#mamizuka family
kumapillow · 2 years
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Hansel and Gretel Gakuen Babysitters DVD/BD Vol.2 Bonus Audio Drama (snippet)
[At a nearby park]
(sound of Kousuke running) Kousuke: (sees Umi crouched behind some bushes) Ah, there you are-- Umi-chan!! Umi: Shhh! Kousuke-kun, over here~ Kousuke: Eh, what's the matter? Umi: Come over here and hide with me. (pulls Kousuke down)       You see, right now, Takuma and Kazuma--look--they're over there, throwing breadcrumbs around with all they have! See? Kousuke: Eh? Why? Umi: It seems they wanted to copy Hansel and Gretel's actions, like in the picture book. There's that scene where they followed the scattered breadcrumbs to get back home, right? They said they wanted to try that. Kousuke: Eh?! But if they just toss the breadcrumbs wherever, it won't lead them home... Umi: I know, right? But then they said, "We'll be okay even if Mama is not here! We can come home by ourselves!", so I've been watching over them secretly right here.
Takuma: Mama's not here! Kazuma: ...Mama not hewe... Takuma: Kazuma, you have bread? Kazuma: ...Yesh... Takuma: We're going home! Kazuma: (nods)  We're going home! Takuma: Bread toss! (tosses breadcrumbs) Kazuma: ...Ah, Kajuma too... Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead tosh!
Umi: (giggles) They've been enthusiastically throwing crumbs of the bread we brought for snacks like that. However, no matter how much they throw, the crumbs keep getting eaten by pigeons.
Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead...tosh! (pigeons land near the crumbs and eat them) Takuma: Mishta Pijun! Kazuma: Mishta Pijun... Takuma: You can't eat the bread! Kazuma: You can't! Takuma: Bread toss! Kazuma: Bwead tosh! (the pigeons keep eating the crumbs) Takuma: Mishta Pijun no! Kazuma: Mishta Pijun no...! Takuma: Oh...no mow bread. Kazuma: ...No mow...bwead... (sobs) Takuma: Where ish home...? Kazuma: Where ish Mama...? (Takuma and Kazuma both tear up)
Kousuke: Ah...they're both about to cry...! Umi-chan, I can't stand by and watch this any longer!       (stands and sprints to his sons) TAKUMA!! KAZUMA!! Takuma: AH! IT'S PAPA!! Kazuma: PAPAAA!! Kousuke: (pants) It's okay! Papa's here so it's okay now! You'll be able to go home! (hugs the twins) Umi: (walks toward the others) Sorry, Takuma, Kazuma. Mama and Papa were just over there watching you. Both of you did your best! There there, good boys~ (pets the twins' heads) (Takuma and Kazuma laugh) Umi: You fell asleep before you finished reading the picture book, didn't you? Then, why don't you continue once we get back home? Since Papa will be at home all day~ Takuma: Read it, Papa! Kazuma: Wead... Kousuke: (touched) Of course! It's been a while since I spent a lot of time with you, Takuma, Kazuma, so Papa will do what you want! Takuma: YAY!! Kazuma: Yay~ Kousuke: Then, I'll carry one of you, and the other can ride on my back! (grunts) There we go-- Takuma: Takuma piggyback! Kazuma: Kajuma cawwy! Umi: Ko-Kousuke-kun?! Are you alright? Kousuke: (grunts) I-I'm fine! This is nothing! Nothing Papa can't handle!       Okay, Takuma, Kazuma, let's go home. Takuma, Kazuma: Yeah! (laugh) Kousuke: Ah, look, the pigeons are enjoying the breadcrumbs~ Kazuma: Mishta Pijun~ Takuma: Mishta Pijun! Mishta Pijun! Kousuke: Then, Takuma, Kazuma, say bye-bye to Mister Pigeon. Takuma, Kazuma: Bye-bye Mishta Pijun~ (Umi giggles)
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
Their child experience their first crush
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Reaper & Aguri, Umi & Kousuke, Adam & Eve, Loid & Yor, Usagi & Mamoru ]
[ Assassination Classroom ] [ Gakuen Babysitters ] [ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ] [ Spy x Family ] [ Sailor Moon ]
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What a cute prompt!!! I loved writing it!! Enjoyed a lot writing ever single word!!
I grew curious and ask my mother how she deal with this and even when my sister and I are so diferent the experience wasn't that diferent! Honestly was so interesting to heard her opinion!
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Reaper & Aguri
Reaper and Aguri are really loving parents, both of them want to show all their love and support and actually are a really close family, they balance each other, while Agury want to be clingy and totally affectionate, even babying you a little, Reaper takes a role to be a little stric and a good mentor in life
Both want to share a lot of moments, and, as much as they want to keep you as their baby both are well aware that you have to grow and do your own life, and even when they are looking forward to see you grow, you experiencing your first love will definetly hit them hard
Both are really smart, while Aguri may notice the hints because she is a teacher and has a little sister, Reaper is extremely observant and knows a lot about human behavior, but both will have really diferent reactions, while Aguri is incredibly happy and excited, wanting to show you all her support and want to know all the details, Reaper isn't happy at all! Not that he is mad at you, of course, is something completely normal and he had tell himself that he would happy when you find someone to love (just as he had done with Aguri), but the truth is that the moment he notices it all his maturity and role as a good father is throw away from the window, he only wants his little baby back
Reaper will be the kind of father that feels like your lover is trying to steal you away form him but at the same time he feels incredibly happy for seeing you so happy, is so contradictory that is giving him headache. However, he is smart enough to know that it isn't right for him to act from those feelings, he just puts a smile and acts as if it doesn't bother him all while Aguri is asking you for all the details
Even if you prefer to don't say anything about it there is no way to hide it because both will find out and both want to know about your crush! And at some point Kaede will get to know too and she will be the one to came and give you some peace, stoping Aguri and Reaper from asking (if they were being pushy, but if you were willing to share the information she will be there to heard you too)
All of them will make a big deal out of it, Aguri is incredibly happy for her baby and is wishing you the best (while giving you some weird advices about romance), Reaper says that is alright but deep down he is trying to judge the person you like to see if they are worthy of being your partner (don't be surprised if he comes to pick you up from school more often), Kaede acts as if this is one of the greatest events, as determinated as her more important works, and be the one who gave you an actual useful advice
It could be embarrasing and a complete mess, specially because is the first time you develop a crush in someone, but at the end they only want the best for you
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Umi & Kousuke
Umi and Kousuke Mamizuka are really loving and supporting parents, they may be busy most of the time but they always try to be there for you (specially in hard times, they are always there), the Mamizuka family is really close and loving
Umi is a teacher, she knows to identify when you need her and when you need time for yourself, so is more than obvious that she'll know when her precious child develop a crush for someone for the first time, she sees it all the time on school, and she couldn't be happier to see her baby grow up!
Choosing to tell them or not is up to you, but Umi soon or later will start to ask you about it, even if you decide to don't say anything she will start to ask indirectly, a little teasing honestly. Changes of your behavior like being more distracted or noticibly more happy or even blushy by school will be noticed by Takuma and Kazuma (they are rather clingy and affectionate with you, so if they will notice even if they don't understand it) and they will also start pointing it out and asking you with their innocent but cheerful expressions (Umi will just laugh at it, specially if you try to come up with a excuse)
Kousuke will be the last one to know because he is always busy, and is more likely that he will know by the others, even if you wanted to tell him is more likely that Umi will tell him that their precious child is in love once she is sure about it, and Kousuke will make a really big deal out of it! It isn't that he is overprotective, but he will be in tears while talking about how his precious little baby is growing so fast and soon you'll probably just go away and make your life (even if that is far from happening yet), honestly he is being a little over dramatic, acting as if you were about to get married soon
It could be embarrasing his behavior because even if you talk about it directly he may or may not try to sneak to see who is the one trying to steal his baby, and will end up envolving Takuma and Kazuma too because he wasn't able to shut up and end up telling them that you love someone, he end up explaining as if you were already in a relationship with that person, what will lead the twins to ask you if you are really in love, and if you go to the same school (that is probably, since Umi works there) they will sneak out of the nursery if they have the opportunity (or just see you around) and start asking you about your lover, what will lead the other kids to ask too (and Usaida will be teasing you, not even try to save you from the embarrasment)
If they actually make you pass an embarrassing moment or just upsed you they will deeply apologize (Kousuke wil be dramatic as always), at the end is Umi who will make everyone calm down and just wish you luck with your first love, willing to give you advice but telling you that you shouldn't feel frustrated if things doesn't work, just enjoy it! (and at the end, Kousuke, Takuma and Kazuma will show their support too, but they won't be as calm as Umi)
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Adam & Eve
Adam and Even loves their family dearly, they want to protect their kids but loves them in their freedom, both want for their precious childs to discover the world from themselfs but are always close to whenever they need them, honestly the entire family develop a really wholesome enviroment, united but still free
Honestly, the fact that you are experiencing your first love can easily go unnoticed for a while if you don't say anything, Adam and Even will notice the little changes on your behavior (like being flustered, more shy or even excited to be somewhere) but won't say anything, or at least not to you, they will talk about it and will be Adam who suggest to let you be for now and wait until you feel ready to talk about it, in the mean time they will just keep an eye on you in case is something bad
Soon or later Cain and Abel will notice the little changes too, but they won't be as discreet as their parents, asking you right away about it or probably at your parents, at first they will try to push you to talk about it in a joking manner, and maybe even teasing you about you probably having a crush on someone, it would depend on your reactions, but at the end they will get the answer they wanted and they won't be too happy about it
Is a big contrast because while Adam and Even are taking the news more calmly and just trying to calm your brothers, is Cain and Abel who are taking the news more dramatically, no matter if you are older or younger than them, even if you were the middle child they had grew quite atached at you, they consider you not only as a sibling but also as a best friend, it always had been only the three of you against the world and suddenly some stranger wants to take you away from them! (thats actually not true, is just them being overdramatic)
Adam and Eve will try to calm them down and stop them from making a scene by assuring them that all of you will always be a family no matter what happen, but what Cain and Abel said will end up bugging Eve a little, later she will try to talk about it with Adam, what if that person really tries to take you away form all of you
At the end Adam and Even will want to talk to you about it, wanting to know how the person you like is (and who is, if you are willing to tell them), they want to respect your privacy but they are also eager to know (you still are their baby after all), and even if they don't say it both want to make sure the person you like is someone good for you
Eve and Adam will try to give you advices about love and relasionships, about how it has to be give and recive equally, their advices are actually really good, Cain and Abel will promise to be some kind of bodyguards, promising to don't let that stranger breakeyou precious heart
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Loid & Yor
Even when the Forget seem like the perfect family is because Loid and Yor always tries their best to play as a family, and Anya helps a lot too to keep the family enviroment!
Even when both are always looking after the family is Loid the more self-aware of everything that happens with his family (or at least tries to, he just want to ensure the peace for all of you), so it won't take him much time to notice the little hints on your behavior that you had just developed a crush on someone, he may don't want to asume it is a crush right away because he is pretty much cluesest when it comes to it (or at least with more real and deep relasionships) or even nervously in denial, but as time pass the more obvious it becomes for him and he almost panics
As much as Loid wants to repeat himself that all of this is just for his mision is undeniable how much he cares for his family, he wants to ensure your peace and happiness and you having a crush in someone is something he can't control and that makes him nervous! It triggers a little bit his protective side
There is no way Anya will not know, it would be a little confusing for her since now your mind is plagged with thoughts of someone and nervousness, still it doesn't take her much time to undestand it and, honestly, she'll find this funny only because of the reaction of your parents, she isn't interested on any kind of romance right now but she cares for you and wants to support you (even when she doesn't know how to do it or how important this may be to you)
If you don't say anything it would take Yor a long time to realice it, and she is so naive at times that she may just asume that you are being bullied at school, what lead her to be worry about you, leaving her to choose between ask you right away or try to find out who is bothering you
At some point Yor will also tell Loid that you are being bullied, what will lead him to explain that you just have your first crush (a little awkward since he isn't used to things feel so personal), both will be awkward and nervous about it the whole thing, wanting to protect you and support you but not knowing how to do it, and if you decide to don't say anything about it it would make things even more difficult to them, leading them to try to make weird plans to get information about who is your crush and to see if is someone worthy. In the other hand, if you do say them they'll try to show your support and give some advices, Loid's advaces are the most useful only because he know all of that for his job, but deep down he is being extremely careful with what he says, wanting nothing but to ensure your safety
Honestly, Anya could be of a lot of help here, innocently trying to bring the topic somehow if you or your parents decide to don't say anything (because is had started to stress her a little)
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Usagi & Mamoru
Usagi and Mamoru tried to be good parents and be always there for you, but if they already lead Crystal Tokyo it would be a little more difficult for them to be always there, however they always tries their hardest to at least let you know they are there for you, as well the Sailor Scouts are always there for you and treat you as family
All of them are really caring and try to look after you and Chibi Usagi, so there are high chances that when you develop a crush for the first time you went to at least one of them for advice, or even for help to try to undestand your feelings, and even if you decide to don't to tell them anything at some point at least one of them will notice your strange behavior (probably Minako, Makoto or even Usagi)
It isn't that they want to embarrased you or anything but once one of them get to know then you having your first crush it quickly become the biggest ghossip among the sailor scouts, if one of the sailor scouts know first they will talk about it a lot before even telling Usagi, but if is Usagi or Mamoru who get to know first then Usagi will be ranting about it, between wanting to tease you and ask you all the details and crying because her little baby had grow so fast! In the mean time Mamoru is trying to calm her down, but he also think that it would be good to talk about it with you
All of the sailor scouts are debating about it, trying to come up with a plan with how to help you, well, half of them don't think is the best idea to intervene if you haven't asked for help
Soon or later Usagi, Makoto and Minako start trying to ask you about it with little discretion, they are usually protective and watch over you but now they are a little more clingly just in hopes to see who your crush is (and try to get a glance of how you act with them), at the end is Mamoru and the other senshi who are more respectful and does support you and give you advice in a more mature way, wishing you the best
As well, you'll have Chibi Usagi's support, no matter if you are older or younger is probably that she grows attached to you since in Crystal Tokyo she used to be more lonely, so, if you don't mind, she will grow a little clingy with you (just like she is with Plut), she will be bothered if you decided to don't tell her and gets to know because of the other sailor scouts, but at the end she will be the first one asking you about it, she will be really interested and will tell you her own veredict about your crush, telling you if is a good or bad person for you (she is being a little prideful and playful, but at the end she wants the best for you)
However, no matter if they all are pretty cheerful about this whole situation everyone wants the best for you and will cheerish for you, actually giving you some useful advices, however there are also high chances that they will end up embarrasing you by trying to help (hopefuly not in front of your crush), also, some of them will try to watch carefuly your crush to make sure they don't want to take advantage of you because of your title
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ecargmura · 6 months
Tadaima Okaeri Episode 1 Review - The Fujiyoshi Family
It’s here! It’s here! Ah! My most anticipated show for this season is finally here! It’s the first ever omegaverse anime! Before I get into the review, I’ll inform you of two things:
If this reminds you of Gakuen Babysitters, you are perceptive! The character designer for this anime, Mina Owada, did the character designs for Gakuen Babysitters. The three kids in this anime are all voiced by voice actresses who were in the anime too with Hikari, the black-haired baby being voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki who voiced Kazuma Mamizuka and Kirin’s mother, Yayoi Kumatsuka, Michiru, the brown haired boy being voiced by Kaede Hondo, who voiced the infant Midori and Ryuichi’s classmate Yuki, and Hinata, the infant girl, voiced by Konomi Kohara who voiced Kirin.
What is Omegaverse? It’s a universe where male and females can be impregnated by those of the same genders, but there are additional sub-genders, alpha, beta and omega. Alpha are the elites, the ones on top of the hierarchy. They excel in anything they do and are considered the favored species in the universe. Beta are ordinary people. Omegas are usually considered inferior because they go into heat cycles, which causes their pheromones to become stronger in order to attract mates, specifically alphas. Males can impregnate other males, females can impregnate females, and in some cases, females can impregnate males in this universe. So yes, Hikari is biologically Masaki and Hiromu’s child and he’s not adopted or born from surrogacy.
Now that you understand the basics, here’s my review of the premiere!
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The premiere of the very first omegaverse anime is adorable as heck! You can see there is a soft, sweet and domestic atmosphere in the Fujiyoshi family with Hiromu, the black-haired husband and an alpha, and Masaki, the brown-haired husband and an omega, being the sweetest and happiest couple with their equally adorable son Hikari. The story is just about their daily lives as they deal with being an alpha-omega couple in a world where different sex couples are looked upon unfavorably compared to marriages of the same sex.
The first episode shows the type of world Hiromu and Masaki live in and details of how they dealt with prejudices from how the previous home they lived in discriminated against Masaki to Hiromu’s subordinate being shocked that his boss married someone of a different sex. It can be shown in their behavior too with Masaki being rather self-degrading and timid when these topics are brought up and Hiromu being rather protective of his mate and child because of this. There isn’t a lot of gender drama in this first episode, fortunately. It’s mainly a set-up to how future conflicts will come to them.
Hiromu and Masaki are written to be a couple that has been together for a long time, but still act like newlyweds and it’s adorable. Individually, a lot can be said for both of them too. Hiromu is extremely doting towards Masaki and Hikari and is pretty much Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist if he was put in a domestic omegaverse setting. Masaki’s personality shows that while he is living a happy life, he still has his fair shares of insecurities and self-doubt due to him being an omega; I can tell that he’s someone who dealt with a lot growing up. Actually, I read the manga (and many times at that), so I know how the story goes!
Hikari is adorable and is a boy growing up with loving parents. As he’s almost two, he’s just a toddler. He’s still blind to the world of omegaverse, but that doesn’t matter as long as his parents, an alpha and omega, are happy. I can tell he will grow up to be a kind and sweet child just from how his parents talk to him and how he behaves around them. He’s legitimately so adorable. I was legit acting like Hiromu during some of his cutest moments here.
Other than the main three characters, there are a few other characters introduced. There’s Matsuo, who is Hiromu’s co-worker and childhood friend who’s like an older brother. He’s the biggest victim of Hiromu’s love life as he’s the one Hiromu shows off his family to the most in picture and video form. There’s the Hirai family who lives next door with the mother who treats Masaki and his family kindly by giving them flowers after complimenting her garden and going along with Hikari’s cute antics. Her son is introduced towards the end, but he won’t be formally introduced until the next episode, so I can’t say much other than he’s not a source of conflict, as you can tell by the opening that he’s going to be involved with Matsuo. There are also Hiromu’s subordinates whose names I don’t know, but the female one with red hair is super cool.
This anime is animated by Studio DEEN, who is practically the go-to studio for BL anime at this point. They animated Junjou Romantica, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (a personal favorite of mine), Hybrid Child, Sasaki and Miyano and now Tadaima Okaeri. While the studio does get some flack for non-BL anime, you cannot deny their BL animes are some of the visually prettiest of their works by far. I think the animation in general is a step up from their previous works. Look at the scene where Masaki kisses Hiromu’s mole. The way he brushes his hair back was really smoothly animated.
The music is really cute! I am listening to the opening song on repeat! The song is sung by MADKID, a J-pop boy band. I do wonder if they were influenced by K-pop in a way because their song does have a K-pop feel. It reminds me of Seventeen in their rookie days with the refreshing concept. The ending song is also nice to listen to! The froggies being the Fujiyoshi family is a nice little detail!
The voice cast is very strong. Did you know that before the anime, there was a drama CD of Tadaima Okaeri? Well, the cast in the anime have been reprised from the drama CD. Masaki is voiced by Atsushi Tamaru. He’s a BL regular. For non-BL roles, he voices Kunimi from Haikyuu and voiced the stalker dude who stabbed Ai in Oshi no Ko. I love how his voice is so gentle when voicing Masaki. Hiromu is voiced by the one and only BL emperor Toshiyuki Morikawa. He’s practically a household name in the BL world. I love how silly he can be with Hiromu, especially the scenes where he’s gushing over his family. Hikari is voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki. If you’re not familiar with the name, her roles may be familiar to you. She is the voice actress of Anya Forger from Spy x Family and Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. Shocking, right? She did voice Hikari in the drama CD and reprised the role! Tanezaki is seriously a versatile actress as she can voice babies to immortal old elves. Another big name in this cast is Kosuke Toriumi who voices Matsuo. If you’re not aware, Toriumi used to be super active in BL in the past, but not as much recently. Some of his roles in BL includes Haruhiko Usami from Junjou Romantic and Akira from Togainu no Chi. Some of his non-BL roles include Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia, Imaizumi from Yowamushi Pedal and Gilbert from Pandora Hearts. During the drama CD era, I thought Toriumi was a bit of a miscast at first, but now, I think he suits Matsuo well as he gives off the aura of a handsome elite. He doesn’t have to be deep-voiced; instead, the voice makes him sound caring, which he is. Also, the boy introduced at the end of the episode, Yuuki, is voiced by Taku Yashiro. He’s also a regular in BL in recent times. His non-BL roles include Friede from Pokemon Horizons and Spitz from Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective. In all honesty, the voice cast is super strong and they all do an amazing job.
I can’t believe I can look forward to Mondays thanks to Tadaima Okaeri! I just hope the animation stays consistent as well as the cuteness. I can’t wait for Mondays to be my happy days—shocking, I know! If you’re watching this anime, what are your thoughts on the premiere?
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baby-brawl-bracket · 1 year
Here's a list of all the lil tykes that will be continuing on to the next round!
While I work on the images for the next round.
Ai-Chan (Doki Doki Precure) 
Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Cheer (Mewkledreamy)
Daffy Duck (Baby Looney Tunes)
Reborn (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) 
Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Michelle Tanner (Full House)
Galvana (My Singing Monsters) 
Strong Bad (Homestar Runner)
Metroid Hatchling (Metroid) 
Bumblebee (Wings of Fire)
Baby Herman (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
Love Nikki Baby Advertisement (Love Nikki Dress Up Game)
Gangnam Style Baby (Gangnam Style)
Pepe (Shugo Chara)
Tokomon (Digimon)
Lei (Pokemon)
Midori Sawatari ( (Gakuen Babysitters)
Sandy Crood (The Croods)
Benjamin "BeBe" Proud & Cecilia "CeCe"
Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons)
Baby (Super Monkey Ball)
Super Baby Caren (Fate/Grand Order)
Fuwa (Star Twinkle Precure)
Takashi 'Mori' Morinozuka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Rosalina (Mario Kart)
Snoopy (Peanuts)
Karkat Grub (Homestuck)
Bobby (QSMP)
Nathan Christopher Summers (X-Men)
Kacheek (Neopets)
Titanicus aka Titi (Karmaland)
Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Toxel (Pokemon)
Kermit (Muppet Babies)
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)
Giant Floating Baby Head (Phineas and Ferb)
Boh (Spirited Away)
Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Kirin Kumatsuka (Gakeun Babysitters)
Ianita (Mianite)
Boo (Monsters Inc.) 
Shogo Lee (X-Men)
Pubert Addams (The Addams Family)
Sidon (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Swee’pea (Popeye)
Tarzan (Tarzan)
Rotta the Hutt (Star Wars the Clone Wars)
Evil Sky Babies (Drakengard 1)
Unico (The Fantastic Adventures of Unico)
Miss Piggy (Muppet Babies)
Takuma and Kazuma Mamizuka (Gakuen Babysitters)
Bugs Bunny (Baby Looney Tunes)
Uzura (Princess Tutu)
Megamind (Megamind)
Azymondias (The Dragon Prince)
JuanaFlippa (QSMP) 
Time Baby (Gravity Falls)
Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
Alvin Jr. (The Walking Dead - Telltale )
Potpourri (Heartcatch Precure) 
King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Milk (Sanrio)
Sir Not Appearing In This Film (Monty Python and the Holy Grail) 
The Sun (Teletubbies)
Latte (Healin Good Precure)
Fozzie Bear (Muppet Babies)
Chiffon (Fresh Precure)
Grimmchild (Hollow Knight)
Kirby ( The Kirby Games )
Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Baby Peach (Mario Kart)
The Grinch ( How the Grinch Stole Christmas )
Joshua - Meat Form (Wayneradiotv)
Togepi (Pokemon)
Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Tallulah ( QSMP )
Chayanne (QSMP)
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moonlight-melts · 2 years
Making a post where I tell you which ones pf my f/o tags come from song lyrics because I can.
Yūki's new tag, "Telling words not to be told", comes from Beneath the Mask, a P.ersona 5 OST
Akira's "Wage war on gravity" comes from Nine by S.leeping at Last
S.EES's tag "The sun will rise again" is a twist of one of the lyrics from Burn my Dread, P.3's opening theme
Yu and Yosuke's, as well as the I.T's, "Giving truth and life" and "What we can uncover" respectively, come from Shadow World, P.4G's opening theme
Haru's "The way of the light" comes from Navigator by SixTONES, F.KBU's opening song
Makoto's tag "Falling up" comes from the song of the same name by A Million in Vermillon
I think Ryūichi's tag, "When I dream of you", comes from a song as well but I'm gonna be honest I don't remember which one-
Itsuki's "A story of tranquil music" comes from Break Outta Here by 1.Nm8. Their songs are just great, so I used that.
Arceus', "Million of little lights shining" comes from All the Little Lights by P.assenger. This one is notably one of the few instances in which the song the tag comes from doesn't really represent the ship in itself
Kabu's "Where the last sun glows" comes from Start a Fire, also by P.assenger
Alistair's "And they still echo me" comes from M.isguided Ghosts by P.aramore. That song represents our relationship very well, but considering I never talked about it, you just have to take my word for it lol
Ernest & Célestine are very musical movies, so their tag "Être ensemble quand il fait froid" comes from the last one's theme song, Qu'est-ce Qu'on Fait de l'Amour by Pomme
The Mamizuka family's "And everything will be alright" is from Cover me in Sunshine by P!NK
V.ISTY's tag, "I know you can reach the stars", comes from Swap Out by Police Picadilly, under the guise of the fictional character M.U-kun! If I had to, I'd say that the lyrics probably fit Toma and Kantaro the best, but really all the members have a place in that one
The Ninja's "You can sing along if you want to" comes from Simple Song by P.assenger. In case you missed it, I really like P.assenger
Chiyo's "To the better dayz" comes from Better Dayz by c.ozmez. That song represents what we wish to achieve, in a way
Nao's "When you say freedom out loud" is a translation (and possibly a slight adaptation) of one of the lyrics from R.M's moonchild. song, which represents Nao's character and Mika's thoughts towards him pretty well
And last but not least, Dongha's "I used to rule the world" obviously comes from Viva la Vida by C.oldplay, a song that's pretty representative of the little guy's inner conflicts. Also that's my favourite song, but it's unrelated
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milkykawa96 · 3 years
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ayzscream · 5 years
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insanelydrixie · 7 years
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ella390-the-potato · 5 years
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I can totally relate with the family related scenarios in this anime. For me, this made it all the more enjoyable and entertaining. From overly attached parents, to love hate relationships with siblings, or a tough love Grandma who actually cares. I've had all those, plus more, in my very own life. The only thing I sadly didn't have, was a Saikawa.😔
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xx-animegirl-xx · 6 years
Just some random stuff on Gakuen Babysitters.
My favorite toddler: Kazuma ( he’s crying face pierce my soul ) My favorite babysitter: Ryuuichi ( he deserves all happiness ) My favorite sibling relationship: The Nezus ( they are so well behave, despite being in a large family ) My favorite adult: Saikawa (cuz he’s Saikawa ) My favorite couple: The Kumazuka couple ( I’m really curious on how they got together ) My favorite episode(s): Episode 3 (The twins dad came to visit) &                                      Episode 9 (the beach episode) My favorite daycare centre background: The rainy seasons ( the hydrangeas was really pretty)
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Aaahhh can I pls request family headcanons for Leona and Sebek interacting with their adorable toddler who is clingy to them but easily startled and prone to tears?? ( ´∀`)
Basically a child like Mamizuka Kazuma from Gakuen Babysitters!! Leona’s VA voiced Kamitani Hayato from that anime btw :>
I’ve never seen that series, so 💦 the explanation of the toddler’s personality helped with writing these.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Leona is one big, hot mess. He doesn’t know the first thing about looking after a child, especially one as sensitive as his own cub. When possible, he’ll keep a safe distance and suspiciously eye them from across the room, watching for any sudden movements.
His skin crawls (with discomfort or with fondness, he’ll never tell you) whenever they grasp at him or his clothing. Leona knows it wouldn’t be wise to just shake the kid off (even if he REALLY wants to), so instead he pries their fingers off, holds them at arm’s length, and deposits them in their play area before sauntering off...
... Only for the child to cling to him again moments later, begging for attention. He’ll groan and repeat the process over and over, until he gets fed up with it and tells the kid to “do whatever”, because he “doesn’t care anymore”.
Leona is just as bad at comforting. In fact, he’s sometimes the cause of his kid being upset in the first place, as when he roars, it frightens them to tears. He’s aware of how easily startled they are, and has a tendency to snap at potential threats to their safety and wellbeing.
When Leona is given a crying child, his brilliant brain just goes blank. His first instinct is to shake them and ask them to stop, but all that earns him is a dizzy toddler and more sobbing and some vomit down the front of his shirt. Though exasperated, Leona continues with this course of action (since he doesn’t know any alternatives) and, miracle of miracles, the cadence of his low voice eventually soothes his child to sleep.
Later on, he figures out another way to get the kid to stop crying is to give them something to preoccupy them. It works relatively well until he’s scolded for handing a chess piece to his child to slobber and nom on. (”They could choke, Leona!!”) That pretty much leaves him with the “talk until they doze off” method.
One day, it occurs to Leona that it would make life a whole lot easier for himself and his kid if they just learned to fend for themselves. Unfortunately for him, they aren’t quite developed yet to understand abstract concepts like courage. He attempts to convey his ideas anyway, taking his toddler by the hand and leading them to a vast expanse of the inky night.
“Oi. Listen up, squirt. You see those stars?” He points to the glittering fragments scattered throughout the sky. “They’re the great kings of the past. They got to be where they are because they accomplished all sorts of amazing feats. They’re looking down on us to see if we’re worthy of joining them on their thrones. And if you want to join those greats... You’ll need to stand on your own and develop your own strength. Got it?”
Leona pauses and heaves a sigh, a hand aggressively ruffling their hair. “... You don’t understand yet, do you? Hmph. Figures. You’re still just a furball. Never mind. I’ll try the talk again when you’re older.”
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Sebek’s very much a family man. He’s very boisterous whenever he engages with his child, and often suggests outings with the entire family to bond--and, what’s more, to encourage his child to be more independent and adventurous.
Sebek himself is clingy at times, so he doesn’t initially see his child’s clinginess as a huge issue. Rather, he perceives it as love and loyalty toward their kin--and that’s always a sentiment that Sebek can get behind! It’s not uncommon to find Sebek spinning his kid around in his arms, holding them close, and gushing about how much he adores them.
He delights whenever his young one grasps onto him! Sebek dramatizes the act, likening it to his child leaning onto him for support and protection. He prides himself on being the pillar that they can count on and usually expresses this to other parents in the neighborhood.
He can be a little overprotective (okay, maybe a lot overprotective). However, it’s actually rare that he ever has to raise a finger or his voice. Sebek’s imposing presence alone scares others away, preventing them from ever scaring or bullying his child.
His volume or tone can sometimes cause his kid to cry, so Sebek often finds himself apologizing and making a more conscious effort to control himself. He’ll remain at their side and wipe away their tears with a rough hand, but he won’t interrupt their tears. Sometimes, you just need to have a good cry and let it all out!
As his kid ages, he comes to the difficult decision that they have to steel themselves for the tougher challenges that life has to offer. Sebek wants his child to be brave and self-sufficient, someone who is able to stands strong on their own--and he’ll fully commit himself to the cause!
He throws himself into forming training regimens for them (think of, like, intense toddler workouts and setting up obstacle courses using toys), with himself on standby serving as both a coach and a as a cheerleader. Sometimes, he’ll even join in to demonstrate the proper technique to overcome a tough situation! 
Somehow, Sebek manages to turn even meals into training sessions. He’ll serve up tough meat and/or veggies and cheer his child to chew it all up, thus increasing their jaw strength (... and, Sebek hopes, their self confidence).
Whenever his child becomes frustrated with their lack of progress, he’s there to motivate them to keep going. “Heroes were not made in a day, either! Failure is to be expected--but the number of times you fall matters not. No, what matters is that you are able to pick yourself up and try again. Your tears are not a weakness. THEY ARE BADGES OF PRIDE, PROOF OF HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME!!! SO WEAR THEM WELL!!”
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cjs-51703 · 2 years
The Mamizuka family :) this is my comfort anime and I relate to how sensitive Kousuke (the dad, if you guys don't remember) is on a personal level.
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mana-gb · 2 years
remembering my gakubaby x fruits basket au,, I actually posted it on tumblr a long time ago! But I ended up deleting it so,, this is basically a repost. For now here are my character assignments and synopsis! Let me know if you’re interested in knowing more :)!
Morinomiya Youko - Goat
Saikawa - Dog
Usaida Yoshihito - Rabbit
High Schoolers
Kashima Ryuuichi - Dragon (Formerly)
Kamitani Hayato - Cat
Inomata Maria - Boar
Ushimaru Yuki - Ox
Inui Hiroyuki - Human (Not Cursed)
Chuukichi Nezu - Rat
Yagi Tomoya - Snake
Kashima Kotarō - Tiger
Kamitani Taka - Cat
Kumatsuka Kirin - Rooster
Mamizuka Takuma - Horse
Mamizuka Kazuma - Horse
Sawatari Midori - Monkey
The premise is kind of like Fruits Basket but also not in very significant ways lol. Starting with the curse not being limited to one family, causing it to have more public attention. Cursed individuals were treated as entertainment and constant public attention before they all seemingly disappeared. The truth was that they learned to hide until they broke their curse. In order to break their curse, they needed to feel completely and totally accepted and loved by someone, and be old enough to understand that. When Morinomiya Youko became chairwoman, she transformed the academy into a haven for cursed individuals, who unwillingly passed the burden onto their children. Though the academy couldn’t be solely for those cursed, it was structured to accommodate them. Including banning of holidays such as Valentine’s or White Day, strict regulations, an emphasis on proper behavior, and a babysitting club strictly for cursed children. Compared to the majority of the cursed, Ryuuichi broke his curse at a very early age. Namely when his brother was a few months old, (chapter 80.5), because he felt so completely loved. However, he maintained a specific ability of memory suppression that his father (who was also cursed, as well as his mother) taught him in order to protect themselves. This alongside his previous cursed status that still allows him to have contact with all cursed individuals (he won’t make them turn into an animal if he hugs them) was why Morinomiya Youko took him in. Or at least, that’s what she says to keep up appearances.
If you’re interested, please ask me questions about it!! I am very passionate about my AU’s (๑ÒωÓ๑)
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menshusband · 3 years
Knock knock!!
I hope you're doing okay~
So, uh, about the family I was talking about... Well, they're from an anime I really love called School Babysitters (yeah, the name is silly!).
So there's Mom, Mamizuka Umi. She's a P.E. teacher and she's very supportive towards us, and she's always very cheerful and kind! She's a really good mom, and trusts all four of us as much as we trust her.
Then there's Dad, Mamizuka Kosuke. He's an actor, so he's not often at home, but Mom, my brothers and I always watch his movies when he's away. He's a very emotional man, and cries a lot, but he's also very gentle, which contrasts a lot with his roles (he often plays bad guys). But whenever he's home, he spends as much time as he can with us!
And then there're the twins, Kazuma and Takuma. They're still toddlers! Kazuma is a lot like Dad, very emotional and easily scared by new things, but he tries whenever we encourage him! Takuma is more like mom, cheerful and very hard to frighten or upset. He often acts before he thinks, though, so we always have to keep an eye on him.
I realized after re-reading myself that this is long and I kinda sound like a child here- Sorry if it's annoying!! (>_<)
hi!! yes I am doing well, I hope you are, too!
omgsh your family sounds so, so lovely! I am so glad you all found each other, such supportive people ^^
I wish you all a good day! :]
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1magine-engine · 4 years
1404 (Prologue)
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Youtuber Reader Words: 1500+ Posted: 26/11/20
Song(s) Featured: Moon on the Water by The Dying Breed (from Beck MCS)
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“It’s actually really exciting.”
Tetsuro nods, knowing Kenma means it, whatever he’s talking about. Probably something about Bouncing Ball corp. and the new game they have in development. Really, Kenma hasn’t stopped talking about it since the project started almost half a year ago and while Tetsuro is interested enough to usually listen to him rave and gush, today’s just not that kind of day.
“-and the new voice actor I have in mind is really good. We save a lot of time and money cause they speak in both languages.”
Yup, they’re probably phenomenal if Kenma is so easy to compliment them. Tetsuro racks his brain trying to remember who he’s talking about.
“I’m actually thinking about having her as a guest on stream soon.”
Uh huh.
“Oh and I’m also going to shave my head and give my hair to that middle school girl who won’t stop messaging.”
Good for them.
“Okay, how many of those have you had today?”
Tetsuro looks down at the cup of coffee he’s forgotten he’s holding. “Uh…” his brows furrow and it’s enough for Kenma to pry the cup out of his hand and set it on the far end of the table.
“And you’re always telling me to get proper sleep.” Kenma gives him a look, sipping on his own drink. He exits Discord, Tetsuro’s sagging back, drooping shoulders and lifeless eyes, more concerning than his followers’ Rule 34 fanart. “Seriously are you okay man? Have you been sleeping? At all?”
Tetsuro shakes his head, the mere mention of sleep enough to slump him over the table completely. As far as he knows, a waiter hadn’t wiped it after the last couple of people who sat down, or before he and Kenma took their place. He finds he doesn’t care. “Stupid neighbors, always either fighting or fucking all night. It’s been going on for a month now.”
“Oh that’s rough.” Kenma winces, handing him back his coffee, knowing lunch break doesn’t last forever and Tetsuro has to return to his office as a zombie. “Tried filing a noise complaint?”
He was about to, one week into the couple’s constant spats, but hearing them scream at the top of their lungs at each other about money troubles and barely keeping themselves afloat stayed his hand. Tetsuro knows how difficult it is to get an apartment in his building, a prime position near the business district at a reasonable price. He also knows his neighbors to an extent, at least what they do for a living as a preschool teacher and a struggling musician. As much as he needs his sleep, he’s not so heartless as to put them out on the streets. “It’s fine,” he promises as he downs the rest of his coffee. “I’ve been living next door to these guys for almost two years now and they’ve always seemed happy before this. They’ll work through it and I then I can get some sleep.”
“If you say so,” Kenma says but he still stares down and shakes his head at the next waitress who tries to approach them with a pot of coffee.
It’s a month and two weeks in that Tetsuro reconsiders that noise complaint or at least considers gathering his neighbors from the same floor and staging an intervention. Mrs. Mamizuka across the hall has expressed her concerns to Kuroo in the elevator one morning, telling him they’ll surely notice how loud and disturbing they’ve become when they realize she hasn’t been giving them as many of her baked goods as she normally does. And Tanaka who’s taking up residence at the end of their hall has advised him to just go out at night, go to the convenience store next to the building and wait till they tire each other out or go partying with friends.
Oh, to be a college student again.
He’s not even in his mid-twenties and he wishes for the energy he used to have, the kind that could drive him through all his classes on just 3 hours of sleep. Maybe then, he could finish his damned paperwork. Maybe then he wouldn’t fall asleep on the bus and miss his stop.
“Been up working late nights Kuroo-san?” the night guard, Sato asks him when he drags his feet into the lobby after midnight.
Kuroo nods, also wishing he had half the middle aged man’s energy, because even at the latest hours of the night, Sato-san greets every tenant and guest with a smile. Kuroo could only force himself to return it. “Something like that.”
“Well you look pretty tuckered out. You should probably put off whatever you’re working on for the night Kuroo-san.” He wags an index finger like a weather man telling a fact about nature on the news. “Sleep is important you know.”
Doesn’t he know it.
When he crosses the threshold of his apartment, he doesn’t bother turning on the lights. He heads straight for his bedroom and musters up the energy to take off his jacket, tie, socks and shoes. The night is silent, save for a light chorus of crickets outside his window. He’s gotten home later than he would have any other time, a crescent moon sitting just past its peak outside his window. And he hopes, oh does he hope, that it means his neighbors have already fought all they can fight for the night. Or maybe the husband hasn’t come home yet and that’s why it hasn’t started. 
He regrets even thinking of it when he settles into bed and hears the distant sound of a door being unlocked and slammed open.
Tetsuro sighs, already rolling over to each for his messenger bag, his earphones sitting somewhere at the bottom. He stops his rummaging when no bedlam disturbs the night. Footsteps prick his ears but they don’t stomp and aren’t followed by booming voices trying to talk over each other. He rolls back over, leaning towards the wall and hearing nothing. Odd. More shuffling and trudging draw his eye up to the crag ceiling, to the apartment above his.
The kind elderly couple who used to live up there had mentioned wanting to move to the country for months. “The air is fresher there, better for old people like us,” the wife chuckled at him once when he’d helped carry her groceries across the lobby to the elevator. Not a week later, Tetsuro was helping the husband and their son move furniture out, just in time to miss the beginning of a hard spot in their neighbor’s relationship. But whoever has taken their place isn’t so fortunate but then again, maybe it’s him that’s out of luck. In the darkness of his apartment he stares up at the ceiling, brows furrowed.
He prays, prays to whatever kami watches over the luck and serenity of apartment buildings that it isn’t another couple that should’ve broken up yesterday. Hell, he’ll even take a new family with a rowdy kid. At least kids are usually out by 10 with their parents careful not to wake them, not banging on the walls or banging each other. No movie he’s watched or game he’s been in has ever left him in such suspense. After some more shuffling and gentle creak of chair legs against a wood floor, there’s silence. 
Tetsuro sits up, holding his breath.
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“Full moon sways, 
gently in the night of one fine day.”
A car drives by, the doppler effect of it rushing down the street drowning out the first few notes of an acoustic guitar. Deft fingers play with practiced ease but do so with languid movement, catching on the strings more than plucking them. The voice, high and crooning, is the same, beautiful but almost lazy. Tired, he realizes, is a better word; she sounds as tired as he remembers he feels, once all the irritation at his neighbors and frustration with missing his stop ebbs away. Laying back down, he listens.
"On my way,  looking for a moment with my dear. 
Full moon waves, slowly on the surface of the lake. 
You are there, smiling in my arms 
for all those years."
Even as the song switches to strumming with the slightest bit of force, Tetsuro finds himself sinking deeper into his pillow, eyes growing heavy.
"What a fool, I don’t know ‘bout tomorrow, 
or what it’s like to be, Ah,"
He’s never heard the song in his life, neither does he remember enough of his English classes from high school to understand everything, but he doesn’t need to.
"I was sure, I couldn’t let myself go, 
even though I feel, the end."
Her voice and her guitar are muffled by the layers of wood and concrete between them. His window is open to let the cool night air and silver light of the moon in and he can tell hers is as well but she drowns out the chirping of crickets, the cars that drive by and even Tetsuro’s own thoughts as little by little, then all at once, he falls asleep.
"Full moon sways, gently in the night one fine day 
You were there, smiling in my arms,
 for all these years."
When he opens his eyes, it’s slow. Sleep inertia from a deep sleep is always worse but he finds his eyes widening as it goes away in minutes and he feel more rested than he has in years.
He blinks, staring up at the ceiling.
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ao3feed-esperboys · 3 years
Floaty Ghosty
Floaty Ghosty by Soulstealer8
Words: 1877, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 学園ベビーシッターズ | Gakuen Babysitters, モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Reigen Arataka, Kashima Ryuuichi, Kashima Kotarou, Usaida Yoshihito, Kamitani Hayato, Kamitani Taka, Kumatsuka Kirin, Mamizuka Kazuma, Mamizuka Takuma, Dimple, Morinomiya Youko, Inomata Maria, Saikawa Keigo
Relationships: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo & Reigen Arataka, Kashima Kotarou & Kashima Ryuuichi
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff, Family Feels, Male Friendship
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32580073
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