#uncle yibo
wangyiboslily · 7 months
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The kid is so lucky to have so many amazing uncles and i can imagine all of them spoiling the little one. Can i call myself an Aunt now too? hehe~❤❤❤
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lanwangjihouse · 11 months
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
oh he really does! YK is a fanboy & loyal friend of WYB’s! it’s a pattern we’ve been seeing. those who get caught in his orbit end up being devoted to him cause he is such a good person 🥹🥹🥹 this makes me miss the OG team yibo on SDC!
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rapha-reads · 7 months
So I'm watching Street Dance of China season 3 (the one with Wang Yibo, because I may have a lil addiction, but also oh man I love Jackson Wang, Lay Zhang and Wallace Chung), all episodes are available subtitled on YouTube, and man oh man I am having the best fun. Between the exceptional dance performances and the electric, hilarious atmosphere between the four captains, this show is the highlight of the month, tbh.
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yibo-wang · 1 year
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Yibo taking golf as serious as motorcycling and skateboarding 😄 he's become more active on IG and followed about 10 new golf accounts.
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months
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Fic Finder/In the mood for...
1. Hello, I saw this story on Wattpad but I can't find it. Zhan is an omega and they live in a rural area with his siblings. Since they do not have an alpha, their uncle is the head of their house. Zhan has 4 siblings, one brother went to war but did not return. One day, these brothers come back, but Zhan doesn't feel like his brother. This coming brother is very impressed by the scent of alpha and zhan. The person he thinks is really his brother is Yibo and not his brother. Does anyone know this story? @windflower9
2. Hello, I'm looking for wwx centric and (this part and the second request in a future Mood post ~Mod L) xz centric fics. Anything that has them as the main focus works. I'd prefer if their relationship with someone else is not main focus of the fic, rather, it's more about them as an individual??? @kthvcult
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yibocheeks · 1 year
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Translated Excerpts from the Beijing Premiere of One and Only
To be on the big screen, does it feel like you've gotten to fulfill one of your dreams as an actor? Yibo: I think it is a very fortunate thing, for me at this time in my life, to be able to do a combination of things that I enjoy is a very happy thing. Actually, it reminds me of my childhood dream, of a passionate summer where at that time I enjoyed dance. I took part in dance classes during middle school vacation. I spent the entire break in the studio. Similar to Chen Shuo, I would go to class after class, dancing from 2PM to 10PM or so. Just like Chen Shuo, I never found it tiring, as if I couldn't feel tired while doing something that I enjoyed. After watching [the movie], there's the sense that Yibo is Shuoshuo, Shuoshuo is Yibo.
(To Liu Mintao, actress who plays Chen Shuo's mother) Give us your review on Yibo's performance. LMT: The first impression I got from Yibo is that he is quite shy, and quite introverted. He doesn't usually express himself, he's not the type to chat with you a lot. He's quite a thoughtful person, I think, because we haven't had a lot of interactions in private. This is the sense that I got. He's very diligent, and his eyes are full of--I think of something very pure/sincere. Actors--not just actors--I think it is something we all need, that it is something worth cherishing. Da Peng: Let me add something, whenever I see Shuoshuo, no matter what the scene is, his eyes sparkle like he has stars in his eyes. Some scenes we film altogether, like the scenes in Chen Shuo's home, we filmed them all at once, including the scene with Uncle. Because we have to create the set, so in actuality, Shuoshuo and his mother's first scene is the emotional scene that everyone likes, where his mother is singing and shining onstage, and Shuoshuo sees his mother's efforts for him and ends up crying. This was actually their first scene, so they hadn't yet filmed any of the scenes at home, so there was this challenge right from the get go. The performance that day--Yibo completed it in one take. He was able to express these sentiments right away, and exceeded our expectations. So one can imagine that he must have done a lot of work on his own prior to filming, thinking about this role, to understand what his experience must feel like in this scene. For that day I feel a bit apologetic, because it was quite a large scene, where onstage with his mother there were a lot of wedding guests. But once Shuoshuo came, he cleared it in one take. I felt as though it couldn't be this easy, that filming could go so smoothly, so I tried to find different reasons to refilm the scene, to get Chen Shuo to perform a few more times. Otherwise, if we managed to finish it in one take, I was afraid it might get to his head. (said jokingly) But actually the scene that ends up in the movie is from their first take. MC: So you ended up using the first take? Da Peng: Yes MC: Wow, let's give it up for Yibo. Of course, I believe that for Yibo to be able to grasp the emotion so well, must also be thanks to Mintao-jie's performance onstage (Yibo nods) LMT: The two of us hadn't interacted at that time. Because onstage I couldn't see him either. MC: So it is completely based on immersing yourself in the role. Da Peng: Don't people think they also seem like a mother-son pair? Audience: Yes! Da Peng: When I watched afterwards I felt that the casting of their roles really was great
Yibo: I think for the storyline between Chen Shuo and his mother, the part that moved me the most is when his mother says, "I don't dare watch." This moved me because my mother also doesn't dare to watch some of my competitions, so this line really struck me.
Yibo: Street dance gets divided into a lot of different styles. Breaking is something I am both familiar and unfamiliar with. Because when I first experienced street dance, I tried breaking but ended up giving it up because it was too difficult and I would end up with a lot of injuries, so went to hip hop. So this time when filming- One of the cast members interjects: Let me explain, because Yibo was injured while breakdancing, I don't think you can say this is giving up, rather he was forced to give it up because his knees were injured. Like this I don't think you could say that he gave up. Yibo: Ah…where was I? Oh yes, because when I was young I thought their moves were really cool, but because I was young and experienced injuries, it felt too difficult so I chose another style of dance. So this time I feel the greatest takeaway is getting to experience the dance that I enjoyed the most when I was young, getting to do this again I was very happy.
Yibo is asked to say some closing words: Yibo: Wow, you're asking someone who's not very good at speaking to give the closing statement. First, I'd like to thank everyone for their compliments. I also really cherish that summer. I have also had a similar time of passion/enthusiasm (Chinese title of the movie), when I was young, when I liked dance, I have also had a summer devoted to one thing, and that was dance. So it was very similar to filming One and Only. Like when Chen Shuo went to practice dance after finishing work, I also did the same after finishing school. Everyone in the cast worked well together because everyone loved dance, so worked hard together on this. So I am grateful to everyone, I enjoyed this time we had.
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bi-turtle-enthusiast · 8 months
Hello.... Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
yeah sure!
5. Lan Sizhui/Lan Jingyi I love their dynamic SO much. They're best friends who have clearly known each other for such a long time, and they're both really interesting characters in their own right! Lan Sizhui is so interesting, what with his Lan upbringing and his Wen heritage, and the fact that he's connecting to both by the end of the book. Lan Jingyi is Lan Sizhui's ride-or-die, protecting his best friend at every opportunity while having the best lines in the entire book, and he makes every scene he's in 100x better.
4. Wen Qing Medical malplractice queen!! But in all seriousness, there's something so viscerally powerful about the fact that she's willing to go against nature itself for her baby brother. She'd both die and kill for Wen Ning, and later for Wei Wuxian. I feel like her type of character (murderous older sister) is kind of rare and I really, really like her. I feel like The Untamed really fleshed out her character and I really appreciated her after I watched it. She's equally capable of nurturing and destroying—a force of nature herself.
3. Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian Fun fact: I hated Lan Wangji when I first read MDZS, and to be honest I'm still so-so on novel Lan Wangji. However, he was easily one of my favorite characters in The Untamed, and watching it made me see him in a whole different light. He doesn't communicate through his words, but through his actions. I think Wang Yibo was perfect casting because he NAILED Lan Wangji's micro-expressions and body language and really brought the character to life. Reading Lan Wangji as autistic also made me understand him a lot more. As for Wei Wuxian, I initially read him as a silly guy and... was right. Despite everything, he stays silly. I do find him a little insufferable pre-death, but I think that was intentional. He probably would have been higher on the list, but while I think he's a really compelling character (and ADHD personified, just like me fr), I'm also very frustrated by him and I don't like how he treats people sometimes. Still, I adore the way he looks after Jin Ling, refuses to let anyone blame Jiang Cheng for anything that happened to him, and takes care of Lan Wangji (towards the end, anyway).
2. Jin Ling Ok he probably would have been at the very top of this list but unfortunately jiang cheng brainrot is real. But CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIM. Over the course of the story, he finds out that his disgraced uncle who insulted him for not having a mom was actually Wei Wuxian reincarnated, then had to contend with the fact that Wei Wuxian was both the reason his parents and grandparents died AND the guy who protected him at every opportunity. Not to mention, he learned that Jin Guangyao, his beloved uncle who gifted him his beloved dog, had orchestrated his parents' death and was ready to kill him too. And what does he do at the end of the novel? He cries. He doesn't seek revenge, he doesn't get angry, he just cries, and he lets go. He chooses not to pursue revenge, because he's seen how the quest for revenge has destroyed everyone around him in one way or another. He's a little shit (because he's an edgy 15 year old) but he's a really intelligent and kind person who loves Jiang Cheng more than anything.
1. Jiang Cheng Some of y'all are going to disagree with me but it must be said. Jiang Cheng is the best MDZS character. Jiang Yanli's love and care taught him how to be loving and caring too. He loved Wei Wuxian, he loved Jin Ling, and he loved his sect. Jiang Cheng never stopped loving Wei Wuxian, even after everything that happened. He hated Wei Wuxian too—that's undeniable—but he also loved him. He kept his belongings intact, he never stopped believing he would come back, he literally gave up his golden core to protect Wei Wuxian. And Jin Ling! He loves Jin Ling so much! Despite having AWFUL parents himself, he was determined not to be that way towards Jin Ling. He did his best to break the generational trauma of his family because he wanted Jin Ling to have it better than he did. When Jin Ling becomes sect leader, he makes sure that he knows that if he EVER needs ANYTHING, he'll provide it to the best of his ability. I could go on for hours about this man. Best MDZS character. He's so full of resentment and hatred and vengeance, but in the end, the thing that always wins out over everything else is his unshakeable love.
Honorable mention: I loved MianMian in the Untamed and wish she got more time to shine in the novel
Favorite moments: 5. Literally anytime Lan Jingyi is in a scene. Every time he opens his mouth it's my favorite scene. He keeps Wei Wuxian humble in a way that only a teenager can. 4. The WangXian scene where Wei Wuxian hides porn in Lan Wangji's book. It starts off so genuinely nice—you can tell Lan Wangji isn't really serious anymore when he tells Wei Wuxian to stfu, and you get the feeling that Wei Wuxian is probably the closest thing Lan Wangji has to a friend. Wei Wuxian draws Lan Wangji a little portrait, and it's genuinely a sweet gesture. Lan Wangji thinks so too—he hasn't ever gotten something like this, and the fact that Wei Wuxian took the time to learn his appearance and commit it to paper makes him feel some type of way. And then, it turns out that everything was just a ruse so Wei Wuxian could prank Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji is,, understandably enraged. It feels cruel that Wei Wuxian would be so insincere just to do that. I kind of hated Wei Wuxian in this scene, but it's one of my favorites because it kind of shows the nature of their initial relationship—half-sincere, but never truly sincere. 3. Xuanwu cave scene. It's so funny and so painful and so sweet. We really see everyone's characters coming out—Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji being selfless protective, Jiang Cheng being capable and responsible, Jin Zixuan being brave and righteous, MianMian being the GOAT, Wang Lingjiao and Wen Chao deserving death, etc. 2. The umbrella scene in the Untamed. It was just so powerful. Lan Wangji putting down his umbrella, which represents the rules and morality of his sect, and just letting the rain mess up his perfect appearance. He doesn't know what's right and wrong anymore, because he loves Wei Wuxian, but everyone is telling him that's wrong. Wei Wuxian himself doesn't know what's right and wrong. Lan Wangji has been thinking in terms of black and white all this time, and for the first time, he finds himself in a gray area. It was just so powerful!! 1. The conversation between Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng after the temple scene at the end. It was just so beautiful. Go read/watch it.
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staydandy · 1 year
Royal Nirvana (2019) - 鹤唳华亭 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : A story that follows Crown Prince Xiao Ding Quan who faces enemies from all sides and falls in love with a maidservant who wants to kill him. He is a son simply yearning for his father's love, wants nothing more than to be a dutiful son and subordinate, but his father, the Emperor, is distant towards him because he is backed by his maternal uncle and the army the latter controls. Meanwhile the Emperor turns a blind eye to his illegitimate son Xiao Ding Tang's ambition to take the throne. Despite the conflicts, the crown prince is a man willing to sacrifice his life and reputation for his country. (MDL)
Whumpee : Crown Prince Xiao Ding Quan played by Luo Jin • Gu Feng'en/Jia Yibo [Ding Quan's maternal cousin] played by Zheng Ye Cheng
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Historical, Psychological, Romance, Family, Political, War, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Even though this drama is quite long, kinda depressing, and only about half whump (tho there's a shit-ton of emotional whump that I didn't note), I still think it's worth the watch. It's really well made and acted! • There are quite a few heart-wrenching moments. Ding Quan is an emotional character (I mean that as a positive note). I felt so sorry for him most the time, & in the few moments where he finally found acceptance or acknowledgment, it's so touching.. but the good moments never seem to last long enough. He's not a perfect character by any means, not above using dirty tricks to reach his goal, but still, I just wanted to give him a big hug by the end of it all. • Episode 60 has an after credit scene that connects it to a 12 episodes Epilogue that was released a few months later called Royal Nirvana Special (2020). Apparently they are episodes that were originally cut from the series. Where I found it to watch it was only subbed up to ep4 (& poorly at that). Still, I did quickly flip through the rest of the episodes. It ends in tragedy, and I decided I won't be making a list for it. Even though the Special does tie up a few loose ends, you can make do without, and if you (like me) want a marginally happy ending I suggest you don't watch it.
Episodes on List : 32 Total Episodes : 60
*Spoilers below*
01 : Xiao Ding Quan is kneeling in the snow to plead to the emperor.. freezing & shivering … collapses forward, supported, carried … [flashback] banging on a door until his knuckles bleed
02 : [flashback] Banging on a door until his knuckles bleed
06 : Jia Yibo is flogged a few times as punishment
07 : Ding Quan's palm is slapped as punishment
13 : Falls off his horse when it is shot, arm hurt (possibly dislocated ?, not explained further)
14 : … continued from previous ep. ... Arm hurt, Jia Yibo slings it for him
15 : [flashback] Ding Quan falling off the horse … [present] pain from his arm
16 : Nightmare … [flashback] falling off the horse … [present] pain in his arm while sleeping … locked up in a carriage wrapped closed with cloth (on the way to being exiled), watches his teacher/father-figure die for him
17 : Drunk, grieving … beats his own hand until it is bleeding
18 : Jia Yibo is drunk
20 : Ding Quan's hands shaking
24 : Jia Yibo is punched
34 : Ding Quan is coughing, has a cold
35 : Knocked out
36 : Coughing, sick … slapped
37 : Kneeling in a hot courtyard … passes out
39 : Whipped until his back is bleeding & collapses, passes out … wounds tended to … wounds pressed on … passes out
40 : Wounds tended to
41 : Palm slapped as punishment … Jia Yibo is tied up … Ding Quan's hand is tended to
42 : Drunk … Jia Yibo is throwing up
46 : Ding Quan is bitten by a caterpillar
47 : (near end) Throwing up after overeating
48 : *not whump : @19:02 he has hiccups 😂, also a result from overeating
49 : (near end) Steps on a piece of broken metal, cutting his foot … hands shaking
50 : (near end) Flogged … carried, unconscious, clothes bloody
51 : … continued from previous ep. ... Wounded, weak, & bedridden … difficulty moving … assisted to walk … bleeding through his clothes … difficulty moving, can't hold a brush to write
54 : Handcuffed … confined … refusing to eat (the subs took a sudden down-turn to google-translate level, just as everything is culminating! .. it really sucks, because they were pretty good up till now)
55 : … continued from previous ep. ... Confined, refusing to eat … Jia Yibo is tied up to a post, weak, dehydrated.. released, given acupuncture treatment … Ding Quan's finger is pricked to draw blood … Jia Yibo is sick … transported by cart … Ding Quan is interrogated, tied to a chair
56 : … continued from previous ep. ... Tied to a chair, interrogated, tortured; bottom of his foot beaten with a thick metal rod
57 : (at end) Jia Yibo is cared for
58 : Ding Quan is still handcuffed & confined … (near end) breaks his fingernail, passes out
60 : (of course the subs get better just in time for the last ep!) … Throws up blood
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txxfiles · 8 months
give me all the fics where the boys kiss
Hi! It looks like I'm week 3!
I honestly have no idea idea what im doing really but i guess you'll just have to listen to me ramble about something i enjoy. Seems to fit the theme we've accidentally settled on and well! if theres one thing im good at rambling about its bl fanfiction. i read ALOT of fanfiction. like 13million words worth of it in 2023 alone (an estimate but i did the ugly math for jan and feb last year and id already read 2.7 million words so i dont think its too high an estimate).
ive read fics from too many fandoms to count and also have way more hyperfixations then any one person has a right too but the one that has owned my ass consistently for the last 4 years is The Untamed otherwise know as Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS).
The lovely Eucalyptus from week 2 was watching the untamed during covid (and holy shit what a wild ride that was) and the next thing I know im neck deep drowning in fan art and tiktok edits of beautiful chinese men that have no business being as talented as they are (Im looking at u Wang Yibo) This. shit. fucked. up. my. life.
then i turned to my good friend AO3 (love of my life i could not exist without you) and 4 years later ive read my tags dry. if its complete, ive read it. im getting desperate and ive started reading works in progress, yikes. its so risky i honestly cannot tell you how much anxiety it gives me. ive been burnt too many times.
this does mean if you need a fic recommendation then your girl has got you covered, so i figured i would share with you my TOP SIX fic recommendations. im sorry i tried to make it 5 but i just couldnt do it.
I will be chasing a starlight by feyburner & sundiscus 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 71,479 words - Complete
Omg. Wangxian Startrek AU. The pining, the miscommunication. I felt every range of emotion on this roller-coaster. I literally printed this out so that I could keep it forever. I wish I could read it for the first time all over again. This Fic hit AO3 like a comet. It even has it’s own Tumblr thread! Also comes with stunning fanart.
Paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 53,808 words - Complete
Modern Day AU, Musician/Single dad Lan Wangji falls in love with his son’s Art Teacher Wei Wuxian. I swear it's one of the cutest stories ever written, makes me feel all the good things. A-yuan is adorable and wangxian are hot and charming. The Ultimate wangxian comfort fic. 
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller 
Jin Rulan & Wei Wuxian - 63,907 words - Complete
Jin Ling fishes his Da-Ju out of the gutter post canon (Literally dying alone in a dirty inn, Wei Wuxian it's been 5 minutes pls) and decides if no one else is gonna keep him then he damn well will. 
It is perfect.  
Junior Quartet goodness, Yunmeng bro reconciliation and Jin Ling being a boss bitch little shit that has no time for anyone's bullshit. I cried as much as Jin Ling did in this story – which is alot. (Also another story ive made myself a solid copy of that i can love forever)
Joy In The Mindst of These Things by Glitterbombshell 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 52,901 words - 5 Works
TEACHER WEI WUXIAN! I love this trope with my whole soul. Lots of adorable baby Lans, I would kill for them. Beautifully written. Lan Qiren gets a much needed wakeup call. Last story is incomplete but can be read without the 5th installment. SO WORTH IT, ive read it like 10 times
The One-Body Problem by mitisket 
Lan Jingyi & Wei Wuxian - 28,689 words - Complete
Well shit. How many times have a reread this story? I honestly couldn't tell you. Jingyi gets possessed by Wei Wuxian’s very tired soul pre canon and it changes nothing and yet everything. Their friendship gives me life and Jingyi fixes a lot of problems for his new bestie/mentor/uncle with his big mouth. Mom I love him 
The Edge of Night by Hobbsy3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 277,225 words - Complete
The best Zombie Apocalypse au on the MDZS tag honestly. There are so many good zombie film references in this one, i see you Train to Busan. Baby junior quartet, a perfect Wei Wuxian modern day depiction and so much love, angst and stress. It's delicious and I've never recovered.  
All of these fics are actually part of a mother document i made last week of all my favourite fics organised by tag because apparently thats what i do with my free time. hit me up if you need a rec!
Now that ive gotten that off my chest i'll let you be lol. maybe I'll do a rec for a different fandom next time. I definitely have enough to choose from!
Lots of Love,
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gwarp · 1 year
Wang Yibo - One and Only bts
The good-looking nephew vs the quick response of the uncle, they are so harmonious and joyful.
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jowi8597 · 1 year
13/08/2023 One and only Weibo update 🔥
Random uncle praising Yibo is handsome 🥹😂😂
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
wang yibo - one & only douyin update
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months
Hello, I saw this story on Wattpad but I can't find it. Zhan is an omega and they live in a rural area with his siblings. Since they do not have an alpha, their uncle is the head of their house. Zhan has 4 siblings, one brother went to war but did not return. One day, these brothers come back, but Zhan doesn't feel like his brother. This coming brother is very impressed by the scent of alpha and zhan. The person he thinks is really his brother is Yibo and not his brother. Does anyone know this story?
Hello! Is this a WangXian fic or a YiZhan fic? Or both? I'm trying to figure out where to put it but you use Zhan and Yibo so I am unsure. When you say Zhan do you mean Xiao Zhan or Lan Zhan 😅
I've tentatively added it to YiZhan FF/itmf unless you mention otherwise ^^
- Mod C
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therealybng · 1 year
📌 Story behind the banner “Your brother said he doesn’t know you”

⛔️ In the first 2 pictures:
On July 16th, pictures circulated by 🐢 claming that child actor, Dong Sichen (董思辰), who portraited Shi Ying (🥔's character in The Longest Promise) when he was young, replied to 🐢 as below:
🐢: “Little friend, tell auntie, have you seen this uncle visiting the filming set?” *posting Yibo picture*.

Dong Sichen: “I asked brother (🥔 in this context) if Wang Yibo is his good friend, and he said he doesn’t know him (Yibo)”
🐢: “You see if I believe they don’t know each other or not. “This place has no 300 silver tael” “(*)

Dong Sichen: “His expression when he said that was deliberate, after that, he happily changed the subject.”

(*): A metaphor, meaning you tried to cover the truth, but in fact you already exposed it.
‼️ I have to search for a full images where no name is being blurred, because some 🐢 spreading false info that mtjj is the one who asked the question”Have you seen this uncle…?”
‼️ The last time I checked Dong Sichen’s Douyin, I didn’t see this video, don’t know now.
‼️Content of this conversation is suspicious. As a child, how can you read ppl’s expression to know it’s deliberate or not?
⛔️ Then the next video will explain it.
On July 10th, Dong Sichen posted 1 video on Weibo and tagging Big 🐢’s acc named 桃子安利君.
Say, let’s consider these pics are real, is that how this child actor can read ppl’s expression, because someone taught him what to say and how to say in order to attract attentions and Likes, and they themself will have 🍭 to eat and fake story to create? Before, Dong Sichen’s posts had nearly 20 Likes only, but after these pictures were circulated, the 👍 has increased a lot, in the latest Weibo post, he got over 1k Likes, mostly are from 🐢.
⛔️ As a result, 1 hashtag “#肖战说不认识王一博#” (🥔 said he doesn’t know Wang Yibo) was pushed to hotsearch on July 16th. Inside is full with 🐢 hyping and laughing.
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tls123 · 2 years
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