#um. seducing a guy for political gain? i do not want to know. but as long as it's Asgard's political gain. i will accept those benefits.
tyrannuspitch · 1 year
relatedly. i've seen a few fics that one way or another feature odin essentially. getting angry with loki for being queer. and for reasons mentioned above i just cannot buy it sdkjfsk. like. is odin a homophobe? absolutely. does odin want loki to be or act straight? um. NO
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iloveyou3thousand · 4 years
Tony gets possessive when Peter is getting seduced by someone. Request
Yes! Yess!!! I also got kind of into writing Peter/Harry so I might have made myself ship it now but no matter. Enjoy :p
CW: possessive!Tony, jealous!Tony, and a little Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Tony had never really insisted Peter get involved in anything too public. He seemed to prefer to keep things on the down low with Spider-Man in the public eye and Peter Parker outside of it. Peter didn’t mind because he’d seen and sometimes even kind of experienced the kind of things Tony had to go through on a daily basis and he wasn’t sure that he could keep up something like that. And besides, keeping his identities separated allowed him to just be Peter when he wanted to be. Tony was always, in the public eye in one way or another, also Iron Man.
But Peter and Tony had been working on a project together and while it had started out as just a bit of fun, it was growing into something that the market might genuinely be interested in and it was quickly gaining traction in the right spaces when Tony had initially proposed their ideas.
Fast forward several months later, their project was completed, and to promote their new product they were going to hold a fundraiser.
And people were starting to get curious who Tony had been working with all this time.
It was no secret that he didn’t work alone, but so far they’d kept Peter in the shadows. They’d discussed their options time and time again and eventually came to the conclusion that if they didn’t introduce Peter now, it might start to work against them.
Besides, surely it couldn’t hurt if Peter was in the spotlight as Tony’s right hand for just a little while? After that he’d go back into the shadows where he liked to think he belonged.
So Tony threw a fundraiser, and Peter got all donned up, feeling a little ridiculous but looking, according to Tony, at the top of your game.
And hey, maybe this would be fun, right?
They arrived at the party separately so that people would remain unassuming until the minute Tony called Peter forward to introduce him, and when he did the applause was thunderous. Thankfully Tony didn’t hand him the microphone to introduce himself because he would have fudged through whatever sentence his nervous mind managed to conjure up, and that’s not the image of him that he wanted to give people right off the bat.
After that the rest of the party was all champagne and chatting to people he didn’t know but had some important job or another. He felt a little out of place between all those rich people with their big words and their very specific taste in wine.
Tony tried to stick by him for the most part but he sometimes had to leave Peter’s side to go talk to someone he reassured Peter the boy didn’t even want to know.
That’s when a tall, slightly younger gentleman in comparison to the general crowd, came up to Peter with a friendly smile and an outstretched hand.
“Harry Osborn. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Parker.”
Peter took the hand and shook it, firing the guy a polite smile of his own. He’d heard his name before, of course. Osborn was a bit of a staple around New York City, but other than that he didn’t know much about the family that ran the company Oscorp. Harry seemed nice enough. Had a nice smile. Great jawline.
“Peter,” Peter blurted out when he realized he’d been shaking Harry’s hand just a touch too long and staring, “You don’t have to…call me Mr. Parker.”
“Right,” Harry said, and Peter absently noticed he had dimples in his cheeks when he smiled, “You don’t have to call me Mr. Osborn either. Just Harry’s fine. Don’t tell him, but I like to think I’m a little bit independent from my father.”
Peter made a vague noise.
“You must know him. Right? Norman Osborn? Creator of Oscorp?”
“Mhm! Yeah, no, of course I know him. I just don’t know why you’d want that when your father’s so…”
Peter shrugged.
“I guess it’s just a little teenage rebellion then.” Harry’s smile this time showed a flash of teeth.
Being the first person to talk to him that seemed a little closer to his age, Peter found himself enjoying talking to him quite a bit. They had similar interests, both loved science fiction, and Harry could give him some tips and tricks on how to deal with suddenly being in the general spotlight for something.
It also helped that Harry was so damn friendly. He kept touching Peter’s arm of his shoulder or back, offered to get him a refill on his drink when he was out, he was achingly funny when the initial awkwardness between them had subsided, and he really did smile a lot, and laughed at Peter’s stupid attempts at jokes.
The first time his senses told him someone was looking at him, Peter tried to subtly glance around himself to catch whoever was doing it, but he didn’t notice anyone in particular.
The second time he felt it, he caught Tony looking, but he assumed he was just checking in on him, and so Peter gave him a big smile and a discreet little wave and Tony flashed him a smile of his own and threw him a wink, which to Peter came across as something along the lines of ‘hope you’re enjoying yourself’, or ‘you’re doing great’.
The third time he noticed it, it was when Harry was leaning in close, a hand on the small of Peter’s back and his lips barely brushing his ear, talking lowly over the hum of the crowd around them. Peter’s eyes met Tony’s once again, but this time Tony didn’t smile. His expression was ever so slightly pinched, and even from that distance Peter could see that his jaw was clenched. He immediately felt like something was wrong. But people passed by in the path between them, and when they were gone again, so was Tony.
Peter almost thought he hadn’t seen it. Maybe he’d imagined it.
Whatever was the case, the night ended soon after that.
Not because the party ended, but because suddenly Tony was by his side, an arm around his waist, looking to Harry.
“Mr. Osborn,” Tony greeted, though his voice didn’t sound welcoming in the slightest.
Peter noticed that Harry didn’t correct Tony when he called him that. The atmosphere suddenly felt a little too tense for comfort, like the mood had abruptly shifted the second Tony arrived. It was also undeniable that Tony’s hand was curled around Peter’s hip very tightly, thumb pressing firmly into the small of his back, the flesh of his hip.
“Mr. Stark. Great party.” Harry’s smile wasn’t entirely gone, but it might as well have been.
“It’s time we go home, Peter. Let’s finish up.” Tony looked at him, but Peter couldn’t read his expression. He started to protest lightly, because he’d been having a good time with Harry and honestly he wouldn’t mind if they stuck around for a little bit longer, but Tony’s grip on his hip tightened, and Peter went quiet.
He turned back to Harry.
“It was nice to meet you, Harry. Yeah, um. Maybe we’ll see each other again some time? I think that’d be nice. I hope you have a good night.”
Harry’s expression softened a touch when he looked at Peter, “Goodnight, Peter. Lovely to meet you too.”
Tony had Peter steered away and was leading him toward the exit before Harry could even finish his sentence properly, and Peter almost felt like he had to jog to keep up with the pace.
“Mr. Stark—” Peter protested, and Tony slowed down just a touch, but only because it seemed like they were being watched by the people around them.
A car stood waiting outside, and Tony helped Peter into it. Peter was almost convinced that he’d close the door behind him and send him off homeward but much to his surprise Tony gestured for him to scoot, and he got in after him, before closing the door and reaching over to knock twice on the partition between the backseat and the driver. Peter assumed it was Happy on the other side. He wasn’t sure though – he couldn’t see.
Tony didn’t say a word, which was unnerving. Peter half expected to get a lecture or something. Tony seemed upset. That was the best word he could think of that could describe Tony right now, head turned away from Peter and staring firmly out the window, his hands on his knees but his fingertips white where he was pressing them down as if he was trying to control himself.
It was almost…scary.
“What’s going on?” Peter asked after the minute of silence stretched on for too long and made him feel uneasy.
“That was Harry Osborn, Peter. Harry Osborn.”
“Yeah…” Peter clearly didn’t see the issue, “So?”
Tony whipped his head around and narrowed his eyes at Peter. “So? So you were going to let the son of the boss of the biggest rivalling company to Stark Industries take you home?”
“Home? I—”
“You were going to let him take you to bed?”
“To… bed, I wasn’t—”
“Fuck you?”
“Oh my god Mr. Stark—”
Peter had enough. He clicked out of the seatbelt he’d put on earlier so that he could scoot closer to Tony with the intention of talking to him, perhaps a bit firmly if necessary, but when he was halfway across the backseat Tony reached for him and pulled him into his lap with surprising ease, large hands settling on Peter’s hips, heat soaking through his suit.
Whatever Peter had been about to say died in his throat the second Tony leaned forward and buried his face into Peter’s neck.
Peter’s breath hitched and his hands automatically went up to Tony’s hair and the back of his neck, head dipping to nose the top of his head. He didn’t think he’d ever seen Tony act like that before. Definitely never toward him. It was almost…possessive.
“Mr. Stark…” Peter sighed, “Why are you so upset? Is it because he’s the son of your arch nemesis?”
At least that got a chuckle out of Tony, breath warm against Peter’s neck. “Arch nemesis is a big word, but. That’s not it.”
Peter kept quiet so as to pointedly give Tony the opportunity to elaborate.
“It could have been anyone and I would have disliked it just as much.”
Peter combed his fingers through Tony’s hair and felt a flutter in his chest at the realization that Tony was jealous. Anthony Edward Stark. Jealous, because someone flirted with Peter, who was really just his mentee and now business partner, by the way. And yeah they were close but they had never been this close and Tony had definitely never pulled Peter into his lap like that.
But now that Peter was there he didn’t think he would have wanted the night to end any differently. Sure Harry had been nice, and he was attractive, and they seemed to have gotten along. But that was nothing in comparison to what Peter felt and always had felt with and for Tony.
“How about…next time when you get upset like that maybe you could just—talk to me? About it?” Peter suggested lightly.
Tony finally lifted his head to look up at Peter, and he pulled him closer into his lap, which made Peter’s heart skitter.
“There won’t be a next time. I’ll make sure of it.”
Peter was about to protest because that didn’t sound exactly convenient or particularly right. How did he suppose he was going to do that? Never let Peter talk to anyone again? But then Tony’s one hand pushed up the back of his jacket while the other smoothed down his thigh and his lips connected to Peter’s jaw, beard slightly scratchy but his lips so lovely and warm it had Peter promptly going lax in the other man’s lap.
“Next time I’ll make sure everybody knows you’re mine.”
Peter could only hope there would be a next time soon.
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insphoeration · 5 years
Cool as Ice
Pairing: Prince!Yunho x NonRoyal!reader
Summary: Someone catches the eye of the future king and it isn’t his future queen. [Fluff but some angst because it mentions death as something more desirable than something] Part 1 here
Warnings: This part contains offensive language (more than normal) which may be disturbing to some parties 
Word count: 1.7k 
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You couldn’t blame her for worrying, Yunho cared for you last time as well and everything still went to shit. Jihyo never really mentioned his private life in her letters, just that he took the throne without a bride. He didn’t seem lonely, or maybe he was and no one noticed. But countless people tried setting him up and he would turn every single one of them down. He didn’t want anyone else by his side. Would it be simpler now that he was a king instead of a prince? Could things be different? But most importantly, did you love Yunho enough to risk getting your heart broken again? 
Yunho went to the feast with good spirits, he didn’t like that the sleazy count was going to be in the same room as you but he would have to deal with that for the sake of not starting a war with the northern kingdom. Above that, he didn’t like that he couldn’t talk to you privately after he found out you and Seonghwa weren’t actually together. He spent ten minutes in the mirror, adjusting his tie, trying to figure out what he would say to you. If it were up to him, he would marry you on the spot but according to Hongjoong and Seonghwa, you’ve grown and Yunho doesn’t want to hold you back.
He smiled when he pictured you working in the stables, spending time with the animals, or hanging out in the kitchen, learning to cook from the chef. He pictured you during the time you tried to make something for Hongjoong for his birthday but failed miserably and ended up with cake ingredients all over you. He wish he was there to see it, but even more he wished he was there to support you. He sighed, straightening his tie once more, once the count was gone he would pull you aside and talk to you like an adult, an adult who really hoped you liked him back. 
The dining area was decorated extravagantly, to woo those who came from the northern kingdom. You took deep breaths remembering Yunho claiming you were his guest, that meant you didn’t have to sit with the count right?  You let Jihyo go in first, saying you were going to take a moment. She eyed you suspiciously at first before someone walked up beside you. Yunho held his arm out,
“So sorry for being late m’lady.” You couldn’t help yourself from smiling back at his smile. You placed your hand on his arm, immediately relaxing on contact, Yunho wouldn’t let anything happen to you, right?
Yunho walked in with a grin on his face, knowing he had the most beautiful woman in the world on his arm. He pulled your chair out for you, not caring if that was a servants job, and sat down to your right. Although he was supposed to be seducing the ambassadors from the northern kingdom, he couldn’t peel his attention away from you. Every time you said something, he would smile and every time you laughed, he would smile even wider, it didn’t help that there was copious amounts of wine at dinner on top of the wine he drank with the boys earlier. 
The count eyed the blush on Yunho’s cheek, knowing that it was more likely you than the wine that was causing it. He put down the cup he was about to take a sip of, not able to hold himself back. 
“Congratulations your highnesses,” He said raising a cup to Jihyo and Mingi. “His royal highness told me about your upcoming nuptials.”  
“Thank you.” Jihyo smiled brightly, despite the counts tone putting her off. 
“Although,” he placed his cup back down and faced you and Yunho. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think it was the two of you getting married.” The comment made you shy but not having the same affect as it would have coming from anyone else. “Tell me, are you two…?” 
“Uh, no,” Yunho said, clearing his throat. “We’re, um, close friends.” He hissed almost as if warning the count to back off. 
“No I didn’t think so.” The count laughed. “Silly me, I forgot court ladies mean nothing to someone like the king, although I didn’t think you’d bring one of your mistresses to a dinner where you’re supposed to be impressing us.” The nobles from the northern kingdom chuckled amongst themselves, while Yunho’s people went dead silent, Hongjoong even choking on his drink.
“Excuse me?” You sneered. Mingi placed his hand on Jihyo’s to keep her from bending her fork in half.
“That’s right! You’re not even a lady of the court anymore, you’ve left the court isn’t that right? You’re nothing more than a common whore.” 
“Count!” Yunho said, through gritted teeth, clenching his fists. “That is no way to speak to a lady.” He warned. 
“My apologies.” The count smirked. 
The rest of dinner was tense and quiet. The count had moved on like nothing happened but the only thing stopping Yunho from jumping across the table and beating him to death was your hand in his under the table. Everyone had looked at you for confirmation at some point but all you did was shake your head, one douche was not worth raising tensions with the northern kingdom even more. Eventually, holding your hand wasn’t enough to calm him and he intertwined your fingers with his. All he wanted to do was kick the count to the curb and hold you in his arms. 
“Your majesty,” the count called, gaining his and everyone else's attention at the table. “I would like to thank you, for our stay here has truly been lovely.” 
“The pleasure is all mine.” Yunho nodded with a fake smile. “Soon I’ll send our ambassadors to the north, and through your hospitality maybe we can see the good faith between our kingdoms.” 
“Yes, of course! Anytime, in fact we would love to have Lady Y/N join us in the north.” He grinned at you. 
“Unfortunately, that won’t be possible as lady Y/N is not part of the political side of court.” Yunho was back to talking through gritted teeth, in fact, if he tightened his jaw anymore there might have been a risk of dislocation. 
“I know.” The count said simply. “I didn’t mean she would be coming for political reasons. Although she would definitely be considered when making a peace treaty, that is, depending on how peaceful she is” The count’s eyes roamed the parts of your body he could see, imagining the parts he could not. 
“Viscount! I hope you do not mean-” Jihyo was shocked when the count merely raised his hand to shush her, a queen. 
“You want peace. I want the girl. It’s a simple trade, besides what’s another whor-” 
Yunho slammed his fist against the table. “That’s enough!” He yelled, demanding silence among the room. “Guards, take him to the dungeons, I want him executed tomorrow. The rest of you can get out.” He said like it was nothing. Guards came forward, lifting the count out of his chair. He looked around shocked. 
“You can’t do this, you idiot, you’ll start a war!” He roared. Yunho scoffed, shocked that the count thought he could get away with his behaviour. The rest of the guards came to escort the remaining nobles out. 
“I trust that the rest of misogynistic assholes can pass along what happened? Or should I have you wait until tomorrow and send you back with the count’s head to make sure your king really understands?” The guys looked at him in shock, never thinking these words would come close to coming out of Yunho’s mouth. “On second thought, take them all to the dungeons, I’ll figure out what to do with them later.” He snapped, before walking out. The guards dragged the men out of the room leaving only you and your friends. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like that.” Mingi said, rubbing the goosebumps on his arm. You stood up, tossing your napkin on the table, turning to find Yunho. 
You intended to check his room first but you heard crashes coming from the king’s chambers, you kept forgetting he wasn’t merely a prince anymore. You pushed the door open gently, Yunho was leaned over a chair breathing heavily, nearly everything in the room was tossed around, trunks were overturned, pictures were ripped and the mirror was nearly shattered completely.  
“Yunho…” You said softly. “What have you done?” He looked up, his expression changing into something you were not familiar with. He was in front of you in a few long strides, and his lips were on yours even quicker. He was strong, his kiss was strong, filled with so many emotions. After a few seconds he relaxed, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your lips against his, and you in his arms. “You idiot.” You said breathlessly. He nuzzled his forehead against yours. 
“You’re right, I’ve been such an idiot. The stupidest thing I’ve ever done was not fight for you. I won’t make that mistake anymore.” He whispered, kissing your lips again. You wanted to say what you had to but you didn’t have the resolve to push him away. 
“That’s not what I meant but I’m not going to argue.” You giggled, making him smile. He kissed you again, it was like he couldn’t get enough of you. “You’re going to start a war-”
“Be mine?” He breathed. “I’m in love with you and I want you by my side- no, I need you by my side for the rest of my life. Stay here. Stay with me and be my queen? For I would start a thousand wars for you. What do you say?” He asked hopefully. 
“I want to say yes, I wanted to say yes a year ago but the count is right, since I left court I’m nothing but a commoner now.” You sighed, staring to drop your hands from Yunho’s neck. 
“Fuck that guy.” He said, pulling you closer, tighter in his arms. “What the kind says goes, and I am never letting you go.” 
“I can’t offer you land or riches,” you say, unable to hide your smile.
“The only thing I need from you is to forgive me for being so stupid last year. And a lot of kisses.” He said making you giggle. 
“Are you really going to have the count executed?” You asked. He hummed to himself, thinking for a moment. 
“Light torture?” He offered.
“Yunho!” You smacked his shoulder. 
“The fate of the count will be decided by the queen.” He grinned, swooping down and catching your lips in his once more. 
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katdvs · 7 years
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Lucas Friar moved back to Texas at 17, now he’s running for Mayor of Rosewood Springs so best friend Zay and little sister Gigi decide he needs a little help from a political consultant.
Riley Matthews found her calling, she found a fiancé, but she never expected to find herself here, of all places.
Cross-posted to FF.net | Soundtrack
-the moon that moves your tides- | -basics of you and me-
-rather hurt than feel nothing at all-
Riley tried to ignore the buzz of energy she felt through her body. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans and t-shirt before folding her laundry. Zay knew she was engaged, why hadn’t he mentioned it to Lucas?
Because they obviously didn’t talk about her.
“You know they said my favorite babysitter was going to be staying with us, I didn’t believe them.” Gigi Friar stood in the doorway watching Riley, she hadn’t gotten the same height that Lucas had, and her hair was dark as were her eyes.
Riley spun around, “Georgie?”
“No one has called me that in years” she giggled, “I’m all grown up.”
Riley studied the young woman, “This is going to take some getting used to.” She told her before giving her a hug, “Gosh you really are all grown up. Not the little girl begging me to do your hair just like mine.”
“Well I never really have figured out how to do my hair in more than a ponytail or simple braid, so I might have to ask for help.” Gigi sat on the bed, watching the woman she knew her brother had loved unlike any other, “So, you’re here to help my brother become Mayor huh?”
“If I can, we’ll see” Riley put the last of her clothes in the dresser before stashing her suitcase in the closet, “If I don’t think I can help Lucas than I’ll find someone who can.”
“Riley, he needs you.” Gigi hoped the older woman understood what she meant.
She twisted her ring trying to ignore the itching sensation she felt as she looked at Gigi “Lucas doesn’t need me, he just needs someone to probably scrub his social media, make sure he hasn’t knocked someone up.”
Gigi’s eyes were wide, “My brother is kind of a cad. He hasn’t knocked anyone up, from what I’ve overheard between him and Zay, it’s mostly oral.”
“Gigi” Riley couldn’t help but blush, “You really shouldn’t know that about your brother.”
“You think I want to know? I don’t, but when he sits at the bar and has that fourth whiskey, he reveals stuff.”
“Is that something that happens often?”
“No, not really. He doesn’t drink that often, maybe when he goes to Dallas to hook up with skanks, but four is usually his limit here in town, and that’s usually a quiet night at the bar, or here at the house.” Gigi kept her gaze on Riley as she moved around the room twisting the ring she was wearing, “Like Lucas will only talk about you when he’s on that fourth drink.”
Riley spun around faster than she knew she should’ve, “He still talks about me?”
“Yeah, always good things.” Gigi assured her, “And then if he lets himself, he wonders if he was ever good enough for you.”
Riley stared at her engagement ring, “Alcohol and nostalgia are a depressing mix.”
Gigi nodded, “I’ve noticed that when I’m working.”
“Where do you work?”
“I work for Zay, the hours aren’t great, but the money isn’t bad.”
“It’s good you have that.” Riley sat on the other side of the bed, “I remember working for my Mom in the bakery, I think after you guys moved back here I spent every single afternoon, weekend day, spare moment working.”
“You missed Lucas that much you had to stay busy?” Gigi went straight for it, seeing no reason to hold back.
Riley continued twisting her ring, wishing that her finger wasn’t itching under it, “I um, you know, things were different. You guys were gone, he was gone, and I needed to focus on something. While he and I had been together, everyone kind of found their own activities, or relationships. Farkle and Isadora were figuring out mathematical formulas, a lot of which we use today for our business. Zay focused on dance, he was amazing, and Maya she was more into her art and dating Charlie Gardner of all people.”
“And who’s the lucky guy that you’re going to marry?” Gigi pointed to the ring.
“His name is Dave, he’s a lawyer, I grew up with him.” Riley felt her body stiffen, “Do you need help making dinner.”
“Um, actually yeah, I could.” Gigi rose, realizing that Riley didn’t want to talk, “I had some stuff prepped already, nothing fancy.”
“Simple is fine with me.” Riley thought about all the fancy foods she’d been eating in California, “In fact, I would honestly say I crave it.”
Gigi giggled, “Well then, come help.”
“A third shower man?” Zay stood outside of Lucas’ bathroom door chucking, “What’s got you all hot and bothered?”
The door flew open, Lucas with his towel around his body as he glared at Zay emerged, “Riley Matthews, you knew didn’t you. You knew she was R. Lawrence from the start, right?”
“Okay, I knew.” Zay watched as Lucas pulled out his boxer briefs from the drawer and pulled them on under the towel, “I mean I kept in touch with her, I didn’t pretend she didn’t exist for the last what thirteen years. Oh, wait when you’ve had that fourth glass of whiskey, man her name is on your lips, I’m afraid of what you might do if you have a fifth glass.”
Lucas didn’t say anything as he pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt.
“I mean maybe then again I should’ve and you would’ve booked a flight to New York, showed up outside her apartment and kissed her.” Zay tried to read Lucas but all he could see was the anger radiating off his friend.
“Did you know she’s engaged?” Lucas tried to keep his voice even, his emotions in check. He had no right to be angry, no right to be hurt. He’d moved on from her. Sure, he hadn’t dated anyone since Riley, but why should he if all it would lead to was heartbreak?
“I heard a rumor she might be.” Zay went to the window, “But I didn’t see any excited Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram posts announcing it. She wasn’t wearing a ring earlier.”
Lucas twisted the towel in his hands, “I got back from fixing the fencing, she had her ass up in the air, lace panties against her cheeks as that skirt of hers rode up, down, whatever as she was searching for the ring under her car seat.”
“Well now I understand the third shower.” Zay covered his mouth with his hand. “What has you upset Friar, the fact that you can’t seduce her for a taste of what you never had, or that the love of your life is going to marry someone else.”
“Fuck off Zay” Lucas snapped as he went to the bedroom door, he paused as his hand hit the frame several times before he balled it up into a fist, “I never expected to see Riley again, and yet here she is. And it’s hard to see her, to see how beautiful she’s become, she was always beautiful, but I don’t know if it’s a confidence she’s gained or what, it’s different. We were seventeen when I left, things change, we’ve changed.”
“You think you’re not good enough for her?”
“That’s not what I’m saying Zay.” Lucas paused for a moment trying to figure out if his words were coming out the way he meant them, “I just never thought I would see her again, I was okay with that. Now she’s here, and it’s been almost fourteen years.”
Zay shook his head, “Gigi says dinner should be ready in a few minutes, and then we’ll sit down with Riley, she um, might have some tough questions to ask you.”
“I have nothing to hide.” As the words spilled from him, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had anything to be proud of either. What had his life been since he moved back to Texas?
“Of course, not, you’ve got no secrets from me.” Zay rolled his eyes as he watched Lucas go down the stairs, “Only from yourself.”
Lucas stopped outside the kitchen, Riley and Gigi were setting the table up, already back in the natural chemistry the two had always shared. He could remember afternoons at the park where the three of them and Auggie would play. He was sure if Gigi could’ve had a crush that young she had one on Auggie. He noticed just how comfortable Riley appeared as she moved around the kitchen, here she was dressed in jeans, a George Washington University T-shirt, her hair piled into a messy bun on the top of her head.
“See something you want?” Zay came up behind his friend.
He understood it was a loaded question, “Yeah, food.” He moved into the kitchen, “Looks good ladies.”
“Thanks Luc” Gigi gave her brother a kiss on the cheek, noticing the way he tried to avoid looking at Riley, who was of course trying to avoid looking at him, “Did you take a shower?”
“Yeah, I was sweaty and gross from fixing the fence.” Lucas glared at his sister.
“Oh, I just thought you took one this morning when you got home from house calls.” Gigi shrugged as she took a sip of her water as she sat down.
“Do you go on house calls often?” Riley sat across from Lucas, unable to avoid his gaze.
“Yeah, almost every day, the only time I won’t go on one is if I go to Dallas.”
Zay glared at Lucas, wondering if his best friend was an idiot.
“Do you go to Dallas often?” Riley looked to Lucas as she twisted her engagement ring to relieve the itch she was feeling.
“Once every few months, it’s nice to be able to go out without the gossipy hens catching on.” Lucas looked to Zay wondering what he’d told Riley.
“Well I hope you had fun.” Riley filled her plate with food, “Because that was your last trip to Dallas, no more blow jobs from random whores if you want a career in politics.”
Zay had been taking a drink of water when he heard Riley Matthews use the words blow jobs and whores at the dinner table as if it was perfectly reasonable conversation. He started laughing, choking, water all over his shirt.
Lucas couldn’t believe he’d just heart those words from Riley, “I’m sorry what?”
Riley rose from her seat as she moved towards Lucas, “That’s what you go to Dallas for right, to get off without the local girls finding out that you’re nothing put a piece of trash man, right?” She watched as he turned his whole body towards her. “You get to keep the golden image that is Lucas Friar,” She dropped down so she was crouching, as her hands rested on his knees, “While still getting some blonde down on her knees worshipping your cock.”
Lucas watched her, what the hell was she doing? Was she trying to get him to come in his pants at the dinner table? Because he was sure he would as he felt her hands slide up his legs. He tried to focus on her eyes, swirling with anger, “If you want a career in politics, you’ve got to be aware of who is sucking you off.”
He leaned towards Riley, trying to ignore the fruity body spray she wore, “I’m a single man with needs Riley, was I supposed to stay a virgin forever?”
“No, of course not.” Her heart was pounding, what had she been thinking, she hadn’t been. “Maybe just be a bit more discreet about who you’re fucking. Maybe only screw a woman you’re in love with instead of trying to accumulate as many notches in your headboard as possible.” She stood up, returning to her seat, “This is what I’m here, to clean up this mess and make sure people don’t know about this crap.”
“Not everyone likes candle light and rose petals on the bed.” Lucas felt his foot bouncing as he remembered what he’d always thought he would set up for her, for them, “Some of us just want to get off. Who’d you lose your virginity to, your Prom date?”
Riley looked to Zay, “Zay did we have sex on Prom Night?”
“We certainly did not.” He sat back watching the two of them, he hadn’t been expecting this, he was sure they would see each other, maybe dance around for a few days before she called Dave, broke it off, this tension, energy between them was not what he’d envisioned.
“Zay was your Prom date?” Lucas felt his heart skip.
“Yeah, I wasn’t dating anyone, so why not go with one of my best friends. Maya went with Charlie, Farkle with Smackle, and I went with Zay.” She felt like her hands were shaking, “When did you lose yours, Prom night?”
“No” Lucas shifted in his seat, trying to ignore the fact that his body was still reacting to her touch even though she was now on the other side of the table.
“He lost it in Las Vegas, on spring break, he doesn’t know her name.” Gigi dropped, “Yeah you talk when you drink, I know stuff about you, big brother that I probably shouldn’t.”
“Las Vegas?” Riley’s eyes snapped to Zay, “And you don’t know who she was?”
“I’m not proud of it” Lucas sighed, “The whole night was a blur, her face is always out of reach in my mind. She was gone when I woke up, she just left a note behind that said it had been fun, with a lipstick print instead of her name.”
“I um, I need some air, this got out of hand.” Riley rose from the table going out the back door, walking until she was sure no one in the house could see her anymore as the sun was starting to set in the distance.
Spring Break.
Las Vegas.
He didn’t remember who she was.
He didn’t remember it was her.
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prompt 1: it’s been too long.
As requested by @ edo-salandria -
Natsu x Lucy
Rating: M+ (steamy citrusy goodness & swearing)
Words: 5,317.
Lucy hummed to herself happily, strolling down the confectionery aisle with a basket hooked around her elbow. Cana followed her groggily, looking around with red ringed eyes.
“Cana, do you want to borrow my sunglasses?” Levy questioned, pushing a trolley of her own a few metres back as Cana’s head turned to the bluenettes slowly, eyes narrowing.
“Why haven't you offered me them before?”
Levy gave her a sheepish smile, “It’s kind of cool to see you hungover. I swear, I've never seen you hungover in the twenty three years we’ve known each other.”
Lucy laughed which made Cana growl and snatch the sunglasses away from Levy’s hands.
The blonde stopped in front of the chocolate bars, peering at the choices before grabbing a few and plopping them into her basket. Cana, equipped with sunglasses, strolled over and took a look at the contents.
“That's a lot of batteries Lu, stocking up for your vibrator?” Cana cackled as Levy spluttered. Lucy, used to her friends teasing, just smiled sweetly, “I don't need any batteries for my vibrator until the year 2040. It's part of my apocalypse survival kit. Water, canned food and batteries for my vibrator.”
This made Cana laugh harder and Levy even cracked a giggle, “Nice priorities you have, Lucy.”
The smiling blonde shrugged, “If I'm going to die in a nuclear explosion, I want to go out with a bang.”
Cana, who had been trying to gain control of her laughter, lost it once again and wrapped an arm around Lucy’s neck.
“I think you are my soul mate.”
Lucy smiled at her best friend, “I thought Bacchus was your soulmate.”
“He stopped being my soulmate when he doesn't laugh at my post-sex jokes.” Cana complained as Levy shook her head, “Saying ‘it looks like a mushroom’ isn't a joke. It's insulting.”
Lucy laughed, as Cana pouted, “I told you that in confidence Levy. And look, Lucy’s laughing so it must be funny!”
“She's laughing because it's funny to us. Not to a man you just had sex with!”
“That's sexism and I don't appreciate it!” Cana argued back loudly and Lucy pressed her lips together to stop the laughter wanting to rip from her mouth. She glanced over the top of the short shelving units, catching a glimpse of pink hair.
She tilted her head, before a gasp ripped out of her throat.
Pink hair. Cocky grin. Scarf in the summer.
Two dark grey eyes seemed to notice someone was looking at him and glanced around before finding hers. She squeaked and dropped down to the floor, which paused Levy and Cana’s argument.
Her heart pounded inside her chest as images of the last time she had seen him. A muffled whimper left her as Levy asked hesitantly, “Lucy? Is something wrong?”
Realising her friends were still standing upright, and looking down at her, she grabbed their wrists and yanked them down.
Cana almost went face first into the floor but managed to right herself, lifting her sunglasses up to pin Lucy with a red-eyed glare, “What's is your problem?”
“We have to get out of here.” Lucy hissed, making shooing motions with her hands to prompt the girls to crawl towards the exit when Levy blinked, confused.
“I haven't finished my shopping yet.”
How could she think of shopping at a time like this?
Lucy resisted the urge to throttle her friends, who were staring at her as if she had a serious issue.
“We need to go, now!”
“Why?” Cana questioned before a deep, amused tone made her still from her squatting stance.
“Lucy Heartfilia? Is that you?”
Levy and Cana both glanced up at the same time, their eyes widening as Lucy winced, not bothering to turn back around.
“Um, no. That's not me. I think you have me confused with someone else.” She lied, laughing nervously as she scuttled closer to her friends, ready to leap up and run as the devil chuckled.
“Lucy… who is that guy?” Levy whispered as Cana stood up, “Who cares? He's hot.”
Lucy scrambled to grab Levy before she also stood up but barely missed, as Natsu greeted, “I’m Natsu. Friends of Lucy?”
“Are you… an ex-boyfriend?” Cana asked accusingly, as Lucy groaned loudly, still crouched and watching the exit for the chance to run.
“Lucy! Stand up and introduce us!” Levy yanked Lucy to her feet, as Natsu replied, “Lucy and I never dated.”
“That's a very… specific answer.” Cana squinted at him as Lucy turned around, wincing at his knowing smile.
“Guys, this is Natsu. Natsu, this is guys.”
Levy slapped Lucy on the arm with a cheerful laugh, “I’m sorry! Lucy is normally much more polite. I’m Levy, and this is Cana.”
Lucy grumbled, flinching away as Natsu slowly raked his eyes over her figure, before hiding a smirk.
“It’s nice to meet you both.” He said politely, giving them his twinkly stupid smile before turning to the blonde as something warm curled up in her stomach, making her gulp nervously.
“It’s been too long  Lucy. How are you?”
“I'm good. Great. Fantastic.” Lucy blurted, itching to leave when Cana asked, “So how do you two know each other, exactly?”
“Well…” Natsu began, as Lucy cut him off, “It’s really not important. Like, on a scale of one to ten, it's a minus two.”
Her friends stared at her as if she was going insane and she didn't bother to argue the look, because Natsu’s eyes on her made her twitch wildly.
“Right…” Cana shared a look with Levy as Lucy laughed loudly, making Cana and Levy jump in surprise.
“Well, it's been great seeing you Natsu but I'm really busy and we have to go.” Lucy tugged on her friends, grateful when they began to follow her, escaping Natsu’s amused eyes.
They had gotten to the other end of the aisle when he called, “My Dad framed your wanted poster, he called you his ‘Wild Child’.”
Lucy gulped at Cana’s accusatory look and Levy’s surprised gaze at Natsu’s words. But, pushing past the rolling humiliation and the riveting need to get out of here, something stubborn ignited inside her.
Something that she wanted to call ‘17 year old Lucy’.
She dropped her clutch on Cana and Levy, and felt red fill her cheeks in anger. She swirled on her feet and began to stomp towards Natsu with a fiery glare.
He stood at the end of the aisle, a cocky stupid beautiful smirk on his lips as she hissed, venomously, “I apologised. It's not my fault that his son lacked proper guard skills.”
“You also skipped town the very next day, and your apology was written on a Dunkin Donut napkin.” Natsu replied, smirk widening as Lucy growled.
“Nobody told me I had to stay. You have no proof that I did it.”
“That's true, the only proof we had was a blonde teenager seducing a young adult so she could slip past him. Pops and I ruled it off to my animal magnetism.”
“Get over yourself Dragneel. I wouldn't have had to seduce you if you had not been there in the first place.” She poked his chest threateningly as he loomed over her, reminding just how tall he was compared to her.
She didn't back down. She never did when it came to Natsu fucking Dragneel.
“Or maybe you just couldn't handle the fact I was there and wanted to leave me like I left you in science class. Horny and needy.” He licked his lips and added in a rougher tone, “Wet.”
Lucy felt that warm feeling slither through her body again, and she struggled to stop the gasp that ached to leave her mouth.
Stupid Natsu with his stupid silver tongue.
“Let's be serious here Natsu. The only time you have ever made me wet, was when you threw me into the pool at Macy’s birthday party.” Lucy denied as Natsu shrugged, his stance aggressively hot and his eyes dark with naughty things Lucy refused to acknowledge.
“You tripped.”
The gasp ripped out of her mouth before she could stop it, and she felt her fist ball up. He leaned closer and she realised, he hadn't changed a bit. He wanted to rile her up, and she had to beat down the exhilarating feeling of being riled up.
Lucy was known to be very levelheaded.
There wasn't many people that could get on her nerves like Natsu could, did.
Her high school years had been full of impossible arguments and general distaste towards each other.
She took a deep breath in and smiled sweetly, “You know what, I’m glad I ran into you. It's nice to see you haven't changed one bit.”
Natsu’s eyes narrowed, “And you have? You still look like the same princess I knew.”
“Funny, you seem to have a thing for princesses. I mean, why else would you chase me around like a dog?” Lucy shot back as he chuckled roughly, leaning over even closer so his breath rushed her face.
“You wish I chased you, love.”
“I actually wish that you’d do the opposite and go away. But you were always so un-obedient. I remember Sheriff Dragneel needing to put his son in a holding cell a few times.” Lucy purred as Natsu smirked, eyes glinting with satisfaction.
“Darling, whenever I was in a cell, it was guaranteed you were right there with me.”
Images of Sheriff Dragneel — or Igneel as Lucy had come to know him — locking them up in different cells, but always opposite each other came flying back.
Natsu and Lucy were not the best influence on each other when they were younger.
“But the difference is Natsu, I always won.” Lucy smiled coyly and patted his chest gently, “And I always will.”
“You have grown into a beautiful young lady Lucy. I’m very glad you came a visited me.” Igneel Dragneel smiled and Lucy returned it sweetly, taking a sip of the tea he had offered.
“I really am sorry for driving that golf buggy into the lake. I should have stayed in town.”
Igneel waved it off, “Your father paid the damages. We only put your wanted poster up around town to make an… example out of you.”
“Silvertowns own misfit princess, I'm guessing?” Lucy laughed, as Igneel joined her, his voice warm and smooth. His grin reminded her of Natsu and she resisted the urge to cackle evilly.
“You were one handful. I remember Natsu coming back from school, covered in glitter and paint one afternoon.”
Lucy struggled with her laughter and shook her head, “He put a salamander in my locker, and stole my gym clothes the day before.”
“All's fair in love and war, Lucy.” Igneel winked and she couldn't help but giggle, finding Igneel’s presence exactly how it was when she was younger.
Amazing when he was glad to see you.
Of course, being carted around in the back of his station car was a different story.
The front door opened and Lucy smiled evilly when she heard Natsu, “Pops? I’m here to fix the radiator then I gotta get home. Storms coming this evening.”
“In here son! You'll never guess who paid me a visit.” Igneel boasted back, eyeing Lucy’s evil smile with amusement before asking, “Some more tea?”
“Oh please.”
Natsu entered the room just as Igneel leaned over to pour Lucy another cupful of tea. He stopped in his tracks when their eyes met and she smiled, “When I ran into you at the grocery store last week, I couldn't resist coming around and visiting Sheriff Dragneel.”
“Igneel, darling, we’ve been through enough grey hairs for you to call me Igneel.”
Lucy smiled smugly at Natsu, relishing in the way his eyes twitched before turning to Igneel, “Natsu was so lovely in the grocery store. It was a bucket and a half of memories. You've raised a fine son.”
Igneel choked back a laugh, “You two probably gave people a fright, if I know your relationship well enough.”
“A few casualties, nothing serious.” Lucy joked charmingly, thanking Igneel when he leaned back, munching on a biscuit. He eyed Natsu who was too busy staring at the blonde on his father’s couch, acting like an innocent angel.
“Natsu, it's rude to stare at people.”
“It's okay Igneel. He's probably just surprised that he finally got a girl on this couch after all these years.” Lucy jested lightly, as Igneel’s booming laugh snapped Natsu out of his thoughts.
“Yeah Dad, I mean, from the way Lucy hovered over me in high school, I should have assumed she’d be one of the many girls sitting on that couch.��
Lucy’s nose crinkled in distaste, biting her lip to keep her snappy tone in, before staring blankly, “I hope you've disinfected this couch Igneel, I wouldn't want you to get sick from one of Natsu’s many guests.”
“Now, now kids.” Igneel intervened when the two glared at each other heatedly, “You’ve all grown up since high school. Lucy was just telling me how she's an English teacher now Natsu, isn't that impressive?”
“I'm admiring on the inside, Pop’s.” Natsu sat down beside Lucy, way too close for comfort. She shuffled over, and he moved closer, purposely taking up all the space.
She gave him the look; ‘move your fat ass away from me’.
He returned it; ‘get out of my house first’
“Lucy, you never told me what grade you teach?”
“At the moment I work in the primary districts. 8 - 11 year olds.” She informed him as Igneel smiled, “I bet if you taught any older, you'd be the teacher of the year.”
Lucy blushed, a little pleased at the compliment and opened her mouth to thank him when Natsu cut in, taking a biscuit from the tray.
“She’d be even more popular if they knew how short her skirt was back in High School.”
Lucy’s palm twitched and she struggled to keep the smile on her lips, “My fashion decisions were a little more daring when I was younger, I can admit. Of course, it's not like I had a mullet or anything. Thank god.”
Igneel leaned back at Lucy’s innocent remark as Natsu growled, “That was Ma’s fault.”
“Where is Mrs Dragneel? I was hoping to give her some old books for the library.” Lucy ignored Natsu entirely as Igneel smiled at the mention of his lovely wife.
“She's in Switzerland for a charity book launch for a week or so. I wasn't able to go with her this time, unfortunately. Not as young as I used to be.”
“You pull off grey, very well.” Lucy teased and Igneel let out a booming laugh. She heard Natsu sigh helplessly and glanced at him.
He caught her eye and she smiled smugly, winking at him.
He groaned.
Igneel eyed them, amused from their seats on Natsu’s childhood bedroom’s floor. A bottle of vodka sat between them and two shot glasses were tipped upside down.
Lucy was a sight, hair in a messy bun whilst she coughed roughly. Natsu didn't look any better, hair sticking on ends as he laughed at her.
“Can't handle it, Princess?”
“Natsu, bite my highly educated ass.” Lucy shot back, as Igneel coughed a laugh, eyeing the storm outside.
“I'm heading to bed kids. Lucy, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that you can't go home no matter how much Natsu aggravates you.”
“Because of the storm or because I'm your favourite out of the both of us?” Lucy asked as Igneel grinned, “Both. You are like the daughter I never had.”
“Aw, Igneel.” Lucy cooed as Natsu screwed up his face, “Pop’s. Don’t tempt her. She’ll stay in spite me.”
Lucy laughed mockingly, “It’s adorable how you think my decisions are impacted by you in any way.”
“It's adorable that you come to my house, insult me and drink my vodka.” Natsu eyed her as Lucy smiled sweetly, “I wouldn't have to drink your vodka if you had taste. What are you, 14?”
“I surely hope you didn't drink when you were 14, Lucy.” Lucy had forgot that Igneel was leaned up against the door, and turned back to him with an innocent smile, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“She drank a whole bottle of vodka to herself when she was 14-”
Lucy threw her shoe at Natsu with a glare and he matched it as Igneel chuckled.
“Alright kids, night.”
“Good night. Thanks for letting me stay.” Lucy sung as he grinned and walked out, shutting the door soundly behind him.
When she turned back around, Natsu was filling up the next shot for the both of them. She steeled her insides, and reached for the shot immediately, wanting to have it done before Natsu.
Two shots later, the pair were reminiscing about all their ‘fun’ times in high school. Back to the bed, and legs stretched out in front of them, Natsu took a swig of the vodka bottle before handing it to Lucy.
“I remember punching Barnie Simmons in the face for implying you were a slut.”
“I pulled out Macy what’s-her-face extensions when she called you a moron.”
Natsu nodded with a slight smirk on his face, “Don't you think it's strange that we could rip into each other like crazy but the moment anybody else tried too, all gloves were off?”
Lucy shook her head, “I don't think it was strange. It was sort of, like, I could pick on you, but nobody else could.”
“I felt the exact same way.” Natsu watched as Lucy took a gulp of vodka and screwed up her nose. He briefly noticed how cute she was when she opened her mouth to make a ‘blah’ noise.
They sat there in silence before she asked, head plopping onto his shoulder, “I am curious about one thing.”
“Hm?” He grabbed the bottle from her as she bit her lip before asking, “What was with that Science class? I mean, you came in and did that.”
Natsu remember immediately what she was talking about and with the liquid courage, admitted, “I had heard you and Patrick got to second base. I couldn't believe it. When I came into the classroom, you were destroying  him and demanding he tell the truth. You looked so fired up and he was practically pissing himself. It was hot.”
“That's what does it for you?” Lucy snickered, and he sighed, as if she was extremely taxing on him.
“So, for a brief moment, I wanted to see what you were like when you are flustered. And then I did.”
“I was not flustered.” Lucy argued around a yawn as he chuckled, “You stammered. Of all the ears of that fiery sharp tongue, I had never heard you stutter before. Your ears got all pink and your breathing got heavy.”
“It's because I wanted to slap you silly.” Lucy lied, which made Natsu smirk, “Maybe. But, you have to admit, I got to you.”
“I admit nothing. I think you are being full of yourself. Not everyone finds your ‘animal magnetism’ attractive, Natsu.”
“That's true. But I bet, I could get you riled up with just a few words and some light touches.” Natsu bragged and the stubbornness in Lucy poked it’s head out.
“No. Nope. Not possible.”
Natsu laughed at her denial which just angered her further and she took the bottle from his grasp, and turned to him.
“Okay. Let's do this then.”
Natsu kept laughing, “You’re drunk.”
“Tipsy. But still coherent.” She corrected but then waved off his words, “Unless you are all bark and no bite.” He taunted and he sat up, the challenge lighting in his eyes.
“You’ll regret it in the morning. You’ll be left warm and wanting.” He stated and she scoffed, ignoring the way her ears felt warm.
“How much you want to bet?”
“Twenty dollars.”
“Child's play.” She snorted, before smiling coyly, “Two hundred. And bragging rights.”
“Deal.” They shook hands on it and he shuffled so he was facing her.
“Turn around.”
This made Lucy narrow her eyes suspiciously, but she abided with the order, yawning.
“You've got five minutes.”
“I'll only need two.” He replied and she rolled her eyes, “Let’s get this over with.”
The room was a little warm and it made Lucy close her eyes, suddenly feeling very tired. She probably should have felt tense or nervous but Natsu had never made her feel nervous, angry and annoyed, yes but never nervous.
She felt him shift behind her and opened her mouth to shoot back a smart comment when he murmured, “Want to know what I thought when I first saw you in the grocery store?”
“Sure.” She replied sarcastically and he chuckled softly, the noise making stupid tiny hairs stand up on the back of her neck.
“I couldn't get over at how gorgeous you had gotten. You were cute before Lucy, but fuck, seeing you like this was a shock.”
Lucy yawned, choosing not to reply but she listened closely as his hand brushed the side of her neck, swiping away the hair that had fallen out of her bun.
She fought not to move as his thumb slid up to her ear, his voice a throaty deep rumble, “And when you went to walk away, I knew exactly what to say to make you stick around. I could practically feel you fighting with yourself, deciding whether to walk away or stay. Put me in my place.”
“So me ripping you to shreds does turn you on.” Lucy applauded herself at the fact her voice was steady, strong.
“I love that look you get in your eyes. Telling me to go fuck myself, just drives me crazy.”
“Yeah?” She hummed, biting her lip as his thumb and forefinger pinched lightly at her earlobe.
That wasn't fair. Ears are delicate.
She opened her mouth to complain that fact and demand he play fair when he slipped his thumb along the groove of her neck.
She struggled to keep her spine still, torn between melting and tensing up.
She felt his warm breath brush against her neck and couldn't help the small gasp. If he noticed, he didn't say anything.
“You smell so good.”
She doubted that, she felt like she smelled like vodka and perfume. Not the best mix, but she listened, curious.
“Talk to me.”
She blinked at his command and replied, her voice a little weak, “What do you want me to say?”
“Anything. You’re a smart girl. Figure it out.”
She scoffed, “I'm a woman, you prehistoric ass.”
He chuckled and it made her spine immediately straighten, her teeth clamping down on her bottom lip as his breath rushed over her.
Her stomach tightened and she demanded, “Kick it up a notch. I’m not fragile. You won't break me.”
“Oh yeah? I bet you make the cutest broken noises when you are coming though.”
She let out a shaky breath at that, surprised at how deep and vulgar his voice sounded.
“Nothing to say? Tell me Lucy, are you a screamer? I bet you are. I bet I could make you scream until your voice is hoarse and your body is shaking.”
“Confident, aren't you?” She replied softly, jolting when his lips brushed against her neck softly.
“Don’t need to be confident to know that you are affected.”
“I’ll deny it until I’m in the ground.”
“Will you deny it when you are in my bed?”
“That almost sounds like an invitation, Natsu. I don’t think you could handle me in bed.” Lucy hummed, closing her eyes when he nosed at her neck, nuzzling her gently.
“I bet I could.”
“You haven’t won this bet. Maybe finish the first one off before making another.” Lucy suggested breathily as he pressed a very soft kiss to her neck, followed by another and another. Gooseflesh erupted over her skin and she played with her lip, tugging and biting.
“Oh yeah? So you aren’t wet? Your nipples aren’t hard? Your heart isn’t beating fast?”
She felt his hands slide up from where they had been resting on her waist, to her chest, stilling for a second. She understood the silent ask for permission and didn’t say anything, hoping he could get the message.
His hands sought out her nipples, lightly plucking which earned him a light shaky moan.
“These feel hard Luce, poor things, probably just waiting to be kissed… licked…”
She let out a stuttering breath, leaning further into his grasp as he smiled against her neck, “I can also feel your heart. Did I make it beat this fast?”
She breathed heavily, feeling her body squirm before jolting with a high moan when he pinched one nipple, “Answer me.”
“Yes.” She reached her hands back, trying to grasp something when Natsu shuffled, his legs going out either way so she could settle between them. She sunk her nails into his jean covered thighs and he murmured, “Good girl.”
“I’m twenty-six Natsu, shut the fuck up with the girl shit.” She whimpered when he rolled her nipple through her shirt, knowing that this bra was flimsy and thanking the gods she had worn it.
He played with her nipples for a bit, mouthing at her neck. It was teeth, tongue and lips. Probably leaving marks, but that knowledge just made her squirm. Liquid heat filled her body, making things seem more intense and sensitive.
“Should I check between your legs Lucy? Can you tell me what I’ll find?”
“Dry.” She choked out when he sucked a particularly hard bruise into the skin of her shoulder. He chuckled softly, lightly breathing over the mark which made her shiver.
Both of his hands left her chest, slowly sliding down her body and she bit her lip to keep in her pleas. He was going so slowly. She felt like she was going to explode.
His hands slipped into her pants, lightly feeling her underwear which was damp and sticking to her in her arousal. He sucked in a breath.
“You lied, Lucy. Naughty.”
“Bite me.” She breathed, half wanting him too and he didn’t let her down, worrying at a particularly tender spot on her neck, a few inches down from her ear.
One hand stroked her inner thigh while the other began to slide up and down her underwear; she squirmed a little at his teasing, and gasped when he growled.
“Tell me what you want.”
She opened her mouth, head falling back as one of his hands left her pants - the one stroking her thigh, thank goodness - and came up to her chin, tilting her face so he could look down at her. He brushed his lips against hers, hand lightly slipping around her neck when she moved closer to kiss him.
Everytime she went to kiss him, he tightened his grip slightly and teased his lips against hers, just brushing. His eyes were dark, heavy and she fidgeted, a whimpering noise leaving her throat without permission.
“Please.” She whined, pushing against his hand and he squeezed very lightly before pressing his lips to hers firmly. They kissed until she was dizzy, until he was panting. His hand left her neck and stroked her cheek, eyes opening mid-way into their kiss to watch her reaction.
He pressed his index finger to the button at the top of her sex, and her body jolted, a whimpering moan leaving her lips.
One of her hands found his and she tugged his hand back, pressing down on it so it slid underneath her panties.
He groaned, fingers now drenched in her warmth, sliding, caressing through her folds.
“So wet for me, Luce. Should I leave you like this?”
“Do it, and you’ll wake up with no dick.” She threatened with a moan as he kissed her lightly, but his fingers never stopped rubbing.
“Yes, Princess.”
He began rubbing and slipping fingers up and down her labia, sometimes stopping to rub light circular motions around her clit and Lucy didn’t bother to keep her noises to herself, but did dial them down so Igneel wouldn’t hear.
Her legs tensed and her breath stuttered when he pinched her clit, other hand sliding down to separate her sex to get a closer advantage to that tiny little button. He flicked, pinched and soothed it with his strong fingers and she felt herself climb closer to that peak.
“In. In.” She begged, and he groaned, closing his eyes so he couldn’t see her heavy lidded, pink cheeked face.
“What’s the magic word?”
“Please, bastard.” She yelped when he sunk one finger into her, searching for that spot inside her. She twitched and moaned when his finger brushed it. Noticing her heavy breathing, he began to rub against it, whilst the other hand rubbed her clit softly.
“Are you going to cum?” He murmured, before adding, “Please fucking cum, just for me. You can win this, just cum.”
“Close.” She whispered, her moans escalating to the point where she had to muffle herself with her hand.
She felt him brush his lips against her forehead before she shattered completely, her whole body tensing and bliss rushing through her in record timing. He held her still as she came, her orgasm making a long whine leave her mouth.
Once she finished, he pulled his finger out and brought it to his mouth, tasting her with a groan.
“I guess even stubborn ones like you have a sweet centre.”
“Don’t ruin my orgasm with speaking.” She chided and he chuckled, shuffling them both so he could get a good grip. He stood up shakily, legs a little cramped before dropping her lightly on the bed, rearranging the covers so they covered her.
She kicked her shoes off weakly and he climbed in beside her, as she murmured, “If you stick around, I won’t need batteries for my vibrator anymore.”
He choked on a laugh, wrapping his arms around her, “Is that an invitation?”
“Just a thought. I haven’t had a good orgasm in months. Let me rest.”
“Of course, Princess.” He teased and she turned around in his arms, wrapping her arms around his midsection.
“Keep calling me that and you’ll be sporting a boner for days.”
Natsu smiled and kissed her forehead, “God, I didn’t think I’d miss the annoying know-it-all from High School.”
She laughed into his chest sleepily, “I didn’t think I’d ever want to see the cocky delinquent from High School, either.”
“Shut up, loser. Don’t be sappy.”
He grinned when she tightened around him, “I’m going to choke you in your sleep.”
“Don’t kill me in my childhood bed, Luce. That’s just tacky.”
“Silence.” She grumped, “I’m cuddling.”
Natsu smiled, and let her curl further into him, and they both slowly fell asleep.
Only to be woken by a smug Igneel the next morning who proclaimed that he always knew it would happen and he just to have needed patience.
I don’t even know how this came to be but I hope you liked it!
find the other prompts here : x
stay fresh! 
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cosmic-krishna-blog · 7 years
Not all guys are bastards, they are not all jerks
Seducing a man isn’t as challenging as we often try to make you believe. The fact is : To seduce a person, you initially have to seduce… you.
Guess on believe in, individual progress, and ravishing captivating appears, you’ll see your prince charming over a white horse before your door…
So here are 8 unbeatable tips to seduce a person!
  Do away with your complexes
You’re not a motion picture, Pop or style star, so you don’t make the handles of magazines. Appropriate ?
Fantastic. So chill the fu*k out and halt acting the unattainable lady, you’re intending to scare guys off…
It’s super daunting to men, they will not dare speak with you! You have got complexes, you think you really don't use a awesome chest, pleasant legs, a nice ass, your facial area is that this or your hair is that ?
Prevent looking at styles and obtaining complexes…
End !
Really do not be concerned, not all men are chasing immediately after Supermodels, but maybe using your false complexes and wrong impressions you will make yourself right into a girl who is not considering just about anything or everyone, despising the lads all over you and winding up on their lonesome inside your bed.
You will find women who are not bothered by that…. But they frequently wind up labeled as ladies with problems…
Display your femininity towards the finest possible extent, make use of your smile, and distinguish your self from ladies who have not experienced the chance to get suggestions.
And go on, free yourself….
Cautious, I’m not stating you ought to take the to start with person who comes alongside, but leave a doorway open up for your a person who’s there to suit your needs, and become thorough, most guys are not straight shooters…
Believe in your senses
Which one particular of you is most concerned ?
A guy you don’t know arrives your choice inside the road, what are you intending to imagine ?
Is he developing to attack me ?
Tomorrow my photograph will likely be from the newspaper crime column… Very well, I’m not indicating it's important to trust everyone…
However , you can type your view fast, Proper ? Simply because it’s from the street?
How could you expect him to accomplish points in different ways ? You’re the two while in the road!
Wait around I want to strategy you but I’d fairly get it done with this shoe shop, for those who do not mind, like that you’ll experience safer.
You have a large amount extra Instinct than guys, so make excellent usage of it, whilst you’re amazed you should understand that he’s charming, tastefully dressed, and you simply if you are out there, really don't refuse to give him your number if he asks for it politely.
What would you be risking, genuinely? In the worst case, should you never response after two calls he’ll stop trying.
Observe habits thoroughly
You’re within a trendy bar, there is a man whose conduct is different with you, you really don't know him but you’re deal with to encounter and shut with each other.
He’s hunting at you a bit for a longer time compared to the some others, he’s talking to a buddy however , you realize he is not definitely listening, he utilizes gracious gestures like going aside to allow you pass by.
No really need to appear any even more, he likes you, but he isn’t definitely to your taste? Alright, I will not insist… But to the contrary, in case you see anything in him that is diverse from your others…
Just how long are you planning to wait around prior to deciding to allow him know ? In case you really don't get it done in a very subtle and unobtrusive way he may possibly appear and technique you at a significantly less comfy moment… So make on your own at ease now!
Keep on being discreet and mysterious
How must you respond if the reverse is legitimate ?
You’re the a single who’s tremendous interested… In the event you actually need to attract consideration to you, you shouldn’t get it done by gesticulating, or by recounting your minor adventures at the manicurist, the hair salon, etc….
Earlier mentioned all really don't notify him about your ex… as well as ex of one's ex, my head is now swimming.
You will create the other on the impact you need.
Be a mystery, you should not expose just about anything, don’t discuss also loudly and permit your girlfriends do the chatting, just consider his eyes, smile and let it happen.
Takes the lead without having him knowing it
OOPS!! He’s coming toward you, never panic, let him begin the conversation, after a couple of minutes he’s discussing his lifetime and his passions…
Whatever it's, would make him imagine you share the same view and if you recognize much more than him around the matter, then you are going to surprise him…
For the reason that it’s your system, to surprise this handsome guy… Should you wish to shift on to another subject matter, shock him once more and invite HIM to possess a drink…
You just scored some wonderful points!
Do I want to remind you you need to search tremendous feminine and give from the best degree of great vibes, and by no means look at your challenges for those who have them ?
You have not gained nevertheless, but you’re having the sensation he’s starting to have an interest in you, what do you do? You flatter him, he just claims he examine the latest ebook by Ray Bradbury in one 7 days WOW!!!
Make him experience like he’s seriously great… Act like you are impressed regardless of the he tells you.
Make oneself get noticed
Because it’ll be your job to take the lead.
In a very boxing ring, the one particular who observes his opponent at the beginning would be the just one who genuinely contains a chance to create a change.
It’s your task to surprise him, show him you are a smart female and you’re resourceful, and to do it with subtlety.
If you obtain him sitting down all over in his slippers, utilize a contact of humor to bring him again out, it is a game of cat and mouse, enjoy with him but ensure that you do not get rid of him!
Always manage the secret
He incorporates a odd search in his eyes.
He realizes that you’re the a single he’s been waiting around for all this time, he’d wish to slow down his watch, make time stop…
He's merely all set to crack!
He would like more and helps you to know it… Hold on, you are not that effortless.
As part of your spot I’d to wish to take a breath of clean air immediately after having to go through all that issues … He’ll should verify that he’s worth it, that he deserves you, ideal? Have you been providing in? You ought to say Of course !
For my part you’re producing a serious strategic error, in its place turn out to be indifferent, trade telephone figures and depart the scene, depart him to his doubts for your minimal while…
He’ll only be capable of assume of you, he will not sleep a wink ;)
Wha t? You just cannot rest either ? Justification me, I’d type of overlooked about you.
Perfectly then, conform to a further date and devour him alive !
In the days next your romance, never modify your mind-set, sustain the thriller and do not say certainly to everything, enable him bit by bit gain you in excess of little by small, and in any case he’s not intending to let you go, so go ahead and take chance to lead the dance… The more information como fazer um homem se apaixonar por voce 
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