#they said it was ‘like an award for being the biggest crybaby or something’
melonblood · 2 years
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i really hope this is relatable and doesn’t expose me and my emotions :))))))
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sweetsubharry · 4 years
Do you know any Larry fics with relationship during or post the band
yes I do! ^-^ (As a forewarning, under the read more is 47 fics! So this is quite a long post! I just couldn’t narrow them down!) I’ve split them into three sections; x factor, during the band, and ‘hiatus’ :) 
In case no one gets to the bottom of the page I’ll say it again here too! Please make sure to stay safe and read the tags!!
X factor era 
I'd give up forever to touch you by blankiehxrry
just your typical xfactor fic with a bit of a twist
Just Ask Me To by TellMeThisIsNotLove
“You’re telling the truth,” Louis whispers.
“Of course I’m telling the truth!” Harry doesn’t even care that he sounds exasperated.
“Oh my god.” Louis grabs the wall behind him as if looking for support. His body slides down against it until he’s sitting crouched on the floor.
He mumbles something but Harry can’t really figure out what it is. He crouches down, and looks desperately at the breaking boy in front of him.
“You’re telling the truth,” Louis whispers. “You were not supposed to–”
“I was not supposed to do what? Tell me please,” Harry urges, taking Louis’ hands gently in his.
Or the X Factor era canon fic where they learn how to be a couple and that not everyone is going to be on their sides especially those with plain white t-shirts and saccharine smiles.
horizontal like a quarter to three by orphan_account
The worst part is that Louis just wants to get really rough with him. He's wanted it right from the start, and it doesn't make sense, because Harry's always been so gentle and understanding and sweet, and yet all Louis wants to do is fuck him up.
nonstop earthquake dreams of you by lumineres
And there's heat behind it, blazing, plasmatic, like stars crashing together, like an explosion in space, like a supernova, like a black hole--everything else sucked out of existence. There's no bed and there's no pillow and they're not lying down, just floating somewhere, somehow, and there's no room and there's no X Factor house and there's no Niall snuffling or Liam's deep, even breathing and there's no wind or traffic outside and there's no hum of the heating unit and it's all just Louis. All encompassingly Louis.
or, harry falls hard and finds louis already at the bottom
Could you love me anyway by SadaVeniren
Dear Mistress Lorin: I’ve been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and was hoping you’d give me some advice for something that happened with me and my boyfriend. I’m really worried that I hurt him.
aka Harry and Louis begin playing ping pong during the X-Factor Tour. It quickly gets out of hand.
no we're not friends, nor have we ever been by blankiehxrry
louis and harry get frisky in the xfactor house
give you my fever by beautlouis
And he’s wanted it even more since he met Louis, it's driven him insane, he spends 90% of his life turned on because of Louis and he’s had no relief at all. He’ll wake up at night too hot and itchy, with Louis warm and sweet smelling next to him, and unable to do anything but wank unsuccessfully, with no release. “I can try,” Louis says, close enough that Harry’s eyes cross a little trying to look at him. “I want to, I’ve never been with anybody, like, I’ve snogged people, lots of people, but I’ve never—touched anyone.” He clears his throat. “I’d touch you, Hazza.”
Harry’s breathing picks up. “Yes.” He doesn’t think there was a question but he’s a little overwhelmed. “Yes,” he repeats, dizzy.
*x-factor era. harry's never had an orgasm before, louis gives him his first
During the band
Sweet Baby by jishler
“Haz,” he said, “do you like being held down?”
Drawing a shaky breath, Harry finally looked Louis in the eyes. “I think so.”
Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How To Be You In Time) by Teumessian
A Canon Compliant Semi-AU. Louis braids Harry’s hair. There are good times, bad times, fancy houses, supportive bandmates, secret boyfriends, small rebellions, bigger revolutions, some nail varnish, ribbons, cute clothing, and a Pinterest.
make me feel like i am breathing by crybaby
His eyes are already looking a hint distant as Louis gets comfortable on his knees, running a hand up the hairless expanse of Harry's milky thigh. Harry always starts dipping at the sight of his vibrator, bubblegum plastic with flecks of glitter in the pink. His cheeks pink to match the colour and his eyes go wide, his lips chewing.
(Prompt: how about louis fucking harry with a vibrator backstage before they go on?)
take me into your loving arms by blankiehxrry
twas the night of the brit awards
Just Give Me a Reason by Mr_Stylinson
"Why do people hate me?" is a question Harry is more than desperate to figure out the answer to after reading through negative comments on Twitter about his "What Makes You Beautiful" performance on Red or Black. But this new addiction could potentially decide his fate as a part of One Direction unless the other boys are able to convince their youngest member that his value is defined by far more than a bunch of dumb online comments.
The Pedal's Down, My Eyes are Closed by dancingontheceiling
Louis and Harry bang it out in the dressing room after performing "18" and "No Control" for the first time at OTRA Brussels.
i'm missing half of me when we're apart by orphan_account
Louis can just picture what he looks like right now. Curled up on the big bed in their LA house, wrapped up in one of Louis' sweatshirts, crying his heart out, face red and blotchy, eyes sore, fingers twisted in the blankets as his chest tightens up.
Fallingforyou by gayilystrong
Harry's sick on Tour, which leads to naps in Louis' bunk. Louis of course needs to take care of his baby.
vocal rest remedy by tippytoetomlinstyles
Harry is sick and sad and on vocal rest. Louis helps him get over his sadness by cheering him up the only way he knows how.
Push You Over The Edge (So I Can Pull You Back) by orphan_account
It’s after a long two weeks of interviews and non-stop appearances that have got Harry stressed to the limit of yanking his hair out and throwing a fit and crying that Louis shows it to him, walks in the door with a sleek black bag in his left hand and inconspicuous brown one in his right.
It Feels Right When The Pink Matches His Lips by orphan_account
He adores pink, and pretty colors. He likes deciding what color his nails should be and whether or not this lipstick matches his shirt. He likes rummaging through Jade or Leigh's closets to try on the pretty clothes they have or their make-up drawer out of curiosity.
But the media doesn't. They call him awful names, spewing out article after article. So, he stops. He stops wearing pink, stops painting his nails, stops experimenting with make-up, and Louis notices.
[Featuring Harry as the unconfident member of the biggest boy band in the world and Louis as his very supportive boyfriend.]
Every Move You Make by sunniskies
After the debacle at the Brits, Louis decides he needs to keep better track of Harry.
Obligatory Sickfic by WhoopsImASinner
Harry gets off stage after the Live Lounge and is more than a little upset about how sick he is. Louis takes it upon himself to get his boy home and cheer him up.
Do Not Disturb (kiss me beneath the milky twilight) by SadaVeniren
“I was talking with Nick a couple months back and he was saying how our sex life seemed boring and we’d need to keep doing new and interesting things to keep it exciting or else we’d become boring and heterosexual and I defended us of course but then work picked up and we started living off of studio handjobs and missionary position sex in the dark and so I panicked. I googled BDSM and after looking into it I really want to try some of it because I think we’d enjoy it but we just don’t have the time.”
aka Harry doesn't want to become a boring old married couple a year into their relationship and tries to spice up their sex life.
But I'm Only Human (And I Bleed When I Fall Down). by brooklynbis
Harry wasn't an idiot. He wasn't gullible enough to believe that everyone was going to love him, hell, he was expecting for people to not like him. But a few tweets from Twitter really can be enough to trigger a whole bucket load of emotions.
AKA Harry has a lot of emotions, management (particularly Simon) are pieces of shit, Louis is an amazing boyfriend as per, and Liam, Niall and Zayn are all very protective over the youngest member of the group.
You Like Playing Games by orphan_account
Louis knows Harry likes to flirt and tease. Louis knows that he doesn’t particularly like when Harry flirts and teases. Louis knows that Harry knows that Louis doesn’t particularly like it.
But what Louis doesn’t quite know is why, despite that, Harry’s decided to grind against 5 Seconds of Summer’s Luke Hemmings during “Teenage Dirtbag” in the last show in Melbourne.
Basically pure smut.
Make Tea, Not War by adventuring, howdoyouwhisk (popsongdelusional)
"Is he the messiest?"
"Does he do the washing up?"
"Does he make his bed?"
"Hopeless, hopeless flatmate. Would you rather be with one of these guys?"
Or: Louis attempts to become a better flatmate, much to Harry's dismay.
Are We In The Clear Yet? by highlinson
The thing is, it’s not anything new. He’s gone through it a dozen times, at least. It shouldn’t scare him, still. Should never have scared him in the first place. Yet he’s trembling as he makes his way through the crowds.
You and Me by louisgrindsonharry
Harry and Louis have dabbled in the idea of BDSM but Harry finally wants to take it farther and Louis has to figure out how to take care of his boy.
We'll All Float On Alright by dancingbean
Harry has a really bad day. Louis is there with cuddles and kisses and scented candles.
You live in my heart by styleztomlinson
As soon as they’re done with their set, Louis only has one thing on his mind and that’s to get out of there as soon as possible.
Harry is sick during their performance at the iHeartRadio festival. Afterwards, Louis takes cares of his baby, and dotes on his husband.
Cause If You Let Me, Here's What I'll Do by stylesforstiles
Five times where Harry is Louis' baby
When the Points Add Up by iwillpaintasongforlou
Louis is physically incapable of following the rules, and Management is smart enough to know his weak spot: Harry. One stunt too many leaves Harry exiled to a room by himself all night and Louis rallies the others to devise a plan to get Harry his cuddles tonight no matter what Management says.
There's a Hole In My Soul, Can You Fill It? by stylesforstiles
Sometimes Harry is so tired. Louis always wants to fix it.
Susceptible to Getting Hurt by page394
"I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't really care that much about what people thought about them... But I just don't think I am." - Harry
Just What The Doctor Ordered by everyroad
A short little thing about a sick Harry who really just needs his Louis.
Baby, I'm perfect for you by nancy01
Harry broke down in tears. Like loud, ugly, fat tears that made his shoulders shake and his hands come up to hide his face. He made Louis worry, he made Louis scared, he made Louis angry and worst of all now Louis' going to be disappointed in him and think he's being childish and pathetic. well done, have you made yourself proud?. now even louis isn't going to like you, you've pushed him away to.
Louis sighed."Sweetheart, come here." He called with wide opening arms.
Harry doesn't think he's ever moved faster in his entire life. Louis arms wrap around Harry's shoulders, pulling him in close, as Harry buries his neck into Louis' shoulder to try and source maximum comfort.
Paps become to much for Haz, cue protective boyfriend Louis
Never Let You Fall by iwillpaintasongforlou
Harry slips on stage and gets a minor concussion, and Louis insists that he spend the night in the hospital just in case. He then turns into a protective baby lion because that is his Harry and he'll be damned if anything happens to him on Louis' watch. Harry rolls his eyes a lot but doesn't really mind.
Breathe by dontlietomehoney
Harry has an asthma attack and Louis is scared to death. What follows after though, scares both boys, pulling them apart and bringing them together.
Your Reason To Be by KellanCougar
The X Factor was only the start. With their management willing to do anything for headlines, including manipulation that could threaten Harry's very life, Louis fears he will lose everything he loves and be powerless to stop it.
And We Linger On by stylesforstiles
Harry is pouting. Louis takes care of him
don't let nobody touch it (unless that somebody's me) by stylescantstop
written for this prompt:
"louis knows Harry gets handsy when he's drunk, but that doesn't stop him from showing harry who he belongs to."
or the one where harry dances with other men and a jealous louis reminds him he's the only one who can make him come completely apart.
that boy's got my heart in a silver cage by orphan_account
The whole thing is addictive somehow, and not just because of the way that it makes Louis feel, like Harry is his and he'll do anything he says—but because of the way Harry reacts to it, even in public, twisting in his seat and tripping over his words and once even briefly hiding his face in Louis's shoulder because he's so flustered, causing the girls in the audience to squeal and shout.
if we got nothing, we got us by tumsa
Harry is Louis' baby and he's sick as well.
Okay by JustAnotherShadow503
Harry is frustrated.
It's been almost two years since he and Louis got back together, and nothing has changed. Well, they have changed, and their situation has gotten a lot better, but their sex life? Vanilla. Completely and utterly vanilla.
Harry really thought that after Louis' dirty talk when they got back together, they would get into some kinkier shit, but nope. Louis still makes love to him and calls him sweet names, and that's nice, Harry absolutely loves it, but sometimes, he gets this itch that making love can't scratch.
Or, the one where Harry and Louis try to start a dom/sub BDSM relationship, and nothing goes according to plan.
Gentle Sin by userkant
Harry gasps. He gasps at what must be a sudden pain, or maybe at his sudden orgasm that has him tightening around Louis, forcing Louis’ own release, or maybe all of these things are connected.
Or, Louis discovers a few things about Harry.
A fic about kink exploration and pleasure-pain featuring baby boyfriends, tenderness, and gentle dom Louis.
I'll Look After You by stylesforstiles, TrynaGetStylinson
Harry's had enough with the mobs. He just needs someone to tell him it will all be ok.
Let Me Be Good For You by onlyhuman
His distress over the bun is nothing compared to the thrill Louis feels shoot up his spine at the outfit Harry’s donned. He’s changed into leather jeans that cling to his legs, hugging his thighs snugly. On top of it, a floaty, black sheer shirt is contouring his frame, doing absolutely nothing to hide his puffy nipples or the endless array of tattoos scattered across his torso. It’s Louis’ favourite outfit in the entire world.
Or, Niall's only birthday wish is to go clubbing with his boys in Vegas. Harry ruins it all by wearing that god forsaken black sheer shirt.
leave you drowning until you reach for my hand by orphan_account
If Louis told him to do something that he really didn't want to do, it would be different, but Louis's never done that, never asked anything of Harry that he couldn't handle. Except—except maybe this; to obey him without praise, reward, approval, or even mere acknowledgement.
Beneath the Suits by someonethatsfunny
Harry and Louis had a bit of a ritual when it came to award shows. And that ritual didn’t lend itself very well to after parties or being around other people in general. Nope. They were much better off alone where they could have their own private celebration. So what happened after the AMAs then when Niall and Liam head to an after party and Harry and Louis were nowhere to be found? Well, obviously we can't be sure, but it was probably something along the lines of ....
During ‘hiatus’
Mon Petit by coffinofachimera
Harry wears the 'Mon Petit' sweater while Louis records them on their private plane.
Things Are Pretty Good From Here by ItIsWhatItIs9194, Teddy1008
Harry's just released "Sign of the Times," and of course, Louis can't help but want to let his sub know how proud he is of him with more than just words.
They basically fuck.
head head heart by turnyourankle
After Dunkirk has wrapped filming, Harry struggles with his inability to reach subspace. He tries taking the matter in his own hands before Louis intervenes with a plan of his own.
Model's Own by Domeaspreadsheet
Harry hadn’t wanted him to see the Another Man shoot until it dropped, wanted it to be a surprise. He’d already come home with his hair chopped off, how many surprises could there be?
Louis pulls up Harry’s instagram, the notifications for three posts coming through right after the other. Harry was off at a spin class, and here Louis sits, staring at Harry’s face, the three covers forming a neat line, all so different, yet all so very Harry. He zooms in on one, knows he must be seeing it wrong, but no. Harry is wearing a collar. On the cover of a fucking magazine.
Beside Me Like a Silhouette by Domeaspreadsheet
“Quite the ruckus from someone who thought they were coming home to a sleeping household,” Louis says on an exhale of smoke.
Oh. Harry has been set up.
“Well, maybe if I hadn’t thought you were bailing on me I would have tried harder to be quiet,” he huffs.
Louis levels his gaze at him. “Is that so?”
Harry nods.
“Very well. You have fifteen minutes to shower and put in the plug I left on the bathroom counter. No need to dress afterward. When you come back, kneel next to the chair on my right. You may go.”
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo
It's half past 9, and all Harry wants is for Louis to touch him. Preferably after a good spanking.
If you combine a lazy Saturday afternoon with a distracting, pouty Harry, you'll end up with Louis spanking his baby over his knee in the middle of a paused FIFA match.
i'll be your sunflower by scagnetism
“What do you think’s gonna stop us now?” Harry says cheekily, laughter in his voice as he looks up at Louis. “Something’s gotta get in our way like always, doesn’t it?”
“Ha,” Louis grins, kissing his cheek and holding open the door for him as they make their way toward the car. “Nothing’s gonna interrupt us this time. ‘S gonna be perfect, just like Pumpkin.”
Or, a few interruptions aren't going to stop Harry from having a perfect pregnancy and having the family he and Louis have always dreamed of.
Take Me for a Spin by QuickedWeen
The night of the Pride of Britain Awards 2016. Louis goes to the ceremony and out to the club afterwards, but what is Harry up to?
Baby, Honey by lovelarry10
Harry's been talking about sex and babies on stage too much for Louis' liking, so he decides to give him what he wants...
Or the one with the aftermath of Harry's Detroit concert...
Half Fragment by coffinofachimera
Louis and Harry share a night together through the phone.
As always I hope you enjoy these! Make sure you read the tags and stay safe lovelies ❤
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placebogirl7 · 4 years
Why Jodie is so hated in DC fandom? - Analysis of an underestimated character and clarification about wrong assumptions
Preliminary remark: this post is just a personal opinion. No intention to start wars of any kind, I respect everyone’s opionion so I want my opinion to be respected too. If you don’t share it, it’s totally ok as it’s totally ok if I don’t share yours.
During these last 5 years I’ve been back into DC fandom, I notice all around the web many people spreading hate towards Jodie (not only here on Tumblr but everywhere, especially in forums and social media pages). It’s ok to not like a character, but you need valid reasons to hate it. If you hate it for bullshit, then it’s only hate based on nothing. And this is what I see everytime I read a bad comment about Jodie’s character. This is really annoying for a fan, to be honest. Now I want to point out some of the most popular reason why Jodie is hated and analyze them (maybe I have already explained my point of view about them in some other posts in the last years, but I will clarify them again).
1) “Jodie has become useless, she’s no more interesting and mysterious as she was at the beginning” You (Jodie haters) really notice this change only in Jodie’s character? Because I can mention at least other 10 characters who, at their first appearance, were described as mysterious and cool and whatever else, but now are “lying on the shelf” for Gosho’s choise. Jodie has been introduced in a mysterious way becase she was suspected to be Vermouth, so Gosho created the suspance around her character and made her act in a shifty way to make the readers believe that she could be one of the BO members. Once it has been revealed that she wasn’t bad, there were no more need to make her act in a shifty way. Many other character who were suspected to be Bo members but in the end were not have shared the same fate. But it’s Gosho’s decision, not Jodie’s fault. It’s not something related to her way of being, it’s a choise of the author.  She has become usless? Ok, let’s face the reality: who is useful among the characters? A very few. Let’s take all the FBI Team: Gosho has painted them as a bunch of idiots that without Akai can’t do nothing. To make Akai “shine” he has denigrated Jodie, James and Camel. Camel doesn’t do nothing of his own, he always wait for Akai’s orders; James is supposed to be the chief but actually he does what Akai says; Jodie seems to make mistakes everytime she did something, even if she’s doing it in the right way. But again, it’s not their fault because we have seen them doing even very good things and being brilliant, so they have potential: it’s Gosho who decided to treat them like dumbs so Akai can be like a God who will save all of us. Don’t get me wrong, I love Akai, but I hate what Gosho is doing to put him in the spotligh. Again, it’s Gosho’s fault, not the characters who suddenly became usless and not interesting. The hate should be towards Gosho, not Jodie.
2) “After Akai’s death Jodie has become so annoying, she’s weak and she’s always crying” Ok...question for you Jodie haters: if you suddenly lose someone you love, what will be your reaction? Will you laugh as you were watching a sitcom, will you organize a big party with your friends or will you start throwing confetti in the air? Because if you do one if these 3 things, then...congratulations, you have won the highest award for the most cool /stone-harted/ heartless person in this world! You have no rivals, not even Shuichi Akai who is now jealous of you!  Seriously...if the man you love so much dies suddenly, it’s LEGITIMATE to cry, to be desperate, to lose yourself. It’s like losing a part of you. But despite feeling lost, Jodie has been the only one among the FBI who never believed to Akai’s death since the beginning and she fought long and hard to find out the truth behind his death. Since when on the TV they show the incident at Rahia Pass and they say a man was dead burned in his car, she immediately thought that it wasn’t Shuichi and that he had surely used a trick to escape. Guess what? She was right! Do you still think she’s stupid?  Jodie isn’t weak, she just faced an emotional breakdown due to the loss of a person she loved. This is being human, not being weak. Jodie isn’t always crying, she cried when everything and everyone around her was making her believe that Shuichi was really dead. At a certain point she stopped crying, when she saw hope, a hint that Shu was still alive. She isn’t a crybaby, she just needed hope. 
3) “Since Akai’s death, Jodie hasn’t done anything interesting or exciting, she has become boring” If you didn’t notice by yourself, then I will reveal you the biggest secret of all: after Akai’s death, or better to say after the end of Scarlet Arc when Jodie and Camel discovered about Shuichi being alive and hiding behind Subaru’s identity...FBI hasn’t appeared anymore in the manga for ages, since the last files which came our recently! How are they (included Jodie) supposed to do something exciting or interesting if they don’t even appear? Gosho put them in the closet with the naphthalene and he concentrated his attention on other characters (first of all Amuro, which in my opinion deserves more hate than Jodie because of his behaviour but somehow is adored as a God in the fandom).Then one day he get up and he had the big flash of genius: “FBI still exist in my story, so better take them out of the closet and make them do something”. But in the end, as always, only Akai did something relevant. Camel has been a puppet in the hand of Akai and Jodie made a mistake. So, again, it’s not Jodie who have changed and become a worst character, it’s how Gosho is painting her and the other FBI agents which makes them appear less interesting or capable at the eyes of the readers.
4) “Jodie has become stupid” About this I made a “funny” post long time ago, so I will put the link below. I think it’s enough to explain all:
I will also add something that surely will unleash the wrath of somebody and maybe they will start complain, but I honestly don’t care because it’s nothing against someone in particular but just something I noticed. This is absolutely not an attempt to start a ship war nor a free criticism end in itself, because I reaspect everyone ship and opinion even if I don’t agree with that. The fact is that I noticed that often (not always of course, but often) these criticism about Jodie are moved by ShuKemi fans, and considering what I said above it seems that their hate for Jodie is just because Jodie was Akai’s girlfriend before Akemi and she has the possibility (if Gosho wants) to be his girlfriend again the future, not really because they analyzed Jodie’s character before spreading shit about it.  So I would like to point out to these ShuKemi fans who idolize Akemi’s character so much and tell shits about Jodie that Akemi sentenced herself to death with her own hands after making the worst and wrong choise she could have ever done in her life. I’ve seen many times Akemi being called “a hero” but chosing to death without obtaining nothing in return isn’t being a hero, it’s just being stupid in my opinion. Being a hero is another thing. You’re an hero if you sacrifice yourself with the goal to obtain something that worth your sacrifice, but if you sacrifice yourself knowing that you won’t obtain nothing apart from your death...well, that’s not being a hero at all. And before someone will say “You talk like this because you’re a ShuJodie fan”, please be aware that Akemi’s death has been shown before Jodie appearance and before knowing that Jodie had a relationship with Shu before he started dating Akemi, so I would have no reason to say these things just because of such trivial matters. The reason why I’ve never been touched by Akemi’s death since the beginning is because I think she has consciously chosen to die since the beginning of her “masterplan”. C’mon, how can you really think to make a deal with criminals? There’s a reason if they are criminals... She really thought that Gin would have kept his promise? If the answer is yes, then I’m sorry to say that but she’s stupid twice. So before saying that Jodie is the stupid one, at least analyze the things deeply and objectively. 
Now I know that this will make someone mad but I’m sorry, it’s what I think. And not because I see Akemi as a “threat” for Jodie’s relationship with Shuichi, as I always said I don’t need to spread shit on some character to covince myself and the other that my couple is better, I really don’t need this. I love my couple and stop, the rest doesn’t matter. If I don’t like a character, there’s always a deeper motivation behind, which has nothing to do with OTPs and trivial matters like that. But before saying I don’t like a character and draw up charges on it, I always analyze the character. I’m sorry that nobody do it with Jodie. 
Please also note that I used Akemi as example of character being idolized for no real reason because, as I said, I noticed that who talk shits about Jodie are often ShuKemi fans, but there are also other characters of course who are idolized when they actually have nothing to be idolized for. Another example is Amuro, I recently made a post about what I think of him.  Now if you don’t like what I think and what I said you are free to unfollow me, I’m sorry but I really needed to make this post because it has become more and more annoying to see nonsense unkindness things about Jodie.
Peace, love and Jodie Starling ♥
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defdaily · 4 years
[TRANSLATION] NYLON Korea Magazine December 2014 issue x GOT7: boys to men
Before long, you will be a year older. How does it feel to become a man?
JB It feels as if the place you can lean on is disappearing. When you’re young, there are many people who can help take care of you, but when you become an adult, you need to be responsible for yourself. Isn’t the shouldering of all the responsibility a part of the process of becoming an adult?
Jr. Since the things you can do tend to increase more and more, it seems like it would be a feeling of freedom. Because of your status as a student, there are things that the people around you look out for you, but when you become an adult, I’m afraid that there won’t be things like that. I hope that I won’t just get older in age and remain an overgrown adult.
What do you think an adult is?
JB Being caring and understanding. It’s something that I still don’t have yet.
Yugyeom While putting themselves in another person’s shoes and being able to think like them and listening well to what they say, that is the image of an adult.
Jackson I think an adult is taking responsibility for one’s own decisions.
Jr. Enduring for a long time. I mean, when you look at adults, there’s the ‘As if it wasn’t bad enough that you’ve gotten older in age…’ Adults can also have thoughts like a child and there are even times when they act childishly. However, I think expressing that (those feelings) is the image of a child, and enduring without expressing it is an adult. However, when all is said and done, an adult is wrinkles, isn’t it! Haha.
Youngjae Isn’t being homely and resembling my serious father an adult?
Tumblr media
When you become an adult, what do you think will change?
Jackson I have them now too, but in the future, my facial wrinkles will become deeper. I will be a bit more humble, and I will more desperately realize my shortcomings.
Youngjae My outer appearance won’t be greatly different, but my inner self will be deeper.
Mark Perhaps because I was born in America, but I can’t feel any big differences. When you become an adult, there are no big differences. It’s just the situation becomes different. Unlike in America, having to do everything by yourself is a bit overwhelming. You even have to take care of your own food to eat and organize your clothes by yourself. The biggest difference is the appearance of a sense of responsibility in your daily life.
BamBam Since I’m still young, there are more things that I can’t do, but when I become an adult, I think it will feel like I can break down that wall. I’ll be like, ‘I’m free now!’
Do you have any fantasies about becoming an adult?
JB Somehow, when you become an adult, can’t you drive with one hand… When I watch dramas, the handsome main character wears sunglasses and drives with one hand. That looks cool.
Jackson When you become an adult, it’s more like your fantasies get shattered. When you are young, you don’t care when you make a mistake, but when you become an adult, the situation becomes different. If you make a big mistake, you could go to jail.
Is there a person you have admired for a long time?
Jackson While I admire my father, I also respect him because of his attitude of never giving up until the end. I want to become a person like my dad.
Yugyeom Chris Brown, who gave me the dream to become a singer. I fell in love when I watched the 2012 Grammy Awards.
Jr. Park Jinyoung PD-nim. It’s amazing that we have the same name, and we have this connection where I was born in 1994 and PD-nim debuted in that same year. We have many things in common.
BamBam It seems like Jr. hyung’s dream has come true. Ever since I was a child, I liked Rain sunbaenim. Following what my mom liked, I watched the dramas Rain sunbaenim appeared in and music shows, so I naturally came to like him. Because I was selected to become a singer while doing a Rain sunbaenim dance cover, he’s even more special to me.
JB I also wanted to meet Rain sunbaenim the most when I became a celebrity. Since our promotions overlapped, I met him once, and since his build was bigger than I had thought, I was surprised. It was to the degree that all the members were exclaiming, “So big!” He was wearing a suit and had extended his hand out for a handshake, and like a hip-hop-er, greeted us memorably with a “Yo!”
Youngjae For me, Yoo Jae Suk sunbaenim. He resembles my father. Especially the big and red nose. Haha. His personality is good, and his kind appearance is warm. Ever since the first season of <Infinite Challenge>, <Rash Challenge>, I’ve been a faithful viewer, never missing an episode. Recently, watching <Infinite Challenge> is still my greatest joy.
Mark Because I actually have no particular dream, I also don’t have a figure that I admire. To me, it’s more important that I live life to the fullest while enjoying the day.
Jackson Living as best as you can, as if today is your last. Now that I think about it, Mark hyung’s answer is really cool! The members have never, not even once, all gathered together and had a serious talk like this, so it’s awkward. We originally aren’t the serious type. Haha.
The look on your faces of unfamiliarity with each other, amazing.
Jackson Come to think of it, until now, we’ve never asked each other what do you like, what kinds of things do you prefer. In our dorms, we either joke around with each other, or we sleep after we finish our schedules since we are busy. The thing I say the most in the dorm is, “You’re not sleeping?” Haha.
If something you like were to come up, wouldn’t you want to boast about it? Also, I would think that amongst the members who have similar interests, you’d be able to communicate well.
BamBam In the past, we didn’t talk, but recently, we often talk about movies we see.
Jr. I was impressed by <Gone Girl>. It’s the best amongst the movies I’ve seen recently! You can’t help but to be absorbed by the story that repeatedly twists the twists, and since the actors act well, it was quite interesting to watch.
Yugyeom In the dorm, I watched <My Love, My Bride> with BamBam and Jackson hyung. It’s a fantasy about marriage, so while we watched the movie, we thought, if we all got married, ‘Will we change like the movie’s main character? In what order would the things change?’ Since it was a happy ending, I was pleased.
BamBam We watched it while continuously screaming. Because we really liked it and because we were excited.
JB I like movies that bring to mind memories. I enjoy watching animation. Recently, I watched the 12th Crayon Shin-chan movie <Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called! The Kasukabe Boys of the Evening Sun>, and I was somehow delighted by it. I’ve probably seen it more than 5 times?
Youngjae I also like animation like JB hyung. I’m a huge fan, to the point that I’ve seen every episode of <One Piece>. I enjoy watching the main character Luffy grow through his interactions with various people as he dreams of becoming the King of the Pirates. While I brood over the subject of developing into a new person, my feeling of also wanting to become like that seems to get bigger.
Mark I’m the type that doesn’t really like movies. If there is free time, the only thing I want to do is rest. Haha.
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What is the worst thing that has happened to you that you remember?
JB It’s not the worst incident but…. I went on a program once as a guest. In order to stand out as a main character, I should have worked hard, but I was lacking in sense. I also couldn’t do ments well…. In any case, I couldn’t do my part properly. The director even made a loud noise while saying, “You aren’t concentrating?” I’m still dizzy now, thinking of that time.
Jr. We had plans to film our mini-album music video in Thailand, but at that time, a coup d’etat happened, and there was a ban placed on entering the country. We changed the destination in a hurry and went to Malaysia to film, but the problem was that we hadn’t prepared our clothes. Up until the day before we departed from Korea, we couldn’t even do our fitting for our clothes, our hearts felt urgent, and so when we arrived in Malaysia, it became a sleepless night. When I say it now, it’s nothing, but at that time, I was worried, ‘Won’t everything get scrapped?’
Youngjae On the broadcasted <After School Club> this past year, I was supposed to read ‘Live’ as ‘liv,’ but since I said ‘la-ive,’ I became a laughing stock. After that, I have devoted myself to studying English. I also didn’t know, but I guess I have an overly stubborn personality. Haha.
Jackson Rather than the worst, I will talk about a difficult situation. Not too long ago, I was fixed to appear on MBC <Quiz to Change the World> for about three months. I’d get tired from the long recordings for 8-10 hours a day, but I still really worked hard on my reactions. Laughing, clapping, like a hot-blooded audience member. However, I did not stand out as much as I expected. I will make bigger reactions in the future!
Is there something that people have come to overestimate or underestimate you on?
Yugyeom During <Real GOT7>, I was the subject of a hidden camera. With the theme of ‘Make Yugyeom cry!’, the hyungs seriously went through with the situation. At that time, I only cried once, but people thought I was a crybaby. Every person I met would say, ‘Is it true you cry often/easily?’
Jackson People remember me for my mischievious image, but actually, I am an extremely serious person. I wanted to tell you that.
JB I’ve never thought about how people think of me, so I don’t know how I should respond.
Jr. JB hyung is exactly the same as what you see. Bad boy! Chic man!
JB But I’m not the chic style… Since I look like a cold person, I guess that modifier just stuck to me.
Yugyeom Actually, JB hyung is clumsy. He has an extremely cute side.
Like how, for example?
Yugyeom JB hyung will say, “Really, let’s do the choreography properly. You absolutely must not make a mistake,” but he will be the only one to do it wrong. He’s a hyung, but he looks cute.
Jr. JB is even funnier during promotions. He says, “Even if we have a lot of schedules, however tired you may be, let’s not sleep,” and actually, he is the one to sleep on the floor.
JB I definitely did not sleep!
Jackson There really is one more cute incident. A few days ago, I ordered McDonald’s chicken wings, but without me knowing, JB took them all and ate them. There is no proof, but I am certain of it.
JB I really didn’t eat them!
Jackson Keeping this image until the end of trying to get out of things is extremely cute. Hahaha.
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When do you feel, I have become an entirely different person?
BamBam When I get make-up done. When I do the cleansing, I’m surprised, thinking, ‘I look like this?’
JB When I get on stage, I get the feeling that the tendencies I originally had have changed.
Yugyeom When I dance. In the past, I was uncomfortable, and I had a very shy personality, but while doing promotions, I changed.
Youngjae When I draw. I’m not the skilled type, but some day, I want to personally design our album jacket.
Jackson I am always me. If I have to say when I become a different person, it’s when I’m in front of Park Jinyoung PD-nim. In the past, he was really scary. Because of the aura PD-nim has, I would somehow get intimidated, and I couldn’t speak properly. Probably because when you’re a trainee, you don’t know when you could get kicked out, so I was afraid of that. However, now we’ve become close to the degree that I call him hyung.
You must have been upset.
Jackson It’s okay. That’s society, after all.
Jr. Because a Hong Kong person said it like that, it’s amazing.
Jackson It’s because in Hong Kong, we have the same saying!
If you were to tell us one side of yourself that people don’t know well?
Jr. The images I have in front of friends and in front of adults are different. Even if I’m joking around endlessly with friends, if adults come, I become serious. It’s because we need to have respect towards our elders. That was a bit uninteresting. Haha.
Mark Mm, if I compare myself to my past personality, it seems a lot has changed. If what we thought was different, I would often fight with my friends, but now, even if we have the same conversation, I suppose there isn’t a big impression. Sometimes, if something happens, my friends say, “Why didn’t you get angry? You changed!” Oddly enough, I don’t really know where I’ve changed.
Rather than you being the one who changed, isn’t it the people’s attitudes towards Mark that changed?
Jackson That’s right. There is that part too. I feel that all the members before and after debut are not hugely different. If there is something that changed after becoming a singer, it’s getting on the stage, of course.
Amongst the promises the members have made with each other, what is the most important one?
Yugyeom Rather than a promise, we said that we’d go to the end with the name ‘GOT7.’ Whether we do solo promotions or units, we shall not forget one another.
BamBam Mm, we’ve made a lot of minor promises. If you eat in the living room, the person who ate has to clean up! However, there is no one who cleans.
JB We made a promise not to put toilet paper in the toilet….
Jackson Did we really make that promise? This is something I’m hearing for the first time.
JB It’s okay for your own room to be messy, but the bathroom we use together, the living room, and the kitchen need to be kept clean.
Jr. JB has a bit of mysophobia (fear of germs). Haha.
It seems like it’s been five years since your debut, and finally, you’ve released a full album.
Yugyeom I hope it goes well. The artists at our company also all liked our album.
Jackson Although I don’t feel like the album is overdue, rather than being pressed for time, I thought, let’s make this good. You can expect it to be good.
What is the song you are most attached to from this album?
JB The title song, ‘Stop Stop It.’
BamBam I also like the title song the most. My hairstyle came out well in this song too. Hahaha. The members teased me for looking like a character from a loans advertisement, but now, I like it.
Mark I’m the type that likes R&B and hip-hop and enjoys songs that are sung low. Therefore, I have a lot of attachment to ‘Moonlight.’
Jr. ‘Take My Hand.’ In my life, I had never heard a compliment saying I sang well, but with this song, I received my first compliment. I pretended to stay calm on the outside, but inside, I really liked it.
Jackson Mm, I like the songs called ‘Just Tonight’ and ‘Moonlight’ the most. Since they are the songs I personally did the rap-making for, my affection for them is great.
How do you hope people will listen to this album?
Jackson How should they listen? Do I need to say to listen with your ear?
Yugyeom Haha. Since you can’t hear it with your mouth.
BamBam I think they are good songs to sing when a man is confessing to a woman. The lyrics can be somewhat cringeworthy, but they are romantic.
JB Men should listen to our songs with a feeling of, ‘I’m being hooked like a fish by one woman.’ After all, there are a lot of parts that they can identify with.
Mark That’s right. That is this album’s concept, after all.
Jr. If you are a person who likes songs that feel old, you must listen to our album. A majority of our songs have an old-school feel to them, so you will be able to happily listen to them.
Scan credit: Winter Boy
Translated by: @michelleeshk
0 notes
styleandsin · 7 years
ok this is pretty random but do you have any really good fluffy fics you could recommend ?
fluffy fic rec
ever since by letsjustsee (10k)
Louis once again went to leave, but before he could reach the door he heard Barkley jumping off the bed behind him. The giant dog accosted Louis before he could get through, nudging Louis’ legs with all his weight and making him stumble, and Louis had to grab the doorframe to steady himself.
“What the heck, Barkley?” Louis was mostly talking to himself, aware that Barkley couldn’t actually understand him, but he had never witnessed the dog acting so oddly.
He turned around when he heard a quiet murmur coming from the bed.“What?” He hadn’t been able to make out what Harry said, but at Louis’ question he sat up in bed, hair already wild from the pillow, eyes heavy, and Louis’ stomach gave a little flip.
“He wants you to stay.”
Or, a very fluffy AU where Louis finds a lost dog that he wishes he could keep - until he meets his owner, who he wishes he could keep more.
if tomorrow never comes (we had last night) by fallinglikethis & rearviewdreamer (14k)
Louis accepts the call without bothering to look at the caller ID. Only Zayn would be a big enough asshole to call him at two in the morning. This fucking better be important.“This fucking better be important,” Louis greets.
On the other end of the line comes a soft giggle. “Li, you don’t usually curse. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I like it.”
Yeah, that’s not Zayn. Louis sighs, his anger melting into resignation when he realizes that it’s some poor bastard probably drunk dialing his ex or something. “Sorry, mate. Think you’ve got the wrong number.”
‘til i tasted you by kiwikero (14k)
Louis is Harry Styles’ biggest fan. It doesn’t matter that Harry is famous for being a food blogger and Louis can’t cook to save his life.
At least, until Harry offers to give Louis a cooking lesson. Then it matters just a teensy bit.
what do you mean he’s coming? by mediawhore (15k)
When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson.
Harry is screwed.
the edge of the stars by casuallyhl (16k)
Louis laughed. “You think you can convince some random guy to want to go out with me?”
“Oh baby,” Jay chuckled. “I can convince all of the UK to want to go out with you.”
Or, a Meet the Parents AU where Harry is the man of Louis’ dreams, and it’s up to Jay to convince him to date her son.
outside is just a blur by daggerandtherose (18k)
Louis’ son might just be a technology genius as he has quite a knack for calling strangers up on Louis’ phone. Repeatedly.
i don’t want you to leave, will you hold my hand? by kikikryslee (19k)
“I’m so close to making heads roll it’s ridiculous,“ Louis snarled.
He took a few calming breaths before looking at the terrified-looking employee at the counter.
“Welcome to Pinkberry,” he greeted timidly. “Can I help you?”Louis sighed before slowly approaching.“Hi, um…” he read the name tag he wore on his apron, “Harry. Sorry you had to see that.”
After breaking up with his boyfriend and going on one too many pap walks, Louis starts to consider moving home to London for a fresh start. Pinkberry employee and all-around good listener Harry makes him maybe not want to.
Featuring Liam as Louis’ agent, Niall as Louis’ voice of reason and a whole lot of strange orders at Pinkberry.
then we talk slow by letsjustsee (20k)
The picture showed Harry smiling widely (with a fucking dimple) at the camera, his glossy brown curls situated artfully around his shoulders. Louis couldn’t see his whole outfit, but it seemed to consist of a pink, floral button-up with most of the buttons undone. Louis could also detect the dark outlines of tattoos on his chest, although he couldn’t quite make out what they were underneath the shirt.What he could make out was that his own heartrate seemed to have picked up significantly.
This was so not good. Not only had Louis drunkenly sent messages in a deliberate attempt to interact with this man, he was now insanely attracted to him without ever having met him in person.Maybe Liam was right – drunk tweeting really was a horrible, rotten idea.
A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
twist a little closer, now by fackinglouis (20k)
“Dance team is shit,” Louis tells Harry for the millionth time.
Harry leans closer for a moment, like he’s about to tell Louis a super serious secret and Louis’ throat closes up. He can smell the cologne Harry used this morning before school and the shampoo he washed his hair with last night; Louis feels lightheaded. “Yeah, only cause you’re not on it.”
Or the one where Harry signs up for a dance class that Louis teaches. Incidentally, the class is for six year olds.
hearts don’t break around here by sincewewereeighteen (26k)
“Another car has stopped at the beginning of the carpet. People are going to collapse any time soon, and Louis knows why.Harry Styles has just arrived. And Louis. Well. Louis is a grown man. He curses himself a hundred times for even letting his heart race in his chest. He knew they were bound to meet tonight.What the hell is wrong with him?”
Or: the one in which Harry’s having his big movie debut and Louis sings on it’s soundtrack. 
never shut us down by togetherwecouldbealright (32k)
Louis is an insecure mess and he hides behind his blog. Harry’s a boy with a personality too bright and he’s everything Louis thought he would hate. They end up falling in love.
all along, my heart was beating for you by harryswhale (36k)
Louis’ raptors are having babies. Harry’s called in to help.
k-9′s and blue eyes by lhstylinson (36k)
Harry runs the police station’s K-9 unit and Louis is a single father to a newborn and has a few things to figure out.Or Harry and Louis with puppies and babies.
these sweet thoughts by adelagia (40k)
When Louis has the worst day of his life, it’s only because Harry hasn’t accidentally walked into it yet.
Featuring Louis as Ariel in a production of The Tempest, Harry as a happily overworked pastry chef, Niall their cheerleader, Zayn their less vocal but equally enthusiastic cheerleader, Kinder Surprises, stiff peaks, and someone getting punched by mistake.
for you i saved the love (i never knew how to give) by pinky_heaven19 (42k)
Harry’s face completely changed. “Oh, is that a child?” He sounded almost hopeful.
“Yeah, that’s my daughter, Lillian,” he said, unable to contain the pride in his voice and stepped aside.
Harry peeked inside and grinned. “Can I meet her?”
Louis blinked. “Yeah, sure. Come in,” he said and the man followed him inside.
His daughter was looking at him curiously. Her face was red and wet from her tears, but she had calmed down to silent sniffles.
“This is our neighboor, Harry. Come say hi to him.”
The little girl looked at Harry and gave him a shy smile. He kneeled in front of the armchair and held out his hand. “I’m Harry, what’s your name?”
“Lilly,” she replied, softly. She looked at his hand and took it in her own small ones. Louis’ eyes widened.
“Like the flower?” Harry asked and she nodded, happily. “It’s very nice to meet you, Lilly,” he shook her hand up and down as far as her arms could go, and all her bad mood was gone in an instant, dissolved in a big smile.
OR the one where Louis moves to a small town with his young daughter and has a gorgeous neighbor. Harry loves children and Louis also likes him a little bit. Lots of fluff.
tangled up in you by missandrogyny (45k)
Harry blinks once. And blinks again. And says, his voice dangerous: “Niall, did you get me a mail-order bride?”
Because what the actual fuck. It kind of looks like Niall’s just purchased a person. For Harry.
Niall blinks back at him for a few moments, before throwing his head back and howling with laughter. Harry throws a pillow at him. Hard. “No, what the fuck, Harry.”
“A prostitute then?” Harry also doesn’t want a prostitute.
“Of course not!”
“A stripper?”
Damn, he’s running out of ideas. He settles for launching another pillow at Niall’s head. Niall bats it away easily, still laughing. “Stop!”
“What did you get me, then?!” Niall must hear the tinge of hysteria in his voice, because he’s pulling himself together, trying to stop himself from laughing.
There’s still a big grin on his face, though, when he says, “I got you a professional cuddler.”
A professional…what. “What?”
a life that we share (i owe it all to you) by rearviewdreamer (50k)
When Harry’s son came home from school crying he didn’t think things could get any worse. Lucky for them, things were just about to change for the best.
Harry’s son get bullied until Louis’ son shows up :)
put the stars in our eyes by crybaby (53k)
Louis goes to bed having ordered a nineteen year-old husband.
Louis is set to inherit the family farm after the death of his father, but after finding out that he needs to be married in order to do so, purchasing a nineteen year-old, mail-order husband named Harry Styles seems to be the easiest answer.
all the right moves by cherrystreet (53k)
This is the third game in a row that Harry has been distracted by the noisy boy in the stands, five rows back.
There’s really no reason that he should feel compelled to stare into the audience as frequently as he is, but he can’t help it. This boy is a nuisance. And he’s loud. Even from basketball court with nine other players running by him, shoes squeaking on the shiny hardwood floor, and thousands of cheering college students, Harry can hear this boy nearly shrieking, his laugh more like a cackle than anything.
It’s seriously obnoxious.
with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents (62k)
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
i need home (our tangled bones) by togetherwecouldbealright (68k)
Louis runs a record label and Harry is his daughter’s new nanny. Over the course of a year, Harry helps Louis learn what it really is to be a father and somehow they find an unexpected home in each other.
Or, the kid fic where Louis wants to make Harry a star, Zayn just needs everyone to stop being stupid, Niall laughs his arse off at everything, Liam attempts to keep things in order and Harry takes a chance.
let’s fall in love in a place you want to stay by embro (134k)
A George of the Jungle / Tarzan AU where Louis is a model who meets Wild Man Harry in the Congo. He was raised by apes and barely speaks a word of English and turns Louis’ life upside down.
all too human by gotthisniallthang (166k)
Louis has a 3 year old son and works at a daycare while getting his education degree.
Harry’s a fresh face Popstar with the world in his hands.
They meet over applesauce and hide n’ go seek.
bloodline by banana_louis (177k)
Louis doesn’t know how to feel when his best friend, Liam, finds out about a brother that he never knew, who was placed for adoption before he was born and is bursting into his life at twenty-four years old.
Louis is very wary of the man who might replace him. He has always thought of Liam as his own brother.
What if Liam doesn’t need him anymore? What if there’s no room for Louis? After all, blood runs thicker than water.
Louis doesn’t like Liam’s new brother and he doesn’t even know him. That’s irrelevant, though.
He doesn’t like him. He doesn’t trust him. He doesn’t want him hanging around. He doesn’t want anything to do with him.
That is, until he meets him.
relief next to me by dolce_piccante (333k)
AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
44 notes · View notes
sanityrequiem · 7 years
Forest of Despair Prologue
I forced my feet to run towards the school as fast as they would let me. Of course, that was not that fast, but what could I do? I was not the Ultimate Runner or anything close to that. If I was, I would actually be on time for school. How interesting it would be to see that alternate universe. Anyways, instead of anything interesting, I was the Ultimate Mediator, Akita Yamazaki.
Ultimate Mediator: Akita Yamazaki
My younger sister had caused me to be late for school again. Like always. I had to make sure she did not do anything stupid. She was only eleven, so she had a talent of doing every idiotic thing you could ever think of. Most of those including lots and lots of unneeded crying. The Ultimate Crybaby if I ever meet one. My father was like, You're the Ultimate Peace Keeper (no, dad, it was Ultimate Mediator, thank you very much), you should be able to handle a child. A child was harder to handle than any war. That was the only thing in life I knew for certain. For all I know, all the children in the world are actually one of the four horsemen, war. Then handling them is literally a war!
Although I was a mediator, actual war and the war caused by unruly children are two different beasts. War is Hell, no matter which one you examine. Only a fucking idiot would deny that. My years of experience show that the former is a lot less emotionally traumatizing.
Other from that little distraction, it was a fairly nice day. The sky was blue, the clouds white and the grass green. It is one of those cliche days you'll see in overly sappy TV shows. Then, when my feet finally stopped, and my heavy breathing began, I noticed I was in front of a large gate. Really should be paying more attention to my surrounding that doesn't look like they were stripped out of olden time Hollywood. Now it is stripped from the Japan of years past. Inside the gate was the biggest, most perfect building I had ever seen. The building of Hope's Peak Academy. It was the second one in Japan ever. The first one has been torn down years ago during the Tragedy, and this one was built in the same exact place, only now surrounded by a bunch of annoying white flowers. Of course, Hope's Peak had always been in Japan. Just like the old times, it stood tall, watching over the entire world. There had been a time where they wanted to expand, but that was before the Tragedy screwed over the world.
The Tragedy was an event that everybody knows about. Even if people were frozen in chambers or sleeping underneath rocks, they would have known the Tragedy. It caused the greatest loss of life the world has ever known, tallying in the billions, and even changed how the actual science of the world works.
Ever since they sent me a letter saying they had accepted me, I did my research about this new Hope's Peak Academy. Going somewhere without knowing anything is just going to bite you in the ass. There were various blogs about everything you could think of, ranging from the next Ultimates to why the school should be torn down. I actually saw my own name there a few times. My work as a mediator gains me praise from both sides because I keep them from killing each other. Just seeing that made me full of pride. My work being acknowledged! I was the one girl who had impressed the Academy just by one simple action. Okay, there were probably a lot of other kids who have done that, but let me have my moment of fame here. At least I was not something as boring as a lucky student.
Thinking about the Ultimate talents, I had so many more interesting ideas than Hope's Peak itself has. Last year somebody was the Ultimate Experiment Subject. What that means, I did not know. Why would a person like that be part of the school? I had no idea. Other than being a runner, I would have a talent related to the circus! Most people hate circuses, but I was not one of those people. The only thing I did not like about circuses is clowns. Screw clowns. Anyway, I had always wanted to be the ringleader of the circus, the one who controls them all! The Ultimate Ringleader!
...That sounds like I was a criminal in charge of a drug ring instead of a circus. Having that name for a talent was a fucking stupid idea...Oh dear, back on topic!
I never tried to get into Hope's Peak, for they wanted me more than I did them. My feelings towards the school were neutral. There were people who despised it, saying that it caused the Tragedy and others that celebrated it as the savior of the world. Without Hope's Peak, there would've been no Ultimate Hope, but Ultimate Despair would've never existed either. This new school was created by the Ultimate Hope himself, Matoko Naegi. The only person who could successfully ward off the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima. Their story had been told to me over and over again in history classes. The story about how "Hope" was good and "Despair" was bad. Personally, I think both of them are overrated. I must rather walk the road of neutrality, not taking a side.
I started to walk towards the building when I suddenly filled with an awful dread. Something did not feel right. I ignored the feeling though, but now I regret I ever made that decision. It was stupider than anything my sister could have done. With my first step inside the building, my feet started to shake. My own stubbornness forced me to take yet another step. It was probably because of how much I ran, I told myself. I clenched my fists and continued walking forward.
The interior was fancy but nothing special. Just standard rich people shit. The walls were brown with posters all over them. Most of them were for clubs, yet I noticed one was a dance only open for people graduating. I guessed that was something to look forward to. Dances were okay as long as they had good music. If they did not, then I literally could not care less. Even if they gave me free food. I continued looking at the walls, mostly out of boredom, until I noticed two large doors. You know, something that actually is interesting. Inside was the room before the gym. A room painted with gold and awards from the classes before. From classes before, I mean before the Tragedy. Don't really have any awards now, and there has to be something to fill up all of this empty space. Might as well brag about your history. The biggest one was for the aforementioned Matoko Naegi. Okay, his name was now Matoko Kirigiri, but history class had brainwashed me into the Naegi surname. Damn you, history class! The trophy itself only stands out due to size, for it is literally just a golden cup with a name in the front.
Gold had become very rare due to the events of the Tragedy, like a lot of other precious materials. Having something made out of gold is just begging for the nearby gangs to loot your ass, or at least really, really want to. Maybe I should tell Mitsu-cho about this, she would be interested. Anything for my beloved.
Then I reached to the gym, where my email said we should meet. I opened the other pair of doors to see that nineteen other students were around me, all sleeping. Or dead. What really is the difference? It is kinda weird that this is how my day starts, but I make a living out of going to places that go to shit. This is what I call a normal Monday. There were supposed to be twenty-one of us, so I told myself that somebody must have been even later than me. In the middle of the room, on the podium, there was a small stuffed bear. It was black on one side, white on another. The thing that truly disturbed me the most about it was the red, lighting bolt-like eye on the black side of its face. Underneath it, there was a cruel smile that clashed with everything I stood for. Something that tries to force me to take a side in a conflict to come. The bear reminded me of a twisted Yin-Yang symbol.
"Welcome to the Killing Game, Akita Yamazaki," the bear announced. Its fluffy, little arms crossed.
"What? Did mom accidentally put something in my pancakes again?"
"You heard me right, Killing Game! A game of despair and hope!"
"..." When I first heard that, I thought it was only a cruel, sick joke. There was possibly an Ultimate Puppeteer or Trickster just setting up a punchline. I just happened to be the center of the joke. All my classmates were here before me, except one so it could have been punishment for being late.
"I know I am one handsome bear. Even I, with the greatest looks of all the bear kingdom, get embarrassed, you know? So say something! Confess your love to me!" The bear...toy...thing tried to hide his plush body with his tiny arms. Bear kingdom...I wondered where I heard that before.
"Kid, have you gone mute or something? Earth to Yamazaki!" Then, all at once, everything clicked. All the history stored in the secret parts of my brain forced itself onto me. My eyes dilated as I tried to step away. I did not know what to do, only to get away from there as fast as possible. I did not care how much my feet hurt or anything else inside me.
"Who...who are you?" I asked. My voice was clearly trying to stay unshaken. And that clearly did not work. Monokuma's demented facial expression told me that for certain.
"You should know my name very well, my sweet student. I am Monokuma! My talent is being the Ultimate School Headmaster!"
Ultimate School Headmaster: Monokuma
When Monokuma finished his introduction, I felt myself knock into someone. Probably because I was backing away from the living embodiment of all of my worse nightmares. I wondered if they were the other student, but the door clearly had not open again behind me. Their shadow was the only thing I could see. It was smaller than me. Something crashed into my head before I could realize more, and the next thing I knew was darkness.
Sometime later, I came to. The first thing I noticed was how differently the floor felt. It was sharp and uneven, the exact opposite of the wooden floor. I looked down to see I was laying on the grass, along with the classmates around me. We all seemed to be adjusting to the new setting.
There were trees all around me. I could swear I heard somebody sneeze. Then I turned back to see a large building behind us. It looked a lot like Hope's Peak Academy, but it was run down and old. Way older than anybody with me was. Pretty sure nobody here is over forty...hopefully.
"Welcome, kiddos, to your new school setting! The Suicide Forest!" Monokuma's red eye flashed.
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