#uhura rewatch
daraoakwise · 1 year
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Rewatching the Original Series just for the Uhura parts! Because we love her. Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War and 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow. Featuring Uhura in command (maybe?) and a rather amazing scream from Nichelle Nichols.
Episode 2x19 - A Private Little War. Uhura is barely in this one, although there is an interesting scene at the beginning.
Spock is shot on a early-civilization planet by a weapon that shouldn’t be invented there yet and is critically wounded. Kirk and McCoy beam up with him, and as the medics try to stabilize Spock in the transporter room, Uhura brings the ship to red alert. Kirk calls up to the bridge; a Klingon ship has appeared, she tells him urgently.
Kirk rushes up to the bridge with Spock’s life still very much in the balance. When he arrives, it’s not clear who has been in command. With Kirk and Spock on the planet, Scotty would have been, but he ran down to the transporter room to beam the away team home after the report of a critical injury. The center seat is empty; it honestly looks like Uhura, Chekov, and the helmsman are the only ones there. Uhura is kind of acting in charge. She certainly ranks Chekov, and random helmsman doesn’t say a word. Is this the first (only?) time we see her in command of the bridge?
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The Klingons haven’t seen the Enterprise, Uhura’s reports; they are making a routine transmission to their base
Kirk muses, in concern, that just thirteen years ago the indigenous people had barely learned how to forge iron, and now had flintlocks. Uhura states that it took earth twelve centuries between those two events. Kirk surmises that the Klingons have interfered on the planet. Scott, Uhura, and Chekov push him on that, rapidly tossing out various alternatives until Kirk growls at them that he did not invite a debate. The three officers straighten, chastised and a bit shocked. It is uncharacteristic of Kirk to snap at his officers like that. Kirk apologizes; he’s very concerned about Spock and the planet.
Other than being on the bridge when a healed Spock returns to it, that’s it for Uhura in this episode.
Episode 2x20 - Return to Tomorrow
We open on a tense bridge; Uhura reports that while there isn’t a signal, and nothing seems to exist to explain their readings, something is affecting all channels.
The arrive around a dead world, and a booming voices fills the bridge. Uhura looks up in amazement. Her hailing frequencies are not open.
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Kirk is invited to the planet, although the voice admits that the voice is dead. Kirk makes a log stating that he’ll go, in the name of exploration. Uhura tells him Starfleet won’t get the log for three weeks.
As a complete aside, I love these little moments when they are way out there. Sometimes it seems like they are just patrolling Federation space, but sometimes they are so far away that a recorded signal, traveling at warp speeds, will still take weeks to get home. It also means no one is calling home; there are alone out there, and only have each other.
The episode unfolds around alien consciousnesses who need help and, with permission, inhabit the bodies of Kirk, Spock, and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week. It turns out the one inhabiting Spock is the bad guy who intends to keep Spock.
Uhura doesn’t appear again until the end of the episode, giving a truly blood-curdling scream when the alien inhabiting Spock’s body uses its mind to torture her for some transgression (presumably refusing to cooperate), causing her agonizing pain. She slumps forward onto her station, nearly unconscious. It’s really pretty horrible, even more so because it Spock (sort of) torturing her.
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She has recovered enough to stand up when it seems that Spock has been killed in both mind and body. But Spock is restored, and Uhura reaches toward Nurse Chapel and straightens her as Chapel slumps forward a bit — it turns out Chapel has been hosting Spock’s consciousness. (I truly think Uhura and Chapel are friends. They don’t interact often, but end up touching one another every time they do.) Uhura looks on as the aliens inhabit the bodies of Kirk and Pretty Lieutenant of the Week one more time to share a goodbye kiss before spreading themselves into oblivion.
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butch-saralance · 3 months
I actually love the 2009 Kelvin Star Trek timeline, I do, but I'm so pissed about how the first two movies just made Uhura "Spock's girlfriend" She's got a blackbelt in badass but every time she's on screen it's all "oh Spock what about our relationship" when they broke up in the third film I cheered.
I mean that's not even mentioning WHY they made them date in the first place, which is clearly to make Spock and Kirk seem less queer.
The writers knew about the history of spirk, there's no way that was overlooked. If they made that those movies about Kirk and Spock's parallels and relationship WITHOUT giving dude a girlfriend, the romantic/sexual tension would have been too obvious. So instead they reduced Uhura to a beard and called it a day. give me a star trek with Uhura only is what I'm saying
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aerialworms-art · 7 months
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Spocktober + Trektober Day 17 - Survival Training
Their camping dates in The Final Frontier are everything to me :'3
(ID (+ bonus unedited version) under cut!)
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I wanted to add the unedited version too because I actually quite like the scrappiness of it! Plus I find it funny that I've done 16 of these and somehow managed to switch the 'Spocktober' and 'Trektober' in the corners on the 17th and not like. the second. 😅
I'm sticking this one right up on my wall :3
[Image ID: A black and white drawing of Jim Kirk, Spock, and Bones from Star Trek: The Original Series. They are sitting around a campfire in a clearing in an alien forest; in the sky above is a crescent moon, a distant ringed planet, and a galaxy. Smoke rises from the fire, and it casts long shadows behind the characters. The forest and sky are drawn in white gel pen on black ink, and the ground around the characters is shaded in scratchy black brushstrokes to indicate the ring of light thrown by the campfire.
Bones and Jim are reclining on the ground, to the left and behind the fire respectively. They are wearing casual clothes; Bones is wearing a jacket and Jim is wearing a t-shirt with a button up shirt over the top, unbuttoned. Bones is also toasting a marshmallow. Spock is on the right of the fire. He is sitting cross-legged facing the other two. He has a blanket wrapped around him and is wearing a beanie with a bobble on top, covering his ears. Only his face is visible. He is scowling, and saying in a square speech bubble "I do not see how this activity provides adequate survival training."
Bones replies, also scowling, in a round speech bubble "Just enjoy the peace and quiet, Spock."
Jim's eyes are closed and he is smiling, basking in the moment.
Above the drawing is written "Trektober" and "Day 17 - Survival Training" Below it is written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober".
The second image is the same as the first, except several brushstrokes have broken the boundaries of the drawing's frame, and 'Spocktober' and 'Trektober' have switched places. /End ID]
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per1w1nkl3 · 2 months
uhura and spock really are lesbian x gay solidarity
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a-medic-and-his-sass · 9 months
When parts of the Enterprise crew picks up a rather peculiar virus… the poor ensigns too.
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Or more simply, when a moth kid and a AOS comforter come together into the same mindset, to draw.
Kirk : African Death’s-Head Hawkmoth
Spock : Pandora Sphinx Moth
Bones : Pompelon marginata
Uhura : Cinnabar Moth
Scotty : Mania lunus
Chekov : Comet Moth
Sulu : Golden Sun Moth
Jaylah (didn't draw her in time) was : Zebra Conchylodes Moth
It's fair to say that for the Ship had some... engine room adjustments made mid-trip after Scotty kept knocking stuff over and sending Keenser into clean-up panic
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leohtttbriar · 10 months
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this is like that scene in arrival only way funnier bcause la'an says "do something," not "what do you think?" or anything remotely helpful like that. she says "do something" like uhura just has to tug on her earlobe three times and click her tongue and bam new language downloaded. uhura, so burdened, probably just has to deal with this all the time--listening to people act like language is a magic-code or even just a non-magic, boring code. and to learn a new one you just gotta crack it. hack it. enigma-machine it. mystery-machine it. un-mask the man in a mask with big brain brute-force power. instead of what linguists actually do which is spend a lot of time Caring Deeply about the half-semantic cultural root of half a phoneme. and what this micro-sound has to do with neurological matter. and also voting patterns. and tongues.
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lenievi · 9 months
kadhakjshfjhsdfjh Spock is so annoyed when Uhura starts humming and he can't play his lute ajsdhajkshfjahdjfh
your emotions are showing, Spock
and then he starts smiling and starts playing only for Uhura <3
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ireallyamabear · 11 months
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did anyone else get emotional at the end of undiscovered country bc it was the last time that the tos bridge crew would be together or am i just too attached to these seven
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daraoakwise · 1 year
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Celebrating Uhura in the Original Series!Episode 2x17 - A Piece of the Action and 2x18 The Immunity Syndrome.
Episode 2x17 - A Piece of the Action. This is another one of those weird Star Trek episodes that was in heavy rotation on syndicated TV when I was kid, featuring Kirk and Spock in Chicago gangster mode.
We open on Uhura calling down to pre-warp planet that had been contacted by a pre-prime directive Federation ship a 100 years ago. She is directed to a planetary official whose title is ‘Boss,’ which amuses both Kirk and Uhura.
Kirk, McCoy, and Spock beam down and are immediately captured. It turns out that the planet, which had been just reaching its industrial age a hundred years before, has been badly contaminated by a book about Chicago gangsters, and has modeled its culture after that criminal system.
The away team manages to escape, and Kirk mentions a delightful piece of information about Uhura’s job. He says that Uhura is monitoring planetary radio broadcasts and orders Spock and McCoy to hack into them so they can be beamed aboard the ship. I love that Uhura is monitoring the planet like that, keeping her ears open for trouble and information.
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Spock manages to call up to the ship on AM radio; Uhura is a bit baffled about why Spock is on that frequency, but gets them beamed aboard.
The away team is captured again, because Spock believes the mobsters. It is actually fairly hilarious. Kirk finally realizes that to get through to the feuding bosses, he has to pretend that the Federation is there to take over. He calls up to the ship, entirely impersonating a gangster. Scotty, in command, is hovering over Uhura’s station. The Captain is clearly bullshitting something or other, and they know it, but struggle for a minute to work it out. I love their combined looks of dawning realization as they figure out what the Captain wants. I also love how they just … go with it when Kirk is being ridiculous, trusting that there is a reason.
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Other than some background, that’s the end of her in this episode. One of the more amusing episodes in general, it’s a fairly typical Uhura-on-the bridge episode.
Episode 2x18-The Immunity Syndrome. A good on-the-bridge episode for Uhura showing just what a professional she is, even when she feels terrible. The exhausted Enterprise is headed for much needed shore leave when Uhura reports they have received a garbled message from Starbase 6; the word ‘Intrepid’ and a coordinate. She attempts to raise the Starbase when Spock reacts in psychic pain; the Vulcan-manned Intrepid has just died. Uhura manages to raise Starbase 6, and the Enterprise is immediately ordered to a new heading on a rescue mission. We cut to a disappointed and weary look on Uhura’s face; she’s too professional to say anything, but there goes shore leave. (I wonder what her plans were? Sorry, Nyota!)
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The next scenes are on the bridge; Uhura can’t reach Starfleet through significant and worsening communication distortion. A few minutes later she walks up to Spock and asks what they are looking for. This is a subtle beat, but she is clearly being gentle with him after his experience with the death of the Intrepid. Then some reaction shots from her (including serious pain from a loud nose) as they try to work out the mysteries of dark zone they have encountered in space.
Then Uhura stands and nearly passes out; Spock grabs her before she can fall and gentles her back into her seat. “Just dizzy,” she explains weakly, and tries to pull herself under control, but she clearly feels awful. She isn’t the only one so affected; McCoy calls up that a half of the crew just fainted.
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She’s got her head down, trying not to puke or pass out. Kirk walks up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Lieutenant?” he asks gently, and she pulls herself together and says ‘yes, sir.’ She has a job to do. She sends a transmission to Starfleet that they are going to probe the zone of darkness; she’s still obviously struggling but pushing though. I love how gentle both Kirk and Spock are toward her in this scene. I also love how she grits her way through it, ever the pro.
The horrible, painful noise returns; it’s not coming from communications, Uhura reports, trying her board even when in agony. McCoy and a nurse arrive on the Bridge; in the background the nurse administers a stimulant to Uhura, although it doesn’t help much, and she is still visibly ill.
She is background in the rest of her appearances in this episode, looking concerned, breathing hard, visibly sweating, getting tossed from her seat several times, opening communications and pulling in telemetry and a low-energy message from Spock when he probes the organism with a shuttle.
As they approach the nucleus of the organism with a last-ditch plan to kill it, Kirk records a log leaving commendations for the Bridge officers, including Uhura. Damn right.
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shadowglens · 1 year
for the alternate love interests... thalia and uhura? 👀 just for funsies!
Send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them and I’ll tell you what I think of the idea
oh man, they'd actually make a very cute couple! if their idiot men weren't in the picture, i could definitely see them becoming an item at some point. they have such a solid foundation of friendship and support that it honestly wouldn't take much to progress things. also, god they'd be so hot together hdafgjsd
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I really really want Captain Angel, and by extension, Sybok to be the big bads of the season finale 
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coredrill · 2 years
bless ethan peck for doing that thing with his face every time a woman expresses attraction to spock
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kashilascorner · 2 years
I had avoided I, Mudd on purpose because years ago when i started st i found season 1 episode Mudd's women almost unbearably sexist but I ended up watching it and it turned out to be one of the funniest, most imaginative episodes in the series so far
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moonlitlex · 1 year
star trek strange new worlds is actually p solid which is wild. or maybe im just jaded from that first season of discovery
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flying-ham · 1 year
(absolutely no shade towards Zoe Saldana) but rewatching TOS makes me really appreciate uhura’s character in a way I never did in the kelvin timeline. Nichelle Nichols just brings so much grace and strength and beauty to the character. She has a sort of quiet dignity to her, even when she doesn’t have lines my eye is always drawn to her on the bridge. Anyways, uhura/nichelle appreciation post!!!
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