#um spoiler but chekov is fine
skybson · 1 year
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3x6 - Spectre of the Gun
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RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @dramaticmusicality​ (Thank you love, I had an absolutely insane start to my week so this is very delayed.)
Three fandoms:
* The Monkees
* Star Trek: The Original Series
* M*A*S*H
[side note, I happened to pick 3 fandoms that all have extra stuff so for simplicity I will only be discussing the respective TV shows for each. That means Monkees show characters only, none of the later TOS movies, and neither the movie nor the book of M*A*S*H.]
The first character you loved:
* Hmmm I think it might actually have been Davy, because I’m a bit of an anglophile (I’m not proud of it). That changed pretty quickly to Mike though.
* I think Spock. The first couple episodes were weird. Either Spock or McCoy.
* Oh gosh. Radar. So much. But the first three seasons are wacky so.
The character you never expected to love so much:
* Peter. I kinda expected to hate him because he was the dumb one, but then he actually had very clever lines that were just dumb because he read the room wrong and he had the smile of an angle so like. Yeah.
* I guess Scotty? He just kinda...snuck in there when I wasn’t paying attention and then it was like omg who is this guy who loves the ship more than people?
* Major Houlihan. Margaret was a top tier bitch early on, especially in the first 3 seasons, but as the show progressed she got a hell of a lot of development and by the end she’s great. I might actually do a rant post about her at some point because seriously, she kicked down some pretty stiff barriers.
The character you relate to the most:
* Personally it’s Mike. But realistically if you were to ask my friends who I was most like, it would be Micky. I’m a massive introvert who doesn’t know how to do things by half so when I’m around people I’m super “on” which means crazy energy, I never shut up, and I sing whatever is in my head. Also my hair. And my fashion sense lol. (I quite like a lot of his season 2 looks. Confidence is key.)
* Spock. Logic is awesome. Also he gives off very strong ace vibes.
* Father Mulcahy. Partially because I read him as ace (are you sensing a theme?) but also because he functions as the “bartender character” that the other characters all take their problems to and that happens to me a lot. (I’m told I’m a good listener.)
The character you’d slap:
* Mr. Babbit. Stop trying to throw the guys out! Also Davy occasionally.
* Chekov. He is adorable but he can be a really creepy horndog sometimes. And he’s a little shit too.
* Early Hawkeye. He’s a real dick. Funny, but a dick. Realistically though it would be Frank Burns, obviously.
Three favorite characters (in order of preference):
* Mike, Peter, Micky/Davy (I can’t leave one guy out! Also these are very slim margins, each of the guys have their own appeal to me.)
* Spock, McCoy, Uhura
* Father Mulcahy, Margaret, Klinger
A character you liked at first, but don’t anymore:
* Argh. Davy I guess. It’s not that I don’t like him anymore it’s just that I like Mike more now.
* Um. Eh? Chekov? Idk? His character kinda changes to suit whatever he needed to be in that episode so, sometimes he’s really obnoxious and sometimes he’s fine.
* Kinda Col. Blake? Just, he’s such an incompetent commander and that really bothers me if I think about it too much. A sweet guy but because of the comedy style of the show in the first three seasons he was a real dope.
Three OTPs:
* Gosh ummm...I don’t really ship any of the guys. They’re children!  Fuck it, Mike and Princess Gwen. They were made for each other.
* Ughhhh I don’t ship these people either argh! There is a lot of subtext between the main trio (Kirk, Spock, McCoy) so I guess OT3? If I had to choose?
* [Spoilers!] Klinger and his eventual wife, Soon-Lee. They were cute. And he stayed in Korea for her! Awww!
I tag @annaofwonderland​, @shorty-blackwell​, @nezclaw​, @ewok-sith-lord​, @faerievampireelf, @little-niggah-sugar, and @monkees-world​ if y’all wanna. (no pressure!) Also if anyone else wants to jump on this train, go for it!
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johnnythirteenguns · 8 years
logan, not spoiler free thoughts (it got long):
anyways i saw logan yesterday and im still sensitive from it and i wouldnt know where to begin having a conversation about it with people who want to see it
as a film it’s pretty good. i didnt feel too much time was wasted, if any really, it’s tropey though. so like once it gets going it is point a to b to c to d with no variation and you spot the chekov’s guns right away and you can figure out how it’s going to end half way in. which im fine with as long a movie doesnt patronize me, and i didnt feel logan did. it was just formulaic. but it was good and watchable. there is a lot to be said for exploiting a tried and true formula for story telling but fitting it to the aesthetic of the characters therein.
also although i dont talk to movies i have realized that i am increasingly more involved with reacting to them and i dont know if this means i am more empathetic with the characters on screen because i am becoming more empathetic or if im more emotional and have nowhere to direct that emotion in my real life so i put it all into relating with the characters on a given screen and so when stuff happens to them i just really React.
that being said like im really. tired. of white characters being allowed to use brown bodies as stepping stones and footstools. there are a lot of dead brown people in this film. the main characters are all white. although dafne did an admirable job as laura, if i had the chance id recast her immediately. i wouldnt have cast her at all to be honest. i hope that when an older or adult laura shows up that they cast an actual mexican actress (not a white one). in logan they imply that the babies are clones, but there’s also implication that it was actually just in-vitro using the stolen dna the way you would use donated sperm? unless i watch it again i wont know because the language seemed unsure of itself.
but yeah. i dont. know. it’s literally too much at this point like we’re just constantly thrown under the bus so to save, create, or help white characters. for example, you know the horse family is gonna die, you know it because it’s a Trope. but it’s a black family, and they die gruesomely, which okay, everyone that dies in logan dies gruesomely and violently. but theyre the only black characters with speaking parts, and there is a dearth of them elsewhere in the fox marvel universe. rictor, one of the escaped 23s, is mexican in the comics, apparently so in the movie, and i can safely assume his actor is latinx as well (but he’s a baby and so doesnt have a ton of stuff on his imdb). he’s also the only one of the kids who is shot when they’re being chased through the woods.
i honestly dont know if i would have preferred they keep it on screen or leave it off screen. clearly brown children are afterthoughts anyway? to be used as plot devices and target dummies as needed. i dont know. i do know that i was waiting for it and i thought he was going to die. they do have a line of dialogue immediately after rictor is shot to reassure you that he isnt going to die, which is something i guess.
at any rate i really cant with child death or child abuse in media lately. i dont know how i feel about laura’s self-harm scene. not good but self-harm in media in general needs to be looked at in a case by case basis i dont know about this one.
which btw wow the actress that plays gabriela is straight up from the bronx born and raised in new york and i knew she couldnt be a primarily spanish speaker that accent grated on my ears so badly  i would have preferred they find a way to have her speak spanish and english at some point to illustrate their point because whenever she spoke that accent made me desperately wish she would shut the fuck up or get to the end off her sentence if i could somehow physically share how fucking tired i am of fake mexican accents like youd faint for ten seconds from the force of my anger.
like of all the things to be that angry about but it’s honestly just One More Thing at the point and im so tired.
im really over the disposability of brown bodies and i wish it would stop.
all that being said ive been listening to this podcast and my love for the x-men and x-men adjacent characters has grown immensely over the last year and going in i was emotional about film history, about the x-men cinematic history (honestly hugh jackman has brought his a-game every time when playing logan and i thank him, even when the films themselves were lackluster), i was emotional about x-men comics history, like. i really loved how they all chose to portray the characters and the relationships between them and it was really hitting a lot of perfect notes like.
it turns into a really rough father daughter story really quickly and it got to me because of my own father, because of my possible future, it was a lot of deeply personal levels being affected. um, there’s a lot of symbolic stand-in stuff, like the canadian border, brown children crossing it alone (all their caregivers are implied to be dead to the point that they pretty much are dead due to their absence, so more dead disappeared mexican women, along with the dead teenage girls we’re told about much earlier).
i think i may have just gotten too sucked into it and too emotionally invested and am maybe looking at it through too much of a like film student lens because i was studying it for form and execution obviously and i dont feel like tropey is bad, and i say this because there were moments where most of the audience was laughing but they werent particularly funny? like haha funny moments they were a little more light-hearted (and i mean a Little, not much, to me they illuminate how very tired and hopeless logan is in comparison with other characters and the rest of the world) but because the rest of logan is couched so firmly in the same sort of world weary americana (despite none of the main characters being american, which is neither here nor there) that a film like hell or high water is that i didnt find them Funny. theyre still painful moments meant to illustrate a turning point in the characters’ relationship.
i do say this as someone who at this point just completely started crying for the rest of the movie. i was holding it back since close to the beginning because i Do like these kinds of films and stories and so im already primed to get really invested and then it just kept hitting me and. even gabriela running away with laura and how desperate but fierce they as the characters being in that situation really got me.
also there is no stinger scene so dont wait unless you want to listen to the man comes around which i love so i was fine with waiting anyway. also you see a special thanks given to all the comics creators that had a major hand in shaping laura kinney which got me and marjorie liu is listed.
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sydnam · 7 years
OUAT 7x02 “A Pirate’s Life”
2 episodes in one night? Shocking.
Running commentary under the cut as always.
7x02 A Pirate’s Life
I know the “twist” going in, which is too bad.
Is using live steel with the teenager REALLY a good idea, Hook? REALLY? “You fight like your grandfather” which one? JMo looks tired. A magic message in a bottle is kind of cool.
So are we just gonna call the NuFTL Another Realm? AR? Has the fandom come up with a good name yet? Andrew West sounds a little bit like Josh Dallas. Oh hey, Chekov’s magic bottle I guess.
Rogers is even more on the nose than Weaver, I cannot believe I did not comment on that in the first episode. Henry made up his mother. Awkward.
Seriously the mustache twirling villainy of Victoria is over the top. Her AR hair is ridiculous and yet also great though. Hook, bud, maybe murder isn’t the immediate first choice all the time I’m just saying. “We have to respect Emma’s wishes” I’m sure others have pulled all the receipts but oh boy that’s a loaded line there. My goodness. Also lying to Henry isn’t cool, I don’t care if it was Emma’s idea. Emma’s had some pretty terrible ideas in the past. Like that time she took her whole family to hell?
Rumple what even is your accent doing And why DID you pick Mr. Rogers (heh) as your partner Because you know who you are and think you deserve eternal punishment? What?
Weaver is like “what is this nonsense” And then “we work for me” WELL THAT ISN’T OMINOUS AT ALL
And then Regina’s magic didn’t work, so that’s awkward. But presumably magic works differently there. Although her magic worked fine in OTHER other realms before, so who knows. Also the slipper doesn’t really look much like glass at all. Oh well.
Weaver has brought his new puppy of a partner to the bar. Rumple wants Regina to be awake? Maybe? He seemed to have put a bit of emphasis on ‘Henry Mills’ and was waiting for a reaction.
CGI COBBLESTONES! And Wish!Hook. How’d HE get here? What a terrible wig. I love it. Colin must have had so much fun doing this again. But oh my that makeup is kind of dire. Wait, Wish!Hook thought he couldn’t find love? Wasn’t his whole deal REVENGE COS HIS LOVE WAS MURDERED? That would have happened in the Wish Realm too. Oy. Heh, well-played W!Hook. You’d think Original Hook would have a better read on his alter ego.
“I’m not the man you think I am” Ok.
W!Hook has a history with Lady Tremaine? Ok. The wand is not the best prop they’ve ever done, for sure. And now W!Hook is young and skinny again. K.
Henry this is ridiculous and also kind of perfect. Nice job, bud.
Detectives do you even have a warrant I am SCANDALIZED. Nancy Drew? K. Weaver, your voice has gotten better. Sort of. Bobby what even are you doing with your accent. Why is Weaver being so creepy. So many questions.
Aww mother and daughter reunited. Tiana knows what’s up with Henry and Cinderella though.
Regina’s recap of what’s happened in Storybrooke is adorable. Archie officiating all the weddings. W!Hook you’re not very convincing. Although apparently convincing enough for Henry and Regina. Sigh.
“You don’t seem like yourself” well at least Henry noticed, a little. “Killian wanted me to rest” um, Emma, he’s not in charge. “I’m pregnant” yeah, well.
W!Hook looks ashamed of himself. Pregnancy changed his mind?
This is clearly a test for Rogers but I’m not sure what outcome Weaver is hoping for.
Original Recipe Hook has just attempted murdering himself which seems about par for the course on this show. And of COURSE W!Hook has a long-lost daughter but how’s that work, when did that happen?
Rumple, don’t hit your grandson.
W!Hook’s daughter was imprisoned by a witch but apparently not so much that he couldn’t see her and play chess all the time. What an odd sort of prison. Is Alice the daughter? The chess thing would make sense. But being imprisoned by a witch would also go with Rapunzel so who knows. “Believe” I DO BELIEVE IN EMMAS, I DO I DO.
Rumplestiltskin just admired the morals of Captain Hook and I can’t even with this show
I like Henry and his once and future wife together.
Ok, Emma’s “do you wanna come back?” was so eager. That’s good. Look, I get that W!Hook’s DEATHBED CONVERSION was touching but why are they so trusting. Why are these characters like this. WHY. At least Regina is going too. But maybe Regina needs some new clothes. And maybe W!Hook does too.
Seriously what’s with the spinny death wheel of fire portals though
This feels like such a half-assed send-off for Emma’s character. But then Emma’s character was kind of destroyed long ago. It wasn’t as bad as I’d feared from spoilers though. At least there’s that.
Henry illustrated his book too? That’s impressive. I wonder why Rogers’ memories have Emma and searching for a missing girl but Henry’s have horrible death by fire for his family. Does Roni have missing people in hers too? What about Weaver? Or does Weaver even HAVE curse memories? ALSO will Rumple get a first name with this curse or will it be Detective like it was Mister in Storybrooke? (Perhaps it’s still Barbara)
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