#uhh....little low Rin...
errorthedumbone · 3 months
winter solider: "look i may not have my arm but i still can do everything you guys can"
Toxic spider: *plays song* if your happy and u know it, clap your hand!
spider man: *...."
captain America: "i-"
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fagcrisis · 3 months
poppy war thoughts, aka this book was so bad it made me want to get a goodreads account just so i can shit on it in an official capacity
so what initially sold me on this book, is that despite my friend ellis absolutely hating rf kuang's babel, ive only ever seen raving reviews for it anywhere else, and a brief description of its magic system reminded me of gergő és az álomfogók. i love that mainstream fantasy is finally starting to rely on drawing from cultures other than the sort of western mainstream and i was actually super excited to get into it. well it sucked (this contains spoilers obviously)
its 11 am this is not gonna be very structured but let me start off by listing some things i did enjoy. first of all its low hanging fruit and im better than this so im only gonna shit on tpw for being so directly about the sino chinese war that the only actual interesting bits of exposition in the book was what was just a description of actual events a Little bit. listen lotr is about ww2. its fine its all fine. anyway, i had fun with the bits of worldbuilding that were yk, actually worldbuilding. the magic system was really interesting and just super not explored enough, the book handled drug addiction about as sensitively as the dare program, but nevertheless it was a cool concept. shamans who have to get high as hell do do anything and then putting those guys in a combat setting is crazy. really fun concept. speaking of shamans i loved jiang. his archetype is impossible to fuck up and he was loveable and fun till the very end. uhh what else. the fight descriptions were good its something kuangs is decent at, as someone whos watched just truly an inordinate amount of wuxia as a child i rly can appreciate a stupid convoluted fight scene. oh i found it hysterical that the west was just one country that was really fun.
rin is incredibly unlikeable i know its not the point of every book ok but tpw isnt good enough to have a protagonist who is just impossible to relate to this isnt 1984 okay this is contemporary ya. i GET that she sucks and thats the point but im supposed to emphatize with her and throughout the book she just seemed stupid and easy to manipulate and not very interesting. shes an incredibly shallow character which is i guess what happens when you base your ya teenage girl protagonist on CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY MAO ZEDONG. HELLO. anyway. all her personal relationships are very much carried by the strenght of the characters close to her, and because most characters in this book are not very interesting that makes for a shitty fucking protagonist.
most of the conflict in this book is extremely artificially generated until maybe the second half of part 3. everyone in rins life is unnessecarily mean to her because shes just so smart and good at things. the part where they accused her of cheating on the exams and she owned them like crazy came to define much of the book. some kind of mean cunt whose purpose in life is to cause misery is an asshole to rin bc shes so smart and strong and talented, and she owns them with a witty remark. she punches nezha on the first day of school for fucks sake.
speaking of the school, the majority of the book is spent at sinegard academy and it is an extremely predictable and dull affair. i long for the wizard of earthsea. kuang is not a very good writer on a technical level and everything that she tries to imply she ends up spelling out (usually by having a character say it out loud) only a couple pages later. you can get through 2/3rds of this book by just reading every other page and correctly guessing what has happened and what will happen. in possibly the funniest paragraph of part 2, rin thinks about how everybody thinks altan is the coolest guy and yet he has no friends and at this point shes been experiencing quite severe racism from all of her peers and then instead of leaving you to figure out the quite obvious conclusion kuang literally has her say "oh his skin is dark and mine is too. i wonder if he knows what racism is like" just, truly hysterical.
her feud with nezha is unbearable, i knew immediately that he would become a romantic interest because a ya protagonist cannot hate a boy for perfectly good reasons. it always has to be bc shes horny. anyways thankfully when she starts studying with jiang, jiang is there and the terrible dullness of it all is lifted somewhat
as i mentioned before, the actual historical elements in the book elevate it greatly and the third part is almost enjoyable in some sections. however, unfortunately, this is also the part of the book where rin and altans darkling situation begins. i have a sinking feeling altan may not have died, which sucks because i hated this bit. they have virtually no relationship to eachother except altan yelling at rin occasionally. now again there were bits and pieces of their relationship that i didnt quite hate, but honestly i still dont entirely buy the rin is a seerly thing emotionally because she is so detached from it. the revelation only seemed to shock her a little bit and then she was busy with being at war and her boss hating her, when she actually gains the power of the phoenix at the very end its her own hatred and egoism fueling her rather than any connection to her people. overall this again comes back to her being quite weak as a character, and the worldbuilding suffers as a result of that
in any case, ill mull over continuing the series. the ending was actually quite strong i love a genocide as a result of being a stupid fucking 19 year old (dont quote me on this please), so maybe the next one is better maybe ms kuang learned to write inbetween these 2.
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kythed · 3 years
“almost funny”
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synopsis: suna rintarou thinks you’re out of his league, and you think he’s out of yours.
tagged: general dumbassery, fwb-to-lovers, some profanity, sexual references but nothing explicit.
commitment level: 5.6k words.
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It’s almost funny, really. It’s funny how what started out as a purely physical transaction has now transformed into a one way ticket to Simpville with the name Suna Rintarou stamped on it in big red letters. Suna runs a hand through his hair in frustration as he stares down at your sleeping form, curled up in his SF Giants tee that fits you like an oversized nightgown. He loves how you look there, wearing his clothes, bed head resting on his pillows. It’s almost embarrassing how much he loves it. How much he might love you. 
He doesn’t really remember when he started seeing you as more than a good fuck. Maybe it was that time you told him he looked pretty with your lipgloss smeared across his mouth. 
“That’s a nice shade on you,” you’d laughed as he wiped his lips on the back of his hand. “You should wear it more often.” 
Then, before he could respond, you’d yanked him back in by the collar, licking into his mouth, deep and dirty. He shivers now even just thinking about it, recalling the taste of that lipgloss. Strawberry lemonade, the sort that comes in little bottles at the dollar store. However “pretty” he might’ve looked in that moment, he’s sure you looked a hundred times better. You always do, and you don’t even have to try. You’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen, even in your worst moments. 
Or maybe it was the time you remembered his birthday when no one else did. January 25th; all his friends had taken off on their ski trips or tropical vacations, but you showed up to his apartment toting a cupcake and a single candle, belting a loud, out of tune rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ until he shut you up with an impulsive kiss on the lips. You’d been surprised, but not so surprised you couldn’t kiss him back. Suna’s pretty sure most friends-with-benefits don’t do that sort of thing. They don’t sit across from each other at the kitchen table, splitting a vanilla cupcake and laughing over matching frosting mustaches. They don’t hug each other goodbye after two hours of scrolling through YouTube and nothing else, content to linger in that air of tentative familiarity and pseudo-friendship. 
Whatever the reason, whenever it happened, all Suna knows now is you’re more than just a fuck buddy. He doesn’t even want to associate the term with you — it feels disrespectful. He wishes he could just stop pretending. Stop pretending he doesn’t want you to be his. 
Suna grins at your low, throaty morning voice. It’s cute. 
“Hey,” he responds, reaching forward to flick your shoulder. “You slept in.” 
“Did I?” You blink the sleep from your eyes and squint at Suna’s bedside clock. 9:06. “Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit.” 
You fly out of bed, wiggling into your jeans and tossing your hair into a careless ponytail before frantically scanning the room. “Have you seen my sweater anywhere?”
Suna exhales through his nose before getting up and walking over to his closet. “I hung it up last night so it wouldn’t be wrinkled.”
You freeze in your tracks, slowly turning with a teasing grin plastered on your face. “Oh? How considerate of you.”
Suna shrugs, avoiding your gaze. He feels a flush rise to cheeks and desperately hopes it doesn’t show. “Just being polite.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had a little crush on me,” you crow before taking the sweater from the hanger and slipping it over your head. 
“You wish,” he snorts, but all he can think is you’re absolutely right. 
You ignore him and begin shoveling all your things into your purse: a compact mirror, lipstick, house keys. You glance at the clock again. “I’m gonna be so late to this lecture. Damn. Maybe I can text Aiko and ask her to record the first part for me.”
Suna raises an eyebrow. He remembers your friend Aiko from a party last year, before you and he began your… arrangement. She’s outgoing, friendly, and probably the flakiest person he’s ever met. “She’s not gonna do that. Just let me drive.”
“No, it’s fine,” you automatically brush him off, heading into the bathroom to splash your face with lukewarm water. “You probably have your own shit to take care of.”
Yeah, you, he thinks, but instead he says, “Not really. Plus, you’ll probably miss the whole thing if you try to bike to campus. Let me take you in the car. I’ll strap the bike onto the back.” 
You give him a look. “Are you sure, Rin?”
“It’s really not a big deal,” he says, throwing on a shirt. “Outside in five, and I’ll have you there by 9:30, easy.” 
After a few more weak protestations, you finally agree, and as he drives you to your university, he lets himself pretend you’re his girlfriend sitting there in the passenger seat. He turns on your favorite artist’s Spotify mix on the aux and smiles to himself when you hum along, watching the city fly past out the window. What he wouldn’t give for that reality, one where he can love you without all these restrictions, these tricky boundaries between friends and lovers. When you jump out of the car, calling a cheeky “I’ll text you!” over your shoulder, he pretends it’s an affectionate “I’ll see you for dinner tonight!” instead. He pretends that instead of rushing to get away from him and into the lecture hall, you kiss him on the forehead and squeeze his shoulder, reluctant to leave.
“Fuck me,” Suna says angrily before slamming his palm into the horn, scaring a few freshman walking to class. “And fuck you too!” 
He’s not sure who “you” is. Maybe the universe. 
No, Suna Rintarou doesn’t know why or how it happened, but he’s in too deep now. And he’s pretty damn sure you’ll never feel the same way. 
You slide into your seat beside Aiko just as the guest lecturer pulls up his power point, breathing out a sigh of relief. Aiko shoots you a grin, waggling her eyebrows. Suna? she mouths, and you roll your eyes, nodding nonetheless. Aiko can hardly wait until after the lecture to start pestering you about it. 
“So,” she says as you leave the auditorium together. “Did you tell him yet?” 
“Tell him what?” You dig in your bag for your water bottle, groaning when you remember leaving it on the edge of Suna’s sink last night. 
“Tell him that you’re in loooooove,” Aiko sings, nudging your shoulder. 
You scoff. “Okay, first of all, I don’t love him.”
“But you like him,” Aiko persists, and you hold up a finger. 
“And second of all, even if I did, I would never tell him.” You yawn, rubbing your eyes before realizing you hadn’t taken your makeup off and thus probably have awful raccoon eye bags. “He’s so out of my league it’s not even funny. It’s kind of pathetic for me to think he’d ever like me back.” 
Aiko scoffs. “If anything, you’re out of his league. You could pull any guy you wanted to. And when I say any, I mean any. Like, I bet you could even get Jake Gyllenhaal.” 
You laugh. “Why specifically Jake Gyllenhaal?”
Aiko shrugs. “Dunno. Just the first hot guy that came to mind. But forget him. My point is, Suna Rintarou is definitely yours for the taking. All you have to do is —”
“I know, I know,” you interrupt. “All I have to do is confess.” 
“Exactly,” says Aiko. Before she can open her mouth again, you cut in. 
“Okay, but listen, Aiko,” you say. “Suna’s the kind of guy who doesn’t let himself get attached. He fully admitted to me when we first hooked up that he’d never had a girlfriend. And that’s obviously not from lack of female interest. It’s because he doesn’t want one.”
“Or maybe it’s because he hasn’t found the right person yet.” Aiko starts heading towards the campus coffee shop, and you follow her. 
“Sure,” you say, getting in line. The cafe is crowded with students getting in their daily caffeination, inhaling sugary lattes and bitter espressos just to stay awake through their next class. Ah… college. “Or maybe he just. Doesn’t. Want. One.” 
Aiko keeps arguing all the way up until you reach the cash register, where you realize you haven’t even decided on what to order yet. 
“Hey there,” says the cashier, smiling sunnily. “What can I get for ya?” 
You blink. He’s attractive. Very attractive, actually. Bleach blonde, a crooked grin that screams trouble in the best sort of way. Miya, says the little name plate pinned to his shirt. “I, uhh…”
“Take your time,” he says leaning forward like he’s about to tell you a secret. “Between you and me, we have an excellent mocha latte. Not too sweet, y’know?”
You find your manners. “Oh, um, yeah. That sounds great, actually.” 
“One mocha latte, then?” he asks, picking up a cup, and you nod. “And to whom do I owe the pleasure of serving today?” 
When you tell him your name, he smiles to himself and scrawls it on the cup. “Pretty.”
You flush and pay, hands shaking a little when you slide your card down the side of the machine. The cashier notices and shoots you a knowing look. Five minutes later, when you pick up your drink from the other side of the counter, you see not only your name written on the lid, but a phone number, too, along with a tiny winking face. 
“What’d I tell you?” exclaims Aiko shrily when you leave the shop. “Any. Guy. Period.” 
You shake your head in exasperation, but you can’t help but throw a final glance over your shoulder, meeting the eyes of the cute cashier one more time. Maybe Aiko does have a point. 
That weekend, Suna’s stretched out on his couch, dangling his feet over the armrest and staring up at the ceiling. It’s one of those lazy Saturday afternoons, and usually he’d be enjoying his alone time. Not today, though. Today there’s something — someone — on his mind, and that someone is spelled y-o-u. His phone pings, and he snatches it up with embarrassing speed, groaning when he sees it’s just Atsumu. 
“Bastard,” he mutters, not even bothering to open the message. Probably just asking for the O-chem lab answers. 
Suna rolls over onto his stomach, pulling up your contact name. What he really wants to do is see you, but how is he supposed to do that without sounding weirdly desperate? Hey, he types out. Wanna come over and watch a movie? He pauses for a moment before adding, Pizza’s on me. 
He buries his face in his hands and deletes the text. That makes it sound like he’s asking you out. Well, that’s what he does want to do, but you can’t know that. He’s fairly certain if you knew how he felt about you, you’d freak out. Girls don’t like to be tied down, he reminds himself. Suna groans again, grabbing two fistfuls of hair in irritation. 
“Why are women so complicated?” he says aloud, letting the words echo in his empty apartment. He takes a couple seconds to close his eyes, take a deep breath, and unlock his phone again, this time settling on a simple Come over. Short, sweet, and to the point. Well, not exactly. That makes it sound like all he wants to do is sleep together, when he’d really rather just… talk. Spend time with you. 
“Oh, God,” he mutters. “I’m so done for.” 
It takes what seems like forever for you to arrive, breathless from biking, hair slightly mussed. Suna grins, biting his lip. You’re so beautiful, he thinks, pulling you in for a hungry kiss. Even if all he can get is the sex, then he’s sure as hell going to appreciate it. You smell like lavender laundry detergent, he notices when you press yourself into him, fumbling to close the door behind you without breaking the kiss. 
“Well, hello there,” you laugh when he finally breaks away and draws in a shaking breath. “Somebody’s eager.”
Suna rolls his eyes. “As if. You just took so long to get here.” 
You cock an eyebrow. “You texted me like half an hour ago.”
“Yeah, and you’re half an hour too late.”
You snort and hurl a pillow from the sofa at him. He catches it and smiles, taking your wrist and drawing you in for another messy, open-mouthed kiss.
“Sorry that I don’t have the power of teleportation,” you quip, laughing when he pulls you into the bedroom. Suna resolves to take his time with you today, undressing you carefully, trailing his lips down your sternum and collarbones, grinning to himself whenever you gasp. He almost catches himself saying “I love you” at one point as you cling to him, mumbling his name, but he placates himself with kissing you extra hard at the end instead, pulling you into his chest and falling back into the pillows. 
Usually, you’d take a few minutes to lay in silence, tracing shapes in his skin, and he’d lean back with closed eyes, imagining what it would be like to be loved by you. Slow early morning kisses, skin on skin, whispering and giggling and everything cheesy he used to hate but now wishes he could experience with you. Today, though, you peel yourself off of him and grab your phone as soon as it buzzes, fingers flying in response to whoever had texted you.
“New boy toy?” he jokes, almost choking when you don’t immediately say no. Oh, shit. “You’re kidding.”
“Just a guy I met the other day,” you say casually. Suna stares, slack jawed. “Works at the coffee shop near the quad.” 
“Coffee shop?” He furrows his brow. Doesn’t he know someone who works there? He internally scowls, digging into the back of his brain. Aran? Osamu? 
“Mm,” you say, suppressing a smile as the nameless suitor sends another text. “His name’s Atsumu Miya.”
Suna’s heart nearly falls right out of his chest and cracks at his feet. “No.”
You look up, raising an eyebrow. “No?”
“Not him,” Suna says, forgetting himself, forgetting the nature of your relationship. 
“I didn’t realize you were in charge of who I can and cannot be interested in,” you say bitingly. 
Suna sits up. “I’m not. It’s just, Atsumu… he’s not your type.” 
“You know him?”
“Yeah,” Suna says, thinking back on his days observing the Miya twins’ antics. “He’s not your kind of guy, trust me.”
“Pray tell then,” you say. Oh, fuck. You’re irritated. “Who exactly is my kind of guy?” 
Me, he thinks. I’m your kind of guy. “I don’t know. Just trust me though, okay? Atsumu… he’s difficult.” 
“Thanks, Suna,” you say, tone tinged with sarcasm. Suna cringes. You only ever call him by his surname when you’re upset with him. “But I think I can go out with whoever I want to go out with.” 
“Fine.” The word tumbles out more harshly than he’d meant it to. 
You stare at him in disbelief. “What, are you mad at me or something?” 
Suna exhales heavily. “No, I’m not mad. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. I just wanted to give you a little guidance. As your friend.” 
“As my friend?” you repeat. “My friend?”
Now it’s Suna's turn to be confused. “Are we not friends?”
“I don’t know, Suna,” you say, swinging your legs over the side of the bed, pulling your clothes on. “You tell me.” 
“I’m not sure what you want me to say here,” he says, watching as you struggle to pull your shorts back on. He knows what he wants to say. No, we’re not friends. We should be together. Isn’t it obvious? 
You huff, grabbing your bag and the water bottle you’d left behind the other day. “You know, I don’t really know either. Forget I ever said anything. I guess I just thought…” 
You trail off and shake your head, heading towards the door. Suna scrambles out of bed to follow you, pulling on his pants as he hops down the hall on one leg. “What’s that?” 
“I said forget it,” you call over your shoulder, trying to slam the door, but Suna catches your wrist. As you stare up at him, he thinks he sees your lip quivering, eyes shining with half-formed tears. “Let me go.” 
“I’m serious,” Suna says. “What did you think?” 
You draw in a deep breath, and for a second, Suna thinks you’re about to say the words he’s always wanted you to say. Then you look away. “Let. Me. Go.” 
Slowly, Suna releases you from his grasp, and you stumble backwards, wiping your eyes on your sleeve. 
“Don’t call me.”
“Wait, no —”
“Don’t call me, Suna!” you say loudly, before turning on your heel and speed walking down the stairs. 
Oh. Oh. Suna stares in shock at the place you were just standing on his doorstep. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
When he heads back inside, head empty but for the single thought, I’ve just lost the best thing that ever happened to me, he glances at his phone on the counter. In an instant, he’s opening up his messages, pulling up Atsumu’s. 
Met a cute girl LOL. Gonna bring her to that party on Friday. 
Then, in a separate bubble — Btw: chem answers? 
“And then he called me his friend,” you say angrily, handing Aiko the box of Oreos. The two of you are sprawled on the floor of her dorm room. “Just like we were two bros who got together to play XBox every once in a while, instead of two people who had literally just banged.” 
Aiko takes a cookie before handing them back to you. “Asshole.”
“I mean, I know technically we were ‘friends with benefits,’” you say, stuffing an Oreo in your mouth. “But I guess I thought we could be something more. I thought there was no way he could kiss me like that, look at me like that without feeling something. Guess I was wrong.” 
“Screw him,” Aiko says. “You’ve got boys lined up around the block, and he thinks he can treat you like rubbish? Absolute bullshit.”
“I don’t have boys ‘lined up around the block,’” you remind her, smiling regardless. “Just one.”
“And that one is hella cute!” Aiko says. “You’re way too cool to pine over some guy who thinks you’ll just answer his every beck and call without even committing to a relationship.” 
You sigh. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s just… ack. I don’t know. Am I jumping to conclusions? He seemed like he wanted to talk to me more, but I kind of stormed off without saying anything.” 
“Seems like he was pretty clear,” Aiko says with a shrug. “Your call, though. If I were you, I’d forget about him. Plus, you have Atsumu now. That’s a promising route.” 
You smile down at the Oreos, thinking about the cheery bottle blonde. “Yeah… he invited me to a party this coming Friday.” 
Aiko gives you a look and nudges your knee with her own. “You’d better wear that black dress.”
“You think?” you laugh, momentarily forgetting about Suna. 
“Oh, definitely. Gotta look your best on the first date.” 
“Right, and then after that I can just dress like a bum,” you joke. You purse your lips. “Rin might be there. Apparently he and Atsumu are pretty close.” 
“Even better,” insists Aiko. “Make him suffer a little bit. He won’t like seeing you all dolled up on Atsumu Miya’s arm.” 
“I’m not gonna try to make him jealous, Aiko,” you say, and Aiko shakes her head.
“No, I just think he needs to understand what he lost,” she says. “You don’t even have to pay attention to him at all, though. You should try and get to know Atsumu a little better.”
“Yeah, okay,” you say, before reaching down for another cookie. “Oh. We’re out.”
“Gas station run?”
“Gas station run.” 
When Friday rolls around, you’ve successfully managed to avoid thinking about Suna the entire day. You have a calculus exam in the morning, and then a club meeting in the afternoon, and by the time you get done with everything it’s already time to get ready to leave for the party. It’s across town at someone’s loft apartment, so Atsumu offers to give you a ride, rolling up in a shiny Lexus, a sharp contrast from Suna’s old Chevy. 
“Hey,” he says, getting out to open the door for you. “You look great.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you say. “Although, I might prefer the work uniform.”
“Oh, please,” Atsumu says with a grin. “That apron does nothing to flatter my figure.” 
“Mhm.” The ride there is a slightly awkward one, but that’s normal, you tell yourself. You’ve gotten so used to the easy, teasing camaraderie you and Suna have that you’re rusty in regards to flirting. Atsumu has a different sense of humor, too, nothing like the dry sarcasm Suna’s such an expert in. You shake your head. Stop thinking about him. 
Even sitting next to a new guy, you can’t help but run last weekend’s drama over in your head. The past few months have been a jumble of mixed signals, and last Saturday was no different. How he tenderly brushed your hair from your face as he hovered over you, how he pulled you into his arms afterwards … how he seemed almost jealous when you mentioned Atsumu. Was it really jealousy? Exactly how much does Suna Rintarou care for you? You roll the numbers inside your head, trying to quantify the soft touches and lingering stares. He’s not easy to read; trying to understand Suna is like trying to decipher Greek without ever taking a single class. 
Even trying to get a measure on how much you care for him is difficult. You definitely like him as more than a friend. The only reason you agreed to the whole friends-with-benefits thing in the first place was because of a little crush that grew, that fed on that intimacy… but you’re not so sure now. 
“Here we are,” says Atsumu, jolting you from your contemplation as he pulls up alongside the curb. When you climb out of the car, he takes you by the hand, flashing you a quick smile. Your heart trips over itself, and you smile back. “Let’s do this.” 
Suna doesn’t show up to the party. He spends most of Friday busying himself at home, paying off a couple electricity bills, cleaning out the fridge. He even does a load of laundry. That’s how bored he is. By the time the clock strikes eight, he feels as though he’s Swiffered every single kitchen tile, folded every shirt, and wiped down every counter in the entire apartment, all to avoid stewing over you and him and all the ways he keeps messing up. But after doing everything on his to-do list and watching a movie and cooking his own dinner (unheard of!) he finds himself pacing around the living room, biting at his nails and thinking about you. More specifically, you and Atsumu. He hopes you’re not wearing that little dress you wore to the club with him a couple months ago. Not that you don’t look great in it — you do, and that’s the issue. The better you look, the more likely Suna will never get a chance to be with you again. 
To be fair, he’s not entirely sure how much of a chance he’s ever had with you. You’re incredible, plain and simple. Gorgeous, intelligent, the best player two on every video game he’s ever played with you. You’re not especially adept at the games themselves; no, there’s just something about you. There’s always just been something about you he can’t seem to find anywhere else. 
“Damn it,” Suna grunts aloud, flopping down on the couch. It’s nearing half past eleven now. He wonders what you’re doing. Dancing to some shitty music in some crowded living room. Sipping a can of cheap liquor. Letting Atsumu touch your waist, his hand dipping lower and lower until — 
Suna buries his face in the couch cushion. He’s usually not one to let his imagination run away with him, but tonight seems to be one of many recent exceptions. If only there was a way to know where he stands with you, or at least where you stand with Atsumu…
Well, there is a way, actually. Almost of its own accord, his hand inches towards his phone, sliding it open and somehow finding its way into his Snapchat. Fingers shaking, Suna clicks on Osamu’s story. It’s dimly lit, a mass of bodies, loud, drunk guys and scantily clad girls. The music is too loud, even through the phone. Suna squints at the screen — there’s Aran, even Kita’s there, quietly sitting in the corner, but no sight of — Suna’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. Because there you are, and you’re not alone. You’re sitting on Atsumu’s lap, but he can’t see your expression because Atsumu is kissing you sloppily, and — oh, God — it looks like you’re kissing him back. 
And you’re wearing the fucking dress. 
“Damn,” Osamu says in the background. “Looks like he’s getting some tonight.”
Suna throws his phone across the room like it’s a grenade, staring down at his empty hands in disbelief. This can’t be happening. Not to him. Not to you. 
For the first time, Suna Rintarou thinks he understands what it really means to want someone. Not in a sexual way, but in the deepest sense of the word. Want. He wants you, and he’s pretty sure he’s never wanted anyone or anything quite so much in his life. 
All of a sudden, before his brain even has a chance to catch up, Suna finds himself shrugging on a jacket and snatching his keys from the table, dashing out the door like he’s being chased. If he leaves now, he thinks, starting the car and nearly slamming the door on his foot, he can get to the party before you leave. And then, well, then he’s not quite sure what he’ll do, but he’ll do something. 
Again, though, it seems as if the universe might be against him, because there’s an accident on the highway and it takes twice as long to get across town as it should. Suna cusses loudly over the incessant honking and chews on the inside of his cheek until it bleeds. When the traffic lets up and he finally pulls up to the apartment complex, parallel parking in a spot that’s probably illegal, he races up the stairs and into the loft, grabbing the first partygoer he sees. The poor kid’s plastered beyond belief and stares at Suna like he’s an extraterrestrial, eyes glassy.
“You see a girl leave here? ‘Bout this tall, probably left with some douchey looking blonde dude?” 
The kid blinks, hard and slow, before nodding. “Yeah, man, you just missed her. That your chick or somethin’? Because she was sucking face with —” 
Suna spins on his heel before the kid gets a chance to finish his sentence. He’s lucky Suna doesn’t deck him the head, he’s so irritated. 
“Sucking face,” he mumbles, climbing back into the car. He has the route to your house memorized (although he’s not sure how), and he’s pretty sure he breaks about twenty traffic laws trying to get there, so it takes significantly less time to arrive, but to Suna, it feels like an eternity. How did he ever sleep soundly at night knowing other guys had a shot at you before this? He doesn’t know, and he hopes he never has to worry about it again. Not after tonight. 
He gets there just as Atsumu’s pulling out of the driveway. Suna flashes him a mental middle finger and resolves to kick his ass later. No time for that right now. You’re still standing on the front porch, and when Suna stumbles out of the car, you turn towards him, mouth agape. 
“Rin? What are you—”
“Give me a chance.” He’s breathless, eyes wide and hair whipping around his face in the cool breeze. His heartbeat pounds in his ears like it’s about to burst blood vessels.
“Give me a chance,” he repeats, reaching forward to take your hand. Your palm is cold against his. “I can do so much better, I promise.” 
You furrow your brows. “What in the world are you talking about, Rin?”
The dam breaks. The dam breaks, and everything — the longing, the frustration, everything — comes pouring out in a waterfall of rushing words he doesn’t even have time to think over before they splash at your feet.
“I can do so much better than Atsumu. He doesn’t know you. I know you, and I, well, I’ve liked you since forever, okay? I know your favorite color and your birthday and which Chinese place you like to get takeout from on Saturday nights.” Suna clears his throat. “I know that you like to be hugged from behind and that you hate it when people see you cry. I know so many things about you, and I want to know more.” 
He holds up a hand. “Just listen. I know we’re just fuck buddies, or friends with benefits, or whatever the hell you want to call it, but I want to change that. You mean so much more to me than the sex. God, even if we never slept together again, I would still love you.” 
You stare at him. “Love?”
Suna swallows hard. “Yeah, fuck it. Love. I love you. Whatever that means to you, it means to me. I love your stupid jokes and your stupid laugh. To be honest, I’m so in love it feels like I’ll never love anyone else.”
He stops to take a deep breath and a shaky laugh. “Pathetic, right? I know it is. I can’t help it. I’m well aware that Atsumu is way more charming and outgoing, and I was probably wrong when I said he wasn’t your type… but I just need to know if I have even the smallest chance of winning you over.” 
There’s a beat of silence. Then another one. You’re gazing at him, head cocked, and the seconds tick by. He still has your hand in his, growing warmer via body heat. Suna feels himself grow increasingly nervous at your expression, curious and almost apathetic — until a wide smile breaks across your face. You laugh, and he thinks it must be the best sound he’s ever heard. 
“You weren’t wrong.”
“He’s not my type,” you say. “We didn’t click.” 
“But — I saw, uh — Osamu’s story,” Suna stammers. “Sucking face.”
“Sucking face?” You squint in confusion before chuckling again. “Ah. Yeah, I kissed him. It was part of some stupid game. He’s kind of bad at it.” 
“Atsumu’s a bad kisser?” 
“Well,” you say, drawing the word out. “I wouldn’t say bad. It’s just… you’re better.” 
Suna’s silent for a second, letting the words ricochet around his brain. He’s better. He’s a better kisser. It was just a game. You’re not into Atsumu. “So… does that mean…?” 
“I love you, too.” You smile, and it’s not like your usual cocky grin. It’s sweet and almost… shy. 
“You love me, too?” Suna repeats in utter shock. He hadn’t expected to get this far.
“That’s what I just said,” you say. “What are you, a parrot? Speaking of which, though, I think that whole speech was the most I’ve ever heard you talk.” 
Suna doesn’t respond. Instead, he takes a step closer and pulls you in for a hug. A real hug, not like the hesitant embrace you’d given him on his birthday, or the side hug he gave you after running into you at the grocery market a few weeks ago. No, this is a true, bona fide hug, and he translates everything he’s ever wanted to tell you but couldn’t into his arms wrapping around your waist. 
“So… wanna come in and watch a movie?” 
A little while later, Suna’s stretched out on your mattress with you between his legs, chin resting on the top of your head. You’ve changed out of your dress and wiped the makeup from your face, and Suna catches you yawning in the corner of his eye. There’s a trashy romcom droning on your laptop at the foot of the bed. To any outside onlooker, the scene is mundane, just a typical couple enjoying each other’s company. To Suna, though, this is paradise. 
It’s almost funny. It’s funny how, a week ago, Suna was a boy pining for a girl he thought he had no chance with. He looked at you and saw something unattainable, someone who would only ever want him temporarily. (And, unbeknownst to him, you felt the same way.) He experienced an overwhelming amount of want, heart knotting in on itself and twisting and turning until it pushed him over the edge, forcing him to confront his own desires. His own inadequacies. 
It’s funny how love is what everyone longs for, but it’s also the hardest reward to earn. It’s the most uncomfortable, heart-wrenching, nerve-wracking, anxiety-inducing pathway to happiness Suna’s ever seen. But still… he’d do it all over again if he had to. The months of headaches, the overthinking. It’s worth it. You’re worth it. 
Oh, well. What can he say? Suna leans down and presses a featherlight kiss to your temples, and you tilt your head up to smile at him. Love’s a funny thing. 
Fortunately, Suna’s always down for a good joke.
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
Hi ray 💕 congrats on 300!🎉✨ i hope your blog keeps growing!!💗 can i ask for a, b, i, k, n from the alphabet with rin from free! and akaashi from hq!! please? Thank you so much!! Stay safe and take care💘✨
hi hun! tysm 🥺🥺 and of course you can! i only proofread like half of these so uhh 😳 anyways.. hope you like them! ❤️
akaashi keiji
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
so very affectionate! he likes to keep affection in public simple (hand holding, forehead kisses etc.) but in private his affectionate side really shines through! i feel like he’s a very touch oriented person. and with the way he’s always fiddling with his fingers he definitely shows his affection through his hands. sometimes it’ll be holding your hand in his, other times it’ll be his palm resting on the small of your back. anything with his hands tbh.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
he’s definitely ‘a rock’ type best friend. he's very sturdy and reliable. he is always there for you when you need it. he does have a bit of anxiety (but he's very good at hiding it and not letting it control him) so you’d probably end up being his rock too. you probably met him during a shared class, when you asked him for some notes. he caught a glance of your low test grade and had offered to help you study for the upcoming final.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
i think akaashi is one that would be slow to say i love you, even if it’s something he wants to do. it’s something that raises his anxiety a bit. he knows that's how he feels, he’s sure he loves you, but what if it’s too soon? or what if you don’t feel the same yet? would it make you uncomfortable? all those fears stop him everytime he thinks about saying it. but he honestly might just show it before he says it. you can see it in the way he always has an extra water bottle for you or the way he buys you a copy of each good book he reads.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
thinking about this one made me so emotional lmao. his kisses would be so soft and sweet, really just full of love. i feel like he’d always have a hand on your cheek or cupping the back of your neck. kinda basic but he loves to kiss you on the lips, anything from quick pecks to longer embraces. his favorite kisses to receive are the individual kisses your press to his fingertips. he loves when you play with his hands in general, but the cherry on top is when you leave sweet little pecks on each finger.
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
nights with akaashi would be so relaxing and peaceful. evenings are the time where he gets to unwind from the days stress and just be with you. after dinner you two finish up any business necessary and get ready for bed together. it’s something he finds domestic and really enjoys. i know in my heart this boy reads before bed. he’d be sitting up against the headboard and you'd be cuddled halfway into his side/lap with your arm thrown over his hips. he’ll hold your hand or run his fingers through your hair with one hand and hold the book with the other. and if you want he’d read to you as you fall asleep, his voice is very soothing so you’d be out like a light
rin matsuoka
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
haha this emotionally constipated mf. he wants to be affectionate, he really does, but at first he has a really hard time with it. bit give it a couple weeks and he’ll be a lot more comfortable, he won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. lots of kisses on top of your head and lots of back hugs from him. and his arm!! his arm is always around you, shoulders or waist it doesn't matter, as long as it’s on you somehow.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
for rin, it’d definitely be through swimmingly or through a mutual friend, maybe even his sister. you had show up at the matsuoka residence to give gou some worksheets from when she was out sick. but instead of gou, rin opened the door as he happened to be visiting home that weekend. after that gou had started taking you some of samezukas practice meets. you started talking to rin a lot more and slowly became friends. he’s definitely a tease right of the bat though, he always pokes fun at you but you know he never means it. a big thing in the friendship would be support. you support his dream and he supports in you what you love too.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
like i said earlier, emotionally constipated, especially when it comes to feelings about others. despite that though he seems like a very emotional person, especially when it comes to swimming and you. it could either way he could say it early on in the heat of the moment, or he could wait a while until he knows you're both ready.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
despite being a little hothead he is still very caring and loving. and all of that shows through in his kisses. they can be anything from soft, sweet kisses to heated, passionate kisses. he loves it when you kiss his cheek, especially before he goes off to swim. as for him, he loves to kiss your neck! it doesn’t have to be anything sexual, a lot of the time it's just a sweet flurry of kisses pressed there when he hugs you from behind (another one of his favorite things to do).
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
he probably spend some time in the evening working out/training. so you’ll have a little bit of time around the apartment/dorm to yourself before he gets home. depending on the day one of you will cook dinner, or he’ll grab some takeout on his way home. or if he stays super late to train you’ll eat and leave leftovers in the microwave for him. either way though, he’s definitely a sleep cuddler so whatever time he crawls into bed he pulls you close. he’ll cradle your head to his chest and you’ll throw one of your legs over his.
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event status; ongoing!
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thelibraryatgatsbys · 3 years
Here we have a story that I started recently.
I'm probably not going to finish it. It's called Sonic Boom, and I don't know why I started it, it never really made me happy to write.
(also, since it's unedited, it has "elephants" in it to mark where I wanted to change something/wanted to summarize something and come back to go into detail later)
Elephant: make it so the aliens wanted to kind of keep their visit on the down low, so they could just come, have fun, and not arouse a government after them.
Soleil checked her compass again, making sure she was still headed due east. The valley outside of town was overgrown, filled with tumbled over, half rotted logs from the old building projects long since abandoned. It held a charm in the daylight, but it was just spooky at night, in the mist.
She had been to this place often, but in foggy conditions a compass never hurt anyone. She clambered up onto one of the logs, plotting her path up the steep incline, before beginning. Sometimes she had to jump from log to log, sometimes scramble up wet dirt and leaves, and sometimes edge along creaking branches until the top of the hill came into view.
It could almost be counted as a cliff, but not quite.
Sitting in the pine needles at the edge, she looked into the valley below her, where the usual Saturday crowd gathered around the big tree.
Every kid, 10 through 20 knew about this place. It was miraculous this place was safe for ten year olds, most teen hangouts weren't, but there was something about this place that kept people kind. People looked out for each other in here.
She trotted down the hill towards the huge oak tree with a campfire a few feet from the base, repositioning her backpack. The clearing was fenced with thick blackberry and pieces of discarded wood and plastic from town. A few picnic tables and benches littered the clearing, with two fire pits. The oak tree held half a dozen treehouses, two of which had roofs and could act like houses in a pinch.
She waved to one of the kids at the fire, who saved back.
"Hey, Sully!" The kid said.
"What's up Vinny?"
"Not much is up with me, but Ed needs to see you. He told me to tell you when I saw you."
She frowned. When Ed wanted you, there was normally something wrong.
"Well, I'll see you round, then, Vinny. Take care."
Vinny saluted, grinning.
Into the many tree houses, she climbed towards the one at the top, the most elaborate one, the common haunt of her good friend Edward, the scientist.
He kept track of it all. If there was something you needed to know, from cryptozoology to history to aesthetics to Mario Kart strategies, he knew it. And he had a good bit of it recorded in his diaries. What a weirdo. She loved him.
Inside, she found him staring intently out his telescope.
"What's up, Eddie?"
He looked up, nervous.
"Well, come see for yourself."
She shrugged, stealing around piles of books.
Looking in the telescope, she didn't immediately see something wrong but then it caught her eye. A bright green spot in the center of Orion's belt.
"What does it mean?" She asked?
"Well, it doesn't mean iminent doom, don't worry, but... I can't say I know exactly what it is."
"So like...."
"It's not an asteroid or something that's going to strike the earth. It's getting closer to us, but it's slowing down at a rate that if it hit Earth at all, it wouldn't hurt us."
"Well that's good. Do you have any theories?"
"Well, yeah, but it's kinda dumb."
She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.
"No it isn't. You figured this out before any of the nasa people did, your idea about what it is isn't dumb."
Ed rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, it kinda seems like.. A ship."
"Like, aliens?"
"Yeah. I think that thing is aliens."
"That is so, so cool. You think they're coming here?"
"Well they're on a direct tragectory course for earth. Probably."
(ELEPHANT: this story is gonna be tough cuz it's the 'independant kids doing their own thing but with their parents' support 2000s era w/ whole computer labs and stuff outta bedrooms. Y'know, the stuff you never did cuz you were busy being feral in the woods. It'll take some effort to make this feel natural)
"Alright, so we might meet aliens in a while. How long till they get here?"
"This is the first night I've observed them, so I'll have to take some more calculations. But, given the rate of size increase based on tonight's observations alone, I'd say... Maybe a week."
Soleil smiled, pushing the hair out of her face.
"A week. Gonna maybe meet aliens in a week. That is so cool, Ed. You're so cool."
"Uhh, well, th-thank you! You're cool too!"
Two days later, Soleil got a call from Ed smack dab in the middle of telephone hour. She was on the phone with Darby, who was
discussing the dance from last week, the nerd con coming up, some new kittens, etc. She was expecting a call from Rin in a couple minutes, and was working on a mutual coding project over a chat
room on some server on her computer when the line in the dining room rang. Nobody ever called the dining room phone unless it was important, and nobody ever answered the dining room phone buy
her. Darby was wrapping up anyway, so she said a giggly goodbye and hung up, heading curiously to the dining room.
On the other end, Ed's voice was excited.
"We were right! We were right, it's allens!"
"Yo, that's amazing! How can you tell?"
"W-well, they talked to me."
She stared at the roof, dumbfounded.
"Well," He continued, "not to me specifically, but to the people of earth. And since I'm the only one listening, I heard jt! They said they came in peace."
"Pfft well I should hope so. Do they have a mission or something?"
"That's why I'm calling you. They wanna know stuff about earth.
They're landing to observe earth for a while. We're video calling tonight, and I wanted you to be there. Come to my house at 7:45, there'll be a few other kids there, but not many. Some trusted fellow
scientists. Will you come?"
"Oh yeahl I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll wear some nice clothes."
"Thanks Sully, I can't wait to see you there."
The call ended, and she did a little happy dance. Aliens. Real aliens.
And a nerd party. She didn't know which one was better.
That evening, she walked through the suburb towards the DeLorean house in a light blue skirt with puffy sleeves and jeans with flowers emproidered on them.
A few of the nerds were standing out in the yard, with capri suns, discussing nerd things.
Ed opened the door when she knocked, ushering her in with a smile.
"Thanks again for coming, Sully, this is going to be great."
"You know it."
They hung out for about half an hour until 7:40 rolled around, when they and the assembly of kid scientists moved to Ed's room.
He turned on the TV, messing with the large computer and keyboard beside it, until the screen buzzed to life.
They waited in an eager silence for the clock to strike 7:45.
Suddenly, the fuzz on the screen cleared, showing the insides of a ship.
The aliens were adorable. They looked mammalian, and their body looked like a cross between a meercat and a swan, with a smart head sitting atop am elegantly curved neck. Their bodies long but compact, with two pairs of both arms and legs, with tufts of dull orange fur over the elbows, knees, knuckle, chest, ears, and a tuft on the tail. They had no nose other than two slits, and their eyes were big, red, trusting and inquisitive. (ELEPHANT: LOOK OVER THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ALIEI wasNS BETTER, MAYBE REWORK IT)
"Greetings, human, we meet face to face at last." The one facing them directly said, his voice like helium. He sounded as though he were very excited, but was trying to hide it to be professional.
"Greetings, my friend. My name is Edward DeLorian, and these are my friends/colleagues."
"I am Hilarion, and these are my classmates. We have been sent from our home planet for our first unchaperoned school trip, and we request permission to visit Earth."
"Are you sure Earth is the safest place to visit?"
"Indeed. Extensive tests on our world's show that there is nothing there capable of harming us."
Soleil muttered, "wow," under her breath, before Edward continued."
"I don't know if I can give you permission, I'm not in charge."
"Well it's your planet, right? According to our laws, any lawful citizen of the planet that has not committed major criminal activity and harbors no ill will against the chancellor may give an alien permission to land. Is that the way it is there?"
The humans muttered to each other, trying to decide how to answer. Finally, Soleil spoke.
"Since it's rare we get alien visitors, we don't have a real rule about how they should land. But the way you have described things leads me to believe it would be perfectly fine for you to land here. Is there an adult that you can contact and vouch for you if something does go wrong?"
"Indeed, we can contact any of our parents at any time."
"Excellent. I'll allow mr. Edward to continue discussing from here."
Ed mouthed "thank you" to Sully before continuing.
"A-ah yes, you'll need a place to land, right?"
"Yes. We'd like to meet you, so we request permission to land near your current location."
"Granted. There is a large abandoned field that should be big enough."
"Hmm, ok, we're locked onto your location now and... Alright, yes, I see the field you mean. That will work splendidly. At our current rate of acceleration, we will arrive in five earth days roughly."
"Ok, that sounds just fine. Is there anything we can assist you with?"
"At this moment, no. I must thank you, Edward and company, for being so helpful with this. We look forward to meeting you soon."
The scientists smiled and nodded, remaining professional until the call ended, when they all screamed in excitement.
A similar thing happened aboard the spaceship. As soon as the call ended, the fluffy creatures lept from their seats, buzzing around the room, making excited, happy chittering noises.
Hilarion and his littermate, Gi, danced around each other.
They were going to meet real live humans in five days.
"How was your day, sweetie?" Soleil's mom asked as she set a plate of mashed potatoes on the table.
Sully scooped up an eye raising amount of mashed potatoes, with a bit of chicken and steamed vegetables to go with it.
"It was good. Like I said yesterday, we talked to Aliens, and they're coming earth to learn stuff. As long as it's ok, the scientists and I are going to camp out behind the baseball park for the next four to five days so we can make sure we welcome them to earth. Is it ok if I do that?"
"Of course, kiddo, you pack a mean punch, I bet you'll be fine."
Her mother whirled, giving her father "the look."
Dad looked up from his book.
"What I mean she does."
" What your father means is yes, you may. As long as you are with other people that we've met and there's a phone somewhere around, you can stay out in the field."
"Aww, thanks mama! Hey, would you two like to come with us?"
Her mother looked at her, considering.
"Out in... The brush. For several days. To see... Aliens."
"Well, maybe you could just tag along with me the night they show up. That way you don't have to spend so much time outdoors."
Her mother nodded, looking at her father, who smiled and nodded as well.
"We'll be there, kiddo." Her dad said.
The next day, Soleil stood, hands in pockets, in front of a brownstone house in the city. She was in need of the services of the occupant's son. This was the Rodger household, where the ever mysterious Rabbit lived. Rabbit, who's read name was probably Chad but never told anyone, was a 17 year old working from home, in the possession of a truck, which Soleil hoped to aquire the services of.
It was always hot in the city, so she took her hands out of her pockets. She wore a neon yellow tank top with an elephant on it, and some cargo shorts, and was still too hot. She put up with a flannel around her waist, since it would be cold that evening. The summer light filtered in from between the buildings and trees, in a beautiful way that only summer could manage.
Inside, she heard someone stomping down the stairs, and the door opened.
And again, there was about no way his real name wasn't Chad. Baggy pants, orange t-shirt over a white long sleeved shirt, perfect, bleached blond hair, and the most amazing sunglasses ever. Something straight out of star trek.
"W'sah little dude?"
"Quite a bit, actually, but it's somewhat confidential. Are you still offering taxi services?"
"How much would it be to privately taxi say, a dozen ner- erh, scientists to and from the suburb for four days?"
"'bout a hundred bucks, I guess. Them lil scientists planning a mad scientist con someplace?"
"That'd be fun. We should do that someday, but for now, until you're on board with the project, I can't spill a word."
Rabbit considered.
"Done. For a big project, I take 25% up front."
She fished the money out of her flannel pocket, handing it over.
"Meet me in an hour at the DeLorean household. That's 1503 Duck Street."
"Sure thing, lil dude. The truck's got seating for 8, if we're trynna keep the law."
"Oh, certainly. "
On schedule, Rabbit turned up on the front steps an hour later, as the gaggle of 10-14 year olds with camping gear prepared to pile into the truck bed, which was converted into a miniature seating area that could hold 6 people with plenty of footspace. They decided to go six at a time, saving cab space for more camping gear.
Two trips, a long winded explanation of the project, and dozens of bad jokes later, Ed and one other scientist, a black haired girl named Daisy, were trying to make a fire at the chosen campground. The mobile lab was set up nicely behind them, and Soleil pulled a cooler out of the back of the truck, putting it beside the fire pit.
They were tucked in between a big oak tree and the tall net that kept stray baseballs in the ballpark next door, with town just barely visible. The grass in most of the field was tall and unkempt, but under the trees it was almost nonexistent.
Soleil watched them struggle with the fire for a couple of minutes, before offering assistance.
Rabbit walked over to the now burning fire, hands in pockets.
"So, dudes, you need any like... Adult supervision up in here? Cuz... I'm not busy, and this sounds super fun, so like. I. Could stay here if you want."
Soleil looked up, sly.
"How much?"
"Well I guess this time it can be free, I mean... Major scientist bivouacs can be exempt."
She glanced at Ed, who was smiling.
"Of course you can stay."
And so the group settled in for the night. Rabbit produced an electric guitar, realizing too late to save face that he couldn't use it without, well... *Electricity*.
(ELEPHANT: they agree on location and time, and then the humans recruit an older kid with a truck to drive them around and get stuff set up. Sully invites her parents, and they agree to come. Edward invites his parents, and they say they wish they could come, but there is s shallow spot in the fabric of reality and they need to be on guard against it. A scene where him and his dad have a small heart to heart about how his parents love him and respect his work, but need to work on other stuff. Good messages, y'know.
The night before the aliens arrive, the scientists, Sully, a few other kids, Sully's parents, and the truck boys, are in the field, and have a sleepover. The aliens *should* appear tomorrow night, but there's no perfect guarantee, so someone is guarding their little camp 24/7 for the next couple days.
But the aliens arrive right on schedule, at night on Saturday.
Last line is "what should we do first?")
0 notes
rin412 · 7 years
Love Ballad (Prologue)
~ A Samurai Love Ballad Party Fanfiction ~ ~Warning! Samurais x OC pairings! If you don’t like my pairing, I don’t care. lol~ ~Future AU~ ~Definitely OOC so please prepare yourself to vomit~
Okay, so, I made a... thing again. After I was on hiatus for quite a long time. I’m still trying to collect my muse, so please spare me ;;;;
Again, I warn you before you read. These are my own pairings and my own AU. I don’t care if you don’t like it or disagree to it, I’m the ruler of my own world. lol
ok jk or maybe not
Anyway, please enjoy!
Sakura petals are everywhere, accompany me while walking through the front gate of my school.
Today is the day of my new semester in second grade in highschool. To be honest, I kind of looking forward for this day because I hope I can meet new friends. Hmm, I can’t say that my first year was all that good, yes. Because… uhh… I just… couldn’t socialize well enough. No, it’s fine. Something ridiculous like bullying didn’t happen at all. It’s just… most of my classmates were quite… fashionable ones? They were always talking about make-up, newest trend, etc. And I guess I’m just… not really used to that kind of thing.
I know, I was the one at fault…
But still, I want to live my life however I like. I have to enjoy it! Why, you asked? That’s because I—
“Shut up, old man!”
“Huh?” before I even step into my school ground, I see a looking-expensive black car in front of the gate. There’s a boy with yellow hair shouts loudly to an old man that just closed the car’s door for him.
The boy wears a hard expression, I can practically see his face full of wrinkles here and there. He looks so angry. I wonder why…
“But, Master. If something happens to you, I suppose I can hel—“
“No need.”
“But this is your first da—“
“I told you, just go home already, Sakai! I can do the rest here by myself! I’m not a kid anymore!”
“But, Maste—“
“I said go home, you deaf!! Are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?! Treating me like a kid all the damn time?!”
“I’m just worri—“
“No need. Now go.”
“I said GO! Before I pull your hair and make you completely bald!”
“Y-yes! Please! Spare my hair! N-now if you will excuse me—“
“Y-yes!!” the old man looks so scared of that boy and quickly get into the car. Then he opens the window and says, “I will pick you up here after school, Maste—“
“Yeah, whatever. Now go!”
And there he goes….
My, what a scary boy. Judging from the way that old man’s way of calling him, I bet he’s a rich one. Maybe that old man is his driver? Well, who knows…
Before I realize it, he already walks into the school ground. Probably he noticed that I’m looking at him intently, he stops himself in front of me and looking down at me with such arrogance and scary smile, “Listen.”
“Don’t say anything to anyone about what just happened before. Got it?”
“Why should I—“
“GOT…. IT….?”
Whoa, he peers closer with a really cold and scarier smile ever!! I quickly nod and he let out a satisfied grin, “Good. Now get off my way.”
“You can just walk over—“
“I said get off my way, stupid wench!”
Before I can even spits out a complain, he shoves me away to the point I fall on the ground. How rude!! But look at him! He doesn’t even care and just walks away while humming a song.
Ugh, great. My first day of second grade and I’m already facing this kind of worst luck ever. Look at my skirt. All dirty now. I will have my revenge! Just you wait—
What’s his name again?
Okay, great. You forgot to ask….
“Are you okay?”
“Huh?” I look up and I see a cute girl with a black ribbon on the left side of her light brown hair. Oh dear, look at her smile. What an angel.
She offers her hand and helps me stand up. What a nice girl…!
“Did you hurt yourself?” she asks, worried.
“O-oh no, I’m fine! I just… uhh….” Oh right, I can’t say anything about that boy’s evil side. Remembering that, I decided to just say, “I just… a-accidentally tripped….? Ahahaha!”
“Ah, I see. Please be careful next time, okay?” she seriously worries about me? Oh my god, she really is an angel!!
“Y-yes! I’ll be more careful! T-thank you for your help!”
“No, it’s fine. Oh right, it’s almost the time for the ceremony! Let’s hurry!”
I take a look at my watch, and surely, it’s almost the time. Oh dear, my head was so full about that boy, I almost forgot!
The cute girl who was walking ahead of me suddenly stops herself and turns back to me, “Your name?”
“What’s your name?”
“Me? O-oh, my name is Rin.”
“All right, Rin!”
“Whoa…!” she suddenly holds my hand and pulls me along to run with her through the school ground.
While running with all our might, she says with a cheerful smile, “My name is Ane! Nice to meet you, Rin!”
“A-Ane! Okay! Nice to meet you too! Haha!”
Well, maybe my first day isn’t so bad at all. I hope I’m in the same class with Ane!
*later, after the ceremony*
I just saw on the notice board that my new class is in 2-E. Hmm, I wonder what kind of people that are waiting for me. I’m looking forward to it already.
Then, before I realized it, I arrived in front of my class. A bit nervous, I take a peek inside. There really is no one that I know here. I guess Ane isn’t in the same class with me. Aw…
“Huh?” I turn to the source of voice behind me, and I quickly put on a cheerful smile again, “Ane!!”
“I guess we’re in the same class then? I look forward to it!”
“Y-yes! Me too!! I hope we can be a good friend!”
“What are you talking about? We’re a good friend already!”
“Aah, you don’t know how happy I am to hear that!” I hug her excitedly.
Yes!! I can see a bright future of my new life ahead!
*then, homeroom time*
We finally start our first homeroom, and the homeroom teacher’s name is Uesugi Kenshin. Hmm, if I take a look properly, he looks so beautiful for a man. Ugh, I feel like I just became a failure woman. I wonder where did my beauty go….?
“Hm?” I sense a shadow is moving through the slightly opened class door. I take a look, and I see a girl is peeking through the door’s window. Who is she? Why is she not in her class?
Look at that expression….
She’s… blushing?
I wonder if she’s looking at her crush here. Aw, too bad that they are in separate classroom.
I follow her gaze, and suddenly I realize that she’s not looking to the student desks. She’s looking to the sight in front of our class, Mr. Uesugi.
To think she even ditched her class to see Mr. Uesugi…
I guess someone will do anything for love, huh. I wonder if there will be a time for me to be like that girl too…?
*then, lunch time*
“First day of school is still light and fun, huh.” I say as I stretch my arms out after sit on a hard chair for a long time. Ugh, I suddenly miss my sofa.
“Well, we should prepare ourselves for the upcoming homeworks and tests. So we better have fun now. Haha.” Ane says with a wry smile.
“I suppose so.” I say with a chuckle, “Hey, Ane. Let’s go buy breads in the canteen!”
“I have my own lunch today, so…”
“Whoa, as expected. Let me see!”
“Sure. Here!” Ane opens her lunch box and there, at that time, once again I feel like I lost my beauty and pride as a woman.
I mean, look at this cute lunch box!! How could you even dare to eat these food babies?! Starving sounds better rather than have to eat these cuties!!
“I-I wonder if it looks weird….” Ane seems worried when she saw my reaction.
“No!! it’s the best lunch ever!!” I say with an excited voice.
Ane looks shy and she’s blushing a little, “T-thank you…”
Huhu, she’s so cute…
Wait, the lunch will be over if I don’t hurry!
“Ane, I will go buy my bread and milk first, okay?” I said as I get up from my seat.
“Sure. Want me to go with you?” she offers with a smile.
God!! Go to the canteen together with someone!! I feel like my real youth just started now…!
But wait. Ane has a lot of kind of foods. I bet she needs time to finish that. And, we know what kind of hell school canteen is, so…
Yeah, it will take time…
“I can go by myself. You go ahead and eat your lunch, okay?” I said with a grin on my face.
“Are you sure? Are you going to be okay?”
“Why are you so worried, though? I only buy bread and milk.”
“Well, you seem like the type who eat a lot, so…”
Are you saying I’m fat, Ane? Are you saying that I’m going to buy TONS of foods?
Okay, good. Rin, I guess it’s the time for you to go on a diet.
*a while later*
I guess I was too late. No, I guess the school canteen has became a worst hell ever.
I mean, look at this empty box….
Great, I see no breads! SOLD OUT!
Now what to do? Geez…
Looks like I have to skip my lunch.
“S-Saizo, are you sure you’re going to buy THAT much?!”
“Hm?” I hear a familiar voice beside me, and I see the famous duo, Sanada Yukimura and Kirigakure Saizo. I heard Saizo is so popular that he actually broke the record for got 500 chocolates in Valentine Day last year.
“Dear, this much of dangos aren’t problem at all. Now you go ahead and pay for me.” Saizo said while leaving Yukimura behind.
“Wha--?! Mmrrgh, damn you, Saizo! Always, and always!” though, Yukimura paid Saizo’s dango in the end. Yeah, Yukimura is so popular too thanks to his opposite side from Saizo. He’s such a shy boy, and he’s very kind. Meanwhile Saizo doesn’t seem to care about his surroundings and always keep that coldness of him.
“I can see the reason why Yukimura is so popular, but… Saizo…?” I mumble to myself, until…
“I know, right?”
“Huh?” someone agreed to my opinion and I quickly turn to face the source of that voice, “E-err…”
“Oh, forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself!” she laughs with such beauty and elegance. Whoa, does this girl really exist in our school? I didn’t know, “My name is Kobayashi Chiaki. And you?”
“Me? Ah, I’m Rin. Nice to meet you, Kobayashi.”
“Nice to meet you too, Rin! And please, just call me Chiaki. Both of us will get confuse after all.”
“Oh, I was talking about my twin sister. See? She’s over there.”
I follow her gaze, and I see a girl with a low twintail stands in the middle of busy and noisy canteen. Apparently she’s staring silently at Saizo with an unreadable expression. Though, I wonder why…
That small back of her…. looks so… lonely.
“I hate that Saizo, you see.” Chiaki suddenly mumbles.
“Why?” I ask her in curiousity.
“Before we met Saizo, Chise was a cheerful girl. She didn’t has this kind of flat expression. I miss her laughs.”
“Chise? Oh, so that’s her name.”
“When we met Saizo, Chise suddenly became like this up until now. I don’t know what did happen between them, but I surely hate Saizo for taking my sister’s soul…!”
Whoa, that’s a dark expression you have there…!
Also, Chise is still alive, oi…!
*later, in corridor*
“Ugh, in the end I didn’t get to eat anything… I guess I will just ask Ane to share her lunch? Will she even give it to me, though?”
As I’m wondering what to do about my empty stomach, I see our another popular student is currently….scolding….another student, I guess? I mean, it’s him. The famous one-eyed student council president, Date Masamune. He’s holding a… ah… adult magazine…
The owner of that magazine is no one but his own cousin, Date Shigezane. Masamune is likely your image of a full moon in the cold night, and Shigezane is the sun in the bright and clear blue sky. These two are so… unique, I think.
“Shigezane, how many times do I have to remind you, stop bringing this kind of magazine to school!”
“Sorry, Masa. But you see, my friend asked me the other day—“
“I don’t care about your friend. Just stop breaking the rules at school. Don’t bring shame to our family.”
“I know, I know… but Masa—“
“No buts.” Masamune hits Shigezane’s head with the magazine lightly.
“Masa, you’re no fun! I am fine with all the scolding, but I can’t let you not enjoy your highschool life!”
“Why are we talking about me now?”
Then, I see a young teacher walks in the corridor and approach those two. That teacher is still in training, or so I heard. His name is Katakura Kojuro.
“I personally agree with Shigezane about you should enjoy your highschool life.” Mr. Katakura said with a smile, “But I disagree about enjoy it by reading an adult magazine at school.”
“Ugh….” Shigezane pouts, “Kojuro, you’re so harsh…”
“Call me Mr. Katakura….!”
I chuckle a little at their conversation as I continue on my way to my class.
*finally, classroom*
As I sit down on my chair, I let out a very long sigh. Ane who just done ate her lunch is looking at me, worried, “Are you okay, Rin?”
“I don’t think so… ugh… I’m hungry…”
“How about your bread?”
“Sold out…”
“That’s too bad. And I just finished my lunch too… I’m sorry.”
“No, no. It’s fine.”
I guess I just have to hang in there a little bit. Ugh, I hope I can survive this.
Oh wait, this could be my chance to start on my diet!
“Your face…”
“Huh?” I look up, and I see a girl with right sided ponytail is looking down at me in front of my desk.
“Your face looks terrible. Have you had your lunch?”
“Uhh, not yet….”
“The bread that she wanted to eat just sold out.” Ane added and explained my horrible situation. Okay, that’s a bit exaggerating.
“I see…” the girl suddenly holds out a skewer of dango in front of me, “Here. At least have this. You don’t always have to eat bread to fill your stomach, right?”
“Ah, thank you. Then, I take your offer, err…”
“Shimizu Ryuu. Just call me Ryuu, okay? We’re classmate after all.”
“I see. Okay, Ryuu. Thank you!” as I eat the dango, I suddenly realize, “Wait, didn’t Saizo just buy…”
“Ah, I got this from him.”
“What? He shared his dango?!”
“Err, it will be a long story, but to make it short… yes? Hahaha.”
“Wow, that Saizo is actually sharing his dango.”
Ane seems confused, “Why are you so surpised? Sharing food is normal thing, right?”
Ryuu answers with a wry smile, “Well, not for Saizo, you see. You can say he’s quite a stingy when it came to dango.”
“Then why did you…?”
“Like I said, it will be a long story, so let’s just assume he happened to be in the mood to share? Hahaha.”
This Ryuu girl…
Could it be… she’s Saizo’s girlfriend?
Maybe she’s hiding it because she afraids Saizo’s popularity will go down. Also, maybe to avoid that bullying stuff and all…
Whoa, that’s an exciting love story, indeed. I wonder if that’s true.
*then, afterschool*
On my way to my home, while walking on the side of the road, I feel a sudden cold breeze is hitting my skin. Ugh, I guess it’s still a bit cold after all. I should have brought my jacket.
Though, not long after I said that, I feel a cold water droplets on my cheeks, and gradually it became the rain that pours down heavily.
Oh, shoot! I better find a shelter!
I run as fast as I can, until finally I arrive in front of a traditional japanese sweets store. Okay, good. At least I find a place to—
“Stupid wench?”
“Huh?” I know that voice. Yes, I know it pretty well. And that rude way of speaking. It belongs to no one but, “You!! The rude guy in the morning!”
“Now who is the rude one?!” he glares while eating his strawberry daifuku.
“Ugh…. I guess my first day isn’t really that perfect after all…”
“I got shoved by a rude guy in the morning, my favourite bread sold out, I only ate one skewer of dango, and now I’m stuck under a heavy rain with YOU out of all people…”
“I really wonder who is the rude one now…”
“How sucks.”
“How noisy.”
“Why are you even here?”
“And what’s the point of telling you?”
“Okay, forget it.”
Urgh, this guy, I swear. He’s such an annoying and arrogant brat! My first step of my passionate and beautiful youth isn’t as smooth as I imagine—
“Achoo!” oh, great. Why does it has to be this cold anyway? What a bad timing.
Though, not long until I feel a warmth over my head. I touch and try to feel it, and I realized it’s his coat. This is quite a big one. Is a guy’s body really this big?
Wait wait wait wait!!
What are you even thinking?!
W-well, at least now I know that he has a good side to—
“Don’t make such annoying face.”
“I just don’t want you to spread your virus to my daifuku.”
“Now I won’t.”
“Great. And I suppose you know how to watch your attitude, right?”
“What do we have to say again?”
“…an… you…”
“What? I can’t hear you~”
“….tha… ou…”
“T-thank you!”
“Hmph.” He quickly puts on a satisfied grin on his face.
Urgh, I take my words back! He’s seriously the worst guy ever!!
To be continued
P.S: do expect a very slow update. Huhu, sorry.
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xioris · 4 years
Bird Song Prologue
Ryou picks his seat in the library where he can glance up to that person without them noticing.
He can usually find her standing there without any disturbance and with an unwavering posture. He fights off the blush threatening to explode on his cheeks whenever he catches the sight of her. It isn’t of love, he’s sure of it, but he can admit on having this little crush on them when he lays his eyes on her.
He doesn’t believe in ‘love at first sight’, mind you, but can you blame him for having a crush on her? With hair blue as the sky and big doe-like light purple eyes, the girl stands proud and tall, never faltering in her steps as a nonexistent wind blows her hair like a billowing cape trailing behind her whenever she takes a step.
She has this certain charm to her, one that Ryou can’t place his finger on. One thing for sure, she’s a mystery, a puzzle. She occasionally glides from one place to another but always in the bounds of the restricted section of the library. With time, Ryou found a rhythmic pattern in her footsteps.
Ryou listens to the rhythm of her footsteps like clockwork. She keeps going back and forth before stopping completely and hypnotically stare at the shelves and no matter how hard Ryou tried, he can’t see anything beyond other than the ordinary library bookshelf.
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
And then a momentary pause before resuming.
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
She loudly stomps through the library’s ceramic tiles, creating soft echoes that Ryou can listen to as he tried to focus on his book. He can’t be faulted when his eyes keep sweeping away from his book, his attention faltering as the printed words on his book aren’t nearly as interesting as her.
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
A pause and repeat.
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
『 . . . 』
The rhythm abruptly comes to a stop and Ryou turns his head away from trying to pretend to read on the book he has on his hands that he almost got whiplash. Instead of blankly staring at the bookshelves like she usually does, a book surprisingly rests on one of her open palms and her other hand flip on the page after page.
Something akin to curiosity flares into her eyes as she eagerly flips the pages furiously.
Ryou wonders what type of book she’s holding. What kind of book can catch her undivided attention? Can it be a book about history or science? Maybe fiction or nonfiction? He doesn’t know but his curiosity grows at what kind of book she has in her hands. But he can’t, sadly, because the book in the restricted section of the library was, obviously, restricted without the librarian’s permission.
While he’s in good graces with the librarian, she’s terrifying to be trifled with. The librarian is an old woman who’s nearsighted without her glasses. But she’s a no-nonsense woman that knows how to pick her battles.
If anyone, Ryou means anyone, tries to break one of the library rules, create any drama and noise in the library, she’ll give them hell.
Ryou snaps out of his thoughts when a charming smile graces her face and he couldn’t resist blushing madly at the sight of her smile. Most of the time, she adorned a deadpan expression as if she was bored at the world itself. Seeing her smile so suddenly made his heart spike up and want to escape from his ribcage.
His face turns even redder if possible, making him look like a bright tomato, of what kind of thoughts he has on her that he keeps seeing around the library constantly. He buries his tomato red face into his hands in hopes of the ground opening up and swallowing him whole instead of drowning him in his own thoughts.
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
『 Stomp. 』
He can hear her footsteps returning to the rhythm but he’s too flustered to check and keeps his head low, his eyes on the ground.
『 Stomp. 』
『 . . . 』
“What’s your story?”
The unfamiliar voice that comes from beside him startles Ryou out of his flustered stare he got himself into. He looks up to find who said those very words to him before suddenly falling off from his chair when a face is inches away from his own, creating a loud thud when he crashes against the floor.
Ryou winces from the loud sound, half-expecting for the librarian to appear and catch him for making a loud noise in her library.
“Oh! You okay?”
Ryou rubs the offending area before looking up to see the culprit who made him fall off his chair in the first place and can’t help but to wilt a little from the inside when he sees a pair of light purple orbs staring down at him.
“Uhh. . . H-hi. . .?” Ryou shyly stutters out a greeting as his brain reboots itself, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
She flashes him that charming smile of hers and Ryou tries his hardest to not let his blush noticeably flare up on his cheeks before she picks up the book that Ryou recklessly dropped from his hands when he fell down earlier from his chair and skim over the contents of the book.
Before, Ryou judges her from a distance for her exotic coloring but when he takes a look at her from up close, something about her makes the air hum in energy. Is it because of her confident posture or her eye-catching bright and radiant hair that catches his eyes every time?
There’s definitely something about her that he wants to find out for himself.
She hums. “Why are you reading a book like this? I find it so. . .interesting and annoying at the same time,” she shuts the book close with a soft clap to avoid getting on the librarian’s nerves.
Ryou flinches and something glints in her eyes when he does so. He shuts his eyes close in fear of seeing the judgmental look in her eyes as he thinks of an answer to her question. In truth, he’s afraid of getting judged based on what he reads again.
Tired and afraid of seeing the disgust in people’s eyes when they find out he finds the hero and villain ideology fascinating and eventually gets told to be realistic about the world.
“. . .I always wonder what it takes to be the hero or the villain. Is it more worthwhile to be the hero of the story? Or more advantageous to be the villain of the story? Or is it meaningful to be just a side character?” Ryou answers.
He bites his inner cheeks in anticipation of her scoff of disbelief or what girls do to show off their distaste or disbelief nowadays. He plays with his shirt and is surprised at the girl’s response to his answer to her question.
“In every story, there’s the hero and the villain. The important question is, who has the most fun?” she grins deviously. “To be honest. . .the world doesn’t need another hero. Sometimes, what it needs is a monster.”
She stretches out her hand for a handshake. “My name is Rinne, but please call me Rin. And I’m a monster. I hope we can be good friends.”
Ryou shakily gulps and eyes the hand in front of him, thinking to himself;
What did he get himself into?
0 notes
PROFILE ; Eun-char
full name.  lee eun-chae  pronunciation.  lee oon-chay nicknames.  eun, eunnie height. 5′1″ age.  22 [korea] 21 [intl]  zodiac. taurus  languages. korean [native] japanese [advanced] english [minimum]
hair colour.  chestnut brown  eye colour. gold  skin tone.  pale, pink-toned  body type.  short legs, small bust. petite and only a tad curvy.  accent. gyeongsang dialect. consists of very short sentences and harsh intonations in contrast to the mild seoul dialect. she’s adopted the seoul dialect over time so she’s easily understood. dominant hand.  right hand. posture. when standing, straight. when focused on something she tends to bend over and curl into herself. scars.  a few, just faint ones on her arms.  most noticeable features. her lips or eyes!
place of birth. gyeongju  hometown.  gyeongju. 
birth weight / height. unknown manner of birth.  unknown first words.  unknown siblings.  seong (adopted brother) nari (adopted sister) rin (in one verse. foster/orphanage sister) parents.  deceased mother + absent father. adopted.  parental involvement. hardworking adoptive parents that instilled into her a sense of duty. 
occupation.  intern at a youth center, baker at a cafe, student current residence. apartment in downtown seoul  close friends. rin, dantalion, amdusias, the mm gang, lenora, jiyu, umeko, uhh so many buds partners.  verse dependent. pre - present day she’s with her boyfriend seok. default canon she’s single, but i have ships with yoosung / jiyu / jumin / jihyun / saeran / vanderwood / probably some others i;m forgetting  relationship status. see above. by default single but have ships with a handful of people.  financial status.  scraping by. if she fell behind in work she’d be screwed financially.  driver’s license. she has it but doesn’t own a car.  criminal record.  no record. 
sexual orientation. bisexual. romantic orientation.  biromantic.  preferred emotional role.  Submissive | Dominant | Switch |  Unsure preferred sexual role.  Submissive [esp with women]  |  Dominant |  Switch [she’s mostly a brat but depending on the person enjoys feeling like she has control over them] |  Sex repulsed libido. normal turn ons. neck biting, playing w/ her hair, hand guiding, soft touches that aren’t necessarily sexual, pet names, hugging from behind + pulling her close, frequent texts turn offs.  excessive drunkenness, swearing loudly, sudden and rough grabbing [she’s fine w it sexually but it’s more like when they’re being possessive/controlling in an unhealthy way]  love language.  from her partner: she’s mostly used to and enjoys physical touch and likes words of affirmation from her partner. her individual love language is mostly acts of service + physical touch  relationship tendencies.  tends to rush into things and bottles up negative emotions in order to come off as more favorable to her partner. shows love through physical touch, whether it be sexual or fleeting and innocent, and actions such as cooking/cleaning she gets a little shy verbalizing her love unless her partner encourages it. isn’t clingy, but can fall into codependency. 
character’s theme song(s). i wouldn’t call it a theme song but cut my hair by mounika (remix of this is home by cavetown) hobbies to pass the time. dramas, romance novels, gardening, baking, clubbing, antiquing mental illnesses. ironically she’s not formally diagnosed, but ptsd which has lead to depression + anxiety  physical illnesses.   none, but she can work herself to illness at times.  fears. being alone. failing in her career. never finding love.  self confidence level.  low but she rarely dwells on it  vulnerabilities. gullible, bottles up feelings so she’s easily vulnerable, impulsive, need to be depended on / be dependent on someone, thoughts of inadequacy 
tagged: took from @withagentleheart tagging: anyone! tag me i wanna read ur answers :)
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