suppermariobroth · 2 months
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In 2022, a prototype version of Super Mario World has surfaced. The prototype was intended for internal Nintendo use only, and as such has various debug options enabled that allow the testers and developers to access parts of the game quickly, such as being able to walk on paths in the overworld that have not yet been revealed.
If this is used to access Star Roads before they are unlocked, the scenario in the footage will occur. The game will load an empty level where Mario starts out underneath the death barrier and dies immediately (note the level fading in after "MARIO START!" but then quickly fading back out).
As such, it appears that Star Roads are "uncheatable" and require legitimate unlocking to use even in a development version.
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i was thinking about how the game would go if the voices each had full control but then i realized some of them, like Broken and Cheated, are entirely reactionary. What the FUCK would cheated do, or even be, if he wasn't cheated in the past?
i need answers what is an uncheated cheated. what is an unbroken broken?
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echoweaver · 1 year
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Then there's Rascal. He comes and goes.
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When this was a test household, I need a horse to test, so the Riffins adopted him.
When I first decided to turn the household into a gameplay save, I used Appaloosa Plains Reloaded. This was a lovely neighborhood remodel, but it proved to have some serious issues. First of all, the Riffins had come into some serious cash, about §75,000 worth. They also had a fridge filled with hundreds of ingredients.
Then there were routing issues. I was inundated by notifications of unroutable sims. When I followed a stuck check notification from Overwatch and saw this, I decided my relationship with this version of Appaloosa Plains wasn't going to work out.
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That might look like a child chopped to pieces on the floor. It's actually a child swimming in the carpet, which is almost as disturbing.
So then I started fresh with a new load of Appaloosa Plains and did some updating and lot placement myself. I started with the fresh copy of the Riffins, and this time with proper uncheated cash, they couldn't afford to adopt a horse, much less feed it.
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But now I've changed my mind again. I like having Rascal around. So I'm going to pull him out of the test save and add him to the family. They'll just have to do the best they can to care for him.
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Maybe, when I can afford a box stall, the fellow can poop out some good fertilizer for the garden.
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narhinafan · 2 years
Naruto official releasing a poll to find favorite character that will get a short manga, what's the point? Sakura stans are already talking about using bots, and even if that wasn't the case why not exclude the MCs since it's obvious if it were a real uncheatable poll either Sasuke or Naruto's gonna win?
That is so true as soon as I saw the poll I was sure Sakura fans were going to spam the votes to cheat. Well based on all the current popularity polls inbuilding Boruto Sakura won't win. Though you are right they should left out characters that already get screen time and Naruto and Sasuke who the main focus in Naruto.
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babyawacs · 1 year
#reframed: with.abit.luck.superrational.responsible.farranged.seriousactors.shows.how.some.west.betray. allalong.and.unbetray.what.should.and.all.apolitical.nonwarbs #brokentrust  .@rosatom @rosatomglobal .@energy .@doescience #rosatom canyou put out sth cool without giving away secrets which speeds up friends but u n f r a u d s uncheats un_quells unbetrays my case abit in whatthey quell effort‎ ‎
#reframed: with.abit.luck.superrational.responsible.farranged.seriousactors.shows.how.some.west.betray.allalong.and.unbetray.what.should.and.all.apolitical.nonwarbs #brokentrust .@rosatom @rosatomglobal .@energy .@doescience #rosatom canyou put out sth cool without giving away secrets which speeds up friends but u n f r a u d s uncheats un_quells unbetrays my case abit in whatthey quell effort…
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truthblockchain · 2 years
Uncheatable Blockchain Transactions
With the collapse of bankrupt crypto exchange FTX still sending shivers through the industry and fueling consumer mistrust, an Israeli multi-billion-dollar startup is making its “uncheatable” blockchain transaction technology available for mass adoption in hopes of preventing the next fraud scandal.
Netanya-based StarkWare, which is valued at $8 billion, is the developer of a technology that compresses and speeds up blockchain transactions. Israeli computer scientist Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson is the mathematical brain behind the Stark technology, which is a proof system based on cryptography and modern algebra powering its two networks, StarkEx and the “blockchain internet” called StarkNet, used for blockchain applications and processing transactions.
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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May 20, 1922 Thimble Theater by E.C. Segar: "Uncheatable"
[ID: Castor Oyl walks into a store and worriedly speaks with the clerk behind the counter. /end] Castor: Last week, you sold me a box of matches and five of 'em wouldn't light. I want another box and be sure they're all good.
[ID: Castor walks happily around town, looking at the box of matches in his hand. /end] Castor: Nobody can slip it over on Castor Oyl twice in the same place.
[ID: Hamgravy looks off-panel to the right, confused and concerned. /end] Hamgravy: ?
[ID: He walks over. /end] Hamgravy: Hey Castor, what's the idea?
[ID: Castor kneels on the ground, lighting match after match from the box. A pile of burnt-out matches sizzles on the ground in front of him. /end] Castor: If there's a match in this box that won't light, I'm gonna take it back. I can't afford to buy bad matches. [ID: Hamgravy faints over backwards. /end]
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julesvale · 5 years
Rosa and gina(dianetti)
🙂 - I ship it but it’s not on my otp list
Leave a ship in my ask and I’ll reply only with an emoji
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into-control · 4 years
just slapped one of my villagers with one of the strongest swords known to uncheated survival sorry bro
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ashes-0f-phoenix · 3 years
Pearson Assesments can suck my metaphysical cock and that’s that.
Slight elaboration: laypeople should have access to the methods with which the assessments they’re made to take in hospitals, school admissions, job interviews, etc. are interpreted and it is more ethical to have these commonly used resources publicly available than to keep them private for professional use only to protect the “integrity” of these tests. Yes I know you need to profit from something as a company, no, it probably shouldn’t be super secret tests made to be as uncheatable as possible to screen people without telling them what exactly they’re being screened for or what their exact results are and how they’re being judged based on them.
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
Sejin I have a question for you: what is your opinion on the elimination punishment? Were you consulted at all? Is your girlfriend okay with it lol? Also if for some reason it says question for seokjin, its bc my autocorrect is horrible
Sejin chuckles. “I was, uh, I don’t know if consulted is quite the word. They ran the idea past me to see if I had any clear objections, and after chatting with my girlfriend, there weren’t really any huge ones. In my opinion it’s good that the punishment is serious and uncheatable enough that it has an impact, but it is unfortunate that I’ll have a body chained to me for a day when I’m trying to work and look after my girlfriend and the g- And the cat.”
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chapter-17 · 4 years
Doom Eternal has fucking AMAZING single player, it’s so good that the Battlemode is trying to be a multiplayer flavored extension of it... but this just makes me wonder why the current methods of getting Event XP without playing a shit ton of Battlemode matches are so lackluster.
For some reason, the only levels that give you Event XP when played through with Mission Select are the very first and very last levels. You get this XP regardless of whether or not cheats are on. The optimal Event XP grind, therefore, is to repeatedly play level 1 with permanent overdrive, sentinel armor, and infinite ammo cheats enabled, spamming BFG shots the entire time to finish the level in about four minutes or so. Over and over. For hours.
Your other, less mind numbing option is to start a new save file and play through the game since you get a sizable chunk of Event XP for finishing levels for the first time... which isn’t ideal either because that means having to give up everything you unlocked in your main save file.
Oddly enough, you get no Event XP AT ALL for playing through a Master Level, where you’d get to fully employ your full arsenal to beat a harder challenge. You are given more reward for cheating your way through the first level of the game than you are given for beating what is supposed to be the HARDEST VERSION of any given level. What?!
If the whole idea of Event XP was JUST to entice people into playing Battlemode, why bother giving Event XP out in anything else? If that wasn’t the intent, and it was to reward people for playing the game however they want to play it, why does the best method for single player XP grinding feel less like playing Doom and more like playing Warframe?
If you’re going to make an XP grind, which is not something I’m intrinsically against because I would LOVE a good progression system paired with Doom Eternal’s sublime gameplay, you might do well to look to other games that are all about them XP grinds and copy their homework. Weekly challenges are good, but what about a couple daily challenges? How about a button that tosses you into a random level and gives bonus XP a few times a day? What about more UNcheats like famine, giving players the option to turn on handicaps for better XP gain if they beat the level? How about a new game plus that turns every level into a master level and gives appropriately boosted XP so you can rip and tear through the campaign again with your full arsenal put to the test? There are SO MANY options here! 
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erintoknow · 5 years
one by one
Spiraling - A Fallen Hero: Rebirth Fan-fiction
Nights drinking with Dr. Mortum have become equal parts business and pleasure. You never know where you’ll find a new lead. [Fake]
[Read on AO3]
“Jane…?” Dr. Mortum’s voice is quiet compared to the noise of the bar. Busy night at Joes again.
“Mm?” Jane blinks, jerking her head up. “Sorry, sorry. I was a million miles away.” You need to stop thinking about Ortega. This is getting dangerous.
“Penny for your thoughts, mon amie?”
“Oh, uh…” She scans the floor, looking for something to sidetrack the conversation. “What do you make of that modded woman over there?” Jane nods her head in the direction of the game tables. A heavily scarred Latina woman with mods down the back of her head is in a heated argument with an Asian man with a crisp pressed suit. South-east Asian maybe? “Does she have any sense of self-preservation? That’s not the kind of guy I’d want to cross, personally.”
“Not the kind of person you would cross?” Mortum laughs, “What makes you say that?”
“Look at him.” Jane gestures in their direction, a quick motion. Hopefully not noticed by anyone but the doctor. “That suit? In this dive? Guy’s some kind of made-man.” She shakes her head. “Just asking for trouble.”
“You are not wrong.” Mortum nods her head in agreement. “I do believe that is one of Hollow Ground’s men.”
“Hollow Ground?” Jane frowns, drumming her fingers on the table. “Huh.”
Now that you think about it, you’ve seen him around here once or twice. Hollow Ground has a finger in just about every criminal enterprise in Los Diablos, so it’s to be expected, really.
“Do you think Hollow Ground is a real person, or is he like… some sort of shadow cabal?”
Mortum shrugs, suddenly interested in her drink. “I find it does not pay to ask that kind of question, mon amie.”
“Hrmmm…” Sooner or later, you’re going to end up crossing paths with Hollow Ground, whatever they are. In another life, you’d listen to Ortega talk about her theories, try to help her track down likely clues. Not once did either of you turn up anything material. Who or whatever they are, their grip was rock solid. Anyone that wanted to talk had a habit of catching a case of sudden death.
Ortega was convinced there was a singular person behind it. Someone that had murdered her mentor, Marshal Hood.
It was never your favorite subject. Something about the whole thing just… seemed off.
Funny to think you might stand a better chance of finding out the truth now, when you could never tell Ortega. “What are the odds you think it’ll escalate into a fight?”
Mortum doesn’t even look up. “Seventy-six precent.”
“Did you just make that up?”
“Of course, mon amie.” She winks at Jane. “Did you expect me to say something like, ‘somewhat likely’ like some kind of hack?”
“Ugh. Scientists.” Jane rolls her eyes. “Sometimes I wonder how much of your stuff is just bullshit.”
“Madam, you wound me.”
Jane doesn’t offer a retort, watching the argument slowly escalate in volume. Maybe you can get a sense of this guy’s abilities. Two-to-one he’s some kind of Enhanced. Rosie approaches the modded Latina, trying to talk her down.
To little success.
With a sigh, Jane pushes herself up from her seat. “Alright, I’m gonna go pull Rosie’s ass out of the fire.”
“I would have thought she could handle herself, but suit yourself mon amie.” Mortum eyes the scene, then flickers back to Jane with barely concealed curiosity.
“You know me.” Jane winks, a smile on her face.
Sauntering over to the table, Jane keeps her hands on hips as she surveys the scene. It’s a quantum roulette table. Numbers generated using quantum uncertainty to make an ‘uncheatable’ game. The wide variety of different boost abilities out there have forced gambling to take a few extra steps in order for casinos to stay on top.
The scarred Latina has left her seat to come around and prod Hollow Ground’s guy, who has in turn gotten out of his seat and is staring down at the shorter woman with an air of bored amusement.
Hrm. Doesn’t look like she had much money left. Good sign.
Rosie tries to reach for her friend’s shoulder, pull her back. “Mecha… please. Don’t start anything.”
“I don’t care! I’m sick of this cheater!”
Jane siddles up next to Rosie. No one else looks about to interview. The Croupier watches with a blank expression, as if expecting things to resolve themselves. The other players look to be quietly collecting their winnings. “Hey, Rosie.”
“–Jane?” Rosie glances to the side, face brightening up once catching sight of her friend. “Oh, hey Janey.”
“How’s the luck running?”
“Not bad – well, not as bad as…” Rosie makes a face, nodding towards Mecha.
“I heard. Along with the rest of the bar.” Jane eyes Mecha, who has not once stopped ranting at her supposed ‘cheater.’ “What’s the problem here anyway?”
Rosie drops her voice into a whisper, guarding her mouth with a hand. “Mecha thinks Jake here is cheating.” ‘Jake’ huh?
“Seriously?” Jane raises her voice. “She’s really going to accuse Joes of running a crooked game?”
That gets Mecha to turn, snarling. “No I’m not.” She jabs a finger at Jake’s chest. “I’m saying he is cheating!”
To your relief, Jake brushes the finger off, his expression unchanging.
“So… let me get this straight,” Jane frowns. “You’re saying–”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business!”
“You’re loud enough to make it my business.”
Rosie winces, “She’s not wrong.”
“Look.” You sigh, shoot a glance at Jake. “You really want to say someone that works for Hollow Ground has to stoop to cheating? Really?”
“I…” Mecha grinds her teeth, balling her hands into fists and then letting go. “I see your point.” Oh good, so she’s not suicidal. That’s nice. Mecha spares one last glance at Jake. “But…”
“It was a bad losing streak.” Rosie cuts in. “Legendary.”
“I… guess.” Mecha groans.
Jake shrugs, “Bad luck. It happens.”
“Whatever.” Mecha throws up her hands, stepping away from the table. “I’m out of here.” She doesn’t even stop to collect her meager winnings.
Rosie watches her leave with a sigh. “Well, that could have gone better.”
“Hey,” Jane winks. “It could have gone a lot worse too.”
Jake sits back down at the table, taking stock of his large pile of tokens. “You gonna play then?”
Would it be weirder to say yes or no? Jane glances at Rosie who shrugs, unhelpful. “Alright, well. There’s a free seat, so why not?” With a smile she takes the open seat and sits down. Guess maybe a round or two won’t hurt right?
It’s a weird sensation as Jane sits down. Like this has all happened before. Someone laughs as a new song comes on the radio. The numbers finish cycling, landing on red twelve.
That was unsettling.
The croupier looks at Jane, blank faced. “Place your bet miss.”
Jane pulls a few bills out of her purse. As she does, someone laughs in the background, a new song cycling onto the radio. Okay. That’s weird.
A moment of hesitation and then –
Jane puts the fifty dollar bill on the table. “Put in on red twelve.” You did this before, didn’t you? Or were going to? Or was always going to have done? It doesn’t quite feel real.
“Jesus.” Rosie groans behind Jane, watching over her shoulder. “You don’t put that much on a single number, Janey.”
“Beginner’s luck.” Jane can’t stop the grin as she watches the numbers cycle. It’s all for show. The actual randomization takes an instant. But what is gambling without pagenty?
Hrm. No wonder so many villains gamble.
The croupier does not sound surprised as he speaks, but he looks in Jane’s direction, curious. “Red twelve, Miss Jane wins.”
Behind her, Rosie gasps, slaps Jane on the back. “Hot damn! I can’t believe it.”
“...neither can I.” Jane watches the small fortune shoved her way, wide-eyed. “I was just… the beginner’s luck thing was bravado.”
“Hey, guess drinks on you tonight, huh Janey?”
“...sure.” Sitting across from her, Jake watches Jane intently. He’s not the only one. Might have outstayed your welcome sooner than you expected. Robotically, she splits off a handful of bills and presses them into Rosie’s hands as she gets up from the table. “Have ten of them.”
“See, this is why we’re friends.”
“Uh-huh.” Swallow hard, throat dry. What the fuck was that?
Dr. Mortum is still waiting when Jane returns. Face a little more ashen then when she left. Purse significantly fuller.
Mortum raises her glass in greeting. “Still in one piece, I see?”
Jane’s smile as she sits back down is more brittle than you’d planned. “Disappointed?”
“Of course not, mon amie!” Dr. Mortum looks genuine enough as she says it. “I was mostly… curious what you were up to.”
“More…” She takes a drink to stall for time. “Wondering why, I suppose.”
Jane shrugs. Would prefer to move on from this topic sooner rather than later. “I guess I wasn’t eager to see a friend of Rosie’s get put in an early grave.”
“Is that so?” Mortum raises eyebrows, not buying it. “That is a noble goal.”
“Probably futile, if we’re honest.”
“I was not going to say anything.”
Jane shrugs, keeps her back turned on the roulette table. Could swear you feel Jake’s eyes digging into Jane’s back. Without your telepathy, you can’t actually know that if that’s true or if you’re just being paranoid.
You’re not sure which answer you’d prefer.
“Do I really need a goal?” What Jane needs is a new drink. “It was fun, I guess. Nothing more to it.”
“Fun?” Dr. Mortum winks. “Perhaps you are in the wrong line of work, mon amie.”
“Oh don’t start with that again.” Jane scowls, “I felt like doing it, so I did.”
“Fair enough.” Mortum leans back in her chair. “I suppose that’s just life. Chaos and impulse until it all goes black.”
“But true.”
“I don’t know about that.” Jane’s smile is grim. “Nothing’s truly random.”
What was up with that table? How did you know that? Come to think of it, haven’t you felt that before? In the past. It was always easy to brush off before.
“There’s always a pattern,” Jane presses on. “Someone pulling the strings. If you know where to look.”
“And you do, mon amie?” Mortum smiles back.
It’s an open question how much the doctor knows. Enough, at least. More than you’d like, almost certainly. Concerns for the future. As long as her friendship with Jane keeps her on your side, you’ll make use of her skills. And there’s always a call for that. Each new day offers new opportunities. New strings to pull.
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missfujoshisad · 8 years
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@rosatom @rosatomglobal .@energy .@doescience #rosatom canyou put out sth cool without giving away secrets which s peeds up friends but u n f r a u d s uncheats un_quells unbetrays my case abit in whatthey quell effort‎ ‎ important: apolitical non sides taking in criminal war and lack of trust to usuk quelled what whilehereis no chow for a  decade gamed for that forever. ie indepeNdent : suspected v e ry serious highconsequence highresponsibility atomic network things and withoutbullshit abit unbetray their dirty quelltrickery whil e efforting heartkilltrickery numbered days time trickery and my 20th stent not 2nd
.@rosatom @rosatomglobal .@energy .@doescience #rosatom canyou put out sth cool without giving away secrets which speeds up friends but u n f r a u d s uncheats un_quells unbetrays my case abit in whatthey quell effort‎ ‎ important: apolitical non sides taking in criminal war and lackof trust to usuk quelled what whilehereis no chow for a decade gamed for that forever. ie indepeNdent : suspected…
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de-morte · 6 years
I do not want to linger in a light that fades, for darkness has always been under my skin, unfading, permanent. Uncheated.
Channing M
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