#ummmm hi 👋
catcrumb · 9 months
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
hi hi helloooo 👋 💖 about the phone situation: i would love the streams more if Aleksi managed to fix the phone thingy to facetime his friends but also........ he could just invite them to the studio 🥺 and they could hang out there while streaming and making music 🥺 like it's way easier cmon Aleksi 🥺💖💘💕
so: currently thinking of Olli sitting on the couch playing some background music for the stream, while Aleksi is reading some (interesting) questions for him here and there 💖 they didn't know if twitch would ban them for drinking wine on stream, so they had to go for tea or coffee (spiked but shhhh it's their little secret) 😌 maybe they make some music together, or we get some merch spoilers or whatever, but the stream ends after almost 3 hours, it was fun and chill and they both think that they should do it again because they love hanging out together and slowly it becomes their thing whenever they see each other 🥺💖 like streaming isn't the same without Olli to laugh at whatever stupid thing Aleksi is also laughing at and oops they're developing feelings all of a sudden 😅💖
(in that scenario Aleksi and Olli are very chill on camera but the chat isn't 🙃 and I wonder if that's why Aleksi is refusing to call him on his actual stream or whatever)
hiiiiiiii 🥰💞 omg omg omg I need this right now immediately 😭
I'm picturing Olli just leisurely lying on Aleksi's studio couch browsing the chat (derogatory 💀) or doing whatever and Aleksi keeps turning to chat with him instead of the stream and everyone starts whining about it because the mic is not picking up what they're saying so they figure Olli should maybe come and sit next to Aleksi but for some bizarre reason Aleksi only has one chair in the studio (maybe he had been cleaning again and thrown away all the chairs except for the one he's sitting on and is planning on buying new chairs "one of these days") so first it's a little awkward with Olli just sort of leaning on his knees next to Aleksi and the stupid & infinitely annoying chat keeps screaming Olli should sit on Aleksi's lap and they try to laugh it off and then make a whole show number of trying to fix Olli some kind of makeshift seat so that he doesn't have to stand up (perhaps he sits on the floor for a while and it's adorable because you can only see his head) and the chat says Aleksi is a bad host for making his guest sit on the floor and awkwardly Aleksi promises he'll find Olli an actual chair for next time and by then Olli is teasing Aleksi too by being all "oh, so there's gonna be a next time huh? 😏" and Aleksi gets flustered and the chat explodes and Aleksi uses that as an excuse to end the stream because wtf are you doing Olli and Aleksi punishes him for his recklessness by snogging him many many times on the couch 💞
...so ummmm yeah, wanna co-write the fic with me? 😅
yeah I mean he went so many streams without even mentioning Olli's name, he must have noticed something up with the chat & Olli lol 💀
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QUICK QUICK i have GOT to look like im not flunking out of my hetero-normative apple pie lifestyle UHHHHHH hi 👋 Bobby!!!! 💖😁😁 just out here in the scrapyard 🔧🛠 playing with my ummmmm….UMMMM….my…..
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randomkposts · 10 months
Hello there 👋! With all the genderbent asked of DN you've received, who are your favourite genderbent characters and which ones do you hate? Which ones do you think will garner hate from the fandom and which ones do you think will be liked?
K:- I can't say I hate any of the gender swapped character in "always a different gender", as I spent enough brain energy on them, but one I found really didn't work for me was Male Syau. There just really wasn't a lot I felt I could do with him that Takada couldn't do better thematically. Female Matsuda could be interesting but is harder to give reason to why she is among the police in that particular time. And Male Sachicko and Fem Sochiro was fun to think about, and offer a lot of variables, which is both good and bad.
E:- Mmm I don't hate anyone at all here in the cast. I love male Misa though.
K:- We have had a lot of fun with Male Misa
As for who I like, Female Near has grown a lot on me, as has Rival Takada, and Cat Misa. I've gotten a lot more invested in all of them then I expected. I never expected posting that Female L convo we had would get so much attention and asks following from it.
I like that Male Misa, and his friendship with Female L has grown to have as much of a dynamic as Lady Light and L.  And that Light and Takada have a one-sided rival dynamic. 
E:-Oh totally. Which is gonna hurt when someone dies. L dying and Misa Misa is going" We have to uh cele-- ummmm"
His voice wavers a bit as he sniffles loudly and claps his hands," celebrate!"
K:-So many hearts are going to break in this climb for godhood. As for the fandom, I couldn't possibly begin to guess. I'm not even great at predicting which of my fanfictions are going to get a lot of attention. 
What about you Eclipse? What are your preferences and predictions
E:-What is godhood if you hesitate to step on the lesser backs?
K:-Being a billionaire, and therefore not a clean path. 
E:-I still prefer to end it with Light lashing out at the world, breaking the skin of the mask she spent so much time sculpting for it to all come down. 
Not sure how it goes that way but Mikami still being a threat as is Misa. 
K:-I don't know how I want it to end.  Many things are going to break though. 
E:-Misa dying after making too many eye deals. 
K:-I don't think that's direct death, as it takes half a remaining lifespan. 
Still, Misa taking an eye deal to get light out of the wearhouse and the Shinigami telling him "you will die tomorrow if you do this."
"Then what matters is what I get done today. Give me the eyes NOW!"
And Misa dies and Victory is both complete and hollow. 
Light didn't make any eye deals, but something in her dies that day, surrounded by the bodies in the warehouse. 
E:- a hollow victory indeed. 
K:- what about you Anon? Who are you favorites, who do you dislike, and how would the fandom react to them based on what you know and observe? 
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ninjahiccups · 9 months
Hi 👋
I can't send this via my side blog but ummmm I make uh 3D characters in daz studio and was wondering if it would be ok if I made one of Eivor? 👉👈
Of course you can! I'm so honored you want to make something with her! There is a picture I photoshopped of her a while ago if you want to reference that, but you can feel free to be creative :) Thank you so much!
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And that goes for other requests like this too. If you want to make some kind of content based on my story, go for it! <3
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discoidal · 1 year
applying for excellence in art/english awards 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 ummmm hi☺️👋
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oldsamarie · 2 years
Tagged by @miettey HI MIETTE 👋
Relationship status: we were lovers in a past life but it isn't like that anymore. but we're planning to move in together. you get it
Favourite colour: pink yayyyy
Favourite food: UMMMM maybe. pancakes probably
Song stuck in my head: aura by ghost... 🎵🎶🎵
Last thing i googled:
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Time: 9:23 am :3
Dream trip: going to the netherlands. hashtag IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW
i tag UMMMMMM. who do i tag. @lovebattle yay okay hi 👋👋👋👋
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solargeist · 2 years
Hello, I have a question. How do you normally come up with stories for your ocs? I'm making an original story however I have no clue how to come up with an plot and such for it. Do you have any ideas perhaps?
hiiii ummmm well im not a good writer aha, ive yet to publish my own full story anywhere… But ! i think the best way to go with plot writing is…. Making the main character, and then expanding out from them ? Asking where they live, what they like, how they behave, and then what is their goal and struggles, friends? family? Stories really stitch themselves together, you just have to tie the knot!
The flow usually goes like, heres a guy, heres his goal, something stops him from his goal, either he figures out a new way to his goal, blunt forces to it, or his goal changes, and then climax! then what happens after? credits 👋 Theres many ways to bend this flow tho. Outlines and drafts make this easier to write instead of going headfirst in.
Reading or watching media of your genre interest helps learn and build inspiration, but dont be afraid to put your own spin on it.
Starting small is also recommended..! Short non complicated things so u dont stress or burn out on big projects.
I suppose? ^_^;; i dunno if thats good advice, thats just how i work with my ideas. ✨⭐️
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nodickmoved · 2 years
3,15,16 hehe
HI 👋👋👋
3: umm okay so honestly the only thing I've been ticked off about lately is a guy that I'm friends with irl 🙄 allll he does is fucking complain and if he wasn't my gf's family I would not talk to him. like at all. he's funny and whatever but he doesn't have anything to complain about. his family isn't the best I'll give him that, fair enough, but I mean he complains CONSTANTLY about EVERYTHING. like looks for things during everythingggg we do and I cannot stand a complaining ass bitch...
he's trans (my whole friend group is, including myself) but he obviously has a lot of insecurities about it so he like. is very high-key transphobic. like he claims he doesn't but his gf confirmed that he watched kalvin garrah and stuff and he doesn't respect ANYONES pronouns (esp. they/them & neo), but will literally start a fight and cut people off even if they accidentally misgender him. like believe me I know how hard it can be bro, but like... don't be a hypocrite. you're an asshole.
like he accused me of lying about being trans because I let me hair grow out.... ummmm... I look good.... and you look very ugly.... who is winning...
15: UM I get asked how old I am a lot because I look a lot younger than I am lol
16: i have a few ideas! one is a clock without number on my forearm.... because I had a psychotic breakdown once and it popped into my head during it. figured it was divinely sent. other than that I know I want an underboob tat, as well as one on my thigh! :)
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QUICK QUICK i have GOT to look like im not flunking out of my hetero-normative apple pie lifestyle UHHHHHH hi 👋 honey!!!! 💖😁😁 just out here in the garage 🔧🛠 playing with my ummmmm….UMMMM….my…..
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QUICK QUICK i have GOT to look like im not flunking out of my hetero-normative apple pie lifestyle UHHHHHH hi 👋 honey!!!! 💖😁😁 just out here in the garage 🔧🛠 playing with my ummmmm….UMMMM….my…..
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1370 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 01:32:56 GMT
its sooooo funny how cas dropped dean off at his coffin and then went to get freshened up before introducing himself. 
2025 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 13:42:48 GMT
hmmm so canonically we only got an actual xray of dean’s ribs and have no idea what sam’s looked like.
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2308 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 18:02:20 GMT
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2557 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 04:17:59 GMT
cas having jack is just like. yes I'm strange and awkward but I'm not alone anymore.
3688 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 18:32:10 GMT
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