#uncle Rick hear my prayer
burgercheese1812 · 1 year
As I person who collects funky/funny socks I headcannon that Perseus Jackson DEFINITELY has a collection of funky/funny socks.
Most of them are blue/ocean themed.
And most of which he ‘got’ on a quest with Annabeth and this is how it went:
Percy: *shoving socks into his bag, one with dolphins on it, another with octopuses, so on*
Annabeth: Percy! You can’t take those that’s stealing! Put them back on the shelves!
Percy: Technically it’s not stealing. We sent Old Mother Hubbard straight back to her cupboard in Tartarus and I’m pretty sure she won’t be back for a good few decades. Meaning that this whole store of clothes isn’t going to have anyone to run it and when the landlord comes knocking for rent, who’s gonna pay them? No one. So, this store will be forced to close and where will all these socks go? That’s right, in the trash. SO I am actually just saving these socks from being thrown out.
Annabeth: I regret teaching you about Capitalism.
Percy: *laughs* anyway, now I can add these to my collection.
Annabeth: Percy, what.
Percy: Remember that other store that-
*Monster shrieks in the distance*
Annabeth: Later we need to talk about this… obsession of yours.
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boygiwrites · 10 months
Harley D. Dixon 14
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note. Another quick update! I'm on a roll! Please enjoy reading :)
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"Blessed be God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven."
Under the shade of an old oak tree on the outskirts of the Greene farm, I stand at Shane's side as Herschel fills an empty grave with prayers. I've never been to a stranger's funeral before. I don't belong here — none of our group does — but according to Rick, this is how we show respect to the mourning family, and respect is how we get to stay here on the farm longer than just a week. I'm not too sure what's so respectful about watching in silence while Patricia lowers her dead husband's belongings into the ground, but this is what we have to do.
"Praise be to Him for the gift of our brother, Otis — For the span of his years; for his abundance of character."
I glance up at Rick, who's standing on the other side of the semi-circle we've formed. He stares at Shane. I didn't know so much about Otis' character, but he must've had a whole bunch of it, 'cause Patricia cries twice as loudly now, as Maggie helps her out the grave. All I know is he shot my Dad. In another life, this would've been Rick's fate for killing my Uncle. In another-another life, my Uncle isn't dead at all.
"Otis, who gave his life for the chance to save another."
That's how the story goes. Shane and Otis, cornered but resilient, down to ten rounds — one killed in a tragic act of sacrifice.
"We thank you, God, for the rest you now grant him. He died as he lived — In grace. May the arms of eternity embrace him."
I wonder if Otis is going to Hell or heaven. I wonder if God's holdin' him in some sort of waiting room right now, watching on as my Dad fights for his life; waiting to see if Otis is a murderer. In my eyes, he already is. If God's as smart as they say he is, he'll send Otis to Hell.
Herschel gently closes the Bible.
Me and my Dad went to church, a long time ago. They used to give out free food and diapers every Sunday before mass to encourage people who couldn't afford those types of things to come in and pray, but we never did any of the praying. We just took the cheap groceries, feeling only partially ashamed as upper middle-class Christians sung hymns in the background. The worst was when they said they'd pray for us.
God be with you, the man would tell my Dad.
Thanks, Dad would answer, head lowered, and then pull me back out to the parking lot.
When I asked him if God was real, all he said was that if he is, then he must be deaf. I could never imagine him praying.
"Shane," Herschel says.
The man besides me startles slightly.
"Will you speak for Otis?"
Speak for a dead man?
He stiffens as everybody turns their gazes on him.
"I... I'm not good at this." He says quietly, clearing his throat; shaking his head. I think if he could run away, he would. "I'm sorry."
"You were the last one with him." Patricia insists. "You shared his final moments."
He stares at her, mouth open but no words coming out. It reminds me of that far-away look he had last night when he returned alone. This is not the Shane I know. Who am I kidding, my Dad once said to Shane, You always got somethin' you wanna say. Not right now, he don't.
"Please." Patricia says, stepping forward.
The uncomfortable silence persists.
"I need to hear." She begs. "I need to know his death had meaning."
Rick's still staring at him, more intensely than the rest. You better say something, the look says, You better not mess this up.
Shane licks his lips, and glancing down at me is the thing that finally pushes him to speak.
"Okay." He concedes, nodding to himself. A weak breeze sails through the leaves above us as he speaks, and there's something about the way his eyes shift from person to person and the way his clasped hands twitch that give me the sense he's making it up as he goes. "We were about to reach the main building," He tells us. "We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. The dead; closin' in. It was... Things weren't looking good. 'The supplies are in there.' You see, that's what he said. To me. 'You have to get them. You have to save that poor girl's Dad.' He gave me his backpack. He gave me his rifle. 'Run. I'll cover you,' He said. I had no choice. I ran. When I looked back..."
I did it, is all I can remember him saying last night, I did it, I did it.
Did what?
"He died thinking of Daryl." He sticks his chin up. "He died giving him a chance."
He died for nothing, is what he really means to say.
Maggie looks down at her boots, holding Patricia's shaking hand.
"I might not've been able to... find the supplies," He gulps, taking a deep breath, "But I made it out alive. And I owe that all to Otis."
A sob breaks out amongst us.
"If any death ever had meaning, it was his."
"Amen," We all say.
I don't remember much about the people at our church, but I do remember them saying, to lie is to rot oneself from the inside out with sin.
When I glance up at Shane, I find him already looking right back at me.
The funeral ends.
On our way back up the hill, we hear car engines approaching.
"I'm guessing this is the right Green farm, then?" Dale says through his open window, bringing the RV to a crawl alongside us. Behind him, the remainder of our group rounds him and continues driving up the road. Maggie opens the gate for them. "Beautiful out this way, huh?"
"Hey, Dale." I smile lightly. "Ya made it."
"Hop in. I'll give you a ride up."
He brakes long enough to let me climb in, and as I sit next to him in the passenger seat, he starts it back up again.
"What are you all doing so far from the house?"
I don't bother buckling my seatbelt. It's only a short drive.
"We had a funeral." I tell him, "For this man named Otis. He died last night."
"What happened?" He frowns. "Is your Dad alright?"
"Yeah, he— He's inside right now. Glenn's giving him blood. He ain't really supposed to be doin' it, though. He's gonna get sick, but he says he don't care. There's nobody else who can do it. Actually, what type of blood do you have?" When he regretfully says he doesn't know, I continue. "Well, Shane, and that man, Otis, they were meant to come back with some more last night, but somethin' went wrong. Only Shane made it back."
Maggie waves us through and closes the gate behind us.
"I heard Rick wants to go back." I say. "To the college. Today. He thinks he'll find what my Dad needs."
Dale nods. "That woman said he got shot."
"Yeah. In the stomach." I exhale thinly, fiddling with my fingernails. "It's... S'real bad."
"It wasn't Shane?"
"It wasn't Shane who shot him?"
I think it's telling that that's Dale's first assumption. Hell, I think it was everyone's, but now I don't know what to think.
"Apparently not." I shake my head. "Apparently it was Otis. A huntin' accident, Rick says."
"Hunting accident?"
"He wasn't there when it happened. He an' Glenn just came across the farm while lookin' and knocked on the door. Shane's said nothin'."
Dale glances at me. "That's unlike him."
I don't know what else to say to that besides, yeah, 'cause I got no idea how Shane's mind works. I know he's smart. I know he's good with words. He's everything Rick is, but amplified, and he's good at makin' people not realize it — 'cause he's also good at hiding things.
Dale brings the RV to a stop under a tall tree near the house.
"Just be careful, Harley." He looks me in the eye when he says this. "Be careful with Shane. You're a smart girl. I think you can figure out why."
No. No, I'm done figuring things out.
Shane is my friend, and Shane cares for me, and I need him right now. That's all that matters.
If that's not a smart thing to say, then I guess I must be dumb, but at least I'm not hurt. I never wanna be hurt again.
"Whatever," I mumble, rising from my seat.
I know I'll feel bad about it later, but I slam the door when I leave.
"Are you sure about this?"
As soon as we make it back to the house, Rick tells everyone he's going back to the college. Andrea offers to go with him to watch his back, and Herschel reluctantly writes up another list of medical supplies and pills for them to look for. He hands it to Rick, who quickly reads it over.
"I'm sure." He replies, folding the list into his pocket. "I couldn't be surer. It's a shot in the dark, but we gotta do it."
"The surgical labs?" Andrea asks. "That's where we'll find what we need?"
"Yes," Herschel sighs, looking unconfident. "If not there, then the storage rooms. It sounds like it's all overrun, though, Rick."
He shakes his head. "We've dealt with worse."
Carol leaves the room, a hand over her mouth. She wants Rick to keep searching for Sophia, but this is taking priority right now.
"Didn't Shane say there was nothin' left?" T-Dog butts in, confused. "I mean, he came back with nothin'."
"No." Rick says. "We don't know why that happened. If I had to guess, I'd say he had to retreat after Otis... After Otis passed."
"Man, he couldn't just double back?"
He scoffs, picking up the bags. "I don't know. I don't know what happened. All we can do is try again."
"Remember, I can only use O negative blood." Herschel raises his brows. "Nothing else."
"O negative. Got it."
"Be careful."
"We always are."
I watch the bullet roll around.
Herschel put it in a little plastic container after the surgery last night. So, this is what almost killed him, then. When I was littler, I used to think my Dad was invincible. I thought nothing could ever bring my big, strong Dad down, but it turns out it can, and it don't even gotta be bigger than my pinkie finger to do it, either. This tiny little bud of golden metal put my Dad on his death bed.
I'm watching the sun bounce off its curves when I hear footsteps approaching in the grass.
When I look up, I see Shane, alone, pointing to the picnic bench I'm sitting at.
"This seat taken by any chance?"
Be careful with Shane, Dale told me.
"No," I tell him, setting the bullet down. "You can sit 'ere."
He takes a seat beside me and asks, "What're you doin' fiddling with that thing?"
"I don't know." I smile, feeling a little silly. "I's just lookin' at it."
"Well, how 'bout this? I got somethin' better for you to do."
He lifts up the small bag he brought with him onto the table.
"What that?"
"You didn't think I forgot about our deal, right?" He grins, scattering the contents in front of us. A sketch pad with a unicorn on the cover falls out first, and then a bunch of rainbow markers, pencils, and even some craft glue and sparkly sequins. "Borrowed it all from that girl, Beth."
I laugh, probably for the first time in days. "Woah, Shane!"
"Better than that scummy old bullet, huh?" He nudges me, opening the book to a blank page. "Not sure I'm any good, but I'll try my best."
"What do you wanna draw?"
"Anything you want."
"Let's..." My first thought is a card for my Dad, but that's stupid. Shane don't wanna make that. "Um..."
"Can't make up yer mind?"
"No, it's just— I wanna make somethin' for my Dad."
Surprisingly, he doesn't react the way I expected.
"'Course ya do, sweetheart. Come on, then. I'll help you."
"Anything you want. That's what I said, right?"
"Okay, then." I giggle, copying him as he grabs a marker and uncaps it. "His favorite color's black, but that's ugly. Let's do flowers."
"Yes, ma'am."
"A field of flowers." I enthuse. "And a walker in the middle, but dead, 'cause Dad killed it."
"He's real good at that, huh?"
"Alright, then. You're gonna have to walk me through it, though, 'cause I don't know what I'm doin' here."
Laughing, I get started in pointing out all the places I think flowers would look best on the page, picking out which colors to use, like green for the grass and yellow for the sun. Shane goes along with all of it, just happy to be spending time with me. I really don't get what Dale's talkin' about. I even teach him how to draw a flower. My Dad's never colored with me, before. We never did things like that. He'd rather take me on a hike, or skip stones with me at the local playground pond. When I drew him pictures, he'd put 'em on the fridge and tell me they're nice, but that's about it.
I think it's awful nice of Shane to be making this card for my Dad. I guess he's decided to put their differences aside for a minute.
"Thanks for not tellin' me no." I say, filling in a petal. "I thought you were gonna."
"'No' to makin' your Dad a card?"
"Why's that?"
Shane always does this. He asks questions he already knows the answer to, 'cause he wants to see what you say.
"I'on know," I shrug, shy; a little embarrassed. "I don't think you like him very much."
"No. You punched him."
He hums.
I continue. "And you think he's mean."
"Yeah? Why's he mean?"
"He, like, yells sometimes." I mutter, focusing on coloring. "He gets angry."
He just hums again.
"And you don't like him 'cause he hits me, and you think he shouldn't do that. You think he's a bad Dad."
He corrects me. "I don't think he knows how to be a Dad at all, Harley."
"What about you? D'you know?"
There ain't nobody that teaches you this shit, Harley, my Dad once told me, You think you came outta the womb with a manual attached?
"Well, I've never had a kid, before, Harley." He tells me. "That was always Rick's thing. We used to go to school together, you know that? Kindergarten, all the way up to police academy. When Carl was born, I used to think about havin' my own, but it just never happened."
"Why not?"
"Kids are a lot of responsibility. I wasn't ready for that."
"What about now?"
"Am I ready for a kid?"
He glances at me, then back to the paper, but doesn't answer.
I look up at him. "What is it?"
He nods at the packet of sequins.
"You wanna have a go stickin' them on?"
I pause. Yeah, I guess I can have a go.
"Dad don't like glitter, though."
"It's a gift from his daughter." Shane scoffs. "He can deal with it."
"You like glitter?"
"Can't say I'm a huge fan, but if you gave me a glittered-up card, it'd be my favorite thing I owned. I can promise you that."
That makes me smile. "I can make you one, if you want."
"Nah, that's okay, sweetheart. This is all 'bout your Dad, right now."
I smear a whole lotta glue on the corners of the page, sprinkling the little plastic pieces onto it after.
"Rick's gone back to the college." I muse. "And Andrea. They're gonna find blood and medicine for my Dad."
Shane shifts uncomfortably on the bench. That's what he was supposed to do. He failed. Now, other people have to make up for what he did, and if they come back with even one thing from the list, that's gonna look real bad for him. Not only did he get someone killed, but he did it for nothin'.
"Rick's tough. Andrea, she's a good enough shot." He clears his throat. "They'll make it back in one piece."
"I just hope they don't get caught in that herd like you and Otis."
Apparently, they got swarmed. Easy to believe, given the hundreds of walkers been followin' us down this way.
"They won't be. They're smart."
I joke, "You sayin' you were dumb?"
"Hey," He smirks. "Watch yourself."
"I'm just sayin'. How come you let yourself get surrounded?"
"Happens fast, Harley. You know that."
Sure happened fast on the highway.
"Must'a been awful." I frown. "All them walkers... Otis."
"Had to happen." Shane shrugs.
"I know. But he still died, Shane. Don't matter what for."
"You don't think it matters to his family?"
"Well, yeah, but not to us. Dead is dead, and dead's awful. You don't gotta pretend."
He shakes his head, like I just don't get it.
"No. No, if I could go back in time, Harley, I wouldn't change a thing."
I glance at him, then. His jaw is set tight as he scribbles a red blotch onto the page, staring into its chaotic epicentre. If he said that to any of the Greenes, oh, they would'a slapped him. You're supposed to be sad when someone dies. Shane looked a little down at the funeral, but now he just looks angry. I wanna warn him he's gonna tear a hole in the page if he presses down any harder, but the words get stuck in my throat.
"I don't think you should tell anyone else that." I murmur, awkward. "Especially not Patricia."
He don't stop 'till the pencil nib snaps.
"Damn it." He mumbles, tossing it.
I did it, was all he kept sayin', I did it.
"What'd you mean, last night, anyway?"
"Huh? What did what mean?"
"I did it." I quote. "You just kept chantin' it, over and over. What's it mean? What'd you do?"
He turns his glare onto me.
"You sure I said that?"
I think back to that moment. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.
I nod.
"I don't remember." He disagrees. "I was all outta sorts that night. Still am, to be honest."
"But you said it. I heard you."
"Well, I'd just escaped Hell on Earth, Harley. I barely made it out alive. I drove back here like a crazy man; just watched a man get eaten alive. 'Course I'm gonna be shocked I made it; shocked I did it. That's all I meant. Ain't nothin' to stress over."
I sigh. "Are you sure?"
"I ever lied to you?"
"I don't think so."
"Well, there you go."
It's only now I notice Dale on the roof of the RV. He's supposed to be on watch, but the only thing he's watchin' is us. I choose to ignore him in favor of finishing the get well soon card, hating the stiff silence that follows.
My eyes eventually wonder over to the container, and the stubby bullet inside.
I begin to frown.
Wait a minute.
Hunting accident, was what Rick told everyone.
"Shane, what type of bullet is that?" I ask, even though I already know.
Beside me, he stops coloring so abruptly that it's like I just electrocuted him.
Now I'm really lookin' at it, I can't believe it took me this long to notice.
"Harley," He says when he sees what I'm staring at. "Harley, I can explain."
I don't wanna hear it.
I know what type of bullet that is.
"Harley, wait."
It didn't come from no damn hunting rifle.
That's a pistol bullet.
I slam the door shut.
"Woah, hey. What's going on?" Glenn asks, slumped in a chair beside Dad's bed. "What's wrong?"
"Get out." I whimper, shaking my head. I go straight for the window; yank the curtains shut so hard they screech. "Get out, Glenn."
"Why? What's—?"
"Just fucking get out!"
He jumps up at that, and I only see a glimpse of him scurrying out the door before I dive onto the bed, crying and hiccupping and groaning angrily as I lift the covers. I curl up underneath them, into my Dad's side. It wasn't a rifle bullet. It was a pistol bullet. It wasn't Otis. It was Shane. My friend, have-I-ever-lied-to-you Shane. He shot my Dad and then he lied to my face about it, all while making a card that wouldn't even exist if it weren't for him in the first place. I hugged him. He hugged me back. I cried on him. I don't want my Daddy to die, I wailed, but it was him that did it.
The door opens just minutes later. I hear his combat boots thumping as he runs around the side of the bed.
"Get away from me." I try hitting him through the blankets, but he just pulls them off and grabs me. "Fuck off! I knew it was you!"
"Harley." He shakes his head. "Harley, ssh, ssh, ssh."
"You lied to me—"
"No, no, no, ssh, ssh, ssh."
"Don't tell me to shush!" I snarl, batting at him. "You— You— You shot my—!"
"No." He shakes me. "No, I didn't. Harley, I didn't."
"Yes, you did!"
"No." He growls, glancing at the door, then back to me. "Listen to me very carefully, Harley Dixon. I did not shoot your Dad."
"No? Then who's damn bullet was that?!"
"Keep your voice down."
"Who's was it?"
"Jim's, Harley. Jim's." His eyes are wide; some type of crazy in 'em as he really drills this into me, almost whispering, but also shouting at the same time. "Remember that day you came back, told everyone what happened? You gave me exact directions on how to get to that guy's camp, remember? Follow the creek, left at the big rock, go through the trees 'till you hit an old fence post. See? You told me that. I remembered. Your Dad wanted to go kill him. First time I ever saw eye to eye with that man, and I gave him the location, and we left together, Harley. Together."
I keep shaking my head, but Shane's lip curls.
"Yes. Yes. Listen to me. We left together and we found his camp. Green tent, right? Music playing?"
H-H-How's he know that?
"He wasn't there, but his tracks were. Your Dad followed 'em. We found him in a house, damn near starved to death. He was beggin' us to spare him some of ours 'till he clocked our faces. He was mad. Real mad. Hell, I would be, too, if I got tied up and left for dead. He did it. Jim shot your Dad."
"You're lying." I pull a face of disgust. "You're lying, I know it."
"Yeah? Yeah, how you know?"
"'Cause Dale says I gotta be careful around you. And Rick pretty much don't even believe you, neither! He's basically your brother!"
"To Hell with Dale." He shrugs, shaking his head and grinning, like this is no big deal. "And Rick — Rick's an idiot. You know that."
"When we heard the shot, he said it was you! He said that, in front of everyone!"
"Well, he was wrong. It was Jim."
"Then why'd you go and tell everyone it was Otis, huh?"
"Well, I— It's—"
"Just get outta my face, Shane." I shudder, pulling the covers back over my head, hiding away. "I don't wanna be your friend, anymore. Get out."
I don't care if it was Jim, or Shane, or the damn Easter bunny who shot him, at this point — I just wanna be alone. I don't know what to believe. Like I said, Shane's smart, so he don't push his luck. He leaves almost right away, closing me away in my own den of grief with a soft click of the door. I hear him talking to everyone out there, probably explaining everything away like he can so easily do. I'm emotional, he'll say, Just leave it.
When I pop my head back up, I spot the card sitting on the side table.
Get well soon, it says.
In a fit of rage, I snatch it up and I rip it to pieces.
It falls to the floor like confetti.
Rick and Andrea come back while I'm eating dinner on the porch.
It's soup that Maggie made for me — Potato and leek. Someone must've told her my favorite kind — 'cause it turns out I was right. Shane did tell everyone I was upset. Apparently, the funeral was just too much for me, on top of everything else. I'm too sad to be angry about that, 'cause it just proves that he really is a liar, after all. I set the bowl down as they pull up to the house, and Maggie and her Dad come out the front door as soon as they hear the car engine, cautiously excited for the news we're about to get. Maggie helps me out of the chair, rubbing my shoulders.
The car door shuts. We not only see Rick and Andrea, alive and well, but also two big, full bags on their shoulders.
"We got everything." He calls out to us, smiling. "Every last thing."
My jaw drops.
"Praise God." Herschel mutters.
Maggie grins down at me. "You hear that, Harley?"
"Y—" I smile wide. "Yeah."
She leaves my side to help Andrea bring the bags up the stairs.
"The penicillin?" Herschel shakes his head. "The gauze, the syringes, the disinfectant?"
"All of it." Says Rick. "Even threw in some reception desk candy, too, just 'cause we could."
"That's incredible. How?"
"Place was deserted." Andrea tells us. "We only had to take out five or six before we were the only ones around. Surgical labs, just like you said."
"Praise God," He says again. "I'll start re-dressing the wound right now."
"Here you go."
Rick passes him the bag, and everyone else goes back inside as he leans against the railing. Behind him, the sun cinematically sinks in the sky.
I sit back down.
I can't believe they did it.
"Thank you, Rick."
He looks a little sad when I say this, but happy, at the same time.
"You're welcome, Harley. You're very welcome."
For the first time ever, I'm alone with Rick and all I feel is peace.
Author's Note.
Daryl still hasn't woken up. I'm sorryyyyy 🙏He will, very soon. I promise! I'll try to make it everything you're hoping for and more :) Things are gonna be different between Harley and Daryl from now on.
(AKA not depressing.)
Shane's still manipulative as ever. Boo to him.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sending lots of love! :)
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crtdyfuy · 3 years
Human skin is not as tough as cowhide
“A quiet day,” he told Jon. “Nothing to report, except the wrong-way rangers.”. She was the blood of the dragon. She could kill the Sons of
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the Harpy, and the sons of the sons, and the sons of the sons of the sons. Fortunately his own ship had been one of the first to reach their destination. Then it had only been a matter of establishing a campsite, assembling his men as they came ashore and moving quickly, before the local lordlings had any inkling of their peril. “And what do you want, my sweet Reek?” Ramsay murmured, as softly as a lover. His breath smelled of mulled wine and cloves, so sweet. I’ll twin set cardigan outlethave you back, no matter what that Dustin bitch may tell you. Who are you?”. They may be mistaken, but what they rest upon is holy. I’ve told you that you and all your friends have never yet said anything to me that could guide me, or influence me.
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When my people look at you, they see a conqueror from across the seas, come to murder us and make slaves of our children. A king could change that. You are the last of her line, and this Mother of Dragons, this Breaker of Chains, is above all a rescuer. The girl who drowned the slaver cities in blood rather than leave strangers to their chains can scarcely abandon her own brother’s son in his hour of peril. “You are mistaken. It is not good. That she must not let me go out at polo raflorene night; and he told Mr. C. The going was slower here. The street was steep and narrow, the crowds jammed together tightly. Some time after this, they received letters from poor Tom Ducket, dated ninety miles above New Orleans, complaining sadly of his condition, and making piteous appeals to hear from them respecting his wife and children. Upon inquiry, nothing could be learned respecting them. It is charming to notice the na?f betrayal of literary pride on the part of Mr. Ricks. Maddened by the smell of dragon, horses below reared in terror, lashing out with iron-shod hooves. Food stalls and palanquins alike were overturned, men knocked down and trampled. I have two wives already, why not three? Ah, but where would we live?” He gave her as pantofi sport cu scai barbati pleasant a smile as a man with half a nose could manage. “I have a niece in Sunspear, did I tell you? I could make rather a lot of mischief in Dorne with Myrcella. Stamped thereon; and thereafter the said keeper shall not be answerable for any escape of the said negro or runaway.”—Potter’s Revisal, i. 162.. So Robert escaped me and cut down Rhaegar on the Trident. “I failed the father,” he said, “but I will not fail the son.”. You want to die as Theon? We’ll give you that. A nice quick death, ’twill hardly hurt at all.” She smiled. “He will. He must.” Lady Dustin chuckled. He had to get the old forts open soon, so Harma’s brother could be sent off to garrison Deep Lake or Sable Hall. Just now, though, neither of those was fit for human habitation, and Othell Yarwyck and his builders were still off trying to restore the Nightfort. Lady Tyene smiled at that. Her gown was cream and green, with long lace sleeves, so modest and so innocent that any man who looked at her might think her the most chaste of maids. “The secrets of the old gods,” said Jojen Reed. Food and fire and rest had helped restore him after the ordeals of their journey, but he seemed sadder now, sullen, with a weary, haunted look about the eyes. But of that later . “I keep my promises,” he told her, as Irri and Jhiqui were robing them for bed. “You wished for peace, and it is yours.”. Ser Franklyn did the introductions. Some of the bocanci grisport 480sellsword captains bore bastard names, as Flowers did: Rivers, Hill, Stone. Uncounted layers of drab brown paint covered her hull; her sails were grey and tattered. She was not a ship to draw a second glance, unless it was to wonder how she stayed afloat. Human skin is not as tough as cowhide
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and will not wear as well. By the king’s decree you are now a Bolton. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats. She may not prove as willing as you wish.”. Ralf was rotting too. Beneath the furs he was naked and feverish, his pale puffy flesh nike ao0053 covered with weeping sores and scabs. “A … crow?” The pale lord’s voice was dry. His lips moved slowly, as if they had forgotten how to form words. He did not become a music teacher, but borrowed money and was soon very heavily in debt. He spent his money on decorating chanel ágynemű the flat and on making presents to Natasha, who tried to check his extravagance, scolded him, and sometimes even cried about it. This passage of the Revised Statutes of North Carolina is more terribly suggestive to the imagination than any particulars into which the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin has thought fit to enter. Let us suppose a little melodrama quite possible to have occurred under this act of the legislature. All the depths of the negro’s soul were torn up and thrown into convulsion by this horrible piece of deicmen gyerek csizma ingratitude, cruelty and injustice; and, while outwardly calm, he was struggling with most bitter temptations from within, which, as he could not read the Bible, he could repel only by a recollection of its sacred truths, and by earnest prayer. As he neared the New Orleans market, he says that these convulsions of soul increased, especially when he met some of his old companions from Kentucky, whose despairing countenances and emaciated forms told of hard work and insufficient food, and confirmed all his worst fears of the lower country.
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usuallyrics-blog · 5 years
Made It From Nothing
New Lyrics has been published on usuallyrics.com https://usuallyrics.com/lyrics/made-it-from-nothing/
Made It From Nothing
(feat. Teyana Taylor & Rick Ross)
[Teyana Taylor:] I know you thought I wouldn’t shine like this They know I took my time with the shit Diamonds on my neck, I blind them with the wrist Hey, it feels good when you make it from nothing I grind like this So I can shine like this Them diamonds on my wrist It feels good when you make it from nothing
[Meek Mill:] Uh, North Philly in my bloodstream, nigga South Philly from my dad genes, nigga I could wear my dad jeans Bought my mom and sister a new crib when that cash came Nigga, put some respect up on my last name No better feelin’ than seeing my cousin serve his last fiend No better feelin’ seein’ lil Papi talkin French to me All this money, these pussies will never get to me Why you think you never hear ’bout what they did to me? Hunnid bands, quarter milli, talking big money I’m want you dead and nobody stopping shit, homie Cause honestly we give a fuck about your big homie Fuck it, posted in the jungle with a ladder How can they compare me to a rapper? Did it for attention ’cause he had to Niggas broke, their opinions never mattered Fuck ’em!
[Teyana Taylor:] Damn, it feels good from way up here Damn, it feels good, baby Yeah, from way up here
I know you thought I wouldn’t shine like this They know I took my time with the shit Diamonds on my neck, I’m blogging with the wrist Hey, it feels good when you make it from nothin’ I grind like this So I can shine like this Them diamonds on my wrist It feels good when you make it from nothin’
[Rick Ross:] Dreamchasers, accomplishments are remarkable Big fish, little fish I always need a prayer before we do the toast My circle competitive, let’s see who move the most I gave my niggas game before they knew the ropes Now let’s talk about numbers, I really do ’em both I still got two real uncles who still be doing dope One of them used to run with a fluky stokes So many new faces sometimes I do get ghosts Still one call away from ones who really knew me most Staying in my lane out of the uzi smoke You only beating cases based on who you know Public defender gave him a funeral Juvenile sent to Rikers, he never knew the rules Assesin’ religions, he don’t know who to choose Let’s bow our head over these Ramen noodles God is the greatest and I pray for peace Still rolling up that leaf, Mr. Drew Ali, I salute you
[Teyana Taylor:] Damn, it feels good from way up here Damn, it feels good, baby Yeah, from way up here
I just want the money, baby, yeah yeah yeah, hey What they want from me, baby? Yeah yeah yeah, whoa And we still want it, baby Money is coming, we still run dough Niggas run up but we never lay low Niggas kept it real so we never lay low, never lay low Run through the money, going way up Money on the wheels go way up The doors on the coupe go way up It’s so easy to hate us Niggas in the club spilling Aces of Spades Popping on the bub’ and they love a check Niggas going somewhere, I’ma make it If you ain’t got my money, I’ma take that They probably thought a nigga wouldn’t shine like this Got deals so I signed like this Diamonds on my neck, I blind them with the wrist Hey, yeah I’ma change my mind on you You know how we do I’m eating lobster on a plate now
  Who is Meek Mill
Robert Rihmeek Williams, famous stage name Meek Mill, is an American rapper. Born in Philadelphia, the artist began his musical career with The Bloodhoundz. In 2008, hip-hop artist T.I. made the first entry.
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support
Our latest collection of parents quotes on Everyday Power Blog!
The importance of parents can be seen in the way they support our lives. Parents are the only ones who show unconditional love.
Parents play the biggest role in our development. Whether it’s in our mental, physical, social, financial, or career development, parents help us in every step of our life.
When we’re young, parents prepare us for the future. They work hard to prepare us for future challenges. When we make mistakes, they’re our teachers.
Parents live for us. They’re happy when we are happy. In short, parents are the most precious gifts God gave humans.
To help us appreciate, love and show more respect for our parents, below are some inspirational parents quotes? Enjoy!
  Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support
  1.) We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves. – Henry Ward Beecher
  2.) Let parents bequeath to their children not riches, but the spirit of reverence. – Plato
  3.) When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth. – Mitch Albom
  4.) A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided. – Robert Brault
  5.) Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark to have been loved so deeply .. will give us some protection forever. – J.K. Rowling
  6.) The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. – O. A. Battista
  7.) “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” ― Oscar Wilde
  8.) There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one. – SUE ATKINS
  9.) “First your parents, they give you your life, but then they try to give you their life.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
  10.) “There’s nothing like your mother’s sympathetic voice to make you want to burst into tears.” ― Sophie Kinsella
  Parents quotes to appreciate them more
  11.) Parents are the bones on which children cut their teeth. – Peter Ustinov
  12.) “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.” – Abraham Lincoln
  13.) “Being a father is the single greatest feeling on Earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course.” – Ryan Reynolds
  14.) “The thing about parenting rules is there aren’t any. That’s what makes it so difficult.” —Ewan McGregor
  15.) “It’s not always easy being her daughter.’
I think,’ she said, ‘sometimes it’s hard no matter whose daughter you are.” ― Sarah Dessen
  16.) “We don’t always do the things our parents want us to do, but it is their mistake if they can’t find a way to love us anyway.” ― J. Courtney Sullivan
  17.) “When you lose your parents, the sadness doesn’t go away. It just changes. It hits you sideways sometimes instead of head-on. Like now.” ― Jude Watson
  18.) “They’re your parents. They’re meant to love you because. Never in spite.” ― Patrick Ness
  19.) “My mum and dad had worked incredibly hard to afford me an education.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch
  20.) “My parents were supportive of my creativity but did not have a lot of patience for whimsy with zero production value. They had stuff to do.” ― Mindy Kaling
  Importance of parents quotes
  21.) To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself – Chinese Proverb
  22.) “Parents are like God because you wanna know they’re out there, and you want them to think well of you, but you really only call when you need something.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
  23.) “Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.” ― Jodi Picoult
  24.) “Everyone else we knew growing up is the same: image of their parents, no matter how loud they told themselves they’d be different” ― Tana French
  25.) “Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.” – Unknown
  26.) “Step parents are not around to replace a biological parent, rather augment a child’s life experience.” – Azriel Johnson
  27.) ”Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.” – Matthew Jacobson
  28.) “I got a lot of support from my parents. That’s the one thing I always appreciated. They didn’t tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.” – Jim Carrey
  29) “The reasonableness of the command to obey parents is clear to children, even when quite young.” ― Noah Webster
  30.) “No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us.”– Brad Meltzer
  Parents quotes to respect them more
  31.) A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone. – Billy Graham
  32.) “My biggest parenting conundrum: why is it so hard to put someone who is already sleepy to sleep.” – Chrissy Teigen
  33.) “You cannot let your parents anywhere near your real humiliations.” ― Alice Munro
  34.) “That’s what children are for—that their parents may not be bored.” ― Ivan Turgenev
  35.) “The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to protect them. It’s for their own good.” ― Sophie Kinsella
  36.) “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” – Anne Frank
  37.) “It’s a sad moment, really, when parents first become a bit frightened of their children.” – Ama Ata Aidoo
  38.) “Our parents prayer is the most beautiful poetry and expectations.”– Aditia Rinaldi
  39.) A good father is a source of inspiration and self-restraint. A good mother is the root of kindness and humbleness.– Dr T.P.Chia
  40.) In the happiest of our childhood memories, our parents were happy, too.– Robert Brault
  Other inspirational parents quotes
  41.) They’ve got great parents; I’m just trying to be the fun uncle. – Sarah Silverman
  42.) “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou
  43.) “Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?” ― Rick Riordan
  44.) “Parents had some kind of sin radar, Claire thought. They always called when you were in the middle of something you just knew they’d consider wrong. Or at least risky.”― Rachel Caine
  45.) “The Golden Rule of Parenting is do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you!” — Louise Hart
  46.) “Parenthood…It’s about guiding the next generation, and forgiving the last.” ― Peter Krause
  47.) “There is nothing worse than a thirteen-year-old boy. You’re embarrassed by your parents, and you’re trying to find your independence because, deep inside, you are so dependent on your mom.” » Ben Affleck
  48.) “Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.”– Jodie Picoult
  49.) “Parents. Honestly. Sometimes they really do think the world revolves around them.” ― Randa Abdel-Fattah
  50.) “Parents have to instill the right principles in their children, but then it’s up to the children to live up to those principles.” ― Mary Lydon Simonsen
  Which are your favorite parents quotes?
Parents are the gentle and supportive pillars that hold our families together. We can expect genuine and unconditional love only from parents.
Hopefully, these quotes have shown why parents are important in our lives and inspired you to appreciate them more.
Did you enjoy these parents quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
The post 50 Loving Parents Quotes and Sayings About Family and Support appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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David Cassidy, 1970s teen idol, has died
New Post has been published on http://usnewsaggregator.com/david-cassidy-1970s-teen-idol-has-died/
David Cassidy, 1970s teen idol, has died
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David Cassidy, the teen idol who soared to fame as the embodiment of 1970s youth in his role on “The Partridge Family,” has died. He was 67 years old.
“On behalf of the entire Cassidy family, it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our father, our uncle, and our dear brother, David Cassidy,” Jo-Ann Geffen, president and CEO of JAG Entertainment said in a statement.
“David died surrounded by those he loved, with joy in his heart and free from the pain that had gripped him for so long.”
The death came after a close family friend said on Nov. 18 that Cassidy had been hospitalized for organ failure and needed a liver transplant. “Thank you for the abundance and support you have shown him these many years,” Geffen said in the statement on behalf of the family.
PHOTOS: David Cassidy’s Life in Pictures
Cassidy played the wholesome Keith Partridge on “The Partridge Family,” a sitcom about a widowed mother and five children who formed a bubblegum pop band. The popular show catapulted Cassidy to heartthrob status, and he toured the world to sing hits from it such as “I Think I Love You” before throngs of teen girls.
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David Cassidy in a 1972 publicity still for “The Partridge Family.” ABC via Getty Images
After serving as lead vocalist for multiple albums for the show, which aired for four seasons, Cassidy had a wildly successful breakout singing career on his own. His appearances garnered so much hysteria, media at the time referred to it as “Cassidymania.”
But it was lonely at the top: By the time the baby-faced Cassidy reached his mid-twenties, his stardom had faded, and he was unsure how to cope.
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David Cassidy performs in Nashville in 2012. Rick Diamond / Getty Images for IEBA file
“There were some real dark years for me where I was personally lost,” he told Access Hollywood in February 2017, after it was revealed he was suffering from dementia. “I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t feel I could have any chance in having a real career again.”
Related: David Cassidy, ‘Partridge Family’ Star, Reveals He Has Dementia
In the past decade, Cassidy has spoken out about his struggles with alcohol and drunk driving arrests and other personal problems, including divorce and bankruptcy.
Earlier this year, after fans expressed concern following a concert in California during which he reportedly struggled to remember the lyrics of songs he had been performing for 50 years, Cassidy said he had dementia — an illness both his grandfather and mothered had battled.
“I was in denial, but a part of me always knew this was coming,” he told People magazine.
Tributes began pouring in from those mourning Cassidy’s death.
Brian Wilson, who co-founded the Beach Boys, recalled on Twitter: “There were times in the mid-1970s when he would come over to my house and we even started writing a song together. He was a very talented and nice person. Love & Mercy to David and his family.”
The Cure founding member Lol Tolhurst said: “Farewell David Cassidy, For some of us that travel the broad highway it’s just like that sometimes. May you rest In peace Brother.”
Musician and actor Harry Connick Jr. also expressed his condolences, writing “R.I.P. friend.”
so sad to hear of the passing of david cassidy… he was always so kind to me – such a pleasure to have had him on my show… sending love and prayers to his family… R.I.P. friend ❤️ pic.twitter.com/tsFkNiJzFc
— Harry Connick Jr (@HarryConnickJR) November 22, 2017
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved ones of David Cassidy … part of a musical legacy via his role as “Keith Partridge” that brought music and laughter into the homes of millions … 🎼🙏🕊️ pic.twitter.com/tgj1IXkUBt
— Gloria Gaynor (@gloriagaynor) November 22, 2017
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shesalwayssomeplace · 7 years
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Epic, an 80’s classic rock band, continues to build a dedicated following of fans who, more often than not, travel to each venue they play. With every performance, they pick up new faithfuls. Once you hear ‘em, you can’t not!
These guys aren’t just out there attempting their best rendition of rock from my generation. Their stuff is the real deal. I’m talking four hours of back to back authenticity. Epic plays an exact replication of what we could not get enough of in the 80’s. It’s Boston, Van Halen, Scorpions, Ozzy, Night Ranger, Def Leppard…just on and on and on.
Each of these guys’ individual talents, along with their top notch instruments, sound gear and lights, produce a concert that gets a crowd movin’ and uh groovin’. For me, once Epic starts playing, its unavoidable.
First, there’s Buddy on the drums. As a girl who dabbled with drums in the 70’s and 80s, I can’t even process what I hear and see coming out of him. He’s a truckin’ animal! Maybe even a spawn of Buddy Rich?
You’ll see Dee on lead guitar, smooth, cool dude gettin after it. Van Halen’s 'Eruption’ is pretty much perfect. And then he works a talk box with the same perfection in 'Livin’ on a Prayer’ by JBJovi and Aerosmith’s 'Sweet Emotion. Really?? I don’t know where else in the area I can get that kind of live bonus.
The other Dee - yeah, there are actually two of them - kinda like, “this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darrell” only these ones are cool - hammers out 'Smokin’ and 'Jump’ on the keyboard. We’re not talking awesome chopsticks here, we’re talking burning up some keys. His entertainment value and stage presence go way beyond what one might expect. Way, way beyond!
He’s also part of the vocal trio along with front man Mitch and bass player Rick. A trio giving us 'Rock you like a Hurricane’ and VH’s 'You Really Got Me’ in harmony like it’s no big deal.
Mitch’s vocals alone are so spot on, it’s ridiculous. Journey’s 'Separate Ways’, 'Smokin’ and again, Aero’s 'Dream On’ - Pah Leeze - it don’t get better than that!! Listen as he nails it. You know what’s coming towards the end, pretty certain he’s going to hit it then BAM! It still blows my mind and there is no one I have showed their video to that hasn’t reacted the same. Check it out on their facebook page “Epic Rocks Wichita.” Better yet, go see it in person. There is no way you will regret it.
The third rock vocalist in the triad is Rick, the areas best Billy, giving us, in the midnight hour of course, “Rebel Yell.” Oh my goodness! He’s also the hot bass player who lays out his heart and soul like it’s 1979. Watch the blast he’s havin’ on stage then tell me he’s not the kind of guy you probably would have had some laughs with hanging out back in the day. I’m betting you couldn’t. His epic bass-lines include Aero’s 'Sweet Emotion’ and his duplicated Getty Lee solos from 'Tom Sawyer’ and 'Free Will’ by Rush. And, speaking of Rush, did I not mention the drummer? Nope, it’s a given.
Last, but not at all least, is Epic’s sound guy. Live Sound is engineered by Rusty who transfers the mechanics of the band to the crowd through a wifi system. He’s the guy who makes Epic’s concerts sound like a truckin’ record. He delivers what we go to hear - true live sound of quite possibly, the areas finest classic rock band.
Obviously, I just can’t speak highly enough of the entertainment value that Epic brings to the events they play - which is why I follow 'em around and introduce my people to their music - it just feels wrong not to. And when I watch someone listen to this band for the first time… all I can say is, I KNOW, welcome to the jungle.
Truth be told, I’ve actually scheduled commitments, travel and even surgeries around Epic’s gigs. Not even kidding.
**You can catch Epic next at Uncle Roy’s Tavern in Mulvane, Ks. on April 1st. For more, check out their calendar on the band’s facebook page “Epic Rocks Wichita,” (don’t worry - they travel) on their press kit at “Gig Salad” and more photos on facebook page “Gig Shots Photography.”
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