#Sorry for the crap gifs. I haven’t seen anyone making gifs for them
seekers-who-are-lovers · 10 months
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“That’s elementary, my dear Aleister.” SH EP 8, The Banquet
That iconic quote. The famous London detective Sherlock Holmes attacks the master occultist Aleister Crowley by showing off his talent for baritsu. The series peruse Sir ACD’s Sherlock Holmes/John Watson lore and so if you are a fan of this duo, you can’t help feeling enamoured by it all.
(Dedicated to Andy and D @clouds-of-peach @thatmysterywriter )
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deanstead · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Slight angst
Requested by @anotherfan07​: Could I request a Jay imagine where the reader is younger and the unit don’t think she’s really into him, that maybe she’s trying to get something! Maybe Hailey “catches” her being suspicious and hanging with a guy but in reality she’s trying to make a surprise for Jay! Maybe they confront the reader and Jay gets upset for not trusting her! Could ended it with a happy ending Thank you very much!!
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! I’m still watching Chicago halfway (chronologically watching all three) and I haven’t seen a lot of Hailey yet so I’m not confident that I managed to express her parts well enough, I hope this turned out okay! Feedback always appreciated! Requests for Jay x Reader are still open, ask away! ^^
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*gif not mine*
You looked up from your drink just as the door to Molly’s opened and he walked in.
Jay Halstead. He was impossible to miss when he walked into a room.
You had met Jay a few months ago when you had just moved in and settled into Chicago, alone. Then you had met Jay, the force of attraction almost magnetic from that first moment. At least, for you it had been.  
Jay’s smile widened when he saw you, waving and making a beeline for you. “Heya, Y/N.” he greeted, as your heart skipped a couple of beats without your permission.
“Hey Jay.” You replied, taking a few deep breaths to make sure you sounded calmer than you felt, hoping he didn’t notice. Jay eyed your almost empty beer bottle before taking his usual drink from Herrmann, adding, “My tab” as he pointed to you.
Herrmann grinned and nodded. “Attaboy.”
“Haven’t seen you in a few days.” Jay commented, turning back to you, effectively shutting down any protests you might have had about him paying for your drink.
“Missed me?” you shot back, a comeback he used on you pretty often and Jay chuckled before waving at someone over your shoulder.
“I gotta…” He pointed to a table behind me and I turned, realising he was here with his team.
You nodded. “I’ll see you around.”
Jay paused, “Everything’s okay right?”
You laughed. “Yeah, perfect. Thanks for the drink.” You raised your beer bottle and he laughed, patting you on the shoulder.
Jay weaved his way through the crowd towards the rest of his team who were already settled in here, most of their drinks almost half drunk. Hailey raised her eyebrows at him, as if she was waiting for an explanation.
“Something you wanna tell me?” Hailey asked.
“What?” Jay asked, real confusion lacing his voice.
Hailey nodded her head towards you.
“She’s a friend.” Jay responded, taking a gulp of his drink.
Adam laughed. “Oh come on, not gonna speak for Jay but do we really think a younger girl like Y/N is interested in Jay?”
Jay raised his eyebrows at Adam, punching him on the arm. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Kevin laughed as well.
Hailey looked back at Jay. “You sure she’s not trying to get something out of this?”
Jay frowned, “What do you mean?”
“Just looking out for you. You don’t really know her. She breezes into town a few months ago, no one knows anything about her. Just… be careful alright?”
Jay glanced at you, your back turned to him, taking the last gulp of your beer as you got up to leave. “She’s a good person.” He responded, waving at you when you turned in his direction before you left the bar.
Hailey pushed the door of the café open, stepping out onto the street, squinting against the sunlight while holding the usual 2 cups of coffee for Jay and herself. As she was about to get into her car, she spotted a familiar person from the corner of her eye and turned.
You were standing at the end of the street, looking down at your phone when a man Hailey didn’t recognise walked towards you. She watched as you sprung up, hugging the older man, a bright smile on your face as he discreetly handed you a small bag.
Hailey quickly got into her stationary car, so that she could continue to watch you without being seen. You looked up and down the street before peering into the bag and looking up at the older man, an even brighter smile shining across your face.
“Damn it.” Hailey muttered under her breath, starting her car, now even more sure you were taking Jay for a ride after what she had witnessed.
Despite Jay’s denial that he was interested in you, Hailey could almost read Jay like a book. You, on the other hand, she hadn’t been sure about and now, she felt almost certain that she had been right about you all along.
Hailey glanced uncertainly at Jay, as she walked in, placing the coffee cup on his desk. “Thanks.” Jay said, without looking up from his computer.
Hailey glanced up at Voight’s empty office, wondering if she should just bring it up with Jay now, while they still had time, before a new case dropped in their laps.
Jay noticed Hailey hovering and looked up. “You okay?”
“Jay… about Y/N…” Hailey began, studying his face.
If she didn’t know Jay well enough, she might have missed the small frown that crossed his face as he pushed his chair backwards.
“Look…” Hailey said, before Jay could say anything. “I know you think she’s a good girl, and that she’s sweet but…”
“But?” Jay asked.
Hailey sighed, “Has she said anything about what she wants from you?” She paused again as Jay kept silent, watching her.
“I saw her today. With a guy.”
Jay looked up, the frown crossing his face again.
“Jay… it didn’t look good, they were meeting at the corner of that street, you know…” Hailey raised her coffee cup. “He passed her a package and she hugged him. I think…”
Jay interrupted her this time. “Yeah, I get it.” Jay felt a wave of disappointment washing over him, its intensity surprising even himself.
They remained silent until the silence was broken by Jay’s phone. He read it quietly without saying anything before Hailey asked, “Jay?”
Jay sighed, “She wants to meet.”
“Do it. Let’s just cut to the chase and ask her what she wants.”
Jay hesitated but finally agreed, his fingers quickly typing a reply.
You lay on your couch, drumming your fingers against the fabric, holding back your urge to check your phone. Before long, you felt the notification vibration.
Sure. Molly’s at 6?
You smiled, glancing at the box that was now sitting on your coffee table. Sending him a quick emoji, you sat up. It was still early but maybe you would pick out something to wear. You really hoped this would turn out well.
You paused as you stood outside Molly’s, taking a deep breath. It was early, so you knew it would still be quiet, which hopefully was a good thing.
You pushed open the door stepping into the familiar bar, which was empty except for Jay. And Hailey… Confusion hit you but you pushed the uneasy feeling down and stepped forward, heading towards them.
“Hey.” You greeted them.
You hadn’t spoken to Hailey much, so you weren’t sure why she was here with Jay. Maybe they were on a case and Jay was just stopping by for a short while.
Jay didn’t look up but Hailey pushed herself off the bar stool.
“Let’s cut to the chase.”
You frowned, looking from her to Jay, who still hadn’t glanced in your direction.
“What?” You asked.
“Whatever you’re trying to get from… this…” Hailey pointed between you and Jay. “I don’t know what you think you can get out of this but drop it, okay?”
“What?” You repeated, really confused now. “I don’t…”
Hailey sighed. “Look, I saw you this morning with that guy. Whatever you think you can get from Jay… let’s just save everyone’s time. We don’t want to know what it is. Let’s just end this now.”
You felt your gut flip over and the wave of disappointment that hit you felt like it was constricting your heart.
“You think I…” You sputtered before you took a deep breath. “Jay? Are you in on this…?”
You trailed off as Jay looked up, the look in his eyes everything you needed to know yet didn’t want to know.
You swallowed past the lump in your throat. “Not that I owe anyone an explanation but I just needed to get a package from him…” You could feel your body start to tremble.
“A package?” Jay spoke up for the first time and you could feel your heart clenching so hard it was almost impossible to breathe.
Your nails were digging into your palms. You stepped forward, moving around Hailey to stand in front of Jay. “Yes, a package from my older brother. My older brother who drove 123 miles from Madison to pass me a package I asked for.”
You took the box out of your bag and placed it on the counter as Jay’s eyes widened looking at you.
“A package I was excited to give to you. Until now.” You struggled to keep your voice steady. “Happy Birthday Halstead.”
“Y/N…” Jay spoke but you turned away, moving towards the door.
“Do me a favour.” You turned to look at both of them. “The next time you guys wanna pull this Intelligence crap, do it all the way.”
You could barely see Jay’s face anymore as you felt the hot tears well up in your eyes. Spinning around, you marched out the door, no longer sure if you were hurt, disappointed, angry or all three combined.
Jay watched you march out of the bar, frozen to his chair, pretty sure he had seen tears glistening in your eyes before you had turned away. Hailey’s expression was just as shocked as his before they turned to the box you had left behind on the counter.
Quietly, Jay opened it and in there sat a charming wristwatch, with the initials J.H. engraved into it. It was a beautiful piece and something you must have gone to a lot of trouble to get done.
“Jay… I’m sorry… I just…” Hailey apologised.
Jay shook his head. “You were just looking out for me. It’s me… I can’t believe I…” he muttered, looking up.
“I gotta go.” Jay pulled back his stool and looked at Hailey.
Hailey nodded as Jay jogged out of the bar, looking up and down the street but you had already disappeared.
Jay looked back down at the box he held in his hand and put his hand up to his face. “What the hell Jay, you’re a jerk.” He muttered to himself.
You slammed your door behind you as you sunk to the floor, finally allowing the hot angry tears to flow down your face.
You had told yourself not to let your guard down when you had moved. You had told yourself you were going to be fine on your own and it had been working until Jay Halstead had come crashing into your life. You had stupidly thought the connection had been too strong to be fake. Even if all he saw you as was a younger sister, it was something.
Instead, he had seen you as a fraud – someone who was trying to gain something from him. He thought you were someone who made use of personal relationships. Your heart clenched tightly again and you closed your eyes, taking deep breaths.
When you felt you had calmed down enough, you got up and made your way further into the house, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. You glanced at the clock on the wall, wondering who would be knocking on your door at dinner time. You hadn’t even ordered any food.
You opened the door only to be greeted by the one person you weren’t ready to see.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice the coldest Jay had ever heard.
Jay raised the box of pizza and a six-pack of beer. “I brought a peace offering.” His voice was more somber than usual as well, although he tried to smile at you.
You didn’t say anything and didn’t move from the door either.
“Y/N… let’s talk, please?”
You already felt yourself giving in although you gave a half-hearted protest before Jay stepped into your apartment anyway, putting the pizza and beer down on the counter.
You closed the main door, walking past him further into your apartment without facing him. “I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”
“Yes, we do.” Jay insisted and you turned to face him.
You raised your eyebrows. “Alone? Don’t you need your friends here?”
“Look, I’m sorry. I was a jerk.”
You could literally feel your heartrate quickening again and that unsettling disappointment and anger rising up to your chest once again.
You finally spoke. “I thought maybe you just saw me as a little sister. And you know, I was fine with that, I could handle that. But a fraud, Jay? Is that what you thought of me?” You could feel your voice rising with every word that came out of your mouth but it was like you didn’t have control over yourself anymore.
“If that’s what you thought of me, why the hell have you been treating me like… like I mattered?” You were speaking way too loudly now, a hot tear rolling down your cheek without your say-so. Angrily, you brushed it aside, taking another deep breath. “What, was this your big test? To see what I would ask from you? Nothing, I didn’t want anything from you and I still don’t want anything from you. Good talk. The door’s that way.”
You turned away again, your heart clenching harder in your chest as another tear rolled down your cheek. It took all your energy to continue standing upright when all you wanted to do was roll up into a ball and cry out all your anger and disappointment.
When you were met with silence, you glanced behind you but Jay was just quietly standing there. “I know I was a jerk, I’m sorry. When I heard you were with another guy, I just…”
“What, Jay? You thought I was shacking it up with some other guy but I was trying to come on to you, because I needed something from you? I thought we had a connection. Even if you didn’t have feelings for me, I thought it was a genuine connection-“
Jay didn’t wait for you to finish. Instead, he closed the gap between the both of you in three strides, cupping your face with both his hands and bringing his warm lips down onto yours. In midsentence, your eyes widened but before you could protest you were swept into the kiss, almost like being sucked into a vortex, his lips brushing gently against yours before becoming firmer and firmer. Your stomach was tied up in knots, the butterflies were working overtime as you felt yourself sinking deeper and deeper before Jay gently pulled away, as if afraid to take it too far.
The room was almost spinning by the time Jay pulled away. You pulled your gaze away from his green eyes and he cleared his throat awkwardly. “It was a genuine connection, if you didn’t realise that already.” Jay said softly as your eyes snapped back up to him.
“I was a prick. I just… everyone said it didn’t seem like you were really interested in me so I… look, I’m sorry. I’ve been beating myself up since before you stormed out of Molly’s back there. I can’t believe I doubted you for even a second…” Jay started rambling.
Jay didn’t let his eyes leave you for a second. “I’m sorry. Will you please let me make it up to you?”
You sighed as you looked up at him, your eyes flicking to the customised watch that you had almost thrown at him, now sitting snugly on his wrist. “Not if you don’t trust me.”
“Never again, I swear. I promise.” Jay said. “You want me to admit it? I behaved like an idiot, because I was jealous.”
You finally cracked a smile and Jay moved even closer, your bodies almost touching again. “And if you didn’t already know…”
He paused.
“Little sister my ass.”
You didn’t say anything, but you couldn’t anyway as Jay wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, bringing his lips to yours once again.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Australian GP or how to turn shit around with a few track changes
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Well, I’ve decided that apart from saying goodbye with a gif, I’m gonna start saying hello with a gif too, just like that. I’m crazy like that 🤣
Anyhow, I really woke up early today after another shitty night’s sleep in Barcelona so as to watch the circus, which cost me like a ton of effort, but it actually ended up being SO worth it, honestly. What a race! Holy hell, that was nuts, who would’ve thought the new Albert Park could give us so much in such a short time? I didn’t, that’s for sure, even though the weekend as a whole was quite a surprise.
First, we got Carlos losing positions right from the start (5 of them, to be exact) and then fucking shit up in Lap 3 and just like that, he was OUT. Not a Carlos fan, so one down, so many others to go. As laps went by, we saw how Seb lost the car again and was out too. Pretty shitty weekend for him and being his first race weekend this season, even worse. My poor man just wanted to drive and he couldn’t even have that. At least he hasn’t been penalized again. Aston Martin, please give man something good to work with, I’M BEGGING YOU.
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Then we have our Australian Sunshine ending up 6th in his home race, which is pretty nice seeing his previous home races didn’t end up very well at all. However, I’ve read around my main account’s dashboard that apparently Mclaren asked him not to push Lando, who was already struggling, even though he was going much better overall, which if true, is very shitty. I see, in that case, that Mclaren haven’t changed their ways towards Daniel in the slightest, even in his home race, which is even worse. I’m sorry, I know Max knows them both well and I know what he said about what we all saw on DTS, but I for one believe that’s one of the few true narratives on the drama Netflix tends to creat around the F1 show tbh, for what I’ve heard/seen throughout my whole update process on the things I’ve missed these last few years before this new season started.
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Then, there’s my beloved Demonic Sharl, doing his thing on his own with barely anyone to give him crap during the race, except for maybe the Safety Cars, which he almost complained about until he realized they couldn’t really do more than what they were already doing. His words. That’s so Charles honestly and I love it. Even at that point in a race where he’s building up some frustration like any of us would in his shoes, he’s capable of thinking first and not saying anything before having done so. Plus, he really shone when asking his engineer if he could go for Fastest Lap even though he already got a few of those at that point, which made it all the more hilarious. Their interaction really was fun to watch. He got Pole, Fastest Lap, lead every lap during the race, won the race AND was elected Driver of the Day as well, securing his Grand Slam. How cool is that? I’m so happy for him, really, I can’t help it, he just makes me smile with how good/funny he is. I mean, look at him, he already forgot that he learnt to wink back in Bahrain and now he can’t! He’s adorable.
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What made me even happier than Charles’ weekend, was some Dutch driver DNFing. Highlight of my weekend. Talk to me about unreliable, huh? Really nice shit, only thing I missed was Checo DNFing too and that would’ve been the cherry on top, but I guess getting 2 for the price of 1 is a lot to ask for, so sacrificing #0 will have to do. Maybe even Horner ends up playing the same shit on him that he’s played on the rest of his previous drivers and moves Checo to 1st driver and leaves him for dead, who knows.
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But, and this is a big but, I still can’t find the words for Mercedes. It seems to me, and I’m talking about what I see from my perspective, like they’ve given up on the Championship, or at least, on Lewis’ chance to get his 8th title. Don’t get me wrong, I love George and he truly did an amazing job (so far, he has in all races) and really deserved that 3rd place, so I’m happy for him, as all of us should be. However, what I see when it comes to Lewis, is that after last season’s ending, Toto’s promise at the end of DTS that “everyone will have targets on their backs” this year, and everything, not only have they build a tractor instead of a car but they also aren’t really helping Lewis as much as they should, in general.
What I’m saying is, George will have more than enough time to get a ton of podiums with Mercedes, I’m sure of it, but this year was the time to really help Lewis come back stronger than he already did (motivation wise, at least) on his own, help him finally achieve what he was robbed of last year, to get payback for all the shit he was put through thanks to our friends at RBR especially. Mercedes have won 8 WCC and 7 of them were thanks to Lewis mainly, there’s no point in denying it, because that’s how it is. They can build a hell of a car, but without a decent (or better even, the BEST) driver to push it to its limits, there’s no wins, no points, no WCC, no nothing. And if they’ve really given up the way I said before, if I’m proven right on this, they would have let down someone who deserves nothing less than to achieve finally what should’ve been his already, and also all of us who truly believe in them and in him and want to see him competing for a long time still.
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What kills me is that he’s still very happy with just this after the shit he went through last year, because he knows how far that car’s limitations go, and it just makes me angrier. He’s obviously the better person and too good for his own good and ours, but I’m not, I’m a cunt, I’ll gladly be the worse person in his place. I truly hope that Mercedes prove me wrong. It’s not about winning per se, it’s about so much more than that after last year. Defending Sir Lewis Hamilton online isn’t enough, I need a gun.
Enough with the ranting for this week. We’ll have to wait until Imola to see if real changes come and this season takes a real turn for the better at least. Waiting another 2 weeks will be hard and I believe I have to work Saturday 23rd, so I’ll watch FP3 and the Quali session while at work. Who cares? Not me, that’s for sure. I’ll be watching, like a hawk. Okay, alright, two coffees with this much sugar really are affecting my brain more than the caffeine itself, so I’m just gonna leave this here for you darlings. Plus, I have a plane to catch 🥲
Peace out and see in another 2 weeks, unless there’s something interesting enough in the mean time until then.
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