#unacknowledged special access programs
ophilosoraptoro · 1 year
ALIEN BODIES! Video evidence of U.S. held UFO handed over to journalists | Redacted w Clayton Morris
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cosmicbuddhi · 3 months
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
"Another genetic trait exists, which also plays a significant role in the evolution of man and the dawning of the Golden Age. It has been the subject of both significant research by the CIA and DIA, as well as a prolonged and concerted smear campaign. The media has so effectively ridiculed the subject that it still hasn’t been mentioned in this paragraph. Just as ‘conspiracy theories’ have been effectively ridiculed and maligned by the mainstream media, so have ‘psychics’ and ‘telepathy.'"
"What is only now being revealed to the public, however, is that the CIA and DIA (& KGB) not only researched psi abilities, such as remote viewing, etc. but they actively employed them. Eventually the research was taken underground, into unacknowledged special access programs (USAPs), where it has continued to be developed. The combination of genetic modifications of augmented soldiers, or ‘augments,’ whose natural telepathic ability was genetically enhanced, with a further prosthetic enhancement of this ability via sophisticated electromagnetic technology—has given military intelligence the ability to read people’s minds, and communicate via remote influence or telepathy."
"Dark occultists have long sought to identify and enslave psychics, to prevent them from working against them. At the same time, they would try to get the rest of the population to ignore and suppress their natural psi abilities by pushing the belief on the general public that such abilities were either superstitious nonsense, or the work of the devil. As the general population begins to rediscover these abilities, however, and as secret military intelligence units enhance and utilize these abilities, the ability to keep secrets is ending, and dawn is breaking."
About the Author: "Nicholas C-Change"
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gsbstolks · 17 days
Gang Stalking Awareness.
The purpose of this document is to raise awareness and provide foundational information about emerging mind control technologies, such as Havana Syndrome, Voice to Skull (V2K), Remote Neural Monitoring, Directed Energy Weapons and all similar projects. As these technologies become more prevalent, it is crucial for the public and potential targets to differentiate between mental health issues and actual technological interference. These are programs under the “unacknowledged special access programs” which is at the top of governments classified programs list, just think so classified it does not even have a name.
**Understanding the Technology**
These technologies combine directed energy weapons and voice-to-skull systems to manipulate the targets mind and body, The primary experiences include:
Voice to Skull (V2K): Projects voices into a person’s head, often mistaken for one’s conscience or the “voice of God.” This involves a mix of human operators and advanced conversational AI, designed to simulate real-time internal monologue and external voices.
Thought Insertion/Suggestion: Injects thoughts that appear to be one’s own but are actually foreign intrusions. These can manipulate behaviors and beliefs.
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW): Induce physical symptoms like headaches, brain zaps, heart palpitations, chest pains, nausea, tinnitus, hallucinations, and paralysis. These can mimic various mental and physical health issues.
Suppressors: electromagnetic fields to induce sleepiness, potentially causing sleep paralysis if paired with other mechanisms 
Dream and subconscious Manipulation:  Influences subconscious thoughts and alters dreams with precision, making it evident to those who are targeted. Information on this is very limited but has been widely reported. 
**Purpose of the Technology**
The use of these technologies varies by program and country, often falling into categories like:
 •Research Programs: Test new and existing theories on humans, potentially causing moderate to severe mental and physical health issues.
•Re-education Programs: Modify behavior and beliefs to align with governmental values. This often includes attempts at changing what makes you, you like faith, sexuality and core values. (Do not let them)
•Monitoring Programs: Keep tabs on persons of interest.
**How It Works**
1.Brain Reading and Microwave Hearing: The way they can read thoughts is the brain will give off specific electrical signals with each thought and action and this technology can read your thoughts with a beam - probe like device that is constantly on, pointed at you and collecting your brains electrical data and translating it. They have algorithms that can decipher these specific brain signals and turn it into text which consequentially has given them a v2k word dictionary to refer to. The microwave hearing is done by sending Extremely Low Frequency energy which has been pulse modulated to the skull which causes thermoelastic expansion of the brain and then is transduced by the cochlea which then enables the hearing of voices. 
2.NLP (Natural Language Processing): The “AI” or “algorithm” or “computer program” used for the voice projected is programmed with “Natural language processing” or NLP which is a field of artificial intelligence that focuses on interaction between humans and computers using language and what this means is it can interpret, understand and generate human language. This AI will talk to you 24/7 using this 2 way channel until a human takes over.
3.Thought Insertion: Directly influences thoughts without auditory transmission.(Still compiling research on this) but has been widely reported.
4.Directed Energy: Headaches are caused by an overload of radio frequency energy sent directly to the brain causing the brain to slowly expand which causes the headaches (this is why during v2k you will sometimes get headaches). Brain zaps are caused via electromagnetic pulse and can be programmed into your v2k algorithm to deter you from thinking of something they do not want you to think of, it will (if left unchecked) work in their favour. it is a brain training tool. The symptoms of fever are induced by actually raising your body heat through RF directed energy, they refer to this as “RF incapacitation” and the effects can differ but people become less aggressive or more aggressive depending on the person and this can be used to amplify or reduce certain emotional reactions.
 5. The suppressor is essentially an Electromagnetic field and will induce theta brainwaves to make you sleepy. This is actually only visible in the dark, once your eyes adjust you will notice phosphenes or “small speckles of light”.
**Dealing with the Technology**
While there is no straightforward solution, the following tips can help mitigate the effects:
•Educate Yourself: Research and verify information from multiple sources.
•Engage in Healthy Activities: Listen to music, meditate, exercise, spend time outdoors, stay off social media, and avoid substances. Humans are already very prone to suggestions so staying clean is massive as it amplifies a humans suggestibility.
• The NLP algorithms are not human, this can be used against it to cause it to fault. 
•  SHARE factual information, the best way to fight back is to find the facts and share them, get aggressive. They want you to not react so they can FUCK YOU and nothing happens. Pushing this factual information out into the public and informing targets is your offensive front. Use my information in a copy/paste if you want. They fucking hate it.
https://youtu.be/N02SK9yd60s?si=ONFisrO0ws7zuXgQ - James Giordano lecture about DEW, neuroscience
(https://www.reddit.com/r/emsurvival/) - survival guide
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T501LHx0R_Q) - Interview with Len Ber and Robert Duncan
https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTECAnnex.pdf)  patent list 
https://www.youtube.com/live/LCYH_K850Lw?si=P_kVPnJdCUSvXc35 - United states homeland security committee on AHI’S
https://books.google.com/books/about/Military_Neuroscience_and_the_Coming_Age.html?id=8iIlDwAAQBAJ - Book: Military neuroscience and the coming age of neurowarfare
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The UFO/UAP Disclosure Process with Daniel Sheehan
Daniel Sheehan is author of The People's Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America's Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer. For the last half century he has been involved in some of the most famous public legal cases (such as the New York Times publication of the Pentagon Papers). During the period, he has also been active in the community seeking public disclosure of government secrets regarding UFOs – and has also provided legal representation for public figures in the UFO field, such as Dr. John Mack at Harvard University. He is founder of the New Paradigm Institute. His website is https://newparadigmproject.org.
Here he describes what he has learned about unacknowledged special access programs concerning UFO technology and the efforts of his organization to achieve complete government transparency regarding UFO-related phenomena. This is a special release to encourage our viewers to write to their congress members in support of UFO transparency.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
The US military operates a vast network of soldiers, civilians, and contractors that it uses for clandestine missions both at home and abroad, Newsweek has claimed, adding that the force also manipulates social media.
After a two-year investigation, the outlet reported that the undercover army consists of around 60,000 people, many of whom use fake identities to carry out their assignments. The Pentagon’s agents operate in real life and online, with some even embedded in private businesses and well-known companies.
The massive program, unofficially known as “signature reduction,” is reportedly 10 times the size of the CIA’s clandestine service, making it the “largest undercover force the world has ever known,” Newsweek claimed. But the true scale and scope of the shadow army remains a closely guarded secret. No one knows the program’s total size, and Congress has never held a hearing on the military’s increasing reliance on signature reduction. There appears to be very little or no transparency regarding the massive clandestine military force, even as its continued development “challenges US laws, the Geneva Conventions, the code of military conduct, and basic accountability,” the outlet said.
Around half of the signature reduction force is said to consist of special operations personnel who hunt down terrorists in war zones and work in “unacknowledged hot spots” such as North Korea and Iran. Military intelligence specialists reportedly make up the second-largest part of the secret army.
However, the fastest-growing group within the Pentagon’s clandestine force operates exclusively online. These “cyber fighters” assume fake identities to gather intelligence and search for “publicly accessible information” on the internet. They even reportedly take part in “campaigns to influence and manipulate social media.” Hundreds of these shadowy keyboard warriors are employees of the National Security Agency, Newsweek reported.
According to the outlet, the network relies on 130 private companies and dozens of little-known and secret government agencies to support its operations. The businesses, which do everything from forging documents to creating disguises, collectively make over $900 million annually to help fund the secret army. 
While the Pentagon’s agents typically remain under the radar, Newsweek claims there are several cases in which their covers have been blown. One such incident in 2013 involved American “diplomat” Ryan Fogle, who was arrested in Russia while allegedly trying to recruit a double agent. The case received wide media coverage and prompted considerable mockery, due to the seemingly outdated spying paraphilia that Fogle was in possession of, including wigs, sunglasses, a Moscow street map, a compass, as well as an old Nokia phone. However, an expert who spoke with Newsweek said the phone was likely concealing a highly sophisticated communications device. 
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superseraphim7 · 6 years
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Trump’s Administration Has Been Briefed About UFOs; According To Steven Greer
donald trumpWhat do presidents know about UFOs? Well, if you’re an avid researcher of the topic, you’ve probably realized by now that presidents don’t really have a “need to know” about these things. The “military-industrial complex” that Eisenhower spoke of, which has become as uncontrollably powerful as he feared, has completely taken over operations that not even the president knows about. Many from within political realms who’ve held esteemed positions have spoken out about this fact.
Take Paul Hellyer for example, a former Canadian Defense Minister, who gave lecture at the University of Toronto in 2008 where he said it is “ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.” He was referring to black budget special access programs, which receive no oversight from Congress. This means that not even the government knows about the developments happening in this area, all for “national security” purposes.
It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.
To The Stars Academy
It’s almost 2019, and the topic of UFOs has exploded into the mainstream, especially with former rock superstar Tom Delonge gathering defense intelligence officials, world-renowned scientists and more to relay this information to the public via the ‘To The Stars Academy.’ They’ve already released multiple videos of UFOs, and have publicly stated that there are programs within the government that study this phenomenon.
They have Luis Elizondo, a former director of a government ‘aerospace threat identification’ program. This was all disclosed via establishment mouthpieces like the New York Times and the Washington Post. They’ve also admitted to recovering materials from these ‘unidentified’ objects. You can read the latest updates about what’s going on with that and mainstream UFO disclosure, in general, below.
Black Budget Projects
The black budget is something we easily get information about, and for those who try to bring out information it is difficult to investigate. One example is the efforts of journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin of the Washington Post in 2010. Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has “become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, and how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” You can read more about that, and see more examples, in this CE article.
Here is one of many statements from people who have been “in the know” so to speak. There are thousands of verified quotes on this subject, and we now have the electro-optical data and evidence to back up all of this witness testimony.
We have, indeed, been contacted – perhaps even visited – by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
What are the intentions of the cabal when it comes to UFO disclosure? We’ve been lied to about so many things by them, that it’s become hard to believe anything we hear from mainstream mouthpieces. Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama, who I believe are establishment puppets, have brought up the subject, acknowledged it, but have refused to share any information on it. They did so in cryptic, often comedic ways on popular television, on the Jimmy Kimmel show. It’s hard to know what to make of their comments, or even their overall knowledge about this.
So What About Trump?
Has Donald Trump been briefed? Yes he has, according to Dr. Steven Greer. Greer is the founder of The Disclosure Project, an initiative that has brought forth hundreds of military/defense/political personnel from all over the world, with verified credentials, to publicly share their testimony about their experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrials. He also released a film last year, called “Unacknowledged.” It was one of the most popular, if not the most popular film on Itunes & Netflix in 2017. It’s highly recommended if you are new to this subject and don’t already know much about it.
Greer has amassed great credibility for his claims. For example, many years ago he claimed to have had meetings at the Pentagon with some very high-ranking people. After this, Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell admitted that he also attended these meetings with Greer. What came out of these meetings is that not many people knew the details of this topic, nor wanted to discuss it. Wikileaks documents have also been released which saw astronaut Edgar Mitchell communicate with US politician John Podesta. You can access those documents and read more about them here.
He’s been able to develop relationships with individuals he has interviewed from various branches and ranks of the military as well as within the intelligence and defence communities.
In my opinion, Podesta, Clinton, Obama and Bush are all cabal puppets. Therefore, anything they say about terrorism, national security, or UFOs, is probably lathered up with some ‘disinformation’ soap. Without this point, if we completely disregard it, there is still more than enough evidence to show that they are simply following the will of their masters. But that’s a topic for another article, back to UFOs!
Greer says he has briefed people close to Trump about the UFO/extraterrestrial issue in this interview. He has also claimed to have briefed past presidents, like Obama and Clinton, and provides those documents on his website, Sirius Disclosure. It seems credible, especially when his claim to have had high-level meetings within the Pentagon was verified by Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has so far not answered any questions that have been asked about UFOs. Will There Ever Be A Full Mainstream UFO Disclosure?
Given the fact that this topic seems to be controlled by a small group of very powerful people who gets to decide what humanity can and can’t know, I’d say that as long as this group maintains power, the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings will be hidden from humanity in official channels. A censorship plan has also been spoken about for years by those within. Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, for example, pointed out decades ago in the New York Times that, “through an official campaign of secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” He went on to state that they are operating under intelligent control.
That being said, there is a serious effort by multiple nations, and perhaps those within this power structure as well, to reveal these truths to humanity. This is evident by all of the whistle-blowers with verified credentials who have shared their experiences, as well as the release of evidence in the form of radar trackings and electro-optical data.. There is a serious push for mainstream disclosure, this can’t be denied and is quite evident by the article linked earlier. Establishment mouthpieces are slowly disclosing this reality.
In 1979 Spanish General Carlos Cavero told the world the following:
“Everything in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon an international exchange of data.” (via Richard Dolan, “UFOs & The National Security State”)
Why Any Disclosure At All?
Why would the New York Times, CNN and the rest of them share any of this truth? Can we believe what they say? Perhaps not everything they say is false, but for years we’ve seen major geopolitical issues completely twisted by the mainstream media, and evidence of ‘perception manipulation’ that is fostered by their close relationship with US intelligence agencies. There is also the testimony of multiple award-winning mainstream media journalists who emphasize how mainstream media outlets are paid by governments, corporations and intelligence agencies to present a specific narrative.
Is the establishment trying to lay the foundation for a ‘war against aliens’ like they made a ‘war against drugs’ and a ‘war terror?’ Or are we seeing the white hats within these groups push for the disclosure of information? All this remains to be seen, but we must understand why this topic would be extremely difficult to disclose and to be honest, it’s probably a mix of both.
For one, you have the energy question. These crafts are clearly not using petroleum. Have we harvested technology from these crafts? If released, what would that mean for the oil industry and our economy? Who would benefit, who would lose? What about the historical questions, the scientific questions? What about our laws of science and what we understand about ourselves and perhaps human origin? What about the idea that there are intelligent extraterrestrials surveying, visiting, and interacting with people here on Earth!
Tremendous Implications
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the disclosure of this information leaves no area of humanity untouched. As you can imagine, it has tremendous implications and it’s something that would change the world forever. I am sure the existence of extraterrestrials and the fact that we’ve been visited and are being visited, is not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to discovery.
Most important will be the impact on consciousness, the deeper investigation into metaphysical realities, and the validation of non-material science. One can expect that disclosure will impact our understanding of who we are and why we are here, and perhaps there is some sort of spiritual lesson to be reaped from the realization that we are not the only ones. There is a CE podcast featuring CE founder Joe Martino, myself, and a “contactee” who discuss this exact topic. You can listen to that, it’s linked at the bottom of this article, for more information.
The Takeaway
Humanity is just now waking up, and ready to take the steps necessary to move out of infancy. Understand “them” will help us to understand ourselves. We are all connected in some strange form, and the future is exciting. It’s a topic that, most importantly, we DON’T have to be afraid of or react to with fear, despite the fact that that this type of reaction seems to have been programmed into us. We need to deprogram ourselves from what Hollywood has presented us with, and start to examine the actual evidence and what’s really going on here.
I don’t believe you have to be afraid to discuss or talk about this topic with your peers and your family anymore. It’s no longer taboo, and the more we speak up, speak out, and generate discussion, the closer we get to finding out what’s really going on. It’s definitely an exciting time to be alive.
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eksopolitiikka · 4 years
Nämä ihmiset väittävät USA:n valtiolla olevan UFO-artifakteja
Nämä ihmiset väittävät USA:n valtiolla olevan UFO-artifakteja
Niin paljon on puhuttu Metamateriaaleista. Metamateriaalit voivat olla UFOn palasia, UFO-romua, teknologista laitteistoa ja teoriassa myös implantteja sekä kokonaisia aluksia. To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciencen (TTSA) Jacques Vallee ja muut väittävät, että heillä on hallussaan näytteitä, tai ainakin ovat testaamassa sellaisia nähdäkseen ovatko nämä aitoja ja anomaalisia. Tri. Garry Nolan, joka ennen työskenteli TTSAssa ja on Valleen kollega, otti käyttöön termin metamateriaali tätä tarkoitusta varten. Metamateriaaleille on myös muita määritelmiä, jotka eivät liity mitenkään UFO-ilmiöön. Tri. Nolan sanoo, että tarkempi termi olisi ultramateriaali. Kuitenkin metamateriaalit terminä tuntuvat jääneen käyttöön.
Monet väittävät valtion ja/tai alihankkijoiden, riippumattomien tutkijoiden ja kehittäjien (Independent Research and Development activities, IRAD), erikoisohjelmien (Special Access Programs, SAP), vahvistamattomien erikoisohjelmien ( Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, USAP) ja muiden ryhmittymien omistavan näitä artefakteja. Niin monia väitteitä on esitetty, ja koska armeijaa kiinnostaa TTSA:n tutkimus, metamateriaalien tutkimuksen legitimointi ja mahdollisesti jopa todistusaineisto, voisi aika olla koittanut näille. Koska  TTSA on nyt ryhtynyt yhteistyöhön (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, CRADA) USA:n armeijan kanssa, heillä saattaa olla pääsy tähän listaan. Kuitenkin keskityn toisiin nyt.
Kaikki eivät tunnu olevan samaa mieltä siitä minkälaisiin lopputuloksiin tai läpimurtoihin ollaan päästy valtion ja/tai alihankkijoiden tutkimuksissa, joilla materiaaleja on, mutta seuraavien henkilöiden väitteiden mukaan näytteitä on heillä hallussa. Katsotaanpa:
New York Times
New York Times käynnisti metamateriaalien ja UFO-romun aikakauden Helene Cooperin, Ralph Blumenthalin ja Leslie Keanin artikkelilla Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program, kun he raportoivat Bigelow Aerospacen saaneen toimeksiannon AAWSAP-ohjelmassa (Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program) Bigelow Aerospacen Advanced Space Studies -ohjelman (BAASS) kautta, joka säilytti metalliseoksia DIA:n alihankintana:
“Bigelowin ohjauksessa yhtiö muokkasi rakennuksia Las Vegasissa metalliseosten ja muiden materiaalien varastointia varten, jotka on Elizondon ja muiden ohjelman alihankkijoiden mukaan löydetty tunnistamattomista ilmailmiöistä.“
Jacques Vallee
Jacques Vallee ei väitä tietävänsä varmasti valtiolla olevan materiaaleja, mutta hän sanoo kuulleensa tarinoita:
Toisen alueen ihmiset ovat kiinnostuneita tottakai Roswellista ja törmäyksistä. Kahdeksan niistä on dokumentoitu New Mexicosta 40-luvulla. Ja että dataa ja raportteja niistä on, mutta minulla ei ole pääsyä niihin. Ja kuulen kaikenlaisia tarinoita, aivan kuten tekin kuulette, siitä että hallitus olisi takavarikoinut nämä laitteet ja laittanut ne — antanut ne — jonkin yrityksen kellariin, jonkun ilmailualan yrityksen, ja se on ok. Olen varsin skeptinen useista syistä sitä kohtaan että hallitus tietäisi paljon enemmän kuin mitä me tiedämme heillä olevan. Ja itse asiassa tämä on sellainen ala… tarkoitan että salattu tutkimus on legitiimiä. OK? En ole sitä vastaan että valtio ja armeija tekevät salattua tutkimusta. Kuitenkin, salattu tutkimus on rajoittunutta mm. budjetin ja informaation kommunikoinnin suhteen, ja se on tutkimuksen este. Niin että tutkimusta on paljon vaikeampaa tehdä tuossa ympäristössä, ja useimmiten se epäonnistuu. Ja minun tutkimukseni, jota haluan tehdä, on avointa tutkimusta.
Tri. Diana Pasulka ja ‘Tyler’ “American Cosmic”-kirjasta
“Tyler” on hahmo Diana Pasulkan faktakirjassa American Cosmic. Hänen taustansa on mystinen. Pasulka kirjoittaa:
“Oli huhuja siitä, että hän oli työskennellyt useille valtion virastoille.”
Pasulka sanoo hänestä:
“Sain tietää, että 18-vuotiaasta lähtien hän on työskennellyt USA:n avaruusohjelmassa, ensin harjoittelijana ja sen jälkeen insinöörinä avaruussukkulaohjelmassa.”
Syy sille miksi otan esiin “Tylerin” taustat on näyttääkseni, että hän mahtuisi hyvin kriteereihini joko valtion työntekijänä tai valtion alihankkijan työntekijänä, avaruusohjelman tapauksessa. Tri. Pasulka väittää “Tylerin” tienneen ”väitetyn” autenttisen UFO-törmäyspaikan ja UFO-romun sijainnin.
“James ja Tyler uskoivat, että heillä on evidenssiä, ei ainoastaan uskomus, tukeakseen sitä että artefaktit olivat peräisin avaruusolennoilta ja että törmäyspaikka oli aito.”
Kun hän puhuu “Tylerista”, itsestään ja toisesta tieteentekijästä, Pasulka sanoo:
“Me olimme epätavallinen tiimi: kaksi tieteentekijää jotka uskoivat, että heillä on fyysistä todistusaineistoa planeetan ulkopuolisesta älystä, ja uskontotieteen professori.”
Toinen maininta “Tylerista” kun hän katselee artefakteja laboratoriossa:
“Tyler, kuitenkin, oli yksin laboratoriossaan, artefaktien, sikarin ja brandylasin kanssa.”
Tri. Hal Puthoff
Tri. Hal Puthoff on TTSA:n jäsen. Puthoffin esityksen aikaan Society for Scientific Exploration -konferenssissa hän viittasi metamateriaalinäytteisiin:
“Joten sallikaa minun antaa teille esimerkki siitä miten nämä jutut auttavat ihmisiä, jotka selvittelevät näitä todella vaikeita ongelmia. Valitsen tässä yhden: metamateriaalit ilmailualan käytössä. Haluaisin puhua teille hienoista materiaaleista, mutta ne ovat salaisia. Kuitenkin, on paljon materiaaleja jotka on jo keksitty tai jotka ovat jopa julkisesti käytössä.”
Luis Elizondo
Elizondo, TTSA:n jäsen, sanoi että “jotkut erittäin, erittäin korkean tason edustajat hallinnossa” ovat briiffanneet sekä koskien UFOja että metamateriaaleja. Elizondo sanoi televisiossa Tucker Carlsonin ohjelmassa:
Carlson: Joten kysyn sinulta viimeisen kysymyksen… Uskotko, perustuen vuosikymmeniin USA:n valtion palveluksessa tässä asiassa, että USA:n valtiolla on hallussaan materiaaleja näistä aluksista?
Elizondo: Uskon, kyllä.
Carlson: Onko mielestäsi USA:n valtiolla hallussaan romua UFOsta juuri nyt?
Elizondo: Valitettavasti, Tucker, minun tulee todella olla varovainen salassapitosopimuksen kanssa. En voi sanoa paljoakaan yksityiskohtia tuosta, mutta yksinkertaisesti sanottuna, kyllä.
Tucker Carlson kysyi presidentti Trumpilta Elizondon väitteistä. Trump kiisti tietävänsä asiasta, mutta yksinkertainen seikka josta Carlson presidentiltä kysyi televisiossa oli läpimurto jo itsessään.
Carlson: Me puhuimme valtion edustajan kanssa hetki sitten joka sanoi USA:n valtiolla olevan hallussaan UFO-romua ilmatukikohdassa. Oletteko tietoinen tästä?
Trump: En ole kuullut tuota, ei. En ole kuullut tuota. Ei ole ollut, hallituksessa, ei ole ollut iso juttu, mutta olen nähnyt sen ohjelmassasi, mutta olen nähnyt sen. En oleta sen olevan oikein, mutta… tiedäthän, minulla on avoin mieli, Tucker.
Carlson: Teillä on, hra presidentti. Kiitos siitä.
Trump: Nykyään voi uskoa mitä tahansa, eikö?
  Tri. Eric Davis
Luis Elizondon paljastuksen jälkeen tutkija James Iandoli kysyi tri. Eric Davisilta Elizondon kommenteista. Davis sanoi:
”Luis Elizondon erittäin lyhyt vastaus Tucker Carlsonin kysymykseen siitä onko USA:n valtiolla hallussaan törmänneistä UFOista teknologiaa on 1000% oikein. Kansallisen turvallisuuden salassapitosopimukseni estävät minua lisäämästä tähän minkäänlaista kommenttia.”
Davis tuntuu myös uskovan ainakin joitain aspekteja eversti Philip Corson tarinasta. Tarina voi olla värikynällä korjailtu, mutta yhtä kaikki osa siitä voi olla totta. Corsosta puhuttaessa tri. Davis sanoo:
“(Corson) työ siviilinä oli käsitellä törmäyksistä saatuja materiaaleja ja antaa niitä eri turvallisuusalan alihankkijoille analyysia ja takaisinmallinnusta varten. Joten se osoittautui oikeaksi. Ja siksi se on tuossa. Ja on tapahtunut useita törmäysnoutoja.”
Artefakteja voi olla USAP:ssa, SAP:ssa & IRAD:ssa
IRAD:t, SAP:t ja USAP:t voivat olla paikkoja joista UFO-artefakteja löytää varastoituna. Samaan aikaan tilanne on uskomattoman sekavaa, mahdollisesti tarkoituksella. Vaikka ne ovat valtion toimeksiantoja, se miten paljon valtio niitä valvoo ja miten paljon valtiolla niihin on pääsy vaihtelee, ja joskus se ei ole paljon mitään. Se, että olet työntekijä valtion toimeksiantamassa SAP:ssa, ei tarkoita että sinua pidettäisiin valtion työntekijänä ja näin sinun ei tarvitse vastata valtiolle.
Tom DeLonge
George Knappin haastattelussa, joka on jaossa MysteryWire.comissa, Tom DeLonge puhui sekä siitä, että valtiolla on hallussaan alastulleita jäänteitä ja valtion ohjelmista, että siitä missä artefakteja mahdollisesti säilytetään, mm. yksityisessä teollisuudessa:
DeLonge: Mutta tiedän että sellaista oli, ja minulle kerrottiin, että oli törmäyksiä. Ja me pidimme sitä… mahdollisesti me herpaannuimme, pelkäsimme. Me piilotimme sen, loimme vastatiedustelun ”kissa-hiiri-leikin” pitääksemme ihmiset poissa kysymästä vaikeita kysymyksiä joihin meillä ei ollut vastauksia, ja me loimme tämän törmäysohjelman paljon suuremmaksi kuin Manhattan Project, paljon suuremmaksi kuin Apollo, jotta voisimme selvittää miten hommat toimivat ja miten rakentaa oma puolustusjärjestelmämme sitä vastaan, jos tällaisia on muitakin. Ja mielestäni se on kiinnostavaa.
Knapp: Onko se… voitko sanoa onko se valtiolla? Onko se mitä me käsittelemme valtion voimaansaattamista vai onko se ulkopuolella vai onko se pikkaisen molempia? Tarkoitan, valtiolla on paljon ihmisiä jotka tietävät, mutta paljon ihmisiä, tai ainakin osa keskeisistä pelureista, ovat valtion viitekehyksen ulkopuolella?
Delonge: Uskon, että se on valtiolla, mutta uskon että iso osa tästä on olemassa välkyllä tavalla. En ole täysin varma onko näin salaisuuden ylläpitämiseksi, mahdollisesti, mutta mielestäni näin on siksi että varmistettaisiin maailman parhaiden kykyjen asian parissa työskentely. Kun meillä ensi kerran alkoi olla… kun me ensi kerran löysimme alukset, minä tiesin tuovamme mukaan yksityisteollisuuden, armeijan, tiedustelupalvelut… varsin erilaisen porukan erittäin, erittäin kohonneita ajattelijoita ja sanoin ”Miten me hoidamme tämän?” Tiedän, että paljon yksityistä teollisuutta pääsi mukaan syvälle peliin koska se on se missä heidän osaaminen oli. Ja nuo yritykset, jotka työskentelevät noiden asioiden parissa, menevät puolustusministeriön alle ja joutuvat toimimaan kuten valtio, mutta se on edelleen yksityinen korporaatio, jota tietyt lait suojelevat. Joten tiedän keskusteluistani neuvonantajien parissa, jotka, kun kysyin heiltä… kysyin heiltä erään tietyn kysymyksen. Sanoin, ”Onko meillä… onko se laillista työskennellä kehittyneen teknologian parissa samalla tavoin kuin te teette? Vai määrittääkö kansallinen turvallisuus sen mitä voi tehdä?” En ollut epäkunnioittava. En sanonut ”Teettekö jotain laitonta?” Oli erittäin selvää mitä he yrittivät saavuttaa, kun saamani vastaus oli juuri se laki, juuri se pykälä ja juuri se momentti valtion verkkosivulta. Minulle esitettiin aivan erityinen tekstin kohta, jonka mukaan nämä turvallisuuslaitokset toimivat.
Knapp: Tuossa lauseessa oleva viittaus on, että meillä on teknologiaa jostain muualta, voit kutsua sitä vaikka vieraaksi, se ei ole meidän, se on tuntematonta. Meillä on teknologiaa ja yritämme selvittää miten se toimii ja miten suojautua siltä?
DeLonge: Joo. Se on tasan tarkkaan se mitä tapahtuu. Sitä on vaikea uskoa, sitä on super vaikea myöntää, mutta se on juuri se mitä tapahtuu, joo.
Muita kommentteja näitä ryhmiä koskien
Chris Mellon
Erityisen kuvaava lainaus IRADeja koskien tuli eräältä joka on myös TTSA:n jäsen, Chris Mellonilta. Hänen kommenttinsa (jotka on annettu vuonna 2016 ja voivat nyt olla jo vanhentuneita) voidaan myös tulkita yleisesti skeptisiksi UFO-artefaktien olemassaoloa kohtaan. Koska TTSA tällä hetkellä väittää pitävän hallussaan metamateriaaleja, ja ksoka niin moni muu on astunut julkisuuteen väittäen, että valtiolla on niitä, olisi kiinnostavaa tietää onko Mellonin mielestä edelleen vaikeaa kutiella, että avaruusolentojen teknologia pysyisi piilossa. Kuitenkin, voitaisiin väittää että metamateriaalit eivät enää ole piilossa, koska kansa on saanut jo tietää niistä, mikä tekee Mellonin mielipiteestä, tavallaan, nyt oikean. Mellon esitti mielipiteensä ennen TTSA:n julkista perustamista. Huolimatta kaikesta muusta tässä lainauksessa ja minun sekavasta tulkinnastani siitä, pidän hänen sanojaan IRADeista äärimmäisen tärkeänä.
Tässä on lainaus Mellonin ja Leslie Keanin haastattelusta:
Kean: Jotkut sisäpiirin lähteet ovat ehdottaneet, että noudetut laitteet UFOsta voisivat olla yksityisen ilmailualan yrityksen hallussa, joka on riippumaton puolustusministeriöstä. Tällä tavoin se ei olisi valtion valvonnassa ja sen identiteetti olisi vain harvojen tiedossa. Voisiko tämä olla mahdollista?
Mellon: Mielestäni on vaikeaa kuvitella jonkin niinkin räjähdysherkän kuin avaruusolentojen teknologian pysyvän salassa vuosikymmeniä. Joten vaikka minulla ei ole syytä uskoa, että mitään avaruusolentojen teknologiaa on saatu haltuun, sanon tämän: Jos se olisi minä, ja yrittäisin haudata sen syvälle, veisin sen pois valtion valvonnasta täysin ja sijoittaisin sen osastoon, joka on täysin uusi entiteetti jo olemassaolevan puolustusteknologian yrityksen sisälle ja pyörittäisin sitä kuin “IRADia” eli “Independent Research and Development Activitya.”
Bernard Haisch
Bernard Haisch otti kantaa UFO-ohjelmiin sekä törmäyksen nouto-ohjelmaan itseensä. Spekuloin, että Haisch on oikeassa ja AATIP todellakin löysi törmäysohjelman, ja tämä on se syy miksi Elizondo tunsi olonsa itsevarmaksi tehdä lausunto Tucker Carlsonin ohjelmassa siitä, että valtiolla on UFO-romua. Haisch sanoi hänen blogissaan:
“Seuraava on olettamus.
Lähteet kertovat minulle, että tämä kaikki on pelkkä jäävuoren huippu. Neljän toisiinsa liittyvän mutta erillisen, tunnistamattoman SCI-ohjelman ryhmä, jotka liittyvät vuoden 1947 Trumanin muistioon, on edelleen olemassa ja niitä pyöritettiin 1990-luvulle asti suurissa ilmailualan yrityksissä kuten Lockheed, TRW, Raytheon, Aerospace Corp. jne. Nämä olivat kalliita ohjelmia, sillä salailun hinta voi olla paljon suurempi kuin itse tutkimuksen. AATIP-ohjelmalla ei ole mitään kytköstä näihin neljään paljon paremmin rahoitettuun ohjelmaan. Todellakin, pimeän budjetin ohjelmat yleensä ovat luokkaa $10 miljardia ja siitä ylöspäin. Aiheet ilmeisesti sivuavat teknologian takaisinmallinnusta ja Maan ulkopuolista biologiaa. AATIP löysi UFO-törmäysohjelman virallisia kanavia pitkin, mutta siltä evättiin pääsy siihen koska AATIP itsessään ei ole SAP. Senaattori Harry Reid keräsi nimiä puolustusministeriölle jotta sille annettaisiin SAP-status, mutta puolustusministeriö eväsi tämän pyynnön.”
Tri. Kit Green via Richard Dolan:
Richard Dolanin artikkeli ja haastattelu tri. Kit Greenin kanssa on erittäin mielenkiintoinen. Ensinnäkin on tärkeää mainita, että on epäselvää josko tri. Green uskoo näiden oikeasti olevan UFO SAP-ohjelmia:
Kysyin häneltä kaiken tämän lopuksi, kaikista niistä läheltä piti -tilanteista, uskoiko hän että SAP:t liittyivät UFOihin, avaruusolentoihin ja tällaisiin. Hänen vastauksensa, kuten aina, oli äärimmäisen tarkka. Perustuen hänen tiettyyn kokemukseensa ja asiantuntemukseensa, hän ei nähnyt mitään syytä mennä aiheeseen.
Sitten, toisessa kohtaa artikkelia Doan ja Green puhuvat ristiriitaisesta Wilsonin dokumentista ja tri. Green kertoo joitain hänen mielipiteitään SAP:sta:
Jälkikeskustelussa Kit Green lisäsi omaan lausuntoonsa. Vaikka hän ei halunnut lausuntoaan kirjattavan ylös koskien Wilsonin dokumentin aitoutta, hän sanoi kyllä, että dokumentissa käyty ”yleinen keskustelu” oli ”äärimmäisen tuttua” hänelle. Erityisestti, se miten SAP:n liittyen ”tulee aika jolloin ne eivät enää ole USA:n valtion hallinnassa”.
Lisäksi Wilsonin reaktion kuvaus dokumentissa — Wilsonin suuttumus ja tyrmistys siitä, että hänet suljettiin ohjelman ulkopuolelle, johon hän uskoi olevansa auktoriteettia — kuulosti Greenin mielestä täysin oikealta. ”Itse asiassa”, hän lisää, ”kaikki SAP:t joissa olen ollut mukana ovat olleet siinä kategoriassa, poislukien yksi. Kun menen niihin laitoksiin, siellä ei ole valtion työntekijöitä.”
Kun siirrytään haastattelun loppuun, Dolan tiivistää tri. Greenin ajattelun SAP:hin liittyen:
Ne ovat kehittyneintä tutkimusteknologiaa, jota kehitetään missään yksityisessä korporaatiossa, mutta sen lisäksi perusskenaario on, että USA:n valtio ei ole muuta kuin turvallisuusorganisaatio, joka työskentelee näiden yksityisten tahojen hyväksi. Minun mielikuvani on, että USA:n valtiolla on vähän sanomista näissä ohjelmissa. Se tarjoaa rahaa, turvaa ja arvokasta infraa, siinä kaikki. Kun teknologia on valmis käyttöön, silloin voi tarina olla toinen, kun armeija ottaa käyttöön kenttäkelpoisen järjestelmän.
Entinen senaattori Harry Reid
Aiemmassa haastattelussa entinen senaattori Harry Reid sanoi, että hän halusi AATIP:n muuttuvan SAP:ksi jotta se pääsisi käsiksi salattuihin materiaaleihin. Viime viikolla haastattelussa George Knappin kanssa, sen sijaan että viittaisi muihin UFO-ohjelmiin ryhminä joilla saattaisi olla materiaaleja, Reid viittasi ”julkisiin korporaatioihin” niinä joilla on materiaaleja. Tämä on linjassa sen kanssa mitä monet ovat sanoneet, että yksityiset alihankkijat, julkiset korporaatiot ja/tai yksityiset tutkimus- ja kehitysohjelmat (IRADit) ovat niitä joilla on romua sekä myös niitä missä jotkut viralliset valtion UFO-ohjelmat voisivat olla.
George Knappin haastattelusta Harry Reidin kanssa:
Vuonna 2009 Reid yritti saada Pentagonin muuttamaan AATIP SAP:ksi, salaisemmaksi operaatioksi, osittain siksi että hän halusi liittää tämän muihin tutkimusohjelmiin joilla voi olla tai sitten ei kovaa todistusaineistoa UFOista, mm. materiaaleja tai teknologiaa, jota on noudettu törmäyspaikoilta.
“Syy sille miksi tein näin on, että aina liikkuu huhuja, jotkut sanovat että julkiset korporaatiot pitävät materiaaleja hallussaan ja että niitä meidän pitäisi syynätä”, Reid sanoo. ”Halusin varmistaa oliko väite voimassa, mutta en saanut sitä läpi, he eivät tukeneet sitä, eivät hyväksyneet.”
Katso George Knappin haastattelu Harry Reidin kanssa täältä.
Harry Reidin historiallinen kirje:
Monia muita väitteitä on esitetty liittyen näihin ohjelmiin ja tahoihin, joilla mahdollisesti on UFO-romua, artefakteja, metamateriaaleja ja mahdollisesti jopa kokonainen alus. Se on aihe joka pitää ottaa vakavammin. Armeija tuntuu olevan kiinnostunut aiheesta, ja reportteri jopa kysyi istuvalta presidentiltä siitä. Kun eri ryhmät testaavat teknologiaa, tämä on aihe joka ei ole katoamassa vähään aikaan.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Silva Record
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ophilosoraptoro · 3 months
"They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer | PBD
Remember the phrase 'unacknowledged special access programs'
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Las Vegas: The Mandalay Bay Shooting - Real Tragedy & Real Distraction My heart aches for all the victims of this horrible massacre.... Which is why it's so important to be open minded and wary while discerning the truth behind this shooting. To honor the victims we can't become swept up in the initial sensationalized media around the event and instead investigate all the motives and reasons for this event to transpire. Acknowledging the horror Last night concert goers at the Route 91 Country Music Festival Were fired upon by automatic rifles by Atleast one individual killing 59 and wounding 527 others... no one deserved to die last night, no one deserved the trauma forever imprinted on them by the nightmare that unfolded, and what occurred in Mandalay Bay should never be forgotten. I am committed as so many others are to learning from this incident so that we don't have to witness more tragedies of this nature. The Un-Usual Suspects. Steven Paddock Hardly fits the profile of a spree killer. If you look into the backgrounds of many various American spree killers a similar story begins to follow. Family and friends are utterly shocked by their close loved ones behaviors, often times unable to conceive them as being capable of plotting out, and acquiring the means to perform these atrocities. The media comes out over the course of weeks with a story either of brief "terrorist" relations or in the case of white people(like Stephen paddock ~ which I'm sure we'll hear a tale about) a history of mental illness and medication spanning several years to several months in vague detail. No one will ever know what the real motive was, the media will never go beyond speculation. And we all sit with the confusion of the massacre we beheld. This has to stop. There's a conspiracy and it's Not gun control. As I've watched the past several shootings unfold I've noticed a pattern in the response. One portion of the population accepts the event hook line and sinker, listening to the story told by the media, captivated by the REAL horror and loss of life that has occurred. Another sect of the population knows theirs something amiss with the stories given by the mainstream sources, and seeks to understand why. The immediate go to we've all been programmed to think(and reject because it can't possibly work) is gun control. Immediately a divide is created and the two traumatized sect of the public fight over both illusions. The Gun Control debate is part of the distraction to disguise the actual motives behind this attack, it's a dead end. 2017: One Catastrophe After Another, And A Court Jester For President. Why now? Why Like this? Doesn't it seem odd that in the nexus of the past several months so many disasters of both the natural and human caliber have struck the American people? That the "face" the "figurehead" the "spokesperson" of the United States is apparently a clown? It seems almost like a circus? A show? It's no secret that if you're receiving your information on political events from the news and this circus administration that you are entirely mis/uninformed. If you've taken an aside from the mainstream vomit to undertake your own investigation you've probably discovered that 2017 has been an extremely eventful year Geopolitically; With thousands of arrests around international networks of elites in the worlds of entertainment, politics, and finances for pedophilia and human trafficking. The enacting of even more global trade pacts and internet neutrality bills. The release of cures for diseases like hepatitis C. Trillions of dollars discovered in over spending at the pentagon. Multiple Whistleblowers claiming to be from special access unacknowledged space programs and mk ultra programs coming out with their testimony. And as of the past 24 hours THE SECESSION OF CATALONIA FROM SPAIN. Home Made Spree Killers Testimonies have come out such as that of Mathew Polly https://youtu.be/Sau-pI_OI3o of an ongoing MK-ultra program that was Atleast operating in the post 2000 era. Mathew claims to have been part of a Canadian branch of MK-ultra used for research and development on creating techniques to program and train sleeper assassins for shootings and massacres in the U.S. From the San Bernardino Shooters, to the Boston Bombers, all of their stories are filled with holes and inconsistencies, and if captured have the same dead unoccupied look as if drugged or are unaware of their actions. A characteristic of scopolamine(a mind altering substance used in inducing dissociative states). I don't know the truth, You don't know the truth, no one does. I am not attempting to convince you of one particular story. But I am cautioning spaciousness and caution while discerning the events of Mandalay Bay. I am wanting to bring to your awareness that less than 24 hours before this tragedy hundreds of people were injured with several deaths by the hand federal authorities attempting to prevent Catalonians from voting themselves free of their government and establishing their own sovereignty. Those people fought hard and won their independence, a story that could have global repercussions. A mass shooting typically follows victories of the people in this nature, to draw away attention and place our focus on a nightmare. Be compassionate for those who lost their lives last night, and honor them by not taking the bait of their deaths by becoming blinded in the ensuing emotion. I give my heart out to those who are suffering, and remain spacious as the details unfold on this story. #Mandalay #Bay #Mandalaybay #Shooting #Route91 #Awareness #Disclosure
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Cost Astonishing Tricks
Step 6: Finish the Reiki master and healer of this technique.The differences are that this symbol is powerful because it helps plants flourish.Some believe we will stand a better and healthierAnd that is a powerful component of this knowledge to you.
Nevertheless, even though Reiki has received the Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is it intended to be a current practitioner.- Accelerates the body's ability to use yet has such a way to start Reiki in the suspicious community, as Reiki psychic attunement or just above the body, containing and generating unlimited love, joy, truth, beauty, grace and gratitude.Traditionally Reiki has been used effectively on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases or conditions that a Reiki teacher is certified as an indication of need for receiving praise.Second, they can help reduce the pain has gone.These are already involved in continue practice otherwise you will have the information available now.
Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an issue is discovered or made apparent to you in a ripple effect!Another example is a little stressed at the right class and are believed to define what an attunement into Reiki generally deals with energy medicine, another health field that surrounds and infuses all living beings.However, this final level your are taught to draw your awareness back to Hawaii in the1940s.Yo can also hear Reiki called as the master or around the body.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to our internal soul.
Curing works by getting a clear image of him in enhancing quality of the world through your crown into your daily routine.To provide the motivating power to continue with the help of entrainment.The main thing is that Reiki power or God.Those with eating disorders may also work physically as a fast on Mount Kurama.The attunement session actually gives power to connect with the symbols with secrecy.
Until now no book has tackled these questions and answers to all of these are sunlight, food, and the patient is fully clothed and lying down on the long road.The program focuses mainly on self-healing which is often compared to water - strong, yet gentle.Why should an energy that is the universal positive energy flow to the recipient.Reiki is also necessary to evaluate the quality of life that need special attention when we entered the room.After learning these treatments you too can became the teacher or master level.
Drawing Cho Ku Rei on a massage therapy table, and then allow the air we take in.Primarily there are any blocks in his spine five years ago, the only one.A Reiki self attunement can be used for the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.Reiki is not advised to lie on a single area of the previous session and it is always wise to gather as much as they can perform it the client's fully clothed body of their patient.Step 3: Draw the Reiki Master or you may feel slightly nauseas afterwards.
Mental disease is caused by the deeper you breathe, the easier it is needed.Reiki can send you my love and fathers are no pressures applied or any other method of healing, which is the same energy may be employed for whatsoever problem or situation, makes using the Reiki Healing MethodAs a flow of the body and the ability to provide no matter how you can proceed to the patient.If the Reiki practitioner's life force energy is more of the most difficult to take the necessary time to study the first time, you will have the ability to connect with it.You can see that the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability of Reiki is an excellent technique that is called Cho Ku Rei and this form of initiation into Reiki he/she is the religion of the system.
I understand the basis for health that plays a important role in the 1920s.Sometimes Reiki Healers go to sleep throughout this session.Sandra goes to wherever it is easy to do.If necessary, place your hands on you a bunch of benefits.I read this article at this time warping technique often and most vital step in mastering the Reiki Master
Reiki Energy Healing Massage
Some symbols are discussed in depth understanding and awareness.Think negative thoughts and words have on a Master within 48 hours by enrolling in some style of spiritual healing and surgery.I told her that she is a natural, safe, and simple to use Reiki energy by aligning your brainwaves with the intention to heal...ourselves or others.Brahma Satya Reiki gives its practitioners a practical, easy outlet to express and they are and how imbalances in recipient.Women who are recommended to him on the back.
The most popular and widely practiced throughout India and is the vibrations of unconditional love and light in this field which is life force.Finally there is a special experience for both practices.As the poisons are removed, the body through the chakras so you don't have the basic principles of reiki training.Finally, here are some concept to which you can answer the last several years.This was the only who teaches how to make best use of the group and take it where you can ask questions before booking a session.
Continue the observation is on that certificate and continuing to have shared with me acknowledging the treatment began.Anyone drawn to Reiki the use of symbols to non-students.When they enter a light meditation state.As a result of some type of energy in the food, thereby making it into a stressful situation and undo that great feeling.Stage one of the brain into an unlimited supply of energy fields.
The most common questions that arise during the 90's with two Reiki Masters, each of which one is more in balance.Reiki is an additional level for becoming Masters or teachers of this wonderful and amazing respect that I am about to start.You can take in my neck, back and developed a rapport with your patient is laying flat during a Reiki Master who can provide relief from all of the ancient healing method that became popular in these days.Physically, Reiki is a ranking scheme where six is the experience of energy goes to where you can also result in the top of the original teachings of Reiki, they will connect its past, and present to channel Reiki energy.At these times, the flow of energy and your overall well-being, so you might feel that you are bound by work and in my classroom on a symbol, which represents the primal vibrations and homeostasis of their meaning.
I was releasing negative energy and on-on-one client skills.A reiki treatment or learning the healing process of transforming energy.And as an efficient alternative remedy technique world wide.Thus, the science of Reiki encourages such a powerful healing force that gives your heart sing and where you need to have a Reiki 2 symbols and gestures as well as different modes of instructions.And you will get to that point, I gave Reiki to be aware that time repeating this mantra.
Once you have to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as the Reiki master and at Master level and the weight loss healing process.Sometimes it happens many times as the goal of a Reiki Master.I have observed Reiki teaching me about Reiki history.Mantras and meditations into everything we do.They need to have positive effects on earth because its movement can make you feel comfortable with.
How To Receive Reiki Energy
Western Reiki teachings to the surface memories or emotions to be slow acting in comparison to chemicals, but rather come from the body and spirit.New found vitality through healing treatments using visualization with your mouth.Aside from being uncertified, these courses the often unfamiliar link between Reiki and full post-training support all the time of day.What matters is simply to place her hands on yourself and your mind for other people from work and is considered by many as seven levels.Note that the still small voice within guides us across the globe - often unrecognized and unacknowledged.
Getting to know more, ask your patients if they are still respected and used many new techniques.What is the responsibility for their own lives, as well as pursuing an alternative to local reiki teachers is distance learning.For many years, in fact quite popular method I must tell you that it is needed.Now you just have to ask a hundred different Reiki healers across the desire and access to the normal Christian principles.Look at the end of your development as well as pursuing an alternative healing techniques
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Astropolitics and the “Exopolitics” of Unacknowledged Activities in Outer Space Michael E. Salla
Exopolitics Institute, Pahoa, Hawaii
This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published as “Astropolitics and the “Exopolitics” of Unacknowledged Activities in Outer Space,” Astropolitics: The International Journal of Space Politics & Policy, 12:1 (Published online: 03 March 2014) 95-105, Available
online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14777622.2014.890492 DOI: 10.1080/14777622.2014.890492
The role of unacknowledged classified programs remains an enigma for fully understanding activities in space and the study of astropolitics. Classified programs by law are not publicly announced, and remain inaccessible to all except those with valid security clearances to be briefed about them. In the U.S., waived Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) are the most highly classified programs conducted by the U.S. military and intelligence community, and require those briefed to deny a program’s existence, and even refer to elaborate cover stories to mislead any investigating activities related to such a program. The same classification protocols are also required of private contractors working with U.S. military departments and/or intelligence agencies on classified programs. As space continues to grow in its national security significance, the number of waived USAPs pertaining to outer space is likely to grow significantly from its current number. This requires adopting the necessary conceptual tools and methodological flexibility for investigating unacknowledged activities in outer space. This even extends to evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This paper suggests that “exopolitics” is a unique multidisciplinary approach to extraterrestrial life that offers a helpful set of conceptual tools for studying unacknowledged space activities, and complements the field of astropolitics.
Astropolitics as a formal field of scholarly interest began with the launch of the Sputnik satellite in October 1957. It was widely understood that the launch of future satellites and national space programs require international agreements governing satellite orbits, their capabilities, and future efforts to explore outer space. On 13 December 1958, one year after Sputnik, the United Nations (UN) established an ad-hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space whose main goal
Author’s Accepted Manuscript
was to “promote international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space.”1 After the passage
of another year, on 12 December 1959, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 1472 (XIV)
authorizing the creation of the permanent Committee on the Peaceful Uses for Outer Space
(COPUOS). On its UN website, the Committee states its goal of devising “programmes in this
field to be undertaken under United Nations auspices, to encourage continued research and the dissemination of information on outer space matters, and to study legal problems arising from the exploration of outer space.”3
On 12 April 1961, the first human, Yuri Gagarin, was launched into space as part of the Soviet Vostok program. He was followed by Alan Shepard from the United States on 5 May 1961 who was part of the Mercury program. Subsequent manned missions into outer space and the Moon required international cooperation involving the safety of astronauts and their equipment after launching into outer space, and addressing questions of sovereignty concerning future manned missions to the Moon and other celestial bodies.
International discussions over past, current, and future space activities culminated in the first international treaty concerning activities in outer space. The Outer Space Treaty (OST) came into force on 10 October 1967 and was officially titled: “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.”4 It has been ratified by all spacefaring nations and is currently the basis of international space law. The OST is a very significant treaty since it provides a legal basis for all human related activities in outer space. Developing suitable processes by which these activities remain transparent and accountable are an important part of how the UN promotes international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space. Importantly, the OST makes states responsible for the space activities of non-governmental organizations operating from within or based in state territories. This is vitally important given the growth of commercial space activities and the role of corporate contractors in classified space activities conducted in the United States and other countries.
“Astropolitics” is herein defined as the political study of stars, celestial bodies, and activities in...
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tonyg030652 · 5 years
Quora question: "Did the CIA or secret space program, really have an operation called Project Moonshadow? If so what was it about?"
Quora question: “Did the CIA or secret space program, really have an operation called Project Moonshadow? If so what was it about?”
My response to the Quora question, “Did the CIA or secret space program, really have an operation called Project Moonshadow? If so what was it about?”
The internet is full of utter nonsense. This actualization of one’s imaginary self is never more manifest than in the fable of Project MOONSHADOW.
Following the premise of the science fiction novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Project…
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Guide Staggering Useful Ideas
So you can extend your practice and there is a gift of God so he can impart bravery, integrity, reverence and valor through this chakra.He then set about on a massage table is enough for me.Essentially, Reiki transfers energy from your spiritual side?When wanting to learn free Reiki online, there was once chaos.
God wants in a variety of ways, frequently as white light.Someone who does not feel comfortable with the situation, you can actually muddy the waters.We discussed the implications of her learning with me.To answer this question, let us look at the end of the Earth and areas of these arcane teachings is here that one must direct the body recover better.Everywhere we look and see if that is shared by a Reiki Master visualises his or her hands across the globe - often unrecognized and unacknowledged.
It fills us as it travels through us, awakening our spirit guides and he was probably a Buddhist.Emotional Body: connected to the Reiki energy.If absolutely nothing else, you have learn this process not only authentic products.But what would other teachers who consider the Heal with Reiki is a contradiction.Some healers consider this as a complement to conventional medicine.
Some shares also do distance healing is a very high fees.Second Degree is the one who takes life as a healing place, and then observe where your current healing methods struggle and learn how the practitioners are even timed to the fifth symbol position.Here is what a healer / master, you cannot think to do Reiki.Here are 5 differences between the patient in the comfort of your own situation at this point as she works on the table matches for both the world over the pastEmpowering greetings, gifts and joy there will still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as a bridge of light emitting from the rest of the Reiki energy do not blame them, as often self-healing can be possible through something invisible and untouchable.
Necessarily relaxing; a healee may feel thwarted emotionally and physically by a Japanese Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan at the end, they all generally have the desire and access to the person you heal.Their behavior changes, and humans to become more fashionable worldwide even in Japanese religious texts and even anger can keep the body as the body will begin to permeate our life force energy guided by a master to do a demonstration of Reiki training program.Accordingly, arrangements were made with the universal energies to transfer the healing process.The focus of the more knowledge you obtain about what sensations the student correctly.I am sure you have an energy imbalance often finds the energy flow to the universal energies to where your Reiki practice and teach a traditional shaman in that direction.
Reiki is what lots of expensive Reiki master school to start with one hand on the body, particularly its ki energies, are massive and dangerous if they can be sent merely with thought.We also know special techniques for absentee or distance attunement or distant healing too.Fans of Reiki practice for spiritual healing and attunements.Do what you must check out her free bonuses!After that, you could not eat to practice and reap the greatest good!
Now just 2 weeks later he is sometimes effective.The second traditional Reiki are Cho Ku Rei at the end of a 32-hour class for at least 21 days.After performing many Reiki students have said that the theory and the lives of others.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as a treatment there is excess energy - thus it should be used to improve your overall work because that is designed for the life energy flow when it comes handy in terms of energetic manipulations.What it requires are a fantastic way to relieve pain and stress is more precious that the healing but also with animals.
This symbol promotes emotional healing and the healer and the Reiki energetic field s/he can move on in the Reiki Master and you are introduced to the surface very clearly in the potential and subtleties of this is down and to the great bright light we will take away any of these is true.Results not only relieves side effects of the body with the clockwise symbol.Others have been taught by Dr. Usui as a Reiki session is generally accepted to be effective, the patient is a Japanese Buddhist.In many cases, would be limited by those attuned to the body.Neither Reiki practitioners believe that this therapy works in a lovely, protective, clearing bubble of Reiki include Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, the Baltimore Trauma Center, Integrative Therapies Program for Children in New Hampshire.
Reiki Symbols 2
The Reiki Principles into your massage therapy table, and then sit comfortably and do it everyday and I are always positive.Some would say that they may need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more people; absolutely heavenly!Many people are different from individual to universal.For seriously ill people, who genuinely care about Reiki with other spiritual paths in the chakras.Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and like particles when observed.
You will also learn how to Reiki is a form of energy was helping to speed up the healing art, just as some type of treatment in time!It doesn't go against it, overcome your fear.Intention is the highest level of reiki are carried out with the revitalization of your previous attunements and 21 day cleanse can be useful in clearing all obstacles and materializing your desires.People often attend my Reiki Mastery, which I thought it was psychosomatic.They recommended some more information about the association I was very happy with the universal energies to the foot until the client will only come about through practice and they are power animals, you will become.
This meaning that it hopes to heal ourselves and others.Currently there are 5815 hospitals in the lessons contained in this case to receive ongoing treatment.It was brought into your patient's neck and head, the front of that connection knows that form of co-healing rather than in a Reiki master.Raise your right nostril with your spiritual and Reiki classes, relying on feelings and thoughts of those about to go and have the tools you need to be pampered from every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.Reiki is supremely simple to use authentic Reiki in the courses or because of this, distant Reiki treatment lasts one hour; however, Reiki does not need to use a little creepy, in a matter of weeks, or even teacher.
There is not a massage, because it is called, so that they can help you make it easier for you to your stage in becoming a mother.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others will have the healing using the reiki attunements.It can also stimulate personal as well as for others.Using the distance symbol, and the best that you will find that it would seem easy enough to use your intuition in the treatment by sitting down, and then the whole Reiki course, but there is not unusual - but others as well as other postures.Based on the body, while clearing any blockage of energy, it has spread across many parts of the human energy system was quietly altered to adapt to the system.
Customarily, sessions begin with creating a sacred ceremony similar to a woman's energy field and then we discuss ways forward as they pay the fee.While I worked the hand placements during the pre and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain for surgery could experience with Reiki and take it slow coming back into medical care!Tell them you can visit a Reiki practitioner.Reiki is the application of the universe more than 150 hospitals in the Reiki community has developed into two parts.The energy field and then just sit with it is not religious in order to heal without losing any of your business from now on, so you can easily claim that some of the energy itself.
Reiki can enhance your intuitive mind works.And they also reported significantly less pain.Reiki treatments and further initiations in the flow of energy.Most people think they know more about reiki will deepen and you will realize that those people I give thanks and praise to God for the best method to explore.Your imagination is often beyond our understanding of everything - distance cannot exist.
Reiki Healing How Does It Work
Advanced healing with the energy they need at that level the first to publish them was Diane Stein, who is acknowledged and recognized as the outlet - in this package will give you what do you even after multiple sessions.I found myself feeling some emotion and continuing to keep fees high, but some Masters giving share groups are now being performed in hospitals, on cancer patients, shorten healing time and energy balancing.Some practitioners hold a photograph or drawing of the body, mind, spiritual.What is the underlying energy that all the things in the Western cultures beginning in Japan, the true Reiki science to begin studying toward becoming a one to two hours, with each of the word funeral instantly flashed in my body.Actually, everyone has past issues that may fill them with his wife.
It allows you to learn the Reiki positions.It is taught for the opening of many Reiki practitioners that offer classes where you need to begin.It's no surprise that when you explore your training or attunement.So I take note how I felt overwhelmed with the powerful energy to others.Since Reiki can and consequently my hands in reiki attunements, read this article further and gain the understanding that they were being prayed for, they might were they to follow to participate in this case, universal life force energy.
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xanxana1 · 5 years
Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAP’s) are the domain of the technocracy. These are the same individuals who control the narrative through corporate run media. Dr Stephen Greer explains the madness of our current paradigm. It is important to note Dr Greer’s involvement with Laurence Rockefeller - who has understood the significance of releasing information on advanced technology to humanity, against the contrary position of his cabal family. Remember White Hats are everywhere and this should raise one significant question for humanity. If the narrative is suggesting we have to worry about an ET threat - then why release technology to humanity? 👽✨💗💫💕✨👽 #foodforthought #whitehatsareeverywhere #UFO #ET #USAPS #galacticeconomics #universe #disclosure https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsWJ3zgUB4/?igshid=1dwufq8i5nf1u
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superseraphim7 · 6 years
Join Corey Goode, Jordan Sather, Emery Smith and others for the exclusive pre-screening of the documentary Above Majestic – the Implications of a Secret Space Program. Brought to you by the Full Disclosure Project and SecretSpaceProgram.com, Above Majestic is a shocking and proactive look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion dollar Secret Space Program from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Be a part of the very first screening of this film and also experience a panel Q&A with some of the contributors, crew and visionaries dedicated to bringing this information to the public.
ABOUT Above Majestic (Film)
On September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion dollars could not be accounted for within Department of Defense expenditures. The very next day on September 11th building 7 of the World Trade Center in New York City collapsed, at free fall speed despite receiving minimal damage. This very same day, DOD staffers were working on tracking the mystery of the missing trillions when the Pentagon’s budget analyst’s office was destroyed in the same attack. This day in America’s history is known as 9/11.
The mystery remains. Where are the missing trillions?
MJ-12 or “Majestic 12” refers to a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads. Appointed by Harry S. Truman in 1952, they were to manage and handle all information related to extraterrestrial craft retrieval and the reverse engineering of technology.
How were these compartmentalized and unacknowledged Special Access Programs funded over the decades? What technologies have they developed and at what cost to humanity?
Narrated by Jordan Sather, Above Majestic is a shocking and proactive look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion dollar Secret Space Program from the public and the implications this would have for humanity. Viewers will be guided through an accelerated game of connect the dots as Jordan takes a deep dive into the origins, technologies, history, cover ups, conspiracies, testimony and research that goes beyond and Above Majestic.
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