#umm... what do i do if i see spoilers that are properly tagged for an algorithm to catch - the WEBSITE'S responsibility???
not-quitenormal · 1 year
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Tumblr, if your filtered tags are going to work, please make it consistent.
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hunsa-jars · 10 months
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Heyy things are pretty busy and exhausting right now, but I promise I'm trying to be brave about it
Might pop up here tomorrow
Or the day after tomorrow- this week sometime, or I'll go bonkers
Gonna queue this because I really shouldn't be distracting myself more than I already do nhdfdh
Haghhhh I miss you all, I'll be back
(uhh life update under the cut? to the folks who are curious, kinda wanted to mention these at some point anyways)
Remember that I said that my phone might be still alive after all? Well.. yeah, no, that was a false alarm, it really did kick the bucket. Temporarily using my sister's old phone until I get a new one this Christmas
And because I'm the way I am, I refuse to change anything about it- like I can't stand the idea of getting used/attached to it when I know in a couple of weeks I'm gonna give it back, so..
So yeah, I don't want to go through the procedures of logging into everything, including Tumblr
I've been avoiding going here anyway, so technically it helps :''')
My attention span is so awful you guys, so mad at myself 24/7 for always looking for excuses to not do my studying routine
Speaking of studying, this is the last week of uni for this year!
BUT exam period is starting next week and I have like 3 exams before Christmas, so fun
Uhhhh remember the board game I mentioned making? Teacher loved it and wants to display it for the university's open day. Pretty glad, worked hard on that thing (even tho it could have been better)
Gonna show you guys once I get it back
Uhhhh did my best with my recorder, my hands were shaking, but the teacher could tell I was only messing up because I was nervous as balls, and not because I didn't know the songs, thank god
My grandma is doing well! Well.. better. We keep her company. My cousins come to visit us twice a week now, so no silent Saturdays or Sundays
FINALLY figured out how to use emulators, so between studying for the January exams and relative visits, I'm gonna finally play Animal Crossing and Earthbound properly (I think I've mentioned using online emulators before, but those distorted the music so much I just couldn't continue with it)
Also was anybody going to tell me that OFF is free?
And Yume Nikki?? On Steam?????? Hello??
Umm also! My little brother sat down with me last Saturday and made me watch Murder Drones (he's hyperfixating and wanted to pass it onto me, spoilers: IT WORKED)
Oh my goodness... that show................................. Plan for another flooding
What else, uh- we're on season 2 of AOT, it's insane, it makes me insane, I wish I could say more without going unhinged
I... i think that's all
To the people who've been tagging me the past few days I SEE YOU ALL, THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME, I'LL GET TO IT
See you guys later this week, hopefully, please take care
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 1)
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Episode Title: Paw of the Jaguar
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to tolerate spoilers.
1. Naturally, Season 2 picks up where things left off at the end of the first season; Kipo manages to avoid being captured by Scarlemagne by reining in (or still trying to) the Mega Flamingo that grabbed her. Wolf says that the flamingo is their best bet and so, she, Kipo, Dave, Benson and Mandu hop on it in the hopes of it leading them to Scarlemagne and Lio Oak, Kipo’s dad. 
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2. Back at Scarlemagne’s Court, we find the captured denizens/humans including Lio and Hoag, whom are all apparently separated from the kids of the burrow for some reason. Hoag is blaming Kipo for their kidnapping, which I have to be honest; He is right. She did unknowingly lead Scarlemagne to Site B. One of the mind-controlled mutes starts spraying the Puppet Pheromones on the humans, which includes Hoag. But Scarlemagne/Hugo doesn’t want Lio to get sprayed with the pheromones. 
3. I have a prediction. I bet Lio and Scarlemagne used to be friends or co-workers and I’m pretty sure they had something to do with Kipo being part mute. 
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4. Before taking off, our heroes are spotted by Troy, Asher and Dahlia and they are wondering what’s up with Kipo’s arm to which she tells them she’s part mute. Troy wants to tag along to help out but Kipo says that it’s too dangerous and suggests that Wolf and Benson take them to the Timbercats while she and Dave go after Scarlemagne. Despite some push-back from Wolf, her plan is more or less agreed upon. I think not bringing Wolf along isn’t a very good idea since she’s the best fighter. Also, he has an entire army; What makes her think that only her and Dave could take them on?
5. As she makes her way over to Scarlemagne’s Court, she is making sure to leave some remnants of Dave’s exoskeleton to allow the others to know where they’re going. Suddenly, the mind-controlled Mega Monkey attacks them. Kipo tries to calm it down by singing the iconic song, ‘What We Have Is You’ again but it doesn’t seem to be working as well as before. Maybe she needs to play the guitar lol.
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6. The Mega Monkey grabs Kipo and she tries singing to it one more time and thankfully, she manages to calm it down but for only a few seconds before the pheromone-infused collar it’s wearing starts to activate. Luckily, Kipo swiftly uses her huge cat arm to destroy it, freeing Mega Monkey from Scarlemagne’s control. Aww, I’m so glad because I can’t bear to see it being controlled any longer. 
7. Kipo seems to understand what the Mega Monkey is saying because it tells her that it wants to come along with Kipo to stop Scarlemagne. Kipo does the right thing and convinces it to stay put because she doesn’t want it to get mind-controlled again. I agree with Dave; This moment was so cute and touching but I’m sure we will see Mega Monkey again. Plus, Kipo gave it her bracelet/wristband as a symbol of friendship. That’s so sweet. 
8. Kipo tells Dave that the Mega Monkey is “special”. I’m now actually wondering if it’s somebody Kipo knows or has met before. Maybe it’s her mom, Song? But didn’t she die when Kipo was a baby or something? Hmm...
9. Meanwhile, I don’t really know what Wolf and Benson are trying to do with Troy, Asher and Dahlia. They want the three of them to learn how to wrangle Pierre in order to gain the respect of the Timbercats. They cover Asher and Dahlia’s faces with maple syrup to lure in Pierre, which catches its attention and it charges right at them. Troy tries to defend them but Benson pushes him out of the way and we get this moment:
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10. STOP THE PRESS! Did y’all see this? They blushed! Not just one of them but both of them! OMG! This is lowkey confirmation that Troy is gay too. Well, we all suspected it but c’mon this blush pretty much confirms it. Plus, the little pessimist within me is fearful of one-sided crushes. But luckily, we didn’t get any of that; YASSS! 
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11. Anyways, back to the story hehe. Pierre starts licking Asher and Dahlia’s maple-syrup covered faces, which makes Benson and Wolf think that they’re doing a good job. Anyways, I love how Wolf doesn’t know how to fist-bump. I guess it’s because she was raised by wolves lol. 
12. It’s already night time and Kipo and Dave have finally reached Scarlemagne’s Court but it’s strangely empty. We then quickly shift over to a shot of Scarlemagne and his army flying over (or is it to?) Ratland. 
13. Oh, great. More lessons on how to impress the Timbercats in order to let Asher, Dahlia and Troy stay with them; Is this really necessary? Don’t they have better things to do during a time of crisis? This time, they want them to learn how to properly chop wood. They do a decent job with it but Dahlia (I think?) unexpectedly goes ham on the wood and according to Asher, it’s because it has been a long day for her. 
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14. Kipo eventually spots her dad inside a prison cell that is guarded by two of the primate mutes and she rushes in to attack. One of them sprays the pheromones on her but it doesn’t seem to do a thing. I wonder why? She then beats them and frees her dad. 
15. More Troy and Benson moments! We basically see them talking some more and Benson comes up with an idea to have them give flapjacks to the Timbercats. He also says that he has the best recipe in the world to which Troy asks if it includes flour, milk and eggs and Benson replies yes. Don’t they know that those are the basics? LOL. 
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16. But please, go ahead and be your cute gay selves while you guys flirt and bond over flapjacks. And it’s pretty clear that Wolf, Asher and Dahlia can sense their chemistry. 
17. We shift things over to Ratland and all of its patrons are freaking out whilst rushing to exit the theme park since Scarlemagne has arrived, without an entrance ticket for that matter. Scarlemagne reveals to Amy and Brad (two of Ratland’s personnel) that he plans to take over Las Vistas and rename it as Aurum. He envisions Aurum to be a city where mutes will reign supreme over humans. He then proceeds to order his army to dismantle Ratland, which upsets Amy and Brad. Aww, I feel so bad for them!
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18. Benson, Wolf, Mandu as well as their new friends arrive at the Timbercats’ forest and they try to return Pierre back to Yumyan. Yumyan notices that Pierre is acting differently because he seems to be attached to Asher. Benson and Wolf try to convince Yumyan and the rest of the Timbercats to let them stay with them by telling them their story about losing their home and etc. And guess what? It’s working because Yumyan is in tears as he is overcome with emotion knowing how brave they’re being despite the hardships. Umm, okay???  And so, they manage to quickly win over all of them. Well, it’s mostly because they’re friends of Kipo but a win is still a win lol. 
19. As Wolf and Benson are getting ready to go back to help out Kipo and Dave, Troy walks over to Benson to thank him. They then talk about what they plan to do once they hopefully reunite again; They’re basically setting up a date! And oh, before leaving, Troy gives him one of these:
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20. Oh. My. God. A kiss, a gay kiss on the cheek! And it’s only the first episode? I’m screaming! I love these two; I ship these two! YASSS! I hope they meet up again soon because I need more Troyson moments. And Benson is obviously so happy about what just happened. Same here, Benson. Same here. 
21. Now back to Kipo, Dave and Lio. Lio reveals to Kipo that he and Song had infused Kipo’s DNA with a mutagen in order for her to become a Mega Jaguar herself. And that is why Scarlemagne’s pheromones didn’t work on her because they only work on primates. What a revelation lol. I was kinda right; I knew that Lio had something to do with his daughter’s transformation. But why would he and Song want to experiment on their own daughter, even if it’s to save the world or whatever? That’s kind of....I don’t know, off? 
22. Just as I was half-expecting for Kipo to get mad at her dad, she reacts in the complete opposite way and is excited about becoming a Mega Jaguar and wants it to happen now to get everyone to safety. 
23. I have questions lol. If she becomes a Mega Jaguar, will it be permanent and she can she ever turn back to her normal human form? Or maybe switch between the two forms? Lio says that she needs to train with the Chevre Sisters (who we’ve never heard till now) in order to control her transformation or else she’ll never come back. What does that mean when he says “never come back”? Like is she supposed to learn how to switch between her human form and her Jaguar form?
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24. They notice that the flamingo that flew them there is being taken away by the primate mutes and Kipo foolishly rushes to attack them to retrieve the Mega Flamingo. She is stopped by Lio but it’s too late because one of them manages to grab hold of Lio whilst trying to escape with the help of Dave who has now transformed into his flying hero mode. Kipo tries to fight back to rescue her father but there’s too many of them. Lio urges Dave to fly Kipo out to safety and the scene cuts off. 
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25. Back at Ratland, Amy and Brad are devastated at the destruction of Ratland by Scarlemagne and his army. He then grabs hold of two humans and sprays them with his pheromones. Here, we also find out more about Scarlemagne’s evil intentions, which is similar to how Planet of the Apes is and that is to overcome their oppression by humans for thousands of years and basically topple over them. 
26. Please don’t kill the rats, please don’t. Scarlemagne wants to make an example out of Brad and Amy as he threatens to launch a bottle of explosive nectar at them. He advises them to run but unfortunately, the scene then cuts off. Oh how I hope they survived!
27. Back in the woods, Benson, Wolf and Mandu bump into Kipo and Dave. Kipo then tells them what happened and she totally regrets not thinking things through, which led to her unsuccessful rescue attempt of her dad. She feels like her instincts have betrayed her. Wolf and Benson try to console her by telling her all the good things she did in the past to which there’s a lot of them. 
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28. That immediately makes Kipo feel a lot better and we then get a nice group hug between all of them. But the love-fest ended quickly because they hear a loud rumbling in the background, which of course, as we know, it’s coming from Ratland. Again, I hope Amy and Brad are alright. Scarlemagne and his primate mute and human army are seeing flying away from the area, taking some of the wreckage from there. 
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29. We then see in the distance, a group of cloaked individuals looking at the result of the explosion. I wonder if they are mutes or humans? I can’t tell. One of them does appear to have a beak and two of them have really long ears. Although, their legs looks very human-like. Maybe they’re part-mutes like Kipo? But what we do know is that they’re against Scarlemagne, which is good news. 
30. Thinking back, I suspect that they’re the Chevre Sisters, Lio was talking about to Kipo. And it would make perfect sense if they’re part-mutes too because they’re supposedly going help Kipo to learn how to control her transformation.
31.  Well y’all. That is the end of my review of episode 1 of Season 2 of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. This episode absolutely exceeded my expectations; It was filled with so much excitement, action and of course, love. Stay tuned tomorrow for my review of episode 2. Thanks for reading! Till then, bye!
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The Script, Chapter 3
Author: Finney13s Fandoms: Tom Hiddleston - Fandom, British (UK) Actor RPF Rating: Not Rated Relationships: Tom Hiddleston/Original Female Character Characters: Tom Hiddleston, Eva Pond Additional tags: Angst, fluff
Chapter 3 summary:
After working with Tom for three months Eva had made real progress with the script. But then one day he called her and said he wanted to talk about something. Something else than the script…
Three months after the first meeting with Tom Eva had been working actively with her agent to get the script produced. They had met with several production houses and having Tom in the lead role had definitely taken them forward. But getting a film produced wasn’t just about good script and the actors. It was also about having a great director, getting finances in order and making sure that the film was properly targeted and marketed. While they had made a lot of progress at this point, they had found a director and made preliminary agreements with few producers there was still a lot to do.
At the same time Eva and Tom had been working on the character development and he had also agreed to be a producer in the film. It wasn’t what she had originally planned but she was more than happy to have the input from an experienced actor to improve her script.
What she definitely hadn’t planned at all was that she had started to get pretty close with Tom. It had happened kind of unnoticed as she hadn’t paid too much attention first on the undertones of his attention to her. So they had had dinners and long lunch meetings, all in the name of developing the script. But she had realised at some point that it wasn’t anymore just about the script. She enjoyed Tom’s company very much also apart from professional perspective for various reasons but at that point she realised that she had actually developed feelings towards Tom.
Feelings that weren’t all ok considering that she was still married.
Then one day Tom had called her and invited her to dinner at his place with seriousness in his voice. He had wanted to talk with her about something. Something else than the script.  
So Eva had stood once again at Tom’s door at 7 pm with a bottle of wine they both liked a lot. She had been nervous as she hadn’t been quite sure how Tom would see their situation and how she would react if he hadn’t seen it the same way she did. She hadn’t been sure about her own thoughts and feelings about the situation either.
What she definitely had been was conflicted between the feelings towards Tom and rational thoughts about what was right and wrong. She was still very married. She hadn’t yet started the divorce process even though she and her husband hadn’t even lived in the same country most of the time during the last year. She also had felt bad about it as she should’ve done something about it much sooner.
Bobster had basically flewn from the door to greet her once Tom had opened the door. The dog had clearly been the only one who wasn’t very much self aware and unsure about how the evening would go.
”So, what are we having for dinner?” Eva had started akwardly after he had closed the door behind her and taken her coat and put it on the rack. ”My specialité - bolognese” Tom had stated shortly and continued ”Umm, should we talk before we eat? I don’t feel like eating before we have set the record straight” He looked her honestly right in the eyes and clearly meant every word. ”Ehm… Sure. I mean, sorry, yes, I agree” she managed to say. ”Let’s sit down on the living room, the food is still in the oven” he had said, taken her by the hand and lead her to the sofa next to his massive wall of books.
Ok, this is not definitely a bad sign, Eva had thought. Or is it? Does he want to sooth me from what’s about to come so that I won’t totally break down? Oh my god, it must be that.
Within the few seconds it took to walk to the sofa she had gone through propably every possible negative scenario about what was about to happen in her head. But what had happened was not what what she had been afraid.
”Listen, I have feelings for you” Tom had started once they sat down”Very, very strong ones in fact” he paused. ”I think I am in love with you, Eva” She had been stunned to hear the exact words she had wanted. ”I… I think… Wow. That wasn’t what I was expecting” she had replied ”Or well, I was hoping for something like that but…” she mumbled.
But Tom had kissed her before she had been able to say what she wanted. Right on the mouth, long and deep. And she hadn’t refused even a bit. ”Hey, are you ok?” Tom had asked once he broke the kiss and looked at her with his gorgeous blue eyes. Apparently she had looked as stunned as she felt. ”Yes, very” she had replied without any hesitation and blushed. ”You want to do that thing again? I’m not quite sure I got the message” she had continued with a smirk and raised her eyebrow. Tom had chuckled and kissed her again and the last bits of her insecurity about his feelings had melted away.
They had kept kissing and fondling on the sofa for a good while when the eggtimer had interrupted their moment. Which was definitely going to all kinds of places she had wished for for a long time. ”Ah, food” Tom had said disappointedly ”I am hungry though” he confessed. ”Yeah, so am I” she had admitted laughing.
Eva had set the table and Tom had opened the wine and poured their glasses full. Once they had managed to get the food on the plates after lots of kisses, hugs and laughter they had ended up eating with only forks as they held hands and talked about everything else except the script throughout the dinner.
”You know, I don’t want to be a spoiler, but how are we going to make this work?” she had asked worryingly once they had finished the meal and Tom was filling the dishwasher. ”I was thinking about that earlier too” he said ”but I think we will find a way, don’t we?” ”I sure hope so” she had replied with a faint smile. Tom had come and crouched next to her saying ”Listen, we don’t have to figure everything out right now, Eva. We can take tonight off from worrying, can’t we?” He had looked her assuringly and she felt tears building up into her eyes because he clearly wanted this to happen even though he must’ve known what could follow. ”I want this, I really do” he had said ”If I wasn’t sure about that I wouldn’t have told you about my feelings or kissed you. I know that you have still unsettled business with your ex…” He had paused and sighed. ”Eva, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. You are kind, generous and fun to be around. You are intelligent and I enjoy having philosophical discussions or even better any kind of discussions with you. I notice myself thinking of how you would think about things when I am not with you. I want to share so much with you. And to know that you want that too is all I need to be willing to face and go through whatever comes our way.” ”I want that too, Tom. I love you too” she had replied, cupped his face in her hands and kissed him.
After that Tom had stood up, grabbed her into his arms and carried her upstairs.
The following morning she had woken up before Tom and let Bobster out for a wee in the back garden. Then she had made coffee and toast and carried them on a tray upstairs and laid it down on the bedside table.
”Hey prince charming, wake up. Breakfast is ready” she had whispered into his ear. Tom had slowly opened his other eye, smiled, grabbed her hands and pulled her back to bed next to him. ”Hey you” he had whispered looking into her eyes and moved his head so close to hers that their noses touched. ”Hey you too” she had replied and given him an eskimo kiss. ”I’m so happy that you are right here, next to me, right now” he continued. ”I’m happy too” she murmured ”I wish we could keep this just to us” ”Yeah, I know” Tom had sighed ”We just need to be smart about it. You’ve come and gone here already for months and the press hasn’t found out. That’s good at least” ”Oh man, I need to sort out the divorce now. I so wish I had taken care of it earlier” she muttered. ”I’m going to be by your side through and through, ok? I’m with you” he said softly ”I will do all I can to make sure that you can take care of it in peace and without any fuss from anyone.”
Eva had left Tom’s house after they had had breakfast and a very nice replay of the night’s events. She had decided to start organising the divorce papers now for real and she didn’t want to push it any further. Yet she dreaded to make the call to her soon-to-be-ex. She had never been good talking about any negative issues and this was about as negative as anything gets.
Few weeks later
Eva had finally managed to talk to her ex and they had agreed upon the divorce and how it would go through. As they had already lived separately almost a year all they needed was to prove their separation to a judge and the divorce would be clear. Though she needed to be there in person to present  her case so she had to visit her home country once more.
Tom was in the corridor checking his bags for the last time before leaving to do reshoots for his upcoming film. His ride to the airport was about to come any minute. Eva sat on the floor scratching Bobster and keeping him away from his master’s feet while he was doing his final checks. ”Are you sure you absolutely have everything you absolutely need with you?”she teased knowing that it would annoy Tom while he was doing his last checkups. ”Yes, I am making sure of that right now. Darling, just… let me do this. I won’t leave without saying goodbye to you properly but I never get there if you won’t give me a moment’s peace” he chuckled and glanced at her frowning as if he was angry about it and then kept looking through his bags. Once Tom was through checking the bags he got up and grabbed Eva from the floor into his arms. He carried her to the sofa where they snuggled for a moment and talked while waiting Tom’s ride to arrive.
“I really am sorry about leaving you to cope with this alone. I would never ever do this unless the schedule was ridiculously tight and at the last moment” Tom said hugging her tight. “I know. Just, don’t worry about it. I’m a big girl already. And besides, you have taken good care of me already by arranging the drive to the airport and a seat in the plane. A girl couldn’t ask for anything more” she said softly kissing his forehead. “Yes, but I ought to be there to support you. It is also because of me you’re doing this, you know” he said with sadness and frustration in his voice. ”Darling, it is not your fault” Eva said and cupped Tom’s face into her hands ”I should’ve done this a long time ago.”
Tom looked her right in the eyes and said: “Just remember Eva that I am always here for you no matter what. Even though I am not there in person you are in my thoughts all the time. Once more time unto the breach, my friend, once more”
You can follow the series also on TheScriptSeries.Tumblr.com.
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petyrbaealish · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by @quoyan11 thank you <333
Do you watch the episodes when they air? Only this latest season, as I only just got into GoT in 2016 (read the books first, then binged the show on a free trial of HBO Now XD). Although I didn’t watch the last two episodes.... I could see the writing on the wall for Petyr (helped by spoilers) and I just couldn’t stand to see his death.
How often do you rewatch it? Do you rewatch it from season one? I rewatched a bit right before the new season aired, but mainly I was skipping through just to watch Petyr scenes XD
Do you rewatch the previous episode before the next one airs? No
Do you eat anything while watching? if so, what do you eat? Sometimes. If I’m eating dinner about that time.
One character that everyone seems to like that you don’t care much for: Umm, hmm. Idk. I like most of the characters. I don’t like Cersei at all. She’s been on my shit list since she ordered Lady to be killed. Animals always hold a soft spot in my heart, you know? I don’t like Ramsay, Joffrey, Pycelle, Melisandre, Lysa or Stannis (not much anyway, particularly show Stannis after Shireen) either. Oh! Ok I remembered one. I don’t really like Cat. Treating Jon badly all those years, just because she thought he was Ned’s bastard. Blame your husband, not an innocent child, dammit. 
Your 3 favourite pairings:  Petyr x Sansa is OTP above all else. Tyrion x Shae in the show before she betrayed him and he killed her (I’ll never forgive him for that. What Shae did, she wasn’t exactly in a good position, you know?). Jaime x Brienne
I also like Jon x Ygritte, Dany x show!Jorah, Tormund x Brienne
Favourite scene: Petyr and Sansa in the crypts at Winterfell, Sansa’s revenge on Ramsay. Most any scene with Petyr in it. Petyr and Sansa riding in the carriage, talking.
One character you wish got more appreciation: Petyr. From GoT fans and the showrunners. He gets an obscene amount of hate, way above even Ramsay and Joffrey, and I don’t get it. He’s not even close to their level of evil.... They were sadistic and enjoyed violence.
Fanfic or nah? Consider I write it, of course fanfic.
Favourite quote:  Life is not a song.
Do you avoid spoilers? Sometimes, sometimes not
Favourite house words:  Knowledge is Power
One character you’d bring back from the dead: Petyr. No question about it. His character didn’t deserve that death. If they knew how to write his character properly, they would have known the right way to kill him and still do his character justice. If they had to kill him at all.
One character you’d kill, or kill sooner than they were killed: Ramsay. Craster too (I think that’s his name... Gilly’s dad/husband). Also, she’s not dead yet, but I’m looking forward to Cersei’s death. I just really really hate her.
Direwolves or dragons? Direwolves. Because I like wolves and a dragon would be more likely to eat me, I think.
Which was more satisfying: Ramsay dying or Joffrey dying? Both
Wildlings or the dothraki? Wildlings. I don’t like the dothraki customs, particularly that bit where Dany had to eat the horse heart (shudder)
Favourite lannister? Used to be Tyrion, but I’ve really come to like Jaime too.
Favourite stark? Sansa, Arya and Bran (from the books and the show up until this season. None of their characters were good this season. Bran was an unfeeling zombie and the arc for the Stark sisters sucked (and I’m not just saying that because of Petyr)).
Would you rather be able to be resurrected anytime, but gain scars and all like Beric, or become a faceless man? faceless
Would you rather have the rebellion tv show or the conquest tv show?Rebellion.
I’ll tag: @jonarya786, @girl-who-likes-weird-things, @gertiemeow, @mariehooper, @petyrslytherin, @alexie3008, @flying--forward, @catladyofthecanals, @etherina, @janedethr
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escapaldi · 8 years
I was tagged by @randomthunk to do this and I know that @thehenryhiggs tagged me this time last month but I’ve been a bad person so I’ll go and combine the two under the cut.
From Kat:
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better to answer the following questions no
Relationship status: Taken, talking of possible utmost seriousness-levels of commitment in (Lord willing) the near-ish future
Favorite color: Orange, red, and blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither. I lick my lips very often and find that anything I put on there just gets licked all off/is useless all the way down to chapstick.
Last song I listened to: Since I don’t know what song that was on the radio for five seconds earlier today: I would have to say Days AO Mix by Flow. Last album was Reanimation by Linkin Park. I am bad.
Last movie I watched: One Piece Film GOLD, because you know it’s true love when the man you’re dating was never big in shonen manga but suggests going to see a dumb shonen movie in theatres like you’re both the massive weebs you are. (And trust me, the entire ride back to my place was filled with questions and I got to dust off my knowledge of the series.)
Top 3 TV shows: I’m severely disinterested in a good 80%+ of television at the moment because so much looks like crap (this does not count the shows I have reserved for when the time is right, you know how that goes). I’m mostly catching up on 1963-1989 Doctor Who at the moment, which is a wonderful treat. Do sports count? Green Acres/Bewitched? I dunno.
Top 3 characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who; almost all iterations), the ‘Bots from MST3k... I dunno?
Top 3 ships: Umm... at the moment? Whouffaldi (Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswald, Doctor Who), Malcolm Tucker/Kate Stewart (The Thick of It/Doctor Who crackship), and Stormy Nakabito/deadpan snarking (Owl’s Flower; it counts!).
Book(s) I’m currently reading: I’m trying desperately to reread A Princess of Mars but it’s not working because I attempt writing way too often to focus properly. I also looked up One Piece spoilers and I realized I need to get back to that again (and the other true manga love in my life: Vinland Saga).
From Trip:
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better! extra no
Nickname? Nehs
Height? 5′9″ or 175cm
Time right now? a bit after midnight-thirty
Last thing you googled? “homemade dog treats” bc I’m trying to get a specific job and such knowledge could be a boost to my efforts
Song stuck in your head? I just kept the Reanimation album on YouTube and am occasionally lipsyncing so that’s a thing.
Last movie you watched? Since I already answered that previously, I’ll list what the bf and I saw in December: Hidden Figures (excellent, A+ rec), Star Wars: Rouge One (a decent installment with a good tone shift I don’t want seen in the main series), Allied (it was Just Okay), and Spirited Away (I had never seen it with subtitles before!). It was a busy month for us and movies.
Last TV show you watched? it was a hockey game bc i am faux-canuckistanian garbage
What are you watching right now? Again, Classic Who and SPORTS.
What are you wearing right now? Captain America t-shirt, jeans, slippers
When did you create your blog? July 2011 holy crap. Writing blog goes back to November 2012, which is almost as weird.
What kind of stuff do you post? When I do post it’s usually fandom-related stuff, maybe dumb things, or cool history stuff.
Do you get asks on a regular basis? Sometimes on the writing blog in the form of prompts, but I haven’t had many of those as of late.
Why did you choose your url? escapades + [peter] capaldi = escapaldi, so it works. Also nehswritesstuffs is self-explanatory.
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