milkcos · 10 months
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stellstells-archived · 7 months
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During the time jump that Alexis throws her through Kalanna gets more and more angry and full of a burning anger at what Alexis and his "Elder One" did. As an after effect of the time jump, future Leliana's poisonous words over Dorian's and mages on a whole's view of something as terrible as their situation lead her to conscipting the mages rather than allying with them, as well as giving her a fear over her own destructive tendencies.
In addition starting from the travel back to Haven she is on the brink of a mental breakdown that is hidden well for the time being but she barely holds herself together when in front of others which is only worsened by the attack on Haven so quickly after the breach was sealed.
That said, the second she gets privacy in Skyhold she breaks down for a good few hours the night before being made Inquisitor. And after she's recovered some of her self, she makes a deliberate and forceful push to make sure that the conscripted mages are treated well, she brought up the idea of unconscripting them but the Advisors advised her not to as that would bring about more problems than it solved.
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fence-macabre · 5 years
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I wanna tell ya a story, okay? 
Sometimes, y’can find yerself at the top a’the world.  The top a’yer game, y’know?  An’ then suddenly, all a’what y’worked for, practiced, an’ had a natural talent for don’t mean shit ‘cos y’become Sha bait an’ kinda go crazy for a few months an’ find yerself in the presence of a shitload a’hozen in the middle a’some jungle dump, an’ find out yer crew’s abandoned ya.  Honestly, though, it was okay.  The hozen in general’re okay.  Kinda crude, but who ain’t, y’know?  Also, their paws’re supposed t’be lucky or somethin’ but the idea a’cuttin’ off their paws is kinda fucked up - 
Whaddaya mean I got off-topic?
OH! Right, so... 
Y’get into some freak accident an’ the next thing y’know, yer bein’ shipped back t’Orgrimmar with a service medal an’ a backpack an’ a week’s worth a’food an’ six gold t’see you through as long as it can.  I was the best fuckin’ shot in the Gob Squad fer years, an’ I was livin’ in a shack an’ collecting a handful a’silver from the Horde fer my services an’none from our Fearless Leader the Trade Prince Gallywix (not at ALL due t’any outstandin’ back payment on my part) an’ then my shack gets torn down t’build some Embassy or some shit an’ then this war breaks out.  I got conscripted - an’ then I got unconscripted.  ‘Pparently, I ain’t completely over what happened down in Pandaria.
You guys, the world’s fucked up.  An’ so am I.  I can still shoot with th’best of ‘em, but somethin’s deeply wrong with m’brain or soul or whatever, an’ I need t’find out how t’fix it.  I can’t stay in Orgrimmar.  Technically, I can’t set foot in Orgrimmar an’ Undercity ain’t a thing no more, but that’s besides th’point!  I’m hopin’ this ragtag team a’deaders an’ pinkies an’ birds (an’ the finest gobbo ladies I’ve seen in months, yanno)’ll at least get me some gold t’sail back t’Pandaria an’ face my fears. One day.  Maybe.
‘Til then, I’m guardin’ their shit, an’ if y’need muscle or cigs (not t’brag, but I roll th’best artisinal cigarettes this side a’the Great Sea), Brassy Q. Manclamps is yer gal. 
(Whaddaya mean that wasn’t a story?  Fuck you, you don’t get t’dictate literature, y’pretentious mook.)
(( @manclamps ))
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urboymutual · 2 years
I DIDNT EXPECT THIS MANY PPL WANTING TO PLAY... should i do 2 hunger games or unconscript people
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milkcos · 11 months
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milkcos · 4 years
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doodles!! oc’s + punk!tim
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