#umbaran oc
yatskari · 8 months
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a commission i've made a year ago for dear @l-luft and now i can finally show it
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kitochiart · 11 months
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My guy Ashyrok !!! He is a typical grumpy bounty hunter. These drawings are ooooooold but i likeit still. He has a loth cat sticker on his chest plate that was stuck on by a kid he met during a mission :)) he decided to keep it as he is a loser and a big softie inside
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He is also a wife guy and loves her wife (i never named her... rip) but their relationship started rocky as she is sassy and quips right back for anything. But Ashyrok needed a mechanic badly so his only choice was to take all her sass quietly.. Later on they grew to like each other... a lot... After that they got married and Ashyrok retired from the bounty hunter business and became a (dummy thicc) malewife 😔😔 They will have 3 kids later on too hehe. i also forgot to mention his wife is an umbaran so i guess i will put it here :")
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probsdontrememberme · 7 months
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More Star Wars Hybrids
Pantoran + Mikkian - Twi’lek + Umbaran - Zabrak + Mirialan
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Who are you? 2024.
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 31: PTSD/Crying
Summary: The war is coming to an end, and the vode's lives are ready to truly begin. It's not going to be easy for some of them to climb back out of rock bottom, however. Still, better to have hope than to give in to despair.
Warning: Mentions of a violent death via shotgun to the face (Palpatine never saw it coming) & a brief mention of an attempted suicide (I'm sure you can guess who tried).
Twitch belongs to @gaeasun
Here's what Tup and Dogma currently look like!
Prev / END
[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
"Hardcase, be more careful!"
"I AM being careful!"
A lot had changed in a month, but honestly that hadn't really come as much of a surprise. After departing from Umbara, both the troopers of the 501st and 212th had been prepared for things to never quite be the same ever again. Had all anticipating that their surrender, would bring with it both terrible consequences and many alterations in the order of things.
That said, they hadn't really foreseen something quite like the spectacle that had gone down between the Senate and the Coruscant Guard...
Now, If anyone asked Kix for his humble opinion on the matter (which, much to his chagrin, people rarely did), it honestly felt like what transpired had been something that had been a long time in the making. And, the more he thought about it (the more he really dug through his brain), the less certain aspects of GAR to Guard relations felt like mere happenstance...
Not one singular clone trusted a politician as far as they could throw them. Were fully aware that natborns in positions of power were often wont to abuse said power with reckless abandon, unless they were simply just made different (like senator Organa for example, a man so surrounded by wealth and yet so humble and kind, that it left you scratching your head).
Yet, many a time while on leave, there had been some rather bizarre exchanges between frontline and homefront troopers. Accusations of luxurious pampered lives that boggled the mind. Ideas that came from seemingly nowhere and that caused strife between the GAR soldiers and the Guardsmen.
Transgressions that had caused a rift between vode...
No one had ever really stopped to think about who had started those baseless rumors. No one really felt the need to, because shore leave on Triple Zero was rather finite, and at the end of the day it was better to just party until you didn't have time to party at all. Live a little.
Now that the proverbial rose-tinted glasses had been lifted off their faces however, they were suddenly more than a little aware that it had not been a vod who'd started the dispute between the GAR and Guard. No. The real culprit behind that had been the Sith Lord that Commander Fox had brutally murdered during a Senate Meeting.
Caught the bastard by surprise with a sawed-off shotgun that he'd confiscated during a drug bust. The footage was both shocking and quite glorious to behold, especially considering Palpatine's brain matter had splattered every single prissy senator that had been arguing over this or that at the time. Their pods in range of the gory splash-zone.
Unsurprisingly, Commander Fox had been apprehended and taken to prison. His own men had come to take him away, simply requesting that he give up his weapon and present them with his hands, so that he could be cuffed and leisurely strolled past all the shocked and hysterical natborns with almost smug satisfaction.
The Guard had been in no uproar about the death of the head of state. If anything, they rejoiced over it. Even if they had to keep up appearances and drop their commanding officer in prison, until someone came in to look for a motive for his rather unexpected act of treason.
The piles upon piles of damning evidence, as well as some kind of mystical shift in the Force itself (or whatever), had certainly been enough to more than justify the Marshal Commander's actions. Not enough to get him out of prison immediately, but enough to substantially reduce his sentence by a crap ton of years.
All things considered, 3 months for murdering the Chancellor wasn't too bad. Commander Fox even seemed to snort at the humor of it all. Had graciously accepted his first ever vacation with a gleeful grin.
Things were honestly better now.
With Palpatine revealed as the Sith Lord that had been playing both sides of the war, General Kenobi expressing the absolute importance of strengthening mental health care among the Jedi and troopers, and General Skywalker finally relenting and accepting a trip to the Mind Healers after he and General Kenobi had a heart to heart, the lives of many had definitely improved.
They had a new Chancellor that strongly believed in a more diplomatic approach, rather than prioritizing securing power for himself, so the war was nearly completely wrapped up. Many members of the Senate and CorSec were undergoing sackings and sanctions, after an extensive investigation revealed corruption, abuse and even quite a fair share of illegal endeavors. The GAR and Guard were being permitted a deliciously extensive shore leave so that they might all recuperate properly. And General Ti and the Alpha Class were currently working on moving every single trooper, cadet and tubie off Kamino into various Jedi Corporation locations, after they'd won a very tense legal battle that would ensure the freedom of all vode.
Life was impossibly good.
"Kix, tell him to stop!"
"Hey, don't drag Kix into this!"
"Then stop trying to stride like you're not as wobbly on your legs as a newborn fathier!!!"
Rolling his eyes, the medic smiled fondly as he watched Dogma try to keep up with Hardcase, who'd recently been allowed to move around without the aid of a hoverchair. Provided he used crutches.
Hardcase being Hardcase, had taken to over-swinging to take bigger and faster strides than what he should. His balance still not quite what it used to be, but his confidence remaining virtually untouched by his harrowing experiences. And that caused the mutated sergeant a fair bit of anxiety, considering he was currently taking a few modules to properly help around the medbay (seeing as he spent so much time in there anyway to keep an eye on Tup, they'd decided he'd make a fine reserve medic).
"Casey, stop scaring our kih'vod..." He chastised lightly, doing nothing to really stop his batcher. When Hardcase was full of energy, it was often better to let him get it out of his system, than to try to force him to sit still.
"I'm not trying to! I'm just glad to be able to run around again!" Hardcase whined, giving the medic a mighty pout unbecoming of a decorated soldier. "The hoverchair was nice and all, but my skin felt like I was on fire just having to sit all day..."
"Your skin felt like it was on fire because you're covered head to toe in burn scars." Dogma huffed, rolling his head to the side to show that he was actually rolling his eyes.
He'd begun to use more obvious body language to compensate for some of his physical alterations. A suggestion Twitch had made once it came to light how difficult it had been for him to approach other vode. Especially after what had happened on Umbara.
"Badass burn scars you mean." Hardcase grinned.
"You're smiling right now, but once you have to put on your cream, and start complaining that you're constantly cold, it won't feel nearly as badass..." Dogma grumbled and stamped his foot, his gaster and wings briefly twitching as a result of the sudden movement. "Although, that said, at least the sweaters and loose pants work on you... We still haven't found a material that won't pinch on Echo's cybernetics, and that won't irritate him because of the texture..."
"I still think they should use the same stuff they got for our buggy vode's clothing." Hardcase pointed out, motioning towards Dogma's heavily modified clothes. "Least then the join issues would be sorted."
Another thing that had recently happened had been Echo's discovery and rescue. The details were a little vague, but those who asked were told that a whistleblower had sent some rather incriminating footage of one of the Techno Union's projects. A project pertaining the conversion of a POW into some kind of algorithmic weapon.
To put a long story short, Echo was back. Changed, traumatized and not exactly in one piece. But back. Fives had been nothing if not a wreck of emotions since, and was now helping his twin through a much more steeper hill of recovery while he himself tried to process his own feelings over the matter.
The PTSD that Echo suffered alone, would be a massive challenge to overcome. But it was one he wouldn't be forced to endure on his own.
And Kix was honestly grateful for the medbay to be so full of movement that did not involve recent injuries. Fives, Echo, Hardcase and Dogma's semi-permanent company, gave him something to focus on and work with instead of stewing away in negative thoughts. Especially about things he was nowhere near qualified enough to handle, but that both he and his fellow medics were working around the clock to educate themselves on and further improve treatment plans...
The shrill beep of his comm startled Kix out of his thoughts.
Looking down at his comm unit, he hummed in slight surprise as he read the name of the contact. Twitch was calling him. He wondered what the younger medic needed that he'd call him through comms instead of coming to get him instead.
That was a little unusual.
"Kix here, what's--"
"There's a situation!"
Almost immediately his good humor plummeted. Things had slowed down considerably in terms of medical duties, yes. But that didn't mean they didn't get the occasional incident. And if Twitch was calling him sounding this stressed, then something bad had definitely happened while he'd been accompanying Hardcase and Dogma to the mess hall.
"How bad?" he spared no time with formalities. He had to know what he was going to walk in on.
"It's Tup!" Twitch cried out. "He's woken up! But something's wrong Kix, he went crazy and bolted!"
"Tup?!" Mentally cursing Dogma's improved hearing, Kix barely had the time to rush over to Hardcase to grab a hold of his brother before the mutated sargeant darted off, knocking him slightly off balance.
"Dogma's on his way, I'll be there once I drop 'Case off."
"I'll comm the Captain. He's probably already on his way from visiting Commander Fox." Twitch gulped. "I'll... I'll comm Pitch and Sponge too. To warn them! They're still very skittish around Dogma. Seeing Tup back on his feet without prior warning might freak them out!"
"You do that. Kix out."
Dogma's heart was racing as he tried to track down his wayward brother. Cursing himself in at least three different languages as he sprinted down the hall on all six legs, for having been gone from the medbay as long as he had.
He'd stood vigil by Tup's bedside from the moment he'd been told his brother was in a coma. Watched over him day after day while awaiting patiently for the moment he might finally come out of it. To think Tup had indeed woken up, and that he hadn't been there when he'd needed him most...
It made him feel awful.
And selfish too, since he'd recently been spending time around the other vode. Focusing on bonding with them rather than sitting with his slumbering twin.
He still spent the great majority of his time in the medbay, of course. Was even making himself useful and learning to be a proper medic too! But a part of him had still longed for the companionship that Tup had temporarily been unable to provide him.
After all he hadn't been much for conversation in the past month...
Still, guilt-ridden or not over this slight mishap, Dogma didn't have the time to continuously kick himself over what he could have done better. He had to find Tup before he either hurt himself or scared someone half to death.
To tell the truth, he had no idea where the other might have gone. They were twins, sure, and they did know each other better than the back of their own hands. But that didn't mean they were mind readers. In fact, they were very different from each other and had very different ideas of what was or wasn't a fun time, and which places were the best for them to hide in when they were overwhelmed.
But, even if they didn't spend a day or two together, they always found their way back to one another. Full of tales to tell and chatter to fill the void as they relaxed.
Dogma's fingers deftly untangling his brother's long locks, and braiding them into interesting configurations. Tup's soothingly soft voice calming him as he recounted what he'd gotten up to in his absence.
No matter where Tup had gone, even if it were somewhere unexpected, Dogma would inevitably find him.
Luckily he did have something to work with that he hadn't had before, when he'd been fully human. An astonishingly acute sense of smell and a scent trail that he could follow so long as it was nice and fresh. And, given the fact Tup had only just woken up and come through, the trail was indeed very fresh.
It just bothered him where exactly on base it was leading him to...
There was no way in sith-hells that his brother would have stumbled into the firing range on accident. Especially if one were to take into consideration Dogma's own reaction to waking up after his parasite had been removed.
He just hoped the weapons lockers had all been tightly padlocked.
"Tup...?" pausing at the door that led to his destination, Dogma grimaced as he noted something quite jarring.
In his haste he hadn't really noticed it before, but there were scratches all over the duracrete and walls. Scratches that looked suspiciously like uneven numbered claw marks. And both the door to the firing range and the keypad were in pretty bad shape. Like something had tried to bash the former down before simply destroying the keypad.
When that hadn't worked, whatever (or rather, whoever) had attacked the door had simply smashed through the wall like it wasn't made of dense sturdy building materials. Although, given the nature of their alterations, to them it really wasn't that big of a deal anymore.
Dogma braced himself for the worst before climbing through the hole in the wall. And, fortunately, he hadn't walked into a bloodbath. Although the situation was still not ideal. If anything, it was heartbreaking to see his twin in the state he was in.
"Oh Tup..." Dogma's antennae drooped, expression pinched as he approached his brother.
The other was curled up on the floor, long tail coiled tightly around himself as he tried to look as small as possible. All around him were several blasters that had been smashed to pieces. Likely because his pincers were simply too strong to hold a weapon with so many delicate parts anymore. The few destroyed vibroblades that he'd also tried to take a hold of, hadn't fared any better...
It was lucky that, in his state of despair, Tup hadn't thought to use his own in-built weapons against himself. Otherwise Dogma really might have just been walking in on a cooling corpse.
"Tup..." Kneeling down before his weeping brother, Dogma tried to reach for his face to dry some of his tears like he used to do when they were cadets. Only to be pushed away in response to the attempted contact. "Tup please..."
"N̸O̸!̵" Coiling himself even more tightly (if that was even possible) the long-haired mutant wailed pitifully. His tail beginning to thrash erratically as he tried to will himself into invisibility.
And wouldn't that be a useful ability right now?
"Tup it's ok..."
"N̵O̸ ̴I̶T̶'̵S̷ ̵N̷O̸T̶!̵ ̶I̸'̴M̵ ̵A̵ ̶M̴O̵N̵S̶T̴E̷R̸!̸" Tup screeched, his clumsy limbs fumbling slightly as he tried to push himself away from Dogma. Away from any efforts to comfort him. "I̶T̷'̵S̴ ̸N̶O̴T̷ ̴S̶A̶F̴E̷ ̶T̶O̴ ̷B̵E̶ ̶A̵R̸O̷U̷N̷D̶ ̸M̸E̴!̷"
"You're not a..." Dogma shook his head, trying to keep his face neutral in spite of Tup's words. "It's out. You're not dangerous anymore... The parasite's out."
"U̸R̶G̶H̵!̶ ̸Y̴O̸U̵ ̶D̸O̶N̵'̶T̶ ̶G̵E̴T̵ ̶I̴T̵ ̵D̴O̶ ̴Y̶O̸U̸?̶!̴" Tup looked up. His face wasn't blotchy like it used to get when he cried. The scales on his face didn't change color like regular skin, and the mandibles at the side of his mouth and fang-like scale plating made it difficult to read his expressions. The way his brow was furrowed and his eyes shone with pure anguish was all Tup however. Very familiar to him. "A̷l̵l̵ ̷o̵f̶ ̸t̶h̷a̸t̶.̷.̵.̸ ̴A̶l̶l̷ ̸o̷f̸ ̴t̴h̶o̵s̵e̶ ̵t̶h̵i̶n̸g̷s̷ ̵I̵ ̸d̵i̷d̶ ̷t̴o̶ ̸y̷o̴u̶,̶ ̷t̸o̷ ̶e̸v̵e̶r̷y̵o̸n̴e̵.̸.̶.̴ ̵I̸T̴ ̴W̵A̵S̶ ̴A̷L̷L̸ ̷M̶Y̴ ̶F̸A̸U̵L̷T̸!̴!̵!̶"
"It wasn't."
"I̵T̸ ̵W̷A̶S̷!̶ ̵I̵ ̷L̴E̶T̴ ̵T̵H̴A̶T̷ ̴T̴H̷I̵N̷G̸ ̴U̴S̷E̵ ̴M̷E̷!̴!̴!̵" Tup roared, jumping up into a proper standing position and using his height to tower over Dogma with ease. "̷I̷T̴ ̶F̶E̶L̴T̴ ̶G̷O̴O̴D̸!̴ ̴H̴A̴V̷I̷N̶G̸ ̵A̶L̵L̶ ̴O̶F̷ ̷Y̸O̸U̵ ̴U̵N̶D̵E̷R̸ ̷M̵Y̴ ̶C̶O̶N̵T̸R̷O̴L̶!̶ ̸A̸S̶ ̸M̶Y̸ ̶S̶E̶R̸V̷A̵N̶T̷S̷,̵ ̴M̸Y̴ ̵P̴L̷A̸Y̴ ̸T̸H̸I̴N̸G̴S̷.̵.̶.̸ ̶I̴T̴ ̴F̵E̷L̵T̶ ̴S̵O̶ ̷K̶A̸R̷K̵I̸N̵G̸ ̷G̷O̵O̶D̶!̵ ̵I̶ ̶W̶A̸N̶T̸E̶D̷ ̸I̷T̷!̷ ̷I̸ ̵W̷A̵N̸T̴E̵D̷ ̸M̴O̶R̶E̵!̵"
"No it wasn't!" Dogma stood up as well, refusing to be intimidated even if his heart was starting to race once more.
The fear, sorrow and anger he could smell coming off of his twin in waves, making it so hard for him to concentrate on his own actual emotions.
Despite no longer being under the parasites's control, Dogma's body was still wired to respond to Tup's emotional responses. Karking pheromones...
"I̵T̸ ̷W̶A̶S̵!̴!̶!̷!" Tup reared up suddenly like a startled fathier. Standing on his two back legs and kicking the front ones slightly. Dogma backed away immediately, afraid the other might hit him accidentally on the way back down. With how upset Tup was, lashing out was not out of the question. "A̴L̷L̶ ̷T̷H̴A̵T̷ ̵T̸H̶I̵N̸G̵ ̵D̶I̵D̵ ̸W̸A̷S̸ ̴B̵R̶I̵N̸G̵ ̸I̶T̴ ̷O̵U̷T̸ ̵O̵F̷ ̷M̶E̸!̵ ̷A̴L̶L̴ ̷T̷H̸E̶ ̵B̷A̸D̵ ̷T̶H̶I̴N̵G̶S̷!̶!̷!̴"
Oh, that certainly wouldn't fly. No one was allowed to slander his brother. Not even the stubborn idiot himself.
"STOP LYING TO YOURSELF JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL GUILTY OVER SOMETHING YOU HAD NO CONTROL OVER! I KNOW IT WASN'T ALL YOU BECAUSE I KNOW YOU TUP! BETTER THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF, APPARENTLY!!!" Dogma roared back, letting his temper rule him for once if it meant his much more vocal vod might actually listen. "I don't know if you remember this, but I was also under that stupid thing's control! I tried to fight it, I knew what it was trying to make me do was wrong, but it felt... It felt good to give in. I didn't want to do any of the things it made me do, but I still did them... Because it made me feel amazing!"
Tup stood there, tense and shaking. Staring at him with fury and something else. Something he couldn't quite discern since it was just so many emotions in one. Since he didn't say anything else however, Dogma carried on.
"I didn't want to ambush and capture any of our vode. I didn't want to infect anyone else. I didn't want to hurt or kill the medics. I certainly didn't want to eat them!" Dogma paced, his wings twitching uncontrollably while he clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly. Tried to do something with them, otherwise he might try to gnaw on his wrists to feel something other than the whirlwind of emotions that were threatening to choke him out before he knocked some sense into Tup's thick skull. "I didn't want to hurt anyone... What I did want, was to make you happy. Because your happiness meant a lot to me... I wanted to be useful. And to protect everyone... Because Umbara was awful, and Krell was awful, and feeling sick and out of my depth was awful! And that thing it... It twisted it all up! It made me obey you without question, and rewarded me for making you 'happy'. It felt so good Tup... Making you happy felt so good, even if deep down we both knew what was happening was beyond our control... And that... And that we would live to regret it..."
Tup's expression shifted. The anger slowly melting away.
"I'm... I'm not good at this. I'm not good at explaining what happened back there, or how I feel about it, or even how you should feel about it but..." Dogma sighed. "It wasn't all you. The parasite used something you wanted against you... It tried to make you into a monster. But you're not. None of us are... Even if... Even if it's hard to believe after we did what we did..."
Tup continued to shake before he dropped back down onto the floor, trying to hide his face behind his pincers as he crumpled into a sobbing mess. Dogma wasted no time in sitting back down next to his twin. Ready to comfort him if he were allowed.
He was infinitely relieved when the other mutant didn't pull away, instead wrapping his tail around them both. Letting him in.
"I just wanted to protect everyone..." Tup cried as he buried his face into Dogma's shoulder. Tiny and vulnerable despite having become so much bigger and so heavily armored in this new form of his. "We were all dying... I just wanted to help!"
"I know..."
"I never wanted this! I just wanted everything to be ok!"
"It's ok now...I've got you."
"I̷'̶M̴ ̶S̷O̴ ̷S̴O̶R̷R̵Y̵!̸!̷!̸"
Dogma let his brother continue to cry. To let all of the things that had bottled up to near exploding point, rush out uninhibited. There was no one to judge him.
Really, he understood what Tup was feeling even if it was hard to put to words. He'd been just as horrified over his own actions once the parasite's spell had been broken. Still woke up crying sometimes, when he dreamt about the ambush. Still felt the guilt clawing away at his psyche whenever Coric, Pitch or Sponge flinched at the sight of him.
It would get better one day.
But for now Tup would just need to cry it out until he was done crying. And diligent that he'd always been when it came to offering his twin some solace, Dogma was there to dry his eyes. Just as he hoped he'd always be, now that the war was slowly coming to a halt It's what good brothers did.
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weatherbane · 2 years
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My umbaran, Lotak, who is neither sith nor jedi but a third secret thing (survivor of a mushroom cult that steals and raises force sensitives)
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bruxatta · 2 years
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here comes the bo~y!
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collophora · 1 month
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I made SW ocs and then had no time to draw their story TAT
So we got, Poet, random clone: lost all his squad on a planet, but on the same planet, find a forgotten jedi in hibernation, then order 99, then say jedi stun him and drops him on his last base where the new commander is an Umbaran medic.
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vizslasaber · 5 months
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FRIENDLY FIRE ──── captain rex.
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SUMMARY | Newly knighted and unaccustomed to combat, you’re suddenly given your first assignment on the shadowy world of Umbara. Waiting on the planet’s surface is the start of a mission filled with death and deception—and the companionship of someone whose smile you never thought you’d fall for.
PAIRING | Captain Rex x female Jedi!reader
A/N | look i'm in love with this man, i simply Could Not help myself from falling in love with him, and i felt the need to live vicariously through reader insert fics, so here we are (don't ask me why they sent two generals in place of one, it's for the purpose of the fic). also, the reader is female, and i've decided some details such as former master (OC) home planet, and name (because i despise using y/n). everything else is up to you!
WARNINGS | fluff, angst because this is the umbara arc, SLOW BURN, star wars curses, death (no major characters), blood/gore, suggestive themes. the whole shabang.
STATUS: WIP | TAGLIST | Last Updated: May 13, 2024
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SUMMARY | after landing on the umbaran surface, you butt heads with your fellow general—but get along swimmingly with your temporary clone captain.
WARNINGS | combat/action, mentions of injury + death, krell being a bitch, reader with a name instead of y/n because i hate it
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SUMMARY | The mission continues, and with it, your growing suspicion of Krell’s authoritarian methods. But the troopers relying on you—including Rex—lead you in the right direction: one of unyielding kindness, even when it’s hard.
WARNINGS | Combat/action, mentions of injury & death, Krell being a bitch as usual, gender neutral use of the term “sir,” gratuitous use of Mando’a, and one (1) curse word. Also, a Shakespeare reference because I’m a historian & couldn’t help myself.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 8 months
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Collection of my TCW art. I mostly draw Commander Fox and Coruscant Guard, 501st boys, and through those lovely asks you sent me, other characters too. :)))) 
JUNE 2023
「501 shenanigans」 [ART]
16/06/2023 | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Hardcase, ARC Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, OC: Deadshot | Sketchbook | Draw the Squad | Fives is nude but nothing important is visible | They are dorks your honour
「POV: Fives approaches you in 79's」 [ART] 
19/06/2023| ARC Trooper Fives, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Fives sucks at flirting | *deepinhale.* VOD. | 
「Anakin Needs therapy」 [ART]
18/06/2023| Anakin Skywalker | Sketchbook | Amputee!Anakin | BPD related art | I love using kitsugi as a motif for breaking down over and over again then rehabilitating |
「Dar'Ad」 [AO3] + [FIC]
01/08/2023 | Fanfic | 437 word | Alpha-17, Commander Fox | Mentions of Execution | Angst | Hurt, no comfort | Seriously, guys, the amount of interactions I’ve got for this snippet! Maybe I should think of a continuation if you liked it this much!
「Foxhunt」 [ART]
02/08/2023| Commander Fox | Blood | I drew this picture first and then and then I wanted to write a description and Dar’Ad happened. The picture takes place after some time of the snippet. 
「Comfort a character: Deadshot」[ART]
03/09/2023 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | Comfort a character prompt | Umbaran darkness hide the tears of the grief-weary troopers |
「Comfort a character: Cadet!Fox」 [ART & Snippet]
03/09/2023 | Cadet Fox, Alpha-17, Captain Fordo | Comfort a character prompt | Alpha is TRYING OKAY??? |
「Comfort a character: Rex」 [ART] 
07/09/2023| Captain Rex, Commander Cody | Comfort a Character prompt | Hurt & comfort |
「Comfort a character: Cadet!Rex」 [ART]
10/09/2023 | Cadet Rex, and Cadet Fox aka Tintin (by Kilt) | Comfort a character prompt | Omg, this was such a lovely request from my friend, I still think about it a lot~ I really enjoyed trying out a different coloring technique |
「Comfort a character: Dogma」 [ART & FIC] + [AO3]
23/09/2023| Clone Trooper Dogma, Commander Fox | Comfort a character prompt | 407 words | Corrie!Dogma | Dogma deserves better. |
「Comfort a character: Fox」 [ART]
29/09/2023 | Commander Fox, OC: Headshot | Comfort a character prompt| We have a shared custody on Headshot with ithillia <3 |
「Red is a color of...」 [ART]
03/10/2023 | Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | …LOVE | No context, just unhinged Fox | I have many Commander Fox in my head, but this one is actually crazy like a fox. 
「Bullet-time Fox」 [ART]
05/10/2023| Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire, Commander Stone, Sergeant Hound, Grizzer | The corrie commanders are major dorks when no one is looking | 
「Fives」 [ART]
10/10/2023 | Gift for Mary <3 | ARC Trooper Fives |
「Mal」 [ART]
| Gift for Corey | Corey's OC | Precious scarred babu <3
「Happy Dogma」 [ART]
14/10 | Clone Trooper Dogma | Character reaction to post | DOGMA IS THE SWEETEST GOODEST BOY MUST PROTECC |
「Fives x Shots」 [ART]
CLONESHIP 23/10/2023 | OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives | They are in love, you honour |
「TCW x Lucky Star」 [ART]
25/10/2023 | Commander Fox | Incorrect Quote | Redrawing Kogami Akira as Fox |
「Mlem.」 [COMIC]
09/11/2023| OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Hardcase, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Jesse | Torrent barrack shenanigans | Boys being boys | Hardcase is a kind of friend who randomly licks your face |
「I've got a birthday gift from Corey! 」 [Gift] <3
13/11/2023| OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Fives, Clone Trooper Tup | Character reacts to post | Deadshot is a softy | A wonderful gift, thank you so much <3 |
「Received a gift on my birthday &lt;;3」 [Comic]
16/11/2023| Captain Rex, Commander Fox, 501st, Coruscant Guard | Sketchbook | Gift from nuclearteabag | Nuke gave me a present but the corries confiscated it :(((( | Fox is a dork |
「Thoughts about natborn cadets」 [Photo]
18/11/2023|Commander Fox, ARC Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | 
「It’s called nature, Fox!」 [Photo]
19/11/2023| Commander Fox, Arc Trooper Fives | Toy Photo | Commander Fox doesn’t like nature |
「The Captain isn't entirely satisfied with the new ARC trooper」 [Comic]
CLONESHIP mentioned 29/11/2023 |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex | Blorbo bleebus | pls don’t take this post seriously or else Shots will die of embarrassment | that’s what happens when I draw with migraine |
「Fox loves caf」 [Photo]
30/11/2023| Commander Fox | Toy Photo | Don’t tell him it’s chai latte |
「I don’t deserve you」 [ART & FIC]
THORN X FOX CLONESHIP 03/12/2023 |Commander Fox, Commander Thorn | Art and Fanfiction | I don’t deserve you prompt | 982 words | Hurt & Comfort |
「I don’t deserve you」 [FIC]
FIVES x DEADSHOT (OC) CLONESHIP |OC: Deadshot, Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives | Fanfic | Wordcount: 2446 | Mature | I don’t deserve you prompt | Talking about a dead person and grief | Captain Rex had enough with Deadshot's digging into the past and decided it's time to have a conversation neither of them wished to have. | NO BETA |
「Deadshot has one of those days」 [ART]
12/12/2023| OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup | Sketchbook | Breaking down in 3…2…1… |
「I do deserve better」 - [ART & FIC] + [AO3]
Dogma x Tup - CLONESHIP 16/12/2023 |Clone Trooper Dogma, Clone Trooper Tup | Art and fanfiction | I don’t deserve you prompt | 560 words | Hurt, no comfort | Angst | Umbara arc |
「Commander Wolffe portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Commander Wolffe | 104th follower celebration thingy |
「Fives portrait」 [ART]
16/01/2024 |Arc Trooper Fives | Art Request |
「Deadshot reacts to Fives portrait」 [ART]
Fives x Deadshot (OC) CLONESHIP 16/01/2024 | Arc Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot | Fives exists and Shots is melting |
「Sergeant Sinker portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024 | Clone Trooper Sinker | Art request | I love how this little shit turned out <3
「Warthog & Tracer portrait」 [ART]
17/01/2024| Clone Trooper Warthog, Clone Trooper Tracer | Art Request | How dare you make me invest in cloneboys again just to get my heart broken!!! >:(((( | 
「Big Bad Wolffe」 [ART]
21/01/2024 | Cadet Rex, Cadet Wolffe | Art request | Soft babybabus <3 | 
[Rex with a lightsaber] [ART]
24/01/2024 | Captain Rex | Art request | Let me see what you have! - A lasersword. - NO! |
「Dar’ad part II」 [ART] + [AO3]
01/02/2024 | Commander Fox | Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - Helpless | ART & FIC | Wordcount: 417 | Warning: character's death, execution by injection, open-ending |
「Sketchdump」 [ART]
FIVES x DEADSHOT ECHO x TECH MAZE x BOOKS CLONESHIP 02/02/2024| ARC Trooper Fives, OC: Deadshot, ARC Trooper Echo, TBB Tech, Alpha-26 Maze | sketchbook | Various sketches about cloneboys + JungleSkirmish!AU lore | 
「Obedience/Devotion」 [ART] + [AO3]
SHEEV x FOX but can be interpreted platonic too 04/02/2024 | Commander Fox, Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 day 3 | Toxic relationship, one-sided love…or is it? | Art & Fic | Word count: 300 | 
「I love you」 [ART]
SHEEV x FOX 05/02/2024 | Commander Fox , Sheev Palpatine | Febuwhump 2024 Day 5 | Continuation of “Obedience” | Toxic relationship | 
08/02/2024 | Commander Fox | ASDF movie parody | It’s Muffin time! song parody | 
「Clones in the closet」 [ART]
15/02/2024 | Captain Rex, ARC Trooper Fives, ARC Trooper Echo, ARC Trooper Jesse, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Hardcase | Characters react to post | My brain hurts :DDD |
「City boy gets intimidated by war veteran’s huge equipment」 [ART]
Not a cloneship, but I’m a very mature person and the dialogue is purposefully written as cockmeasuring 18/02/2024 | Clone Trooper Kix, OC: Headshot | Kix tries to befriend the corrie medic |
「Life after O66」[ART]
19/02/2024 | OC: Lily, OC: Blaze, OC: Vorn, OC: Headshot, OC: Pons, OC: Angel, Commander Fox, Commander Thorn, Commander Thire | ARTs and rambling about OC’s and how they life will be after Order 66 | WARNING: Mentions of canon character's deaths, mentions of suicide, actual suicide and visual depiction of it, nudity but genitals are not visible. Coruscant Guard has cultish vibes.
APRIL 2024
「Finger-sketches」 [ART]
25/04/2024 | OC: Deadshot, Clone Trooper Tup, Clone Trooper Dogma | Sketchbook app | Quick finger-sketches drawn during empty hours |
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battlekilt · 5 months
Help me name an Umbaran OC...
Character facts: They/Them. Remained loyal to the Republic even after Umbara tried to break off (the Battle of Umbara). They work as a civilian employee in Coruscant's GAR HQ.
This character's purpose, among other things, is to get Rex to face his prejudices and trauma about Umbara.
However, the character may or may not be genuinely a "good guy", if you will.
Bonus for the name "Virmin": Some Clones can be real jackasses in the start and call them "Vermin" behind their back. Room for growth.
I have included a soundbite of my TTS pronouncing both names.
Thank you!
If you could reblog this, I'd appreciate it. Better to spread.
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kitochiart · 11 months
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so i ran out of queued posts, and i am also sick rn so you get this wonderful old art of ashyrok and his wife (who still desperately needs a name) for now
my dear friend @rikodabirb reminded me of its absence from my ashyrok post, so i had to correct that mistake
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lbibliophile-sw · 2 months
212th Bingo - 2023 Masterpost
Bingo card started: June 2023 Fills posted: 10 Bingos completed: none Events cross-posted: Jedi June, 212th appreciation week, Codywan week, Whumptober, Haunted clones week Bingos cross-posted: 501st bingo, Coruscant Guard bingo
This bingo was a perfectly-timed accompaniment to the 212th appreciation week and Codywan week events, although it missed Waxer*Boil month. Most of the fills are drabbles as usual, but I had fun with a comic script and image edit.
Misunderstandings | Wave, I can see you (AO3) | fanfic: 540w | 212th OCs 501st brothers line the ridge, ready to spring their trap. Figures in 212th gold creep through the trees, Flick’s familiar paint bright in the gloom. Keys can’t believe that the Umbarans stole his batchmate's armour, it feels wrong on so many levels.
Outsider POV | Degrees of Trust (AO3) | drabble | Cody & Obi-wan Cody doesn't understand why his General's ‘I trust you’ suddenly stopped being a promise and instead became a pain-filled thing of guilt and grief.
Small dispalys of affection | Memento (AO3) | drabble | Waxer & Boil It's hard saying goodbye to new friends, but easier when you can carry a reminder with you.
[free] | Saint Cody of Wifi | image edit | Cody With all his antenas, Commanda Cody is a veritable wi-fi hot spot. And his battalion venerates him as such.
Magical mishaps | Distraction (affectionate) (AO3) | drabble | Cody/Obi-wan Cody tries to reason with his General, who is distracted by other priorities.
Mistaken identity | Reputation (AO3) | drabble | 212th & 501st The 501st has a reputation that makes the 212th look positively resonable by comparison. And they expoit it.
Forse sensitivity | Training Exercise (AO3) | double drabble | 212th There are multiple methods of practicing a new skill. Some are more fun than others.
Snuggling | Tea Party | comic script | Obi-wan & 212th Obi-wan likes company during his downtime, but perhap there should be a limit...
Trading weapons | Bringing a Lightsaber to a Duel (AO3) | drabble | Cody & Dooku It’s unintentional, but Commander Cody, collects lightsabres. Jedi, Sith; somehow, they all end up on his belt. So he learns how to use them.
Dreams | The Nightmare (AO3) | drabble | Cody The Nightmare is unsettling in a visceral way, but after years of the nightly visions they are used to the feeling. And they always wake up. He just needs to wait until he wakes up...
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mereelskirata · 6 months
WIP game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Tagged by the lovely @mamuzzy-creates-stuff and @loverboy-havocboy <3
A lot of these wips I've posted before but have left in wip purgatory so i do apologize if you recognise some.
(what's) In a name
cody + rex fic
fox + thorn fic
ghostly encounter
lower than low
sev + scorch
umbaran got your tongue
bruiser + axil (o66 au)
gregor stardew au
oc gathering
wolfpack shenanigans
dogma + tup hair talk
no-pressure tagging: @coffeeandbatboys @the-bad-batch-baroness @desfraisespartout @iffylogic @varpusvaras @hurryupmerlin @smw-on-kamino @anko-art
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the-baddest-of-batches · 11 months
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Kyr'am. 2023.
Really just needed an excuse to draw Kian in his new armor. Cause I think it's kinda cool 👉👈
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 30: Coma
Summary: The Republic loses Umbara, and the 501st nearly lose Tup. Somehow, both of these things make a world of change even if at the moment all hope seems lost.
Warning: N/A
Twitch belongs to @gaeasun Pitch and Tacet belong to @lost-on-kamino Sol and Constelación belong to @milfcutlawquane
Here's what Tup and Dogma currently look like!
Prev / Next
[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
The next few hours were a complete blur.
Between General Kenobi going through all of the infected troopers once more to make sure the parasites remained dormant, followed by him then absconding off to initiate negotiations with the Umbaran Generals, and finally the 501st medical squad messaging them with coordinates that would lead to the medical facility, there hadn't really been much time to stop and think.
And honestly, that was more of a blessing than a curse.
Because if Canivete were given the opportunity to sit down and really ponder on what she'd been told. Ponder on just what exactly Tacet had found out while investigating the comms issues. Then she might just break down crying.
And that wouldn't be helpful to anyone, now would it?
To think she'd lost a batcher to outright malice, rather than the 'unfortunate accident' it had been listed as. It broke her heart. Her little baby brother who hadn't even picked a name...
The thought haunted her more than the nights of shore leave where she'd spend her time sitting in front of a sealed door in the Jedi Temple. Listening to Abby's body breaking and changing into forms unsightly. Speaking to them in the hopes something of her youngest sibling could still understand her. Could still feel the love their ori'vod had for them...
Haunted her even more than when Peel would wake up in a cold sweat and run away from the barracks. Pacing down the halls like a caged animal searching for a way to break out of its prison. Digging his nails into his bare arms, and turning suddenly as he listened to the flow of energy that was muted to her and the rest of the vode, but not to him. Listening to it, because otherwise he'd be lost in thoughts that tormented him because of something well beyond his control.
But there was still hope for Abstract and Peel.
Sometimes Abby would respond to her words. Whisper back short words that sounded off but that were full of affection.
Sometimes Peel would tell her about his nightmares. Whisper his insecurities and fears and take comfort in knowing he at least had her to confide in.
The second eldest, the nameless brother who only had his number, had no hope left at all. His body undoubtedly lost in space within a Venator that had been taken over by Seppie Droids. Never to be reclaimed. Canivete would never be able to properly mourn him.
All because of Pong karking Krell...
"Cani..." She startled, looking up from where she'd been scrubbing her skin raw. Having spaced out when she'd been kitting up for surgery and gone to wash her hands.
Looking over her shoulder, she spotted Sponge who was certainly worse for wear but still a sight for sore eyes. The other medic's face covered in bacta patches, and the medical scrubs looked puffed out where thick bandaging had been wrapped around their torso, arms and legs.
Despite the injuries they'd suffered, they were back on their feet preparing themselves to perform surgery after surgery to remove the parasites from all of the infected vode.
Currently however, they were staring intently at her.
"I'm finished. Just..." She shook her head, trying to ignore what was eating away at her. Choke down the grief. "Just need to put on some gloves and then I'll be good to go..."
"You don't have to do this. There are 10 other medics available right now, myself included." Sponge offered, motioning to themselves and then shrugging. "The truce is in full effect and the supply ships have touched down. We have everything we need..."
"I want to help." Cani shook her head again. "I... I have to help."
"No you don't. Not really..." Sponge sighed, one hand still very much behind their back while the other rested on their hip. "I can tell you're hurting."
"No, you don't understand." Cani insisted. "I have to help. Otherwise I'll... I'll..."
"Believe me, I do understand..." Sponge looked away. That familiar glint of sorrow reflected back at her, in just the way their eyes looked shiny and wet. They too were often put down by one loss they'd never recovered from.
She'd made the mistake of hurting them once, she wouldn't do it again. Not when she valued their trust.
"....I know you do. I just... I can't think about it now." Canivete sighed sadly. What a life they both lived. The tragedy of the medics. "The vode need me. Need us."
"They do..." Sponge conceded, moving over to offer her a pair of clean gloves that they'd been hiding behind their back. "Promise me once this is done, that you'll board the next ship out of here."
"....I promise."
And she did. After the vode were free, she'd finally retire back to the Negotiator and let herself break open in the company of her friends. Right now, however, she had a job to do and she intended to be diligent about it. The more medics they had in service, the faster they'd get through every trooper.
The Resolute was silent once it departed from Umbaran space. Not a soul made a single sound, aside from the usual announcement that they were making the jump to hyperspace. In the end there simply wasn't much to say. Not now at least. So the quiet had settled like a soothing blanket over a sleeping babe.
Not the calm before the storm, rather, the calm after it had passed.
Aside from the noiselessness, one other thing was evidently different than usual: There were a few troopers of the 212th present among the 501st rank. Something which Obi-wan had allowed, as a means to comfort those who had been irreversibly affected by the parasitic infection they'd suffered.
Not everyone who had joined had batchers in the 501st, but they certainly felt the camaraderie between both battalions and simply wanted to offer a shoulder to cry on. Others who did indeed have batchers, even if they had not been infected, sought to stick to their vode's side. Both celebrating their survival, and taking the time to appreciate that which they had taken for granted not too long ago.
It was not just Obi-wan and Anakin who needed to have an important talk about their bonds, after all.
Pitch watched quietly from the safety of his (excessively) padded out bunk, Tacet snoozing lightly by his side while their limbs were a slight tangle. Datapad (hosting a delightfully silly cartoon holofilm, about a tiny fish who becomes a nautolan girl to live with a young twi'lek boy who rescued her from a bottle) all but forgotten among the sheets while Pitch raked his fingers over his sibling's scalp.
Vodepiles were wonderful things really. Only a tiny quarter of all of the clone population was averse to them (and often it was because they were uncomfortable being touched due to very specific circumstances that were better left unmentioned). But sometimes what he really craved was to cuddle up with a single vod. Just like he and his batchers had sometimes done on Kamino, after one of them had a particularly bad day during training.
Back then piling up openly would have been far too dangerous, so they had taken turns. Covered for one another. It was as nostalgic as it was reassuring. A safety blanket of sorts.
In other bunks, different troopers had both similar setups or differing configurations they'd decided upon. It wasn't a proper gigantic pile like it was common to see after a battalion that had gone through a particularly grueling campaign, but it was a familiar sight all the same.
Lich and PB, for example, had curled up together in the former's bunk while practically cocooned in a blanket. Not quite asleep but also not fully awake. The longer haired trooper counting the odd number of scales dotted all around his older brother's face, while the other got used to the idea of cuddling his sibling with an extra set of limbs to call his own. Both looked very content.
A few feet away, Sponge and Coric were full on snoring on a mattress that had been haphazardly placed on the floor. Beau lay between them, her tail wagging away as Twitch (who was sitting besides the mattress, on a cushion someone had stolen from the officer's lounge) gently pet her. The younger medic had a look of pure wonder on his face, as the barghest responded to his affection with a gentle lick or two. He'd been more than a little enthused to meet Sponge's animal companion once he'd finally learned about her existence.
In his own top bunk, Kix sat with both of his batchmates while carefully changing Hardcase's bandages. Listening to Jesse sleepily mumbling away the things that had transpired while they'd been separated. The more hyperactive of the trio was holding a datapad that had some kind of comedy series playing on it, to keep him distracted long enough for the medic to be done with him.
In a more secluded corner of the room, Canivete had fallen asleep with Peel clinging to her back while her head rested on Sol's lap. The latter carefully brushing away the tear tracks that the grieving medic had left while whispering softly to his sister, Constelación. Both had managed to escape Umbara unscathed. By the skin of their teeth, the sunny dispositioned lieutenant had proclaimed.
Caramba and Azulejo were both sitting with them, making plans on what sort of cosmetic changes they could help the transformed vode make, to help them feel a little more like themselves. A new haircut here, a dye job there, some tattoos and piercings as well... They took in whatever feedback Sol and Constelación had to offer, since they themselves had experience with adding visually stunning aesthetics to make visible mutations seem like less of a big deal.
All around, wherever Pitch's eyes could see, vode were just being themselves. For once completely at peace.
In truth, this was the only sort of domesticity allowed to the clones. Sharing in the few quiet moments that they were spared while resting. It was never really enough time, but it was just about enough to relish in the presence and companionship of their siblings.
Relishing in the only constant of their tragically short lives.
A very bittersweet and rather finite moment, considering the circumstances of their mere existence. The purpose of their being. But one Pitch chose to enjoy all the same.
Something big would come out of this, out of abandoning Umbara to the whims of whomever might take it. But for now, the blue-haired medic really couldn't care. He had enough on his plate. So he chose to close his eyes instead, and let himself sink into blissful unconsciousness.
Trusting Fives to keep an eye on the twins, Rex carefully got out of his seat and up onto sore feet. He gave the room a brief once-over, grateful for the great number of empty medical cots in spite of all of the horrific things that had transpired during the campaign.
Quietly, with feather light toes, the Captain left the medbay.
There were duties he could not leave unattended for much longer. Reports that had to be made of what happened planet-side, casualties to be listed, spare supplies to be counted, and many other logistics nightmares that, in all honesty, he was dragging his feet over.
As he walked along the silent halls, Rex doubted his presence was all that comforting to the ARC trooper or to Dogma. In fact he doubted they'd notice him leaving at all, since the two were far too busy keeping vigil over Tup's bedside. Something which he couldn't blame them for.
The procedure had worked flawlessly on Dogma, Cody and every other infected trooper. Each parasite perishing and carefully extracted from where they'd connected themselves to the spinal chord of their hosts. The effects of the removal immediately noticeable to those who stood by them as they woke up.
Unfortunately the same could not be said for patient zero. Where everyone else had woken up after surgery, Tup had not. A coma. The rookie had fallen into a coma. His body having simply taken too big of a hit to bounce back as easily as everyone else had.
That sadly meant the poor kih'vod would need a much longer time to recover completely. And, as foolish as it was to give false hope, the medics didn't have the heart to tell Dogma that his twin might never actually wake up.
Not that Rex blamed them. The kid had already suffered enough...
Now that he was all on his own, alone with his thoughts, Rex knew for sure that Umbara had undoubtedly killed something in him. Granted he wasn't exactly sure what, but he certainly didn't feel like he was the same man that had first landed on that gods forsaken planet.
He couldn't be, when things had gone so disastrously wrong and he'd done so little to actually keep everyone safe. And that had left him pretty shaken up, especially when he'd gotten some rather distressing insight into just what exactly they'd been dealing with.
He should have guessed, really. The signs were there. But you know what they say about hindsight in the end...
That said, the one thing he knew for sure was that he was tired. Very very tired. But, as mentioned before, there was work to do and Rex was not one to shirk his duties. Even if all he wanted to do was curl up in his cot and press his face into a pillow until his eyes stopped burning, and his heart stop trying to beating its way out of his painfully tight chest.
He'd failed as a Captain and as a brother. And that was not something he could forgive himself for. Not something that should be easily forgiven at all.
Usually, when he was feeling like this, Rex would turn to Cody for guidance and support. Would ask his wise ori'vod what to do. But Cody had a lot to deal with himself, especially considering he was likely to suffer greatly thanks to the mutations he'd undergone.
Be scrutinized by the natborn officers of the GAR, and seen as even lesser than a clone, because of what the parasite had done to his body. Twisted and transformed into a form many would consider monstrous or even disgusting (it hadn't escaped anyone's notice how some of the vode and natborn personnel on board had flinched away from the infected on first glance).
It wouldn't be fair for Rex to pile his own issues onto his brother who'd suffered even more than he, without ever compromising his moral integrity. But he needed to talk to someone... Anyone...
Locking the door to his quarters and taking hold of his personal datapad, Rex stared at his contacts as he felt the sadness, rage and anxiety begin to set in in full.
Should he talk to Bly who had always been the best when it came to dealing with your feelings? Should he go to Wolffe who understood the burning rage that came with surviving great injustices? Should he go to Gree who was often reserved but a good listener?
His finger hovered over the screen, momentarily still as he took deep shuddering breaths. His vision blurring as tears began to pool in his eyes. Making it hard for him to even discern the names of the commanders he'd looked up to all his childhood. Who'd taken him in when he'd began to fall behind.
Then, after clearing his vision a bit, he made his choice and pressed on one very particular name. The longest minute of his life passed, before the call was accepted.
"It's 03:00. Someone better be dead." The ruby red helmet that greeted him had been put on sloppily, since part of the wearer's chin was still very visible, but Rex recognized the tired glower that was most definitely hidden beneath it.
He'd either woken up his brother or caught him during a very late shift. That particular tone was one he was very familiar with after all.
"F-Fox..." He choked out, unable to contain the sobs anymore. He was so tired and felt so weak. Everything had been his fault and he didn't know how to fix it.
All at once, the Marshal Commander's demeanor changed. His body language softened, but his tone remained cold and straight to the point. Rex recognized the concern behind it all the same. Fox may seem frigid and distant, but he was nothing if not the most loving and caring of the commanders. Something which he hid to everyone's benefit but his own.
"What happened?"
Feeling safe, despite the fact he was coming apart at the seams, Rex began to recount the atrocities that the 501st and 212th had gone through. And from behind the screen, Fox silently seethed as he listened to his little brother cry and despair.
And with that last little domino set in motion on the grand Rube Goldberg machine, the chessboard toppled over. The pieces no longer attached to their strings.
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