translated from Chinese text. Some lines taken from the subtitles of the anime.]
"Good morning, Erik."
Upon waking up, he hears a friendly voice calling him.
The man groans, getting up awkwardly. Both of his hands are tied behind him.
He is in an unfamiliar, strange room. The walls and ceiling are bare stone, though a lavish dining table laden with desserts or fruit trays sits in the middle of the room. He can hear faint sounds of water.
On the chair before him sits a young man with his legs crossed.
"Your face without the mask is unexpectedly quite handsome, you know."
The man realizes that the mask he likes using has been taken away, to be put on the table. Hurriedly lowering his head, he tries to cover his face with his white hair. The young man smiles and says: "Don't be so shy."
The young man is about twenty-five or -six years of age. Beautiful golden hair and a fierce[1] gaze leave a deep impression; a tuxedo hugs his slender body, draped in a black cloak. The buttons on his jacket are probably real emeralds. His expression, dress and attitude overflow with considerable confidence; instead of a king, he gives one the sense that his style is more of a prince's. And a capricious, playboy prince at that. The man instinctively feels that this person is of the sort completely opposite to himself.
"Right, how do you feel, Erik? Because you've been unconscious for about half the day. Want to drink anything?"
"How do you know my real name?"
"Investigating in advance is the basics of the work. Oh, I know lots of things. You're from Persia. You were born with your white hair and disfigured face. Your singing voice is an unparalleled tenor. You live 23 floors beneath the Paris Opera. You've evaded capture for the past 20 years, elusive as though a specter; the nickname you were given was 'the Phantom of the Opera.' Am I right, our shy gentleman."
While listing out all sorts of information unceasingly, the young man plays with a large ruby with one gloved hand.
Right, he's beginning to recallーーit was a splendid night like any other. As it was the closing night of Don Carlos[2], the opera house had been very lively; the man was watching the opera from Box 5 of the second floor. But something strange had happened while Act 3 was in progress: this phantom thief had descended from the skies, stealing the ruby worn by the female vocalist. As it was the singer he adores, he had gone after the thief. After pursuing him to the top level of seats he had been hit by a counterattack from the enemy, and thenーーwhen he woke up he was already here.
"What is this place?"
"L'Aiguille Creuse[3]," the young man replies with a phrase he's never heard before. "Though I'm still working on it. It's a tad uncomfortable to stay in for the moment."
"Why did you kidnap me?"
"I stole you." Immediately corrected. "Along with this ruby. Things should be organized and collected to one place. I can't bear to see this passionate jewel never be more than some stage prop, and it's no fun to have a true phantom living in obscurity beneath an opera house. They should both belong to me; it feels more coordinated this way."
"Enough chatter. What are you after?"
The young man shrugs. "There's a job I'd like to do in London, but my subordinates have all ran off, so I'm a little short-staffed at the moment."
So he wants to find someone to help with this job? What an unorthodox way of recruitment. The man carefully asks: "What are you planning on stealing?"
"'The Penultimate Night.'"
"...Phileas Fogg's?"
"That's right."
"Are you mad?" No wonder all his subordinates ran. "I have heard of the jewel of the Fogg mansion, but it's impossible to obtain. That mansion's security is impregnable. And in London, there's Sherlock Holmes."
"Here, there's Arsène Lupin."
The young man touches the ruby to his chest.
If heard only from the sidelines, it would feel nothing more than a very arrogant statement. But behind the tone, one can feel an inexplicable majesty that is different from the common bluffing or exaggerated fantasies of fools. As though certain of the future.
The man senses the abnormality.
What His Royal Highness exudes is not confidence.
It's conviction.
Breaking through the mansion security that others would quail before, prevailing over the famous detective coined 'the best in the world'; these are all established matters in his mind and are to be expected. The plan is already perfect and flawless, all hypotheticals accounted for, leaving no rate of failure to speak of ー where would one even spare the time to be arrogant. It may well be madness talking, yetーー
Meeting Lupin's gaze once more. Golden eyes as though the sun.
"Any chance of winning?"
"I wouldn't have invited you here if there weren't."
Stepping into the Phantom's heart as though heat waves of summer. The life spent hiding under the opera house until now, the self-isolation imprisoned by the ugly right face; all of this is easily melted by the sun. Guided by that light, a foolish feeling surges up. As though wanting to cause a scene on the stage of a farce, a young and energetic impulse.
After a while, he stands up. At the same moment, the ropes that had been tying his hands together fall to the ground.
"You have other special skills besides singing?" Lupin says. "When did you undo them?"
"Around the time you said 'unexpectedly quite handsome'. I've always been good at handling ropes."
"I admire you even more now. So, what are you going to do? Go home?"
"I was stolen, wasn't I? I'll follow my owner's orders."
Strictly speaking, it's his loss this time. Even if he's unwilling to, he could only agree to a contract.
The Phantom approaches the table to pick up his mask, putting it on the right side of his face, experiencing the sense of coordination that had been mentioned in their conversation just now.
Bowing respectfully to his owner, he recites a line from an opera: "La Juive[4], Act 2. 'But come! Be it heaven or earth, the self-same fate and destiny awaits the two of us.'" [5]
"Though you've done well to quote these lines." Lupin surveys the surroundings of the hideout with an expression as though suppressing laughter. "I'm afraid, Erik, we are at sea."
强悍 (qiáng hàn): strong, powerful
Based on conflicts in the life of Carlos, Prince of Asturias (1545–1568). Though he was betrothed to Elisabeth of Valois, part of the peace treaty ending the Italian War of 1551–59 between the Houses of Habsburg and Valois demanded that she be married instead to his father Philip II of Spain. It was commissioned and produced by the Théâtre Impérial de l'Opéra (Paris Opera) and given its premiere at the Salle Le Peletier on 11 March 1867. (wikipedia)
The Hollow Needle.
The Jewess. Tells of an impossible love between a Christian man and a Jewish woman. (wikipedia)
Act 2, Scene IV. Presumably taken from two separate sections, and I couldn't find any mention of 'heaven or earth'. You can read it here (pp. 19)
LEOPOLD. I know! But come! Let thine heart be mine, Let love enchain us, and Jew or Christian, Thy lot is mine. Let heaven's wrath o'erwhelm me. Thy love wants mine, The rest is nothing, I regret not.
RACHEL AND LEOPOLD. Let thine heart be mine, Let love enchain us and, Jew or Gentile, Thy love is mine. For us the self-same fate and destiny
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starcrosscat · 1 year
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japhgura · 1 year
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Funko unfinished piece, I'm hoping I'll find the energy to write a cool spectres and cursed jewelry murder case
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hen-na-onna · 1 year
Tsugaru Shinuchi
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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The Banquet (*) Shizuku & Carmilla, EP 8
Shizuku is confused. The pair of lips lapping at her left ear is sending mixed signals on her genitalia. She cannot move her hands as if they are tied. Trying to stand up on her two feet is a huge struggle. On the other hand, wanting to feel those lips travel to her body is an idea so enticing. No. No. No. Stop. This is not her mistress. This is the not the immortal Aya Rindo. She must get up at once and kill this abomination who calls herself a vampire, who coaxes her to lie on her back and coos at her ear with sweet damning words, “Naughty girl, so strong, I love that.”
How old is this ‘thing’ that her blood becomes venomous? Unlike this demoness, her Mistress’ bodily fluid is the elixir. When I am badly hurt, she urges me to take her saliva and then we kiss kiss kiss. Those tender rouge-coloured lips that give me pleasure, encourages me, makes me whole and desire nothing else.
The creature’s huge breasts serve to entrap her victim as her small fangs nip at her throat down to her exposed clavicle. Thus is the situation Shizuku finds herself in. She can feel the strong hands that hold her fingers tight. Yes, the vampire is also a beauty, but there lies the falsehood of it all because no one is comparable to her mistress. No one. As the vampire continuously licks her neck, Shizuku cannot help writhing and moaning ready to offer her blood until something shiny catches her eyes. The cross! She sees the way out. The monster on top of her must know her place. So fight she must!
* The gifs are shit. Apologies for this ramble as well. I love love the scenes on episode 8. I am grateful that the anime writers remain truthful to Carmilla’s true nature of seducing women. Here’s crossing my fingers that these two have more encounters. I mean, we all know that Shizu only loves Aya. And Carmilla only does it with malice.
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not-harukal524 · 1 year
thinking about how much i love tsugaru shinuichi the silly dumb man he is <3 <3 <3
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