aaamber-zhang · 4 months
Dear readers and friends:
As a blogger, I often experience cultural shocks and confusion to varying degrees during my travels. Each time I enter a new country and face unfamiliar languages, customs, and values, I inevitably feel a sense of struggle and insecurity. This feeling of cultural shock stems from our attachment to familiar things and fear of the unknown.
Most of us are rooted in a certain cultural soil from a young age, with our hometown's way of life, beliefs, and traditions ingrained in our genes, becoming an important reference for our judgments of right and wrong. When we find ourselves in a foreign culture, these subconsciously formed values are often challenged and questioned, leading to feelings of maladjustment and confusion.
Taking myself as an example, as someone from a traditional country, I deeply experienced this cultural shock during my first trip to Cuba. The relaxed pace of life here clashed with my accustomed work efficiency; the people's devoutness to religious beliefs differed greatly from the social background I came from; even the way of eating, which incorporates Spanish, African, and other culinary cultures, was a challenge for my taste buds.(MACKENZIE,2023) 
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Although I initially felt lost, gradually I began to understand and accept these differences with an open and curious mindset. I realized that every culture has its unique historical origins and value pursuits, crystallizing the living wisdom of local people through generations, and deserving respect. I also learned to face and embrace things different from my background with a peaceful mind.
In general, the key to alleviating cultural shock is to embrace differences with an open and friendly attitude, and to observe and reflect on the reasons behind differences with a rational and tolerant perspective.(Kraidy, 2005) In addition to maintaining curiosity and a desire to learn, one should also have a humble heart, willing to accept new ideas with a peaceful mind. As Mencius said, "When one has fully understood the past, one is prepared to understand the present." (Mencius is Chinese philosopher and educator during the Warring States period.) We should not only understand the roots of our own culture but also bravely step out of our established mindset to experience the unique charm of foreign cultures.
Taking Cuba as an example, it blends elements from Spanish, African, Caribbean, and other cultures, and it is this diversity that has created its distinctive appeal. The cobalt blue colonial buildings in Old Havana exude the colors of the Spanish colonial period; the Viñales Valley preserves the most authentic rural scenery, evoking nostalgia; while the Trinidad and Valle de los Ingenios regions bear witness to the rise and fall of the colonial-era sugar industry, leaving many precious cultural relics and ancient sites... Each of these World Heritage sites contains rich cultural connotations, waiting for us to explore and appreciate.
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(BBC, 2019)
Therefore, when faced with cultural differences, we should not be overly fearful or resistant but rather try to understand and accept them with an open and friendly attitude. By maintaining a humble and eager-to-learn mindset, empathizing with and appreciating the unique charms of different cultures, we can surely alleviate that sense of cultural shock and confusion. While experiencing foreign cultures, let us also reflect anew on the essence of our own culture, thereby achieving the wisdom of "reviewing the old to understand the new." I hope that everyone who has the opportunity to encounter different cultures can grow in this process and embrace a more inclusive and broad-minded spirit.
BBC, (2019). Historic architecture: The charm of Old Havana, the capital of Cuba. https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/50452778
Kraidy, M. M. (2005). Hybridity, or the Cultural Logic of Globalization. Temple University Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1bw1k8m
MACKENZIE FILSON, (2023). 18 Cuban Recipes You've Gotta Try ASAP. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/g43968398/cuban-recipes/
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technestarjun · 4 years
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UK ban new 5g Equipment . . . #technestarjun #arjun_mavnoor #tech #technology #youtube #youtuber #techyoutuber #uk #china #banchineseproducts #5g #chinese #huawei #5ghuawei #ukchina #5gequipment https://www.instagram.com/p/CIN0YTJghYn/?igshid=1n22nb1n7zyh7
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newsfind · 4 years
UK-China ties freeze with debate over Huawei, Hong Kong
UK-China ties freeze with debate over Huawei, Hong Kong
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LONDON (AP) – Only five years ago, then-British Prime Minister David Cameron was celebrating a “golden era” in U.K.-China relations, bonding with President Xi Jinping over a pint of beer at the pub and signing off on trade deals worth billions.
Those friendly scenes now seem like a distant memory.
Hostile rhetoric has ratcheted up in recent days over Beijing’s new national security law…
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Chinese viewers watch webcast tour of tiny village museum - http://www.qoo.ly/y8avi
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g6clubhk · 4 years
【A :香港醫生做錯了什麼?】 // 香港的醫生到醫科生都是庸醫。治病是醫學,防疫是政治,香港的醫科生唔撚柒識之餘還叫人多忍耐一下?屌你老母,要落地獄!//
【B:經濟崩壞= 精神病?】 // 2009年(即08年雷曼兄弟事件後)日本多間企業裁員,經濟環境急轉直下,過勞死及精神病病患者的數目急速上升。//
【C :「經濟衰退」與「精神」的關係】 // 過往已經有不少醫生在研究經濟衰退及精神健康的關係。經濟衰退下,失業率上升,青年就業艱難,衍生的就青年精神健康問題。
原文附上BBC新聞「經濟衰退導致青年精神問題激增」之連結: https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/trad/uk_life/2014/01/140115_life_youth_mental_health //
此【C】段是用「醫生研究」來合理化【B】段的陳述。有趣是作者一方面在【A】段否定「西方醫學」,卻轉頭又使用「西方醫學」研究去支持他的論點。 作者豈不是搬石頭砸自己的腳?
【D:「武肺」政治目的是經濟衰退?】 // 武漢肺炎的瘟疫政治背後就是經濟衰退,香港醫生到醫科生等牛鬼蛇神出來要求商戶暫停營業。商戶半年白交租,面臨倒閉,食肆半年內強迫員工放No Pay,生活都出現困難,然後還冷冷拋出一句:「忍下啦」,真得醫者父母心呀!//
疑問 1
石頭2:誰是「經濟衰退 」元兇
這個問題倒有點趣味,因「防疫」導致「經濟衰退 」看來很有道理。但以此邏輯推斷,去年「反送中」運動又算是「經濟衰退 」的元兇嗎?作者又再次搬石頭砸自己的腳?
疑問 2
【E:「武肺」只是一般流感?】 // 武漢肺炎其實是武漢流感,一般患者都能自癒(一般感冒及流感都有重症,而部分人患感冒也有失去嗅覺的問題),而武漢流感沒有特效藥,故此他們在沒有食特效藥之下康復。//
【F:全民精神病?】 // 至於精神病呢?慘了,精神的折磨可以是整輩子,而過往有研究指出,如精神病如抑鬱症會物理性損害腦部神經,而且無法回復。香港庸醫不要你從瘟疫恐慌中醒過來,反而在散播恐懼,還要你們在衰退下患上精神病。//
作者以「醫學界」利用「瘟疫」做成「經濟衰退 」,再引致大批市民「患上精神病」作結?原來故事未完,還有「彩蛋」?
【G:「政治懲治」才是動機?】 // 不少青年加入2019年的護法運動。政府現在透過瘟疫政治懲處青年,要他們在口罩中患上精神病,自我折磨一輩子。政府到醫生真惡毒。//
『政府現在透過瘟疫政治懲處青年』 為什麼這所謂「政治懲處」的「精神病」只有青年才會患上?為什麼還在學的青年會因「經濟衰退」而患上「精神病」?作者沒有提供當中的關係,有的可能是「一廂情願」的邏輯。
石頭 3:精神病
雖知道「武肺」是Global Matter,如以作者的邏輯,豈非全球百姓也要被「政治懲治」,一齊要患上精神病?香江就話可以「賴」反送中,但香江以外國家可以「賴」誰?莫非因為他們也支持香江反送中運動? 作者又再次把石頭砸在自己的腳。
石頭 4:口罩
『要他們在口罩中患上精神病,自我折磨一輩子。』 去年他們「自願」戴上口罩上街,豈不是全也患上精神病?莫非他們喜愛自我折磨 ?作者又再一次表演石頭砸自己的腳。
石頭 5:精神病
【作者其實想講乜嘢?】 睇完全文,化繁為簡,這篇創作的框架應是:
『朝廷以「武肺」之名,實行 [__] 去懲治那班去年「反送中」的王土著』
上面的框架看來沒有什麼不妥,但問題是用什麼去填上這個 [__]。作者選擇填上: [ 防疫 > 經濟衰退 > 精神病 ]
【作者如何建構這陰謀論】 我想作者應該是是以2014年BBC新聞一篇以「經濟衰退導致青年精神問題激增」為題的文章作為基礎,再引申出來的創作。留意研究報告的對象是「青年人」,這也解釋了為何「青年」一詞在作者文章中多次出現,相信作者也本身也是一個青年人。
有了「經濟衰退」之後,下一步是成因吧,往上推就是「防疫」。再套用『治病是醫學,防疫是政治』等口號式陳述去深化讀者對「防疫」是政治手段的想像。看來這「陰謀論」的基礎模型已經成型了,再加一點疑幻似真的東瀛故事和想像 ,作品完成。
【武肺陰謀之我見】 作為陰謀論愛好者,我相信武肺非偶然。因武肺之名,一切對人民監控也是理所當然 。經濟崩壞絕不是什麼抗爭運動或武肺引致,這些極其量也只是催化劑而非主因。個人認為「武肺」只是代罪羔羊,是各國政府用來掩飾他們經濟政策的失誤,是用來合理化他們無限放水的行為。如果你還在相信「武肺」是引致經濟崩壞的主因,就中正「羣」為你設下的美麗謊言。這些都是新世界潮流,絕非香江獨有。開心看到本土創作之餘,也希望作者能多點看看大環境事實,少點不必要的立場思維和「大香江」情意結。
【《理大爆料》原文連結】 https://www.facebook.com/1219657624789220/posts/3117958771625753/?d=n
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cushydiet-blog · 7 years
Former PM takes on UK-China investment role - https://goo.gl/WZ8J6J - #Finance, #Investment, #PM, #Role, #Takes, #UKChina
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Former PM takes on UK-China investment role
David Cameron is to take on a new role leading a UK government-backed investment initiative between Britain and China. The former prime minister will take charge of a £750m ($ 1bn) fund to improve ports, roads and rail networks between China and its trading partners. The government said working with China’s Belt and Road Initiative would create jobs and boost trade links. It comes after…
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newsagg · 7 years
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David Cameron is to lead a £750m fund to improve links between Britain and China, the government says. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJmzz5i82hc
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kemvid · 7 years
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Former PM takes on UK-China investment role - https://fer4.com/?p=61000 - #Investment, #PM, #Role, #Takes, #UKChina
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skandyx · 7 years
First UK-China freight rail leaves London; to travel 12k km via 7 nations
First UK-China freight rail leaves London; to travel 12k km via 7 nations
[ad_1] The first China-bound freight train carrying British products left London on a 12,000-km journey on Monday, adding another terminal to the rail freight between China and Europe. The DB Cargo train, loaded with 30 containers carrying products, including whisky, soft drinks, vitamins and baby products, started from east London’s DP World Gateway to Yiwu city in central Zhejiang province,…
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iseilio-blog · 3 years
但丁 神曲(一)
獻 詩
翱翔者的幻影呦 你們又再度來臨
在早先 你們曾在我的眼中顯現
這次 我可該把你們擄住綁牢?
你們這一群 逼近吧 願你們君臨一切
驚醒於你們那浮沉時的幻樂之中 你們帶來歡樂時分的氣象
苦痛更新 又來把人提醒
和那些善良的人們 那些為命運所作弄的
已一一消盡 只留下我獨自哀鳴 往日的歡會 今已人散
而往日的歡笑 啊 也已寂靜
縱使還在 也早已離散在世界各方 如今緊繫著我的是一種至誠的景仰
我戰驚惶 淚水連連湧併
鐵石的心腸 早已軟弱寸斷
我目前所有的 已遠不可及
而那久已失去的 卻幻成真實不滅
李斯特 但丁奏鳴曲 1/2 - YouTube
但丁·阿利吉耶里 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)
遊 《神曲》 地獄 https://www.bbc.com/ukchina/trad/vert-cul-44671962
【藝術解謎】 淺談但丁《神曲》在西方藝術史之中的啟發與詮釋。 - 非池中藝術網 (artemperor.tw)
但丁神曲 - YouTube https://fineartamerica.com/art/paintings/divine+comedy
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但 丁 神 曲(二) https://iseilio-blog.tumblr.com/post/675422820340252672
一千零一夜 第四季 第10夜 神曲:为一个少女写下西方文学第一高峰 (youtube.com)
1858 Puccini: “O mio babbino caro” / Fleming · Marin · Berliner Philharmoniker (youtube.com)
(52) puccini - YouTube
賈科莫·普契尼 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)
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8613379979038 · 3 years
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#填海# https://www.google.com.hk/amp/s/www.bbc.com/ukchina/simp/vert_fut/2016/11/161117_vert_fut_the-benefits-and-downsides-of-building-into-the-sea.amp https://www.instagram.com/p/CYVsZ0xBsta/?utm_medium=tumblr
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professorgtnt · 4 years
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newsfind · 4 years
UK-China ties freeze with debate over Huawei, Hong Kong
UK-China ties freeze with debate over Huawei, Hong Kong
LONDON — Only five years ago, then-British Prime Minister David Cameron was celebrating a “golden era” in U.K.-China relations, bonding with President Xi Jinping over a pint of beer at the pub and signing off on trade deals worth billions.
Those friendly scenes now seem like a distant memory.
Hostile rhetoric has ratcheted up in recent days over Beijing’s new national security law for…
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parenting-zx1 · 4 years
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cushydiet-blog · 7 years
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Former PM takes on UK-China investment role - https://wp.me/p8IYwe-ehA - #Investment, #PM, #Role, #Takes, #UKChina, #World_News
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