#uncle seungyoun
wangyiboslily · 7 months
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The kid is so lucky to have so many amazing uncles and i can imagine all of them spoiling the little one. Can i call myself an Aunt now too? hehe~❤❤❤
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junquisite · 3 years
C’est La vie 9
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written. Next part is the finale~
It had been three weeks since he asked her about the kiss and she rejected him. He really did understand her reasoning but he wasn't going to give up.
For the first week after being rejected, he figured he should give her some space. And since it was usually either Jimin or Seungyoun picking Jiah up from kindergarten, he couldn't see her for a whole week. Until one evening she herself came to the bakery. Alone.
When he asked her about it, she shrugged and said since she hadn't seen him for a while, she dropped by. It was half an hour before his closing time. So she stayed till he closed up, cleaned up and then he walked her to her place.
Since then it became a sort of ritual for them. She would come around half an hour or more before the closing time and just stay. Either sometimes work, read a book or just sit near the counter and talk to him. Then after closing, she would help him clean up and finally he'll walk her home.
 It was around noon when Sejun got a call from her.
"Hey Sejun, Can you do me a huge favour right now?" He heard her say and he agreed.
"What is it?"
"I had an important meeting at the office which got postponed and it's at 1 now. Seungsik is with me and Seungyoun and Jimin are also stuck. Can you please go pick Jiah up?" 
"Sure! It's no hassle Jinae."
"Good. Then I'll call the teacher and tell her your name. Do carry an ID for your identification. I'll text you her school's address." She said and the call ended.
Telling Taesong to handle the bakery, he left to pick Jiah up. 
The kindergarten was a cute little building with a huge playground in front of it and when he reached the school, he saw a pretty young lady waiting at the front, talking to the parents.
He went to her and smiled, " Hi, I'm Lim Sejun, I'm here to pick Jiah?" He said and the teacher nodded.
She went inside the classroom and an excited Jiah came running out of the class and he picked her up and spun her around.
"How are you kiddo? Did you miss me?" He said and she nodded enthusiastically.
"You must be uncle Sejun I presume? I have heard a lot about you since she brought those cupcakes in class." The teacher said and Sejun smiled at her.
"I'm Kim Yongsun. Where exactly is your bakery? I think I would love to drop by!" She said and Sejun shook her hand. After telling her the location of his bakery, he left with Jiah.
In the car, Sejun called Jinae and told her that he would take Jiah to his own apartment and get her freshened up and give her something to eat and to not worry about her.
On the way to home, Jinae spoke up.
"Uncle Sejun, how long is your hair going to stay silver?" 
Sejun shrugged. "I don't know kid. Why?" 
"You said you would dye them blue and I wanna see you in blue hair." Jiah said with a pout and sejun chuckled. Before reaching his apartment, he stopped at a convenience store and bought blue dye and when he told her what he was planning to do, Jiah clapped happily.
When Jinae called him that she was free and she'd come pick Jiah up, he sent her his address and half an hour later, she was ringing his bell.
Sejun opened the door and she was greeted with bright blue hair. She stared at him with an open mouth for a few seconds until she heard Jiah giggling. 
"I told you mommy would like it." She said to Sejun who just ruffled her hair and Jinae felt betrayed by her own daughter and even by her heart when it skipped a beat.
That evening when she went to the cafe and thanked him for picking Jiah up, Sejun mentioned how nice of a teacher Jiah had and how she dropped by in the afternoon to have a coffee, maybe Jinae felt jealous but she was quick to push it away.
 A week goes by and apparently the teacher, Kim Yongsun has become a regular at the bakery and even Jiah knows it because she told Jinae that, "Teacher always has a cup from Uncle Sejun's bakery on her desk every morning."
A few days later, Jinae and Seungyoun stopped by the bakery to grab coffees and as they entered, they saw Yongsun leaning on the counter, twirling her hair with her fingers and flirting BLATANTLY with Sejun who was also smiling at her.
Suddenly Yongsun stood up and ruffled Sejun's hair slightly and then they both chuckled and Seungyoun laughed because he heard Jinae curse under her breath.
"Jealous much?" He asked and she glared at him.
"I can't understand why though. You rejected him yourself so.." Seungyoun trailed off and Jinae elbowed him slightly.
"Not now youn." She muttered and went towards the happy pair.
She heard Youngsun ask Sejun about his plans for the evening when she jumped in the conversation.
"Sejun, hi. Are you doing anything Tonight?" She asked and heard Seungyoun chuckled slightly beside him. She wanted to kick him.
"Uhh.. nothing yet. Why?" Sejun said, looking slightly at Youngsun which she didn't like even one bit.
"Jiah wanted you over. She said she hadn't played with you in so long and she misses you." Jinae lied and she cursed herself for using her own daughter to satisfy her jealousy.
"Oh yeah! I haven't played with kiddo since forever! I'll drop by after closing?" He asked and smiled happily.
She turned towards Yongsun now who had a small smile on her face.
"Miss. Kim, how nice to see you here. What are you doing here?" Jinae asked as Seungyoun placed the order for their coffees.
"Well I tried cupcakes that Jiah brought once and they were really good so I thought I'll have to check this place out. Now that I have started coming here, I can say I like the cupcakes here a lot, among other things." She said, looking at Sejun coming towards them at the last part.
"Other things? What other things?" Jinae asked again even after fully knowing what Yongsun meant. 
"Uhh.. I just do. I'll see you around Jinae, Seungyoun and Sejun!" Yongsun said and left and the guys waved at her.
"I'll get going too. I'll see you in the evening?" Jinae asked and Sejun smiled at her with his dimples showing and god she loved his smile.
 The whole way back home Seungyoun kept snickering and Jinae kept looking outside the window, slightly embarrassed.
When they reached home, Jinae rushed to Jiah and picked her up, said "Jiah, you miss uncle Sejun, don't you?" And the kid nodded.
"Good. He's coming over tonight to play and then have dinner with us." Jinae told her and Jiah clapped happily.
"When did this happen?" Jimin asked from Behind Jiah and Seungyoun laughed loudly.
"Jinae got jealous of Jiah's teacher who was going to ask Sejun out for dinner so she asked him out first. In the name of Jiah obviously." Seungyoun told Jimin who joined him in his laughing.
"I wasn't jealous." Jinae muttered but soon went to the kitchen to prepare for dinner and then clean the house.
Sejun came in the evening and Jiah pulled him away quickly. Jimin and Seungyoun had left already but just before dinner was served, her bell rang and Seungyoun was there with a cake in his hand.
"I wouldn't miss this for anything!" He whispered to her and after announcing loudly that he had cake, joined the table.
The dinner consisted of Seungyoun indirectly teasing Jinae and asking Sejun about the teacher any chance he got and then wincing slightly because Jinae would kick him under the table. 
And then it was time for Sejun to leave and she was hoping for a moment alone with him but he bid her farewell and before she could insist on walking him till the apartment lobby, he left.
 That night, at 11 pm, 2 hours after Sejun had left, she taped a piece of paper to Seungyoun's t-shirt who was crashing at hers that night saying 'going out for some fresh air.' and went out to the diner she last visited with him.
She entered it and weirdly enough, it was empty but she was happy. She took a seat in their booth, the one they sat in a few weeks ago and the same one they used to sit in 10 years ago.
The lady came and smiled at her and asked her for her order. She ordered her usual, strawberry and cream pancake but she sounded choked up, even to herself.
The lady looking at her solemn face asked her what was wrong and it was as if all hell broke loose Because suddenly she couldn't stop the tears. The lady sat down quickly beside her and started running her fingers through her hair to calm her down. 
"I..I really like him but I don't know what to do." She said slowly.
"But you kissed him here sweetheart. The last time you were here." 
It only made Jinae cry harder. 
"I rejected him after that! I don't know why I did that. I have the responsibility of Jiah and I can't do this to her and I did just that but why does it hurt so much then? I..I regret doing that so much! But I was scared and I still am and I don't know what to do anymore!" Jinae said and hid her face in her hands.
The lady just patted her head and said softly, "You know you love Jiah and you're doing a very good job with her. But you have to look out for yourself too Jinae. You owe it to yourself too. Jiah is a smart kid, she'll understand. Tell her and date him if you want to. And I know you want to."
Maybe it was someone saying she wasn't wrong in Liking Sejun or someone telling her she can actually want herself to be happy and it won't be selfish but whatever it was, she smiled at the lady who patted her head and stood up. But she was determined now. She'll tell Sejun how she feels.
The bell rang of the diner suddenly and the lady turned to the door and said, "welcome. Please be seated I'll be there to take your order…" but her voice died down and Jinae looked up from wiping her tears to see why.
Her breath quickened and she couldn't help the shiver that went down her spine.
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alengmelenya · 4 years
It was the time of X1's premiere night for their debut showcase that was held at Gocheok Sky Dome. The group's name, X1, was suggested by netizens through the official Produce X 101 website and chosen by CJ E&M, with the name taken from the show's title song "X1-MA". X1 means "11" in Roman numbers, and also represents 10 members + 1 member who received the 'X' rank. Uncle Cho Seungyoun here seems like a bachelor in a suit that courting his future in-laws. Lol!
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clowninyourfeed · 5 years
X1 reborn as NCT
Do young reborn as Wooseok:
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96 liners
Clown bait for the group
Natural maternal instincts
Forced to do stuff even though they’re done with life
A solid 34% they won’t decide to kill you
Seungwoo reborn as Taeyong:
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Looks like they could kill you but wouldn’t hurt a fly
Epitome of sin
All rounder
Babies everyone
Raw power in their eyes
Tired of counting members
Needs a mom vacation
Mark reborn as Yohan:
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Giggle bois
99 liners
Everyone loves them
Center material
Can be singer rapper or dancer
If you put them in a room together they would lose their voices from laughing the entire night
Gay panic
Johnny reborn as Seungyoun:
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Fun uncle
Adores the maknae
Toll Models
9 years of being under appreciated
Mood maker
Hawt if that wasn’t already obvious
Jungwoo reborn as Eunsang:
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Uwu energy
Same smile wtf
Confident gays
Winwin reborn as HYEONGJUN:
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Underrated dancer
No lines whatsoever
Seen as cute but wants to be manly and cool
Not even the maknae but is the maknae
CHENLE reborn as Dohyun:
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Dolphin gang
Reacts to everything by bursting your eardrum
Qt pie
Musical genuises
Haechan reborn as Dongpyo:
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Girl group dance kings
Public hates them cuz they ain’t them
Cinnamon roll
Not afraid to figt you SO BaCk The fUck Up
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Future Love | Lee Hangyul
hi, can i request a single dad! hangyul (*cough* featuring kid!dohyon) oneshot where he falls for the reader, who’s dohyon’s kindergarten teacher? looking for something generally fluffy but i’m also not opposed to smut in this 👀
↬ Pairing: Hangyul x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Fluff, slightly suggestive (?).
↬ Warnings: none.
↬ Word Count: 2.9k
↬ Song Recommendation: “Future Love” by Katie.
↬ A/N: Honestly the whole karaoke part was added by me because the second I listened to Katie’s song that scenario came to mind and I wanted to fit it some-fucking-where and this was cute enough.
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The bar was crowded, a few bottles sitting on the table as the rest of the guys around it cheered for the person that was currently on the stage, singing their heart out while trying to dance according to the rhythm, obviously too drunk for it. The atmosphere was lively, the laughs and screams filling it but all Hangyul could do was stare down to his phone, fingers quick to type a reply each time a new message came in.
“Yah, could you leave that? Spend some time with us, dude.” Yohan was pretty out of it, pouting slightly as he tried to steal the phone away.
“I will in a bit, I’m just trying to make sure Seungyoun doesn’t fuck up… don’t really trust him being a babysitter.”
Wooseok let out a small sigh. “I wanted to stay with Dohyon but Seungyoun insisted that we both needed a break.”
Seungwoo laughed at his tone, moving the cup on his hand and watching the liquid swirl. “We all needed to spend some time together. Besides, Dohyon loves him, I’m sure everything will be alright.”
Right as the older finished saying that, another message flashed on the screen:
2:15 a.m.: Just wondering, but would mixing chocolate with ramen really hurt Dohyon?
The headache was making way on Hangyul as he typed back (“Didn’t you say that he was asleep? And don’t do that.”), anxiety starting to form at the pit of his stomach while Yohan read over his shoulder, laughing out loud before trying to tell the others what he had just seen.
2:17 a.m.: I said “just wondering”, of course he is asleep
2:17 a.m.: I think he just woke up from you being so annoying
2:18 a.m.: Now I have to make him sleep again
2:18 a.m.: Go and have some fun while I’m here being the best uncle in the world
As if on cue, Seungwoo took the mobile phone, tapping on the screen a few times before putting it on his pocket, it being the sign that he wasn’t going to give it back anytime soon. Hangyul sighed, hoping his kid made it through the night and swallowed what was left on the cup before focusing on the new contestant that was on the stage now.
The song was slow, not matching with the whole bar at all, the chattering almost drowning the music, but it wasn’t enough for him to not hear the voice that started singing. The words sounded slightly slurred, probably due to the intake of alcohol, and somehow it made the feelings to be transmitted better, the nostalgia tingling on his sides.
Lyrics that matched his feelings with a steady beat along with a sad voice… that was all he needed to get his mind out of whatever Seungyoun was doing, his undivided attention going towards the girl that swayed on the stage. Something about her overall vibe made him smile to himself, the rest of the boys coming to a halt as soon as they saw his expression, and Hangyul just knew he fucked up.
“Go talk to her!” Yohan’s voice was starting to become annoying and if it wasn’t for the little self-control he had, plus the fact that he could beat his ass, he would have already snapped.
“The song literally talks about wanting something new. Go, both of you need it.”
Hangyul scoffed at Wooseok��s comment. “You need something new.”
Seeing where everything was going to, Seungwoo stopped the rest, his hands slamming the table delicately. “Just go and talk to her, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The younger shook his head, frustration making his way. They wouldn’t completely understand, being a single parent wasn’t easy and his schedule didn’t really leave any time to maintain some kind of relationship, and having an one night stand didn’t feel correct anymore. Explaining all that seemed too much, especially with the alcohol setting down in his system, so he simply excused himself as he got out, ignoring Wooseok’s warning about the cold air might make him feel worse.
He inhaled, letting the breeze fill his lungs before throwing his head back, his mind going empty as he stared at the stars above. A smile spread on his face as he remembered the way Dohyon’s eyes resembled them, usually whenever he listened to music or saw him cooking his favorite meal, making grabby hands whenever he felt cranky and wanted to be lifted up, or his squeaky giggles whenever he put him above his shoulders so that he could reach the cookie jar. There wasn’t a single moment he regretted, his son really being worth it, but there was no use in denying that he felt lonely at times and there was nothing that could fill that place, not even the kid’s chubby cheeks.
“So you are alone too, huh?” The voice made him turn around quickly, his face burning up as he saw the same girl that was singing inside before in front of him. “The night is so lovely, though~”
“Ah, yes.” If possible, he would have slapped himself right at that moment.
“You know what I hate the most? That people pity us for being alone. Is it really that bad?” Hangyul eyes opened wide at the sudden conversation topic, but she continued. “There is a reason for us to be like this, why do they try to set me up with random people? It makes me feel worse…”
“I know, right? I have the same problem. My friends behave as if they knew what’s best for me, almost feel like I’m a baby in their eyes.” His whole anger was leaving his body as he complained, the alcohol making its work.
“Yes! Exactly! It makes me mad but also somehow guilty! I have other priorities in life and I’m not always thinking about getting laid.” He nodded, snorting at the last bit of information. “I mean, it wouldn’t be terrible if it happened, but it’s not at the top of my list, y’know? What’s at the top of your list?”
Doubt filled him, not knowing if mentioning it now was the best thing, but since the situation didn’t seem to be leading anywhere not innocent, he was honest. “My kid. He’s five, and honestly lights up my days like no one else does.”
“Oh, married or single, or something else?” He couldn’t help but to chuckle, surprised at her boldness.
“Let’s leave it at single. What about you? What’s your number one priority?”
The girl seemed to be in deep thought, or otherwise fallen asleep. “My career. Well, my students. I get a kind of satisfaction that is pretty different from any other kind… makes me happy, really happy.”
Hangyul raised his eyebrows, not expecting her to be a teacher since she looked rather young, or at least around his age. “But the loneliness still lingers, doesn’t it?” When her head turned abruptly, he felt a slight pinch on his stomach, regretting adding that last part.
It wasn’t what he expected: the way that her eyes suddenly dropped to the ground, a sad smile on her face as she nodded before suddenly cheering up, changing the topic while making it obvious that she was trying to avoid deepening in the previous subject. Honestly, he didn’t want to either, feeling already pretty exposed and simply followed her, laughing at her random jokes and smiling to himself whenever she did the same with his.
Time seemed to flow effortlessly between them, the air not feeling cold anymore, maybe due to the blush that covered his cheeks. It had been a long time since he felt that comfortable talking to someone, talking to a complete stranger, but the warmth that she radiated made him feel at ease, his barriers breaking down as she let him see more of herself. He tried to memorize her face, the way her hands moved when she talked, her exaggerated expressions as she related a story… probably was the alcohol that made her be so open, or maybe that was how she really was, he couldn’t tell, but he found it incredibly charming.
“Whoa, your life is indeed pretty interesting…”
He giggled for the twentieth time. “Is it?”
“Yeah! Would make a really good movie.”
A smile spread on his face again, being the first time that someone reacted that way instead of saying something like “I’m sorry you had to go through that” or otherwise feel some kind of sorrow towards him. He turned around to reply to her, about to ask about her life before he met with her lips pressed against his, confusion swirling in his insides before he returned the kiss, his trembling hand resting on the nape of her neck as he pulled her closer, the taste of soju on the tip of his tongue. Her hands tangled on his hair, playing with it as she bit on his bottom lip, sighing when he pressed his body against hers. Hangyul wanted to blame the alcohol for what was happening, but her mouth was more intoxicating that any other liquor he had ever tasted, making him fall and give in to her taste, the control slipping past his fingers without him caring one bit about it.
“Yah, we have to get going, Seungwoo ended up throwing up– oh.” It was the annoying voice again.
“What is taking you so much? Oh.” The second annoying voice joined. “See? I told you, both of you needed it.”
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After some unnecessary debate on whether they were right or not, Hangyul finally made it home, only to find Seungyoun laying on the floor of the living room with Dohyon on top of him, three cups of ramen empty on the table as well as some chocolate wrappings. Better not to ask or he would beat someone’s ass again, so he carefully picked up the small kid, shushing him to sleep as he took him to bed, coming back and slightly kicking Seungyoun as he got back, throwing the trash away.
“Ouch, what– ah, you are back.”
“Told you to not give him that.”
“He hated it, isn’t that good? Now he won’t want to try it again. You’re welcome.”
Can’t argue with his logic, or more like didn’t want to do it. He still thanked the older for taking care of Dohyon, gulping down a glass of water as he let him stay in exchange for the help, heading for the shower despite the tiredness washing over his body, trying to sober up and erase the memories. Right after he finished, he laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling while wondering about what her name was, eyes closing with the doubt wandering on his mind.
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“Get up, sleepy head, time to go.”
Dohyon complained but sat up anyway, his hair sticking up in every direction as his tiny hand scratched his belly. Hangyul laughed, grabbing the brush and quickly controlling the chaos, holding the outfit that Seungyoun chose (because Dohyon liked more “uncle’s style” rather than his) and chuckling as the child nodded approvingly.
Half an hour later, they were ready, Dohyon still eating the last bits of food on the car as Hangyul drove towards the kindergarten. First day of school and everything seemed to be perfect, pride filling his chest. Little moments like this were the ones that made him feel satisfied with himself, the smile on the small kid being all he wanted. He parked the car, got out and held out his hand until he felt the tiny one hold it back, walking towards the entrance and scanning the place.
“Are you excited for your first day?” He was actually trying to sense if he was nervous, but seeing Dohyon’s expression, he was so happy about it.
“Yes… I hope I get to make friends.” His eyes opened wide as he looked up to him. “Maybe someone else likes music? Or ramen with chocolate?”
Hangyul could feel his eye twitch. “Ramen with chocolate?”
“Ah, right, uncle said to keep it a secret from you…” He proceeded to shrug his shoulders as he walked confidently to the entrance, eyes smiling at who he thought was his teacher while Hangyul made a mental note of maybe killing Seungyoun.
He kneeled, fixing Dohyon’s clothes before kissing his forehead and wishing him a good day, standing up and bowing to the teacher, freezing on the spot when he saw the same girl from a few weeks ago standing in front of him. Her eyes reflected the same panic that his, suddenly turning his stare to the small kid without paying one bit of attention to the tall one as she grabbed Dohyon’s hand and waved the other one, the child imitating her and saying goodbye to his dad as he disappeared behind the doors.
The whole rest of the day was spent with him trying to plan what to say when he went to pick up Dohyon. Should he pick him up? Maybe he could call Seungwoo and ask him to do so, although Wooseok would definitely complain about why he never trusted him with his kid, the reason being because he would never stop bothering him with how good he is with children if he did. Seungyoun was out of the discussion, and maybe since it was Dohyon’s first day the best was if he went to pick him up… he was driving crazy, until at the end he simply gave up, deciding that maybe he was overthinking it and maybe she didn’t remember the whole thing and was simply acting flustered because she remembered that he listened to her sing while being drunk. Yeah, that must have been it, for sure.
Time passed slow, his brain melting as he waited for the clock to hit the closure hour, jumping out of the car as he saw some kids getting out. He waited at the entrance, eyes scanning the place in hopes of finding her, his heart beating a little bit faster as he saw Dohyon being carried in her arms, feeling a bit jealous of the way she was staring at him with loving eyes while pinching his cheeks. As soon as he saw Hangyul, he let Dohyon on the ground, hurrying him to grab his coat and stepping in front of him, fists closed tight as she looked to have mustered all her courage.
His eyebrows shoot up at the simple greeting. “Ah, hi, yes, hello, I-I’m Hangyul, Dohyon’s father.”
“Yes, he talked about you quite a lot.” A cold shiver ran down his spine, hoping that whatever the child said was good. “I’m y/n, Dohyon’s teacher from now on.”
Her hand was extended between them, the slight tremble being too obvious and the shyness in her voice while pretending to be firm made him hide a smile, giving a soft grip to her hand and blushing as she bit his lip trying to hold back her giggle. Her attitude was so different from that one night, but it was still utterly adorable in his eyes.
“Could we exchange numbers? Just in case an emergency happens…” Ridiculous. Absolutely pathetic
“Ah, of course, we were going to ask the parents for them anyway.” Wait, it worked? “But, uh… the rest of the mothers seem to be taking a certain interest in you.”
“Are you jealous about it?” His voice dropped low, gulping when he realized what he had just said.
“Dad, what are you two talking about it? Can we go? I have to complete the activities before it’s time for my third meal.” And at times like these, Hangyul was thankful he had a small bundle of happiness to take him off awkward situations.
“Yes, it’s better if we go, you’re right.”
He walked with Dohyon to the entrance, telling him to go to the car as he turned around with the slight tapping on his shoulder.
“I might be jealous. A bit.” Her cheeks painted in the loveliest shade of red before skipping back to the building, picking up another of the kids that was crying.
Hangyul shook his head, smiling dumbfoundedly as he got in the car and immediately looking at his son.
“So you talked about me a lot today, huh?”
Dohyon denied it slowly. “I talked about uncle but my teacher kept asking about you.”
He was conflicted about whether he should be happy or sad, but decided to ignore that as his phone vibrated with a new message.
18:14 p.m.: Dohyon-ie already had his third meal.
18:14 p.m.: By the way, he kept asking if I tried ramen and chocolate?
Was this real enough?
18:16 p.m.: Maybe I can help you find out what he means one of these days?
He pressed his forehead against the steering wheel, ignoring for a while Dohyon complaints as he waited for a reply, his heart beating faster as the minutes went by.
Y/N (Future Love):
18:21 p.m.: Sounds like a good plan.
Whether he did a little celebration in the car was a secret between him and Dohyon, and maybe every single person that walked right in front of it.
“So, I need you to tell me about the recipe that uncle invented.”
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Yes, it ends abruptly and yes, I didn’t intend for it to be this long but still loved how it turned out. What a good daddy.
| Masterlist |
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lovelyjunho · 5 years
[5:18pm] “miss y/n, I’m sorry but..your mother has passed away..” your heart dropped at the words coming out of your phone. she promised to always be with you; to never leave you. “miss y/n?” the nurse asked. you ended the call and let your phone fall to the floor. you turned around and saw the photo of your mother and you on your dresser. you pushed the frame off the dresser causing it to crash and shatter on the floor. your breathing began to quicken as it felt like your world was ending. you tried calming yourself down but it was useless. you lost your only family member left; your dad died before you were born, both grandparents are dead and you have no aunts or uncles, your mother was the last one. hyeongjun and seungyoun got the same call. they’re your best friends so your mother loved them almost as much as if they were her own. as soon as the call ended, your name popped into hyeongjun’s head, “we have to go see y/n!” he said to the ten boys who looked concerned in front of him. the eleven got to your apartment as fast as they could hoping you were alright. seungyoun and hyeongjun were the first to go inside. “y/n?!” they called looking around your apartment. seungyoun heard your sobbing from inside your office and ran inside to find you sitting on the floor with your hands holding on your head, and a shattered picture frame beside you. hyeongjun ran into the room too and both of them sat in front of you. “y/n, y/n listen to me okay? you need to calm down, just calm down okay...” seungyoun said calmly as he held onto your shoulders making you face him. you slowly calmed down and looked up at them with your tear stained face and red eyes. hyeongjun pulled you into a tight hug and you wrapped your arms around his neck, softly crying into his shoulder. seungyoun hugged the two of you, pressing his head to yours while the other nine boys watched the heart warming sight.
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incorrectx1-quotes · 5 years
Seungyoun: since seungwoo hyung is not here today I'm going to be in charge you can call me uncle
Dongpyo: over my dead body
Wooseok: how dare you talk to your uncle like that
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mountphoenixrp · 7 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                 Cho Luizinho, who is known by no other name;                                                          a 21 year old son of Eros.                                           He is currently a street acrobat and juggler.
FC NAME/GROUP: Cho Seungyoun (Luizy) / Uniq CHARACTER NAME: Cho Luizinho AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: August 5, 1996 PLACE OF BIRTH: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea OCCUPATION: Homeless Street Acrobat & Juggler HEIGHT: 182cm WEIGHT: 65kg DEFINING FEATURES: As a teen, Luizinho cut off his own wings in a panicked fit of rage against his mother’s imprisonment and abuse of him. The skin has since healed over the stump of amputated limbs but it is a riot of pale pink scar tissue that he doesn’t let others see. When he had wings they white with mottled gold flecks.
PERSONALITY: Luizinho is a strange combination of naivete, youthful punkish rebellion, goofball and deadpan snarkism that only being a DIY survior really affords one. Sion often uses humor and sarcasm to hide the holes in his practical knowledge. Holes that include all things academic thanks to him never having attended a proper school, learned to read or count past 100. He’s an odd hodge-podge of “figuring-it-out-as-I-do-it” that borders on cynicism but never really crosses the border to achieve full on pessimism. It is his insecurities about expressing or trusting genuine love or affection, that makes him lash out and yes hide within himself too.
HISTORY: He could not remember a time when he wasn’t locked in the closet at night.
Momma said it was because she loved him best so she had to keep him all to herself–but he knew it was just because Momma didn’t want him to see what the “uncles” with the grabbing big hands, and pinching fingers did at night. Supposedly these men would make Momma’s dream to be a star come true one day. A dream she told him all the time, his father stole from her. One day, Momma promised she would have it all back. Only that never happened.
There was just the closet.
There was also the sounds of Momma crying, a sound that scared him so bad that all he could do was watch the red light strip from beneath the closet door as he seeped warm embarrassing stinking wetness around himself. Momma only cried then. Only then and there was nothing he could do there locked away in the dark. He never slept on those nights, not at all, but simply watched for the hazy red line be slayed by welcoming daylight, so much like blood being washed away by water.
He learned to hate the closet then.
He hated it even more after the wings show up. All things after the wings became a nightmare land where nothing was quite real. The wings made him two things: 1) a freak. 2) unfit for regular society. The wings made even his mother look at him with a strange light in her eyes. One that clawed at his heart and froze it over as surely as any ice might. The wings made them move to the island. Momma said it was all his fault too they had to leave, him and his “monster of a father” who had ruined her. She told him he and his “angel” wings owed her a great debt. Momma changed.
The closet didn’t change though.
It was an ugly tiny island. With an even tinier ugly circus. Momma said it was one of Korea’s last true delights, but that was an even bigger lie. Everything that Momma said after the wings came was a lie. The wings robbed him of Mommas hugs, her smiles, and even her saying “she loved him best” anymore. From then on it was only performing in the ragged circus on the island. His performing for the stage and her performance everywhere else to pay back “the father’s” debt.
And at night there still was just he and the closet.
The first time mother hit him he was six. The wings were heavy. All it took was one wing tangling turning into a forbidden missed round-off into back handspring that wasn’t and he quickly learned how to perform even with the most violent of batterings. After that first time, the easier it seemed to make Momma’s hands ball into fists, or twist her pretty lips into sneers. She was careful though. Nothing to stop the show. So it was always collarbones and ribs that would heal clean, burns between little childish fingers and welts on the soles of feet that no one would see. He was wrong, mother knew best and that’s how it ended. No tears. Not ever. Angel babies on high wires don’t cry, right?
Well sometimes they did… but only in the closet.
He was twelve before he questioned what was beyond the circus, or even the island itself. People came and never stayed for long. Where did they go? The idea that there was more, different out THERE stung him more than all of Momma’s smacks, belts and extension cords combined. He begged her to tell him year after year about beyond the tent.
The closet was still there when his pleas fell on a deaf ear.
At fifteen, he finally used the closet just for himself, with blade and blood he cut his way to freedom. Mother could keep the closet–after all it had always been hers anyway.
Mount Phoenix was merely where he found himself when once he had run himself out. He honestly doesn’t care who made his mother into what she became, nor does he want any other “parent”. No one needs parents. Parents are full lies. He simply wants to be left alone to live out what remains of his days in unhindered peace.
PANTHEON: Greek CHILD OF: Eros POWERS: Love Potion Creation: Food or drink cooked or created by Luizinho can make others temporarily fall in love with each other.
**(Formerly) Flight: Because he (cut off) his baby wings Luizinho no longer can fly.**
Luizinho is very flexible and surprisingly strong. He has been a circus acrobatic performer most of his young life, he can run, jump, move, flip and contort his body in ways most regular people cannot.
He has a “gift” with chocolate. Despite not being able to read or write he figured out how to make various chocolates himself with simple kitchen and household supplies. It’s a hard tiring hobby that he finds very theraputic. He usually gives his chocolate “kisses” to people who tip him on the street (at this stage he is unaware his candies are a rather potent aphrodisiac).
Kindness. Luizinho has a really innocent place in his heart for others that he tries really hard not to show, but he will literally give someone else the shirt of his back if he sees they need it more than he.
Luizinho is fully illiterate. He has only learned to know his own name when he sees it and to write it in very large childish calligraphy in order to sign things.
Worldly inexperience. Luizinho doesn’t really know a lot about life or being around people who aren’t circus folk or street people. He tries not to let others take advantage of him but most times it happens anyway cause he simply doesn’t know any better.
Quite willfully self-distructive. Something even he has not really come to terms with fully. Each day, he just climbs into danger cause it’s there and looks different than the danger from the day before.
Has severe Nyctophobia, that usually culminates into full on anxiety induced fainting. He is also prone to freaking out in small enclosed darken spaces.
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heiseinoona · 7 years
tagged by @leovia7​ sorry, I saw this a little late n.n’
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
AGE:   30 and more C:
BIRTH DATE: May 22nd
1. drink: Jamaica water (jamaica flower)
2. phone call: to my brother on saturday
3. text: young brother
4. song you listened to: Vixx Shangri-La
5. time you cried: yesterday
6. dated someone twice: no
7. been cheated on: no
8. kissed someone and regretted it: no
9. lost someone special: a years ago
10. been depressed: end of winter... then it could be on last days of March I guess
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. blue
13. black
14. purple
15. made new friends: no
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you: no
19. met someone who changed you: no
20. found out who your true friends are: yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them
23. do you have any pets: yep
24. do you want to change your name: my second name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Vixx concert!!! :D
26. what time did you wake up: so early
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to fight Morpheus so I could be able to watch Vixx’s new MV, but I failed u.u
28. name something you cannot wait for: next holidays Cx, date for The Wings Tour in Tacoland
29. when was the last time you saw your mother: years ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: pff, a long list
31. what are you listening to right now: birds singing (?)
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
33. something that is getting on your nerves: some disrespectful fans of BTS, sometimes fam, sometimes political issues in my country and gente pendeja xD
34. most visited website: FB, TW, WP, TB, ARA, YT
35. elementary: my dear Watson
36. high School:  fun
37. college: hard
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: this days, long
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: ... I don’t know
42. piercings: yes, 8
43. blood type: secret
44. nickname: 3 or 4
45. relationship status: Sexy, Free & Single
46. zodiac sign: Gemini
47. pronouns: I, you, he/she, it, we, you, us?
48. favorite tv show: Grimm!! We bare bears!! Uncle Grandpa!! and more xD
49. tattoos: I hope this year
50. right or left hand: right, sometimes left
51. surgery: no
52. piercing: since born
54. sport: Cheer up baby!!
55. vacation: Beach (bitch? beach! lol), I guess, can’t remember
56. pair of trainers: no idea
57. eating: quesadilla!!
58. drinking: jamaica water, still x)
59. i’m about to: claen the house, work, try to cook
61. waiting for: energy to do these stuff ----^
62. want: the house cleaned by itsel
62. want kids?: no, Kim Dongjun, Park Jimin, Cho Seungyoun, Lee Jihoon (Woozi), Lee Dongmin (Cha Eunwoo) and Yoon Sanha are my kids, so it’s ok with them x’)
63. get married: no
64. career: another one? I don’t know
65. hugs or kisses: it depends
66. lips or eyes: both
67. shorter or taller: taller or shorter, it depends of the purpose LOL
68. older or younger: both
69. romantic or spontaneous?: spontaneous
70. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach...
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant:  troublemaker
74. kissed a stranger?: no
75. drank hard liquor?: no
76. lost glasses contact/lenses?: yes
77. turned someone down?: yes
78. sex on first date?: no
79. broken someone’s heart? yes
80. had your heart broken?: yes
81. been arrested?: no
82. cried when someone died?: yes
83. fallen for a friend?: yes
84. yourself?: no
85. miracles?:  yes
86. love at first sight?: no
87. santa Claus?: no
88. kiss on the first date?: no
89. angels?: yes
90. current best friend’s name: consciousness
91. eye color: rare brown
92. favourite movie: I love Tim Burton :) ... and more
Tag: to someone who is bored xD
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 2
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
"It's fine." He whispered. She looked up, wide-eyed, like she recognised his voice. Her mouth opened. Closed. Again opened. And closed.
"You're back." She finally whispered.
He nodded in response.
"mommy.." the girl pulled at her coat and she looked down.
"Can we get all of them?" She asked, innocently.
"What would we do with so many of them sweetie?" She said softly.
She really was the mother huh, he thought.
"We can share them with uncle Seungyoun and Aunt Jimin and everyone else!" 
So no dad? Sejun wondered. He was listening intently to the conversation.
"Okay but chose one baby. Donuts or cupcakes?"
The girl looked really serious while thinking and Sejun had to suppress his sudden urge to coo.
"Cupcakes. I'll take the donuts tomorrow with uncle Seungyoun."
She chuckled and nodded. She looked up at him, "One of each of the cupcakes-"
She looked down at the girl again.
"Can I have two of the Oreo ones?"
"Alright. All ones and the Oreo ones two."
"And two of the strawberry ones." The baby said and Jinae rolled her eyes, a smile on her face.
"Please make all of the cupcakes one please."
"But mommy-"
"No Jiah."
She suddenly looked up at him, startled who was staring wide eyed at her too.
Her child's name is Jiah.
The name they always talked about naming their daughter whenever they will get married. It was all before he realized he wanted to be a patisserie chef and left for Paris but Jiah, Jiah was a part of the future they always dreamt of together. Yes it was childish to plan things like that but with her he always felt at home. They would sit in her balcony, he would climb by the ladder she had purposely placed near her window and they would spend hours after midnight in her balcony, staring at the stars, talking about things they can't with lights shining on their faces, talking in the comfort that only darkness brings.
 She cleared her throat and he was snapped back to reality. Well Jiah was her daughter and not theirs now.
"Umm one of all of the cupcakes and one coffee." He nodded.
"Cream and 2 sugar." He spoke before she could complete. She visibly gulped and nodded. Then she looked at the child and said, "You hungry love?"
The kid nodded.
"Do you still have your special chocolate croissants left?" She asked him.
Technically he still had one batch left. But he had saved it for his staff and the boys.
"How many would you like?"
"2. And one chocolate milk as well." 
He nodded. He can spare two. He'll just give her from his share and the boys..well they can share the ones that'll be left.
He told her the total and she paid him and just stood there.
"You can go sit, you know." He said while going to make her coffee. 
"It says self service here." She said back.
"You're an exception."
"Let's go sit mumma." Jiah spoke up again. She sighed and went to the nearest seat. She picked the girl up and helped her sit in the chair and sat in front of her.
He prepared her coffee, the chocolate milk and brought out the croissants. By then one of his workers joined him and after telling her to pack the cupcakes, he put all the stuff on a tray and went towards her table.
He placed it and said, "You can take your cupcakes from the counter-"
But before he could complete, her phone rang and with an apologetic smile, she went out of the bakery.
He sat on the empty chair beside Jiah and smiled at her who smiled back, sipping her chocolate milk.
She gave him a thumbs up and when she took a bite of the croissant, she widened her eyes comically.
"These are the best I have ever had!"
Sejun laughed, "Why thank you young lady. Can I ask you something?"
Jiah nodded.
"How old are you?"
She raised 4 fingers and said,"4. But I'm going to turn 5 soon!"
He nodded.
"And where's your daddy?" That was the question he was dying to ask.
Jiah gave him a sad smile.
"He died."
Sejun's heart sank a little. Jinae had to go through something like that? Alone? Well probably not alone but you get it.
"Mommy says he died when I was 6 months old."
"You know what death means?"
"Yes. It means my daddy left this world and went to meet the god. But momma says he's happy there and looking out for me. He wants us to be happy."
Sejun smiled at her. Jinae had definitely brought up a smart daughter. 
His employee brought him the box of cupcakes and he sat them in front of her.
Then he leaned down to whisper to her, "I packed that one extra Oreo cupcake you wanted. But don't tell your mumma. She might get mad at me."
Before Jiah Could respond, Jinae came rushing in and said to him, "Can you please make this coffee to go? I'm sorry to bother you but I have to reach office urgently. And the chocolate milk too. Sweetie get down, I'm gonna drop you at uncle Seungyoun's alright?"
Sejun nodded and took their tray and packed everything up while she made a phone call again. 
To the uncle Seungyoun probably, he thought.
When he went to give her the packed goods, Jiah whispered to her something.
Jinae looked at him with slightly wide eyes and said, "Sejun, you didn't had to pack her the extra cupcake!"
He looked at Jiah trying to hide behind Jinae.
"Hey kid! That was supposed to be our little secret!"
She peeked out from behind.
"But mommy says no secrets from mommy." She whispered and he chuckled.
He ruffled her hair and smiled at her.
"You're not mad?" Jiah asked and Sejun said no.
Then the baby turned towards her mom and said, "Mommy, how do you know his name?”
Jinae looked a bit taken aback but she said quickly, “I knew him from long ago sweetie.”
Long ago, that’s right. That’s all he was now. Somehow the words she spoke left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"So can I call him uncle Sejun?" 
His head snapped towards her.
Jinae looked a bit skeptical but nodded.
"If you want to baby. And if he's okay with it." She said and both of them turned towards him.
"Can I?" Jiah asked.
"But why?" 
"Because you're handsome! And nice! And you gave me an extra cupcake!" Jiah said and Sejun laughed, nodding.
"Okay you can." 
Jiah clipped happily and getting down from her mother's arms, ran to him and hugged his leg.
"About that extra cupcake.." Jinae said to Sejun.
"Don't worry about it. It's for this little munchkin here." He said, taking Jiah in his arms and kissing her cheeks.
Her phone rang and she took Jiah from his arms and set her on her feet.
"Alright let's go baby. Uncle Seungyoun is here."
She picked up all the food and smiling at Sejun turned towards the door.
Jiah waved at him and left after her mother, shouting a, "Bye uncle Sejun!" After her.
The said Uncle Sejun, smiled at the leaving figures, slightly sad he couldn't talk to her more.
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 7
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
"Hey Sejun. What are you doing here?" She asked and he raised an eyebrow at her.
"I wanted to see you. And I got cupcakes for Jiah!" He said, lifting up the box to show her.
"Umm bad timing Sejun."
"Why?" He asked but then they both heard someone Calling her name from the inside of her apartment and then the door opened and someone peeked out to see them.
"Wooseok?" Sejun said.
"Hi. Sejun right? It's nice to see you." Wooseok said and Sejun gave him a smile. Well, Atleast tried to.
"Yeah. What are you doing here?" He asked and Jinae cleared her throat beside him but he ignored her.
"Oh I brought Jinae hangover drinks and some breakfast. You?" Wooseok asked.
"I brought cupcakes for Jiah." Sejun mumbled.
Suddenly the said girl in question peaked her head out and yelled happily seeing Sejun.
"Uncle Sejun! Come in! How did you know I wanted to see you today?" She said, grabbing his hand and dragging him in and he followed her. Wooseok and Jinae right behind them.
"What is that?" Jiah asked Sejun and he opened the box for her.
"I got you cupcakes. An extra Oreo for you!" He said and she smiled gleefully, Picking one up and looking at Jinae, who nodded at her and she took her bite.
"You make the best cupcakes in the whole world." She said with a mouthful and he chuckled.
"Why? I got you some too. Don't you like them?" Wooseok interrupted and Jiah looked at him in the eyes and said No.
Sejun couldn't help but snicker at his face. 
"Why?" He asked with a pout and Jiah said, "These are tastier." And grabbed another one when Jinae came and picked the box, afraid Jiah would eat all of them then only.
"Uncle Sejun, Can you teach me to bake?" Jiah asked after she was done with her cupcakes and he shrugged.
"If you have all the items." 
Then they both looked at Jinae who sighed.
"We do have all of it but don't you have to go back to your bakery?" 
"Taesong can handle it for a day. Let's go bake!" He said and Jiah shouted excitedly.
She rushed to the kitchen dragging Sejun and Wooseok and Jinae followed behind.
Sejun taught her step by step and promised to write the recipe down for her too and when finally the cupcakes were in the oven, he started cleaning up while Jiah stared at the oven.
"It won't bake quickly if you stare at them baby. Help your uncle Sejun clean up." Jinae said while coming herself to help him.
"Ehh it's fine kiddo. You watch those cupcakes rise and I'll clean. You don't have to worry Jinae." Sejun said and she nodded but still helped. Wooseok was standing near Jiah to keep an eye on her in case she suddenly wanted to touch the hot glass or something.
Jiah eventually sat down on the floor and looked at her mom and Sejun working comfortably together and cleaning up.
"Mommy.." she said and Jinae nodded at her to continue.
"Do you like uncle Sejun?" 
Everyone literally froze and whipped their heads around to see Jiah looking innocently at her mother.
Wooseok was the first one to come to his senses and he patted her on the head and said, "You should not ask such questions baby." 
She turned her head up at him and asked "Why not?"
Sejun also chimed in,"Yeah. Why not Wooseok-ssi?"
Wooseok was at a loss of words and was looking wide-eyed between Sejun and Jinae.
Jinae finally crouched down in front of her and said, "Of course I do baby. He's your friend, isn't he? And you like him. So mommy likes him too."
Jiah nodded at that and Jinae tried to get up but she tugged at her pyjamas.
"Mommy, do you think uncle Sejun is handsome?" 
Sejun stared at the little girl. Was she really hoping for him to date her mother? That's what she meant right? Like the time she asked him about Jinae at the bakery in front of Seungyoun.
"Yes I think baby. But so is Wooseok. But you know who's the most handsome of all?" Jinae asked and he stared at her back, full of curiosity.
Jiah nodded no and Jinae ruffled her hair.
"Uncle Seungyoun of course. Isn't he baby?" Jinae said and Jiah broke into a giggle. 
"Yes he is. Sad he has a girlfriend." Jiah said and Sejun almost smiled. Almost.
Seungyoun had a girlfriend? He wasn't into Jinae? Well that was one competitor down. 'There's still Wooseok and Seungsik hyung.' Sejun Thought.
Jinae laughed at it though and Sejun smiled. 
"I wish Aunt Aerin could come visit us more. I miss her." Jiah said, looking slightly down and Jinae sighed.
"Well don't we all." 
Half an hour later Wooseok took his leave and Jiah went to his room to bring her toys to show to Sejun.
Jinae was cleaning the table they had just had breakfast on and Sejun went to stand in front of her, just looking.
"What is it?" She finally asked, looking up at him and he could see a hint of a smile on her face.
"I messaged you today. You didn't reply." 
Jinae gave him a confused look and turned around to look for her phone.
"I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to check my phone yet."
When she finally found it, she saw it had two messages from Sejun and smiled.
"I wanted to talk to you. About what happened yesterday." Sejun said and she looked up with a conflicting face. He wanted to ask what was wrong, why that face but then the bell rang and she went to get the door, leaving him standing in the kitchen.
The door opened and someone else's voice sounded in the house. 
"You really need to start checking your phone. We are meeting an important client tonight that you know nothing about and we need to smarten you up."
"You have got to be kidding me!" Sejun mumbled as Seungsik came from the entrance towards the kitchen with hands full of folders.
"Sejun? What are you doing here?" He asked, genuinely surprised to see him there.
"I brought some cupcakes for Jiah and ended up teaching her to bake some."
Seungsik smiled at him and then Jiah came running out and hugged Seungsik.
"You are going to have a meeting again?" She asked Him and he nodded at her.
"But you can play with uncle Sejun till then, right Sejun? You got somewhere else to be?" Seungsik asked and he shrugged. Might as well.
"Sure. I'll take care of her. You guys go to your meeting or whatever."
"It's not a meeting. It's just a briefing about our new client. We won't be long I promise!" Seungsik said, going towards a room Sejun figured was her office with Jinae behind.
 Well Seungsik's 'we won't be long' turned out to be 2 hours long and when they came back out, Sejun wanted to hit his hyung. All he wanted was to talk to her about the kiss and maybe take her out on a date. Was that too much to ask?
When they came out Jiah complained about being hungry and Jinae said she will cook lunch and asked Seungsik and Sejun to stay for it. Both of them agreed and Sejun offered to help before Seungsik could so he went to play with Jiah.
The whole time he tried to talk to her about yesterday but whenever he would broach the subject, she would just ignore it or start talking about something else and it was doing nothing to calm his anxiety.
When finally the lunch was ready and she was about to go out to call the others, he stopped her.
"Why are you avoiding it?" He finally asked and she turned around to face him, the same conflicting expression on her face only making him feel more nervous.
"I'm sorry for yesterday Sejun. I was drunk and it was a mistake."
He wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but he needed answers first.
"What do you mean? No it wasn't? You know it wasn't a mistake Jinae." He pleaded and he could see it in her eyes that whatever she said, she didn't mean it.
"Sejun, you need to understand. I can't date right now. I have a small child and she comes first. Jiah will always come first. And I don't want her to feel confused and scared about me dating someone."
"But Jiah likes me!" Sejun insisted but she cut him off, "she likes everyone Sejun. EVERYONE. I'm just not ready for a relationship yet. I'm sorry." She said and turned around to leave and called for Jiah and Seungsik.
They both came wandering down, laughing about something and Seungsik helped her sit on her baby chair.
Suddenly Sejun walked out of the kitchen and went to Jiah, kissing her on her forehead he said,"I'm sorry kiddo. I have to go. I just got a call from the bakery and they need me. I'll grab lunch with you someday else alright?" 
Jiah got sad for a second but nodded.
"Pinky promise?" She asked and Sejun locked his pinky with her's.
"Pinky promise." 
He then nodded at Seungsik who gave him a confused look.
"Is it something serious? You don't look too good."
"Don't worry hyung. It's nothing. I'll see you later." And he left, waving them a goodbye as he left.
And it was her turn to stare at his leaving figure. 
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 3
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
She got back home from her meeting and entered the PIN to her home. She got inside and shouted "I'm home!" And she heard Jiah's giggles before seeing her.
"What are you doing with uncle Seungyoun baby?" She asked and she heard more giggling and then she saw her coming out from her room on seungyoun's shoulders.
"Why are you bothering him like this?" She asked laughing and she picked her up from his shoulders.
"I don't mind. She's the cutest chick who Can sit on my shoulders anytime she wants!" Seungyoun said, going in to tickle her and Jiah laughed.
"She's also the only chick you can actually carry on your shoulders so." Jinae said and Jiah laughed.
"You hungry kiddo?" Jinae asked and when Jiah nodded, she went into the kitchen to cook.
When the food was ready, she called for then and Jiah came before Seungyoun.
"Mommy.." she trailed off and Jinae looked up from setting the table.
"Why don't you date someone?" 
Jinae sputtered and looked up at Seungyoun standing at the doorway who was avoiding her eyes.
"Who told you sweetie? Did uncle Seungyoun say something?" She asked and Jiah nodded.
"What did he say?" 
"That once I'll start school, you'll be alone at home and that you should date so you can be happy with someone." 
Jinae shot Seungyoun a glare and pulled Jiah close to her.
"I'm happy with you sweetie."
"I know. But you'll be lonely once I grow up and go to college." Jiah said, very seriously and Jinae wanted to curse at her best friend.
"Baby, I'll date if I'll ever be lonely okay? But I'm not right now. I'm very happy with you." Jinae said and Jiah nodded.
"But by that time you'll be old and no one will like you." Seungyoun chimed in and Jinae showed him a middle finger behind Jiah's back.
"Noo. My mom will always be pretty!" Jiah said and Jinae laughed, kissing her on her cheeks.
When Jinae put Jiah down for a nap after lunch and settled in front of the TV, Seungyoun joined her
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She said and he shrugged.
"I've got all the time in the world for you." He said and she fake gagged.
"Why did you say that to Jiah?" She asked and he sighed.
"You need someone Jinae. What will you do after she grows up? She won't need you anymore and then how will you cope? I'm not telling you to date anyone right now but I don't want you to close your options too. Just don't deny an opportunity when it comes to you." Seungyoun said and Jinae nodded.
Somehow Sejun crept into her mind. She had convinced Jiah to not tell Seungyoun anything about him and promised she would tell him by the night because Seungyoun didn't really like Sejun for what he did. Although it was a long gone past now, she cried over him for far too long and he was there for her at every step. He was the only good thing that came out of losing Sejun.
" By the way, Seungwoo hyung and the boys are all going out for dinner for some friend who just came back from abroad. So come out with us." Seungyoun said and she looked at him.
"I can't. How will I find a babysitter at this short notice?"
"I already talked to Jimin. You gotta love her cause she agreed." Seungyoun said and damn him and his smart brain.
"For a few hours only?"
Seungyoun nodded and she agreed. 
She'll tell him on the way about Sejun.
"I'll be back soon sweetie. Call me if anything happens alright?" Jinae said and Jiah waved at her.
"Have fun mumma!" And honestly Jiah was more fine with her leaving then Jinae herself.
"Bye uncle Seungyoun. I'll see you tomorrow. You're picking me up right?" She asked and he nodded bending down to give her a kiss.
"Yes baby. Bye bye!" He said and they both got into his car.
For a while they talked about random stuff. Then Jinae decided it was time.
"I went to the new bakery today with Jiah." She started.
"Yeah I had those cupcakes. God they were so good!" Seungyoun said and she looked outside the window. He wasn't going to take this well, she just knew it.
"Sejun's back in town. He owns that bakery." 
The car swiveled and she tightened her grip on the seatbelt. 
"Your Sejun? The one who fucking left you? We're going to that bakery right this moment and I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."
"YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT! DRIVE TO THE RESTAURANT!" she shouted as Seungyoun swiveled the car quickly and he cursed under his breath but listened.
"Plus you're gonna see him tomorrow. Jiah wants you to take her to the bakery tomorrow remember?" She added and he exhaled sharply.
"Well it'll be fun." He said and she considered changing places with him for tomorrow. But then thought why not, Sejun should witness his wrath too.
They entered the restaurant and she recognised the loud group from afar. Before they reached them, Seungyoun pulled her back to whisper in her ear,"I don't understand why you're not interested in Seungsik. You guys get along so well and I'm pretty sure he's interested in you. Jiah loves him too." 
She rolled her eyes at him, mumbling a shut up and hitting him softly on his chest and went to them.
Seungwoo noticed them first and got up to hug her and then Seungyoun. Then they hugged all the others too because she hadn't seen them in a while. But she saw all the same faces she had been seeing for a few years now.
"Where's the new guy?" Seungyoun asked and she nodded.
"He's running a bit late. He must be here soon though." Seungwoo said and they nodded. Seungyoun sat beside Seungwoo and she settled between Seungsik and Subin, a seat in front of Seungyoun left for the mysterious new guy.
15 minutes in and a beer for everyone at the table, Seungwoo exclaimed that the guy was finally here.
She turned around to look at him and froze. She turned around swiftly to avoid him looking at her which didn't make sense since he was coming to join them only but whatever.
She looked at Seungyoun's neutral expression and wondered how long it'll stay.
Sejun came and smiled at everyone, still somehow hadn't noticed her and said hi to Seungyoun.
"Sejun, hi." He said and Seungyoun introduced himself. She felt like Calling him dumb for not figuring it out but was also happy for the peace that'll be disrupted as soon as he'll figure out who he is.
Sejun turned towards her and froze. She gave him a weak smile.
"Jinae?" He whispered and she gave him a small wave.
"Wait a minute." Seungyoun said, standing up and everyone looked at him.
"You're sejun. YOU'RE THAT SEJUN!" He said, grabbing a fistful of Sejun's shirt and Jinae got on her feet quickly while the others froze due to the sudden change of mood.
"Seungyoun NO! this is a public place!" She said pulling his hands away and pushing him down on his seat but he was still glaring at him.
"What is going on?" Seungwoo asked.
"He's the guy who left Jinae after highschool. Broke her heart." Seungyoun said begrudgingly and she kicked him beneath the table.
"Sit Sejun." she said softly and Sejun looked at the only empty chair in front of Seungyoun. Nodding and taking a deep breath, he sat.
"It was long ago. We are all mature adults here so maybe act like one Seungyoun? Sit down and let's talk. It's his friends throwing him dinner since he got back. Be a good sport!" She scolded Seungyoun who just turned his face around, pouting probably and Seungwoo chuckled, Patting his shoulder.
Sejun was sitting on the other side of Subin who was busy with Jinae and in front of a glaring Seungyoun. So basically it was a great evening, if you can sense the sarcasm.
The whole evening she was busy with the others, mostly Hanse and Seungsik and whenever he would try to spark a conversation, Seungyoun would intervene. The first few times she tried to stop him but eventually gave up throwing him an apologetic look which he was quick to wave off.
He might have made it look like he was okay but in reality he was dying to talk to her and that Seungyoun just.Won't.let.him!
So the night ended, with Sejun having too much to drink and leaning on Seungwoo when leaving. And she left with Seungyoun. God he wanted to hit that guy.
The next morning he walked in his bakery with a full hangover, haven't had the chance to pick up a hangover drink and just surviving on water and Pain killer. 
Around 9 am when he was in the back kitchen, baking since it was the rush hour, the only male worker of his, Taesong stepped in and placed a hangover drink beside His working station.
"Some lady dropped it for you and said she had to rush and left. Sorry I couldn't Catch her name." 
Sejun looked at the bottle which had a small sticky note on it saying, 'i'm sorry for Seungyoun yesterday.'
He smiled.
"I thought you came back here 10 years later. How did you already catch someone's attention in 4 days when you've been working your ass off here?" Taesong asked.
"It's an old connection." Sejun mumbled and shooed him away to the front.
And if he spent a few minutes staring at the bottle then drinking it, no one had to know.
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 5
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
He was on his way to Seungwoo's party with a huge cake box in his hands and a heart full of hopes of being able to talk to Jinae. He hadn't seen her since the day she came to give him the invite. That was three days ago.
Daily seungyoun would bring over Jiah who would have chocolate milk and everyday something different. Bread, pastry or some snack - whatever she was in a mood for. Seungyoun would buy two coffees on the go for himself and her and he would stare daggers at his leaving back since he got to see her daily and Sejun couldn't.
He heard from Jiah that her mom was super excited for the party and was busy decorating the loft but he didn't expect it to be as pretty as it was when he entered.
There were fairy lights, balloons and pictures of them all on one wall. It was.. breathtaking, for lack of better words.
He placed the cake on the table and suddenly something was wrapped around his leg. Looking down, he found someone, not something, tightly holding his leg.
"Hi uncle Sejun." Jiah said and he bent down to pick her up.
"Hi kiddo. Where's your mum? Where shall I put the cake?" He asked and she pointed at the table behind which Jinae was standing on a stool, pinning a happy birthday banner to the wall.
"Jiah! Where did you run off to!" A girl their age came to them and Sejun raised his hand to shake.
"Sejun, Hi."
She smiled at him and shook his hand.
"Jimin, hi. I've heard a lot about you. Only bad Though. I hope you can change it." She said with a big smile and he groaned.
"Trust me, I would love to." He said and she chuckled.
They all turned towards Jinae who had called for Jimin loudly at that exact moment.
"Hey can you keep an eye on jiah?" She asked and he nodded.
"Wait where should I put the cake?" He asked. He had spent almost 5 hours on that cake and he was proud of it. It was just how he was told to make it.
"On that table in front of Jinae." Jimin Said and left.
He dropped jiah and picked up the cake and she followed behind him. He placed it on the table and unboxed it and Jiah gasped when she saw the cake.
"It's so pretty!" And he smiled. It really was.
Jinae turned around and gave him a huge smile. "This is perfect! Thanks Sejun!"
He smiled back at her.
The only good thing that came out of not seeing her for the past three days was that she called him the next day. She said she took his number from Subin and ordered the cake. So now, he had her number and he was happy.
A man he hadn't seen before suddenly came out of nowhere and picked Jiah up and she giggled happily.
Sejun looked at him and God did that man had unearthly features.
"Hi baby. How are you?" He asked Jiah.
"I'm good. How are you?" She said in between giggles.
Seungyoun waved at them and Sejun was sure it wasn't for him. He came close and with his hand around the new guy, gave Sejun a smile.
"Hi sejun. Glad you could make it. The cake is pretty. This is Wooseok." He said in one sentence and Sejun smiled at Wooseok. Wait. Wooseok? THE HANDSOME WOOSEOK SEUNGYOUN TRIED TO FIX WITH JINAE?
His smile vanished in a second but he still shook his hand. 
Thankfully Subin told everyone to stay silent and turned the lights off. Apparently Seungwoo was coming and he felt Jinae come and stand between him and Wooseok and say hi to him. It only worsened his mood.
 A few minutes later Seungwoo entered and called for Jinae. And suddenly lights were turned on, party poppers burst and they all shouted happy birthday. An excited Jiah ran towards him and clung to his leg as well and he bent down, picked her up and kissed her cheek.
Then he said thank you to everyone and came to hug Jinae because she was behind it all.
He wouldn't stop thanking her until she turned him around to see the collage of pictures on the wall. Sejun looked closely too. He was in a few of them too. Highschool ones. God they looked like chumps, but happy.
"This is so much. I mean I can't thank you enough Jinae! How long did It take you?" Seungwoo asked and Jinae waved him off.
"3 whole days!" Seungyoun said from behind her and she slapped his chest.
 After that, there was a lot of dancing, eating cake and food and drinking and soon Jinae stood up to leave. It was time for Jiah's bedtime.
"No don't gooo!" Everyone collectively whined but she smiled apologetically.
Until Jimin stood up. "Let me take her home. I have a meeting tomorrow too so I was going to leave early anyway. I'll take care of her." She said going to Jinae who looked conflicted.
"Hey! Chill. Live a little Jinae!" She said and Jinae slowly nodded. Bending down to kiss goodbye to Jiah, she thanked Jimin. Slowly everyone went up to Jiah to kiss her goodnight and god was she a lucky kid.
Sejun did it too and she kissed him back. Only Jinae and him. He felt smug about it and didn't forget to smirk at Seungyoun who rolled his eyes at him.
"You should just move in with her." Heochan said and Jimin rolled her eyes.
"Maybe I will. It'll be better than any of you moving in." Jimin said back sassily and Hugging Jinae, left.
 Two hours later, Sejun was angrily staring at an excited, and probably tipsy if not drunk, Jinae talking animatedly to extremely delighted Seungsik and Wooseok. So much for having a chance to talk to her.
Subin walked over to him along with Seungwoo and settled near him.
"What's up hyung?" Subin asked first.
"Is Seungsik hyung into Jinae?" Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe he was simply jealous, but he was not in a mood to sugarcoat.
"It's been a while I think. A few months maybe? But the answer is yes Sejun-ah." Seungwoo said and Sejun groaned.
"Wooseok hyung too." Subin chimed in and Sejun looked up and glared at him.
"Thanks. Couldn't have figured it out myself." He muttered.
"No need to be mean Sejun. You were gone for 10 years. It has been almost 5 years since her husband died. We all have been together since university. Bonds change." Seungwoo said and Sejun just drank his beer. His 4th beer of that night.
"Seungyoun likes both of them. He'd love for any of them to date her over me." Sejun grumbled angrily.
"What makes you think you even have a chance with her hyung?" Subin asked.
"I don't know. But I have this, this feeling you know? I..I can't explain it right now but I will soon. I promise. I just. I just need to talk to her tonight." Sejun said, looking at Seungwoo pleadingly and Seungwoo sighed.
As if on cue, Jinae stood up saying she had had enough and would leave. Almost instantly, Seungyoun, Seungsik and Wooseok said they'll walk her home. Jinae just laughed and said she can go by herself.
Seungwoo stood up suddenly and loudly said, "it's my birthday guys! Let the lady go, she lives 5 minutes away. Come on and drink with me!"
And then he looked down at Sejun and winked at him.
"Leave when they all come here." He whispered and Sejun, wide-eyed, smiled at him.
They all agreed when Jinae insisted on them joining Seungwoo and hugging her, came towards Seungwoo and she went to the door. Sejun saw his chance when Seungwoo called them all to the other corner and escaped when none of them were looking at him.
He went out and looked at both the sides and there on the left side, she was slowly walking down the sidewalk.
He ran to her and grabbed her hand. She turned around suddenly and when she saw him, whispered "Sejun?"
"Yeah. Let me walk you home." He huffed out.
"It's fine. It's just 10 mins away. I can go." She insisted.
"I know. But it's 1 am and it's dark. And we haven't talked alone even once. Please. Let me." He whispered the last part and she stared at him for a long minute.
It gave him butterflies. He hadn't been alone with her since he came back and now she was with him, close like this and staring at him. He couldn't help but be reminded of how much this was like before. Like 10 years ago.
"Alright. Let's go." 
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 4
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
"Jiah stop running!" Seungyoun yelled behind her but she had no interest in listening. She wanted to see her Uncle Sejun.
When she reached the counter she peeked up but it wasn't him so she turned around and raised her arms to Seungyoun who picked her up with a sigh.
Before he could say anything though, she turned to the man on the counter and said, "where is the handsome one who was here yesterday? Uncle Sejun?"
The man at the counter, Taesong, looked at an equally shocked Seungyoun. Both of them stared at each other for a few seconds while Sejun peeked outside from the kitchen, listening to the ruckus.
Jiah saw him and started waving at Him and he came outside, smiling at her. Telling Taesong to go to the kitchen and that he'll handle the counter he smiled at Jiah which went away as soon as his eyes met Seungyoun.
He nodded stiffly at him while Seungyoun just glared at him. So he was still pissed at him, Sejun Thought.
"What would you like today kiddo?" He asked her and she excitedly said "Donuts!"
"All of the flavours?" He asked and she nodded. He billed the amount and gave it to Seungyoun, muttering the amount who gave him his card.
"Uncle Sejun, you have that too? Mum went out to buy some today and she brought two of those home." Jiah said, pointing to the bottle of the hangover drink in his apron pocket.
Sejun quickly turned it around to hide the note from their vision while Seungyoun sat Jiah on the counter.
"Yes baby. She bought it for me and herself." Seungyoun said and she nodded.
'Ha! She got one for me too!' sejun wanted to say but kept it in. It was His bakery, the last thing he wanted was to have a ruckus here created by himself only.
Sejun turned around to pick a box for donuts when he heard Seungyoun saying,"Jiah sweetie, why do you call him uncle Sejun?" Sejun threw him a glare but Seungyoun wasn't looking at him.
"Because mum said I can if I want to. And if he is okay with it." She replied.
Seungyoun turned to him then, "so you're okay with Jinae's daughter calling you uncle?" He asked, putting extra emphasis on Jinae's daughter and sejun just gritted his teeth, plastered on a smile, nodded and bent down to pack her donuts.
He liked Jiah, he really did. But not enough to endure that man along with her.
When he was done packing them, he placed the box in front of her and served her a glass of chocolate milk as well.
"I didn't pay for that." Seungyoun said and Sejun looked at him and said, "it's on me."
Seungyoun was about to retort when Jiah beat him to it.
"Uncle Sejun, can I ask you something?"
Sejun nodded.
"Do you like me?" She asked.
Without hesitation he bent down to give her a kiss on her cheeks and said,"of course I do kiddo. You're the prettiest girl I have ever seen."
Jiah, satisfied, smiled and nodded.
"And do you like my mum too?" She asked and Sejun was left speechless.
He looked up to see Seungyoun glaring dagger at him, challenging him to answer the kid but Sejun knew he adored the kid too, so he won't do anything rash. At Least in front of her.
So he said,"Yes. Yes, I do."
Jiah clapped in satisfaction and he saw Seungyoun's fists curling. God was he thankful for Jiah at the moment.
"Why are you asking things like this baby? You only met him yesterday." Seungyoun asked and Jiah turned towards him and signalled him to come closer.
With her mouth near his ears, she Whispered, Atleast tried to, Sejun Could hear everything clearly, "I saw it on TV uncle. When two good looking people like each other, they fall in love and date. You said yesterday mommy should date."
Sejun stuffed a laugh. Seems like Seungyoun's plan backfired and Jiah wanted him, Lim Sejun, to date her mother.
Suddenly Seungyoun gave Jiah a big smile and Sejun felt a cold shiver run up his spine. 
"But baby, isn't uncle Wooseok more good looking then him?" He asked and Jiah looked as if she was thinking it over.
Wooseok? Who was he? Sejun wondered.
When Jiah nodded in agreement, he felt his heart sinking.
"See jiah darling, uncle Wooseok is handsome, already knows your mumma for years and they get along well too. So shouldn't you think about him instead?" He said and looked up at Sejun to flash him a smug smile.
Sejun would have cursed at him hadn't the bell to his bakery rang and a group of teenagers hadn't entered.
They were the only reason Seungyoun Could walk out of that bakery with a smug smile, hand full of box of donuts and a smiley baby.
It was the evening and he was about to switch his shift to the inside of the kitchen when the bell rang indicating someone entered and he looked up to see Jinae coming towards him with a soft smile.
Well who cares about a break, he thought as he told Taesong to rest a bit longer as he was capable of handling the counter. Taesong didn't leave without smirking at him though.
He went to her and smiled and she smiled back, flashing her teeth and he remembered how much he used to love her smile.
"Thanks for the hangover drink." He said first and she smiled again.
"You want to order something?" He asked and she nodded, ordering two Americano's and he stopped in the middle of billing. Was she here to have coffee with him? He looked up at her and she was rummaging in her bag and pulled out a small card.
"Here. You know Seungwoo's birthday is coming right? I'm throwing him a party down at this loft, the address is in here. I hope you'll be able to make it." She said and he took the card, noticing the address was a 10 minutes walk from his apartment.
"And can you make the coffees on the go? Seungyoun is waiting for me in the car. We have to buy some decorations for the party. It's only three days later." She added and he couldn't help but scowl at that man's name. Seungyoun this, seungyoun that. God he hated that guy.
He gave her the bill and she paid in cash. When he handed her the drink she smiled and turned around but he called her back.
"Why are you always with him?" He couldn't help it. He had to ask.
"He helps me a lot." She answered simply, walking closer to him because she knew it wasn't the end of the conversation.
"I can too." He said looking at the counter.
"He has been helping me for 10 years Sejun." She said and he looked up at her.
"Since I left?" He asked and she nodded.
"How does he know Seungwoo hyung?" He asked, changing the subject. He didn't want to hear how he was better than him. That was the last thing he wanted to hear.
"They were in the same course in university." She said.
"How come I never met your friends in highschool?" She asked.
"They lived near me. They weren't in our school. I guess it never came to me that I should introduce you to them. I thought we'll have a lot of time later to do that." He whispered the last part and she looked away.
That was the only thing that they seemed to never have.
Just like how the next moment her phone rang and she looked at it. He managed to see it too.
Youn calling…
So she even had a nickname for him?
 "I gotta go Sejun. I'll see you at the party?" She said and he nodded and he then again stared at her leaving figure. Her leaving him this time around.
Would he lose her again? This time not to time but Seungyoun?
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alengmelenya · 4 years
'Hug Me'
The most awaited announcement of my life. Lol! Lee Dongwook said before announcing the 5th place for the debut member, "This trainee might be able to aim for the main rapper position on the debut team, X1. This trainee received 929,311 votes in total. It is Cho Seungyoun from Yueha!" The cheers for him was so loud and even their trainers including Ms. Cheetah made a standing ovation and looks so proud of him. Even all the 101 trainees especially Park Sunho were really happy for Seungyoun. He really deserved it. I cried literally while he's walking in the aisle through the stage, like those girls who caught in the camera, crying just like me that time. Mr. Lee added, "Cho Seungyoun ranged from the main vocalist to main rapper during every evaluation and received rave reviews for his perfect performance. The title 'all-rounder' is a good fit for a talentes trainee like him. Among the 20 trainees on this stage, he started out from the lowest ranking, 67th. He has miraculously accomplished his dream of making a debut. Congratulations." He started his speech like this, "First of all, I'd like to thank National Producers who supported me. Actually, I didn't expect to make a debut. So I didn't prepare anything. However, I want to thank a lot of people. The 101 trainees, trainers, Representative Lee, my family, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Chae Won and Hyun Woo. I'd like to thank you all. I hope everyone who loves me will be filled with small happiness in their lives. I will do my best to satisfy you and bring happiness to your lives. Please continue to support me. Thank you." Dong Wook gave a message to him and said, "He started out from 67th place and he finished 5th place. Great job. I hope to see more from you, Seungyoun. Congratulations. Please take the seat with your ranking." And Cho happily went up to other debut members. Representative Lee also added, "He has outstanding talents that it must've been hard for him when he failed to become a singer. I feel grateful that he didn't give up. Hopefully, he will develop as a beloved artist on the world stage this time." As for me, he deserved to be in the top rank of this competition. If not, they're wasting such a talented guy in front of them, so grab it. He's really a big catch for the group X1. Sadly that he's alone that time that's why he only mentioned his family members. Or they were there but the camera didn't focus them? But I think they're really proud of this kid. Wohooo! A proud noona here! Lol!
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
《 Upcoming Works 》
As always, please remember that the dates might change! And the titles too because I hate them and put them on a rush since I wanted to upload this thingy today.
Solo [S]: with Yohan. Idols have needs and luckily the staff is human enough to acknowledge that, but still they can’t take much of a risk... so Yohan’s first time ends up being with a slightly cold fleshlight. Date: February 18th.
Thirsty [S]: with Seungyoun. Trying new things is the motto for your relationship with Seungyoun, and if those new things bring pleasure then they are more than welcomed. Especially if it’s about fingers. Date: February 20th.
Play Me [S]: with Hangyul. In where Hangyul is trying on his clothes for the performance and catches you gazing at him in his beautifully tight suit and ends up asking if you want to try out the feeling of the fabric. Date: February 22nd.
Walking In The Winter [F]: with Wooseok. Having your best friend babysit your kid it’s a blessing in a certain way, until you realize that he might be way more than “uncle Wooseok” when feelings awake between you two. Date: February 24th.
Neighbors Know My Name [S]: with Seungwoo. Seungyoun has been your best friend for years, all having started when he moved right next to your house, but your boyfriend doesn’t think of it as a very amazing thing, so maybe he will just have to take matters into his own hands. Date: February 26th.
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