maskrosfe · 10 months
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@ultyso gave their L and Matsuda figures such stellar party outfits I had no choice but to draw them jdhskjdh thank you for sharing their looks!
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8golden-harvest8 · 8 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
thank you! ;w;
sorry for not responding earlier, I didn’t know how to till now-
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ultyso · 1 month
‼️🛑 Don’t ignore this. Please help my autistic child live a normal life and help my family survive death. Hello, I am Doaa from Gaza 🍉. I apologize for what I'm about to ask. I have a heavy and tired heart. Unfortunately, the situation became difficult after I left Gaza, and I did not receive any assistance to treat my child and help us live except through you and your donations. . A donation of just $20 from each person, $20 will save my child and my family in Gaza. $20 equals 220 Swedish krona. I lost my home, my workplace, everything, and I don’t know whether or not I will bear all this responsibility outside Gaza to help my child and my family, but I know that your help will contribute to saving my child and my family. Sorry about all this.
Other account: @/dodoomar
Verified by @/90-ghost
Their Story: https://www.tumblr.com/dodooomar/757611029398208512/stop
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Donate if you can: GFM
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sarahsartedits · 1 year
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Riding on a dream with you
“Looks like I finally win, Red”-Roxas
Firstly I’d like to thank my mom for helping me pay for my art commission so that this exists visually! 🥰
Big thanks to @ultyso for this amazing beautiful artwork🌳🍃of one of the scenes in the story below❤️‍🔥 ⬇️
Also thanks to the roxiri server for listening to my ideas for this god knows this was all I talked about lol thanks to supportive roxiri friends & others who have inspired me @starrattlerofprydain @skytsunrose @roxaskairi @alphascorpiixx @whatsupfluff @dogoncabrera @eradicatetehnormal @twfated @twilight-blaze @paopubell @rxcketrvcer @yume127 @incorrectroxiriquotes2
Roxiri motocross au reimagined one shot set in the year 2000
Written for Roxiri from an idea I had earlier last summer mostly constructed from my imagination & decided to expand by a lot lol I’m not a writer & is only my second time writing anything similar to fanfics so forgive mistakes & grammatically errors. also this softly implies namixi & soriku going on in the background but doesn’t take center stage. Sora & Riku is briefly necessary adversaries for Kairi’s motivations it’s not meant to be bashing we like them over here. also don’t know shit about motocross I made shit up to fit my narrative
Warning smoking & language heavy angst & on with the story
Todays the day she thinks as she prepares for her challenge, Kairi is an inspiring motor biker determined to join the destiny islands motocross team, to put her skills to the test in competition & hopefully build back friendships with childhood friends Sora & Riku. she goes through tough impossible obstacles each time to join the team on purpose to vote no on her joining. Sora cheerfully laughs afterwards saying “oh hey that’s too bad, Kairi I’ll make it up to ya I’ll take you to the movies, my treat!” Kairi huffs “when i crawl up & die, I knew you’d do this, jerk” after walking over to blow smoke into Sora’s face as she stocks off as Sora gasps for air “fine be ungrateful! Man, what a hag!’’ Kairi rolls her eyes & balled up her fists what did she expect Sora & his team is full of guys who seem to have a negative attitude towards her in general with joining up. “Oh it’s too dangerous, you’d just get hurt.” As he continually keeps her off the team & from competing. She hears Riku comfort Sora telling him “don’t worry he did the right thing’’ & that she’s “baggage” to the team. It’s was his usual prep talk to Sora & the team that she was too delicate to be even riding a motor bike much less allow her on the team, use the trails & gear? Kairi frowned she couldn’t believe these were the same boys she’d hung out with most of her life?
Kairi lost in thought arrives home & finds boxes all over the house because kairi’s single & crazy indecisive mom Kayla decides to move them to twilight town in with her new boyfriend Nathan & his daughter Namine. At this point Kairi is up for anything to get away from obnoxious sexist boys & being blackballed by the other girls. She had met Namine a few times before moving to their apartment. To her surprise the blonde girl was very friendly & at the same time withdrawn & quite, mentioned by her father for her love for art & painting. Kairi was super intrigued by the girl & was hopeful that they’d be like sisters. Meanwhile Kayla brags on Namines art & mannerisms wishing kairi was more like her instead of having nasty habits like smoking & “dirt biking”. Such a nasty sport for young girls it was bad enough for your father look where it got him. Kairi rolls her eyes sure mom whatever as she puts out a cigarette. Namine looks like she wants to say something to Kayla but doesn’t just bows her head & looks away. Kairi doesn’t notice she can just tell her moms gonna ruin this relationship too of course.
When they finally get moved in, Namine enters Kairi’s room with a welcome home gift art piece as she was hesitant to, from Kairi defensive attitude towards Kayla for the most part. As they had a disagreement on taking her bike as Kayla wasn’t wanting it brought since she wanted Kairi to start over in a new town with new hobbies kairi was livid at the thought that bike was hers. It’s was gift from her dad a fellow rider who died in a biking accident. Kairi looks up with a small smile as she removes her headphones, ‘hello Namine. Sorry about earlier. Mother just doesn’t get me.” Namine hands kairi the rolled up artwork returning a smile, “you know, you could try out for twilight town’s motocross team you mentioned earlier of the hard time they gave you over on Destiny islands?” Kairi examines it as she puts in on the wall & ponders “i… just don’t know Namine… I mean what would be the difference?” Namine, “ well you said you think they don’t let girls on the team? Well that’s definitely not the case here, my girlfriend Xion is on the team & our friend Olette, it’s based on your talent not gender.” Kairi does a double take, what!? Why didn’t you tell me!? Namine looks down shhh I’m not out to father yet. Kairi whispers I’m sorry but that’s great you know you have my support. Namine nodded ‘promise me you’ll think about it?’ Kairi “I will”
Later that night as she’s having her nightly cigarette on her windowsill she spots a blond boy across the street in a neighboring building out on the deck porch noticing her as he paused from playing his guitar she puts out the cigarette & says to herself “sorry blondie no distractions this time.”
In The next few days kairi heard voices outside her bedroom door then a knock & in walks a raven haired girl with a bob hair cut & Namine trailing behind her. So you’re Kairi. Yes & you must be Xion? Namine’s Girl who also doesnt wait for permission to enter rooms? What? I so knocked & im impatient. Xion winked Nami says you’re interested in joining motocross? I saw your bike on the way in. You any good? Kairi sighed the answer your first question yeah sure second question it’s my life why wouldn’t I be any good? Xion smirked yeah? But are you motocross good? Kairi returns xion’s wink from earlier we shall see won’t we? Xion sure meet me at the ‘pit’ tomorrow for tryouts & meeting the team”.
The next day kairi & her bike walks with Namine to meet Xion at the ‘’pit’’ in the twilight town forest. The sort of twilight town’s motor bikers hang out for the team to practice. Kairi was nervous to say the least. Firstly noticing Xion & another girl fitted up in gear she assumed was Olette. This was a good sign she thought “there’s other girls on the team, if I don’t make it it’s my own fault” soon Kairi was startled out of her thoughts when xion led them over closer to the rest of the team. Kairi noticed that a blond boy who everyone seemed to be talking with, couldn’t take his eyes off her as soon as she enter the “pit” it seemed. Oh god it’s the boy across the street that was staring at me from his deck porch. Soon Xion yelled at him “yo Rox come here” “Rox” walked over with a smirk hey Xi so who’s your friend? Xion rolled her eyes ; this is Kairi, Kairi this is Roxas team captain leader blah blah totally hammy thinks he’s all that with fancy bike & skateboard tricks & his damn hair, for the love of God let me trim it it’s in your eyes, Roxas sighs shakes his head hell no, give me a break “MOM” let me do my own damn introduction, Kairi laughed Roxas’s eyes brightened & smile widened. Hey Kairi. Girl across the street who lives with Namine it’s a pleasure meeting you even if you’re friends with this one before Xi went nuts I was gonna say the only thing true about that is that I’m an amazing team captain who happens to be a skilled rider that’s it. Kairi chuckled softly ok I believe you you don’t seem like a ham to me as she played rolled her eyes Roxas oh ho ho ho this one got jokes? Haha well miss Kairi I wanna wish you good luck out there tryouts here can be as brutal as motocross is. Kairi nodded she could do this. As she walked his bike over to the starting line. Roxas called for everyone’s attention “okay my dudes & dudettes tryouts are about to start roll on over to the starting line & please let’s try to keep it clean & not to have a smash up out there….
Kairi couldn’t believe the competition as she smoked them all as she turned corners & made all her jumps which the pit made much better jumps & more room to freestyle than Sora & Riku’s trails around the island. (It seemed like she’d would be at a disadvantage since she had snuck out to ride the trails every chance she got when Sora & Riku would take trips away from the island to stay in top shape since Sora or riku would try to police her from riding their trails.) as she finished her run with a long drift into the finish line & remove her helmet she noticed all the stunned faces of Namine & Xion but Roxas had a different expression, resembling resentment. Kairi walked her bike out of the way of the others.
Roxas couldn’t believe this girl & her princess style bike not only beat the competition but she had sick freestyle moves thrown in to the mix. He just couldn’t let her join his team, not while showing out like that using freestyle supercross wasn’t allowed & was separate from motocross itself. Roxas quickly got everyone’s attention “okay okay chill out guys listen up that’s a wrap better luck next time.” Kairi Xion & Namine gasped as kairi turned away mortified & angry. “What the fuck happened?’’ she wondered. She started to walk away when she heard Xion blasting at Roxas. Kairi decided to walk back she felt she needed an explanation. Roxas “Xion I don’t have to explain how I run this team.” Xion “what the hell is wrong with you?” Kairi interrupts “no I have the right to an explanation I fucking demand it” she yelled hoarsely Roxas rolled his eyes, ok red here’s the deal I have no room for big shots or princesses that demands shit handed to them. That rely on freestyle to win motocross not only that, this is a simple tryout for a local team all you had to do way beat those guys in the race”!!! kairi I DID THAT! Roxas yeah but you still relied on freestyle. I can’t have that. I’m sorry. Kairi gritted her teeth “ fine blondie you should’ve made that in the rules beforehand! Roxas folded his arms my team my tryouts my rules rookies who don’t understand that don’t get to be on my team. Kairi exploded EXCUSE YOU IM NOT A ROOKIE! Shoving Roxas to the ground as she stormed off. Roxas chuckled to himself as he got up. “Reds got fire” as he smirked.
The next day Xion shows up to tell Kairi with much team discussion Roxas has had a change of heart that he will in fact let her on his team on the grounds she trains under him for the coming weeks before the local motocross against several of the local towns Destiny Islands included. Kairi sighing as she’d been annoyed as hell the whole night. Ok but why cause all that shit with me yesterday? xion sucked in air wellll I think he’s just being a jealous little bitch but you didnt hear that from me. Kairi ‘’he’s a what now?!’’ Jealous of me? Why he’s captain leader guy he doesn’t have to constantly prove himself that’s he’s good you can tell he is without him jumping on a bike & he’s seemed laid back & chill & people give him respect so freely. Xion dumbfounded Namine who walked into the room giggled “Kairi if I didn’t know better I’d say you like Roxas!” Kairi & Xion ‘what?’ Kairi well I might of if he hadn’t treated me like shit for riding good??? Kairi questions Xion again whys is he jealous? xion “right well he’s not use to anyone besting him is all. Kairi gawks what!? You think I bested him? Xion “again you didn’t hear it from me I think he thinks that. But he doesn’t have the right to act that way. Kairi nodded Namine so what are you going to do? Still join the team anyways? Kairi rubbed her chin thoughtfully hmm I think I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine I’ll make it my life’s mission to test his skills to the point he’s made to feel as insecure about his as he’s made me feel about mine yesterday. Ending with Xion & Namine give each other a nervous look.. this could end badly.
Fast forward a few weeks, Kairi had been meeting Roxas several times a week & once on weekends to train which was more like Kairi & Roxas racing & betting each other would beat the other. Roxas had to teach this girl who was the best on this team if it kills him he thought miserably he’d win & she’d win back to back. Roxas “you’ve had enough,Red?” “Not on your life blondie” “fine, just don’t cry when you lose” Roxas snapped Kairi exhausted don’t you get it I don’t lose, hold on a minute I need a smoke as she lights up a cigarette. ‘’I don’t suppose you would like to join me?’’Roxas looks mildly disgusted & curious “maybe if you answer a question you smoke often?” Kairi hands Roxas a smoke & lights it, Roxas coughs a bit but overall he’s fine. Kairi giggles “about a few years now & only when I’m anxious & angry.” & more often since my father passed,Roxas bowed his head shit I’m sorry, Red hate to hear that. Kairi waved him off softly ‘’thanks but it happened a few years ago from a biking accident, everything I know about motor bikes I learned from him.” Roxas nodded solemnly “so who are you outside of riding & competitions with me?” Roxas & Kairi chuckled she sighed im not much really I use to be cheerleader & wrote poetry typically girly shit” Roxas howled with laughter you’re joshing me! I can’t see it! Kairi mmmhhhmm I really did I tried to please mom, sora & riku, to try to fit in with other girls. Roxas interrupts “wait one minute you don’t mean trying to please Destiny Island’s motocross team’s own Sora & Riku? I mean are you even sure they even pay attention to anything of than each other. They seem, I don’t know, self absorbed in each other at meets are they a couple?” kairi oh them? I wouldn’t know they wouldn’t let me join their dumb ol team to notice, I guess they had fun together policing me from riding their tracks on the play island. Making it their life’s mission to keep me from riding my own bike, a gift from my father by the way much less keep me off the team. Roxas ducked his head blushed, well I guess I fucked up as well, I’m sorry my ego gets the better of me sometimes. Kairi pats Roxas thigh, no problem Xion explained. Roxas ‘’what’d she… ‘’
Kairi kept talking so what’s your sad story who is Roxas Strife? Roxas sighed “motocross rider, motorcycle rider, when his older brother cloud allows him to ride his. Roxas frowns solemnly is raised by his big brother Cloud since his parents both died of overdoses. Kairi gasps reaches out to hug Roxas I’m so sorry. Roxas so stunned & surprised at the sudden need to touch her back. She smelled of coconut & some scent he couldn’t place. Kairi released him, he suddenly missed her warmth but continued no problem red its been years my brother is keeping out of a home upstate so I could grow up here. I had a twin brother Ventus who didn’t make it to be a teenager. He died when he was ten hit by a car case of negligence of parents who couldn’t careless.” Kairi holds his hand & doesn’t let go. “Sorry death seems to be my life story.” Kairi “hey it’s ok if anything my father’s death taught me not to let anyone tell you no, chase all your dream or in our case riding on a dream.” Kairi laughed Roxas smirked “what’s else do you wanna know Red?” Kairi blows smoke “ oh your hobbies, ambitions likes dislikes Roxas well you’re looking at my hobby when I’m not playing struggle in the sandlot as a plan b to my ambitions to go pro at both likes sunsets sea salt ice cream hanging out on the clock tower dislikes drama authority figures big shots….Kairi interrupted “let me guess princesses” Roxas smiled shyly no princesses can stay he whispered. Kairi asked softly, still holding his hand from earlier ok blondie I noticed you playing guitar on your deck that night I first seen you, I like seeing that side of you, will you play for me sometime? Roxas blushed fiercely chuckled as he noticed she was at his lips, as he bend over to her sitting on her bike, he whispered back sure red whatever you’re into. Their lips met as they kept their footing on each side of their bikes tongues collided competing over dominance. Kairi fell powerless over this kiss letting Roxas take control as she hopes she’ll win if they do this again. Roxas feels his legs shake & letting his bike roll closer to hers. They lifted their lips apart slowly with Roxas smirking as he whispers “looks like I finally win”
In coming days, Kairi & Roxas were still just as competitive & bantering with each other as ever but with more kissy faces, which bewildered Namine & disgusted Xion as Roxas was her brother figure & wasn’t sure what to make of Roxas & Kairi’s new found relationship? Or if it was the best thing for the team? What if they break up? She worried. She decided to must confront kairi first she knew Roxas was vulnerable after the life he had she had to protect him.
Kairi meets up with Roxas on twilight town’s clock tower which seems to be another hangout for wayward teens on the edge. She met Roxas holding two blue ice creams which must of been the sea salt ice cream he mentioned. She sat next to him on the edge she also noticed his guitar, she heart warmed he’d remembered. He handed her an ice cream, ‘’I thought we’d have some ice cream then Ill play for you?” Kairi smiled “is this a date blondie?’’ She teased. Roxas blushed “it’s whatever you want it to be Red.” Kairi giggled “im teasing you of course it’s a date a first date in fact. I think it’s sweet like this ice cream oh boy it’s salty.” Roxas ‘’but you like it though right?’’ Kairi “it’s delicious thank you!’’ It’s beautiful up here you come up here often don’t you?” Roxas “yup since I was eight years old thanks to deadbeat parents I & Ven both came up here sometimes & I met some of guys from the team up here Hayner pence olette & Xion, an older cool guy Axel he use to be on the team when Cloud was captain, who decided to move away,” Kairi listened with great interest what a history of people she wondered a lot about his brother where was everyone at when he died? Roxas place his hand on her thigh what is it you’re a million miles away what’s up? Kairi looked uneasy “about ventus? Where were you when it happened?’’ Roxas balled up his fist on kairi’s thigh she quickly covered his hand with hers. Roxas continued not around I was here laughing in up with the guys & Xion. He was on his way here to tell me mom was “sick” again. What else was new? I guess she was worst than usual because she died a few days after him, double funeral. I found him you know? The car musta been flying he was unrecognizable for years I kept thinking how it could’ve been me we played out in traffic all the time…” Kairi said nothing just squeezed his hand. Roxas looked curious ‘’this must be a bad 1st date so far I’ll start playing if you want?’’ Kairi laughed out some tears sure Roxas smiled oh look you got a winner stick red kairi oh! What does it mean? Roxas smirked “it means you’re the winner of my affections haha” Kairi rolled her eyes “seriously that’s it” she winked . Roxas chuckled “I should’ve gotten the winner stick. I feel like a winner every day with you Red.” Kairi pulled him in for a side kiss. “ shut up Just play for me, beautiful” Roxas starts playing as Kairi starts humming with the tune before she starts singing surprising Roxas
🎶The dawn is breaking a light shining through you barely wake
and tangled up in you yeah.
I’m open you’re close where I follow you’ll go
I worry I won’t see your face light up again
Even the best fall sometimes, even the wrong words seem to rhyme
and out of the doubt that fills your mind
I somehow find that you and I collide
I quite you know you make a first impression
I found Im scared to know I’m always on your mind.
Even the stars refuse to shine & out of the doubt that fills your mind
you finally find you & I collide🎶
-collide by Howie Day
“Woah” Roxas exclaimed ‘’where did that come from?” You didn’t say you could sing! Kairi blushed tucking her hair behind her ear. “Oh I did short stint in the school choir but it boring & tedious so I quit I prefer being active.” Roxas laughs “maybe we should do a duet next year in the talent show or something? Kairi giggles ‘’now you’re joshing me because you’re not serious?’’ Roxas kinda as I’m not into school functions but with you? Anything can happen.” Kairi playfully rolled her eyes “ok mister too cool for school functions” Ill hold you to that Blondie..
Kairi did well keeping Xion & Namine’s relationship a secret with their folks. when Xion came over to spend time with Namine, they’d just tell them Kairi wasn’t up for hanging out so Xion could hang out Namine in her room alone. Kairi spent the time to revive her poetry. She’d been inspired since meeting Roxas & everything Roxas is Roxas Roxas Roxas she thought dreamily as she overheard Namine & Xion’s giggling in the next room, it must have been nice to get to have your significant other in your room even in secret, Kayla toke one look at Roxas & decided they were never to be alone in the house even with Nathan swearing Roxas was a good kid known him for years he’s the boy next door hell if it wasn’t for Nathan & Namine she would’ve not be allowed to see him, Kayla was a social snob & thought Roxas was a hood & was surely doing drugs like his parents had after being raised by his wayward older brother. Kairi was so distant in her thoughts she didn’t hear a knock at her bedroom door & it opening revealing Xion, “oh I knocked I need to talk with you about something that been just on my mind” “please don’t take this the wrong way but what is your intentions with Roxas?” Kairi eyes widened & frowned “what do you mean?” Xion “I mean what’s the deal with you & my brother?” Do you love him, care him? Or are you just having fun what!?’’ Kairi was heated & confused “I don’t think that’s any of your business Xion!” Xion sighed “look, you don’t really know him Kai.” His past comes with a lot of baggage & needs better treatment around here than by your ice queen of a mom who barely lets him in the door… Kairi defensively “no you look, I don’t know what your problem with me is? He explained to me his past I know about Ven ok? Xion looked down whispering what he doesn’t talk about what happened to Ven why you why open up to you an outsider?” Kairi shrugged im pretty easy to talk to Id like to think. Xion huffed “ sure is having that nice figure & gorgeous red hair in his face now.” Kairi was just so confused with Xion. “Why are you complimenting me? You don’t think I’m good enough for Roxas?” Xion looked off out the window I don’t know maybe he’s actually not good enough for the princess & I don’t want him hurt? Xion’s eyes looked wet with tears Kairi sighed feeling her eyes with tears as well. “Look if things south with us I’ll let him break up with me, he has my heart anyways might as well break it if he wants to” Xion gasped Kai! I’m sure he’d never do that! Kairi smiled & walked towards to Xion “then do we have your blessing” hugging her from behind “do I have another sister like I have in Namine? Kairi winked as she saw Namine standing at her door which could’ve been a huge misunderstanding if she hadn’t listened to the whole conversation at the door & knew of the Roxas & Kairi drama with Kayla around the house. Xion laughed as tears were still flowing “oh my god Yessss as long as people don’t think Nami is also my sister blah!” Namine walked over to hug them as all three had a group hug until Kairi removed herself for Namine & xion to hug alone as so heard Namine whispering “im sorry Xi I didn’t realize it was so hard on you I’ll come out to father” Xion slowly slipped her lips over the other girl’s “im proud of you baby” as kairi closes her door leaving the girls in her room. As she ran out of the house to jump on her bike to meet Roxas.
Today was the day the final motocross meet up against Destiny island was finally upon them as the team sat up on Destiny Islands turf. It had been around six months since Kairi had lived here she hung close to Roxas Xion & Namine who’d come as a supportive girlfriend who had new found freedom with Xion after telling her father. Kairi was a proud sister for them both. As they readied their bikes, Kairi couldn’t help but feel nervous here the last time she was here she fumbled her chance with this same team that was now her competition. Since being back she had noticed a certain brunette & sliver head had become more touchy- feely than she remembered or maybe she spent so much time resenting them of her joining their team to notice. Sora kissed Riku on the cheek as it was Riku’s match against Xion who smirked knowingly at the fellow gays who seemed out & proud as ever as Namine come over to hug & kiss Xion’s forehead. Riku was like a speeding bullet thought Kairi as he beat Xion. Next kairi beat tidus. Now all the cards lay with Roxas & Sora’s match as the teams were tied. As they readied their bikes kairi walked up to Roxas with a hug from behind with a kiss to his neck Roxas smirked hello red what will you do when I beat him? “Congratulate you & kiss your beautiful face again?” She said nonchalantly “well that’ll work but maybe a tour of the whole island both of these islands?’’ He gave her a winning smile Kairi “you got it blondie” while the happy couple was canoodling they didn’t notice the happy curious look Sora was giving them as Kairi walked away when the race was ready to start. Roxas in all his glory made a spectacular show for a show off ham that he was & beating Sora leading the team to victory.
kairi had promised Roxas to show him the main & the play islands respectfully she was learning Roxas had such a fascination for the beach as did Namine & xion with shells as the two girls stayed on the beach looking at the shells they found. she & Roxas walked around the treehouse bridge around the paopu fruit tree. “What’s the deal with the star shaped fruit, red?” Roxas pointed out as Kairi started to explain the legend to Roxas. he became intrigued & exclaimed they must share one immediately. “How about we share one so that our destinies can be intertwined forever” kairi said softly “you already have my heart.” Roxas reached out to take her hand “you have mine too so we should partake in this famous island custom cement our love & devotion.” Kairi laughed “it’s just a legend relax blondie didn’t know you were superstitious?’’ as she reached up for one & handed it to him holding it to his lips, Roxas whispered “I just want you forever with me Red” “Ride or die” they counted one. two. three. & they bit down in in sync. They laughed as it squirted juice out both ends.
Kairi noticed spiked brunette & sliver headed boys approaching them she tensed the hand she was hold Roxas with. Sora was the first to speak, “heya! Nice match Roxas & they shook hands. I knew you were a good rider but wow you’re amazing.” Roxas hey Thanks dude it’s good someone takes the time to compliment me on my skills instead of calling me a show off ham. Kairi rolls her eyes “Xion started that remember.” Roxas laughed playfully im joshing you. They looked over at sora who just looked happy to be there in all they banter-y fun Riku who looked bored. Roxas to Riku ‘’hey you, you wanna show me this neat thing I seen way over there? Riku puzzled huh you mean the raft we built when we were 12? Sora suddenly caught on to Roxas ‘’yeah Riku walk over there with Roxas I need to talk with Kairi.” Riku “sure” as Roxas & him departs to the raft area. Sora looks puzzled over Kairi so how long have you & Riku been out? Sora blushed “not long & his parents were not happy but he lives with me & my family now. So how long have you been with twilight town’s own motocross team captain Roxas Strife.” Kairi’s turn to blush, “a few months I guess you have noticed him he was sure you & Riku never noticed anyone else at meets” kairi teased Sora frowned ‘’of course I noticed all that blonde hair & smirking. I just notice Riku more. You’ve got a great looking guy there Kairi. Sora winked Kairi giggled thank you Sora, anyways Sora continued im sorry if riku & I made your life miserable here after your dad’s passing we wanted to keep you off bikes. Kairi frowned looking down “you all had no right. My dad wanted me to bike” it’s in my blood despite everything I deserve it I might of been a shithead to you for demanding that I be on a team that doesn’t want me.” I’m sorry… Sora interrupted “no Kairi we’re still wrong for that we didn’t let you on the team because we didn’t want girls on the team…..”and his voice got quiet, “Riku thought it would be a good idea to push you away into doing something girly with your time instead.” ‘Wow you know how to pick boyfriends, Sora.’Kairi rolled her eyes annoyed sora “no kairi I agreed with him” kairi huffed and said ‘’you know what sora? you two deserve each other.’’ Sora “no please don’t go away angry” Kairi sighed “im not mad, sora I just don’t care I don’t live here anymore remember.” Sora pouted “you could still visit” Kairi ‘’of course & you & Riku can visit us in twilight town & triple date with Namine Xion Roxas & I. Sora smiled it’s a date.
Kairi walked with Sora to found Roxas & Riku hanging out around the raft. Laughing. Sora & Kairi gave each other a look. Roxas & Riku was in a good natured competitive talk about a match for them since they didn’t get to race. Kairi told them that Sora agreed to have a triple date with the girls in twilight town. And with that the couples departed Kairi grabbed Roxas’s hand, as they walked along the beach back to where Namine & Xion were last seen. Roxas questioned Kairi ‘’what’s up Red you’ve been quiet since talking to Sora anything wrong?’’ Kairi said softly “ I realized while talking to Sora that I don’t really care about this island anymore’’ when I was little I never wanted to leave Sora & Riku or this island it was home they were comfortable friends & I didn’t want to grow up but in a way they pushed me to grow up. We can’t stay the same & my mom as much as a ice queen she is she had a hand in getting me away from here.” Roxas said thoughtfully “ yeah I should thank her for bringing you to me” as he laughed kairi punched Roxas in the arm’’you do that she’ll make sure I’ll never see you again” Roxas “ouch Red geez” but I don’t think that’s true, that you don’t care, you wanted to make up & be friends again sometimes people just aren’t cool enough, but I think Sora & Riku have potential though.” Kairi ‘’ yeah I always thought so too, blondie.” “So what about us?” “Are we forever?’’ Roxas looked out into the ocean. “Until the end, Red” he looked over to Kairi with a quick kiss & a mischievous smirk & pick her up bridal style & carried her out to the ocean as she shrieked with laughter as dropped her in the water as she pulled him under with her for an underwater kiss.
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strawbyarts · 9 months
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happy holidays! ★彡
drew this as a secret santa gift for @ultyso !! i’ve always wanted to draw venso, who can resist two rays of sunshine?
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baihu27-blog · 1 year
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One of my favorite artcollabs with @translucentchick @ultyso @naccidoodles @tamtam88
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hey-haven · 1 year
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I made fanart based off of @ultyso ‘s little blurb, which was based off fanart…and that’s the end of the chain.
They’re literally so soft and sweet like that the fuck??
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lawlietscaramels · 4 months
ooh what about Lawtsuda for the 100 game? Congrats on 100 and mcr rox!
I hope you don't mind if I tag you, @ultyso.
thank you, anon! and yes, i have 41 liked songs it's spreading.... see game details here.
Heaven help us now Come crashing down We'll hear the sound As you're falling down I'm at this old hotel But can't tell if I've been breathing or sleeping or screaming or waiting for the man to call And maybe all of the above 'cause mostly I've been sprawled on these cathedral steps While spitting out the blood and screaming Someone save us
'Cause I'll give you all the nails you need Cover me in gasoline Wipe away those tears of blood again And the punchline to the joke is asking Someone save us
And would you pray for me? (You don't know a thing about my sins) (How the misery begins) Or make a saint of me? (You don't know) (So I'm burning, I'm burning) And will you lay for me?
Firstly, this is more angsty than I tend to think of LawTsuda being. Secondly, I picked this thinking about how L is seen by the world (and the anime lol) as all-powerful.
Matsuda is the first part; L is the last two. "Heaven help us" – everyone anti-Kira is looking for basically divine intervention, as far as they know, because Kira seems divine (in the way he can judge and kill in a very non human way. if that makes sense). L is the closest thing they have. He is not divine, so he is just "someone" in "someone save us". Hotels remind me of Death Note in general. I think because they held meetings there.
L is rather cynical I think. And somewhat self destructive. You know that post about calling someone a hero and simultaneously destroying them? I think L can see that in his own life. I don't know how I'd describe his feelings towards Matsuda pertaining to that. He thinks he's naïve, I suppose.
But then, of course, he sees that Matsuda sees something in him. (I love them your honour.) Matsuda would hope L has a happy ending (even if L knows he has done terrible things). And just. yeah. Still more angsty than I think of LawTsuda as, but I hope that makes some sense.
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dicenote · 4 months
songs for LawTsuda?!
Ooh of course! Thanks so much for the ask!
Despite how much I think about LawTsuda, I feel like I don't have too many tracks that I feel like are their songs, y'know? However, I had a couple thoughts and wound up with a few songs that really reminded me of them.
(I'm gonna put this under a cut before it gets too long, haha)
#1- Snow Patrol- "Chasing Cars"
This one is from @ultyso's playlist, but it's a favorite of mine too! It's very wholesome, and I love me some wholesome LawTsuda (and angsty LawTsuda, but we'll get to that).
I think my favorite lines from the song are the chorus:
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I imagine Matsuda and L laying on the headquarters roof and looking up at the stars, forgetting about the stress of the investigation going on beneath them.
#2- Florence + The Machine- "All This and Heaven Too"
I picked this one because I feel like Matsuda and L work in different ways. L is obviously very intellectual, where Matsuda follows his heart instead of his brain. I think that, especially in a version of Death Note where they're together, they would want to see a little bit of the world that the other sees.
#3- Queen- "Don't Stop Me Now"
While I was looking for songs, I figured I might as well find one that "leaned" more Matsuda, and one that was more L as well. This song is for Matsuda! Partly because I can picture him air-guitaring to this song, lol. But also, I feel like Matsuda and L have this in common: once they set their minds to something, nothing can stop them. They are both recklessly persistent which leads them into conflict, especially in the Yotsuba arc. This trait is more apparent in Matsuda, I think, but L has his moments.
#4- Marianas Trench- "Masterpiece Theatre II"
This is more of an L song to me, and it reminds me of Airmid's incredible LawTsuda fic, "Weakness". I dunno, when it comes to LawTsuda angst, I'm a big fan of fics where L dies and leaves it up to Matsuda to catch Kira . For this song, I'd like to think that all the evidence that L's gathered is the "masterpiece" that he's leaving behind. Also, the final lines, "I'll wreck this if I have to. Tell me, what good will that do?" specifically remind me of how Matsuda intervenes to save L in the fic.
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maskrosfe · 1 year
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messing around with some color pencils! first pic is a drawing of @ultyso super cozy little ReMent café set-up for L and Matsuda (they're having such a feeaaast ;__; <33)
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anisaanisa · 1 year
your answer to that favorite character thing from this morning reminded me of the best trope of the Inuyasha franchise:
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never gets old i swear~ 💜
You are so correct, that I've now dubbed you the subtext detector 🧐 If that's alright with you, of course 🤣 It's so popular that I've put together a teeny little list of the art/gifs/instances I can remember of it off the top of my head:
INUYASHAAAAAAAA by @inuyashaglittertext KAGOMEEEEEEEEE by @inuyashaglittertext "Looking forward to hearing my favourite lines again" by @ultyso And American Football InuKag by @goddamnbatmanny Memory is fickle edits: "The Show" aka The Fuck Do She Want by @stungun44 Texting by @ameritrash " This happens a lot in the show." by @danielhshaffer "I DREW THIS AT 5AM" by @pupppppppy "That’s it... that’s the whole show" by @woodlandshub
I'm sure there are more I'm not remembering, a beloved thingy that it is! If anyone else has any Shouting!InuKag please do share! 🥳
OG Adult Swim Promo:
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tambermizukiart · 1 year
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Collab present for @lightwithinthedarknessu ‘s birthday 🎁
Had much fun collaborating with amazing people once again 🫂
@princesselemm (Kairi), @ultyso (Sora) and @softbewitcher (daughter), me (son) 💜
Full collab piece: Happy birthday Rena 🫶
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ultyso · 2 months
My dear friend, 🌹
Welcome, I hope you are well. 🙏
I am writing to kindly ask for your support in reblogging my pinned post on my page❤🙏.
My name is Ahmed Al-Nabih from Gaza My family consists of four people and my father died My mother suffers from chronic diseases, and because the medicine ran out, her health condition has deteriorated greatly
The situation is very dangerous in Gaza
After the occupation fired shells and fire at our house, and we then saw death with our own eyes, we were displaced from the house and then to 5 places, the last of which was in the tents in which we currently live in tragic and complicated conditions.🥲
Our dreams have been lost, our house has been destroyed, and I watch my mother lose her life due to the lack of medicine, without me being able to do anything for her here. Life is difficult in the tents, and the drinking water is polluted.
In short, there are no minimum necessities for human life here. The situation is catastrophic and devastates humanity. Famine is intensifying, poverty is intensifying, goods are running out, and the danger of bombing is all around us.😟
I appeal to you and seek your help to share our story and our suffering through your pages, and to provide us with support and concern.🙏
The campaign was documented by
Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List #218 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @nabulsi ✅
Thank you very much.
Ahmed Al-Nabih from Gaza
Link campaign:
Verified by @/northgazaupdates 1 | 2 | 3
Vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi (Number 222 in list)
Verified by @/apollos-olives
Verified by @/palestinegenocide
Verified by @/queerstudiesnatural
Vetted by @/90-ghost
*Could not find verification post from riding-with-the-wild-hunt. This, however, does not discredit them. There are a multitude of people who have vetted them already.
Read their story here:
Donate if you can: GFM
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sarahsartedits · 2 years
A lil vensokai For @ultyso hope you like it Thank you for taking on my art commission! I’m a very satisfied customer lol I love it so much & you’re very sweet as well definitely recommend you to my SoRoku & Venso friends! @khpolyamships 😉
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strawbyarts · 9 months
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lawtsuda doodles that were also part of my gift to @ultyso ! the cold won’t stop L from enjoying his sweets
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tamtam88 · 1 year
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I had the honor of drawing Tidus(and Kimahri 😅) in this amazing FFX beach collab! ⛱️
Thanks for letting me be a part of this! x3
@translucentchick @baihu27-blog @ultyso @naccidoodles @lightwithinthedarknessu
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