#unbelievable places
nezz-cringe-crib · 19 days
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based off this post, creds to @numbuh424 for the wonderful and most idea ever to exist:
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somebody please actually write it. all i can do is draw silly comics thats all i got yall.
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aleksanderscult · 17 days
Leigh Bardugo should become universally criticized just for the fact that she presented a victim of persecution and his actions as worse and more important to deal with than the genocide that takes place in that world.
She really said: "It's not the genocide we should worry about. It's that man and his efforts to stop it".
And people applaud her for it instead. Wow. You're all seriously fucked up.
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22plus15 · 9 days
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lindsey horan seen fuming somewhere in france
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unbfacts · 7 months
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dazesanddoodles · 3 months
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the vibe we bring to the function
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
what is this intrafandom horrible taste you speak of. please, i must know the gossip
a certain videoludic transformative work of chromatic inclinations really gets on my nerves.
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leroibobo · 4 months
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details inside the jalali house in srinagar, kashmir, built by agh syed safdar jalali in 1863. one of many "heritage houses" constructed by wealthy denizens of kashmir's cities during a period of architectural renaissance, it uses every kashmiri architecture and craft technique that you could possibly imagine; from taq architecture to resist earthquakes, to the papier-mache decals on its walls. today, it's cared for by jalali's descendants and is open to tourists.
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newspecies · 7 months
"the vast majority of legal persecution against early queers was focused on men" ARE YOU INSANE
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yellowocaballero · 22 days
so! saw you mentioned jjk, so if you wanna talk about it, whats your thoughts been on it so far?
Was waiting to answer this until I finished S2, which I just did.
It's incredible. It's an amazing work of art. Some of the best fighting animation I've ever seen in an anime, some of the best fight scenes period, non-stop gripping and thrilling and incredibly exciting. Gorgeous, cool as fuck, a lot of fun. Binged it and was extremely unwilling to do anything other than watch it. Real 'wander out of my room, rant to my roommates about how good it is, ignore their confused looks and wander back in my room to continue binging' energy.
Beyond that, my thoughts are a bit complex and difficult to put into words. It's great at a lot of things besides action - it has great characters, humor, world-building, everything. I would like to see more of the other things it's good at, and I think that would elevate the fight scenes a lot. I won't go into a tangent about what makes "a good action movie", but basically in good action work the action scenes need to have a lot of weight. S2 was basically 15 episodes of the climax of an incredible action movie, and a lot of the fight scenes would have been stronger if there was greater buildup or a more coherent escalation (Mahito loses every fight, which makes it hard to take his very lengthy subsequent fights seriously)(Gojo himself is a mystifying choice)(My only coherent thought for two episodes straight was 'Mahito just fucking die already'). My personal belief about arcs in serialized works is that they should work as full stories in isolation and have a coherent beginning, middle, climax, and end; one that still slots into the greater narrative of the serialized work and meaningfully develops the characters, world, and overarching plotline. S2 was, again, 15 episodes of climactic fight scene. But the climactic fight scenes were so fucking good.
It's a lot of things that I normally like in theory and are extremely bored of in practice. JJK really lived up to the theory of "what if a shonen action anime was only action and it was so so so so so good". If you do want an example of mangakas who do work that's 95% action that's skimpy on characters/plot/etc but still feel like an extremely complete experience, I recommend Nightow's Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Lots of criticism on a show I fucking loved, but you are talking to someone for whom "they punched so good and then the explosions were so pretty and I pumped the air and was satiated by the violence" is a 5/5 glowing four thumbs up review. The characters themselves were so endearing and fascinating and charismatic, which is an understated but important aspect of an action work. They don't have to be deep or complex, but you do have to get me invested in them and make them fun to watch. It also has incredible and well-utilized women, which esp in male oriented work I do genuinely consider a barometer of quality - not 'badass women automatically makes something good', but 'a creator who can write every character well is good at creating characters and if you can't create all your characters well or feel uncomfortable with portraying half the population then you aren't good at creating characters'.
Geto/Gojo will never be KakaObi and you are all lying to yourselves.
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lucreziaborgiagf · 1 day
ok hear me out: i don’t think mrs flood is necessarily evil or scheming. she’s tied to the pantheon in some way, but her name isn’t harbinger. and whoever ruby’s parent is, they’re almost definitely also tied to the pantheon too. it seems more than possible that mrs flood was placed there to keep an eye on ruby until the time was right, not to cause trouble or a disaster of some kind, but just as an observer
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schmweed · 6 months
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nattaphum · 2 years
Top 20 most viewed thai bl series on tiktok - from april 2017 to july 2022
Mile liked this video on twitter, he must be so proud❤️
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homestuckreplay · 1 month
you have a weak electrochemical bond!
John Egbert doesn't seem like a phone call type of kid, but you know who he IS gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS. I watched Ghostbusters II tonight, and overall I don't think it's a good movie - the message is glaringly over the top obvious, the characters feel flat, the special effects are awful, and I don't think it strikes the balance between realism and absurdism that I think it's going for - but despite all that, I had a pretty good time watching it. Some individual scenes were fun, and much like John, I love some slime.
Both Con Air and Ghostbusters II deal with family relationships where the mother raises the child and is close to them, and the father is absent - but either the real father or a surrogate father really cares about the kid and wants to be with them. It's a really specific parallel with a few different interpretations - possibly John wishes he had a mother figure and lives vicariously through these characters. Possibly he's commiserating with the kids in these movies about having a dad who's way too over the top, or he wishes his dad was over the top in cooler ways, shooting up a plane or blasting some ghosts instead of going to clown con. Or, my favorite theory - since these are movies from when John was very young or not yet born, maybe his dad showed him movies with positive, loving family relationships to show John that he's loved despite not having the typical two parent family.
The Big Thing(tm) in this movie is that the giant slime beneath New York City reflects the emotions surrounding it, both positive and negative. John's emotions seem so strong and so changeable based on what's immediately around him too - I can see him weirdly relating to the slime. I think this ties into this movie and Con Air both being very fast paced, intense, and action packed, neither of them allowing the viewer much downtime. This and the way he's always wandering around his house poking at things without settling - he really is a small bug looking for enrichment, looking for something to feel and then having extreme reactions to the tiniest things because at least something is happening.
The ghostbusters attempt to take a scientific approach to learning about the slime and how it operates, which really cements that this is the source of John's interest in paranormal lore, as well as ectoBiology. The actual science they try seems like a weird mix of chemistry and psychology, instead of biology, but it's close enough that I think this movie inspired John's chumhandle. I bet in elementary school someone asked him what he wants to be when he grows up and he said "ghostbuster."
Despite Slimer being John's favorite character (judging by his shirt and desktop wallpaper) he only has a couple of brief scenes in the movie. The funniest interpretation is that John has never seen the original Ghostbusters, only the sequel, but has become obsessed with this benign hungry slime ghost based exclusively on these cameos. Someone's gotta tell him this guy is in more movies.
MOST RECENT MOVIE: Ghostbusters II (1989) - Rating 6/10
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suntails · 2 months
job market misery
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hibiscuslynx · 16 days
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this song is like a mouse trap designed specifically just for me and at least 50% of it is because of these two lines. i will never ever recover from what wttt has done to my brain chemistry
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startrekgaysex · 2 months
My job is so frustrating because they won't let me do anythinggg that isn't specifically designing for my assigned clients they won't let me photograph they won't let me edit they won't let me weight in on anything they won't let me participate in any football related clients they won't let me fucking explode!!! and I'd be okay with staying in my lane if the rules applied to literally any men. Like why the fuck is the project manager doing photography why the hell is the cm hosting his own format on the network what is the nephew of the boss weighting in on every single fucking project ever. We literally have YET ANOTHER RELATIVE whose only contribution seems to be sitting at meetings to give his opinion??? it's hell world out here. And we're literally like 20 people tops so it's not like I can ignore it.
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