#under the cut.. somewhere
trexzila · 5 months
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but Apollo must rise again
[random doodles under the cut xD]
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HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY!!! To this elderly bapy boye!!! he...!!!
#cats#ghhbbb this is the first time I've genuinely considered tumblr blazing a post lol but no.. i shant.. I feel too weird putting financial#information into tumblr or whatever unless I made like a seperate bank account or something not associated with anyhting else lol#but I gave it serious contemplation which is really sayng something (the evil magical spell that all cats cast over u by their perfection)#ANYWAY.................... old man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's technically like march 8th but I did his party a little early. I have other pictures to post later maybe too..hrmm#The '1' candle is actually a '4' candle with the side part cut off because they didn't have any 1s#I went all out (like under $15 still lol) and got new birthday decorations for him instead of using the same old#ones from the past like 5 birthdays that I've done for the cats lol..#His theme was rainbows mostly in as light of colors as I could find#The legal age to drive a car in the US is 16 so.... honk honk beep beep.. I shall go out and buy him the most expensive car on the market#as soon as March 8th comes. then he can run little errands (probably mostly getting kibbles or chicken somewhere)#stealing the rotisserie chickens from walmart or something lol#AND they would let him have them. He would drive up and walk inside and they'd call the manager to come over#and they would be so moved by his presence and his big goofy stare that they would just be like..... okey.. have all the chicken in the#entire store. Actually. have the store. it's yours now. And This would continue all the way up the chain until he was handed#the entire walmart company. And every other company. a boy who owns everything. probably wouldnt use it for evil. he'd just abolish#everything and then focus on eating chickens.. ........ chibken son...
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starsh0cked · 2 months
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sorry. i drank too much of the oc x canon juice and this happened
speedpaint jumpscare!! i didn't know i was recording this btw so. random things at the beginning
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eldrtchmn · 1 month
okay so FINALLY I made some selfies 🩸🦋
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karizipan · 1 year
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ermm scanned some stuff... some of the orv in my sketchbook + tidbits of my silly merfolk yjh au
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crimeronan · 5 months
once again toiling in the "worst conceivable timelines that could happen in the princess AU" mines. this one involves hunter dying but you can probably come up with a version of it where he survives and luz just Thinks he's dead. anyway
DESPERATELY compelled by the concept of luz being unable to kill belos & belos doing exactly what he threatened, in getting rid of hunter and dragging luz back to the human world. i know i've said before that she would just give up but i'm. thinking about her running away. probably in pursuit of self-destruction. and getting found by a good samaritan & her identity being confirmed
idk how all the logistics of that go down bc i don't really care to think about the involved cops or hospitals, mainly i'm skipping to like. luz with camila and vee because obviously camila is still her mom. and vee being unsure whether or not she should tell luz that she's a basilisk or that she and camila know about the isles.
for her part, luz will barely speak to anybody about anything and is having The Worst Time Possible. she won't talk about what happened to her and there's a basic consensus that she must have been held captive for the past thirteen years but all the therapists social workers and doctors in the world can't pry anything out of her.
vee feeling horrifically guilty that she wrote luz off as a spoiled princess bc she doesn't know exactly what happened to luz, but she knows what belos did to HER. so she's pretty good at imagining possibilities.
and camila just. desperately trying to take care of this nearly-catatonic girl who has NO reason to remember, trust, or want anything to do with her.....
wow that would be awful. good thing that didn't happen
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outstorm · 8 days
gato shut up for 1 second challenge
LMAO look at me using a keep reading!! i don't wanna annoy the people who still love me by dragging out something i should've gotten over by now except i haven’t LOL. not to get personal but i just keep thinking how the most hurtful comment i've received as of late came from one of the least expected places! like, i very much Do Not Shut Up Ever in the servers i'm active in except for this one server where i'm relatively quiet. you would think the people i hound everyday would be the first to snap but No! it was the people i am the nicest and most polite to. wildddd. mind boggling, even. it's been over a month by this point and it still makes me uncomfortable to even think about. i think it pained me so deeply because i'd actively decided to participate more and speak more in the hopes of, idk, being more than a wallflower? i was worried being so quiet made people hate me. but BOY did it backfire spectacularly bc i think they ended up hating me more LOOOL. should've just shut upppppp instead of trying to switch things up sigh shared the Incident in a server the other day and someone told me 'Don't shut down. You fight that bitch [instinct to shut down]' the other day and i was just like 1. they're the sweetest person, i don't think i was expecting the comfort/support from that person in particular (let alone interest!! bc they asked!! i didn't just start venting LOL) but 2. boy it is SO late for that. i shut down SO bad and i don't really think there's any coming back from it honestly. guess i’m destined to be painfully quiet forever but honestly i just genuinely, legitimately, hope they're happy with that. uncomfortable as i may feel i think the only thing worse would be them still being annoyed with/by me. sad thing is i think they areeee but. sighhhh. really am trying my hardest to just fade into the background, i promise idkkkkk where i'm going w this but i didn't wanna put SAD in my 2024 journal LOL so tumblr seems like a fitting outlet LMAO. hmmmmmmmm everyone wish me a very happy Hope You Get Over It, Gato
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chaotic-tired-bastard · 5 months
80's AU Rozin trading colognes before Roku has his Travelling Montage (overseas school stuff??). By the time they meet again, Roku's gone through the entire bottle but Sozin hasn't touched his. He's bought countless others, refills and bottles of that exact fragrance, but he hasn't touched the original, hasn't dared to waste any of the gift that Roku's given him. On Roku's wedding night, he's wearing it from the original bottle for the first time.
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xbomboi · 2 months
i know there’s a case to be made for daring suffering some character flanderization in his later appearances, but i like to think the break up with lizzie was just THAT bad.
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merklins · 1 year
🃏 with whoever you want?
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Well, since the two of you seem to agree...
Sleepless as a Tarot card (:
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(Sketches and my epic reasoning for why I chose the Ten of Swords below the read more) (It's long)
DISCLAIMER: I didn't know much about Tarot cards before these asks, so everything I mention here came from approximately four hours worth of research. Enjoy!
There are seventy-eight tarot cards in a deck, so how do you pick just ONE? There were sooo many good options that I was considering for Sleepless, it was really tough! The Cups had a LOT of cards if I wanted to focus on his relationship with Doc, and Wands was a big contender too, but it would have been tricky to pick just one to sum up all of the internal stuff Sleepless had going on. I excluded the Pentacles because those were mostly focused on work life, and the Major Arcana was out of the question too because. I. I forget now but I think I wanted a challenge and none of the Major Arcana explanations were sparking anything for me. SO SWORDS IT WAS!
The Suit of Swords are kind of like the Suit of Wands, but it seemed to focus a lot more on how everything builds up because of external matters and what you do with it! For example there's some cards in this deck that deal with heartbreak, contending with your feelings, fixing mistakes, and even more! "BUT MERKLINS aren't those all things that Sleepless had to deal with?" Well, yes! From what I read, Tarot cards are used to reflect upon and even predict events that happen in your life. Heartbreak, rest, and distancing oneself are all individual matters that Sleepless, and anyone else, have gone through or overcome! But I wanted something that tied in really closely to zer role in In Your Dreams. If you think of some things Sleepless did during the blog, I IMAGINE that zer grand double-crossing redemption would be pretty high on that list!
So the Ten of Swords, and In Your Dreams. Ready for this? The Ten of Swords in its upright position carries a lot of heavy meanings about being betrayed, abandoned, befallen by a horrible fate, losing something or someone important to you, all of that and even more. It's the card that sends you crashing to the lowest that you've ever felt, and drives you to either give up or take ACTION. I believe ALL of these different meanings could be applied to Sleepless! I can't remember if we were given a precise explanation for what Sleepless did to earn the ire of the Mad Science Team, but Coomer did mention at some point that they never should have banished a mad scientist for being a Mad Scientist. So I imagine that means that whatever it was Sleepless did, it was hardly out of place for them! They were simply a Mad Scientist doing mad science, and suddenly EVERYONE was against them! Their closest allies, their friends, and even their partner. What do we call that? BETRAYAL! Sleepless probably felt BETRAYED. Everyone they cared about had seemingly abandoned them and. that was it! That was IT. He fucked up one time (he didn't even understand what he did was wrong) AND EVERYONE LEFT HIM FOR IT. Hence the five swords in his back: Benrey, Coomer, Bubby, Tommy, and Doc, who pierced RIGHT THROUGH HIS HEART.
But the Ten of Swords is also about moving on. About recovery and acceptance.
You see, Tarot cards have another interesting feature, in which reversing the card so it's upside-down changes the meaning. For the Ten of Swords, these altered meanings are about what comes from that anguish. What you do as a result of the grief and turmoil you were faced with. In some cases this is a solemn acceptance as you grow a new circle and start anew, and in others this is dealing with the emotional scars you were left with, and fighting to get back what you lost. The reversed Ten of Swords is meant to resolve whatever conflict it inflicted upon you from the upright position. How did Sleepless resolve that? What did ze do to recover from the pain zer friends caused zem? Well, after a little off-screen trial and tribulation... Ze found the man who hurt them. AND REPAID HIM THE FAVOR! Sleepless rode out the act they had been carrying to get in G-man's good graces, even confronting their friends and presenting those scars in a way that scraped at their hearts like little daggers, before finally driving their own sword (scissors) into the perpetrator and ending it ONCE AND FOR ALL. Sleepless followed through the entire meaning of the Ten of Swords. He was abandoned by his friends, left alone and betrayed. He braved out those feelings in solitude, coming to terms with what he did wrong and how his friends had hurt him. How they hadn't meant it. And finally, HE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Sleepless made that effort to mend that bond he had lost, AND FOR THAT HE WAS REWARDED HANDSOMELY! Sleepless got his friends back. His team. His partner. They ALL learned from it. Everyone grew.
In the reversed position of the Ten of Swords, some people say that the image is meant to portray the healing process. The swords would have fallen out, and all that would remain would be the wounds, which would eventually heal and scar over with time. IT'S SIMPLY PERFECT FOR SLEEPLESS' CHARACTER ARC!
Ah ah ah, I'm missing something here, aren't I? "That's only six swords! This is Ten of Swords, where are the rest?" Well, the remaining "swords" are shown off by the chat bubbles in the background, which are meant to represent the messages on the blog! It's a metaphorical thing (: Every time the messages accused Sleepless, doubted his intentions, or said horrible things to him throughout his journey of healing and redemption. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but WORDS ARE SHARP AS SWORDS!
If you've made it to the end of this post, and survived reading my lengthy analysis, then I reward you now... WITH THE SKETCHES!!
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brazengears · 5 months
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ive recently come back to Fallen London and it hit me full force how much i still enjoy the character i've built on my account, so i felt she needed an update to reflect her growth
She came to london out of curiosity and a vague dissatisfaction with the monotony of her zee-life, now she's a midnighter that utilizes the advanced skills she's learnt to go and do whatever she damn pleases (but at what cost)
Text version of the writing under the cut
Vrenrin, the Brazen Shame
Full body image without clothes + headshot:
Pointing at scarring on her left fin and eye: tried to catch a plated seal with her hands (succeeded)
Pointing at a gap on her back fin: notched her fun herself so the suit collar would fit
Pointing at two big bite scars: nibble from her terrorbird
Pointing at a scar on her tail: railway construction mishap
Pointing at her feet: calloused and scarred from walking
Pointing at her scarred hands: used to do some rough jobs
Pointing at a scar on her arm and a long, big scar on her side: Burn scar + a deadly incident at the orphanage
Pointing at a tattoo that goes across her chest: a neathian swallow + nautical compass tattoo, to commemorate her origin and her false-star child
Full body image with clothes + doodle with birds:
ironically(?), a bird enthusiast
Pointing at her scarf: thirsty bombazine treated with irrigo makes her features easy to forget; way more effective than a helmet
Pointing at her suit: diving suit, modified with sigils to keep her damp; used to be filled with zeewater
Pointing at her greyed-out tail: Knowledgeable in the shapeling arts, in a pinch she can disappear the tail
Pointing at her boots: iron-capped
Below the image: Some time in the middle of constructing the railway she's stopped hiding her face in front of more noteable people, emboldened by hr status and the fact that there are stranger things than her out there. On the streets she still obscures herself, to keep a semblance of privacy.
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desnas · 2 months
my therapist ghosted me for our consultation session and i’m having some big emotions about it lmao
was supposed to get a call from her over a half hour ago, haven’t heard anything. messaged through app, called her, emailed… still just nothing. and like idk included in all my paperwork I’m suffering from severe grief i don’t even think she’s seen it. it’s been impossible to get ahold of her. idk if i can do this, man. i’m trying so hard to get better. and then my mom texts me and asks me what date my dad died. like wow that is not what i needed to hear right now. i get that she doesn’t know I’m already feeling abysmal but it just feels like blow after blow.
feeling… unimportant. and overwhelmed. had to delete Twitter because every time I opened it I felt severe dread. Everything’s making me angry and sad and I just want to get better.
i should probably just get some more sleep and hopefully my emotions will settle down a bit.
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reiiishii · 2 days
@historias-multorum said: ⏰ Giselle Gewelle Past Memory Meme // Accepting!
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She just remembered how dark it was, the sharp sting of a bullet hitting her in the head after she was found crouched over a poor soul trying to bite into them, to satisfy some urge in her that demanded to be let out...
And it did, but in a far gruesome way.
Then she remembered searing pain, as if being eaten alive herself. It was eating away at her, a writhing sensation across dead flesh as it dug it's way into her skin and to her heart. It was still so dark...
1... 2... 3...
Twitch of a finger here, a tap of a thumb there.
Then she heard voices.
"If you are to bestow a schrift upon this girl then you will WAIT until my job is done." The voice of a woman, arguing with a man, his replies were so fuzzy to Giselle as she felt whatever was inside her pull her heart back together, to jumpstart it.
Then the woman spoke again- "Your Majesty, I will tell you when Gewelle is awake and functioning as a human being again, if you can even call her that." And that was that. A jolt through her system as Giselle's eyes shot open to see bright white, there was no color around her she would think she were in heaven were it not for the fact she felt like her veins were on fire. She couldn't move just yet... she couldn't move at all except for her eyes, her chest heaving as she looked to the woman standing over her- wild eyed and confused but there was something about her that...made her comforted.
Even if she couldn't move just yet, another jolt passed through her body as she let out a croak, a groan of sorts- trying to tell her it hurt, that she was in pain. But it was nice, and she felt as if she were a puppet on strings as she was forced to sit up slowly, a marionette being lifted to perform.
Her mind was on fire now. And the woman who was standing beside her was doing nothing but staring at her, as if she were a specimen in a laboratory. But the vision was returning to her, as was her brain function, she felt whatever was under her skin digging into her skull, her heart...
"Ah. You're awake. My name is Margaret Stone." The woman, Margaret, explained as she took her cold hands into the gloved ones. Giselle stared blankly at them then at Margaret.
"mmm.....mmma...." The words were on her tongue but she couldn't form them properly. Giselle was soon stopped by a gloved hand going to hold onto her face, cold like her...but this was comforting in a way, and she just stared at her when she did it.
"...It will be a bit until your motor functions return to you properly, relearning how to speak as well as fight, but that will be more than okay...you are worth the effort...~" Margaret crooned, Giselle mapped every action the other was taking, and it was gentle, motherly... And even if she was practically mindless at the moment, Giselle knew this was safe.
Margaret was a safe person. She would stitch her back together, she would put her back together piece by piece if it meant she could survive again... and perhaps the man Margaret was speaking to about Giselle's fate would give her something in order to repay her!
That...that would be nice, that would be enough...
if she could devour and exist as she desired, Giselle would do whatever to repay the woman who gifted her life again, even if she felt herself being torn apart from the inside to be rebuilt properly.
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arklay · 2 years
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but i will transcend and vomit this loser out of me i will become the next big thing
#mine.#oc: diana#HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELOVED BRAIN WORM!! i care her so much she deserved something for her birthday hehe#periodic reminder that her name is pronounced as dee-ah-na not die-ana <3 i must be annoying about this because it's very important!! the#vibes are different!!! but okay. some credits: art is my commission of diana from psychoaciid (pointing you to pinned post pls support them)#first quote is by sheila dong from ''ouroboros'' published in old pal magazine / second quote is from a blog on here apparently#(widowbitesandhearingaids) – the post is on my oc blog in their tag somewhere if you wanted to find it / and lyrics in description are from#starchild by ghost quartet :) also don't look at my choppy cutting out of wesker in that comm by the way. graphic design is NOT my passion#that timeline is soo oversimplified for the absolute nonsense that's going on with her lmao many many years and events there... like not to#mention her very rough leave from the rival company and beginning to work with tricell oughghh then ofc the horror was for love of it all of#her spending two years completely isolated trying to heal him after what happened at the volcano :)#also. diana sharp under other names because it's an alias. not her actual surname in case you didn't know that already hehe#woke up super early from a nightmare so like. have this now. instead of in a few hours like i planned cause timezones for some people. but#it's the 27th here soooo heheh i will probably be annoying about this today and tomorrow cause of timezones also. birthday for two days <3#anyway happy birthday loml if al doesn't treat you right on your special day then i will!!!
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softasawhisper · 8 months
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20 Steve Harrington icons are under the cut ♡
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