#ukrainain genocide
redjaybathood · 10 months
you guys go ahead and support Palestinians as you should but make it without two things: calling to genocide of Israelis and being anti-Ukrainain.
because if you can't, you do not support Palestinians, you just want Jewish people and Ukrainians dead.
"no actually I read on tumblr/twitter/watched on tiktok" did 2016 USA election teach you nothing? because it seems like it did not
congrats, you're working for russia now, pro-bono.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Kyiv’s legal team told the UN’s highest court on Tuesday that Moscow was using a falsehood about what it has alleged is the genocide of Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine to justify its full-scale invasion of its neighbour.
“Russia is waging war against my country in the name of this terrible lie that Ukraine is committing genocide against its own people,” said Anton Korynevych, a legal representative for Ukraine, the Associated Press reported.
“This lie is Russia’s pretext for aggression and conquest. Russia has presented no credible evidence. It cannot,” Korynevych added.
Ukraine brought its case against Russia to the International Court of Justice shortly after the full-scale invasion began in February 2022, arguing that Moscow was abusing the Genocide Convention.
Ukraine also claimed on Tuesday that Russia is defying the International Court of Justice by refusing to halt military action despite an interim order by the UN court in March last year.
“Russia’s defiance is also an attack on this court’s authority. Every missile that Russia fires at our cities, it fires in defiance of this court,” Korynevych told the judges, according to the AP.
Kyiv insists there was no risk of genocide in the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, which have been run by Russian-sponsored rebels since 2014, and which Russia now claims to have annexed.
Russia’s legal team called on the International Court of Justice on Monday to dismiss Ukraine’s case, describing its arguments as “hopelessly flawed”.
In parallel to the ICJ case, there are multiple international initiatives to probe and prosecute war crimes and aggression in Ukraine, including an investigation by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin in March this year over the abduction of Ukrainain children.
On September 14, the Ukrainian Prosecutor-General’s Office said that the ICC had opened a field office in Kyiv to boost its investigations.
In July, the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine, ICPA, a new legal body that will investigate crimes committed during the Russian invasion, was launched in The Hague.
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ohsalome · 2 years
I don't understand why these so called pacifists wanted? When they say stop war they seem to think Ukraine should have not resisted? It does not make sense. A country is not going to sacrifice themselves for the mind peace of west europeans (and I say that as a west european myself). It's incredible how some of them are talking as if it was other countries' rights to decide what Ukraine has to do on its own territory, giving parts of its land to pacify an enemy who will never have enough.
It does sound like it from where I'm standing. After all, that is exactly what happened during all the previous wars russia committed - Moldova, Georgia, Chechnya, Syria, Africa, Mali, etc.
Not only has this war has torn off the mask of russia's "mysetious soul" to reveal a bloodthirsty barbarian underneath; it has also revealed the collective west's hypocricy. All those words about humanitarian values and partonising of "less developed countries" about "not being good enough" was just empty movement of air. I don't know how Europe counts on keeping their old system unchanged.
And, you know, it is one thing to hear this from a terminally online teen, and completely another - from elected european politicians
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michaelevans27 · 3 years
So while I get in times of peril or feeling down we want to feel better and be distracted by feel good stuff and funny things, but for real this is getting silly and we can't go day to day complaining about our lives and what goes on with them while completely ignoring the people who can't go in day to day life right now. Those of you who hate worrying about the ever real hypothetical danger to your way of life and are struggling to sleep like me? Think about the Ukrainians tonight and how they are likely unable to catch a wink of sleep amidst the sleep deprivation and the cold days and nights.
We have the UN peacekeepers who have failed but been involved in matters like civil genocide as far as Africa and right next door we have no peacekeeping forces braving it out with the blue and yellow men and women doing bare minimums like handing out provisions and leading innocents to safety. We have the armed forces entering to help train and give equipment to the Ukrainian forces helping them feel not alone and then ditching them completely not just sat at the back border to give extra capital damage and consequence to Putins invasion. We have the EU giving a slap on the wrist with debts or economy damage to last some unknowable length of time. The same western countries have citizens in debt who have no reason to worry about them less the repo man/woman comes along or something...
Putin is an old man running an essential Police state... he won't likely even live to see the full damage if any of a bloody sanction. It's already laughable how politics is full of half measures and fancy words to moonlight obligations and avoid commiting to a risk to image or their own capital and values. Every country is scared to step foot into a ring risking their own countrymen and women hence pushed into a silly NATO agreement of sit on the back foot then we help... no one start fights and drag us into them.
Bureaucracy is a failure more-so than ever. How about we condemn them. Because its important for the voter demographic to know we have good morals, how about we sanction them so it looks like we're doing something, and you know what we won't through complete black mark down and 100% fully sanction we'll leave gaps and freedom for further steps along a developing measure of how much damage and cost to life Putin gets on himself. We have protests of solidarity but we had more push from influencers and celebrities in smaller matters like EU membership, school meals, favourite foods and lifestyle reveals but no celebs or influencers even leaders looking at the actions of their country ashamed at not doing more? Not coming in to choke out the threat to human life?
At this point it would do a lot more good protesting and showing solidarity in the Ukraine forcing leaders of our nations to actually care about their own citizen loss of life walking unarmed up to Russian forces. Pushing Russian forces into a position of do we have the foresight and recklessness to challenge the whole world in gunning down unarmed people. We have governments arguing the validity of sanctions and their effects and how they won't want to damage their own economy and trade while Putin pushes into the capital Kyiv. While the Ukrainain president fights for his country and life and has to hope his family remains safe. Russian hackers no doubt trying to mine data for the family whereabouts as hackers of governments would be used in such a case and a mother with children at risk.
Putin has Ukrainian blood on his hands but warning and scalding a psychopathic bully isn't doing everything you can to help a victim. The Ukraine nation and its people will be a stain in history on us the West and our failure and bloodied hands for doing so little to actually stop someone who's gone so far on the promise of stopping some fantasy genocide!
The Western leaders and organisations along with every person on this planet has to take a good think about the world their kids will grow up in whether there'll be human co-operation and togetherness, progressing as a race following strong morals and proud to strive for bigger and better always improving and whether we'll be able to look them in the eye should there be a day the Ukraine demanding help and crying out no longer exists left to be wiped away.
What do our leaders expect? What are they hoping for and why are they half heartedly taking action? The only positive and even remotely possible thing one could imagine are hoping for some backwards logic retreat and content of only stealing the Donbas region or for the bodies of the Ukraine to spur some revolution in Russia? I mean you've literally enforced monetary issues upon a nation spending money and resources in an invasion, so they choose whether to retreat and waste the investment and deal with the debts or monetary pit they are in or just go on to the finish and have extra land and people to use for their monetary issues? Russians have protested in the face of the worst possible charge of treason and yet those with the power to do something not policed by the state commiting crimes, literally leave Russia to it's own devices when attributing the term unlawful.
Help the Ukraine, help the children and women and men. Help the people I was taught about in primary school to be a country deserving of help. A country I sent shoeboxes of soap and supplies to as a kid part of the school charity drives. Don't pray for a blatant thug and problem to disappear and act fully it shouldn't take another Greta Thunberg to stir leaders up, it shouldn't even be a calculation or debate to be had. Help Kyiv 🇺🇦
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m1d9 · 7 years
Ukraine literally allied with nazi Germany during world war 2. The UPA (Ukrainian People's Army) under the leadership of Stepan Bandera deported hundreds and thousands of Ukrainian Jews to concentration camps :'(. Not to mention the brutal slaughter and mass genocide Ukrainians committed against Roma people, Jews, Poles, ethnic minorities during ww2, and still to this day Ukrainians show no guilt or remorse for their actions in ww2, instead many praise stepan bandera seeing him as a hero.
During WW2 the Ukrainian National Republic and Ukrainain people’s republic of Soviet’s (The Bolsheviks) the two sides the white army, the green army, Poland and the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army fought constantly with each other, that resulted in many casualties among the Ukrainians. They were fighting in a civil war and at the same time they were a part of the WW2. The reason those two fought was because The Soviet Ukrainians were against the political aspirations to gain independence. Which means at that time there were two sides, one side was with the neo-nazis and one against. See the key word here is Ukrainian Jews. Stephan Bandera was a POLITICAL activist and a leader of the nationalist and independence movement of Ukraine, he was not a hero he was a monster who slaughtered and murdered thousands of innocent people. He cooperated with the Nazis in the early months of the world war and later on was arrested and sent to a concentration camp. When the war was coming closer to an end he was released. He still had hope of reforming his nation and going through with his plan but in 1959 he was found in Germany and was executed. People that saw and knew the truth were against him with every atom of their bodies they fought him and his armies. When the Red Army returned to Ukraine more than 4.5 million of Ukrainian people joined them to fight against the nazis. In 2010 when the sorry excuse of a president Victor Yushchneko gave Bandera the award of a hero people were furious! They were angry and hurt and some were supporting that decision. The incoming president Victor Yanukovych declared the award illegal and it was annulled in 2011. Bandera is still recognized as the enemy in both Ukraine and internationally. So don’t tell me we consider him a hero because we don’t, those who show no guilt or remorse over what he has done are just as monstrous as he was. Don’t generalize Ukraine based on politics. Let me make something clear, no war ever really ends. People are always at war with each other because without the bad in the world there will be no good. After the ww2 not all the nazis were executed, they were the left overs that escaped the plate and so they grew throughout the years and now they’re everywhere. The good people of Ukraine don’t condemn what politics is creating out of our country but like I said before, no one wants to listen and if you speak louder you end up dead.
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redjaybathood · 11 months
calling any picture of palestinians just being people "hamas propaganda" is fucking harrowing dude. yeah we needed to cut off those childrens hospitals because a single terrorist could be there. do you hear yourself?
Is this "calling any picture of Palestinians just being people Hamas propaganda" in the room with us?
things I called, or referred to, as HAMAS propaganda (because it is):
accusations of Jews occupying mosques to party;
America-first outlook of the Israel/Palestine war+calling Israel an occupier;
Hinkle being consistently pro-russian, pro-Iranian ergo pro-HAMAS shill and HAMAS using videos of Syrian children, victims of Assad regime and russian International terrorism, as Palestinian victims of Israel;
euqating russia and Israel when it's two different, very, very, very fucking different wars while also claiming that russia got unfair treatment;
claiming that hostages taken into Gaza had a very nice experience with friendly hosts instead of what it was - being kidnapped and brutalized;
that fucking infographic whitewashing russia and Assad's war crimes;
Holocaust denial 2.0, now about the HAMAS October 7 massacre;
also October 7 denial, now from an anti-Ukrainian tankie;
Palestinians calling Ukrainians Nazi in one breath and wishing russia success, and in another - using them to show, see, even Ukrainians support Palestine - newsflash, we always did, we recognized Palestine like several decades ago, but we're still Nazi, not the ones who literally killing the Jews;
calling a European news account a zionist who colonized a very much genocidal slogan;
an answer why pro-palestinian accounts mindlessly parroting each other without actually thinking about what they're saying, as long as it justifies a genocide of Jews;
again, America-centrism of Israel/Palestine war;
are you tired yet? because here's like 12 posts directly or vaguely about Israel/Palestine war and none of them are calling a picture of Palestinians just being people a HAMAS propaganda.
anyway, I'm not.
singling out only convenient genocides to acknowledge (or whitewashing your political allies) or alternatively, blacking out your political opponents even they are not, in fact, the ones committing genocides;
more whitewashing of russia, now Eurovision edition ("we need to take sanctions of russia"-lite);
pro-palestinians being anti-Ukrainains again, quelle surprise;
and again;
and again, with a bonus of whitewashing russian war crimes;
do you see the pattern here? because i do.
nativenews being a terrorist shill; are they republican? russian? palestinian? iranian? i dunno, maybe they are freelance; point stands;
pro-palestinian wishing me to kill myself for not pissing myself with joy bc Jews got massacred;
more examples of footage from Syria being used as footage from Gaza;
more anti-Ukrainian propaganda, now rehashing the old ones since the early 2022;
more collabs between HAMAS and russian propaganda social media accounts;
... did i found it? people in Israel tag cheering for what happened on Oct 7th. like Palestinians burning Israel flag. is that... the pictures you called them just being people?
anyway. you were saying? children hospitals? no, I don't think that we need to do anything with children hospitals. strangely enough? I didn't even find a single related post. but go off.
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