#umi mamizuka
thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
Their child experience their first crush
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Reaper & Aguri, Umi & Kousuke, Adam & Eve, Loid & Yor, Usagi & Mamoru ]
[ Assassination Classroom ] [ Gakuen Babysitters ] [ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ] [ Spy x Family ] [ Sailor Moon ]
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What a cute prompt!!! I loved writing it!! Enjoyed a lot writing ever single word!!
I grew curious and ask my mother how she deal with this and even when my sister and I are so diferent the experience wasn't that diferent! Honestly was so interesting to heard her opinion!
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Reaper & Aguri
Reaper and Aguri are really loving parents, both of them want to show all their love and support and actually are a really close family, they balance each other, while Agury want to be clingy and totally affectionate, even babying you a little, Reaper takes a role to be a little stric and a good mentor in life
Both want to share a lot of moments, and, as much as they want to keep you as their baby both are well aware that you have to grow and do your own life, and even when they are looking forward to see you grow, you experiencing your first love will definetly hit them hard
Both are really smart, while Aguri may notice the hints because she is a teacher and has a little sister, Reaper is extremely observant and knows a lot about human behavior, but both will have really diferent reactions, while Aguri is incredibly happy and excited, wanting to show you all her support and want to know all the details, Reaper isn't happy at all! Not that he is mad at you, of course, is something completely normal and he had tell himself that he would happy when you find someone to love (just as he had done with Aguri), but the truth is that the moment he notices it all his maturity and role as a good father is throw away from the window, he only wants his little baby back
Reaper will be the kind of father that feels like your lover is trying to steal you away form him but at the same time he feels incredibly happy for seeing you so happy, is so contradictory that is giving him headache. However, he is smart enough to know that it isn't right for him to act from those feelings, he just puts a smile and acts as if it doesn't bother him all while Aguri is asking you for all the details
Even if you prefer to don't say anything about it there is no way to hide it because both will find out and both want to know about your crush! And at some point Kaede will get to know too and she will be the one to came and give you some peace, stoping Aguri and Reaper from asking (if they were being pushy, but if you were willing to share the information she will be there to heard you too)
All of them will make a big deal out of it, Aguri is incredibly happy for her baby and is wishing you the best (while giving you some weird advices about romance), Reaper says that is alright but deep down he is trying to judge the person you like to see if they are worthy of being your partner (don't be surprised if he comes to pick you up from school more often), Kaede acts as if this is one of the greatest events, as determinated as her more important works, and be the one who gave you an actual useful advice
It could be embarrasing and a complete mess, specially because is the first time you develop a crush in someone, but at the end they only want the best for you
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Umi & Kousuke
Umi and Kousuke Mamizuka are really loving and supporting parents, they may be busy most of the time but they always try to be there for you (specially in hard times, they are always there), the Mamizuka family is really close and loving
Umi is a teacher, she knows to identify when you need her and when you need time for yourself, so is more than obvious that she'll know when her precious child develop a crush for someone for the first time, she sees it all the time on school, and she couldn't be happier to see her baby grow up!
Choosing to tell them or not is up to you, but Umi soon or later will start to ask you about it, even if you decide to don't say anything she will start to ask indirectly, a little teasing honestly. Changes of your behavior like being more distracted or noticibly more happy or even blushy by school will be noticed by Takuma and Kazuma (they are rather clingy and affectionate with you, so if they will notice even if they don't understand it) and they will also start pointing it out and asking you with their innocent but cheerful expressions (Umi will just laugh at it, specially if you try to come up with a excuse)
Kousuke will be the last one to know because he is always busy, and is more likely that he will know by the others, even if you wanted to tell him is more likely that Umi will tell him that their precious child is in love once she is sure about it, and Kousuke will make a really big deal out of it! It isn't that he is overprotective, but he will be in tears while talking about how his precious little baby is growing so fast and soon you'll probably just go away and make your life (even if that is far from happening yet), honestly he is being a little over dramatic, acting as if you were about to get married soon
It could be embarrasing his behavior because even if you talk about it directly he may or may not try to sneak to see who is the one trying to steal his baby, and will end up envolving Takuma and Kazuma too because he wasn't able to shut up and end up telling them that you love someone, he end up explaining as if you were already in a relationship with that person, what will lead the twins to ask you if you are really in love, and if you go to the same school (that is probably, since Umi works there) they will sneak out of the nursery if they have the opportunity (or just see you around) and start asking you about your lover, what will lead the other kids to ask too (and Usaida will be teasing you, not even try to save you from the embarrasment)
If they actually make you pass an embarrassing moment or just upsed you they will deeply apologize (Kousuke wil be dramatic as always), at the end is Umi who will make everyone calm down and just wish you luck with your first love, willing to give you advice but telling you that you shouldn't feel frustrated if things doesn't work, just enjoy it! (and at the end, Kousuke, Takuma and Kazuma will show their support too, but they won't be as calm as Umi)
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Adam & Eve
Adam and Even loves their family dearly, they want to protect their kids but loves them in their freedom, both want for their precious childs to discover the world from themselfs but are always close to whenever they need them, honestly the entire family develop a really wholesome enviroment, united but still free
Honestly, the fact that you are experiencing your first love can easily go unnoticed for a while if you don't say anything, Adam and Even will notice the little changes on your behavior (like being flustered, more shy or even excited to be somewhere) but won't say anything, or at least not to you, they will talk about it and will be Adam who suggest to let you be for now and wait until you feel ready to talk about it, in the mean time they will just keep an eye on you in case is something bad
Soon or later Cain and Abel will notice the little changes too, but they won't be as discreet as their parents, asking you right away about it or probably at your parents, at first they will try to push you to talk about it in a joking manner, and maybe even teasing you about you probably having a crush on someone, it would depend on your reactions, but at the end they will get the answer they wanted and they won't be too happy about it
Is a big contrast because while Adam and Even are taking the news more calmly and just trying to calm your brothers, is Cain and Abel who are taking the news more dramatically, no matter if you are older or younger than them, even if you were the middle child they had grew quite atached at you, they consider you not only as a sibling but also as a best friend, it always had been only the three of you against the world and suddenly some stranger wants to take you away from them! (thats actually not true, is just them being overdramatic)
Adam and Eve will try to calm them down and stop them from making a scene by assuring them that all of you will always be a family no matter what happen, but what Cain and Abel said will end up bugging Eve a little, later she will try to talk about it with Adam, what if that person really tries to take you away form all of you
At the end Adam and Even will want to talk to you about it, wanting to know how the person you like is (and who is, if you are willing to tell them), they want to respect your privacy but they are also eager to know (you still are their baby after all), and even if they don't say it both want to make sure the person you like is someone good for you
Eve and Adam will try to give you advices about love and relasionships, about how it has to be give and recive equally, their advices are actually really good, Cain and Abel will promise to be some kind of bodyguards, promising to don't let that stranger breakeyou precious heart
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Loid & Yor
Even when the Forget seem like the perfect family is because Loid and Yor always tries their best to play as a family, and Anya helps a lot too to keep the family enviroment!
Even when both are always looking after the family is Loid the more self-aware of everything that happens with his family (or at least tries to, he just want to ensure the peace for all of you), so it won't take him much time to notice the little hints on your behavior that you had just developed a crush on someone, he may don't want to asume it is a crush right away because he is pretty much cluesest when it comes to it (or at least with more real and deep relasionships) or even nervously in denial, but as time pass the more obvious it becomes for him and he almost panics
As much as Loid wants to repeat himself that all of this is just for his mision is undeniable how much he cares for his family, he wants to ensure your peace and happiness and you having a crush in someone is something he can't control and that makes him nervous! It triggers a little bit his protective side
There is no way Anya will not know, it would be a little confusing for her since now your mind is plagged with thoughts of someone and nervousness, still it doesn't take her much time to undestand it and, honestly, she'll find this funny only because of the reaction of your parents, she isn't interested on any kind of romance right now but she cares for you and wants to support you (even when she doesn't know how to do it or how important this may be to you)
If you don't say anything it would take Yor a long time to realice it, and she is so naive at times that she may just asume that you are being bullied at school, what lead her to be worry about you, leaving her to choose between ask you right away or try to find out who is bothering you
At some point Yor will also tell Loid that you are being bullied, what will lead him to explain that you just have your first crush (a little awkward since he isn't used to things feel so personal), both will be awkward and nervous about it the whole thing, wanting to protect you and support you but not knowing how to do it, and if you decide to don't say anything about it it would make things even more difficult to them, leading them to try to make weird plans to get information about who is your crush and to see if is someone worthy. In the other hand, if you do say them they'll try to show your support and give some advices, Loid's advaces are the most useful only because he know all of that for his job, but deep down he is being extremely careful with what he says, wanting nothing but to ensure your safety
Honestly, Anya could be of a lot of help here, innocently trying to bring the topic somehow if you or your parents decide to don't say anything (because is had started to stress her a little)
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Usagi & Mamoru
Usagi and Mamoru tried to be good parents and be always there for you, but if they already lead Crystal Tokyo it would be a little more difficult for them to be always there, however they always tries their hardest to at least let you know they are there for you, as well the Sailor Scouts are always there for you and treat you as family
All of them are really caring and try to look after you and Chibi Usagi, so there are high chances that when you develop a crush for the first time you went to at least one of them for advice, or even for help to try to undestand your feelings, and even if you decide to don't to tell them anything at some point at least one of them will notice your strange behavior (probably Minako, Makoto or even Usagi)
It isn't that they want to embarrased you or anything but once one of them get to know then you having your first crush it quickly become the biggest ghossip among the sailor scouts, if one of the sailor scouts know first they will talk about it a lot before even telling Usagi, but if is Usagi or Mamoru who get to know first then Usagi will be ranting about it, between wanting to tease you and ask you all the details and crying because her little baby had grow so fast! In the mean time Mamoru is trying to calm her down, but he also think that it would be good to talk about it with you
All of the sailor scouts are debating about it, trying to come up with a plan with how to help you, well, half of them don't think is the best idea to intervene if you haven't asked for help
Soon or later Usagi, Makoto and Minako start trying to ask you about it with little discretion, they are usually protective and watch over you but now they are a little more clingly just in hopes to see who your crush is (and try to get a glance of how you act with them), at the end is Mamoru and the other senshi who are more respectful and does support you and give you advice in a more mature way, wishing you the best
As well, you'll have Chibi Usagi's support, no matter if you are older or younger is probably that she grows attached to you since in Crystal Tokyo she used to be more lonely, so, if you don't mind, she will grow a little clingy with you (just like she is with Plut), she will be bothered if you decided to don't tell her and gets to know because of the other sailor scouts, but at the end she will be the first one asking you about it, she will be really interested and will tell you her own veredict about your crush, telling you if is a good or bad person for you (she is being a little prideful and playful, but at the end she wants the best for you)
However, no matter if they all are pretty cheerful about this whole situation everyone wants the best for you and will cheerish for you, actually giving you some useful advices, however there are also high chances that they will end up embarrasing you by trying to help (hopefuly not in front of your crush), also, some of them will try to watch carefuly your crush to make sure they don't want to take advantage of you because of your title
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everyusaida · 2 months
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he's gonna blackmail the chair woman
Scan translation by AshitakaxTaiyou on Mangadex
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kumapillow · 2 years
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Hansel and Gretel Gakuen Babysitters DVD/BD Vol.2 Bonus Audio Drama (snippet)
[At a nearby park]
(sound of Kousuke running) Kousuke: (sees Umi crouched behind some bushes) Ah, there you are-- Umi-chan!! Umi: Shhh! Kousuke-kun, over here~ Kousuke: Eh, what's the matter? Umi: Come over here and hide with me. (pulls Kousuke down)       You see, right now, Takuma and Kazuma--look--they're over there, throwing breadcrumbs around with all they have! See? Kousuke: Eh? Why? Umi: It seems they wanted to copy Hansel and Gretel's actions, like in the picture book. There's that scene where they followed the scattered breadcrumbs to get back home, right? They said they wanted to try that. Kousuke: Eh?! But if they just toss the breadcrumbs wherever, it won't lead them home... Umi: I know, right? But then they said, "We'll be okay even if Mama is not here! We can come home by ourselves!", so I've been watching over them secretly right here.
Takuma: Mama's not here! Kazuma: ...Mama not hewe... Takuma: Kazuma, you have bread? Kazuma: ...Yesh... Takuma: We're going home! Kazuma: (nods)  We're going home! Takuma: Bread toss! (tosses breadcrumbs) Kazuma: ...Ah, Kajuma too... Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead tosh!
Umi: (giggles) They've been enthusiastically throwing crumbs of the bread we brought for snacks like that. However, no matter how much they throw, the crumbs keep getting eaten by pigeons.
Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead...tosh! (pigeons land near the crumbs and eat them) Takuma: Mishta Pijun! Kazuma: Mishta Pijun... Takuma: You can't eat the bread! Kazuma: You can't! Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead tosh! (the pigeons keep eating the crumbs) Takuma: Mishta Pijun no! Kazuma: Mishta Pijun no...! Takuma: Oh...no mow bread. Kazuma: ...No mow...bwead... (sobs) Takuma: Where ish home...? Kazuma: Where ish Mama...? (Takuma and Kazuma both tear up)
Kousuke: Ah...they're both about to cry...! Umi-chan, I can't stand by and watch this any longer!       (stands and sprints to his sons) TAKUMA!! KAZUMA!! Takuma: AH! IT'S PAPA!! Kazuma: PAPAAA!! Kousuke: (pants) It's okay! Papa's here so it's okay now! You'll be able to go home! (hugs the twins) Umi: (walks toward the others) Sorry, Takuma, Kazuma. Mama and Papa were just over there watching you. Both of you did your best! There there, good boys~ (pets the twins' heads) (Takuma and Kazuma laugh) Umi: You fell asleep before you finished reading the picture book, didn't you? Then, why don't you continue once we get back home? Since Papa will be at home all day~ Takuma: Read it, Papa! Kazuma: Wead... Kousuke: (touched) Of course! It's been a while since I spent a lot of time with you, Takuma, Kazuma, so Papa will do what you want! Takuma: YAY!! Kazuma: Yay~ Kousuke: Then, I'll carry one of you, and the other can ride on my back! (grunts) There we go-- Takuma: Takuma piggyback! Kazuma: Kajuma cawwy! Umi: Ko-Kousuke-kun?! Are you alright? Kousuke: (grunts) I-I'm fine! This is nothing! Nothing Papa can't handle!       Okay, Takuma, Kazuma, let's go home. Takuma, Kazuma: Yeah! (laugh) Kousuke: Ah, look, the pigeons are enjoying the breadcrumbs~ Kazuma: Mishta Pijun~ Takuma: Mishta Pijun! Mishta Pijun! Kousuke: Then, Takuma, Kazuma, say bye-bye to Mister Pigeon. Takuma, Kazuma: Bye-bye Mishta Pijun~ (Umi giggles)
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milkykawa96 · 3 years
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usagiblackrose · 6 years
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mymangacaps · 6 years
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iconsofanimes · 7 years
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chiizuburger · 2 years
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Shoutout to my number one gakubaby fam—the Mamizukas 🥹 (screenshots from Muse Asia)
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tamagohayato · 3 years
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ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫! 👻🎃🍬
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natsumiyasblog · 3 years
If I had a nickel for every time Mamizuka-sensei ended up sexually harassing Ryuuichi (the first time was to show her kids that they shouldn't go around kissing people just cause they liked them and the second time she accidentally peeped in on him in a hot spring while passing Kirin over to play with the other kids), I'd have two nickels- which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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lies-ha · 4 years
gakuen babysitters
aw i finished & i feel like imma cry because of the ending.
kamitani best friend ever who is usually very passive & cold but he really came through for ryūichi.
at first, it was just the 2 brothers, ryūichi & kotaro but in the end, they were surrounded by people who love them.
ryūichi was so worried about having to be santa for kotaro all by himself but at the end there were others who appreciate & made sure to be with them so they could have a good christmas 🥺
look at their smiles!!
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alfirino · 5 years
Gakuen Babysitters Familia Mamizuka
Hace poco me volví a ver Gakuen Babysitters y me pareció muy lindo! mientras buscada imágenes de la serie encontré dos que me llamaron la atención:
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Son lo más lindo que he visto! 
Me leí el manga y en base a esas dos imágenes decidí dibujar a los padres Mamizuka.
Me tarde un poco en decidir la posición del dibujo, pero igual siento que quedo bien.
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Tuve que basarme en los colores del anime para que fuera más exacto el dibujo, pero también tuve que variar y poner los colores que pensaba que iban en la ropa ya que las imágenes estaban en blanco y negro.
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Me tarde mucho pero al final siento que quedo lindo.
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Umi se parece mucho a Takuma pero era algo obvio XD
Ojala les guste.
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everyusaida · 5 months
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he got the mother
Scan translation by AshitakaxTaiyou on Mangadex
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tatarakun · 6 years
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学園ベビーシッターズ 7
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silverangel19 · 7 years
Parents as kids
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Also more baby Ryuu and a Hayato:
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Usaida as a kid.
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bubulona · 7 years
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