#under a blanket and praying for death. fine. postpone one more day
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
I swear to god everything from the weather to my equipment to my neighbours to my own fucking body is conspiring to make sure I don’t get a good run this week
#let me see if i can get the timeline right here#tried to run on sunday but my treadmill was acting up by making the loudest knocking noises i have ever heard in my LIFE#after some consultation with google and the manual and my mother (who i assume knows everything) i realised i hadn’t oiled it since i bought#it in uhhhhhh fucking september. so i oiled it. couldn’t run on it same night because i was worried about oil#so i was like fine okay. postpone one day. that was monday. my period arrived 4 days late and with a ferocity that had me hiding#under a blanket and praying for death. fine. postpone one more day#tried to run yesterday and my leggings kept falling down. so much that i rage quit. i think i ran 5 minutes in total#i didn’t even think oh let me get changed and try again. i just decided it was all over for me#postponed until TODAY. the hottest fucking day i have experienced since last summer. fab#tell me why i was 100% in the zone and my neighbour came and BANGED ON THE WINDOW AND SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME#we are all very lucky i didn’t fall off. if she’d caused me to dislocate my knee (my recurring body problem 🙃) i would genuinely have killed#her. she would be an ex-person#and the kicker is ALL SHE WANTED TO KNOW WAS IF I WOULD FEED THE HEDGEHOG AND WATER HER PLANTS WHILE SHE IS GONE#this isn’t a personal pet hedgehog or anything like that mind you. this is a wild hedgehog. it can feed itself#i was like yes of course i will IF you promise me you’ll never surprise a person on a treadmill ever again#she slunk off home like a kicked dog. like i’m sorry but if you don’t want to be yelled at about the consequences of your actions#don’t be a dick#i’d be less mean if she hadn’t witnessed me this time last year hobbling around with a cane#if she didn’t know the absolute MONTHS OF AGONY i went through just to be able to stand long enough to do normal activities like cooking#and showering; i’d be a little more lenient. but woman you can see me running on the treadmill i bought TO TEACH MYSELF TO WALK#WITHOUT A LIMP AGAIN. back in september i was stumbling along on that thing at 2km an hour. do you want me back there??????#drove me a little insane tbh#anyway i did finish my run. i wouldn’t say it was a GOOD run. almost having a heart attack kind of took me out of the zone#and i never got it back again. count your FUCKING days jean#personal
0 notes
gryffindorcls · 4 years
Plot Twist
Summary: Even though she still gets nervous around him, Marinette has been happily dating Adrien for several weeks. However, after agreeing to a mutual reveal with Chat Noir, Marinette postpones her date night with Adrien. Luckily, he also has plans with a friend that night.
Length: 7,178 words 
Hello, lovely readers!  This was written for the 2020 JV Art and Fic Trade on Discord. There is accompanying art for this fic by @supergirl9130.  Be on the look-out for it soon! Enjoy! 
(Shout out to my beta for this fic, @miss-congeniality-of-ml) 
— AO3
Marinette snuggled further into Adrien’s embrace, relishing in his warmth. In response, he kissed the crown of her head and sighed.
If someone had told her six months ago that she would be in this position, she would have laughed, cried, and then laughed again. Never in a million years did she actually think that Adrien Agreste would ask her out on a date, let alone want to become her boyfriend.
“Are you still feeling cold?” Adrien whispered into her hair. “Do you want me to get you a blanket?”
She shook her head. “I’m okay.”
“You say that now, but you always get cold again when I let go.”
“Then don’t let go.”
“As you wish, my love.” He held her even tighter, sending her heart into a frenzy.
Much to her chagrin, six weeks of dating still hadn’t taken away all of the nervousness that she felt around him. She quickly discovered that Adrien’s love language was all of them; as a result, he constantly showered her with affection, gifts, and attention. While most of the time Marinette didn’t know how much more her heart could take before it exploded, she’d never been happier.
Ever the gentleman, Adrien never showed her anything less than boundless patience whenever she became a blushing, stuttering mess in his presence. If anything, he seemed to enjoy it, and that only made matters worse.
Whenever she had a “Marinette Moment” (as he affectionately called it from time to time), he would simply smile, pull her into an embrace, and whisper reassuring words into her ear. Sometimes, his soothing would work, but other times it sent her heart off to the races, leaving her to slowly melt into a hyperventilating puddle.
“Marinette, breathe.” Adrien’s hand was running up and down her back. “You’re turning redder than you usually do.”
She wanted to kick herself.
It had happened again.
She hadn’t even realized that she’d been holding her breath this time. Shaking herself back into reality, Marinette exhaled and buried her face against Adrien’s collarbone, relishing in the soft cotton of his designer t-shirt.
“Sorry,” she whispered, slowly feeling the embarrassment fade away.
“You know that you never have to apologize when this happens.” He kissed her cheek. “Like I would really complain about having another opportunity to hold you in my arms.”
“Yeah, but it happens all the time.” Marinette pulled away, bit her lip, and looked down at her lap. “Aren’t you getting tired of it?”
Adrien took her hands in his and ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Never. I love everything that makes you, you.”
Had it not been for the warmth that filled her chest upon hearing his declaration, she would have combusted again, but instead, she pulled her hands away and launched herself into Adrien’s arms. “You’re amazing. How did I get so lucky?”
He nuzzled his cheek against the crown of her head. “I ask myself the same question every single day. You are not only the best girlfriend I could have asked for, but you are also the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. My only regret is that I didn’t ask you out sooner.”
Momentarily forgetting how to breathe, Marinette choked on her next intake of air. The coughing fit left her breathless and lightheaded.
So much for staying calm.
With sheer panic in his eyes, Adrien’s hands fluttered around her as she gasped for air. “Are you okay? Do you need water? What do I do? Please be okay!”
Taking a sharp intake of breath, Marinette managed to partially regain her composure. “I’m fine.”
The worry still hadn’t left his features. “You didn’t look fine. At least let me get you some water.”
Adrien hopped off of the couch and ran to the mini-fridge under his desk. Upon returning, he handed her a chilled water bottle and sat down next to her.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He put his arm around her. “Did you choke on air again?”
She sighed. “No. It was your cuteness this time.”
“Oh, really?” The panic in his eyes melted away, leaving behind a dazzling smile. “Twice in one day. I’m on a roll!”
“You can’t just tell me that I’m the best girlfriend without warning me!”
“I can’t help myself. Complimenting you has become a hobby of mine.”
“Well, your hobby is going to kill me.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“I’m serious! You’ve watched me launch objects across the room and trip on air when I’m around you. One day you’re going to be so adorable that I’m going to get spooked and fall to my death or something.”
“You know I’ll never let anything like that happen to you, right?” Leaning in close, his breath ghosted her cheek. “I’ll always be there to catch you when you fall.”
The heat moved to her ears. “Adrien…”
Using his index finger, he tilted her chin upward and captured her lips under his. “Okay, I’ll stop.”
“Thank you.” Satisfied, she returned the gesture with an even deeper kiss, eliciting a contented hum from her boyfriend’s throat.
“For now.” His mouth curled into a Cheshire grin as he pulled away from the kiss.
With a pout, Marinette stood up and made her way to the opposite side of the couch. After crossing her arms and sitting down with a playful huff, she turned her head and stuck out her tongue.
“Marinette!” Adrien jutted out his bottom lip and pressed his hands together. “Please come back! The couch is getting cold.”
“Nice try, Agreste. Those kitten eyes won’t work on me!” Marinette looked away and pointed her chin in the air. “Have fun sitting by yourself.”
“NOOO! You have to come back!” Marinette choked back a laugh, and Adrien held his hands up in surrender. “Fine! You win, my love.”
“Good.” She crawled across the couch and resettled herself against his shoulder. “Now, hold still. I’m tired after almost dying.”
“Oh, so now I’m nothing more than a pillow to you? I see how it is.”
“Shhh! Pillows don’t talk.”
Marinette snorted. “Oh my God...did you really just say the word ‘gasp’?”
“So what if I did?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her back to his side.
“Who even does that?”
“I do!”
“You are such a dork.”
“And you’re surprised?”
At least not anymore.
On their first date, Adrien had spent thirty solid minutes trying to balance a salt shaker on its edge while gushing over his new favorite movie. As she watched him hunch his body over the table, stick out his tongue, and maneuver the salt shaker into the perfect position, Marinette realized that the person who had been taped all over her walls was Adrien Agreste, the perfect model and son, not the boy who sat before her.
No, this was not the Adrien who went to photoshoots, took perfect pictures, and sat up straight during interviews. This was not the Adrien who smiled politely when approached and shook hands with powerful men and women. This was not the fabricated Adrien from the magazine quizzes whose personality was defined by his favorite color and the brand of shampoo he used to wash his hair.
This was the Adrien who had swallowed his pride and admitted that he didn’t know how to make friends. This was the Adrien who had seen a girl standing in the rain and sacrificed his comfort by giving her his umbrella. This was the Adrien who loved video games, whose eyes lit up when he saw a plate of cookies. This was the Adrien she’d fallen in love with, the Adrien she’d lost sight of when her mind had been clouded by infatuation.
That night, Marinette rediscovered what love meant. She’d silently cursed herself for getting lost in the glossy, ten-page spreads and towering advertisements that brandished his face, for jumping to conclusions without knowing the full story.
At that moment, she vowed to learn the full story, to truly get to know the Adrien behind the flashing lights and perfect etiquette. She’d dreamed of a life with Adrien, but in actuality, she’d only dreamed of a life with the idea of him.
Marinette didn’t know that she could love a person more than she already did, but at that dinner table under the soft light of a chandelier, her heart expanded to make way for all that she had to discover about her new boyfriend.
So yeah, he was a dork. A kind, selfless, sometimes clueless, wonderful, and amazing dork.
She smiled and tapped his nose. “No, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
He beamed. “Good! Because I’m not going anywhere.”
“And one day I’ll be able to handle your sweet nothings without turning into a puddle.” Marinette picked the water bottle off of the table and took several long sips.
“Once again, I will repeat this until the day I die. Your blushing is one of the cutest things on the planet. It rivals videos of kittens eating loudly and ducklings wearing hats. You’re absolutely purr-fect.”
Water nearly came shooting out of her nose. “Adrien Agreste, did you just make a cat pun?”
“Yup!” He looked so proud of himself.
All the nervousness from before disappeared, for if there was one thing she knew how to do, it was how to deal with a cat-pun slinging boy with a smug grin on his face.
“Is there a reason for the puns, or are you just trying something new?”
“I think you meant to ask if I was trying something mew.”
“Nope, that’s all you.” “Well, to answer your question from before, punning is a part of my purr-sonality. C’mon...just admit they’re claw-some.”
“Goodness gracious, just how many cat puns do you have in your arsenal?”
“I can go all night, Marinette.”
“And pray tell, where did you learn all of these puns?”
“I have a few cat pun websites bookmarked on my computer and my phone. I also have a cat pun translator app, and I bought a pun dictionary. But I put all of the best ones I find in my notes app.” He whipped out his phone, tapped the screen a few times, and held it out for her to see. “I’ve always liked puns, but the cat ones kind of took over.”
She bit back a laugh. “Who are you? Chat Noir?”
An indistinguishable emotion flickered behind his eyes before quickly being replaced by a mischievous glint. “Would that be the worst thing?”
But something like that happening would be too good to be true.
Her partner was the best, and there was no doubt in her mind that whoever was behind the mask was brave, kind, loyal, and an all-around amazing human being, so it wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility for the love of her life to be Chat Noir. However, Marinette knew that she wasn’t that lucky. At least the world had been blessed with two equally as amazing blond boys...who both apparently loved puns.
“Not at all.” She smiled and shook her head. “He’s a pretty cool guy.”
“R-really? You think so?” His voice uncharacteristically cracked on the last word of his question.
“Yeah, he’s my favorite hero.”
“Wait, really? It’s not Ladybug?”
“Nope. It’s Chat.”
And how could it not be? Her partner was incredible, and soon she would be able to tell him that not as Ladybug, but as Marinette.
Chat had been overjoyed when she’d suggested a mutual reveal. It was long overdue, and now that she was comfortable as the new Guardian, she was ready. It would make things safer for both of them to know. Not to mention she was excited at the prospect of being able to double down on their search for Hawkmoth.
Oh, how she dreamed of the day that Hawkmoth’s reign of terror came to an end! With her and Chat working together as both heroes and civilians, that dream might finally have the chance of becoming a reality.
If only Adrien could know about my life behind the mask, she mused, He’d probably be super helpful. Perhaps that’s something Chat and I could dis-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a piercing ring.
Adrien picked up his phone, turned off the blaring alarm, and sighed. “As much as I would love to stay here and cuddle, I have to go meet with my work friend now. Are you sure it’s okay that we’re skipping date night for this?”
Oh, right.
He was meeting with a friend today, as well.
She’d been worried about canceling her plans with Adrien, but he’d seemed relieved when she had brought it up earlier that week. When he revealed that he had also made dinner plans and needed to postpone their date, she couldn’t help but marvel at how in sync their lives were.
“Of course! It’s important for us to hang out with other people sometimes.” Marinette looked up at him through her eyelashes and smiled. “And we’re not canceling date night. We just moved it to tomorrow.”
“That’s right!” He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “And to make it up to you, I will make sure that it is the most amazing date you’ve ever been on!”
“Even more amazing than the time you took me to Gabriel’s annual investor’s gala?”
Adrien nodded his head. “Most definitely.”
“Oh?” Marinette bit back a laugh. “And why is that?”
His face fell flat, matching the tone of his voice. “Because my father won’t be there.”
Giving in and falling into a fit of giggles, she held her stomach and doubled over. “Yeah, that would definitely do it! He made things so awkward when he demanded that you dance with that girl.”
“Sadly, it’s not the first time he’s done something like that. He’s always using me as a marketing tool with the investors. Let’s just say that having me spend time with a rich man’s daughter is one of my father’s many business tricks.”
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that.” She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “At least he’s out of town for the next few weeks.”
“Yeah, thank goodness.” He leaned in and pecked her on the lips. “It means that I have you all to myself with no interruptions.”
The alarm on his phone went off a second time.
He took a deep breath and tapped the screen. “Except for right now. I really do have to get going soon.”
Marinette took her phone out of her purse and looked at the time. “Me, too. I told my friend to meet me at 6. If I don’t leave within the next five minutes, I’m definitely going to be late.”
“Same.” Adrien pocketed his phone, hopped off the couch, and grabbed his shoes. “So, where are you meeting up with your friend?”
“Oh, at some cafe I suggested. I went there with Kagami a few times.”
“Have we ever been there together?”
“No, but maybe we could go tomorrow! On our make-up date!” Marinette hopped off of the couch and slipped on her flats.
Adrien returned to her side and took both of her hands in his. “I’d like that.”
Marinette had picked the restaurant because she knew Chat would love it, and the more she thought about it, she knew that Adrien would probably love it, as well. “You know, you and my friend...you and he are really similar. I think the two of you would be really good friends.”
“And if we’re being honest, you and my work friend are so alike it’s insane. I guess there’s a reason why I used to be in love with her.” His eyes blew wide as he clasped his hands over his mouth. “I mean…”
Marinette took a step back. “The girl you’re meeting with today...she was the girl you-”
He frantically waved his hands in front of him. “No! It’s not like that anymore! I swear! I don’t love her...I mean, I do, but not like that. She’s like family? Also, she’s dating someone now. She only saw me as a friend, so it didn’t work out.”
“I always thought it was Kagami.” She collapsed back onto the couch, feeling her heart sink. “That means I wasn’t even your second choice. I was your third.”
Adrien scrambled onto the couch. “No, no! Please don’t start thinking like that.”
“But it’s true.” Feeling smaller than she’d ever felt, Marinette buried her head in her hands and pushed back tears that threatened to fall. “I’m sorry you didn’t wind up with either of the people you loved before me.”
“Marinette, I need you to look at me.” He carefully pulled her hands away from her face and held them in a steady grip. “You weren’t my third choice. You weren’t even my second choice. You were my always choice.”
“Your...always choice?” A tear slipped down her cheek and fell onto her lap. “I don’t understand.”
“You know what? Neither did I until the day I found out that you had a crush on me. Sure, I was in love with the girl I work with. It consumed me and didn’t let me think about anything else, but she didn’t want a relationship with me. I was heartbroken, and while I respected her wishes, I didn’t know how I could ever love another person the same way. Then Nino made his little slip-up, and I realized that I already did.” He leaned in and rested his forehead on hers. “I’ve been in love with you since the day we met.”
“No buts. Please. I care about my work friend a lot, but I am in love with you. Yes, loving her was exciting, like fireworks, but loving you feels like…” His face softened, his gaze filled with adoration. “It feels like home.”
Her breath hitched. “Adrien…”
“Marinette.” The reverence in which he uttered her name set her entire being ablaze.
“You’re going to melt me into a puddle again.”
She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and closed herself around him. Returning the gesture, he drew her into a tight embrace. With his chest flush against her own, Marinette could feel the pounding of his heart and the depth of his breaths.
When he pulled away, she immediately felt the absence of his warmth. She sniffled, and using his thumbs, he wiped away the wetness from her cheeks.
“Now go have fun with your friend.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I want to hear all about it when I call you tonight.”
Marinette couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped. “Thanks, you, too.”
“And maybe the both of us could convince our friends to hang out as a group one day...you know, since we’re all so alike.”
“It’s funny. My friend used to have a crush on me, and I turned him down. It sounds like our friends wouldn’t just hit it off, but they might just be made for each other...like you and I are.” She couldn’t help but laugh as she pictured Chat and Adrien’s work partner meeting for the first time. “Too bad my friend is already dating someone.”
“My co-worker is dating someone as well.” Adrien chuckled and shook his head. “But for real, it sounds like they’d be a match made in heaven.”
“Wouldn’t it be funny if they were actually dating each other?” It was a ridiculous thought, but it felt good to laugh after crying.
Adrien nearly doubled over. “That would be the most insane plot twist. Their relationship would be like one of those romances from a movie or something.”
“Only if it’s a really cheesy movie!” She thought back to all of the times she’d dealt with Chat’s flirtations. “I know for a fact that my friend is the ultimate hopeless romantic.”
“You mean like me?”
“Well, I did say that the two of you were alike.”
“Then I must meet this classy gentleman friend of yours!” Adrien held a finger in the air as he spoke. “He and I shall be the best of friends.”
An infinitely more ridiculous idea popped into her head. “I just thought of an even bigger plot twist!”
“Let’s hear it.”
“What if you’re actually the friend I’m meeting today?”
“Well then, may I suggest the biggest plot twist of all? You and I are actually each other’s friends, and we didn’t know because until today, we’ve been dressing up in disguises every time we’ve met up.”
Marinette slapped her hands against her cheeks and feigned surprise. “Then that would mean that you fell in love with me twice!”
Yeah, it would! And it would also mean that you turned me down because you had a crush on me but didn’t know it.” Adrien flopped dramatically onto the couch. “My poor brain can’t handle the confusion.”
“Same. Can you even imagine trying to keep something like that straight?”
“Nope! As crazy and cool as something like that would be, I’m pretty relieved we don’t have to deal with that kind of mess in our love lives.”
“Yes! Agreed!” But you’re right. I do think that the four of us would have a lot of fun together! I’ll ask him about a possible group hang-out session. I’m sure he’d be down for something like that.” Marinette straightened her purse strap, bent down, and pecked Adrien on the lips. “I’ll talk to you later. Love you!”
As she walked towards the door and out of his room, she heard Adrien call out behind her. “I love you, too!”
Carrying his words with her, Marinette bounced with each step she took. She skipped down the steps of the mansion and basked in the warmth of the summer sun.
How could she have been so silly to think that Adrien loved her less than he did? Of course, he loved her! She could see it in his eyes every time they were together. She could hear it in the way he spoke to her. She could feel it in each kiss.
Adrien Agreste loves her just as much as she loves him, and there was nothing that could ruin the high that came with this knowledge.
Nope. Not a single thing could ruin her day.
She was in love.
Someone loved her back.
And she was about to reveal her identity to Chat Noir.
Marinette froze.
She was about to reveal her identity to Chat Noir.
What was she thinking?
She couldn’t do something like this. She and Chat were fine the way they were. Right?
Opening the clasp to her purse, she ducked into an alleyway and did her best to not hyperventilate. “Tikki!”
Her Kwami zipped into view. “What’s wrong? Is there an Akuma?”
“No...it’s just…”
“Marinette, what is it?”
She clenched and unclenched her fists several times before finding the words to say. “I can’t do this. No, I shouldn’t do this. How could I have possibly thought that this was a good idea?”
“What?” Tikki squinted. “Are you talking about meeting Chat?”
“Yes! Didn’t you always say that we had our secret identities for a reason?”
“Yes, but that was before. You’re the Guardian now, and you’re supposed to know where every single Miraculous from the Miracle Box is at all times.”
“But what if-”
Tikki cut her off. “No what if’s! This is the right thing to do, and you know it!”
Is it? Worry still clouded her mind. Am I going to regret this?
“I don’t know.” Marinette fiddled with the strap on her purse, fighting the urge to turn around and run home. “What if everything goes wrong?”
“It won’t!” Tikki nuzzled Marinette’s cheek. “Also, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. Don’t forget...I already know who Chat Noir is.”
“That’s right! You do!” She cupped her Kwami in her hands. “Will you tell me a little bit about him? It’ll make me feel better about all of this. Please?” Tikki shook her head. “Marinette, you already know everything you need to know about him.”
“I do? But I thought the Miraculous magic was supposed to make that impossible.”
“The suit masks your features, not your heart, and trust me, you know Chat Noir’s heart inside and out. He’s never tried to hide who he was from you.”
“I guess you’re right.” She fixed her eyes on the pavement below. “But I’m still nervous.”
“And you think he’s not? He’s most likely freaking out as we speak, and it would probably make him feel a lot better if you actually showed up.” And once again, Marinette knew Tikki was right.
She had to do this.
If not for herself, for Chat. Her partner deserved the support that came with knowing her identity. She never wanted him to find himself in a position where he needed help from the Guardian and didn’t know where to find it. Chat needed her just as much as she needed him.
And now it was time to meet him.
Doing her best to shake off the sinking pit in her gut, Marinette smoothed out her skirt and straightened her back. “I can do this.”
“Yes, you can!” Tikki threw her tiny paws into the air. “This is so exciting!”
“Sure, if by exciting you mean that nauseous feeling in your stomach, but I can do this. I’m Ladybug.”
“And more importantly, you’re Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You’re the girl who’s an amazing designer, class president, and friend. You are kind, and you always stand up for what’s right.”
Marinette could feel her confidence grow. “That’s right...I am! I’m great in and out of the mask. Just like Chat is.”
“Just like Chat is.” Tikki smiled. “And I’m sure he would love to know your name.”
“And I would love to know his.”
“And all you need to do is walk into that cafe.”
“And find the boy wearing the black hoodie and the silver ring.” Marinette held up her purse for her Kwami. “C’mon, Tikki. Let’s go have dinner with the boys!”
“Boys?” Tikki cocked her head to the side. “As in more than one?”
“Are you telling me that you’re not excited to see Plagg without having to sneak around?” Marinette couldn’t hold back her laughter when she saw Tikki’s face light up before she enthusiastically dove into the bag.
With a renewed spring in her step, Marinette made her way to the cafe. Within minutes, she found herself standing outside the glass door, gripping the metal door handle. She took a deep breath, opened the door, and crossed the threshold.
A blast of warmth hit her face as she walked into the intimate dining space. She scanned the room and felt a rush when her eyes landed on a hunched figure clad in black.
If it was indeed her partner, he was sitting at the far end of the cafe, facing the wall and scrolling through his phone. He had a hood pulled over his head, so she couldn’t see the color of the person’s hair. During their last patrol, Chat had divulged that his hair was actually blond so she would recognize him when she saw him. While this stranger wasn’t making it easy, there was almost no one else it could be.
And there was only one way to find out.
It’s now or never, Marinette. She psyched herself up as she walked over to the hooded stranger. Just walk up and ask…
“HEYISTHISSEATTAKEN?” Marinette slapped her hands over her mouth when she realized how loudly the garbled strand of words had come out. “I mean…”
The cafe had gone quiet, and she could feel all eyes on her.
This is a disaster. What am I doing? If this is Chat, he’s going to think I’m such a weird-
“Marinette?” A hand wrapped around hers, bringing her catastrophizing to an end.
The hand was warm and familiar. “My sweet, beautiful Marinette. Come here.”
I know that voice.
The hand tugged her closer. “Come here, my love.”
A pair of green eyes filled with love and surprise locked with hers. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Her brain continued to short-circuit. “What are you doing here? And why are you hiding under that hoodie?”
“Ahhh, yes.” Using his free hand, he scratched the back of his head. “I’m meeting my friend here, and I really didn’t want anyone taking pictures of me meeting with a girl who wasn’t you and getting the wrong idea. Having another media presence conversation with my father is the last thing I need.”
“I totally get that. I remember you telling me about the last time your dad sat you down for one of those talks.” She smiled, but confusion continued to swirl around her mind.
She could have sworn it was Chat; however, she couldn’t have asked for a better outcome to her mistake.
“I know it hasn’t even been an hour, but I’m happy to see you.” A gentle kiss pressed against her knuckles. “So, what are you doing here? You’re not following me, are you?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and took a seat across from him. “No, my days of following you are far behind me, thank you very much, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t remind me of all my embarrassing pre-dating decisions.”
“They’re so cute though!” He rested his head in his hands. “I’ve never had someone care about me as much as you do before.”
“Adrien, stop!” Her cheeks started to burn. “My friend is going to be here any second, and I can’t look like a tomato when he shows up!”
“Ohhhh, so that’s what you’re doing here! Wow...what a crazy coincidence!”
“You want to know an even bigger coincidence? My friend said that he was going to be wearing a black hoodie when I met up with him. I thought he was you.”
Adrien leaned back in his chair. “Wait...really?”
“Yeah.” Marinette nodded her head. “He said that he would be wearing a black hoodie with a silver ring. He wanted me to be able to recognize him.”
“Hold on.” He opened and closed his mouth several times before continuing. “Have you never met your friend in person before?”
“Uhhh.” Panic started to settle in her gut, but luckily she knew how to keep a straight face. “Well, it’s complicated.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, we've met in person, but our outfits were kind of weird.”
“Uh-huh, and what’s your friend’s name again? I don’t think you ever mentioned it.”
“Umm...you see, we’ve only been using nicknames, so I’m not totally sure.”
He held up a hand. “So let me get this straight. You two don’t know each other’s names, and there was a chance that you wouldn’t recognize him because you were dressed weird every time you saw each other before today.”
“Yes.” Marinette looked away. “That’s right.”
“And I’m guessing that means that you gave him something to look for to help him know that it’s you?”
“What is it?”
She swallowed, sincerely hoping that she wasn’t giving too much away. “My black earrings.”
His eyes immediately locked on her ears, sending him into a near trance-like state. Several emotions passed over his features before his eyes grew wide.
“Oh my God.” His voice was barely a whisper. “Oh my God.”
Her cheeks grew hotter as his unrelenting stare continued. “I-is there something on my face?”
“It all makes sense now.”
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
He grabbed her hands from across the table. “I was close a few times but you always shook me off your scent. You’re so clever, but I guess you already knew that.”
“What are you talking about?” She pulled her hands away. “Adrien, I don’t understand.”
“You’re joking, right?” Without breaking his stare, he leaned in and curled his mouth into a smirk. “Oh wow, you’re not.”
The panic and confusion that clouded her thoughts began to melt away as her annoyance grew.
Why would Adrien freak her out like that and then...laugh?
He was laughing.
Why was he laughing?
“Would you care to share what’s so funny?” she asked with a huff.
He wiped a tear away from his eye as he attempted to compose himself with several deep breaths. “I just can’t believe it!”
“Can’t believe what?”
“Marinette.” He got up, walked around the table, and knelt in front of her. “Don’t you think it’s interesting that you’re waiting in this cafe for a boy in a black hoodie and you ran into me?”
“Yeah, it’s a funny coincidence. Great minds think alike, right? Wait...speaking of friends.” Her eyes scanned the cafe. “My friend still isn’t here.”
“I guess we’ll have to do this a different way then.” Adrien stood up and grabbed his phone off of the table. “Can you do me a favor?”
“If I do, will you finally tell me what’s going on?”
“Yes, but I think you’re going to figure it out soon enough.”
“Fine. What do you want me to do?”
He pulled her onto her feet. “I’m going to go call my friend because she’s not here yet either. While I’m gone, could you call your friend, as well?”
“What, no!” Marinette did another scan of the cafe before turning back to Adrien. “I have to stay here in case he shows up. If he gets here and I’m not here, he’ll think I stood him up.”
“He won’t. And don’t you want to see if he’s okay?”
She bit her lip and watched as a pair of giggling girls walked through the door. “Yeah, I do.”
Relief washed over his face. “Thank you! And then when our friends get here, maybe we could all eat together?”
“And you’ll tell me what’s going on?”
“Yes, I promise that if you haven’t figured it out by the time we both return, I will tell you everything, but you’re going to facepalm when I do.”
His sincerity calmed her agitation. “We’ll see about that!”
Adrien laughed again and disappeared into the men’s room. Following suit, Marinette pushed open the door to the ladies’ room, checked that she was alone, and transformed.
Before she had the chance to pull out her yo-yo and make the call, it started to ring.
She grabbed the device and held it up to her face. “Chat, where are you? Are you okay?”
“Can you meet me on the roof?” She could hear a hint of mischief in his voice.
"Right now?"
“Purr-lease, my lady? Do it for me?”
"Is this something I'm going to regret?"
"Nope! I purr-omise. Cat's honor!"
She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
“Awesome! See you there!” Before she could respond, the line went dead.
Now she had two boys who were acting weird.
After finding a window that was big enough for her to squeeze through, she leaped through the opening and hooked her yo-yo around a chimney. With a tug of the wire, she flew into the air and landed on the edge of the roof.
“Hey, Ladybug!” She whipped around and was met face to face with the most excited-looking Chat she’d ever seen. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“You asked me to come up here, you silly cat!” She sheathed her yo-yo and rested her hands on her hips. “What are you up to?”
“Even after saying the same opening line? Really? Nothing?”
“Chat, what are you talking about? I swear, between you and my boyfriend…”
“Your boyfriend?”
“Oh, right.” She pressed her pointer fingers together. “So, my boyfriend is here, and he’s also waiting to meet with a friend, but he’s acting all weird right now...just like you are. But anyway, I know that today is a big deal for us and we have a lot to talk about, but since he’s already here and I don’t want to make it any weirder than it already is, do you think it would be okay if we ate dinner with my boyfriend and his friend?”
He took a step closer. “That sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to.”
“That’s a relief! I was worried you’d get mad and say no.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “But we may have to get our stories straight before we go back in there. I kind of told him that we only knew each other by nicknames until now, so unless we want to tell him that we’re the heroes of Paris, we should do the reveal here.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
“Oh, and one more thing. My boyfriend is kind of famous? He’s Adrien Agreste.”
“The model whose face is plastered all over the city?” Chat’s expression was unreadable. “Does that mean you’re the girl from all his Instagram posts?”
Marinette hoped it wouldn’t be a problem. “Yeah, that’s me. He’s wearing a hoodie so no one recognizes him, so I hope that’s okay.”
“That's fine with me.” He took another step closer. “So, would you like to do it on the count of three?”
“Do what?” They were so close.
“Drop our transformations.”
“Right! We should do that!”
He was now inches away from her. “On the count of three?”
“Sounds good to me.” Her heart hammered against her chest.
This was it.
It was now or never.
She took a deep breath and counted with him.
They spoke their detransformations at the same time, and Marinette’s brain ceased to work as the magical green light left her boyfriend in Chat’s place. Taking a step back, her foot slipped off the ledge, and everything went in slow motion as Adrien yelled, grabbed her hand, yanked her back onto the roof, and fell with her into a heap of tangled limbs.
Without letting go, Adrien sat up and pulled her into his lap. “Are you okay? Please tell me you’re alright!”
Still stunned speechless, all she could do was nod.
“See? I told you I’d always be there to catch you when you fall.” He gave her a once over before wrapping his arms around her and holding her against his chest. “Sorry, I thought it was a good idea. I should have moved us to the middle of the roof.”
Her brain began to sputter back to life.
Adrien was holding her.
And Adrien was Chat Noir.
Which meant Chat was holding her.
Which meant…
“I’m in love with Chat Noir.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“Yes, you are.” He rested his mouth against the crown of her head. “And I fell in love with the same girl twice. Best. Plot twist. Ever.”
Marinette thought back to earlier that day, a time that now felt like a thousand years ago. “How did we not see this?”
“I don’t know, but now it all makes sense why you never agreed to go to the movies with me as Chat Noir. We were too busy living in our own movie.”
“We have so much to talk about.”
He held her even tighter. “Yes, we do, but we have a whole lifetime to talk. Let’s just enjoy dinner tonight.”
“Dinner sounds perfect.” She let all of her muscles relax and allowed herself to melt into his embrace. “I’m surprised you’re not freaking out right now.”
“Oh, trust me, I am, but I’m just going to focus on how amazing it is that my girlfriend and my lady are the same person and worry about the rest later. How are you holding up?”
“I’m still processing, but there’s a good chance that I will freak out and scream into a pillow later.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
“What makes you think that you’ll be there to see it?”
“What makes you think that I’m going to leave you alone tonight?”
“And how do you plan on doing that after I go home after our date?”
“I was thinking that purr-haps a certain cat could come and visit you on your balcony? It sounds a lot more interesting than a boring phone call if you ask me.”
Of course, they were the same person.
It all made sense now.
This was Adrien. This was her Chaton. This was her best friend. This was the love of her life. This was her everything.
“Fine.” She pulled away and tapped his nose with her pointer finger. “But the cat has to bring hot chocolate if he wants to stay.”
“Deal!” He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers. “And may I just say that I am so excited for our next patrol.”
“Oh, no…”
“I wonder what the pictures on the Ladyblog will look like when Alya captures Ladybug turning into a blushing, stuttering mess after Chat Noir flirts with her!”
“Don’t think that I won’t end you just because you’re cute.”
“Awwwww!” He nuzzled her nose. “We can be cute together!”
“I said it before, and I'll say it again. You’re going to be the death of me, Adrien Agreste.” She buried her face against his hoodie and shivered.
“Nope! Not on my watch.” He got up and lifted her into his arms, prompting her to squeak. “Let’s get you warmed up inside.”
As he called for his transformation, Marinette found herself unable to look away. Here he was, holding her like she was his world, ready to do seemingly anything for her.
How did she get so lucky?
“Alright, hold on.” She braced herself against him as he leaped into the alleyway below.
He set her down on the ground and called off his transformation once again. After telling Plagg to join Tikki in Marinette’s purse, he took her hand and began walking towards the cafe.
Before they reached the door, Marinette stopped in her tracks. “Hey, Adrien?”
“What’s up?” He turned to look at her. “Did you want to go somewhere else to eat?”
She shook her head. “No, that’s not it. I’m just really happy that it’s you.”
“Oh, Marinette.” He pulled her back into his arms and dipped her into a kiss. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but knowing that it’s you is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I thought having me as your girlfriend was the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you.”
“Life would be boring if that stayed my favorite thing. Besides, if we’re going to be together forever, do you really want to stay just my girlfriend?”
“We’re only sixteen, Adrien.”
“And that means that we have many, many years to experience even more plot twists and greatest moments with each other.”
His declaration warmed her from her head to her toes, but to her surprise, she managed to keep herself composed and stutter-free.
“I guess that means we’re still in this together? Just you and me?” She snaked her arms around his neck.
“Always.” She couldn’t help but smile as he kissed her again.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 5 years
Eddie, The Patient Chapter 5     (A Reddie Fanfiction)
NOTE: Here is the final chapter to Eddie, The Patient. I have enjoyed every moment of writing this story. Thank you so much for the kind feedback. I hope you all enjoyed this story. It is sad to end it, but I know there will be more stories in the future. I may write little in-between moments. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Enjoy the final chapter!
This was one of the worst nights Eddie, or even Richie could ever endure. It was after two in the morning when Eddie awoke, screaming from a nightmare followed by running into the bathroom, vomiting and painfully crying. Please, let this be the last time, Richie prayed to anyone who could hear him.
Practically carrying his husband back to bed, Richie wiped a cold washcloth over Eddie’s head. Eddie’s fever was climbing like an elevator. It was sad to see the normally energetic chatterbox be taken down by the flu. 
“You’re going to feel better in the morning, Eddie,” Richie whispered to him. The instant Richie pulled up the covers, Eddie’s eyes closed and he was sound asleep. It was much relief to Richie fearing that he was going to have to call an ambulance if Eddie didn’t stop throwing up. It was almost nonstop all day.
Richie sat in a chair close to the bed watching his husband sleep. He held his limp, damp hand, holding it gently so as not to wake him. So fragile. So pale. His patient.
His heart broke at the awful memory when Eddie’s symptoms came out from the other end earlier that day. That was when Eddie choked, unable to cough up what he needed to get out. Ashamed and embarrassed as Richie cleaned him up, Eddie cried thinking he had done something so awful. If Richie hadn’t been there, would Eddie have choked to death? 
As Richie watched Eddie sleep, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of courage fill his insides. Sure, he had taken care of Eddie plenty of times, but prior to having to go back to Derry, Richie never took care of anybody, except himself. And he accomplished just that. That made him feel... good.
And now, Richie never realized how torturing it was when a loved one was sick. About a year ago, Richie had a terrible cold that lasted a week. Eddie was still studying in school, but there were days when he’d take off to take care of Richie. And that wasn’t even when they were married yet. Given how much of an anxious germophobic worry-wort Eddie was, it pained him to see his husband sick.
“Guess this is what happens when you love someone so damn much, eh, Eds?” he whispered, his voice breaking.
Watching Eddie snooze a little longer, Richie crawled under the blankets, spooning Eddie close to him as he went to sleep.
The sun hit Eddie’s eyes. Eddie groaned. At least he had an easier time waking up than yesterday morning -- though his mouth was as dry as a desert and his body ached all over, especially his back. His eyes ventured the room spying the bright sun rays coming through the window. He felt warm, not hot or any of those annoying chills shivering up his spine. 
To Eddie’s side, on the nightstand, was a bowl of water, a damp rag, a cup of ginger ale, a bottle of Tylenol, and also a glass of water. The rag obscured half the clock. Something -25. 
Water. Eddie smacked his dry lips together. That fermenting taste was still present.
Pushing himself up was too much of an effort and he fell back into the pillows. His arm was still trying to reach for the glass like a little child trying to reach for the cookie jar on a kitchen counter. 
Just then, Richie walked into the room. Aside from the dark circles surrounding his eyes, Richie had this look of pure excitement overtake his whole face. “Well, there he is! Look who’s awake! I was beginning to think that you were going to sleep the whole day, sleeping beauty!”
“R-Richie...” Eddie’s voice croaked. His hand pointed towards the glass as he struggled to lift himself off his side. 
Helping him sit up, and putting an extra pillow behind his back, Richie handed him the glass of water, helping him hold it. “Small sips, now,” he instructed. 
Eddie more so guzzled down the needed liquid. The water was pure bliss against his haggard throat. It immediately made his insides feel cool. He also noticed how empty it was.
“What time is it?” Eddie asked, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he relaxed back into the pillows.
“Almost 11:30!” Richie answered going to grab the damp rag on the nightstand.
Immediate panic set into Eddie who leaped from the pillows. “11:30?! Fuck, I never sleep in that late! Did my boss call a substitute? I’m late for work! My students are probably acting like a pack of monkeys! I need to take a shower, brush my teeth, find my shoes-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there, Mr. Flash!” Richie placed a hand against Eddie’s racing heart and making him sit back into the pillows. For a moment they went through the calming process making Eddie calm down and breathe normally. Slowly, his heart rate went back to normal.
“Thank God you’re back to you!” Richie exclaimed with this gigantic smile, still pressing a hand against Eddie’s heart. Eddie knew that grin. It was the same overjoyed face Richie made when Eddie showed up at his stage door, announcing that he divorced Myra and wanted to be with him. “I already called your school to tell them you’re bedridden today!”
Eddie blinked, somewhat disappointed, but then more relieved feeling the aching pain in his lower back. “Thanks, Richie. That was nice of you.”
Richie washed Eddie’s body with a sponge. “You sweat like a dog yesterday. Your pits even smell like one!” he teased as he helped slide Eddie’s nightshirt over his head. For a moment, Richie frowned, staring at the scar. To relieve the tension, Eddie stuck his tongue out at Richie. It was just like when they were kids. Richie rubbed the soft sponge all around his stomach and chest, and even his armpits. Richie was right. He did smell like a dog! He put on a fresh shirt. 
“How does your stomach feel?” Richie asked, giving his stomach a light pat. 
“Fine. Much better. Just achy.” Wondering if he should have mentioned that last part, Eddie masked a smile. Remembering yesterday’s events at school only made him feel worse. Why couldn’t that have been a blur like most of everything else? 
Turning to Richie who was lounging by his side on the bed, scrolling through the channels, Eddie asked, “Did you have any scheduled rehearsals or shows today?” He still didn’t have the energy to speak.
“No. Well, I was supposed to record the rest of that interview but I told Steve to reschedule it.”
Eddie touched Richie’s hand, getting his attention. “No, Rich, I don’t want to hold you up. Go tape the rest of that interview. It’s-it’s okay.”
Richie scoffed and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s shoulder. “No way, man, you’re way more important! ‘Sides when’s the last time we spent some hubby time together?” He teased poking Eddie in the nose.
Eddie wanted to argue but felt too weak to do so. Richie made him some toast and they sat in bed watching TV, laughing at episodes and making jokes. When was the last time he and Richie spent time together? Leaning against his husband’s shoulder as he was finally able to smell scents without gagging, Eddie basked in Richie’s cologne. He loved that smell. It was his husband’s scent. His husband. His best friend who would do anything for him.
His eyes grew heavy and Eddie fell asleep again for a short time. 
The phone ringing woke him up.
“Hello?” Richie answered. “Oh, hi, Mrs. Alliston. Ruth, sure... yeah, I got the secretary when I called this morning, but I don’t think Eddie will be in until Monday, he is definitely sick as a dog! ... Talk with him? No, he’s pretty tired, like a hibernating bear...”
Oh no... oh no... he knew it, he was going to get fired! Eddie’s heart broke, feeling tears in his eyes. He didn’t want to get fired! This was the first job that he ever loved! Now, what was he going to do? Probably no other school would hire him all because he threw up in front of students. How would this look for Richie? He was going to be disappointed in him. As Eddie hugged his pillow, rolling to the opposite side of the bed so Richie wouldn’t see him, a quiet sob escaped Eddie’s throat.
Right when Richie was nearing the bedroom, his cell phone rang. Slightly groaning when he saw that it was Steve, Richie reluctantly pressed the ‘talk’ button. “Hey, Steve, what’s up?”
“Rich, I got your voicemail this morning. Is it that serious?” Steve asked him, sounding a little stressed. Richie couldn’t blame him after all. Scheduling not just him, but a couple of other clients was not easy. 
“Well, yeah, Eddie was throwing up for most of the day and night. And he had a terrible fever, chills, and he was in pain. Could have filled a bucket with everything that came out!” Richie tried to joke. Ironically, Steve wasn’t so easy to joke around with when it came to situations like this. 
“Just give it to me straight, Rich, will you be able to come in at this weekend?” Steve asked. From the sound of it, he was trying not to sound disappointed. 
Eddie heard Richie sigh. He could just feel the stress and weight on his shoulders. Was he being sick stressing Richie out this much? Oh, he didn’t want to do that. He already put enough over Richie’s shoulders. 
“Look, Steve, I need to take care of everything here. I haven’t been able to spend time with him and I need that. If we could postpone the rest of the taping for the interview next week that would be great. And that show we were thinking about doing on Saturday, that can be postponed, right?”
There was a long pause. Not a good sign. Richie was anxiously digging into his hair waiting for him to say something. Anything. “Yes, Rich, it can,” he finally said.
That was a relief. “Oh, thanks! Listen, I owe it to you, Steve!” Richie said thankfully.
“I know, Richie. But, I just want to bring this up again, I have said it a lot, but you have canceled a number of your own performances in the last five years. I don’t want people to think that you don’t care about your work and that you don’t do it for the fans.”
“What?” Richie exclaimed. “That is so fucking stupid, Steve!” Richie’s loud tone startled Eddie who was beside himself with guilt, burying his face into the pillows.
“You know I am just thinking about probabilities,” Steve said to him apologetically. 
“Well, here’s the truth, you need to consider me! Look, I am going to talk to you later. Just get all the re-scheduling shit together!” With that Richie hung up and slammed his phone on a nearby table, fuming to himself. 
Eddie let out a sob, clutching his pillow. Oh, this was awful! First, he went to school sick, he was getting fired, and now he was keeping Richie from doing any of his shows!
“Eddie?” Richie worriedly asked when he stepped into the room. Guilt swarmed his mind. He was so mad that he forgot about Eddie who was trying to sleep. 
Climbing into the bed, Richie pulled Eddie’s shaking back to his stomach, hugging him close, and kissing his neck. “Shh, it’s okay. I wasn’t yelling at you. None of this is your fault,” Richie soothed. 
“They’re going to fire me!” Eddie cried, clinging to Richie’s arms.
“Fire you? Who, your school?” Richie asked, nuzzling against Eddie.
“Oh, Rich, I did the worst thing yesterday!” Eddie hiccuped.
“What happened?” Richie asked, growing alarmed. 
“I fuckin’ threw up in front of my students! They were so disgusted! Teachers never get sick! They never come to school, that’s why? Now the students told their parents who want me gone! I feel so stupid! Now, Mrs. Alliston is going to fire me and what am I going to do now?”
Eddie sobbed into the pillow, his entire body shaking. Richie held him tightly, tearing up himself. 
“Your boss wasn’t calling to fire you,” Richie whispered into Eddie’s ear.
Relief ran through Eddie’s body. “What? S-She’s not firing me?”
“No, she was just calling to see how you were and wanted to tell you that your first-period class made you a get well card!” Richie explained to him.
Eddie turned around, finally facing Richie. “Really? She’s not firing me?” 
“No! You really think you could get fired for puking in class?” Richie asked not sure whether to laugh or be more concerned. 
“Well, I’m a first-year teacher and...”
Now Richie laughed. “What does that have to do with anything?” 
“I don’t know,” Eddie shook his head, downcast. He sat up on the bed, grimacing slightly. “It was so embarrassing, Richie. I-I don’t think I can ever show my face there again.”
Richie groaned rolling his eyes. “Don’t you think you’re being too dramatic on this, man? You’re not the only first-year teacher to get sick. It happens to everyone. Remember that one teacher who was out once every week because she hated her job? She was sick that one time. It’s normal. And look at me. I barfed in front of the class when I gave that report, remember?”
Eddie sighed, his emotions weighing him down. Richie did make a fair point. All teachers got sick. It was good that his class didn’t resent him for the scene that he caused. Still, that didn’t mean everyone would forget about it though.
Richie got his attention, putting his hand on his face and wiping away stray tears. “Still, you should have gotten my attention yesterday morning. I know I was busy, too, but you should have said something.”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, I know.”
Richie looked into his eyes again. His love’s energetic enthusiasm still wasn’t there. Just a sad, forlorn expression. “Is there something else that’s bothering you?” Richie asked him. “How is your job going? Do you like it?”
And just like that, Eddie’s eyes beamed. “Oh, Rich, I love being a teacher! The kids, my boss, assignments, everything is great about it.”
Richie smiled. “That’s great. I’m happy.”
“I just wish you were here more so I could tell you,” Eddie told him, frowning.
His face falling, Richie touched Eddie’s hand. “I know. It’s tough trying to juggle our schedules together,” his lip quivered, but he held it together, holding everything inside. Richie was not one to show his emotions. That was tough for him. “I feel like a failed you yesterday.”
Eddie’s heart cracked, squeezing Richie’s hand tighter. “What? No way, Rich! You were busy! It’s my fault.”
“No, it’s mine!”
“I take more fault!”
“Yeah, well I take fault for not paying attention to you!” Richie yelled, his voice breaking. Eddie could just feel Richie shaking underneath his touch. It was heartbreaking to see him this way. “Eddie, you’re my husband. I-I’ve never been in an awesome position like that! I don’t want... to let you down.”
Fresh tears fell from Eddie’s eyes. “Oh Rich, I just don’t want to get in the way of everything.”
“Are you fuckin’ crazy? No way! Don’t you ever think that! You could never get in the way of anything!”
Cuddling together, the couple stayed in their warm embrace for the longest time, taking in one another’s scent. Eddie felt his nerves calm, all the aches and pains disappearing. This was the medicine that he needed. This. He never felt happier. A bliss. That overwhelming feeling he craved. 
Parting, Eddie noticed Richie staring at him. Not in his eyes. He was looking at the spot where he had been impaled. The scar. Doctors were surprised to see him wake up and recover. They were right in the prognosis that Eddie would be affected for the rest of his life. And for Richie, that didn’t make it easier for him.
“Rich, are you okay?” Eddie asked touching his love’s face.
In seconds, the tears and agony came spilling out. “You looked dead every time I looked at you! And-and when you were choking I thought I was going to lose you! I can’t get that fucking image of you bleeding out right in front of me out of my head! I-I thought...” Richie grasped Eddie’s hands, staring into his eyes. “I can’t lose you, Eddie! So many times I felt like I wasn’t doing anything to help you! I would never have let you go to school if I was paying attention. God, I’m sorry!”
Eddie gathered his husband in his arms, patting his withered hair. He let him cry. “Richie, s’okay, I’m right here. I’m getting better, all because of you.”
“I felt so scared,” Richie leaned into his shoulder.
Eddie smiled. “I felt safe when I was with you.”
Parting, they looked into one another’s eyes, touching their foreheads together. “I can’t lose you.”
“And I... can’t lose you,” Eddie admitted. “I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t get me out of that lair, right? Richie, I love you, man!”
A big smile appeared on Richie’s face as the tears fell. “I love you, Eddie,” he held him tightly. “Hey, you want to know something?”
“July marks our one-year anniversary. Can you believe it?”
Eddie grunted, amused. “Feels like we’ve been married our whole lives. You annoy me!”
“Hey, don’t get personal or I won’t tell you the good news!” Richie giggled. 
“Okay, just tell me already!” 
“So, you’re finally out for the summer and you will be off for three months, right?” Richie giddily asked him.
“I have an offer to make you. I’m touring Nevada for a week at the end of June. And then, get this, I have two weeks off! Let’s go away for our anniversary. Hawaii, Ireland, or learn how to french kiss in Paris!”
“Oh, Richie!” And Eddie kissed Richie on the lips, a long, deep kiss. “That sounds great! Wait, how long have you been planning on this? You know we have to make bookings ahead of time, right? Because we can’t just go someplace without a reservation at a hotel. And we need to plan this together.”
Richie wrapped his arms around his love, smiling endearingly. “It’s great to have you back, Eds. Except you should really brush your teeth!” he grimaced but smiled.
Eddie slugged his husband in his arm. Staring into each other’s eyes, a magnetic force pulled them towards one another. That didn’t stop the couple from fervently kissing, holding one another, moaning as they kissed.
“Wait, Rich!” Eddie reluctantly stopped. “You’re going to get sick.”
“Don’t care, so worth it!” Richie covered Eddie’s chin with kisses. Oh, how they missed this. Eddie’s hands traveled down Richie’s chest until Richie could feel them at his stomach until prodding at his belt.
“Hey, hey!” Richie held Eddie’s hands in his, staring into the man’s wanting eyes. At least he recognized him. “When you’re better.”
Eddie pouted. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too, man, but hey, I got the entire weekend free.”
“I love you, trashmouth.”
“I love you, asshole.”
The couple cuddled together and sat back into the pillows feeling relief and absolute bliss.
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