#uhuhuhuh they said expose
melonblood · 2 years
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i really hope this is relatable and doesn’t expose me and my emotions :))))))
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uhuhuhuh could you do salgexicon with gn reader cuddling under the stars or general s/o headcanons with the wizard? I know these are pretty basic prompts bahahdhfjrj
Of course! I hope you like this, I did my best to make it extra-squishy :D
You groaned as you hit your foot on the fifth rock that day, frowning at the stone with impatience. This hill the party was going over was riddled with them, half of them alive, the other half disguised monsters, and one out of every hundred, regular rocks. Apparently, you were destined to hit your foot on every normal rock on the hill. It was dark, the night sky obscured by clouds; the only sources of light were Salgexicon’s staff and a torch that Scarla was carrying.
“Okay, let’s stop for the night,” Salgexicon said, poking a boulder with his staff. 
It didn’t jump out or screech in pain, so it wasn't a mimic. Thank goodness for that; you had been dealing with mimics for the past few days and you were quite tired of them. “Oh, thank the stars!” Scarla groaned, not even bothering to unroll her bed roll before flopping onto the ground, tossing her torch to the side.
There was the sound of something breaking, but you were sure it was some poor, normal rock the war witch had fallen on instead of her nose or something. She rolled onto her back and yep, she had broken a decent-sized stone. However, before you could even point it out, she was snoring. Skurdgvrm sat down and started polishing his beloved axe, as he usually did before bed. Bessie just sat there, staring into nothing with her blood-red eyes. Terrifying.
Salgexicon sidled up to you, grinning shyly. “You don’t mind if I sleep with you tonight, right?” He asked, a small blush on his cheeks.
“Of course, Salgexicon,” You said, blushing a tiny bit yourself.
The both of you were pretty new to this whole “relationship” thing, but it was always kind of sweet how he always asked about anything he wanted to do first- even holding your hand! The two of you had been cuddling at night for a while. Of course, the rest of the party questioned it, but you just said it was to conserve warmth.
Nobody ever questioned that, but Scarla always gave Salgexicon a look that said, “you neeeeeeeeerd, being all squishy and lovey-dovey” You two always ignored it, but Salgexicon always seemed a bit flustered for a few minutes after that. It was absolutely adorable.
You and Salgexicon went about setting up your usual bed, which was literally just both of your bed rolls smushed together. You laid down and Salgexicon basically fell on you, rolling you over and pulling you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You giggled, batting his face away gently. “Oh, stop it, you goober,” You giggled.
“Never,” Salgexicon said. “I feel like I’m forgetting something, though. You, cuddles, bed roll…” He trailed off, squinting in concentration.
He snapped his fingers, a satisfied look appearing onto his face. “Of course- the protective bubble!”
He mumbled a few words in a language you didn’t understand and you felt the familiar, warm feeling of his magic wash over you. A soft, almost transparent, red bubble appeared, encasing the entire party easily and some more space. Some of the clouds above you were shoved to the side, the bubble altering their course. In its doing so, it exposed the stars.
You had always liked the stars. They shined with that beautiful, otherworldly light that felt like it could encase you whole, burning away all of your worries and fears. It was like Salgexicon’s magic- pure and whole.
You sighed happily, settling back into Salgexicon’s arms. He hummed, raising an eyebrow as he glanced up. “You like the stars?” He asked, nuzzling your hair.
You hummed in agreement. “Always have,” You mumbled, a smile gracing your face.
Salgexicon smiled, pressing a kiss to your hair. You felt his lips move, mouthing words you couldn’t make any sense of, and the clouds parted some more. The stars were beautifully bright, shining like diamonds on black velvet-so soft and yet so vivid.
You grinned, turning your head to press a kiss to Salgexicon’s cheek. “Thank you, Salgexicon,” You mumbled, smiling softly.
Salgexicon blushed, burying his face in your shoulder and mumbling a soft “No problem…”
He was smiling- you could tell. He was so sweet; he would often do small things like this that he knew would make you happy. Neither of you were big on the ginormous gestures of affection, so you settled for small gifts. Whenever he did something like this, though, you couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with adoration and affection.
Salgexicon fell asleep before you did. You felt his breathing slow and his eyes drift shut, his body relaxing as he drifted off. You were drowsy as well, but less so than him. He’d been smacking mimics away from the party for the entire day; you were surprised he hadn’t passed out when he hit the bed roll.
You focused on his slow, steady breathing and found yourself drifting off, your eyes drifting shut. The stars winked overhead, glimmering as the two of you slept, wrapped in each other’s embrace.
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