#ultimate queen of fandoms2
svenskjavel · 5 months
Tänker att folk kanske inte har koll, så jag vill tipsa alla att tisdagen 20/2 börjar årets bokrea! Passa på att köpa böcker superbilligt, och stötta era lokala bokhandlar, speciellt de som inte tillhör stora kedjor (ex akademibokhandeln, adlibris)
Ett tips är att hålla utkik efter en bokhandel med Ugglan - Ugglan fungerar inte som en vanlig kedja utan en samling av flera små oberoende företag som tillsammans genom Ugglan har en chans att få samma rabatter mm från förlagen som de stora kedjorna. Jobbar själv extra i en sådan butik och den ägs och styrs lokalt.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Ashton not getting to keep the shard? I thought it was a clever way of dealing with it, especially since it clearly did affect the shard he already had
I agree! I was wondering how Matt would deal with it, because the warnings were, as we've discussed, abundantly clear, but also I don't think it would have been unfair to grant them the shard (nor is it unfair not to! both are valid options here). I think making there be a mechanical cost for, you know, dying twice is very reasonable. Keeping the shard in play opens the potential for someone else to take it and, my feelings about Delilah aside, permits some much-needed conflict in that quarter. Having it help awaken the shard of Ka'Mort seems like a fair trade because even a stupid risk should in my opinion be rewarded; it obviously opened up some fantastic RP and plot opportunities so while Ashton deserves a berating, the character on a meta level should get something out of it.
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antimony-medusa · 6 months
Hi! Asking here hoping you or someone who follows you will know. Are there any good lore summaries for qsmp, videos or text, preferably specifically about Philza.
Some recent developments has made me interested in keeping up but there's no way I'm making my way through a full year of backlog where I've only watched qsmp spontaneously xD
Okay this is a thing that I don't know, because I've been keeping up via just having phil on in the background whenever he streams. Not exactly a method replicatable for catching up.
Does anyone know of a good q!phil lore summary? Is the wiki good? Are there any videos?
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Did you know they're streaming the PAX unplugged panel Joe and Beef is on right now discussing the Hermitcraft TCG!
oh, they’re streaming it! excellent! I didn’t realize they were going to do that, that’s neat!
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mcytblraufest · 1 month
How close is it right now?
As I already managed to sneak in the first message of the year in the accidentally unlocked channels lmao, I wanna see if I can be first when it opens for real too xD
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SOON. (6 hours 42 minutes as I type this.) And oh god all of the mods bracing for the discord to open like we're going to be have ice water poured on us. So many people looking at us eagerly.
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floweroflaurelin · 11 months
will that vigil art be a print bc Holy Shit I need that on a wall
ooh that's not a bad idea!! The Vigil art is actually one shot in a whole animatic that I'm putting together, but I'm not opposed to making it and possibly other frames a print when the project is done 👀
In thanks for this question you may have another bonus frame from the WIP! Hehe
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
I thank you dearly for this blog it's currently keeping me very entertained when its slow at work
I’m very glad to help, and goodness knows it’s keeping me from having to do my actual to-do list.
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konan-supernova · 1 year
Saw your tags and figured I'd help out by dropping a link :D one of the best works around! Also, if the authors notes/tags seem weird in some places, this work was profitably reposted on ao3 with permission from fanfiction.net, but later the OG author came along as well and claimed the fic
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dronepikachu · 6 months
GeminiTay Appreciation Week! 🧡
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hello everyone! it's finally time for us to show Gem just how much we appreciate her!
i've provided prompts for both artists and writers for each day (dec 18th-dec 24th) !
you can choose to skip a day if you feel that you're unable to continue, that's completely fine! we don't enforce these types of events :D
just remember to credit me for the idea and use either #geminitay appreciation week or #gemweek so we can all see your work!
further hate or bullying will not be tolerated here. this is a safe space and it should continue to be one.
now that that's out of the way, enjoy yourselves and have lots of fun with it! <3
tag list:
@summerlycoris @theminecraftbee @geminitay-quotes @pocket-sized-nightmare @navigatorbree @daisy-bugs @soul-lime @slitheringstars @azurecake16 @smallishdruid @annalini-linez @whereishoney @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @rainy-weather-supremacy @faenemy @tumblerosestudios @nudgeling @watching-listening-takin-notes
(apologies if the tags don't seem to work, i have no clue why it doesn't properly notify someone :C )
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I posted 7,857 times in 2022
That's 907 more posts than 2021!
301 posts created (4%)
7,556 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,500 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#mcyt - 4,507 posts
#empires smp - 1,268 posts
#hermitcraft - 914 posts
#double life - 572 posts
#alsmp - 352 posts
#mcc - 309 posts
#3rd life - 269 posts
#dsmp - 260 posts
#last life - 180 posts
#rats smp - 154 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#i originally watched it bc ive watched both grian and scott’s content for years and i was so stoked to see a series they were both on
My Top Posts in 2022:
i think the best thing about green geckos winning is that lizzie was with scott irl and was vehemently rooting against her husband and was devastated when his team won KSDGKHF
620 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
People trying to decide if Scott is teasing empires s2 or 3rd/last life s3
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652 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Upon Jimmy's insistence that he wasn't a toy, Scott went "what if I want to play with you?" And while in his empire Scott made no less than three handcuff jokes. I hate him (affectionate)
694 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
There's something kind of poetic about all of the buildings burning after Tango, the one commonly associated with fire, dying. The canary died and the blazeborn made sure the world burned because of it.
1,458 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mmmmm okay i need to rant a little bc i am seeing people shit on scott smajor about pride mcc already. i am so fucking pissed off at all the people who are like “you should be aiming for 100% lgbtq actually 😌” like shut the fuck up. he said 50% MINIMUM. and that’s likely bc of schedule conflicts and shit so every single lgbtq+ streamer who’s ever played mcc might not be available or even sign up. ALSO. STOP FUCKING ASSUMING PEOPLE’S IDENTITIES. there could be streamers participating who might seem “straight” but may actually be queer and just aren’t out yet. like for example, lizzie was in last year’s pride mcc but didn’t come out as bi until after the event. so it’s probably likely that there are people participating who may be out among friends, but not to the community, and that’s fine. people should be able to come out when they’re ready (unlike the fucking fiasco that was basically people forcing dream to come out before he was ready).
also can we take a moment and see how fucking shitty it is that people are being cruel and hateful to a GAY man for organizing a pride event for charity. like take a step back and look at how fucked up that is.
anyway tl;dr- stop fucking complaining about mcc pride and realize there are a lot of logistical things going into this, as well as recognizing that there could be closeted people in the event- or even just allies! shouldn’t the aim be support here? shouldn’t it be nice to see straight people supporting queer people? is it that fucking hard to believe? anyway, support scott smajor or die by my blade
3,247 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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mess-of-fandom · 9 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better / Tagged by @my-secret-shame and @sarahghetti Thank you for the tags lovies!
Last Song: All the Kids are Depressed by Jeremy Zucker
Favorite Color: either navy blue or forest green, I can't decide ^^'
Currently Watching: alternating between rewatching Moon Knight and House MD
Last Movie: The Batman (2022)
Currently Reading: rereading The Hobbit
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: either sweet or savory depending on the day. I love spicy food but it doesn't love me back D:
Relationship Status: a single little Pringle and happy as a clam that way ^-^
Current Obsession(s): Moon Knight, Daredevil, Batman, Stardew Valley, and House MD (my silly little brain can't pick one)
Last Thing I Googled: "Generalized Hooke's Law solved for stresses" I needed to make sure I derived them correctly for my engineering materials homework 😅
Currently Working On: finding the courage to actually post literally anything I have written
No pressure tags (if you want, seriously no pressure! Platonically: ily 💙): @deathshadowrules @inserttrendymeme @deep-space-elf @starryeyedstories @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @perfectlyfuzzyunknown
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svenskjavel · 1 year
Skalman har A i alla ämnen, inklusive romantisk och sexuell läggning och kön
Bästa sättet att utrycka det på
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utilitycaster · 3 months
26. freebie question, a good while back (before the party split) you mentioned that a possibly interesting ship would be Imogen/FCG. Obviously canon has not gone that direction, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Imogen and FCG's relationship :D
It is interesting because Imogen hasn't interacted with FCG a ton. I think that friendship sort of fizzled out once FCG started believing in their personhood and particularly after they began building a relationship with the Changebringer. Imogen was not terribly supportive of that (possibly jealous, or possibly just not sure how to engage with it) and so there really hasn't been much.
They are really interesting as parallels, actually, though actually pretty much everyone in the party except for Orym and Chetney fit in this to some degree. Like Imogen (and Fearne), FCG was given particular powers by a megalomaniacal entity, for the purpose of furthering those goals. I think Predathos grants somewhat more agency to loyal Ruidusborn than Aeor entrusted FCG with, though that is to be seen, but there's something very tragic, in my mind, from Imogen's perspective, about how FCG was the tool of a destroyed empire, and so while he still carries those scars and consequences, he actually does have the freedom to be his own person. FCG has to manage a serious chronic condition, essentially, but they don't have missions, and unless some of the wilder theories are right (and they could be, though I have my doubts) the ones who did this to them are long dead. Is this her future? Will she be left with dreams and telepathy even if they defeat Predathos? Will they be the upsides (controllable sorcery powers) or the downsides (nightmares, uncontrollable sorcery powers)? Why did FCG get to just sleep through the hard part and she has to fight her way out?
It really is a fascinating thing about the party: Fearne and FCG were designed to be who they are (though Fearne's upbringing at least was her own). Ashton was partially created in a cult ritual (though it remains unclear if they were the intended recipient or merely the one it happened to stick to). I don't think Imogen was planned a la Fearne, but I do wonder if Predathos or the Weave Mind did specifically target Liliana to ensure her daughter would also be Ruidusborn. While the nature of Laudna's sorcery abilities hasn't come up (and, to be fair, a lot of sorcery abilities in D&D are just like "well that happened to your baby, idk what to tell you") she was used by Delilah for that as well. So much of this party shares this with Imogen and FCG but I think they are the most extreme examples (Fearne is mostly unaffected physically/mentally though obviously learning of her origins is unsettling and upsetting, and Ashton and Laudna's situations mostly hurt them and not as often others, though Laudna's is increasingly a crapshoot) and I think as this became apparent and as they both grew more comfortable with who they were they sort of lost that connection.
They do still share a lot of powers though and I'd love to see them talk again - Laura and Sam always play off each other well, and those earlier interactions where they both tried to read each other's thoughts, or coordinate probing Ashton or Ollie's mind, or the first casting of Shared Dream were all delightful - but they have drifted apart since.
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Snow day :)
@vanilla-bean-buttercream @ren-allen @lacrimosathedark @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
you don't need to watch empires smp s1 they said. You can just watch s2, it's fine, they said
I'm never complaining about more content but ahhhh I already can't keep up with what's being posted and s1 is suddenly becoming super relevant oh no xD
in my defense when i insisted that they'd just started season two with "yep it has been a thousand years and all the guys you know are dead now, their empires completely destroyed and part of a different era of history, they are Definitely Entirely Irrelevant" and now half of the empires storyline is just "these people may be dead and gone but they are still echoing on now" which is a GREAT story beat but is also like. i told everyone empires season one knowledge isn't needed and TECHNICALLY I THINK IT STILL ISN'T BUT YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S STARTING TO GET A BIT. these people cannot escape the echoes of a time long before them can they
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elamarth-calmagol · 1 year
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I posted 4,067 times in 2022
That's 1,054 more posts than 2021!
93 posts created (2%)
3,974 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,052 of my posts in 2022
#lotr - 1,525 posts
#funny - 1,239 posts
#fanart - 1,190 posts
#art - 308 posts
#analysis - 298 posts
#pride - 268 posts
#nature - 211 posts
#cute - 177 posts
#history - 171 posts
#politics - 154 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#for some reason i have nightmares about having ten books checked out that i'm supposed to be reading to give the librarian feedback
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Iceland, forgot which lake.
I tried to take these picture to show fellow drop-off-fearer @plaguedocboi the slope here, but you can't really see it. Also, it was only about 45 degrees, that's just a lot by my standards. Sinkholes are common where I live, but I guess they're easier to flatten out into a shallow lake than volcanic calderas are.
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The slope starts at my toes and continues at the sane grade.
See the full post
22 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
I just want to be able to breathe through my nose again. I want to be able to cuddle my ferrets. I want to go back to work on Monday. I'm beyond ready to be done with this.
Sad ferrets:
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26 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Fun moment today: I was looking up older third gender pronouns (specifically ones coined in or before Tolkien's day) to use in a fic, and I ran into a problem. Several sites say that ae/aer was created in a 1920s science fiction novel, but all the sites I found ultimately traced their information back to a Psychology Today article that doesn't even provide a quote of how the pronoun was used in the book.
So, being slightly obsessive once I get an idea in my head, I borrowed the ebook version from my public library, opened it in a browser window, and searched "ae" until I found the definition of the pronoun.
(Surprisingly many words have the letter sequence "ae" in them.)
Here it is! A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Lindsey, first published 1920, ebook published 2012 by Duke Classics. And no, you can't make me write a formal citation.
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I'll add an image description when i get to my computer tomorrow, unless someone else wants to do it.
29 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Have we ever figured out why Orome was the one to discover that the Elves had awakened, not Namo (Mandos)?  There must have been plenty of dead Elves in the few thousand years they were awake before he found them.  Morgoth’s forces were already attacking them, and they literally had to learn how to hunt, forage, and make fires entirely by themselves.  Because of the Sleep of Yavannah, they wouldn’t have many food options and wouldn’t even have many animals that they could watch for ideas on what to eat.  And Tolkien says that they were a lot more like Men in those days, so they probably couldn’t survive for long periods of time without food or survive food poisoning.  So I can’t imagine a scenario where no elves had died yet.
Were their souls not going to Mandos?  Maybe Namo didn’t start calling for them until he knew they existed.  That makes it unfair that Tolkien says that Elves who stay in Middle Earth after their death are “marred” or evil.  (I mean, I think it’s unfair anyway, but even more unfair.)  Maybe once Namo became aware of Elves, those who had already died were allowed to go to him?  But I seem to remember Tolkien saying that Elves in those days really wanted to get away from Morgoth and wanted to go to Mandos to be safe.  So... when did that happen?
So were the souls of Elves going to Mandos, but Namo just didn’t tell anyone?  If any of the Valar would keep their mouths shut about that, it would be him.  But I’m not sure why he would want to keep that a secret.
Or maybe he just built his halls and then didn’t visit them again for thousands of years, and came back to find them full of Elvish souls who had no idea where they were, just that there wasn’t anything evil here.  Now that’s a scenario I’d like to read a fanfic about.  @galadhremmin maybe?
72 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
OK, so you guys know I’m not happy about the Amazon show, but I’m going to defend politically ambitious Elrond here.  People are saying that it doesn’t make sense because he was a healer and refused to be high king.  But that’s after the Last Alliance.  After Gil-Galad dies, and Elendil, and probably hundreds of people he knows.  After he established Imladris as a home for refugees.  After he experiences what it’s like to be second in command to the high king.  It’s called character development, y’all.  Let him have his politically ambitious phase.
130 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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